#bt: for the rain days (positivity)
tjwritesfanfics · 2 months
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Main Masterlist
🔥NSFW 🌻Fluff 💔Angst
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OT7 💜
💙BTS spoiling you 🌻
💙BTS playfighting with you 🌻
💙BTS exposing your relationship on VLive *written by my friend 🌻
💙First kiss (Hyung line) *written by my friend 🌻
💙First kiss (Makane line) *written by my friend 🌻
💙 BTS seeing you at work 🌻
💙Rejecting fuckboy BTS over text 🔥
💙BTS meeting you for the first time 🌻
💙BTS sending snaps because they miss you on tour 🌻
💙BTS losing you to an abusive boyfriend 💔💔
💙BTS rap line's friend who stutters can rap 🌻
💙Kissing in the rain (Hyung line) 🌻
💙Kissing in the rain (Maknae line) 🌻
💙BTS not noticing that you were on the camera crew 🌻
💙BTS jealous of everyone (Bi reader) 🌻
💙BTS playing the Pocky Game with you 🌻
💙BTS seeing you with glasses for the first time *written by my friend 🌻
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Kim Namjoon 🐨
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One Shots
💙Order for 🌻
Not such a normal day at work for Namjoon
💙Trees 🌻
Your grandson starts asking about trees. So, you tell him where he can find a man who went by the name Koya, though you knew him as Kim Namjoon, a friend, but then he became the man who destroyed the trees.
💙Perfect warm up (ft Jin) 🔥
Namjoon and Jin need your help to warm up before a show
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Kim Seokjin 🦙
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One Shots
💙Perfect warm up (ft Namjoon) 🔥
Namjoon and Jin need your help to warm up before a show
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Min Yoongi 🐈‍⬛
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One shots
💙Miss Jackson 🔥
Yoongi and Jungkook knew what you did for fun. They just wish they weren’t the ones stuck cleaning up after you.
💙Not all bad 🌻
You were working at a hybrid shelter and in a desperate need for money, you take the position to take care of the rare panther hybrid. Turns out it would be a lot harder than you thought.
💙Back in Time (Completed) 💔
While helping your boyfriend research his ancestry you find a very old looking book. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you open it, a flash of light sucks you into a world you’d never seen before. Now with a man who looks exactly like your boyfriend you have to find a way home. 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Jung Hoseok 🐿️
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One shots
💙You're mine (ft Lee Felix) 🌻
BTS has been super busy with their comeback, so Hoseok hasn’t seen his girlfriend in a few weeks. After he hears that you want to learn to dance, he takes it upon himself to teach you. Imagine his surprise when he finds you and Stray Kid’s, Lee Felix, in the middle of a dance lesson.
💙Remembering the days 💔💔
Hoseok remembers all the fun times you had together.
💙Hallmark Holidays 🌻
After a terrible break up, your best friend convinces you to go back to your hometown. Only problem was you hadn’t been back in seven years and your ex-boyfriend was still there and you kinda sort of still have feelings for him.
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Park Jimin 💖
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One shots
💙Miss Jackson 🔥
Park Jimin loves you. He loves you more than he can handle, and he isn’t about to let your latest plaything get in his way.
💙Apple bottom jeans 🔥
CEO Park Jimin decides he wants a night to relax and there was no better time than on his birthday and at his favorite strip joint. Luckily for him you were preforming and offering him a special birthday treat.
💙You look so pretty 🔥
After a long day at work, your boyfriend has a surprise for you.
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Kim Taehyung 🐯
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One Shots
💙Lesson Learned 🔥
You belonged to him. No matter what.
💙The Contract 💔
You love Taehyung and will do anything to be with him.
💙Growl 🔥
After watching Taehyung perform there was nothing you wanted more than to suck his dick.
💙Blood lust 🔥
With a killer clown on the loose, you worry about your boyfriend’s late-night job. A job you knew he had but didn’t know the details of what he did or where it was. Or you didn’t until the night you heard screaming from the basement.
💙Only her 🔥
Kim Taehyung and his twin brother V always shared everything with each other. Food, clothes, and the love of killing. No one ever understood them until they move to Seoul and meet y/n, the pretty barista at the coffee shop down the road. Now they had to have you in their lives, and no one could stand in their way.
💙Helping hands 🔥
Your father hired Taehyung to lend a helping hand around the farm every summer, but what he didn’t know was that Taehyung also lent his ‘helping hands’ to his daughter too.
💙Mile high (part 2 of helping hands) 🔥
Halfway through the summer, your town was holding a county fair! You really wanted to go and take Taehyung with you. What you didn’t expect was to end up stuck on the top of the fairs wheel with your secret boyfriend and your best friend that just confessed his feeling for you.
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Jeon Jungkook 🐰
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One shots
💙Miss Jackson 🔥
Yoongi and Jungkook knew what you did for fun. They just wish they weren’t the ones stuck cleaning up after you.
💙International playboy 🔥
You meet BTS International Playboy, and he just rocks your world. 
💙Dirty translator 🔥
Jungkook needs Namjoon's help to translate for his girlfriend
💙Finally 🔥
Giving Jungkook a hand job at dinner leads to much more.
💙Behind closed doors (on hold)
Everyone wants new kid, Jeon Jungkook’s, attention. You had it without even asking for it and if they knew the consequences that come with having his attention, they wouldn’t want it. 1
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ya9amicide · 1 year
Redamancy [BTS]
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chapter one
♡ info ♡ k-pop masterlist ♡ next chapter ♡
summary: Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest.
But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
pairing(s): ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc
warnings: none
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Most hybrids come from Asian countries because of the ethereal beauty they possess. For most, that is the only asset that keeps them alive. The way most of these hybrids end up in other countries is if they are sold to someone and brought there. Now, the entire world has hybrids mixed into its population.
Being a writer, I always get asked why I haven't written anything about hybrids. For a fantasy writer, it's like the jackpot of writing material considering they actually exist and all the information I would need is right at my fingertips if I want it to be.
It's just something that never sat right with me. I don't know everything and the only way to know everything is to speak to one myself. I don't own a hybrid. I won't own a hybrid. I have nothing against people who own them as long as they are treating them with care. But, I just don't feel comfortable interrogating someone for the purpose of a story.
Hybrids have very unique, very personal aspects to their lives that other people don't have. It would be like asking the deepest most personal questions about someone's life. It's unfathomably uncomfortable.
Luckily, I can escape the demands for hybrid content when I'm teaching. Teaching Greek mythology to college students has its perks in that regard. Which, leads me to where I am now, wrapping up my lecture for the day.
"Alright everyone, don't forget your homework for the weekend." Some students groan at the back of the room. I stand from behind my desk, walking around to the front where I lean against it with my hip. "Yes, yes, I know. Just be thankful you get a whole weekend for it, your other professors probably wouldn't be so nice. Now, any questions?"
Two hands raise in the air and I call on the first one to come up. "How many sources did we need to cite again?"
"At least three," I say. "You can use more if you'd like, I have no issue with that. However, I hope I don't need to remind you which types of websites aren't credible sources?"
Everyone shakes their heads and I nod, calling on the next person. "Will there be any time to come in to ask questions about our papers before Monday?"
"To come in, no. Unfortunately not. However, if you'd like you can email me with any questions you have or just send me a draft and I can read it for you and give you feedback that way. I will try to get back to you asap if I can. Just please do not email me Monday morning or late Sunday night as I will be asleep and it will be too late for you."
When I finish speaking everyone shuffles in their seats. "Any more questions?" When nobody else speaks up, I lean upright from my position in front of my desk. "If that's all then you are all free to go. Have a good weekend." I receive goodbyes from almost every student as they leave. Once the last one does, I shuffle all of my belongings together and leave the room, locking the door.
On my way home, it starts to rain. It's been in the forecast all week but it was only supposed to be a slight drizzle. This, however, is a torrential downpour. Pulling into my driveway and parking, I brace myself to make a run for it. There's no way I won't get drenched.
Walking inside, I toe off my shoes and drop my things by the door before going upstairs to change into warm and comfy clothes for the evening. Walking into the kitchen for food, I pass the large, sliding glass doors that lead to my backyard and the woods behind my house.
Cereal for dinner sounds good. With a bowl of dry cereal in one hand and a glass of milk in the other, I make my way to the living room. On the way, I pass by the glass door again. Lighting strikes, lighting up the yard and the woods in the distance. In the treeline, I almost swear I can see an animal. It's not super big, but it's not small either. Surprisingly, even with the woods bordering my house, not many animals make their way out. so, seeing one now is slightly odd.
I set my food down on the coffee table and move back to the kitchen, making a plate of food for...whatever is out there. If it's in the woods in a storm like this, it must be hungry. Sliding open the glass door, I set the plate down on the porch under the awning and move back inside where I sit on the couch with my own food and the tv playing in front of me.
I'm around two episodes into the show I was watching when I hear footsteps on the back porch. They're small but loud enough for me to hear through the rain which has settled down into a soft drizzle. Standing, I make my way to the door, trying to keep my steps light and my posture open so whatever is out there doesn't feel threatened by me.
When I'm close enough to see what it is, I find a German Shepherd right before it shifts and a man is left in its place. My hand reaches out for the door handle when he sees me. His eyes widen and he scrambles to pocket all of the food and make a run for the woods.
I quickly open the door trying to stop him. "Wait, please! You don't have to go." He freezes in his steps, halfway off the porch. "I- I can give you more food if that isn't enough. And some water too if you want?" He's thin and pale and shaking like a leaf where he stands. "Please?" My voice is soft, I'm afraid if I speak too loud he'll run away. "I just want to help."
It feels like we stare at each other for hours before he nods his head, barely enough for me to see but it's still a nod. "Okay, okay that's good," I say and lead him inside. "Let me get you a towel so you can dry off, you must be cold." I don't wait for him to respond before I rush off to get it. When I come back, he's in the same spot I left him.
"Here," I hand him the towel and watch as he wraps it around himself. Slowly, his shivering starts to calm down. "Do you have any preferences?"
He looks at me strangely, head tilting to the side. The ears on the top of his head flop to the side softly, the fur wet. "To eat? Is there anything in particular you want? Anything I should avoid?" He seems to take a minute to process what I asked him before he slowly shakes his head. "Okay. You can um...you can come wait in the kitchen while I get you something if you want."
He timidly walks in behind me and watches everything I do. I decided on soup. Hopefully, the warmth from the food would make him feel better. "Is it just you?" I ask timidly.
"No," he says softly after some hesitation.
"Are- are they close? Whoever you're with?"
I pause what I'm doing. Maybe I should make more soup..."How many of you are there?" How much food am I going to need to make?
He shifts uncomfortably. "Seven. Including me."
"Do they want to come in? You can invite them if you want." I avoid looking at him, continuing to make more food.
"What?" He sounds surprised and wary.
"Only if you want. I mean," I stop and chuckle slightly, "seven versus one? If I were to try anything, which I won't, I think you all have the advantage. Don't you think?"
He waited for a few minutes, probably trying to see if I was pulling his leg. "Okay." He slowly makes his way to the sliding door, I can feel his eyes on me, keeping me in his sight. Leaving the door open, he shifts back into a German Shepherd and lets out a loud howl towards the forest. Anything else beyond that, I don't hear because of the volume of the storm raging outside. It was around 15 minutes before he came back inside, several pairs of footsteps shuffling in behind him.
I freeze, gently putting down what was in my hands before slowly turning to face the group of hybrids in my home.
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cerisesage · 1 year
bts as your bfs !! sfw !!
these are headcanons!
sfw, bts x reader!
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namjoon: museum dates. there's no explanation needed for this one, namjoon just loves art, every form of it. he wouldn't only praise the paintings when you're there, but would definitely make positive comments on you. living with him would be like a dream, every day, you'd wake up to washed dishes and fresh tea, this man would definitely do everything if you're tired. he is the type of dude who wouldn't let you do the chores alone, he'd definitely do as much as you do. he would love cuddling you, especially in a cozy bed at home. would give you cute and creative nicknames.
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jin: i think he would love to show you off every chance he's got. worldwide handsome is taken, back off ladies! he would be so proud of himself for pulling a partner like you and would brag about this! i can see him getting matching jewelry, something very noticeable. he would be very very clingy and in need of your attention 24/7, would want you to tell him daily that he looks so good. he needs to hear that from you, it makes his heart flutter. to him, that sentence has a special power when it falls from your mouth. he'd take you on a lot of restaurant dates, getting you expensive food. he wants you to know he has money.
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yoongi: he doesn't like to share his private life, but he wouldn't try to hide you guys' relationship. he believes that love is something people shouldn't keep as a secret, but what's personal should stay personal. dates with yoongi would always be at one of your places, painting, making new music or writing lyrics. he would be very affectionate between the four walls, but once he gets outside, he puts on a mask. he'd love having you on his lap while he is working in the studio, and he would take care of you like every day was the last day on earth. he'd love having your head on his chest.
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hoseok: just dance. he would make you play that game with him over and over again and when every song gets boring, he'd teach you some easy moves. he would love to share his passions with you and make you become a part of them as well. he would often photograph you, would always find you way prettier than the view. he would take you to fashion shows and would always share his creative ideas with you. he needs a little support through it all, encourage him! he'd become a huge softie when he's tired, he would fall asleep easily.
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jimin: oh boy, he would give you his whole heart and expect nothing in return. he would be very sentimental and fragile, and would need you to hold and squeeze his hand a lot as a kind of small support. he would buy you a lot of sweets and would love baking with you! he would lend you his hoodies even before you could ask, if your hands are cold, he would hold them and pull them inside the sleeve of his hoodie he is wearing. he would always doodle on your notes. definitely would write songs about you.
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taehyung: he would sing you the most beautiful love songs ever heard. he would pour his heart into every note and would waltz with you. he is the type of guy who would run into the rain with you and dance under the sky, the one who would love you the purest out of all members. his love would always be present. he would take you to jazz clubs and would buy you flowers very often. he would make you visit old castles with him and would treat you like a princess. you'd be his muse.
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jungkook: he just wants to treat you right seven days a week. seriously, he would give himself to you so quickly that i could be overwhelming sometimes. other than that? a lot fun. parties, drinking, late night walks, car rides under the city lights: jungkook would do it all. he wouldn't be able to live without you, he would always keep you company, no matter what. maybe, he would make a couple of bad decisions, but he'd do that all for you to stay with him. i feel like he would be slightly possessive, but not overly. a healthy way.
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seoul-bros · 8 months
What lies ahead
Magnate posted photos of Jimin's basic training graduation on Instagram in which Jimin received the Division Commander Commendation. He and Jungkook worked hard and made a positive impression on their trainers and fellow trainees in the last five weeks.
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"Hello, I'm ZM-illennial (メグナット) Did everyone bring an umbrella? Like it's going to rain soon It's cloudy, so for those who have been waiting for news of rain, we hope you have a moist day with our condolences to those who are worried.
If it's long, it's long, and if it's short, it's short. It's over, thanks to your support and constant interest and love, 1 year and 5 months is a long time, but it can also be a short time. ARMY was a great help Thank you from the bottom of my heart"
It's an inflection point in their military life and now the hard slog of soldier's duties begins. They will reportedly be assigned to one of the units of the artillery brigade.
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It makes me nervous knowing that they and their fellow graduates are serving in the military at such a dangerous moment. It was chilling to read this news posted on the BBC website yesterday.
In a report published last week for 38 North, a US-based organisation with a focus on North Korea, former State Department official Robert Carlin and nuclear scientist Siegfried S Hecker said they saw the situation on the Korean Peninsula as "more dangerous than it has ever been" since the start of the Korean War in 1950.
"That may sound overly dramatic, but we believe that, like his grandfather in 1950, Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war," it said.
"We do not know when or how Kim plans to pull the trigger, but the danger is already far beyond the routine warnings in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo about Pyongyang's 'provocations'."
No one will benefit from a fresh outbreak of war on the Korean peninsula and BTS members are now on the front line of any aggression. Although it is difficult to see at the moment, I hope there is a way back from the brinkmanship that currently characterizes North-South relations.
Post Date: 18/01/2024
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Behind the scenes- Peaky Blinders (Part 2)
Cillian Muphy x reader Part 1
BTS Series Masterlist
Word count: 5,565
✨Here it is the final part to this fascinating character that caught my eye in a short video edited a long time ago… I hope you like this!
Once again I’d like to thank @notyour-valentine for sharing the request you got and tagging me, @heidimoreton for your endless support -and always saving me with you secret PB file-and fabulous moodboards @ forbidden-forest-witch for the chats, support and inspiration @holacia3 for all your guidance with horses and least but not least, each and everyone of you, the readers, the likers, their anons, the rebloggers, the ones who read in silence and are afraid to raise your voice. ♥️
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Oblivious to the conversation Val and Cillian just had, Y/N walked back excited.
“Ready to go for a ride?”
Cillian nodded in silence.
”Y/N are you taking the horse out?” Asked Renny, Cillian had seen him from afar taking care of the horses, he was mostly shy and quiet, more like an observer.
“Yes Renny,” she replied in a soft voice, “do you want to join us?”
Renny shook his head nervously.
“Do you remember Mr. Murphy, right? He’s learning how to ride a horse.”
Cillian stared into Renny, but the man simply couldn’t hold anyone’s gaze, his fingers moved constantly, trying to touch something, anything.
“You take care of them Renny?” He asked in a soft tone, noticing the smile that cracked on the man’s face.
“Yes.” He replied touching the column. “It will rain again tonight.” Then after a few second, he repeated the same thing.
“Have you seen the filly? She’s beautiful.” Y/N asked with a genuine smile.
“She’s doing great, I’ll check on her again.” Renny left mumbling something to himself.
“Renny showed up one day and decided to stay, he immediately bonded with my horses and when I saw the way he treated them, I knew this was his place.” Y/N explained.
Cillian stared at her with interest. “Just like that?” She nodded. It was a surprise to learn that she took in a complete stranger.
“He never talked about his past, all he asked was a place to sleep and something to eat, in return I’d get someone trustworthy to be around the barn.” It was evident Renny had something, neurological perhaps. “Let’s be honest, he has more heart than any of us.”
Cillian raised his hands, in defeat. “I’m not judging you, he’s just one in a million.” Something he couldn’t name making his heart beat at the speed of a horse galloping when he saw her smile. He needed to speak to Steve about adding a character like him.
“Keep your back straight and your legs at a comfortable position… I know it’s not like we sit like this all the time.” She explained making sure neither Cillian or the horse were uncomfortable.
She then proceeded to explain the little pull he’d feel and her words got caught in her throat as Cillian’s energy changed completely, he positioned himself correctly on the saddle and everything changed; his posture, his energy, the look in his eyes.
Y/N thought he might get a bit shy or would hold onto the horn as if his life depended on it, but no, he was holding the reins on one hand while the other was resting gently on his thigh and she couldn’t decide who looked more majestic; Cillian or the horse. He had this imposing and mysterious vibe around him… it was magical as if he always belonged there, as if he knew the horse from a lifetime, as if they were one.
Cillian dragged his eyes from the back of the horse to see Y/N. “Ready to go.”
He nodded and she had to shake her head a little to focus again.
“If you press your feet gently, the horse gets the instruction to start moving, you can click you tongue too.” She felt a little bit ridiculous for telling him the obvious, but Cillian didn’t seem to mind.
From all of the people she had seen on a horse, nothing compared to him.
It was hard to comprehend what was happening so she decided she wouldn’t even try to explain it, but on her experience she knew you don’t see a bond like that everyday. It was the most natural thing in the world.
“Come on Angel, let him guide you.” She told the horse after walking out of the stables to let them ride around the ring for a while.
Cillian smiled at the name mentioned. “She looks like one, eh?”
Returning the smile, Y/N added: “and she behaves like one, more obedient than my son.”
Cillian chuckled at her statement, taking a moment to relax his shoulders and let this peace sink in, it was indescribable to ride a horse, to move around and feel that big body be an extension of his own. He never thought something like this would happen. But ever so slowly, he could feel as if himself was taking a step back, to let Tommy Shelby take over, and it was everything, his mannerisms, his critical thinking, the way he was falling in love with these horses, with every movement, his hands were now wrapped around the reins smoothly, his thumb rubbing absently the material.
Y/N walked close to them but giving the pair a little space as Cillian rode around. Still unable to comprehend the conection between Cillian and her horse and how he immediately got everything right about how to do it, as if he had done it before a million times.
He had been practicing how to stop the horse and make him take steps back, as well as the rest of the basics Y/N told him. Most of the work was done through his legs and the direction of the reins he gave, so physically it was making him feel sore, and on top of that he’d need to say his lines and take care of the angles.
As days went by, Cillian woke up early to join Y/N for a quick breakfast then, while she went to do her daily morning routine with the horses; greeting them, giving them breakfast and a good brushing session, after that, they’d go back to the ring to continue the riding lessons, adding a different task each time. And by that Cillian only felt more confident on the horse, he was amazed by the way the animal responded to his lead.
Being on a horse soon started to feel like a second skin to him, the connection to Tommy Shelby was now right on the surface… Cillian felt so attracted to each horse, he was constantly asking for their background story. And when he closed his eyes at night, he could clearly see a young Tommy Shelby, before France, before all the trauma and disappointment in an open field riding the most beautiful horse freely, galloping without an ounce of fear. He could also picture him resting with the horse next to the river, eating fresh fruit from a tree while the sun started to hide behind the hills.
Deep down he knew portraying this man wouldn’t be an easy task, not without being fully involved in every aspect, not only his physical appearance, but his mindset as well. That was the main reason why he withdrew to his room right after dinner, to focus on he script and his notes.
“Why aren’t you riding?” Arlo asked taking Cillian by surprise.
It took him all his will to stop looking at the sight before him. “Because I also learn a few things from watching.” Cillian explained turning his head towards Y/N once more, feeling like he was drawn somehow, with a natural force as the horse started galloping and she made it look as an incredible ease that made him even feel jealous.
“Did you know that when I was a baby she took me for rides?” Arlo asked quietly.
Cillian shook his head. “No, but it’s not a surprise either.”
Then Cillian remembered a few scenes with the youngest Shelby brother, he would be around Arlo’s age and he needed some kind of kids background.
“Do you like it here? Being around horses all day?”
“Yeah, but sometimes I was it could be like the other kids in my classroom, they have brothers and their Dads.”
Sighing, Cillian regretted his move, the last thing he wanted to do was stepping on the line of a private matter.
“I’m sure your Mum makes a great job on her own.”
Arlo nodded and then looking at the ground, he added something that’s been worrying him. “Yeah but when I go to school she’s alone.”
Bending down to look at the kid, Cillian explained how Renny, Brie and Val were around with Y/N.
“Not that kind of alone…” he added with a hint of embarrassment. “I gotta go to feed the horses!”
He wanted to ask how would a ten-years-old know but he was caught off guard.
And with that, he left Cillian by himself but not without planting the seed in his head about what he just said as images of Y/N riding flashed before his deep gaze. She was floating, in her element, the effect of golden hour highlighting her features, loose locks bouncing against her cheeks.
More than once his eyes would find her as she caressed the horses, or while she waited for the kettle to prepare her favorite tea. But he also needed to be honest with himself, it would be a huge mistake to start developing feelings at this point, when he was just about to start the most ambitious project of his career, the shooting would be demanding and he could feel it was taking a toll on him already, he was used to the rhythm by now, long hours on set, sometimes filming really early in the morning or until it was pretty late, small breaks in between for at least three months… who could possibly keep up with that? Even if she was willing to do so, it would be selfish to ask her to join him on set specially when she had a son and a job she loved at the sanctuary.
He needed to focus on Thomas Shelby and only that.
“This is the new payment plan. First one is due by the end of this month.” Y/N informed Brie giving her the folder with the information.
“I was thinking I could ask my husband to take some photos to upload them online, for promo you know?”
Cillian was about to knock but then decided to wait so he wouldn’t interrupt their conversation. But he saw the way she dragged her eyes from the papers to stare into the opposite wall in silence, considering it.
“I guess so…” she added absently clasping her hands together and leaning on her elbows.
“It will help us with an extra income!” Brie cheered.
“If you think it’s a good idea, I trust you.” Y/N agreed and finally noticed Cillian next to the door frame. Waving her hand, she motioned for him to come in.
As Brie gave him a quick glance, she struggled to hide the grin on her face.
“Is that your grandpa?” Cillian asked tipping his head towards the portrait of a man with a horse. He was holding his hands behind his back.
Y/N smile lighted her face. “Magnus.”
Arching his eyebrows, he realized of the resemblance between them. “His name sounds like a bloody emperor.”
Y/N chuckled and guided Cillian out, to try riding bareback.
Cillian’s hands against the coat of the horse’s neck, to let him know of his next move. Swiftly, Cillian sat on Thunder’s back relishing the sense of calmness he was greeted with.
“Okay… show me what you got, cowboy.” Y/N regretted the words right after they left her mouth and an evident blush covered her cheeks.
Cillian couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow, surprised while a smile started to grow. “Are you sure you can handle it?” He flirted back.
Mortified, Y/N caressed the horse. “Whenever you’re ready.” Y/N took a step back, trying to keep her emotions at bay. She knew riding a horse bareback was something so intimate, so raw, so deep. Reserved only for a few privileged.
And once more, Cillian felt an indescribable feeling as the horse started walking.
This role meant a lot to him, more than he could express. He had been working out six days a week, gave up his vegetarian diet in order to bulk up, spent some time at a gypsy camp to learn about their traditions and language, read about the World War I… anything to make it right.
Cillian felt as if he was taking a step back in order to allow Thomas Michael Shelby take over… he was just an instrument.
He could feel Tommy’s essence in him, his fears, the things he loved the most, the memories and trauma achieved in France. He was so immersed that he never noticed Y/N left him to ride on his own and as she was watching from a few meters away, curiosity took over her, she couldn’t help but wonder what was crossing Cillian’s mind as he rode staring into the open field, she knew his mind was miles away.
He seemed so focused, so engrossed in his own thoughts that it felt so wrong to interrupt. But somehow watching Cillian riding also had a therapeutic effect on her.
Cillian was attractive, without a doubt and Val had insisted she should let her hair down, wear some perfume, even used the flirt shamelessly advice. It had been so long since she felt something, the last man she had been with was Arlo’s father. After him she gave herself entirely to her son and her business. With a tight schedule, hay in her hair and smelling like a barn, what kind of man would give her a double look? Besides Cillian would be staying just for a short period of time, soon he’d be back to film whatever project he was working on, throw himself into his glamorous Hollywood lifestyle.
“Mum can I ride too?” Arlo asked after approaching her quietly, making her snap back into reality.
Y/N noticed the sparkle in her son’s eyes, the same eagerness she had when she was around his age.
“Bring Goldie over, bet she’d love to join them.” She’d call Cia to pick up her mare. As her ten-year old rushed towards the stables, her eyes moved back to Cillian and Thunder.
She wanted to suggest a break as he had been riding for a while, but after watching Cillian so at ease, in his element, she decided to let him set the pace.
“That was a smooth turn.” She praised tipping her head, caressing Thunder’s neck. “I wish I could keep him forever.” Emotions took over her.
Cillian’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“I’ll have to sell him to pay a loan I asked the bank.” Y/N explained right after. “Raising horses it’s a beautiful thing, but I don’t have a long queue of people asking for riding lessons and tourists visiting on weekends only cover for the basic expenses and cheques.”
Looking in another direction, Cillian wanted to find a way to support her, but he was lost for words… not that she was asking him for help anyways.
“Mum, look!” Arlo called from a few meters away, but as she turned around to see her son, her soul almost left her body.
“Goodness! Arlo sit down!”
His giggles should’ve calmed her, but deep down she knew it was in his blood.
Cillian tried to hide his amusement by caressing the horse’s neck, he didn’t want to interfere.
“I know what I’m doing Mum.” Arlo defended.
“Yeah, sure.” She retorted with sarcasm and Cillian once again found himself smiling.
As they rode, Arlo showed Cillian a couple of tricks he had learned from his mother, but also a few personal insights, like a time after having a nightmare and he ended up sneaking out of the house to sleep in the stables. He also shared with Cillian that his favorite part was handling the snacks and his least, picking horse sheet, that last part Arlo lowered his voice so his Mum wouldn’t scold him.
“I love Thunder.”
“Why did you use white paint on his forehead then?” Cillian asked turning his head to look at Arlo.
The kid laughed, the purest sound of the world and it made Y/N’s heart fill with so much she felt she could explode any minute.
“It’s not paint! It’s like a more or a birth mark.” Arlo explained ceremoniously.
Cillian already knew that, he saw it in one of the books he’d been reading. Thunder’s was like a star.
“Oh!” His eyes then found Y/N’s, and is if he could read them, he saw gratitude and surprise there. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Anytime… I know loads about horses!” Arlo expressed excited, but then his features were shadowed. “But I don’t have anyone to talk about it except my Mum.”
That was a low kick in the stomach for Y/N, although Arlo was aware his father wasn’t around, she knew he wanted a father figure more than anything in his life.
“Think it’s time for you to do some homework young man.” She tried to brush away the discomfort.
With a pout he came down from the horse but obeyed right away.
“He’s a great kid.” Cillian admitted as they rode next to each other, after Y/N replaced her son’s spot.
“I’m terrified that one day this won’t be enough for him, he’ll go looking for his father and get his heart broken like I did.” But as soon as the words left her lips, she regretted opening up to him with something so personal, so intimate. “Sorry… would you mind if we go back?”
“Y/N, you have nothing to worry about, Arlo is a smart kid he’ll realize everything you did for him and his well-being.” Cillian assured her.
And for some unknown reason, Y/N believed in him. His words had a soothing effect in her soul.
“Thank you,” a tender smile decorated her face.
The attraction between them is undeniable at this point, they didn’t even realize how close their bodies were until Cillian’s words fanned over her lips.
“You’re an amazing woman, Y/N.” He whispered right before tilting his head and finding her mouth, tentatively, softly, giving into the feathery touch…
Everything happened so fast, one second his hand was finding the back of her head and hers his shoulders when Thunder got out of control right next to them, forcing them to break their kiss. Y/N took over gently, making the horse feel calm once more, she assured Cillian loud noises made him extremely nervous. And right after that, Renny asked her to check the filly.
The interruption taking away the spark that had been ignited.
Giving Cillian an apologetic look, Y/N went on to check what was the problem with the filly.
“He’s probably a bit shy, if you ask me…” Val trailed off as she got dinner out of the oven.
“But I wasn’t asking.” Y/N laughed out loud, Val following right after.
“Oh! But I don’t care if you ask me or not, all I say is… it’s been a while.”
“You haven’t been with anyone since Arlo’s Dad?” Willow asked from the opposite side of the kitchen pouring the popcorn she prepared for her and Arlo into a bowl.
“What are you doing there young lady? Listening?” Val asked her niece, she was staying at her place that weekend.
“You could use one of those apps.” Willow suggested.
“Enough, go and watch your movie.” Val took her by the shoulders to guide her out. “She’s right though, but I won’t let her know I agreed. So are you really sure there’s nothing you can do about Cillian?”
Y/N sighed, thinking about it. By the time she was done with the horses, Cillian was out reading something too focused to even notice her, so she thought it would be wrong to interrupt him. He probably just kissed her out of pity… either way she decided to not reveal that small detail to her friend.
“No, Val I swear I’ve seen him interacting with the horses, but he’s always so serious towards me.”
“Maybe he doesn’t know how to approach you.”
“Just leave it okay, I shouldn’t have been so involved that’s all.”
“Can’t you try to be a bit more positive?”
“And for what? He’ll be gone without another word, he just came here to learn how to ride… isn’t interested in having something with a Mum.”
“I’m convinced you’re wrong, there has to be an explanation.”
“Well, I will save myself from the embarrassment… he doesn’t want to deal with someone who smells like horses and barns 22 hours a day.” Y/N stated groaning at the amazing taste of diner.
Cillian paced later that night in his room, the script in his hand felt heavier than it really was. For the last couple of hours he tried so hard to focus, to repeat the lines the already knew so well but images of Y/N closing her eyes and responding to his kiss overshadowed any words Tommy Shelby could try to say.
It was so frustrating to remember the interruption because he wanted more of her lips.
He needed more of Y/N.
But now it felt so out of place to come down the stairs and say what?
Every single time he closed his eyes, he could feel her soft lips dancing against his, her sweet fragrance intoxicating him, he wanted his hands to explore her body, hear the little sounds she could make… all he got was a kiss for a mere instant, a small glimpse of what it could be.
And it was enough to shake him to the point where he couldn’t concentrate to rehearse his dialogue.
When Y/N knocked on his door the following morning curious when she didn’t saw him ready to ride, she was met by silence and an empty room. The bed was made and everything was in its place, but Cillian was nowhere to be seen.
Stepping into the room, Y/N called for him but after not getting an answer, she noticed a folded piece of paper on the night stand.
Dear Y/N,
I want to apologize first for leaving without letting you know, it’s still dark and I don’t want to wake you up. Then I want to thank you for showing me everything you know about horses, they’re truly fascinating creatures, with a pure heart, ready to give us all.
I came here with only one thing in mind; learn all about them, but as I got to meet you and see them through your eyes and the remarkable work you do in the sanctuary I got to face feelings I don’t know how to deal with at the moment. I know this is the worst way to express it, but I don’t feel brave enough to tell you while looking into your eyes, there’s this fire and passion in them that touched the deepest parts of my soul. Actually I was trying yesterday to run through the script but I wasn’t able to because I kept watching you whenever I closed my eyes… and it was too damn distracting for my own good.
Yes, this sounds terrible, I know. But I need to get this job done first and do it right, before my attention goes somewhere else, that’s why I want you to know how wonderful you are and how grateful I feel for everything you did for me.
If you want and if I didn’t mess this up, I’d love to invite you and Arlo for the first day of filming. Perhaps if you could see the dimension of this project, you could forgive me for leaving this way. And maybe we can see each other. I’d love to see you again.
I’m hoping you can give me the chance to properly explain the impact you had in my life.
Her brain went numb after that, everything was so confusing and she was torn between thinking he might like her but at the same time, Cillian didn’t show a clear interest because he needed to focus on his work.
But her confusion grew even more when she got a phone call requesting to rent several of her horses for a few months, they mentioned something about some kind of filming so she had to spend most of her day preparing the quotation to send it back, at least that saved her from having diner with Val, she wasn’t ready to answer the endless questionnaire about Cillian. And by the following day a group of actors were driven to her property to get riding lessons specifically from her, as well as a couple of stunt doubles that were casted, so they practically kept her busy.
So there she was showing the group how to ride horses while Brie helped her to direct the group from the ground, starting early and finishing once the stars started to shine, and just like she did with Cillian, she covered everything.
Two weeks later, Y/N was making sure her horses where in perfect shape, she had been caressing and brushing them in an attempt to calm her own nerves while she waited at the Black Country Museum for instructions.
“Hello, are you Y/N?” Asked a woman with a smile. “I’m Heidi, Cillian’s PA.”
Y/N blinked confused. “Yeah.”
“Personal Assistant.” Heidi chuckled. “They’re about to start filming, so why don’t you come with me, I got instructions to handle you these.” She then showed Y/N two cords with an all access pass.
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N smiled back.
“Wow! So cool!” Arlo took his immediately. “Let’s go Mum!”
This whole thing was so surreal to her, the lightings, the place, staff, extras.
“It can be a bit overwhelming, but after a while you get used to it.” Heidi explained as if she could read her mind. “Have you been to a shooting before?”
“Never.” Y/N explained shaking her head while her eyes were focused on a man talking to a girl, blowing something in his hand. Then, she spotted Thunder being guided by someone while Cillian was on top of him, he was wearing a suit and a peak cap, the back and sides of his head were dramatically shaved.
“First day is always the longest,” Heidi explained. “They’ll rehearse first the scenes and when they start shooting I need to ask you to be quiet because there’s microphones everywhere.”
“What are they doing?” Y/N’s gaze was divided between Cillian and Thunder.
“Look Mum! That’s Thunder!” Arlo squealed excitedly, pointing at their horse.
“It’s for the first scene, they put a spell on the horse….”
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“They better don’t hurt Thunder.” Y/N warned, although she knew Heidi wasn’t responsible for her horse.
“Don’t worry, Cillian did a special request towards the horses… he was very adamant they wouldn’t get hurt.” She seemed to know everything. “If you guys are hungry, there’s food in the back, please feel free to get anything.”
She then started biting her lip. “Oh and Y/N? My boss asked me to keep a eye on you specially, he would like to talk to you after filming the sequence, so I’ll take your son for a tour if you don’t mind.”
That made Y/N extremely nervous, but she found herself nodding and looking once more towards Cillian who was riding Thunder bareback and he started to move back to the first spot again only to repeat the motion and stop right in front of the girl and the two men while the one with jacket started to blow something red into Thunder’s nose.
Then she heard Cillian say something she couldn’t hear from her place and children and women came out from the places they’ve been hiding.
“Perfect, we’re ready to start shooting, silence on set!” Called someone from staff.
And Y/N couldn’t stop staring at Cillian and how amazing all of this was, how immersed he seemed to be, but he found a way to caress Thunder between takes.
It took them several tries as a huge equipment followed Cillian and her horse, who now she knew was Monaghan Boy for the purpose of the story. She also learned Cillian was the leading role of this new series and how demanding it had been for him. The entire plot of the story resting on his shoulders.
“Cut! We’re done.” She heard in the distance and staff started a round of applauses.
Waiting in the trailer felt like she was trespassing, but Heidi insisted it was Cillian’s instructions once they were done with the scenes.
When she heard a click and the door cracked, her heart started beating faster.
As her eyes landed on Cillian her mind went blank, all the thoughts that had crossed her, all the worry that overshadowed her these past days, all of it was gone the moment she saw his smile.
“Hey…” Cillian stared at her.
“Hi.” She replied shyly.
“I’m so glad you came.” He took a step closer.
“Thank you for getting them to rent the horses for filming and the riding lessons for the cast.” She felt extremely grateful with him for doing that, the extra income allowed her to pay the loan she got from the bank without interests.
Waving his hand, Cillian let her know she didn’t need to thank him for that. “It’s the least I can do, after leaving the way I did… sorry about that.” Y/N was already shaking her head, but Cillian insisted. “Really, it was wrong but that was the only way to focus because you were so distracting,” he chuckled and she couldn’t focus on anything else than his velvety voice, “trust me, after that kiss…” subconsciously, his graze dropped to her lips.
Forcing herself, Y/N looked away from his piercing blue eyes.
She had been so confused for how he left and his letter, because other than the kiss he never showed an open interest in her.
“What is it?” Cillian asked when he noticed her expression serious.
“Just… something doesn’t makes sense…” Y/N folded her arms and turned towards the window. “I don’t belong on sets, I’m surrounded by horses all day.”
Cillian stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to find a way to express his feelings.
“Y/N…” he touched her shoulders gently, tentatively turning her to see her face, “the second I kissed you, I knew it was you the one that I wanted but I was so scared at the same time by the intensity that it hit me with.” For a split second, Y/N looked at him “and I know it’s hard for you to trust… but to me this is the strongest I’ve ever felt for someone.” Cillian couldn’t help it but rest his palms on her cheeks to caress her skin with his thumbs. “Look at me and tell me you don’t feel the same.”
To say that she didn’t, it would be a total lie.
“I’m scared…” her voice was just a whisper, his was a soothing melody to her soul.
“That’s good, it means you care.” Cillian’s hands held her face firmly. “You know, while I was taking those riding lesson with an excellent rider… she showed me that no matter what we say or what we do, just like in a horse’s eyes… the answers are right there if you pay attention.”
The next thing she knew it was how different was this kiss to the previous one they shared, his lips moved against hers with a hint of security, firmly, kissing her with intensity… passion.
Her hands moved up to cup his face gently, fingers caressing the hollowed cheekbones and then up to the shaved parts of his hair while his locked on the small of her back. Barely breaking away the kiss to catch some air, Y/N smiled against his lips.
“Yeah? And what else did you learn from this horse trainer?”
Cillian growled, a wide grin decorating his lips just as in a surprising motion, he took Y/N by the waist to place her on the counter.
“A lot about myself,” he admitted giving her a small peck, “all about horses,” another kiss, “about life,” he tilted his head to kiss the corner of her mouth, “about love…”
“Hmm that’s exactly what I learned from certain someone who showed up in my place for a riding lesson, and it ended up being more like a life lesson.” Y/N brushed the fringe on his forehead to the side, for some reason it was a bold haircut, but she loved it how it looked on him. Adjusting her legs around his waist, to keep Cillian closer, his lips outlining her jaw. “I’m just worried about Arlo. You know my son is my world.”
Cillian looked at her with an eyebrow cocked. “I thought you knew I signed up for the premium lesson; horses, you and him.”
As they kissed again, she had to remember he was working. “I don’t want to distract you from your responsibilities.”
“It’s fine, I actually love having you here, would you like to join me tomorrow? We’re filming in an open field.”
As she nodded, Cillian sighed relieved.
And Y/N knew she had never been so sure of something like she felt towards Cillian. Because he understood her priorities and passion just like she was starting to learn about his for acting.
♥️ I hope you liked this two-parts mini series! I wrote it to celebrate the 10th Peaky Blinders anniversary 🥃 🚬 🖤
Thank you Heidi for the BTS photo!!!!! 📸
Bonus: The final scene 🎬 thanks Selene!
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Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @ironpen @kittycatcait219 @shelundeadxxxx @speckledemerald @creativepawsworld @kathrinemelissa @polishcrazyone
90 notes · View notes
soov-archived · 2 years
N𝗔P 𝗢F 𝗔 ST𝗔R ── psh.
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⠀ ⠀ a stargazing session with your best friend takes a different turn when he tells you the story of princess andromeda and the demi-god perseus.
✶ genre. fluff, non-idol!au, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, light angst.
✶ warnings. f!reader, kissing, minimal cursing, mentions of absent parents, mentions of wounds.
✶ word count. 3.4k
✶ playlist. nap of a star — txt, your eyes tell — bts, mirrorball — taylor swift, front seat painting — herbal tea, roslyn — bon iver & st vicent, sparks — coldplay, pretending — charlie, astroboy — suggi, fairy — dvwn.
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“Stop being lazy! C'mon!”
Your friend's lighthearted teasing made you let out a brief, hearty laugh. He smiled, loosening his grip on the old pillows he held.
For fifteen years you've known Park Sunghoon, your best friend and the person who you trusted your life. You were introduced to each other when both of you were three years old, just a couple of weeks after your family moved to his hometown.
He lived in a shell back then, timid and reserved. The boy would admit that he was scared of crowded places, refusing to go out and play with other kids, unless he was with you — the first person to who the little boy warmed up.
Since your parents and his were close, you two became attached by the hip, often mischievously pulling pranks on your families. Together, you had the tradition of doing pinky promises and vows to assure none of you would snitch on each other when causing trouble. These vows turned into serious ones through the time when you would swear that you'd stick together ‘till the end.
Sunghoon then grew up with too much pride; a pride that came from the loyalty that you, even as kids, had to one another.
The black-haired boy found comfort in you in the same way you found in him. However, that comfort soon turned into something more — a burning feeling that consumed you whole. It was hard not to wear your heart on your sleeve around Sunghoon, but even with the pinky promises, losing his friendship because of a love confession wasn't a risk you were willing to take.
By the time, in the middle of a sleepover at your house, your best friend slyly indulged you to sneak out of your room with him. Earlier that day, he insisted on sleeping outside, setting up camping tents in your backyard — tents he ‘discreetly’ stole from his father's garage that same day.
Turns out none of you fitted inside any. They were tipis for kids, teenagers. Sunghoon seemed to forget that his father bought them about ten years ago, and didn't buy new ones as a result of his family's lack of free time and camping trips.
At the moment, with a blanket draped over your shoulder and two pillows in Sunghoon's hands, happiness invaded your senses, painting a smile on your face.
Your room with a comfortable and cozy bed was closer than you expected. But even with your back laying down across a thin blanket, blades of grass poking your skin, and your friend frequently nudging your side with his knee, you couldn't be more at peace.
It was a rather cold night — a full moon one. Bright and perfectly aligned stars glowed from above you. An almost warm breeze enveloped your body, the summer night being one of the most pleasant ones you had that season. Everything was partly clear due to the moonlight, and the faint smell of petrichor from an early rain still lingered in the air, filling up your lungs.
After quite some time, one of your hands toyed around with a small, wet leaf you found on the floor. The said best friend shifted on his place for the nth time that night, adjusting his seated position. He raised his arms, phone trying to capture the constellations on an app that promised to tell the name of each one of them.
“Sunghoon?” You called out without looking at him, eyes still focused on the dark green leaf on your hands. A surprisingly intense gush of wind blew it away, making you press your lips together in disappointment.
“Hm?” Sunghoon hummed, glancing at you briefly and turning his eyes back to the device's screen. His heart melted at your messy hair and tired appearance.
Now laying on your side, you observed how his brows furrowed when the app didn't work, and how his overall expression softened when he heard your voice. “What time is it?”
Peering at the top of the screen, he turned to you again, an enthusiastic smile playing on his plump lips. “Almost two.” Sunghoon giggled childishly.
“I kinda want to sleep.”
“I kinda want to sleep!” He mocked, nudging your forearm with his knee, now purposefully. “You're no fun, Y/n.”
Almost automatically, you sighed in faux annoyance, nudging him back with your hand. “We'd be dead asleep if I didn't encourage you in your plans for this night.”
“And I thank you for that.” His velvety, honeyed voice and a boyish grin was what you received for the complaint. Sunghoon focused completely on the phone as its interface lit up with the names of stars and planets. His gaze expanded in shock, switching between you and the mobile. “I got it! I got it!”
You sat up and allowed your chin to rest on his shoulder, scanning all the information the program displayed. “You're so cute,” a chuckle escaped your lips when he smiled triumphantly at the bright screen.
Sunghoon felt every single inch of his skin start to tingle with your breathy compliment. The plain cotton shirt he wore never felt so itchy; his insides were fuzzy. Park's teasing demeanor came back in a nanosecond, recovering from what he'd call ‘weakness’ — another name for the feelings he took quite some time to sort out.
“It's a pity that I can't say the same to you,” he joked, his words being followed by a strong punch on his arm and a whispered ‘Ow!’.
“You just called me cute, though?”
“I'm totally punching you again if you don't shut up.”
“Okay, okay! You win,” Sunghoon spoke up quickly, defeated. He went back to his star scanning and smirked, trying to catch a glimpse of your face through his peripheral vision. “...Cutie.”
“God, Sunghoon,” you scoffed, biting back a smile, feeling your neck heat up at his comment. “You're so cringe.”
The boy used his thumb and index to zoom in on a random constellation before stating as a matter-of-fact: “You know you love me.” And he was sure of that, he really was. Howbeit, he didn't know if it was the same type of love he felt for you.
“Do I know that?” You poked his ribcage softly, using a line from the spectacular Disney movie of Zootopia. Not resisting the tempting words of the little devil in your head, you fully smiled, hooking your arms around his waist lovingly.
Your actions made a beautiful flora bloom inside his stomach, worsening the previous situation of fuzziness he experienced. Again, the thick mask Sunghoon used to conceal his emotions came to his rescue.
“Are you really quoting Zootopia on me? And I'm the ’cringe’ one?” He faced you completely, ignoring the sparks in his chest. Long fingers rose in a gesture that imitated quotation marks. His canines poked out as he bit his lips, faking a confused state.
Slowly, your face fell and you sighed, pressing your head on his broad shoulders. Another puff of hot air passed between the two of you. “Leave me alone. I just tried to be funny.”
“You are funny! I'm just messing with you like you are with me,” Sunghoon explained in a rushed voice. You normally weren't that bothered by his jokes, but he didn't want you to feel bad about them. At least, not that night. “Lay down. I wanna show you something.”
His phone was thrown somewhere on the grass, back now sprawled on the blanket and arms open for you to cuddle him. Park looked expectant, irises twinkling in anticipation, the intimate act common in your friendship.
God knows how Sunghoon started to hate the use of the word ‘friendship’ to describe what you two had. It's not like he'd stop being your best friend when you started dating (he liked to think that you would someday), but whenever you two had to deny that you were together to someone, he lost a little fraction of hope he still had.
“Ooh! You gonna kiss me or what?” You joked under your breath, actually hoping that he would, and not expecting him to hear you, but he did.
Strong arms captured your body, tickling your belly. Quiet giggles came from both of you — after all, it was late, and your parents would kill you two if they woke up because of your loud witticisms.
“I take back what I said about you being funny.” The moonlit witching hour accentuated his sharp, yet gentle features. His raven hair blocked half of his vision, but it didn't matter to him. As long as you were in his arms, nothing else had importance.
When your laugh died down, he adjusted your overall position so you would be more comfortable while he held you. Sunghoon's body was exceptionally warm, contrasting with other days when his skin would be freezing. Your head nuzzled on his neck, and you felt him carefully pushing it away.
“Don't sleep yet. I told you I wanna show you something.” He said gently, as if he was talking to a newborn baby.
Once again, his hand rose to the sky, pointing to a distinct set of stars that seemed to shine way more than the others, simply because he motioned towards them. He started making shapes with the tip of his fingers, and you did your best to see the whole drawing. “See this constellation over there?”
“That one?” You gestured to the shiny celestial bodies close to the ones he was trying to show you.
“No, that one.” Sunghoon slipped his hand in yours, helping you to trace the stars, dismissing completely how he was shuddering at something that should be common between you.
“Oh... Yeah, I see it.” Managing to stutter out some comments, you hummed, feeling the tingles on your hand going up to your arm.
Sunghoon kissed the back of his teeth. “That's the constellation of your sun sign.” He mumbled, freeing you from his soft grip. His voice was hushed to the point you only managed to make out the words ‘constellation’ and ‘sun’.
Idiot, idiot, idiot!, his mind irrationally kept scolding him. She doesn't like you like this! You're gonna scare her away!
“What?” You frowned, turning your head to look at his side profile, and urging him to say it again.
Shit, Sunghoon thought, pondering if he should get up and sprint to his house, canceling his plans with you for the night. Embarrassment, and only embarrassment, was what he felt at that moment. He wished a fairy would just appear out of nowhere and touch your hair with her wand, making you forget about his whole existence.
That was too much. Maybe not his whole existence, but only the last five minutes. He still needed you to remember everything you went through together for his confession.
“What did you say, Hoon? I didn't hear you.” Your sleepy voice made him snap out of his trance, cheeks flushing at the nickname that you used often, but that never failed to make him flustered.
“This is... the constellation of your sun sign.” Sunghoon said a bit louder than before, gazing at you with shy doe eyes.
Your friend's nervousness made you chuckle, though you secretly were panicking because of his thoughtful research. Shifting on the blanket, you tightened your grip on his waist, feeling how his body got extremely hot since the beginning of your cuddling session. “You remember my sun sign?”
“We've known each other for fifteen years, of course I do.” He grinned weakly at the sound of your laugh. Sunghoon wasn't even into Zodiac and astrology, but he learned a few things here and there so he'd get to talk with you about it. “You remember mine, right?”
“Well, duh!” You rolled your eyes, deciding to mess a bit with him. “You're a Gemini!”
If he didn't know you better, his face would be pale, and his heart would have fallen to his feet. Thankfully, as Park said earlier, he knew you for fifteen years, and when you were joking around or not.
Funny, no? He was friends with you for so long, had so many beguiling stories with (and about) you to tell, but even then, he couldn't see how in love you were with him, just like how he was with you.
“Ha. Ha.” He playfully reciprocated your eye roll, pinching your forearm.
“Just kidding. I know you're a Sagittarius, couldn't forget that even if I wanted to.” And you really couldn't, not when you constantly overanalyzed your birth charts, thinking if you would make a good pair or not.
There was silence. It extended for some minutes — eight or so. Sunghoon opened his mouth again, breathing in a short puff of fresh air through his teeth.
“You see those stars over there?” He repeated his gestures on another side of the sky. When you hummed in confirmation, he spoke again. “These are Andromeda and Perseus. Their constellations represent their love story.”
You hummed again, making him smile.
“Do you know their story?” Sunghoon questioned, briefly looking at you. As you muttered a ‘No’, he continued. “Long story short, Andromeda's mother said that her daughter was prettier than Poseidon's daughters. He got pretty angry and sent a sea monster to destroy Andromeda's parents' kingdom.”
“Geez,” you snorted. “What a big deal to send a monster to destroy somebody's kingdom.”
“Oh, shut up. I'm sure if it was you in Poseidon's body, you'd do the same thing.” Chuckling, he observed how you shrugged at his note. “Going back... The only thing that could stop the monster was a sacrifice: Andromeda. They chained her to a rock for the monster to kill her, but Perseus came to her rescue, killing the monster.”
Sunghoon cackled when you dramatically gasped at his storytelling. “He's so brave! What a great man.” You gushed tiredly, but enjoying how your best friend told you the story with so much passion.
“Y'know what happened next?”
“Let me guess, Perseus fell in love with Andromeda, and asked to marry her.”
“Yep,” his confirmation made you scoff, grinning in amusement. “But she was already betrothed to her uncle, so Perseus killed him with Medusa's head.”
“Ew... To her uncle?”
“To her uncle.”
“I'm glad Perseus came to save Andromeda, then.” You told Sunghoon, the tender sensation of his soft hands running up and down your arms making you drowsy.
“Mhm, but you know what's the best part of the story? Perseus and Andromeda's constellations are right next to each other.” The teen uttered, focus fixated on the blanket of heavenly bodies.
Surveying him, you then realized how his eyes were so full of emotions that couldn't even be described. How his chestnut irises were a sea of wordless poems. How the moon seemed to barely shine in contrast to his dazzling gaze. How the corners of his eyes had faded crinkles from when you'd make him laugh until his stomach hurt.
Sunghoon noticed your staring, face reddening at your careless gawk. Even then, he didn't look at you completely. ‘It's now or never’ was his final push of courage.
“Do you remember when we were younger, and my family couldn't go on camping trips?” His heart trembled with fear of rejection.
“Yeah, obviously I do.” You nodded. “We always begged your parents to let you and Yeji go on my family ones.”
“And they always let us go.” He remembered. “I dreamed about having parents like our classmates had, who took their kids to travels and had time for them. But every time I sulked about that, you made sure to include Yeji and I in your family's events. I think that growing up with you made me a happier person. If I didn't have you, I'd probably be a sad, shy boy without any friends.”
“Well, you're still shy, and don't have many friends,” you joked and turned your head upwards, trying to hide your sentimental side that threatened to come out.
“But I have you.” Sunghoon bit his lower lip, his voice beginning to shake. “Remember when we were seven and I fell on that lake when we went to Danyang-gun, and you saved me? Or when we tried to ride the same bike together and we fell, but you treated to my wounds first with those Hello Kitty Band-Aids?”
With every situation he brought up, and with every confirmation you gave him that you remembered, your throat closed a bit. You were sure that your hands were shaking at that point, though you didn't bother to check your theory.
Suddenly, Sunghoon sat up, careful to not hurt you. The pump of his heart on his neck made him crazy, worrying that he wouldn't be able to finish his confession and chicken out at the last second.
Your reflex made you follow his movements. Frightened eyes found one another. They lacked hope, but they were full of the familiar sentiment you inevitably felt around Sunghoon.
“I think... I think you're my Perseus.” He whispered as if reciting the purest poetry the humankind could ever write. “You always rescued me. You are the Perseus that saved my Andromeda. I would be dead if you weren't there for me, figuratively and literally.”
The imaginary mask that camouflaged his feelings for you got some cracks here and there. Sunghoon never felt a stronger rush of colorful and colorless emotions in his life, every single one of them blending inside his body (he wasn't sure if they came from his mind, heart, or any other body part). You got to see them first-hand.
Crystal tears found their way to your waterline when you realized this was the ‘Super Important Thing’ he kept saying that he would tell you that week. The thing that he refused to reveal whenever you questioned him about it.
“You know I'm not that good with words, but all this time I held myself back from not telling you this,” he took a deep breath, shutting his eyelids with force. “I love you, and not in a platonic way. I have loved you since we were ten, and I never stopped doing so. I understand if you don't love me back like this, but I really needed to get that off of my chest.”
Your best friend's eyes opened, going from one blade of grass to another before fully looking at you again.
Hiding what you felt for him became harder, so you gave up on the effort you put all these years to not let him know that you absolutely adored the boy and every aspect of him.
“You're an idiot.” You chuckled shortly in disbelief, and some salty drops fell to your lap as you enjoyed how his hands cupped your cheeks delicately. “You're an absolute idiot, Park Sunghoon, and I love you too. I love you so much that I don't even know if I can love you any more than I already do.”
If you were in a masquerade ball, maybe in a movie, that would be the scene where you two take your disguises off, finally recognizing each other amongst the ocean of masked people. You'd smile, seeing how you both came to the party without makeup, how you could finally admire your true selves without having to hide anything.
But this is real life, and what happened was that Sunghoon got his face impossibly close, bumping his nose affectionately with yours as your distinct breaths turned into one.
“Can I kiss you?” He pleaded with all the despair and devotion in the world, looking at you with glossy eyes. “Please, I've been waiting for this all my life.”
The answer he got was a kiss, his first, your first. Your lips molded perfectly, as if they were the sculpture ‘The Kiss’, flawlessly crafted by Auguste Rodin. Pure bliss overwhelmed your five senses as you tried to move in sync.
Even though it was your first kiss, you two thought that it went very well, or maybe the act was extremely long-awaited, making you two enjoy it a lot.
Sunghoon's lips had an abstract taste that can't be described with real flavors. They tasted like the coldness of a rainy morning, the ecstasy of winning a school championship, the happiness of petting a stray animal, the ravishing appearance of wildflowers, the pureness of a dove.
Your hands rested on his shoulders while he kept holding your cheeks, wiping them with cautiousness.
Pulling away to breathe, you smiled, sharing a much-needed hug.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” Sunghoon quietly asked with his face buried in your hair, putting all his love for you in the embrace.
“You took the lead lots of times today, yeah?” Sniffling, you held him closer. “You can, but only if you let me be your girlfriend.”
He nodded, letting some tears fall, not believing that what he was experiencing was his life. “Promise to stay with me ‘till the end?” He grinned slightly, moving his body back, his pinky appearing in front of your face.
Giggling at the act you repeated your whole lives, you nodded back and linked your fingers, giving his reddish lips a peck. “Promise.”
At that moment, you and Sunghoon were sure that Andromeda and Perseus were looking at you from up in the sky, nostalgic smiles on their faces as they saw their story repeating one more time.
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⠀ ⠀ © soov, 2O22.
⠀ ⠀ notes. first fic in the blog!! the ending felt too rushed imo but !! let's keep our heads up :] feedbacks are greatly appreciated <3
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lilchibi-chan · 2 years
Hi could I request some fluffy fluff of jungkook getting sick with a bad cold in the rain because he was playing with bam and girl y/n caring for him or you can make it Ot7 and his brothers find out he is sick and care for him . Just fluffy and comfort im sad these days need some peace .
Hello hello!! Of course I can! Thank you so much for requesting☺️
Rainy Day w/ Jungkook
You, Jungkook and the rest of BTS were hanging out when it suddenly started to pour rain.
You all tried to rush back to the cars but Jungkook decided he wanted to have his Hilary Duff ‘Come Clean’ moment. He starts running through the rain. Dancing. Just having a wonderful time.
The rest of the boys joined him and you watch from the car. You found beauty in the rain. In its sound. You didn’t want to be caught in it though.
When everyone has had their fill of the rain, they all go to their respective vehicles and Jungkook joins you, along with Namjoon and Taehyung.
The car ride is quiet since a couple of them are tired from the day.
“I can’t believe you ran through the rain like that,” you say quietly to Jungkook
He lets out a small laugh.
“It was fun. Although, now I’m a bit cold,” he says
He cuddles into you and you rub small circles on his temples. You notice he feels a bit warm and decide to deal with it when you get home with him.
✿♡∘˚˳°∘�� ✿♡∘˚˳°∘° ✿♡∘˚˳°∘° ✿♡∘˚˳°∘°
Once you make it to the apartment, you and Jungkook say goodbye to the rest of the boys and you hold on to each other, making your way up the stairs.
Jungkook immediately lays down on the couch and puts his arm over his eyes.
“You okay,” you ask concerned
“Yeah, just a bit tired,” he says, moving his arm to look you in the eyes
He puts his arm down at his side and closes his eyes. You got to touch his forehead and now, he’s really burning up now.
You run to the bathroom and get a touchless thermometer.
You put it to his forehead and it reads 99.5 F.
“Jungkook,” you say softly,“you should go shower and change your clothes. You were out in the rain after all.”
He looks at you and then slowly nods. He gets up and you help him to the bathroom just in case.
Once you hear the water running, you head to his room to get him some sweatpants, a tee shirt and a hoodie.
You knock on the door and once he says you can enter, you place the clothes on the sink counter.
You then head to his room and add an extra blanket to his bed.
When he finishes in the bathroom, you tell him to go to bed so he can rest properly. You go to get a washcloth from the linen closet and wet it with cold water.
You go to the bedroom, where Jungkook is fully covered, with the exception of his arms being crossed above the blanket. You lift his bangs and place the folded washcloth on his forehead.
You turn to leave, when he sleepily grabs your hand in both of his
“Thank you,” he says
“You’re welcome,” you say with a small smile
You go to leave again, but he pulls you closer.
“Stay with me,” he groggily asks
You can’t help but smile at how precious he is.
“Okay, only for a little bit. I’m gonna go out to get some groceries to make you some soup,” you say getting under the covers
Luckily, he does have a cough, but he does sound a bit hoarse and congested.
He holds you close and you feel how cold and clammy his hands are. You start to worry his fever might be getting worse, but you try to stay positive.
You feel his breathing get sleepier and sleepier. You admire his features for a bit, then realize you should get up and head to the store, so he can eat when he wakes up.
You grab your phone and purse, then head to the door to put your shoes on.
You decide to call Namjoon when you walk out of the building.
“Hello,” he says
“Namjoon, are you and the others feeling okay,” you ask
“I’m okay and so are others. We all feel fine why,” he asks
“Jungkook has a fever and-”
“JUNGKOOK IS SICK,” Namjoon says, cutting you off
“Yes but everything-”
“Y/N what are you doing right now,” he asks
“W-well I’m on my way to the store to get ingredients to make some soup,” you say
“Okay. Be safe, we’ll look after Jungkook while you’re out,” he says and hangs up
“O-okay,” you say, still holding your phone to your ear while no one is listening
You go about the rest of your walk to the store, smiling at how worry Namjoon is for Jungkook. You love the relationship these boys share with each other and how they care for each other.
When you return to the apartment, you see Jimin, Taehyung, Hobi and Jin in the living area. Yoongi was coming out of the restroom with a damped rag and you follow him go the room since you were going to check on Jungkook when you came home.
Namjoon was at Jungkook’s side, kneeling next to the bed. Jungkook has woken up from his nap. Bed laughing with Namjoon and sounds a bit better.
“Hi Y/N,” Namjoon and Jungkook say simultaneously
“Hey,” you say with a small smile
“I’m gonna get started on your soup JK,” you and start to turn out the room
“Wait Y/N, let us make it,” Namjoon says
“A-are you sure? It’s really no trouble at all for me to do it,” you say
“No no, we can do it. You stay with him,” he says
“Okay…thank you,” you say, feeling touched
Namjoon and Yoongi leave the room and you join Jungkook in bed.
You snuggle into his chest and he rubs your head softly.
You decide to put on Netflix while the boys make soup.
When you hear a knock on the door, you know that’s the signal for the soup being ready, so you pause what you’re watching and help JK get out of bed.
He gives you a hug when he joins you in standing, then kisses your forehead.
You join the boys in the kitchen and the table is set with bowls for everyone and there’s rice and side dishes.
You all sit down to enjoy a nice meal and have a wonderful night.
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I’m so so so sorry this took so long. IRL stuff got really hectic and busy but I hope you enjoyed and hope you request again!!!
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dearweirdme · 1 month
Hey Rain, I hope you're doing well. I’d love to hear your thoughts on Yoongi’s letter to TaeKook amidst the disbandment talks from 2018. Honestly, when something keeps coming up repeatedly, I start to wonder if there's a larger narrative at play, and that’s why I’m reaching out. Thanks!
Hi anon!
In general, I think the stories that we hear repeatedly are to convey how BTS functions as a group.. and more specifically how close they are and how they manage to function and grow as a group and individually. Rainy day is an example of Jk going too far and learning to temper himself and Jm forgiving him easily. Dumpling fight is an example of Jm and Tae clashing due to high stress levels (and their characters and same age) and how they came to understand each other better and speaking out their support for each other. Jin and Tae fighting is an example of seeing each other’s limitations and being able to work through that respectfully. Hobi and Jk and the fruit basket is an example of Jk learning to not be selfish.
I think if you take out the Tkk of it all, this is shared a few times because it shows connection and support from Hyungline (through Yoongi) to Tae and Jk.. again pulling the members closely together during a time of great distress.
Other repetitive stories that fall slightly in this category would be Jk choosing to be with BTS because of Namjoon. Jk sleeping next to Hobi when he wanted to leave. Probably more.. but this is from the top of my mind.
I believe all those things are true. I think those moments have been chosen as ‘token stories’ because they did actually pull them together more… and they are safe to tell. We’d never hear about the moments things didn’t work out that easily.. and i find it likely those moments exist. They have gone through harsher things than these arguments. I do think the Yoongi text was one of their rawest times. With them actually having disbanded almost. I think Tae and Jk were a unit in this and the text Yoongi sent was specifically to put their minds at ease. It is not for nothing that Jk kinda stepped out of character when he hugged Tae at Mama.
So yeah, I do think there’s a larger narrative at play. I also think that narrative is close to the truth, but leaving out the parts that are unsuitable or deemed unfit to share.
I make an exception for Tae and Jk and their narrative of having grown distant. That is the one thing that to me is pointedly false and proven to be false. But then again, Tae and Jk being in a relationship gives reason for that exception to be likely. Companies love working with things that are real.. playing into strengths and only needing to polish or enlarge certain things. Tae and Jk went from being a strength to being a risk though.. and that risk was cause for drastic measures. You can tell from the ITS talk that they tried to do what they normally do with members having issues. Adress it, and end on a positive note of ‘having worked through things and being closer’.. but their mistake here is that Tae and Jk were always close.. and people who knew that saw that what they were saying did not match what they saw. When you force things they look unnatural.
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fourbrickstall · 2 years
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Two rainy day shots in my tiny house MOC with my phone
The rain has returned here so I thought this little guy would enjoy making pizza in his oven to warm up the tiny house.
(But first, let's see if Tumblr even lets me upload a post with multiple images on the web. Pissed me off that my whole post on the app got a "Well, that certainly didn't work. Try again." Tiresome.)
I'll edit this post after with some BTS.
(Ok! Worked on the web, now back to the app...)
Here's the setup:
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Phone position:
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And it's really handy to have a cotton earswab on hand to wipe away spots that are obstructing the subject:
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 10- Rookie King Episode 8
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Chapter Summary: Thanks to a rainy day, BTS and Jen play X Man. During the Of Course game, Jungkook claims that Jennie broke the lamp, which causes an uproar as she tries to explain her innocence.
Words: 4,000+
'An Actual Situation'
'Bangtan X Man/Woman'
With Jin opening up their dorm door, the members prepare for an outing as they gather up their bags. Jennie wore grey sweatpants and a sleeveless loose black top that just went over her stomach.
"It says that a typhoon is coming. Can we really go?" Suga asked.
"A what?" Jennie questioned as they looked at the news, looking at the rain. Expressions of the members hardened once they saw it was pouring outside.
'Outing schedule canceled!'
'We will just move to the practice room first'
'Outing schedule is canceled with the unexpected situation!'
'But the shooting can't be wrapped up just like that!'
Putting on a leather jacket, Jen and the rest of the guys make their way to the practice room and stand together for the cameras.
"Real!" J-Hope pointed
"Situation!" Rapmon added
"Tuesday!" Suga announced
"X Man!" Each member announced, making an X with their arms.
'Channel Bangtan 1st time, based on X Man. Today's entreating casts, Jin, J-Hope, Rap Monster, V, Jennie, Jimin, Jungkook.'
"The rain outside is extremely~ heavy right now!" Suga announced while J-Hope danced the rainism dance, earning some giggles. "Today we prepared ourselves to go to an MT. Sadly, the typhoon personally came in our way. And since the production crew wanted to conserve some
time, X Man really prepared it for us with their budget. As you can see, the cards...it was colored at our dorm, by ourselves."
"Why did you wear the sunglasses today?" J-Hope pondered
"He has the celebrity disease!" V joked
"Since you're becoming the MC today, you're showing off a little bit, huh?" Rapmon teased
"Everybody, I'll explain it to you." Suga explained that he was playing with a BB Gun and hit the bullet under his eye. "I might be fine with it but the viewers, possibly might be a little uncomfortable with it. Anyways, X Man officially starts! Please give a round of applause!" 
'The member that was selected to be the X Man has to lead his team and distract them. After ending all the games, the members will select the suspected X Man through voting. Then if the selected suspect of X Man is correct, excluding the X Man, the remaining members would get the sweet & sour pork. If the members guessed it wrong, the sweet & sour pork is only given to the X Man.'
Walking into the secluded room, Jennie puts the headphones on, anticipating her fate.
"Jennifer...you...are not the X Woman."
Hearing that, she let out a small smirk for the camera, nodding to herself.
'Sly Smirk from Miss Bangtan, is she the X Woman?'
Once they all gather around, the guys joke around, saying that they're the X Man. When they are gathered into two teams, RapMon's team consists of V and Jungkook, while J-Hope's team consists of Jimin, Jin and Jennie.
'Hat Removal'
'Both players face each other while wearing a connected hat. A game without using their body, they must remove the opponent's hat with only using their head.'
'Jimin VS V'
With both hats connected, V and Jimin stand face to face, staring at each other. Once V blows his breath into Jimin's face, he cringes and yells, making everyone giggle.
"Calm down, my friend!" Jimin puts his hands on his shoulders. "It smells! Don't laugh!"
'Only surrounded with breath smells'
"I'm so glad I'm not in that position." Jennie crossed her arms.
But then Jimin couldn't take it anymore and covered his mouth, running away. V high fives his teammates as Jungkook asks him what he ate.
'Something he ate during lunch, V wins'
"I brushed my teeth ten minutes ago." V revealed, as everyone grows suspicious, thinking Jimin is the X Man.
'Jungkook VS Jin'
"Jungkook, shh, don't say anything." Jin puts a finger on his lips and starts leaning in.
The sudden move, makes everyone freak out. 
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Jen screamed before putting her hands over her head, backing up.
Suddenly, Jungkook spits on his face, making Jin cover his mouth and move away, winning for his team.
'Jennie VS Rapmon'
With the hat over their heads, Jennie and Rapmon stare at each other as she starts to chew gum.
She stares at him and starts to blow a big bubble as he laughs. "How big is that going to get?"
Once she pops it, Rap Monster decides to blow a raspberry at her, making her immediately back up.
"Ugh! Why!?" She wiped her face with the sudden saliva.
"Winner! Team Mon! Three to Zero!" Suga announced as Team Rapmon high fives each other.
'Mission 2'
'Pig Wrestle'
'In a sitting position while both their hands are holding their ankles, they have to push the opponent out of the marked space either using only their bottom and feet to win!'
'Jimin VS V'
"We'll start the pig wrestle immediately!" Suga commences as they get on the floor.
V and Jimin start hitting each other with their feet while Jennie laughs but then Jimin kicks him and V places a hand on the floor. Shocked by the sudden move, everyone points to V's hand on the floor.
"Ah! You're done!" Jen shouted
'V puts his hands on the floor!?'
"He lost!" Jin and Jennie shouted
"Then did I win?" Jimin asked, looking around.
"V explain yourself." Suga pointed. "Why did you put your hand on the floor? Why?"
"It just fell without me knowing!" He explained
"Since you've done it unknowingly, we will have another round." Suga said while V fist pumps.
"Really?!" Jennie called out. "No! No, I refuse!"
"Wait a second, since when were things changed?" Jin laughed
'Team Hope who is complaining'
"It's up to the MC!" Rapmon mocked.
"Uh huh, and if it was the other way around, you would be the ones complaining." Jennie retorted, crossing her arms. "Don't play, you know you would."
Once they try it again, V quickly ends up pushing Jimin and makes him tumble over.
"BULL! I demand a rematch! This is not fair!" She huffed.
'This doesn't make sense'
'With the unbelievable loss, the members' suspicions grow bigger'
'V makes use of the term of an idiot as a highly strategic!?'
'Jimin keeping his head low, perhaps to hide his identity as X Man?'
'Rap Monster V Jin'
'Round 2 Start!'
Jin immediately starts Aahing while Rap Monster relentlessly attacks him repeatedly, not letting up. Suddenly, everything stops when Rap Monster puts his hand on the ground. He claims he didn't know but he gets eliminated anyway, making everyone laugh.
'J-Hope VS Jungkook'
"Jeon Jungkook. You're really handsome." J-Hope hugged him
"This is the X man! This guy! This guy!" Jin accused.
"What is this!?" Rap Monster protested. "They are having a love confession here!"
"Hol' up! No!" Jennie raised her hand. "Um, no, Jungkook belongs to me. Not you, J-Hope."
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" The guys start wildlin' out, acting goofy while Jungkook chuckled to himself, looking down.
'Miss Bangtan highly disagrees'
"Jungkook is this true?" J-Hope playfully gasped in shock.
"Yes it is true! That's my best friend!" Jen playfully claimed, teasing him.
"Accept me calling you handsome!" J-Hope pointed.
"Thank you." Jungkook grinned at him.
"It's very suspicious how these two are acting, right now." Suga murmured.
"Hoseok Hyung is truly...more than Jin Hyung. Uglier." Jungkook addressed, making everyone laugh. Jennie dropped her jaw at his statement while J-Hope went to attack him.
'Love hunter J-Hope failed to make a new love'
For the Pig wrestle, J-Hope quickly moves his feet around while humming. Jungkook makes his attack while J-Hope screams and spins around. Jungkook laughs at J-Hope's sound effects and ends up falling over in any way.
"J-Hope, you lost!" Suga said
'It was a good game hyung!'
Jungkook laughs and shoots him a thumbs up. "Mon Team wins!" Suga announced.
'Mission 3'
'Of course'
'The attackers have to question the opponent with difficult questions, and the defender would have to answer 'Of Course' no matter what. If they couldn't speak out 'Of Course' it's a KNOCK DOWN!'
"Everyone as you can see below, the low budgeted duct tape is lined there." Suga pointed down. "With this seriously poorly made duct tape lines, either you guys take a step back from it or walk away from your original position. I'll immediately take it as a sign that you're out. Who will come out first from the Hope Team?"
'Jin VS Jungkook'
"Yah!" Jungkook started off. Jin smirks out of amusement, crossing his arms while the rest of the members burst out in laughs because of his disrespectful words. "You know that your life is awkward?"
Jin grinned out of embarrassment. "Of course!" He answered.
"They are both five years apart!" J-Hope pointed out.
"There's nothing much that I can go against him..." Jin sighed.
"Of course!" Jungkook laughed.
"What are you saying!? Hold up! Wait!" Jin exclaimed.
'Jin lost his chance to attack and lost a turn!'
"You know that truly, you're a worse dancer than Rap Monster, right?" Jungkook dissed. 
Jennie dropped her jaw and looked from him to Jin while everyone freaked out.
"Wait! Wait! With this chance, do you really think you're worse than this human robot?" Suga questioned.
'Who is the winner of the dance battle between the human robot and the half dead dancer?'
"Of course..." Jin admitted
"Poor Jin..." Jennie looked concerned while Jimin rubbed his shoulders.
"Yah!" Jungkook striked again. "You know that we called you handsome for the broadcasts only, right?"
"YO~" Jennie laughed while Jin stomped away.
Jungkook fist pumps and hugs V as he wins the round. 
"Jin, you good, buddy? You're handsome, don't worry." Jen tried to help him while Jimin stood next to her and comforted him too.
'Is Jin...really pissed off?'
'Rap Monster vs Jimin'
"You seem quite tall today. Isn't it?" Rap Monster asked.
"Of course." Jimin admitted. "Hey, you! Just now you said to Jin hyung, 'Hyung, you're so noisy! I can't stand it!' But did you know you were snoring?"
"OH~" Everyone yelled
"That was strong!" V laughed
"Of course!" Rapmon replies after trying to recover from his comment. "Jimin, you know do know that you and I are a two-top when it comes to snoring? If my snoring is like a beatbox, Jimin's snoring is like he was doing a moonwalk."
"Every night these two make a nose harmony phantom," Suga said
"Of course," Jimin admitted, not backing down. "Hey, you! Euhehehehe, this is really fun. I have a really curious question to ask! You know that you look like the Maori's clan chiefs, right?"
"Eliminated!" Suga yelled, pushing Rap Monster back
"I'm still a Korean!" Rapmon exclaimed
"Yah! You like me, right?" V asked
"Wow, just went right to it." Jennie crossed her arms, watching with interest.
Surprised, J-Hope couldn't help but laugh at his boldness. "Of course. I'll ask you something serious, now. That time, you enjoyed the kiss, didn't you? Your lips were trembling! I thought his lips was a handphone on vibrate"
"I can't believe he went there..." Jennie commented
V laughed out of embarrassment. "Of course. You know that you're getting noisier by the second, right?"
"Of course! You...that time...you...you stuck out your tongue during the kiss, didn't you!?" J-Hope accused
"OOOOHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD!" Everyone screamed while Jennie fell to the floor. V started laughing and walked away immediately.
"That didn't really happen. I just said it for this game." J-Hope confessed after everyone pulled themselves together.
"Since it's an odd number, Jennie will go up against all members of Team Mon. Starting with Rap Monster." Suga announced as the both of them stood at the pieces of tape.
'Rapmon VS Jennie'
"Aye yo. Your hair looked like a bushy forest. Ugly as hell. Never again," Jen dissed, making everyone ooh at her comment.
"That was mean!" Rap Monster exclaimed, laughing. "Of course...so, you're going to let me have your noodles that you have in your fridge, right?"
She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. Sighing, she nodded. "Of course...Jin is a better dancer than you."
Rap Monster stepped back immediately. "No way!"
"Winner! Jennie!" Suga announced while she high fived her teammates.
'Jungkook VS Jennie'
'97 Line Going At It'
"Let me take my jacket off for this one. I'm not backing down." She took off her leather jacket and stood at the tape to face off with Jungkook.
"Things are about to get serious." Jimin anticipated.
"Ladies first." Jungkook gestured
"I'm better at video games than you." She smirked, raising a brow. 
She got a glare from him, knowing that she hit a nerve. Jen couldn't help by smile innocently while the guys laugh in the background.
"...Of course..." Jungkook grumbled. "The only reason you beat me in video games is because I let you win. You know this."
"Oooohhhhhh." The guys look on in interest.
"That game you wanna play, huh? All right. Of course...remember I told you that you were a cool person? I lied. You're not cool."
"Of course...so Jennie, wasn't it you that broke the lamp a few weeks ago?" Jungkook smiled evilly, raising a brow.
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As soon as he mentioned the word, Lamp, her stomach dropped as her eyes went round. She motions him to stop as she makes a slicing motion on her neck. His statement makes Jin and Rap Monster turn to her.
"WHAT!?" The two males yell, walking up to her while she laughs nervously and buries her face in her hands.
"You did what!?" Jin yelled
'Jennie is under fire!'
'Is it true!?'
"It was you!? I got yelled out for an hour!" Rapmon yelled.
"I had to fix that thing!" Suga exclaimed.
They start shouting all at once, while Jungkook proudly stands, satisfied with what he's done.
"Wait, what happened?" V looked confused.
"Really Jungkook!?" She yelled at him as he just shrugged innocently. 
"No, no, no, no, it wasn't just me! He did it too!" She tried to explain. "He attacked me with pillows and I put him in a headlock! We both stumbled into the lamp! You gotta believe me!"
"That's not true! She stumbled into the lamp all by herself!" Jungkook explained.
"YOU LIE! Tell the truth!" She looked at him in disbelief. 
Oh, she was going to get him, now.
"Hyungs, I'm serious! She attacked me with pillows and jumped all over me. I was in so much pain. Jin was in the shower, I tried to yell for help. But then she put the pillow against my head, trying to suffocate me" Jungkook looked down, pretending to be sad.
"Jennifer how could you!?" Jin scolded. "We're going to have a long talk when this is over."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" She screamed, throwing her arms up in the air. "You have GOT to be kidding me! How are you believing HIM instead of me!?"
"I believe you, Jennie!" Jimin raised his hand.
"You're supposed to be on my team!" Jungkook yelled, turning to him.
"I like Jennie, more! She's very precious to us. We must save her at all costs!" Jimin announced while V agreed. "Maybe I should be your best friend instead of Jungkookie."
"NO, Jimin!" Jungkook pointed to him.
"Just to let you all know, I knew her longer, so she is technically my best friend." V raised his hand with a grin.
"Back to the game. Continue. It's Jennie's turn." Suga calmed everything down.
"Of course...you know what? You and I aren't best friends, anymore. You're a big meanie." Jennie grumbled.
Chuckling, he nodded. "Of course. But you and I both know that you can't stay mad at me forever." Jungkook declared with a cute smile, making her look away.
"He's trying to sweet talk." V giggled.
Before she knew it, she felt the corners of her mouth start to curve as she tried to fight it. 
"Hahah, it worked! She's smiling! She can't stay mad at our Jungkookie." J-Hope teased.
"...Of course. Your smile is contagious."
"Of course. You think I'm hot." He mentioned in a cocky manner.
"AHHHHHHHH." The members obnoxiously yell.
"This is so entertaining. Keep going, please!" Suga looked on.
Jennie sighed, putting her hands on her hips, shaking her head. The nerve of him. "I walked right into that one...Of course. You're such a dork."
"Of course."
Jungkook wasn't going to go down so easily. What could he say to make her back out? He had to win. He couldn't lose.
"So...you really liked our kiss, right?" He questioned, making her stammer while the guys in the background started hollering and yelling, yet again. 
Jungkook was acting bold today, what did he eat this morning?
'Is it true...?'
'What Will Jennie Say?'
Jennie sighed before looking at him in the eyes. "Of course."
"AHHHHH SHE ADMITS IT!" The guys yell while Jungkook smiles victoriously.
"But! But! You're a bad kisser!" She blurted out, making the members yell even louder and fall to the ground. Some were banging on the floor and walls, laughing loudly. J-Hope and Jin start jumping up and down with Rapmon.
During the commotion, Jungkook's grin dropped as he started to feel his face heat up.
"She got you good, Jungkookie!" Jimin laughed loudly.
Jungkook had no choice but to back up from that, he couldn't admit that. 
"Winner! Jennie! Team J-Hope wins!" Suga announced.
"Sorry Kookie." She grinned sheepishly.
'Mission 4'
'Take off socks'
'While carrying the opposite team's member on their back, the person who takes off the socks or stockings first, is the winner! Before the game begins, two boxes that contains a sock or a stocking would be picked by the winner of Rock, Paper, Scissors.'
After Jimin wins Rock Paper Scissors, he picks the pink box thanks to Jin and gets a pair of socks.
"Awe yeah!" Jennie cheered while Rap Monster gripped V by the jacket, upset that he got stockings.
'Round 1'
Jennie jumps on V's back and wraps her arms around his neck. Standing next to Jimin who had Jungkook on his back. 
"I'm not heavy, am I?" She asked, holding onto him tightly.
"You're not heavy at all. That's a great thing, for me." V mentioned, carrying her with ease.
"I'm going to make you eat your words."
As soon as they start, Jennie tries her best to prevent V from pulling off a stocking by squirming and moving all around on his back. 
"Don't take it off! Don't do it! V!" She laughed before he started spinning her around. "Ah, I'm getting dizzy!"
'Dizzy Jennie stops her assault while V tries to take a stocking off'
Jimin manages to pull off one sock.
"Atta boy!" Jennie praised Jimin.
"Continue keeping him busy!" Jimin huffed to Jennie while he tried to get the other sock off. Once he does, Jimin is declared the winner.
"Yeah!" Jennie dropped down, running up to him for a high five and a big hug.
'The Autumn Man Jimin who gets the over the knee sock, wins!'
After they all get situated, Suga points out that V was in a position to take off the stocking as suspicious looks are sent toward him. Once he was asked if he was possibly the X Man, V made an X to the screen. But then Jungkook follows suit and soon after, everyone else does it except Jennie.
"How come you're not doing it?" Jimin questioned. "Are you the X woman?!"
"Maybe. Maybe not." She smirked
Suga also points out that Jungkook wasn't even moving his body when he was on Jimin's back, which makes the youngest male make another X at the screen.
'Jungkook is...the X Man?'
'Round 2'
With Jimin on Rap Monster's back and V on Jin's back, the battle begins as Jimin starts shaking violently on Rapmon's back. Meanwhile, V rides Jin like a horse.
"This is very interesting." Jennie laughed as Jin quickly took a sock off. 
After a few seconds, Jin effortlessly takes off the over, taking the victory.
"We finally found a talent Jin is good at! Taking off socks!" J-Hope cheered.
"Mother! I'm good at taking off my socks!" Jin laughed at the camera.
'The best moment of Jin's life'
"Everyone since there's two winnings after the three rounds, this time, Hope team wins the game!" Suga announced.
'Mission 5'
'The last mission that's welcomed with a round of applause'
"I...have no idea how to play this game." Jennie admitted.
"You'll know this game without me specifically telling you what it's called. Ting, ting, ting, ting" Suga chanted
"Teng, teng, teng, teng,!" Everyone but Jennie chants. "Ting, Ting, teng, teng, Fry-Pan-Play!"
"What? Ting ting what what?" She looked confused as the guys laughed while Suga explained it slowly to her. "Guys...I think I may be the cause of you losing this time." She said to her team.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine." J-Hope reassured her.
Suga had a squeaky hammer to hit anyone who messed up. "Round 1! Go! Go!" He announced
Once they started the chant, Jennie tried to follow while watching her teammates until V's team got the beat wrong. Suga ends up hitting the three of them with the squeaky hammer while J-Hope high fives his teammates.
"Did we win?" Jennie happily asked.
"We won the round." Jimin answered.
"Darn. I thought it was over."
'Round 2'
Clapping and chanting again, Suga makes Jennie go first as she gulps. "O-okay..." She continued clapping. "Rapmon five!"
"Rapmon, Rapmon, Rapmon, Rapmon, Rapmon, Jin four!"
After Jin successfully does his chant, he calls out V, yelling three but V stutters and loses the round for his team. Suga hits the three guys while Rap Monster calls him out for making two mistakes.
'Round 3'
Jungkook starts, calling out Jin but then he messes up immediately. 
"What are you doing!?" Jimin yelled while Suga walked over to them to hit them.
Jennie scrunches up her face when Suga hits her head hard with the squeaky hammer as she rubs the top of her head. Based on Jin's actions, Rap Monster points out that Jin could be the X Man since he messed up so quickly.
'Round 4'
Starting again, the flow goes well but then Jimin messes up and his team gets hit again.
'Round 5'
"For the last round, to make it more fun, we'll change the rules. I'll give you a chance to personally hit the person across you. Do you feel more pumped up to win this?" Suga reasoned.
Starting again, everyone eagerly starts with Jin, and the flow goes well for a long time.
"V three!" Jin clapped.
"V! V! V! Jennie seven!" He chanted.
"Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie! Rapmon 5!" She managed to continue the flow without messing up, mentally thanking her quick learning skills.
"Rapmon! Rapmon! Rapmon! Rapmon! Rapmon! Hope four!"
"Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope! Rapmon four!"
"Rapmon! Rapmon! Rapmon! Jin three!" He chanted only three times.
"Jin! Jin! Jin! Jin! Jungkook Three!"
"Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook! Jimin one!"
"Jimin! Rapmon four!"
"Rapmon! Rapmon! Rap..M-" He stuttered while Team Hope stood up and celebrated
"WOOO!" Jennie jumped up and down.
J-Hope pulls his team in for a big group hug while each member of the team hits Rap Monster's team on the head. Rapmon calls out that Jin has a talent for hitting as Jin hits V on the head yet again. 
After Suga announces J-Hope's team as the winner, he concludes who won the whole thing.
"With the final score being 3 to 2, Hope team wins! Any words from Team Hope?"
"Our win was expected, of course, because of the amazing leader." J-Hope grinned, earning a stare from Rap Monster.
After getting situated, Suga asks if anyone has thoughts about who could possibly be the X Man. Jennie accuses Rap Monster of the X Man while everyone else agrees and also questions Jin as the possible X Man.
After voting, mostly everyone chose Jin as the X Man, and Suga confirmed if he was the X Man with a fingerprint detector.
"Is Jin the X Man? It will be revealed in another 60 seconds." Suga dramatically said.
"SUGA!" Jennie yelled while everyone else complained.
After a while, Suga is back to announce the second suspect, revealing that Rap Monster is not the X Man. 
"I told you!" Rap Monster shouted.
"I told you it was Jungkook!" Jimin yelled at the camera, pulling up his sign to show.
"Okay, today's Channel Bangtan X Man is...of course, V!" Suga revealed as he stood up with a grin.
"Wha!?" Jennie asked in surprise.
Embarrassed, Jimin sits back down when he hears his accusation was wrong while everyone is blank and shocked at V.
"It makes sense. He put his hand on the floor, didn't take off the stocking and kept messing up the beat." Jennie mentioned. "Sneaky!"
After the commotion, everyone sits around to eat a meal of sweet and sour pork, King Mandu and back bean noodles. 
"FOOOD~! I love food. Food is good. Food is life. Food is amazing." She gushed at the mouth watering meal and ate it with the members. "Ugh, the sweet and sour pork...V can I have one? Please?"
Since he wasn't caught as the X Man, the main dish, which was the sweet and sour pork was all meant for him. 
"Ah, you can have some." V happily shared
"Thank you!" She placed a big kiss on his cheek and happily took some to put with her noodles.
"Share food and get a kiss from Jennie? Duly noted!" Jimin grinned
"Hey, I kissed your nose last week." She laughed
'Channel Bangtan X Man Complete'
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voidwerks · 6 months
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The second part of a introduction BT match I'm running for a friend, Operation: TROPIC THUNDER. Using the Lyran Guards, I gave him an advantage in weight both to offset the difference in skill level and to help compensate for mistakes as he learned the game. Meanwhile, I fielded the Legion of Vega, with a lance of four mediums. The Legion held early advantage, taking good hilltop positions in cover to rain fire down on the Guards. The Thunderbolt in particular got showered in missiles right out the gate, and the Bushwhacker took a few hits from the Crab and Gladiator while the Marauder II cautiously lumbered forward. And while the Legion continued pouring fire into the Guards, the tide began to turn once the Guards closed the distance and brought all of their mechs into brawling range. When we called it a day (and may or may not continue, since it's a clear Guard win at this point), the Trebuchet's right torso was holding on by a single point of internal structure, on top of taking a through-armor crit to the hip, crippling it significantly. Meanwhile, both the Gladiator and Griffin had moderate armor damage, with the Griffin having a single point of exposed torso, and the Crab having suffered a direct hit to the cockpit from a particle cannon. Though the pilot survived and the Crab is otherwise in decent shape, any further hits to the cockpit would be certain death. By comparison, while the Thunderbolt and Bushwhacker were both badly mauled, neither had suffered internal damage yet, while the Marauder still had plenty of armor to go and the Shadow Hawk was still completely fresh (having skirted the edge of the field outside line of sight).
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animusiem · 9 months
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 21 (01/13/2024)
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Now that all the Christmas stuff is gone, what do we have to replace all of the Christmas songs? Well seems like we are still stuck with what 2023 had to offered. Regional Mexican, J-Pop, old songs that went viral on TikTok, and some legacy songs just debuted. And yet looking at the chart reset I think showed a bigger picture that I will get to on my blog, stay tuned. Enough stalling let's get into these meaty lists of new arrival
49. "Goat" by Number_I
You know the year hasn't even started yet and we might have a contender for the worst song of the year. Like imagine if Fleeting Lullaby by Ado was remixed by a B-tier boyband and the productions sounded like the backwash of Gen 3 boyband group sound...you get this.
51. "Rompe La Dompe" by Peso Pluma, Junior H, Oscar Maydon
This is probably the most well produced Peso Pluma song in corridos scene. I love how chill the song is. Definitely needed after...that car crash the size of opening lap of Belgian GP in 1998 proportion.
64. "Wherever u r" by UMI ft. V from BTS
Seems like V beside making solid RnB album, also want to platform small RnB artist as well. And it's a great song to boot as well. I'm instantly hooked by UMI's voice with the melodic guitar, spacious production, and just immaculate atmosphere which is perfect for the sort of cut about long distance longing. I do think the percussion is a bit loud. But hey it's still a high recommendation
114. "Poco A Poco" by Xavi ft. Los Dareyes de La Sierra
Seems like the train of regional Mexican sound is still rolling because we have a newcomer by the name of Xavi. He's not Spanish by the way he's from Arizona. But, he has been going up on the chart with La Diabla which is a good song. And this one might be better due to the fact that there's a slap bass in it.
132. "Maria Mariah" by Silva MC, DJ F7, C NO BEAT & MC Meno Dani
10/10 would Brazilian funk again.
154. "Modo DND" by Xavi & Tony Aguirre
I feel like the reason why I've been positive with Xavi because in terms of corridos tumbados, his sounds are very full and competently produced for once. I love the horn lines here the most because it's kinda like all over the place.
161. "Murder On The Dancefloor" by Sophie Ellis-Bextor
TikTok strikes again and this time it might be their best find yet. Coming from the Saltburn ending where Barry Keoghan "dancing" to this song, we have quite possible the reason why Future Nostalgia existed in the first place. I'm glad that Americans are listening to this two decades later. The lush nu-disco production that didn't aged a day with the liquid guitar, tight bass, and the strings. Every seconds of this song is just tight and controlled which could be attributed to Gregg Alexander aka the bald guy with the bucket hat from New Radicals. The guitar solo is just an icing on the cake on otherwise fantastic tune.
162. "Husn" by Anuv Jain
Never thought I would hear a song from India like this to be honest. But hey it's a nice surprised to hear this type of sounds in other languages that I am not familiar with.
170. "Overdrive" by Ofenbach ft. Norma Jean Martine
It's kinda cool how dance genre has probably its stronger year in 2023. This is the first one I'm listening to this year and yeah the streak keep on going here. Never have I heard more beautiful piano house since...shit probably Hold My Hand.
172. "Alucin" by Eugenio Esquivel X Grupo Marca Registrada X Sebastian Esquivel
This is probably the best "Edm mixed with regional mexican" song I've heard. Though when your competition is a song by Fuerza Regida featuring Marshmello...yeah
186. "Let Me Love You" by DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber
Not gonna lie, the sound of DJ Snake just didn't hold up so well with time. This song in 2024 sounds so empty and devoid of anything interesting.
190. "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Meanwhile this song is timeless and could be played at any time where you are feeling down or just sick of the bullshit get thrown at you.
191. "Livin On A Prayer" by Bon Jovi
Just listening to this one song and you will get why hair metal was at one point the biggest genre in the world in the mid 80s.
193. "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga
Meanwhile just listened to this song and you'll get why Lady Gaga is an icon and deserved her acolades.
197. "Be A Flower" by Ryokuoushoku Shakai
Wait so this is the song that became an opening for an anime about ancient China? Why does this bang so hard????
199. "One Dance" by Drake ft. Wizkid & Nyla
One Dance is a good song but this song marked the exact point where Drake stopped trying most of the times because his status as #1 hit makers has been sealed.
200. "Lean On" by Major Lazer ft. DJ Snake & MO
It's a good even great EDM song but it's pale in comparison to its competition at that time.
I highly recommend everyone listening to these songs
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
hi, may i ask about dream meaning? if jungkook's mom dreamt about raining gold when pregnant. my mom dreamt about a bouquet of wilted flowers. what does it mean? thanks and hv a great day 💜
Jungkook :
Raining gold is a common occurrence in mythology when a deity impregnated a human being.I’m not saying this is what happened, but I think JK was meant to be a blessing to this world of some sort.He was always meant to do great things.he chose this life to be part of BTS and impact so many ARMYs lives positively.
You:For you, I’d say your life means the ending of a cycle.A transformation.You might want to check if your birth cards aren’t the Tower or Death, or if you have Scorpio placements.After full bloom, it’s when nature flies to rest, goes quiet,goes je into itself and transforms quietly, before coming back next spring .you are the autumn of your world.
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I'm sorry I left this bitter ask earlier on. I didn't mean to rain on your parade. I'm just trying to work through my feelings and I really wish I could go back to enjoy a comeback. BTS really was my comfort place and I need it with everything going on my IRL. I miss them so much, I fear I'm never getting that feeling again, even when they comeback. I already have been pushed away from the fandom because I couldn't express how uncomfortable I felt with Seven and now I feel so lonely. I'm trying to just enjoy the older music, but letting go of keeping up to date and being 100% invested is hard. Really hard.
I'm happy for you that you can enjoy this comeback, but he lost me for good. "These are love songs, to comfort ARMY" and then he goes on to perform 3D Jack Harlow version. What's comforting in being compared to a dead body? Before release maybe he didn't get it, but we know he monitors fandom reaction, and there is an alternate version. He just wants to be cool and edgy but banks on ARMY blindly supporting him no matter what. I feel betrayed, not because he went explicit, I was fully expecting it, but because he's doubled faced. Comforting ARMY my @ss. Just admit you wanted the fuck boy image. He's so talented, but he just throws BTS legacy out the window. Namjoon sit next to the SK president and explained how he consulted scholars to avoid misogynist lyrics ffs. And 3D isn't the only song I have a problem with, just the worst. "It's just lyrics and images" and what are BTS songs? It just feels like a slap in the face.
I think he performed the Jack Harlow version because the alternate version is not in Golden, which he was promoting - it's the feature that opens the album. I also doubt he saw fans objecting to the lyrics, unless the Koreans fans were complaining as well, and a lot of them probably don't speak English well enough to be as bothered by the lyrics as the international fandom as a whole was. Although a lot of Armys didn't like Jack Harlow, the song still did well, and tons of people did the TikTok challenge. Jungkook probably concluded that, while Seven was better received, people still enjoyed the song. BTS may monitor what Armys say but there is ton of stuff they miss, or ignore...
Jungkook isn't doubled face. "Comforting Armys" doesn't mean lyrics like Spring Day. He brings comfort to Army by delivering cool songs, performances, and content which distract Army from their daily lives, providing them with comfort and entertainment. Also, Seven is chill and relaxing - just hearing his voice in the track is comforting. There are three ballads in Golden as well, and all songs except for SNTY and 3D are rather chill and comforting. Jungkook's voice is comforting to me regardless of the lyrics or genre. He wasn't lying when he said he wants to comfort Army. Giving back the love we give him is one of his biggest motivations. He wasn't fully sure that he wanted to release an album, but I think Army was a huge factor in him doing so.
Jungkook doesn't want to be "cool and edgy". I mean, yes, in a way, but he isn't counting on Armys blindly supporting him. He trusts we will support him because we have so far, and he's also confident in the songs he's putting out because he's making music he'd like to listen to, and expects Army to be big fans of pop - kpop is pop after all... He's not interested in lyrics or a message, so he doesn't get that fans might be. Is he supposed to live in fear? Is it not his career and his life, his choice? Armys for the most part have liked his solo career. There was only a somewhat negative response to 3D. Obviously, Seven divided a few Armys, but the reaction was generally positive. Same for Golden - even on Reddit it's mostly positive. Plus, like I said, he is much more aware of K-Armys' response to his music, and, from what I've seen, they are even more positive than international Armys.
Jungkook is not RM, and I'd say you're giving RM too much credit. BTS have performed Boy in Luv and Danger in recent years, despite acknowledging how sexist their early music was. Girl of My Dreams has some disturbing lyrics from Juice Wrld yet Suga is on it. Jimin was in a song with a rapist. Bad Decisions featured Snoop Dog who defended Bill Cosby. There are plenty of examples of BTS, including BTS, collabing with, or expressing admiration for, very problematic artists. MJ, for example, was a pedophile, yet Jungkook and Jhope in particular are big fans, as are the rest of BTS (and the world...).
I don't understand how Jungkook is throwing out BTS's legacy. He built that legacy too. Sure, the "fuck boy" image that he pushed a bit with Seven and 3D, but not really with SNTY or Golden as a whole, contrasts a little with BTS's image, but it doesn't contradict it. The sexist lyrics in 3D were not his. RM and the rest of BTS get along with Bang Si-hyuk and support New Jeans and are okay with MHJ despite both being objectively terrible people. They also support brands that are unethical (they support consumerism, aren't environmentally conscious, and the brands they endorse are corrupt and built on labor rights abuse and the inhumane treatment of workers). BTS's legacy is a mixed bag and always will be. It's build on fans mass buying albums and merch, and spending their money recklessly just so a bunch of millionaires can top the charts. Also, if we're talking about meaningless love lyrics, V didn't write his own lyrics either, and BTS didn't write the English trilogy.
I feel like you're romanticizing BTS too much, even if I understand that a big part of BTS's selling point, and what I love about them as well, is them writing their own lyrics. But that was mostly always RM, and the rap line, and BTS could only give their input on concepts that the company wanted and never had the freedom to freely pick the songs on their group albums. A lot of BTS's songs are just "lyrics" and "images". Their early music, for example, had a lot of romantic lyrics that RM wrote because Bang PD wanted them to have a softer concept that appealed to fans (eg., I Need U).
Anyway, thank you for the follow-up ask. I've been harsh about BTS, and particularly Jungkook, before too. I understand that when you're upset everything seems worse than it is, and I understand that it can be really isolating in the fandom because everyone's aggressively positive all the time. I had to unfollow tons of people after Seven because I was so disappointed in the song but kept seeing everyone praise it. On Friday I also blocked out the fandom because I couldn't relate to their reaction to Golden. I also struggle with wanting to be up to date with everything BTS do and not having enough time or even interest. This is especially worse with Jungkook (that pressure).
I could tell you that it's okay to let go of BTS, but it's a bit like giving up on a huge part of you - like losing a limb. I get it, that's what it means to be Army, it's sad sometimes too. If you feel lonely you can talk to me. If not for my anons, I'd feel really lonely in the fandom as well, which I don't even consider myself to be a real part of. I'm Army but I'm not in the fandom, if that makes sense.
It might take time, but perhaps after they've all enlisted, you, and I, will have time to reconnect with BTS without the pressure of keeping up with them. The constant releases and content fatigue me too - it can be overwhelming. When BTS reunite, it won't be the same, but hopefully we'll all come together again, even if for the last time...
Thanks for the ask!
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gingerchangeling · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you (or not). Spread the positivity! ♡
So I have a shit ton of these from over the years that I never answered for one reason or another, so I decided rather than answering all of them individually, I’ll tag every person who sent it to me and answer here. And then I’ll also say - I return the challenge to you. What makes you happy, oh lovely person who has messaged me over the years?
1) The smell of bread baking  2) Head boops of love from my cats 3) Messages in tumblr! 4) Comments on my fanfics, especially the really long analysis ones where people tell me things about my stories that I didn’t even notice 5) When the few people l in my life who understands what it means when I say it to them, answer that they love me too. (I don’t say it very often, so when I do say it, it isn’t just words)
Bonus round because I should have had to come up with a lot more
6) listening to people having a good time (in a public space or on a youtube chat or bts on tv or whatever. Just watching people being delighted by their friends or a book or a text) 7) Sitting with sunlight pooling in my palms 8) The smell of rain  9) the sensation of getting into a sun-warmed car interior from a cold day and the warm absolute silence that seeps into your bones as you savor it 10) coming up with the perfect one line zinger to shoot back when an innuendo is available for abuse.
@lizzyc807shipscaptainswan @theonceoverthinker @toboldlynerd @sh12pen-bookfan @timeless-love-story @winterbythesea @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @ultraluckycatnd @betweengalaxies2 @ilovemesomekillianjones @bluegraywilde
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purplesurveys · 2 months
Do you know anybody who is ambidextrous? I might, but I'm not able to remember anyone specific right now.
Have you ever been 4-wheeling? We did it once when we were in Ilocos, yes.
What’s the weather been like today? The crazy April-May heat has subsided a little bit, but we're left with humidity which is just as nasty so I'm still a complainer lol.
What was the last exam you sat for? Not an academic exam or anything like that, but I had my medical exam earlier this year.
Will you be attending any weddings in the near future? Angela and Hans', but that won't be til late next year.
Do you currently have any unread text messages, and who from? I'm sure I do. I wanna say half of it is from scammers, the other half is work-related that I haven't been assed to check.
Speaking of text messages, what colour is your cell phone? It's blue. Not my first color of choice because I never really wanted a colored phone, but at the time I needed a new phone (my old one had entirely died on me and being picky about color wasn't an option) and the best shop I could find only had the iPhone 13 in blue lol.
Do you live anywhere near the woods? Nah.
Would you ever consider a career in the tourism industry? I've fantasized about what it'd be like to be an airline stewardess because I really find their day-to-day super interesting, but I don't know if I can shift my career towards it. I'm too focused on where I am to consider it at all.
Do you have any important anniversaries you celebrate? Trigger warning: Suicide. There's my birthday, there's June 13 for BTS, there's April 7 which I simply refer to as my Life Anniversary since that's when I decided I'd be a fan of the boys and subsequently be saved from the s* I was planning later that month.
When was the last time you used q-tips? Around 3 nights ago.
How does your hair react to humid weather or rain? It's super frizzy, so I always have to tie it back when it gets humid.
What’s your favourite flavour of iced tea? Lemon.
Do you understand music theory? I don't know the first thing about it.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? I slept early because the day before was SHIT and I just wanted to disappear. That said, I want to say I slept for 11 hours.
Are you expected to act professionally at your job? Aren't we...all? It's a job.
Infomercials: entertaining or stupid? Entertaining precisely because it can get so stupid.
What’s your favourite brand of energy drink? I don't drink those.
Do you have (or have you ever had) acne? I've had them.
When was the last time you got pins-and-needles? I usually get them when waking up :/ I don't move a lot when I sleep, so when I do get in a certain position in-sleep I could be stuck in it for hours. That said it's usually either one of my arms that gets the pins and needles, and when I wake up there's like one full minute where I don't feel my arm at all and any attempt to move it I only get a jelly response from that arm haha.
Why did you click to take this survey? I didn't click it, it's just archived in my Likes and this was the next one on my list.
If you have glasses, have you ever smashed them? Accidentally, yes.
How do you get new music? Buy or download or what? I've used Spotify since like 2014.
Do you require a lot of time to do things or are you quick? It depends on what needs to be done. At work I've been told I'm quick on my feet and get things done in a snap...I know I'm not the same in every situation, though.
What will be the next concert you attend? Nothing lined up anytime soon. I really want it to be BTS though? I hope my friends and I can snag those damn tickets because it will be a stupid bloodbath for sure.
Turn the nearest television on, what’s on? It's currently on; I have a replay of BTS on You Quiz on the Block. Terrific series of interviews that I never get tired of going back to.
How often do you “wake up on the wrong side of the bed”? Tbh never. I make it a point not to. I absolutely dread the idea of starting work already in a sour mood.
Can you rap? I memorize several rap verses/songs but that doesn't mean I can rap, so no.
What do you usually order when you’re at McDonald’s? Plain double cheeseburger (meaning no pickles, no onions, no ketchup, no mustard), large fries, and coffee.
Are there any textbooks near where you are right now? Nah.
What’s the time? 9:52 PM.
Do you know how to use a DSLR camera? Only when it's set to automatic which barely counts, lol. I don't know how to take good photos if I otherwise need to set it manually.
How’s your body temperature right now? No idea and I have no thermometer nearby, but I'm assuming it's well below 37.5C since I don't have a fever.
Do you use Celsius or Fahrenheit? Celsius.
What was the last thing you got a really good deal on? I mean I got a discount from the vet earlier hahah so that's always great.
Have you ever studied any ancient societies? Sure. Nothing in-depth, but I like to read about history from time to time on my own.
Do you like to wear long, dangling earrings? I would enjoy that, but I can't do it. I tore my piercing years ago and I haven't been able to wear earrings since haha.
What was the last reason you took medicine? Horrible horrible horrible headache.
Do you exercise regularly? No.
What is your coffee of choice? (flat white, cappuccino, etc.) Caramel macchiato for the most part, but Starbucks has this mouthful of a drink that's been my usual – the order is literally called brown sugar soy milk iced shake espresso. I hate the name, but it gets the job done for me hahah.
Do you pay any attention to your country’s politics? Yeah very much so. We're not exactly in the best situation politically, so I'm always following the news.
Are you feeling worried about anything right now? A little, but I'm mostly annoyed and a bit angry at it now.
Are you a gossipy type of person? Just with Angela, but it's not even mean-spirited at this point lol. If we catch something on our news feed, we talk about it in a very "wow we're all getting older" "She really deserves this" "Her baby is so cute" way haha.
When will your next meal be, and do you know what it will consist of? I ate so much over lunch that I'm still full now at 10:04 PM. That said, I did get a couple of doughnuts at the mall earlier and I'll probably just have those as a midnight snack.
Tell me about the sickest you’ve ever felt. Either the time I got hospitalized in 2011 over a low platelet count; my UTI in 2020 where I had a 40C fever; or Covid last year when I got every goddamn symptom possible and felt like a corpse.
What’s your opinion on your in-laws, if you have any? I don't have any ~direct in-laws, but my cousin's fiance can't be more fantastic. She's so kind, easy to talk to, and is very affectionate. Super sweet girl and every conversation we've had is a great memory.
Do you make excuses often, or do you just get things done? I complain to hell and back first, then I do the thing because it'll never do itself anyway lol.
Have you seen your best friend today? Nah. I did see her Monday, though.
What can you smell right now? Room smells like nothing to me at this point, but I know that's because I've been here for hours and have just grown accustomed to whatever smell it has.
Any important birthdays coming up? It's my paternal grandma's birthday today! After her, it'll be my mom's and sister's in September. Their birthdays are a week apart.
Fireworks: yay or nay? Yay, tbh.
Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? I haven't taken these in weeks so I might take one or two more.
How about tomorrow? Any plans? I have a bit of work that I need to squeeze in, but it's okay because it's the part of work that I enjoy doing. We might also take a trip down south to visit my dad's family to celebrate my grandma's birthday, and also because it's my dad's last weekend before he needs to leave for work again.
If you could eat or drink anything right now, what would it be? I have Biscoff doughnuts waiting to be eaten.
What colour are your headphones? I have Airpods; they're white.
Think of the last long car trip you had, where did you go? Tagaytay was the most recent long one...tbh we don't do long rides anymore haha. We used to be able to reach places like Ilocos and Bicol, but that was also when my dad was a decade younger. He likes to take it easy now – super understandable – so when we travel, it's either by car to somewhere more reasonable (Bulacan, Tanay, Tagaytay, Subic) or by plane to a different country altogether.
Do you have a Twitter account that you use regularly? I have an account but I don't use it nearly as much as I used to. It's a gross place to be in now...people are always fighting, throwing slurs, canceling one another, and watching fanwars just genuinely bums me the fuck out.
Have you ever seen a horseshoe crab? They’re scary, right?! I don't think I have.
What was the last movie you saw at the theatres? I haven't been to the cinema since they screened BTS in Busan early last year, lol. But I did watch The Menu at home with my dad and sister just the other night.
Are there any new movies that you’d really like to see? Moana 2 :)
If you could play one instrument flawlessly, what would it be? The piano.
Do you overthink a lot of things? Yes "Overthinker" is my middle name.
Is there anybody you miss but can’t see again? Yes. I wish my grandfather didn't pass so early.
When was the last time you had a hangover? Last weekend.
Do you remember much from high school? Bits and pieces. I remember the good parts of it more than the mundane and outright bad, that's the most I can say.
Where would you go for the ultimate honeymoon? I'd love to visit either India or Turkey. Or Morocco.
Can you access the roof of the building you live in? Yeah, well it's our home, so.
Do you know anyone who has a strong accent that is hard to understand? Sure. I'll work with foreign clients from time to time. By far, the Singaporean English accent is what's made me lean into my speakers the most frequently, like to make sure I understand clearly.
If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you get? Kimi's pawprints.
What was the last podcast you listened to? Do you listen to it regularly? I don't listen to podcasts much. I'm a visual consumer, and I like to be able to see things as I listen to them, so with podcasts I usually zone out pretty quickly.
Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist, and why do you think this is? It's such a copout answer but I'm honestly a realist more than anything. With optimism I don't want to fall into the trap of overpromising things for myself, or setting up grand expectations only to be disappointed...but I also don't want to be pessimistic and like, jinx the ugly stuff to actually happen. For the most part, for me, it's a mix of being realistic and having the "whatever happens happens so just deal with it" mindset.
When was the last time you moved houses? 2008.
Have you ever held a gun? Did you fire it? I haven't. My family actually went to a shooting range for the first time this morning and fired guns for an hour straight, so this question is amusingly timely. But as for me, I was in a terrible mood this morning coming from yesterday's shitty work day, so I sat it out. I also didn't want to be near guns while feeling super vulnerable.
Do you like simple questions or deep questions that make you think? Like on surveys? Just simple ones would do.
How long have you been using Bzoink? I had been going on it regularly from 2009 to earlier this year when it shut down for good. I'm pretty sure there's like a fanmade version of it that's since come out though – I just can't remember the link rn lol.
When was the last time you threw up? Why were you sick? Early May. Food poisoning.
Are you on a first-name basis with your boss? (or last boss if unemployed) Yes.
What brand is your laptop or computer? Apple.
Would you ever wear a bright orange shirt? I have one but I only wear it occasionally as orange isn't really my color.
What was the last thing you wrote in a word document? Just some document I needed to accomplish for work.
Who do you miss and what do you miss about them? Kimi. I miss how clingy he was, how quietly sweet, and how I was his person from the very start to the very end. He really was and is my soulmate in so many ways.
What were the best and worst costumes you’ve ever worn? Best was going as Sofie from Halloween 2014 (or 2015?). Worst was a store-bought pirate outfit.
Do you know anybody who is gay and married? In Catholic Philippines? Hahaha.
What did you last take painkillers for? Headache.
Are there any hobbies you want to get back into? I wish I had the patience for coloring and painting-by-number.
Have you ever shared a home with a friend? I mean just for overnight stays, really. I haven't had a friend who needed to stay for a certain length.
What’s the craziest or weirdest place you’ve ever slept? Bathtub is definitely up there (it was empty).
What did you have for lunch today and who made it? The chefs at Ramen Nagi made the ramen I had for lunch.
Do you believe in anything supernatural like ghosts or ghouls? No.
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