#btb Ibiki
okamirayne · 8 months
Happy New Year Rayne! 🥳 Re-reading HHU and just wondering…how does Kakashi get on with Waif? Or vice versa right? 😆 I know Kakashi prefers the k-9s to the kitties. Just for my own BtB head-canon bc it looked like Waif was pretty chill with Ibiki and Raido so wondering how the copy-nin faired! 😘
Heya Anon!
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Happy New Year to you too, sweetie! 🙌🏼
...how does Kakashi get on with Waif? Or vice versa right?
Ha, yes, vice versa alright. Waif is not sold on Kakashi. Might have something (or everything) to do with the ninken company Kakashi keeps, or perhaps something to do with Waif’s weird but random territorial antics with Genma — that said, right you are re: Raidō.
Waif shares very well with Raidō and would probably attach himself permanently to the Namiashi if he wasn’t already masochistically taken with Genma — for whatever reason that is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😉
So yes. While the worst Raido and Ibiki get are cat hairs, Kakashi has a few bloody souvenirs from Waif — though to be fair, so does Genma. Solidarity.
Genma’s solution:
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Attack back.
Kakashi’s solution:
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Mists himself in cat-repellent…🍋 …which is preferable to smelling like dog.
As for Waif’s absurd level of ease and comfort around Ibiki? It’s a mystery to the world and an insufferable annoyance to Ibiki. 😉
Thanks for revisiting HHU despite its WIP status. 🙏🏼
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okamirayne · 1 year
So...BtB Ibiki vs. BtB Genma -- FAITO! Who'd win? XD
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Boss Battle badassery. Depends on what was at stake...and why they'd thrown down.
Argh, that is almost impossible to answer out of context.
Potentially Genma? But then, Ibiki is a freaking force of nature, almost insensate to pain...and hella bad with mind-games and prior-preparation...so, damn...could go either way, as they're pretty well matched, Anon.
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It's a toss of a coin on this occasion, luv!
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okamirayne · 2 years
I often return to your works for inspiration and enjoyment and more recently ive been really enamored with your depiction of Ibiki, especially as he heads into HHU. In some rereads especially regarding shika and neji, when Ibiki was in neji's headspace did he ever find out their "secret"/ become aware of their involvement? I doubt a man like Ibiki gives a damn on a larger scale but I am curious of more his thoughts on our fav hyuga since he liked him (hopefully this isnt spoiler territory lol)
Hiya, Anon!
Sorry for my late reply and thank you so much for your kind words regarding your reasons for revisiting my works. Really do appreciate it!
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[...] more recently ive been really enamored with your depiction of Ibiki, especially as he heads into HHU.
Oh awesome! I'm chuffed you enjoy his depiction in the BtB series. <3
[...] especially regarding shika and neji, when Ibiki was in neji's headspace did he ever find out their "secret"/ become aware of their involvement?
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I doubt a man like Ibiki gives a damn on a larger scale but I am curious of more his thoughts on our fav hyuga since he liked him (hopefully this isnt spoiler territory lol)
Ha! Right you are, Anon. Ibiki doesn't give a wet turd about people's personal liaisons (unless of course he can exploit them). That said, you're right, he did like Neji. And given that I've been on a long-ass undeterminable hiatus from HHU, I am willing to divulge for you, my dear.
Did Ibiki know about Shikamaru and Neji?
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His thoughts regarding Neji? Well I know what he'd say if someone asked him that.
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But he had mad respect for Neji. And that would undoubtedly be revealed in HHU.
Huge thanks for the wonderful support and the ASK anon! X
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okamirayne · 2 years
Hello Okami, I’m a very bad writer and I would like to know how did you get so good at writing? Did you study hard to write so good? A
I also would like to know was there someone that Ibiki did like at all in the story of BTB? Lol I got really immersed in his character.
Hey there, @koiwater789 !
Thanks for your message. 🙏🏼💜
Aw, luv. Please don’t call yourself a very bad writer. 😢 Are you just starting out on the writing journey? If so, that's the last thing your poor little writer's heart needs to believe. If you've been writing for a time and feel that you're not quite where you want to be yet, then you're finding your way on your writer's journey and that looks different for every writer -- there's no comparison, especially when it comes to storytelling.
[…] how did you get so good at writing?
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Ha, my nervous humour aside, 😅😅 I am very touched to learn my writing resonates with you. Other readers have felt it to be far too purple prosey for their liking -- my point being, it's a very subjective thing. Some of my professors were super supportive and encouraging of my writing and some didn’t vibe with my style at all! Most commercial agents would’ve thrown it on the slush pile. It just goes to show it’s so personal. So please be gentle with yourself when moving from wherever you feel you presently are to wherever you want to be as a writer. You got this 💪🏼
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Yes, I did study writing and literature, and I've read a heck of a lot. Which always helps. But my best writing came when I wasn't studying the craft and I was actively practicing it. Writing the BtB series was the most intense and effective way I developed my writing…and I think that series showcases my growth as a writer. Ha. I cringe sometimes when I think over the first instalment! And I am STILL learning how to hone this craft. That never stops. It's an organic thing and it always needs pruning. But too much intellection with the craft steals the magic and joy from the process, which is what I feel the readers connect with.
So my answer to your question is; I wrote, a hell of a lot, to grow my voice and really find my way. BtB was insanely long.
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Sure, knowing the fundamentals of grammar and all that technical crap is great, but when it comes to the actual storytelling, that's intuitive and it will grow in you the more you write. Ideally for fun. Hence fanfic writing. I found it to be the perfect forum for exploring my voice and I'd massively encourage you to do that if it sits well with you.
I also would like to know was there someone that Ibiki did like at all in the story of BTB? Lol I got really immersed in his character.
Aw! That’s so awesome to hear you got so immersed with Ibiki! He was such a cool character to write.
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So very different being in his skin and headspace. As for there being someone that he liked...I'm assuming you mean romantically or sexually? Well...romance is a stretch for Ibiki given his disposition and detachment. He was attracted to Anko and had/has an ongoing ‘no-strings’ ‘thing' with her, though it’d be a massive leap to say it included any romantic undercurrent.
Hope this answers your questions, Luv! Thanks so much again! 💗 I wish you every joy and success on your writing journey 💪🏼😊!!
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okamirayne · 7 months
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So, this insanity happened… 👇🏼
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*goes to drown in crippling terror and tea* ☕️😬🫠….💜
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okamirayne · 6 months
*weeps and loves on Genma, hopes he doesn't kill her, and leaves him shochu and pink pill-shaped mochi and knows she's as bad as Anko* There bb!
Why, how considerate, Anon...*slides them over to him*
Genma: Ah, sympathy for my devils? Not today, Satan.
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*is proud* He's doing the whole good little reformed Goei Shotai (as far as I can presently foresee). Taking his pain raw nowadays. Straight. No chaser. The way Lady Luck intended. 😅 Poor, poor bastard.
Thanks for the giggle, Anon.
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okamirayne · 6 months
OMG <3 So about this bit ''I can confirm that they had been very successful at concealing it, although by the time Heaven Hold Us starts (post War), these surviving characters know for certain:...'' - is it possible that you could give us some more details about how they found out/figured it out? <3
Hey there, @barasai 🧡
Regarding details! I can tell you that all the characters are going to reveal how they found out/figured it out in the upcoming chapters of HHU. That said...
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Hinata knew first, before anyone else, as she suspected back in BtB, though never explicitly stated it to Shikamaru. Though it was implied in Break to Breathe when Shikamaru was getting ready to chase after Neji again (after the Gentle Fist head-trauma the Hyuuga gave him 😅 )
BTB CHAPTER 36 EXCERPT: [...] "I…I said he needed someone to help pull him back, but…" Hinata trailed off, recovering with a frown. "But I didn't think it would cost this much." "There's always a price." Shikamaru shrugged, the nonchalance so forced it felt like hefting rocks on his shoulders. "I knew that when I got into this." "But it's not the same…" Hinata said, her eyes blinking doe-like. "It's different now." Shikamaru arched a brow. "Nothing's changed." No sooner had he said it than Hinata's gaze took on a quality of calm understanding that struck him numb quicker than any lick of chakra to his nerves ever could. "Yes it has…" she whispered. Fuck…
So, there was Hinata's moment of "gotcha". Though she had grace enough not to announce it or disclose it to anyone else throughout the rest of the series. Sakura didn't cotton on in that scene, as it was so far beyond the scope of possibility or credulity given the urgency of what was happening.
As for the others: Kakashi, Genma, Ibiki, Temari, Sai, Tsuno, and Choza.
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Their knowledge will be revealed in HHU (at least that's what my plot bunnies are showing me 😅...it's almost Easter, the bunnies can't lie...right? 😆 Right.)
Thanks for the ASK, luv! And for your interest in the BtB madness. Love and appreciate the awesome support! 🫶🏼💜xxx
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okamirayne · 9 months
Hey it’s me again! Total simp for Raidō and Genma. Thanks for your reply Rayne! 😘 Sooo, I read the comment @sunlightrays left on your reply and omg… they put it waaaay better than my slutty shipper brain ever could’ve about why I adore BtB Raidō. How he is with Gen. Not just in UtS & Requiem but his protectiveness towards Gen in HHU. 😭 Bringing up our boy’s heartache like that. Now I almost feel bad to ship them bc like sunlightrays said, the platonic bromance is 🤌🏼 oh god I’m a perv. Whyyy.
Hello again, my dear! 😆
My pleasure to respond 😘
Sooo, I read the comment @sunlightrays left on your reply and omg... they put it waaaay better than my slutty shipper brain ever could've […]
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Oh yes. Amen, Anon. Gods bless @sunlightrays, they did indeed put the chef’s kiss all over it 🤌🏼💓👌🏼
It’s true that they are each other’s constants in the BtB verse.
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They are solid. Despite the shit they went through.
Raidō has never left Genma and despite Genma’s pride, he appreciates Raidō’s big brother and mother-henning routine.
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…very much so.
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So hey, don’t you dare feel bad to ship it. Hell, even Ibiki couldn’t resist needling Raidō about it…
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Though yeah, granted, Ibiki was waaaay more of a dick about it…😅😅…
If quizzed, Genma would concur…
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😆…if only to piss Raidō off in the spirit of razzing his poor long-suffering partner! Which he does relentlessly when it comes to joking about their relationship 🥰
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So perv away, my dear. Ain’t no harm in it.
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okamirayne · 1 year
I finished the entire BtB series (and HHU) about a week ago and it hasn't left my mind even once.
I'm not quite sure how to put my thanks into words: You managed to make me feel so obsessed with reading like when I was a kid. I stayed up until 4 am, had to literally force myself to sleep because I was (am!) so incredibly invested. No other piece of literature has done that since like... 6 years? I cried, screamed, laughed, gasped, blushed at so many scenes - the heartache was genuinely so beautiful.
I know the first part of BtB is quite old and your writing has improved a lot since then but all the parts read incredibly seamlessly.
I could *hear* the characters voices in my head while reading, picture the scenes like a movie in my head. The attention to detail and the accuracy of the characters makes me so incredibly happy. Usually when reading, I notice every single distraction going on around me and it's so rare that something pulls me in to the point I just zero in on the story.
There's a lot of scenes that stuck in my mind and to my surprise, I resonated most with your characterisation of Genma. I went in a die-hard Neji fan (and still am) and came out with a deep appreciation for Shikamaru and Genma. (That being said, I also really love then way you portray the other characters, especially Hiashi and Ibiki who I really didn't like before.)
Genma's story just... God it has my heartstrings in a death grip. His never-ending jack-assery and dirty jokes and the way Raido sees right through it.
The fact he held onto items important to him and related to the people he loved most...
The way he handled Shikamaru and Asuma and Kurenai's baby while still insisting he doesn't do well with children.
The way he made Kakashi say what he feels near the end of UtS in an ass-backwards way but a way that didn't allow for deception and empty words.
But, I think the moment that made me sob and laugh and feel the most was when he said "You ruined it" - that fucking killed me right then and there.
When I first met Genma in your story I was really sceptical and suspicious of him, thinking he was somehow the bad guy. And then I grew to love him and hurt for him. That was so extremely well done.
I also have to get off my chest that I love, love, love the way you described his drug trips (and Kakashi's little endeavor with medicines) as well as dreams and flashbacks. I find that these things are mostly feelings and oh so confused and confusing that it's hard to put into words but you genuinely excel at it.
I also love the transitions of dreams back to reality. Keyword here being "back". God, nothing hurt me more than reading that word in HHU. I think you know which scene I mean.
I also read through old asks and found out more about Naoki and Karibi. I love these two so much as well. Karibi struck me as very interesting and I'm glad I got to find out how she lived and died. Especially because HHU kind of alluded to her commiting or attempting suicide.
Naoki... My heart hurts for him. This poor, poor man. I'm so fucking glad he didn't have to die alone. He was so strong for Genma though, building him up, putting him on the right path and giving him a verbal slap for being an addict, giving Kakashi and him his blessings eventhough he used to be so possessive and protective of Genma.
His story really is tragically beautiful and incredibly complex. I really wanted him to live but realistically I knew it wasn't going to happen.
How old were Karibi, Naoki and Genma when they joined Team Yokai? When Inoichi saw Genma and Naoki kiss and Genma talks about his Senbon hitting certain nerves (hehe), they're said to be about 17 and I remember it being mentioned that Naoki took a while to "bottom" in bed due to his childhood trauma.
Also can we talk about the Tsubomi poem? That is so *beautiful*. Did it come easy to you or was it hard to write? It fits so incredibly perfectly to Naoki and Ino.
One thing that confuses me about the storyline is the epilogue of Requiem, where Genma has a flashback(?) about Shuken holding Naoki hostage and making him reveal his name. Could you explain to a confused-maybe-stupid-me when that takes place and how Genma and Naoki escape from that situation?
I can't stop gushing about your story so i won't:
Shuken's character is also so well written. When we first meet him in Shikamarus flashbacks, I was also oddly intrigued eventhough I had an idea about what sort of fucked up things he'd done to Shikamaru. You wrote his seductiveness really well. And then he reveals his age and I got *deeply* disturbed and as we learn more I just got more and more disturbed. The progression was so well done, I felt like I was sort of experiencing what Shikamaru was going through. The use of "Shika" sent cold shivers down my spine.
I also really loved your wheels within wheels and walls within walls metaphor for the ANBU. It creates such an amazing mental image that can be played around with so creatively.
Aaa. Okay. I think I got most of my thoughts down so far. I'm sure I'll come back to gush some more, maybe ask some more.
Thank you so much for this amazing story and all the work and hours you put into it. I can't wait to read more from you 💙
My dear @sunlightrays 💙💙 Thank you so much for both your patience with me as I finally secure the time to respond, and of course, for the phenomenal feedback you've given me. As expressed in my private DM. It impacted me immensely...and I am still moved and altered by it -- thank you. I will endeavour in this reply to answer your Qs to the best of my ability, given that I do tend to revert back into a blob of incoherent feels every time I revisit this message...💙
I know the first part of BtB is quite old and your writing has improved a lot since then but all the parts read incredibly seamlessly.
Oh dear lord...that first installment....*cringes* oh the temptation to rewrite it, luv...THE TEMPTATION....(aww, thank you though, I appreciate that you felt it all flowed together).
There's a lot of scenes that stuck in my mind and to my surprise, I resonated most with your characterisation of Genma. [...] Genma's story just... God it has my heartstrings in a death grip. His never-ending jack-assery and dirty jokes and the way Raido sees right through it.
Oh, luv, I do so love writing Genma and his respective relationships, whether platonic or romantic.
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I'm so freaking happy you took a shine to his portrayal in BtB! The feedback you have given me with WHY and WHAT you loved about Genma's portrayal and story was just...I can't even begin to describe how nourishing that was to my writer's soul. If every writer were to receive this kind of feedback, I can see their proverbial cups running over with gratitude and inspiration. Thank you so, so much.
I also love the transitions of dreams back to reality. Keyword here being "back". God, nothing hurt me more than reading that word in HHU. I think you know which scene I mean.
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Ah god damn, but you hit me hard with the love you showed my OCs. Thank you so, so much for that and for sharing what it was that drew you in -- especially with Naoki. 💗💗💗 (Even Shuken, dare I say)
How old were Karibi, Naoki and Genma when they joined Team Yokai?
13 to 14 years old. Naoki joined when he was 13, Karibi and Genma at 14. By the time they were assigned to Team Yokai, they were all 16.
When Inoichi saw Genma and Naoki kiss and Genma talks about his Senbon hitting certain nerves (hehe), they're said to be about 17 and I remember it being mentioned that Naoki took a while to "bottom" in bed due to his childhood trauma.
Correct! They'd have been 17/18 years old at that time. Age 19 is when Naoki tragically accepted Danzo's offer and was listed as KIA after his 'fake death'.
Re: intimacy issues. Right you are. Due to his childhood abuse, Naoki refused to "bottom" for the longest time. It took a hell of a lot for Genma to work through that with him. Karibi helped with this too.
Also can we talk about the Tsubomi poem? That is so *beautiful*. Did it come easy to you or was it hard to write? It fits so incredibly perfectly to Naoki and Ino.
Aww....I'm so touched you felt that way about Naoki's poem for Ino. It's such a tough question to answer. Anything that is deeply personal or painful for the characters always twinges my heartstrings when writing...but for Naoki, his guarded emotions came out in his seldom seen/heard creativity / art, so writing it was easy in the sense that it flowed into my head easily from the character, but it was hard in the sense that it reflected so much of Naoki's pain as well as his love.
One thing that confuses me about the storyline is the epilogue of Requiem, where Genma has a flashback(?) about Shuken holding Naoki hostage and making him reveal his name. Could you explain to a confused-maybe-stupid-me when that takes place and how Genma and Naoki escape from that situation?
Oh my dearest, YOU are in no way the confused-maybe-stupid party in this. In fact, "I" am the idiot who cut a LOT of scenes surrounding Naoki's torture at Shuken's hands and the escape situation *epic facepalm* In hindsight, I would love to go back and edit that by re-writing/editing and INCLUDING those scenes. I can see the holes there from the reader's perspective, and if I hadn't been operating like a runaway train at the time, I'd have slowed down to correct that error.
So, that scene where Genma has the nightmare flashback of Shuken holding Naoki hostage. Let me do a breakdown chronology as it's the easiest way my fucked-up spiderweb mind-map can be translated into a linear sequence....
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Naoki gets stabby-happy with Shuken (plunges that needle into his neck) and fucks up his ROOT mission, but prioritises saving Shikamaru
Naoki needs Genma to "buy him time" while he tries to fix the trauma and everything coming undone in Shikamaru's head
So Genma goes happy-hunting on the Freak Show as Naoki deep dives into Shikamaru's brainpan
(DELETED SCENE) Naoki stablisies Shuken so the natural energy doesn't kill him. Then Naoki deep-dives into Shikamaru's brainpan and meets with some complications because of the natural energy swimming around inside him.
(cont. DELETED SCENE) Naoki tries to stabilise Shikamaru too, but gets interrupted mid-brain-and-body-fix by more Freak Show cross-breeds looking for bossman Shuken. Naoki can't complete what he's doing with Shikamaru and needs more time. He hides Shikamaru and takes out the opponents interrupting him before rushing to assist Genma
He assists Genma lol -- ends up getting injured (takes a nasty blow to his hip, if I recall)
He tells Genma he needs more time with Shikamaru to fix the kid
Genma is too busy freaking out about Naoki stabbing his mark/Shuken in the neck and the consequences of this action
They get interrupted by more Freak Show mutants, which sabotages Naoki's plan to regroup with Shikamaru and use the Nagu blood vial to get them the hell out
Naoki opts to stay behind to distract the Freak Show and give Genma time to get Shikamaru out, so he kisses Genma in a heated moment to shut him up and save time by connecting their minds where he " communicated in seconds what would've taken minutes to put into words; why Tenka had killed those children; where he'd hidden Shikamaru; what he'd tried to do to fix him; the secret route he planned to use to get them out; and lastly, what he was asking Genma to do – no, ordering him to do." -UtS
He tells Genma to get Shikamaru out, basically, even though he hasn't finished 'fixing' the kid. Naoki gets caught (DELETED SCENE)
Genma does as he's ordered, only he can't bring himself to leave Naoki behind again so after crossing through the portal so Shuken can't reach the kid, he hides and secures Shikamaru (DELETED SCENE) and returns to go and help Naoki, letting himself get caught in the process
Naoki in the meantime has been at Shuken's mercy (or lack thereof) and is receiving a traitor's punishment (DELETED SCENE) -- it is at this point that Genma's flashback dream comes into play where Shuken is starting to shown signs of transmogrification due to the natural energy in his system (think Sound Four on steroids) and wants to know Genma's name and where he stashed Shikamaru
(LONG DELETED SCENE) Meanwhile, Kurayami is borne in Shikamaru's consciousness and THAT is the person that wakes up when Shikamaru finally comes to. He secures himself some Nagu blood, re-enters the portal and goes on the hunt for Shuken
(HUGE DELETED SCENE - hinted at in Genma's memories when he's talking to Tsunade) Shikamaru/Kurayami finds Shuken. He goes for Shuken like a heat-seeking missile, taking out mutants as he goes, unintentionally freeing Genma in the process, his shadows bringing chaos. He does damage. A lot of it. But in the last minute Naoki comes between Shuken and Shikamaru and gets Shuken's knife in the back. Shuken is out for the count after that. Naoki, knife in back, prioritises clamping his hands to Shikamaru's head, trying to shut down Kurayami and lock the alter away, as the whole building is coming down.
This was Naoki's last bid effort to try to save Shikamaru's mind by sealing off all the alters, knowing he didn't have time to integrate them.
Shocked Genma snaps into Kaika mode and gets his shit together, scooping up unconscious Shikamaru and running like a mo-fo with Naoki in tow
Naoki can't run any further, he falls and is bleeding out, tells Genma to run one last time and get the kid to safety, reminding him that Shikamaru can't be allowed to remember etc. Makes Genma swear an oath to him.
Though it costs him his heart, Genma does as he's told one final time. And it's too late to go back again after getting Shikamaru to safety at last. He believes Naoki is dead.
Phew! Sorry for that LONG list. I hope it clarifies for you those missing/deleted scenes, sweetie? Sorry again for any confusion. I own that as a big mistake on my part; sadly at the time, the mammoth wordcount and my runaway brain steamrolled ahead. In hindsight, I'd absolutely fix those gaps upon revision.
Aaa. Okay. I think I got most of my thoughts down so far. I'm sure I'll come back to gush some more, maybe ask some more.
You are most welcome to, luv. I am delighted and humbled by your interest and your huge support for my fic. Thank you for your patience with my response and thank you again, so, SO much for such an outstanding response to my insane contribution to the Naruto fandom.
I am grateful beyond measure and meant every single word I wrote you in that DM. I repeatedly revisit this review and I shall for as long as I write. 💗💗💗 Thank you.
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okamirayne · 1 year
*a wild friend just phases into existence before you*
SO! 14 chapters into this masterpiece - I was surprised at my reading speed but then I remembered I once read 14 books in 7 days so I'm actually dallying right now - and can I just say I love how you connected the different groups into the same coherent narrative
Like, how you go from the kids to Kakashi and Genma to Ibiki and so on, it's very dynamic. I hate switching povs usually cuz they tend to slow shit down but you manage to keep everything feeling smooth and fluent. Quite the feat
Also, I adore the dynamic between Neji and Tenten. She deserves so much more than canon gave her and I get the vague feeling you agree xD
I'm also still very intrigued with how you write DID. Media portrayal tends to be very monotone if not malicious, you go for a very nuanced and appropriately unsettling portrayal that feels very respectful. Like, yeah it's terrifying, not because it immediately makes someone do evil shit (Criminal Minds!) but because changes in the mental landscape of a person are really fucking scary.
I'd also like to say you deserve a reward for managing the fucking 180 in the ShikaNeji dynamic compared to BtB without making it redundant. Lots of writers fall into the same patterns over and over until it becomes stale, you absolutely do not belong in that group
Uuuuuum, yeah that's it for now. I won't talk about That Man because I don't want to think about him *sniffs disdainfully* what a turd
So back to it I hop!
*the wild friend just drops onto the floor and keeps reading*
Dammit, Wild Friend...you're getting my Dastardly Twins emotional...
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I'm so damned chuffed by this amazing feedback you're generously taking the time out to leave me...Thank You.
Also, I adore the dynamic between Neji and Tenten. She deserves so much more than canon gave her and I get the vague feeling you agree xD
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Oh absolutely. I'd have loved to explore her more. I know Kishimoto's focus was predominantly on the male characters (understandably, I suppose, given the genre), which is why the women are interesting to flesh out. Especially secondary characters. I mean don't get me wrong, a deep-dive into Sakura would also be interesting. I touched on it a bit in HHU, but it's too easy to go down character rabbit holes. Must. Contain. Myself.
I'm also still very intrigued with how you write DID.
Thank you, Wild Friend. I hope it was respectfully written within the bounds of creative licence and storytelling. I had to do my homework surrounding this condition for an OC. No research is wasted.
I'd also like to say you deserve a reward for managing the fucking 180 in the ShikaNeji dynamic compared to BtB without making it redundant. Lots of writers fall into the same patterns over and over until it becomes stale, you absolutely do not belong in that group
I'm super happy you think so, Luv. Fortunately their own personal arcs help a lot with that...until of course....THE UNSPEAKABLE CANON HAPPENING...
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okamirayne · 3 years
Hello, I been wondering. How do you write Ibiki so well? I love the ruthlessness and humor you put in his parts. Honestly he is one my fav!
Also, what process do you start when creating fights?! You are the First author that had me imagining the fights without having to fill the blanks some other stories leave. The part when Aini encounters the mutated gorillas! It still gives me chills! It amazed me! Sorry if it’s a long post!
Hello there, my dear Koiwater!
Ah! Ibiki!
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Wey! I’m so very thrilled you enjoy this portrayal in BtB!! I wish I knew how to answer your question, sweetie. Maybe I was a pathological sadist in my past life? Maybe I still am??? XD  When I write these characters, as well as with OCs, I try to sit in their brainpans for a while and make sure I have a grasp on their history. As a war-hardened veteran, Ibiki strikes me as a no-nonsense, gallows humour, ‘doesn’t suffer fools gladly and will take no prisoners’ kind of dude...also, given his rank in T&I, he’d need to have the capacity to ruthlessly regulate all aspects of his emotions in order to do what he’s gotta do. Once again, really happy you enjoy him! He’s good fun to write.
Also, what process do you start when creating fights?! You are the First author that had me imagining the fights without having to fill the blanks some other stories leave. The part when Aini encounters the mutated gorillas! It still gives me chills! It amazed me! Sorry if it’s a long post!
Not a long post at all, my luv!  I thank you for taking the time to leave these interesting ASKS!  With fight scenes, I’m highly visual. I may sometimes flick back to the anime and watch a fight play out and draw some inspiration, then mix and match martial moves and styles, adapting them to fit the fighter-personality and/or ninjutsu styles of the character(s) laid out in canon. 
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Everything plays out like a movie on the screen of my mind and then I try for the simplest explanation without (hopefully) overcomplicating the action.  Thank you for making me conscious of your enjoyment of these scenes; it lets me know I’m not over-complicating the action -- which can happen sometimes. I’m chuffed to learn that you enjoyed those scenes and you felt they flowed together, that’s really helpful for me as a writer and I appreciate it immensely! <3
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okamirayne · 3 years
Hi! I was re-reading UtS for the past 2 days. It reminded me how frustrated I was with Ibiki. I mean I could've hated him for being so uptight cold especially that time Raido went to him to ask about Genma but I didn't. I felt that somehow he's just trying to keep everyone at arms length. There's this question that keeps pestering me though. Didn't anyone get close enough to get a hold of him even just for a split second? The "spirit of youth" or the "talk no jutsu" perhaps?
Hi there Anon!
Thanks so much for revisiting the series <3 So chuffed to learn this!
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Ah, Ibiki. He's always a fascinating one to write.
I mean I could've hated him for being so uptight cold especially that time Raido went to him to ask about Genma but I didn't. I felt that somehow he's just trying to keep everyone at arms length.
Yes indeed, Anon.
There's this question that keeps pestering me though. Didn't anyone get close enough to get a hold of him even just for a split second? The "spirit of youth" or the "talk no jutsu" perhaps?
Ha! Love those suggestions. The Spirit of Youth especially. To answer your question, there were two people.
1. His genin teammate, Hayate...
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2. His little brother, Idate...
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Hope this answers your question, Anon! <3
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okamirayne · 3 years
Realized recently that Genma didnt make too much appearance in the anime. How did you actually come up with his personality and his relationships in BtB? Do you have any inspiration? or did you base it off of his few appearances? Because I feel like Genma's personality I came to know in BtB is very complex and Im glad that it's well written. How raw his emotions were and his internal dialogues are a few of the things I loved the most. Thank you for your hard work~~~
Hey there Anon!
Thanks for the ASK!
Realized recently that Genma didnt make too much appearance in the anime. How did you actually come up with his personality and his relationships in BtB? Do you have any inspiration? or did you base it off of his few appearances?
Great question. Genma’s relationships were based very loosely off an original trine of characters which manifested in the BtB series as Naoki, Karibi, and Genma himself. While Genma bears similarities to my OC (the drug issues and the past trauma with a healthy dose of smartassery), they are worlds apart in many ways. I delved into Genma’s canon trivia (what is available to source; his jutsu, the meaning of his clan name, his love of pumpkin soup/broth and his motto of ‘ no words but action’) These titbits were good fun to explore and flesh out and enabled me to add onto existing dimensions.
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Another e.g. would be his senbon chewing -- which manifested as a mild masochistic tendency. Plus, his partnership with Raidou, his rank as Goei Shotai etc. If a character has a rank, habit, behaviour, or insecurity, I want to know the origin and that invariably leads me into an organic development as I write them. Same goes for other characters like Ibiki.
As with all Kishimoto’s underdeveloped or side-line characters I take the bare bones from their trivia and anime-screen time and build something original but hopefully canon-worthy from there.
Sometimes I had no idea what was going to come out of Genma’s mouth until I was writing the scene -- but then again, it’s like that with most scenes insofar as dialogue, even if I have a general idea of where the scene is heading action-wise/plot-wise.
Because I feel like Genma's personality I came to know in BtB is very complex and Im glad that it's well written. How raw his emotions were and his internal dialogues are a few of the things I loved the most. Thank you for your hard work
How awesome to learn this. That means a great deal to me, Anon. I adore when readers connect with the characters. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know what you enjoyed and why. <3 I’m so happy to know you engaged with his portrayal! <3
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okamirayne · 3 years
aaayyy.. Late night Naruto thoughts again. Been searching my mind for an hour already but did anyone know or atleast ended up figuring out about the Shikamaru and Neji thing? I dont remember reading anything about it... maybe implied? did I miss anything like that?
Late Night Anon!  Those zzZZz’s still not finding you? 
[...] did anyone know or atleast ended up figuring out about the Shikamaru and Neji thing?
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The long answer is...all has yet to be revealed?? That being said, I’m pretty sure there is a former ASK where this is addressed...I just can’t for the life of me find it at this moment. Also, as is often the case, writing in the BtB-verse often uncovers things I didn’t expect. Yes, other characters do find out. But on the grounds of further spoilers, I’ll leave it hanging until I get the chakra to continue on in HHU. I CAN tell you that Hiashi and Shikaku knew. Hinata too. And Ibiki strongly suspected before Neji’s death. Thanks for the ASK, luv! <3
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okamirayne · 4 years
Hi! Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects? (Re: BtB!)
Hey there Anon!
Indeed I do. I’d need to sift through my BtB drafts folder.... but off the top of my head?
BtB Scenes:
Sasuke cameo in UtS
Genma flashbacks with Naoki and Karibi
Hizashi and Shikaku flashback
Hitaro scene or two
Inoichi and Sayuri meeting
Hibari and Sakura Oneshot though their dynamic concludes in HHU
Itachi and Kakashi flashback
Asuma, Genma and Kakashi scene
Naoki, Genma and Shuken
Ibiki and Hayate hospital scene
Few shikaneji ones
Edo Tensei scenes
I’m sure there are others in that folder as I was always adding to them.
Discarded projects?
An AMV. BtB related. Some art pieces to compliment the stories.
Discarded Storylines?
Do most of the secondary characters count? They are all MCs in their own perspectives. 💗
Itachi’s storyline for sure
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Thanks for the ASK, my luv! 💗
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okamirayne · 3 years
I wonder, if you were to indulge us with another hetero pairing within their circle of friends in BtB series apart from KibaxIno who would it be and why? or maybe are you open to writing a love triangle and such?
Hi there, Anon!
I wonder, if you were to indulge us with another hetero pairing within their circle of friends in BtB series apart from KibaxIno who would it be and why?
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Oh wow. Okay.  This is one of those times when my brain freezes on the spot and I’d need to be writing again to see what developed. Hinata would be interesting to work with, as would Sakura for that matter; moving them away from their canon obsessions that don’t seem to pay the women half as much attention as they do each other...
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I’d probably pair them outside of the friendship circle though. I’d really need to get into their skins for that. Touching on Sakura’s heartache over Sasuke was really quite sad to write...it’d be interesting to explore her growth through that.
or maybe are you open to writing a love triangle and such?
Oh yes. I’m open to going wherever the characters take me on the ride. Though I don’t always know beforehand where that will lead. Part of why I love going with the flow when in the writing process rather than pre-planning/pre-empting too much insofar as relationships (unless it’s absolutely pivotal to the plot, then I have to give it time to saturate in my brainpan). For example, while I knew Genma had a past big love, I didn’t expect him to be sweet on Kurenai -- which would’ve caused one hell of an issue with Asuma had the Sarutobi known. Then there’s Shizune’s unrequited feelings for Genma.  Ibiki’s casual ‘no-strings-attached’ with Anko. Hmn. The older Jonin seem to be coming up a lot more.  I’d need time with Shino, Lee, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Kankuro (if you include the Suna bunch) etc. to really do them justice. <3 Thanks for the interesting ASK! <3
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