#bts bon voyage season 3
golden-jeon-jungkook · 7 months
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Jungkook's morning CAM in Malta — BON VOYAGE S3 Ep.6
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clouds-of-wings · 8 months
My BTS bias is RM, btw. Just so you know.
My sister says he's the one who came up with the Carl Jung concept, so I guess it fits my interests anyway.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Thank you for calming some of my fears about this. This is stressing me out so much 😖
Do you have anything Jikook to share? It doesn't have to be about this, I just need some comfort right now.
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This is really not something to bother you leave alone stress you? Antis annoy me yeah, but I never let them get to me. Ever. I refuse to let ANYONE affect my BTS experience. Leave alone my Jikook experience. I know what I know, have seen what I've seen, and it will take Jikook themselves to make me stop believing they're a couple. Not some rats on the Internet waiting to shit on Jikook any chance they get.
Of course there will always be Jikook moments to talk about. I'll throw some random shit at you. How's that? 😆😆
Random shit No.1 -> I made a post here about JK's type and Jimin's lips keep popping up on every sm recently so they've been on my mind. Which is y I remembered a tiny thing from Bon Voyage season 1 ep 1. Keeping in mind Jin and Jimin are the 2 members with full lips (and RM some but not as much as Jinmin) it would make perfect sense that they are the 2 JK would zoom in on when interviewing them
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Thanks editors for the caption. 😜
Random shit No.2 -> Remember this post I made about Jikook living together, remember how I said it was weird Jimin was the only one who didn't have anywhere to live? Well recently this Karmy was talking about how hard it was for Jimin to leave his dorm life since he loves being around BTS sm
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Then this Kjikooker chimmed in on how JK bought Jimin an apartment to make him feel better 🥺🥺🥺
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So guess the theory is that JK is the one who bought Nine-one for them seeing as they were both living there. I mean if anyone should know its fans who live there, right?
When u really think about it, it all comes together because JK moving into Brunnen... a house owned by the company with furniture from the old dorm...proving just how temporary that place is...which again makes sense coz of the house he's building in Itaewon.....
While we are on topic, there is a moment missing on my living together post but we all know it very well.
If you pay close attention to Jimin you will notice him subtly lifting his eyebrow. Its so subtle that idek how people noticed. JK looks at Jimin while members are laughing at him and Jimin does that. 🤭 So yeah, that coupled up with the fact that they were all making fan of JK and his mattresses but Jimin who under normal circumstances would be part of the discussion was quiet as a church mouse. That was incredibly sus.
Random shit number 3-> is a tiny BV analysis coz we know how much i love those. Okay so JK climbs up a steep hill without cameras at the crack of dawn to get his baby some snow. We know all about that. So tkkrs the morons that they are, tried to claim this moment for themselves because JK showed the snow to V first and offered him to touch if he wanted to. But, aside from JK waiting for Jimin to come out, apart from him jumping up eagerly to show Jimin the snow, apart from him watching Jimin's face to see his reaction when he handed him said snow, and apart from editors saying point blank that JK got a gift for Jimin, we also have this;
Season 4 episode 3. Members play RPS and losers have to climb the hill and bring back snow.
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Someone i dont remember who, says that the snow will melt
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But JK who's a professional of bringing snow from mountains by now, chims in
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He already knows its not gonna melt since he did it before. Now he says that and then looks at Jimin and keeps looking at him
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Doesn't once break eye contact. This here makes it perfectly clear that he got the snow for Jimin and no one else. JK stares at his boyfriend for so long that Jimin has to look away/looks down 😂😂
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And JK still looking at him 🤭🤭 This dude just makes me so happy to watch Jikookery stg 🤣🤣 what does he want from Jimin?
Random shit No.4 -> while we are talking about BV there is something that happens i had to take note of. Yoonmin are the ones who lost and had to go up the hill to get the snow. When the rest got back to the cabin, Jhope was making people this magic toast with his secret recipe. This shit was so funny y'all should be able to remember it. He was so proud of it 🤣🤣 Anyway, when Yoonmin got back, Jhope asked Jimin if he wanted his special toast.
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But here comes the kicker. Jhope uses JK to convince Jimin to have the toast.
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This, ladies and gentlemen are the reflexes i was talking about. It's not just Jikook keeping the secret that they are dating. It's the members too. And sometimes they will slip. Our president being the main culprit. 🤭🤭🤭 what does it matter that JK liked the toast? Suga and Jin had the toast too. Why is JK the member he uses to appeal to Jimin?
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Random shit No.5 -> Is just this edit I like of Jimin having JK on a leash 😏😏
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Random shit No.6 -> Is this photo of JK looking at Jimin.
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That man is gone. His mind was elsewhere right then. Jeon Jungkook is a man in fucking love y'all. 😭😭😭😭
What's that? Different angle you say? Sure fam, I got you.
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Random shit No.7 -> BH saying fuck you to the haters.
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Random shit number 8 -> Jikook in Tokyo. The gift that keeps on giving. Here is a fan recounting
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Here is that one time members were asked:
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One more time from Jikook 🤗🤗
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He he hee... and we have heard them call eo that many, many times.
Random shit No.9 -> NBD just sassy bfs in the soop
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This is mostly for those who think Jimin is the only one who exudes this type of energy. 💅🏽💅🏽
Random shit No.10 -> This post wouldn't be complete without us going to the bedroom. 😏 Anygays, here is how Jikook look like when they're shouting in each other's briefcases
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That is all... hope u feel better now... have a good one ✌🏽😘
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BTS trip through time. 2016.
On this page you will find quick links to most 2016 content and other content that was released that year.
A lot happened this year and it was a huge turning point
Seasons Greetings 2016
Seasons Greetings 2017
2016 Summer package (12th August 2016)
Bon Voyage 1: in Finland, Sweden & Norway. (Filmed May 2016)
Memories 2016 –  released 31 July 2017
JAPAN FANMEETING Vol 3 (161109-161215)
There were several comebacks this year
160502 Epilogue Young Forever
161010 Wings 2nd Studio album
160816 AgustD
2016 Japanese Releases
160315 RUN: 6th Japan Single Album
160907 – 2nd Japanese album “YOUTH”
The year culminated with them winning artist of the year and Album of the year!!
If you can please support to help keep the site running. all help is very appreciated. Thank you.
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
Smol Brainstorm: Would You Stay With Me In Korea?
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Author's Note: Anotha smol oneshot/brainstorm. I found this in the old documents. This will take place in BTS Bon Voyage Season 3! The scene where the cute little boy went up to Jungkook and shook his hand. When I saw the scene this idea popped into my head and I wrote about it. It made me think of Jungkook wondering about the future with him and Jennie. Wondering if she'd stay with him in Korea and marry him one day.
I may add onto this when I officially get to this chapter but enjoy the cheese! (I still have yet to watch Season 3 but when I get to the chapter, I will! Val got a lot to cover lol.)
Looking at his phone while holding her hand, Jungkook tried to figure out where they were supposed to be going. Meanwhile, Jennie happily observed the scenery of Malta in the evening as the camera crew followed them. The couple had gotten so used to the cameras filming their moments together that it was like they didn't even notice anymore.
“Okay, I feel like we’ve been walking in circles. You sure you know where we’re going? I can always just look at the phone.” she suggested.
“I got it…I think.” he stopped walking and released her hand, scrolling through the map.
Laughing, she took his phone to figure out what the problem was. Periodically, she glanced at her surroundings while he stood next to her, watching what she was doing.
“This isn’t the right way,” she confirmed.
“What?” he whined. “How?”
“Kookie, just admit that you got us lost and you got too confident.”
“I-I was not!”
“That whole I’m the Golden Maknae speech from earlier is kinda funny now after finding out you were taking us the wrong way.”
“Or I did it on purpose so we can spend more time alone before we have to meet up with the rest of the hyungs,” he admitted.
“Which I enjoyed! But you could have just told me.” she playfully bumped into him while a bright smile came across his face.
Once he received his phone back, he then noticed a figure running their way and turned, looking down to see a little black boy staring at them curiously. Jennie glanced at her boyfriend, about to ask what he was looking at but then saw the kid. The boy was smiling at them and it made her heart flutter when Jungkook stuck out his hand for him to shake. After the child cutely ran off, looking back at them occasionally, Jungkook laughed softly and said that the boy was cute.
Before Jennie could comment on how adorable of a scene she had witnessed, Jungkook spoke up, again.
“Ah…I bet our kids will be just as cute as him.” he thought out loud.
Her heart began to race at his statement while Jungkook looked shooked when he realized he blurted it out loud. The camera crew filming them thought it was adorable while she looked down shyly with her face on fire.
Did he really mean that?
And just when she was about to reply, the little boy and his parents approached the couple and greeted them, introducing themselves.
Jennie gushed over how adorable the boy was and was able to see his cute smile up close and personal. She gave him a hug when she kneeled to his level and enjoyed his adorable answers to her questions as she asked him if he was enjoying himself and what he did for fun, today.
“Are you from here?” The mom asked once Jennie stood up.
“No, ma’am, my boyfriend and I are vacationing with our friends. It’s a beautiful place.”
“Wow, how long have you two been dating?”
“A couple of years, now.” she proudly said with a smile.
“Ah, young love. You remind me of my husband and I during our college years. Well, I hope for many more years to come. With the way you are with our son, I can see you’re good with children.”
“Me? You think so?”
“Yes, indeed. I bet you will be a great mom, one day.”
“Really? Wow, thank you. I hope so, too.” she grinned and laughed cutely, making Jungkook smile. “How long have you two been married?”
“We are actually celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary.”
“Wow, 12 years? What a blessing! I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. This man drives me off the wall sometimes but I love him.”
After a nice conversation with the family and saying goodbye, Jungkook walked with Jennie to their destination.
“Me as a mom? I get so nervous when someone brings something like that up. Do you really think I’ll be a good parent?” she started to ramble.
“I thought about it, actually,”
That took her by surprise but she thought he was joking and playfully hit him in response.
“Don’t joke like that!”
“Who said I was, Mrs. Jeon?” he giggled, looking at her lovingly while her heart skipped a beat.
“Stop playing with me.”
Kissing the top of her head, he wrapped an arm around her as they continued to walk. 
He thought about it often. The thought of marrying her and having children with her in the future. He couldn't see himself with anyone else but her. These years of being together have been filled with amazing memories and he couldn't wait to create more with her. 
For a while, he had started thinking that she was the one whom he wanted to settle down with. But he wondered if she would want to permanently be with him in Korea. Would she leave America and live with him in Korea?
With his mind deep in thought, he decided to ask what was on his mind as he removed his arm from her and continued holding her hand.
With butterflies in his stomach, as he thought about the future with her, he asked softly, “Would you...would you want to stay in Korea with me?”
Jennie stopped walking which made him stop, too as she made him face her. Standing on her toes, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him close for a sweet kiss as he held her in his arms.
Pulling away, she smiled. “Yes, I would.”
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fruitgummies01 · 26 days
It would be soo cool if they do that. But again can't say if they'll do or not because BTS already has "In The Soop", "Run BTS"(This is like long run show with ep every week) and "Bon voyage" (it's kinda similar to AYS except AYS) as well. Bon voyage also takes place in different countries so yeah i wonder if jikook would continue to do so. I'm sure we'll get run BTS back once they come back. Members has showed desired to do Bon Voyage again in future so ig that would come back as well. That's why i wonder if AYS in future is possible or not cause they already has those variety shows in similar settings so idk if jikook will again take their separate time out to do AYS. They'll be more busy once they come back cause I'm sure they'll release an album and their schedule is gonna be packed, then they'll also focus on solo activities as well along with group.
Maybe it'll be possible after some yrs when they're not actively doing these other shows so maybe they'd take their time off to do AYS. Hopefully so one day in future.
It's funny because I recently started watching Bon Voyage and I feel like is has a completely different vibe than AYS, but that might just be because the energy between Jimin and Jungkook feels more intimate. I have no doubt that when BTS reunites as a team when they are done with military service, their schedules will be unimaginably INSANE. From rediscovering their synergy as a team again, releasing new albums together, world touring, filming fun content together as a band, plus I would not at all be surprised if some of the members continue to work on additional solo projects on top of all that. I also think filming Bon Voyage is a top priority for them, too since they expressed wanting to do it again soon.
I do feel like the beauty of Are You Sure is that because Jimin and Jungkook were SO busy working on their solo projects, carving time out of their schedules to get away together meant even more to them, so I can see them having that same mindset moving forward. Plus I don't think it takes a lot of time for them to film, one weekend here, 2 or 3 days there, I feel like they could probably find time once or twice a year if they wanted. But I would much rather AYS not happen due to busy schedules, than it not happen because of some of the negativity online.
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curio-queries · 3 months
Run BTS: 069 | BTS in Toronto part 1
Original Air Date: 30 APR 2019 Episode Length: 32:01 Total Parts: 3 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Idol
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Synopsis: The guys are in Toronto! we'll follow them to visit Niagara Falls and to their lodging for the night. they're going to be given suprise missions by the crew randomly throughout the day for points, lowest points at the end of the day earns a punishment. This part covers visiting Niagara Falls, lunch, and grocery shopping.
Production: This is such a great series of eps. The main production burden is actually on the edit once they have their pile of minigames to rely on. other than that, it's keeping an eye out for opportunities to game-ify what the guys are doing. Since BTS are professional travel entertainers, they know how to work with this kind of set up and it's more a partnership between them and the crew.
Endearment: Like I said above, the guys are pros at this. There was a time where I thought these episodes were their test to see if the guys could put out a successful travel show but this was aired 3 years AFTER Bon Voyage season 1. It's no surpise that they're so good at it but it's still so enjoyable to watch. Some of the minigames are poorly handled or misfairly administered and I dont even care.
Winner/Loser: see final part
Best Cheater: V, absolutely cheating on those cham cham cham games
Member Moments:
RM: RM yelling in Jimin's ear and immediately apologizing
JN: Jin's reaction to the bug in his face and no one else believing him at all
YG: Yoongi putting his hand out for a coin also completely makes the iconic broke millionaire meme
JH: Hobi zipping Jimin into his jacket with him
JM: Jimin being a complete memory squirrel
V: V's iconic Niagara bit
JK: JK's adorable pout at failing his remote-con mission.
Bonus Content: Fun fact, ep.070 was the first Run BTS episode i ever saw. 70 & 71 made such an impression on me as a teeny baby army. When I found out there was an episode before it?? I was in absolute heaven. All three of these episodes are so very near and dear to my heart. I realize I'm completely biased but I absolutely love these. I remember it was some random youtube upload that had the front and the end weirdly edited to not get blocked and for a while I thought all of Run would be following them around their tour stops. Anyway, the actual bonus clips here are great and so iconic as well
CQ Rank: 5
(CQ Eval Date: 05 JUN 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 068
Next Episode: 070
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aricastmblr · 3 months
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Jimin Jungkook Malta
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Jungkook llevando en moto a Jimin a pasear en InTheSoop2Final
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Jungkook diciendo adiós al drone mientras pasea con jimin en el bosque- InTheSoop2Final
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BTS | Bon Voyage Season 3 - Malta- Saipan
jmjk abrazados
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j.m instagram 28sept2023
JK작품 😅
el trabajo de JK 😅
Especial 3D Listening Party 1oct2023
🐰 : El pez, ¿la foto del pez? 🐰 : ¿Te refieres a la foto de la nube? 🐰 : En realidad, dibujé una ballena, no un pez, PERO ESPERA, ¿por qué dibujé eso? 🐰 : ¡Jimin hyung también se unió! ¿Por qué solo yo (risas)
j.m instagram
Happy birthday jk 😜
jmjk en ny
jmjk blanco y negro
Jimin Jungkook antes ahora travel show - momentos jikookkookmin
Algunas cosas nunca cambian
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daffyjjk · 3 months
Jikook moments in Bon Voyage~ My summer rewatch
I've been spending my summer rewatching old BTS content. Last week, I binged Bon Voyage Season 2, and now I'm on Season 3. I love that they chose Malta to spend time together; I was completely smitten, especially with Jikook when they paired up for sightseeing. One moment that stood out was how Jimin showed his protective and possessive side over Jungkook.
When Hobi asked Tae why they ended up hugging each other’s feet while sleeping, both Jungkook and Taehyung were speechless and seemed unsure of what to say. It was clear they were aware of Jimin’s reaction. Jimin took charge and reframed the question for clarity, asking, “What? Did they hug each other????” He first pointed out Jungkook hugging Tae’s feet, and you could see he was unhappy about it. He even said, “What’s wrong?”
Jimin is always on guard and ready to fight when it comes to jungkook . This was just my analysis. I hope you don’t mind—just sharing my views and thoughts after watching the episode.
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bts-polls · 1 year
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LAST CALL: What is your main platform for ENGAGING in BTS content?
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey I’m new to bts and I love Jikook although I don’t believe they’re a couple yet because. My friend advised me to watch the original bts content before watching the shipper videos because they’re misleading. I’ve been watching all vlives, bang tan bombs, award shows, Bon voyage, and ITS. When I watched all those, I noticed that Jimin gives Tae more attention than any other member, I noticed that Jk gives Jin, and Tae more attention, V gives Jimin and Jhope more attention. I also noticed that the way Jikook communicate is normal and nothing suspicious about it. I then decided to watch Jikook videos because I accidentally watched one when I was searching for Jimin’s song serendipity and came across the Jikook serendipity analysis. I’m now in the rabbit hole. I came across your page and you talked about “the news article that was ready to out Jkk’s relationship back in 2018”. I just wanted to know where you heard that and if there is any proof because I’m a person who doesn’t dwell on conspiracies but rather proof. Another thing, did they really get married because most of the videos mentioned how they got married during their trip to Tokyo. Another thing, are there any pictures of them hangout and living together. Thank you.
You watched BV and noticed Jimin gives V more attention? You watched original content and noticed that JK gives V and Jin more attention?
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I am so confused as to what you're talking about. I would bite if u said JK giving Jin more attention but V? What exactly are u watching? Are you sure its not that shipper content that you say you're avoiding? Specifically tkk content? Which ftr you will rarely find Jikook manipulated content. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but its rare. We don't need to manipulate. They give us everything on a silver platter.
I shared the dispatch thing not long before this scroll lower u will see it. No, Jikook are not married. They can't be married. And even if they did it wouldn't be recognised in SK. And at the time of them going to Tokyo, Japan hadn't recognised gay marriage yet. Jikook married as far as I know its something Jikookers like to say coz they act like a married couple. But they have been spotted with matching rings on more than one occasion which is a reason for suspicion.
I already don't like u from your V comment but sure let's look at a few things.
I always bring this up because no one ever talks about it but I honestly love it so much and it really tickled me.
BV season 5 episode 6. Vmin sleep on the bed
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JK makes the bed the next morning. Because Jimin is one spoilt boyfriend, alright? But when Vmon slept on that same bed, JK told them
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JK definitely favoured Jimin over V there anon.
Run BTS episode 71 JK makes a big pancake for Jimin because he had a penalty to do
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The kicker is though, anon. That Jin too was doing the same penalty.
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Why didn't JK make him a pancake too? Doesn't that seem like JK played favourites with Jimin and not Jin? 🤔
In the Soop season 1 episode 6. We found out V asked JK to speak casually with him
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But JK refused because;
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Meanwhile we have him going Jiminah! Jimin! Jiminssi! Everywhere all the time. So again anon, JK refused V one thing but has no issue doing it with Jimin.
Bon voyage season 3 episode 4 after Tkk did laundry they went upstairs and JK only checked on Jimin.
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He did not check on Jin behind him.
At this point I'm just offended that you haven't picked up on my favourite thing about Jikook and that's satellite Jeon/Jikook. You don't even need compilations to see this. Anything you watch. Anything at all. They are always next to eo. Always.
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They're literally always together. And JK always chooses Jimin. Not V and not Jin. Not anyone else. No matter what you watch.
Me thinks you need to rewatch what you already did because you missed everything.
Like Mizgator said, you're blind if you don't see it
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BTS Through time 2017
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This is the year BTS gained a large global following.
BTS Memories 2017 (released 27 June 2018)
Bon Voyage 2 – Hawaii
Seasons greetings 2018 [released 171215]
Summer package released 21st August 2017
Burn The Stage- (filmed 2017 aired in 2018)
The Wings Tour in Seoul DVD
Blood Sweat & Tears (JPN ver)’ CD
Here are the yearly links
January 2017
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017
December 2017
2017 Discography
2017 Comebacks
This year BTS released WINGS - You Never Walk Alone with Spring Day.
Later in the year they released the first of the Love Your Self Trilogy with Love Yourself - Her
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2017 Awards
This was the year BTS won the social award at the Billboard Music Awards
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2017 lives
2017 concerts
2017 interviews
2017 fansigns
2017 Festa
2017 Run & Gayos
2017 music shows
2017 Magazines
2017 really was a turning point for BTS where they firmly established themselves as Global superstars.
If you can please consider helping to support the site
As always, please support all the boys.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
BTS Bon Voyage Masterlist
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BV S1E2 - JM looking after JK
BV S1E5 - JM driving JK crazy
BV S1E6 - did JM’s drawing in the sand make him a TKK cheerleader?
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BV S3 - a few Jikook moments
BV S3E3 - was there or wasn’t there a kiss?
BV S3E8 BEHIND - Jikook sus moment
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BV S4E1 BEHIND - when JM couldn’t stop looking at JK
BV S4E2 - JK gifting the snow to JM
BV S4E2 - JM’s puppy
BV S4E2 - sus Jikook footsies (?) moment
BV S4E2 - did JK slap Suga?
BV S4E4 - JM is not annoyed with JK
BV S4E5 - hot tub fun
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btscontentenjoyer · 8 months
it’s the end of the week but I have nothing interesting to say apart from recommendation of my newest obsession which is drama called Welcome to Samdalri 🥰 super cute also perfect for little crying 👌
I’m planning to finally rewatch Bon Voyage 4 because I absolutely love the soft energy it radiates 💛 this and In The Soop 1 are definitely my comfort bangtan shows and I could watch them every few weeks! Do you have that kind of content that you like to watch more than the rest?
How are you? I hope you’re relaxing and doing just fun things! 💛🌻
Hi Julia 💕💕
First of all, I saw you saying in the tags of a post that you're injured? I hope you're doing better now and that it's nothing serious <3
I'm definitely adding this series to my list of kdramas to watch!! I'm quite new to watching them, but I'm currently watching Our Beloved Summer with my sister and we are enjoying it 😌😌
I actually haven't watched BV 4 yet at all! Maybe I'll also start it this week and then we can talk about it when we're done 🥺🥺 Both seasons of In the Soop are comfort watches for me too, some Run BTS episodes as well and then Kook's lives, although I haven't rewatched any of his lives since he left because I think they'll make me miss him even more honestly.
I have just been relaxing and not doing anything basically. And yet the time is passing so quickly! Which sadly seems to be the case for my days off always 😔 I started a new book called House of Leaves and it's supposed to be really weird, so I'm excited lol. I also have a few things to do with friends that I'm looking forward to this week which I'll report on next time!
I hope you have a lovely week and that BV 4 brings you all the comfort and joy that you need 💞💞💞
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
Next Bangtan Gal Chapters! :)
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Hey! This is to show what's coming next as I edit the chapters I made years ago. When I do officially make it to the last chapter I stopped at, updates will be slow since I will be back writing again but I'm excited to continue the story. If you are curious to see what's to come, here are the next set of chapters I will be working on. There are a few more chapters after this before I begin making new chapters but if you want to be surprised, go on ahead and just ignore this.
I do plan to put suggestive and smutty stuff in this. I don't think I am the best at it but it's a challenge I'm willing to accept and work hard in writing so stay tuned and bear with me! :)
You Were Worth The Wait (Jennie tells Jungkook exactly how she feels about him)
It's About Time (Jennie and Jungkook officially start dating! Jennie becomes a guest judge on Produce 101. While on break, BTS spend time doing leisure activities. Jennie and Jungkook celebrate their first Valentine's Day)
King of Masked Singer (Jennie stars in King of Masked Singer and gets surprised when one of her favorite artists is one of the judges for the show. Jennie encourages Taehyung with his acting)
Ejected (Jennie finally hangs with Baekhyun and meets the rest of EXO. BTS return for ISAC as Jennie deals with issues on the volleyball court)
White Day (JenKook get caught making out during a commercial filming. JenKook celebrate their first White Day together. Jennie continues to be mentored by G-Dragon as he helps her prepare for the Fire comeback)
FIRE (BTS film for Fire. Jennie hangs with Layla and thinks about when BTS went to film BTS NOW 3 and the Save Me MV.)
Prom (Jennie helps Jungkook when he gets sick before promotions for Fire. Jennie gets bummed when she sees Prom videos and photos on social media since she never experienced it before. Wanting to cheer her up, Bangtan thinks of a way for her to experience her own Prom) (Thinking of adding some suggestive or smutty stuff in this one! Still pondering as I edit and add stuff!)
Meeting Shawn Mendes (BTS film for Running Man again. Jennie goes back to America for interviews with Buzzfeed and iHeartRadio. She supports and joins Angelina for the BBMAs and finally meets her celeb crush, Shawn Mendes.)
Taking Things A Little Further (Jennie returns to Korea as BTS prepare for their Festa. Jennie hangs with Big Bang. Jennie comforts Jungkook and calls out the Flower Crew cast for how they mistreated him during filming. JenKook start a Twitch gaming channel together) (Thinking of this being a little suggestive or smutty. I'll think about it when I get there because of one specific scene)
BTS Festa 2016 (BTS celebrate their Festa for 2016)
K-Con 2016 (BTS have a horror movie night as a member pranks them by scaring everyone. Jin and Jennie film promos for their upcoming wrestling match against each other. Jennie and Jungkook hang with her family and announce they are dating to her parents as Jungkook works hard to get the approval of her mom)
I Need You On This (BTS rent out a movie theater to watch Captain America Civil War. Jennie's dream which she had been talking about for years finally comes true. Jen has the honor to film with Yoon Mirae for the first episode of Celebrity Womance. Jennie and Jungkook spend time with his family. Jennie supports AGUST D's mixtape)
BTS in Dubai
BTS Bon Voyage Season 1
WINGS 8 (After 3 years, Jennie finally dyes her hair for a BTS comeback and films her WINGS 8 Concept video)
Wild N' Out (Jennie guest stars on the show Wild N' Out with Angelina. Matt Rife tries to shoot his shot with Jennie while he has been in her DMs for weeks.)
This Is Not A Drill! (BTS watch and support Jennie's Wild N' Out Episode. A BTS member calls out Matt Rife on Twitter for being persistent with Jennie during filming. Jennie's WINGS 8 video and concept photos are released which breaks the internet. Jungkook and Jennie discuss taking the next step in their relationship)
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ezamevolni · 2 years
Traces: Too loud
When they literally exposed themselves and everyone panicked.
BTS Preview Comeback Show in LA (2018)
Jk: "I'm going to finish the dance with a special one" (42:37)
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Jin: if I stay quiet, nobody will know it's me. ...until we perform on BBMAs later and the countless stages after
Summer Package in Korea (2019)
I'm surprised not more people are hyping this one up.
"...Even if you and I break up, you will still be left inside of me."
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Still - Jeon Jungkook
You are the hottest among the four seasons. I see you once a year. But you are so strong that you stay in my memory the longest All the moments I spent with you still come to be vividly And even if you and I break up, you are still left inside me. And it is still hot.
Bro, this is a whole love letter. And just me or are we seeing parallels between Still and Stay?
Also Jin, who we can hear going 'Oh...oh...ah...' while Jk was reciting. Supportive yeobo, we love.
Btw don't let the editors mislead you with the subtitles. Jk was stuttering while explaining the drawing so he didn't finish his sentence nor did he say he drew himself. Look at the hairstyle. He obviously drew rap Jin.
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The members made no comments on the actual content of Jk's poem and focused only on his drawing.
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And back to "...It's still hot" he says.
Good for them.
Bon Voyage 4 in New Zealand (2019)
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Maybe everyone already knows this one, but it will always be mildly shocking to me that the editors included the part where Jk specified that the flying kiss was for Jin.
We have Min Suga's lovely GoPro capturing the moment in the background.
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I have suspicions that the main cameras weren't filming Jinkook at this moment which was why their guards were down and had this candid convo.
We love you, ARMY vlive (2020)
Another day, another live broadcast jam-packed with Jinkook love. But this moment lives rent free in my brain:
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Then Jimin's reaction to Jin saying "I love you" 3 times to Jk:
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In Korean, he didn't actually specify "I" while speaking so he meant it more along the lines of "Is it because (they) haven't slept and are drinking?". Also, he tilted his head at Jinkook when asking the question.
To which RM awkwardly replied "Getting tipsy(maybe)?" and Jhope hastily moved it along by clapping and shouting "Congratulations!".
At this point, what do we do with the people who are still giving excuses or blatantly ignoring them? Yeah I already know that shipping is a delulu pill but like, at least look at them and what they're literally telling us.
Use a different angle to look at them and everything will immediately match up.
(The year of the Black Rabbit is coming~ Wooohooo)
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