#bts lgo
jimimn · 2 years
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missing him :( [cr. moajmjk00]
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jinstronaut · 2 years
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your monthly dose of bts : BONUS, ot7
day 11 / 30
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btsydtrash · 1 month
how would namjoon ever be able to move on from his wife enough to get w yn i would be soo jealous of his WIFE bruh i could never
Hi! I presume you mean in Life Goes On?
So, Namjoon isn’t ready emotionally to be in a committed relationship. He’s still navigating his children, his company and his mental health which are his priorities.
However, YN shows herself to be an invaluable addition to his life and he quickly can’t seem to picture his life without her. Ergo, attachment. Ergo, feelings. Ergo, LOVE!
- moni 🐼
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
Delulu anon here:
I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to letter on face. I guess, for me personally, face ended with Set Me Free pt. 2 and signified his journey ending in this both triumphant but also angry way. Very poignant. It felt less like a "Oh, look, I'm magically better now" and more a "fighting is the only thing I can do now, I tried nice and look what it got me". To me, it signified the fact that healing isn't linear nor pretty, nor does it always end in a neat bow. It's his chrysalis moment, and also one of the best songs in the BTS catalogue.
The English version of Like Crazy and Letter are more an encore or addendum, in my personal view.
I'd contrast Face and its structure with D-DAY (whilst also flipping out over the fact that every album BTS has delivered in Chapter 2 has been an absolute experience), which ends on the very much softer note of Snooze and Life Goes On. Especially LGO (Yoongi's Version) feels exactly like how you interpret Letter.
In all honesty, both of us are probably right, and I'm usually someone who doesn't subscribe to any of the theories claiming a BTS song is about another member. It feels a bit cheap, because BTS are individuals with a lot of complex emotions that exist outside their relationship with others. I've seen people claim all sorts of things, and Letter is that one exception where I don't disagree.
Initial Ask
Hi lovely,
Ugh, yes, yes, yes! I agree with what you’re saying, so beautifully put! I too feel like set me free was the ‘end’ leading into MUSE’s ‘Rebirth’. And ‘Letter’ like an addendum, yes!
I think that’s why Letter isn’t on streaming platforms and a hidden track. That in itself is so telling. It’s not really part of the flow of the songs. To me (very simplified):
Face-off : Jimin kinda internalising his ‘issues’
Dive: being submerged in the overwhelming emotions?
Like Crazy: using unhealthy coping mechanisms and the push pull battle of not caring and caring too much?
Alone: the consequences of his ‘like crazy’ actions or realisations setting in
Set Me Free: overcoming, f*ck it attitude, leaving the sh*t behind, shedding the ‘filth’
Rebirth: self explanatory?
Showtime: he’s ready to take on the world with his new outlook on life, himself and people
SGMB: in love with love, love of people, his members, his fans, happy and want to be people’s happiness. In love and what’s people to enjoy love too.
That is a very rough & shallow summary (many have done interesting and thought provoking theories & analyses of FACE) but to me ‘Letter’ is more like ‘I can’t not do this for someone who’s been there holding my hand through this journey. I want to thank them, acknowledge them and continue to promise to them. They were a hidden part of this journey, an undercurrent’ his letter to him, his song to him, shared with us but not in the same way as FACE & MUSE. Not on streaming platforms for any and all. Memorialised in hard copy only. The lyrics needing extra scrutiny to read them, embossed not with ink. Embedded deep but still not straightforward to see.
I totally get you when it comes to always having their work attributed to the ‘ship.’ I don’t buy into a lot of it either.
BUT Letter speaks for itself. It’s not like ‘I wonder’ where Hobi collaborated with JK for them to make a lovely song. It’s not like how JK is their go to guy for guide recordings to be used by a different vocalist later on. In my opinion.
I like the way you think anon! I like that you are able to look at other members work and the topic as a whole, many focus on the two and the two only but I appreciate people who look at things wholisticly 😍 Yes I get you with the ending on a more mellow note like Yoongi’s DDAY with snooze and his cute version of LGO. Definitely
I really really really don’t like when anything and everything is brought back to their relationship and their relationship only. It’s demeaning. It’s like if anything a woman does was always brought back to her husband or her boyfriend you know? They have worked so so hard for very long to be whole, rounded, talented INDIVIDUALS. The experiences and stories they have to tell are not just one thing, their relationship. They don’t pick every song for their careers, every outfit, every prop, every scene just to highlight the man in their life. Honestly that would be scarily unhealthy and I’d suggest therapy.
I think a lot of the connections people make are what I like to call ‘cute delulu’ and what are these sites for if not to have a little fun with our chosen spaces/communities/fandoms. The majority of the time it’s just for fun and I enjoy it with us (even though I’m bad at instigating it😅).
It’s if people completely refuse to appreciate the actual art and intent and only want to use it for ‘ships’ that it’s saddening.
Thank you so much for the folllow up. It was lovely and I enjoyed it
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You are so sure and confident about jikook...it makes me have a side eye you👀👀 did you know something which we don't??👀👀some inside secrets??👀👀
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That tickled me anon. Ngl. 🤣🤣 I don't need to see their sex tape or the many nude arts JK has drawn of Jimin to believe in them as strongly as I do. 🤭🤭
We have 18+ moments which like I've mentioned before are reason enough. Then listening to Karmys is also key here. Like a major piece of the puzzle. Couple all that with Jikook and their families and that's all she wrote.
Can u imagine the amount of artwork JK's brother was tagged on? Hundreds! Thousands maybe. If you consider the vermin spamming BTS and their friends with disgusting tkk art. Hundreds he got tagged on. And out of all of them he approves only one? A Bamily one no less?
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There is plenty of tkk art with bam and yet this is what he chose to accept. Not to mention how he only used to draw Jikook and post only Jikook.
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Not Tkk. Not Jinkook. Not hopekook. Not yoonkook or Namkook. Jikook and only Jikook.
----- Again, JK's brother dressing his dogs in Jikook colours. 💛💜
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All Jikookers already know those are the Jikook colors. Bonus with JK dressing them 👆��� in the outfits Jikook had on during LGO
Anyway, back to family.
----- JK's mom making sea weed for JK because it was Jimin's birthday
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According to Karmy this is a testament to how close not only Jikook are but how much JK's family or rather his mom, values Jimin. (Ftr I think this story was embellished and I think Jimin was there but I digress)
Speaking of, more proof of how much JK's mom loves Jimin
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That's her son in law right there. 🥺🥺
---- Jimin's dad using JK as the messenger for Jimin's birthday
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Why not RM the leader? V the 'soulmate'? Why JK? 🤔🤔
--- Jimin's dad having ONLY Jikook stuff in his cafe. Not Yoonmin, not Minimoni, not Vmin or Jinmin. Just Jikook.
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Putting JK's and both their solo songs in his playlist. Just JK. I don't need to remind y'all that other members have solo music too.
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Looks like Jimin's dad is really proud of his son in law 🥺🥺🥺
---- Jimin's brother getting upset because Jimin was spending too much time with JK and he thought Jimin was replacing him. That was in the beginning too so for those who say JK hated Jimin u think again....
----- JK knowing Jimin's grandma's birthday. Almost like he was there even, going by how Jimin looked at him for confirmation.
---- Last year. Apart from Jimin of course, the only other member Jimin's dad held an event for at Magnate was.......... you got it! JK 😜😜 (and no he didn't do it for RM. People tried to ot7 this by including RM coz their bdays are close when infact only JK's merch was being handed out to those who attended the event)
----- Bonus! Bam hearing Jimin's name and immediately rushing to the door thinking his other dad is here 🥺🥺
What can I say anon, i'm convinced. JIKOOK IS REAL. 🤷🏽‍♀️
People running around like headless chickens, yapping about how Jkk don't see eo anymore meanwhile these old moments shall never change the fact that Jikook and their families are super tight for some reason 👀 You can't erase facts people. No matter how much you try.
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solarwynd · 6 months
Right?? This whole week as LC was increasing I saw non stop tears and recriminations because "guys we need to focus on new releases". But somehow LC reaches one billion and now suddeny the new focus is getting every member to 1B. They don't even seem to be that sad that neuron has completely left the chart. It's been 1 week 💀
Anyway the project is doomed to fail like anon said. Many armys nowadays seem to have no concept of how charts or streams work. I don't think most of them have worked out how long it's going to take to get all of them to 1 billion. With the numbers as they are SNTY and LMA would probably be the easiest to get to 1 billion and it would still take at least half an year more to get that done. Reminds me of that one army yesterday who had no idea that the spotify counter is for unfiltered streams or that army from a few weeks back who tried to cover up being an anti by saying let's get LC to 1 billion in 3 days when it still had 20M left to go.
I used to think armys (and other solos) were being deliberately obtuse about things because there's no way they don't see the payola JK got or not know how the hot 100 or radio works but I'm becoming more and more convinced that the armys of today are not the ones from 2018-2021 because they seem to have no clue what's going on most of the time.
Fandom is already divided as hell - with the anti-company stans and boycotts, the pro-company stans demonising other armys, some outright antis masquerading as ot7s and everyone else only being here for bragging rights and fighting other kpop stans, things are not looking good for 2025. BTS better bring their a-game for their next work because if they're planning on skating by with some boring ballad as a title track, weak concept and with all of them sitting on chairs, its going to land them nowhere with the fandom in this state.
All I know is armys better point that finger at themselves if hobi doesn’t chart on hot 100 next week, cause I’ve never seen such a lack of effort for a bts member’s comeback in all my years of being in that fandom.
“I'm becoming more and more convinced that the armys of today are not the ones from 2018-2021 because they seem to have no clue what's going on most of the time.”
You’d be correct. A lot of people left with the english trilogy and onward and got replaced by the chart obsessed ones here now. Which sucks cause army twitter was better 2018-2019. It definitely still had it’s issues but armys back then were a lot more useful.
“BTS better bring their a-game for their next work because if they're planning on skating by with some boring ballad as a title track, weak concept and with all of them sitting on chairs, its going to land them nowhere with the fandom in this state.”
Chair era was the absolute pit. I know it was concentrated around the more ballad type songs but even spring day had choreo. Pair that with both LGO and YTC being dull songs everything was just so lackluster. And after seeing Jimin do smf2 level choreo, having to watch him go back to sitting on chairs would do me in. So I honestly hope that they don’t come back with that. Or them damn white dionysus clown boots!
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taehyungfirst · 9 months
I'm trying to be more positive and less rant-y. But...its the way even the nicest seeming OT7s are radio silent on Tae's single. It's the ones that are prolific posters -- every thought, reaction; showcasing their dedication, urging others. It's how they can post multiple times for another member's expression but and yet Tae's birthday gift to fans gets nothing. It's really tiring to see the hypocrisy and how much Tae is taken for granted.
On a related note -- the "it's not my taste" is just an excuse. They can use it because Tae dared to go in a different creative direction. Because I highly doubt you have liked everything BTS equally. But you supported it regardless. I've heard it firsthand -- "not my favorite but have to support the boys..." But with Tae, suddenly buying his single for 99c is a huge ask? (Also, it's R&B -- it's not exactly light years away from previous endeavors for pete's sake. it's like like he's suddenly heavy metal. Listening to a soothing R&B song really that difficult?!) This isn't for more casual fans who do pick and choose -- that's fine. You should be allowed to follow your taste, if that's what you are actually doing. But too many fans are using it as an excuse specifically to not support Tae.
Ok, thank you rant over.
Whenever I mention the lack of energy from the fandom, not only I refer to the lack of tweets —because they tweet once and call it a day—, but also the way they tweet. No caps, no alarms emoji, not interactive, not encouraging. It’s so so obvious to me, it’s almost funny.
Yeah, the taste discourse will never work with me because they say Taehyung isn’t gp friendly but they still charted LGO n1 on billboard, so they’re just pick and choosing what they wanna support. And R&B is widely popular so idk either, they make me sound like I’m reaching when these are all facts my god 😭
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lokisasylum · 1 year
"SBS News reported on the high barrier to entry for non-English songs but thanks to BTS, Korean songs are the 2nd-most non-English songs to enter Hot 100 Top 10.
BTS charted 6 Korean songs—Fake Love, BWL, ON, LGO, My Universe, and Jimin's solo Like Crazy."
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
hey hey I saw a blogger say at some point jungkook said "he stopped doing the GCF series because they turned into work towards the end" is that true? do you know when he said this? :(
He said something similar in a vlive, but I don't think he was referring to GCF, but I can see how it could have been inferred that way. He said "It was my first time (directing an MV), so... when I filmed GCF and stuff, I started out of curiosity and bc it's so fun to film and edit videos, I made time whenever I could in between the promo activities to edit what I had filmed, and upload the results. But now it's become an official work so it was a lot of pressure"
That was said in his YouTube live talking about BE and being the PM and director for Life Goes On Music Video. He says this about 2 minutes in super quick.
It's an incredibly cute and adorable vlive and JK spends the whole thing being super humble about his work, and then just being cute with ARMYs too. I won't talk about it in its whole, but definitely watch it. It's where the party party yeah jokes come from too.
I personally think he wasn't saying that he stopped filming GCF because it started to feel like work (though he/they did start using GCF to promote BTS projects too, such as winter package with GCF in Helsinki, so maybe he did feel that way a bit, but its not been specified). I think he was talking about how different it was to film for LGO as the director. How GCF was just for fun and silliness and for him, more like for fun passion projects. But that it felt more intense and had more pressure when he was filming for WORK for the MV. At least that's how I read that phrasing. So unless he said something else about it somewhere else, I don't think he was necessarily referring to GCFs here.
Hope that helps!
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D-Day Preliminary Review:
D-Day: Is this a Stray Kids song? The autotune used in this way is a no. The song is okay apart from the chorus, which is truly awful and cringe, and I never expected to call Suga cringe. Something about the rhythm reminds me of Daechwita. The lyrics also seem to remind me of other songs of his. (7/10?)
Haegeum: The instrumental in the beginning is very cool and really sounds like Tony Montana to me. His flow many times reminds me of Daechwita, especially the bridge. The instrumental never changes just like in Daechwita, but he did a lot more with that song. Haegeum had potential but was not achieved (7.7/10?)
Huh?!: Okay, the beginning was cringe again. You're not actually a fourth gen rookie, Yoongi. I hate the chorus, my god. So cringe, WFT is happening. J-Hope sounds like a fourth gen idol too, and some of the lyrics seemed a bit cringe (the English ones). This is like a bad 3Racha song, no offense to Stray Kids (6/10, being generous...)
Amygdala: The album is improving? I'm not sure, I hate the chorus again. Suga has ruined autotune and he was literally the one who knew how to use it. Is this album so much worse than the other two because he didn't produce half the songs? But he had full creative control... Wow, will I actually like any song? This one also reminds me of SKZ, but in a bad way. (6/10)
SDL: We've moved on to softer songs. I think Suga felt pressured to write hard-hitting songs, which are Agust D's trademark, but Suga doesn't know how to write them anymore (that Agust D is gone). He told IU that he found he was better at writing softer songs, I can see why now. Suga used Adora's vocals in this track. I liked them, unlike in other tracks, because they fit the song. It sucks that they pretty much use Adora as a feature, but since she's a no name artist, they don't credit her properly. She has as many lines as IU in People Pt. 2. It's even worst in Sweet Night. Also, doesn't the beginning of this song sound like Wine? (7.8/10)
People Pt. 2: Unexpectedly, will this be the best track in the song? Maybe I liked Haegeum and SDL better (7.5/10?).
Polar Night: Okay? Forgot the song as I was writing my review (7/10).
Interlude Dawn: Really nice, actually. Suga said Ryuihci Sakamoto started out writing popular music before writings scores, and that he envisioned himself following his path because he liked writing instrumental tracks, and I think there's something there (8/10).
Snooze: The chorus is nice, the track is nice.. It's pretty comparable to People Pt. 2, maybe more my style though, it's darker and Suga's rap is more dynamic. But I loved the So Far Away callbacks, really elevated the song (8/10).
Life Goes On: He really used his LGO rap here. The original song is better, and that's not saying a lot. (6.7/10)
It's good I had low expectations for this album, especially after Face. This album is like the Face-fication of Agust D (in terms of sound). 7/10, by far the worst Suga album. It's not an Agust D album, it's a Suga album, but Suga's solo tracks in BTS are much better than this (except for Seesaw which is at the same level as some other tracks in the album). Suga said people who listened to this album only said it was okay and that he didn't have many expectations for the album, and he was right. It's just okay, whereas his other two mixtapes were outstanding, revolutionary, I cried listening to D2 for the first time because of how good it was. Musically, only RM is actually doing new stuff, challenging himself, and growing creatively. Maybe J-Hope is too, but I didn't love JITB. Fingers crossed JJK doesn't disappoint, because I need to love a BTS album again.
Favorite tracks: SDL, People Pt. 2, Interlude Dawn, Snooze.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
fav tracks?? i have too too many favs from bts sooo maybe ill just say my favs from d-day?
1). life goes on ( yoongis ver )
YOONGI VOCALS ARE SO GORGEOUS AND I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. the song is sosososososo comforting, and i listen to it everyday all day. people dont talk abt it enough,
2). polar nights
i love the lyrics, love his rap, love love
3). SDL
good vibes everywhere, 100% slay
if i HAD to pick 1 solo bts song, it'd be jinnies " the astronaut " bc im a sentimental bitch and i always cry at the " and i love you part". the song is so lovely, and always will be a favourite ^^
1) STOPP I LOVE HIS VERSION OF LGO WITH MY WHOLE HEART.. it’s one of the tour songs i kept crying during (more to come on tour-related journaling later lol)
2) polar night is… damn. talk about no holds barred commentary. like that’s everything rhythm and poetry is about. also this song reminded me of old school tracks when i first heard it, so after learning what the lyrics were i was just like “yeah, this is rap.”
3) SDL🥺💕💕💕 whenever yoongi and adora are on the same track it’s gonna pluck your heartstrings😭
don’t even speak to me about the astronaut that song made me cry myself to sleep for three nights in a row when he enlisted :’))))))))))))👍
what’s your fave/an elite run of 3 songs from any bts album or solo project?
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btsydtrash · 2 years
omg life goes on pissssses me off what a BITCH AND HER BITCH PARENTS
me too ngl! 😭
- moni 🐼
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gustingirl · 2 years
@joon-rkive tagged me in the hardest challenge i've ever had DFKJDJSF no but i enjoy it a lot, thanks baby!!
DISCLAIMER: I strongly believe BTS has one of the few non-skippable discographies and I really love every single song they've released and this list order can change almost every single day. Also they outdid the entire kpop industry i don’t even care
Literal chills every single time I listen to it. The chorus always has me on tears, it's that little thing they do with [Kimi dake wo hiroi atsumete tsunagete] that kills me every.single.time. I'm sure it's gonna be in my top 10 in my spotify wrapped cuz at some point of the year I got obsessed.
2. SPRING DAY - 봄날
I’m sure this one is pretty self-explanatory, considering it might be BTS' best song in their entire discography. For some reason it stayed in the charts for so long.
I put BS so high mostly because this fandom completely forgot about it (don’t worry I blame the pandemic mostly). Every single aspect of this song is literal art, from the lyrics to the beauty of the music video.
I’m an english-BTS-songs stan forever and ever, no english song can make me hate their discography and it includes these songs. Butter is the queen of their english era idec anymore, it hypes the shit out of me whenever I listen to it and whoever hates it can suck my di-
The reasons for this one? Idek, it scratches my brain in the best way ever.
I like how it builds and the choreo. It also reminds me to my favorite BTS era ever.
Hypes the shit out of me for good. I can’t stop watching the MV.
I’m putting it high mostly because I denied this song for years (i’m stupid, don’t ask why) and when I finally made up my mind I hated myself for never listening to it. Good one for real and it hits so well
BRING ME BACK TO THIS ERA GODDAMIT. That's all I can say really. No, kidding. The teaser already was perfect then the whole traditional instruments and the craziness of the beats just makes me wanna jump off a balcony (i’m in my charly garcia era)
I’m not sure where to put this one but there's that one part, the bridge, makes this song rise automatically.
11. ON
Another hype one, it's lower than heartbeat because the bridge doesn't hit as much but overall I love listening to it.
Can easily be put lower if you ask me. It's here because it was the first song I heard of them and the memories gives it that plus.
I learnt korean with this one SKDFLS no but seriously, yoongi's verse and the "yoongi-ah" gets me every single time. Could listen to it forever and ever honestly.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
I don’t get how y'all can hate this one. I hate the remixes but the song builds so sweetly and their voices sound pretty cool with it. I like the retro style and the dance breaks for the choreos were so interesting and different. That's why I like it, it was different to other styles and their english voices are nice to hear every once in a while.
My mom calls this one the pandemic song and I laugh every single time. I think the comfort this song gives me makes it sound so good. It's always about the feelings their songs give me what makes me like them more or less. That happens with LGO
MAKES ME CRY SM I really got freaked out thinking they were saying goodbye. Took me a bit to fully get into it and the hyundai version helped a lot.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
18. DOPE
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEEN this is their queen of hype songs.
I only hate that weird sound at the beginning of the song and this kind of hip hop is not really my thing. It's higher than WABPT2 because aw they debuted lksdfsdkf
It makes me laugh a lot for some reason, I just picture them trying hard to be bad boys in the recording studio and I laugh a bit. Anyways rapper jungkook is a FAVE.
My first comeback omg. I remember the problem called "they all dyed their hair the same fucking color". Anyways, I prefer the rock version for some reason and I feel the song would have been better if it was that one the OG version. Also the "fakey" love part kind of still bugs me but overall I love this song.
22. I NEED U
I know how much it means to them but I can listen to it every once in a while. Not my favorite but easily one of their best songs. It builds very strongly.
23. RUN
Like DNA (yeah I have many situations like this), I love the song but I enjoy it mostly while watching the MV or a live performance.
HYPEEE. But again, like DNA, the choreo kind of outdoes the song for me. I like to watch the mv and listen to the song that way than only listening to the song.
Only dropped it so low because I cry whenever I listen to it. Other than that, it could easily be higher. I just stopped listening to it cuz I genuinely can’t stop crying, I never get to finish the song
Not their strongest english song KJFKDSJ if it wasn't sounding so high school musical-ish I would put it higher. I do adore the sign language dance move and how happy they look while performing it. Also, catchy as fuck anyways.
27. DNA
Probably goes low because I might have overplayed it a bit. With this one I priorize the music video and choreo over the song itself. They kind of outdo it.
Took me a bit to get into it because the chorus bothered me a bit, when all the voices kind of overslap each other while singing different lines (never my favorite type of resource during a song, happens to with Kiss of Fire by Hugh Laurie tho I love that song) but it's still good.
I was never a huge fan of this one but I did have my obsession phase when I got into them. I like these songs were Taehyung would rasp his voice a bit tho I'm glad he's using it more like he did with Singularity.
I love Halsey but I felt she ruined the song even though she barely participates anyways. However, I only really enjoy Suga's verse. The song isn't bad but I got tired of it (enough to rank it this low, it still outdid the entire kpop industry idc)
31. N.O.
It was never a song I played too much for some reason. I do enjoy the chorus and oh shit the lyrics, I love their rebellious era.
I had a phase where I listened to it religiously but after that I sort of stopped LKDLKS. It's still very catchy.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times.
34. FOR YOU.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times. Before Lights and For You I prefer their B-sides.
i don’t know many armys i think i’m gonna tag @peachy-101 @christina-dh @jieunssi @senor-hoberto @jungkooks-princess @latenightjjk @sinatserendipity
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sageistri · 3 months
I do think there will be two mvs. Other Hybe groups released a track video, and it was similar to an alternate mv for a bts mv. Something like the forest version of LGO or one of the butter remixes, the group in one setting lip syncing to the camera.
We should be ready to stream whatever is released regardless because the prerelease is our only shot at a music show win because of the Olympics, and we need the yt views for that.
I get the picture now, but What group and song so I can check
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solarwynd · 9 months
there was a post on reddit about album streams and there was discussion about maknae line and how jimin did very well and there was many comparisons on 3 of them why one did better in 1 aspect and so on and I was thinking how is it fair for anybody to compare jk's full length promoted in us album to others korean mini's? like do u compare dynamite to lgo or bwl?
also somebody were talking how jimin should have gone to more us shows because jimin is their fav and i😭😭😭😭😭😭 jimin really wins hearts left and right huh
The fine print about numbers concerning jk vs the rest of bts will always go intentionally unread by the majority of people cause the bulk of them on the fan side don’t care. They just like seeing that jk “outdid.” But it’s funny you bring up dynamite vs lgo because back then armys defended lgo down since it came out the same year as dynamite and they were able to discern exactly why dynamite did better (even condemned the new armys who came in after it dropped who got comfortable with the industry support it got expecting it to be the same for lgo) but all of a sudden can’t do that now 🥴
Wish jimin would’ve done more us performances for LC too. Everytime he comes over here, it’s an event. That first introduction we got on Fallon was unforgettable. He did amazing.
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postsofbabel · 10 months
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