#bts min yoogni fanfic
atinystraynstay · 7 months
Soft Spot - Min Yoongi
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Synopsis: Yoongi closed himself to most of the world. He didn't want to risk anyone hurting him or the people that mean the most to him. That was until you came along, somehow having the golden key to his heart.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Genre: Fluff, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers
Word Count: 1.7k
Yoongi had spent over 30 minutes at the florist. His eyes bounced between all the different flowers, unsure what would be the best one to present to you. You would think that since Yoongi produces music, he felt a constant pressure for the next song to do better than the last.
However, his biggest worry was trying to impress you.
To him, not enough words could describe you. He has attempted to write at least one song to showcase his adoration for you. Yet, nothing seemed to fit. He could easily describe you as perfection. You were the one person who balanced him out amongst the chaos. The songs he produced with you in mind just didn't do you justice.
"Hyung, you ever going to make a selection?" Taehyung teased for him.
A sharp puff of air left Yoongi. He thought asking Taehyung to help him was the best idea, but he was starting to regret it.
"Would you shut up?" Yoongi murmured.
Taehyung went into a fit of chuckles before putting his hands up in defense. Seriously, he was here to provide insight?
Of course, Yoongi had an idea of the right ways to treat someone. He has experienced short flames of love in the past. But nothing like what you two had. It admittedly scared Yoongi at the intensity of emotions he felt within himself. He didn't mean to push people away, but he just often put all those emotions toward his career before another person. BTS counted on him to produce songs, to be a strong older brother. He didn't put another put through the wringer just because of his intense career.
But then he met you.
It started off innocent at first. You two just happened to bump into each other at the convenience store. He had been locked up at the studio, trying to lay tracks down for a new song when he needed a break. He figured going for a walk and grabbing an energy drink would help relax him.
Similarly, you had been crammed in your university's library working on a research paper. You were in the last semester of your graduate program, a step closer to becoming a Social Worker. Your fingers were starting to ache and you felt a bit restless after sitting at a work table. You decided you needed fresh air and an iced coffee before going to attempt to edit the paper.
You two had bumped into each other. Fatigue was written all over your faces that you hadn't noticed each other. That was until you bumped in as you tried to go to the register.
Seeing how tired you were, but also how beautiful you looked, Yoongi offered to pay for your beverage. When you tried to politely decline, he insisted after being in your way. Even though you were the one not watching where you were going.
As a way to show appreciation, you offered to give him your number. That way, you could repay him with a drink of his choosing whenever he wanted.
Since then, you two have been attached. Text messages were exchanged which then became FaceTime calls, particularly late at night due to both of your schedules. FaceTime calls quickly grew tiresome because all Yoongi wanted was to be in the same room as you, so you two began to hang out.
While Yoongi has not officially asked you to be his exclusively, he knew he wanted to be with you. You two practically saw each other twice a week. In his mind, you two were together.
That was until Taehyung pointed out that he hasn't actually asked you to be his, that you could be under the impression you two were just friends. Yoongi was doubtful, but his younger brother had a point. What if you saw him as only a friend? What if you were actually seeing someone else?
The thoughts made Yoongi both anxious but motivated to do something about it. Cue Taehyung coming in to help. Taehyung knew how to be romantic. He offered insight without Yoongi overthinking it.
"I'm telling you. She won't really care about the exact flowers. Just that you got them for her." "But they have to be perfect for her."
It brought Taehyung amusement to see how smitten his hyung was. Actually, all the boys were invested in Yoongi's love life. For the 10 years that they've known him, this was the first time that he was choosing something for himself rather than for other people. They all adored how dedicated Yoongi was to them and the group, but they always wanted Yoongi to be happy in all aspects of life. Including romantic.
They ever knew someone could be so happy over receiving a text message. At least, that was the case until they saw him grinning in his studio as he spun gently back and forth. He would re-read your texts to him, his smile getting wider and wider.
Or the way he thinks of you had random points. Having ramen for dinner? You like ramen. He would wonder if you had eaten, if you were happy, if you had a good day. See a squirrel while on a stroll? You were so energetic, so busy. What were you up to? Should he call you?
You were always on his mind. You meant everything to him and so much more.
It was why when he stood in front of your apartment door, his heart was racing. Yoongi was convinced that his heart was going to leap right out of his chest at this rate. He was practically shaking.
He sucked in a deep breath, looking down at the bouquet of flowers. Roses felt too intense for the occasion. He had selected an arrangement of blue hydrangea, blue delphinium, and white button poms. They reminded Yoongi of a clear, warm day and you were the sun. They were tied together by a pink bow, subtle but perfect.
Here goes nothing.
With his left hand firmly holding onto the stems of the bouquet, his right hand reached forward to ring the doorbell of your unit. It was a late Sunday morning. Sundays were your day to relax, to do self-care. He hoped he wasn't introducing, but he knew you'd be home.
From the other side of the black-painted door, he could hear shuffling. His heart fluttered knowing you were indeed inside. And about to open the door.
Did he get the right bouquet? Did you even like flowers? Should have have gotten a bigger bouquet for you?
He didn't have enough time to go through every scenario as soon the door opened. There you were. His angel.
Your hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with little strands framing your face. You wore a pair of black shorts but a large, oversized sweatshirt. All he wanted to do then was wrap you up in his arms and cuddle you. God, he was down bad.
You had a warm on your face, but quickly your eyes widened to see the flowers in his hand. You couldn't but hope they were for you, but you were convinced you and Yoongi were just friends. He was too kind to you to be anything more than that.
"Hi y/n," he said softly.
His voice sent your heart into palpitations. Nobody else sent you into such a spiral unlike he did so easily. It was just him greeting you but your knees were like jelly.
"Hi Yoongs," you spoke just as softly.
Yoongs. You were the only person who called him that. And he prayed you would be the only.
"What's going on? I figured you might be asleep still since you were at the studio until late." "Nothing can stop me from seeing you. I had a very important erran to run."
He was trying his best not to become a stuttering mess. But the way you were looking at him? The way you had a soft gaze yet lured him in, he was bound to crumble.
"These are for you, beautiful. Saw them and I thought of you."
Your cheeks turned bright pink. You were at a loss for words, and Yoongi noticed. He couldn't help but feel his ego rise. Maybe all the guys were right after all? Maybe you did like him?
He only got this confidence when he had a little bit of whiskey in his system. This was different, though. He didn't have liquid courage to fuel his delusions. He was stone-cold sober to see how you reacted to him. While non-verbal, your body language says everything.
"Oh Yoongi, they are so beautiful. You didn't have to do this." You took the flowers into your own hands to admire them up close. It warmed Yoongi's heart to see the way you took in their beauty, even though they weren't as beautiful as you are. He hoped you were seeing yourself just as positively, but he was ready to remind you constantly if need be.
"And I know what you're about to say." He began. "If you feel guilty for me spoiling you, why don't you accompany me for brunch? Going on an official date would make me happier than you buying me something."
Your head had never snapped up as quickly. Did you hear him correctly? Was he asking you out on a date? There was no room for interpretation when he said the words himself, but you weren't sure if you heard him correctly.
"Wait, you are actually asking me out?" "Well yeah, y/n. Isn't it obvious I like you?"
You opened your mouth to counter his statement, still in disbelief. However, you quickly closed it. Come on, y/n. Don't hesitate. You're so close to getting what you've always wanted.
"Can you give me 20 minutes to get ready and place these in water?" You asked. "Take all the time you need, angel. I'll be downstairs in my car, making sure it's all warm for you."
Feeling bold, Yoongi leaned into to press a lingering kiss to your cheek. "I've got nowhere else I'd want to be than spending time with you." Shivers ran down your spine from his tone and the way his words practically vibrated throughout your body.
He pulled back and winked before going towards the elevator. You gently closed the door before rushing to get ready.
Dreams can come true.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
A Yoongi smut where he is very cold and rude but head over heels for her
Im getting addicted to your stories btw🥹
OMG, thank you so much! Love ya!
Title: Only for you
Warning(s): Classic "Black cat/Golden Retriever" Energy, Curs!ng, D!rty Talk, Bathroom S!x, Creamp!e, Oral, and Fluff
Author's Note: "Hates everyone but you" trope is my absolute FAV! Hope you enjoy, and also this is a "Non-Idol!AU"!
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"No. No!"
"Baby, please! It's just-"
"No, no, no! Nope! Nah! No!"
You sigh deeply and move to straddle your boyfriend's lap as he shakes his head continuously. "Y/N. Don't." He warns and you smirk at him, knowing you'd get your way eventually. It was cute how he always tried to 'put his foot down' though.
"Baby... Focus on the set." You say calmly as you place his hands on your new lingerie set you'd gone out to buy just today. You knew you'd need the big guns for tonight. Black silk barely covered your body that was freshly washed, shaved, and lathered in vanilla lotion.
"Y/N, that's not fair!" He argues as he grips the fabric of your boy shorts in his hands.
"It's a night out, to a nice lounge, to celebrate my co-worker's birthday." You justify. Yoongi had no real desire to always go out and party. If he was forced into it, he'd have to get drunk. That's how he became more sociable and friendly. But other than that, he didn't have the patience for a night out. Or a day out. Or... Well, if it involved other people, let's just say Yoongi wasn't interested.
You knew getting him out would be hard. Especially right now. He couldn't drink thanks to his pain medication the doctors just put him on due to the cold air hurting his prier shoulder injury. You knew tonight, he'd have no real vice to hold on to. Besides you, that is.
"Can't we just... Wish her happy birthday over the phone? I mean, YOU don't even like her!" Yoongi mutters and you snort, moving to kiss along your boyfriend's neck.
"Y/N... I'm serious..." He grumbles as you lay him back, smiling at him innocently. "Don't 'sex brain' me. I'm not going." He says flatly and you hum as you kiss down his body slowly.
"Sex brain?! I'd do..." *kiss* "No..." *kiss* "Such..." *kiss* "Thing..." You mutter between kisses as you get to the waistband of his sweats.
"It's all cold out there, and the snow is mushy, and the lounge is gonna be packed, and I don't even li... Like... Oh..." Yoongi breathes out as you start to softly kiss the outline of his dick through his sweatpants.
"Go ahead, baby. You can complain..." You whisper patiently before rubbing the slowly swelling outline.
"Fuck..." He breathes out and groans. "Y/N, that's not... Fair." He huffs as you slowly pull out his cock and kiss the tip sweetly, as if greeting the thick member. It was your best friend after all...
"We'll give it a few hours, and then we'll say our goodbyes and head out." You say gently as you stroke your hand slowly up and down his shaft.
"I hate your coworkers..." He groans and you smirk at that. Yoongi wasn't judgmental by any means. But your fellow coworkers... They really didn't like his style, or his job, or his opinions and viewpoints... Actually, they didn't like Yoongi in general. You two really were from different worlds and you knew the world you came from was full of stuck-up rich people who only ever saw Yoongi for where he came from.
"Just think about it like this..." You begin before softly licking up his cock, watching the tip twitch. "You get to see that new red dress on me tonight, if you just agree to come." You mumble before swirling your tongue along the tip as he moans.
"Fuck, Y/N..." He moans as his hips buck up slightly, trying to feel your mouth more. It makes you moan around his tip, which in turn, makes him gasp happily. "O-Ok, ok. Just... Suck my cock, baby..." He pants, needing this. You smile and move your hand upwards along his cock, doing a twisting motion.
"And you'll try and be nice...?" You taunt, watching in amusement as he nods fast.
"Ye... Yes!" He pants hotly, hand moving to grip your hair. You smirk and get right to work...
"You said you'd be nice." You hiss in Yoongi's ear. He grumbles a bit in response, and you snort at the sound. "I agreed to try." He corrects in your ear, and you snicker before going back to the conversation the table was having about this week and the bad weather.
"What are you two whispering about over there?" A male coworker jokingly asks.
"Oh, you know Y/N is Yoongi's little mouthpiece." Another jokes and Yoongi stares them down till they stop their laughing. You facepalm slightly. He always had this dark, icy glare. Like a shark...
"So, uh... Yoongi," Another coworker speaks up, eyeing his leather jacket with a fake smile on her face as if she wasn't judging his outfit right now. "How's your little... Business going?" She asks with a soft laugh. Yoongi scrunches his nose at the question, eyeing her in an annoyed fashion.
"Oh, things are going great! Just had a deal close the other day, he's doing great things." You say fast in order to clear up the tension before Yoongi really comes out of his mouth with an attitude. You were actually surprised he hasn't already.
"God, do you ever talk?" Another coworker tries joking and Yoongi finally speaks up.
"Do you ever shut up? You should try it sometime, maybe it'll help lessen my headache." He says bluntly and then fake laughs. You cover your mouth as to not laugh at the shocked look on your coworker's face.
"Please, excuse us!" You say fast and get up, grabbing Yoongi and dragging him off with you. You lead him towards the bathroom and playfully hit his arm.
"I said be nice!" You say and he hums as he eyes you.
"You said try." He defends and you rub your face tiredly before you feel your boyfriend pull you into his arms. You playfully grumble and let him kiss the side of your face and down your neck lightly.
"You're such a pain..." You mutter and pull back to eye your boyfriend. He looked absolutely delicious tonight. "How the hell can I get you to behave?" You whisper and he eyes you with a smirk playing on his lips.
"I can make a suggestion..." He says and you hum.
"Reading your mind as we speak..." You tease and pull at his arm, dragging him off to the ladies bathroom.
The second you realize the coast is clear, Yoongi's already grabbing you and pulling you to the sinks. You laugh at his eagerness. "No way you're still horny..." You mutter against his lips as he kisses you hungrily.
"Blame it on this fucking dress." He grumbles and you snicker proudly, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"We're gonna have to hurry. Can't keep 'em waiting forever." You whisper.
"Fuck them..." Yoongi mutters with a snort before focusing on your neck. You shut your eyes and hum in enjoyment till you feel him bite your neck.
"Yoongi! No hickeys!" You pant.
"What? Don't want them knowing what we snuck off to do? Hm? Too bad. I want all those stuck-up assholes to know their fancy titles and big watches mean shit. Because you'd still rather fuck me." He smirks and his proud smirk makes you laugh.
"Oh? Makes you feel like you won the big dick having contest?" You joke and he presses against you.
"I don't know. You tell me..." He whispers cockily and you playfully mush his face.
"Don't talk my ear off. Hurry up." You giggle and grab the back of his neck to pull his lips to yours, kissing him deeply and passionately. He kisses back with the same heat. His hands reach under your dress for your underwear, and you shiver at the coldness of his hands.
"Wanna warm them up?" He whispers against your lips before sliding his fingers along your inner thighs.
"Fuck..." You gasp softly and your head goes back against the mirror as he slides two fingers between your folds. "Mm... Yoongi..." You gasp and he bites your collarbone as he strokes your clit.
"Please. I need it..." You pant out as if suffocated by your own desire. He pulls his fingers away and sucks them clean, much to your bashful delight. You're quick to undo his belt and the second his cock is free; your legs are spreading.
"Ha. I've trained you well..." He jokes and kisses you deeply as your legs tug him by the hips so he can slide into you already. "Fucking eager..." He taunts and slides into you. "Fuck. You were made for me..." He groans happily and you lean back to look at him with soft eyes.
"How romantic..." You tease as he bottoms out inside of you. You moan as your head rolls back.
"So fucking pretty." He whispers as he watches you closely. You grab his face.
"You can be romantic with me after you finish fucking me." You pant as you grab him in need. You core felt on fire.
"Yes, ma'am..." He whispers and gives in to you. He fucks you a bit faster as you yank off his leather jacket to feel more of him. His hands grip your hips tight to hold you in place and your hands grip the sides of the sink so you can hold your legs open. His hands go to the back of your knees to hold your legs up and wide apart.
"Yes! Oh fuck!" You moan out as your head presses against the mirror more.
"Why so loud? Because no one can hear you." He taunts in your ear, and you shiver at the thought.
"Give me more. Please..." You pant. You never knew what you were begging for exactly, but Yoongi somehow gave you what you needed every time. He angels his hips to find your spot as his thumb goes to your clit. "Baby!" You cry out as you grip his arms, always careful of holding him and he was always grateful of that...
He kisses you sloppily and pumps in and out of you, enjoying your own private world for a moment until there's a knock on the bathroom door. You're quick to cover Yoongi's mouth.
"Y-Yes?" You call as calmly as you can.
"Y/N? That you?" One of your male co-workers, Timothy, asks, and Yoongi laughs from behind your hand. You give him a look to stay quiet.
"Y-Yup. Yeah, it's me." You shakily call out cause Yoongi has decided now is a great time to slowly bottom out inside of you, so you feel every inch of him...
Your eyes roll back slightly at the pressure and the feel of his tip pressed firmly against your sweet spot.
"Are you okay in there? Did your little boy toy leave? We're sorry if we made you two fight." Tim says in an innocent tone that you and Yoongi knew wasn't so innocent. You knew Tim had a little workplace crush on you, but you were sure that always talking and showing off Yoongi would one day snap him out of whatever he thought was gonna happen between you two. But there was no realization coming from him anytime soon.
"Oh, no, we're-" You're stopped from your sentence by Yoongi sliding out and the hitting your sweet spot with the right amount of force.
"Perfect!" You call out in pure pleasure before swatting at his arm.
"Are you sure you're okay in there, Y/N?" Tim asks as Yoongi moves to your ear while fucking you hard and fast.
"Yeah, are you okay in here, Y/N?" He whispers in your ear, and you can barely focus on anything other than the bundle of heat in your stomach about to burst.
"Y-Ye... Yes..." You hiss out as you look Yoongi in the eyes with a 'I'm gonna kill you after this' look. It makes him smirk happily.
"Y/N?" Tim asks from the locked bathroom door as Yoongi kisses you hotly.
"Don't stop..." You whine quietly against his lips as he starts rubbing your clit.
"Cum, baby. Cum on my cock..." He nods fast and you tune out Tim effortlessly as you feel it coming.
"Yes!" You gasp and move closer to Yoongi, biting down on the cork of his neck as you cum.
"Fuck..." Yoongi moans quietly and holds you down on your cock so you're milking him. "That's a good girl..." He praises as you moan happily when you feel him fill you up. You grab him and kiss you as Tim starts knocking on the bathroom door relentlessly.
"Ugh. Stay here. I'll get rid of him and then you walk out." You whisper and Yoongi nods, pulling out of you. You wait for the shakiness to pass and, when you can feel your legs again, you get up and fix yourself before walking over to the door. You open it and poke your head out.
"Oh! You're okay. Thank god, cause I was so worried-" Tim is cut off by Yoongi walking over behind you, which makes you facepalm.
"Tim?" Yoongi asks as he makes it obvious that he's now fixing his belt on his pants.
"Uh... Yeah, man?" Tim asks, eyeing you both now wirily.
"You wanna fuck off?" Yoongi asks bluntly with the same casual expression on his face. You keep your face covered, not even wanting to look up at Tim.
"Uh... Yeah, yup, let me... Go back to the table." Tim mutters, a bitter look on his face before he storms off. You snort and turn to Yoongi, swatting at his chest.
"Would it kill you to be nice?" You ask and he pauses as if thinking.
"Mm... It just might. And then what would you do without me?" He plays along with the same smile that's only meant for you. You blush and nudge him lightly.
"Let's go. Before you fight someone else." You chuckle and grab his hand, pulling him off towards the table to get your stuff and run off back home.
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sweetlyskz · 6 months
Strange||Chapter Three
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐨𝐭𝟕 × 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲, 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐮, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
PLEASE READ: I can't lie... It took me a minute to figure out where I wanted to go with this story- I CRIED! I hate that it took me so long to get this to you guys :(... Hopefully the updates will be a little more consistent. ALSO I did revamp the banner a bit- the other one just doesn't fit the direction I’m about to take with this fic so BE READY!
thanks for all the love <3
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Not once, did it ever occur to you to do a DNA test. You grew up in an orphanage, so obviously you didn’t really know your parents. Honestly, you had no reason to know them, to know if they're dead or alive. You had Jin. And when he left, you had Jae. That was enough for you.
But now knowing that your father was out there, and that he knew Jin, made you curious. You weren’t really curious about your father, more so your mother. But, how did he know Jin? Phone tapping? Listening to your private conversations? Is that something that your potential father is capable of?
After ending the phone conversation with Jin, you both agreed to meet at a discrete location. He didn’t have to say the usual spot, you already knew.
A tree behind the orphanage, now old and abandoned. Someone could’ve spotted you from a mile away, but you didn’t care. It’s not like you were famous or anything. Unlike Jin, who showed up in a black zip up hoodie with a mask. He looked like he was about to rob someone.
“Dude, you look like you’re gonna steal my purse or something”, you teased. “We’re literally meeting behind an abandoned building. I don’t think anyone is here.”
“You never know, especially with your dad.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth about this whole dad thing? This could just be another lie you’re spinning to get me to forgive you.”
He sighed. “At this point, I have no reason to lie. And this is serious, Ynie.”
You climbed your way up the old oak tree, sitting on one of the limbs. “Where is he? Do you know? He shook his head.
“No, and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you”, Jin snarked. “He is dangerous, deadly.”
“I don’t care, Jin. He’s my father. You can’t protect me from this one.”
He climbed up the tree also, claiming a spot next to you on the limb. He laid his head on your shoulder as you sat in silence.
Just like old times.
“You still lied to me. Don’t expect me to forgive you that easily”, you reminded him. Yes, hearing about your father puts things in a different perspective, but the principle still stands. His loyalties should lie with you, not your potential father.
“I’m really sorry”, he apologized. “And I’ll never forgive myself for what I’ve done, but I really hope we can try to move past this, together. I’m not saying that things have to go back to the way they used to be. You’re an adult now, so you don’t need me to look after you anymore. But maybe we can start over? Clean the slate?”
You smiled, on the brink of tears. “Maybe. I have missed my best friend a little.”
“A little?” Jin teased. “I know it didn’t seem like it, but there was never a single day I wasn’t thinking about you, missing you.”
His hand reached your cheek, wiping away the tears. God, memories were a bitch. All you can think about is old times, but the good times, not the bad ones.
“You know we’re gonna have to tell them, right?” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “They’ll get suspicious if we’re suddenly the best of friends.”
You nodded. “I’ll tell them, don’t worry.” You both agreed it was better if you sat down and told his boyfriends the truth. Jin doesn’t always have a way with words, especially when their eyes pierced through his skull like daggers.
“I want to meet him, Jinnie”, you whispered. “I want to meet my father.”
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The next week went smoothly. You and Jin began to reacclimate to being in each other's presence. The bangtan meetings were more productive, considering you actually showed up this time. The beginning was a little rocky, though.
“Well, look who decided to show up?” The leader complained. “You missed– I don't know— about three meetings!��
“I’m really sorry”, you apologized, giving a formal 90 degree bow. Jin laughed at your teasing.
“This is the last meeting before we start promotions. I couldn’t miss this.”
You all discussed the boring partnership mumbo jumbo. You didn’t really pay attention half the time. You mostly texted Jin, in need of a distraction. 
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“Anything else to add Miss Kim?” Their advisors asked you.
“Yes actually”, you replied. “But it’s actually more of a private matter. Could I ask you all to step outside for a quick second? Everyone except Bangtan, of course.”
The manager gave you a quick glare before obeying your orders, grabbing their belongings and walking out of the office.
“Is she about to murder us?” Tae jumped up out of his chair, making his way to the door. “I’m too young to die!”
Jin rolled his eyes. “Yah! Would you stop being so dramatic and get back in your seat?”
You laughed. “I promise, I have no ulterior motives. I just want to apologize.”
You could tell that obviously wasn’t what they were expecting. They looked at each other, all wondering why they weren’t being chewed out by you for being a bunch of dickheads.
“I realize that everything that happened wasn’t expected, and I never meant to uproot anyone’s life. To be honest, I didn’t even know who you guys were before this partnership— well besides Jin. And the reason Jin was keeping secrets is because I told him to. But I want to be the one to tell you everything.”
The room went silent. It was like everyone was on the edge of their seats, like a movie hitting the climax.
“Ynie, you don’t have to do this right now”,  Jin assured you. “We can do this later, maybe when we’re all more comfortable with each other.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay. I need to do this now, or I’ll never do it. If I’m gonna ask for your help, you need to know the full story.”
“Help with what?” Joon questioned. “What do you need us for?”
“I need help finding my father.”
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It was a silent ride back home for the boys. With everything going on in their heads, after everything you had told them, it was hard not to ponder over it.
Even when they got back to the dorms, it was quiet. Jimin couldn’t help but beat himself up over his last actions, the way he first treated you. Looking at it from his point of view, you could see why he acted the way he did. But he still felt foolish for thinking that a person like you would be out to get him, to take what’s his. They all sat in the living room, stuck in their heads.
“We need to talk about this”, Jungkook said, breaking the silence.
“You’re right”, Hoseok agreed. “I think we should help her. Good karma, you know?”
Jin shook his head. “You don’t understand. I’ve met him before. He is dangerous. I don’t want him anywhere near her.”
“Okay, but that’s not your decision to make, Jin”, Yoongi argued with his arms crossed. “As a good friend, you need to just support her decisions and help her when she makes mistakes. You can’t make decisions for her.”
Joon agreed. “Yoon is right. Keep her from this and you might lose her entirely... again.”
“Then what do I do?” Jin asked desperately. “Just let her get hurt?”
Jimin consoled his exasperated boyfriend, lighting massaging his shoulders. “Yes, and be there for her when it happens-if it happens.”
All of those years he spent protecting you, raising you. To be honest, he missed it. But you’re not a little girl anymore. You're a grown woman, capable of making your own decisions. And he is a grown man, responsible and mature.
“Okay”, Jin agreed. “Let’s help find her father.”
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“Are you seriously gonna hang out with the same people that hated you like two days ago?”
You were getting ready to have lunch with the boys. You invited Jae to come along, wanting an icebreaker in case things are still awkward. He was helping you get ready in your lovely walk-in closet.
“We are all mature adults, Jae. Get over—”
“And let me also remind you, that Jimin guy embarrassed you in front of millions of people! They're all a bunch of dicks.”
“My favorite”, you teased. He threw an old t-shirt at you.
“You have the humor of a teenage boy.” Jae picked a shirt hanging up in your closet, handing it to you.
“That one, so we can match!”
“Like a couple?” You asked sarcastically. “How cute!”
He snatched the shirt back. “Never mind. Jin probably wouldn’t want us to match anyway.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why would he care what I wear?”
“Because he’s totally crushing on you, him and his boyfriends— maybe not Jimin though.”
"You're delusional", you scoffed. "There's seven people in that relationship. I bet they're not looking for anymore."
"Whatever you say... But that Namjoon guy was definitely checking you out at the awards show."
Another shirt was thrown across the closet, and with that drawer of socks, but even after the conversation ended you wondered…
Was what Jae said true?
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Taglist (if @ is purple I can’t tag you :()
@scuzmunkie @moon-cupcakes @quillan-pie @uarmyhore @xjiminsthighsx @dreamamubarak @exfolitae @snookerbooker @bex-tk1 @prettybitxc @frieschan @whipwhoops @lulu-83 @minaaathings @demarie04 @svnbangtansworld @juju-227592 @bangtantxts @blancflms @girl-nahh @kameko-ko @cutiethecupcake @worcesheshestershiresauce @irishhbamb
Lmk if I forgot to add you or you would like to be added <3
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taekookielove0130 · 4 months
Slowly, Unintentionally.
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Part 3 Pairing: Idol!Min Yoongi x Nerd!Reader
          Y/N and Yoongi are two individuals in completely different worlds who collide due to an arranged marriage. What happens when there’s somebody else living with them too?
⚠️ Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst, heartbreak, and crying. Tissues are highly recommended!
Part 1 :
Part 2:
One week later...
 Y/N's POV
It’s been a week since a beautiful angel stepped into our lives and we’ve already grown so close. I can say I truly love Ae-cha with all my heart. We spend so much time together. She helps me out in the kitchen (even though it just means she’s going to rummage through the cupboards and find a good snack) and even slips into my bed late at night. She’s sneaky and cute and just downright lovely to me. Despite the way Yoongi despises me with every fibre of his being, I can say that he’s at least able to tolerate my presence now. Barely, but still.
I’m broken out of my thoughts as I feel a pair of small hands sneak around my waist.
“Oh, you’re back!” I say and turn to look at Ae-cha who beams at me, nodding eagerly. Today, I took a leave from my office just to make sure I was there for Ae-cha as she came back from her first guitar lesson. I hoped I'd be at least a little helpful for her and was definitely not disappointed as my little girl came back home and immediately sought me out. She starts talking animatedly about how wonderful her teacher had been and how patient he was to make sure she got all the basics right before beginning their lesson.
Knowing that she probably already knew all those basics but still liked appreciating the teacher for her thoughtfulness, I smile at her and then realize there’s another person in the kitchen at the sound of someone clearing their throat. I realize it’s Yoongi by the sound and turn around returning to my work as I know he wants to talk to Ae-cha. Hence, you can see I’m surprised when he softly calls out,
Hiding the fact that my heart just skipped a goddamn beat hearing him speak my name in such a soft tone, I slowly turn to face him. He’s standing there. Leaning against the top of the kitchen counter, looking impeccably handsome as ever.
“Can we talk?”
The softly posed question both confuses and scares me to an equal level though I just gulp, trying to wet my suddenly dry throat and manage to muster a believable smile.
“Yeah, sure.” I say and find myself even more confused as he instructs Ae-cha to go to her room and complete her homework. The little girl turns to send a secretive smile at me and runs outside, giggling after I dazedly smile back at her.
Yoongi stays there for a while, watching her go before he directs his attention at me. Being the centre of attention has always made me nervous and anxious but I don’t understand why being the centre of Yoongi’s attention has me feeling happy and powerful. It feels as if l my life I was used to being invisible, made peace with the fact but If Yoongi looks at me, I never want him to look away. He walks towards me and stops at an arm’s distance.
“I spoke to Ae-cha’s guardian yesterday and he told me that adoption would be a good option if we want to keep her with us. Otherwise, according to the law she’ll have to be sent to an orphanage. My legal team has told me that adoption can only be possible if there’s a functioning relationship between the couple. It’s said that the officers are hard to convince unless the pair have and understanding with each other. I know that we haven’t exactly been a proper couple but do you think we can at least try to pretend?
The fact that he wanted to talk to me only because it was about Ae-cha breaks my heart again. Even worse, he’s just giving that to me as a piece of information, not even slightly caring about my opinion. I struggle to gather the broken pieces before I say,
“Yeah, I think we can.”
He doesn’t make my struggle easier when he speaks again,
“Thanks. But you know that I’m only asking you this for Ae-cha, right? It has nothing to do with us.”
I feel tears prick my eyes but I hold on, deciding not to break down in front of him. I offer my best smile to him and nod.
He replies with an,
“Oh good. See you later then.” and walks out.
I run to my room and lock the door before crying my hearts out. Within a few minutes, I hear a soft knock on my door. Groaning, I'm about to tell whoever it is to go away when
"Y/n, Are you in there?" Ae-cha's voice sounds from the other side of the door. Panicking slightly, I sniff a few times, hurriedly running to the restroom and splashing my face with water.
"Yeah, what's up?" I ask, smiling brightly at her after opening the door to my room.
The little girl eyes me up and down suspiciously as if she isn't convinced everything's fine.
"hm, I was going to watch a movie. Wanna join?"
I frown, trying to find out why exactly she's behaving as if she knows everything before shrugging as to say,
"Sure, why not."
Ae-cha settles down on the couch, flipping through the programs to find a good movie while I make some popcorn for us.
After we settle comfortably on the couch and the movie is playing, I space out. Not that I mean to, but the recent events all awaken my overthinking abilities. I had a pretty good day from the morning, what with Ae-cha's guitar lessons and all but once again, Yoongi had to ruin it. But even with how badly he treats me, I cannot bring myself to hate this man. I'm more annoyed than angry actually. If he wanted to go about the adoption process, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to surpass all the legal procedures with his societal standing and popularity. But he was deciding to do it the legal way. And I respect that, truly. But the least he could do for me, was to treat me like an actual human being and consider my feelings about the whole things. At least for the sake of pretending, we had to get to know each other. He just...
As the million wild thoughts race through my mind, I feel a soft warm body slowly move towards me on the couch. Turning, I see e-cha snuggling under my arm, cuddling closer and laying her head on my shoulder. at least, she tries to but with her height, she's only successful at lading on my chest. Laughing softly, I pull her closer, creating a comfortable space for her to lie down on the couch.
Smiling up at me, she leans closer and for a second I'm almost afraid. But then, her soft lips gently graze my cheek and I sit, frozen at what just happened. Then, she gets back to her previous position. Pleasantly surprised, I'm only able to wrap her up in my arms and almost miss it when she whispers softly,
"I'm there for you."
The burn of my eyes and the sudden tightness in my throat are all to familiar but i stubbornly blink them back, only nodding and pressing a kiss to her temple. She looks up at me and we smile at each other.
This wonderful creature, so small. But filled with so much knowledge. I sit there in awe trying to comprehend how she can be so understanding in spite of not understanding!?!?
I finally decide, I can tackle whatever Yoongi throws t me, no matter how hard as long as I have my dear Ae-cha by my side. I love her. And I love him. In different ways. Yet at the same time, soo similar.
That was quite a long break. I apologize for it. But as you can see, I'm back. I'm working on this fic and a small one-shot based on Jimin. SO, stay tuned. Do tell me what you think.
Does Ae-cha KNOW what happened between them? Is Yoongi doing this the legal way just for formality's sake or for something else? Ae-cha is actually and angel, isn't she?
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arxims · 4 months
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Returning to Seoul was a decision that you finally ended up in , given that it was the place where you spent your past years. Leaving your messed up past behind, you made the conscious choice to return to Seoul in order to breathe new life into your existence. Little did you know that this decision would change your life. For the good or bad. As you reconnected with an old friend from your past, you were introduced to his younger brother, whose presence became far more significant in your life in a twisted way than you thought.
Pairing : jungkook x reader 
genre/au : a lot of angst, smut, killer!Jungkook, non idol au, violence. 
Warnings : graphic depiction of violence and gore, lots of blood, mentions of rape, smut, sexual activity, toxic Jungkook, red flag Jungkook, psychopathic behavior red flag behavior, mentally disturbed characters, suicide, murder, depictions of torture, serial killing, lots of trauma, depression, criminal behavior, murderous tenancies, possible major character death, mentions child abuse and child pornography, unprotected sex, cumming, teasing, commitment issues. 
Rating : only suitable for mature readers 
Word count : 7.5 k
<previous chapter | next chapter >
"Jungkook's not here?" 
Jungkook's absence was immediately noticed by you as you entered Taehyung's home. Taehyung, visibly exhausted from a long day at work, was lounging on the couch, engrossed in a TV show. You took a seat beside Taehyung. With a weary smile, Taehyung responded, "He's out, God knows where." Over time, you had transitioned from being just a friend to feeling like a member of Taehyung's family, allowing you the privilege of entering his home without the need to knock.
As you settled in, a weight on your mind prompted you to share your concerns with Taehyung. "There's something, Tae. Something that bothers me," you expressed, your gaze shifting to the Korean comedy show playing on the screen. Taehyung, sensing the seriousness in your tone, sat up attentively and lowered the volume to listen intently. "What is it? I'm here to talk," he reassured you, meeting your eyes with a look of genuine concern.
"It's about Jungkook," you confided softly. Taehyung's protective instincts immediately kicked in as he inquired, "What about him? Did he say something?" The thought of Jungkook potentially causing you distress stirred a protective urge within Taehyung, who regarded you as a cherished younger sister. "No," you responded, "But I don't know what I am to him, Tae. He's not even giving me an answer. He loves me, he's my boyfriend. But he's not letting me make anything official.
Taehyung raised an elegant eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by the situation unfolding before him. Observing Jungkook's behavior, he couldn't help but ponder if his brother had finally found solace in a single relationship. Jungkook's constant chatter about you, both at home and elsewhere, with your name ever-present on his lips, led Taehyung to believe that Jungkook was deeply enamored with you. The intensity of Jungkook's feelings was unmistakable, mirrored in your own actions and words.
As Taehyung mulled over the situation, a furrow creased his brow, reflecting his confusion at the lack of an official commitment between you and Jungkook. "What do you mean it isn't official?" he inquired, his expression a mix of concern and bewilderment.
In response, you poured out your heart, expressing your inner turmoil. Despite being treated well and loved by Jungkook, the absence of a formal label for your relationship left you feeling unsettled. "I know he loves me and cares for me, but he hesitates to define our relationship," you confided in Taehyung, your eyes brimming with unshed tears. The fear of losing Jungkook to another woman weighed heavily on your mind, tugging at your heartstrings.
Taehyung gazed into your eyes, his own reflecting a blend of worry and contemplation. The question lingered in the air, "What is he up to?" The complexity of emotions and unspoken desires hung palpably in the air, creating a web of uncertainty and longing.
"You asked him about making your relationship official. What was his reply?" 
"He said he doesn't wanna put a label on our relationship," you sighed, feeling a sense of desperation creeping in. Despite this, you believed it was a risk worth taking. 
"All I want is to be with him, Tae. To build a life together, start a family, and grow up in a small home. That's all I yearn for," you pleaded, knowing that only Taehyung possessed the ability to navigate this situation. He was the sole individual Jungkook would listen to.
"I asked him to meet my parents and he acted like he… HeHe only loves me for sex” you gazed at Taehyung with pleading eyes, hoping for a solution. "Please, convince him to meet my parents."
Following a moment of contemplation, a glimmer of hope flickered in your eyes as Taehyung offered, "I will try. I'll try and talk to him”
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It was late, almost nine when Jungkook returned after his meeting with Yoongi. He was proud of the widespread news of Hajoon's murder and echoes his glorious name - the shadow reaper. 
He slowly closed the door of the house. As he turned back, his eyes met with the figure of Taehyung with his arms crossed. “Look, We need to Talk, Kook” Taehyung's voice sounded serious, it worried Jungkook a bit considering the fact that Taehyung was rarely serious. 
“Hyung.. Talk about what?” Jungkook's eyebrow raised. “About you, (Y/N) and your relationship with her. What are you upto?” His arms uncrossed as he raised his voice slightly. A scolding tone evident. 
“What are you saying, hyung?”
“Aren't you two together?  Then why can't you just fucking meet her parents. Poor thing only asked you to make it official and You turned that down?” Taehyung spat. He clearly despises Jungkook's actions sometimes and this was one of them. 
“Because I didn't feel like it. Did she tell you about it? She came to you whining?” Jungkook talked back. He threw his coat on the couch putting his hand in his pocket. 
“The matter is. You're making her confused. If you're her boyfriend, you should act like it. You're acting like you don't even love he-”
“Because I don't. . I'm not sure about it, hyung. But I need her”
Taehyung felt like someone hit him with a brick. His eyes widened in shock. “What did you say?”
“I. Don't. Love. Her. I'm feeling something I never felt before. And I don't know what the fuck it is” Jungkook said in a whisper. Eyes piercing Taehyung's. “But Hyung, I want her. I need her. I wanna keep her. And don't you dare break the glass palace she made in her heart. Let her believe I love her. It's better. But don't force me to just meet her parents  and all that bullshit because I'm not planning to marry anyone.”
Taehyung felt his hopes breaking into pieces. He was finally at peace when Jungkook found his girl. But he was more hurt over the fact that you've been hoping for a life with Jungkook more than anything. How are you gonna take this? Jungkook cannot lie forever. One way or another, you'll know the truth. Taehyung weakly sat on the couch “I can't believe this… You've been betraying her?” Taehyung's voice rose. “No. She needs to know.” Taehyung search for his phone on the table. But before Taehyung could reach it, Jungkook picked it and smashed it on the floor. 
“You're not telling anything to anyone, Hyung. Just remember this. The day she leaves me will be the last day I'll stay sane” Jungkook warned, leaving Taehyung in utter confusion on whether to save his friend from a lifetime heartbreak or keep his mouth shut for the sake of his brother's life. He knew Jungkook didn't make empty promises. Before storming off, he said one more thing. 
“(Y/N) is mine. She'll forever be mine and whoever steps into my way, I won't hesitate to end them.”
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Though Jungkook rejected the proposal to meet your parents, he agreed to come with you to Jennie's wedding. Cause you whined a lot, of course. 
“You look perfect, baby. I'm jealous” You said, fixing his shirt as his hands rested on your waist, lips inches away from yours. 
“Are you sure we have to attend this wedding? cause you look so fuckable in that red dress baby.” He stole a kiss from your lips in the conversation. 
“No Kook. Keep your dick in your pants for once. It's important” You looked back at him. His line of sight met with your chest. “After the event baby. I'll let you have me” You just feather kissed his nose. “Don't tempt me wildcat, I might take you right there infront of the guests. Bend you over nicely. You want that?”
“As much as I want it, Kookie, we can't. I can't just ruin my cousin's wedding.”
Jungkook opened the door of your side as you stepped out of the car, at the wedding venue. Jennie loved peonies. So you were the one who designed the wedding venue decorations. And you tried your best to make it the most perfect one for her special day. 
“Baby, I'll go to the bride now. Socialize, okay?” You gripped his collar and pressed a kiss on his lips. “Uh huh” He grumbled, gripping your hips, leaning to get more kisses but you pushed him away. You turned your heals. As you took a couple of steps, you turned back and mouthed “Socialize. Love you” And you went to help Jennie.
As you mingled with the guests, ensuring everything was running smoothly for Jennie's big day, you couldn't help but steal admiring glances at Jungkook from across the room. His rugged good looks and charming demeanor never failed to make your heart flutter, even after all this time together.  
Watching him , laughing and making small talk with the other guests, you marveled at how effortlessly he seemed to fit in, his charismatic persona putting everyone at ease. No one would ever suspect the insecurities and self-doubts that he had confided in you during your most intimate moments together.
Your reverie was broken by the arrival of the dashing groom, Kai, looking every bit the perfect husband-to-be in his immaculate tuxedo. As he caught your eye and gave you a warm smile, you couldn't help but notice Jungkook's expression from across the room – his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, his jaw clenching with barely contained jealousy.
You smiled back at Kai, pushing aside the brief flicker of unease you had felt at Jungkook's reaction. This was Jennie's day, and you weren't about to let anything ruin it for your beloved cousin.
"You've really outdone yourself with the decorations," Kai said as he approached. "Jennie is going to be over the moon."
A swell of pride filled your chest. "I'm just glad I could make her day even more special."
As the ceremony began Jennie made her grand entrance, resplendent in her white gown, which was also chosen by you. As Jennie and Kai exchanged their vows, you felt delighted. You couldn't help but look up at Jungkook, who's supposed to be on the altar with you, saying vows to protect and cherish you forever. You couldn't help but imagine you and him there, you in your white gown and him in his tuxedo. Holding hands. It made your toe curl. Everything was going perfect 
The reception went really well. You really enjoyed it with your friends and your man by your side. And what made you proud is you got so many compliments. Especially on Jennie's wedding venue decorations and all.It was overwhelming.
“Thank you So much (Y/N/N). Thank you for making my day special” Jennie hugged you tightly before getting into the car with Kai. You happily waved them goodbye. 
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After the wedding ceremony and reception had concluded, you excitedly approached Jungkook. Since Jungkook was showing no signs of seriousness in your relationship, you decided to take the initiative. You found him in the crowd as you dragged your steps towards him, your parents in tow. This was the perfect opportunity to finally introduce the man who had captured your heart to your family.
 “Kook” You immediately hugged him, pulling back, you turned back to your parents. 
"Jungkook, these are my parents," you beamed, gesturing between them. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook."
The moment the word 'boyfriend' left your lips, you noticed Jungkook's expression shift. His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched, and a muscle in his cheek twitching - telltale signs that he was struggling to contain his rising anger.
"We've heard so much about you," your mother said warmly, seemingly oblivious to Jungkook's discomfort as she moved to embrace him.
But Jungkook deftly sidestepped her gesture, his body language becoming increasingly tense and guarded. "I'm not her boyfriend," he said through gritted teeth, shooting you a pointed glare.
You felt your cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and confusion. Jungkook had made it clear from the day before that he didn't want labels or anything too official, but you had hoped that after meeting your parents , he might be open to taking that next step.
"We're just...seeing each other," Jungkook continued, his voice low and clipped. "No need to make it more than it is."
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group as your parents exchanged a bewildered look. You opened your mouth to explain, to smooth over the awkwardness, but Jungkook cut you off.
"If you'll excuse me," he muttered, already turning on his heel and stalking away.
As you watched him go, a sick feeling twisted in the pit of your stomach. Jungkook's aversion to commitment was nothing new, but the intensity of his reaction had caught you off guard.
Deep down, you knew there was more to Jungkook's behavior than met the eye. He claimed not to want labels, but his possessiveness and need to keep you close betrayed a deeper truth - he craved your love and devotion, even if he didn't fully understand the depths of his own feelings.
Jungkook was a man at war with himself, torn between his desire to possess you completely and his fear of the vulnerability that came with truly opening his heart. And as you stood there, reeling from his outburst, you couldn't help but wonder which side of him would ultimately win out.
Little did you know, the battle raging within Jungkook was far darker and more twisted than you could ever imagine. For beneath his charming exterior lurked a monster - a creature of violence and depravity that craved your light while simultaneously yearning to extinguish it forever. king 
He drew in a shuddering breath, conflicting emotions flickering rapid-fire across his chiseled features. When he finally spoke, his voice was little more than a hoarse rasp laced with a strange melancholy.
You followed Jungkook into his car before he started it and started driving to his home. You were determined to get to the bottom of his erratic behavior back at the reception. The car ride was silent as you battled with the inner emotions you felt. The whirlwind of doubts and questions you asked yourself ‘Am I wrong?’’Does he love me?’. The car pulled up into Jungkook's apartment. He swiftly left the seat and harshly slammed the door. His anger is still evident in each of his motions. 
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"Jungkook, wait!" you called out as you followed him inside the home. "You can't just dismiss me like that in front of my parents." you finally decided to speak up after a silent ride. 
He wheeled around to face you, his expression thunderous. In that moment, he was practically a stranger, the warm familiarity you'd come to know and love eclipsed by clouds of anger and irritation.
"Dismiss you?" he bit out, his tone laced with derision. "I was merely being honest for once instead of playing along with this ridiculous charade."
You recoiled as if he'd struck you, struggling to process the venom dripping from his words. "Charade? Jungkook, what are you talking about?"
He closed the distance between you in two long strides, his movements almost predatory as he crowded into your personal space. You could feel the anger rolling off him in waves, mingled with undercurrents of something that made your instincts screech with warnings to flee.
"Don't act so scandalized," he sneered, lips curling into a cruel approximation of a smile. "We both know I've never claimed to want any kind of label or commitment. So why go parading me around like some kept man, hm?"
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as hurt and confusion swirled through you in dizzying eddies. This bitter, unforgiving stranger was a far cry from the vulnerable soul you thought you knew – the tenderhearted man you'd given every piece of yourself to.
Sensing your distress, Jungkook seemed to rein himself in slightly, his expression shifting into forced neutrality as he struggled to regain control. When he spoke again, his voice was careful, almost gentle – but you could hear the tightly leashed menace lurking beneath.
"Look, baby..." he sighed, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of hair behind your ear. "You know how I feel about...attachments. About being tied down. It's not you, it's just who I am."
You flinched instinctively at his touch, and something flickered in Jungkook's eyes – a predatory light that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
"But that doesn't change the fact that you're mine," he continued silkily. "Mind, body, and soul. I just can't do titles or anything too...official. You understand, don't you, sweetheart?"
As the full weight of his words settled over you like a suffocation, you realized that there was something deeply unbalanced about the dynamic between you. Something that extended far beyond his denial to labels. 
As Jungkook moved to gather you in his arms once more, his familiar scent and the memory of his gentler embraces, you wondered if you were finally getting a glimpse of the depths he had so carefully kept hidden. About what you are to him.
If so, the truth was more twisted and terrifying than you could have ever imagined. But even as dread coiled through your veins, some deep part of your heart still clung to the desperate hope that the man you loved was still in there somewhere, fighting to re-emerge from the gathering shadows.
"You know I want you, baby. All of you, forever." He reached out, calloused fingertips grazing your cheek with an odd sort of reverence. "But husband? Father?" A harsh chuckle rattled in his chest. "Those roles...they weren't made for a man like me."
Jungkook's gaze bored into yours, intensity and haunted desolation in those depths. For a beat, his guard seemed to slip completely, allowing you a glimpse at the tempest of darkness that dwelled within.
"I'm toxic, y/n," he said, each word carrying a strange shadow of self-loathing. "Poisoned to my rotten core by demons you can't even begin to comprehend. Giving me those kinds of titles, those kinds of...expectations..." He trailed off, shaking his head as he deciphered his next words. 
"It would only end up ruining your very existence."
“Isn't that what you're doing now?”You fired back, but your rear drenched lashes canceled out the intensity in it. Jungkook raised a hand, effectively silencing you with a look that mingled tender adoration with soul-deep anguish.
"I can't be what you want, no matter how much it kills me," he said simply. "The most I can offer is myself – the broken, damaged man who needs you with an intensity that terrifies me. Beyond that..." Another weary shrug, devoid of hope or expectation. "I'm not built for picket fences and babies, sweetheart. I can only ever be a wildfire, scorching everything in my path."
As he drew you into his embrace, you felt the truth of his words like injecting into your very spirit. 
Though you knew your choice had already been made long ago, every sane impulse in you urged you toward self-preservation, a voice that repeated in your mind, begging you to save yourself from the incarnation of hellfire in front of you. And you felt the need to keep yourself away from the impending insanity you're gonna drag yourself into by staying with him. You were hopelessly, inextricably bound to the tempest of his love . 
In the end, total devastation was inevitable for you. The only open question was the extent it'll reach in the aftermath.
You pulled back abruptly before Jungkook could claim your lips in that searing, desperate kiss. His forehead creased with a fleeting look of confusion that quickly gave way to resignation as you leveled him with an unwavering stare.
"What do you mean you're not made for this?" you demanded, gesturing vaguely between the two of you. "For having a real future together? Then why did you let me believe it was possible, Jungkook? Why give me that kind of hope if you knew all along it would lead nowhere?" you finally found your brain in the mayhem of thought whirling inside you and decided to speak up. 
He opened his mouth as if to respond, then seemed to think better of it, jaw ticking as he warred with himself internally. For several endless moments, he simply studied you intently, fingers flexing at his sides in wordless agitation.
"I never lied to you, (Y/N), " he said at last, voice low and tinged with a weariness that went bone-deep. "Not about the most important things. I told you from the start that I don't do commitments or pretty fairy tale endings."
 "But you..." He trailed off, seeming to struggle against the reins of his own restraint. "You burrow so deeply under my skin, baby. Make me want things I have no business craving."
You fought the urge to lean into that scorching familiarity, too raw and off-balance to surrender so easily. You have to. You can't go back to this agonizing cycle of pain you've been going through for seven months. 
"When I'm with you, it's like the broken shards inside me piece themselves back together for a few fleeting moments," he confessed, voice dropping to a hushed rasp. "Like I could actually be the man you deserve, instead of the warped, unforgivable thing I know myself to be."
He drew in an unsteady breath, agony writ large in the taut lines of his expression. "So yeah, I let myself get caught up in the fantasy sometimes. Deluded myself into believing we could make it work against all reason and logic."
“We can make it work. If you just let me. I'll make us work. I promise” Your voice seemed tired. You just wanted him to be with you. 
Stepping in closer once more, Jungkook cradled your face between his large, calloused palms, forcing you to meet the turbulent depths of his gaze head-on.
"But the truth is, I'm a fundamentally fractured thing, (Y/N)," he said, each word etched in harsh reality. "Dangerous and selfish to my core. Giving me a wedding ring, letting me put a baby in your belly...it would only end up tainting the light I love most about you. Twisting it into something as warped and wretched as the demons that ate away at my soul from the inside out years ago."
“ I don't understand. Jungkook. Did you lose your mind?” You whispered against His thumb which skirted the plush swell of your lips, his touch feather-light yet carrying the banked heat of a thousand barely leashed desires. "I lost it a long time ago. I'm not built for a forever baby. I can only ever be ashes and ruin in the end."
As the weight of Jungkook's grim self-assessment washed over you in chilling waves, you found yourself caught between two impulses - the driving need to soothe the haunted parts of him, and the screaming instinct to cut your losses before this pain of realization manage to pull you under as well, crush you under the weight of pain, suffering and agony that your dreams have been withered in breeze. 
In that moment of reckoning, you were forced to confront the truth that the man you had poured every ounce of your limitless devotion into has never wanted to spend the lifetime with you, let alone be tamed by something as precious and fragile as the dream of family you still clung to.
Jungkook was the wildfire he had always claimed to be - beautiful in his fury, yes, but ultimately destroying all in his path to  ash if allowed to burn. And you, solely, with burning heart, decided to rescue yourself from his scotching fire which could potentially set your sanity ablaze. Only if it already isn't destabilizing. 
Tears traced  down your cheeks as the full, devastating weight of Jungkook's words finally penetrated the fabric of your naive denial. This man – this beautifully destructive force of nature you had given every piece of your heart and soul to – he was never truly yours to possess or nurture into something sustainable.
"All of it was a lie," you murmured, more to yourself than him as your vision blurred and swam. "This whole time, you let me believe we could have...everything. A real future."
Jungkook made a choked, anguished sound low in his throat, reaching for you instinctively. But you stumbled back, wrenching yourself from his touch as if it was a poisoned Thorne. 
"Don't," you bit out, mustering what little remained of your fragile composure. "I can't...not again. Not after hearing the truth straight from your lips."
He froze then, every hard line of his body going rigid as you seemed to age a thousand years before his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, baby," Jungkook rasped, each word dragged from the deepest wellspring of his shattered soul. "You have to know, hurting you is the last thing I ever wanted—"
"But you did hurt me," you cut him off, voice little more than a wobbling whisper through the maelstrom. "You just admitted to living a lie, letting me pour every ounce of myself into an illusion because facing the ugliness inside was too hard. Despite my condition. You still made me…"
A solitary, broken sound escaped him. But you couldn't bring yourself to look, to let the all-consuming intensity of his presence draw you back under before you'd found the strength to break its spell once and for all.
Drawing a deep, shuddering breath, you straightened your spine and lifted your chin, channeling every last ounce of your battered self-worth and respect. 
"This...this is the only way then," you said, each word like shards of jagged glass scoring the delicate flesh of your heart and soul. "Clearly, we want different things, Jungkook. Things you can never give me, no matter how much we might try to force it. We shouldn't...we can't see each other again," you concluded, the taste of your own damnation on your tongue. "Not after laying it all bare like this."
Pivoting on your heel, you turned away from the man you loved – the demon who had consumed you, piece by precious piece – before your resolve could splinter anew. Each step struck through you like shrapnel, until you were certain there could be no greater anguish than the sensation of having your very essence unmade. You were completely broken, each step making the pain worse. 
"No," he bit out, the single syllable ringing with the weight of something Biblical, inescapable. "You don't get to just walk away from this, from us."
You barely had time to process his meaning before Jungkook was on you, crowding into your space with the fluid, predatory grace of a big cat cornering its prey. His broad frame boxed you in against the wall, palms slamming against the plaster on either side of your head as he caged you beneath the scorching brand of his body.
"I warned you, baby," he growled, the words half snarl, half plea as his gaze bored into yours with intensity. "Tried to make you understand that I'm not made for happily ever afters and diamond rings."
Unbidden tears sprang to your eyes anew, cutting blazing tracks down your flushed cheeks. You opened your mouth – to protest or surrender, you didn't know. But Jungkook sealed his lips over yours in a punishing, soul ripping kiss before you could give voice to either decisions.  
It was anger and adoration, tenderness and possession taken to their most primal extreme. A devouring fusion of everything you had tasted in simple sips during your time as his lover, his obsession. 
When he finally wrenched himself away, you were trembling and lightheaded, the shreds of your anger all but extinguished in the wake of his unrelenting onslaught.
"I'm a force of nature, baby," Jungkook murmured, trailing a path of searing kisses along the slender column of your throat as you fought to catch your breath. "Wildfire and in my wake. I'll only ever leave you in ashes if you tie the knot with me." 
He nipped at the juncture of your shoulder, tongue laving over the heated imprint his teeth left behind in a maddening caress. "But I'll be damned if I let you slip through my fingers without taking everything you have to give first."
His voice dropped to a rasp, resonating straight to your very core. 
"That pretty, pretty soul of yours?" A low, rasping chuckle that carried more than a hint of a threat even as he peppered your swan like neck with adoring, reverent kisses. "It was mine the moment you fell into my gravity” 
White-hot lances of your fear to lose you sanity and desperate, untamed yearning licked through your veins in equal measure at the promise blazing in his eyes. 
You were his – an ember caught in the blaze he had stoked from the moment your paths first crossed. And no matter how many times the flames licked your faith and sanity to tinder, you would keep rising from the ashes, drawn back into his searing, ruinous embrace.  
Because for better or worse, Jungkook had awoken something just as wild and merciless within you. Something that recognized its perfect other half in him, two noble, tragic souls locked in an intricate perfection.   
Just as Jungkook leaned in, his lips a hairsbreadth from claiming yours in that searing, possessive kiss, you managed to summon the tattered remnants of your willpower and pull back abruptly.
"Stop this...this bullshit," you rasped, propping yourself against the wall in a futile attempt to put much-needed space between your overwrought senses and his overwhelming presence. "I can't...I can't do this anymore, Jungkook."
Your voice broke on his name, the single syllable carrying the weight of every shredded dream, every shattered promise between you. Fisting your hands in the fabric of his shirt, you met his blazing gaze head-on, willing him to see the truth laid bare.
"Don't you understand?" The words ripped from your throat in a wounded rasp. "I'll lose it. Lose myself completely if I let you pull me back under. I'm going crazy now. I can't even think properly. Stop this before I go insane"
Jungkook's expression didn't so much as flicker, that ferocious intensity pinning you in place just as surely as his body had moments before. His eyes burned, amber and smoldering, daring you to tear yourself away from the irresistible gravity of his orbit.
"You're already lost to me, baby," he murmured at last, each word a husky brand against the heated flush of your skin. "Have been since the moment I caught your scent on the night breeze and decided to make you mine."
A tremor lanced through you at the implacable vow, the delirious hunger underlying his promise. 
"I'm not some pretty little dream you can just walk away from when the night turns bleak, (Y/N)," he growled, and you felt the words reverberate through you like an electric impulse. "I'm the shadow over your heart, cast in every color of sin you've ever tasted and a thousand more you haven't even begun to name. You think you can just leave me like that?"
Try as you might, you would never fully escape the inescapable gravity of his making.
"You don't get to cut yourself free now, not after letting me inside to fester for so long," Jungkook continued, lifting his gaze to yours in a silent demand for your surrender. "That choice was made the night you whispered yes and guided me into that secret, sacred space you'll never be able to take back."
Hot, traitorous tears spilled over the brittle confines of your lashes, scoring blazing tracks down your flushed cheeks. In that moment, you realized the unvarnished truth of his words, accepted it with every aching fiber of your being.
You were bound to this elemental creature – this wildfire made flesh. You have to turn back. Now or never. Leaving behind love, the obsession, the devotion you utterly held for him. To save yourself from the rusted cell bars of the psyche ward. You were losing it. 
You harshly shoved Jungkook away, desperate to create space between you. "Stop! Stop this, please," you sobbed, sliding down the wall until you were crumpled on the floor. 
The tears flowed freely as you shook with the force of your anguished cries. Raking trembling hands through your disheveled hair, you squeezed your eyes shut, overwhelmed by the torrent of emotions crashing over you in waves. Each shuddering breath felt like shards of glass piercing your lungs.
You couldn't do this anymore - this constant push and pull, letting Jungkook drag you to the brink of shattering over and over again. Didn't he see how he was unraveling you, stripping away every last piece of who you were until there was nothing recognizable left?
Opening your reddened eyes, you fixed Jungkook with a haunted stare, reflecting back the myriad fractures now marring your wounded spirit. "I'm breaking, Jungkook," you confessed in a tremulous whisper. "Shattering into pieces under you. If I let you sweep me back into the chaos, I may never be able to put myself back together."
His words were a darkly seductive vow as his lips hovered a hairsbreadth from yours. "Let go of the remnants of who you used to be, and rise from the ashes as you were meant to - savage, merciless, and utterly, devastatingly mine."  
"Burn me to ashes," you whispered in utter capitulation. "Complete your terrible work and unmake me utterly. Then you can be free to find your next victim." your body shook as you were holding onto your last string of mental control. 
"I don't want to see you again," you stated, mustering every ounce of determination as you met his smoldering gaze head-on. 
A pained frown creased Jungkook's brow, but you pushed forward before he could protest. "We should not see each other again. Ever again." you stated. 
With shaking hands, you smoothed your rumpled dress, willing your voice not to waver as you took a fortifying breath. "Ever."
The idea of walking away from Jungkook's gravitational pull, from the searing intensity you had allowed to consume you utterly, felt like carved away pieces of your very soul. He had become the obsession around which your world orbited.
But you couldn't - wouldn't - let him reduce you to ashen ruins the way others had before. Not again. The memory of that heart-rending, soul-shredding agony was still too fresh. You have to do this. For the people who actually love you. 
Jungkook seemed to sense the shift in your demeanor, the implacable walls being erected to strengthen your decision. His lips parted as if to give you commands or pleas. You didn't want to know.
But you were done being a hapless pawn in someone else's blaze. 
"Don't," you warned, holding up a hand to forestall whatever soul-scouring onslaught he prepared to unleash. "I can't...I won't survive having my heart shattered into those many pieces again. Not even by you."
For a suspended moment, the air was thick with the weight of a thousand unvoiced farewells
Then, drawing every remaining reserve of your battered strength, you turned on your heel and simply...walked away. Each step sent an agonizingly painful ripple throughout your veins. 
You didn't look back to see the expression on Jungkook's face, didn't let yourself open to the pleas and sugarcoated words you knew would come. Just pressed onward, one agonizing footfall after another, until you had created enough distance to safeguard what little remained of your tattered, grievously wounded heart.
It would be a long, horrible journey to self-reconstruction from here, you knew.  But this time, no matter how many times the phantom pyre called out, you vowed to safety in the still, small quiet that follows in the wake of even the most cataclysmic blaze.
Because for all your beautiful ruin and tragic devotion, Jungkook's love had always been a wildfire - devastating as it was brilliant. And rising like a phoenix from those particular ashes was a feat your battered soul could no longer muster.
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The familiar surroundings of your childhood home provided little solace as you stepped through the doorway, your dad's worried gaze immediately finding you.
"Sweetheart?" He crossed the room, wrapping you in the comforting embrace you hadn't realized you were desperately craving until that moment. "What happened? You look..."
"Broken," you supplied hoarsely when he trailed off. "I feel broken, dad."
Your mom appeared then, features creasing with maternal concern as she took in your disheveled appearance and the sorrow etched onto your face. "Oh, honey..."
You brushed away the tears that had already begun trickling down your cheeks anew. "I...I need to tell you both something. About Jungkook."
They exchanged a weighty look, but remained silent as you guided them to the cozy living room, sinking into the overstuffed armchair that had cradled you through so many tears and triumphs over the years.
And then, like a dam finally fracturing under inexorable pressure, the entire story came pouring out in a torrential swell. You laid bare every intoxicating high and devastating low of your relationship with Jungkook - the obsessive passion, the soul-scorching connections, and the alarming moments where darkness and volatility took the helm.
By the time you finished, your parents' expressions had shifted from shock to heartbroken empathy...and something else you couldn't quite put a name to. An emotion that looked suspiciously like disappointment.
Your dad was the first to break the heavy pall of silence. "Sweetheart, I can't say I'm surprised that boy turned out to be more trouble than he's worth." He sighed, raking a hand through his graying hair. "I knew we can't trust this Jungkook guy"
You blinked owlishly, surprised by his revelation. In all the turmoil of your relationship, your parents' approval had been the last thing on your mind.
Before you could respond, your mother reached over to clasp your hands in her soft, familiar grip.” It's okay sweetie. We are here for you”
Tears stung your eyes anew at her plaintive words and the unvarnished concern on their faces. Your parents had been silently standing vigil through the entire storm, hoping against hope that you would eventually see the gathering darkness for what it was.
"We never wanted to overstep, baby girl," your dad continued gruffly “But don't be blind again. And I'm glad you realized he's not good for you”
He leveled you with an intense, soul-searching stare that bordered on paternal command. "You need to get as far away from that boy as possible, you hear me? Cut every tie until he's nothing but a memory."
Your mother squeezed your hands, nodding . "It's the only way you'll ever begin to recover, find your spark again. That man...that relationship...it's not good for you baby. And I can't lose you again."
Unconsciously, you found yourself nodding along with their grave pronouncements, accepting the heavy truth of their concerns. You had been well on your way to obliteration at Jungkook's hand. No matter how brilliant and all-consuming the heat of his love burned, it was a pyre that would inevitably reduce you to scattered embers.
"You're right," you rasped, the words tasting of ash and resignation on your tongue. "I can't...I can't keep letting him consume me like that. It'll only end in total ruin eventually."
A tremulous inhale, followed by a fragile, failed attempt at a smile you hoped looked more reassuring than it felt. "But I could use some help picking up the pieces. Becoming myself again, for the first time in...I can't even remember how long."  
You dad nodded resolutely. "Of course, (Y/N/N). Anything you need." His expression softened then, suffused with naked paternal affection.
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A week passed. You never went out of your house nor let Jungkook reach out. He's been wandering in your mind as well as your premises for the week. You were sitting on the kitchen counter as your mom made breakfast. Your dark eyebags evident. He's everywhere. In your dreams, in your bathroom mirror, beside you in bed. He doesn't seem to let go of your mind. 
Your phone screen lit up in another silenced message. Then you noticed the train of 56 missed calls from none other than the destroyer himself. Control (Y/N)
"Did I ever tell you about the plans your uncle has been cooking up?" Your dad started. 
You furrowed your brow in silent question, waiting for him to continue.
"Well, you know your childhood friend Mingyu has been sweet on you for years," he said wryly. "And between you and me, his father has had dreams of officially joining our families through marriage for about just as long."
You and Mingyu had been fast friends since you were young, bonding over afternoons spent pulling pranks around his family's sprawling estate. You admit that you had an undeniable crush on him since childhood. And you once told him that you'll marry him for sure. 
But you were too broken for finding love now. No. You're done with that bullshit. Your parents will only do the best for you. You knew it might seem sudden and hard to accept. But Mingyu is a gentleman and he could potentially help you get the reminisce of Jungkook wandering in the expanse of your mind. 
"Oh honey, don't look so scandalized," your mother laughed lightly, waving off your sudden bashfulness. "We would never push you into anything remotely serious right now, not after the hell you've been through. But you can consider. They're willing to wait"
Her expression softened, turning tender and reassuring in a way only a mother could as she reached out to brush a stray tendril of hair from your face.  
"But...if you're open to it, maybe reconnecting with an old friend might be just the gentle balm your poor heart needs right now? A chance to remember what feeling cherished and adored is supposed to look like, without all the sound and fury?"
As your parents exchanged a hopeful look, you knew this newest development might catalyze the journey on the road of healing ahead. Your parents were relieved that Mingyu’s family was oblivious to your little boyfriend. Your battered spirit would require more meticulous tending and time than a simple rebound could provide.
But at the same time, something in you unclenched slightly at the idea of allowing yourself to open up to the softer, steadier affections of someone who had been woven into your life since childhood. Someone inherently safe - who could teach you how to breathe easy with the assurance of a solid, labeled relationship. 
Perhaps Mingyu could help chart the path back to the person you had been before Jungkook's wildfire had scorched away every remaining sliver of recognition. It was a lifeline, a steadying tether you realized you desperately needed in order to keep your chin above the tides of despair that threatened to drown you utterly.
So you lifted your chin, mustered the ghost of a tremulous smile, and looked into the warm, hopeful eyes of your parents as you answered the only way you could.
"Reconnecting with an old friend actually sounds...really nice. I'll consider it” 
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Why do I feel like I messed this chapter up. I felt like (Y/N) Mingyu thing was too abrupt. Cause (Y/N) is heartbroken and blah blah blah. Idk. Do you feel like it was in such a rush?
Finally a long chapter. I'll take a mini break. Probably for a week or two, if I feel like it. I like writing but I was lacking confidence in my writing, which made me not publish my stories for so long. But yeah. I do have some cringe story drafts. Long way. Talking about moonstruck. It'll be only traumatizing as it progresses. Some um expected moments and, idk. I don't wanna spoil it. I have a shitload of ideas in my head and most of the events in Moonstruck now weren't even planned when I first planned out the plot. Still, the important parts are yet to come… see ya in the next part. Feel free to let me know your thoughts. Honestly I love when readers comment I'm living for this. Love yall 
- Mars
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ : @looneybleus @ttanniett @jjk174
41 notes · View notes
missbangtangirl · 7 months
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HOLY FUCK TAE I miss u 🥵🥹
26 notes · View notes
mclarensangel · 2 years
Chapter 6- The Royal Announcement
Warnings: female presenting character, mentions of abuse from a parental figure, mentions of bullying, mentions of the death of a side character, yoongi being adorable, namjoon being protective, namjoons eomma being protective, low self esteem, crying, mentions of a dog
Word Total: 4.2k
Claps soon emanate from the room at the acceptance of the king’s proposal of marriage. Briefly glancing just past the shoulder of the king, you saw your two other contenders, standing there practically green with envy. Their faces contorted with anger at the realisation that they would never be queen. You had the power. But you didn’t care about the power, it was the love of the boys both in front of you and behind you. The boys who you had become so close to, that you felt if you were away from them for too long your heart may break. 
Namjoon turns back around, and his eyes fall onto the crowd before him. Rustling is heard as people fall to their knees to bow to their king and now… their future queen. Eun-Bi and Seol-Hyun begrudgingly follow the audience's lead. Once everyone had risen again, Namjoon addressed the audience once more. 
“Tonight we shall celebrate my bride. The wedding will take place in 50 days. I would like to invite my beautiful future queen's family forward. However, first I would like to introduce the two candidates who did not make it. Tradition states that you are now Kings women” he began, turning to face the women who now held mischievous smirks on their faces. Namjoon squeezed the hand he was still holding before continuing on “However, that will not be what is happening this time. The woman whom I will marry will be the only one for me” he carried on, turning back to the crowd fully “As you all may know, I have never had a… collection…” he grimaced “of concubines. And I will not be starting now. I invite you all to enjoy the celebrations. And I especially look forward to meeting my bride’s family” he finished. A sudden pang hit your chest when you realised Namjoon was meeting your father. You had spoken with the Queen Dowager about what your relationship with your father was like, and you didn’t know if she had mentioned it to the boys, but knowing her, she would have. 
Putting on a brave face, you smiled whilst your family made their way up to the two of you. Your mother was the first to greet the two of you, a look of pride and a smile as wide as her face greeted you. 
“Chin-aehaneun, I am so proud of you. I have missed you so much” she spoke, placing her hands against your cheeks, love radiating from her eyes. Pulling you into a hug, you allow yourself to take a breath of her scent. The scent reminded you of home. Of love. Of warmth. Of her. She was wearing her best hanbok for this occasion. The jeogri was a beautiful crimson colour, the chima matching the colour perfectly. Your family emblem is sewn into the bottom of the skirt as yours had. The goreum was in a beautiful white, a contrast to the dark colour of the other fabric just beneath it. After a brief hug, your mother took a step back, before falling onto her knees in front of the king. 
“My deepest apologies, your royal highness, for I did not greet you first, as I should have. It has been so long since I have been able to hold my daughter that I forgot my place. Please forgive me, my King”. Namjoon laughed joyfully, crouching down to pull your mother from the floor, a smile so handsome that you felt your heart miss a beat and a smile crawl onto your lips. 
“Eomeoni, you need not thank me. I would have done the same in your position. Thank you for giving birth to such a woman, my family and I love her.” he said pulling her to stand. “I would like to formally invite you to dine with the Kim family, where you will dine alongside myself, my eomma and my closest men. Please join us in the dining hall in around 10 minutes from now?” he said, his hand closed around your mothers as he talked. After receiving a nod of confirmation from your mother, he lets go of her hands and takes a step back. The handsome smile falls from his face, as he moves his hands behind his back. The briefly gentle-looking man, now looking every part of King Namjoon. He turns to your father, his face stern and solid, his teeth grit together. Your father, pretending to play the part of a loving father, takes a step towards you. However, it is not Namjoon that stops the man from taking a step closer to you. Its Yoongi. Both yours and your father's faces change to one of shock. Your father goes almost red in anger before he remembers where he is and takes a step back once more. 
“My apologies Sir, I didn’t realise I couldn’t greet my own daughter” he spoke to Yoongi, disdain evident in his voice. Yoongi smirked at the audacity of the man before him. Yoongi remembered everything you had told him of your father from the times you had spent together since arriving here, he had also been told by the Queen Dowager, when she warned everyone of the turbulent relationship between the two of you before the ceremony. 
*5 days previous*
The boys had decided that today was Yoongi’s day to spend with you. He had been the busiest and had the least amount of time to spend with you, and as it was his free day, they deemed it only fair that it was his day. You had received a letter in the early morning to meet him in the cherry blossom gardens, on the dock by the lake. One of his men would be there to escort you, just in case you got lost. You found out recently when trying to find a wishing well that Jungkook had told you about in the east corner of the grounds, how easy it really was to get lost in a place such as this, so you were thankful that someone would be able to escort you to the exact right place. 
Dressing in the hanbok that Jimin gifted you, you revelled in the beauty of it. Watching how the sun hit the purple shades beautifully, and how it caught the glimmer of the golden thread that was sewn into the dress in butterfly shapes. Making sure to attach the norigae to the outfit, your heart filled with happiness and love at the thoughts of the time you had spent here so far. Sitting down you pull on the lilac beoseons and then place the purple gomusin’s. Finally, you turn and shuffle over to where your mirror sat, and where your ladies were waiting for you. On the table by the mirror were the golden cheopji’s that you had been gifted alongside the outfit you were currently wearing, as well as the earrings that Yoongi had gifted you. Your heart fluttered as you remembered what he had said when gifting them to you. No one other than your mother had made you feel as loved and as beautiful as the 6 men you met with regularly and the Queen Dowager. You had yet to meet the king for the final part but the men of his that you had met gave you hope that they would be as kind as them. Alongside the earrings from Yoongi, was the ring that Taehyung had gifted you. Luna, the puppy that Jungkook had gifted you, sat next to you, her head resting on your leg as Hwasa began styling your hair, braiding it but allowing some hair to fall in strands around your face. She places the cheopji’s in carefully, before moving on to her next job. Applying a gentle rouge to your lips, making them a gorgeous pink colour. Soft and inviting, you hoped. Whilst Hwasa was attending to your hair and makeup, Hyo-Seong got to work placing the jewellery onto your body. First, she placed the earrings in your ears, making sure not to let any of the loose hair knot into the earrings. Then, she placed the signet ring on your little finger on your right hand, the finger closest to your ring finger, making you smile down at it. Once they had both completed their respective jobs, they took a step back and smiled at their work. Hyo-Seong took a step to the side, retrieving a collar and a rope-like item. The rope had a handle fashioned onto it, and any loose hairs on the rope had disappeared. It was able to be tied onto the collar. Hwasa called Luna over to her, who upon hearing her name bounded over to the lady. Placing the collar carefully around the neck of the dog, she then attached the lead, before handing the part with the handle to you. You stood up, smiled at your dog and the ladies and made your way towards the door. 
Pulling open the door, you saw a man with his fist raised. The man jumped and took a few steps back. 
“Lady Seo, I am here to bring you to the Head Directorate, His Lordship Min Yoongi, please accompany me this way,” he says, bowing slightly and moving his arm to gesture the way towards the cherry blossom gardens. Bowing slightly back, you turn and smile towards your ladies before moving out of your apartment and following after the young man just ahead of you. Moments later, you arrive in front of the man who you had previously been told about. Min Yoongi, in the flesh. He stood by a large piece of fabric on the ground. Pillows are strategically placed, allowing for comfort as well as for being able to see each other comfortably. A small wooden table sat near the end of the pier. It held so many of your favourite foods, that you have discussed with the Queen Dowager or one of the other boys. Everything from your favourite snack to your favourite dessert was on the table. Another table just to the left of it, held different drinks, also, more of your favourites. Luna didn’t care to notice your admiration and tugged on the rope to get to Yoongi, wanting belly rubs from the man. Yoongi noticing the pull on the lead gave you a swift nod, and you let go of the lead, allowing her to run to the man, desperate for his attention. You smile at the sight of the usually stoic man, smiling a gummy smile down at the small dog. Your heart felt so full at that very moment. Seconds later, Luna got bored with the tummy rubs and went and laid on one of the cushions, lying directly on her back, paws in the air, soaking in the sun as if she was a human trying to soak up the sun into their bones. Yoongi lets out a short laugh, directing his gummy smile towards you, before holding his hand out…
“Shall we, Lady Seo?” he asks. You smile back at the man, taking his hand and allowing him to lead the way over to the cushions. 
“I may have had to ask the boys and eommoni what your favourite food and drinks are,” he said nervously, taking a jug of liquid and pouring it into two separate cups. Handing one to you and then taking his. You both smile at each other and take a small sip of the liquid. A content smile leaves your lips once you have swallowed the sweet liquid. It was peach tea, much like the tea that is served at the Queen Dowager’s luncheons. Served in your favourite way, cold and sweet. You take another happy sip, before placing the cup down and turning to look at the man before you. 
“You did not need to do all of this for me, my lord,” you told him before continuing “I deeply appreciate and love this, but it is not I that deserves this”. The words that come out of your mouth quickly make the man before you snap his head to you in shock. 
“Why is it that you have decided that you do not deserve this? What or who has made you believe that you are not worthy of all the love and attention that you receive? Tell me who and I shall have their heads immediately” the blonde-haired man speaks to you, his voice serious and his eyes full of questions and… worry? Why is the man before you worried? It could not be that he has feelings for you, you tell yourself. Bowing your head slightly, you try to put into words the thoughts that are swirling around in your head. 
“I do not know how much the Queen Dowager has told you about myself. So please allow me to tell you myself.” you began “When I was growing up, I briefly attend schooling, mainly on elegance, reading and other such subjects. Whilst attending this school, I met Yeji, my best friend, and my school bullies, who are also here, Kim Seol-Hyun and Kwon Eun-Bi. They made my life in and around that school a living nightmare, they would constantly taunt my weight and…. The…. my….. My sister died when I was younger, it couldn’t be helped, we did everything we could, tried every doctor, and every medicine. Nothing worked, and she passed away in my arms. The two girls somehow knew of this and told me every day that it was my fault, that the reason she passed was due to me, and that she never got any food, but that wasn’t true. I barely ate when my unnie was ill, I was always the one looking after her. And that’s when my father started drinking, using the money on beer instead of looking after his family. I tried so hard to keep my family together, but I just couldn’t do it. And those two… beasts made everything worse, to the point where I engrained into my brain that I was undeserving of love, because surely if three people tell you that you are unworthy of love that must be true right?” you spoke. You jumped when you felt a soft thumb touch your cheek, wiping away the tears you didn’t know that you had spilt. 
“You are worth so much more than their meaningless words, you are worthy of so much love and you deserve so much love. They do not even deserve to be in your presence. You are an angel that has been sent down to show us what we have been missing and what we need in our lives. You don’t have to tell me any more if your heart does not desire to do so” He spoke, his eyes never leaving yours, as he continued to wipe more tears away from your rosy cheeks. 
“Things between my father and I got a lot worse when unnie died. He drank more, and he treated me worse. He would come home from drinking and say ‘im using this money for your future’, he would tell me that his drinking was all my fault. That it should have been me who died. The night that Lord Kim Seokjin announced that the King was looking for a Queen in our village was the night that my father attacked me for the first time. When I came home with the news that the Supreme Commissioner had visited and told us the news, he told me that I would not be proceeding with the application. I tried to be brave” you continued on. Yoongi took a hold of both your hands, enveloping his large ones with yours. He squeezed them and you gave him a gentle smile before continuing on. “ I told him that he has no authority in this decision, that the law dictated that we must, or our family would be shamed. My mother was so happy to be able to do this for me. She told me to go and get myself ready for the dinner that we would be having with the Hwangs. And so I did, I went to my room to get myself ready and I had taken some of my braids out when my father stormed into the room. I had never seen him so angry before. I felt trapped… and…. And… scared” you spoke. Tears began falling down your face at a more rapid pace. Yoongi could see your eyes beginning to fill with fear as the story continued on. “He stormed in and told me that I was treating him as a child as if I was his parent. I was sitting down, so I thought standing up might make me safer, but he obviously thought differently. He lunged towards me, and he grabbed some of the braids that were still tied and yanked me to the floor with them. I remember hitting my head and then him screaming at me” you stated. Yoongi continued to watch as your eyes became more and more distant as if you weren’t really there with him. Almost like you had been transported into your memory. He moved to sit next to you, holding you in his arms. Allowing you to feel safe when you’re body was feeling terrified. “Even when I was on the ground he screamed ‘I am the man of this house’ and ‘I make the rules’. One of the things that hurt more than what he did was his screaming in my face ‘not a’” you hiccuped “ ‘a fat little girl who won’t even make it past the first stage’ and then he crouched down to my height, and told me that it should have been me that died, and I should never have been born and that I was a disgrace.” You finished, looking up into Yoongi’s brown eyes. Your eyes became more focused and then a light smile hit your lips “that's when my eomma came in. She grabbed him by his ear and dragged him out by it. I had never seen so much fire and anger in that women’s eyes ever before. It was truly a sight to behold. Once she had pulled him out of the house, she came back in and told me that I was none of those things that the man had told me and she held me as I curled up into her arms, My eomma has always been my biggest supporter.” you finished. Yoongi looked at you, and he didn’t look at you with shame or embarrassment, there was a look in his eyes that almost reminded you of love. He held you in his arms for a few moments longer before speaking to you again “your eomma is right, you are none of those things that the disgrace of man who calls himself your father called you. You are so much more. I have only known you for a short while but I know that I cannot let you leave my life. My life is so much better now that you are a part of it. And if I have anything to do with it, Namjoon… I mean the king, will make you his wife, and I… I mean we… I mean he, will be able to dote on you for the rest of your life. You are worth so much more than what he says, and if I ever have the displeasure of meeting him, know that I will have a few choice words to say to him” He tells you, his face stern, his eyes looking off into the horizon, making you giggle at his almost heroic position. 
“Thank you, Lord Min,” you told him.
“Call me Yoongi” he responded
“Thank you, Yoongi” you repeated. “I do have a question for you, however,” you continued 
“Question away nae salang/Sarang,” he told you, making you blush at him calling you ‘his love’.
“What is the relationship between you, the Great King and his other men? You need not tell me if it makes you uncomfortable my lord” you questioned. “Sorry I mean Yoongi”
The man laughs at your minor slip-up, making you feel at ease. He turned his body slightly more towards you. 
“The king, his men and I, well…” he paused, taking a deep breath before continuing “we are together. Romantically that is. But I personally have felt that we weren’t quite complete like there was something or someone missing. And I can’t speak for the other boys, well I can a little bit due to the discussions we’ve had. But when we saw you, it was like everything in the world became brighter, the colours more radiant, the breeze that much sweeter. Like you were destined to be ours. And so we told Namjoon, who will be choosing the final woman to be the bride, and we all concluded that you were the woman we wanted. So if you’ll have us, we want you. We all want you” he finished, looking you directly in the eyes, fear and nervousness swirling around in his eyes, as he waited with bated breath for your rejection or acceptance of his admission. 
“I want nothing more than to be yours, all of yours,” you told the man before you, bringing your hand up to rest against his cheek. His eyes lit up with joy as he stood up, pulled you up, and lifted you into his arms, spinning you around
“You need not apologise Sir Seo, but it is your King who you should address first, not your daughter. Or do you not have any respect for your King or even your future son-in-law” Yoongi spoke. His back was straight, his ceremonial robes fitting to perfection around every crease of his body, and his right hand resting gracefully on the katana that dangled from his left-hand side. The man before him looked flabbergasted. Namjoon let out a quiet snicker beside you that he easily covered as a cough if you did not know any better. 
“Who do you think you are, telling me who I shall and shan’t greet? The Great King was accepting of my wife greeting our beloved daughter before him, so I shall do the same” Your father spoke, digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Before Yoongi had a chance to respond to the ill-mannered man before him, the Queen Dowager stood, moving to stand between your father and the men who stood on either side of you. 
“The man who you are talking to” the Queen Dowager started “is the Head Directorate, a man way beyond your station. It is required of you to speak to him with respect. Or you see that katana that he holds so elegantly?” She spoke, moving her hand and body to gesture to the large blade that Yoongi held, her head turning just slightly more than her body to send a wink to the three of you. Once she has gestured, she moves her body back towards the man who fidgets in his spot, taking a step closer towards him, her face stiffening with hidden anger. She lowers her voice so that only those nearby can hear “I will personally assure you that he uses that ever so sharp blade to cut your head clean from your neck. If you ever think about disrespecting my family. Ever. again. Is that understood?”. The man before her swallowed in fear before nodding and bowing deeply towards the revered woman. 
He moves and stands in front of the king. He too falls to his knees and bows multiple times before him. Waiting for the command to stand to fall from the gracious king’s lips. He bows 5 more times before the words slip from between the plump lips of the king. 
“You may stand,” he tells him, his voice deep with authority. “However,” he continues on “as you so like to drink, you shall be sent to the bar. For good. You will never see your family again, you have lost your title, and if you think of ever causing any trouble, my mother will see that her threat becomes reality. Do you understand me?”. Your father stands there, his mouth falling open and closed as if he were a fish. After a few moments without a response, he sighs deeply before repeating. “I said. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” enunciating his every word. Your father, still not responding, stands there. It is only when Namjoon calls for the guards that he begins to realise the depths of his situation and tries to scramble his way out of it. He falls to the ground again and bows as deeply as possible, begging the tall man before him for his forgiveness. But Namjoon does not budge a single inch, glaring down at the man with the most amount of distaste you had ever seen in anyone's eyes. 
When your father has finally been removed from the room. Namjoon turns to your mother. 
“Eommani, I sincerely and deeply apologise for having to do that within your presence. It would be my greatest honour to house you within my kingdom. Would you do me that honour?” He asks the woman who is a striking resemblance to you. 
“It would be my honour, your highness she says” bowing as low as she can once more. Namjoon pulls her up before she can reach the floor before telling her “you need not bow towards me eommani, it is I who should bow to you.” He states, going to bow himself. Your mother stops him before he can even bow his back more than 45 degrees. She holds his hands in hers and speaks…
“Please call me eomma”
@skyys-universe @yoongiigolden @zae007live @thedarkwinterrose
@namjinieesope @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @poesreddeath @insert-a-creative-url-right-here @hey-syia @scentisterror @emu007 @hajimaoppaa @feedthefandoms995 @maetyun @explorewithd @treetops68 @bibebts @angel-121 @sbromp @zmbo97 @sgnsgssy @silverrr-spooon @el-insomnio-no-es-divertido @plutoneu @oppa-agust-d @jolinaprincess @iamhereforbts @wiccanmetallicrose @iwishididn0texist @hair1997 @uniquecutieprincess @agusfree @borahaetelevision @queen-in-the-shadows
@ewok7attack @marcelka134340
@marcelka134340 @oppa-agust-d
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andtheechonocturnes · 7 months
All of the oneshots, that I care about, because I can’t find shit when I need something.  Part 2
〰 〖This time I decided to rate the stories based on major and secondary preferences, starting from most to least. P.S. They are all my favorites and mean a lot to me (All parts), they all convey some distinct memories of my ''girlhood”, and continue to bring me joy now as a young adult.〗〰 I've been avoiding this for far too long.
♡ - the ones my thoughts keeps returning back to again and over
ღ -two part oneshots
two that I lost and could not find in my likes, but I recall loving reading
1.The waltz between us♡
◇ pairing: jimin | reader
◇ word count: 15.754
◇ genre: angst and fluff
2. devotion; m ♡
✓ Couple: Jimin x Reader | Angel!AU and Demon!AU
✓ Filed under: angst, smut, horror
✓ Words: 16,463
3. The Shoulder on Which You Cry (M)
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader, Mention of Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama, Hometown AU, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 11K
4. everythingoes | kth & jjk♡
Pairing: Fuckboy!Taehyung x Reader; Jungkook x Reader
Genre: ANGST, so much fucking angst, smut, (barely there) fluff
Word Count: 24k
5. paradise 17; m ♡
✓ Couple: Taehyung x Reader | VirtualReality!AU
✓ Words: 15,217
✓ Filed under: smut
6. starboy; m ♡
✓ Couple: Jungkook x Reader | Fratboy!AU and College!AU
✓ Words: 14,285
✓ Filed under: smut 
7. fireflies; m
✓ Pair: Taehyung x Reader | Punk!AU & College!AU
✓ Filed under: fluff, angst, smut, very intense philosophical talks about love
✓ Words: 21,175
8. Lucifer | A huge fuck you, repost. JK x Reader
Pairing: JJK x Reader
Genre: Supernatural, smut.
Word count: 13.5K
9. Poison Apple
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem Reader ; Min Yoongi x Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Mature, Smut
Word count: 22.35k
10. ghosts just wanna have fun; m
✓ Couple: Jungkook x Reader | Psychic!AU & MedSchool!AU
✓ Words: 20,062
✓ Filed under: fluff, crack, light smut  
11. oblivion | j.j.k ♡
⇢ pairing(s): demon!jeon jungkook x fallen angel!reader.
⇢ word count: 10.3K
⇢ genre: angst, demon!au.
12. Beastly Gods (M)
Pairings:  Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader x ???
Genre: Hybrid AU, Thriller, Drama
Word Count: 8K Rating: M
13. there for you
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
word count: 20k
genre: hogwarts au, bad boy au | fluff/angst
14. Hellbound⇢demon!jjk [E]
⇢Explicit (18+)
⇢Pairing: Demon JJK x female y/n
⇢Genre: yandere, smut, supernatural
⇢Word count: 14.5k
15. taehyung's version ღ
☆ pairing: taehyung x fem!reader x jungkook
★ word count: 5.4k
16. jungkook's version♡ ღ
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader x taehyung
word count: 3.7k
17. his special secret | kim taehyung ღ
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 12.5k words
18. his special secret | kim taehyung ღ
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 13.5k words
19. cardio | j.jk
pairing: personal trainer!yandere!jungkook x married!rich!f!reader
rating: smut with slight angst 🍒
word count: 13,906 words aka grab the popcorn, this is long
pairing. milf!yn x son’s best friend!jk
genre. yandere, stalking. smut (little piece but it’s smut!!!)
word count. 10k
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taehosjk · 1 year
oi, meus amores!! tudo bem? sempre atrasada, mas sempre por aqui.
espero que gostem do scenario!
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↝Sabe aquele beijo inesquecível? Aquele beijo que encaixa e você se sente no paraíso?
↝Esse é o beijo de Kim Namjoon.
↝Um beijo confiante, que te transmite paixão e segurança.
↝Não importa o que tenha acontecido no seu dia, o quão ruim tenha sido; se você se sente insegura, ou algo te preocupa no relacionamento.
↝Quando ele te puxa pela cintura e coloca a mão levemente sobre seu rosto beijando seus lábios, você sabe que tudo ficará bem.
↝Namjoon sabe mesclar o ritmo do beijo muito bem. Transitando entre: paixão e desejo.
↝Por isso, era totalmente normal que os beijos de vocês terminassem numa noite intensa de amor.
↝"Eu te amo muito, hum?" Namjoon deixaria um selinho em seu pescoço. "Nunca se esqueça disso."
↝Você poderia passar horas beijando aqueles lábios.
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↝A definição de beijo apaixonante, é o beijo de Kim Seokjin.
↝Um beijo lento, com paixão e muuuito amor.
↝Jin sempre sabia o momento certo de ter você em seus braços.
↝Era comum que vocês ficassem abraçados no sofá, enquanto Jin beijava todo o seu rosto, sempre se demorando em seus lábios.
↝Começava lento e calmo, e aos poucos iam aumentando a intensidade.
↝Nada melhor que sentir os lábios fartos do seu namorado em você.
↝Deslizando os lábios por suas bochechas e sempre dizendo o quanto te ama.
↝"Posso te beijar...?" Jin sussurrou rente a sua boca. "Hm?" Esfregou o nariz no seu, subindo as mãos por seu pescoço.
↝A sua resposta? Beijar aqueles lábios como se a sua vida dependesse disso.
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↝Esse homem sabe usar a língua a seu favor.
↝Ele sabia te envolver como ninguém. Min Yoongi sabe como pressionar seus botões.
↝Yoongi sempre estava te pressionando pelos móveis do apartamento. Beijando você com beijos afoitos e cálidos.
↝Seus beijos te faziam sentir desejada e amada. A maneira que as mãos dele viajavam por seu corpo, sabendo onde e como pegar em você, quase te levavam ao delírio.
↝Os lábios de seu namorado transmitiam seus desejos.
↝Nenhuma palavra era necessária. Bastava ele pressionar seus lábios contra você que tudo ficava bem.
↝"Você é minha." Yoongi enfiou os dedos entre seus cabelos e afastou sua cabeça pelos fios macios. "Eu te amo, ouviu?" Seus lábios se chocaram novamente.
↝E se vocês não fossem interrompidos, acabariam na cama se amando da maneira mais intensa possível.
↝E nada melhor do que acordar no dia seguinte sentindo beijos delicados em seu pescoço.
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↝Beijar Hoseok te transmite algo indescritível.
↝Vocês se beijavam o dia inteiro.
↝Beijos longos e alegres.
↝Hobi adora deixar vários beijinhos em seus lábios. Beijar você é o hobbie favorito dele.
↝Mãos na sua cintura, no bumbum, quadril e acariciando seu rosto. Hoseok sempre quer estar te tocando enquanto te beija.
↝Hoseok sempre está te fazendo rir, e entre suas risadas, ele roubava alguns beijos.
↝As vezes, era só um beijo de despedida, ou um selinho casual, mas quando ele pedia passagem com a língua, você sabia que não se separaria daqueles lábios tão cedo.
↝"Você está tão cheirosa." Respirou fundo perto do seu pescoço. "Esse seus lábios-" Olhou profundamente em seus olhos. "São a minha perdição."
↝Terminariam a sessão de amassos entre vários beijinhos carinhosos.
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↝Ah, como você amava beijar esse homem!
↝Um beijo gostoso e sempre com aquele gosto de quero mais.
↝Jimin sabia te envolver e te apaixonar a cada beijo.
↝Quando ele te beijava da maneira mais sedutora possível, e no fim do beijo Jimin sorria ainda rente aos seus lábios, você sabia que estava completamente rendida a ele.
↝Ele sempre roubava beijos ao decorrer do dia, sempre arrancando sorrisos bobos de você.
↝Jimin amava acariciar suas pernas, as vezes levantando levemente seu joelho aproximando o quadril do seu, te fazendo sentir o quão "animado" ele estava.
↝O Park sempre deixava pequenas mordidas em seu lábio inferior, enquanto passeava com as mãos entre seus cabelos.
↝"Não posso te beijar aqui." Se aproximou de você, enquanto sorria. "Sabe que eu não consigo me controlar quando começo a te beijar." Sorriu de maneira sedutora.
↝E no fim, correriam para algum lugar para ter um pouco de privacidade.
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↝Tae amava beijar você.
↝Era super normal ele te convidar para o estúdio, apenas para que ficassem colados um no outro.
↝Vocês perdiam as contas de quantos beijam trocavam em um dia.
↝Beijos molhados e sensuais.
↝Taehyung não gostava de beijos rápidos. Selinhos só no fim de seus beijos longos. Ele queria te sentir, te abraçar, tocar em cada pedaço da sua pele.
↝Foram inúmeras as vezes em que os meninos pegavam seu namorado alisando seu corpo por debaixo das roupas, sempre que estava com os lábios colados nos seus.
↝Ele gostava de desenhar seus lábios com os dedos, sentindo sua pele macia e aumentando a vontade de ter você.
↝"Eu quero te beijar." Puxou seu lábio lentamente. "Mas não aqui." Olhou em volta, pensando para onde poderiam ir.
↝Terminariam o dia agarrados em algum estúdio vazio da Hybe.
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↝Um beijo que começa tímido, mas vai se intensificando, até vocês perderem o fôlego.
↝Beijos de boca aberta e muito afoitos. O que começava de maneira tímida e lenta, terminava de maneira fugaz, como se fosse a última vez que vocês pudessem se tocar.
↝Jungkook ama sentir seu corpo quente contra o dele, sempre o lembrando que você é dele.
↝As mãos confiantes do Jeon subindo por dentro de sua camiseta, te faziam estremecer sob os dedos quentes e ágeis do seu namorado.
↝Um beijo envolvente e sensual.
↝Os lábios quentes de seu namorado faziam seus pontos sensíveis pulsarem de desejo.
↝O Jeon gostava de sentar você sobre seu colo e te beijar da maneira que bem quisesse. No tempo dele e te fazer estremecer sob seus lábios.
↝"A cada beijo eu sinto mais vontade de te beijar, acredita?" Colocou uma mecha da sua franja atrás da sua orelha. "Você é tão gostosa-" Choramingou em seu ouvido. "Eu te amo muito."
↝E se vocês tivessem tempo, levariam os beijos para outro nível.
não revisei, então perdoem qualquer erro.
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lizzymizzy-blogg · 2 years
Hi! I’m trying to find this yoongi fic. It’s an idolau where he and the reader where dating predebut but she broke up with him. She was pregnant and she married another guy(he was not very kind). Later yoongi finds her with her child but they are running away and she has a panic attack. He takes her to his home and then he ask her to come back. Later in the story she divorces the other guy and they have another child with yoongi in the future . I forgot what it was called :( plz if anyone knows the name it would be such a relief 🥲 I’ve been looking for that fic for months
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sillytaetime · 1 year
BTS Master-List
Just A Spark~ J.JK 💜
Visiting them~ Reaction 💜
Fight Night~ P.JM 💜
Fluff AZ : K.TH 💜
Fluff AZ: J.JK 💜
Fluff AZ: P.JM 💜
Last time fully updated: 06-25-2023
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
since you do SMUT, I must have a min Yoongi 1-sh0t. I'm BEGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It'd be my pleasure! Lol
Title: Making it official
Warning(s): D!rty talk, Curs!ng (A lot of F-Bombs dropped), Dom!Yoongi, Public S!x, Unprotected S!x (Be safe, guys!), Sp!ting in mouth, Breed!ng K!nk, and some A!r Play K!nk
Author's Note: Read at your own risk. You have been warned! Lol!
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“This... Is nice.” You say gently as you sit across from Yoongi. The restaurant you two were sat at was a laid-back BBQ one and it’s clear, Yoongi had probably used Jin’s knowledge of food to pick this place out.
Actually, it’s clear Yoongi used MULTIPLE people’s help to plan this out for you. You eye Yoongi a bit closer. He’d been away on tour for so long that you had gotten used to only seeing him on your phone screen.
“Really? You like it?” He asks as if relieved, and you hum gently. This was awkward. It had to be though. Last time you two had spoken was right after hooking up for the first time...
You told him that a FWB arrangement just wasn't for you, and that you wanted something more official, but... Yoongi was scared. Scared of how toxic ARMY members would treat you. Scared that the public eye would scare you away. So, you two agreed to just stay friends. And then he ran off to tour.
But here he was now. Taking you off to Hawaii for a mini birthday vacation. And it was amazing. Because it wasn’t him. This wasn’t something he’d normally do. But he was doing it for you. And that had to count for something.
“Hey. Remember what we used to do?” Yoongi asks finally as he finishes his third drink of the night.
You pause at the question and eye his wicked smirk, trying to ignore the fire that it so effortlessly started in your core.
“We used to do a lot of stuff...” you tease, acting neutral on the outside. Yoongi laughs softly and blushes a bit at the innuendo.
"No. Dirty." He snorts humorously. "Follow my lead." He says just as a waitress walks over.
“Refill?” She asks and Yoongi smirks and nods. “Um... why not. It is our wedding night after all.” Yoongi says casually and the waitress pauses.
“Wait, really?” She asks and you stiffen a laugh, catching on instantly. Oh god. Not this same trick! Yoongi and you loved doing this at restaurants because it always ended in you getting something for free. You used to do this a lot as teenagers, and the fact that even now, in all of his much-deserved fame, he still remembered it? It just showed nothing had actually... Changed between you two.
“Yup! Went to the courthouse today...” You play along and the waitress gasps happily.
“Oh! Give me one second.” She says fast before rushing off.
You turn to Yoongi and shake your head playfully. “You’re still just as sneaky as before.” You tease and Yoongi laughs. “What? Me?!” He gasps playfully.
You hum. “I said what I said...” you laugh softly, giving Yoongi soft eyes.
After getting your dinner for free, and an expensive wine bottle that’s also on the house, you two decided to head back to the hotel that night and wash up for bed. Yoongi had booked one room with two beds and you had shrugged it off, thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Yoongi showers first as you take off your jewelry and heels, and wipe off your makeup. When he comes out in boxers and a shirt, you slip past him, ignoring the way he eyed you.
The tension between you two was clear all day. At breakfast, at the beach, during lunch, afterwards when you were tanning by the pool. And again, at dinner. You could tell Yoongi was holding back on something.
The shower is nice and hot, and you wash every inch of yourself before getting out. You throw on a robe and walk out of the bathroom. Yoongi is already sat on the edge of the bed, watching you.
“Go ahead. Spill it. Whatever’s got you thinking so hard.” You say finally with a soft chuckle.
He presses his lips together, as if thinking about how he’s going to phrase the next few words before giving up. Instead, he looks at you, eyes soft and colored dark. You pause. You know that look. He’s giving you those eyes...
You blush almost instantly. “You..." You shift a bit but stay in your spot by the bathroom. "Now, Mr. Min Yoongi..." You mutter, deciding to tease a bit. "Are you giving me bedroom eyes? Huh?” You joke with a snort, trying to make light of this situation, but your heart is practically racing in your chest.
“Can we?” He whispers softly, voice deep and calm, as he looks up at you some more, rubbing his hands on his boxers slowly. You shift a bit. Could you? Could you actually break your promise to yourself and give in?
You shift the weight from one foot to the other. “I... I don’t know. Will tomorrow be the same?” You ask gently as you cross your arms around yourself slightly.
“I don’t think so. Because tonight, I... I wanna...” He takes a deep breath. “I just wanna claim you.” He finally says, honesty plain as day in his tone. It makes you blush. You stand up straighter too, in hopes that fixing your posture would stop you from melting to your knees the second his eyes roam your body and his tongue pokes out to lick his lips.
“Claim me?” You whisper, trying to play it off like it's the cringiest thing you've ever heard.
He nods slowly. “The way a wife should be claimed...” He whispers softly, referring to the restaurant game you two had just played earlier this evening. You snort at that.
“Oh? Wanna play married couple?” You try and joke, but your small smile falters the second he looks at you, completely serious. It makes you take a pause.
“And..." You hold yourself. "How... How should... A wife be claimed?” You finally ask, slightly giving in to the fantasy. The stare down you two were having was an unbreakable one. One that told more words than what you were actually speaking. He needed you. You could see it clear as day. And it made you whole body heat up...
“Like it’s the most important thing to me. Like having your body to myself is... Just as necessary as the air that I breathe.” He says. You swallow a bit.
“You’ll have to show me how it’s done.” You finally say, voice soft and coming out as a whisper, as if you were being squished by the tension in this room. You needed actions though. No more words. You needed to see him actually claim you. Actually say you were his. Not just a friend who he’d sleep with once when the alcohol kicked in.
He slowly stands up from the bed, and walks over to you, causing you to back yourself up against the wall. His hands start to roam your sides. His fingers worm their way into undoing your robe as he watches your face with gentle eyes, as if waiting to see if you'd stop him.
You don't.
You watch him as your breath stays stuck in your throat, and he pulls one hand away from your robe tie to place on your cheek. He strokes his thumb back and forth across your cheek bone, and his other hand tugs at your tie, causing your robe to fall open. He gives you one last look, silently asking, and you nod at his silent question. He slowly lowers himself on to his knees and you look down at him with your cheeks bright pink.
“I’ll only ever kneel for you.” He admits quietly before grabbing your hips to kiss along your stomach. Your stomach flutters at that, and you look down at him with a soft giggle. “You’re… you’d never have to kneel for me...” You try as you run your fingers through his shaggy black hair.
“Well, how else can I feel you on my face?” He asks simply as he keeps eye contact with you before lightly grabbing and moving your leg over his good shoulder. He kisses and bites down on different parts of your inner thigh, just enjoying the feel of your soft skin against his lips and cheek. You gently run your fingers through his hair and hum, head falling back against the wall, feeling at peace. “That feels... so good.” You sigh.
He looks up at you. “It should...” He whispers before slowly licking along your wet slot tenderly. You shiver slightly.
“I-It should?” You whisper.
“Mm... You taste so good...” he mutters against your pussy before sucking softly on your clit, rubbing his tongue on the tip of your clit as he sucks and holds it between his lips. Your back arches and you cry out softly, hips rolling against his mouth as you grip his hair as if holding him in place.
He picks you up and practically sits you on his shoulders as he moans against you, lapping at your pussy more eagerly now.
“O-Oh my god! Sh-Shoulder...” You gasp, instantly worried about hurting him. He pulls back and smirks.
"Any pain I get will be well worth it." He whispers before sucking hard on your clit, causing the curling heat in your stomach to get stronger.
“So pretty...” Yoongi breathes out right against your pussy before he dives right back in to eat you out, looking up at you. His eyes roll back slightly as if tasting you was his ecstasy.
He slurps at your clit before tongue fucking you, using his nose to nudge at your clit. You’re pressed against the wall with his face pressed against you and he’s using a free hand to touch himself as you leak on his face.
You feel every moan and groan he lets out as he focuses on your pleasure that was obviously giving him pleasure. Your back aches and Yoongi pulls back only a bit, a thin line of your wetness or his saliva connecting your pussy to his slightly puffy lips.
"Look at me." He orders and you pant hard, looking down at him instantly, feeling completely worshipped. You shiver slightly when you see him palming his cock through his boxers. Your cheeks flush deeply. “My god...” you groan at the sight.
“That’s right baby. I'm your god now. Say my name. My beautiful wife...” Yoongi taunts against your clit. It twitches at the vibration.
“Hm, fuck... Y-Yoongi. Call me your wife again,” you pant, body shaking slightly at the vibrations.
“My wife. My perfect fucking wife...” he moans before tongue fucking you faster as you begin to tremble. Your eyes roll back, and you cry out.
“I need to cum,” you call out, loudly. Your head falls back, and you hold his hair tightly to hold him deeper against you.
“Cum. Cum on my face. Oh, baby. My baby. My wife.” Yoongi pants breathlessly. Your back arches and you cry out loudly, eyes fluttering as you cum against his face. Yoongi licks it all up and then sets you down before yanking the tie off of your robe.
Your legs are trembling as he wraps the tie around your neck like a leash. "Get on your knees." He orders against your lips and you smirk, taking this as a chance to prove you were just as good as him.
You get on your knees in front of him and focus on trailing your tongue along his hard bulge through his boxers, reaching up to grab at the hem of them only to feel a tug on your new leash. "No hands." He growls, completely serious. You blush hard and hold your hands behind your back as he makes you look up at him.
"Open." Is all he says and you open your mouth, tongue falling out to hang outside of your mouth. "Fuck. Why do you look so prefect like that?" He shivers softly before using one hand to free his already fully hardened length.
You drool at the thought of it sliding into your mouth, and when he hits your tongue with it, you moan. God it was hard and heavy. And from the sight of pre-cum on the tip, you knew he was more than ready for you to return the favor.
You try wrapping your lips around it, but he hovers it above your mouth, tauntingly. "Beg." He orders, stroking his length slightly, lazily gathering more pre-cum at the tip.
"Please. Please. Let me taste it..." You pant, mind fully gone at this point. All you wanted was him at this point. Nothing else mattered.
"You're so hot..." He pants softly and leans down to kiss you, sucking softly on your tongue as you moan. He pulls back and spits the mixture of his and your spit back in your mouth before reaching two fingers into your mouth to rub it into your tongue and push his fingers down your throat, causing you to choke. More drool drips down your face and he rubs it in, moaning at how wet your mouth was for him.
He yanks at the tie around your neck, pulling your head closer to his cock, that's now twitching in anticipation. You moan excitedly and hold your mouth open as he finally slides the first two inches into your mouth, moaning in relief.
It eggs you on to keep going. You suck him off sloppily, working more as a vacuum cleaner than a person from how fast Yoongi was bobbing your head up and down his hard shaft. He moans loudly and looks down at you, his tongue slowly poking out to lick his bottom lip, giving out a breathy chuckle. "You drive me crazy..." He pants.
You moan against his shaft and the vibrations run through his dick. "Oh fuck..." He gasps sharply. "You take it so fucking," He pauses to pull your head further down to see how deep he could go. You feel his tip hit the back of your throat and gag, eyes watering as you hear him moan louder, so you focus on breathing through your nose. "G-Good! Good... Good girl..." He gasps out. He lets go of your head and you back up to breathe fully, trying to catch up on your breathing as your heart raced and the ache between your legs returns in tenfold.
He grabs your chin and leans down to kiss you deeply. “I want you. So bad...” He whispers against your lips before moving to kiss and bite along your neck. He then stands up and yanks at the tie around your neck. "Crawl." He smirks and you blush hard, feeling embarrassed, but doing as he said. You couldn't deny it anymore. You loved this new side of him...
He leads you outside, on to the balcony, and picks you up in an instant. He presses you against the railing. You hear the sounds of the ocean and feel the cool island night air against your hot skin since your robe is hanging on your shoulders now. Yoongi grips your ass and holds you against his crutch, you feel his cock pressing against your slot and whine softly as you grind your hips against it, causing him to groan. “You’re soaking me so fucking good...” He pants as he grinds against you.
You pant hard, head rolling back. That's when it all comes back to you. The reality of your current situation. You look around with wide eyes. “O-On the balcony?” You squeak in surprise.
Without missing a beat, Yoongi slides his tip into you, causing you to melt into a puddle of hurried pants and soft gasps. “I wanna make sure you see stars.” He whispers against your open mouth as he takes his time slowly sliding into you. “You feel me, baby?” He whispers as you nod hurriedly.
"M-More. More." You beg fast.
He smirks and shoves the rest of the way inside of you, causing you to moan loudly while he bites back his own sound of pleasure. "Getting a little loud there..." He taunts and you shiver.
“Of course, I am! You're... You’re so big...” You moan out as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“Mm... All fucking yours, baby...” He shivers, blinded with lust.
“Oh fuck.” You groan as you arch your back and start to grind your hips with his cock deep inside of you, moving with your hips. You angle your hips and moan, head rolling back as his tip finally hits that good spot. "Ri-Right there!" You practically plead as your arms go around his neck so you can dig your nails into the back of his shoulders.
“Oh fuck...” He hisses at the scratching. He fucks you harder and reaches up to grab your neck. “You’re so… fuck, you’re so fucking good. So sexy...” He shivers. You hum happily as he grabs your neck, and groan.
“How often did you think about this? Railing me... For everyone to see?” You pant. “Did it get you through tour?” You whisper in a taunting tone as he fucks you rougher.
“So. Fucking. Often.” He grunts through each thrust he gives you. “Almost every fucking night I thought about you.” He pants and hits your sweet spot relentlessly. It's like an endless wave of pleasure, only building higher. A loud moan escapes you before you can stop yourself. “Put on a show, baby. Get fucking loud.” Yoongi growls in your ear before he smacks your ass hard. Your head falls back now, not caring that you were so vulnerable on the railing, because you knew Yoongi had you. You just cry out for him, loudly, calling out his name repeatedly into the tropical night air.
“That’s my good fucking girl. You like being fucked? Hm?” He taunts as he makes you look at the stars by holding on to your hair. They just seem to get brighter with the pleasure. You two were up on the 18th floor and the air just felt thinner up here. You felt higher here.
“God, yes! I fucking love it! Fuck me! Own me!” You call out, not caring about modest behavior anymore. You felt so... Needed at this moment. It was a struggle to keep your eyes focused, let alone open. You were definitely seeing those stars now.
Yoongi pulls out of you and before you can whine about your pussy walls clenching against nothing, he turns you around, so you’re bent over and holding the railing. He starts fucking you faster from behind as he grips your hips harder. You know there’ll be a bruise tomorrow. But you don't care. You can't care. Not now. Not with this being the best pleasure of your life.
With a hand entangled in your hair, he pulls your head back and starts whispering in your ear that anyone can look up at you at any moment and see you getting fucked. That this is how he was claiming you. You were his. Anyone that saw you two would know that. That he was taken. His hand stays tight around your hair while the other one moves to rub your clit.
You fuck your hips back against him, moaning at the idea of people seeing you being so unapologetically his. Your eyes roll back and with no warning, you didn’t trust your voice anyways, you cum on his cock and hand, making a drippy mess.
“Oh, you really like that, don’t you...” Yoongi moans happily, not letting up. Something in him just needed to have you. Fully. He pulls you right against his chest and kiss along your neck. You whimper at the relentless thrusting. This time, it's slow and purposeful, like he was using your tight walls to jerk off his throbbing member. “Say. It.” He orders in your ear.
“I like it! I love it! I-I’m so fucking wet for you!” You practically purr and turn your head to bite down on his pulse point to stay quiet. He moans at the pain. “F-Fuck… Fuck, I’m going to cum...” You whimper against his skin. His neck has a deep bite mark in it now. You can't help but find it beautiful on his skin.
“Beg.” He grunts out, making you look at him as you feel his cock swell inside you. He was so close.
“Please. Please... Yoongi...” You beg quietly, so close to creaming his cock. He spreads your legs more, so your pussy is on display, and he rubs your clit fast and hard as he fucks you right against the railing now. The cool metal of it is pressed against your sweaty skin. It felt so good...
Your back arches and you moan his name in his ear, cumming again. “Oh fuck. Yes. Yes, Y/N..." He gasps out as you milk his cock. "I’m gonna breed you.” He growls, deciding in that one moment that he had to make you fully his. It makes you giggle, sex drunk by now.
“Do it… fucking do it!” You moan eagerly. He gives a few more pumps before shooting his load right in you. You barely have time to enjoy the feeling before he's picking you up.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He grunts, blinded by lust. You squeal as he carries you inside the hotel room.
“Do you think someone caught us?” You whisper as you rub his shoulder lazily.
“And if they did?” He snorts and you chuckle.
“You wouldn't wanna deal with management.” You try, voice soft and slightly distant. You only come back to the reality of you laying in this bed with your best friend when he holds you more firmly.
“I’m a grown man, Y/N. Life is so short. Being scared that I can get in trouble for loving you? It’s not fair to either of us.” He whispers gently. You pause and look up at him.
“L-Love?" You blush hard. He chuckles.
"I’m done trying to please people. I want you.” He says as he gives you a look of adoration. It makes you blush. Yoongi grabs his phone, and you pull the sheets up to your nose.
“What are you doing?!” You giggle and Yoongi hums.
“Giving everyone the heads up...” he says simply.
He takes a selfie with your hair sprawled over his face and chest. Your face is not in the photo though. He posts it on to his Instagram with the caption: “Just me and you🖤”.
It makes you cover your mouth and stare at him in awe before you kiss him lovingly.
“Thank you...” You blush before hugging him tighter. He laughs and shies away as you roll on top of him to kiss all over his face eagerly.
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scariatti · 2 years
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─── ⠀ ♡ Love in the midst of chaos (por sooarticc e k18_blackswan)
em caso de inspiração, credite.
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taekookielove0130 · 1 year
Slowly, Unintentionally.
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Part 1
Pairing: Idol!Min Yoongi x Nerd!Reader
          Y/N and Yoongi are two individuals in completely different worlds who collide due to an arranged marriage. What happens when there’s somebody else living with them too?
To anyone who cares,
I've been working on this story for some time. It was intended to be a one-shot but it turned out to be quite long. Somewhere along the way I lost motivation and started thinking this wasn't going to be good. So I posted the first part hoping to find motivation again.
And if you haven't noticed yet, I'm taking requests for any fanfiction {long-length, short-length One-shots, POVs}.
And to all the loyal readers I've got, Thanks a lott for reading. I absolutely love you guys. Could you please tell me what you think about it too?
You can also 'ask me anything" or "submit a post" on my blog! Happy reading!
It wasn't a conventional type of marriage that you had. You and Yoongi weren't even supposed to marry. He was a celebrity, an idol. While you were the oblivious nerd at school.
You never cared for the crowd or the music. All you knew was that good knowledge would take you anywhere. You were told from a very young age that education was your only constant in life and that you should work hard.
Work hard, you did. You spent days researching and nights revising. You topped your school and entered a university of your choice. Getting a degree was a piece of cake for you, and you topped your university too. Passing with flying colors, you had no difficulty finding a job.
When all others were out partying, you were busy working for your future. And it wasn't that easy being a nerd either. People teased you all the time. Told you that you weren't enough. Pointed out endless times that you were ugly and that no guy would ever like you.
You had no friends and barely left your house unless you had to go to the library or the nearest convenience store. And every night when you cried yourself to sleep, the only thing that ever brought you comfort was the hope that you will someday find someone who will look at you the way your dad does at your mom. With stars in his eyes and love in his gaze.
Your parents are the loving type. They had a love marriage. Being high-school sweethearts, theirs was a love story you would never tire of hearing. Every time you went to your grandma's, you were always asking her to retell the story.
They not only loved each other but also loved you immensely. Being the only daughter, you were their whole world. But sometimes, you thought it would have been better if you were an orphan. Every time you looked at your parents' faces you thought they deserved a better daughter. Those times, you couldn't keep the tears at bay. You would close yourself up in the restroom and cry your heart out.
Oh, you also had social anxiety. The moment you step out into a public space, your head starts spinning. You feel dizziness as your body starts sweating and your hands start shaking. You feel like everyone's eyes are on you, and the walls are caving in.
So, the day you were told that your marriage was arranged to an idol, you weren't sad. You were devastated. When you asked your dad, he explained to you that Yoongi's uncle was a dear friend of his and that he was worried about his sister's son. He was arranging a quick engagement ceremony this weekend, and the week after that, you were getting married to a man you barely knew.
You ran to your ma and cried your heart out in her lap while she lovingly caressed your face and whispered sweet nothings in your ear until you calmed down.
When you met her eyes, she gave you a gentle smile and said,
"Don't worry too much, Y/N. You don't know much about Yoongi. You might want to get to know him better, and since your marriage is just 2 weeks away, you'll have to do that after the marriage.
I know that this is a lot to take in, but I promise that once you settle in, it's going to be a lot easier. Besides, Yoongi isn't too bad. You can expect love in this marriage, but I must warn you not to raise your expectations too high..."
And so, the only two times you saw your husband before marriage was once when he came to meet your dad and you were going to work. The other time was at your engagement party when you were supposed to stand with him the whole night, and honestly, he treated you well.
He behaved like a gentleman. But what worried you was the lack of conversation between you and your soon-to-be husband. He barely spoke a word to you except for the occasional compulsory questions due to the company you had.
The chemistry between you two was not too difficult to notice. The tension was palpable, and the heat was discernible in his eyes. But you spoke no words.
You got married, and it was like no dream you ever had. It was a private ceremony with just your family and close friends, considering your health issue.
It was comforting when your dad held your hand tight. Before you even knew it, you had reached the end of the aisle where Yoongi stood, facing you. He donned one of the many extravagant black suit he possessed and looked like a model.
Not to get you wrong, you did know he had good looks but man... was he damn hot!
Clearing your mind of the thought, You turned to face your dad as he said,
"Y/N, these 24 years passed in the blink of an eye. It feels like your mother showed me her test  and excitedly gushed about having a baby and today..." he paused, clearing his throat. He then lifted his hand and surprised you by wiping the tears streaming down your face.
Jeez! I didn't even notice I was crying. Thanks dad.
"Today, my baby is getting married. I know I asked too much of you by this marriage, but trust me. You couldn't have found a better match. Just... Have patience and remember, Everything heals with time..." you nodded and he took a deep breath, caressed your head and leaned down to softly peck your forehead. Inhaling softly, you turned to look at your soon-to-be-husband. Your father walked closer to him and said, 
"Take good care of her, my man."
Yoongi muttered a soft "I will."
and bowed his head slightly. Shaking, you placed your hand in his, and he surprised you by holding your hand tight. He turned to face the wedding officiator and you followed him. The officiator was a stout-looking man who wore half-rimmed spectacles and a gentle smile on his face. He eyed the crowed and stated,
"We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Lee Y/N and Min Yoongi. We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of Y/N and Yoongi as they choose to spend their lives together. On their behalf, I thank you all for your presence here today. Before we start the ceremony, is there any soul present here that objects this union?"
He looked around and after a few seconds, turned to look at you and Yoongi.
 "Do you, Min Yoongi, take Lee Y/N to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her and, forsaking all others remain true to her as long as you both shall live?"
Yoongi turned slightly and looked at you right in the eyes as he boldly said, "I do." 
"And Do you, Lee Y/N , take Min Yoongi to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him and, forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live? "
You felt Yoongi squeeze your hands and you looked up, catching a glimpse of emotion before his dark orbs before he masked it again. You gave him a soft smile and said, 
"I do. "
You exchanged your rings and with both your hands gently clasped by his you both said in harmony, "With this ring, I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, till death do us part."
"Then, I now pronounce you man and wife."
It was a wish of yours to have a spring wedding and it did come true that day but little did you know that all your other dreams of a marriage of love were about to be shattered the very night
You left the place with your husband, but he excused himself. When you asked him why, he replied with an emotionless expression that you had never seen on his face before that he had an urgent meeting to go to.
Frowning, you tried not to dwell on what could be so important that he had to leave on his wedding night when the driver announced your arrival. Stepping down from the car, you tugged your long dress down and thanked the driver before he took his leave. Your things had already been moved to his apartment, which was now yours.
Traditionally, you were supposed to be carried inside the house in your husband's arms.
Shrugging your shoulders, you told yourself, "Well, this is the reality now. You have to accept it, Y/N."
You entered the house and sighed to yourself, deciding that it was time to change your clothes. A warm shower and a clean, comfy change of clothes later, you decided to sleep for a while. You were awoken by the ringing of the doorbell.
You shouted and ran to the entrance to open the door. You were met with the cold, empty expression on your husband's face, and a strong breeze of air that told you he had been drinking.
"Have you been drinking?" You asked.
Ignoring you, he stepped inside and made his way to your bedroom. Feeling low about the way he was treating you already, you followed him. You saw him tug at his tie before moving to the walk-in closet. 
Yoongi's POV
I left the ceremony as soon as possible to escape the suffocating feeling the place was giving me. I reached the hotel and went straight to the room that was my company for countless nights by now. Ordering a drink became two and didn't stop until I couldn't feel the pain anymore.
Her absence became a dull void instead of the gaping wound it had been throughout the day. Without conscious thought, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was no longer tipsy, and it was midnight. I could think now and I remembered I had a wife waiting for me at our house.
Deciding to go home, I checked out and called my driver. Reaching home, I rang the doorbell twice and was greeted by her in a soft grey hoodie. Y/N's angelic voice reached my ears, and I was once again reminded of her. Doing my best to ignore her, I headed straight to my room and opened the closet to get a fresh change of clothes before heading to the shower.
The sight of her clothes arranged together with mine enraged me. It reopened the wound in my heart, and I could feel the dull ache grow and develop into a pounding pain.
Turning, I located her sitting on our bed and met her hazel-brown eyes. Looking back, I knew that I would regret what I do now but decided to do it anyway.
Collecting her clothes and snatching the hangers from my wardrobe, I walked across the room to place them in her hands and said, "The guest bedroom is across the hallway. You may ask the maid to show you to it. "
I was about to move away when I felt a small fist wrap around mine. Turning back, I saw her standing and looking up. I could see her eyes glossed up as she asked, "Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?"
Frowning, I stared into her eyes, trying to figure out why she thought so. Unable to understand the emotion in her eyes except for the guilt, I sighed.
"No, you didn't. But I'm not up for conversation right now, so just leave me be, we can talk tomorrow."
I felt her remove her grip, but she softly asked again, "Were you drinking and driving?"
Looking at her soft features highlighted by the moonlight streaming into the room, and seeing her eyes so concerned for me, I could feel the walls I had built around myself all these years start to break down.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked softly, and she simply said, "Because you're my husband now."
Her reply reopened the deep wound as I was once again harshly reminded of the fact that this is Y/N and not Her. I realized nobody would ever care so much about me except when they wanted something in return.
Frustrated, I pulled Y/N in by holding her wrist and caged her in between my arms and the wall. Looking into her eyes, I was met with confusion and slight fear as I told her, "Then don't. Please don't care for me just because you have to..." 
Y/N's POV:
I am shocked by his answer, and before I can even think to come up with a coherent answer, he leveled his head with mine and said, "You have come into my life now. But that's it."
I am frozen in my spot as I can feel him move his mouth to my ears as he whispered,
"If you can't get into my bed, you sure as hell can never get into my heart."
I stay in place as he pulls away, smirks at me, and then goes into the bathroom. I somehow come out of my shaken state and leave the room with tears streaming down my face. I could feel the maids staring at me, but I couldn't find it in me to care.
To be continued..
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christinesolstice · 2 years
Jungkook's Bon Voyage Romance
Part: 1
BTS has come to America to film a new season of Bon Voyage. With their regular director gone for the week, they trust his advice and hire an American director.
Sera's Uncle is a small-time director who landed a new gig thanks to an old friend. Upon her Uncle's urging, she hires on as the assistant to seven men that she had never heard of.
Will their week in the woods go as planned?
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“Ugh! I hate rain! And I hate the cold! Whyyyyyy did I agree to this job?” I complained, once again, to my Uncle who was directing the show that we were about to start filming. I huddled tightly under the umbrella even more, trying to keep from getting even more wet from the light rain that was coming down. It was definitely a cold and rainy morning; a morning that I should have been spending in my favorite reading chair, curled up under a huge fluffy blanket with a hot up of coffee and my latest mystery thriller book.
My Uncle chuckled as he checked the protective gear over the camera equipment in the back of the equipment trailer one more time.
“Because you need the money, this is a good paying job, and you’ll be good at it.” He answered with a sickeningly sweet smile. “Plus… aren’t attractive men a bonus?” I rolled my dark brown eyes and pulled my hands inside of my jacket sleeves to try to warm them up.
“It’s not like I’m lacking in the dating area, plus I haven’t even seen these men, they are probably all ugly,” I huffed in annoyance, not really meaning the words that came out of my mouth. My Uncle just smiled to himself and walked off to talk to some of the other film crew.
I usually worked as a personal assistant for an up-and-coming actress but due to personal reasons, the actress was taking a leave of absence from acting and therefore, leaving me jobless for the fall season. My plan was to take the time to relax and enjoy my earnings until the actress came back in the winter, but it seemed as though my Uncle had other plans.
Uncle Tito had called one afternoon and asked to meet up for dinner at my favorite restaurant that night. I had agreed thinking that it would be a family dinner with my Aunt and cousins as well. Instead, I arrived to the restaurant to see my Uncle sitting alone at a table with a thick pile of papers before him and a business proposal brewing in his mind.
Uncle Tito stated that he was going to be directing a type of reality show that he had never directed before, he said that it was almost something like a Variety Show, whatever that was.
“It’ll be great! It’s a brand new market for me and a HUGE opportunity and honor to be able to work with BTS.”
I screwed up my face in confusion. “What’s a BTS?” I asked confused.
“You know, the Global K-Pop sensation group of singers, dancers and rappers?”
I shook my head, still not recognizing them.
“You know, they went to the White House…..they have been on multiple award shows here in the US?”
I just lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, “Since when do I pay attention to politics or to who is who in the music industry?”
My Uncle heaved a heavy sighed and rubbed his hand down his face but then he stopped and tilted his head to look at me. “Actually, this might be good. This might be VERY good. Their management team was worried about hiring a fan as their personal assistant while they were here. So this is actually in our favor since you’re oblivious to who the men are.”
My Uncle went on rambling before his words finally caught up to me.
“WAIT! Personal assistant? THEIRS? ME?” I asked incredulously.
Uncle Tito nodded his head a little too happily. “Yes! Exactly!”
And that’s how I came to have this job. However, when I signed the contract it never said that I would be the assistant to SEVEN men, that I’m supposed to be in the filming with them, in the woods, on a camping adventure for something called Bon Voyage?? Apparently, it’s a vacation thing they do where they travel and it gets recorded? But this time it’s supposed to be a week with them camping? Which seemed easy enough though I hadn’t met them yet so I couldn’t rightfully say, they may be like literal babes in the woods. Although if I can handle a prima donna actress then I can definitely handle them… I hope.
“Alright, it looks like we are all set here.” My Uncle’s voice sounded from the truck parked in the parking spot closest to the camper that the men were supposed to take.
I looked the camper and shook my head, wondering how on earth seven grown men were supposed to sleep in it. Uncle Tito had taken me through the camper and above the driver seat there was a bunk bed, there was a large bunk bed in the back, over the small bathroom, the table could be converted into a bed and the window seats could be converted into a bed. So I guess technically, if they all slept REALLY close, then they cold fit but it made me feel grateful that I had my own tent that I didn’t have to share with anyone, even if the weather was cold and rainy.
“Okay! They are almost here! Everyone get ready!” Uncle Tito shouted to all of us.
I straightened up under my umbrella, interested to find out exactly who I would be working for. I could have looked up BTS before hand, out of curiosity, but I decided not to. It was a week-long job and then after that, I would never see these men again, so what was the point, really? Besides, they were just normal guys, right?
Suddenly a camera was shoved right into my face, which I’m sure would give the audience a clear shot up my nostrils.
“Sooooo, Sera…how do you feel about working with the ultra-famous and ultra-hip group B…T…S!!” My friend Daniel yelled behind the camera. I rolled my eyes and pushed the camera out of my face.
“I would a lot better about it if everyone would just chill. They are just guys.”
Daniel’s mouth gaped open and he put his hand over his heart in mock pain. “JUST GUYS?!” he screeched, causing several other crew to turn their hands to look at us. I slapped my hand over his loud mouth and told him to quiet down.
“Yes, just guys. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
Daniel’s eyes bulged out. “Just…guys… do you REALLY think the…THE Jung Hoseok is JUST a guy?” I
shrugged my shoulders for what felt like the twentieth time that day. “I’ve never seen the guy so how would I know?”
Daniel went to reply but his eyes bugged out even more, which I really didn’t think was possible, and he grabbed my shoulders roughly.
"THAT is THE Jung Hoseok.” He said as he spun me around to face the van that had just pulled up.
Out of the passenger seat had come a golden skinned man, with wavy brown hair and possibly the best bone structure I had ever seen in person. “Oh.” I said quietly in slight awe before turning back to my friend.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I REALLY get it. The guy is gorgeous. Just remember that you’re on assignment, so no trying to hook up with the celebrities.”
Daniel nodded quickly, straightening his face.
“You’re right,” he said, suddenly trying to look very professional. “I cross my little gay heart that I will not try to hook up with the celebrities until the assignment is over.”
He gave me a firm nod and I just giggled, looped my arm through his, and we made our way to where seven men were emptying out of the vehicle.
My Uncle stood before them, talking to the tallest one who had these remarkable dimples every time that he smiled.
“We appreciate you doing this, our regular director was unable to come because of health reasons. He highly recommenced you, and it’s nice to work with someone that he trusts.” Uncle Tito shook the guy’s hand.
“Oh no, It’s an honor to be able to work with all of you. It’s my first time filming something like this so I hope that everything work out well.”
The dimpled man smiled again and waved his hands in the air, “I’m sure it will all be wonderful.”
My Uncle noticed me out of the corner of his eye and waved me over, “Mr. Kim, this is my niece, Sera. She will be the one assisting all of you in whatever you need on this trip." I smiled politely and the man did the same back.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I said warmly, “Please rely on me for anything that you might need.” I stuck my hand out and it was enveloped in his much larger one.
“We definitely will, thank you,” he responded. “Let me introduce everyone. First off, I’m Kim Namjoon but you can just call me Joon”. I nodded and consented to calling him that then my eyes roved over the other men as he introduced them, trying to keep the names straight with who they were.
“This is our eldest member, Kim Seokjin, we call him Jin.” He waved to a tall lanky man with curling brown hair, large lips, who I realized was the one whose laugh had sounded like a windshield wiper when Daniel and I were walking up. ‘He seems absolutely precious, omg.’ He waved shyly and I waved back, nodding my head at him.
Namjoon waved to a man with jet black hair that was curling under his ears, who looked like he was ready to crash into a bed at any moment. His tired eyes roved over me in scrutiny and a small part of me became a little nervous. He seemed a little more intimidating that the other men so far. “This is Min Yoongi, he normally goes by Suga.” “Suga?” I say in question and the tired man nods his head at me, “You can call me whatever you like, but I normally do go by Suga.”
“This is Jung Hoseok,” he motioned towards the one that Daniel had been orgasming over. “You can call me JHope or Hobi,” he said sweetly. “I will definitely do that, thank you.” I responded.
“This is Park Jimin, we just call him by his name.” Jimin’s beauty almost took my breath away. His bleached blonde hair contrasted perfectly with his tan and his eyes crinkled up into half moons when he smiled. ‘He looks like a freaking angel!’ We both nodded high at each other as he ignored an elbow nudge and a whisper from the guy standing beside him.
Namjoon then introduced the man who had been elbowing Jimin as Kim Taehyung. The man with the boxy smile and curly brown hair sauntered to me, took my hand in his and gave the back up my hand a kiss before looking up at me and wiggling his eyebrows. “You can call me Tae or even better, boyfriend, “ he said in a deeper voice than the other men. A loud laugh/snort escaped me as Jin yelled, “Yah!” and Jimin quickly pulled Tae back as the members rounded on him and started hitting him. “I WAS JUST KIDDING.” He yelled in surrender.
Namjoon shook his head, “I’m sorry about that.”
I waved away his apology. “Don’t worry, I have a best fried that acts the exact same way sometimes,” I side-eyed Daniels whose ears turned red at my words. “I’m sure we will get along perfectly."
I laughed and Tae shot me finger guns which had Jimin putting his face in the palm of his hand.
Namjoon then turned to the last one who had caught my eye since the beginning. He was tall with black hair, dressed in all black, had a lip ring and I could see a few tattoos on one of his hands. “This is our maknae Jeon Jungkook, we call him JK or Kookie. “
I looked at the leader in curiosity, I had never heard the term ‘maknae’. Before I could control my loud mouth, in jest I blurted out, “What’s a maknae? I that like a prison term or something?”
I slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as the words came out, realizing that not only were these not normal people, but they were people that I did not know well enough to joke around with in that way, if in any way at all.
Uncle Tito sighed and looked up at the sky as if praying to a god for divine intervention.
“I’m so sorry! I was just kidding!” I tried to quickly say but every single man was laughing loudly at Jungkook’s shocked expression.
Taehyung and Jimin had fallen onto the ground laughing and Jin’s windshield wiper laugh echoed thought the parking lot. Namjoon and Yoongi were laughing so hard that they could barely breath and Hobi was clapping his hands and pointing at Jungkook, “It’s probably because of his tattoos,” he said, which sent them al into another round of laughter, this time even Jungkook joined in.
I watched them all laugh, bewildered that they were not pissed.
Yoongi came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, “That was amazing! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard about Jungkookah.” He said, giving me a gummy smile and suddenly he no longer seemed intimidating.
As the laughter slowly died down, Namjoon wiped his eyes, “Maknae means youngest, he’s the youngest of our group.”
I blushed from my forehead and all the way down to my toes. “I am so, so sorry.” I said to Jungkook but he just grinned a cute little bunny grin, his nose scrunching up. “It’s okay, it was really funny.”
“I’m still sorry, that was so rude and unprofessional of me.”
Namjoon smiled sweetly at me, “I promise, it’s okay. It’s refreshing to be around someone who acts like we are just regular guys.” The others nodded to what their kind leader said.
“In fact,” he said seriously, “I think we would all prefer if you would just be yourself, even with things like that. It’ll be more like having a friend along instead of an employee, it’ll be refreshing and fun! What do you say guys?” he turned to the other men and they all agreed.
“I definitely think you should be yourself around us, after all, we are going to be stuck together for the next week anyway.” Jin reasoned.
“Yeah,” Jimin piped up. “I would much rather work with the real you than with a fake version just for the sake of the show.”
“Besides,” Hobi stated, “If you keep making jokes like that about JK, the I’ll probably love you forever.” He said, giving the youngest member a smug smile, to which JK responded by flipping him off.
Namjoon turned to Uncle Tito, “Mr. Martinez, I think this is going to be a great show.”
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Can you please do prompts 5 and 12 for Yoongi? Thank you in advance!
Hi lovie! sorry for getting to this a tad bit late! I hope you enjoy -nini
-"well..yell, scream, say something, say you hate me, anything"
-"i'll wait for you"
warnings- swearing, cheating, angst, breakup :(
You and yoongi sat in the small booth of your favorite cafe, it was right in the corner and provided the right amount of privacy and great window viewing.
You both had your first date here in this booth when you had met in college, you were both freshman- he saw you and knew he had to have you in any way he could.
So- like any reasonable man, he offered to take you to get coffee and a bagel, and because yoongi is yoongi, you couldnt say no.
A few months later, he asked you to be his girlfriend in that booth, and not too long after that, you both kissed for the first time in that booth.
The torn seating, the uneven table, it wasnt much but to a young couple it symbolized a growing relationship. You had cried, laughed, had small arguments, ate, flirted, you name it- it was all here, in this seat with him.
Today, though, 5 years later, the coffee and bagel meeting was under different circumstances.
It all started with a "I think we need to talk"
You had never expected to hear what you heard come out of yoongis mouth.
"I hooked up with Jen"
You remained still, slowly putting your coffee down as you looked back, your eyes trying to decipher whether he was joking around or not- but the way his gaze stuck to his lap told you everything you needed to know.
He began to speak again, "Im sorr-"
"when was this?" your voice was calm, and steady
He looked up at you, "last weekend"
You nodded, "so...when you went over to jungkook and tae's apartment?"
He slowly nodded
"you told me you guys had work to do"
"we were- we had been working but then jungkooks girlfriend came over and brought jen because they are friends....we all drank....it was a mess....I was leaving, drunk, and jen was there and it just...happened"
His words were choppy as he anxiously picked at his bagel, a slight panic in his eyes once he gained courage to look up at you
Instead of finding anger, he was met with a neutral expression, as if he hadnt done anything at all. To be honest, this scared him more.
You slowly took a breath. You were expecting this, deep down hoping it would never happen, but the men in your life had a way of proving you wrong and failing you at any chance they got- so were you hurt? a bit, but shocked? fuck no.
You nod, feeling your heart twist in pain as you allowed yourself to think for a moment. You simply look up at him and offer a small smile before grabbing your coat and turning to stand up.
"w-wait!" he stood up as well "where are you going?"
You looked up to him, small smile still evident, "well, yoongi, I dont see why i need to be sitting here. Why drag this out?"
His eyes widened "so-...youre breaking up with me?" he whispers, fearful, as his hand still is holding your arm, knowing if he lets go- you leave.
You shrug, trying your best to keep your emotions in. "what else am i supposed to do?"
He rapidly shook his head "well...yell, scream, say something, say you hate me, anything!"
His voice was panicked
"yoongi..." you softly began, "you brought me out for lunch today....to our spot, to tell me you cheated-"
"it was an accident!"
"that you told me a week after it happened. if you cared I would have been made aware of it right away, or....you know...not have had it happen at all."
He breathes heavily, looking around at the semi empty cafe before eyes turning to you again
"it wasnt anything, it didnt mean anything, baby please-"
"people who love eachother dont hook up with other people, even when they are drunk, yoongi. You are telling me this to clear your guilty conscious, not because you are sorry"
"no baby..please..please no ... no" he tears up and grasps your coat, but you only yank away.
"goodbye yoongi"
"Y/N stop, please"
You look at him for a moment as he tries to collect himself,
"its...its ok...be angry, ill wait for you" he sighs
You shake your head, confused. "yoongi...this isnt about waiting. I am not gonna be cheated on, this hurts me....a lot. And I need to be......away from you."
His heart sunk to his stomach as he watched you turn to leave, regretting not running after you. Was it over just like this?
A small little booth, once filled with a budding romance is now just a signifier of what only crashed and burned...hard.
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