#bts rap mosnter
btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #25: Christmas
Kim Seokjin
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“Here we go,” Jin said as he walked into the living room, a large box filled with ornaments in his hands. 
“What’s that?” Kaiden asked as he scooted towards the edge of the couch, wanting to get a peek inside of the box.
“You remember how I told you that we were gonna make our tree really nice and pretty?” You spoke up and Kaiden turned to look over at you, nodding his head. “Well, the decorations for it are in that box.”
“Come look,” Jin called as he set the box down on the ground next to the Christmas tree. Kaiden slid down from the couch and walked over to his father, watching carefully as Jin pulled the lids of the box open. 
“Oh, pretty,” Kaiden whispered as he peeked over into the box. Jin chuckled and reached into the box, pulling out a sphere shaped ornament. 
“Here, you take this hook and sit it on the tree,” Jin instructed as he then took the ornament and hooked it onto one of the branches. “Like that.”
“Ok,” Kaiden nodded and Jin picked out another ornament, this time a small box, and then handed it off to Kaiden. 
“Careful Kade,” you said as you got up and walked over to them. Kaiden nodded once again before slowly and gently placing the box on another branch, smiling widely afterwards. The three of you then spent the next 45 minutes decorating the tree and having Kaiden helping actually turned out better than you and Jin thought it would. 
“Wanna put the star on Chinny?” Jin asked and Kaiden nodded instantly. You handed the star to him and watched as Jin picked Kaiden up, lifting him so that he could reach the top of the tree. Kaiden then pushed the star on to the top branch and Jin set him back onto the ground.
“What do you think Kade?” You asked him.
“We did good,” he chirped, making both you and Jin laugh.
Min Yoongi 
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“Daddy, where we going?” Kinsley asked as you, her, and Yoongi walked through the mall together. Technically though, Yoongi was carrying Kinsley.
“We have a surprise for you baby girl,” Yoongi said and Kinsley gasped softly.
“Good one?” She wondered.
“Yeah, it’s a good surprise,” you laughed. The three of you continued on throughout the mall until you came to this huge photo booth area, that was decorated in what seemed to be an endless amount of Christmas decorations. 
“Mommy, Daddy!” Kinsley squealed and you smiled widely, already having expected this reaction from her. “It’s Santa!” She pointed over to the man that was dressed as Santa, sitting in a large chair as he took pictures with a few other children.
“We know, we brought you to see him,” you told him.
“Do you wanna go over to him?” He asked her and she nodded immediately. Thankfully, the line was not long at all so there was only about a 5 minute wait until the three of you were standing in front of “Santa”.
“Hello there little girl,” Santa smiled at Kinsley. Yoongi set her down on the ground and you both watched as she walked over to stand in front of Santa. “What’s your name?”
“Kinsley,” she whispered, suddenly feeling shy in the presence of the large man. 
“And how old are you Kinsley?”
“Three,” she said as she held up three of her fingers. 
“Have you been a good girl this year?” He wondered and Kinsley nodded. “Good. I guess that means that I’ll have to give you everything you want this year huh?” He chuckled and she nodded shyly. “Would you like to take a picture with me?”
“Can I?” Kinsley asked as she turned around to look at you and Yoongi 
“Go ahead baby girl,” Yoongi smiled and Kinsley wasted no time in climbing up onto Santa’s lap. The both of them grinned widely and the cameraman took their pictures, all while you and Yoongi each took a photo on your phones as well.
Kim Namjoon
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“All ready for bed Mase?” You asked him as you watched him pull his pajama top over his head. 
“Yeah,” he nodded. He then looked over at his bookcase, pointing to it as he looked back at you. “Can we finish the book Mommy?” He wondered, referring to the book ‘The Polar Express’.
“Are you sure you want to finish it tonight?” You questioned with a chuckle. “You didn’t even make it halfway through before you fell asleep on it last night.”
“Please,” he begged. “Wanna finish before Christmas.”
“Alright, alright, we can read it,” you relented, making him cheer. “Go get Daddy and I’ll meet you in our room, ok?” He nodded quickly before running off to find Namjoon while you walked over to his small bookcase and grabbed the book off of the shelf. You then walked out of Mason’s bedroom and down the hall to your and Namjoon’s room, only to find both Mason and Namjoon already waiting in the bed for you. 
“I see the two of you are ready,” you giggled as you climbed into bed with them. You settled down on one side of Mason while Namjoon was on the other side, the two of you sandwiching him in. 
“Do you want me or Daddy to read?” You asked Mason.
“Daddy please,” he requested and you silently handed the book over to Namjoon.
“Should I start from the beginning or do you remember what happened?” Namjoon wondered.
“Start over,” Mason said as he snuggled further into the bed. Namjoon nodded, opening the book and beginning to read. The three of you laid there together, you threading your fingers through Mason’s hair gently as Namjoon’s soothing voice recited the words from the book.
“Joon look,” you called out suddenly, making him stop reading and look over at you. A wide smile came over his face at the sight of Mason fast asleep against you, his fringe covering his eyes.
“I knew he wasn’t gonna last,” Namjoon laughed and you just shook your head before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of Mason’s head.
Jung Hoseok 
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“Daddy, mommy!” Lennox yelled as he and Berkeley ran into the living room. You and Hobi were snuggled up together on the couch, a blanket covering the both of you as you watched a movie.
“What is it kiddos?” Hobi chuckled as they both clambered onto the couch and smushed themselves in between you and Hobi.
“We can’t find the elf today,” Berkeley pouted as she looked up at her father, referring to the elf on the shelf that you and Hobi had been hiding around the house for them.
“Did you look in your room?” You asked and hey both nodded their heads. 
“Help us please,” Lennox requested. 
“Alright, come on,” Hobi said and they both smiled widely before sliding down off the couch. “You gonna come with us?” He asked as he looked over at you.
“Why not?” You shrugged and the both of you got up from the couch. Hobi then lead the way into the laundry room, turning around to face the twins afterwards.
“I have a feeling that the elf may be in here,” Hobi said mysteriously and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, knowing that he was the one who had been in charge of moving the elf today.
“Oh! Found it!” Berkeley exclaimed, hopping up and down as she pointed up to the shelf above the washing machine.
“God job princess,” Hobi grinned as he picked her up, lifting her and letting her pluck the elf from the shelf. 
“Can we play with it Mommy?” Lennox asked as he looked up at you.
“Go ahead,” you relented. “But bring it back to Daddy before bedtime, ok?”
“Ok!” They both agreed before running off with the elf.
“How much do you wanna bet that we never see that elf again?” Hobi said, making you laugh loudly.
Park Jimin
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“Mommy,” Noah whined as he sat next to you on the floor of you and Jimin’s bedroom. “Wanna help.”
“Just a sec Noey,” you mumbled as you concentrated on trying to hold the wrapping paper in place in order for you to tape it together. Jimin walked back into the room then, carrying a few shopping bags that were filled with the gifts that needed to be wrapped for your family and friends. 
“Daddy,” Noah whimpered, turning his attention to Jimin. “Mommy won’t let me help.”
“What? Why?” Jimin wondered as he set the bags down on the floor and then sat down across from you. 
“I didn’t say he couldn’t help, I just told him to wait a second,” you chuckled. “And don’t snitch on me.”
“Come here mini me,” Jimin laughed as he shook his head and Noah crawled over to sit next to his father. Jimin looked into one of the bags and pulled out a small box, handing it to Noah. “Wanna help me wrap uncle Tae Tae’s present?”
“Yeah,” Noah chirped enthusiastically and you couldn’t help but to smile at him. Jimin grabbed the scissors and some wrapping paper, cutting out the appropriate amount needed to wrap the gift. He then handed it off to Noah, who instantly went to work on trying to wrap it correctly.
“So, have you gotten my gift yet?” You asked Jimin as you looked up at him, and he just smiled.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He chuckled.
“I would actually,” you giggled. 
“You’ll have to wait and see jagi,” he said. “I’m not even gonna ask if you got my present yet though, because I know that you don’t have what I really want. At least not right now.”
“Soon Jimin-ssi,” you promised him with a soft smile. “And I think you’ll still like my actual gift in spite of that.”
“Daddy, help me please,” Noah spoke up suddenly and both you and Jimin looked down, seeing that Noah had managed to rip up the wrapping paper and the entire present was exposed.
“Ok mini me,” Jimin laughed. “You did a good job though,” he praised him and you smiled at how great Jimin was with your son.
Kim Taehyung 
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“Ok, who’s card do you want to do next Spence?” You asked as you took a card that she had decorated full of glue and glitter and set it off to the side to dry. For Christmas this year, you and Taehyung had thought that it would be really cute and meaningful if Spencer handmade Christmas cards for your families and for the members. 
“Uh, Uncle Kookie,” she said and you nodded before handing her another piece of construction paper that you had already folded in half for her. She quickly picked up a blue marker and set to work on decorating it. 
“I’m home!” You heard Taehyung shout as the front door opened and then closed. It was only a few more seconds before he was walking into the kitchen and smiling at the sight of you and Spencer sitting at the kitchen table together.
“Hey, how was your day?” You wondered as you watched him walk over to you.
“Eh,” he shrugged with a chuckle before leaning down and kissing you firmly. He then turned to Spencer, who hadn’t once looked up from the card that she was working on. “Hi Munchkin.”
“Hi Daddy,” she replied, still not sparing him a glance as he kissed her on the cheek.
“Oh, you’re working on your Christmas cards,” Tae smiled as he looked at the small stack of cards that she had already finished. 
“Yeah and she’s doing a great job,” you praised her. “See, look at them.”
“No!” Spencer squealed as she finally looked up, reaching out to grab her Daddy’s hands. “Daddy’s card is there and he can’t see it until Christmas.”
“Oh, that’s right,” you nodded. “Sorry Spence.”
“Well, who’s card are you working on now?” Taehyung asked as he peeked over Spencer’s shoulder in order to look at what she was doing. “It looks beautiful.”
“That’s Jungkook’s card,” you smiled.
“Oh, I should’ve known,” he smirked knowingly.
Jeon Jungkook
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“I’m ready!” Ava chirped as she ran down the stairs in your house, running over to where you and Jungkook were standing by the front door.
“Ah, where are your gloves Ave?” You asked her when you saw that her hands were bare.
“Upstairs,” she murmured as she looked down at her hands. 
“Go get them Angel,” Jungkook instructed. “It’s cold out there.” Ava sighed heavily before turning around and walking back up the stairs. 
“If she has this much attitude at three, can you imagine how bad she’s gonna be when she’s a teenager?” You wondered.
“I don’t even wanna talk or think about that,” Jungkook shuddered, making you laugh. Just then, Ava came back down the stairs with her gloves on her hands. After checking to make sure that she was bundled up properly, Jungkook opened the front door and the three of you walked outside into the freshly fallen snow.
“Wanna go play in the snow Angel?” Jungkook asked her and Ava nodded. You watched with a smile as she stepped out further into the front yard, giggling when she heard the snow crunching underneath her feet.
“Here, want me to show you how to make a snowball?” You asked her and she nodded. You bent down and gathered some snow up, using your hands to form it into a ball. Ava then did the same, although her snowball turned into more of a huge glob than a ball. 
“Hey, we should get Daddy,” you whispered as you looked over at Jungkook, who had started to roll a huge ball of snow in order to make a snowman.
“Ok,” she giggled and the two of you slowly crept up behind Jungkook, who had his back turned to you two. You looked down and nodded at Ava, and the two of you threw your snowballs at him at the same time.
“What the!” Jungkook yelped as he jumped at the impact of the snowballs and he turned around, an evil smirk spreading across his face. “Oh, the two of you are in for it now!”
“Run Mommy!” Ava shrieked and the two of you took off across the yard, Jungkook following close behind with a snowball in each of his hands. 
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sorikkung · 7 years
namjoon is honestly so underappreciated and underrated like you’d think everyone would love the leader but no all the hype is from the maknae line and DONT GET ME WRONG i love the maknae line, jungkook is my ultimate bias but namjoon works sO DAMN HARD and is the reason why bts exists at the moment and he doesn’t get appreciated enough?? like i can find hundreds of ppl going “@/bighit give jin more lines he’s so underappreciated” but literally no-one appreciates namjoon at all and it makes me so sad especially when people call him ugly because he’s actually really beautiful??? i do confess i did call him ugly before but that was because i was biased against kpop - there’s a really long story behind that, long story short is i hated kpop for literally no reason and tried to find every single thing about it i could pick on even if it wasn’t true, and now that i’ve gave it a try im trash. okay that derailed a bit but what i meant to say was i only called him ugly trying to convince myself i hated something i didn’t; NAMJOON IS BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, KIND, SEXY, ADORABLE BUT DEFINITELY NOT UGLY OKAY ILL FIGHT ANYONE ON THIS
looks aside, i don’t see why more people aren’t namjoon biased cause honestly??? he’s so pure??? okay his mind certainly ain’t pure bUT THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT i meant his personality is so warm and loving and hardworking and all he wants is for us armys and his bangtan boys - wait no scrap that, everyone - to be happy and healthy?? he’s constantly carrying all these interviews and things in a language that isn’t his native one, always looking out for his members and is just such a great person??? like what else are you looking for??? adorable quirks like jungkook’s nose scrunches or yoongi’s gummy smiles? WELL HE HAS THOSE TOO. namjoon’s dimples; need i say more? i do? okay, well how about the whole god of destruction thing? imo its super adorable. and contrary to popular belief, jungkook isn’t the only meme of bts. kim namjoon started the “you got no jams” meme what more do you want. legit i could pull out fifty billion namjoon memes out of my ass right now if you asked me to.
AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED on his talent. not just is he a great leader but a great rapper, have you heard him in joke and all the cyphers? people call yoongi the master of swag but seriously. namjoon invented swag. (except with his debut hairstyle, never again, pls nams) he spits fiiiiiiire. he writes songs and has such a cool way of delivering his raps? he doesn’t slur his words as much as other rappers do to make his rapping voice and talking voice too different and it makes him sound so much more intimidating and smarter. speaking of his voice, while he is no jimin, he actually can sing pretty damn well??? have you head 4 o’clock??? and his and jungkook’s fools cover??? EVERYONE IS ALWAYS ON ABOUT WOW HOBI CAN SING AND YES HE CAN BUT EVERYONE CAN WE APPRECIATE NAMJOON’S VOICE PLEASE. music aside his voice is just overall sexy and algkhadjfsg.
what more do you want from him????
what does the maknae line and even the other hyungs have that he doesn’t???
please don’t take that ltierally and go “an angelic singing voice like jimin’s” or “dance moves like hoseok” because everyone is talented in different areas.
but namjoon has rapping talent, singing talent, he can actually dance quite well for the amount of slack he gets for it, he can speak english, he’s intelligent, he’s a total adorable dork, and he’s also really sexy, and he’s super funny, did i mention he was a dork, he’s the charismatic leader of bts, he’s kind and caring, adorably clumsy, still a complete living meme, and he has good looks yet he’s not appreciated half as much as the others????
i’m not saying namjoon should be number one and if he isn’t your ultimate bias then you’re a terrible person, no i’m not, as mentioned previously im jungkook biased, what im trying to do here isn’t make namjoon your bias (but if i did, then keep going) but just to make everyone give namjoon the love and appreciated he deserves and worked so damn hard for???
this was meant to be short. oh well, psa over, tris out
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0opalita · 7 years
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He certainly does.
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elainechaos · 4 years
Find them at KANANISUUNSHOP;  https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/BTS-Unconditional-Love-by-stacithemess/67869691.IJ6L0?asc=u
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kissingnamjoon · 6 years
Burning Distance - Part 5 [Final]
Summary: Everything was different after that day. Y/N didn’t want to see Namjoon. At all. I mean, of course she wanted to see him. But she figured with the baby almost being born that she needed to be relaxed, stress-free and healthy for the baby. Namjoon got all his updates about the baby and Y/N through Seokjin, who y/n seemed to be the most comfortable around. Hell, when the baby was born 2 weeks ago Namjoon got the news through Seokjin.
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Angst??? Kind of Idk this one is more fluffy I think 
A/N: kinda sad to see this mini series come to an end but I’m hoping the final part will surprise you guys :( dsjhskjdgh ENJOY MY BBYS
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  A month and ½ later…
  Everything was different after that day. Y/N didn’t want to see Namjoon. At all. I mean, of course she wanted to see him. But she figured with the baby almost being born that she needed to be relaxed, stress-free and healthy for the baby. Namjoon got all his updates about the baby and Y/N through Seokjin, who y/n seemed to be the most comfortable around. Hell, when the baby was born 2 weeks ago Namjoon got the news through Seokjin. In Y/N’s defense though, both her and Seokjin and even Yoongi tried calling Namjoon when she went into labor. But Namjoon had been so down late. So depressed, that he slept through all the calls. He rushed over to the hospital as soon as he could, but their baby had already been born. Namjoon thought that this would be the happiest moment of his life, he really did, no matter how his relationship was with Y/N now.
  He couldn’t help but feel a small spark of jealousy ignite in him when he walked into your hospital room though and saw you holding your baby, talking to Jin who was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Namjoon knocked lightly on the wall, before fully stepping in the room. It was almost like a little kid asking for permission. You see, neither Namjoon nor Y/N had really talked, and had never went out right and said their relationship was done, Namjoon was just assuming. And every time Y/N thought about what she wanted their relationship status to be, she forced herself to stop. She would tell herself that Namjoon was too much stress for her and the baby, but deep down inside she knew she was lying to herself. Hell, everyone around her wouldn’t believer her if she said she didn’t want to be with Namjoon.
  When Namjoon held their baby for the first time, it was the first time he had smiled since their argument that day. The first time he felt some sort of happiness. He wrapped his hand around his baby’s little finger, tears welling up in his eyes. He promised himself he would treat his child with the upmost love and care he could. He thought this would be some sort of make up for the way he had treated Y/N. He vowed to never take his anger or stress out on anyone else ever again, especially his newborn child. His happiness was short lived though when he finds out Y/N was going to stay in their house alone with their daughter for the time being. He really wanted to go back home, she really wanted him to come back home. But something in her pride stopped her. Stopped both.
  And Namjoon really worried about Y/N being by herself with a newborn child. Of course, Namjoon would have his days with the baby, but the 3 of them were never actually all together, so it felt like they were doing this whole parenting thing by themselves. Y/N was under so much stress, even if she couldn’t admit it to herself. She kept telling herself she could do this whole parenting thing by herself, but of course, no one really knows what their doing when it comes to be a parent for the first time. She kept telling herself that, until one night. The baby wouldn’t fall asleep, no matter what. Y/N had tried EVERYTHING. Diaper change that wasn’t even dirty, breast feeding, going for a drive, hell, she even tried giving her daughter a bottle for the first time! She tried rocking the baby, talking to her. “Please go to bed baby, mommy is tired.” With those words coming out of her mouth, the tears started piling up in Y/N’s eyes. Mommy is tired. Those words spoke more deeper meaning than a baby, or anyone could understand. Y/N was tired, exhausted, worn out. Y/N needed her Namjoon. She couldn’t do this by herself. She needed Namjoon.
  Y/N was a blubbering mess as she got all the baby stuff ready to pack up in the car. Her hair was a messy, she was in her pajamas as she grabbed a sweater namjoon had left and put it over her sloppy appearance to make herself seem somewhat decent. However, right now she really couldn’t care. She drove, carefully with their wailing baby in the backseat, over to the dorms. Still crying as she reached the boys dorm and got the baby out. She knew all of them would be surprised to see her unannounced, especially in the kitchen she was in. She bundled the tiny human in her blanket, putting her little shoes on and made her way to the apartment.  She the baby in one hand and used the other to pound her fist on the door, still a blubbering mess. The door opened shortly after that s soft looking Jimin opened the door. “Y/n? are you okay? Whats wrong? Do you need Jin?” Y/n shook her head, trying to talk but the words were difficult to come out. The rest of the boys were already coming out of their rooms and gathering in the living room, hearing the noise going on. “I need Namjoon!” she looked up threw her wet eyelashes, crying out as she held her daughter close to her chest.
  With that, she barged into the dorm before Jimin could even answer her. If she were in any other situation she would be embarrassed as all the boys stared at her, but right now she didn’t care. She was stomping her way to Namjoon’s room when suddenly she bumped face first into Namjoon’s chest. Namjoon grabbed her arms softly and looked at her with a concern look on his face. “Y/N? Whats wrong? Are you hurt? Is the baby hurt?” Y/N shook her head, burying her face in Namjoon’s chest much to her his, and all the boys that were watching, surprise. “She won’t stop CRYING! And I don’t know what else to try, I’ve tried EVERYTHING and she wont stop! I need you Namjoon! WE need you!” She blubbered out, her tears flowing onto his shirt. Namjoon’s heart skipped.
  He approached the situation carefully. He nodded softly, wrapping his arms around his 2 girls and gently leading them to his bedroom for some privacy. Of course, he knew better than that. He knew the boys, or at least the makes, would try and poke their nose into what was going on. He sat Y/n on the baby, gently taking the baby and rocking her slightly, patting her back and leaning his daughter lean onto his muscular chest. Y/n’s sniffles and tears slowed down as the baby stopped crying much to her surprise. We really do need Namjoon in our life…. she thought. Namjoon leaned backed on the bed, pulling y/n with him as she leaned on his shoulder. She could only watch in amazement as their daughter looked up at Namjoon with bright, big eyes. “What… how…Namjoon how did you- “Namjoon leaned over, kissing Y/N on the head.  She looked exhausted. “Go to sleep, Y/N. We can talk after you and the baby are well rested, okay?” Y/N nodded shyly. She thought about how she had been ignoring Namjoon all this time, even if he kind of deserved it at first, and he just took her back in his arms like nothing ever happened.
  It made her realize that no matter what, Namjoon’s heart and arms would always be open for her, and now for their daughter. It was a comforting feeling, really. To know that someone always loved you and would be willing to care for you, despite your flaws and mistakes. Y/n gently draped her arm over Namjoon waist, kissing her daughter’s cheek before her eyes fluttering shut. She quickly started falling asleep, but not before hearing the door creak slightly and Namjoon whisper yell “Guys, get out!” He chucked a pillow at the boys huddled around the door. Jin caught the pillow. “Ah, would you look at that, it looks my children are finally back together.” The rest of the boys chuckled and Namjoon blushes slightly, looking down at his girlfriend and his daughter. Maybe everything would really be okay.
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delfu44 · 6 years
When U Are A new Army But You realized that The Band Has theories
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mingzyu · 6 years
army when dna came out:
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army when fake love came out:
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scaans · 7 years
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BANGTAN BOYS - 2018 Season’s Greetings scan credit: scaans@tumblr editable; credit is appreciated
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chimfires · 7 years
102 with Taehyung
102: this is hard for me too
_______________________ Ironic isn’t it.. How our happiness could depend on one small thing.. something that could seem immensely insignificant to someone, can mean the world for someone else.. How earth shattering, and heart breaking it could be.. to not get the outcome you prayed and tried for.. Ironic isn’t it... how a simply failed pregnancy test could completely alter the world for you and your husband... and brought you to this very moment.. you.. sitting on your cold toilet.. you 17th pregnancy test in your hand.. and your husband.. holding your shaky hands. It seemed like everyone around you had babies, while you and Tae were trying the literal second you got married..There was nothing wrong medically.. the doctore just said... when it happens.. it’ll happen.. RM and his wife had just welcomed their son into the world.. the third member to have a baby.. while you and Tae watched from the side lines.. getting the position as God parents.. though grateful.. it wasn’t the same.. nothing could beat the very moment where you would see Tae holding your own bundle of joy.. a perfect mixture between the two of you. 
“What if it’s negative tae?” you asked, looking up at him with tears already forming in your eyes. 
“We’ll keep trying.. if you want..” he whispered.. 
“this is hard.. I don’t know if I can handle another negative..” you whispered.. He kissed your hand, sighing into it.. 
“I know.. This is hard for me too.. ” he whispered against your skin, breaking your heart into a million more pieces.. If there was one person.. ONE who deserved to be a dad.. it was him..
“if you want.. we don’t have to keep trying.. I know it’s har-”he started, but you cut him off.
“tae.. Tae it’s positive..” you said.
“what?” he said, sitting up.
“tae it’s positive.. it’s positive..” you choked. Two more tests later.. positive. 
You were pregnant 
“oh my god!” he yelled, picking you up in his arms. You clung to him, silently thanking God that it had happened.. You were both finally going to be parents.
“we did it..” he said into your hair.
“we did it..” you whispered against his neck.
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message us a number+member! Requests are open!
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Kink Series: Digital
Kim Seokjin
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“Could you just pick one already?” You groaned from your place between Jin’s legs. The two of you were sat on the bed with you in between Jin’s open legs and your back pressed to his chest as you leaned against him.
“Y/N, picking the right video takes time,” Jin murmured back as he scrolled through Pornhub on his phone with one hand, the other rubbing light circles onto the skin on your hip.
“Jin, it really doesn’t matter that much. Besides if it does what we want it to, we won’t even finish the video,” you cooed, using your fingernail to trace shapes onto his thigh. 
“Fine,” he muttered as he finally clicked on a video and held his phone up so that the both of you could see it. The video started off pretty tamely, with the man and woman kissing and feeling each other up. Pretty soon though, the man had the woman on her back as he ate her out. Your breath hitched as you watched her arch her back and pull hard at the man’s hair.
“Doesn’t she look so pretty Y/N-ah?” Jin purred into your ear and you immediately nodded your head. Jin chuckled and moved his free hand so that it was on your thigh, stroking it softly. The man in the video stopped eating her out and immediately pushed his length inside of her, wasting no time in giving her what she had been begging for ever since he was eating her out.
“Fuck, you can just look and tell how tight her pussy is,” Jin pointed out as his free hand moved inwards and toyed with the lining of your panties that you still had on. “I bet you wish you were getting fucked like that too huh?”
“Please Jin,” you pleaded and Jin wordless pulled the crotch of your panties to the side, pushing his middle finger inside of you. 
“Damn Y/N, you’re soaked,” Jin whispered in awe. He handed you the phone in his other hand before bringing that one down as well and using it to hold your thighs apart. “Keep your eyes on that screen or I’ll stop, got it?” He said sternly and you quickly nodded. 
Min Yoongi
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You stood in front of the floor length mirror that sat on one of the walls in your and Yoongi’s bedroom, going to your camera app and snapping a few photos of your outfit. You had gone to the mall today and picked up a few...interesting things and you wanted to show them off to Yoongi. Smirking to yourself, you then went to his text thread and proceeded to send him the three photos that you had taken. You didn’t even get the opportunity to lock your phone before it buzzed in your hand from his reply.
Yoongi: Are you trying to be funny right now? You know I can’t come home early today...
You: What are you talking about? 
You: I just bought some stuff at the mall and I wanted to show you, that’s all
Yoongi: You’re not slick baby girl
Yoongi: But since you wanted to show me so badly, why don’t you send me some more?
You smiled and went back to the camera, holding your phone up as you turned around so that your back was facing the mirror. You pulled your panties up so that more of your ass was exposed and you snapped two quick pictures. You then sent them off to Yoongi and waited patiently for his response.
Yoongi: Holy fuck baby girl, you’re so good for me
Yoongi: You may want to take a nap now because when I get home, I’m fucking you so hard that you’ll feel it for days
You: Looking forward to it Daddy
Kim Namjoon
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You groaned loudly, feeling frustrated that the orgasm you had been chasing for the past 20 minutes just kept slipping away. Every since you and Namjoon had started dating, any efforts to get yourself off without him only proved futile.
An idea popped into your head as you thought of your boyfriend and you reached your to the nightstand, grabbing your phone and clicking on the camera. You switched to video mode and clicked record, angling the phone so that it could catch the sight of you rubbing your clit a few times. You stopped recording and went to your text messages, clicking on the thread you had with Namjoon and you sent the video to him. Sure enough, only a few minutes had passed before Namjoon was calling you.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Seems like someone’s having a little trouble huh?” Namjoon murmured huskily and you felt your walls clench.
“Yeah,” you pouted. “You know it’s hard for me to get off without you.”
“Well, I have a few minutes alone. Want some help baby?”
“Please,” you smiled, already sliding your free hand that wasn’t holding your phone down and settling your fingers on your clit.
“Good girl,” Namjoon whispered. “I want you to put your pointer and middle finger inside of your tight little pussy, ok?”
“Fuck,” you moaned as you followed his instructions.
“Now, I want you to fuck yourself the same way that you know I would,” he said. “Nice and deep, and no stopping until you come for me.” You began to thrust your fingers in and out of yourself, the familiar feeling of the orgasm that had been teasing you appearing again almost instantly. “Don’t stop baby, come all over your fingers for me.” Hearing Namjoon’s voice pushed you over the edge and you came, your body shuddering as the pleasure coursed throughout you.
“All good?” Namjoon chuckled and you blushed.
“All good. Thank you Joon.”
“No problem baby.”
Jung Hoseok
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“Oh, and to what do I owe this pleasure?” You teased as you answered Hobi’s facetime call, only to be greeted with the sight of his shirtless chest.
“Clam down, I just got out of the shower,” Hobi laughed as he moved the camera so that his face was in frame.
“Hey, I don’t have any problem with it,” you shrugged. “I actually miss it. It’s been a long three weeks that you and the boys have been gone.”
“I know baby and I miss you too but we’ll be home in a week.”
“What if I don’t wanna wait that long?” You wondered and Hobi raised an eyebrow at you.
“What, you want me to make you come right now?” Hobi smirked.
“Hobi,” you whined. “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea.”
“Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully as he stared at you through the camera. “I guess I wouldn’t be either.” You couldn’t help both the smile and the blush that crept onto your face and Hobi chuckled at seeing your reaction. “Why don’t you start my showing me those perfect breasts of yours, hm?”
Park Jimin
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Jiminie: I’m in this meeting and I’m bored as hell. Distract me?
You looked down at your phone and you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face as you read the text message from Jimin.
You: I’m at work and you are too, pay attention!
Jiminie: I could think of much better uses of my time than sitting in these boring meetings lol
You: Like what?
Jiminie: Like bending you over my lap and spanking you. After that, I’d probably fuck your face, the way that you like me to, before fucking you nice and hard.
You let out a soft rush of air as you read over that last text at least five times. You felt yourself involuntarily clench around nothing and you rolled your eyes at how he was able to turn you on without even being around you. You jumped lightly in surprise as your phone vibrated again.
Jiminie: Oh, my little slut likes that huh?
You: Yes....
Jiminie: Yes what?
You:...Yes Sir
Jiminie: That’s my good little slut
Kim Taehyung
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You bit your lip nervously as you watched the Skype call connect, your laptop sitting on the bed in between your legs.
“Y/N-ah?” You heard Taehyung’s voice as the video connected and then you saw his boxy smile appear on your screen.
“Hi Tae,” you smiled shyly as you pulled the robe that you had on further around your body.
“Hi baby girl,” he said and you could see his eyes looking you up and down. “Are you nervous?”
“Kind of,” you admitted and Tae smiled. 
“We don’t have to do this, you know.”
“I want to,” you interjected. “Just, scared I guess.”
“There’s no need to be scared jagi,” Tae replied. “This is no different than anything else that we’ve ever done together. The only difference is that I’m not there with you.”
“Ok,” you nodded as you took a deep breath in and out. “I’m ready.”
“Why don’t you start by showing me what you have underneath that robe?” Tae suggested and you nodded again, unraveling the knot that held the robe on your body before slowly peeling it off. “Wow.”
“Do you like it?” You asked as you looked down at the forest green colored lingerie that covered your body.
“I love it baby,” Tae nodded, making you smile. “Is that new?”
“Yeah, bought it for tonight,” you confirmed. 
“You look beautiful. Now, why don’t you work on taking it off for me?” 
Jeon Jungkook 
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“Here,” Jungkook said as he handed you his camera and you accepted it with eager hands. “Hey, be careful with it because if you drop my camera, I’m gonna drop you.”
“You know, for us to be making a sex tape, you’re not doing a very good job of getting me in the mood,” you teased, watching him as he laid down on his stomach in between your legs. You checked and made sure that the camera was recording before pointing the viewfinder at the apex of your thighs, where Jungkook was leaving light kisses on your thighs.
‘I’m just telling you because if you break my camera, there will be no mood to get into because you’ll be dead,” he laughed and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Can you just eat me out? Or are you camera shy baby?” You taunted and he looked up at you with a hard glare. Wordlessly, he dived straight into your folds, using his tongue to trace your outer lips and the outline of your clit.
“Holy shit Kook,” you murmured as you watched him through the camera lens. He moaned into you, the vibrations sending a pleasurable jolt throughout your lower half and you almost dropped the camera on your stomach.
“Oh, oh please,” you moaned and Jungkook removed his mouth from you, moving one his hands from your thigh and pressing two fingers into you. 
“Getting a little shaky Y/N-ah?” Jungkook joked but you were too focused on his fingers fucking you to reply to his slick comment. “You’re gonna make this unwatchable for later if you can’t hold the camera steady.”
“Fuck it,” you grumbled as you set the camera on the nightstand that was next to the bed. “Just fuck me, please.”
“My pleasure baby,” Jungkook smirked before leaning up and kissing you roughly.
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ask-witch-jiminie · 7 years
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taegerous · 7 years
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- Random Namjoon texts
A/N: it’s 1:37 am, that’s all the explanation i have rn, enjoy
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0opalita · 7 years
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hyyh era fucked me up :-)
2 more
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youxidol · 7 years
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★first off i’m going with the stereotypical innocent girl falls in love with the bad girl @ me and tell me it doesn’t fit i dare you  
★the two met when army was given the task of showing yoonji around   
★army had heard the rumours being spread 
★so she was kinda scared
★but when she saw they had a love for music she’d relax a little
★when they got to the music department of the school yoonji would play something on the piano 
★’do you play anything?’
★’maybe one day i’ll teach you’
★and army’s face would just turn bright red
★yoonji would sit with army at lunch  
★’you’re the only decent person here’  
★’i’m glad you think so’
★’i’ll spare you when my plan for murder is finalised’
★and when yoonji hears army laugh she knows she must be protected 
★yoonji joins army in the library when she’s studying
★brings her water and fruit
★’you didn’t have to’
★’well next time i wont’
★’i’m thankful’
★’yeah well you need to do this so i can copy from you’
★yoonji will throw down anybody that speaks ill of army
★she’s been sent home twice for threatening people
★she tried hiding army behind her
★even though army is an entire foot taller than her
★yoonji joined poetry club just to spend more time with army
★and they’re really good at poetry
★so they often write small poems for eachother
★army sits with yoonji while she’s playing piano
★it helps her concentrate when she’s studying
★yoonji confessed first
★by making piano covers of all of army’s fave songs
★then will deny it was her for like 2 weeks
★army would use this time to tease yoonji
★’i think i know who it is’
★’oh yeah?’
★’he’s just walked in. i’m going to kiss him’
★and that’s when she finally gave in
★yoonji gets really whiney when army’s reading
★’pay attention to me’
★’i will after this chapter’
★she’ll throw herself in army’s lap and groan until the book is put down
★yoonji helps army learn some small tunes on the piano
★dates consist of eating snacks in yoonji’s car at 11pm 
★army loves their size difference  
★seeing yoonji standing on her toes to kiss her makes her really happy  
★’don’t make me come up there, kim’
★’i wish you would’
★army is shy about pda as she doesn’t want people judgemental 
★yoonji doesn’t care what people say
★army is her angel and she’ll shout it from the rooftops
★’i’m outside’
★’i’m studying’ 
★’i don’t care’
★yoonji always has army’s fave snacks in her car
★army takes yoonji to museums
★but yoonji spends 90% of the time staring at her
★it’s the same when army’s trying to teach her something
★’did you learn anything today?’
★’i learned that i’m ridiculously in love with you’
★no matter how many times yoonji says cheesy shit army still melts
★when army saw that yoonji wears animal print briefs 
★she bought them matching 
★yoonji lets army do dumb shit to her
★like put flowers in her hair for pictures
★or pose like an idiot
★or wear cat ears
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namjoonspage · 7 years
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Namjoon icons.
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suggamiin · 7 years
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That glare..
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