#bts v doctor au
wildestdreamsblog · 14 days
Latibule Season 2: V
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which he lost his latibule.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: BTS is 7.
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Masterlist, Latibule 2.IV
“You’re finally awake,” a familiar, gentle voice on your right remarked.
You slowly turned to the direction of the voice, your eyes were slow to adjust from the sudden brightness of the white and sterile room. You could make out a man with a tall form, and even with the little vision you were left, you were sure you have seen this man before.
You blinked owlishly, clearing out the sleep from your eyes and little by little, your vision cleared out as best as it could. When it finally did, your breath hitched from the recognition of who this man was.
The man who claimed to have lost his cat years ago– Suga’s hyung.
He smiled at you when a stark recognition crossed your face.
“I never thought we’d see each other again,” he chuckled from his seat, on his lap was your chart. “Let alone in this circumstance."
You quickly sat up. Only now did you feel a restriction form your left hand. Your other hand was quick to reach out, feeling the dextrose drip attached to your skin. You turned to him with caution in your movement, memories of what transpired before this rushing into you.
He found you and he was going to end you.
“W-where am I?” trying to steady your trembling voice and muster some courage.
Seokjin tilted his head to the side. If he noticed your trembling, he did not mention. Apparently, he was content with observing you with almost scientific curiosity. “You’re in my hospital,” he replied.
He followed your eyes as you tried your very best to see what this room was, your eyes drifting across the whole room as though you were looking for something.
“Are you looking for Yoongi?” he asked when enough silence passed with you looking like you were ready to bolt in any given moment. You were sure that
Your refusal to answer was an answer in itself. Your silence spoke volumes.
Seokjin’s relaxed demeanor was just adding up to your nervousness. Why was he not doing anything, you wondered? You were sure that he was a part of whatever shady business Suga was part of. It was impossible that he was not aware of that. After all, they did seem close and they were brothers. The correlation alone was enough to make you be wary of him despite the friendly act of his.
“He’s outside the room,” Seokjin shared with lightness in his words. He chose not to divulge that his younger brother was literally just outside the room, standing guard as though someone was going to take you from him. Worse, that you would disappear right under his nose had he left his pose. “Wanna know why? Apparently, he, and I quote, ‘cannot bear to see the frightened look his angel gave him’.”
“Do you want to see him?”
“I want to leave.”
He stood up calmly and proceeded to check and adjust your dextrose. “Don’t move this hand too much. You’re going to bleed,” he advised, murmuring under his breath how Yoongi was going to hurt him if you were hurt under his care. He also noted how none of his brothers treated him with the respect the eldest should be given. Also, he grumbled about how he kept on feeding them despite their disrespect.
It wasn’t lost on you how he didn’t answer nor acknowledge what you said.
He fished a penlight from his white coat, “I’m just going to check your eyes, Y/N,” he said as he turned the penlight on and instructed you to open your eyes. “Minimal reaction to light,” he murmured to himself before writing down on your chart. “When did this happen?”
“Should I answer?”
“That’s alright. I’ll just check with Doctor Choi-“
“How did you know my doctor?” you asked in aghast. Did their hold know no bound? If not, how then would he know something of confidential matter?
“Hmm?” he moved away from you slowly, his eyes comically wide and his hands raised as though in retreat. It would have been funny had you not been sure that he was one of the bad men you despised so much. “Y/N, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You squinted your eyes at his retreating form. The room that you were in seemed to be ridiculously large and despite the number of steps he was taking, he was still far from the door.
“I swear I don’t know. But also, while we are in the topic of things I certainly do not know and have absolutely no way of knowing, I also have no knowledge of the scar on your stomach that suspiciously do not look like a cesarean scar.”
Seokjin jumped from shock when Yoongi stepped in front of him as soon as he exited the room. “I’m going to die early because of my own brothers,” he grumbled in irritation, clutching your chart to his chest. “I can’t go without seeing my sunshine one more time.”
“How is she?”
“Hey, hyung! Have you eaten, hyung? Thank you for staying up all night to take care of the love of my life. I owe you one, hyung. You’re just the best, hyung. You’re so handsome, hyung– really?! Is that so hard to say those things?!” Seokjin finished, his heavy breath a telltale sign of his agitation.
“Let’s just go ahead and pretend I said those things. Anyway, how is she?” Yoongi asked, his face couldn’t hide the exhaustion from staying up all night and refusing to leave despite his assurance that you would be fine under Seokjin’s care. His face was even paler than normal.
He didn’t even leave his post to eat that he had to call the only available brother (and not even his second nor third choice, but his last resort), Kim Taehyung, to disguise himself and come to the hospital with food. Taehyung then had to force the other brother to eat at least two spoonsful of rice.
Taehyung was rarely denied by Yoongi, so maybe Seokjin chose the right brother for this task. Never mind the fact that he was later on kicked out by Yoongi because he kept on looking closely and taking notes of the way he was acting because he said that it would be useful for his next movie character.
“Hopeless. All of you are hopeless-“
“You are, too. How’s your sunshine, by the way?” Yoongi shot back and despite his lack of sleep, his words were sharp as ever.
“I don’t know where she is, okay!? Why are you hurting me like this?!” he asked dramatically, childishly glaring at him. “I hate you! If you want to know how your Angel is, you better ask her yourself!”
Seokjin walked away, his steps quick and his white coat was trailing behind him which further added to his dramatics. A paid actor, if you would.
“I…I can’t, hyung,” Yoongi admitted behind him. The quietness of the hospital wing was enough for him to hear his younger brother’s vulnerability. Further, it was just enough to stop him from walking away.
“Yoongi, you little shit, what do you really want to happen?”
Yoongi sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in a rare display of weakness. The image of the strong, composed leader seemed to dissolve in the face of his fear. The man who was usually a pillar of strength was now showing vulnerability. It was true what they said—even the strongest man falls to his knees for the woman he loves.
“Hyung,” he started, his voice low and his dark eyes down casted to the floor. “I just want her to be well. I want her to get back the life she had before I destroyed it. I want her to have a chance at normalcy. She deserves it. She deserves peace-”
 “She will be well.”
“How can you even be sure, hyung?” his voice, despite hinting a bit of hope still held despair. “You didn’t see her like I did. She was so…far from who she was.”
Seokjin smirked, “Because I said so. Now that that is out of the way, what do you really want? What’s really in that disgusting thingy you so fondly called a heart?”
Yoongi looked at him, his eyes held a certain darkness Seokjin was all too familiar with. He stood up straight, a strand of his hair fell to his face as he scoffed, “Her.”
He chuckled before leveling him with a serious stare. “Then go and get her.”
Your breath hitched when the door opened and your steps haltered.
Coincidentally, you knew who it was before he could even make it two steps inside the room. Even with your eyes failing you, you could never not know who he was. The sound of the door clicking shut behind him was unmistakable.
This was the moment of truth, you realized. This was your nightmares all and simultaneously coming to life.
You took a hesitant step back as his shoes made a sound. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat louder and more frantic than the last.
“You shouldn’t be walking around just yet, Angel,” he admonished quietly, and by doing so, effectively broke the silence between the two of you. You had never forgotten how his voice sounded like despite attempting your very best to erase his existence from your memories. You had never forgotten how deep his voice sounded like, nor how to tell what he was feeling by the timbre of his voice alone.
Despite all that, you couldn’t help but feel something when you heard his voice,
The anxiety was almost suffocating that your breaths came out short and quick. “W-why am I here?”
“You lost consciousness, Angel.”
You stepped back when you heard his voice nearer. Unlike back home, you didn’t know the layout of the room like the back of your hand. You were utterly and truly helpless in his presence. You only had yourself this time. “I want to leave.”
“You need to get treated, Angel-”
“I want to leave!” you screamed at him, your hands now shaking uncontrollably from having to face the person who destroyed your world.
“Angel, calm down,” he implored, worry apparent in his voice but you didn’t care. It didn’t matter what he felt. You wanted him gone. You wanted to get away from this situation. You wanted to go home where everything was familiar. You wanted to hold your son again. You wished he never found you again. You wished that you could just wake up from this nightmare and back to your life.
Suddenly, the back of your leg collided with something solid, and you lost your footing. The room tilted as you fell, the moment drawn out, weightless—until strong arms caught you before you hit the ground. His reflexes, honed from years of instinct, were faster than gravity.
You were in his arms again.
For a breathless moment, you were in his arms again. Your body stiffened immediately, every muscle tensing in protest. Panic flared hot in your chest, overwhelming every sense. The touch you had once welcomed now filled you with terror. You shoved at him, desperate to get away.
“Don’t touch me!” Your voice was sharp, trembling with fear, and you struggled to free yourself, needing to break the contact. He loosened his grip, and you stumbled back to the floor, but his eyes never left yours.
“You’re scared of me…” he said in horrifying realization. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever want you of all people to be terrified of him when he had been nothing but gentle to you. Not when you looked at him before like he held all the answers and hang all the stars in the sky- too opposite of how now your eyes never left his in terror that he would do something terrible to you. Now, your wide, terrified gaze was locked on him as though he were something dangerous, something monstrous that might strike at any moment. The realization seemed to tear him apart, slowly, painfully.
“I-I’d never hurt you,” he stammered, his voice shaky with desperation as if each word might be the last thread keeping him tethered to something he no longer understood. “You have to know that Angel–”
“Don’t call me that,” you cut him off, your voice harsh as you pulled yourself further away, dragging yourself from his reach, from his proximity. And inching toward any corner. The endearment that had once meant so much now felt like an insult, a reminder of everything he had taken from you. His very presence was a wound you were desperate to escape, a scar you could never heal while he was near.
He recoiled at your words, the pain in his eyes deepening as if the rejection physically hurt him. "Please... I’d never—"
"Stop." Your voice shook as you raised a hand, as though the very sound of his voice was too much. "You don’t get to talk like that. You don’t get to act like you weren’t planning to use me and kill me the first chance you got."
A deafening, soul-crushing silence settled over the room, so thick and oppressive it felt like you could choke on it. The accusation hung in the air, heavy, suffocating, leaving no room for either of you to breathe. His face went blank, as if every emotion had been stripped away in an instant, leaving behind only a hollow shell. His eyes searched yours, trying to find something, some trace of the person you used to be, the person who used to believe in him.
If you didn’t know any better, you would think that he already left. His presence felt ghostly, his body frozen as if he couldn’t bear the weight of your words.
“Is that why you are so scared of me? Is that why you let me believe that you were dead?” he asked lowly, disbelief apparent in his tone. Was all the agony he endured because of a misunderstanding, a mistake on his part?
Your heart skipped a beat. What?
He believed that you were dead?
"What are you talking about?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper, confusion mixing with the fear that still pulsed through your veins.
Suga took a shaky breath. If you could see him, you’d see the tears pooling in his eyes, glistening as they threatened to fall. His gaze never wavered, locked onto yours, a painful mixture of sadness and confusion reflected in the depths of his eyes. “T-that night, Angel, you disappeared. We couldn’t find you anywhere. You just…vanished without a trace-” he paused, swallowing hard as if the memory was too painful to relive. “Everyone said that you died. Everyone told me that it would be impossible for you to survive that fire, not after the wounds you got. I never believed them. You must understand. I searched for you—years, Angel. Years of believing I lost you forever."
Your stomach twisted as his words settled in. The intensity of his gaze, the genuine anguish in his voice—it was as if he truly believed what he was saying. He had spent all this time believing you were gone, that you had died. But how? Why?
None of this made sense.
You shook your head, trying to clear the fog of disbelief clouding your mind. Your heart pounded in your chest, and your pulse roared in your ears as you tried to hold onto your version of the truth—the one you had built to survive. "I didn’t let you believe anything," you whispered, your voice shaking. “You’re lying. You’re making a fool out of me again. You didn’t look for me because you wanted me gone! H-he told me that if you find me…that you’d kill me. That you’re scared of being exposed for who you are-“
"Who’s he, Angel?" His voice was soft, but there was a hard edge beneath it—an urgency, a desperation to understand what had led to this moment, what had driven you so far away.
You froze, realization crashing over you like ice water. No. You shouldn't have mentioned him. If Suga thought you had died, then maybe—just maybe—he believed that Hoseok had disappeared with you in the fire. If that was true, he had no reason to go looking for him. No reason to discover what you were protecting.
But time was running out.
Not just for you, but for Hoseok.
Kim Seokjin knew what you were hiding, and the longer you stayed here, the closer Suga would get to the truth. If he ever found out about your son…
Your breath hitched, panic clawing at your throat. You couldn't let that happen. You couldn't let him find Hoseok. "It doesn’t matter," you said quickly, your voice cracking as you tried to mask your fear, but you knew it was too late. His eyes narrowed, sensing the shift in you.
"It does matter," Suga said, his voice growing harder, his patience wearing thin. "Tell me who’s been feeding you these lies, Angel. Who made you believe I wanted to hurt you?"
You swallowed, feeling the weight of his words press against your chest. His eyes were locked onto yours, searching for any sign of weakness, any crack where you might let the truth slip. But you couldn't. If you did, everything would fall apart. You would endanger your son.
"You’re not going to tell me? Fine," he said after a moment of tense silence, his voice dropping to a dangerous calm. "We have the rest of our lives to figure this out. But make this clear: you will not make me live without you again. I’m not letting you leave me."
“You can’t make me stay here!”
Suga’s lips curled into a slight, unsettling smile. "Oh, Angel," he murmured, taking a slow step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "I can."
Your pulse quickened as you backed away, but there was nowhere left to go. The walls, the room, his presence—everything felt too close, too suffocating.
"You said you loved me once," he continued, his voice soft but chilling. "I told you then... you can never take that back."
Your heart pounded violently in your chest, the words hanging over you like a sentence. You had once loved him, but that love was gone, buried under fear, pain, and the desperate need to protect your son. Yet to him, that love still tethered you to him—unbreakable, inescapable.
"Things have changed," you whispered, fighting to keep your voice steady.
Suga shook his head slowly, stepping closer until the space between you was almost nonexistent. "No," he said quietly, almost tenderly, "the only thing that's changed is that now, I know what it feels like to live without you. And I'm not going through that again."
He reached out, his hand ghosting near your arm, but you flinched away, causing a flicker of something darker to flash across his eyes.
"You don’t get to leave, Angel. Not this time."
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pennyellee · 5 months
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings (preview only): minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, incision wound, blood, suicide attempt, strong language, mentions of God, ...
beta read by @chaoticpuff17
word count: 583
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
author's note: well, yall, life is getting in my way, it's certainly keeping me from finishing this chapter, but it shouldn't be that long before I actually do. I wanted to drop a little preview before the sacred day I was born, which is tomorrow, 1-2-3 birthday depression. Enjoy the preview and stay tuned for the chapter. I'll be also answering some asks tomorrow, yes, i see them, and i love you all so so so so much, I just have very little of free time lately. See ya soon! lots of love, p. 𖦹 ☼ ⋆。˚⋆ฺ ♡🫧
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Time seemed to slow as Yoongi lunged forward, reaching out to stop her, but it was too late. The blade sliced through her skin, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as pain seared through her, her vision swimming with darkness. She felt Yoongi’s hands on her, his panicked voice calling out to her, but it was distant as if coming from a faraway place.
“Seokjin?!!” he shouted, his voice raw with desperation.
He cradled her in his arms, his hands trembling as he pressed against the wound, trying desperately to stem the flow of blood.
The sound of loud footsteps echoed in the corridor as others rushed forward to reach the doctor, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief. But amidst the chaos, Y/N’s empty gaze remained fixed on Yoongi, her eyes still burning with flames.
“Stay with me, baby. Don’t leave me please.” Yoongi whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. He pressed his lips to her forehead, willing her to hold on, to fight for her life.
But as he looked down at her pale, lifeless face, he knew that the road ahead would be long and fraught with challenges. For now, all he could do was pray that she would survive, that she would find the strength to forgive him and that they would someday find their way back to each other.
“Please don’t take her away from me, my Lord.”
Yoongi prayed that it was not too late to save her from the darkness that threatened to consume them both.
One thing remained clear in Yoongi’s mind: he would do whatever it took to save her, to make amends for the pain he had caused, and to prove to her that his love was worth fighting for.
Yoongi’s voice cut through the turmoil, his words a desperate plea for forgiveness. He begged for her to forgive him, to give him another chance to make things right. No more secrets, no more lies. No more pain. He was willing to rebuild their relationship from the ground up, on a foundation of honesty and trust.
The metallic scent of blood mingled with the tang of fear, thickening the air with a palpable sense of impending doom. He ripped one of his sleeves a while ago, pressing the roughly crimpled fabric to the wound, praying that Seokjin was near. Or did anyone hear him scream frantically enough to relay the message?
“You can’t leave me, baby, please. I promise we’ll work everything through.”
He kissed and caressed her hair with his free hand which was covered with her blood. Tears blurred his vision as his hand trembled at the sight. A blood he never wished to shed.
“Please, Y/N, you have to forgive me.” The weight of his actions pressed down on him like a leaden blanket, suffocating him with the weight of his mistakes.
“Fucking goddammit Yoongi!”
Y/N set the plates on the table, pouring the hot water into a kettle of green tea as he joined her at the table. They exchanged smiles, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the kitchen and the windows providing a magnificent view of the sea.
“I’ve been thinking,-” she said with a smile on her face while she set the seaweed salad down in front of him. He hummed in response, reading today’s paper.
“About opening my practice.” He nodded, sipping his tea thoughtfully.
“Thought you wanted to wait until the babe arrives?”
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧
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©pennyellee. please do not repost
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
keep in mind - I'm not expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
PS: accounts highlighted in pink cannot be tagged, so if you want to be in the tag list, please make sure you have it allowed in your settings. 𖦹 ☼ ⋆。˚⋆ฺ ♡
tag list: @beautifulcloudfestival - @honsoolgloss - @jingerbreadoutofstock - @moscow778 - @januara26 - @dinosolecito - @yoongislatinagff - @xyahrinx - @hi12345567 - @nochuel - @deltamoon666 - @bbkissme99 - @darkuni63 - @nansasa - @sazsazsaz - @missmin - @strxwbloody - @royallyjjk - @jaiuneamesolitaiire - @shadowyjellyfishfest - @bbgniecyy - @elayne321 - @seojunandsoju - @bun-27 - @whipwhoops - @wobblewobble822 - @whofan88 - @haneyyyyyy - @lostgirlinthewoodss - @secfir - @btspurplesky - @elleflying07 - @pamzn - @megseungmin - @selenophileforlife - @idkjustlovingbts @seonghwaexile
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin ✨ || bts • kth [COMPLETED] masterlist
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
[prequel to 'among thieves✨|| bts • pjm' and 'a thief's end ✨|| bts • myg' - can be read independently!!]
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
list of all chapters:
prologue | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | epilogue
— word count: 73k
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
— song recommendations/inspirations:
claire - neon love
v - fri(end)s
alexandra savior - but you
the last shadow puppets - the element of surprise
arctic monkeys - 505
bts - house of cards
solar - adrenaline
contrary to the stories of jimin and yoongi in this series, which had a consistent storyline taking place in a specific time period, taehyung's story shows glimpses of how his and cassandra's friendship and relationship developed over the years. there's still action though, just like in the other stories!
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
April CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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• BJYX shows up in station sisters team building photos/videos. proving that the pairing is still very much relevant and loved 🫶🏼
• allegedly spending some time together 4/2 and 4/3 when yibo went to shanghai
• cql and xz gets mentioned in a livestream for WoF
• wyb with a beaded bracelet that seems to be a clue that he spent time with GG ; more on the initial thoughts about the bracelet and why give an obsidian one
•zsww fake rumor of their meet up
•their love for watching old cctv spring festival gala sketches
• 4/8, in the FPU douyin update, he continues on with the dog theme ☺️ he really is a puppy! gouzaizai!
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• not really a cpn/candy but their name side by side for the alleged registration list for Magnolia Award. i’m just so proud and as a cpf, it feels good seeing them succeed. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
• 4/8 cpns : fan used for camping that xz uses, the number 38 and us clowning about concerts
• some are comparing this interaction between wyb and hjy in FPU bts with how he is with GG. saying when he is hurt, he goes all out and shows it to GG but with others he won’t say anything. i agree that this thing is true both for GG/WYB, meaning they only show “weakness” to each other 🥺🥺🥺
* throwback post : fake rumor story during cql shoot of someone that works closely with yibo
• this side by side photo, they look alike in this profile!
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• 4/16/24 zsww rumor
• the rumor that wyb visited LOZ shoot and my thoughts on it ; i know i cannot stop people from “enjoying” this material and what it potentially implies but i personally cannot condone the type of behavior that disrespects them. especially xz who has been v frustrated with the leaks happening in his project. and just to dispel the rumors, this is who people are saying is supposedly yibo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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no shade to this guy. he was just a victim of people’s overzealous tendencies. this is not the first time cpfs have done this, in OOL and OnO we’ve had questionable video evidences too which is most likely not who we think it is. please stop. it’s not just the leaks. we have to protect them. we know they visit each other, let’s just bridge the clues with what they give us. we cpn that they visit the ST or probably even follow certain cpf accounts, there is just no universe that they will see this kind of conversations related to leaked photos and videos and be happy about it.
• DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN AU 😭😭😭😭 idk man. military/police wyb and doctor xz pairing is really top notch!
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• 4/19 xiao zhan weibo post for the 6th solar term - Guyu ( Grain Rain ) and all the clowning: one / two
• 4/20 zsww rumor ; hinting at them working on a project where one will direct and the other will act
• WYB’s GQ hat could be a custom made one from Tod’s????
• A new explanation about the mystery driver and comparing it to the mask WYB uses
• There has been some conversation because of WYB’s bazaar shoot with his FPU co star/team and that it’s no longer just XZ that he has done that with. Well i have to say that no matter what people say, the bazaar one with XZ is different. just the production value and theme of it — was more romantic and WYB was totally expressive. plus don’t forget that the shoot for that was where xz called him Venus. it will always be special, cause it’s just the 2 of them. there is no use comparing, i bet you, xz will have a joint cover or spread for LOCH with the female lead. it is part of marketing.
• yibo and his rainbow necklace 🌈
• I will add this here cause i don’t think it needs a separate post with how galaxy brain it is. it’s about certain photos uploaded by YBO being 2.3 MB in size. 23 love zhan. whether this is intentional or something special. who knows. it just came up again this month because the bear photo is with the same file size. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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other instances are outlined by this account on weibo :
February 3, 2:30 pm (Picture 1) // May 11 (Picture 3) // June 1st, Children’s Day, “Children are in love” (Picture 5) // August 5th, birthday composition (Picture 7)// November 22 (Picture 9)
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• 4/29 zsww fake rumor
• GUCCI wall 2.0 is close to Lacoste big screen ad! oh the possibilities!
• 4/29 candies to enjoy ( includes: their promos not overlapping, jiayou parallel, double standards and the bead bracelet discussion again )
See you all next month! ✌🏼💛
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
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Tired Cuddles
When he writes a (xxx) song about you
When they hear that you've collapsed while working
Bestie! BTS: Enlisting
Your reaction to his buzz cut
Hogwarts Houses
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Smoking is injurious to health
Dating Rumour
Ghost of you
Fast Forward
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A Good Doctor
Blood is Red (Vampire! Seokjin) (on hold)
(i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | (v) | (vi) | (vii)
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The Eternal Prince
Unlikely yours...TBA
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Look at Her, Look at me
Not for the world
Love deception
... Don't Blame me
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Stand down
Notes (Hogwarts! AU)
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Self Love
Don't Do that!
Dirty (🔞Minors DNI🚫)
Lost you (Part 2)
Time of my Life
It's You
Hate You
Champagne Problems
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Part 1⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2.8k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU 
⇢ Summary: When asked about Dr. Kim, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful stubbornness wasn’t similar to talking to a brick wall, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your blood vessels for a drastic rupture or even how one gracious stare of his nearly had you on the verge of ripping your essential documents in half. But it seems that, perhaps, there was a lot more to Dr. Kim then what meets the eye...
⇢ Warnings: some swearing, this is the first time I’ve tried to put all the members in one fic and I hope I was able to somehow balance out the chaos 
⇢ Disclaimer: I have done my research but this will contain some medical inaccuracies. They should not be taken seriously and are only being used for the sake of fictional purposes. 
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⇢ Next Update: Friday, April 12  ┈ find the prologue here 
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You reach over to turn off the dripping tap, taking the used blue colored latex gloves hanging on the side of the counter and discarding them promptly into the biohazardous trash. Your eyes carefully skim over your hands, flipping them over several times with precise inspection before agreeing that they were clean and sterile. Walking outside the dark confines of the room, you reach over to grab the familiar white coat and drape it over your shoulders alongside clipping the laminated plastic onto the front pocket.
The lingering images of the previous scene re-play themselves in your mind.
A success. A win. A victory.
The words radiated throughout the operating room in bliss when you had managed to remove the tedious tumor invested deep inside your patient, but in an instant you feel defeated when you notice the individual that had so patiently been watching the entire process unfold in front of his eyes.
The image of his satisfied smile, alongside a subdued gesture in clapping for you lights your veins on fire and aggregates them. Your hands clench into fists and your teeth grind at the prospect that it wasn’t a simple congrats, but his exact way of performing an act of mockery for you.
Your efforts are to be rewarded, but now you just see them all drown in vain.
The thoughts continue to pester you to no end, but as you make a turn into the patient ward, you decide it was time you had brushed them away. Because at the end of the day – your patients were your number one priority first and foremost.
“How are we feeling today?” You question, clipboard in hand and a fresh pen clicked when you approach one of the nurses replacing an IV for an elderly man. Your prior knowledge about him was particularly vague, only knowing he recently gone through a major stroke and was brought through an ambulance urgently. He appears to be looking well awake and from your own physical perspective you don’t see him residing within the hospital for long.
“Better, but I’ve been having some pain in my right arm.” He gestures towards it and you immediately place your clipboard down to examine it. It didn’t appear to be swollen which was a relief to you, but it could essentially indicate that there was some sort of problem ensuring within his nerves. You quickly wrack through your head, accounting that he physically appeared to be fine which meant the blood clot lodged in his brain had been successfully removed due to therapy by medication, but the nerve issue must have resulted from the aftershocks of the clot. 
You scribble down onto your clipboard your observations, “It could potentially be an issue, are you able to move the muscle?” You gesture for him to reach forward and a crease sets in your brows when you notice him struggling with the action – leading to more scribbling in your notes.
“I’ll give you some medications to deal with the pain temporarily, but if it continues then I’ll have our head doctor take a look at it.” You give him a soft smile before making a couple more notes. Moving across to the next patient, you continue the process until you have properly assessed every patient in your individual ward and decide to head into your office to secure the documentation. 
Your mind still swirls back and forth in regard to the events this morning, but they dissipate when you open the door to your office and scoff at the sight before you.
“Seriously?” You question, the man in front of you bolting up in his seat and hurriedly securing his food into a nearby drawer cause you to roll your eyes at the failed attempt in doing so. He gives you a cheeky smile, the food being painfully way too obvious when it piles in his cheeks at the gesture.
You walk towards your desk, which was in corner placed in front of his. “Listen, I understand that you get hungry and need to eat, but I’m not going to be the one cleaning up after we have a mouse infestation.” You wave your hands away, sinking into your chair.
The black-haired man quickly swallows the rest of his food before swinging his chair to roll and bump into your desk, startling you, “That’s inhumane! Someone needs to be sharing with those mice.”
You snort, “Tell that to Namjoon next time.”
“What, are you crazy?! But don’t tell on me Y/N, pleaseee.” He pouts and you keep wondering to yourself how a grown adult could act in such a childish way.
“Fine. I won’t tell if you can get this done for me.” You stand up and graciously stack up a pile of paperwork for patients onto his desk, a devious smile on your lips.
He lets out a loud groan, looking at you with pleading eyes before he rolls back slowly to his desk, knowing you were being serious. He had been slacking far too much and being your intern meant he needed to live up to the role.
“Y/N, what’s this?” He questions, displaying a document that wasn’t traced in your own writing and your eyes widen.
“Damn it, why is Jimin’s stuff mixed in with mine?” He shrugs and you abruptly get up. He innocently side eyes you when you grasp for door knob and you roll your eyes again, turning around to which he beams up at.
“Do you want to come too Jin?” He furiously nods his head, possibly in attempt to get himself away from the paper work, before hurriedly joining you and you let out a small chuckle.
He was pretty endearing for being a pain in the ass to deal with.
Leaving your office, the two of you stride down the halls and you flinch when the sound of fluttering laughter boom through the entirety of the hallway. You glance around to locate where the sound was exactly coming from, but upon arriving at Jimin’s office the large group of female workers are spotted crowding closely near the entrance. Your eyes land onto their field of vision, finding the rare sight of someone standing front of the office and leaning down to give a small boy what appears to be a yellow lollipop. A soft smile decorates the corner of his lips, gorgeous white pearls being showcased alongside light crinkles in his eyes. The man raises himself up instantly when he catches the two of you staring at him, the young patient he was attending to happily running off into his designated ward.
“A-ah, Dr. L/N.” He greets, ignoring the pending female eyes that are glued to him, but his voice is so low that you have to subtly lean forward to hear him.
“Hello. And you are?” You question, leaning again to hear him but the answer doesn’t come out from his mouth.
“Y/N, are you hitting on my new intern already?!” The loud, obnoxious voice blares out, alerting quite literally everyone in the hospital of his presence. He swings an arm around the quiet boy, black tousled hair pushed back and only clothed in a white dress shirt; complete absence of the essential white coat.
“Greetings Dr. Park.” You muse and Jimin frowns at the title, suddenly mimicking a crying face.
“Y-you know, I miss the days you called me Jimin.” He pretends to fake sob into his intern’s shirt and you don’t fail to catch the roll of eyes the intern does when he subtly pats Jimin on the back.
“Dr. Park can you stop ‘crying’ already and introduce your intern?” Jimin hurriedly stands up, a bright smile on his face when he hugs the living daylights out of the man.
“This is Jungkookie!” Jungkook does a subtle nod as confirmation in the midst of trying to separate himself from Jimin and you let out a low chuckle at the display already. He was going to have to put up with a lot.
“Nice to meet you Jungkook. If you need any help around here, you can ask me or Jin who is also my intern.” You gesture towards him and Jin kindly nods, before Jungkook suddenly narrows his eyes and shifts closer to him.
“How old are you?” Jin is a little taken back with the question.
Jungkook’s eyes widen with the response. “26.”
“You’re five years older than me!” Now you’re a little taken aback with his age, but Jin’s eyes blow up and he looks completely flabbergasted with the sudden new information.
“Five? Y/N, we need to get this kid out of here, they’re hiring literal children now!” He begins to frantically search around and you can already hear Jimin protesting at the idea in the background.
“Children? You’re five years older than me and you’re an intern! You haven’t even moved up to being a doctor!” Jungkook says and there’s immediate silence, before Jin launches himself forward and grabs a fistful of Jungkook’s shirt. You widen your eyes, knowing it wouldn’t be good if they started fighting there.
“ARGH. Shut up. All of you.” An annoyed voice pitches through and you get a jump scare when the blonde-haired doctor strolls behind you, eyes flickering in irritation.
You feel at ease that everything has cooled down, a comfortable silence in the air but it soon diminishes when Jungkook opens up his mouth.
“Isn’t it nice knowing you’ll be dead before me?” Jungkook mutters and you slap a hand on your face when the banter continues, volume increasing even more.
You sigh, “Nice try Yoongi.” You look at the man who holds a dead-pan expression.
“I was sleeping in the back and they ruined my nap. Who even is this guy?” Yoongi gestures to Jungkook, who suddenly doesn’t look like the same shy boy you had encountered minutes ago.
“Jungkook. Jimin’s new intern.”
“Yoongi! Yoongi! Isn’t he amazing?” Jimin exclaims, gesturing towards Jungkook.
Yoongi scoffs, “Amazing until you drive him away like you did with all your other interns.” You stifle back a laugh when a horrified expression arises on Jimin, who begins stuttering at the new shade of red that colours his face.
“T-those were-“
“Remind me again why they were all females? Caught in the bathroom doing what exactly?” Yoongi lets out a gummy smile and you turn your head to the side when the laughter comes spilling out, but its soon cut off when two men walk towards the crowd of doctors and interns in the group.
Immediately the volume lowers down and you muse how much power Namjoon truly has, his presence only being needed to quiet everyone down. He’s carrying some documentation with him, but his head perks up at the sudden silence and he lets out a small dimpled smile. Walking towards Jungkook, he pats him on the back.
“I hope you guys will treat our newest recruit well.” Jungkook frantically nods and you laugh a little on the inside. It was his first day here and he’s already managed to capture Jimin’s heart, strike a loud fight with Jin and irritate Yoongi at the same time. From your prior experience, you know he’ll fit in just as well.
“Ah! Y/N!” He excitedly turns over to you and then pats you on the back, “Congrats on the successful operation, your patient is doing significantly better now.”
“Y/N’s surgery was a success!!” Jimin cheers.
“Such a good surgeon.” Jin claps dramatically behind him, a huge grin on his face.
Jungkook comes over and gives you an awkward thumbs up which makes you laugh. Yoongi approvingly nods at the news.
“It could have been better.”
The voice breaks through your cheers and your eye subtly twitches when the familiar heavy steps enter into the vicinity. Clad in an elegant white coat alongside perfectly framed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his long brown hair brushes subtly against his forehead with his large strides and a fire has already been lit inside you.
“What was that, Dr. Kim?” His professional name grits out from your teeth and he smiles, the constant appearance of it making you wonder if there even was a possible way to wipe it off his lips.
“From what I saw, your patient entered a critical zone twice, not just once, and if it wasn’t for the nurses assisting you, you could have very well punctured into the pancreas, a vital organ if I might say.” He cocks his head to the side, letting his observant input sink in and you squeeze your eyes shut when it all processes.
He was right.
Entering the critical zone was something to be prevented at any measure because of the patient’s life being at risk and you could have easily punctured their pancreas thanks to the faint shaking of your own hands. It wasn’t something you had incrediable regard for because your patient survived the operation, but the faint light in the darkness of the situation is covered up when he points it out and it is one of the many reasons of your deeply rooted hatred for him.
He was observant, he was able to pick on such small things and he would use any gate of opportunity he could get to criticize your work. It irks you when he decided so kindly to do this in front of Jungkook, coincidentally at the same time you had met the new member of your institution.
He keeps staring at you, patiently waiting for a response and you’re at a complete loss of words. It doesn’t help that his stare feels so heavy on you, boring dark lasers that dig into you. You let out a deep sigh, resuming back into your professional state before you stare back at him, the fire in your eyes being up again.
“Thank you for the input Dr. Kim. I’ll be sure to keep in mind of it.” You give him a tight smile and he stands up straight again, pleasantly nodding before he swiftly turns away. The atmosphere long dying out when his heavy footsteps fade away but the anger seeps out of you when you want to stalk up to him and give him a piece of your mind.
“Easy girl.” Jin grabs your arm, “You’re here to save people, not kill them.”
“W-who was that?” Jungkook quietly asks, a hand on his racing heart to steady it from the new intrusion.
“Dr. Kim. He works as a doctor as well as a surgeon here. Him, Y/N and Namjoon are the only ones qualified here to do operations.” Yoongi states, a disinterested look on his face.
“Why was he talking to you like that?” Jungkook questions and you let out a stiff smile, before Jin jumps into the conversation.
“Him and Y/N have this...” He stares at you for a moment, contemplating, “Rivalry? Super distaste of each other? Basically can’t leave them in a room together or they’ll murder each other, in fact this one tim-“ You slap a hand on his mouth, glaring at him.
“That’s enough Jin, he doesn’t need to hear about all that.”
“He seems a little scary...” Jungkook squeaks out, but Jimin laces an arm around him.
“Don’t worry, you’re my intern so you won’t have to put up with Dr. Kim at all. That guy never even takes anyone under his wing.”
“Why not?”
“He likes to be independent. Doesn’t really being here unless he gets payed. It’s all about the money for him in the end.” You say, rage still boiling inside of you at the bitter words.
“He is the best surgeon among us though, he was once able to do a full heart transplant by himself and save the patient in time.” Namjoon looks at you and you know he has a point. Dr. Kim was known for his prestigious reputation among all of you, but the claim that it was unbeatable wasn’t something you necessarily liked.  
“Yeah he did...” You roll your eyes along with the statement.
“Personally, I think the two of you could be good friends.” Yoongi states, and immediately your ears perk up in confusion.
“Friends? These two? Are you so sure about that Dr. Min?!” Jin exclaims but Yoongi nods.
“You won’t want to admit it, but you guys are similar in nature.” His conclusion makes you want to laugh, the very suggestion seemingly sounding so fabricated that you wonder in what possible universe, could you and Dr. Kim possibly get along.
“Yeah right.” You scoff, turning with Jin following behind you when the thought appears once again but you simply brush it off.
There was no universe that could be created, in which you would get along with the likes of him.
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yooncuffs · 3 years
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And then there was you…
Yoongi didn't think it through he really didn't, but he already did it. He has already told Taehyung words he didn't mean to say. Now he is faced with the feeling of guilt just bubbling up inside of him along with the many feelings that were already bottled up from a long time. Whatever it is that made Yoongi did what he did he's not the only one feeling that too, Taehyung also has a lot to unpack and he's not sure if he's ready to unravel all that shit. They're both doctors and they're very good with treating patients, the best even, but the thing is though their the worst at treating their own problems especially towards each other. So much for being a thoracic-surgeon and an er doctor.
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hyuckcherie · 5 years
k.th || special patient
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» genre : fluff, sick fic
» prompt : yn is sick, and dr. taehyung takes care of her
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Another series of coughs tore through your body, scratching your already sore throat.
“Darling, you should stay home today,” Taehyung said, looking at you concerningly from the kitchen counter. You laid your cheek on the cool table, peering up at him.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just a little cough,” you waved off.
“I’m literally a doctor, that’s not a little cough. You should stay home and rest.” Taehyung screwed the lid onto his coffee mug and came to sit in front of you.
“I just have something to do, and then I promise I’ll come home and rest, okay?” Taehyung looked at you sternly. “I promise. Go on, you need to be heading out, your patients are waiting.”
“I’m stopping by at lunch time, you better be here, and you better be sleeping,” Taehyung said, standing to collect his stuff. You followed him to the door, where he hesitated. “I really want you to stay home, or stay home with you..”
“I know. But you have an important job, there’s sick people you need to make better.”
“You’re sick,” he pointed out.
“I think the worst part is I don’t get to kiss you,” you pouted, turning away to cough again.
“The sooner you get better, the sooner I can kiss you,” Taehyung told you. “At least drink a lot of water okay?” You nodded. “Good. I love you darling, I’ll be home soon to check on you.”
“Okay, I love you. Have a good day baby.”
Taehyung stroked your hot cheek and pressed a kiss to your hair before bidding a last goodbye and reminder to drink your fluids and left, shutting the door behind him. You breathed out a forlorn sigh, which turned into a cough, and checked the time. Almost six, time to get ready for school. Hooray.
But you didn’t have much of a choice, the assignment you were working on was important, worth thirty percent of your grade, and it was due in just a couple days. You didn’t have the time to be sick and miserable.
You put on some comfy clothes, not caring today, and fixed a couple bottles of water to take with you, just to appease Taehyung.
You wished you could stay home, even though you’d still be working, but all the materials you needed were at the library, and you still had a class to attend. So that’s where you went, a bag full of water and your laptop.
“yn, you don’t look so good,” your classmate said.
You looked at her, cheek once again pressed against the table. You didn’t feel good either, and you didn’t want to know what you looked like; probably as bad as you felt. You were nauseous, feeling hot and cold at the same time. The table felt good though.
“Maybe you should go home honey,” she said, looking very concerned for your well-being.
You unsteadily sat up at her words. “No, I’m fine. This needs to be finished, I’m almost done,” you murmured, trying to focus back on the pages in front of you. Just a little longer..
“Honey, you really don’t look good. You need to go home and rest.”
“I am aware,” you said, words coming out more breathy and weak than they should. “But I need to finish this.”
Mandy tried one more time. “At least take something for it, or get something to eat. It’s almost noon and you haven’t eaten yet.”
You squinted at the clock on the library’s wall. It was indeed twenty minutes until noon. But you weren’t hungry, and you’d be heading home soon. “No, it’s- it’s fine.” You returned to the textbook and laptop in front of you, not wanting to waste any more time. Mandy kept an eye on you as she did her own work.
Your phone vibrating on the table took your attention. It was Taehyung, calling to make sure you were at home and resting.
“Hey,” you breathed out, immediately going into a coughing fit.
“That didn’t sound good,” Taehyung said, rather than greeting you.
“I’m fine,” you repeated for what felt the hundredth time that day.
“Mhmm. Are you home yet?” he asked. You could hear his car door shutting through the phone.
“No.. I’ll be home soon-”
Mandy snatched the phone from your hand, you staring at her in surprise. “Hi, is this yn’s boyfriend?”
“Yes,” Tae said, voice laced in confusion at the change in voices.
“You need to come pick her up, she doesn’t look good at all, no matter how much she tries to wave it off. She’s in no condition to walk home, and she’s too stubborn to let me drive her. Honestly, she looks like she’ll fall over if she so much as stands.”
Taehyung was quiet for a moment, absorbing the information. Her condition had worsened quite rapidly from the sound of it. “Thank you for letting me know, I’ll be there in five.”
Mandy smiled. “Of course, she’ll be ready to go by then.”
They hung up after that, and Mandy handed you your phone back. You glared at her, though it held no weight with how weak you looked and felt. She stood up, rounding the table to pack all your things. You couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly, no energy to even tell her to stop.
“There. Now you be nice to your boyfriend, and let him take care of you,” Mandy said, her hands on her hips. “No arguing.”
“Yeah, no arguing,” a voice behind you said. You turned your head to find Taehyung standing there. He became even more concerned than before as he took in your appearance. “Let’s get you home darling,” he said gently. He took your bag from Mandy with a thanks, and leaned down to scoop you up.
“Hey, I can walk,” you weakly resisted, pouting at him.
“You can’t,” he deadpanned. “You’d fall right over. And no arguing, remember?” You found the energy to stick your tongue out at him, but didn’t comment further. Instead, you rested your cheek on his shoulder, offering the tiniest of waves to Mandy as he carried you away.
“You should’ve stayed home, I should’ve made you stay home,” Tae rambled after setting you down on the couch. He was clearly distressed, upset that you were so sick. He placed the couch blanket over you, fluffing the pillow behind your head. You turned away to cough.
“Baby, you know you wouldn’t have been able to make me stay home,” you said, grasping his hand in yours.
Taehyung huffed a sigh. “I know, you’re a stubborn one. Are you hungry? I can make you some soup,” he said, checking your temperature. He winced at the results.
You shook your head. “I just need my water.” He quickly retrieved it, handing it to you.
“Do you need anything before I go? Your prescription should be ready by the time I get there.”
You shook your head- a barely there action- again. “Just drive safe.”
Taehyung nodded, once again hesitating to leave you. “You stay right there while I’m gone, here’s the trash can in case you throw up. And here’s the tissues. Don’t forget you have Ms. Parker’s number in case you need anything, she’ll have your key. The remote is right here-”
“Baby. You’ll be back real quick, just go.” Tae nodded again, leaning down to kiss your head a couple times.
“I love you.”
“Darling, it’s time to take your medicine,” Taehyung whispered, touching your shoulder.
You hummed, shifting and peeling open your eyes. “Back already?” It felt like you had just gone to sleep; you were so tired.
“Told you I’d be quick,” he smiled. “Alright darling, let’s sit up okay?” He helped you up, handing you the pair of pills. You popped them in your mouth and washed them down with the warm tea he gave you.
“Do you need anything?” he asked once you were laid back down.
“Will you stay with me?” you asked with puppy eyes, reaching for his hand. Taehyung smiled, settling down on the floor, grasping your hand with both of his. You closed your eyes as his lips pressed against your forehead.
“Of course I will darling.”
“What about work?” you asked suddenly, remembering it was only his lunch break.
“I asked for the rest of the day off. I didn’t have many patients today, so they let me go without much trouble. I’m still on call though, so if there’s an emergency, I will have to leave for a while. But you have Ms. Parker’s number, and I let her know what’s going on.”
“You don’t have to stay home for me,” you said, feeling both grateful and guilty.
“It’s okay, it’s nice to have a day off, even if it’s because I have another sick patient to tend to,” he chuckled, kissing your hand.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“Hey, who’s the patient here?” Taehyung joked, squeezing your hand. You smiled as best you could at him.
“Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean I’m not going to make sure you’re taking care of yourself too.”
“Mm, I ate, worry more about yourself darling. Do you feel like eating now?”
You shook your head. “I just want to go back to sleep.”
“Then sleep darling, let your body heal. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Unless you get a call,” you reminded him. You quickly pulled the blanket up to cough into it. Taehyung handed you the warm tea after, to soothe your throat.
“Well, other than that, I’m not leaving your side, okay? So get better for me.”
You hummed, shutting your eyes. “Night night Taetae.”
You felt his lips on your hand again. “Sleep well darling.”
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eloquentsuga · 6 years
Rain {Kim Namjoon}
“As the summer rain left, so did he.”
(Namjoon doctor au in which the reader is a patient of his.)
gender-neutral. (they/them pronouns.)
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{F A L L}
The Auburn leaves fell to the ground, making it seem as though the world was bursting with color. But without him; to them, this was one of the dullest moments in the world. Their heart ached, and they wished more than anything that they could see him again. They craved to hear his laugh; Which to them was probably one of the most beautiful sounds to have ever graced upon the earth. But they couldn't. So their days were lackluster. Their expression unchanging, as they always felt dejected. 
{W I N T E R}
They awoke to the familiar itchy sheets; And to the delightful sight of snow. Everyone said it held new promises, second chances. But for them, it only brought longing. Longing to see him once more. They prayed for another glimpse of his face. They had missed his soft raven hair, and the brownest eyes they had ever seen. Their memory of him was starting to fade, and soon they couldn't work out the intricate details of his face; or the soft tresses of brown hair that poked over his eyes perfectly. Because of that, they began to fear. They clung onto the memory as hard as they could, trying their best not to lose him altogether. 
{S P R I N G}
They buried their face into their knees, trying to summon their memory to bring up something about him. Right now, anything would suffice. They just wanted to be reminded of him. When everything went wrong, he made it right. But with their memories slowly fading; they no longer had anything to keep them sane. They had nothing of his to remind her of him. They just couldn't quite remember his smile. They couldn't remember if both corners of his mouth turned upwards, or if one did slightly more than the other. The memory of his voice was lost, somewhere deep inside their mind; And they were afraid they would never feel as they did whenever they heard his voice. They feared to never again hear that deep chuckle, that filled them with some kind of renewed hope. They panicked for it felt as though they couldn't breathe anymore. It was if their heart had physically shattered, and their rare smiles had gone down to a frequency of none.
{S U M M E R}
A sound that was faintly familiar woke them from a deep slumber. Their heart fluttered. Hoping that they looked somewhat decent, they eagerly awaited his arrival to their hospital bed. He stepped into the room, and it was as though they had been reborn. They took a deep breath; And for the first time in a while, they smiled. All the colors came flooding back to them, brighter than ever; As the birds chirping outside their window became the most beautiful melody they ever heard. It was all falling into place, and they finally felt at ease. They took this moment to look at him, and engrave this memory into their brain; So that they would never forget him. Ever.
“Hi (Y/N). How are you feeling today?” He asked, as his pen softly scratched against his checkup board.
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rohobi · 6 years
Pulse | 10 (m)
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Kim Taehyung | Medical AU |  Smut | Angst | Trauma | Medical Jargon | Medical Inaccuracies | Mature Content | Multi-fandom Medical Team | Blood | Violence | Love | Romance | Family | Beginnings | Fire | Mentions of BTS Staff 
❝ You fell in love with Kim Taehyung during Med School. Now living totally different lives in completely different hospitals, you’re pulled together by fate when someone plants a bomb in your hospital. ❞
Special thanks to @blushoseoks who literally got me through this and helped me write a significant part of Taehyung’s narrative. I would not have been able to complete it without you. Additionally, to the girls I was in a writers group chat with on KKT a year ago, who I sent through pieces of the story to when I was insecure, who encouraged, hyped and motivated me to keep writing it, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love and miss you all xx
Bravery is not synonymous with fearlessness. Why? Because it’s the deep breath we take before doing something that is hard and regardless of that fear, we do it anyway; that is real bravery.  
And for Y/N, she does it every day but now, after countless hours of being brave to save others; of being brave to protect your family.
You were over it.
You were over being brave.
You were done.
You needed to save yourself first because it’s not the fourth time of death you call as a result of the lockout; nor is it the last drop of blood on your scrubs and the last goodbye you say that makes you feel like you're falling into the darkness.
It’s the empathy in the face of adversity in the form of an apologetic fireman who just wanted a bandage to dress his own wound because you looked so wrecked that he wanted you to get some rest instead that finally breaks you and strips you bare of your bravery.
“It’s okay to go and sit down Y/N, you can’t move mountains when you can barely stand yourself...:”
“...your daughter is in good hands inside ...Taehyung is keeping her busy…”
“You have nothing to worry about.”
You want to snort at that statement. You had no choice but to leave Sunny in the claws of a man who could rip your family apart. Of course, you had something to worry about.
Tears roll down the sides of your face as you watch the fireman all lean against each other, some sleeping, others clearly injured, all awaiting further instructions from inside the building.
We’d all been told to wait but most of us were losing hope, some had even left. You were unable to even dream of so with Sunny still inside.
“Ah fuck, shit, don’t cry, get back in the eyeballs,” fanning your eyes, you wipe the evidence away from your face. You couldn’t have them know that you couldn’t handle it. “You’re okay Y/N, it’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
If you look to your right, you can see through the glass windows, and you can see Irene attending to patients and Jimin arguing with Yoongi.
If you look to your left, you can see tents full of empty boxes and empty oxygen canisters and ...bodies, covered by white sheets awaiting transport to the morgue.
And you can’t look down because you think if you do, you’ll collapse.
So, you lift your chin towards the morning sky before taking a big deep breath. The air is sharp, filled with the smell of burning wood, it’s not a nice reminder of what has happened and what is still happening but you were done, absolutely mentally and physically exhausted.
“Dr. Y/N,” Dr. Gaston stammers, walking towards you with his hands shoved deep into pockets. He gives you a reassuring grin when you look back at him. “I just wanted to say that your chest tube patient probably passed away from endocarditis and the following effects were just ...unfortunate ...so don’t feel bad that we couldn’t save him you did the best that you could ...that’s all I really wanted to say.”
Shaking your head, you smile at him. “Thanks Dr. Gaston. I wasn’t even thinking about that weirdly, I’m the equivalent of being drunk with the whole sleep deprivation thing so I’m just going to go and sit down somewhere…”
He watches you wander away as you shrug and continue talking to yourself. “Was she just nice to me?”
Walking towards the firefighters all sitting by the gutter, you prop yourself next to Seokjin. “I’m sleeping on you.” He doesn’t say anything as you cross yours arms over your chest and prop your head against his shoulder.
“There aren’t any patients out here,” you whisper, feeling your body spiral down just from closing your eyes. “Just tired mothers, tired doctors and you.”
Dr. Gaston sits on the other side of you. “And me.”
“And you,” you repeat. Nuzzling your head against Seokjin.
“Get some rest Y/N,” he whispers and you hum your response. “I’ll wake you up if there’s any news from Yoongi.”
Seokjin stares at the tents, the security and the walls as the early rays of morning pour their rays onto Seoul's freshest disaster. They’re going to remember this forever, life is never going to be the same.
Looking back down at you, he wraps his arm around your shoulders as you’re pulled into a defeated sleep, dreaming of what your tomorrow might look like. Jin checks his watch, it’s 7 am.
“It’s good that she’s getting some sleep,” Dr. Gaston whispers, smiling at Jin. “I was beginning to get worried.”
Jin doesn’t say anything in response, he doesn’t feel he needs to.
And it’s not much different to the doctors waiting outside than it is inside because there are nurses, interns and other medical professionals sitting on the floor in the hallways and in the station sleeping, or on the floor checking on patients.
And Jimin and Taehyung are sitting side-by-side behind the nurse's station. Jimin has been napping for the past twenty minutes and Taehyung has been amusing Sunny albeit the fatigue both feel burrowing into their bones.
But they’re all still waiting.
And it’s Sunny’s laughter that wakes Jimin up.
“This is cute. She doesn’t believe you Taehyung.” Jimin yawns, resting his head against the desk again watching the two interact. The team are all sitting in the nurses' station awaiting further instructions from Yoongi.
Sunny doesn’t believe anything Jimin is saying right now and Taehyung finds that hilarious.
“What do you mean you’re a doctor?”
“This is hilarious,” Jimin laughs again, sitting back up in his chair. “What did you think he was Sun?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. He doesn’t look like a doctor.”
“Hey,” Taehyung picks her up off the ground next to him, placing her gently on his lap in the nurse’s station. “I fix bones. I’m a doctor for broken bones.”
They sniffle at the same time as they stare blankly at each other.
“Well, I fix people too, ya know.” She says, yawning into her little hands, leaning her body against his chest.
Taehyung melts at just how cute she is when she’s tired. “How do you fix people?”
“Mama says I have the most powerful gift in the universe,” she smiles, throwing her ups in the air to animate how big. “I can heal people with my kisses.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He wiggles his eyebrows before tapping his cheek. “Can you heal me then?”
She crosses her tiny arms across her chest. “I thought you were already healed!”
The box grin that takes over his face is blinding. “I’m afraid I have a sore heart Sunny, can you heal me?”
Sunny taps her chin in faux thought before smiling brightly. “I’ll try my best then!” leaning towards him, she kisses his cheek. “I hope that heals your sore heart.”
Rubbing over his heart, Sunny whispers. “I think that our heart is the most precious organ in our bodies. So you gotta look after it okay?”
“My girl…” he says it without thinking as he blinks at the small worm of a girl, feeling glimmers of admiration grow in the base of his stomach. It hadn’t completely hit him yet that he could be her father but he suspects it will soon, he can feel it. “You’re right and do you know what’s good for the heart?”
She shakes her head.
“Sugar. Do you like hot chocolates?”
Sunny nods her head. “Mama says I’m not allowed to drink sweet things after I’ve brushed my teeth though.”
Taehyung winks mischievously at her. “But she’s not here right now.”
Sunny looks around the room before whispering loudly to Taehyung. “What are you suggesting?”
He nods his head towards the small kitchen in the department. “Cookies and hot chocolates? The last one to that room gets the raisin cookies?”
Her entire face shifts. “Ew yuck! I hate raisins.”
“Race you there then!”
Sunny squeals as Taehyung picks her up and places her onto the ground.
Taehyung runs slowly behind her as if to give her a head start. “Be back soon Jimin.”
Her feet can’t run fast enough as they pad across the tiles and Jimin watches on, his heart aching softly for you. It would’ve been nice if you were here too. And Jungkook watches them both as he steals Taehyung’s seat. “I think Y/N has a lot to explain after all of this.”
Jimin shrugs his shoulders. “I think Y/N has a lot of sleep to catch up on first. I’m surprised she isn’t pulling her own hair out yet in fatigue.”
“I just looked outside, she looks like she’s asleep on Jin,” Jungkook rubs Jimin's hair with his only working hand. “I think Yoongi is going to make an announcement soon.”
Jimin snorts. “Good. It’s about time. We had a fight, he’s not talking to me right now.”
“What did you tell him?”
“I slapped him,” Jimin watches Yoongi rub the theatre list off the whiteboard. “And told him that he needs to listen first and then he needs to talk.”
“What?” Jungkook asks, one eyebrow cocked in confusion. “You slapped him?”
“I did. He was being a cock.”
Yoongi writes in big bold green whiteboard pen, ‘Volunteers’ before Jimin smirks back at him. “Just trust Yoongi. You’ll see.”
Jungkook watches Yoongi turn towards them. “Alright, staff. I need everyone here in 20 minutes. Put the word out, I’m requesting an urgent meeting for all emergency staff. It's time to clean this shit up and send people home.”
"Alright, I'm trusting him," Jungkook says, turning to face Jimin. "We have no other choice anyway."
Yoongi points at Jimin. "And you, come here."
Jimin rolls his eyes.
The light hangs above them as they silently sip their hot chocolates. Taehyung hasn’t touched his mug yet, too taken with watching Sunny concentrate on dipping her chocolate chip biscuit into her drink.
He doesn’t say anything as he watches her drop the cookie inside her cup and gasp before grabbing a spoon in an attempt to salvage the chocolate. He thinks it’s cute when two little wrinkles appear between her eyebrows as her spoon collects clumps of broken dreams.
He leans against the table, propping his elbow on the table and holding up his chin with a fist. He smiles as he looks at the little girl, who looks like a beautiful mix of you and him.
She smiles brightly before shoving the spoon in her mouth. Her nose wrinkles as she grabs the bag full of cookies, looking for the chocolate ones. Taehyung wonders if Sunny’s always had his nose. If this is the nose she was born with, or if with time, it changed.
He curses himself because he wasn’t there to see her born, to witness her growth from a younger age. And because genuinely Taehyung will never know if Sunny has always had his smile and his nose and if she’s always had your eyes and your hair.
He will never have these answers and it makes him sad.
Because he knows he should. 
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until they slide over his lips and the saltiness of his tears catch onto his taste buds. He’s really staring at her and wondering how something this delicate, this fragile, this beautiful could have possibly come from him.
How could something so innocent, be apart of him when he himself was not a saint?
He wipes the tears away before she looks up at him. “Aren’t you going to have your chocolate drink?”
Taehyung grins, his eyes upturning into crescent moons. “Of course I am!”
“Good, I think there are only raisin cookies left though.”
She sticks her tongue out at him before giggling into her mug.
He’s so angry at himself for missing so many years. He’s so angry at the opportunities he will never get back. The days that Sunny will now mark as “before dad was in my life,” and, “after dad came back.”
Will he even get the chance to be her real dad?
He missed so much: her first word, her first step, her first solid food, her first night in her own bed and her first ice cream.
Every loose tooth, every bad dream. Every wet bed. Every knot in her hair. Every tantrum she pulled because she wasn’t ready for bed. He missed it all and he wants to be a part of the rest, he doesn’t want to miss another milestone. He wants to feel okay again. He wants to feel loved and alive again.
Leaning forward, he ruffles his hand through her hair. “You’re such a good girl, drink it up. This will be the last before I take you upstairs to sleep, okay?”
She drops the empty mug, a ring of chocolate around her mouth. It makes Taehyung laugh silently before he helps her wipe it off. “I am very tired.”
He makes a promise then and there that though he’s missed out on a part of Sunny’s life, he will not miss out on the rest.
“Hey, do you know who your dad is?” he asks and Sunny shakes her head. Taehyung watches her eat the cookie before whimpering. “Do you know what his name is?”
She looks at him in thought before pointing at his name badge. “Same as yours.”
And it kills him.
You dream of nothing.
As soon as you had closed your eyes with your head against Seokjin's lean shoulder, you were out like a light. With your body curled up against every grove of his side, Jin tries to adjust himself without disturbing you while staring hard at his own hands.
No matter how hard he scrubbed them, the blood stuck underneath his fingernails stayed. It was gross but a testament to how hard he tried to save a mans life.
He sighs as he drops them back onto his thighs. The burning orange of fresh sunlight soaked the land in a dizzying display of reassurance. He and the firefighters beside him all gazed at it, as it crept over the distant buildings.
"You two okay? You don't look too good to me." one firefighter asks him. Jin turns to face the motley crew, ash, and blood from superficial wounds still covering their faces. Fatigue and dehydration obvious by the way some are seated on the hard concrete pavement.
Jin takes a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. "It's almost over. We'll be fine. Are you guys okay? Any new injuries I should know about?"
"We've all just finished working for 34 hours straight," The firefighter takes a swig of his water before responding. "The hospital is still burning. The forests are still on fire and last I heard from headquarters, the military are on their way to help."
Jin gasps. "Don't tell me you guys are going to keep working?"
The firefighter passes his water bottle to the junior now resting his head on his thigh. "I'm the Fire Captain, I have no choice but to lead my crew. Injury-wise, I think we're all okay physically."
"Good. You keep us safe. Let me know if you need anything. Water, towels, food. I'm happy to help. What was your name sorry?"
"My name? It's Son Sung Deuk and yours?"
"I'm Kim Seokjin."
The firefighter smiles in appreciation. "Thank you Kim Seokjin. You keep us safe too. The public sure as hell don't know how lucky they are to have us."
Jin agrees. "You're right. You're absolutely right."
They both laugh as they turn to face the sun again.
For everyone who had saved a life, who put out and are still putting out the fires, who drove people away from harm and gave first aid, they'd all come to appreciate how lucky they were to be able to see the beginnings of a new day. Because they survived something they'd come to learn many people hadn't.
Jin gazes down at you when the smallest snore escapes from your dry lips, his mouth unable to upturn into the comforting grin he had been wearing all night.
"We're going to be okay," tears glistening in his eyes. "We're going to be fine."
He watches you nuzzle into his side, your body asking for the comfort your mouth couldn't.
You owed Jin a lot, that was obvious. From staying until you were out of the hospital, and driving you like a bloody madman to Seoul Hearts Hospital when your own was burning down behind you, to being kind and compassionate when you could no longer be to yourself.
In some way, Seokjin had saved you. He reminded you that being a doctor doesn't mean you are someone who doesn't need saving. If your health was a house with four walls, and one wall was near collapse, you'd recuperate and fix it.
It's okay to care about yourself too.
It's apart of the reason why you decide that you're no longer going to practice medicine until you've had a full night's rest, this nap, not included. It just wouldn't be right for anyone if you ignored yourself.
So, you sleep.
You sleep against a man who cares too much.
And it only feels like a second of sleep, albeit an hour of being completely knocked out, that the harsh whispers of a tough conversation pull you back into your reality.
Time moved too quickly.
And it seems sleep would never be on the agenda.
"Yoongi has finally made a plan that makes sense. Which means I'm staying out here with you whether you like it or not," Namjoon whispers, scuffling his shoes against the loose gravel as the firefighters loudly pack up their gear. "I want to be with you especially after everything that has happened. I wish that you love me as much as I love you because then you'd understand what I've gone through these past 24 hours. Can you just shut up and let me be with you?"
"Oh Namjoon, that's not true at all. Before I even address what you've just said about us because you better know we are sitting down and communicating, what do you mean a plan that makes sense? Has something happened that we don't know about."
Rubbing a hand over his face in exasperation, Namjoon groans. "Yes, Yoongi isn't closing the hospital down. He's being a democratic leader and listening to people. It only took him two hours to understand that he isn't alone in this. So, I'm staying out here because I don't want you to be alone either. "
"I'm not alone, I've got Y/N," Jin whispers, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "And, aren't you more needed inside?"
"Shut up Jin."
"No, Joon, you shut up."
"Shut up."
"No really, be quiet. She's sleeping," Seokjin whimpers, trying hard not to move his shoulder.
"You really think she's capable of thinking about others right now? She's probably thinking about Sunny and Taehyung. Don't get me started on how similar those two look. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be her father. In fact, I'd be confident betting money that he is," Namjoon sits down beside Jin, taking his hand into his own. "Plus, everyone's passed out in the hallway inside. I'm really not needed there, like at all. What do you want me to say Jin? Do you not want me to be with you?"
Interlacing his fingers with Namjoon, Seokjin sighs loudly. "No, I do. I just think that in this situation, I'm not important enough to have you by my side. I'm just an EMT."
"You aren't just an EMT, you're Seokjin. Man of my dreams, beauty, and brains," Looking down at their hands, Namjoon whispers. "I want to talk this out and kiss you but I've come out to swap with Y/N, so I'll do that before pulling you into that empty tent over there and holding you."
"You're cute," Seokjin giggles, leaning towards him and kissing his cheek. "Yoongi finally letting her in?"
Smiling at the affection, Namjoon nods. "He's even set up a bed space for her and Sunny until he can figure the rest of the morning out. I bet it's to apologize after everything, that bastard. Anyway, I'm coming back to your side once I tell her the plan, okay? Doors are unlocked now, don't you dare leave this spot until I come back out."
"Hold on, wait, I don't understand something," Seokjin's shoulders jostle your eyes awake as he shrugs violently. "He's letting people inside now, not just Y/N? Then what was the fucking point?"
"He was just following orders. Don't bully him."
Letting go of Namjoon's hand, he shouts. "I don't care. What was the point? And now it's reopening after only an hour? Why when-?"
"-Seokjin," Son Sung Deuk shouts as he walks back to his truck. "I can see the fire in your eyes, don't make me come over there!"
Jin deflates as he frowns back at the man. "Go put out some real fires Sung Deuk and be safe while you do it!"
"I will, you two just calm down."
Jin looks at Namjoon before blushing. "We are calm!"
Opening the door to his trust, he chuckles. "Right and the sky is purple, nice meeting you Seokjin."
Namjoon watches the exchange in curiosity as Sung Deuk jumps into the truck; before acknowledging that Jin was now talking to him again.
"Ignore that. Namjoon, everything has been so fucking inconsistent and horribly managed. Why now?"
"Listen," Namjoon leans close to Seokjin. "All I know is that there was a big scene about it inside and Jimin got involved. I'm not going to go into specifics but it made Yoongi realize that he can't handle these types of things alone. He needs help. So, he said a big fuck you to the consultants who told him to lock up in the first place. He's going to start sending people home. So, who knows what will happen. You should hear him though, swearing his little head off on the phone. He's going to lose his job at this rate."
"Doubt it," Jin snorts. "The man's a cockroach."
"Guys," Yawning you sit up, pulling your aching muscles to attention as you gaze at the two. "Don't tell me you both actually give a heck about what Yoongi is doing because I sure as hell do not. It was very out of character for him to listen to anyone so quickly anyway," Stretching your arms in the air, you add. "He was probably pressured by the ministry because of the MERS outbreak last year, and we all know what that was like when it happened."
"True." Jin nods, massaging the muscle in his shoulder you had cramped.
"Hey, can I go inside now?" you ask, taking over massing his shoulder for him.
Namjoon nods. "You can. I didn't know you were awake, did you hear everything?"
"Yes, I did. Do I care? No. I just want to go inside, grab my kid and sleep."
"Namjoon means well hun," Seokjin smiles, pushing your hand away from his arm. "Go inside. Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you, Jin. Thank you for everything."
"We're a team. It's what we do. Teamwork makes the dream work."
"One more thing Y/N," Namjoon stands up, moving over to embrace you. "Whatever happens inside, when you go to collect Sunny. Whatever happens between you and Taehyung-
"Why are you assuming something will?"
Rubbing your back, he whispers into your ear. "Don't ask me stupid questions Y/N. It's been happening since you and Taehyung met again. I see life behind those eyes again. I love you and I want the best for you, okay? Follow your heart, stop listening to that stubborn brain of yours."
Pulling back, you blink at the man. "Sorry, what?"
"I convinced myself a long time ago that you don't have a pulse. Use this event as an excuse to start living your life again."
"Right because the bombing was the universe telling me I need to get a fucking life. Thanks," Staring at him in confusion, you laugh awkwardly. "Okay, thanks. I'm glad I have such a good support system. On that note, I'm gonna head in and get some sleep with my kid. You guys should get some rest too."
Namjoon smiles before turning back to Seokjin. "We will. Go on. Go inside."
Things from there began to move quickly but slowly at the same time. You can't even explain it. Military aid arrived just as you are walking back inside. The fire engines leave as they pack in their wounded. Boxes of basic dressings are rushed out of the military trucks. Eager doctors run past you to nab the essentials.
And the automatic doors that once kept you out slide open as you walk through them.
Feeling delirious, you walk past patients who had been staring out the window in curiosity just an hour ago. You walk past Jungkook and Jimin and Sana and Irene, right past everyone in a uniform until you're standing in front of stressed out Min Yoongi in a dirty coat holding a whiteboard pen.
"Yoongi." you clear your throat as he turns to face you.
Wearing an apologetic grin, he nervously stammers. "Go to the big meeting staff room on level 3, there's a bed for you and Sunny. I think she's already there sleeping with Taehyung."
"Look Y/N, I'm sorry-
"-you don't need to comment on it," you interrupt, turning on your feet and walking towards the staffroom. "Just do your best Yoongi."
Dragging your feet, patients begin to call out for you all around you but do you partake in the storm that brews? If they're yelling, their breathing. So, no. You walk through it and you ignore it because you're a human being in need of care too.
Walking into the elevator, you press the number three, watching its button illuminate for what you hope to be, the last time. Seoul Hearts is a big hospital and the environment is totally different to Forest, you aren't sure if you'd be able to adjust if you were to work here.
The doors open to the quiet floor as you look both left and right for the staff room. The sign indicates left, so that is where you go.
Passing empty storage, resource and meeting rooms, you continue down the hallway until your eyes fall on the staffroom sign above too big white doors. Biting your lip, you pause as your hand touches the handle.
It's with a brave heart that you turn it and push.
Walking through the staff room doors, the sight you see makes your heart ache with all kinds of pins and needles. It doesn't hit you as hard as you thought it would though. It sinks in and then, it starts to feel right.
The ugly green curtains have all been closed. Save for the small light above the stove accentuating Taehyung's sleeping face and the top of Sunny's head in his arms on the couch, the room was dark.
The door closes behind you with a soft click as you start taking off your shoes. Dropping your coat onto the floor, the sound of your phone falling onto the floor echoes across the room. You guess Taehyung hears it because he moves in his sleep, pulling Sunny closer to his chest in reflex, the same way he did to you once upon a time.
You push your clothes into a corner, because who cares at this point.
Nervously walking your reluctant self across the room, you gently take his arms off Sunny so you can quietly put her on the made bed in the corner where she'd be more comfortable. Why they hadn't just slept on that instead of the couch is beyond your understanding but something he'd totally do.
Scooping her up from his chest, he wakes up startled at the loss of her weight. "Stop. What are you doing?" Taehyung asks, eyes still closed, arms tightening around Sunny, pulling her back against him.
"Taehyung," you whisper, not letting her go. "Be quiet and let her go. It's me, Y/N."
"Y/N?" his eyes open wide.
"Morning," you whisper, looking into his mildly bloated face. "You've slept a lot today Taehyung. Have you even worked?"
"I did get stabbed for you, you know." he retorts.
His hands loosen as Sunny sleepily tangles her arms around your neck as you pick her completely off him and into your arms. He yawns before sitting up.
"Mama?" she whispers and you hold the back of her head with your hand. "Yes, baby?"
"Don't wake her. It was difficult putting her to sleep," Taehyung says, standing up beside you. Sunny wraps her feet around your waist. "Here, let me put her back to bed and we can talk?"
You kiss the top of her head. "The team made us up a bed with her rabbit and blankets, I'll put her to bed myself like I have been for her entire existence."
Doing exactly that, Taehyung watches as you lay her on the mattress. She immediately cuddles into her rabbit in the middle of the bed and you cover her body with the warm pink blankets.
"Where did you want to talk?"
"You should go and have a shower first, it will make you feel better," he whispers, walking over to the staff bathroom to check if it was vacant. Pushing open the door with his foot, he peeks in. "It's free. There are towels and uniforms in there if you wanted to change. I'll get us some breakfast while you're in there."
Feeling disconnected from your emotions, having a shower would do you some serious good in feeling okay again. And you aren't sure whether you hate or feel relieved that Taehyung remembers what you look like when you're detached and what helps ground you. "That's a good idea, I'll be back. Thank you, I guess."
"Are you surprised that I remember?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoids your eye contact. Walking past him, you push open the shower room door. "I am a little, didn't think you'd remember the little details about me but that's okay, Taehyung."
"Shall we do omelets and pancakes?"
Looking up at Taehyung again, you nod. "Um yeah, sure, that would be nice. I'll be out soon. I shouldn't take long. If I don't come out in like twenty minutes or so, assume I've fallen asleep. Just come in and wake me up."
His expression shifts as he winks at you. "Naughty. In the staff shower? Y/N, you've changed."
"Really?" Rolling your eyes, you push him towards the staffroom door. "My god, you're so inappropriate. Our daughter is right there."
"Our daughter," he repeats, he liked the sound of it. He could get used to that.
"Go." you urge.
"Okay, I'm going, no need to push. Go have a shower, you smell," he jokes, rushing out the door. He turns back to smile at you as the door inches to a close, "I was joking, you always smell nice." he yells in a last-ditch effort.
"Go away Taehyung."
He waves for you to go back inside before turning away from you. The door closes with a soft click, encasing the room in darkness again. "Well, that didn't go that bad..."
Sunny turns in her sleep, rustling against the blankets.
The clock ticks loudly above the small round table.
Through the cracks in the curtain, the sunlight beams.
It was a new day with a whole new set of problems.
You try hard not to think about that as you shed your clothes and let the cleansing nature of water strip your soul bare. You try hard not to think of anything as you sit on the shower floor, letting the hot water pelt down your back.
Taehyung runs with a bag full of takeout breakfast through the Emergency Department sometime later. He does note that there appears to be more staff on he didn't see last night, potentially out of Seoul recruits? Busan?
Who knows?
Taemin, Taehyung's orange-haired student, and the obnoxiously intelligent ace, Younggi, are dragging each other towards the nurse's station, hands full of vital sign charts, when he pulls the breaks on his feet, stopping just in front of them. "Hey, you two. Give those to the nurses. Good work today, you can go home. Tell all the other student as well."
They smile at each other. Younggi blinks at Taehyung, looking him up and down before a thankful expression spreads across her face. "Dr. Taehyung, I'm thankful that you are okay. You seem to be doing well given your injuries. It's been a pleasure working with you and I just wanted to say that it was a phenomenal experience being able to-
"-oh shut up. Brown nosing only works when you're an intern," Yoongi cuts in, giving each of the students his business card. "Go home and get some rest, stop verbally assaulting my colleague. I've given you both my cards because I can't trust the orange boy with telling you all my contact details. When I am no longer tied up with this, email me and I will personally send you a certificate of your participation."
They beam at each other again. Taehyung nods at the two. "Buzz off Taehyung, go and eat and then sleep. Meetings going to be at 11 in the hub, set an alarm on your phone so you can wake up Y/N too ...assuming that you'd be sleeping together."
The students blush.
"On that note, I'm off." Taehyung salutes Yoongi before rushing back to the staffroom.
Smelling like jasmine and cheap bar soap, you stand by the open window admiring the city view. Wearing new Seoul Hearts Scrubs with your freshly washed hair splayed down your back, you huff. "If he's not back in five minutes, I'm going to sleep."
Sunny looks comfortable asleep, you were jealous.
The bags under your eyes suddenly feel heavy, almost heavy enough to drag you to the mattress and underneath the blankets but Taehyung still has 5 minutes and at least you were clean.
You had felt like a new person after showering but you found that the usually therapeutic nature of having a shower, forced you to think about the last 12 hours and you wanted to do everything but that.
And now, it's all you can think about now that you're alone and it's quiet.
Tears begin to glisten in your eyes as you think about wanting to sleep but you can't possibly cry right now when you know it will only make you tired. "4 more minutes."
You've been at Seoul Hearts for 12 hours now and aside from the death you've seen and the pain you've felt vicariously treating someone else's wounds, it was going to be okay. You were going to treat your own this time.
The staffroom door opens and then closes softly as though someone were trying to be quiet. You smell his cologne before you see him and your heart begins to pound against your ribcage. The smell of food makes your stomach grumble as the paper bag rustles on the table.
"Y/N." his familiar voice whispers from behind you and you don't need to turn to know that the voice definitely belongs to Taehyung.
"Hey," He scuffles his shoes towards you but you don't turn around. "Are you ready to talk?"
You nod. "Can we keep it brief? I'm very tired."
"Me too but what about the food?"
"We can eat when we wake up."
"Good, so shall we talk?"
Damn awkwardly loud silence.
You both pause, having spoken at the same time. Rubbing up your arms, you chuckle. "You go first Taehyung."
"Again, brief please."
"I can't promise it will be brief but I just, I need to say it, so hear me out. I'm so thankful and relieved that you're okay. I-I thought you had died when I didn't see you when everyone else arrived and I'm not sure about you but this has been the worst and kind of the best 24 hours of my life and I just spent most of it thinking about you and Sunny and my life and I felt so regretful for everything that I had done and everything that I left you to deal with alone. Why I left was hurtful and stupid and cruel knowing you were carrying Sunny. I was afraid of what my mother would do and I knew you'd be okay because you're strong. Stronger than me and you kept my child and she's so beautiful and happy and she even looks like me and she looks like you and she's just so..."
He fumbles as though he can't find the right words to say; to express everything that he's gone through and everything that he's seen. "She's just so..."
You clench your eyes closed as you finish his sentence. "Us, Taehyung. She's so us."
He nods his head, smiling at the little girl. "She is, isn't she. Has she always been so aggressive with her affection and intelligent?" he asks and you laugh proudly.
"Believe it or not, yes. She has always been like that."
Silence continues to fester between you as he inches closer to you. Slowly slipping his hand into yours, he turns you around to face him. He looks at you pleadingly. "Y/N, we have a lot to talk about between us but I want to be a good father to Sunny. I want to be a part of her life and your life."
He stares at you with so much hope.
"Taehyung, I need time. Obviously, five years wasn't enough for me and if you were so eager to come back to me as though you never stopped loving me, why didn't you ever come back and find me?"
The brown flecks in his eyes swirl with the sunlight from behind you. Your gaze lingers across his face, his eyes were the purest brown you've seen all night and there was a beautiful kind of vulnerability on his lips.
He was being honest.
It made you realize that Kim Taehyung hadn't changed much.
And for the tiniest second, you were able to imagine what your life would've been like had he not left. But you've changed, you were stronger and better than that.
"I thought that what I had done to you, was something so cruel an apology would never erase what had happened," he whispers, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. "I thought because I broke your heart and broke my own that I wasn't someone who deserved love. Especially if it came from you but I did find you and kept tabs on you. I wanted to be sure that you were okay, I just never knew that you kept her."
"Everyone deserves to be loved Taehyung, even you. Please don't say that, it hurts me because all wanted was the best for you. That's why I left. You deserved a love your family could accept, I know how much they mean to you."
"It's easy to say that I deserve love," he whispers. "It isn't meant for everyone. Just look at how we turned out, I ruined us. I don't deserve love but I'd take it, in a heartbeat, if it came from you."
"Please, explain the undeserving of love part."
"I don't know how to explain myself," pausing to think, he takes a deep breath. "I'm a coward and you deserve so much more but I want to try and be that person for you. I've spent so long thinking about it and the best possible way to explain it is if I tell you that back then, I believed that love was like a claw machine."
You frown. "It's too early for your poetry Taehyung, especially when it doesn't make sense. People love claw machines. What are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying Y/N that you gotta put a lot of money into a claw machine to win the prize. Lots of people can't afford it."
Your snort, smirking at him. "So basically, you're calling yourself high maintenance?"
He shakes his head. "No. I'm not. God, no. The opposite in fact."
"What?" Tilting your head, you blink at him. "What is the opposite of that?"
"It means," his voice lowers, he was insecure, damaged even. "I didn't think I was worth it until I watched you leave my life. You were so out of my league and I could barely even ask you to marry me despite wanting to every morning we woke up together, god I am so stupid. I want to be with you, be around you, raise Sunny with you, love you."
"But isn't love like a claw machine and not worth it to you?"
He jerks, looking up at you in alarm. "No, no, god, sorry, I'm so bad at explaining myself. It may be if it were with anyone else but with you? Never. I've learned my lesson, I know what it's like not being with you and I don't want that to happen again," he steps closer to you, raising his hand to your cheek. "I was a coward but I'm not now. Please, take all the time you need but in the meantime, can I show you that I can be good for you and Sun?
"I can tell you aren't a coward anymore," you whisper, closing your eyes when he rubs his thumb across your bottom lip. Pulling his hand away from your mouth, you hold both his hands. "I didn't think you had changed much, but now that we're talking, it's a little hard to digest how much your heart has changed. It's all very well to say you love me and want to be there for Sunny, but I don't believe your words when actions will speak a whole lot louder."
There was so much to patch, to suture, to be whole again especially after such an event. This whole thing had so many ramifications on your mental and spiritual health but at that moment, as Taehyung holds your hand, you felt at peace.
"I'm still me?"
"I know."
"Do you hate it? Do you hate me?"
"No. I could never hate you Taehyung."
He smiles a Cheshire grin. "Good. I won't let you hate me again."  
"Okay, I'm so fucking tired my eyes are hurting. This discussion involves a third person so we should consult them as well when they're awake. How about we talk about us more when we've both had some sleep? Sound good?"
Tugging on his hands, you pull him towards the mattress where Sunny lays.
"I'd like that," he whispers as you let his hands go, gesturing for him to lay on the other side of your daughter. "Yoongi says the next meetings at 11, hope that's enough sleep."
"It's not but I don't plan on sleeping here long. I want to go home."
"Home," he says to no one in particular. "Me too."
Yawning into your palm, you mumble. "Wheres your home?"
"Please don't let me say it."
"Say what?"  
He watches you kiss the back of Sunny's head before taking his own shoes off, and gently getting underneath the blankets. As soon as you had closed your eyes again, head on a pillow, you were fast asleep. You never did get to hear what he was saying but you had an inkling it might've been cliche.
He whispers to himself. "That I've found my home and it's with you."
Soft snores escape your lips and Sunny curls into you while her little legs tangle between his. Looking at your face, Taehyung leans over Sunny to tuck the splayed strands of hair behind your ear, your mouth trembles into a smile.
Sinking back into the sheets, Taehyung falls asleep warm, a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time.
And whilst you dream of running barefoot through fields of sunflowers. The overwhelming peace you feel, as you feel yourself beginning to heal, even in a subconscious state, will be enough to summon the courage to face the trouble you'll see in your tomorrow (or today, whichever).
Even when you know, you'll no longer be facing it alone.
The end.
A/N: Epilogue coming up and then this story is compleTED YO! I JUST WROTE ALL OF THIS IN ONE SITTING, SO I APOLOGISE IF IT SUCKS.
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Calling all ARMYs/Whovians!
My sister @sbpat94 and I just happened upon this photo of V from a Wings-era fanmeeting in 2016.
(Photo by EHEH LOVE U)
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Upon seeing this photo, both of us agreed that Tae almost looks like he could be pretending to use a Sonic Screwdriver! (Sure, if any of BTS are even aware of “Doctor Who” in the slightest, that would be a long shot, but we can dream, right?)
So, this important question came into my mind, and we need y'all's help to settle it.
If each member of BTS were their own unique regeneration of The Doctor, which outfit from any of the band's eras (from their debut to right now) would their Time Lord-sona wear?
Currently, we are both too overwhelmed by the amount of outfits to choose from! Help in replies and/or reblogs would be greatly appreciated!!! 💜
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shade-without-color · 6 years
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Aesthetic Meme>> [02/07 AUs] >> Adventure Awaits (Kamisama Hajimemashita Doctor Who AU)
She, born of the stars and sky, found herself stumbling on the energies of an abandoned house. The only survivors amidst the chaos are Tomoe (Miura Haruma), a sullen retail worker who has the misfortune to mess up the lock mechanism of an exiled alien race, as he was searching for the store keys to open up the store. And Mizuki (V), a happy and go-lucky student, who grieved for the loss of his guardian, stumbled by accident- the portal which will cause the separation of two worlds.
And the cause behind the warping came from the unlikely of sources, an exiled alien race who took advantage of the growing vortex to free their clan from eternal damnation. It is in fact, something beyond her imagination and she is determined to save the world. And with the help of her new friends, she could do anything!
Playlist under cut (listen)
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attackonyoonmin · 7 years
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➻ 🎃 Halloween 🎃 SeokJin as a Murderer Doctor.
Edit is mine. Photos or gifs used aren’t, credits to the owner.
-Admin JiFox.
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mirahuyooo · 3 years
The Shadow Like Me | mafia!bts headcannons
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[BTS as Mafia]
— Turn the pain into power
In which, these are the men that made Bangtan Sonyeondan one of South Korea's most notorious organizations. 
Word Count: 1,373 Content/s: dangerous boys with daddy issues & trauma, guns, blood, mafia things (duh), found family but it's v dark & bloody for everyone else lol, Mafia AU
[masterlist] | more [reactions & headcannons]
A/N: AnoTHER short and simple post lmao 😭😭😭 i may have gone a bit extra by giving them a bit of background story but aNYWAYS I'm so sorry y'all AAAAAA i don't have much to say for myself, just enjoy reading! hope y'all like it! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞*:・゚✧
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was an aspiring doctor in a family of lawyers—a model son really—but ironically got involved into unlawful things
no longer involved with medical operations—because why would he when he has power and money now?—but he still has the basic know-hows down so, if need be, he takes care of it
hates getting blood and filth on his suit—always keeps an extra pair of suit in his car because of it
not the most adept at close distance combat and would prefer to use violence as a last resort, but he is skilled with guns 
with his knowledge of medicine and anatomy, he can also easily make a death look natural or an accident
settles negotiations with Hoseok & Yoongi and owns a restaurant on neutral grounds that most gangs come to for their respective meetings
likewise with Hoseok's cheerful façade, his softer features and amicable aura often have others letting their guards down, which is a mistake, obviously—one does not survive this long in hell with just a handsome face and friendly smile, after all
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grew up loved and raised by his grandmother—what a shame he ended up like his father—a criminal
known most especially for his icy cold glare—no one can ever keep eye contact for too long, unless you're an ignorant idiot who doesn't know what their getting themselves into (don't worry he won't act unless provoked)
keeps to himself—cooking or sleeping mostly—and quite enjoys the peace and silence his reputation gives him
is skilled with technology and words, is highly observant, and is very efficient in getting information about anything and everything from anyone—meets with Namjoon the most, because of this, too
a collection of swords hang on the walls of his office—and they're not just for decoration purposes
once he loses interest in a discussion or sees it not worth his or Bangtan's time, he will easily just stand and leave without saying anything—nothing fazes or scares him, and he simply does not give a fuck
when he enters a room, it noticeably gets quieter—people either intimidated by his presence, in awe of his feline-like allure, or cautious of what information Yoongi might get on them
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born an illegitimate son to a gang lord, taken away from his mother, and raised to study the business he was set to inherit 
spoiler alert: he kills his father and joins his father's gang with Bangtan Sonyeondan instead 
very respected, and might as well be considered to be the second head of Bangtan Sonyeondan—even Namjoon agrees to this
he runs a business of mercenaries and has his own circle of specialized people that he tasks for those assassinations and missions
master at dealings—weapons, territories, money, drugs, etc.—he knows how to get what he wants one way or another 
likes things clean and orderly with anything and everything—he doesn't leave loose ends, crime scenes will never have a trace of him, his house is spotless
he has this charismatic pull to him and while he gets cast as a carefree, and harmless man at first glance, he's very meticulous and manipulative—do not be fooled by his smile
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another one born into the underworld, favored over his older brother who seems to only think with his gun rather than his head—thus, a bloody civil war within the organization broke out over who should inherit the title. Obviously, Namjoon won.
he spent years accumulating power and influence, and his determination and skillset is what makes the boys respect him a lot as their leader
clumsy with almost everything, but isn't entirely hopeless, he can defend himself—those muscles aren't just for show you know
has an extensive collection of books in his office—knowledge is one the main sources of his power—and a certain book, when pulled, leads to a secret safe room housing personal memorabilia and a safe full of cash (among other things)
always has the final say on major transactions and demands reports from individual members by the end of their respective missions and tasks 
his tall and large build immediately draw people's eyes towards him as soon as he enters a room, demanding careful attention
it is then that the dimples that appear on his rehearsed smile dismantle everyone for a moment and almost make them forget that this very man right here leads the organization that trampled over their businesses in just years of taking his father's title 
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would have lived a perfectly perfect normal life—if a family tragedy hadn't led him down a path of blood and death
came to Namjoon with crucial information on a rival gang, all in the name of revenge, and after that, he decided to stay and swear loyalty with Bangtan
works with Yoongi on getting information, and is more on the active side of the field, because where Yoongi would often hack into systems or sit in silence, Jimin dabbles in throwing himself into the fray and get thE information out himself
he's not afraid to get creative with his means and methods, as long as he gets what he needs or wants
it takes a lot to anger him, but when he does, he's set on getting even with that person—except "even" means something much worse 
own a chain of clubs around Seoul and frequents them because he loves drinking and dancing—aside from the occasional snooping he gets done out of his nights from unassuming people
his angelic voice and piercing eyes can easily lure someone in a false sense of security—it doesn't help that he knows he's attractive and knows how to use it to his advantage 
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Born into a world of blood and crime too, but someone of a lesser standing than Namjoon and Hoseok's family, so his father is quite desperate to make something of himself and beat his children for it—killing him remains to be the most satisfying moment in Taehyung's life
he often keeps to himself, so a lot of their own men often mistake him for a rookie—though, it doesn't take them long to realize the one they've been looking down on is the silent killer that successfully pulled three     assassinations, blew up a rival's warehouse, and stole a governor's prized diamond in a week
dabbles in both negotiations and missions, because he has that intimidating factor, but also has the ability to execute missions or anyone
easily has one of the most expensive tastes in the group—probably because he never had the luxury of getting anything he wants as a child cOUGH COUGH—cars, clothes, art pieces, anything he wants. 
has quite a high pain tolerance, it takes a while to get him down—the longer you try to, the more you're simply digging a grave for himself
also takes a lot to truly anger him, but once he bursts, it's absolutely terrifying—his eyes turn cold and merciless, no one will ever be able to identify the body
his otherworldly beauty and deep voice sends shivers down people's spines, but everyone knows that it's a thin line between a blessing and a curse to be in Kim Taehyung's presence 
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was an orphan taken in by Namjoon at a fairly young age, so he's technically been the oldest member 
has a lot of respect for his hyungs and will not tolerate any bullshit against them, but at the same time, he's the reckless little shit that gives Namjoon and Seokjin a headache 
another active member on the field—absolutely cannot stand staying in one place for too long and gets bored easily so he goes asking for assignments and tasks to do 
any information Yoongi can't get, he can beat the shit out someone of, putting his muscles and disturbingly vast knowledge of torture to good use
loves driving around—a majority of the vehicles in the headquarters are his—and often goes on late night drives around the city
has a little knack for art and projects that through the tattoos inked on his skin—every single one is very dear to him
he walks around with a certain stride of pride in him, his eyes glinting menacingly as if asking for a fight, but anyone foolish enough to get into such a fight with him is set for an unfair match—it'll be like bringing a knife to a gunfight. 
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𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 : @mwitsmejk​ @dreamamubarak​ (i forgot to do the taglist again I’m so sorry ��💕)
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lavienjin · 3 years
cruise control | knj
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summary: Clumsy by nature, Namjoon often comes into your hospital for the smallest of injuries; results from his foolish driving as he races in the streets or from his job at the auto body shop. You remind him often enough to be careful, but never — not even in your worst nightmares — could you imagine that the limp and bloodied figure lying on the operating table is the same one that had just asked you out on a date.
↠ part of the BTS meets 50s collab!
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pairing: street racer!namjoon x doctor!reader
word count: 13,681
rating/genre/au: 18+ | street racing au | smut, fluff, v lil angst
warnings: blood • depictions of injury • swearing • explicit smut in the forms of: unprotected sex • fingering • creampie
author's note: lot of research went into this including, but not limited to: 50s slang, pretending to sound like a doctor, and what constitutes a fuckin car! this is also part of the research au challenge for bccsg! thanks to @homeofbangtan for letting me be a part of this heckin collab; please send the love to the other writers as well! to my betas, dee @sugasbabiie and my secret ginchiest babe (who doesn't want to be named), thank you for being patient with me! and yes the irony that joon is the only one w/o a driver's license isn't lost on me
playlist: tokyo drifting // vroom vroom // big black car //
credit for the gif!
m.list | ao3
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There’s a breathtaking scenery that exists beyond the windows of a moving vehicle. Lights and sound blurring together into one as Namjoon steps foot on the gas, urging his red Ford Thunderbird to keep up with the twists and turns of the streets, humming quietly to himself as he taps on the steering wheel.
The sun barely had time to peak from the horizon, its softest rays have yet to kiss the clouds, and he’s already racing against a black Bentley, one of them rich people cars that had honked beside him in the red light, rolling down the window to ask if he’d fancy burning some rubber. Who was Namjoon to deny such a fun request? As soon as the lights turned green, they were off. The unspoken rules of street racing in his town are simple: keep within a specific distance between your challenger or better yet, surpass them entirely, until you hit the big city limit sign and you win. There were a few caveats here and there – one of the more dangerous ones involving the winding roads of Crestone Peak, but it’s a death wish to try and race there. The folks out here just want a good time and Namjoon’s more than happy to provide that. With his car so well-known in the city, a deep red Thunderbird with a cherry decal on the side, Namjoon receives invitations in all forms of manners – a phone call, a letter, or even spur of the moment instances such as these.
Forgetting his worries, Namjoon shifts his gear stick to the fourth notch, Cherry’s engine purring in support as his eyes focus on the license plate in front of him, tongue prodding the inside of his cheek as he rolls the windows down, whooping loudly as the wind blasts through his hair and he leaves the guy in the dust, passing the sign only a few seconds before the Bentley did.
The victory was sweet, albeit shortlived, and Namjoon will surely never see the guy again as he sticks his hand outside and waves. He slows his car to the appropriate speed limit, laughing to himself as he navigates his way around the city, cruising to find another sap that would dare race with him.
“Kim motherfucking Namjoon!”
He winces when his full name is thrown in the air with such annoyance - at the shrill voice muttering phrases no patient should be hearing in the hospital. The curtains around his bed is yanked away, revealing you in a lab coat with a furious glint in your eyes, mouth turned into a deep scowl. Namjoon can’t help but smile warmly at your irritated figure as he waits for the tirade with a chuckle.
“What’s the problem, doll?”
“The problem is that you’re here. Again. And I should be asking youthat question,” you remark pointedly, glaring at his sad state. "What the hell, knucklehead? How did you get hurt this time?"
Despite your brusque tone, your hands are busy inspecting his body: listening to his heartbeat - "124 bpm," you note - and measuring his temperature (though Namjoon isn't sure why you go through such lengths). When you prod your delicate fingers along his sternum while trying to locate the injury, he hisses, face scrunching up and muscles locking instantly as he tries to breathe through the pain.
Instantly, your face morphs into one of concern, knitted eyebrows and soft eyes as you snatch your hand away to stand beside him, rubbing his back soothingly. As the pain ebbs turning into a dull ache, Namjoon can't help but turn towards you, a strained smile on his lips as he relaxes from your touch. He wonders silently if you do this for all your patients or just him. He hopes it's the latter.
“Hey, are you okay?” you whisper, pushing his shoulders gently to have him relax on the bed again. “Seriously, what happened this time, Joon?”
He looks momentarily at your hand resting on his shoulder; at the warmth that's spreading all over his body. He chuckles, but it's caught in his throat, sounding raspier than ever, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead as he clutches his chest, preparing himself for another onslaught of nags. “Oh, I just… umm… crashed the car and I knocked my chest against the steering wheel pretty hard. Thank god the airbag didn’t deploy and break my nose or anything.”
“You crashed your car!?” you half-gasp, half-yell, eyes bulging out of your head before whipping around to make sure no one in the ward heard anything. Your voice drops to a whisper, mouth forming a thin line as you continue your examination. “I can't believe this. Lift your shirt up.”
“The least you could do is to take me out to dinner first,” he teases.
An eyeroll is your only response as you order him again. Sighing, Namjoon does as he’s told, shrugging his shirt so it wraps around his neck. There’s a blueish mark on the centre of his chest and the way your warm fingers brush against it makes him sigh, craving more of your touch despite the ache. You’re silent as you continue to press and prod along his abdomen before you finally lean back, letting him pull his shirt down with a nod as you scribble silently in your clipboard.
“Good news,” you singsong playfully, before sighing and slightly shaking your head. Anger forgotten, the corners of your mouth turn upwards into a lopsided grin. “You should be fine. The damage is all epidermal – surface level, and I don’t feel any broken bones nor do I detect any laboured breathing. Please do come back if you start experiencing those symptoms. It’s going to hurt like a bitch, but I think you’ll be okay after a few days.”
Namjoon stares at you; observing the way your shoulders seem to sag with relief, at the storm leaving your eyes when you realise that he’s going to be fine.
“You’re free to go, though. I can prescribe you with some painkillers if you need them?” Your voice breaks through his thoughts and he’s forced to look at those glimmering eyes.
Hiding the blush of his cheeks with a cough, Namjoon quickly shakes his head. “No need, doc. The whole reason I came here was to take a gander at your pretty face anyway.”
You falter at that and Namjoon doesn’t miss the way you tuck a strand of hair behind your ears, eyes shifting between your clipboard and the floor. Cute.
“A-Anyway, I have other patients to attend to, so if there’s nothing else…” you trail off, still resolutely looking at your shoes instead of Namjoon.
Wincing at the dull ache in his chest, he circles your wrist with his hand, tugging gently to get you to look at him. Tongue turning into lead, he opens and closes his mouth, trying to push out the question that's been on the tip of his tongue for a while.
Now or never.
“There is one thing… You've been taking care of me all this time. Let me take you out to dinner, yeah? As thanks.”
His heart is the sound of a roaring lion, commanding his attention. The silence doesn’t treat him gently – his palms are beginning to sweat as he waits for your answer, smile faltering with every second ticking where you’re not looking at him. Finally, you turn around and Namjoon smiles wider, dimples flashing when you agree with a quiet ‘yes’ and a nod of your head.
“I can’t this week. Maybe the next?” you reply meekly, avoiding his gaze.
“Sounds like a plan, Stan.” Namjoon swings his legs from the bed, the pain already ebbing away with how excited he is at the prospect of finally taking you out. “See you later, alligator.”
You think he’s out of earshot, but Namjoon catches you mumble under your breath, voice barely audible among the beeps of machinery. He forces himself to walk normally, despite wanting to jump for joy and pump his fist in the air.
“Not for a while, crocodile.”
The rest of the day seem slower now as Namjoon works at fixing his beloved Cherry, resenting his past self for losing control on the slippery road and crashing. It wasn’t a bad one, especially with his skills, but the front bumper had come off and with the very specific red that paints his car, it’s going to be a bitch to order the part and have it painted the right colour to avoid any patchiness. He supposed it got him a date next week, so he shouldn’t be too mad.
He had found the Thunderbird in the junkyard, about to be crushed into a sad cube before he raced to the guard’s booth, paying the person discreetly to let him have her. With a lot of elbow grease and sweat, Namjoon managed to bring her back to life with the help of his mechanic buddies and one too many sleepless nights. He can’t imagine what sort of person would discard such a hot rod, but he’s not complaining, especially since it came virtually for free. His boss, Max, was even gracious enough to let him keep her in his garage, allowing Namjoon to fix whatever problems she has as long as he continues to work diligently at his actual job.
Already in his late 50s, Max was known as the best mechanic in town and made sure that reputation stayed intact to the best of his abilities by hiring people like Namjoon that worked his ass day in and day out. Other than you, he’s the only other person that disapproves of Namjoon’s thrillseeking tendencies, though he doesn’t nag whenever Namjoon comes in bruised and broken in the morning, just a sigh and a gruff reminder to “take it easy.”
“What’s got you smiling so happily today?” comes a voice from behind Namjoon as he screws yet another bolt into Cherry’s side.
Namjoon laughs, turning around to give his friend a quick clap on the shoulder. “Taehyung,” he greets the younger man before turning his attention back to his Thunderbird. “Nothing much, just won myself a hot date.”
“Cut the gas!” Taehyung cheers, wrapping his arm around Namjoon’s shoulder. “The doctor chick? The one you’ve crushed on for like years now?”
“It hasn’t been years, I’ve only known her for like a few months!” he chuckles, slipping away from the younger man’s hold “But yeah, the ‘doctor chick’. She has a name, you know?”
Taehyung sighs, rolling his eyes. “I know, I know. It’s ___. I’ve heard you talking about her in all states of drunkenness, candy ass. Even if I tried to forget her name, I wouldn’t be able to.”
Namjoon grins sheepishly, running his hand through his hair. Taehyung continues to pepper him with questions: about his plans for the date and about the races he’s recently been a part of – all the while helping Namjoon with Cherry until Max called them out to the front to help him work on a car that just came in. It was an average working day for Namjoon, though he’s a little distracted at the butterflies in his stomach, imagining the date that’s happening in a week’s time.
The first time Namjoon laid his eyes on you, he’s instantly smitten. Taehyung had suffered a bad stomach flu and needed to go get it checked out. He had pleaded for Namjoon to come with, so he could drive him back to his apartment instead of waiting for the bus. He agreed reluctantly when he saw just how pale Taehyung was, ushering him to the best hospital the city could offer: Hope.
You were the only doctor available that day and boy was it ever a stroke of luck. You’d been kind and gentle, making sure that he felt heard despite whining like a little child. Your easy smile was a bonus too and Namjoon chased after that smile for weeks, turning up to the hospital for every trivial injury; from a paper cut to a broken nail, just to see you again. He learned that you were one of the newer doctors at Hope Hospital, which meant that you had the most shifts out of anyone. Despite all that, the positive and patient smile never leaves your face and the nurses all spoke highly of you, even some giving out courtesy warnings like an older sibling would.
“If you dare hurt her…” one of the older nurses had threatened, raising a scalpel she was cleaning to stab it in the air. Namjoon gulped, nodding as he got the memo loud and clear.
Eventually, your worried fretting over Namjoon stopped and your current relationship is formed, one where Namjoon frequents the hospital as often as he pleases and gets you to check on him just so he could talk to you for a few minutes, much to your annoyance. You’ve yet to throw him out though, always dutifully checking his vitals regardless of how small his injury may be along with comments about how he should have been more carefuland it’s that dedication to your line of work that made Namjoon fall even harder.
In one of the rare occasions, you opened up, he learned that you had no intentions of becoming a doctor, afraid jumping into such a male-driven field, but your college professor had convinced you otherwise and through sheer determination, you managed to graduate top of your class, surprising all your colleagues. And that surprise lasted for quite some time, the university erecting a bench dedicated to you, especially when you landed a job at Hope Hospital as a full-fledged doctor, skipping your residency entirely.
“And you? What’s your story?” you asked after finishing your tale.
“Me? I’m just a guy. My dad used to take me to the tracks and I fell in love with driving, but obviously that’s not in the cards. So, I took my passion for cars and turned it into a career. I’m a mechanic by day, street racer by night,” he explained with a hearty laugh, putting his hands behind his head as he lies on the bed.
“If only you were less clumsy,” you teased, prodding him on the ribcage after finding out that he had came in that day because of a light headache. “Just be careful, will you?”
“I’ll be fine,” Namjoon smiled, showing off his dimples in hopes to reassure you. “Honestly, the only thing I’m worried about is being caught by the fuzz. And even then, I’m not too worried; I know a guy,” he winked, chest warm at your genuine empathy.
“Well, I suppose I know who to reach with my one phone call.”
Namjoon could hear you laugh all day – loving the way your eyes crinkle around the corners and at the occasional snort; at the way you shake your head slightly when it subsides into giggles.
The two of you grew closer since then, to the point where you felt comfortable enough to nag him when he came in to the hospital genuinely injured, his arm dangling limply where he pulled it out of its socket. Namjoon felt comforted as you pumped him full of painkillers and sent him home in a sling, and his smile grew tenfold when you slipped a paper with your schedule in his hand, asking him to come back within those times so you could take a better look in case he developed a negative reaction to the painkillers. Whether he was high in love or if it’s because of the drugs, Namjoon slept soundly that night, the pain in his shoulder momentarily forgotten while he dreamed of your smile.
Max breaks him from his reverie by asking Namjoon to come help him with yet another car and thankfully, this car just needed a quick change of oil and some scrub down to get it shiny and ready for the road. An easy enough job for him to do alone to end the work day and he spends the remainder of the night working on Cherry to make sure she’s fixed, muttering quietly to himself and sending thanks to a higher being that the crash only resulted in cosmetic damage.
“I’m headed home!” Taehyung calls when the clock struck six. “See you tomorrow, hyung!”
Namjoon waves enthusiastically at the young man, watching for a moment as Taehyung climbs inside a black vehicle filled with his friends. He never liked the people Taehyung chose to hang out with, always feeling like they’re out to cause trouble wherever they go and he’s usually right as Namjoon’s forced to bail them out of trouble far too many times, hence why he’s so close to the police. He’s known Taehyung since they were kids, having grown up in the same neighbourhood. With nothing much to do in their tiny city, they’d spend summers together in the fields, digging up dirt or running up the hills and making up games as they go. Although he’s a few years younger than Namjoon, the way Taehyung views the world sometimes makes him wonder if he was secretly an old man residing in a younger boy’s body. There’s a sense of wonder and curiosity one might expect from a child, but Taehyung also has that wise knowing look about him that allows people to confide their troubles easily. At the end of the day, however, he’s still a young man that gets himself in far more trouble than anyone Namjoon’s ever known.
Sighing, he finishes up Cherry, pouting slightly at the missing front bumper that gives her a permanent gasping sort of look. The part won’t come until next Sunday and he chews the inside of his cheek, wondering if you’ll mind if he shows up with a wacky looking car. As he cleans up his tools and wipes down his workspace, he looks out the windows to find the stars taking resident up in the sky.
It’s a beautiful night as any for a drive.
So, Namjoon takes the long way home, driving past buildings and winding roads, trying to see if there’s anyone that would be willing to race. Much to his dismay, the streets are empty tonight and so he drives himself back home, ready to crack open a beer and maybe watch some television to relax and unwind for the remainder of the evening.
Namjoon groans as he hears the telephone ring from the kitchen. He lets it sing, pulling the covers up past his ears and silently cursing the person on the other line. Just when the shrill noise stops, the silence slowly coaxing him back into sleep, it starts back up again. He rips the covers from his body, eyes bleary, and shuffles to his feet, grumbling as he notes the time: 3:22 in the goddamn morning.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he mutters to no one in particular. “Hello?”
“Hyung, it’s me. Can you hear me?”
“Taehyung?” Namjoon blinks, worry seizing his throat when he hears his friend sounding panicky; the drowsiness he felt earlier instantly dissipating. “What’s wrong? Where are you?”
“I fucked up, man. I got caught in a rumble and- and- I now owe this guy money. Fuck! Can you come here and get me?”
There’s no need for Taehyung to explain any further; something always goes wrong when he hangs out with that gang of his and Namjoon hopes it’s another one of those nights that he can resolve quickly. He reassures the other man that everything’s going to be okay after asking Taehyung for his exact location and jotting it down on a piece of paper, he’s off, slipping into a pair of shoes. “Wait for me; I’m on my way,” he promises into the night air as he locks his apartment behind him.
The sun hasn’t risen yet when Namjoon peels away from his driveway, heart stammering loudly in his chest as he kicks Cherry into gear. “Come on, come on!” he growls, punching the steering wheel in hopes he can get his chariot to go faster.
Taehyung’s on the other side of town, a raunchy place usually filled with ill-intentions and bad decisions, so it comes to no one’s surprise that he’s caught up in something shady. Double-checking his address, Namjoon parks wildly, the front tire above the cub before bolting out of the carriage, unkindly slamming the driver’s side shut before walking around between the buildings and calling out Taehyung’s name.
Namjoon turns around, relief washing over his nerves until he catches sight on the figure standing next to Taehyung.
“What did he do this time?” Namjoon mutters under his breath. Pushing his hands inside his jeans, he conjures up a mask of indifference as he walks up to the two men, watching Taehyung’s face for signs of danger, but the man hosts no bruises on his face, if anything he just looks like he’s only slightly shaken up. Catching his eye, Taehyung gives him the smallest shake of his head, but the hand on his thigh makes a peace sign, a signal to Namjoon to indicate that there’s two more of Yongjin’s friends lurking in the shadows somewhere.
“Yongjin,” Namjoon greets curtly.
To live in this city is to know the name Cho Yongjin. He’s the eldest son to a prolific family riddled with hidden secrets that possibly connect them to an even bigger crime syndicate. In essence, messing around with the Chos is never a good idea. Namjoon’s tired brain tries to come up with possible scenarios that would land Taehyung in this sort of trouble, but he waits patiently, tongue prodding the inside of his cheek in hopes that Yongjin thinks it’s out of irritation and not nervousness.
“Ah, if it isn’t Big Bro Namjoon!” Yongjin calls mockingly. “Taehyung said he has a friend that could help him out of this predicament. I didn’t think he’d call you. Do you even have the money?”
“Just let him go, Cho. Whatever Taehyung got himself in this time, I’m sure we can work out a deal.”
Yongjin laughs at his words, head thrown back and mouth wide open, before his face morphs into an ugly scowl. His black hair is greased with oil, slicked back perfectly as he plays with the straps of his leather jacket. “No, no. This one owes me a little too much for me to get into another deal with him.”
“How much?”
“How about fifteen grand worth in cash?”
Namjoon balks at the statement, taking a full step back before his eyes land on Taehyung. The younger boy winces at the number, shrinking considerably into his dark hoodie even though he stands several feet taller than Yongjin. “Taehyung,” Namjoon says slowly. “What the fuck did you do?”
There’s an inkling that tells Namjoon it has something to do with gambling and probably the rumble he mentioned over the phone, and when Taehyung parrots what he’s thinking, it feels like someone’s stabbed him repeatedly in the chest. Not one for the party scene, Namjoon can’t fathom how one wracks up fifteen grand in debt, but he nods, turning his steely gaze from Taehyung back to Yongjin.
“Make a deal with me then. Let’s race. You know my reputation. If I lose… I’ll give you Cherry and pay you back Taehyung’s dues. If I win, you clear his debt. Fifteen grand is mere nuggets for your family, yeah?”
Sweat drips from his brow down his face as he watches Yongjin ruminate, lips pursed and a finger tapping on his chin. It’s a tempting offer, but is it enough? Cherry isn’t exactly a luxury brand vehicle, although she’s well known around the city because of Namjoon’s driving skills.
“How about this: if you lose, give me Cherry andyou’ll quit your job at Max to come be my chauffeur until you have enough to cover Taehyung’s debt.”
A fate worse than death.
Working for the Chos as a driver driver could mean a variety of things: from driving him from one illicit affair to another or being in contact with some of the more dangerous criminals out there and Namjoon isn’t sure he’s comfortable with that. But… if it’s for Taehyung—
“Deal.” His voice wavers slightly, but he sticks to his resolve. “Where are we racing?”
“How about Crestone Peak?”
Winding roads, barely any light… if he crashed there, he’s as good as dead. Namjoon’s sure of his skills, but even the most seasoned street racer is nervous when they’re forced to face the infamous peak. To make matters worse, Namjoon hears a rumble of thunder above him. Great. It might rain too, which makes the road all the more treacherous.
“Whatever you say,” he resigns. “I’ll meet you there.”
He turns around and walks back to his car without waiting for Yongjin to respond. When he starts the engine, worry knots in his stomach and he isn’t sure if he was going to throw up or to cry. Namjoon’s grip on the steering wheel tightens; a quiet hum of determination slowly replacing the uneasiness. He can do this. He will win.
And with enough luck, he hopes that he and Taehyung goes home safely tonight.
There’s a date he needs to get to.
Taehyung doesn’t say a word as he slides into Namjoon’s car. Whatever apologies that lie on his tongue is silenced when the older man throws a simmering gaze from the side, so Taehyung busies himself by staring absentmindedly at the zooming lights and buildings, the rain making the colours bleed into the darkness and he hopes it isn’t a bad omen of some kind. Namjoon can sense the nervousness rolling off the younger man seated next to him; catching glimpses of Taehyung nibbling his nails and the bouncing of his leg, sighing occasionally while raking his fingers in his dark hair.
Namjoon breaks the silence by turning the radio on, though the host’s words filter in his ear and back out again. “I’ll be okay, kid,” he sighs, throwing a not-so convincing smile in Taehyung’s direction before returning his gaze on the road. “You know I’m the best fucking racer this town has ever seen. Sure, I’m not a professional, but I sure as hell won’t lose to the likes of Yongjin.”
Taehyung snorts from beside him, but there’s a quiet, shuddering intake of breath and Namjoon spares another glance at the dark-haired man, only to find his head in his hands. In a broken voice sounding much younger and defeated unlike how he normally carries himself, Taehyung sobs. “I’m sorry, hyung, I fucked up. I- I shouldn’t have let it go this deep. I should’ve told you earlier.”
“You should’ve,” Namjoon agrees, gripping the steering wheel tighter. “But what’s done is done. Let’s win this race, head home, and grab a beer, yeah? I’ll ring Max and let him know what happened in the morning. I’m sure one of the other boys can cover your shift.”
There’s a bit of silence only punctured by the quiet chattering of radio and Taehyung’s sniffles. Namjoon exhales, bringing his hand to clasp Taehyung’s shoulder and squeezing it a few times for reassurance. “So, are you going to tell me what happened? Paint me a picture on what got you into this mess?”
“It’s… ridiculous. Me and the boys have been playing cards, and I kept losing. So, I borrowed money from a friend a couple of times,” Taehyung stares at the rain again as he tugs a few strands of his hair. “When I couldn’t pay him back, we started throwing punches – I don’t think I started it, though. That’s when Yongjin and his crew showed up and paid the guy, saying that I can pay him back over time. I didn’t know that meant interest…” he spits, slamming his fist on to his lap.
“I- I thought it wouldn’t be anything as high as fifteen grand. Maybe a couple hundred at most, which I could cover by picking up extra shifts.”
Namjoon nods as he listens to Taehyung’s explanation. It made sense. Yongjin – the Chos – isn’t someone to play fair when it comes to money. He wonders briefly how long this has gone on without his knowledge, but that’s another question he’ll save for another day. They’re nearing the last bend in the road, a large sign with the words ‘Crestone Peak’ coming into view, paired with a yellow hazardous symbol with a black exclamation point reminding people to be careful on the trail. Namjoon snickers bitterly at the irony.
Yongjin’s navy Chrysler is just up ahead, right before the opening that leads to dangerous winding trails and lack of streetlights beyond. In the day, Crestone Peak is beautiful – trees with various height jutting up to the sky and the sounds of animals chittering quietly on the ground. There’s a road for pedestrians to the side and Namjoon would often see old couples and families walking hand in hand halfway before stopping at the rest area, usually opening picnic baskets and dining as they watch flocks of birds flying overhead. Of course, there’s also the ‘Crestone Challenge’, an annual charity marathon that supports Hope Hospital with more medical equipment for their staff and the city has made it its goal to bring in as many people as possible to participate – the streets during that weekend are usually filled with laughter and food and balloons. In the din of night and with the rain thundering on the rooftop of his vehicle, however, Crestone Peak looks more like a beast; with an open maw that seems ready to swallow any foolish riders into the darkness.
For a brief moment, just before Namjoon turns off the ignition to greet Yongjin, his thoughts drift to you. He chuckles to himself when he hears you nag – his mind conjuring up a visage of your face with furrowed eyebrows and that tight lipped grimace, telling him to turn back and go home and to not do anything dangerous for god’s sakes. You’d flip your lid for sure if you knew what Namjoon’s about to do. But the time on the dashboard now reads fifteen minutes to four thirty and despite the anxiety clutching his heart, he’s comforted with the thought that you’re sleeping soundly in your bed, somewhere in this city and away from danger.
“Yongjin,” Namjoon shouts as he exits the car. Taehyung follows suit, hoodie pulled up past his head though it’ll soon be soaked anyway with the thick curtain of rain falling from the sky.
Namjoon struts confidently towards the man despite his thunderous heart. Yongjin’s dark eyes flit between Cherry and Namjoon, a snake-like smile appearing on his thin lips a moment later. One of his friends? Subordinates? Namjoon isn’t sure – is holding an umbrella over Yongjin’s head, keeping the sleazy man dry while the rain pelts his clothes, turning the white shirt translucent and his hair plastered on his face. The friend-subordinate remains impassive, bored, as though it’s a nightly occurrence for him and Namjoon reckons it probably is.
The sound of his name brings him back to the present and he watches Yongjin snap his ruddy fingers into the air. Another man exits out of a car, carrying with him a large black briefcase before setting it on the Chrysler’s trunk, bowing swiftly to Yongjin as he waits for his next order.
“Open it up.”
Namjoon hears a gasp from behind him, forgetting for a moment that Taehyung is still there. His eyes widen when he takes a step forward to inspect the contents of the briefcase. Stacks of cash line every inch of the velvet interior and Namjoon has enough sense to not gawk, quickly turning away to meet Yongjin’s eyes again.
“What’s this?” he demands, fisting his hands into his jeans. The cold from the rain is starting to take effect – he didn’t have time to grab a coat when he left his apartment to come to Taehyung’s rescue and the thin shirt he’s wearing underneath does little to protect him against the wind.
“Just some extra… incentive,” Yongjin snickers, waving his hand again. The man next to him bows, closing the briefcase with a snap taking his place next to the umbrella-holding man. “If you win, Kim Namjoon, not only will I clear your brother’s debt there, I will also pay to commend you for a job well done.”
Was he so confident in his ability to win that he’s willing to bet so much? Namjoon bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling. No, this was just the way the Chos operate. Playing mind games to increase the stakes – giving their opponents a false sense of security. There’s something else behind the promise and Namjoon will be damned if he doesn’t find out. Swallowing thickly, he nods, hoping that he’s right.
“And in return?”
“Smart guy,” Yongjin smirks. “Set me up with that pretty doll of yours, huh? The one that’s got you on such a hook.”
Everything slows. The deafening sound of rain ceases to exist as he stops breathing, the cold in his veins snaking up and stilling his heart. Namjoon didn’t have time to ponder how Yongjin knows about you before he launches himself into the man with a snarl, fist raised to deliver a punch square on his smug face. Taehyung’s barely quick enough to hold him back, arms wrapped around his midsection as he pulls a thrashing Namjoon away, shouting his name and reminding him to stay calm.
Yongjin just smiles, laughing quietly to himself. “Save that energy for the drag, Kim Namjoon. Let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
Namjoon spits on the ground, eyes burning with fury as he shakes himself away from Taehyung, holding up a hand and taking shuddering breaths to let the younger man know that he’s okay. Furious, but okay. “Same rules?”
“Yeah. Up the peak and then down again. No more than 100 metres between us or you lose. If you manage to get ahead of me, you win instantly. Guaranteed.”
Letting the rain cool his heated skin, he manages to temper his seething rage, locking his jaw tightly as he screws his eyes shut. “Let’s do it, bitch,” Namjoon growls, whipping around to trudge towards his car, sliding into the familiar driver’s seat to start the ignition.
“Hyung- hyung!”
Namjoon hadn’t realized Taehyung had slid in next to him and is surprised to find a hand clutching tightly at his shoulder. Though there isn’t a rule against having passengers in the race, he’s wary for the younger man’s safety and would prefer if he waited in the rain, so he hands Taehyung an umbrella from the backseat as he relays that information. Taehyung nods, letting out a slow, shuddering exhale from his nose.
“Please be careful.”
“I have a date to go to next week. I sure as hell ain’t missing that,” Namjoon smirks wryly, squeezing Taehyung’s shoulder in return. “I’ll be fine. Just watch my lights, kids. Oh, and if the fuzz comes, beat feet. Don’t worry about me.”
With a shared nod and a beat of silence, Taehyung exits the car, a grim line on his face as he watches Namjoon drive the car behind the Chrysler, engine revving loudly. The two men that accompanied Yongjin has stepped away to the side of the road, umbrella shared between them. If it weren’t for the set of circumstances at hand and the hard glare and scowl plastered on their faces, the scene would look almost adorable; a start of a romantic comedy starring two men drenched in the cold. Namjoon lets out a quiet chuckle, appeasing his nerves somewhat.
“Ready?” The shout brings his attention to the road, eyes staring hard at the rain-slicked windows as he waits with bated breath.
The race usually starts whenever the tires squeal on the ground, but this is a more sophisticated affair and Namjoon suppose that requires a countdown. As soon as the handkerchief leaves the man’s hand, Yongjin peels off and Namjoon follows suit, making sure to stay as close within the 100 metre limit as possible, gauging his distance by his ability to see the top of the Chrysler’s license plate.
Winding turn after winding turn, Namjoon shifts his gears from three to four to five, Cherry getting louder as she protests against the speed, tires barely gripping on the uneven and slippery ground. Yet, she persists, letting Namjoon maneuver her every which way, even through the sheet of rain that creates a cacophony of noise inside the interior of the car. At the final bend, Yongjin wavers, tires losing its grip on the pavement as its side screeches into the guard rail.
“Oh, fuck!” Namjoon curses, barely managing to hit the breaks just before he barrels into the Chrysler. Through the black tinted windows, Namjoon can make out Yongjin’s silhouette pounding at his steering wheel. He’s about to exit the car to ensure that he’s okay, but the car in front of him revvs his engine again, eager to continue what he started.
Muttering quietly to himself, Namjoon clicks his tongue, eyebrows furrowed to the centre of his forehead, “Fucker’s flipped his lid.”
He watches silently as Yongjin removes his Chrysler from the wreckage, some of the pieces of metal falling into the depths below. Swallowing thickly, he prays to a higher being that this isn’t some sort of bad omen. Namjoon reverses the car, giving Yongjin ample space to maneuver out of the pit; a courteous act that could cause him to lose the race, but it’s the one that provides safety for his opponent. As the Chrysler regains traction on the road, he shifts his gears once more – from one to two to three – and the race continues, Namjoon keeping up easily despite the heavy downpour. He notices the Chrysler’s side dip close to the ground – a flat tire, most likely and he whistles into the air, impressed by the machine’s resilience. He doesn’t dare assume he’ll win – there’s a lot of factors that are outside of his control, but the earlier crash might work in his favour after all.
The grip on his steering wheel tightens; knuckles white and palm sweating, yet he keeps his eyes staring straight ahead, so focused on the license plate that he’s sure to remember the string of numbers when he closes his eyes that night. There’s a left turn up ahead that allows two cars to drive side-by-side for a moment, but manuevering Cherry in the downpour where the area is caked with mud is a dangerous stunt; one wrong move and Namjoon could potentially blast Yongjin into the depths below. Mouth pulled into a grim line, he only had a few seconds to decide. Should he maintain his distance until the race ends? Does he have the courage to wager another human’s life (even one so shitty as Yongjin) so he could ensure his victory once and for all?
Your face flashes again in his mind. “I’m sorry,” he whispers with a strained laugh, having made a decision, one that he can’t say he’s too proud of. Namjoon slams his foot on the gas, shifting the gear to the fifth slot and push Cherry into a lurching speed, the scenery a mixture of black and dark green from the windows. Holding his breath, time stands to a still as he speeds up, using the other lane to bring himself neck-and-neck to Yongjin. Just as he turns the bend, he passes the Chrysler and slams on the breaks, tires screeching loudly on the slippery ground as if he’s about to crash into the other car.
Please work, he prays silently.
With enough sense, Yongjin slams his breaks as well, the engine stalling and shutting off as he tries to avoid a second crash. Namjoon cheers, bringing his fist into the air and colliding it to the roof as his foot returns to the gas pedal, peeling away from the halted Chrysler and into the night, imagining the owner cursing behind the wheel.
He did it.
It was foolish and dangerous, but he did it. Heart hammering loudly in his chest, Namjoon’s grin widens when he spots a very tiny Taehyung jumping in the air for joy, fist in the air and umbrella falling on the ground. He allows himself to breathe. It isn’t over yet, there’s still a few sharp turns until the finish line, where the road opens up a bit more, providing ample space for the navy vehicle to pass him by if Yongjin’s smart enough. Namjoon doesn’t like to count his chickens before they hatch, so he pushes Cherry to her limit, ensuring a great deal of distance between his trunk and the front grill of the Chrysler.
“Come on, doll, give me all you got, yeah?” Namjoon encourages Cherry with a few firm slaps on the dashboard, shifting his gear for the last time.
In a blink and it’s all over. Yongjin couldn’t keep up after his crash on the peak and from the stalled engine from earlier, luxury brand or not, the Chrysler reached its limit, allowing Namjoon’s Thunderbird to cruise down the remaining bends with ease before stopping just past the ‘Crestone Peak’ sign. Relief washes over him at the victory and Namjoon groans, feeling the muscles tightening after enduring the stress. He smiles through the pain, however, knowing that it’s a valid excuse to visit you today.
Taehyung rips open the driver’s side door to shout incoherently, words drowning in the rain and adrenaline that still courses in his bloodstream. There’s a lot of expletives thrown around and the sound of his name, but all Namjoon could manage is a small smirk and occasional laughter, still feeling weak and reeling.
“Hyung. Thank you.” It’s the most sincere voice Namjoon’s ever heard from his friend and he chuckles, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Don’t mention it.”
Taehyung continues to gush, but the victory is short lived. The sound of tires screeching on pavement catches their attention and suddenly, Namjoon’s staring at a pair of headlights that’s hurtling closer at an incredible speed. He had a split second to react, and with whatever strength he has left, he pushes Taehyung backwards, noting the fear in the younger man’s face as his eyes widen, mouth hanging open while empty hands tries to grab a hold of Namjoon.
But he’s too slow.
There’s a loud crash and his body is shot backwards, tumbling into the soft earth as pain blooms like flowers all over his skin. Namjoon groans, dizzy and disoriented – a loud ringing in his ears making it hard for him to focus. He hears Taehyung shout his name in horror, and the squelching noise of boots sliding down on earth, but everything is muffled. Namjoon finds tears in the younger man’s eyes and he lifts his hand only for it to fall back on his chest. He wants to assure him that he’s fine, but with no strength left, his voice comes out in gurgles and tasting like iron in his mouth. His eyes are refusing to stay open, mind being pulled under a heavy blanket of hurt.
And the last thing he hears before the world fades to black is Taehyung’s broken voice.
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“There you go, sweetie, make sure you remind mommy to take her medication, okay?” you smile, winking at the young girl as her mother bows and mutters her thanks. The girl gives you a toothy smile, promising that she’ll take care of her mum in your absence, waving cutely as the pair exit your office.
It’s just another morning for you, filled with patients and reports that require your attention. You stretch, feeling strangely stiff despite only sitting for an hour. You allow yourself a moment of silence as you finish typing up your notes, sipping your tea with a hum before calling the next patient inside.
“Mrs. Chen,” you stand, greeting the elderly woman with a smile. “Please come on in. How’s yo—”
The frantic call of your name captures your attention away. You turn your head towards your closed door, wondering if it’s just your imagination. When you hear it again, you’re already moving, excusing yourself from a terrified looking Mrs. Chen as you throw her a quick, strained smile, assuring her that everything is just fine. As soon as you step foot outside, the lobby is a mess of thundering feet and gasps and it takes you a dizzying moment to grab the nearest nurse, demanding an explanation.
“There’s someone calling for you, doc,” he explains breathlessly. “In the ER – it’s bad.”
That’s all the information you need. Feet pounding against the white tile, you speed to the emergency lobby to come face-to-face with a man that you vaguely know, his face oddly familiar though you’re sure you’ve never met him before. But you have no time to dwell on where you could’ve encountered such a handsome stranger because it’s what he’s holding that makes you stop cold in your tracks, the blood freezing instantly in your veins.
In his trembling arms lies a very broken Namjoon, right foot twisting in the wrong direction and blood dripping onto the floor over a gash on his forehead. If you screamed, you had no recollection of it, because you’re instantly in action, directing and calling out nurses to assist you as you instruct the young man to lay Namjoon down on the hospital bed, the white sheets turning red instantly upon contact.
“Please. S-Save him,” the dark-haired man begs, tears flooding his face as his body shakes with panic.
It’s his eyes that caused a surge of memory to come forth – of Namjoon bringing in photos of him in one of his visits as he explains about how he’s more like a younger brother than a friend; telling you stories about the myriads of trouble he’s gotten into in the past. Swallowing thickly, you instruct the nearest nurse to bring him a blanket and some tea, hoping it’ll calm the young man down while you steel yourself to face Namjoon. The lobby is frantic, your team of nurses calling out numbers: heartrate, blood pressure, oxygen levels and the like, but it all fades to the background, their words muffled as you hear the sound of your own blood rushing in your ears. This isn’t the time to panic, you chastise yourself quickly. You have to go. Now.
With a pounding heart, you force yourself to enter the emergency room, your eyes straining as you assess Namjoon’s unconscious figure, double checking the clipboard that is thrusted into your open hands. A nurse rattles off the numbers again while you wash your hands, and you breathe a little easier, the textbook information in your head reminding you that he’s stable and not in any immediate danger.
“He’s hooked to the IV? Good. How much blood has he lost? Okay, that should be all right. He’ll be fine.” Your voice doesn’t sound like it belongs to you, but you continue to work, asking for scissors as you slice open his clothes to take a look at the damage. Your eyes roam quickly over his exposed figure, instructions falling from your lips as you guide your team through every procedure.
From your assessment, Namjoon’s condition isn’t as bad as the multiple bruises and blood suggested – two broken ribs and a broken leg; the gash on his forehead thankfully isn’t deep and won’t require much stitching either. Tears of relief start to well in your eyes, but you take a shuddering breath, trying to keep your emotions in check as you close the last stitch, grateful for the additional pairs of hands that’s helping you from all sides.
Your breathing is laboured when you’re done and Namjoon’s heartbeat no longer looking like jagged mountains gives you an even greater sense of solace as you slump in a nearby chair. He’s going to be okay. The nurses around you whisper as such and you nod mutely. With a heavy heart, you tear yourself away from Namjoon’s side, letting the nurses dress his wounds up with practiced ease as you exit out of the room to talk to the man outside.
Blinking into the sun, a glance at your watch shows that you’ve been in the room with Namjoon for longer than a couple of hours, though it felt like a few minutes barely passed by. You find the man in the lobby, nodding asleep for a few minutes before jerking awake, dark circles underneath his eyes. When he spots your approaching figure, he stands abruptly, blanket falling away from his shoulders to pool around the plastic chair. His bottom lip begins to quiver and fresh tears wets his cheeks as you slump next to him, urging him to sit with a wave of your hand.
“Is he…”
“He’s going to be just fine,” you reassure him, flashing him a tired smile.
You listen quietly while he – Taehyung is his name – talks about the race, about the debts, and about Cho Yongjin. The story he’s telling doesn’t make a lick of sense; exhaustion and stress slurring his speech, but you can piece together the gist of it and though you want to be mad at the foolish man in front of you, there’s not a shred of energy left for you to nag. So, you pat him in the shoulder and asked him to go home; to shower and sleep before returning to the hospital.
Peace returns quickly after the commotion and you spend the rest of your afternoon rescheduling appointments with your patients, apologising profusely at the inconvenience today’s events might have caused. Clearing your schedule for the rest of your shift, you make your way towards Namjoon’s room, opening the door quietly after taking a few deep breaths.
There’s never a time in all your education that could have prepared you for this very moment. You can write recipes for medicine that no one knows how to pronounce or recite with your eyes closed the chemical components that make up aspirin, but watching Namjoon unconscious in the bed, blues and purples marring his skin?
This is fresh hell.
And you’d endure all the pain and studying that got you this damn job if it means Namjoon wakes up from his slumber.
You take his hand in yours, pressing your warm forehead on the back of his cool palm. In the quiet of his room with the sounds of beeping machines and sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains, you screw your eyes shut, thinking about his laughter and the dimpled smiles he’d throw your way.
“Please wake up soon. You still owe me a date, yeah? Come back to me, Joon,” you whisper, but no one answers.
Kim Namjoon.
Careful to avoid the stitches on his forehead, you push his hair away from his face while letting out a shuddering sigh. You gaze at his sleeping form for a long time, heart aching at the scraps and blooming bruises all over his skin. You had no plans of falling for this man, but after countless hospital visits and conversations, you find yourself thinking about Namjoon more often than you’d like to admit.
It started out with a simple ‘I wonder what he’s doing now’ while you’re filling out paperwork until it gradually evolved into actively searching for his dark mop of hair in the waiting room. He rarely comes in with any grievous injuries, only simple ones that hardly require your attention, but you wanted to be the one to examine him anyway – going through the bells and whistles you wouldn’t provide to a normal patient.
You wonder if he knew of every instance you stalled him from leaving; after all, a paper cut hardly requires a stethoscope to the chest. But every time he walks out the hospital doors with a wink and a promise to return, there’s a mixture of elation and disquiet in your heart, fearing that the back you’ve been watching for so long will disappear one day.
Odd. This man is odd.
“Namjoon,” you whimper, voice strained and broken. You’ve nagged him to be careful, made him swear not to do anything dangerous. So, how dare he come back to the hospital so quickly to disrupt your quiet work day? How could he ask you out on a date only to end up badly injured and unconscious?
You long for his smile, for those adorable dimples that tug at your heart strings, but his face remains impassive – captured in sleep.
And finally, after holding yourself in check in front of Taehyung and the nurses, your mask slips and you let yourself sob.
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Lots and lots of fucking pain.
From his leg, to his chest. Even breathing fucking hurt. Namjoon tries to groan, but that only amplifies the scratchiness of his throat and his displeasure only grows when he sees that he’s been fitted into one of those plastic, green hospital gowns which make a racket of noise every time he moves. Unable to sit up, he’s forced to take a look at his unfamiliar surroundings by just turning his head. Memories of the race come flooding in: the dangerous turn, the victory, and then a pair of headlights before everything turns black.
Anger boils under his skin as Namjoon thinks bitterly about the slimy man, hoping that he gets what he deserves. He doesn’t need his fucking money as long as he stays the fuck away from Taehyung. He flinches when he hears the door open; pain blooming on his neck when he cranes his head over the bed rail to see his visitor. And, oh, despite being furious just moments before, he sighs, a smile worming his way into his features when you walk in.
“Namjoon?” you whisper in disbelief, hands coming to cup your mouth as your clipboard clatters to the floor.
“Hey,” he manages to croak out with a lopsided smile, voice gruff from unuse. “What’s up, doc?”
“Oh my god.”
Namjoon groans quietly when you charge towards the bed with a speed that matches Cherry, apologies fluttering past your trembling lips as you cradle his head into an embrace. He feels tears on his scalp and though he wants to hug you right back, his limbs scream with exhaustion, so he sits lamely with his hands by his side, waiting for you to finish.
“Hey, hey, I’m okay,” he whispers into your arm, Adam’s apple bobbing as tears prick in his own eyes.
After some time, you manage to extract yourself from his head with a loud sniffle, settling on a chair next to his bed. You fill him in on all the details he’s missed: he’s been asleep for three days (“Not uncommon,” you reassure him); Yongjin is behind bars for attempted murder; and the best news of all? Taehyung and Cherry are both fine.
“And you?” he asks after you help him take a large swig of water. “Are you fine?”
Your eyes soften at his question and his heart wrenches in his chest when you bite your bottom lip to keep them from trembling. “I wasn’t,” you mumble, eyes casting downwards on the empty plastic cup in your hand. “I was scared and I didn’t know what to do and I… I thought I’d lost you.”
Namjoon hums, whispering your name to get you to look up. He musters the most brilliant smile he can manage. “You didn’t lose me. I’m right here.”
You exhale loudly, a small smile on your lips. To Namjoon’s surprise, you take his hand and thread your fingers through the spaces, kissing each digit gently. When your eyes meet his dark ones again, he sees the raw emotion behind them; of a calm shore at the end a heavy the storm. “I’m okay now. I’m glad you’re awake.”
The two of you gaze into each other’s eyes, the world melting away slowly until the only thing that exists in Namjoon’s sight is you.
Just you.
“We’re going to have to get a rain check on our date, huh, doc?” Namjoon grins lopsidedly, trying to ease his hammering heartbeat. “I mean, until I’m better at least.”
You make a short snorting sound, covering your mouth with your empty hand. “You need to get better quickly then.”
A quiet whimper of protest escapes from his throat when you stand, but he knows you have other patients to attend to, so he lets you go. Just as your hand grazes the handle of the door, he calls your name. You turn around with a tilt of your chin, eyebrows furrowed and eyes darting around to make sure that he’s not in pain.
“I like you,” Namjoon confesses with a bright dimpled smile.
There’s a tension in your shoulders as you blink at him, head tilting to the side as your brain registers his confession. He keeps his steady gaze on you until your mouth slowly falls open and your hand clasps over it, eyes bulging after connecting the dots. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, Namjoon’s grin growing wider as you start to flounder for words.
“I- I like you too,” you admit quietly, flashing him a small smile. Namjoon snickers when you clear your throat in embarrassment, turning haphazardly around and banging your clipboard loudly on the door, causing you to jump backwards in surprise. You join him in his boisterous laughter at your clumsiness, raking your hands through your hair. With a final glance at Namjoon, you leave the room, lab coat fluttering behind you as you close the door shut.
“Ow, ow, be gentle with me, will ya?” Namjoon pouts, protruding his bottom lip as you change his bandages. “I’m an injured man!”
Before you can retort, the door opens, laughter filtering in the room as Taehyung stands in the doorway. “Aww, hyung, don’t be such a wuss!” he laughs, popping an orange slice in his mouth while watching the entire scene unfold.
He’s been visiting the hospital frequently since the accident, usually no more than a few hours at most to share a few stories from the shop or his day-to-day life. Much to Namjoon’s surprise, he admitted to distancing himself from his so-called ‘friends’ after what happened, swearing that he never wants to put anyone he loves in that kind of position again.
“No friends of mine would ever think of endangering my life,” Taehyung mourned in one of his earlier visits. “Seeing you on the ground… that’s what changed. I mean, my life is pretty boring now without them, but I have you and the fellas at the shop.”
Namjoon’s proud of him for making such a mature decision and when he expressed as such, Taehyung laughs bitterly before choking back a sob, apologies spilling from his lips as he presses his head on Namjoon’s bed. He merely strokes the younger man’s hair as his tears stain the white sheets, reminding him that he’s – for the most part – all right and unharmed.
Then, there’s you.
The first couple of days of medication and sleep left a tinge of haziness in Namjoon’s memory, but he could faintly recall the quiet click of the door opening and a warm hand enveloping his in all hours of the day and sometimes, well into the night, along with gentle whispers of praise and gratefulness that he’s alive. The two of you haven’t talked about the confession since it happened and Namjoon has been dying to understand the depths of your feelings.
He watches you talk animatedly with Taehyung as he takes up the empty chair in the room, wondering when the pair had time to get closer to the point where they’re comfortable enough with one another to poke fun at Namjoon. His laughter is strained and high-pitch when Taehyung mentioned his crush on you, cheeks burning and eyes falling to his lap to avoid further embarrassment.
The mirth disappears when your hand ghosts over his ribs, accidentally prodding a little too hard on the bruise. “OW!” Namjoon jerks, causing the bed to rattle. He hisses in pain while looking tearily up at you. “What was that for?”
The scowl on your face isn’t reassuring, but it’s one of concern instead of irritation. “Sorry,” you quickly mutter, going back to touch his chest with gentler fingers. “I want to check on your ribs to see if they’re healing properly. There’s nothing alarming, besides the fact that you’re blue.”
Namjoon grimaces, looking down on his naked torso at the cuts and bruises marring the skin. He had been lucky to be alive, a fact you frequently point out when he whines and pouts over syringes, especially after getting hit directly by Yongjin’s car. Thinking about the bastard behind bars gives him a sense of comfort, though he knows it wouldn’t be long before his family would make bail.
He shakes his head to clear the image, not wanting to think about the short man with a sleazy grin, and trying to focus instead on the words he missed coming out of Taehyung’s mouth. “Huh? What was that?”
“I asked if the two of you are dating now.”
A blanket of silence stretches across the three of you. Taehyung looks puzzled, eyes flickering from Namjoon’s stricken face to your flustered one. His eyes slowly widen as realization dawns on him and he abruptly stands up, popping the rest of his orange slices in his mouth, wincing at the strong taste of citrus. “Uh, I have somewhere to be!” he stammers quickly, dusting himself off and bolting towards the door. Taehyung throws Namjoon a look that conveys his apologies, laughing forcefully before he leaves. “I’ll come by, um, tomorrow, maybe – yeah! See you guys later!”
The door slams shut.
Namjoon’s dumbfounded, staring at the space where Taehyung had taken up residence not five seconds ago, wishing he could wrap his hands around the brunette’s neck. He turns his face towards you hesitantly, slightly afraid of what he’ll find, but your eyes are on your clipboard, pen scribbling away as you jot down notes about the status of his recovery.
“Sooo…” he begins, scratching his head with his hand. Namjoon’s not really sure what to say, his brain is coming up with nothing as his gaze shifts between you and the blanket on his lap. “Uh, that was kind of weird, huh?”
You hum in response, eyes never leaving your paperwork. As the silence continues to settle, awkwardness reared its ugly head and mocks Namjoon, at his flushed cheeks and sweaty forehead. He clears his throat a couple of times, but the words die in his throat and – fuck – did the room get hotter somehow?
“Well, Joon” – he didn’t mean to jump, but he does anyway when you address him so casually – “it looks like everything checks out. You’ll probably be able to leave within a few weeks if your leg heals up nicely…” You trail off, brows knitted together. “Are you in any sort of pain? What’s wrong?”
A pang of relief and disappointment washes over Namjoon at the question – you didn’t hear what Taehyung said. He stares at you for a heartbeat, wondering if he should repeat it. His mouth opens and closes a few times before eventually settling with: “What are you doing after this?”
You bring your pen to tap on your chin, mouth pressed into a thin line and head tilted to the side. “I’m actually done for the day and was about to head home. Why? Are you still hungry after dinner?” you quiz teasingly, winking in his direction. “I can probably sneak you some jello from the cafeteria if you want?”
The offer is tempting. Namjoon shakes his head, bringing his hands up to stop you. “No, no – I was wondering if you can stay, y’know… with me?”
“Yeah! For sure, what’s on your mind?”
Fuck. He hasn’t thought this far ahead.
Like a car with a bad battery, his brain stalls while trying to find conversation topics because all he really wants is to ask you the question that’s been on the tip of his tongue since Taehyung left. Namjoon’s faced his fears numerous times when it comes to street racing, getting caught by the fuzz being high up the list, but this is much, much worse than the threat of prison.
He exhales slowly, eyes finding yours again. His shaky hands envelope your small ones and he closes his eyes for a moment. “I like you,” he breathes, watching the way you blink rapidly at his sudden confession. “I know you’ve said you liked me too and… I want to make things official. Do you want to go steady with me?”
“As in be your girlfriend?”
Namjoon nods, prodding his tongue to his cheek in hopes of looking nonchalant.
The heart monitor betrays his stoic expression. Fuck.
The shock written all over your face feels foreboding and Namjoon’s heart starts to sink, but then a small grin breaks through as you nod.
“I’d love to go steady with you, Joon,” you laugh, squeezing his hand gently.
He swears he could stand up and beat the Jaguar XK120 at a race after hearing your answer. He pulls you in for a hug, ignoring the throbbing pain in his side as you bump into him, half-stumbling into the bed and giggling as you hug him back awkwardly, flailing limbs still fitting perfectly around his neck.
“Thank you,” he beams, releasing you from his hold. “I swear when I’m all better, we can go on a real date. Like I promised.”
“I’d like that very much,” you grin.
A moment turned into a few hours and after leaving momentarily to grab your things, it turns into a whole night filled with conversation. You find yourself cramped by his side on the small hospital bed, swapping stories about street racing, Namjoon’s work as a mechanic, and life in general. He learned about your family and more in-depth about your studies, marveling at the well of knowledge that lies in your brain as you answer all his medical questions on the fly.
“So, you’re telling me that we’re developing technology that can reattach a finger?” he gasps.
“Yes! Isn’t that fascinating? Nerves and all. I don’t know when it’ll be available for the public, and I’m sure there’s going to be a high risk of failure when it comes to testing, but it’ll be great if it covers alllimbs and not just fingers,” you reply enthusiastically.
Namjoon just stares as you launch into a different topic, hands moving animatedly to make your point as you lie nestled on his chest. You had asked earlier in the night if you could turn the lights off, claiming that the fluorescent lights give you a headache and he’d obliged, but now, in the shroud of darkness with the pale moon barely shining through the sheer curtains, Namjoon wonders if he’s made a mistake. The conversation, although innocent, feels intimate when you’re the only two people in a dark room and if you paid attention to the heart monitor, you’d be able to see the spikes in the chart where his heart beats a little quicker in his chest.
“Hm?” he asks, panicking slightly because he definitely has not been listening to what you’ve been saying for the past few minutes.
“Look at me real quick.”
"Ah, I'm sorry for not paying attenti—"
The apologies that tumble from his lips are stolen by your own enveloping his, your thumb stroking his cheek delicately. He’s stunned for a moment as his brain catches up to the scene, but soon, he melts into the kiss, angling his head slightly to avoid bumping your nose as he wraps his arms around your waist. It starts off slow, tentative, as you explore each other's mouths, tongues colliding and intertwining, gasps uttered between millimetres of spaces. Namjoon tightens his hold around your waist, drinking you in as he moans into your mouth, fireworks exploding gently in his brain as his pulse takes over the beeping of the surrounding machines. You break apart to push yourself upwards, careful when you straddle his lap to avoid any of his injuries before resuming, but the kiss this time is hungrier – more desperate as you clutch his face firmly in your hands.
“Hey,” Namjoon gasps between breaths, pulling you away slightly while you continue to chase his lips. “Look at me, hey, baby, what’s wrong?”
He grips your shoulders gently before his palms sweep over your arms, watching the way your eyes dart across his face – at the worry that rests in your furrowed eyebrows and the downturned corners of your lips. “When you were unconscious,” you breathe, pushing his hair away from his forehead. “I didn’t think I understood what it meant to be afraid. Ever since then, I’ve felt this rush and… I just don’t want to lose you, Joon.”
Namjoon cups your cheek, and your eyes close when his thumb strokes your delicate, soft skin. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”
You nod, a brilliant smile returning as you capture his lips once more, fingers threading through his hair. Namjoon’s arms wrap around your waist and bring you closer, pulling you into his chest. He runs his hands up and down your back, moaning when your hips start to grind on his lap. You took that opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth, coaxing the muscle to meet with yours.
“I’m so fucking turned on and, god, you are not helping one bit,” Namjoon groans, tilting your chin upwards to place kisses on the length of your jaw. His other hand grips your waist, helping you rock against his hardening cock. “Fuck,if it weren’t for my injuries...” he trails off.
“Some other time when you’re all better, yeah? For now, let me take care of you,” you gasp, pushing Namjoon back on the bed to kiss his neck. Your lips sear into his skin, every bite sending shivers down his spine as he tips his head back and calls your name.
He palms your ass over your pants; your hips still rutting against his cock. Fireworks explode when he closes his eyes and it doesn't take long before he's breathless, pulse quickening when he feels your warm fingers trailing circles on his hip over the hospital gown. Namjoon slips his hand under your shirt, mimicking the motion on your lower back. You groan into his neck, suckling gently on the delicate skin. "Take it off?" Namjoon requests, tugging the waistband down.
With great effort and a lot of shuffling, you manage to get your pants off, flinging the offending material into the darkness. Namjoon stares at your semi-naked state, unable to believe that you were all his. “You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, voice wavering with emotion. “Come here.”
When your lips find his again, it’s like he’s racing for the very first time – the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he steals glances of the blurring scenery outside of his window. But it’s also different; because no race he’s ever won has made him feel so alive, like every nerve ending that exists in his body sings for you and only you. And when you moan, the sound makes him dizzy and disoriented, blood rushing to his head as he tries to savour every little noise you make in order to engrave them on his heart as best as he could.
“Lean back for me – yeah, I’m okay. Good girl,” Namjoon rasps, wetting his lips as you follow his instructions. Your hands are on the sides of the mattress, legs propped up, as you lean back, moaning when his large hands rub your thighs.
He pushes your underwear to the side to reveal your heated core. Namjoon watches carefully as his thumb runs up and down your slit. He notes every gasp – every twitch of your body as your eyes droop close, head falling back while you try to keep your legs open.
“That's my good girl, so wet for me already,” Namjoon chuckles quietly, cocking a playful eyebrow your way as his fingers spread your folds apart before immediately swiping at your clit with his thumb, occasionally adding pressure that makes you moan and shiver above him.
“Joon,” you pant, hips starting to buck into his hands. “Want you. Put your fingers inside of me, please?”
“Not yet, let me enjoy this a little bit, yeah?”
Your moans are getting louder, thighs quacking as he continues to observe your body, learning when to switch gears to best drive you wild.
“Please…” you murmur, grinding into his fingers. “Please.”
Namjoon exhales, a dimpled smile on his face. While his other thumb continues to make figure eights on your clit, he brings two fingers and pops them in his mouth, coating the digits with his saliva before lining them up with your entrance. You’re a whimpering mess when he pushes them inside; the sharp sounds of your wet cunt harmonizing with your moans is a beautiful melody to his ears. Your hand clutches his uninjured leg for balance as you spread your legs wider, giving him more access to your core. Namjoon doesn’t know if he believes in a higher being, but he’s grateful that the accident didn’t render him incapable of using his hands.
“Namjoon, fuck, f-faster.” You utter the last syllable in a lilting voice and he’s quick to follow your demands, his lap and wrists getting coated with your arousal as he thrusts faster, fingers curling and uncurling on your g-spot.
The sheer hospital gown does nothing to hide his erection as he observes your fucked out face, lost in pleasure that he’s providing, causing pride to build in his chest.
“Fuck, Joon, right there! Oh! I’m gonna – ngh – gonna cum,” you keen, muscles tensing and growing tighter around his digits.
He kept his pace; neither too fast nor too slow. He’s moaning with you – his own breathing mirroring yours. With a high pitch whine, you unravel all over his fingers, eyes screwed shut in ecstasy as your whole body shakes, breathing in deeply – waiting for the orgasm to recede. Namjoon leaves your warmth to sit up and embrace you, hands circling around your waist tightly as he kisses your lips, reminding you how beautiful you are in between breaths while choosing to ignore the groaning of his joints as they’re forced to move too quickly. Your hands thread to his hair, tugging at the dark strands and whimpering quietly.
“Joon,” you pant, trying to push him back down. “Lie down. Doctor’s orders.”
Smirking against your lips, he grinds his hips upwards as his hands pin your hips down, letting you feel every drag of his hard cock against your pussy. Namjoon grins devilishly at the way your eyes flutter shut and your mouth hanging open in a silent ‘oh’. “But, baby,” he fake pouts, voice low as he continues to grind. “I love being close to you.”
“F-Fine, fuck, don’t stop – mmh,” you moan, hands clasping his broad shoulders as you work in tandem with his hips.
Namjoon’s cock twitches in anticipation – the itch to bury himself inside you builds with every wanton cry of his name gracing your lips and with every rock of your hips, he’s lost – gritting his teeth to avoid cumming in his boxers. “Shit, I don’t think I can last much longer,” he chuckles, cheeks burning in embarrassment.
Your movements falter, a smirk playing on your lips. “Oh?” you reply simply. "And if I do this?" Your hands snake underneath the hospital gown and rake down his chest, fingers latching on to his nipples while your hips pick up its pace.
He had to screw his eyes shut; his body barely propped up by his exhausted arms, head falling backwards. Namjoon trembles with every drag of your dull fingernails across his chest, grunting desperately as the waves of pleasure shoot down his spine. “Baby, please, don’t tease. I- I can’t –”
Finally, your oscillating hips stop their movements and it’s your turn to watch with glee at the man panting desperately underneath you. Namjoon has barely enough sense left in his brain, half-lidded eyes staring at you as the heart monitor beeps faster in the distance. “Shit, you almost made me cum.”
You grace him with a saccharine smile, saying nothing as you pull his boxers down. The gasp that leaves your mouth puts a tired half-smirk on Namjoon’s face, loving the way your eyes travel from his red tip all the way to the base. Despite the darkness, he catches movement from your throat as you gulp. Gingerly, you lift yourself from the bed to shift your body so the head lines up to your entrance. Your gaze locks to his and without breaking eye contact, you sink lower, mouth hanging open to mirror his.
Namjoon breaks eye contact as he feels your velvet walls around him. He curses loudly when you begin to move, your moans intertwining with his. He knows he’s not going to last – not when your pussy is milking his cock with every thrust. With glazed eyes, he watches you unbutton your blouse and unhook your bra, quickly discarding them with the growing pile next to the bed. You grab his hands and place it over your tits, moaning when he squeezes the tender flesh and rolls the pert nipples with his fingers.
Though his body groans in exhaustion, Namjoon snaps his hips upwards in time with your movements, fucking into you and aiming at the spot that causes your eyes to flutter shut and chanting his name. His hand slips between your thighs as you bounce, tracing circles on your clit to aid your orgasm along.
“Joon,” you whimper into the air, raking your fingernails across his chest gently to leave the barest of red trails on his skin. “I’m gonna fucking cum—”
“Cum for me, let me watch you,” he groans, his hand abandoning your tits to steady your hips while the other continues to swipe alphabets between your thighs.
Namjoon smirks at your attempt to be quiet - at the series of 'oh fuck's from your lips before your walls constrict around him. You manage a strangled cry of his name as the orgasm washes over you, sending you into overdrive; your body shaking and trembling while you latch onto his shoulder for balance. He continues his pace, fucking into you as the coil in his own stomach grow tighter.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming—" he growls, gripping your hips tight as he thrusts one final time, burying his cock deep into your cunt; spurts of his cum spilling inside your walls and mixing with your arousal. You ride him slowly as you both come down from your high before you eventually stop and sit shivering on top of his lap.
Shallow breaths and beeping fills the room while he gazes at you; at the way the moonlight illuminates your features, making you look ethereal and glowing. Namjoon cradles your cheek, pulling you down to plant a slow kiss on your lips, his arm circling your waist as he gently fucks you with his softening dick before it eventually leaves your warmth.
The two of you lay there for another minute with him occasionally kissing the top of your head, listening to the sound of your breathing as it steadies itself.
“Are you okay?” he murmurs, trying to look down on your spent body. The pain is returning, his joints feeling sore after the strenuous activity.
You nod, bringing your beautiful gaze to meet his, a curl of a smile on your features. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” you whisper, landing a peck on his lips.
“Nonsense. You made me feel so much better.”
You grin at his words, one he returns enthusiastically as he bends lower to claim your lips once more. “Okay,” you giggle, pulling away. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Namjoon protests as your warmth leaves his side, the bed instantly feeling bigger and cold as you gather your clothes strewn on the ground. When you’re semi decent, you grab a rag from the bathroom, the one the other nurses use to help him bathe, and gently, you clean the drying cum off his abdomen. “All better,” you grin, placing the rag in the laundry basket.
You settle back to his side after cleaning yourself off, nuzzling under the covers as you continue to talk about your life. Namjoon’s only half-listening, the irresistible call of sleep coming from every direction. When he succumbs, he feels you plant a kiss on his cheek, whispering ‘good night’.
When he dreams that night, it’s about driving. He’s going ten miles over the speed limit in an empty stretch of land; with the windows down and music blaring, his palms tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel. The scenery blurs into tints of blues and greens and Namjoon laughs – finally feeling free as he throws a hand out of the window to feel the cool air. The sound of your giggles from the passenger seat cause him to turn his neck, an adoring smile on his lips as he studies your figure for a fraction before returning his gaze to the road. With cheetahs in your wind-swept hair and eyes wide and bright, you cheer – your own hand sticking out of the window, mirroring his movements.
If there was a breathtaking scenery outside of the moving vehicle in his dream, he wouldn’t be able to recall it in the morning.
And when he blinks awake, sunlight streaming into the hospital room, his joints are heavy and sore.
Because lying down next to him, head perfectly fitted in the crook of his neck, is you.
The most beautiful view.
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all works are © lavienjin
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Part 11⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (4.2k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU
⇢ Summary: When asked about Dr. Kim, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful stubbornness wasn’t similar to talking to a brick wall, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your blood vessels for a drastic rupture or even how one gracious stare of his nearly had you on the verge of ripping your essential documents in half. But it seems that, perhaps, there was a lot more to Dr. Kim then what meets the eye…
⇢ Warnings: Y/N going slightly crazy trying to figure out Dr. Kim
⇢ A/N: Surprise! I was able to get the chapter done early this time (for once). Let me know what you guys think so far, the next update will be tuesday as originally planned. 
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⇢ Moodboard Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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“I think I ate too much food.” Jin sighs, clutching onto his stomach.
“I don’t think I’ve ever payed so much for a meal.” Namjoon whispers, digging through his wallet when the large stack of papers have considerably disappeared.
“I didn’t eat too much and I didn’t pay, so I guess I win.” Yoongi shrugs, watching over the two concerned individuals and then taking out his phone to call a cab for the night.
“My place is close by so I’ll be heading out now.” You say, pointing behind you when everyone nods, expect for a certain individual.
“I live in that direction too.” Dr. Kim states and you freeze, hoping he wasn’t implying what you were thinking.
“I can drop you off.” You inwardly sigh, especially when your friends seem to be in complete favor of the idea.
“It’s dark Y/N, go with him.” Yoongi says and you glare at him; surely your college friend could have attempted to save you somehow.
“Alright.” Turning to the side, you see Namjoon and Jin already climbing into the cab. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at work.” They wave back when Dr. Kim starts to walk and you follow along with him.
There’s a dense silence in the distance when you enter the parking lot and pass through the underground tunnel leading to his car. The lot is clear of anyone else despite a couple of cars, only the base of your combined shoes echoing through the expanse.
Dr. Kim stops in front of a black car, cleaned to utter perfection and sparkling underneath the lights of the lot. After unlocking it, he opens the door to the passenger seat and gestures for you to enter. Hesitantly, you slide into the car.
The whole experience thus far doesn’t seem as bad as you had imagined, but then Dr. Kim gets into the seat opposite to you and you beginning to wonder why on earth car manufactures were so fixated on creating car seats in such close proximity to each other.
The engine roars when he jams in the key and even you need to admit that you’re impressed by the way he begins to reverse the car. He leans over to your side a little too much in your own displeasure but you brush it off when you acknowledge that he needed to have a clear view behind himself.  
“How long have you been driving for?” You question once he steers the car onto the road, driving in a perfect turn.
“Two months.” His tone is blank, a simple statement in which you initially nod, but then the root of the information sparks. 
“Two months?” You whisper, wondering how he was even able to pull off driving so well when he didn’t even have the experience to back it up.
A small smile tugs on his lips, “Surprised?” He says it in a playful tone, but your eyes are stuck to the way his mouth stretches.
“You should do that more often.” You utter quietly, but his keen ears pick up onto it.
“Do what more often?”
“Smile.” You hastily turn your head away, not wanting to meet eye contact.
“You want to see me smile more often Dr. L/N?” He repeats your words, as if trying to understand the meaning behind them. But the way he keeps that continuous playful tone in them makes you want to diminish any reason for trying to keep a conversation with him.
“Forget it.”
However he lets out a deep sigh, hands maneuvering over the steering wheel with ease when his eyes remain concentrated on the road before him. “How…how scary do I come off as?”
You widen your eyes, abruptly blinking them a couple of times before you try to comprehend if you had heard what he said correctly. “Scary…?” You wonder why its that specific word that he’s chosen to use.
He hums, “Jungkook said I used to scare him.”
“Jungkook?” The conversation you had with him prior to talking to Dr. Kim pops up inside your head, “Oh. I guess... you give off an intimidating vibe?”
It seems absurd that you’re trying to help Dr. Kim with a personal issue, if you could even call this one, but the way that he brings it up to you about makes you think that perhaps the man does genuinely want to know.
“I see…” He almost looks defeated, like he had already lost before starting a battle.
“If it worries you so much…” There’s a little voice in the back of your head jabbing at you in fury for even trying to help, “Just try smiling more. It makes a huge difference.”
This time your eyes are concentrated on your hands, staring at them like they’re were the most fascinating creation to have ever been made, but your eyes don’t miss the soft smile Dr. Kim sends you at the suggestion.
Maybe Jimin was right….maybe he had been abducted by aliens and replaced….
The car turns over to a familiar corner before Dr. Kim brings the vehicle to a gentle stop and your eyes flicker over to the apartment complex.
“Thanks for dropping me off.” You pick up your bag and tucked away medical coat, turning around to close the door. But a certain shiny metal object is placed within your field of vision when it’s pushed towards you.
“You dropped it at the restaurant.” He simply states and your hand pats over to the pocket in your coat, void of anything inside. 
With a sigh, you reach out, “Thank you.”
Slipping the phone into your coat pocket, you shut the door and it clicks, but a voice ushers you from leaving.
“Dr. L/N.”
The window is pulled down and you hug your coat tighter onto your form when the nightly breeze passes by, but you still lean closer to hear him. “Yes Dr. Kim?”
He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, eyes wavering when the curiosity peeks through, “Do you…do you really hate me that much Dr. L/N?”
It’s incredible to see that if you were asked the same question a couple of months ago, how fast your response with had been through the speed of lightening. But Dr. Kim keeps his eyes trained on you and for a moment you actually falter, especially when his eyes pleadingly bore so much in them, as if they were expectantly wanting to change that finite answer that question would usually result in.
His eyes are still incredibly focused on you when you’re fumbling for some answer that you could possibly generate. However, it eventually does come out and its something particular that surprises you both.
“I-I’m not so sure anymore.”
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You had eventually discovered after getting home that night spent surrounded by your co-workers that although your phone was in the same condition you had dropped it, strangely enough the message app had been opened. Thankfully a handful of certain saved messages from the past hadn’t been touched, but you can’t seem to recall if you had even touched the app at all throughout the day.
But that strange occurrence gets masked over with a new one, one that kept your thoughts lit at night and one that would continuously buzz around you even when the slightest bit of unconsciousness dipped in.
Dr. Kim’s words were fairly simple, but the underlying large load to them was not expected whatsoever from you. You had assumed that the air you shared together was always apparent; a rough, inflaring and absolutely irritating air that was hard to even stand in the presence in, but a stream of events are making you actually seriously consider his question. Especially when the answer was taking some time to come out of you.
You turn in reverse, going back to track any instance of his behaviour. The difference started becoming obvious when he had invited himself over to take care of you – an action that still makes you ponder as to why that was even a priority of his but then merely shrugging when you caught the culprit that influenced his decision. He had then proceeded to be kind to Jungkook, which escalated in Jungkook viewing the man in a better light, but you don’t see a very solid purpose in doing so. Jungkook was just an intern, so appealing to him would undeniably not give Dr. Kim an advantage in any way. The same abrupt kindness can be applied to Hoseok as well, with you having so much frustration as to why Dr. Kim, a man with no regard for patients, was actually trying to be considerate with no outcome for himself.
Your mind then ponders over to the surgery; being entirely startled when he had decided to assist you so graciously but even more so when he decided to compliment you. It was a striking cord and for a moment, you must admit to yourself, you found the words sinking in beautifully compared anything else he’s retorted to you. You then recall his expression with the children, playing with them with a huge grin, and then just yesterday, where he had offered to drop you off.
The entire memory of events is making you spin and it worsens when you have no rope to pull you back up, no form of reasoning for any of his actions.
You feel like you’re going to explode, your head throbbing so much when you do not have a definite answer despite the assessment.
“Woahh, Y/N are you alright?” Jimin hurriedly asks when he catches you gripping onto the base of your door in the midst of stumbling.
You blink when Jimin’s eyes are flickering all over you, but you remain silent until you decide that you were going to get nowhere with this unless you get some much needed help.
“Hypothetically.” The idea flashes in your mind like a lightbulb setting off and Jimin narrows his eyes, still clueless about what was going on.
“Hypothetically.” You continue, standing up straight thanks to his help, “If there was a person that you weren’t fond of, but in the recent time they’ve become kinder, to you and to others, is there still a reason to dislike said person?”
Jimin stares at you for a second, trying to link together what you were even going on about, but it instantly clicks for him and he wants to laugh at how ridiculous you were starting to sound. “Hypothetically?” He questions, a small smirk on his lips.
You nod, “Hypothetically.”
“Well…” A low sigh escapes him, knowing that if you were talking to him about it then it probably had been bothering you for a while. He wants to deter you into the right direction if that’s really the case, “I don’t think there should be one? If I didn’t like a person but their attitude changed, maybe that suggests the person is trying to change themselves?”
Your thoughts come to a pause, not even attempting to land on that type of conclusion. “Trying to change themselves…?”
Jimin shrugs, “Maybe they realized the error of their ways.” He flutters his hands around you like he was casting a magic spell but you pout at the notion, making him want to laugh again. As much as he thinks you’re an excellent doctor and a wonderful friend, you could truthfully have some major shortcomings when it came to interpreting a person’s motives apart from their genuine interest in you.
“But what if this person is calculative? What if they usually try to get benefits out of a situation for only themselves?”
Jimin’s eyes widen when he sees your eyes darting around in fear, “Y/N, just try to think about it. If I was acting a certain way, wouldn’t I need to change something about myself if I realized I was doing something wrong?”
His words penetrate into your skull all too fast and you finally grasp onto something grounded from all your racing thoughts.
Perhaps you were too accustomed to associating Dr. Kim with his cruel characteristics, that even considering him wanting to change was completely out of the bag.
“T-Thanks Jimin…” You whisper and a soft smile crosses over him, right before he’s tugging you in around his arm and his voice pitches through a dramatic tone.
“Of course asking for my help was exactly what you needed.”
“Dr. L/N I-“ Jin halts in his steps with documents in hand when he sees Jimin bashfully declaring himself in a loud tone, walking over with narrowed eyes.
He threads closer to Jimin, tilting his head in bewilderment, “I still can’t believe they hired you first…”
Jimin scoffs, “What do you mean you can’t believe it?”
Jin shakes his head, mumbling underneath his breath, “They could have hired Dr. L/N, Dr. Kim or Dr. Min…” His eyes finally land on you, before an “Ah!” escapes his mouth.
“I need to borrow Dr. L/N for a while.” Your eyes finally come back to life at the sound at that, hurriedly going through the protocols when he hands you the papers he was examining.
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After running through questions Jin had fired at you, a loud yawn slips through the corners of your mouth. It wasn’t as his inquires were bothering you as much, so but more having to deal with your mind straying over to the conversation you had with Jimin, who despite his daily mischiefs, actually gave you some valuable advice.
The outcome of Dr. Kim attempting to change because of the effects from his actions is plausible, and as strange as it sounds, you find yourself settling down on the answer when your eyes slowly trail onto the man interacting with a young intern.
Jungkook appears to be in his own world with the doctor, eyes crinkling and teeth on full display when the said doctor pats him on the head, a gentle smile comfortably arising from him. The doctor leans over to be closer to Jungkook’s ear and once the words are spoken, Jungkook breaks out into a complete fit of laughter as it bubbles out of him.
The scene on its own, is touching to watch. Something that has your own lips tugging and something that has you forgetting about the storm twisting inside your thoughts. It’s then you see a familiar women walking up to the doctor, who quickly turns his attention over to her.
“Is he doing alright?” She questions and her raspy voice suddenly has you tracing your steps back to when the pure interaction between the two individuals had so much rage pooling out of you.
Dr. Kim nods, “I’ve done the transplant and he is currently recovering, but he should soon be discharged.”
The news enlightens the disheveled appearance the woman adorns and casts a ginormous smile onto her. However, the smile drops a split second after.
“T-the cost…” She whispers, swiftly understanding that the act had a monetary value placed upon it.
But the next gesture is what surprises you the most about the whole ordeal; jaw wide open and eyes locked onto the hand Dr. Kim puts forward.
“You don’t need to worry about that.”
A cord strikes right inside you.
He didn’t….possibly pa-
The woman bursts into tears, her cheeks drenched with the substance when Dr. Kim reaches over to pat her in a somewhat comforting way but her mumbles of small “thank you’s” overtakes everything else.
You still stand in place, mind long lost with any other thoughts when you solely can’t believe the image taking place right in front of you.
Dr. Kim. The man that had directly informed the woman that her husband needed a transplant and she needed to provide the necessary organ without taking into regards any financial problems. The man that coldly turned his back on her and left her to suffer with her own pity of not being able to generate any remains of the green stacks of paper. The man whose display aggravated the likes of you by granting you a bitter position of watching the interaction take place.
The same man that was telling the woman not to worry about covering for the payment and is now ensuring that she was alright before he leaves.
Jimin was…actually right.
“It’s different, isn’t it?” The blonde doctor scrolls up behind you when he finds you shell-shocked from afar, “Almost refreshing in a way.”
“It is.” You tilt your head, still observing them when an entertained smile crosses Yoongi.
After a moment of silence, you turn to see Yoongi still staring at you. “What?”
He merely shrugs, “You’ve been watching him for an awful long amount of time.”
“I-I…” You shake your head, trying to ignore the flush that appears on your cheeks, “I was just curious.”
Yoongi sighs, “I’ve seen you get concerned about others, but you won’t realize until later that this isn’t like one of those situations where you’re just curious.” He pauses, closing his eyes briefly, “Take it from someone that knows.”
You narrow your eyes at Yoongi and can’t formulate what he was talking about. He sighs once again and shakes his head.
“Never mind. You’ll understand soon enough.” He’s about to turn but he pauses for a split second, “At least try to get along with him. I still think you two can be good friends.”  
Yoongi walks away and you’re left plunging face forward into the confusion you were experiencing prior to seeing Dr. Kim. From the way Jimin’s advice had fully breached through the concrete walls of your mind and the way Yoongi was implying at something you weren’t being able to decipher, you settle on one thing you were actually sure of from now.
Dr. Kim has changed for the better.
And maybe, just maybe, you could possibly be friends one day like how Yoongi suggested.
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With a content sigh, you stretch out your sore limbs as you gaze at the large stack of paper in front of you that only needed to be filed. Lifting your eyes to swift over to the table in the corner of the room, the man is also repeating the same action when a smaller but still big load of papers are completed on his desk.
You smile and he turns around, “We’re done for the day Y/N!” He exclaims, relief flooding through every single cell of his.
“I’ll lock up the office, start packing to leave.” You point at him to give you the papers so you can go submit them.
As you’re flipping through them, your finger stops mid-way, gaze dropping down.
“Jin?” He hums, looking at you with a beaming smile, “Can I ask you something?”
It’s strange to even consider. Usually you brought personal concerns to either Yoongi and Jimin since they know you inside out and essentially seen every single part of you. This particular relationship strays away from the one you have specifically with Jin, who although is a compassionate and considerate man in your eyes, is your pupil who is here to learn from you, his teacher. Majority of the time this meant that he was the one who would regularly ask you questions and you were the one providing accurate explanations. You know briefly about his life outside the office, how he likes to cook in his spare time, how he comes from a wealthy family but wants to make a name of his own and how he can act extremely young despite being the oldest of your entire team.
So it’s strange that you’re being up such a matter to him out of all people, but it’s almost like you’re attempting to grasp as many opinions you could possibly get because you’ve been stuck on always viewing Dr. Kim a certain way. 
“Of course Dr. L/N.” A frown appears when he utters your professional name so easily.
You ignore its usage, “What is your opinion on Dr. Kim?”
“Dr. Kim?” Jin blinks, not quite expecting you to ask. “Um…” He circulates back in his mind, “Different?”
“He’s…different?” Now that was an answer you weren’t keen on resurfacing.
Jin nods, “He isn’t like Namjoon who ensures that everyone on his team is doing well. He isn’t like Dr. Min, who openly shows care for his patients but doesn’t say it with words. He is definitely not like Dr. Park, who still got hired first considering his…delightful personality.” He pouts at that and you chuckle in agreement. 
“He’s almost closed off, like he doesn’t want to associate with anyone. Sometimes I think its because he doesn’t know how to.”
“Doesn’t know how to?”
“Aside from Namjoon, he doesn’t really talk to anyone, but I did see him talking to JK the other day and it seemed like he was trying to make the effort.”
You hum, considering what he was saying, “Like he’s trying to change.” You retaliate and Jin shakes his head at the thought.
“Exactly! But why are you wondering about this Y/N?” His question catches you off guard, leaving you to stuttering.
“I-I’m just curious that’s all.” Jin thankfully takes your answer in a better way than Yoongi did, nodding his head when you sigh in relief.
After the conversation, you walk out the door and you begin to fumble with your keys to locate the right one. Your mind still spins away from the opinions you’ve had with Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi and now Jin; all of which were suggesting that indeed something has changed within Dr. Kim.
But now that you’ve collected all this information…what do you do?
Suddenly a loud siren blares outside and you turn to Jin with widen eyes when the windows of the hospital have a red glow casted all over them.
Spinning the lock right away, you spin on your heels and Jin hurriedly trails after you when your heart begins to race. The sirens only grow louder when you get closer to the entrance of the hospital and your eyes catch onto the white vehicle stationed outside, paramedics flooding out.
“An emergency?” Jin questions and you let out a low exhale before nodding. You were pleasantly surprised that you had finished your work on time and could leave for the day, but being a doctor meant that it was your duty to help when in need for medical attention, no matter the time.
“Jin.” You turn around and his eyes fall onto you, “They’re going to need my help. Can you go file these and then head home?” You pass the large stack you were holding in your hands over to his, in which he eagerly accepts.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Dr. L/N, good luck.” He gestures over to the beaming red lights and you smile as he races to get the task done.
The smile dissolves when you walk towards the vehicle, eyes intensely trained on the individual being carried out and trailing all over the repressed amounts of scarlet leaking from multiple places. You rush to assist the paramedics and they inform you that a surgical procedure needed to be done from the collision the patient was unfortunately involved with. You nod, accompanying them once you enter the hospital in haste.
By taking one glance at the patient, you know that the surgery was going to be quick and efficient. Pieces of metal lodged in skin needed to be removed, the amount of blood loss had to be monitored and stitches were definitely going to have to take place.
But you acknowledge that the process will go faster if you had some support on your side, a factor that wasn’t going to be easy to satisfy considering it was late in the evening and majority of the staff had gone home.
A patch of familiar brown hair is seen locking up his doors, a young female intern standing next to him as she holds a load of paperwork. The doctor turns when the lock has been placed, but his gaze immediately shifts over to you dashing down the halls with paramedics.
“Can you handle this?” He questions his intern and she nods when he bolts towards the emergency room.
You on the other hand, dismiss that Dr. Kim had even entered the room when you were examining the patient. Brutal gashes adorn the delicate skin of the woman, flinching once you see the chunks of metal stuck within cracks of her skin and brows scrunching up one you make a note of how twisted back her right arm is.
“Circumstance?” Dr. Kim quickly questions, eyes focused on the patient when he applies a pair of blue gloves just like you had and carefully goes through to identify sites of injury.
“25 years old. Involved in a crash on the highway with a drunk driver. The police have arrested the driver but she’s received multiple injuries as a result.” With a gesture of your finger, you guide him towards the report you have so far made about the situation.
He hums, racing his eyes through it and then returning to your side to continue inspecting.
But he falters for a moment, removing his hands, “Dr. L/N.” You turn your head at his tone, sounding puzzled.
“Can you…” His eyes are flickering all over the patient and you don’t understand why he’s specifically delaying the question when you were currently in an emergency state. “Can you examine the patient’s lower region?”
You blink your eyes, wondering why the procedure was even necessary. But you oblige, wanting to double check every single thing you were doing.
After a few moments, your eyes are frantically enlarged and your jaw had dropped open, turning to Dr. Kim that shares the same nervous glance you are sending him.
His voice cuts through the silence, declaring the result that you were being directly shown.
“It appears as if we will need to induce labour.”
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