#min yoongi headcannons
mirahuyooo · 1 year
Your Grace | myg
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[Min Yoongi as a Duke]
— Unseathe your sword, warrior. You are home. in which, once upon a time, there lived a duke of the north and his wife
word count: 1,216 pairing: min yoongi x reader content/s: fluff, romance, angst, mentions of trauma from war, hurt/comfort, implied smut 👀 ambigous place names bc i can’t think much rn lol, possible nobility hierarchy inaccuracies (dont come at me, come after the manhwas i read lol), min yoongi as a husband in aNY AU IS A WIN, Historical Fantasy AU, Marriage of Convenience AU
[masterlist] | more [reactions & headcannons] &  [moodboards]
A/N: excuse me, i need something fluffy to get me through life rn 😭💖 also when people started calling these pics of yoongi as a duke, my brain went “haha, duke of the north male lead type of shii” and i just rolled with it lmAO AHWHAHHA i also thought to make some drabbles out of this AU! Let me know if y’all would like that?? Enjoy!
Also, send me ur headcannons for a duke min yoongi bc i’D LOVE to hear em 🤩💘✨
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min yoongi, who is a young duke that took the title after his late father abdicates to travel the known world lol
min yoongi, who governs the coldest region of the kingdom (absolutely hates the climate, but loves his people)
min yoongi, who is a prodigy of the sword and one of the best swordmasters in the kingdom
min yoongi, who is renowned as a war hero that greatly contributed to winning the war against an enemy kingdom
min yoongi, who suffers from night terrors of the people he killed, of the people who betrayed him in battle, of all that blood and gore
min yoongi,  whose hands shake whenever he has to hold his blade, but knows he has to get ahold of himself to do his duties
min yoongi, who hates politics and is known to have a tongue as sharp as his sword in slandering nonsensical members of the court
“Frankly, I think this whole proposal of yours, Lord Lee, is a sham that I’m wasting my precious time on.”
min yoongi, who is very close with the crown prince, and thus, much to his chagrin, is one of his most trusted advisors that’s involved with even more politics and shenanigans
“No, I’m not helping you sneak out, Taehyung. We’re here as a foreign delegation—”
min yoongi, who definitely complains about all of the paperwork he has to do, but does so anyways (he does a fantastical job with it, thank you very much)
min yoongi, who spends a lot of his free time either sleeping, or reading in his enormous library to digest knowledge (he's a curious cat sometimes ok)
min yoongi, who is very much fond of tangerines and imports it whenever its in season (his mother used to peel them for him as a child)
min yoongi, who plays the old piano in the east wing whenever he can’t sleep and learns different music from all around the world, but always tends to play his mother’s lullaby
min yoongi, who is pressured to take a wife and is constantly flocked by lords intending to sell their daughters to him
min yoongi, who, to the shock of the entire court, offers marriage to the eldest daughter of a count to a fairly small province that hosted him during the war—you
min yoongi, who swears it’s only because your family wouldn’t have enough power to interfere with his and definitely not also because you were pretty and nice and helped him through a panic attack all those years ago
“I don’t know much about being a husband, but I do know how to be a man of my word, and I swear no harm will come your way.”
min yoongi who marries you on a beautiful summer day, because he thought it'd be nice for you to have a warm and bright wedding in the capital since you'll be living with him in the north where it's constantly foggy and the winters are harsh
min yoongi, who promises to make the wedding night as comfortable and as quick as he can for your sake (but why can't he help but crave for more?)
min yoongi, who is a pretty chill and attentive husband, actually
min yoongi, who made sure to arrange you lessons that'll help you adjust to your title as duchess in the north and in the social circle as well
min yoongi, who always does his best to eat his meals with you (it’s awkward, maybe you should strike a conversation or two?)
“I, uh, heard repairments are to be done on the east wing?”
“Oh, yes, actually. There’s also a new wainscotting design I saw on the capital that I thought would suit the wall so I thought it’d be perfect to have it done as well—”
(great job! you hit the perfect topic!)
min yoongi, who asks you if you’d like something whenever he has to make a visit to the capital and if you say nothing, he'll come back with something he probably consulted someone with—a new dress? a necklace? a popular novel? (damn it, someone help him out here!)
“Here… I, uh, heard it’s popular among the ladies at the capital…”
{gives you a dress in the rest popular fashion so you stay “updated to the trends” as he says it — regrets it, because youlookbeautifulohno—}
“Thank you, Yoongi,” you shyly smile, “It’s beautiful.”
(dead. he’s dead.)
min yoongi, who becomes furious to hear about the gossip surrounding you and goes into a rant about the pretentious idiots at court
“You are Duchess Min of the north. Do not let them slander you like that. Do not hesitate to remind them of what you represent. I gave you the same power as I have when I married you.”
min yoongi who attends every ball from that season on with you by his side to rub it in their faces that the duke of the north does care for his wife, thanks : ]
min yoongi, who was pleasantly surprised when you brought him peeled tangerines to snack on while he was buried under paperwork
“Would you… would you like some?”
min yoongi, who now also peels tangerines for you whenever you two idly hang out together
min yoongi, who finds it easier to sleep with you by his side, especially after you insisted to stay by him when he had a night terror
min yoongi, who likes to take a nap with his head on your lap because you tend to play with his hair when you think he's asleep (he falls asleep right after because of it aww)
min yoongi, who keeps his hair longer than usual because you said it suits him, and absolutely refuses to let others point out or touch his hair lol
“Your hair’s gotten longer, hyung—”
“Don’t. Touch.”
min yoongi, who beams with pride every time he hears the servants praise how well the lady of the house treats them and manages the household (he's also so, so glad he doesn't have to worry about that anymore)
min yoongi, whose heart melts seeing his people love their duchess and shower you both with praises whenever you make visits to the town
min yoongi, who takes horse rides with you around his territory and will never say a word of complaint even if he’s freezing his ass off (pls make him something warm after you two go back to the castle lol)
min yoongi, who always makes sure you stay warm after he heard you go down with a fever (just how many layers do you gotta wear now? jeez)
“While I appreciate your concern, Yoongi. I don’t think I’d need a third fur coat…”
min yoongi, who asks you one night if you, at all, regret marrying him and finds himself anxiously waiting for your response
“I find myself very fortunate to have married a man like you, Yoongi. I don’t think I’ll ever regret it.”
min yoongi, who is very relieved and enamored to hear you shyly say that (his gummy smile is unstoppable, o h n o)
min yoongi, whose heart flutters as he smiles down at your sleeping figure after your late-night talk together
Perhaps, this is a better arrangement than I thought…
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𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 : @mwitsmejk @dreamamubarak @unknownwalkingobject @bloodline1632​
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singleloverr · 3 months
Yoongi Boyfriend Headcannons
A/n: I feel like this was kind of rushed lol, enjoy!!
Yoongi x reader
[민 윤기]
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• is so soft for you
• full on gummy smiles whenever he sees you because you make him feel so happy and giddy
• loves to spend time with you
• will do anything you like to do, even if those hobbies didn't really spark him in any particular interest at first
• doesn't mean he won't learn about it!
• he will, in fact, try to learn about your hobbies so he can genuinely gain some knowledge from it
• at the beginning of your relationship, he was kinda shy, not really knowing what to do— not saying he had no clue but he was very wary of his actions and would always make sure he wouldn't upset you accidentally
• ongoing, he's more carefree and let going, but, of course, is still aware y'know??
• he used to give shy kisses, and whenever you would initiate a kiss, he would blush furiously
• you made him really really flustered
• but now?
• he really just feels bliss whenever you kiss him
• I don't think he'd be one to give multiple kisses a day, excluding those pecks when, for example, you're going somewhere and leaving the other or as a greeting
• I feel like those long kisses would come from serious heart to heart moments
• those late night conversations you have will most definitely lead to a makeout session
• not those fast-paced, teeth clashing ones but rather the time filling, intimate ones
• he takes care of you a lot and always makes sure you're okay
• if you're not okay, he's not okay
• it's kind of like your souls knitted together, becoming one, feeling each other
• acts of service boyfriend 100%
• ask him to do anything, and he'll get it done as soon as he can
• your dishes are dirty? don't worry, he'll get them done. you need to do grocery shopping? just give him the list, he'll get it done for you
• when you do things for him in return, it could be the bare minimum, but he'll feel super grateful
• not really a big fan of pda, but it doesn't mean he'll refrain from it 100%
• an arm around your shoulder and kiss on the forehead here and there shouldn't hurt
• let's say you're both in public and you're feeling anxious, he'll subtly comfort you by holding your hand and rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand
• he loves you so much it hurts
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
BTS Reaction
You are an idol and a photographer tries to photograph up your skirt. Hyung line ver.
Warnings; Female character (reader is wearing a skirt) being uncomfortable, perverted behaviour from photographer, like one swear word
Hello! My first time ever writing for BTS so I hope it’s not bad! If enough people like this I will maybe do the maknae line too! Also open to any other requests you guys have for BTS too maybe also Stray Kids but currently only Bang chan, Felix or Jisung right now!
You are part of a well known idol group that is only gaining popularity. You were currently at an event involving many different idol groups and soloists so it was quite a big deal, this meant that there would be many cameras and press at the event.
For your outfit, your stylist had forced you into a much too short skirt for your liking, even though you would be wearing safety shorts underneath, you still didn’t like the amount of skin you would be showing.
As the show was coming to an end and all acts were on stage, you made sure to drag your group over to stand next to BTS, having known some of the members since well before either of your debuts.
Kim Seokjin
He would instantly notice one of the photographers below the stage acting strangely, he was laser focused on you and pointing his camera at a strange angle. Jin immediately knew what he was trying to do and it pissed him off.
Jin didn’t want to cause a scene while on stage, even if he was angry so, as calmly as possible he slid his way in front of you to block you from the creeps view. The man glared daggers at Jin but he couldn’t care less if it meant protecting his friends dignity.
You were oblivious to the fact that you were being filmed like that, too busy having fun with your fellow members and Jin, not wanting to make you uncomfortable decided not to mention it to you right at that moment, but would definitely be letting you know once you got off stage.
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Kim Namjoon RM
You had noticed the strange man amoungst the group of photographers right away and he was making you nervous, knowing what he was trying to do. You held down the front of your skirt and instantly notified your members in case he tried the same thing with them, they all looked at him in disgust while you all huddled around each other.
Namjoon felt you all shuffling next to him and looked over to see you sending quick glances to the crowd from behind your members. When he looked over and saw the mans gaze focused on you and only you with a camera in toe, he instantly knew what was happening.
As fast as he could, he located the closest security guard and hastily pointed out the man to have him removed.
You let out a sigh of relief as you saw him be escorted out of the venue by 2 guards, just as Namjoon made his way back over to you. He placed a comforting hand on your arm and gave you a slight nod, silently questioning weather you were ok or not.
You made sure to thank him properly backstage.
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Min Yoongi SUGA
Yoongi had first noticed the man watching you and angling the camera during your groups performance, he wasn’t too concerned at first since he couldn’t confirm that he was doing anything wrong from where he was sat however, now that everybody was present on the stage he had a clear view of the photographer, the guy was definitely pushing his luck with that camera. You hadn’t noticed, too busy celebrating with your group so Yoongi tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.
You turned to face him with a beaming smile but soon turned place once he pointed out what the guy was doing. You instantly pulled your skirt down, while Yoongi pulled you to hide behind him and the boys of BTS.
Yoongi made a mental note of the mans face and made sure to pass the information to your manager after the show. Yoongi could tell you were upset about being violated like that, so he made sure that once you were off stage to give you all the cuddles you needed.
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Jung Hoseok
Like with Jin, Hobi would just inch his was in front of you when he noticed the creep in the audience, but he would also pull whoever was standing closest to him over too, to cover you more and also your group members if need be.
You would be a little confused as to why your friends were blocking you from view, so Hobi would turn to face you and whisper in your ear about what was happening. You were mortified to say the least, which made him feel guilty for having not caught it sooner.
Hoseok made sure to keep you covered up until the show was over, and even helped cover you with his jacket as you walked down the stairs, causing fans in the audience to go crazy.
Needless to say that these actions by Hobi inspired both ARMY, and your own fan base to start shipping the two of you together...Not that you entirely minded.
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Yoongi is the type of boyfriend that rarely says I love you but constantly shows it. Buying your favorite snacks and drinks to keep in stock in his house for when you stay over. He has bought so many trinkets and gifts for you that just happens to get left somewhere at your home for you to find. He's always leaving his hoodies and shirts on your bed for you to wear when he's gone.
Namjoon is the type of boyfriend to always listen. He knows the power of silence and the power of letting you speak what your feeling. Explaining what your problems are for that day or infodumping to him about your newest interest. He would put in the extra mile to learn what he could so that he can have discussions about the subject with you. His love language is the sharing of information and interests to each other. As much as he's willing to listen and learn, he wants to teach you and tell you about his passions.
Jimin is the type of boyfriend to constantly show you off to friends and family. You got a new hobby, he's the first to hype you up and show off what you've done so far. You've been hitting the gym, he's the one to yell about how good you look and talk about the results you're looking for. Constantly posting about you and telling anyone that will listen about how amazing you are and every little thing that he finds so amazing about you.
Jungkook is the type of boyfriend to be head over heels from day one. He's one to give his heart easily and look to you as if you hung the moon and stars. He's quiet about his love vocally but physically so so loud. Standing between you and what he's percieved as a danger to you. Doing what he can to block the hurt and pain that he knows is out there in the world. He's the one to speak his feelings to you late at night when he thinks you're asleep.
Taehyung is the type of boyfriend to always be holding you. His hand in yours, arms looped with yours. His arm around your waist and pressing your side to his as you walk down the sidewalk. If you're in bed together, you better expect his arms around your waist holding you to his chest as his legs are tangled with yours. A hand is always on your back or thigh or holding your hand. Its almost like he'll die if he's not in contact with you when you're together.
Jin is the type of boyfriend to always find a way to go on a date with you. He wants to spend time with you and will make any excuse to be with you. You have laundry to do, he's already on his way because you'll need help with folding everything. You're going on a grocery trip, he'll pick you up because you need him to push the cart and grab the items on the top shelf. You're giving yourself a day off and just relaxing, you better know he'll be over so you can cuddle and play games together.
Hoseok is the type of boyfriend to shower you in gifts. He's getting anything that reminds him of you to give you. He's making you bracelets to wear. Matching jewelry and couple items is the norm. He's the one to pick up the shirt you mentioned that you liked last time you two were out shopping together but didn't get. He's the one to buy you the supplies you need for a project that you're halfway through but ran out of something before it could be finished.
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ilarianae · 2 years
— 10 Reasons to Share a Bed with Yoongi
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pairing. yoongi x reader (modern au)
wc. 2,300
note. divided a list of prompts and will only be doing the hyung line; the next 10 reasons will be for namjoon, so stay tuned for that! as always, thank you for reading, and the writing below is inspired by the list of prompts provided from the Tumblr @promptful.
cw. illness, mature language, burglary mentions, injuries, death/dying mentions— just a mix between angsty and fluffy.
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Because you’re sick.
“You’re sniffling every two seconds.”
“—It’s 'cause of my fever...”
“Here, put on my sweater,” he didn’t hesitate, chucking it towards your face and making you squeak in surprise. “I don’t want it to get any worse cause of the cold.”
“But… I’ll get it all germy, Yoongi…?” You watched him with slightly unfocused vision, your head pounding and your throat burning from all the cough syrup he’s been making you take. You didn’t even have the strength to stop him from clambering into bed with you, letting him push your head down on the pillows after helping you put on his comfy sweater.
It was soft and it smelled just like him; you could hide your face in it forever.
“It’s already too late for that,” the sarcastic tone in his voice was thick. “You’re already in my bed.”
“Oh… true.”
He sighed in annoyance, and it made you feel extremely guilty. But his nimble fingers were quick to pull you against him and grab at the blanket resting by your feet. He placed the blanket over your shivering body, and left a light kiss on the top of your head.
Your heart skipped a beat as he whispered with a gummy grin “you’ll just have to take care of me tomorrow.”
Because there’s only one bed, and it feels wrong to let him sleep on the floor.
“Stop it, I said it doesn’t bother me.”
“—Okay, but that doesn’t mean it won’t bother me.”
He sighed, and you couldn’t help but think he resembled a scolded puppy, splayed down on the floor like that with only one pillow and a sad, scratchy blanket. Yoongi looked away with heated cheeks, cursing at his luck in picking shitty motels. “Fine, just don’t snore in my ear.”
“As long as you don’t take up all the space.”
He rolled his eyes but let you win nonetheless, standing up and moving under your blanket and into the warm bed. Under the moonlight, you could see his pale ears turn red from the shyness. The two of you were friends for years, yet small and simple things like these still made him nervous. He turned, so you were greeted with his back, and his tense shoulders made your lips pull up into a mischievous grin.
Scooting a bit closer, you sneakily leaned over him and blew a soft puff of air toward his nape.
“Yah!” He cursed out your name. “Will you cut it out?!”
Because he has the thicker blanket out of the two of you.
You shivered from the cold, trying your best to generate enough heat so you could fall back asleep and be done with your 2am insomnia. It didn’t work. Looked across the bed, your eyes locked onto Yoongi, your best friend since childhood, all snuggled up with the comforter. All you could see was his mop of dark hair resting wildly against the pillow as he was cocooned entirely inside his blanket. His breath rose from his blanket burrito in little puffs, and you gazed at the window, realizing that it had started to snow outside.
No wonder you were cold; your little, pathetic blanket wasn’t enough for this type of weather, even if the two of you were safely inside, under a roof. So you decided to take a chance and risk waking Yoongi up for your comfort.
“Yoongi…” You whispered, your shaking fingers caressing the hair away from his face. “Hey, Yoongi.”
He unconsciously flinched away from your freezing fingers, hiding his face deeper in his blanket.
“Yoongi, please…” You shuffled closer to the cocoon, desperate for warmth. “I’m cold, do you have another blanket —!”
In a flash, he raised his comforter and pulled you inside it. You almost let out a sigh of relief at the sudden warmth seeping into your bones, allowing him to wrap the two of you back into his burrito. His chin rested on your head, and you couldn’t help yourself but place your cold cheeks against his chest, your legs intertwining with his warm ones.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
His soft snores were all you got in response.
Because he won’t stop clinging to you on the couch.
“Hey… Hey, Yoongi?” You tried to wake him, your fingers running through his hair.
He didn’t respond, the long day of work draining him to the point of no return. When he called you for a movie night, you didn’t expect to watch the full movie alone with your best friend falling asleep on top of you. He was out in the first twenty minutes, his head finding a pillow against your soft stomach. Your legs were long asleep and prickling by now, but you didn’t dare move, knowing Yoongi needed the rest.
However, the movie was over now, the credits were rolling, and it was time for you to go before it got too late to drive home.
“Yoongi? Buddy?” You switched tactics, trailing your fingers against his cheek, the one that wasn’t buried into your stomach. “I need to leave soon, you have to wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” He grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter. “Just five…”
“Hey, no, it’s already almost 1 in the morning, and I have to go.”
“Fine then.” He jolted up, his hair puffed out in different directions. “Just sleep with me instead.”
“Wha…? Yoongi, hold on—! Put me down!”
“No. I need my pillow.”
Because he has a broken leg, and you didn’t want the guilt of leaving him here all by himself.
“I don’t need help.”
“—You broke your leg!”
“And? Doesn’t mean I need to be babied by you.” He sighed, messing up his locks by running his hands through them. A stress maneuver, you’ve grown to learn. He continued to hobble you towards the front door, refusing to accept your help even though you consistently exclaimed that it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to you.
He doesn’t want you here; that much was clear to you. But he still needed you. And you would never forgive yourself if you left him here all alone, mere hours after he got his broken leg put into a cast. What if he gets hurt trying to go to the bathroom or back to bed?
“Enough.” You dug your heels in, almost sending the unbalanced male to the floor. “I don’t care what you say, I’d never get over it if something happened to you and no one was home.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Nothing’s going to happen—”
“I’m sleeping on the couch,” You ignored him, grabbing your jacket from the hanger by the door and putting it on. It tends to get cold here at night. “You can’t stop me, not as you are right now, anyways.”
He sighed out your name.
But you didn’t budge.
“Fine… Fine!” Yoongi drawled, limping closer to grab your hand. He locked his fingers with yours, and the action was enough to bring blood up to your cheeks. “I don’t want you sleeping on the couch, though.”
“Oh! Um…”
“Come on,” He nodded towards his bedroom. “Let’s go to bed.”
Because your health is deteriorating, and he doesn’t want to miss your final breaths.
He hummed softly in bed, his light fingers raking against your back as you rested on top of him. Yoongi didn’t want to miss a moment, having spent the day with you in your hospital bed as your health slowly but surely worsened.
When you called him this morning to say your final goodbyes, you didn’t expect him to leave early from work and visit your room. Though, you also didn’t complain as he climbed into bed, suit and all, to snuggle with you in your final moments.
His fingers rose to softly caress the back of your neck, and you shivered.
Yoongi noticed. “Cold?”
“No,” you mumbled, hiding your face in his chest. He found the action cute. “I just don’t want this to end.”
His heart clenched at your words. Yoongi couldn’t believe it took your nearing death and future absence in his life for him to recognize his feelings for you. It hurt. You being stuck here, with tubes and wires connected to your body, hurt. And he didn't know how to fix this.
“Yoongi,” You raised your head to meet his eyes, practically nose-to-nose. “I don’t want you to be here when I… you know.”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“But you’ll get traumatized.”
“I don’t care. I’ll be here to the end, my love.”
Because you’re crying as if he’s about to disappear.
You continued to take in shuttered breaths, clutching at your chest as if something was stabbing you deep from within. Yoongi sat across from you on the bed, his eyebrows furrowed in that worried look that, on a good day, usually had you joking about the wrinkles growing from it.
But this wasn’t a good day.
And you both knew that.
“It’ll only be for a couple of months,” Yoongi weakly tried consoling you. “You won’t even know I’m gone.”
You didn’t respond — couldn’t respond. The tears continued to cascade down your cheeks, and the action alone made Yoongi want to start crying with you. He couldn’t continue sitting there and watching you cry. Maybe he could with someone else, but not you.
“Come here,” He pulled at your wrist, wrapping his arms tightly around your body in an effort to comfort you. “Take in deep breaths, I don’t want you fainting cause of me.”
“You- I—” You couldn’t speak.
“Shh,” Yoongi harshly shushed you, placing a hand on the back of your head and stroking your hair softly. “You know I’d never abandon you, right? I’ll be gone, but I plan to return and get you after.”
“…Get me?” You looked up at him, your eyelashes full of unshed tears.
“Of course,” He gave you a gummy smile. “Exploring the United States means nothing to me if you’re not there beside me.”
Because this is what you’ve done since you were kids, regardless of the adult implications now.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
His familiar, gruff voice instantly put you at ease. You rolled yourself closer to the edge of the bed, allowing him to jump in from the open window. He smelled like the outside, like pine trees and rain, but you didn’t mind. In a flash, he pulled the window closed and buried himself beneath your covers.
“I thought it was an intruder.” You mumbled softly, not bothering to open your eyes.
A scoff. “As if anyone else would climb two floors to get into your room.”
“True…” Your voice got even softer, indicating your return to deep sleep.
Without hesitation, he rested his forehead against the back of your neck, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you into his chest. It was the middle of spring, so he didn’t necessarily need to cuddle up with you for warmth, but Yoongi found it helped with his insomnia to have you in his arms.
After all, he has been following this method since childhood.
Who was he to break habits?
Because he prefers your heartbeat as his sound-soother.
You’ve tried telling others countless times that there was nothing sexual behind his actions. That he was simply a friend and nothing more (yet), and that heartbeats helped calm him down after a horrible day serving others at his workplace. But looking at the position you and him were in tonight, you can understand your roommates’ suggestive looks whenever Yoongi visits.
His head was resting on your chest. Not your stomach, not your lap, but your chest.
You could feel the way his hair tickled your neck and chin or the way his fingers twitched by your sides as if he wanted to hold you even closer but knew he was already crossing too many lines between the two of you. Your own hands were in an awkward position as well, one resting at the base of his head and the other one on his bicep.
You were both watching late night tv, or at least, trying to.
“Hey, Yoongi?”
“Can I… Can I play with your hair?”
An intake of breath. Then, “Yeah, sure, I don’t mind.”
Your hands fell into his dark brown locks, running through and playing with it, as if they’ll distract you from the attractive male resting on you. With each comb, you could feel Yoongi get more and more relaxed in your arms, letting out sighs of relief and yawns. After ten minutes, you thought he had fallen asleep, but he jolted his head up to rest his forehead against the side of your neck.
You didn’t dare to swallow or breathe. “Yoongi?”
He muttered out your name in a disappointed sigh.
“...What are you doing to me?”
Because your house was broken into.
“Here, you can take the bed, and I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Wait… won’t it be uncomfortable for you?”
“I don’t mind. It’s better than leaving you back there after everything that’s happened. You can stay as long as you want to.”
“Yoongi…” The way your voice cracked had him turning back towards you.
He leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed and his jaw tense in that familiar way that told you he was somehow twisting the narrative in his mind and putting your burglary as his fault. A small part of your brain shivered in delight at the sight of Yoongi being so protective and angry for you. It almost made you forget the monstrosity you walked into this evening after work.
“Do you want another blanket?” He asked.
“No… I…” Your voice almost got caught in your throat. “Can you please just… stay here with me tonight? Please?”
His eyes analyzed your body from head to toe. The way you sat on his bed, your shoulders hunched and your arms wrapped around your waist. The way you tried keeping yourself from shaking, your legs restlessly jumping up and down. His gaze softened; there was no way in hell he’d be leaving you alone tonight.
“Of course… You didn’t even have to ask.”
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20221109 ©ilarianae.
follow my kofi for teasers and more!
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sugarycandies · 2 years
[H/C] BTS If You Tease Them in Public
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A/N: This is a shorter drabble piece/headcanon as I have a busy week this week! Genre: 18+ (Minors DNI!), Smut/Suggestive How would BTS react if you teased them in public?
Kim Seokjin
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He'd get a bit flustered if you tried to tease him in public. Most of your relationship was wholesome and behind closed doors, but if you tried to bring it into the public eye, he'd get a bit shy. In private when he's in control he's flirtatious, and a bit fun, but if you take the reins, he's a blushing mess.
Especially if you went to just squeeze his ass; something as simple as that can make him practically melt in public. He's definitely a hardcore switch in that sense, he'd give up a bit of dominance if you took it from him. Although he wouldn't show that in public!
"Y/N!" he'd just gasp and turn all red, hiding away shyly.
Secretly, though, he's about to pull you behind some doors and show you what it did to him.
Kim Namjoon
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He'd be pissed, but not in the 'I'm genuinely angry at you way', in the 'I'm going to punish you when we get home' way. The entire night he'd be sending daggers at you, even if it was a single comment that you had whispered in his ear. If it was enough to get him riled up and wanting more, he'd be mad that he couldn't have you right then and there. Plus, he'd know you were very aware of what his reaction would be.
"As soon as we're home you're going to get much more than you asked for, baby," He'd whisper in your ear, hand rising a little under your shirt just a bit to tease you back, before going off to what he was doing again.
Min Yoongi
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He wouldn't show it, at all. To the point, at first, you weren't even sure if he was phased at all by the teasing. Maybe he didn't get the suggestive nature or notice how you were eating the ice cream, making dead eye contact with him as you did. But by the time you were going home you were pinned right up against the cool metal of the car, him growling angrily into your ear. "You're getting it later." Fic based on this
Jung Hoseok
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There was no way you were going to get away with teasing. Moreso- there was no way you were going to win it. He'd tease you right back with ten times more force, both of you pushing the limits of 'How acceptable is this PDA?' It would start with you just touching his shirt, lifting it the tiniest bit with your finger during a quick peck. So he, knowing what you were trying to do, would rest his hand on your lower back. Soon it would turn into a game of who could push the other; whose breaking point would be reached first?
Spoiler Alert: It's yours as soon as his hand started basically going down your pants under the table, reaching close to the straps of your underwear as you just blurted that you had to go to the bathroom, Hoseok followed close behind.
Park Jimin
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This man is the king of teasing.
As soon as you tease him, he's going to tease you ten times harder back, making you number one on the annoying PDA couple list. But one thing that really got him was the time you two were hanging out with Taehyung.
There was no room left on the couch, so he sat on the floor in front of you. Soon enough, his head found himself between your thighs. You'd tighten them around his head.
"What, are you into getting crushed by thighs?" You'd tease him.
"Only yours" he would smirk and then put his hands on either side of them, squeezing them.
Kim Taehyung would follow with a gag.
Kim Taehyung
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He'd play it off as a silly little joke. You'd tease him once, and he'd laugh it off. You'd tease him twice, and he'd hesitantly laugh it off, but you could tell his facade was shaking a tiny bit, finding it harder to keep his cool more and more. However, he has a threshold that can only take so much before he pins you up against the wall, not giving a single shit about who was watching. "I let you go the first couple of times baby, but this is getting ridiculous" he'd whisper, practically by your ear, reaching down and kissing your neck with a peck, "Stop it before I have to take you into the bathroom and fuck you so loud everyone here will know how you acted tonight."
Jeon Jungkook
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He'd be a bit shy at first from the teasing. He's a bit nervous in terms of public affection and would prefer to keep your relationship to yourselves, especially to save him from the teasing of other members. But, once he's more comfortable in the relationship, and you decide to tease him in public, he's a light switch.
Depending on which way you flick him, he can become a needy puddle in your arms in a second. That, or he can pin you up against a wall and tell you to knock it off. It all depends on if you're begging for him, or threatening him.
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amourkive · 8 months
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jiminies-ahmee · 2 years
💌 [23:16] 민 윤기
min yoongi. he’s the type to do things silently - like a cat.
like how he’ll neatly display the various sheet masks he bought on the way home on the bathroom sink. or like how he’ll “just happen” to be making your favourite food after you’d told him about a rough day. or the way he’ll overdress in winter to make sure he always has an extra layer to give to you when you get cold. even the way he already has a tissue in hand before you even sneeze when you’re sick in bed.
and especially in the way he never fails to tuck you under his arm once he thinks you’ve fallen asleep at night. he may be silent, but you always hear his soft, “i love you” before he closes his own eyes.
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jiminiejamie · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ bts relationship with parents ੈ✩‧₊˚
their relationship with parents in my stoner!au <3 I'm so sorry but none of them have perfect relationships with their parents, PROJECTING. I don’t know why Jungkook’s is so long. lol.
my masterlist <3
tw: parental death, abusive parents, homophobia,
He doesn't have a bad relationship with either of them, he just doesn’t live near them. He doesn't see them very often. He doesnt nOT get on with them. He just sees them a fEW times a year. He goes every christmas and he might see them ONE other time a year on A GOOD YEAR. His mom and dad are vERY strict. It’s the reason he left and moved to the city. Their strictness is also the reason they don't visit him. They hate hate hate his friends, they have NO IDEA about the weed though shhh. But Jin and Hoseok are the only two who Jin’s parents respect because they have ‘real jobs’, but they really don't like the rest.
A whole lot of bad. His mom died when he was 13, and it has been him and dad since then. And …wow… whole lotta shit for a while for Yoongi. His mom, the sweetest woman you could have ever met. He misses her so much. She was beautiful and the kindest person. Yoongi and her were inseparable, he was her baby boy. His dad was never good enough for her and she knew deep down she should have left him. But once she was pregnant with Yoongi she couldn't bring herself to do it. Once she died, the worst of Yoongi’s dad came out.
 He went through phases of bullying Yoongi relentlessly, OR completely ignoring him for weeks on end. From the age of 13, Yoongi had to raise himself entirely: cook for himself, get to school by himself and take care of himself. That is one of the reasons he is so independent now. One thing he does quite often that he very VERY rarely lets the boys see is, while Yoongi was growing up. His mom recorded almost ‘daily vlogs?’ of her life. And Yoongi has HOURS AND HOURS of footage, I mean like a video about her life eVERYDAY for years of her and Yoongi growing up. The rest of the boys have only seen clips/glimpses of the videos, he only shows them if he's watching and they ask but they dont ask that often because they know he is very sensitive to it.
He is close with his parents and I would say he is the closest with his parents and has the best relationship with them. He still talks to the regularly and they visit a fair bit. The only thing he has realised in the past when talking to the boys, specifically Jin is they weren’t entirely there for him on an emotional level. They raised him and kept him alive but in terms of emotional care, they were distant. They never checked on his mental health or taught him how to take care of his mental health. Which he does blame on the generation they are from but he does also know that isn't an excuse but besides that he has a good relationship with them.
His Mom and Dad divorced when he was 13 and it was just him, his mom and his brother. He still talks to his dad, they just have a very normal father and son relationship but it's ‘nothing special’ as he calls it and he talks to his dad maybe once or twice a month. His mom is also lovely but she has had some bad partners since the divorce. Some were genuinely nice people, some were a little iffy but bearable. But the partner she has now, who she's been with for quite a while now. Namjoon hates the idea but he can see them getting married soon. The partner she has now is a horrible man, he is lovely to his mom and Namjoon can't stand the fact that his Mom can not seem to understand why Namjoon and his brother don’t get on with him. Namjoon’s brother is only a year younger than him and he is set to also move into his girlfriend's apartment soon. Both him and Namjoon moved out to get away from him as soon as they could, if that doesn't tell you what they think of him, i don't know what will. Namjoon and the boys all have agreed that the only acceptable way to be a new step-parent is accept the kids your partner already has, even if they aren’t ‘yours’ you need to respect them, respect their father if he is around and acknowledge their existence. Joon’s step-dad does none of those things. He ignored the two brothers but at the same time didn’t acknowledge that Joon’s mom had kids with another person. Joon’s dad isn't allowed in the house as his step-dad doesnt think it's appropriate? He's a very weird man so it’s clear to understand why him and his brother moved out.
His mom is so cute, she's so cute. But his dad… his father is a different story. His mom and dad divorced when Jimin was about 5, and he spent most of his life with his mom. She is his biggest supporter <3 it's very sweet!! She wept for so long when he came out to her, but not in a bad way, it was just pure love and the fact he felt he could come to her and trust her. She was initially SHOCKED at Jimin’s job but within about 6 minutes she was in full support as long as her ‘baby boy’ was safe and happy. The boys also love her. She visits quite a lot and they all ALWAYS come round to see her when she visits. Jimin doesn't talk to her tOO much about the weed shit and what they get up to, but she’s not an idiot, but once again: as long as he is safe. His dad though, not so much. He was never close with his dad growing up but that mindset was always instilled in him that his dad is ‘family’ and he should be close with him. So in his teenage years, Jimin tried..SO hard to be close with his dad but when Jimin accidentally came out to him that put a stop to the already tenuous relationship they had. Jimin’s dad does not want to know anything about his son anymore and initially Jimin was upset about it, but now he’s more mature and knows he’s not the problem in any way.
Bad, bad, really bad. The boys don’t even know half of it. Jimin knows most of it, Taehyung spent a lot of nights at Jimin's house when they were younger. Jimin’s mom ‘took him in’ in a way because it was all getting far too dangerous for Taehyung to be living with them. Jimin’s mom did what she could but Taehyung’s parents had ultimate control over him until he moved out and left as soon as he physically could. Jimin helped cover Tae’s rent until Tae got a job when they first moved out. Taehyung felt insanely guilty over it for a while but it was very clear how desperately he needed to leave that house. Sounds very morbid but it was killing Tae. Taehyung lived through it, until he was 17 years old. He was tortured by those people. He lost his childhood to the people who were supposed to give him one.
Jungkook lives with his mom and they have a very ‘normal’ Mother and son relationship. She’s a lovely mom, and Kook is very close with her. She is a lovely woman, she’s not massively strict but she does expect her rules to be followed if he is living with her. Which Kook respects and his housing situation is due to change soon which is Mom is finding it hard to deal with as it has been just her and Jungkook since he was born but she would never tell Kook she doesn't want him to leave because she knows how ready he is to move out. He really only sleeps there now, and to be fair, out of the 7 nights of the week, he’ll sleep at home maybe ¾ of them. Jungkook doesn't have a dad. Well he does, but he’s never met him and to be fair Jungkook’s mom hardly met him. Jungkook learned at about 12, his Mom had a summer relationship with a man while she was travelling in her gap year. So she fell pregnant while she was away from home, sadly she didn't know she was pregnant until she got back and the two lost contact. Jungkook takes pride in the fact that although he never met his dad and he doesn't know Kook exists, Jungkook’s mom said he was a very VERY good man and he would be proud of Kook today. Jungkook’s mom broke down crying when Kook originally said he was going to be a tattoo artist, his dad was heavily tattooed and his mom was astounded at this ‘coincidence?’ Another thing that makes Jungkook’s mom a very good mom is she was quite young when she had Jungkook, about 18/19 so she is fairly open to things many parents wouldn't be. She’s also a very strong woman as she did it all on her own. Her parents (Jungkook's grandparents) didn't really want anything to do with her after they found out she was pregnant at 18, and the father was in another country and she had no way of contacting him. So she is incredibly strong due to being completely alone at 19 with a baby, she built a life for them. This meant his young childhood wasn't the best situation for either of them. Until she found the right job and the right people to be around it was hard. They were homeless for a while, until Kook was about 7, and some of his earliest memories are sleeping on the floor of people's houses while he was growing up. He also spent a lot of time in shelters with his mother and although it was very hard for the both of them it bonded them and is the reason they are so close now. The only thing Jungkook always feels guilty about is he hasnt told the boys about that. They all figured he probably was quite poor and struggled growing up but they have no idea how bad it was, but hey, everyone has secrets. He isn’t ashamed of it, he just doesn't want sympathy. But he’ll tell them one day, just not today.
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haarrrys · 4 months
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❛ — ⌗ fluff ★彡
- d day
- always us
-a quiet morning
-discussing having a family
-ice skating
-first loves
❛ — ⌗ smut ♪ (´ε` )彡
-birthday blowie
-“i need one of those baths”
-first time
-is that my shirt
❛ — ⌗ dad!yoongi ★彡
- petals
- night routine
-baby blues
-play date w/uncles
-hello uncles!
-snow fox
-the benefits of co-sleeping
❛ — ⌗ angst彡
❛ — ⌗ headcannons / reactions / masterlist ✿ 彡
- [23:16]
-dating yoongi
-domestic yoongi
-master list
-not sure what to call this but it’s hilarious
-fic recommendations
-just cute
-dating an idol
-going on tour with him
-partner privileges
-yoongi masterlist (my fav) pt ii & iii
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
would you ever consider turning single dad yoongi or vampire j-hope’s stories from the bts ot7 headcannon you did where they first meet y/n? i really, REALLY enjoyed those. they made me giggle and grin at work. :D
a/n. i went with dad yoongi bc GAWD DAYUM. also i’m so glad you liked them and they made you giggle… however i hope you didn’t get in trouble or something 😭 and sorry you had to wait for so long :(
ps anon is talking about this!! i changed the sons name but overall bare with me bc i don’t really like how it turned out?? enjoy tho ^^ and thank u @slytherinhobi for coming up with the kid's name teehee <3
warnings. one or two curse words
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yoongi puts up the cup of coffee but barely manages to even touch it with his lips when his ringtone fills the room.
“see, i told you…” he scoffs looking at his friends, seokjin and hoseok but his voice dies out. yoongi reaches for his phone, putting down the cup hurriedly.
his friends exchanged looks, shaking their heads.
“oh. i understand, of course. i’ll pick him up in an hour. thank you. good bye” yoongi was speaking softly and then hung up, sighing.
“again?” hobi asked, amused smile on his lips “dude, just do what namjoon said”
“whatever. you want to go with me? he’ll be happy to see you” yoongi asked, taking a sip of his coffee and stood up lazily.
“of course! as his favourite fun uncle–” seokjin stood up, stretching dramatically.
“yah! i’m his favourite uncle–!”
“who said that?”
the sound of doors closing made them rush to them, not wanting to miss a meeting with their friend’s son.
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namjoon was right. and so were all of his friends.
he should get a babysitter.
so here he was, with juwon on his lap as they skimmed through the site. his 5 year old son kept squirming, the task starting to get boring.
“him?” yoongi asked, pointing at a guy with blonde hair. juwon shook his head as a no. his dad sighed, looking at the small copy of him. suddenly juwon’a eyes blinked with excitement.
“papa!” he grinned, touching the screen of his laptop (even though yoongi said thousand times not to, but let it slide because he has a soft spot for him)
“someone caught your eye?” the older min let out a chuckle and ruffled his son’s hair, his voice got stuck in his throat as his eyes landed upon the person.
“y/s y/n” juwon read your name out loud and grabbed his dad’s hand that was on the computer mouse, clicking the read more button.
“y/s y/n” yoongi repeated, not able to take off eyes from the picture of you. he never believed in love at first sight, even his juwon’s mom.
but you… you just had something enchanting. the way you were smiling softly on the picture, e/c eyes sparkling with joy.
“papa, she’s almost as old as you!” the boy giggled, wrapping arms around his dad’s neck.
“you spend too much time with uncle jungkook, youngster. i’m not old” yoongi scoffed, looking at your information.
26, worked before in daycares and even primary school, finished studies, et cetera et cetera. loves kids, music, autumn…
“can she be my aunt?” juwon asks quietly, bringing yoongi back to reality “she’s really pretty…”
“aunt? oh, you mean nanny? of course. i’ll give her a call but you’ll go to bed, alright?” yoongi asked, voice soft.
“m’kay! will you come give me a hug later?” juwon blinked. yoongi nodded, ruffling his hair before picking up his phone to make a call.
suddenly he realised he’s nervous.
why is he though? it’s just a call to ask if you’re willing to watch over juwon. just a call.
a call with a pretty girl.
god, he needs to focus.
yoongi closed his laptop and rung, looking at the clock. it was 9pm, which is kind of late but…
“hello?” your voice made him go weak in the knees. suddenly you yawned and giggled and oh god, it was the cutest giggle he’d ever heard “sorry, i was asleep…”
“oh no, it’s fine! did i wake you up? i apologise” he cleared his throat, words suddenly flowing out of his mind. there was a moment of silence before you spoke up.
“i’m guessing you’re calling in regards to the job announcement…?” you ask hesitantly "at least i'm hoping so..."
“yes. if you’re available, of course. could we have a trial week?” yoongi hummed, leaning down to pick up a cookie plushie that juwon must have left behind.
“oh. yes, of course! how old is your kid, mr…?” you smiled and he could clearly hear it. focus, yoongi.
“juwon is five. i’ll send you the address through text. is next monday okay?” he asked.
“great. see you soon then” yoongi said.
“yeah. good night, mr juwon’s dad” you let out a little chuckle
“good night” yoongi nodded and quickly hung up, his heart beating like crazy. he had a feeling that he forgot about something.
whilst caressing his hair anxiously he stepped into juwon’s bedroom with a subconscious grin.
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after the weekend here you were, hesitantly looking around in front of the fancy door. you took a deep breath and knocked, the sound of feet suddenly running around making you smile.
“juwon, don’t–!”
the door opened and you grinned upon seeing a small boy standing in them. he was tightly hugging a cookie plushie, looking at you with his brown eyes wide.
“hi” you smiled sweetly but the boy backed out and hid behind his dad’s legs. you looked up and couldn’t smile at how alike they were, almost 1:1. this kid was literally his copy. they were staring at you with their mouth open, which made you grin.
“hi” yoongi breathed out, his heart beating like crazy against his rib cage. pull yourself together, he thought.
“can i come in?” you asked, the chilly wind whistling in the background making yoongi realise he’s staring.
“of course, sorry. do you want something to drink?” yoongi asked, letting you in.
you took off your shoes and coat, both mins looking at you in awe. you tried your best to stop the blush from creeping on your cheeks.
“tea, if you don’t mind. what’s your name?” you asked juwon softly, even though you knew the answer. he looked at his dad hesitantly and when he just nodded with the softest smile ever, you knew you’re in trouble.
“juwon” he mumbled and ran away off to this room. yoongi smiled politely and gestured you to sit down.
“he’s… like me. as much as i find it adorable, he has problems with socialising at the daycare” yoongi sighed, reaching for a cup.
“i see. it’s not a bad thing though. some kids are more introverted and others are just making new friends everyday” you nodded.
“i know. but since he doesn’t like daycare, i won’t pressure him. hence you” yoongi gave you a steaming cup of tea.
“thank you, mr min” you said and watched his eyes widen a little.
“no need to be so formal. call me yoongi, please” he smiled politely and took a glance at the clock “ah, i have to go. please call me if there’s a problem”
“of course, yoongi” you hummed and he froze while reaching for his bag “have a nice day!”
“t-thank you” the man stuttered and you could swear his ears were tinted with pink.
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a week passed way too fast. you had a lot of fun with juwon, even though he was still opening up to you.
when it came to his dad, you were going insane. min yoongi was driving you absolutely crazy (even though he was leaving the house once you arrived and sending you back home the moment he was back) but you felt a bit… guilty. what if he’s married? sure, he doesn’t have a wedding ring but some people don’t wear it, right? or maybe he has a girlfriend? however you didn’t see any pictures of him and a woman placed around a house. on the other hand, he had a lot of pictures framed of him and his friends. what if one of his friends is actually his boyfriend?
it was lazy evening on a saturday night… well, actually it was nearly midnight when juwon yawned obnoxiously loud and made you turn back to reality.
“you’re tired, huh?” you scoffed quietly and shook your head, looking at the tv. normally you would just come by monday-friday but yoongi called and asked if you can watch over juwon on saturday because he was pressured to meet with his friends (by them, against his will).
so here you were, watching cartoons with juwon and his plush friend, shooky.
juwon suddenly clung onto you, his small hands wrapping around your waist.
“‘m sleepy” he mumbled, placing shooky on your tummy.
“me too” you hummed, turning off the tv. the living room turned dark, only lit up by the weak moonlight peeking from behind the window.
“‘m too tired to go to bed” the boy added. you let out a gentle laugh, not to disturb him and put a blanket over you two.
“it’s okay. good night” you whispered and ruffled his hair before closing your eyes.
you’ll just rest your eyelids for a bit and then carry him to bed, duh.
but before you realised you started dozing off as well.
you didn't catch the sound of door opening and keys clanking but you did hear a soft, quiet sigh followed by a gentle laugh.
“aich, so cute” yoongi mumbled upon seeing you two asleep. his heart was beating a little too hard against his rib cage.
he didn’t realise he was staring until juwon moved in his sleep, shooky falling on the ground.
“shit, i’m whipped” yoongi grunted and reached down for the plushie, failing to notice the smile that bloomed on your lips.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @moonacholy ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddenoudepression ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie
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mirahuyooo · 2 years
Paubaya | bts
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[BTS as the song PAUBAYA by Moira Dela Torre]
— Which part of my love wasn’t enough?
In which, you have to let go of the man you love when he’s in love with someone else
Word Count: 3,331 Content/s: be warned y’all; ANGST, falling out of love, falling in love with someone else, cheating, unrequited love, one-sided pining, fluff if you squint really really good and have blurred vision, saD, SAD HOURS
[masterlist] | more [reactions & headcannons]
A/N: Here comes the first song fic / headcannon thinggg!~ This song is back in my faves so I thought to write this little blurb bc i love angst 🤪💅
Paubaya in Filipino means “to entrust” or “to leave it to someone” which, in the concept of love, means that a person giving up the person they love to someone else 
I recommend y’all to listen to the song!! IT’S SO ANGSTY AAAAAA and the music video is juST as heartbreaking (and there are eng translations provided too! Don't worry)
Also, I also tweaked some things I deem to be a more accurate translation. The Filipino language has gender neutral pronouns which is why I tweaked with the english translation from the mv itself instead of the he/him pronouns used \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) 
ANYWAYS, I hope y’all enjoyed this /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
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At kung masaya ka sa piling niya So if you’re already happy with them,
Hindi ko na 'pipilit pa I won’t force it anymore
“I want you to be happy, (Y/N).”
Such words were soft and well-meaning—as wholesome as the very man that said them—and yet they stab you in the heart all the same. How could it not?
An hour ago, your childhood best friend had invited you for lunch in one of the restaurants the two of you frequented in college. You had been excited at the thought of spending time with him, but this was definitely not the turn of events you had expected to happen.
“I think it’s time for you to really move on,” he smiles at you encouragingly.
Kim Seokjin’s rejecting you for the last time.
He made this clear when he showed you the ring he intended to propose with to his partner of three years. It was simple yet pretty, just what you imagine he’d get, and yet to know it wasn’t meant for you, it hurts like bitch. 
While you were the reason they met in the first place, the selfish part of you has always held on to the possibility that fate might finally turn things in your favor. Those chances became slim when they got together, and while you had respected their relationship, that little devil in you still hoped they wouldn’t last. 
Alas, your struggle with the unrequited pining never really ended. 
You often wondered what your friend did differently, that, out of the two of you, it was your signals and confessions that got turned down. It was you who got their hair ruffled, feelings not taken seriously, and teased for having a "fleeting crush" that has been gnawing at you for a decade. It was you who had to swear multiple times that you're going to move on, except you don't because god damn it you love Kim Seokjin with your entire being and heart. 
Just as you had gotten used to their relationship, the thought of them getting engaged now opens up a wound in your heart, bigger and deeper than the last. “Can you really not love me, Jinnie?” you ask, quiet as you stare at the ring. “Is there really no chance?”
Seokjin smiles apologetically. “I do love you, (N/N),” he tells you in that brotherly tone he’s always used. “Just not the way you want me to.”
Here he is, wishing you happiness after he finally realized that your feelings he brushed off as a crush ran deeper than he thought, and a part of you resents him for that. Still, the better part of you—the one that’s so helplessly in love with him—wants his happiness, too.
You find yourself nodding slowly, chuckling breathlessly in defeat. “I want you to be happy, too,” you tell him, tears flowing down your cheeks as he lets you pull him into a hug. ”I wish you the best—all the best in the world.”
Maybe this time, you will finally move on.
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Ang tanging hiling ko lang sa kanya My only wish to them is that 
Huwag kang paluhain at alagaan ka niya They never make you cry and they take care of you
Deep down, you knew. 
You knew your time with Yoongi was up.
The gummy smiles, lingering touches, and warmth beside you in bed were once the things that made you feel fuzzy with love, but now they twist and turn your insides. The eyes that once look at you with adoration were fading, and while you knew well he did nothing behind your back, you could tell him staying with you was becoming nothing but a repetitive seesaw game. It's only a matter of time before he asks you both to get off of it. 
But before that…
“Do you love him?”
HYBE’s recent rising producer avoids your eyes, practically squirming in guilt. They’ve been working on the new album together, and all it took was one visit to know that his love wasn’t meant for you anymore. 
For a couple of months, you tried reigniting the spark you and Yoongi lost, huddling over that could-have-beens and waiting for that warmth to return to you, but it never did. You love him, but you’ve grown tired. You think he has, too.
It’s time to put an end to this.
“Be honest with me, please,” you softly beg, “I need to know.”
Finally, you receive a nod in response, tears brimming around eyes that can’t really stare at you for too long. “I’m so sorry,” they tell you, and a gut feeling tells you they truly do love him. You’ve been in those shoes before, falling helplessly for a man like Min Yoongi. 
“Don’t be,” you say, “He loves you, too, you know. I can tell.”
In the distance, you see a familiar figure standing at the entrance of the coffee shop. Your heart clenches as you meet his heavy gaze filled to the brim with concern and sorrow. “Please take care of him,” you turn your attention back to the person before you. “He always forgets to eat and sleep on busy days, and he always manages to fall asleep in the most uncomfortable of places.”
Wide eyes follow you walking towards the man that held both of your hearts in his hands. A glassy-eyed Yoongi waits for you to stop before him, unsure of what to say or do. 
It was you who made things easier for him, hands shaking as you take off the ring on your finger. With one last smile, you place it in his hand and give it a squeeze of assurance. 
“Life happily, Min Yoongi.”
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Ba't 'di ko naisip na mayro'ng hanggan? Why didn’t I think that our story would have an end?
Ako 'yong nauna, pero siya ang wakas I was your first, but they will be your last
For your first love, you were given a real gentleman in the form of Jung Hoseok. 
The memories you built together in the secret in-betweens of his life as Jung Hoseok and J-Hope of BTS were a core part of you as a person. There was a struggle, of course—with him and his budding career as an idol, and you finishing your studies—but in the moments you were together, the world just felt right. He just felt right. It all felt like it would never end.  
Except when it did. 
When the distance and everything else became too much, he had asked to break things off. A part of you loved him still—you don't think it's possible to ever stop loving someone like him—but you, too, knew the both of you couldn't hold out any longer with how things were. 
You thought, then and there, that it would be impossible for you to stop loving Jung Hoseok even if it would be the last you'd hear from him, but if this is what that was, then you wouldn't mind loving him from afar. 
Until, years later, that unspoken promise of yours manifests itself in a more painful form. 
You bump into him at a family reunion and meet him as the man your third cousin has been spoken for. The fancy, shiny rock on their finger had all the aunties and grannies squealing. 
"It's been a while," Hoseok softly greets, hesitantly holding out a hand for you to shake, and for the sake of civility, you obliged.
Butterflies spring across your belly, and it's a familiar yet dreadful feeling—like the undead coming to take you. "I know, right?" you attempt to muse, retreating your hand. "Life's been good I hope?"
"Good as can be," he politely nods, sending a smile your cousin’s way in a way that makes your heart clench. 
The tension must’ve been clear enough on your face, since your cousin picks up on it so easily. "You know each other?" they ask, head tilting in confusion. 
You couldn't blame them, or anyone outside the boys and the management, for not knowing. The world didn't know a (Y/N) (L/N) existed—that once upon a time she loved a man named Jung Hoseok and he loved her. 
Still, you know it isn’t right or fair for you to chase him when they’re happy and content in their own little bubble. You'll always love Jung Hoseok, even if from afar. 
"Yeah," you smile, bittersweet, "but it was a long time ago. Don't worry."
Whoever said first love never dies must've clearly meant something else. 
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Ba't 'di ko nakita na ayaw mo na? How could I have missed that you no longer wanted this?
Ako ang kasama, pero hanap mo siya You’re with me, but you were looking for someone else
 Kim Namjoon is the best boyfriend you can ever ask for. 
When he holds you in his arms, it's one of the best places in the world—so soft like clouds, and so warm like a hearth, that you'll almost always be seen dozing off. 
When he gets to decide on the date, he takes you to these places that really heal your soul, and when you pick, he simply goes with the flow. 
When he speaks, it's always the most thoughtful, sincerest pieces of his thoughts—one that always brings you comfort, makes you feel seen and heard, and your heart swells with delight. 
Which is why you had to say it before you regret not doing so. 
"I love you, you know."
The silence of the night sits between you both, the chatter of the party inside nothing but a faded noise. Namjoon stands next to you, gentle giant that he is, making you look up at him with a soft smile on your face. 
A blink or two, and he breaks his pause with a stammer. "I…" he hesitates, wetting his lips as he rubs his nape. "I'm sorry…"
Oh. So it's like that after all. 
You stand there in silence, heart open for the taking and he's sweating in guilt. "I know we've been together for quite some time now," he seeks to explain himself, "and in the beginning, I really thought this could lead to something real, but there's been a recent epiphany that has changed things for me."
He takes a deep breath. "I'm—"
"in love with someone else?"
The smile on your lips return, and this time, he recognizes the bittersweet hints of it. "I know, Joon," you tell him, "I'm not that blind."
The very person in his heart was inside, having fun with the rest of the members—the same one you've caught receiving the end of his lingering gaze in the past month, the same one that he is so ready to help or hangout with, and the same one he unconsciously looks for every time you're together. 
Had he held you, gone to your dates, and spoken to you thinking about them instead?
You don't want to know. 
In truth, this was what you've been preparing for to happen—the pain to come from ripping the bandaid you've covered your delusions with. "I…" you breathlessly chuckle, not expecting your heart to be hurting this much. "I really did hope for the probability that you would choose me, but I can see very clearly that this isn't what you want."
Still, if his wisdom had ever taught you anything, it was to cherish what you've had. "I'm glad I tried though," you smile amidst blurring tears. "That I got to know what it's like to have someone as sweet as you be my boyfriend."
Those warmth he would give, the embodiment of comfort and safety you never quite found anywhere else, and the little things that made you fall in love with him—such things showed you what a good kind of love can feel like. 
Deep down, you had wanted to play into your fantasy just a little more before you both had to put an end to it. 
You take one hand and squeeze it, indulging in the feel of his hand in yours. "I really do love you though," you tell him, other hand reaching to cup his cheek as you did, "and I want you to be happy. I hope you know that."
A breathy exhale left him as his glassy eyes took you in. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N)..."
"There's no use pretending otherwise," you hush. "The heart wants what it wants."
And it doesn't want me. 
Mustering your strength, you tiptoe and give his cheek a kiss. "Thank you for everything."
Kim Namjoon is still the best boyfriend you could've ever asked for, even if he didn't love you in the end. 
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Ba't 'di mo sinabi no'ng una pa lang? Why didn’t you tell me from the start?
Ako ang kailangan, pero 'di ang mahal That I was who you needed, but not who you loved
The rain pours harshly against the windows as the words you hear from your boyfriend rips your heart out from within. You feel the world come to a stop, and you pray—pray—for it all to have been some sick nightmare your brain conjured up from movies and stories.
Park Jimin sits before you, head hung low and fingers fiddling with each other.  “I…” he sighs with a shaky breath that takes yours as you wait for him to repeat his confession. “I don’t love you anymore…”
The past year flashed before your eyes—back to when he went from being your best friend to someone who made the butterflies in your belly go wild with excitement. If this had been in the early stages, maybe then you wouldn’t be so hurt—maybe then, you could accept this as a mere fling that’d pass. 
Why did he have to make you fall in love with him? 
“Is this about who I think it is?”
Jimin flinches and in that instant, you know how much you’ve been a fool all along. 
Back when you were young—just teens still joking around and figuring out life—he had fallen for someone he shouldn’t have fallen for, someone who didn’t really love him back the way he had hoped. You’ve seen him cry over her, go through countless stages of grief, and move on to become the man he is today. You’ve held him through that rough patch in his life, and needless to say, you feel utterly betrayed right now.
Last month, their paths crossed again and you thought nothing of it, until now that you’re looking at the disaster that’s come to tear you to shreds. “Was I…” you breath hitched as you try to hold back a sob, “was I just a placeholder all along?”
Jimin’s eyes go wide as he profusely shakes his heart. “(Y/N), no. I just…” he scrambles to sort his words. “I didn’t expect for my feelings for her to come back like this, a-and—”
“What?” you scoff, “they love you now?”
A part of you—a tiny fraction of it—feels some semblance of relief to hear he did love you in some way, but that could only mean you were never enough to compete with that person. You knew it—from the way he was so lovestruck before and from the way he’s shaking with guilt now.
“I’m so sorry,” he cries, as you gather your bearings.
You don’t know how things will end up for them, but you know better than to keep a heart that’ll never be yours. If happiness for him is with them, then you’ll give him that and you won’t be in his life any longer.
“Don’t get your heart broken again, Park Jimin,” you say, soft with your sincerest worry for the man you loved, yet cold from the betrayal you’ve been slapped with. “I’d hate for you to feel like this.”
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Ba't 'di mo inamin na mayro'ng iba? Why didn’t you tell me that there was someone else?
Ako ang kayakap, pero isip mo siya I was in your arms, but someone else was on your mind
 "It's just not the same anymore…"
In hindsight, you suppose you should've seen this coming. 
The moment your clingy boyfriend became distant, his bright, boxy smile becoming strained, you should've seen this coming. 
The moment he started making excuses and not coming home to you, you should've seen this coming. 
The moment the once comfortable silence became stifling, your mind panicking to fill the void in, you should've seen this coming. 
Except you didn't. 
Here you are at the dead of night, clutching the covers tightly and pretending to be asleep while Taehyung's sitting at the edge of the bed on a call. You listen to the love of your life confess to his best friend how he's falling out of love with you, and how he's terrified that he's finding that spark in someone else instead. 
You don't hear Jimin's end, but something he says makes Taehyung sigh shakily. "I don't know what to do," he says, voice heavy with guilt and heartache. "I can't look at her anymore without feeling shitty. I tried but…"
He's crying.  
By some miracle—perhaps that of the gaping hole in your heart—you find yourself too hurt, too shocked, and too much to be in tears. Kim Taehyung, who had always talked of your future together, was now torn between his heart and the promises he's made with you. 
"I don't know what to do…"
Stuck between the urge to hug and hit him, you end up doing nothing—until the call ended, until he collected himself enough to cool off in the shower, and until he finally laid down beside you. 
For the first time in months, Kim Taehyung holds you close in his arms, and while it sears your heart even more, you let him—snuggle closer to savor what you know may be the last of your moments with him. Later, while he sleeps, you find yourself brushing away the faint crease between his brows, a sad smile on your lips. 
You don't know who had started to occupy his heart, but, while you're boiling in a mix of emotions having to face the end of this, you hope deep down that they'll do well to love him back. 
"I love you, you idiot," you want to tell the sleeping boy, "but I wouldn't want you stuck with me like this."
You should've seen this coming. 
Taehyung had always been the romantic that'd be stubborn about something like this until he's all bottled up, drained, and ready to explode. Just because the two of you had started like a fairytale did not mean you would end up like one. 
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At kita naman sa 'yong mga mata And I see it in your eyes
Kung bakit pinili mo siya Why you chose them
"Look at this, (Y/N)!"
As he shows you something on his phone, Jeon Jungkook stands beside you with a brilliant smile so full of love and adoration it hurts. Perhaps, it was because you knew very well that it would never be for you. 
The screen of his phone played him and the love of his life sky-diving in their recent trip, the two of them making competitive turns to see who gets the most flips while descending the drop. Their laughter echoes and rings through your ears.
It's not fair. 
Somewhere, something inside you cries out—the ugly beast called envy you've been coexisting with for the past three years making itself known. Indeed, it wasn't fair. 
They don't know him as well as you do. 
Unlike you, who grew up with Jungkook and spent weekends playing together at each other's house. 
Unlike you, who encouraged his antics and got into trouble with him because of his shenanigans. 
Unlike you, who knew a lot of his deepest secrets and seen him in nearly every breakdown. 
Yet, unlike you, they’re the one who managed to win his heart. 
Every now and then, you find yourself picking her apart, mind swirling in the many ways that made you different from one another, and wondering what part of your love for him wasn't enough to make him yours. It hurts to say it, but you can only acknowledge your defeat. They’re beautiful inside and out, does no harm but takes no shit, and easily commands the attention of everyone in the room. Someone perfect for Jeon Jungkook himself.
With presence alone, his eyes twinkle like the night sky in an absence of light pollution. He giggles—giggles—at any notion of hers he finds utterly adorable, and you hear that giggle more often than you could ever want to hear.
You'd probably fall in love with them too if you weren't so in love with their boyfriend. 
Yet, to love someone is to make them happy, and happiness with them was never the same with you. What kind of lover are you if you don't want this shining version of Jeon Jungkook in this world?
You find it in you to smile—for him and the happiness radiating in his life—and feign awe at the adventures they had together. “That looks awesome! How’d you guys manage that?” you say, prompting him to tell you more of the fun he had and watch him light up for the umpteenth time.
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𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 : @mwitsmejk​ @dreamamubarak​
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singleloverr · 3 months
Hello!!! Do you take requests for ot7? If you do can you please write headcanons about bts members how they will act around their crush? And how will they react if their crush is close with someone else and keeps talking to them while paying less attention to them?
Thank you!!!
A/n: Had so much fun writing this♡ hoped you liked it :)
Crush Headcannons
Kim Seokjin [김 석진]
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• He would try to impress you with his cooking skills since he gets many compliments from it
"Y/n, you should try this. It's really tasty, made my me."
• shows you what it would be like if you were both in a relationship in very subtle ways such as opening the door for you, complimenting you, and joking a lot around you
• Whenever he's alone with you, hanging out together, he'd really flustered around you without his brothers being there to back him up because I mean, look at you!!
• He would get red around you, but it's mostly his ears that would get the most red
• You'd be very concerned for him because he looks he is sick most of the time that he's around you
"Jin, are you okay? You look sick."
"Oh? No its nothing at all, haha"
*queue a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his head*
• Loves to make you laugh with his dad jokes, you're one of the only people who actually find them funny
• if you don't, you still laugh at them nonetheless
• if he ever sees you really close with someone, let's say that person is a really good friend of yours and you're chatting it up really nice. He'll get jealous at the fact that you're not paying much attention to him as you usually do
• gets a little pouty but doesn't do much to steal your attention because he doesn't want to disturb you
• although a little hair flick here and there, and a wink will appear
Min Yoongi [민 윤기]
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• really really likes you...
• every time he sees you, his heart rate goes a little faster
• he can't help it, you're just that gorgeous
• don't even get me started on when he first met you
• all blushy and just couldn't stop getting those little gummy smiles out of his face
• when you first properly looked at him, he got nervous
• the gaze you held and that smile you gave him made him all bsbsbsnb
• anyways, you guys hang out a lot together
• you don't even have to be speaking, just sitting or laying around doing your own thing
• he feels like he can really decompress when he's around you and just feel free, no worries in the world
• gives you physical affection more than he'd give anyone else
• I'm talking hugs and arm linking etc etc
• however, he can get a little teeny weeny attitude when he sees you close with somebody else
• if he's next to you, he breathes a little louder and adds a few more huffs and puffs to get your attention
• and attention you don't give because your close friend just has so much interesting stuff ti say!
• he just really really likes you
• maybe possibly even love you oop-
Namjoon [김 남준]
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• has thought of writing a heartfelt, romantic story for you because he just feels really deeply for you
• you're his muse after all
• the first times that you guys have interacted literally had him in a chokehold
• he would stutter around you and just fumble with his words because how was he supposed to act on an amazing person like you???
• of course, over time, he would get back to being his confident self around you and would try to make you flustered here and there
• wants to impress you, so he works a little more
• he doesn't know that he can literally just breathe, and he'd get you a flustered too bhhsb
• the moments when you both have really sincere, deep conversations with one another are the ones he treasures the most
• he gets to really know for you and your flaws and all those things about yourself you think as imperfections
• he constantly tells himself to never neglect the time that he spends with you and so he tries to do everything he can to make you feel happy
• such a buying you flowers and chocolates and maybe a fluffy teddy bear would be a great decision too
• what? he's just being a really good friend to you, that's all...
• if he sees you really giggly with someone, I don't think he'd get too jealous about it, but maybe insecure
• when he looks at you and the other person, both of you laughing together and just immersed in whatever you're both talking about
• he could think that maybe he just isn't really the best match for you at all, but those feelings and thoughts would fade away once you've finally paid him your attention again
Hoseok [정 호석]
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• is surprisingly normal around you
• he wouldn't really supposedly hide the fact that he has a crush on you
• butttt he wouldn't just boast about his crush on you either
• he would let you know in subtle gestures
• such as hugs and handholding
• he gets super happy whenever he sees you
• like, his heart squeezes in joy whenever he catches you in his sightline and doesn't hesitate to give you a nice squeeze
• when you hug just as much as you hug him, Hoseok just gets giddy about it
• loves dancing with you
• you wanna try this new dance with him? let's go to the studio? you need him to help you with dancing? more than happy to :3
• although he goofs off a lot with you, he would eventually show you his more "serious" side
• you would both have meaningful conversations that deepens your bond
• (makes him love you more each time)
• honestly, I think he'd be pretty chill seeing you talk with somebody else
• he wouldn't really make a big deal out of it
Park Jimin [박 지민]
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• playfully flirts with you
• you playfully flirt with him back, and he just malfunctions for a moment
• I feel like he'd be really shy around you at first because, well, it's you we're talking about, but once he gets SUPER comfortable with you, get ready for a rollercoaster chsbs
• initates a lot of physical touch with you once you've indicated that you're completely comfortable with that
• I'm talking longgg hugs, cuddles, interlaced handholding and forehead kisses too
• his physical affection is comforting
• so if you're ever feeling down, Jimin will give you a really big squeeze, and everything just seems to be so much better with his touch
• kinda whines when you're not giving him much attention
• which would then lead onto him feeling jealous that you aren't paying him much attention
• gets a little pouty because he'd get so used to being the center of attention and now suddenly that being lost is very... foreign to him
Kim Taehyung
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• has that boxy smile on his face whenever he sees you
• you just make him feel so happy and amazing and just miraculous. you don't understand hsbsbs
• loves to spend time with you
• whether it be by listening to music, conversations, or eating together
• will do anything you're doing just for the sake of being with you
• doesn't matter if you're working on your assignments or you're taking a nap. He'll be there.
• randomly daydreams about your future even though you're not together (yet)
• seeing you with another person that steals your attention from him to that person makes him feel... a little jealous
• he tries to reassure himself that it's not like that between you two but the way you're just laughing at their words and looking like you're having one of the best times of your life
• deflates a bit but gains back his happy energy once you've gotten back to him
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• blushed a LOT when he first saw you
• probably wasn't thinking straight
• wants to impress you so he works out a little harder, shows you his tricks and just basically does anything he thinks will make you impressed
• gets super comfortable with you, so he knows you wouldn't mind when he goofs off
• play fighting!!
• uses it as a way to show his strength, but wouldn't do it to the point where you are hurt ofcc
• also uses it as a way to get close to you >_<
• another way he'd close to you is by asking you questions about yourself
• they can be quite random-
"What was your favorite memory as a child, and why?"
"That question came out of nowhere..?"
"I just wanna get to know you better, pretty."
• have I mentioned that he can be quite the flirt?
• I'm sure we all know-
• cares for you
• cooks you meals, and if you're foreign, he'd try to learn the dishes that you'd eat at home
• just wants to boost the fact (subtly) that he'd be a good boyfriend for you
• he'd get kinda possessive when seeing you close with someone else instead of him
• he'd just want you to himself you know?
• he really really likes you, and he's just hoping you really really like him back
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
BTS Reaction A photographer Tries To Photograph Under Your Skirt (Maknae Line)
BTS Reaction; A Photographer Tries To Look Up Your Skirt
Hyung Line Here!
Warnings: Female reader (character wears a skirt) being in an uncomfortable situation, creepy guy with camera.
If you guys have any rrequests of reactions for me then please let me know! I want to practice my writing as much as possible and would love some prompts!
You and your group mates were currently at an awards show, sitting in the audience surrounded by many other idol groups.
You loved your stylist you really did however, you had once again been given a too short skirt and safety shorts to wear.
The rest of your group got to wear shorts or at the very least longer skirts to these type of events, it’s always you who draws the short straw. As you sat with your group you realised that there was nothing to cover up with, like a pillow or a blanket, so you decided on just staying as still as possible and strategically placing your hands together in your lap.
Park Jimin
You were extremely conscious of the fact that pretty much all of your legs were on show, due to the fact that a particular photographer was getting a little too confident with his camera angles. You tried your best to turn at an angle so he wouldn’t see anything, but that only caused you to display more thigh instead.
BTS were sat behind you in the venue, so from Jimin���s position he could see you fidgeting about uncomfortable while keeping your eye on the man in front of you. Jimin’s eyes widened when he realised what the man was trying to do, so he quickly started looking around for something for you to use.
Once he found something suitable he was scurrying towards you and you for one, had never been so relieved to see a pillow before! You took it with a grateful smile and a bow of your head, before he quietly leaned in to ask if you were ok or needed him to do anything else.
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Kim Taehyung
You caught Taehyung’s eye when you stood up suddenly from your seat to quietly excuse yourself. There was something wrong with the shorts under your skirt because of course there was, and you didn’t have time to run to the bathroom so you tried to find somewhere a little secluded at the side of the seats to fix yourself. You ended up standing near to were BTS were seated.
Tae noticed as you fiddled with your outfit that you were unintentionally showing off more than you probably (definitely) meant to. It was at this moment that he spotted a bold photographer, not so subtly making his way over towards you, camera at a low angle facing up.
Without a second thought, Tae got up and made his way over to you, to place himself between you and the guy. The guy couldn’t help but pull a disgruntled face at Taehyung as he obstructed his view, all the while Tae had a calm but also hard look on his face as he kept eye contact with the photographer, not backing down. He wasn’t about to be intimidated by a low life such as this creep.
Once you finished fixing yourself you were  blushing mess at having been caught in such a predicament, but made sure to thank Tae profusely for protecting you the way that he did. Tae of course ever the gentleman, made sure that you got back to your seat with no further issues.
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Jeon Jungkook
Your group had just won an award and were on your way back to your seats , when Jungkook noticed a man below the stage pointing his camera up at you as you walked by. Obviously you were too busy celebrating your win to notice the invasion of your privacy, but Jungkook saw and he was certain that the creep now had an inappropriate photo of you.
Jungkook didn’t really know what to do in that moment, had the guy been doing that all night to other idols or just to you? The thought sickened him that somebody like that got into this place.
Calling over the steward in charge of caring for the idols that night was all he could really think to do, at least then he could point the guy out and get him dealt with, so he did just that.
He let out a sigh of relief when just a few short moments later, the photographer was escorted out after having his camera confiscated.
Jungkook knew that you hadn’t noticed the photo being taken, and he didn’t plan on telling you right then and there either, not wanting to spoil your night. He was sure your manager would tell you once they heard the news anyway.
Once the show was over, Jungkook headed backstage hoping to find you but all he found was your manager who gladly gave him your number.
He would be calling you the next day to make sure that you were ok and to also congratulate you on your win!
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dirtybtssnaps · 1 year
How would each member prefer to eat their sub out?
Author Note: Idk what you really meant sorry, I just did what positions I thought each member would eat you out.
Source: Here’s the website if you wanna see how any of the positions look.
Genre: Lovely Smut
Name: Kim Namjoon (Rm)
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Position: The Swiper
Name: Kim Seokjin (Jin)
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Position: The Ball of Fun
Name: Min Yoongi (Suga)
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Position: Face-sitting
Name: Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
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Position: On Your Stomach
Name: Park Jimin
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Position: The Kivin Method
Name: Kim Taehyung (V)
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Position: V is for Victory (New Headcannon this is how he got his stage name🤭)
Name: Jeon Jungkook
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Position: Heir to the Throne
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jindite · 3 years
Can you do how the boys act when they’re sleepy 🥺 Jungkook and Taetae please!
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hii i loved writing this sm <33 thank you so so much for this request and i hope you enjoy it !!! i added yoongi too since you only named two boys, i hope that’s okay love! <3
boys in this post - Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi
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JUNGKOOK dropped his gym bag on the floor, muscles sore and feeling exhausted. “Are you exhausted babe?” you whispered, to which he hid his face in the crook of your neck, and nodded. “Yeah,” he mumbled into your neck, “gonna take a nap. Can you stay?” he asked quietly, letting out a yawn. “Okay, baby,” you responded. He wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your chest, his replacement for a pillow. You began to slowly run your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp, making him let out a happy sigh. You whispered sweet nothings into his ears, and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep cuddled up to you.
TAEHYUNG was laying in bed with closed eyes, but peeked at you with one eye when you quietly entered the room. You knew he was tired and was probably asleep, so you were trying to not wake him by being quiet. “Babyyyy come here,” he mumbled, voice deeper than usual, laced with his tiredness. You carefully got on the bed, expecting him to ask you to bring something. “Yeah?” you asked, put he just patted on the pillow next to him, signalizing you to lay down next to you, which you did. “So pretty baby,” he whispered as he softly started tracing your featured with his fingertip, making you blush. He gave you a soft kiss, before letting out a satisfied sigh and pulled you closer to him so your head was laying on his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat.
YOONGI got up from his chair and stretched, letting out a yawn. “Are you done with your essay?” you asked, to which he nodded. “Yeah, finally.” He ran his fingers over his face, laying down on the bed next to you. “All this typing and thinking is making me tired,” he mumbled, to which you let out a giggle. “Take a nap then, Yoongi. Do you want me to leave?” “No,” he responded quietly, “I sleep much better with you.” After you got into a comfortable position with you laying on his chest and his arms around you, you softly drew circles and hearts with your fingertip on his stomach. When his breathing became more regular and you thought he fell asleep, you stopped. “Why’d you stop, keep going baby,” he quietly mumbled, grabbing your hand and putting it on his stomach again.
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