#btw I don’t support vivzie
lavander-galaxy · 8 months
Alastor going insane has me in its clutches so I made a little thing :)
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yellowfoot-06 · 8 months
You know, it's interesting that people don’t know what classifies someone to Heaven or to Hell. Like Adam and the exterminators don’t seem all that good but are still in Heaven. I have a small theory that maybe God does exist, but in secret.
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but Erin’s tweet is just people working. That’s it. People working. There’s nothing convincing me that “yes, that’s abuse”
And the people she mentions is not even Vivzie, she’s using her a a bait to attack other workers in the company. I’m not saying she’s lying about the workplace not being the best, but her originally saying that she didn’t want to drag Vivzie’s name to the mud when she made the post in June (which btw it was shortly after HB S2 was announced) but now even starting to try to sue her and bringing these conversations just TWO DAYS before HH’s third anniversary is hella fishy, specially when it was announced a surprise for the date.
I truly wanted to stay neutral in the Vivzie/Erin drama because, while I hoped for the “this is a misunderstanding” route (which I’m still convinced) I didn’t want to give myself an unpleasant surprise if it turned out it was true. But now after seeing she’s trying to sue her and as “proof” she shows conversations that don’t prove anything I’m, the word wouldn’t be not believing her, but seeing she’s inmature and kinda manipulative, because it always happens when Vivzie’s about to do something big and then she says she “doesn’t want to ruin her image” when she clearly does.
Also, why it took her so long to show the proof? In most allegations proven truth I’ve seen they showed the proof right away, they didn’t first make the accusations and then months later show the proof.
Sorry if I sound bitter, but literally I suffered with the Vivzie allegations so much, I began feeling I was a bad person for liking the show, and all the proof they have about Vivzie being a bad person is this? I think I’m siding with Vivzie until Erin can convince me there WAS abuse, not that there were flaws in a small indie company
Yeah, same here. I typically take a neutral approach to these dramas, but this time...I just can't. Seeing the "evidence" and the labeling she's giving it, I just can't support that. It inadvertently belittles any other real abusive claims that anyone may want to come forward with.
Again, no one is doubting the miscommunication, but that happens no matter the situation. However, making it seem like these guys are "bullying" her, while they're actually being pretty accommodating, is kinda weak.
Plus, her bringing others names into this when they don't want to talk about drama and have moved on? No. That pissed me off. Let's say, these people were traumatized. Without any noticeable consent, you're forcing those people to be retraumatized for the sake of YOUR battle because YOU don't have enough evidence to back yourself up. That is absolute bullshit.
I lost all sympathy after that. You do not drag others into something they want no part of. You're risking their own futures by being completely selfish.
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d-ulasselfships · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hiii! Smooches!
I’m D-ula! I chose Draculaura as the blog theme because I like her, not cuz I ship with her lol
I do not kin Draculaura or anything so don’t worry about that
I use he/him (occasionally she) and masc terms
Im aroace but have a soft spot for fictional romances!
A space for ppl with silly or unusual F/Os
I only have one f/o I’m rlly fixated on at the moment but I have a COUPLE others :3
Silver spoon (inanimate insanity) (romantic)
Playdoh (Burner) (romantic)
Dimentio (super paper Mario) (romantic)
Sir pentious (Hazbin hotel) (romantic) ((I do not support vivzie or her creations btw just ended up loving this character-))
I’m always open to asks about em too!!
Here I’ll post small images and little rambles about self ships! Feel free to request ideas :)
(Im a minor however so no NSFW)
I’ll post romantic f/o, platonic and familial
Lover of usual or weird F/Os, I’ll try be as vague as possible with my character descriptions so you can imagine your beloved F/Os in all scenarios!
very ND friendly! i'll happily make imagines relating to any neurodiverities i can! wether related to s/i or f/o!
Have fun and make whatever you like with my prompts!!! Feel free to reblog and add onto these prompts as much as you like!
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briek58454521 · 5 years
Cancel Culture?...
I’ve seen this shit going around for a while. I feel obligated to correct the record.
In the wake of multiple Breadtube users being eviscerated by the public in the last year, I’d like to talk... about “cANceL cULTurE”.
But first, some back-round. I’ll be brief.
Over a year ago, Youtuber Lily Orchard’s video about Steven Universe blew up the internet, invoking praise from many facets of online culture, as well as a sizable backlash, as any video criticizing Steven Universe will invariably do. In an attempt at a response, Breadtuber Sarah Z uploaded a video titled “Bad Media Criticism”, which around 17 minutes in, talked about said video.
The response was filled with, let’s face it, lies and actual bad faith criticisms towards the content, misinformation, omission of context in important bits, and general shoddiness in action (yes, I’m biased. Reality is biased, sometimes). Criticism was swift to arrive, and the video provoked Lily herself to respond. And in the face of the factual corrections, and legitimate criticisms... Sarah doubled down, and in her infamous Twit-Longer, decided to continue to assure herself and others that her criticism was valid because regardless of whatever Lily actually said, it was still bad faith criticism.
A short while after that, fellow Breadtuber Lindsay Ellis uploaded a video discussing Black Ariel, claiming that the decision to make Ariel black was entirely a decision made because of “Woke Branding” to make more money off of people and continue raking in more and more cash, citing HBomberGuy’s “WOKE BRANDS” video essay. Many commented that this was rather racist, considering that Cartoon Network is just as much of a greedy bastard corporation as Disney was, yet, denounced criticism of Steven Universe, a show of Cartoon Network’s body of work, because “support minority voices”, with the same people commenting that this looked rather selective.
Lindsay doubled down on the criticism, and would continue defending it and publicly shitting the bed as more shitstorms (PLURAL) would erupt (lol).
After THAT, Breadtuber CONTRAPOINTS/ NATALIE WYNN would publish many videos that kept pissing of trans and non-binary viewers with a fuck-load of back handed remarks and general derogatory comments about them, as well as getting pissy that people ask for her gender and pronouns in public safe-spaces. In “The Aesthetic”, Natalie had a character playing the role of the people who make the CORRECT claim that gender is eternal and that you are what you say you are, and ANOTHER who was a truscum who would repeat the arguments that “kinda hypothetical” and, “kinda a weak argument”. This would create a backlash, and Natalie would respond with a thread that, contained a lotta shit, but also contained THIS BULLSHIT. Straight from the horses mouth, fam.
“I’m sure this is not the experience of many NBs. I’ll leave it to them to articulate what NB existence looks like in a binary world. I do not and cannot speak for them. But surely(sic) an account that begins and ends with “I’m not a man because I don’t identify as one” is pretty weak”
Later, after deleting the thread and getting more shit for it, she would upload an absurd non-apology video called “Pro-nouns”, where she would dress up like a fucking clown-ass Oompa-Loompa who just escaped from Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, and make several dumb-ass claims and a fuck-ton of truscum arguments, including stating that she “wants to be a convert” to “believe” NBs, and that she would listen and respect NB people’s beliefs “so long as those beliefs are valid” After more backlash to that happened, she would continue this trend, platforming actual truscum like Buck Angel, selling anti-semetic reptilian agenda merchandise, and hosted a Patreon stream where she just... basically shat on everyone. She shat on people like HBomberGuy, for performativity in regards to the meme “Donkey Kong said Trans Rights” (yes, she is that desperate. She will accuse people who raise 340,000 fucking dollars of performativity and virtue-signaling), stated that older trans people would be considered truscum, and even that most of her friends were truscum.
The one thing that was consistent in these stories was the insistence that the criticism was just an attempt at Cancel Culture.
Cancel Culture is essentially the point where in an attempt to either exclude, harass, or target others for political views, religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, gender, etc., people will devolve into many forms of online harassment and abuse of the media outlets, among other things, in order to silence the target, or deter the target from making an argument. It can even happen just because people don’t like someone.
For Sarah, this took the form of accusing the people criticizing Steven Universe of having a dishonest double-standard, because if a straight, white, cis-dude made it, no one would be saying shit about it. Even though the show is historically praised by WHITE progressives, and criticized by EVERYONE else.
For Lindsay, it was that the people making this claim were just fooled by the “Woke Brand” train.
For Natalie, it was “the Left is eating itself”.
I would like to say this right now. The only time I actually saw Cancel Culture in action was during the shitstorm that erupted with VivziePop and her pilots for Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss came out and everyone was looking for a bunch of shit to bring up about Vivzie personally, her apparent “transphobia”, “homophobia” as understood by Steven Universe fans, and generally just a bunch of bullshit that Rebecca Sugar got away with when she pulled the same shenanigans.
That is Cancel Culture.
And the only reason I can see for it was just because Vivzie (to my knowledge, at least) isn’t a member of the LGBT community. (Those same people would respond to her stating that she plans on having Alistor, the Radio Demon, be ace with “Hey, did you hear something?”, btw)
(EDIT: I initially stated, as shown above, that Vivzie wasn’t a LGBT community member. She is. She’s bi. Apologies for getttin that bit wrong. I’d also like to mention that she’s Latin as well, but is also shit-talked for apparently being too white to be Latin. 
So......yeah. Can’t begin to imagine why all of those mentioned weren’t given the same treatment.... Was there any doubt when Lindsay said she was Native?......)
And that wasn’t the case with any of the aforementioned. Natalie wasn’t “cancelled” until she kept shitting on people for the fiftieth (hyperbolicly fiftieth) time. Sarah was never cancelled. She got away with slander, and was quickly forgiven just because she’s a leftist. Lindsay is getting away with excusing away, and flat out DEFENDING PEDOPHILIA, AND IS STILL POSTING. She ain’t cancelled.
Cancel Culture may happen sometimes, genuinely, like with Vivzie, but those are the exceptions that prove the rule. It’s mostly just “this person said I sound completely contrary to what I believe, it must be (insert cause)”
It’s Lily’s fault, it’s a dishonest double-standard, it’s the radicals, it’s Woke Brand brain-washing, it’s “bAd faITh cRitISIsm”, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Let me tell you something. In Sarah’s case, not all criticism is because there’s a dishonest double-standard. And even if it were, that doesn’t make doing something horrible because of your identity the right thing to do. Because NO ONE should be putting in the most racist, bigoted, and frankly gross and disgusting shit in their work, regardless of whether you’re white, black, gay, lesbian, trans, NB, Gen Z, Boomer, etc. Like the human zoo, the Amethyst-Garnet fusion, Bismuth, the Pearl-Rose dynamic, the Nazi woobification, and the blatant disregard for the very people the show claims to be an ally too.
See also, the N-Word.
Despite the belief that white people can’t say it while black people CAN, black people don’t use it in a conversation formally, and can’t really use it ANYWAY because it’s still a fucking slur. And if you say it in public, there will be consequences, whether it be social repercussions, or legal action. And people have been saying it less and less as a result of this attitude becoming more present.
In regards to Lindsay, we know, bitch. We fucking know. We know that Disney wants our money like crazy. We know that this could be just another woke branding thing. We know that brands aren’t our friends, we know, we know, we know, we know. We know, Lindsay, we know. But, don;t chat shit about it if you aren’t going to criticize Cartoon Network for Steven Universe, Amazon for selling Pride merch, and Target for Pride clothes. Because then we know that you’re being very selective about what you’re labeling as “woke branding”.
In regards to Natalie, SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. That is literally all you have to do. Just SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. And accept that you aren’t as woke as you like to think you are. The left isn’t eating it’s own by disowning shitty people. It’s doing itself a favor for it.
Remember R. Kelly? Everyone said that black people were just turning on each other when actual, legitimate evidence came forward, showing that he;s a FUCKING PEDOPHILE. And that attitude would continue for almost three decades before someone FINALLY said, “No, this man is dangerous, lock him up”. You know the phrase “A few bad apples?” People only say that, and just ignore the rest when defending shitty people on the Left, mostly because they don’t want to disown them. The phrase, however is ACTUALLY “A few bad apples SPOIL THE BUNCH”. If you don’t weed out the bad ones, they’ll spoil the tree.
Most of this bullshit would have been solved easily if ANY of the aforementioned had looked at their behavior, ACTUALLY apologized, expressed due diligence, and STOPPED FUCKING DOING THE SHIT.
The only reason people get away with this is because A LOT OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET HAVE FUCKING TERRIBLE PRIORITIES.
People take more offense to someone shutting down an opinion rather than someone being a scumbag.
People jut decided not to care about Sarah’s lies ENTIRELY because “It’s Lily”.
People defended Lindsay entirely because “Fuck Disney”.
People defended Natalie because “The Left is eating itself, we need to support minority voices”.
Because the myth of Leftist-Cancel Culture is just an excuse to not have to change. To not commit. To not put in effort. To not expand time to bettering yourself or the environment around you. To jerk off to how woke you are while criticizing others who tell challenge that. To wax poetic because it’s good for your ego.
It’s not just them. It’s many of their fans, and hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people on the internet. And by far, their worst deeds aren’t that they inadvertently or otherwise attract Nazis, keep sucking off incels, truscum, TERFs, pedophiles, and other facets of human garbage while disemboweling others for far, FAR lesser crimes on the basis that they aren’t woke or nice enough for their liking, or EVEN the harassment that they’ve engaged in, caused, and instigated.
It’s that they’ve convinced themselves that by doing all of the above, that they are in any way superior to the people they cry foul against. The people who call them out on their bullshit when it arises. The people who raise $340,000 for their OWN people while the most they’ve done is play dress up and recycle Eddie Murphy’s shtick for the 500th time. The people who are part of the very minority voices they claim to support yet disregard on the basis that they said some mean words, or argued in bad faith, or just have a personal grudge against the people that they criticize. The people of color who FLAT OUT know better than them, yet, who they write off at every possible opportunity as just believing that companies care, or that Disney is good, or even just write ‘em off as having the wrong priorities or being stupid, as if they are in any way super clever and superior for coming to a conclusion that many more talented, creative, intelligent, and just frankly BETTER people came to years ago. 
They are MORE PERFORMATIVE, more ENTITLED, more ARROGANT, more IGNORANT, more UNAWARE, more BIASED, more SELFISH, and more SELF-INDULGENT than a good 98% of the people they criticize.
They hate these people so much...because they hate looking in mirrors.
And Leftist Cancel Culture is just a manifestation of that psychological projection. Simple as.
If you skipped to the end, fuck you. No TL: DRs in this neck of ‘da fuckin woods
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