#on the brink of death but still had the energy to eat we love to see it
lavander-galaxy · 8 months
Alastor going insane has me in its clutches so I made a little thing :)
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hazbinned · 3 months
Plotted starter for @televisionrotsyourbrain ! / R.A.M Verse
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'Come on down to Lu Lu World for the new and improved—' Click. 'Velvette's Love Potion!' Click. 'Call 555-555-555 if YOU want to be—" Click. 'But, father! I don't love him! He is not himself anym—' Click.
It was unhealthy. This much television couldn't possibly be good for anyone, and yet it still felt like it wasn't enough. It was never enough. Nothing was.
No amount of drugs, sex, smoking, mindless dancing, television, alcohol, partying until he wanted to throw up, music, television, time with Velvette, power, excessive shopping, television, violence, television, pain, or emotional eating... or television... could come anywhere close to filling the void left by Vox's death and rebirth.
Vox hadn't... died. Physically speaking, he was very much alive and well, as far as being a sinner in Hell went. On every other level, though? Vox was gone.
He'd been gone.
For over seven years.
What was left in Vox's place was the shell of the man he had been before; a shell of the real Vox. It was like he had been replaced by a complete stranger-- someone a lot more troubled and a lot more docile, lacking that clever wit and charm that had been so loved. Lacking, with that, were his memories.
Valentino couldn't stand it. He'd been pushed to the brink and overboard by everything he'd witnessed. Things were tense. It was almost worse not thinking about it than it was to think about it. He didn't know what to do with himself. He'd tried every possible avenue imaginable to make himself feel better, including spending the night with other TV-demons and pretending they were Vox, but nothing worked.
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No amount of anything... worked.
It was easier to sit on the sofa in the Vees' main room and waste away, lights off, mindlessly flipping through TV stations. Ever since he'd caught sight of Vox's silhouette that one time, he'd been loathe to move. Velvette was half convinced that Val had been hallucinating it, but Valentino was adamant that what he had seen was real. His one goal for the past however-many months was to find him again.
To catch him.
To lure him out.
It was something Velvette had brushed off as yet another facet of Valentino's downward mental spiral, and he'd begun to believe her. Maybe it had been a hallucination. He'd been tripping, probably.
... Or so he'd thought.
When he skipped to the next station, he dropped the remote and his cigarette, lurching forward in his seat with more energy than he'd demonstrated in weeks.
"Vox-- V.!"
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Vox's first initial, because the former Media Overlord had a habit of not remembering his name... and with swapping it out for his name from life. Val wasn't certain whether or not he'd be doing that now, but... he didn't care.
He made haste to bend toward the table, and smacked the 'on' button on the Vees' old party switch-- the one that turned all the flashing lights and crazy music on. They'd used it a lot, back before the incident. It was collecting dust now, but it... didn't matter.
The only thing that mattered was getting a word in before Vox disappeared again.
Valentino rushed toward the TV and dropped to his knees, all four hands pressed against the screen. Pink-stained teeth gnawed at his lip; pupilless eyes of the same color bore anxiety lines and deep, dark circles.
But they were wide. Excited. Scared.
"S— Stay!" he spluttered, "Can you hear me? It's... it's me." Would Vox recognize him? Probably not. But... "We... have to talk. I have to talk to you."
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kairoseas · 8 months
More content from my SukuGo rp server? You bet!
Imagine. Sukuna's last moments spent with the one who managed to defeat him. Some human managed to best a living god, and while Sukuna waits to breathe his second last, he watches Satoru, who's approaching him, but with an... interesting expression. Rather than smiling, he seems crestfallen, sorrowful, even. "So, you're passing on your curse of boredom to me? What a terrible parting gift..." Satoru sighs, resting a hand on the back of his neck as he sits down to take in the status of the king of curses, who's losing blood, who's rapidly losing signs of cursed energy... something that six eyes indicate to Satoru. " Shouldn't you be happy?" Sukuna jests in a tone that indicates his exhaustion as well as his satisfaction. To think someone, anyone really, was capable of satiating him... and satiating him this well... Satoru can't find it in him to laugh right now though, as he stands on the edge of his new forever... a boring, dreadful forever. Where every day is the same as the last. Where he never feels the rush of victory, or the worry of a truly engaging battle again. "Kind of rude. To connect with me... and then leave me. " Satoru tells him idly, settling down near his adoptive son's form as it quivers and quakes in pain, in inconsolable nerves. This is death. Like Satoru, Sukuna looks into his future and sees... nothingness. Monotony. ... Boredom. Endless, wretched boredom. "I guess we did connect, didn't we?" Sukuna chuckles a little, his eyes cast down and averted, "... I think staying with you a little longer would have been... interesting. " "Yeah? You would have been happy?" "... I think I would have." "Then... let's dance a little longer. What do you say?" Satoru hums with a smile, revealing the last of the twenty fingers that he's kept to infinitely render Itadori's execution moot. It seems like if there was a time to use it... it would be now. "I kept this last finger for insurance... but looks to me like if you can eat it, you'll definitely survive." Gojo explains, showing the finger to the King of Curses. And with a glance at the finger, and then back at Gojo, the king smirks, as cocky at the brink of death as he ever has been. "Feed it to me." "Ah? I guess I can do that. Your final finger, given to you by your worst enemy~ Kinda ironic, isn't it?" "Interesting hiding place for it... make it interesting for me." "Interesting? Want me to whisper in your ear while you eat it?" Initially, Gojo's offer is more teasing than anything, but when he opens his eyes and sees Sukuna is staring at him, he assumes that teasing had extended beyond a simple laughing matter. "Only if you're feeling up to it, Gojo Satoru~" Despite his better judgement, and their awaiting audience, Satoru leans down, putting the waxy digit to Sukuna's lips for him to consume and reenergize himself from his own defeat. "Then here it is. Twenty fingers, delivered to you in full. Enjoy it." After consuming the waxy artifact, Sukuna raises a single hand to put his fingers on the nape of six eyes, pulling him the rest of the way down and into a pressing of their lips. Sukuna's life... hasn't been boring since Satoru's entered it and disrupted everything. He's been looking for a cure to his endless boredom for centuries, and nothing was ever alive enough to completely occupy the hole in his heart... until Satoru Gojo, who so encapsulated everything he loved about jujutsu, who constantly rose to the challenge, who awoke the human still in the depths of Ryomen Sukuna's soul. A part he could have sworn died with him the first time he was executed. Yet, here it is. Staring him directly in the face. The cure to this tangible suffering, the balm to his soul. With Satoru Gojo by his side from now on... boredom would never again be an ailment for him. He would no longer suffer that loneliness that plagued him since the Heian era. Finally. He had another. Someone who understood him inside and out.
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comfortscripts · 3 years
A Much Needed Break ¬ Remus L.
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Plot - To protect those around him, he would work himself to the brink of death, but you offered him a much needed retreat.
Genre - Fluff
Pairing - Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Notes/Warnings - Just pure fluff with mentions of the upcoming war. This is for the Harry Potter Writing Event. P.s. I really wanna do a short follow up called Strawberries and Swimming....
Word Count - 1.1k
Limbs sprawled across the sofa, matching the disarray of the documents filling the living room. Still decked in yesterday’s clothes and clutching the 15th empty cup that had caffeinated the werewolf for the past 34 hours.
It pained you to watch Remus unravel at the seams in the aid of others, in the search for a saviour. Every day the dark forces grew stronger, but so did the order, thanks to the tireless efforts of its members. One of those being a recently graduated, Remus John Lupin.
Spending hours strategizing with James as he pours over hoards of papers detailing the heinous attacks witches and wizards were falling victim to. Mumbling on those muggle phones to fellow werewolves, trying to earn their allegiance in time with the war. He was killing himself with work, work that he justified by looking over those reports of brutal killings. Remus Lupin would happily work himself to the bone if it meant those he cared for were safe, but you couldn’t witness this slow death any longer.
Gently nudging his sweater-clad shoulder with whispers of good morning, knowing his senses were fried from the sleepless nights and the effects of the last full moon. Moans of protest rumbled from his chest as he shuffled closer into your touch, even in sleep, he knew that your touch was his salvation.
“C’mon Rem, it’s half 10 and you need to eat.”
Something stirred within him at your telling on the time, that restless urge bubbling through his bones as he jumps to attention. “10?! Why didn’t you wake me earlier? I have a meeting and Lily needs these docu- Where are they?”
Rummaging around the organised mess of parchment that framed the sofa, papers flying around the pair as the young man searched for the pages he’d worked diligently on for the past week.
“Remus, stop.”
The brunette froze. That stern tone was often reserved for telling Sirius off, or calling the Order meeting to attention, but never was that something directed at him and for the first time in a while, he worried over something besides the war.
“My love, look at me.”
Eyes raising to meet your gentle gaze as his fears dispersed, replaced with relief at the love that still shone in your eyes at the sight of him. Worries of you leaving washed from his bones as he offered you his full attention.
“I have sent Lily the pages, all of them. And I told Sirius to take care of your meeting today. There is nothing to do, nothing you have missed, nothing that is wrong.”
Panicked protests fell from his lips but were soon shushed, fading into the oblivion as Remus rose to your level, stretching his limbs from their aching tired position. Holding a steady hand for him to grasp as you led him away from the mess of preparation.
“Darling, you’ve been working too hard, it’s killing you. Did you even recover from the last moon?”
That glint of concern in your usually sparkling orbs hit him like a boulder, feeling the floods of shame swarm his body. Throughout this relationship, Remus always kept himself in check to try and alleviate your stress levels, but now, he had failed.
“Rem, I can’t watch you give away all your energy.” Tangling your fingertips within those fluffy locks as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “So, we are going away for the weekend. No letters, no meetings, no talk of war. Just us relaxing and taking time to enjoy what we have.”
Pressing a tender kiss against your forehead, lips lingering before he quietly agreed. “That sounds like heaven. Let me go pack and we’ll head off”
“Nuh-uh. I already packed so you have no excuse to delay anymore”
The gentle breeze carried the low whistle of the grass through the air, filling the sprawling fields with a symphony of the earth that the birds could sing-along to. Shimmering rays of pure sunlight broke through the clouds and rested upon the waves of vivid flowers that surrounded the ivy-covered cottage.
“You know, when you said we are getting away for the weekend. I pictured going to Devon or maybe Wales, but Italy?” His shirtless torso pressed against your back as he rested his scarred arms delicately around your hips. Gazing out the window as his steady breaths lulled your heartbeat. “How did I ever get so lucky as to be loved by you?”
Apperating in such a sleep-deprived state had knocked Remus out, whisking him away to the peaceful dreamland he’d been neglecting for weeks. Allowing time to set up the quaint cottage, packing away belongings and gathering some ingredients from the market nearby, everything ready for a weekend of peace before heading back to a life on the brink of war.
“Well, how did I ever get lucky enough to be in the position to love you?” Pulling his hand towards your lips as you placed a chaste kiss between his knuckles before allowing his calloused fingers to interlock with your gentle ones. “So, darling, what do you want to do first?”
A low hum emitted from his chest as he feigned deep thought, sending a chuckle through your stomach at his childish persona. Through the cracks of his responsibility, cracks he only showed with you nowadays, Remus Lupin was still very much a childish Marauder.
“I believe we should have a picnic by the river. Swimming and strawberries sound like the perfect relaxation remedy. But first.” His words were halted by your shriek of surprise at his lean arms lifting you off your feet and into his cradled arms. “I have missed out on weeks of cuddles, so I have to resolve that issue first.”
Giggling with flushed cheeks, eyes melding with his as you soaked up each ounce of love he offered. “How could I ever say no to such an important task. Lead the way, my love”
The echoes of laughter filled the house, building the atmosphere of joy that the lovers so desperately sought. Weight of the upcoming war laid uncomfortably on every witch and wizard within the UK. But here, hidden between ancient willows and winding rivers, there was only peace, there was only them and that was all that mattered.
Taglist - @yogirl-willow @messers-moony-lupin @silverose365 @fairycirclebrat @ildm4ev @carmellasworld @scandalous-chaos @comfort-reads @gracepotter26 @guccixgemini @fairydxll @bite-me-you-fiend @euyiana @d22malfoys
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goldengoddess · 3 years
you & the stars - jesper fahey
pairing: jesper fahey x reader 
request: Hii Could I request head-cannons for dating Jesper and getting hurt on a job. I love your work so much !!
a/n: thank you so much<3 oh my god i totally got carried away with this,,, this might be one of my favorite things i’ve written holy fuck so self indulgent because i love jesper with every part of me 
warnings: angst (but comfort at the end), bullet wounds, injury, blood, almost dying, curse words
you saw the blood before you felt the pain in your side. it dripped down your stomach and into your hands. and then came the horrible vision blurring pain that followed. black spots flowered in your vision as you fell to the floor on your knees. you clutched your stomach as if your two hands could stop the bleeding of a bullet hole.
this was meant to be an easy job. it was meant to be in and out. you and the crows had escaped the ice court, the hands of jan van eck, and the capture of multiple countries. a re con mission at a merchant party should have been a joke. it was meant to even be fun.
you had been looking forward to it for weeks. looking forward to dressing up. feeling nice fancy satin on your skin for one beautiful night. being able to see jesper all cleaned up and in a suit.
you had woken up that morning ready to let your fantasy world take over, to pretend that this job was just a date between you and your boyfriend. that you two fit into this world of luxury and ease, and not the world of street fights and bullet wounds.
how wrong your day dreaming had been, you thought to yourself.
you didn’t remember falling to the floor completely, but suddenly your back was pressed onto the street and you could see the night sky above you.
it was pitch black, filled with clouds of smoke and pollution, a staple of ketterdam.
you could vaguely hear voices calling your name in the distance, muffled by the roar of pain your body was in.
where were the stars, you wondered. i need to see the stars.
the tears in your eyes made it hard for you to see but suddenly jesper’s face appeared in your line of vision, followed by inej’s.
a string of curse words left jesper’s mouth as he gently cradled your head and upper body.
inej unwrapped her scarf and pressed it into the wound in your stomach. you winced in pain every time she moved or shook from fear.
“y/n, sweetheart, you have to stay with me” jesper pleaded.
he looked so worn out, so scared. his eyes were wide and sad. his mouth turned into a frown. you hated when jesper didn’t smile, his grin was just too bright for this world.
“please smile for me” you groaned. everything in your body hurt, your vision was blurry, and it was getting harder and harder to form coherent thoughts.
jesper’s frown only deepened as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb, “just stay with me please. i’ll smile for the rest of my life. just stay with me.”
you let out what you hoped was a little whine and not a blood curdling scream.
you guessed it was the latter as both inej and jesper looked at each other with wide eyes.
jesper started screaming nina’s name at the top of his lungs, his voice raw and desperate cracking at the end of each scream.
she won’t get here in time.
you used every ounce of energy your body had left to lift your hand up to jesper’s face.
your touch shocked him and he turned his attention back to your face, you in his arms. he leaned into your hand and you could see tears at the corner of his eyes.
“i love you.” you wheezed out, “i love you so much. you are the best person i’ve ever known. i need you to know that and remember that when i’m not there to tell you.”
his face grew angry at your words and his grip tightened on your body, “no. you are gonna be there. you’re gonna be there for the rest of my stupid life telling me how great i am and sometimes how obnoxious i can be. you are not allowed to die, we aren’t finished.”
you removed your hand from his face. the blood on your hands staining his cheek and shirt. jesper saw the blood on him and let out a small gasp. 
the sky caught your attention again.
no stars.
you wanted stars.
you registered the feeling of being lifted off the ground by jesper, his arms hooked under your knees and supporting you head at the same time.
he was walking as fast as he could without hurting you and every small protest of pain from your mouth squeezed at his heart.
you gripped his shirt, “jesper.”
he looked down at you and even scared and covered in your blood you couldn’t believe how beautiful he looked.
“what baby?” he asked as gently as possible, still moving towards, what you hoped, was the slat.
“the stars aren’t there” you said deliriously, resting your head on his chest, “i want to see the stars.”
“stay awake and i’ll take you to the stars sweetheart. just stay awake.” you heard him say before you closed your eyes and the world went silent.
you opened your eyes and you let out a sigh of relief at the familiar sight and smell of your room at the slat.
you craned your neck to the side, and you were met with nina zenik sitting in a chair with her head in her hands, mumbling prayers and nonsense.
“saints zenik, i never took you for the religious type” you teased, your voice coming out sounding wrong thanks to your scratchy throat.
her head snapped up and she rushed to your bed side, clutching your hand.
“oh you absolute idiot, you are not allowed to do that again. do you hear me?” she threatened.
you let out a little laugh, “or what zenik?”
her eyes got sad all of a sudden and she squeezed your hand gently, like if we squeezed just the right way she could transfer all of her love and strength to you. “im sorry i couldn’t get there earlier. by the time you got to me i thought there was nothing i could do.” she sighed and puffed out her chest slightly, “but this is me we’re talking about so of course i fixed you right up. but i didn’t have time to worry about the beauty of all of it so it’ll leave a pretty nasty scar.”
you nodded your head as she talked. you had assumed as much, everything in your body was sore but you were happy that it wasn’t screaming in pain like before.
“god jesper was about to kill me dead as i worked on you, i swear he was so worried and pissed he would have bitch slapped me right there in front of the crows and- oh my god jesper!?” she shrieked the last part.
she got off the floor and opened the door, “jes! get your ass up here.”
she turned back to you, “y/n he was here the entire time. we finally convinced him to go get something to eat i promise. he’s going to be so angry he wasn’t here when you woke up.”
and even thought you’d almost died, the thought of jesper waiting at your bedside made you blush.
nina noticed and rolled her eyes, “yuck, the two of you are so in love it hurts.”
suddenly jesper was at the door, his breathing labored making it very clear that he had run up the stairs at full speed to get to your room.
nina gave you a small smile before slipping out of the room and closing the door.
jesper was at your side before you could blink. his forehead pressed into your arm as he held the same hand nina had held only a few minutes ago.
he kept repeating “you’re okay” and “i’m so sorry” over and over. and you couldn’t speak. because you couldn’t believe you had this beautiful boy in your life and you were making him worry.
you lifted his head so he was looking at you and you placed your hand on his cheek. you got a horrible sense of deja vu. jesper felt it too because he immediately tensed. you pulled your hand away and when you both saw there was no blood, you put it back.
“jes, you incredible idiot, this is not your fault. you don’t have to say sorry. i’m okay. i’m still here. we are okay.”
you punctuated each word to make him really get it. you couldn’t live with yourself if this moment destroyed the happy boy that you had fallen in love with.
he let out a breath and motioned for you to make room in the bed. you wiggled to one side, wincing a little bit. jesper climbed in and you rested your head on his shoulder as he played with your fingers.
“don’t ever scare me like that again” he grumbled.
you laughed and jokingly responded with “no sorry babe i can’t promise that, i just love getting shot in the stomach. quiet enjoyed it”
he glared at you for a second before laughing with you.
he traced a little heart into your palm with his pointer finger. “you’re my favorite person in this world. i couldn’t live without you.”
“then you’re lucky you don’t have to” you hummed in response.
“yeah i am, who would annoy the crap out of me if not” he teased.
you giggled into his shoulder and left a little kiss.
“when you’re feeling better, you know, not on the brink of death by bullet, i’m going to take you to novyi zem.” you looked up at him, shocked because jesper had never suggested visiting his home country. but he was still looking at your fingers like his life depended on it. “we’re going to spend a week at my da’s farm and we’ll stay up all night looking at the stars and making up stories.” he said. it didn’t sound like a request but more like a plea. like he had to give this to you.
you only vaguely recalled mentioning the stars and jesper holding you in his arms but you nodded your head anyways.
“as much as i’m incredibly excited for that, i already have the brightest star right here.” you grinned, tapping his nose.
he rolled his eyes and kissed the crown of your head, “cheesy sweetheart. even for you.”
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Let me help you
Pairing:  Alpha! Toru Oikawa x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi x Omega! Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, Hurt/comfort.
Request: Because I like a bit of hurt/comfort, and I love the idea of an omega depression, I'm curious on how alpha third years on Aoba Johsai (so like Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Mattsun) would do in response to their omega being in an omega depression.
Summary: Because of unseen circumstances, you drop, and you drop hard. How does your alpha help you/redeem himself?
Author’s Note:  Oikawa’s got really long, so I didn’t include Mattsun or Makki. If you wanna request a part 2 I’ll get on it right away!
Requests: Open!
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Toru Oikawa
➵ Truth be told, it was kind of his fault. 
➵Right after you both bonded, he immediately seemed to drop any redeeming qualities he had while courting you.
➵He skipped out on dates, stayed later and later at practice, gave the mile to his fangirls.
➵And while you could get over that, the worse thing you realized was when you went to cheer him on at one of his games. 
➵His bond mark was covered with a scent gland bandage and when Iwaizumi noticed it (He knew of your bonding), he sent a worried glance your way.
➵He could practically see the heartbreak from his place on the court. 
➵What was worse was that you didn’t make a scene. 
➵You stood, turned and left. That was it. 
➵ Oikawa was busy doing his pre-game whatever to notice, making the situation even worse.  
➵Iwaizumi wanted to follow you but the whistle of the ref called him back. 
➵ You didn’t want Iwaizumi to follow you anyway. 
➵You felt numb. So, so numb. 
➵Like anything you previously felt-- any longing, or wishing for your alpha-- reduced to a numb buzz that kept your body moving. 
➵You felt like you were on Autopilot. 
➵Toru made it fairly obvious that he wanted your bond mark on display, so why weren’t the same standards held to him? It wasn’t against the rules of volleyball-- several alphas had theirs out on proud display with their omega cheering in the stands. 
➵Was it you?
➵God, you felt so empty. Like your will to live was dripping away. 
➵You felt your omega lay down, whining as they tried to figure out what was wrong. Where did you go wrong? 
➵You barely felt the soft fleece of your blankets as you settled into your nest for who knows how long. 
 Toru was lost. You were in the stands during warm-up last game, but was gone by half-time. Okay, fine. Maybe you had to pee. But then you didn’t show up at all after that.  While at the time it took a back burner-- because we all know how Oikawa plays-- it was now front and center. His alpha was on edge and snapped on him twice already, sending sharp throbs of pain to his temples. It had been three days since Toru had seen you, his mate, so Toru could tell that was a big reason for his frustration. But Toru didn’t know why you had been gone for three days. 
If you were sick, why didn’t you text him? Were you injured? Toru didn’t know.  His neck burnt with anticipation at the thought of you in any peril. 
Where were you?
 Shoving his way past a few fangirls, Toru made his way into the gym, racking his brain for any sort of hint. Vacation maybe and you just forgot to tell him?
 “Iwa-chan! I need your-” Toru paused, huffing when Iwaizumi roughly shoved past him. His alpha was on guard immediately, making Toru growl loudly.   “What’s you issue, Iwa? Blue-balled or something?” 
The laugh that left Iwaizumi made even him, the head alpha, shiver. “My issue? What’s yours?! You absolutely destroyed your relationship last game and ask me for help?! What the hell is wrong with you, Oikawa?!”  
Oikawa swallowed. There was no nickname. No sense of friendship in his words. They were straight malice, laced with acidic venom meant to hurt him. 
When Oikawa didn’t immediately answer, Iwaizumi continued. “You make them wear their bond mark for all the world to see, but cover yours up? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?! How in the hell you got someone like them to glance your way for more than a second is beyond me, let alone bond you; but when you do, you fucking destroy them. You’re a failure of an alpha, Toru Oikawa.” 
Truth be told, Oikawa thought that him covering up his bond mark would save you from trouble. The less people who knew about him being mated the less people to harass you. But he was your alpha. He was supposed to make sure that didn’t happen anyway.  Fuck, Iwa was right. He was a failure. This became evident as more and more things came hurdling back at him.  He didn’t even grab his duffel before he was, quite literally, sprinting out of the gym. He didn’t care who he pushed over. He didn’t care who he snapped at. He didn’t care. He only care about one person and one person alone. 
You whined as hunger continued gnawing at your gut. You wanted to eat, really, but you just didn’t have the energy. You didn’t have the will. 
You still felt so numb and didn’t know where to go from here. At this point, it was clear you were in the midst of an Omega Depression, and to be fair-- that scared you. You wanted to spend the evening in your nest, restart and reboot, before talking to your alpha about it the next day. You truly didn’t mean to drop. 
But here you were. The aspect of ...starvation scared you. The aspect of no closure for yourself scared you. Death scared you. But you couldn’t fight yourself to fix it. Couldn’t bring yourself to even lift your head or stay awake for more than an hour. 
The door to your room slammed open, but you didn’t look up. It was probably your guardian coming in to try and get you to eat again. But you wouldn’t. 
Your heart dropped when the smell of burnt plastic invaded your sense. 
“No- no, no, no, no no- Please god no-” Oikawa felt his heart shatter at the sight of you. You looked like you had both feet dangling in the grave, hanging on by a loose root you grabbed onto in a last ditch effort. 
He continued repeating no while running his hands through his hair, already crying before he even set foot in your room.  When he did dare step closer, that was all it took before he was running to you, pulling you in close despite your whines of protest.  His grip on you was bruising, but he couldn’t risk letting you slip. Not again. 
“Please- please don’t leave me.” He sobbed into your shoulder, your own eyes stinging (Dehydration keeping tears from falling).  “I- I can fix this- I can fix us. Fuck- Please Y/N. Please omega, let me help you. Let me make this right!”
Though you didn’t say anything, the grip on his jacket told him all he needed to know. And though it would be a long road to recovery, you and him would conquer it. 
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➵ Completely contrary to Oikawa, your drop wasn’t anyone’s fault.
➵Maybe the school systems, if there was blame to be put. 
➵So much had gone on in such a short period. 
➵You and your alpha, along with his team, had been bombarded with practice and paperwork in preparation for the upcoming tournament. 
➵But just because volleyball picked, doesn’t mean school drops off.
➵ You had essay after essay due, Unit exams which would soon fall into Final exams.
➵You and Hajime had barely even seen each other all week.
➵You both still sent each other good morning and good night texts, and if you see each other in the hallway you’ll give each other a quick peck. 
➵Honestly, it was obvious everyone was on edge. 
➵Teachers didn’t care though, they just kept piling on more, and more, and more work.
➵ And volleyball just kept getting closer and closer.
➵You stumbled into the gym with a chirp, trying to sort through the multitude of papers in your arms. 
➵Your back was aching and your arms were strained, but you couldn’t drop them. That would be a disaster. 
➵ The coach sent you a raised brow, offering a hand to help. You waved him off, sitting on the bench with a grunt.
➵Everyone was already sweaty and panting, practice in full swing. 
➵God, everyone looked so tired already. 
➵You could feel the waves of exhaustion.
➵ As they were just in deep in your bones as they were in theirs. 
“Did you finish filling out the registry forms?”
You looked up to the coach, nodding slowly before riffling through your papers and pulling out the ones you were looking for. You handed them to the beta, quickly going back to your notes once more. 
You noted the stumbled steps and slowed reflexes, but simply made it a point to emphasize rest with the boys. Maybe a day with no practice would do them more good then practice. 
Hajime was doing well, as usual, somehow keeping his head and energy high. You know he hasn’t gotten much rest either, and you felt for your alpha. Honestly, you just wanted one day with just you and your alpha, where you both could sleep the day away and come back good as new. 
That just sounded glorious. 
“You wouldn’t mind filling out the ref sheets either, would you?” The beta smirked, already handing you the sheets. He knew you had a tough time saying no to people older and/or bigger than you; and had you doing several things that most mangers would never touch.
It was tiring.
You reluctantly took the sheets, already starting on them. The notes you were working on were yanking from under you, the coach reading over them. 
He scoffed at your note of possibly skipping a practice. “Are you serious?” 
“I’m sorry?”
“Take a break?! These boys are on the brink of a skillful breakthrough, and you want to stop them?!” 
You closed in on yourself at the yells, trying to focus on the ref sheets. He continued yelling and berating you for the notes you made. You could feel the teams stares on you, but you also knew they wanted you to learn to stand up for yourself. They had been giving you a few minutes to try and collect yourself and if nothing happened they would step in. 
It only took seconds for you to finally break down, sobbing into your hands as the coach’s yelling reached a breaking point. The team took very time to act then and there. 
Oikawa and Kyoutani were snapping and growling, pushing him back and away from you while Hajime slid onto his knees in front of you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your bond mark. He rocked you side to side, purring and letting you cry. 
You sobbed and sobbed while the coach tried backtracking, but it was too late. The pack was on defense. One of them was in danger and they were going to make sure they all were safe. 
You don’t remember falling asleep, but when you wake up, your in Hajime’s arms, which are wrapped tight around your waist. 
Oikawa was on the other side of you, head on Hajime’s thigh, Makki and Mattsun were cuddling together a little to the left of you. Kyoutani was closest to you (He had a soft spot for you, almost like you were another older sister to him). You ran a hand through his hair for a moment before taking a deep breath in and out. The rest of the team was scattered in the puppy pile around you, and the gym was dark. 
In fact, everything was dark. There were chairs propped up by the door, just in case you supposed, and there were jackets littered everywhere. Your heart fluttered at the thought. 
Hajime’s arms subconsciously tightened around you, luring you back into sleep.
You, your alpha, and your pack.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Mute!WWX. Lan Zhan and Jiang Chang meet Wei Ying the night he torments Wen Chao to death, but Wei Ying doesn’t speak. He nervously gets across to them that he cannot speak (he isn’t hurt, he assures them. But his voice has left him in the three months he’s been missing, what he has been through has silenced him). Lan Zhan never realised that a silent Wei Wuxian was never what he wanted. He would do anything to hear him again, to hear his laugh or taunts. But his love is silent, and any progress WWX makes is swiftly undone by the uncaring judgement of the cultivation world. Lan Zhan fears he will never hear his voice again, and vows to speak up on his behalf: as he has what Wei Ying does not. It is hard, but he will do it for Wei Ying. He will speak.
You’re making me cry with this prompt. (But I love it!!)
Sorry for taking so long! Enjoy!
Lan Wangji’s heart was in his throat as he took in Wei Ying’s approaching form. He looked…..haunted, exhausted, and terribly, terribly hot angry. But then he noticed something. For all that Wei Ying seemed to despise the sight of Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao. He said nothing. Not even a dry laugh or word escaped his mouth.
That was the first thing Lan Wangji noticed was wrong.
Then, Wen Zhuliu went towards him, his core melting technique armed and ready and Lan Wangji crashed through the roof, ready to protect Wei Ying who didn’t seem all that keen on doing so himself. Because he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s attack. Why?
As Zidian wrapped around Wen Zhuliu’s neck, Lan Wangji relaxed, turning his attention to Wei Ying who didn’t look all that great. He was gaunt, thin and very pale. Resentful energy cloaked him like a mantle and Lan Wangji speed a fleeting thought to those rumors of Wei Ying being tossed into the Burial Mounds. But no one survives the Burial Mounds. There isn’t even there anything to eat—
There isn’t anything there to eat. Lan Wangji realized with a shock. Perhaps, Wei Ying was thrown into the Burial Mounds. It would explain why he’s cloaked in resentful energy and so so pale and starved.
No one survives the Burial Mounds. But what if someone could? There must have been some sort of price Wei Ying had to pay.
Lan Wangji observed Wei Ying’s reaction upon getting his sword and noticed the unmistakable grief passing through grey eyes. Why grief? What happened? And why does it look like Wei Ying has trouble holding his sword up?
His mind was fraying at the edges with worry.
When Jiang Wanyin tried to yell at Wei Wuxian for not responding, Lan Wangji’s first observation proved true. Wei Ying couldn’t speak.
When questioned about the rumors of him in the Mounds, there was a definite shake of his head, denying the claims, but neither Lan Wangji more Jiang Wanyin missed the slight tremble in Wei Wuxian’s frame.
“Wei Ying…..” He said shakily. “Wei Ying, are you well?”
Stupid, stupid me. Of course Wei Ying isn’t fine! Lan Wangji berated himself, acknowledging the unconvincing nod.
Wei Wuxian tilted his head in confusion at his silence.
“Wei Ying, why can’t you speak?” Something haunted passed through Wei Wuxian’s eyes and he rolled his shoulders in an unmistakable expression of ‘I don’t know’.
Neither Lan Wangji nor Jiang Wanyin bought it but both of them decided against pushing him.
Wen Chao groaned and Jiang Wanyin dismissed him, saying that the matter of the Wens in front of him were for the Jiang sect to handle. Lan Wangji noticed the cruelty and anger in his beloved’s eyes and nodded, walking away.
In another world, Wei Wuxian would have deflected from any visible wound - mental or physical - on his body.
In another world, Lan Wangji would have been successfully distracted from his observations and questioned Wei Wuxian on his cultivation.
In another world, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian would fight and the tentative bond that had formed during the Xuanwu fight would break.
This is not that world.
Lan Wangji returned to his room, intent on scouring through his mind for any tomes that might help with Wei Ying’s sudden muteness.
His brother came into his tent, asking how he had been and Lan Wangji conveyed his observations and worries about Wei Ying to his brother. Lan Xichen was silent before replying, “Perhaps it is trauma? I have read of many cases of cultivators becoming mute from their experiences and if the rumors about Wei-gongzi falling into the Miunds prove true…..well. Any cultivator would be sufficiently shocked to silence by that.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji was angry. Angry at what Wei Ying’s had suffered and at himself.
“Wangji. Don’t blame yourself.”
“But, if I had stayed at Lotus Pier, then maybe……” Maybe the remaining cultivators at the Cloud Recesses could have showed up at Louts Pier to take him back. Maybe they might have been able to save Lotus Pier from destruction. Maybe their added assistance could have prevented Wei Ying from suffering so much.
“Perhaps the both of you might have been in danger then.” Lan Xichen interrupted. “Wangji, there’s no use in thinking of what if’s. What matters now is that the both of you are alive. Maybe not quite safe, but alive nonetheless.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji felt reassured by these words. It was no use in thinking of the past. Right now, Lan Wangji had to focus on the present and what he could do. “Brother, of those victims, did any have their voice returned to them?”
“Hmm, rarely. It took years and much reassurance by loved ones to slowly coax back their voice.”
“I see.” Lan Wangji frowned. “One more thing. Brother, Wei Ying’s cultivation, it….”
Here, his brother furrowed his eyebrows as well. “Wangji, based on what you have told me, I believe there may be something wrong with Wei-gongzi’s core. From what I have heard, he was captured by Wen Chao. If he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s core melting attack…..” He trailed off but Lan Wangji finished the picture himself.
He was captured by Wen Chao. And didn’t Wen Zhuliu often travel with him? Though…. “That wouldn’t explain why Wen Zhuliu still used his attack on Wei Ying.”
“Hmm. Good point. Perhaps then, it might be cruel, but Wei-gongzi’s core could be fractured? We all heard how much Wen Chao hated Wei-gongzi. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and torture him this way.”
Lan Wangji was horrified. Could it really be like that?
“Observe Wei-gongzi longer. If he doesn’t carry his sword, then, I would suspect this to be true.”
It had been weeks since then. Lan Wangji talked to Jiang Wanyin and heard that despite seeing his sister again, Wei Ying still did not speak. He cried, but no sound escaped him. Lan Wangji had hoped, that Jiang Yanli of all people could help coax some words out of him, considering how much Wei Ying loved her.
No matter. Xichen has said it would take years. But this is war. There’s not much time to focus on healing Wei Wuxian mentally. But Lan Wangji could try. He knows that there is something between him and Wei Ying. Something not quite friendship but not quite anything at all.
And lately, in Lan Wangji’s dreams, he fantasized about bringing back Wei Ying’s laugh and smile. It’s true what they say about not realizing how precious something is until you lose it. Lan Wangji always thought what it would be like to see a silent Wei Wuxian.
He hated it.
He wanted to hear Wei Ying laugh and smile and tease him again. He wanted to hear his voice, he exuberance, his brightness again. But the war and the Wens had taken that away. All that is left is a thin, traumatized boy with darkness at his fingertips and at his every beck and call.
And that was the other thing. Wei Ying’s use of demonic cultivation. While it really helped then all on the battlefield, outside, people gossiped about his power. They were jealous of it, frightened of it, greedy to obtain it and him for their own and all of this made Lan Wangji incredibly angry. Because could they not see? For all that Wei Ying was a force on the battlefield, use of his cultivation drained him both physically and mentally. Bruises collected under his eyes, he was unsteady after each battle. He was pale and still thin and always looked on the brink of collapse. And as much as Lan Wangji wanted to berate Wei Wuxian for continuing his use of the cultivation, he noticed no sign of his sword on him and that stopped him from saying anything. After all, if his and his brother’s theory of Wei Ying’s fractured core proved true, then bringing that kind of thing up would only hurt the relationship between them.
And these past few weeks, Lan Wangji hadn’t been idle. He had been working on communicating to Wei Ying and loved the results that came from it.
Though it was difficult, Wei Ying’s brilliant mind came to the rescue as he was able to come up with a talisman that projected his thoughts.
And lately…..lately, finally! Lan Wangji coaxed a smile out of Wei Ying. It had taken the course of two months, but through the Jiang siblings and Lan Wangji’s painstaking efforts, Wei Ying finally smiled. He still hadn’t said a word, but that was progress enough.
And yet……upon the worsening rumors surrounding Wei Ying, it disappeared all too soon. Wei Ying’s smile vanished and he seemed to curl in on himself, trying to withdraw from Lan Wangji and from his own siblings so as to not drag them down with him.
And Lan Wangji, for once, wished he was the type of person to speak his thoughts out loudly to all those who took Wei Ying’s smile away. He wanted to shout that he didn’t care. He wanted to exclaim that he would stand by Wei Ying’s side throughout it all.
He told Wei Ying as such and watched as wonder colored silver eyes.
That night, he took up Wei Ying’s offer of his hellishly spicy food and was rewarded with a small, breathy giggle as his eyes teared up from the sheer amount of chilies that set his mouth on fire.
At the giggle, Lan Wangji’s eyes widened and he saw Wei Ying’s eyes shine mischievously, a remnant of the bright boy he thought he lost. Relief coated his heart despite the hellfire in his mouth and his lips lifted up into a smile.
Wei Ying’s breath hitched and a small blush bloomed across his cheeks. Lan Wangji wanted nothing more than to reach out and—
“Wei-gongzi! There you are, something has happened to your sister!”
The warm and somewhat intimate scene shattered as Wei Ying’s expression darkened. They followed the Jin disciple only to see Jiang Yanli crying and Jin Zixuan looking a little lost and perhaps a touch regretful.
The truth about the soup came out and Lan Wangji felt that Jin Zixuan deserved the punch Wei Ying flung at him.
“You damned peacock!” Wei Ying wrote in the air. “Never let me see you within a li of Shijie again!!”
It was the first time Lan Wangji had seen him so angry since Wei Ying killed Wen Chao. He didn’t know if it was wrong that he thought Wei Ying was really really sexy hot intimidating then.
Wei Ying created the Stygian Tiger Seal. And for all that it helped them, it weakened his love even more than his normal use of demonic cultivation. The first time he used it, he fainted as soon as he was off the battlefield, not waking up for two days. Despite this, everyone else only feared him, desired him, wanted to restrain him even more.
As the rumors got out of hand, Lan Wangji stopped the pretense of being able to hold himself back and glared at everyone in the vicinity, shutting them up.
Lan Wangji swore to get better at speaking. After all, he needed to tell the world to stop judging Wei Wuxian. Without him, the losses would have been a lot worse. So how dare these people slander him?
People should be grateful that Wei Wuxian is sacrificing his well-being in order to use demonic cultivation to aid them and yet, they think of him as a weapon that needs to be dealt with after the war.
His brother knew how much the rumors infuriate him and knew that Wei Ying was traumatized enough to not be able to speak. He had spoken to Chifeng-zun about it who had observed Wei Ying himself and doesn’t take kindly to the rumors. Though, Bie Mingjue said, he doesn’t approve of demonic cultivation. As long as Wei Wuxian stops it after the war, he would be fine with it.
Lan Wangji could only hope that Wei Ying wouldn’t need to use demonic cultivation. The matter of Wei Ying’s core is a secret that both he and his brother have kept to themselves.
On that topic, Lan Wangji is sure, more than ever, that Wei Ying’s core is compromised. He can barely feel the spiritual energy emanating from Wei Ying, after all. Wouldn’t a fractured core do that? Wangji just hoped that with all this use of demonic cultivation, that the state of his core wouldn’t worsen.
The war ended finally. But there was no time to rest as Jin Guangshan, who finally decided to show up, wanted to take Wei Ying under his wing under the pretense of “monitoring” him since the Jiang sect is recovering. Lan Wangji understood that this wasn’t the intention at all. No one had missed that the Jins are the sect that came out the least damaged. And now they’re trying to control Wei Ying? Anyone with a brain could see that it’s a poor attempt at gaining power.
Which is why Lan Wangji is shocked at how many people decidedly do not have a brain.
They fell for Jin Guangshan’s coated words so easily that Wangji wondered just how some of these people became sect leaders in the first place.
Jiang Wanyin is visibly unhappy with this. Lan Wangji knew how overprotective the other man had gotten over Wei Ying especially considering his lack of speech and hearing how another sect leader wants to take him away infuriated him.
Wei Ying tried to calm Jiang Wanyin down but without his gift of speech, it’s difficult. Wei Ying had ran out of talisman paper to be able to project his thoughts and hadn’t had time to replenish his stock so he’s reduced to gestures.
Jin Guangshan is smart enough to notice that and deflects to reinstating the engagement between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji wanted to stare at that man in disbelief. Did he not hear Jin Zixuan insulting Jiang Yanli one too many times? Even if Jiang Yanli has a big heart, a person is bound to be hurt by that. Wei Ying is visibly mad and frantically gestures around, only calmed by Jiang Yanli, who points out their mourning sashes. They weren’t subtle.
(She gently refused the offer. After all that has happened between her and Jin Zixuan, she had begun to doubt her feelings for the other man. And with his sect trying to get their grubby hands on her A’ Xian, her feelings for Jin Zixuan mattered little.)
Lan Wangji decided that he’s had enough at a Discussion Conference when Jin Guangshan brings up Wei Ying’s cultivation.
Chifeng-zun got ahead of him though, annoyed at the constant prodding of Wei Wuxian (who had indeed stopped using demonic cultivation after the war). He shouted at Jin Guangshan, only further incensed when Jin Guangyao tries to placate both sides by bringing up the Seal.
Lan Wangji, who had been spending time with Wei Ying in between rebuilding the Cloud Recesses, knew that Wei Ying had planned on destroying the Seal once the Jiang sect was in a good spot.
“You say this, but without Wei Ying’s use of the Seal, would we have so easily won?” Lan Wangji said, quietly, but firm.
The room went silent.
“Wei Ying sacrificed his health, his well-being to use the Seal and all you can think about is trying to control him?” Lan Wangji demanded.
Wei Wuxian stared at him, wide-eyed and mouthing his name but Lan Wangji was too busy fuming. The room burst into a frenzy of chatter as people were unsure of what to do. The general consensus was to monitor him as one would do a dangerous weapon but the moral thing to do would be to leave him alone.
Xichen put out a hand to calm him and Wangji reluctantly sat back down. “So, what would you suggest we do, Jin-zongzhu, to an already traumatized boy? It is widely known that he lost his voice because of the events that occurred in the war. And yet, you suggest taking him away from his family, from his home and put him in an unfamiliar place.”
Jin Guangshan smile goes stale while Jin Guangyao’s goes strained. “Well, Lan-zongzhu, he would be given adequate care here. He would want for nothing.”
“Nothing matters more to Wei Ying than family.” Lan Wangji stood up.
Lan Xichen nodded. “Wangji is right. Though I’m sure that the Lanling Jin sect is more than equipped with people who can help Wei-gongzi and make him comfort but it would be counterproductive nonetheless. The last thing Wei-gongzi needs to do is get separated from his family.”
And that was the end of that. The Discussion Conference ended swiftly and they were all quickly escorted out.
Things I should explain. Lan Wangji is an observant fellow. I headcanon that he did have suspicions that Wei Wuxian fell into the Burial Mounds but in canon, Wei Wuxian denied this so he put his suspicions to rest. Here, Wei Wuxian can’t speak. He can’t dodge the question as easily because he can’t use wordplay to deflect from the conversation. I’m sure Lan Xichen would receive Lan Wangji’s observations but in canon, Lan Wangji was too frazzled and heartbroken at his fight with Wei Wuxian to tell his brother of what Wei Wuxian’s general condition was like. For Lan Wangji’s observation of a possible fractured core, I did it this way to explain what Lan Wangji might have seen in canon. Because for sure, Lan Wangji sensed that something was off because I’m sure a cultivator can sense the spiritual energy emanating from another but Wei Wuxian has only a little since his meridians are still intact. They must contain a little bit of spiritual energy which is why Lan Wangji thinks that Wei Wuxian only has a fractured core. Of course, a healer would say something different but I’m sure Wei Wuxian avoided healers like the plague unless absolutely necessary.
I’m sorry this took so long! Being in a summer camp that restricts technology was not exactly conducive to writing. Hope you enjoyed it!
Btw, my asks are still locked because I want to finish the rest of the prompts people have given me.
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My headcanons For Gojo Satoru
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This Dingus right here is a huge movie fan. Loves pretty much anything, the old classics black and white movies, foreign films, main stream movies and so bad that it’s good movies. He loves TV shows, he’s big Supernatural fanboy. Loves Dean  Winchester and strong shipper of Deancel, Walking Dead fan all the way. Both the comics, Tv show and games. (He only played the first season and balled his eyes out for a weeks, and refuses to play rest of the games) Dose have a soft spot of horror movies, Like The Screams, Halloween, The Saw  franchise, classic monster movies of course. Gotta respect the classics.
His favorite movies of all time are  Beetlejuice (Satoru’s roll model) Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie, Edward scissors hand The Princess Bride , all the old George Romero zombie movies, again classic monster movies, The Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit  franchise. He’s a big Bruce Campbell fan, and loves, loves all the Evil Dead movies and show. Loves Deadpool and has a huge man crush Ran Reynolds. Loves all Marvel Movies. Big Spider Man fanboy.
His favorite Disney movies are Princess and the frog, disney’s Atlantis, Tangrled, 101 Dalmatians, Emperors new groove, Hercules, Toy Story, but he can’t watch the 3rd because he will cry for ours.
He wasn’t a sorcerer, he would have loved to be an actor or  film Director.
Dose play videos games, Pretty much played all the telltale games, Loves Red Dead redemption games The second one is his favorite, and loves Arthur Morgan. He’s only played Season 1 of the Walking Dead and still not over Lee’s death. Loves Stardew Valley, Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
Our boy loves his sweets, but hates eating his veggies. Trying to get this grown ass man to eat veggies is like a small fish trying fight a great white shark. It’s fight everyone is going to lose.
His favorite Tv shows’s are the Walking Dead, Game of Throwns, The Office both American and British, Big Big Doctor Who fan, loves the 10th Doctor (David Tennen is his boy) Watched Pokémon Anime that has come out the years, knows the lore like that back of his hand.
This man loves to crossdress, love to wear fancy ballgown dress, sundress and  skirts. He can walk around in high heels with easy. He owns a lot high heels shoes.
Drinks a lot of coffee, 5-8 cups a day. Cannot stand the bitterness plane coffee. He adds 12 spoonful of sugar and milk to each cup. Hell is coffee isn’t really coffee pure sugar and milk or as Nanami dubs a cup of diabetes and tooth decay.
This man has the maturity of a 6 year old. He still think fart jokes are hilarious, it you say the word ‘booger’ this man child will start laughing uncontrollably, and he makes a lot dick jokes whenever he can and innuendos. He will even go into random empty classrooms and draw a lot of stupid doodles of random shit, like you would see in kids notebook if they were bored in class, and he draws lot of that penises. For some reason he draw dicks all over the chock bored. He’s been doing this since meddle and high school, he still thinks it funny. No body else dose. ... possibly Yuji.
He will out no where will start singing show toons. He just dose. Weather he’s in a meeting, doing a mission, teaching a class or singing in the shower, he will hum or sing out right of no where. Disney songs he knows by heart, themes of anime he’s into or watching. It helps him to relax... Or annoyed the shit of the others. 
He dose not care spots but he dose enjoy baseball.
Gojo Satour’s ideal s/o
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This man is a huge tease and jokester. He need someone who can match or almost his Energy.  Humor is a very important thing to him, help deal with some shit that he had to go through. Someone with a good sence of humor is one attraction to him.
He’s a patien guy, and understands that it some people take getting out their shells, and he’s very excepting, but as long as you don’t try to kill or hurt is students things should be fine.
He is very overprotective lover. His s/o could very powerful sorcerer, capable of handling themselves in battle with curses or evil sorcerers, still doesn’t change that this man will worry and will step in if things will get hairy for liking. But al the same time of s/o a very strong sorcerer and knows how to care of themselves in n a battle it dose put Satoru’a mind at ease in away, still hate the idea of being away from his lover is something to them or they get hurt. If his s/o got badly injured or his s/o was about the brink of dying. HELL. HAVE. NO. FURY. TO. THIS. MAN’S. ANGER. He kill without think twice. No mercy, no secret changes, just death. He’ll rushed over to help his S/o and take them to Dr. Shoko, and will not leave until they are taken care and healed.
He’s his overprotective of his s/o and students so don’t fuck with any of them and no has to die. This man kill with thinking twice about it.
This man is loaded. As cash, and would give Yuji, Megumi and Nobara some money to enjoy themselves with. But this man dose love to spoil his s/o when he could. Somethings he will go overboard and his s/o tells him but it’s not necessarily to spend all this money on them. Which makes him love them even more because they not love him for his money. However Gojo being, well, Gojo will randomly get bouquets of flowers for his lovely s/o I will bring it to them randomly. It doesn’t matter if they’re teaching a class or and a very important meeting with Yaga-San, he’ll ust pop out of nowhere with a big goofy grin on his face and give his s/o the flowers kiss them and disappears, there is an awkward and annoying silence from from the students or the principal. And his s/o mildly embarrassed, but flattered shall go on as if nothing happened. And it becomes has become a running joke around in the school.
Hugs, Kissses and Cuddles are a must.  Again Satour doesn’t give a shit there is a meeting or A class being taught when this man wants affection, he’s going to get affection. He’ll come from behind and rest his head on his s/o’s chin on his s/o’s head. (Because the guy’s freakishly tall) And will just annoyin the shit out of then until he gets what he wants. Then he will leave them alone, maybe not. He’s Hot mess of chaotic energy after all. Plus he thinks it’s adorable When they get a little annoyed with him.
Being Married To Gojo Satoru or just have a  domestic life with him
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This man never really saw himself getting married. It’s something that he was rather against for a while, until he meets his s/o. Nothings really changed in their relationship after they got married, did a few years and they just try to not have nowhere Most of everyone at the school cannot believe that someone would actually marry this maniac. Either his s/o is as as patient as a saint, just as bad shit crazy as Gojo Satour himself.
He dose everything in his power too make this work, and so dose his s/o. The two of them being power for sorcerers is basically a couple goal, The ultimate couple. At least Satour says. That being said working as a Jujutsu Sorcerer is both a mental, emotional and sometimes a physical strain on people. When things get too much for S/O, this man will stop what he’s doing, and will will be there his s/o, and his will be there for him when he the most. Having someone being there each is the most important thing in a relationships.
His clan was very against their relationship from the beginning. But Satour did not care, he loves who he loves so his clan/family can suck it.
His favorite nicknames for s/o are Sweetness, cutiepie, pumpkin, sugar, sweetheart, honeybuns and to get cringy Pookie. So weird one’s like Mochi cheeks, and beautiful or handsome. 
His favorite nickname that his s/o calls sweetie, honey, goofball, goober and  whackadoodle, knucklehead and dingus
When s/o are going away for a mission for a few a few days or few month, or Vice versa they would text, FaceTime pretty everyday. They talk about they day, and talk about the missions that had. Satour would have his students in the background who would say hello, and he and Yuji would make stupid jokes, and Nobara would laugh a bit and Megumi would roll his eyes in the background. And when his s/o get back from a mission this man is a very clingy little shit, he will hug the hell out his s/o when they get back. And would pout and whin if you have to a meeting or don’t have to see him. He’s a big a baby like that.
Over all this man is just big goofball, sure he’s annoying as fuck sometimes, but he dose cares about other’s. He’s a hot chaotic mess of a man, by God we love him for it.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hey everyone. A bit of an emotional chapter this time, but Bickslow is involved so there’s also some relief. Hope you all enjoy it.
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Nine - Some Time Later
One Week Later
Before the memories hit him, Freed felt a horrible sense of deja vu.
He was in the guildhall infirmary, with almost all of his energy sapped away from him, just as he had when he had first been taken to Fairy Tail. He had a feeling that there was something changed inside of him that would shape the rest of his life, just as he had after the demon had invaded his soul. He had a feeling of yearning, hoping to see someone who was destined to be a part of his life, only to be disappointed to see he was alone again. Everything was so reflective of how it had been when he'd first woken up after his first instance of possession, and it was horrible.
Of course, the memories did eventually come to him. The tournament. The twisted feeling of power that had slowly been seeping into him through the day. The lack of control that had overwhelmed him. The sudden inability to control his body. The feeling of trying to pour his magic into the demon to overwhelm it.
And then, there was Gajeel.
Gajeel had broken down every wall of defence that the demon had in place as if it were nothing. Even with the overwhelming power emanating from the fully unleashed demon, Gajeel had been able to walk towards him, and reach out to Freed. Like a light in the darkness, Gajeel had managed to drag him out of the demon's control and allowed him his autonomy again. He had managed to do something Freed had thought impossible.
The demon was gone. Gajeel had somehow burned the thing from his soul, removing it entirely. They had killed what remained of the demon together in a unison raid moments before Freed had passed out in his arms.
But, despite the importance of it all, that wasn't what Freed was thinking about.
I'm yours and yer mine.
That demon aint got a fucking claim on you.
Yer fuckin' mine.
It ain't ever hurtin' you again, y'hear me. Never
The words weren't subtle. They weren't something you could misunderstand. They weren't anything but a claim on Freed. Gajeel was stating loudly, in front of everybody in the guild - everyone that mattered to them both - that he and Freed belonged to one another.
Perhaps if it was coming from any other man than Gajeel, Freed might have felt fury. He might have felt some level of anger that Gajeel had proclaimed such a thing so publicly without so much as asking Freed, but he only felt a sense of rightness at what Gajeel had said. Of course he and Gajeel belonged to each other. How had that been in any doubt? The moment they had first laid eyes on each other, the motions were put in place to bring them into each other's arms. It was destiny.
Had Freed always been so romantic? Perhaps he had needed the right man to bring it out of him.
"Ah, you're awake," A grouchy, haggard voice cut through the silence. "You certainly took your time, didn't you?"
Freed looked towards the door of the infirmary, to see Porlyusica walking towards him. This too was how he remembered his first experience of living in Magnolia, with the impatient and impetuous woman acting as though his life was an inconvenience for her to deal with. That was something that was familiar, if nothing else.
"How long have I been unconscious?" Freed asked, and found his voice hoarse.
"Nine days," Porlyusica said, picking something up from the small table beside Freed's bed. He didn't know what it was, but it began to glow with healing magic. She turned to Freed and sighed. "Lower your covers and hold still."
Doing as instructed, Freed blushed a little when he realised he was without any clothing. The woman didn't seem bothered, and slowly began to lower the magical item over his body. It was scanning him, and he let out a gasp when the device passed over his heart. There was a sudden flood of warmth through his body, unlike anything he could ever remember feeling before. It was pleasant, but so foreign to him that he didn't know what to feel.
"Ah, good," Porlyusica said, placing the device down again.
"What was that," Freed demanded, pulling up the sheets to protect his modesty.
"I stimulated you, that magic was intended to induce a feeling of comfort and delight," She shrugged, picking up a small piece of paper that Freed assumed had his details on. "You've had that demon eating away at you from the inside for years, so you probably grew used to its influence. It has been slowly dulling your emotions for ten years. You just felt joy like the rest of us do for the first time since your possession."
His emotions had been dulled?
Surely he would have noticed that. The ability to feel how he felt was something that he had always taken for granted, and he never expected it could leave him. Perhaps he had become jaded, but he had dismissed that as growing up and working in a profession where you often saw the worst of people. The demon had been responsible for that, too?
Fuck. Fuck his damn parents and the damn demon and the damn priest who had gotten him into this position. How the hell had he lost so much control of who he was without knowing it? Why had the people he loved allowed this to happen to him. His parents were meant to protect him, not to allow this.
Was this what anger felt like when not influenced by a demon? Uneducated and bitter?
"You'll acclimate," Porlyusica said, as if knowing what he was feeling. "Those friends of yours have wanted to see you since the incident. Annoying brats. I'm going to put you to sleep again, they'll no doubt be here before you wake."
"What?" Freed asked. "No, I don't intended to-"
"Quiet," Porlusica said firmly, and tapped her cane on the floor. "Sleep."
And Freed slipped away before he could protest.
"Hey baby," Bickslow's voice woke Freed up before his eyes were open. "Are you feeling okay?"
He didn't know how long it had been since Porlyuscia had put him to sleep, but he woke up in the same bed with the sun higher in the sky. He blinked away the light and saw that Bickslow, Evergreen and Laxus were all sitting around his bed, looking at him with expressions of mingled happiness and concern. He pushed himself off the mattress so he could sit up, wincing at the feeling of aching muscles.
With a quick glance around, he saw that Gajeel wasn't there. That didn't feel good.
"Erm, yes," Freed said in answer to Bickslow's question, his mind not working as fast as he would have liked. "I believe I am. Are you three unharmed?"
"We're not the priority, Freed," Evergreen scoffed a little at the thought, but her expression turned to one of sympathy. It was almost motherly, which was a concern coming from her. Even worse, she took his hand and squoze it as if he needed consoling. "We all saw what happened, now be honest and tell us how you're feeling."
Freed hadn't thought of that. Everyone had seen him weakened and out of control. On the brink of death…
Fairy Tail maged had seen a lot of bad things - it came with the job - but he knew that they always were more affected when it was one of their own being hurt. This could have been terrifying to watch, and he supposed that he owed them some honesty.
"I feel… drained," Freed admitted. "As if I got into the worst fight of my life. Everything is aching, my flesh feels like it's burning from the inside, but no more than normal after a difficult mission," He thought for a moment, moving his arm as if testing that he still could. Of course he could, and the feeling spread warmth though him. It reminded him of what Porlyusica said to him, and he smiled a little. "I'm lighter now. As if a burden has been lifted."
"Well that's good," Evergreen smiled. "And you're not hiding anything from us?"
"Not knowingly," Freed assured them.
"So we can start teasing you about the fact your demon ripped off your clothes and when you transformed back we all saw you naked," Bickslow grinned, and it was a clear attempt to lighten the mood. Evergreen whacked him on the arm, but he just laughed. "Because we all saw your dick, and I gotta say baby, I'm impressed with what you've got going on down there. Don't know how I went so long without seeing it."
Freed chuckled, slightly weakly. "I'd rather not be teased about it, if possible. And I was under the impression that you've started seeing someone."
"I am," Bickslow sighed dreamily, in an overly exaggerated sense of course. "And he's the most handsome man in the world. And he's better than you because he's always getting naked in public and I love it."
Freed laughed. It was good to have Bickslow in moments like this.
Evergreen and Bickslow, as they so often did, started to playfully squabble between themselves. Evergreen had said something about how the PDA between Bickslow and Gray was revolting and far too graphic for the guildhall, and Bickslow argued back saying that Ever only thought that because she didn't have the chance to do it with Elfman because they were still being secretive about their very obvious relationship. The arguments spiralled from there, and Freed watched with amusement.
His gaze drifted from the two squabbling idiots to Laxus, who was looking at him with a quiet expression of concern. When he noticed Freed looking, he curled an eyebrow as if asking if he really was feeling okay. Freed nodded, with a small smile, and Laxus seemed to deflate a little.
"Really gone, huh?" Laxus murmured.
"It seems so," Freed nodded, and that was all that needed to be said on the matter of the demon. For a moment, Freed remained quiet, but there was one thing he needed to know. "Where is he?"
Laxus sighed, ran a hand over his face, and spoke. "You not waking up was getting to him."
"That's not an answer to my question," Freed said firmly. "Where is he?"
"He needed some time away, to deal with everything," Laxus explained. "I'll find him, he'll wanna know you're okay."
"Thank you," Freed whispered, smiling a little.
"No problem," Laxus nodded, standing up.
He walked out of the infirmary without speaking to Bickslow or Evergreen, who clearly hadn't been following their conversation as they both looked perplexed. When Laxus was outside of the building, they could all see an explosion of lightning as Laxus shot off into the sky, apparently having a good idea as to where Gajeel was. Freed certainly hoped so, he needed to see Gajeel as soon as he could.
What was he going to say to him, though? Thank you for ridding me of my curse? Everything you said about belonging together I fully agree with? When you weren't here when I woke up, I realised I always want to wake up beside you?
"Wonder what that was about?" Evergreen commented, speaking about Laxus' departure and bringing Freed's focus back to the room.
"Maybe he's still pissy becuase he and Loke were the losers of the tournament," Bickslow grinned, again trying to keep the mood light. Freed looked at him with a raised eyebrow, because that was something that would certainly distract him. "Shit, you didn't know, huh? Yeah, they didn't work well together at all. It was funny. Lost by a landslide. Laxus wasn't happy about it when I reminded him he has to do a forfeit."
"I expect so," Freed smiled. "Who will be giving him the forfeit, might I ask. I assume you, since I passed out during the fight."
"Me and Gray were deemed the winners, after we were sure you were okay of course," Bickslow assured him. "But we felt it was kinda bullshit. So we thought you and Gajeel could take the money from the prize, and me and Gray get to have fun with the forfeit. That okay?"
"I suppose," Freed chuckled slightly, because almost any other person would want the money. "What have you planned for them?"
Maybe it wasn't the most relevant thing to think about at the time, but Freed wanted the distraction. The lightness of his soul, the revelation that he could truly feel his emotions to their fullness again, and the fact that Gajeel hadn't been there when he woke were all starting to pile up on top of him. A distraction, even a ridiculous one like this, was exactly what he needed. Bickslow seemed to sense this, as he spoke with gusto and joy.
"Well, I wanna have them dress up like old-timey jesters and perform shows every night of a week where they make total asses out of themselves in front of everyone," Bickslow grinned. "And my darling baby wants them to be our butlers for a week and then they have to do everything we say. We haven't decided yet."
"Surely, if you have them as your butlers, you could make them dress like jesters and perform shows as well as anything else you wish," Freed suggested, and Bickslow grinned.
"You're a genius," He exclaimed. "And instead of suits, I'll make sure they're only wearing really tight black briefs and bowties. Really give me something to look at."
Freed chuckled. This was normal, at least.
Gajeel needed to keep moving. He needed to keep himself moving and active and his mind away from Freed because the moment his mind did fall onto Freed it would inevitably linger on the fact that Freed wasn't awake and that Freed might not wake up and that something Gajeel had done might have ended up killing the man that had so quickly intertwined their lives together. That was a thought too awful to even consider, so Gajeel had to keep moving.
After three days of waiting for Freed to wake, Gajeel had left Magnolia. Maybe he was a coward to do so, but he didn't care. He found himself walking, and hours later he was in the forest where he trained. The same forest where he had first gotten to know Freed.
It hadn't been a good idea.
He'd been sleeping under the stars ever since. He had exercised and forced his body to the brink of exhaustion every night, because the idea of lying down and letting sleep overcome him was nauseating. He couldn't let his mind wonder because that would mean letting himself think about Freed and he couldn't do that.
Every day, his body ached. He had pushed himself further than he ever had before. He'd ran more laps of the forest than ever, swam across the lake faster and with more purpose than he could remember doing, and he had pushed the dead tree trunk further up the hill than he thought he ever could. It was all in vain, because even in the split seconds his mind might wander from the exercise to Freed, it felt as though he'd been punched in the gut, and horror flowed through him.
He couldn't take any more. Today, his body was beyond moving more than necessary, protesting against the slightest attempt to exercise. That was how he found himself sitting in the shallowest part of the river, cross legged, with his hand turned to a small blade as he whittled away at a piece of wood.
His intention had been to meditate, something he often did. But today, confronting his mind has not been possible, because they made him feel sick to his damn stomach. And so he'd reached for a nearby bit of wood, and started to carve away at it. First it had been to occupy his hands with something to stop himself from fidgeting, but the more he carved the more he got into the rhythm of it, and he quickly realised that he was carving it into something. Something for a very specific person.
A crown. A crown fit for a prince.
And fuck it, when Freed woke up - becuase he would wake up dammit - Gajeel was gonna treat him like a prince. Two weeks ago he'd given Freed shit for being pampered, but now Gajeel would give anything to be the person pampering his spoiled ass that moment. He'd bring him hot tea, make him dinner, massage his damn feet if he had to. Anything to get his prince back to him.
But for now, he had to make the crown. Because once the crown was complete, then Freed would be awake and everything would be fine. It just had to be fine. Yes, it was a ridiculous claim to make, but he had to cling onto something for hope.
He'd make Freed a real crown one day. Metal, infused with gemstones.
Freed would like that. He'd call Gajeel an idiot, but he'd enjoy it really.
Gods dammit, this was so stupid. Gajeel growled and stood up, but kept the half-made wooden crown in his hand. His body protested from the small amount of movement, but he stormed towards a nearby upturned tree that he had been resting on and slammed his fist into the bark. He did it again, and again, not turning his skin to iron so that he could feel the coarseness of the wood grazing his knuckles. He needed to feel something dammit!
"That helping you?" Laxus' voice came from behind him, and Gajeel nearly jumped at the sudden sound as he turned. Fuck, how had he missed the man approaching. "It doesn't look healthy."
"The hell are you doin' here?" Gajeel grunted. He wasn't in the mood for company. "Needed to think."
"I get that, I've been there," Laxus shrugged, leaning against the tree that Gajeel had punched and looking unwilling to move. "But he woke up, asked where you were. Thought you might get pissed off if someone didn't tell ya."
Gajeel paused.
Freed was awake.
Awake, and asking for him.
For a week, Gajeel hadn't allowed himself to think about Freed at all, and the few moments that resolve had slipped he had gone to the worst case scenario. Maybe it was some kind of bullshit defence mechanism, where if he thought only about the bad outcome then maybe it wouldn't hurt so much when it happened, but he suddenly realised that he hadn't entertained the possibility that it might be okay.
He wanted to storm back to Magnolia as quickly as he could, but stumbled a little under his feet. His legs were aching and his body objecting to any movement whatsoever. He tried to fight through it, because dammit he could make it through some pain if he got to see Freed, but he nearly fell to the ground. The only thing stopping him was Laxus.
"He's not gonna be happy if you nearly kill yourself getting to him," Laxus said, hooking Gajeel's arm over his shoulder. "The two of you are fucking idiots, you know that. You love each other to the point of self destruction."
"Love?" Gajeel muttered. "He said that?"
"He looked pretty damn heartbroken when he realised you weren't there," Laxus said, slowly walking while helping Gajeel. "It means he loves you."
"Y' think so?" Gajeel asked.
"Of course," Laxus scoffed, helping the aching man traverse the woodlands. "He's not gonna admit it yet, probably convinced himself it's too soon to say it, but it's pretty damn clear. He doesn't show his emotions very well, so the fact he's showing them about you is a big deal. And if any guy could affect him so much to make him fall in love within a week, it's you."
"In a week, you managed to turn hatred into a special bond, you managed to nail a unison raide, you got rid of the fucking demon that's been ruining his life," Laxus laughed. "You're it for Freed. You're the last guy he's ever gonna love because who the fuck could compare to that?"
Gajeel blushed a little. Was Sparky always this complimentary?
"Aint this the point where you say yer gonna kick my ass if I fuck around with him?" Gajeel asked, because he wasn't particularly good with his feelings and Laxus had just said a lot of things that could overwhelm Gajeel if he lingered on them for too long. "Give me the shovel talk or whatever?"
"Why the hell would I do that?" Laxus asked. "I saw how you look at him, I know you're not gonna be a dick or hurt him. And if you do, he'd deal with you himself."
Gajeel certainly agreed with that, his prince by no means needed anyone to fight his battles for him.
He found himself a little happy that he had gotten Laxus' blessing, even if he didn't think he particularly needed it. Laxus was an important part of Freed's life, and Gajeel didn't want to be the reason for any kind of rift between them. He also wouldn't have been surprised if Freed was firmly the type of man who might choose his friends over a new lover, and Gajeel respected that. So to have Laxus approve of them felt good.
"Just be good to him, okay?" Laxus said quietly, helping Gajeel pass over a branch that had fallen. "A lot of people have been shitty to him - more than he realsies - so be in his corner, okay?"
"Of course," Gajeel nodded, because he didn't need to be told that.
"But don't take any shit from him either," Laxus said with renewed volume, and apparently the seriousness of their conversation was over. "He's a cocky son of a bitch and he can pull some shit when you least expect it. If you're gonna be his boyfriend then it's your responsibility to knock him down a peg when he's being an ass."
"Kinda contradictory, don't y' think," Gajeel laughed a little.
"Trust me, you'll see just how much of an ass he can be, and you'll see what I mean," Laxus grinned at Gajeel, and Gajeel felt as though this was Laxus' way of offering Gajeel a way into his life, as well as Freed's. Gajeel grinned back, and they continued walking. After a little while, Laxus spoke again. "Now, you're gonna have to test how much you care for him now. We can either walk back like this, and get there past midnight, or go to the train station and risk a fucking train without his runes to settle our stomachs? It'll be faster, but feel shitty as hell."
"Train," Gajeel said immediately, despite his stomach groaning at the thought. "He's worth it."
When Gajeel saw Freed, he almost wanted to cry.
He stormed across the infirmary, and Freed looked towards him with an expression just as relieved as Gajeel was feeling. He didn't stop moving, and wrapped his arms around Freed as tightly as he could in a hug. Freed did the same, apparently his body recovered enough to deal with Gajeel's full strength. For a moment, they both clung to each other as tightly as they could, and Gajeel found solace in the scent of his lover's embrace.
Freed was alive, awake, and here. Everything was okay.
"I'm sorry," Gajeel mumbled into the crook of Freed's neck. "I should've been here when you woke up. I'm sorry."
"You're here now, that's all that matters," Freed whispered, and the hoarseness of his voice made Gajeel feel like shit. Freed seemed to notice, as he pulled away and cupped Gajeel's chin firmly. "I've been tortured by a demon for all of my adult life, and you have gotten rid of that. Not being at my side the moment I woke up is entirely forgivable."
"Should've been here," Gajeel argued, pressing his forehead against Freed's.
"I don't mind," Freed whispered again, leaning up and pressing his lips against Gajeel's in a chaste kiss. "So long as you're here now, I don't mind."
Gajeel leant down further, and pressed their lips together again. He pushed into Freed slightly to deepen the kiss, and his inner dragon purred at the feeling of Freed kissing him again. One night with the man had been enough for Gajeel to know that Freed was special, and that no kiss would be as good as a kiss from Freed. He had been wanting nothing but to feel the man against him again, and to have it finally happen was euphoria.
When they pulled apart, Freed was smiling at Gajeel with a lovestruck expression that looked so good on him. Gajeel would have loved to keep Freed in that moment, because such an expression could only be achieved when someone was feeling bliss. Freed was blissful looking at Gajeel!
"Lie with me," Freed requested. Gajeel didn't need to be told twice.
He maneuvered his tired body into the bed - resisting the urge to make a comment about Freed's nude state - and rested against the headboard. Freed shifted slightly, and leant against Gajeel, nuzzling into his chest with a yawn. So fucking cute.
For what seemed like forever, they stayed like this. Just the two of them, together again and breathing and alive and happy. Gajeel would happily live the rest of his life in that moment, with Freed in his arms and with comfort filling his soul. This was a level of contentment that Gajeel had never felt before, and he was unwilling to let it go. Freed was going to be his for as long as Gajeel could fight for him.
"I meant it, y'know," Gajeel murmured, pressing his lips to Freed's ear. "I wanna be yours. I want you to be mine. I meant everything I said."
"I know you did," Freed smiled, looking up. "I want to be yours too. I want to wake up beside you every morning, and kiss you goodnight every night."
Gajeel couldn't help but grin, lean forward and press their lips together again. Freed was his. He was Freed. In each other's arms, they fell asleep. Content, happy, and in love.
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [66]
viii. how we get to peace
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: creepy parasitic worms, death, angst, violence.
Summary: You, Bellamy, and Clarke all realize how far you’re willing to go to stop the war in the valley, but you’re quick to learn your decisions have consequences.
a/n: the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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All of you are still looking at Clarke in shock, except for Bellamy who is still turned away, when Diyoza chimes in again, noticing the prolonged silence. “I don't care how you make it happen, Clarke. Bring her to me in chains and I'll do it for you, or she can surrender herself. But your Red Queen doesn't seem like the type.”
Clarke responds, “Let us worry about that.”
“We have an understanding then.”
“We do.”
“Good. Call me back when it's done and we can work out the details of your crossing. Over and out.”
As soon as the radio falls silent again, Bellamy spins to face your twin, voice hard. “No way.”
She tries to argue, but he cuts her off immediately, glaring at her now. “We are not killing my sister, Clarke. I don't care how crazy she is.”
You turn to Clarke, wanting to take her side because you’re worried about Madi too, but you don't want to do that at Octavia’s expense. “Clarke, I want to keep Madi safe just as much as you do, but Bellamy’s right, we can't kill Octavia. Not when there could be another way.”
Bellamy steps over to Clarke and snatches the radio from her hands, before turning and passing it to Monty. “There is another way. Run the loop. The rover's charged, we're getting our friends.”
And then he turns his anger back to Clarke. “That was reckless. We had a plan, you agreed.”
“That was before Octavia made Madi her second.” The words sober everyone in the room, now more aware of the danger that Madi faces by Octavia’s side. “That army marches to war as soon as they find out the eye is down. I can't let that happen.”
Bellamy retorts, “And what if it was your twin? What if she was the one that needed to be killed to save Madi and get us into the valley, would you do it? Because I don't think you would.”
You look at Clarke, curious on her answer, and she shakes her head and stutters, “I-I don’t know. But it’s not my sister, it’s yours. Your sister who turned into a dictator in the last six years, your sister who kills her people when they try to defect, your sister who has become too power hungry to see that there are other ways to get to the valley that don't involve a war.”
You look around at everyone, your gaze staying on Bellamy as you can see Clarke’s words start to sink in. You muse, “So, we don't tell anyone?”
Monty counters, “They'll know as soon as we drive away.”
“Who cares? We grab Madi, and we go.”
Clarke cuts him a look, exasperated that he still doesn't understand. “Bellamy, she's by her side.”
“She's my sister, Clarke.”
“I know.” And you can hear the resignation in her voice. You know that she doesn't actually want to kill Octavia, but if killing Octavia keeps Madi alive, then you know she will choose Madi over the Wonkru leader any day. “Tell me what else to do!”
“We stop the war.”
Harper looks at her boyfriend, confused about his sudden statement. “How?”
Monty reaches into his pack and pulls out a glass jar full of green liquid, and you look at it in curiosity realizing what it is as he says, “Algae.”
Bellamy, however, does not seem curious about the algae, because he lets out an exasperated sigh and scrubs a hand over his face in frustration. “Monty-”
“Cooper already gave me permission to show what it can do! She's meeting me this afternoon so I can take her to the-”
“That's enough.”
Harper backs Bellamy up and adds, “The first batch put Murphy in a coma for almost a week. By the time it's ready to eat-”
He cuts her off, shaking his head. “We're not gonna eat it this time, we're gonna feed it to the plants. If I can make the farm viable again, then we'll still have a chance.”
Your brows lift, impressed, and you start to ask him a question about how confident he is in the algae when the door swings open. You all turn to it in shock, freezing like a bunch of kids that have been caught doing something they aren’t supposed to when you see Octavia standing there, her eyes locked on the screen behind Monty. “The spy did her job?”
Cooper and Miller step in alongside their queen, and Bellamy walks over to his sister, working on damage control, aware of how bad it looks that no one came to warn her. “Uh, we were just about to send for you. I told you Echo would get it done.”
You feel a flash of anger at the mention of her name, despite the fact that her and Bellamy are broken up, and you shake your head, trying to control yourself. Octavia turns to look at Monty, wanting more information. “Can the enemy still see us?”
“For now, yes. It's technical, but-”
Cooper cuts him off, and as terrible as she appears to be, she seems to understand perfectly. “He has to run a loop to mask our troop movements. When the time comes, we need to clear the surface to reduce the risk of anyone noticing the same people moving in the same direction again and again.”
“Well done, Monty.” Octavia turns to look at Cooper and then Miller, giving her commands, “Load the worms into the rover and mobilize the army. War is here.”
And then she turns to leave all of you behind, staring at each other in shock. Any plan you had to get out fast and save your friends before the worms arrived is now foiled by Octavia knowing the eye is down. You sigh, already aware that this is going to complicate things further, likely putting Bellamy and Clarke at odds even more so than they were minutes ago. You know you're about to be caught in the middle of them, so you rack your brain, trying to figure out how you can fix this. And then you remember Indra, shocked by Octavia and who she has become, seemingly willing to stop this war if given the choice. You turn and look between your twin and your former lover, offering up your solution. “We need to meet with Indra. If anyone can stop this before it happens, she can.”
They both nod in agreement, and Bellamy looks at Harper. “We need you to pass the message to Indra, we can't be seen looking for her. Tell her to meet us in the building that Octavia used as a war room before we marched the first time. She’ll know where that is.”
Harper nods, and hurries out the door, and you watch her go before you mutter, “We’ll need to get there without being seen.”
Clarke nods, “I know just the way. When Jaha and I took the bunker for Skaikru, we spent a lot of time staring at the schematics for this place. There are a lot of passageways that can get you from one end to the other without seeing a single soul.”
“Then let’s go.”
Clarke leads you from the room and into a closed off hallway, taking you through the bunker and up to the exit without coming across anyone, as promised. Once on the surface, the three of you split off, taking different paths at different times to reach the building, so that no one sees all three of you heading to the same place together. All of the sneaking around reminds you of when you spied on Pike for Kane, and a pang cuts through you, somehow nostalgic for that time. You don't know why, maybe it’s because everything felt simpler then, even when you were on the brink of war with the Grounders. Maybe it’s because things were better with you and Bellamy. Even though he was closed off and working with the enemy, the two of you were together. Now, you feel like a stranger to him. Though, the more you think about it, you kind of feel like a stranger to everyone. You saw your mother and Kane for a few minutes before they were taken away to the valley, and now you haven’t seen them since. There’s still so much they don’t know about the time you and Clarke spent on the ground without them, and there’s clearly so much you and Clarke don’t know about the years everyone spent in the bunker. 
Bellamy and the others from the ring are clearly very close. You’ve heard them all refer to each other as a family a few times since getting to the ground, but you have no idea what their time in space was like. You have no idea how they passed the time, or kept themselves sane, or when Bellamy moved on from you and fell in love with Echo. And now everything just feels so awkward. Everything is so different from the last time everyone was together six years ago. Everyone has changed so much, and there’s been so little time to get reintroduced to the new versions of each other. With a war hanging over everyone’s heads, the awkwardness persists, everyone still working to get comfortable around each other again in the few quiet moments you have been given.
You pull yourself from your thoughts when you see the building up ahead, and you step inside, seeing that you’re the last to arrive before Indra does. As you wait for your guest, the three of you all occupy the room with anxious energy. Clarke stands near the window, peeking out every few seconds. Bellamy paces back and forth across the room, and you rack your brain trying to remember if that's a habit he’s always had, or one he picked up on the ring. You never figure it out, because Indra steps into the room, already questioning all of you before she even gets the door closed. “We're readying for war. Do you know the risk I'm taking meeting you here?”
“Yes, thank you for coming.”
She warily eyes Bellamy, not sure she trusts the thanks before demanding, “What do you want?”
You step forward, feeling like right now, you might be the calmest person in this group. At the very least, you’re the middle man, stuck between two opposing sides, making you the most qualified to update Indra. “Clarke talked to Colonel Diyoza. She's offering all of Wonkru safe passage to the valley, all Octavia has to do is surrender.”
“By now, you've realized she would never do that, so I'll ask you again. What do you want from me?”
“Peace without war is still possible. Now, you're her advisor, she'll listen to you.”
“Why would I advise her to surrender in a war she's likely to win? Thanks to you, we can march freely on the enemy while the worms ravage them. By the time we get to the valley, the only thing left to do will be to clean up the mess.”
Clarke counters, “And if the worms ravage the valley?”
“A risk she's willing to take.”
You think about the conflict, about the mess all of you will have to clean up, or another war you’ll have to fight, despite not wanting to. An easy victory, sure, but a messy one. A messy one, that relies on the worms. You turn to Indra, trying to hide your excitement at the thought. “What if the outcome of the war wasn't certain, if she didn't have the worms? Would she still fight?”
“If she didn't have the worms, both sides would take heavy losses.”
Bellamy seems to understand what you’re saying and adds, “Exactly. If all it took to save her people from that and deliver them to the promised land was surrender, would she do it?”
“I would hope so. Of course, you would never see the promised land because she would know it was you and, brother or not, throw you in the pits.”
You start to wonder if she’d really do that, throw Bellamy in the pits. And then you start to worry if she’d do that to you. To Clarke. To Madi. And the more you think about it, the more sure you are that she would. If any of you stand in her way, you’re sure she won’t hesitate to take you out. You fight against your growing anxiety as Clarke starts to formulate a plan based on your initial suggestion. “Not if she thought it was Cooper. There's a failsafe in the processing room, I saw it when we were there. A way to kill the worms if they ever-”
Indra cuts her off, scoffing, “Folly! Cooper would never push that button, and since she's the only one that handles the worms-”
Clarke now cuts her off, “Cooper would be dead. We'll make it look like an accident. You would be the first responder, hit the failsafe button. No more worms.”
“No more war.” It only takes a second for her to decide before she looks between each of you, giving you her answer. “Do it. I don't want to know how it’s done, just send for me when I’m needed. The army is preparing in the atrium. I’ll hit the button, and play the part.”
She watches you all nod in agreement before she turns and slips out the door, leaving the three of you to plan a murder you had no idea you’d be committing when you woke up this morning. 
The plan falls into place quickly when you remind Bellamy and Clarke about the meeting Monty mentioned he was going to have with Cooper in a few hours. From there, you all decide to take her from the meeting, into the biolab, stage the accident with a torn glove, kill her, and then notify Indra. You convince yourself not to think about the fact that you’re about to kill someone, so unused to killing people in the last 6 years. Wanlida came out of you easily when you, Clarke, and Madi were threatened by the prisoners, aware that it was you vs them. Now, you try to convince yourself that killing Cooper is the same thing. She’s just as bad as Octavia, she’s the one that put the worms in someone still living, she’s Octavia's right hand man. With her out of the picture, everything will fall into place. It has to.
Which is why you now stand crouched behind a row of plants, tuning out Monty’s words to Cooper, waiting for Bellamy’s signal. He stands nearby, a rag in his hand doused with chloroform, watching Cooper inch closer and closer. You keep your eyes on him, and suddenly he turns to you and nods his head, signaling for you to stand and take a few steps, making noise as you go. The trick does what it’s supposed to, and Cooper turns towards you, calling out, “Is someone there?”
As soon as she’s turned away from him, Bellamy jumps out of the shadows and holds the rag over Cooper’s mouth, and you see her struggle and fight as Monty calls out to Bellamy, trying to get him to stop. As soon as you hear Cooper fall silent, you step from the shadows, motioning for Clarke to join you, and Bellamy throws Cooper over his shoulder and carries her over to where you stand waiting, near the door to the biolab. You look over at Monty, knowing he's your only way into that room. “Monty, we need you to open the processing room. Please.”
“What the hell are you doing?”
Bellamy counters, “Explain later.”
“Actually, if you want me to open that door, you'll explain now!”
Bellamy looks over at him, expression growing softer. “I know it doesn't look like it, but this is how we stop the war.” 
“I was stopping the war!”
Clarke, who has stayed quiet through the entire exchange, snaps, “Keep your voice down! If anyone hears us-”
He cuts her off, deadpanning, “You're killing her, aren't you?”
The three of you exchange a look, knowing that Monty seems clearly disturbed by the plan, but you also know he deserves to know the truth since you’re asking him to be involved. So you look his way, and nod once. “Yes.”
You grab the broken magnet he used last time and hold it out to him, eyes pleading. You know it’s a lot to ask of him, the engineer never fond of killing, but there’s no other way for the three of you to get in that door. Monty sighs and then shakes his head, clearly upset that he’s making whatever decision he’s decided on. He takes the magnet from your hand and mutters, “And, of course, I help because what's one more, right? We're already murderers.”
As Monty works to open the door, Bellamy counters, “That's not fair. We're talking about taking one life to save hundreds.”
“Really?” He turns to look at Bellamy, stalling his movements. “Then let's kill Octavia.”
Bellamy drops his gaze, and you and Clarke avoid Monty’s eyes, aware that discussion has already been had, and didn't play out the way anyone wanted it to. Monty shakes his head again and turns back to the lock. “Didn't think so.”
You hear the lock click and Monty pushes the door open a crack before he turns and walks away, not looking at any of you. He drops the magnet on the way out, and Bellamy calls out to him, voice pleading, but Monty never turns around, never acknowledges any of you. He just shoulders his burden and walks out the door, leaving the three of you to your dirty work. You look over at Bellamy, noting his torn expression, and you’re sure you must look the same because Clarke whispers, “We're doing the right thing.”
Bellamy glances at her before heading towards the open door. “If you say it enough, maybe I'll believe you.”
You follow him into the room, and Clarke walks in last, closing the door behind her. You jog ahead of Bellamy and unzip the biolab, pushing the flaps open so he can step inside and set her on the ground. Clarke hands you one of the radiation suits near the door, the one Cooper uses to protect herself when handling the worms, and you and Bellamy dress her in it as Clarke searches for worms to use. She finds something as you pull out your knife and cut a hole in between the fingers on Cooper’s glove, and Clarke drags over a large locked box labeled: “Adults. 2 days old.”
She swings open the glass cage that once held a live body and she sets the box on the edge, unlocking it and holding it in place. As soon as she sees you and Bellamy are finished, she says, “You two go stand outside. I’ll knock the box over and run over to you, and you close the lab up behind me.”
“Clarke, are you sure?”
“Yes, now go.”
You and Bellamy stand outside and hold the flaps closed, and Clarke makes sure you’re in position before she counts, “3...2...1...go!”
As the words leave her mouth she lets go of the box, leaving it to teeter precariously on the edge. She takes off running towards you and Bellamy and you pull open the flaps so she can run outside before you and Bellamy quickly bring them back together and zip them closed. As the zipper reaches the floor, the movement of the worms becomes too much and the box shifts to the right, into the open air, falling off the ledge and tumbling to the ground. You shiver as you watch them scramble out of the box, seeking the warmth of a human body, and it isn't long before they find Cooper and get into her suit. You see her body jerk as they burrow into her skin, but still she doesn't wake.
It takes a few minutes of waiting and watching before Cooper wakes with a start, slowly trying to piece together what happened to her. But as she turns, she sees the open box of worms and watches as a few scurry past, and she pulls herself to her feet as fast as she can, catching a glimpse of her torn glove in the process. She turns, clearly ready to head for the door, but her eyes fall on the three of you instead. She’s clearly fighting back tears as she yells, “You'll all die for this.”
Seconds after she says it, she lurches forward, falling onto her knees, groaning out in pain. She tugs off her helmet and struggles to get the suit unzipped, crying out in pain as she does. You watch in horror, aware of exactly what’s happening as she tugs up her shirt to reveal her bare torso. You see multiple worms slither beneath her skin and you shiver as she cries out in pain and screams, “Please make it stop!”
You turn away, no longer able to look, subconsciously ducking your head towards Bellamy’s chest, using him to shield your eyes. It takes a second for you to realize what you’ve done, and you start to pull away, feeling awkward, but he surprises you by wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer. Clarke turns to look at the two of you, and though you can't see it, she fights to hide the smile that threatens to break onto her face. Instead, reminded of Cooper’s presence by another scream of pain, she mutters, “Let's go, it'll work. Octavia will have to surrender.”
She turns and leaves, and Bellamy hesitates for a moment before he turns you both, putting his hand on your lower back to guide you forward. The three of you head out into the farm, pulling the door closed, making sure it locks behind you. Clarke grabs Monty’s discarded magnet on her way out and turns to you. “You signal Indra, we’ll meet in our tent. Bellamy and I will take different routes and meet you there.”
You nod and the three of you split off, and you start on the path that will take you through the atrium. The sound of war preparations grows louder as you get closer, punctuated by shouts, the clang of weapons, and the thud of last minute sparring. As you step into the atrium and follow the ramp up to the exit, you casually seek out Indra, careful to not draw attention to yourself. When you finally find her, you see that her eyes are already on you, and you nod your head, so small that no one can tell. She gives you the smallest of nods back before she turns her gaze back to her troops and begins to give commands, leaving you to slip out of the bunker and into the cool night air.
You look up at the stars as you follow the streets to your tent, in no rush to have the post mission discussion which will likely include a recap of the murder you just comitted with your twin and Bellamy. You trace a few constellations as you scan the sky, disappointment rising in you when you reach the tent faster than you expected. Bellamy and Clarke are already inside when you arrive, Clarke sitting on the bed and anxiously wringing her hands as she waits for you, while Bellamy paces in the space, his new normal. They look at you expectantly as you come in, and you nod, letting them know it's done, before you plop down onto the bed beside Clarke.
The three of you remain in silence for a long time, no one eager to discuss what you just did, and you’re grateful for that. You’re relieved that Bellamy and Clarke seem just as distressed as you do at what you’ve done, though you know the three of you had no other choice. Clarke is finally the first one to break the silence, and she lifts her gaze to Bellamy, looking remorseful. “You're a good brother, Bellamy. I'm sorry that I thought I could-”
He finishes for her, “Kill my sister? The truth is, if she was anybody else, I would've beat you to it.”
You smile at them, glad the two most important people to you are now burying the hatchet, and you shake your head at Bellamy’s words. “I don't think that’s true. Maybe the old Bellamy would have, but I saw your face in there, and I know this version of you wouldn’t.”
Suddenly, Octavia bursts into the tent, and you have a split second to wonder how much she’s heard before she points at Clarke and demands, “Take her.”
People file into the tent, one guard pointing a gun at Clarke, and the two of you scramble to your feet in shock. Bellamy instinctively steps closer, as Miller walks into the room and sets his glare onto your sister. “You're under arrest for the murder of Kara Cooper.”
You look at him, and then Octavia in complete shock, as Bellamy exclaims, “What? This is insane!
“Is it?” Octavia cocks her head to the side as she appraises the three of you, “We weren't taking the worms. The eggs are already loaded in the rover, so what was Cooper doing there?”
The three of you exchange a shocked look, as Miller grabs Clarke’s arms and pulls them behind her back to cuff her. Octavia keeps her eyes solely on Bellamy. “Careful, big brother, or I'll think you helped her, and we don't have enough prisoners to settle this in the arena.”
You look at Clarke, growing worried and she shakes her head, warning you to stay silent. You start to comply until you hear Octavia muse, “Oh, well. I guess we'll have to settle for an execution.”
She turns and heads out of the tent, and your eyes go wide as you look at your twin, not sure you’re even processing the words. Miller grabs Clarke and starts to pull her away, and you look at him, begging, “Miller, let her go! This is crazy, she didn't do anything!”
But Miller keeps pulling her away as Clarke fights back, dragging her feet. You lunge at them, trying to reach them and pull your twin back to you, only to be held back by Bellamy. You fight against him as you yell out to his sister, “Octavia, get back here! Octavia!”
Clarke calls your name through your yelling, locking eyes with you. “Keep Madi safe, promise me!”
You feel tears well up in your eyes, but you nod. “I promise!”
She relents, allowing Miller to take her away, relieved that even if she dies, Madi will be safe. You, however, do not relent, continuing to kick and scream and call out to Octavia, Miller, and Clarke long after they’ve gone. Bellamy holds you the entire time, letting you tire yourself out until you’re a mess of tears, sobbing over the loss of your twin. Once you switch to crying, he lowers himself onto the bed, holding you in his arms as you cry until you have nothing left. No tears, no energy, just an empty feeling. 
You fall silent, staring at the wall, too upset to do anything, and Bellamy starts to quietly hum Clair de lune, tears spilling from your eyes again as he comforts you. You don't know how long the two of you stay like that, but it feels like forever, and through your heartbreak you’re comforted by the fact that at least right now, he’s here for you. He may not love you anymore, but he’s not running to abandon you, and maybe that’s enough. 
Eventually, he lays you out in the bed, tugging off your boots and getting you comfortable, pulling the blanket up to your chin. And then he stands, turning to walk away and leave you alone. Panicked, you reach out for him, grabbing his wrist and stopping him, and through your raspy throat you ask, “Where are you going?”
He doesn’t look at you, his gaze firmly fixed on the wall, and you start to worry that you scared him away. He mutters, “To make things right.”
Before you can ask what that means, he pulls your fingers from his arm and turns away from you, disappearing from the tent and leaving you alone. You feel tears threaten to fall again, despite feeling cried out, now  completely abandoned. Your twin is gone, and your former lover is gone now too. You close your eyes, trying to clear your mind, praying to the Universe that sleep takes you quickly. 
And for once, the Universe feels pity on you and grants your request, sending you into a deep sleep before you can even finish your prayer. 
next chapter
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Forsaken | Part 15 (Final)
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Summary: As one of the Forsaken, Jinyoung had no right to covet anything as his own. When he stumbles across you standing in the middle of the village he had plundered, the memories of old make him risk it all, clutching at the past in hopes for a better future.
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
Genre: warrior au / star crossed lovers / angst / romance
Warnings: death, kidnapping, cursing, a myriad of emotions - this is a really sad love story. 
Index: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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Lying upon the cart, you wished to be dead. It was ironic that in the beginning, this very cart had transported you into this world as Jinyoung’s treasure. Now, he laid beside you, unmoving. Fresh tears soaked through his shirt, your head strewn across his chest, hoping for a glimpse of his heartbeat.
Tired eyes lingered at the body next to him and you reached out for Jackson, shaking as the wound continued to stain through any bandaging Jaebum had done. You wondered if Jackson’s body would ever dry up.
Jinyoung’s only seemed to maintain what blood he had due to the sword still embedded in him.
The remaining fight had ended once Argo was dead, his men looking between each other for guidance.
“Should we kill who remains?”
“Let’s say they’re all dead, they might as well be,” another decided, backing off and holding his hands up in surrender. They soon departed the battle site, leaving behind their fallen leader and men, and you to mourn your losses.
“Don’t remove the sword from him,” Jaebum said in all but a whisper, cutting Argo’s limb away and freeing him from the hunter.
You had been numb to the whole procedure, unable to help the three men pick up what you still had, merely stumbling along with Jinyoung’s body as they carried it to the cart now attached to Jinyoung’s horse. You had silently climbed up then, curling up beside Jinyoung and had laid there ever since.
You wished for something or someone to rid you of the excruciating pain that burdened your heart and mind. Flashes of your life shared with Jinyoung played out one by one, tormenting you further.
You already longed to see him smile again.
Eventually, you grew aware that you were no longer on land. The sea breeze was brisk and the waves choppy. You ignored all offers from the others to eat, and you lost count of how many times the sun rose and set.
You pleaded for an emptiness to overwhelm you instead of the constant memories, the ghost of Jinyoung’s lips upon your skin.
It was bittersweet when the cart finally stopped moving. You had no energy to get yourself down, Mark scooping you up and carrying you inside a small cabin.
You hated how much you relished the comfort of a bed, and the warmth of a blanket, soon drifting off into a dreamless state.
“It’s time to get up now,” Youngjae called when he finally found you awake, offering you food.
“I don’t want to eat.”
“Tough, I will force you if I have to,” he retorted, coming over to your side and holding up the spoon to some porridge. You glared at him yet he only shot one back. “How dare you not eat!”
You merely stared back at him.
“That’s what he would say, you know. He would scold you for being foolish.”
Tears slipped down your cheeks as you lowered your head. “He’s not here.”
“How do you know that? He’s always been in here,” Youngjae mentioned, reaching to touch your chest softly. “Can’t you hear him in your head telling you to get up and live on?”
“I’ve lived on without him once. I don’t want to do it again.”
“Have we held a funeral? No, now start eating or we’ll have to but for you!”
Glowering at Youngjae, you took the spoon from his grip and swallowed down a mouthful.
Your friend eased his stern expression. “There, that’s what you need to do.”
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Days after awakening, you were pulling yourself up with the sun, helping Youngjae plant a vegetable garden and setting up your new home. You had no idea how you had acquired such a place but you were certain Jinyoung would have loved it here with you. It was a small farmstead, with two simple cabins. So far, you and Youngjae shared the one you had woken up in, whilst Mark and Jaebum set up in the other.
With Jackson and Jinyoung.
You hadn’t been brave enough to enter the place yet, unsure if you would be able to handle seeing his listless body again. You couldn’t seem to will yourself into death, no matter how much you had tried to. You missed Jinyoung and still cried yourself to sleep every night. Yet, you regained your strength, healing from your injuries well and soon felt back to usual self physically.
You wondered just how selfish a human could truly be to continue to survive in this world without the one person who you wanted to do everything with. You felt a coward, to still be breathing in the air that Jinyoung and Jackson should be doing as well. It bothered you when you stopped to think about it, which with your returning energy, you tried not to allow to happen often.
There was a lot to be done around the farm. Mark helped where he could, but it was Youngjae who you saw the most of each day.
Still, despite living, eating, and doing chores, you weren’t in connection with the world anymore. You hardly spoke, never smiled, and tried your best not to look too much at your remaining friends.
Each time your gaze lingered on their faces was enough to bring back the pain again, causing the air to be knocked out of your lungs and you struggled to breathe through.
“She’s having another panic attack!” Youngjae shrilled as you bent down in the garden bed, gripping at your chest with one hand and planting yourself in the soil with the other. You felt the wind brush passed you as Jaebum arrived at your side, trying to help you breathe properly again.
It was in these moments where you would see Jinyoung instead, his dark eyes etched with concern as his words of comfort fell into your hair, willing you to breathe for him again. You would watch him painfully, knowing he wasn’t there and yet your hopes would rise, all the same, your breathing returning. And then when you blinked after your ordeal, Jinyoung was no longer there, Jaebum sighing in relief that you were recovered instead.
He said it was part of the trauma you had faced with what happened that day. You wondered if that was why you started to see Jinyoung more often as well. Much as you had when living with your Grandmother, you started to talk to him as you did your chores, fond of the image of him helping you wash the vegetables you had fetched with Youngjae from the nearby village, or hanging out the washing and peeking around the corners at one another.
Even though you knew it was detrimental, you welcomed the visions.
Still, it was deep in the night where you realised just how alone you were. No image of Jinyoung could substitute the warmth of his arms that were lacking within this bed. You despised the night now, the moon and all the stars in the sky. They had lost their beauty the same time you lost the man who whispered sweet nothings upon them.
You willed for the sun to arrive quickly.
“Y/N, are you going to come in for breakfast?”
“I’m going to hang out the washing first!” you called back to a grinning Youngjae, the man looking at the cabin and then back at you.
You paid him no mind, picking up your laundered items to hang up and make the most of the drying sun. Reaching for a blanket, you struggled to hoist it over the line.
“Here, let me help you.”
“Jinyoung, don’t be silly, you’ve never hung out a single thing in your life.”
“There’s always time to learn, don’t you think?”
You smiled sadly. “It would have been nice to see you do laundry.”
“Let me try now.”
“It’s fine, I’ve got it,” you replied, blinking back your tears. You stretched up on the tips of your toes and hoisted it over the line, cursing Mark for having hung this section of the washing line too high for you to easily reach. Once the blanket fell over the line, you let out a triumphant huff of air and then spun to grab the next, losing your footing and ending up in the arms of a man you hadn’t seen in weeks.
Jinyoung smiled. “Always falling for me. It’s a bad habit of yours. How would you be able to cope in this world without me catching you each time?”
You merely blinked, trying to decipher if you had truly gone mad. His grip felt too real around your waist and there as an unmistakable level of warmth that had never once come from your hallucinations.
Shakily, you reached up for his face, gasping when you connected with his cheek. “You’re alive.”
“Well, I sure hope so. How could I leave this world whilst you’re still alive in it?”
“But you … you…”
“Later,” he murmured, his lips curling up into a delighted smile. “We can talk later. Right now, there’s something I need from you.”
“What is-”
You knew he was truly back when his lips pressed into yours, caressing you right down to your soul.
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“You all tricked me!” you exclaimed later over dinner, even glaring at the pale Jackson who merely shook his head at you.
“Now don’t go adding me in this, I think I really died.”
“Then how are you sitting at this table with us? Are you a ghost?!” Jaebum huffed, looking at his hands and then held them up at him. “I worked tirelessly on you both! Don’t underestimate my efforts to bring you back from the brink of death, brother!”
Mark chuckled as he pulled off a piece of the fresh loaf of bread you had made. “In all fairness, we did try to tell you, Y/N. You just didn’t want to hear anything about either of them.”
“She’s someone who needs to see things with her own eyes to believe in them,” Jinyoung mentioned, chewing on his food before grinning at you. “It was more effective that she found me alive than you telling her I was recovering when you didn’t know how long that would have taken.”
“I’m right here, you know,” you grumbled and Jinyoung nodded.
“And she’s really impatient so Jaebum would have gone insane with her hanging over his shoulder looking for new signs of life.”
“Enough!” you exclaimed, slapping your hands down on the table. Looking at each man to see if they dared to talk, you then nodded. “Let me get this straight. You discussed a plan like this?”
“It wasn’t one we wanted to take but if anyone got gravely injured we needed to put them into another world to heal.”
“You all acted like they were dead to me!”
Jaebum nodded. “They were close to it. But I gave them both a tonic to keep them going until we got here so I could start the treatment properly. You weren’t functioning no matter how often we tried to bring you back to the present so you didn’t realise I had purposely slowed down their breathing.”
“I was mourning the loss of the love of my life.” You turned to glare at the evidently healthy man beside you. Jinyoung sheepishly shrugged at you. “Clearly, I wasted a lot of emotions on you.”
“I’m touched, really.”
“Did you cry for me?” Jackson wondered as you rolled your eyes, now looking at everyone around the table. “Anyone?”
“I did, don’t worry,” Youngjae offered hastily, which made the men all laugh.
“I’m still ridiculously confused!” you announced and stood up, storming off outside.
Jinyoung joined you a moment later, reaching for your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Glancing at the wounded arm that was strapped to his body in a sling, you grunted. “Will you be lame in that arm forever?”
“You did a good job with that sword, I doubt I’ll ever be able to fully regain strength to it.”
Your annoyance eased and you spun to look up at Jinyoung worriedly. “Really?”
“I’m grateful to have been blessed with a spare,” he mentioned cheekily, holding up his other arm. You hit it as he laughed heartily and you stopped to smile, listening to the bright sound. It was the first time he had truly laughed with so much ease.
“You’re different.”
“I feel like I’m the same.”
“No, you’ve never been like this,” you told him, stepping to his side and gazing up at him adoringly. “You’ve always been looking for the invisible threat. You’re relaxed right now.”
“I’ll let you in on a secret.” Jinyoung beckoned you closer. “Jaebum gave me a very strong pain relief this morning. It’s still working its way through me.”
“You’re being very playful, so it’s not just the medicine. You’re not the same Jinyoung I’ve ever known.”
“I played with you when we were children!”
“Well, yes, but I mean even then you carried a hardness in your eyes. You never showed your emotions easily. All day long you’ve been laughing, smiling, and sharing everything with those handsome eyes of yours.”
“Do you not like it?”
“No, I love it.”
“Good.” Jinyoung kissed the side of your head. “Because I don’t have to hide anymore. No one is looking for me.”
“You’re free.”
Jinyoung nodded happily. “We all are.”
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You finally got your wish. Every day, you woke up in the warmth of Jinyoung’s arms, soft kisses starting the morning before going off to prepare breakfast together for everyone. After that, you did chores on the farm, now raising your own animals to further live off the land. You were also building a third cabin since word had reached you that BamBam and Yugyeom were alive and were on their way to join you all.
Each day was full of activity, though you didn’t mind working hard. There was constant laughter and the youth you had all been robbed of from the Rebellion returned through playful water fights and endless teasing. And when you found yourself growing tired from being the only woman on the farmstead, you would go into town to spend time with your friends you had made there. In turn, they visited your home, though you were certain it wasn’t just to see you.
You hadn’t realised just how charming the men you lived with were until you watched them in action.
Looking at Jaebum sweet-talking a cat he had found hungry in the neighbouring fields instead of talking to Bethie who was interested in him, however, showed you that some of them had a long way to go before they could fully be free from the shackles of their upbringing.
But each day brought them one step closer.
Falling onto your bed exhaustively later that evening, you groaned when Jinyoung climbed in beside you and gestured for you to move. “I’m too tired.”
“You need to get under the blankets, it’s the middle of winter.”
“You know that being pregnant makes me feel hotter than normal.”
“Still,” he said with a warning tone and you sighed, picking yourself up only to pull back the blankets.
By the time you were about to slip back into bed, Jinyoung had extended his arm out for you and was waiting. You smiled, though took your time gently nestling into his side.
Not for your sake, but for his.
“You always offer me up this arm to rest upon.”
“Well, considering we go to sleep on the same sides of the bed each night, how am I meant to give you the other?”
“I’ve offered to swap but you never accept,” you pointed out, glancing up at him. “Why?”
“You freed me with this arm,” Jinyoung mentioned, shifting his head so he could kiss your temples. You closed your eyes with sheer delight that tingled throughout you from his soft gesture. “You see it as something awful.”
“I would never wish to harm you.”
“I see it as you setting me free from the Rebellion. Having you lay upon it is my way of showing how grateful I am.”
“But it hurts you.”
“A small price to pay to still be here at your side,” he reminded and you nodded, lifting your head to kiss him.
“You followed me here to Nowhere.”
He grinned. “There’s no better place than to be nowhere with you.”
“We have quite the adventure to tell this child that I’m growing,” you said, rubbing at your slightly protruding belly. “What should we keep to ourselves?”
“How about we skip the ten years we were apart for.”
“Why? That’s the best bit!”
Jinyoung balked a little. “How is that the best part of our story?! The best was obviously when I kidnapped you.”
“And I hated you.”
“You could never hate me.”
“I hated you until I saw your face,” you corrected with a giggle and Jinyoung shook his head.
“We really have been through a lot. Maybe we need to think about how we share this tale with our offspring in the future.”
“I’ll write a book!”
“If you do that then it will be greatly exaggerated.”
“Says the man who wrote an entire love letter about comparing me to the moon and stars.”
Kissing you to silence your teasing remarks, you soon fell into a heady embrace, parting when you were certain your soul was about to burst out of your body and jump into his. You smiled and Jinyoung kissed you briefly before nodding. “However we tell it, let’s make sure we do it together.”
“Well, I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
“Anywhere might be nicer than nowhere,” he offered but before you could respond, Jinyoung was sizing up your lips again. “No matter where you go, I’ll follow you.”
“Of course, you’re mine.”
“Mm,” he hummed, a satisfied smile tugging his plump lips up. “I’m yours.”
Thank you for enjoying this series. There may be an Epilogue shared at a later date in 2020. 
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Moments in the life of Y/N L/N
Okay this is LONG. I kid you not it took me like a week to write and I’m so proud of it. It’s a Shirakumo x Reader fic but Shirakumo makes a cameo like three times??? Yall seemed to like the hc with his daughter so here is a some insight in her life and the reader’s. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warning: blood, description of injuries, angst, mentions of death and unplanned pregnancy, some fluff here and there.
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Age 17
They were dancing in his living room. They were having a sleepover just like they did when they were kids and their parents would let them live in each other’s houses for days. Music was being blasted from the speakers of her phone as he was twirling her around his room. Giggles filled the space between them as the exchanged warm smiles and lovestruck looks. The song came to an end but they didn’t part from each other. Laying her head on his chest, she could feel his heartbeat strong and steady against her ear. 
“I could dance with you all day.” she whispered so lowly he barely caught her words. 
“Save your energy for our wedding day baby girl.” he smiled down at her, leaving a peck on the crown of her head. “I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Shirakumo.”
“Yeah I bet by how much you talk about it you dumb cloud. Let’s finish high school first though.” she rested her chin on his chest, their gazes meeting as she matched his soft smile with one of her own. “I don’t want to be that weird married couple that is still in high school.”
“Well we are 17 baby.” he pushed her lightly off his chest, bringing his hand to rest on her cheek. “We can start a family by the time we are 20. I will have opened the agency with Shouta and Hizashi by then.” 
She laughed softly at his words, the future they had in front of them seemed so bright so perfect. Too perfect to be true. As they swayed lightly from side to side neither of them knew what awaited them. How the future they had dreamt together would soon be shattered to millions of pieces.   
Age 20
She was sleeping soundly in her crib. It had been such a challenge to get her to bed that night. The strong winds hitting the house and the howls as they passed by scared the poor three year old to the point that even her mother's embrace couldn’t calm her down. Sky always loved looking at the sky, not only because she would joke that she was looking at herself but also because she got so mesmerized by the clouds. They never scared her, not even when they became dark and angry lightning spewing from deep within them. Storms never scared her. But wind terrified her. The howling and the sheer strength they hold sends shivers down the poor girl’s spine. 
“You really are a handful you know…” Y/N was still in her baby’s room, staring at the ball of light blue hair as she slept soundly. She loved her daughter with her whole being. Sky was her world. She had managed to feel the void that he left behind. She was the reason why Y/N was able to pull herself out of her grief. She was the reason why Y/N found purpose in her life again. His death was the point of no return for her. Accompanied by the sudden revelation of her pregnancy, the emotions had become too much. Too intense for her to handle. She had considered dropping it. Ending the life they had created short. She was scared and alone, grieving for the lost of her love and everything seemed like a black hole, sucking her in. But she kept the baby and she couldn’t imagine her life without her little girl. It had been almost three years since he left this world and despite it all, it hurt just the same. 
Age 23
“Mama, who is that next to you?” Y/N had been typing mindlessly on her laptop for the past hour now. A magazine had asked her to write some exclusive descriptions for some of her photos that they were using. She had come to realize that being a professional photographer was a really hard job. But she was managing. ‘This is a talent Y/N! Look how cool I seem in this one. We are definitely hiring you as our personal photographer when we open the agency!’ Small hands placed a photo on her lap. Sky had been flipping through old photo albums while her mother worked. She seemed to be really interested in her mother’s old albums. 
Now Y/N had come face to face with a memory she had buried deep in her mind. One she wished to never let go of but simultaneously never wanted to relive. Oboro had taken her to a water park for their anniversary. It had been a school day and they had agreed to just skip class and enjoy their day together. She had bought him a Polaroid camera so he could take photos with his friends. She hadn’t met them, their schedules never matching. He had insisted that the very first memory he would make was with her and once the photo had been printed he had given it to her.  
“That’s…” Sky saw the color from her mother’s face drain and she promised to herself that very day that she would never bring this up again. If it hurt her mom it wasn’t worth it. “That’s your daddy.”
Age 26 
Her little girl was about to turn 10. In a few days they would be celebrating her birthday and Y/N couldn’t help but feel sad. She could remember the first time she held her as if it was yesterday. She was in a very bad place back then. Sky was the only ray of light in her life. Moving to another country after the death of the father of her child was a handful for the young mother. But now, after almost a decade in America, she could say with confidence that their lives were pretty good. 
Sky had gotten into martial arts really early on and now could beat anyone up if she wanted, that’s what her two friends said at least. If you asked her however, she would raise her right arm which was broken. I get my butt kicked, no thank you. In truth her arm hadn’t been broken while she was practicing. She broke it on her way to practice but she still blamed the sport for her misfortune. A cat was stuck on a tree and she tried to free it, by climbing on the tree herself. Everything was fine until the branch she was sitting on broke and she came crashing down. Sure she could have used her quirk, make a small cloud and save herself but she prioritized the salvation of the cat. Her mother wasn’t happy when she found out. Now Sky had to learn to do everything with her left hand for the next two-three months. 
“Hey baby, I’ve got something for you.” Y/N picked her head inside the room, her hands behind her back holding onto a small box. 
“Mom my birthday is in two days, can’t you wait?” Sky laughed at her mother’s antics. Sitting down next to her, Y/N brought the box to her daughter’s lap waiting for her to open it. Opening it she was met with a pendant. It had a short chain and a small turquoise stone in the middle. Fiddling with it, Sky felt three engravings on the back.
“It has our initials on it.” Letting out a sigh she pet her daughter’s hair. “It was originally mine with only two engravings but now I’ve added yours as well.” Sky knew who must have given it originally to her mom. She was a smart girl after all, it didn’t take much for her to realize who she was referring to. Launching herself at her mom, she wrapped her arms around her neck burying her face in her hair. Silent tears fell from her eyes. It had been some time since not having him around got to her. She had grown to realize that he was gone and she could do nothing to bring him back. When she was younger, not having a father would usually bug her when she saw others with their dads but her mother helped her bury the feeling. 
“A little gift from your daddy.”
Age 29 
Middle school wasn’t that bad. Now in her first year, Sky was doing pretty well. She would rant to her mother about some of her classmates using their quirks and being obnoxious to those who had lesser ones or none at all. Y/N had agreed to her abandoning martial arts and now she is learning volleyball. They were happy. Deciding for a career had never been a topic they had dwelled upon. Y/N wasn’t worried, her little girl was still young and she had a few years before she would have to start considering her options. 
“Someone from a hero school in Japan came to our class today.” They were eating dinner and talking about their day. Y/N’s first thought was UA. It was the most prestigious school specializing on the hero department back when she was still in Japan. Maybe it was still and they came here to debrief the kids on what the school could provide. Or maybe it was another school. “This lady came to talk to us about hero work and what not. She was dressed weird, said she was a hero who graduated from that school herself.” Y/N had always feared that her daughter would fall into the path of heroism. She wouldn’t- couldn’t hold her back. Her job as a mother was to support and protect. But how could she protect when her baby runs into danger without a second thought? How could she support when she has experienced first hand what the hero world can take from you? How could she be there for her baby if she was afraid that history would repeat itself, snatching the last light in her life away from her?
“I think I want to be a hero.”
Age 32
The call had been short. She hadn’t let them explain everything, just where her little girl was hospitalized. Her baby. Her life. She knew it would lead to this. To her baby being on the brink of death. She didn’t get the details. A large attack had taken place at a hospital and many heroes had been called in, students amongst them as well. Many of those said heroes had been gravely injured or had passed. The villain was said to be ruthless, unforgiving to both the heroes and the surrounding area. It was a tragedy. You have lived through one too many tragedies, she thought to herself as she rushed through the airport. She had gotten on the first flight to Japan and after an agonizingly long journey she was finally here. Hang in there baby please hang in there. 
The taxi arrived at the hospital in an hour. It was packed, swarming with the relatives and friends of the heroes injured in the attack. Soon she spotted a group of kids with the familiar UA uniform. How long had it been since she last saw that uniform in real life? How long since she had been in a similar situation? Would it really end like his story did? Would she really lose the last remnant of him in this world? No! Sky’s story is different from Oboro’s. Sky is different from Oboro. Her baby would survive. 
Pushing through the small crowd she spotted a doctor. 
“Excuse me I’m looking for L/N Sky, she’s a student at UA.” The man looked at her and looked down at a clipboard, scanning through the names of the many patients. 
“Room 573.” And with that he left her in the hallway with no update on Sky’s state, nothing. Looking at the numbers on the side of every room, she searched for it. This was too familiar. Too similar to that day. She didn’t like it. 
568. He’s in critical state.
569. It seems he received severe head trauma from falling debris. 
570. We don’t think he is going to wake up. 
571. He has a few hours. 
572. I’m sorry for your loss.
“Are you here for Cosmic Cloud?” A blond man asked behind her. Her breathing was becoming erratic at this point. “L/N Sky, are you here for her?”  His voice was rough, barely over a whisper. “Hizashi Yamada, I’m one of her teachers.”  She remembered that name, one of Shirakumo’s friends. She nodded not able to find her own voice to respond. Her panic rose at his clouded expression, his eyes losing the little spark they previously had. “I’ll find you her doctor, you can go in.” And with that he left too. 
Pushing the door open she was met with the sight of her daughter, her body was full of bandages, tubes coming from her arms as multiple medicines dripped into her veins. Her heart monitor was steady, a strong beep every second. She had a bandage covering her right eye which was stained a faint red. The air caught in her throat at the sight. It was the same image she was met with 15 years ago. A soft knock came from the door behind her that wasn’t completely closed as she was still frozen on the spot. 
“Mrs. L/N?” it’s the doctor and behind her stands Sky’s teacher. “Your daughter is sadly in really bad shape. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Her right ankle was broken from some rubble while the visor broke while she was still wearing it, thankfully she didn’t lose her eye but it will certainly leave a scar. Her left hand was slashed from elbow to wrist by a sharp object. The worst damage is on her back.” Hizashi was supporting her now, hands on her shoulders holding her up as tears cascaded down her cheeks. How can there be worse damage after all of this? “During the attack she must have been hit by some sort of blade or sharp edge, it pierced her back in three places. We managed to stitch her up but as you can imagine the damage cannot be undone.She... She’s in a coma from the shock, I’m sorry. I’ll..I’ll be around the corner if you need me.” 
A coma. Her little girl was in a coma. This was it. This was were she would lose her too. 
“She was conscious when the medics found her.” Hizashi said. “She was stopping the bleeding of one of her classmates completely ignoring her own.” He paused looking at the hospital bed, his eyes catching a glimpse of the sky blue hair. “They are very alike y’know. A carbon copy both physically and in personality. While she was in my class it was like having Oboro next to me again.” She snapped her head up meeting his eyes that were brimmed with tears. He had figured it out ages ago it seems. Whispering a small apology she turned back to the bed, fresh tears wetting her blouse. 
“I know you are going enough already but….” He sighed pinching his nose a frown making its way on his face. “But you need to know, YOU deserve to know.”
“Oboro is alive.” 
TAG TEAM AY: @brattyquirks @the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei​
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pixcldust · 4 years
𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭 ;
pairing | iwaizumi hajime x gn! reader
wordcount | 1.5k
warnings | mild mention of death, slight angst i think, small letters on purpose
tags | ambiguous ending, friendship to something more, no beta bc im shy
a/n | i don't write gender neutral often (i barely write in 2nd pov tbh) so if i messed something up, pls let me know!! it’s 1am but i couldn’t sleep lmaoo i’ll try to sleep again after posting this.
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the beginnings of a love story in three parts. 
it starts in the summer, with you lounging on a deck chair, eating candy that turns your tongue blue. you’re wearing shorts and a tanktop, in one of your friends’ big backyard, watching them scream and laugh in the pool. the sun feels like hell on your bare skin but the laughter is infectious and you’re laughing with them. never mind that it’s your last year of senior high school and that after this, you may never see half of these kids again. there is only the here, the now, and it’s brighter than you’ve ever felt for most of your life.
he comes over, a wide smile on his tan face and pool water dripping off his hair. his fingers move deftly to flick water at you, laughing as he dries his hands and picks up his phone. despite flipping him off, you note his good mood - it’s a rare sight to see him play around so childishly like this. you find that you quite like it.
“done with swimming?” you ask. he nods, eyes on his phone. the first few beats of some hip hop song that you don’t recognise starts playing from its speakers.
“my fingers look like prunes,” he groans as he puts down his phone and splays out his fingers at you childishly. you scrunch your face up at him in return.  “plus they want to go eat pizza after this, and hanamaki is gonna take years to shower so i wanted to get a headstart.”
“we’re eating pizza after?” you roll your eyes. “damn these kids and their big appetites.”
“you’re not hungry, because you’ve been eating so much candy,” he wrinkles his nose at the packet of pop rocks in your hand. “that’s not good for you, y’know?”
there’s a pause, him staring at you and you staring at him - time in a frozen state - before you sigh and motion for his hand. “if you wanted some, you could’ve just asked.”
iwaizumi grins as you pour some on his hand. his smile gleams bright against his skin. “thank you.”
he throws them into his mouth as he runs off to take a shower, and you feel a smile curve your lips. it’s odd. your boyfriend isn’t here - he’s opted to train today, even though it’s probably the last time all of you will ever be close together like this - but you can feel your heart skipping the way it does when you’re with him.
you and oikawa started dating at the beginning of your third year. 
it was bound to happen eventually; at least, that’s what most of your friends told you so. you have always been friends with tooru and iwa and, when you reached high school, makki and mattsun. tooru was always the popular one, iwa was the reliable one and you were the calm one. a package deal - girls, students in general, who were interested in oikawa and were too intimidated to approach iwa would come to you. frankly, you didn’t mind. everyone had had a crush on oikawa at least once, and it wasn’t like you were any different when you were younger.
what you didn’t expect was for him to confess to you in your second year. it’s burned in the back of your memory: under the shade of one of the staircases near the gym, in the middle of your lunch break, tooru’s face reddening in embarrassment. you said yes, because you’ve always found him funny and cute and attractive in all the ways more than physical and wasn’t that enough to make a good relationship? 
apparently not, since it’s been several months since you last had a proper conversation with him.
he’s in the gym again today, still training by himself, even though he’s already graduated. he’s going to go overseas, to continue his volleyball training in another team. you know this because that was what he told you the last time you two had a proper conversation. good luck, you said to him because you know that volleyball meant that much to him. never mind that he always, always, always put the sport before you, because even though he was your boyfriend, he was also one of your best friends and that meant supporting his dreams. you’re going to be amazing.
you can hear the squeak of volleyball shoes on hard floor, the thwack of ball against flesh, as you approach the gym doors. he’s there - alone, because school’s out for the end-of-term holidays - and he doesn’t immediately notice you standing there. his eyes are too focused on the ball as he sets to himself. he’s always too focused on the ball.
when he does see you there, he lets the ball drop and give you a smile. “hey y/n. what are you doing here?”
seeing his happy face chips at some of your initial confidence and your words falter at your lips, unwilling to come out. a deep breath because if not now, then when? would you really be okay with letting this relationship drag on and on? if there’s one thing you’re certain of, it’s this: you have fallen out of love with oikawa tooru. and he knows it.
“tooru, I think we should break up.”
it hurts a little, if you’re being honest, as you watch the smile slide off his face, giving way to a soft frown. you know he’s had to do this before, watch a person leave him because he was a little too selfish to give up volleyball for anything else, and you hated knowing that he was going through it again. your fault this time. but you know he’s seen this coming. even matsukawa has asked if you were doing okay in a rare bout of seriousness before. at the time, you didn’t know how to answer the question.
oikawa tooru is a lot of things, but he isn’t stupid. he should have seen this coming from miles away, a freight train hurtling at him with its headlights bright and glaring. it’s deliberate ignorance; oikawa saw the train. he just didn’t feel like stepping off the tracks.
“is this because of volleyball?” he asks, tilting his head. he doesn’t have an argument against you, and you know it’s because he’s felt the romantic love for you die off back to a platonic one. like you felt it. “if so, i’m sorry y/n, i didn’t mean to make you feel lonely-”
“it’s okay, tooru. i’m really proud of you, y’know? and... i hope we can stay friends.”
the last sentence sounds more like a question but he’ll understand. his frown disappears at your words, and while it’s not a smile, it’s something like acceptance and that’s good enough for you at the moment. picking up the ball, he nods. “me too.”
you’re in a tank top and shorts once again, under blistering heat, only this time they’re new clothes, and it’s just you and hajime. all your friends have grown up and out, dotted all across the country. you hum to yourself, stretching your fingers. hajime passes a packet of pop rocks to you.
“hey haji. have you ever thought about death?”
he eyes you suspiciously like you’re about to trick him with nothing but words, and it makes you want to laugh. “sometimes, yeah.”
makki and mattsun moved out of miyagi after high school opting to attend fancy universities in tokyo. tooru left japan completely - said he was going to train twice as hard overseas after the opportunity presented itself. that just left you and iwaizumi, attending the same college in miyagi. you didn’t mind and, despite iwa’s occasional huffs, he never seems to mind either.
and maybe it’s because the both of you are older now, because you’ve found someone who doesn’t mind the way you prefer to skip over small talk, but recently it feels like hajime has been becoming your source of energy more and more. after classes end, he’s quick to send you a text and you’re even quicker to respond - at this point, you’ve visited almost every cafe in miyagi. even the shitty ones, to hajime’s dismay and your amusement.
“we’re so old now, it feels like i’m on the brink of death,” you groan, pouring pop rocks straight into your mouth. they fizzle like miniature fireworks on your tongue. 
a magazine smacks you on the head but you can’t be bothered to turn and glare at him. you opt to glare straight ahead of you instead, to the pool and the few people in it. sunlight bounces off of the glittery water and your glare turns to a squint. “you’re 21, you’re not 71.”
“maybe it’s the heat getting to me.
“yeah, it’s seriously hot today,” iwaizumi knits his brows, sitting up in his seat. you steal a glance at his exposed biceps - bless his tank top - and feel a strange pound in your chest. opting to ignore it, your lips unfurl into a grin.
“sorry about that.”
the magazine thwacks you on the head again, but not before you see his lips curl into a amused smile to match yours. “shut up.”
all your friends have grown up and out, but your happiness is only beginning.
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twodaysintojune · 4 years
A Disease, by any other Name
Mo Dao Su Zhi/The Untamed 
ZhuiLing, warnings-None
Find me at AO3
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When Lan SiZhui entered the library, he saw Jin Ling frowning, arms akimbo and glaring at an open notebook that had apparently somehow insulted him to no avail according to the expression he was bearing at the moment. Curious, SiZhui entered his frame of view and looked at him from an angle.
"Jin Ling? What's wrong?"
Jin Ling looked at him and to SiZhui's surprise, his expression became more angry.
"You know, this is your fault too!"
SiZhui jumped a little and looked at him confused. Jin Ling only nodded to the empty seat in front of him and waited for the other to follow suit. SiZhui tried his best to not say anything about the fact that he was resembling his uncle a lot at the moment.
When he was finally down, Jin Ling smashed the notebook into his hands.
"All of it?"
"All of it."
He said imperatively. SiZhui grabbed the book, opened it and did as told. The notebook was telling a story about Jin Ling, and JingYi, and himself. It felt kind of a normal retelling of their usual day to day until he arrived at a particular passage.
...Jin Ling stood under the magnolia tree with forlorn eyes planted on the kind boy who was currently ignoring him in favour of the other Lan disciple. He felt sadness fill his heart, wondering if he would ever be the recipient of such kind eyes for at least a moment's grace and then he fell into a coughing fit. It had been just a couple of coughs but there it was, undeniable, a single white fragrant chrysanthemum petal. He looked at it and, glancing a last sight at the happy pair, he turned around and crushed it in his hand...
SiZhui kept on reading, frowning more and more with each page that went by. 
"What… What on earth is this? What sort of disease is this? I've never seen you coughing flowers before. And you're very definitely not dead on the ground due to… unrequited love?"
"That." Jin Ling took some breath. "Is because this is obviously a made up story written by the female disciples. The Lan female disciples."
“The female disciples? How did you even meet them?”
Jin Ling went on telling SiZhui how he had been practicing his forms at the swords courtyard when he heard lots of giggles from behind one of the partition walls and saw the girls running away when he glanced at them. 
“I wouldn’t have minded much but I saw the notebook fall from the hold of one of the girls and so I went to pick it up. I thought they would need it for their class and checked it to see who it belonged to but I read THIS instead.”
SiZhui sighed. “We should give it back.”
“What? No!”
“Why not?”
“Why? WHY? Because it’s annoying! I’m not sick, I’m not in love with you and I’m definitely not on the brink of death! Do you realize what would happen if this kind of text spread out? Even if I’m here studying I’m still a Sect Leader SiZhui! I cannot have rumours of me being at death’s door!”
“I get your point but I don’t think these girls wanted for this text to spread either. It looks like a very personal thing.”
Jin Ling huffed. “Whatever, I don’t want to have anything to do with it. If you want to give it back then do it yourself.”
SiZhui gave his friend a pained smile. 
“Also why the hell did they choose a white chrysanthemum!? Wasn’t that like asking for my death from the very beginning!? What do these girls have against me that they want me to wilt and die!?”
Ah, that’s what got him this angry. Thought SiZhui, unable to stop a soft smirk at his friend’s frustrations.
“What would you have preferred?”
“I don’t know, something more auspicious? Like a lily or a lotus flower. I want my love to be happy, not a tragedy.”
SiZhui hummed in agreement.
“If it was you the one with the disease it would definitely be a lotus.”
“A lotus?”
“Yes, because you’re very elegant, you should only cough a flower as noble and elegant as yourself.”
SiZhui felt his cheeks burn slightly with the praise and then a thought came to his mind. 
“What if we change the story?”
“Let’s change the story. You don’t want to die in it and I don’t want you dead either. Let’s change the story.”
Jin Ling gave him an odd look but he was definitely considering the proposition.
“We would be meddling with that girl’s writing. That would be impolite.”
“But you still don’t want to die, do you?”
“Ugh, alright! Let’s do it!”
SiZhui beamed and moved by Jin Ling’s side in order to grab the brush. 
“Alright, how do we follow this scene?”
Two days later, Lan Lu was called by her professor and given back the notebook she had been frantically looking around for yet unable to find.
“Be more careful next time. You should be grateful sect leader Jin found it and sent it back.”
Lan Lu thanked her jiaoshi and felt her cheeks burn. She excused herself and looked for a secluded place to open it, hoping that he had not destroyed her work in a fit of rage. She barely knew him from the few glances they had of him while walking from class to class but she and all her classmates agreed that he had quite a temper. 
When she opened the notebook she saw not one but two letters neatly kept within the pages, she took them and read the first one.
“Estimated disciple: 
I would normally not be bold enough to tamper with another person’s prose but I believe I have a certain right considering this story is done with me in my regards. And please keep in mind that I am not fond of being dead by any means. Not even the literary ones. 
Regards, Sect Leader Jin RuLan.”
Lan Lu felt her cheeks burn bright and thanked the heavens there was no one else around to see her. She took the second letter out.
“Estimated Lan Shimei:  
Please be more careful with your belongings next time. I hope you don’t mind us taking the liberty to change the end of your story, Jin Ling is a dear friend of mine and I would feel extremely sad should I ever receive news of his death.
Regards, Lan SiZhui”
Lan Lu felt almost about to faint. Knowing that Jin Rulan had read her story was already embarrassing enough but knowing that the kindest Lan, SiZhui, had done so as well was mortifying. She passed the pages until she found the place where the calligraphy changed and began reading.
Jin Ling opened his eyes surprised that he was still alive, no matter how faintly. He had assumed that the last flower he had coughed would have taken with him his last breath but something had managed to keep him alive. No, not something, someone. And that someone was still frantically sharing spiritual energy with him. When he looked around he felt surprised.
SiZhui tore his gaze from his task, sharing energy through his central meridian, upwards. He looked tired and desperate.
“Jin Ling! Thank heavens! Hold on! JingYi ran to fetch a healer! You’ll be better soon.”
Jin Ling coughed and looked away, “It doesn’t matter. Stop doing this. This disease cannot be cured just like that.”
“No, Jin Ling, no, you have to fight! I… I’ll help you! Just tell me who it is that is denying you and I’ll find a way to make them love you!”
Jin Ling gave out a sad laugh and felt his eyes begin to fill with tears. He covered his sight with an arm to avoid looking at SiZhui.
“Why are you always this kind? It’s no wonder that I ended up falling for you.”
Jin Ling felt the soft trail of energy tremble for a moment and then stop, making a deep sadness fill his lungs once more but this time, before he was able to stop breathing, he felt a pair of hands holding his face softly and then soft lips on him. Jin Ling’s breath stopped now for a completely different reason and he pushed the other boy away startled. 
“What are you doing!?”
“I’m showing you that I love you.” 
SiZhui kissed Jin Ling again but the other resisted.
“You…! You can’t say you love me just like that! What about JingYi!?”
“What about him?”
“What? I… I thought...”
“Jin Ling” SiZhui’s eyes went serious. “JingYi has been my lifelong friend, and yes, I love him. But the kind of love I feel for him is different than the one I feel for you. You’re brave and caring and I love that about you. I would be blessed to have you by my side. But you have to stay alive for that.”
“SiZhui...” Jin Ling felt the pain in his chest receding and another completely different feeling blooming inside. “Do you really mean it?”
“Yes, I want to be with you forever.”
Jin Ling now felt all the happiness inside him wipe away the constricted feeling inside his body in waves and held SiZhui’s hand.
“Then let’s do that.”
Lan Lu brought the notebook back to her lap and took a breath. After gathering herself, she stood up from her hideout and ran to her shared bedroom in the girl’s dormitories searching frantically for a clean notebook to write on.
Some days later, Jin Ling came into SiZhui’s bedroom with a scowl. When he spotted JingYi laughing out loud on his bed and SiZhui looking downwards apparently embarrassed, he couldn’t help but frown more.
“What are you laughing at?”
JingYi laughed even harder. “You! I’m laughing at you!”
“What? SiZhui, what does this idiot—” Jin Ling halted his thoughts when his friend pointedly tried to avoid his gaze “You told him about the story!?”
JingYi’s laughter increased while SiZhui lifted his hands in a calming motion.
“I never thought it was meant to be a secret!”
Jin Ling waved his hands frustrated. 
“Urgh SIZHUI!” Before he went any further though, he calmed down, counted to ten and gave JingYi a smirk. “Well then I guess it’s time for ME to laugh at YOU then.”
JingYi gave him a suspicious glance. “Why? What are you planning to do?”
“Me? I’m planning nothing, after all, I’ve already got my happily ever after.” Jin Ling said with a growing shit eating smirk, waving a notebook that he had apparently been holding in his hand all the time.
SiZhui frowned. “What is that notebook about?”
Jin Ling opened the notebook on the first pages and coughed up to clear his throat.
“JingYi coughed up the first petal of a magnolia flower outside the jingshi, while everyone was inside celebrating Jin Rulan and Lan Sizhui’s engagement...”
SiZhui’s eyes widened. JingYi frowned. 
“What the hell?”
“...He had been shocked the moment he heard the news and what was shocking him the most was that he had never thought that SiZhui would ever leave him and now that it was happening he felt as if a thorn had crawled onto his chest...”
“What the hell, that’s... That’s not true!” 
“...It was not up until now that he had realized just how much he loved his best friend...”
“That…! Give me that! Dammit Jin Ling!” 
“...And now, he realized, his heart was aching, longing for him~” 
Jin Ling began to sing-song while he jumped across the threshold, swiftly avoiding JingYi’s attempts at fetching him or the notebook while SiZhui hid his face between his hands with a groan.
“Oh, please no.”
“Why, Yes! It seems that Yes, there is a continuation!”
Jin Ling kept running away from the other Lan laughing. At least this time it was not him, the one at the verge of death and he couldn’t be more merrily thankful for that silver lining.
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chilvanakin · 4 years
If I had to remember how it started, I would have to replay the flashback of being told that when I became obese at 15, that I couldn’t “come crying”. I was 8 when my dad told me this. Afterwards, I had this increasing feeling of being in the wrong body, like I had been misplaced at birth and was suddenly realizing it. I looked around at everyone else, having fun and enjoying their childhood while I compared me to them. I compared me to my best friend who I often I asked, “why can’t I look like you?”
I felt misplaced in a body that was my own, always had been, because someone else told me I was. How do you teach an 8 year old to go on a diet? I loved food, I was a picky eater but aren’t we all at that age? So how do you tell them that they need to change and that they don’t look pretty enough without traumatizing them? My dad now reafirms that he only said that to me because he wanted me to have high self esteem. He wanted me to “take care of myself”.
I developed anorexia at 14. I became obsessed with diet culture, “clean” eating, and exercising until I colapsed. I used my notebooks for tracking my daily intake and writing hateful messages to myself. I would motivate myself through my own hatred. Slowly, I decreased my meals until they weren’t even meals anymore. I thought I was being “healthy” by going on 3 to 4 day fasts, thinking that the kiwi I had before I began was enough. Newsflash, it wasn’t. But I continued.
My family situation got complex during this time. My parents were separated and I felt alone. I distanced myself from my friends and I had also stopped going to school. Everytime I talked to my dad through Skype, he would comment on how I was too thin. Amazingly so, I thought he was complimenting me. I got more and more obsessed, the loss of my period and hair became my motivation. The internet was my best friend because I read all about the “tips & tricks” of starving. I was tired, lonely, cold and angry. I had no patience and I was insufferable. This is what being malnourished will do to you.
After months and months of these rituals that and rules that seemed like an endless of “how to die in 10 days”, I tried to recover. How? By getting into fitness. I did Insanity while I was recovering, which was bullshit because that is NOT recovery. I didn’t challenge myself, I didn’t give my body time to rest- I exercised every day, I underfed and I normalized exhaustion. I was terrified of chocolate, processed foods and fats. The thought of putting on weight became a source of nightmares, LITERALLY. I would have NIGHTMARES about looking down at my body and seeing fat start to accumulate over my bones. Somehow, I thought that since I was exercising and eating more than my standard oatmeal and toast, that I was recovered.
I went to live with my father at 15. I feel like this decision shaped me as a person because I was forced to grow up way too fast. I made choices that no one should make a 15 year old make. At this point in time, I had put on weight and I was no longer exercising. My dad had a baby with this girlfriend of the time and all I wanted to do was be with my new baby brother. I didn’t think about food or dieting because I felt like somehow, watching him eat made me be at peace with food. My baby brother was growing and being nourished by the food we gave him and I wanted to make sure he was never hungry. It made me feel so happy to watch him laugh and wobble his way over to his mom for lunch time. I loved seeing him nibbling with a toothless mouth on a soft cookie, and offering the slobbered leftovers to me. That all stopped very suddenly, because my dad would start to make comments. Not only him, but his girlfriend too. Comments about how I was “eating too much” and how I “would look better if I was smaller”. I was experiencing extreme hunger when I moved in with my dad, because I had stopped exercising and my body no longer was focusing the energy on repairing my muscles, it was focusing on repairing me as a whole. I HAD to eat a lot because I needed to be healthy again. This was thrown completely out of the window and I caved into my disordered brain again. I felt almost grateful to them for motivating me to start losing weight again because I thought that it meant that they cared. So the food rules started again. It’s just that this time I didn’t need to learn the tips and tricks, I already knew them. Losing weight was easier now, and faster. So 2013 was the year I dedicated to my disorder. I restricted long enough that my hunger cues began to fade away. I thought that my body had gotten used to what I was eating. A green apple in the morning, some lettuce leaves and half a red bell pepper for lunch, and a single serving of prepackaged soup at night. My brain stopped screaming at me and I stopped thinking. I was reduced to being a zombie of my disorder. I stopped singing, I stopped writing, I stopped making art. I never cried, I laughed only when I was around other people. My body felt numb. I felt numb.
I remember taking showers and watching as day by day the fur growing all over my bones got longer and longer. I later found out that this is called “lanuga” which happens when you have lost an extreme amount of fat and your body reacts as an attempt at survival by growing these hairs, desperately trying to protect you. I felt tired, I couldn’t carry my baby brother anymore. He would ask me to hold him and I would try, but be very afraid of dropping him so I would have to refuse. I remember how upset he looked, we were so close. He loved being with me but I was so scared of him watching me do these things to myself. What if he learned from me? What if my actions stayed in his subconscious? I tried putting distance between us because of my fears. I hate myself for that because I miss him so much now, I miss the days we would spend and the naps we would take. I can’t take back that time.
We went to the doctor because I now, was at the brink of death. Truly I wish that I could say I’m being dramatic about that, but I’m not. My heart was weak and I could barely move. I was no longer sleeping and even sitting down hurt. My bones felt like knives crushing into my skin. I learned that I was at risk of heart failure and if I didn’t start recovering now, the next step would be having a tube thrusted down my throat. Force feeding. I couldn’t ever let that happen so I decided to once again, embarc on a lonely recovery path. As soon as I left the doctors, I told my dad to buy me chocolate. In response, he was annoyed. He thought that I was going to use my “verge of death illness” as an excuse to get obese. I cannot make this up y’all. He didn’t buy me shit and barked at me about how “you can eat at home”. Please, if anyone you know is going through restrictive eating disorder and they say they want chocolate- BUY THEM THE FUCKING CHOCOLATE!
I began refeeding and it was the most difficult thing I had ever done in my life. I couldn’t stomach food. I would eat and instantly have diarrhea. I had to have baby sized portions of food to be able to hold it down. This caused my weight to drop more, so I was now at the point where I actually did need to be hospitalized. I was afraid that I was going to die at any given point of the day. My dad once told me that “just because you have to start eating again doesn’t mean you can get as fat as you used to be”. I cried. This was the first time I had cried in so long. My numbed down feelings reflourished. The hate, the anger, the sadness I bottled up began overflowing. I didn’t stop eating, I gave myself the time I had to so I could stabilize myself. I was sent to go spend a few months with my dad’s girlfriend’s family. I barely knew these people, but they couldn’t handle me being this sick anymore. They didn’t want me. I was a bad influence to my brother. I was hurting them. My dad would have hated me if I told him I needed to be in the hospital, because that’s too much money so this was the easy way out. I guess if I needed to be hospitalized while I was there, it wouldn’t have to come out of his pocket.
I hated being away from my baby brother. I hated acting happy all the time when I was so depressed and furious. I tried making friends during my time away and all of them idolized my sick body. They asked me how I got to that point. I remember telling them I was sick, that I had to eat. They made me feel like that wasn’t neccesary, that I looked like a model. I ate anyway. I couldn’t go back home and still be sick, that would mean that I would be hated by them and maybe even have to leave home.
After a few months I gained some weight. I went back home. I asked my dad’s girlfriend if I was “fine now”, as in “am I not scary anymore”. She said I still looked very thin, but that it was fine. She told me not to go overboard. This meant “DO. NOT. GET. FAT.”
My dad and his girlfriend separated after a year and a half of my recovery. This whole period was very stressful since I was left alone with my dad. I was weight restored and I found some kind of peace with having no peace. I lived with the comments as a daily thing. “Don’t eat that, why don’t you do some arm exercises, you don’t really want that, why don’t those pants fit you anymore.” I got used to feeling foreign in my body. So being extremely malnourished was bad, bein inbetween wasn’t good enough and being restored to my set weight was just awful. I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be. I hated myself and I got used to that.
I am now 23 years old and I relapsed a few months ago. I understand now that I was never recovered. I was begging for help for years, but I got irritation and annoyance as a response. I never stopped having food rules, I never stopped being afraid of food. I cannot recover until my brain is completely rewired. I have to eat. I have to lose my fear around food. I have to HATE my disorder and push it out of every one of my pores until I am completely cleansed of it. I remember reading about how “this disorder never leaves you and you will always struggle with it”. I believed that for so long. I believed that I was never going to stop being afraid. I’m tired of feeling comfortable with my anorexia when it has ruined me to the point of feeling completely astranged from my body. I want to know who I am and not hate myself for it. I can’t recover fully until I rewire myself. Keep this with you. You cannot believe you are recovered just because some doctor tells you that you are weight restored. Your food rules need to disappear competely, you need to challenge yourself even if it terrifies you. I am so afraid, but I don’t ever want to go down this disordered path again. I want to spend time with the people that love me and not let anything get in my way. I am young and I am smart. So are you. Eat your fears.
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
(I would say all these things regardless of prompting, but I’m a shy trash panda that doesn’t want to intrude). I feckin love your world building. Nothing is 2D, everything feels like it’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m also a sucker for master posts so the fact that all of yours are pinned???? 😍👌🏼👏🏼👀 But for ?s, can you explain the house magic? I’m still kinda shaky on it. ~ 🦝
THANK YOU!!!! also this is an official psa to you and everyone that i Cannot be intruded upon, i love all asks, please ask me about Anything. ALSO I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WORLDBUILDING!!! that makes me so happy!!!!
To answer your question! I haven’t established any of this in the story itself because there are going to be Future Plot Points where we learn more about Fae and their relationship to magic, BUT:
While individual humans can have small amounts of magic, enough to start fires and influence the growth of plants and stuff, usually not enough to even know they have it, most magic in the WKW universe comes from Fae. In the Leisevain Expanse, where Morden and Thorne are from, Fae are very hard to find because a few decades ago the king basically declared them dangerous animals, and they were hunted to the brink of extinction, and those that survived are deep in hiding and don’t interact with humans. Thus Thorne was a huge find for Morden because he has Fae blood; at least one of his close ancestors (Morden doesn’t know who but we know from Memory Meme that it was his mom) was a Fae who had a child with a human.
Craetalia, where the main action of WKW takes place, is a lot different. Fae were never hunted down there, but either because of cultural differences or as a defensive measure, most of them don’t manifest in human form, staying in their natural state as sort of formless masses of magical energy. And for several centuries now, Craetalia’s Fae have formed partnerships humans. Fae vary a lot in terms of the amount of magical energy they have, and smaller Fae with limited power will sometimes partner with individual humans--like, a low-powered Faery might offer to protect a fisherman’s boat in exchange for getting to eat two out of every ten fish, or something. Stronger Fae tend to seek out more powerful humans, and because Fae are so long-lived, these partnerships can last through many generations. 
So, in the case of Fourshield House, the Craetan royal family, Karya the Lady who Dances in the Dark appeared to Andry’s several-times-great grandfather and offered to give him superior combat abilities, on the condition that all the glory for those victories go to her. So several generations later the Fourshields are (or at least were) the most powerful family in Craetalia, and everybody in the country knows the Lady’s name and speaks of her in hushed voices. It’s win-win.
That said, Karya already though Audoine was pretty boring...? Like, he’s basically a musclehead, and he kind of thought relying on her powers was weak, so she didn’t get to do that much. And then he beat his son to death--didn’t even fight him, tied him to a pole and whaled on him until he Died--and she was like, ‘oh, you’re boring and also pathetic and a bully, Fuck You Actually’ and takes her power from him and gives it to Andry.
Her power runs through the original fancy sword she gave to Andry’s great-great-etc. grandfather, but it doesn’t come from there--it comes from where the Lady actually Lives, elsewhere in the castle, which I think we actually get to learn about next chapter :3
Sorry for the ramble lmao, I’ve had most of this in my head but never actually verbalized it before. Feel free to ask more questions if any of this doesn’t make sense lmao
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