#btw I hope people know that I didn’t forget about Nya
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
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The magical girl ninja au (part 3) has returned with a reboot! It is literally their rebooted designs!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (here)
Tried very hard to give them techno-esque outfits, and in this au, they get their magical transformation via the techno blades (Lloyd gets his when he gives up his power to the ninja, it’s like a trade off).
Also that’s not Zane’s permanent design for the the season, his design changes after he gives up half his power source. Due to only being at half his power, his magical girl form is weaker and instead Pixal gets some powers instead. They end up splitting the cloak between them lol (omg they can have a magical girl transformation sequence together!!). Here’s a rough doodle
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Rise of the Serpentine” E5: Can of Worms
I really wish we got to see more of Lloyd and the ninja prior to the Green Ninja reveal :(. Also, this contains a reference that only a small fraction of people will likely understand fully, but I couldn’t stop myself. DISCLAIMERS: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s primarily intended for comedy.
Comment/reblog and follow for more! Read below the cut!
- Theme ✅
- Lloyd can whistle, and regularly whistles his way around the Bounty. I don’t know why this is a win, but it is ✅
- At first this was gonna be a sin for having the audacity to name a video game something as stupid and obvious as, “citar legend,” but now it’s a win for my phone for repeatedly correcting it to “cig@r legend” every time I tried to type it out ✅
- Never forget that in a matter of what must’ve been hours, Lloyd managed to not only beat Kai at “his game,” but managed to top his own high score like 4 times ✅
- “…later bro” ✅
- Why does Jay do nothing and just let the sparring bot attack him? Couldn’t he just Spinjitzu his way out of this or something? ❌
- Also, what did Lloyd do to the sparring bot? Either he genuinely has knowledge of how to tinker with it and purposefully made it go haywire, or he just beat it a couple times with a wrench and hoped it would attack Jay anyway. Either option is worth a win ✅
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- At first I thought he was waving, but based on his hand placements, I think Lloyd is saluting the ninja as he walks away from them?? ✅
- I don’t know who the ninja are yelling at right now, but they’re not even looking at each other ❌
- “How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It’s pink!” Zane finally learned about gender roles. Is this character development, or character regression? ❌
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- I love that before Wu opens the door you can see Lloyd’s silhouette just standing there waiting… menacingly ✅
- “I got first dibs on-“ Cole threatens to beat an 8 year old for adding spice to his soup ❌
- “Why can’t you teach us to paralyze a man with one finger? Or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?” “Because not all lessons are about fighting!” Maybe not, but Jay’s ideas sound a h*ll of a lot more useful considering what they do everyday ❌
- “And I misplaced my lesson book.” Wu loses his lesson book and then suddenly forgets everything he’s ever known about this ancient craft he’s been practicing for literal centuries ❌
- How sound-proofed are those doors that they completely block out Lloyd’s voice when Cole closes them?? ❌
- “… live with us, but my sister??” Kai wants his baby sister to live alone in a blacksmith shop just because she isn’t a ninja ❌
- “But those tombs could be anywhere!” Shame we don’t have someone here who literally helped to imprison the serpentine in the first place, isn’t it? ❌
- The tombs are BARELY in line with that symbol. If the writers wanted to make this make sense, they easily could’ve just gone with a less complicated symbol. I really don’t know what the point of this was ❌
- “Light as a feather, pinky” ✅
- Btw, Glacier fans, how many times have you rewatched this scene?
- I was gonna add a sin for the Mailman because why was he delivering mail to the Constrictai tomb, but at this point I’m just gonna say he’s omnipotent or something and move on.
- “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that” It didn’t? The frog was standing there the whole time, Fire Cracker ❌
- “No, I’m the real jay!” Call me crazy, but this was actually really good set up for Kai’s venomari-induced vision to be a million Jays attacking him and him struggling to figure out which one was the real one. But sure, elves and gingerbread people work too, I guess
- “I’ve never fought little people before!” You’ve fought Lloyd, isn’t that close enough?
- Cool save but what was Nya’s dart supposed to do? If it was a tranquilizer it wasn’t very effective ❌
- Detail of Samurai X wearing Nya’s bracelet ✅
- But also, how do none of the ninja notice that they’re wearing Nya’s bracelet?? ❌
- We have dr*nk Adora, sick Luz, Marky Wu, AND thawed-out Sprig, but stoned Kai will always be the OG ✅
- Jay spills his drink all over the table and makes no effort to clean it up ❌
- “It’s a can of worms I don’t wanna see open.” Line exists solely for the purpose of claiming that the title of the episode makes sense… which it doesn’t, but the writers were short on time and literally couldn’t think of anything else so it’s what we’re stuck with ❌
- “Don’t worry, it’ll ware off soon.” The little wink Jay does at the end>>>>>✅
- Also, plasma shippers, how many times have you rewatched this scene?
- Kai screaming in this clip will never not be hilarious ✅
- Why does Pythor have such a hard time uniting the tribes in these next few episodes? I know they were supposedly at war, but it couldn’t have been that bad of one if there were casual friendships between them like Skales and the Fangpyre ❌
- “Friends, enemies, and enemies who pretend to be friends” Pythor definitely has a better public speaking grade than I do ✅
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- “That’s a lot of snakes…” Actually, that’s a frighteningly low amount of snakes considering these tribes are supposed to make up an entire race of people ❌
- So do the serpentine bond over r@cist jokes or…?
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- ^ “What’s going on? Why am I losing them?!” I don’t know, Pythor, but maybe you should ask the brightly colored ninja hanging from ropes in midair where everyone can and should see them what they think. They look like they could shed some light on the situation ❌
- The serpentine were somehow harder to defeat and escape from when we were just dealing with one tribe at a time ❌
- Jay dangling off the bike ✅
- In Tournament of Elements, you can actually see that Chen has Zane’s pink suit, which implies that Lloyd sold it or something and just found a new one here ✅
- How did Lloyd manage to rig the fridge to do this???? Whether you want to admit it or not, kid Lloyd had a braincell that everyone likes to ignore ✅
- The episode moral was supposed to be that rumors are destructive, but it actually features the heroes weaponizing them against their enemies. So, always use destructive means to achieve your goals because they’ll justify each other eventually, kids! ✅
Sentence: Lloyd’s hidden braincell
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(PS: I wrote this the night when i got home after Shawn’s concert. English kasi tnype ko sa notes ng iphone ng nanay ko predict ng predict kairita kaya inenglish ko na hahaha pero inedit ko pa bago ko ipost sa ayun haha)
We arrived at the venue around 2:00pm thanks to pat and his Kuya hehe anyway we changed out clothes inside moa and then we totes forgot to withdraw. My sister was so agitated about it bc they were slowly letting us in
When we got inside we waited for about 1-1/2 hrs I guess and there's this man that shawns representative was talking to and was asking if there are any gifts for Shawn. I figured I wouldn't have the chance to do so I gave mine (Gryffindor notebook/journal and I wrote something on it!! TOO BAD I DIDNT TAKE A PICTURE) but then I forgot that there's a sign there that I wrote so I ran to the security and got the sign (thank God bc that sign is so important in the next scenes lol) anyway
So we lined up in a hallway and there's a sign with meet and greet in the nearest door. I was so excited but it didn't really sink in until we were so close and then we realize that everything went by so fast... then my turn came and I couldn't feel anything (manhid as in!!) even my stomach fingers lips idk tas ayun.. anyway the security was friendly and asked me if I was ready I said yeah and he said r u nervous and that's when I felt the numbing feeling then he let me in and said 'say hi to Shawn' Shawn said hi then I said 'omygosh hi Shawn' then I gave him a hug I swear omygosh I love it I hugged him tight, I can still remember that part well. I wrapped him in a hug!!! I can still remember the first time I saw his face, he was looking right at me too T.T then we proceeded to a normal pic (he put his arms on my shoulder i cant remember well but i just smiled and i think my hand was in his stomach but i cant remember feeling his abs lol) and then they motioned me to the exit. Well I manage to turn around and say “hope you'll enjoy the show later” and I can't really remmber if he replied or anything and I'm not sure but I think I was holding his hand that time then I turned to go. I was in shock and still a little numb when I went out and I was so disappointed at first bc I was expecting to have a conversation with him which didn't happen. My sis and I went on to get our signed posters and lanyard. Then we went out of where the m&g happened and I could hear convos where they said it was too fast for them too. My sister went to the ATM machine upstairs cause she was still fussing about merch then she went on to and buy them and I waited for her. Soon enough sound check started.
He first sang the weight which was one of my fave songs. There was someone who shouted 'pukingina mo' we all laughed and Shawn laughed too bc he didn't know what that meant hahaha. He kindaaa looked at me that time and I remembered the sign I wrote, which says 'can I have a guitar pick' idk which song he first noticed it but I'm not sure he'll give it to me and then there's this one Indian girl who's pushing and trying to come in between me and my sis so I fought back (pushed her with my arms) and she was the one who got mad. The indian girl kept on ranting “wtf r u doing?” I said “IM WITH MY SISTER” She said, “Then go with your fucking sister” then i can still hear her “I hate ppl who push blabla” anyway my sister said we should switch places bc she was nearer so Shawn would see my sign and then during stitches he looked straight at me and at the sign then I even gave him a flying kiss while singing along with stitches and I'm so happy coz he was smiling, while singing and while looking at me. When he finished sound check he went down and gave his pick to someone(Idk who that was). Then he took the other pick he used that was on the floor already (I think thats the first pick he used coz it was at the floor of the stage and he puts his picks on his lap if he’s no using it) and motioned to give it to our part so I extended my hand. There were people trying to get it but he made sure I'll get it so basically I touched his hand again and he LITERALLY GAVE ME his pick. (PS: DONT U EVER FORGET WHAT THAT LOOKED LIKE ANA, DONT U PLEASE) Idk what I said after that if I said thank u or I love you idk. Anw so my sis and I hugged and jumped up and down and I was so happy. By the way I shouted a lot of 'I love you Shawn' whenever the room was quiet. Pretty sure he heard it.
The show came and it was surreal and it was a sweet and a gentle show. I hope he enjoyed the crowd like how I enjoyed seeing and hearing him play. It was really fast and I didn't know it was about to finish already too lol hahaha then I can see his smile and everything and I knew he was at least happy. The first part with something big and the weight he was looking at our part too well I don't want to assume but he was looking at me hahaha. Anyway I sang a lot but I could've sang more I guess hahaha (cause my faves are from handrwritten) just a bit sad that he sang more illuminate than handwritten but I'm still so thankful!! Shawn is one of the best! OMG OMG his face lights up when he sings and I hope he enjoyed the crowd cause we were all singing!! And Im pretty sure he was happy bc of it too haha then there was one time after a song, not sure if it was Mercy.. He looked at someone from the band and he put his tongue out saying like “I messed up” cause his voice cracked on one of the higher notes but i dont care he’s adorbs and great!! Hope he'll tweet smething bout Manila. I'm still hoping he'll get my gift but anyway stitches and never be alone are my new anthem (not really new but theyre my totes pcd anthem) damn anyway I thought I heard him say mahal ko kayo but not sure then he headed straight to his hotel immediately.
I cant believe i actually met him and had a moment with just the two of us, i got to hug him... then he really gave me his pick. TO ME!!! TO ME OMG THEN HE SANG STITCHES TO ME DAMN SHAWN U MY MAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH COME BACK REAL SOON MISS NA KITA AGAD GEGU TAPOS ANG TAGAL NUN TALAGA AS IN MAGKATITIGAN KAMI HABANG NAKANGITI SYA POGI NYA BES
PPS: Greedy ako sa pics kaya konti lang ippost ko kasi baka may kumuha lol bye
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