#btw I’m not allowed to protest or make any statements without getting fired
scarfacemarston · 2 years
It’s so tempting to say Time to fucking r1oT or give protests that they can’t ignore - that’s still privilege on my part as a white woman.
We should have started earlier with voting rights - but fighting tooth and nail for that - barely getting anything.
Now, the Supreme Court is destroying church vs state. Are they going to allow a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Taoist, etc learning institution the same treatment as the way white evangelical Christians are being treated? We all know the answer.
Allegedly, all birth control is next. Then Lgbtq+ marriage. Then sodomy laws, then interracial marriage. Get up and do something (which is not always the same as going out) and if you can go out and do something, that’s a bonus!
They’re going to accuse those with vaginas and their allies as banshees? Let’s hope they are going to get it. If you’re not including transgender people and non binary people in your activism, then piss off.
And it’s heartbreaking because outside of my mother and a few other family members - my family is celebrating and I know many others have to deal with the same.
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