#tw abortion rights
scarfacemarston · 2 years
Tw mentions for: Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, abortion discussion, anti-Semitism mention, anti-islamic mention, voting rights, miscarriage mention
Guys, please please please go out and vote. I was born in dictatorship that my country still hasn’t recovered from. I and millions of others lost so much in my country and my country is FAR from the only one. With that said USA:
Democracy is on the block for so many countries, but we have early voting and the Election Day. GO OUT AND VOTE. If Republicans get the majority in the House or Senate, our rights could be taken away. People say it won’t happen, well, people said the same about Roe vs Wade, but it did. 
You have no excuse. Voter apathy because things are bad? So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing while things get worse? The biggest voting demographic are boomers. Why the hell are people, especially young people, allowing THEM to make the decisions that will affect everyone with people under 50 being affected the most. Voter apathy is handing the election to the far right. 
Lgbtq+ people are in serious danger. People are banning lgbtq+ affirmative care, especially for transgender people. People are wanting to harm lgbtq+ people for EXISTING. Not even libraries are safe. LGBTQ+ marriage is at risk. 
Teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to be allowed to teach history, literature or politics because of the far right narratives they’re being forced to teach. LGBTQ+ kids are not safe in the class room.
People are dying from not being able to access emergency abortions and DNCs (a procedure that helps remove excess tissue build up that can sometimes be from abortion but often times not. Considering there is even a small chance of the dnc being used for abortion, it’s why republicans are attacking it.)
Btw, an ectopic pregnancy is impossible to survive without medical intervention. People are nearly dying or dying in hospitals because it’s too late - the hospitals have to consult their lawyers first. 
People aren’t being prescribed medications that have even the tiniest side effect of a miscarriage. These are drugs people need to LIVE. Drugs that treat lupus, cancer and reproductive disorders to name a few.
And for many others, Medicare, Medicaid and social security benefits are being attacked. Yes, that is something old republicans are going to suffer but for those saying everyone deserves it - what about the democrats that are that age? Why should they have to suffer? What about the tons of POC whose votes were ignored because of gerrymandering? And voting rights are under attack RIGHT NOW.
People of Color’s voting rights are in serious danger because of government officials redrawing boundary lines so their vote is skewed, or how they have less voting places and have to travel farther, or deal with a lot of voter intimidation in addition to what’s already out there.
Immigrants are still being treated as second class citizens with cruel stunts by republicans like flying them to other states to be used as political pawns and it’s getting worse.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic sentiments are growing and are becoming increasingly dangerous with attacks on religious institutions and violence.
Gun violence “thanks” to republicans blocking everything from the state level to federal level. I’ve lost track of all the school shootings.
Our world is burning due to climate change being ignored and corporations. Again, don’t let republican boomers and older make these decisions for us.
Get. Out And.Vote. I understand there are some individuals that truly can’t vote due to circumstances including lack of access or even safety reasons, but if you have the chance to vote and you choose not to? Well, that’s in your right but you may not have the right to choose to go ahead and vote in the future. Do not get complacent if you see democrats winning at the polls. People thought the same thing in 2016 and 2020 was a VERY close call.
Brazil won their elections and got rid of a horrible man. It shows it CAN BE DONE.  Save  yourselves from the dictatorship I and so many others have gone through.  I BEG you to please vote. So many people are scared right now. I already voted. I know this is going to piss people off, but I’ll say it anyway: If you are someone able to vote, have access and you’re still not convinced or care enough to vote, then I find it really hard to respect you.
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rapeculturerealities · 10 months
Trumbull County grand jury to hear abuse of corpse case after Brittany Watts miscarries in bathroom
Brittany Watts, 33, was overcome with emotion Thursday afternoon after learning her case is moving forward. Watts is charged with felony abuse of a corpse, accused of trying to plunge a toilet after having a miscarriage delivery at 22 weeks while using the restroom.
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
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Scientists in Poland have reportedly developed lab tests that can detect whether people have taken abortion pills—and those tests are already being used to investigate pregnancy outcomes under the country’s abortion ban. This is an alarming development, to say the least, and unfortunately, it feels like it’s only a matter of time before a U.S. state replicates the effort. According to a bone-chilling piece in the New York Times, Polish scientists have developed tests that can identify both mifepristone and misoprostol, the drugs typically used in a medication abortion. (Though some people do use misoprostol alone.) The studies were part of a research project funded by the Polish government where researchers were able to find evidence of misoprostol in the placenta and mifepristone in a woman’s blood sample. A spokesperson for a prosecutor’s office in Wroclaw confirmed to the Times that Polish authorities have already used the tests to investigate pregnancy outcomes.
god damnit poland.
When abortion is banned, every miscarriage and stillbirth becomes a potential crime scene, and Poland is taking its already dystopian anti-abortion surveillance state to the next level. Poland created a national pregnancy registry in June 2022 and recently had police search the sewers for a fetus to try and prove a woman lied about having a miscarriage. In that case, the police collected her underwear, scissors she used to cut the umbilical cord, and blood from her floor for the investigation. They even wanted to funnel the contents of her home’s septic tank, but cleaners refused. Police claimed the woman lost her pregnancy “as a result of criminal actions” and prosecutors opened proceedings against her, only to drop them months later.
this is the type of shit that conservatives want in America so badly and they will stop at nothing to make sure it happens. this shit is vile.
[source: jezebel]
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destielmemenews · 16 days
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"Missouri is currently enforcing a total abortion ban with exceptions for medical emergencies. The ballot measure's proposal to enshrine the right to abortion until fetal viability - typically around 24 weeks in pregnancy - drew support from 52% of Missouri voters in a St. Louis University/YouGov poll conducted from Aug. 9-16. The measure would need more than 50% support to pass."
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galaxytoons · 3 months
”vote red to make America great again!”
Make America great again? Haha, more like take a fat shit on the graves of everyone who fought in the revolutionary war by letting Trump create a dictatorship and completely tear down everything they fought to stop.
Look, we all hate Joe Biden. We all wanna stop the genocide in Gaza. But Trump is gonna support Israel just as much as Biden is, so our choices are basically “genocide” or “dictatorship AND genocide”. And voting third party is just gonna increase Trump’s chances of winning, or else that would be my advice.
if you don’t want America to oppress every minority, women, people of color, LGBTQIA+, ANYTHING that’s not straight, cis, white, male, and christian, than clench your fist, grit your teeth, and VOTE BLUE.
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skepticalpigeon · 29 days
Not very pacifist of me but I think big political pundits or politicians who are against abortion despite not being even presumably able to get pregnant deserve to experience a similar injury to an average birth. "Most abortions are on healthy pregnancies" we'll see how healthy it feels when you're the one getting ripped open.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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womenaremypriority · 4 months
It’s always calling grown women “girls” until a 12 year old girl gets pregnant by rape or a 6 year old Palestinian girl is murdered. Now little girls are all “women”
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odinsblog · 7 months
🗣️ tw rape mention
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In U.S. history the Red Coats were the bad guys, literally coming to oppress American freedom, so it is perfectly apropos for Republicans. Oh, and the reference to The Handmaid’s Tale is also spot on.
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alicentflorent · 3 months
People really hating on Alicent over her getting an abortion (or more likely using the equivalent to plan b) and some going as far to say that the use of moontea is “against her faith” like girlie what happened to a woman’s right to choose?
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mywingsareonwheels · 5 months
The rise in extremely highly funded transphobic discourse and attacks in the last few years started very shortly after victories for same-sex marriage and abortion rights in various countries. I don't think it's even remotely a stretch to see it as a response to those victories.
I remember the absolute joy of a lot of trans women I was following on Twitter in 2019 when abortion was decriminalised in Northern Ireland. It was beautiful to see and utterly unsurprising.
I remember how much het and ace trans people have supported same-sex marriage, like, forever. <3
Transphobia is designed to split and break both the LGBTQIA+ rights movement *and* the women's rights movement, in order to weaken both. It's divide and conquer. One of the biggest fundraisers for both the anti-trans movement in the UK (who is also a significant donor to the Tory party...) is a mostly-former fiction writer who claims to be doing this for women but whose intense degree of internalised misogyny leaks between every line of everything she says and has written. That's not a coincidence.
Transphobia is intrinsically entwined with misogyny (and at minimum certain kinds of misandry), homophobia, biphobia, and acephobia. It's also pretty much always accompanied by racism, antisemitism, ageism, and ableism (internalised or lateral in some cases; still there). That's not a coincidence either.
The message? Well, don't be a transphobe, obviously. Don't give any money to that fucking mostly-ex-writer. But also beware of anything else that tries to create or increase divisions between us.
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pidgwin · 1 year
The treatment for a missed miscarriage, a miscarriage where the fetus has died but the body hasn’t realised, is abortion. Either through surgery or medication. 
I was told at my 12 week ultrasound that my baby had died 4 weeks before. I have dreamed of becoming a parent for my whole life. Those few weeks I was pregnant were the happiest of my life but the second I knew my baby had died, I felt like the living embodiment of death. I felt like a walking coffin, distinctly inhuman. Dirty down to my very soul.
I was desperate to get the beautiful child I had wished for so dearly out of my body. The 24 hours between my ultrasound and being given abortion medication were some of the hardest of my life. Abortion is healthcare. I cannot even imagine being forced to carry my baby for another moment. I also can’t imagine being forced to carry a fetus, which you do not wish to. To take that right away is disgusting and demonstrates how truly little these people know about the reality of reproductive healthcare. Pro choice always.
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Texas questions rights of fetus in prison guard lawsuit despite arguing opposite on abortion | Texas | The Guardian
In defending themselves against a lawsuit, Texas officials have argued that an “unborn child” may not have rights under the US constitution, putting them in tension with arguments made by the state’s attorney general’s office as well as Republican lawmakers to support restrictions to abortion.
A guard at the state prison in the community of Abilene filed the lawsuit in question after she asserted that her superiors barred her from going to the hospital while she experienced intense labor pains and what she suspected were contractions while seven months pregnant and on duty.
The guard – who is named Salia Issa – was finally able to leave to go to the hospital two and a half hours after the pain started. She was rushed into emergency surgery after doctors were unable to find a fetal heartbeat and she ultimately delivered the baby in a stillbirth. The lawsuit claims that if Issa had been able to get to the hospital sooner, the baby would have survived.
Issa and her husband sued the Texas department of criminal justice and three supervisors, arguing the state caused the death of their child. They seek restitution in medical and funeral costs and for pain and suffering.
The prison agency and the Texas attorney general’s office have argued in defense of the lawsuit that the agency should not be held responsible for the stillbirth and that it is not clear the fetus had rights as a person. Both entities advance those positions despite consistent arguments made in lockstep by the attorney general’s office and Texas legislators that “unborn children” should be recognized as people starting at fertilization.
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
I love when conservatives try to make propaganda movie against abortion cause it's all "SHE'S IN INSUFFERABLE PAIN!!! THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE ON THE FLOOR!!!! SHE'S BLEEDING FROM HER VAGINA!!!! SHE'S IN SO MUCH PAIN SHE CAN'T WALK!!!" Like this is literally just the average week of someone with bad periods cramps. That's just the monthly routine. Trust me, folks with uteruses have seen A LOT, it ain't just abortions.
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onlytiktoks · 6 months
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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So pro life means wanting to get pregnant is a crime now?
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