#this also affects People of Color in a way that many white people aren’t
smallraindrops-blog · 4 months
Late night WMFTD mermaid au stuff. I thought maybe some people would enjoy the HCs since i dont know when I will be able to post the fic.
Titan mermaid, built for strength and speed. Apex predator and have hunting trails that go worldwide. These guys evolved to hunt big game such as great white sharks, orcas, dolphins, octopuses and the like.
they will eat almost anything however.
Their tails varied, but y/n’s tail is similar to orcas. He is also large even for a titan mermaid. His teeth are shark-like,however like all titans mermaids 
His clan/culture is very spartan. They pride themselves on being strong warriors and glory on the battlefield and the hunt. It is a great honor to die in such ways. For those who chose to give birth, dying in childbirth is an honorable death.
children and mates are highly valued, they even have a celebration once a year to bless all kids with strength and good health. Mates are given gifts. They are to be protected above all else 
It is common among mates to tease about eating the other for a snack. Bite marks are a sign of affection. both which isn’t common with other mermaid clans.
red is considered a lucky color, blessed by their goddess.
In the fic, he is the clan’s king after his parents had happily retired and his advisers had been hounding him to find a mate and produce heirs. His parents aren’t helping, often suggesting baby names to him over breakfast.
He took one look at Hypnos, who was barely awake when they met and fell right in love. 
Siren mermaid, beautiful creatures that adore living in warm sea waters, are often found in reefs or sunbathing on rocks. While they do occasionally eat seafood, they also eat seaweed and other plants.
They can hunt but mostly small, easy game. To coexist with the reef they only hunt outside of it and don’t eat anything that lives alongside them.
Which causes them problems when the orcas/sharks/everything bigger than them close by realize they make easy prey.
Tails and their colors are their crowning glory. The more jewel-tone the tail is, the higher the beauty. However colors follow a trend, and right now dark colors are in due to many wanting to be as beautiful as Queen Nyx and her deep amethyst tail.
They all really love shiny things.
Gender/sex is a joke to them, they can and often do change sex easily. Sometimes on the same day. Hypnos tends to favor his tail pattern with female sexual organs due to a more powerful shine while male sexual organs are more muted. 
Mates and children are more commonplace, so while loved and wished for dearly, there is no real big celebration for them beyond birthdays and personal anniversaries.
Mates will give each other high quality/rare food or goods as a sign of affection, it is believed jewelry is the ultimate show of how one prizes their mate. 
Y/N, to court hypnos, would bring all kinds of unique meat or food that his kind could never get their hands on, during dinner times where others could witness. Hypnos hated that it is actually kinda working. The jealous looks shot his way is just the cherry on top.
In the fic, Hypnos still doesn’t understand why a Titan king picked him. Or why he keeps commenting about eating Hypnos. Or why he kinda likes it. He just wants the damn whales to stop hunting his kind.
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gtenvs3000w24 · 8 months
03: Privilege in nature interpretation.
As a white female university student, the concept of privilege significantly shapes my approach to nature interpretation. Privilege, in this context, refers to unearned advantages or benefits that someone may have based on their social identity, such as race, gender, or socio-economic status. Understanding and acknowledging privilege is crucial in the field of nature interpretation, as it influences how people perceive and interact with the environment.
With environmental education, privilege can manifest in various ways that impact both the interpreter and the audience. Being a white individual, I recognize that I navigate natural spaces with a level of ease and comfort that others may not have. My skin color often shields me from racial profiling or discrimination when exploring outdoor areas. This realization has prompted me to reflect on how my experiences and perspectives may differ from those of individuals who face barriers to accessing and enjoying nature.
In the context of nature interpretation, privilege can affect the narratives we share and the perspectives we prioritize. For example, a lack of diversity in the field may lead to a narrow focus on experiences and viewpoints that align with the dominant culture. As a white female interpreter, I strive to be aware of this potential bias and help work towards inclusive storytelling that incorporates diverse voices and experiences. This could involve actively seeking out and promoting narratives that reflect more diverse human connections to the environment.
Privilege also plays a role in access to education and resources. As a university student, I have had the privilege of receiving a higher education that has deepened my understanding of environmental issues. However, I recognize that not everyone has the same opportunities. This awareness influences my approach to nature interpretation. I think it is important that we try to make environmental education more accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background. 
Lastly, privilege can also impact the way messages about environmental conservation are received. Recognizing that some individuals may face more immediate concerns, such as economic instability or social injustice, can help frame environmental issues in a way that resonates with wider and more diverse audiences. That would require acknowledging that not everyone has the luxury of prioritizing environmental sustainability when basic needs aren’t met.
Overall, privilege shapes how I interpret and communicate about nature. It highlights the need for self-reflection, and the need for work to dismantle barriers for many people who don’t have those privileges.
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elektrasimp · 1 year
Watching a YouTuber (Dan Murrell) review Oppenheimer and he made a great point about how movies are not content made to be consumed but art made to be digested. And I think that social media and the MCU has trained audiences to see everything as content which I think helps to explain some of the backlash that Oppenheimer has received which I don’t think it really deserves.
I think it’s valid and I’m not trying to speak over anyone who says that a Japanese voice should’ve been included or to show the people affected by the trinity test.
But at the same time, I think that speaks to how people consume movies as content instead of art. Because art is about perspective, not about telling the true or full story.
Oppenheimer was not a good guy. The US fucking sucks. The atomic bomb was not a good invention. And many people were victimized by it.
But, these are things people should already know. This movie isn’t about these things. It has a story to tell and it has emotions it wants to make the audience feel. Sometimes those emotions are to confuse or fill you with dread or suspense or joy or nostalgia — unlike content, the point is not always to convince you or inform you.
Oppenheimer is not about telling you if he was a good or bad guy. This movie is about making you feel the perspective of one man. And like the beauty of art, even though it’s not personal, it still feels universal.
Oppenheimer was a man who went back and forth on his convictions. Never truly seemed to believe them, but wanted the credit of believing them. He used left-leaning politics not so much because they were his own, but because he liked the women who had these politics.
And the movie clearly reflected that. It showed how he went back and forth. How there’s so many interpretations to who he was. How he might not even be that “brilliant” but that he was a good organizer and a good pawn.
Just as a side note this is a good thing to remember when neoliberals act like politicians can save us. I digress, but again that’s the point of art. Obviously, Nolan did not mean for this movie to reflect on neoliberal vs class-conscious politics, but I can take my experiences to interpret this movie and see how it reflects on my own world.
Also, I think this movie does speak to real life politics and power. The way that petty, vindictive men are making decisions about our lives without any care of the casualties. That so much of politics is a pissing match. That the government makes decisions, discards people, and hides it behind lack of information and propaganda.
Also, movies like any art, tell a story and make you feel emotions through methods that aren’t explicit. This movie uses perspective really well. Everything is told through the eyes of Oppenheimer. And we can quite literally sense and feel how the women in his life, his friends, the background people in Los Alamos, and the possible victims are not as important to him as his own personal dilemmas.
We see that through the use of color (everything in color is largely his perspective, and everything in black and white is outsider perspective), through imagery (when he sees water ripples on the map of possible locations), through acting (the script was written in first person, so Cillian Murphy’s acting reflects how this is purely Oppenheimer’s perspective), and sound (we feel the tension build up to the trinity test through the score because this is such an important moment to this character).
And by showing the people who were victimized explicitly, then you would be falsely showing that Oppenheimer and the US govt cared about these people.
In movies and art, there is just as much importance in what you don’t choose to show.
So, not to sound like an English teacher giving you a worksheet on a mandatory reading assignment, but art is meant to be interpreted.
What is the perspective? Is this narrator relatable? What devices is the author using to show these ideas? When this piece was published, what was the cultural and societal context like?
We shouldn’t treat art like a marvel movie or an infographic that’ll tell us everything we should feel. We should interpret it, criticize it, and analyze it for what it is.
Movies are met to make us feel. Even shitty movies. You can take as much a way from a Michael Bay Transformers movie as you can from Citizen Kane.
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illithilit · 3 months
The color that fits Amis most is White.
Also known as the kinder soulcolor, people with white soulmarks are seen as innocent, childlike, and pure. Most people before they enter adolescence will glow white when around a soulmate, but they will grow out of it in their teen years. It’s the rarest color to have as an adult.
Many people who glow white are treated like children, so they present themselves in an adult like way. They are structured, focus on maturity, and distance themselves from things that bring them joy. They are least likely to share their interests around people they don’t know and are afraid of being patronized.
This type is highly intelligent and appears to prefer being single than in a relationship. They are often alone, preferring not to bog themselves with unnecessary drama, and have no patience for those who criticize them or their work.
Despite their tough exterior, these people are gentle souls. They often express their interests to a select few they trust, and they spend their time theorizing about or analyzing things they enjoy. They are studios and curious, especially when it comes to what makes things work, and have a childlike wonder to them despite being so adamant to present as a mature individual.
The color that fits Mourndax most is Gold.
Considered a lucky color to have, the gold soul color is never short of achieving their goals and prospering. Analytical, intelligent, and cunning, the gold soulcolor is alluring to even those who aren’t their soulmate. You either envy them or hate them, there is no in between, and they’re fine with that.
This color has expensive tastes and chooses to live in the world of high fashion. They aren’t shy about showing off their achievements and wealth, and they often lose themselves in materialistic things. Bigger and better is their motto.
Gold soulmarks can seem shallow and judgmental to those who don’t know them well. They’re not afraid to cut nuisance out of their life and don’t put up with different opinions than their own. They are known to indulge in self care often, and they avoid things that stress them out as much as possible.
Always knowing how to get what they want, the gold soul color surrounds themselves with people who are not going to stand in their way. They are usually surrounded by a small clique of people designed to lift their spirits with praise. They are also clingy to those who make them feel good, and they are known for bending for those they deem important.
The color that fits Eilistraee most is Red.
People with red soul colors are usually cheerful and active. They are optimistic and turn negative situations into a positive one. They are dreamers and visionaries, ready to aim high and achieve great things.
One thing this color is never short of is attention. Whether they’re actively seeking it out or getting it unknowingly, this color basks in the positive praise of others. Their charismatic and high energy personality draws people to them.
Often competitive, this color is always trying to outdo themselves. Perfection is a never ending goal, and they will constantly feel like they’re never doing enough. They’re always looking for new and exciting, often overlooking things that are a constant in their life and taking them for granted.
One thing that’s notable about this color is their explosive temper. Because they feel so deeply in what they do, they will often lash out when feeling threatened. They have a knack for saying things they don’t necessarily mean. However, it’s often short lived, as is their attention, and they will most likely forget about what angered them in the first place.​
The color that fits Blurg most is Pink.
Never short of affection, patience, or understanding, those with a pink soul color are energetic and respected. They are seen as nurturing individuals, and they attract many people who feel misguided in life. They tend to always find the good in every situation and inspire others to do the same.
Pink soulcolors are highly in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They believe all feelings should be acknowledged and dealt with in a healthy manner. They look out for those who don’t look out for themselves, often spreading themselves thin and crashing in the process.
While friendly, this color is introverted and shies away from social gatherings. However, it’s not uncommon for them to accompany a friend out into a social situation or be a wingman if needed. Their friend circle comes first and foremost, whether it be large or small, and they will attempt to make time for everyone even if they are spent.
This color is also drawn to doubt and question if they’re doing enough. They like to conform and know that they are accepted. This leads them to try and be something they’re not, and they often grow disappointed or disgusted with themselves should they deceive themselves and others for too long. They are also bad at keeping promises, setting goals they can’t achieve, and unintentionally disappointing those they wanted to impress.
The color that fits Vhaeraun most is Indigo.
Often mistaken for having a purple or blue glow, those who have indigo soulcolors are serious, confident, and strong willed. They know what they want to achieve and set out to do so. They are often introverted and seek balance, setting a strong moral code for themselves and others.
This type admires respect over adoration. They are often social advocates for those who need it and believe peace can only be achieved when everyone is working together, not just a powerful select few. This makes them powerful enemies but a powerful group of close friends, as their charismatic personality to do what’s right attracts people to them.
Since they are constantly trying to differentiate themselves from blue and violet soulcolors, indigo soulcolors are often less friendly and nurturing on the outside, but on the inside, they’re tender and supportive. They prefer to keep those who break their outer wall closer than most.
Due to their uncompromising sense of justice, the indigo soulcolor often starts arguments that might not need to be started, uprooting things just because they don’t like them or playing “devil’s advocate” when unnecessary. Despite telling others to get over it, they rarely ever do so and hold grudges for a long period of time.
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papirouge · 4 months
I’ve noticed a ton of terfs on this site are pro Israel and I’m so confused. Aren’t radfems against organized religion? Why would they support Zionism? The only thing I can think of is because they all hate Islam more than they hate Judaism
As a Christian, I always found funny that 95% of the things people grieved against Christianism was actually in the Old Testament that we share with Jews, but somehow, it's us -Christians- that are targetted to give accountability regarding those laws. And what's actually even funnier is that Christianism "updated" a lot of the Old Testament Law (fabric mixing, no more sinners execution by stoning, no more impure food, slave ownership, etc.) to make it more "humane" and loving (The Grace), which is not the case of Jews who still abide to the OT Law. Yet anti religious folks attack Christians against statement of the Law they don't even abide to BECAUSE they're too coward to bother the Jew and get the ad antisemiticus attack.
"Israelites could own slaves!!!!" babe, Apostle Paul wrote an entire book pleading AGAINST slavery (Philemon). "O Holy Night" (a CHRISTIAN hymn) 3rd verse has an abolitionist line. I know where Christianism stands with slavery. Now go ask Jews what they think about it instead lol
"Israelites made war and killed women and children" Jesus was a pacifist who bore the gruelest death known on earth so much he loved the World. He healed the man (who came to arrest him) Peter injured because he refused that violence be used in his defense. John the Baptist got decapitated. Stephen stoned to death. A handful of apostles also ended with untimely & gruesome deaths because they refused to fight against the flesh and abide by the word of the Lord.(Jesus). I know where Christianity stands in regards of violence. Now go ask Jews where they stand on that. I mean, no need to ask : when you see the atrocities they commit in Palestine, you know they feel entitled to what they do based on what their religion allows ("an eye for an eye")
I think the only authentically Christian statements that get held against us is Paul saying that women can't teach in the assembly and men being the head of family thing. Of course, they forget the part where Paul said it was better for celibate (men or women) to remain as such and therefore paving the way for women to NOT need a man as a leader (men being the leader IN A FAMILY or at the religious assembly =/= men being leader anyone else) Before the 4B movement, there was the 4P movement because PAUL TOLD US ALL TO STAY AWAY FROM MEN!! (and God told us to chose the bear too, just sayin')
To go back to radfem : as I always said, many of them are sheltered White women weaponizing misogyny as a totem of immunity against their bigoted view on racial dynamic. I was one of the few ones to clock their BS during the karen meme craze and them acting all victimizd just because people of color used that meme'd to clown racist White women weaponizing their tears to get them into trouble. I noticed that those radfem never took a moment to questions those white women's action - no, the karen meme was misogynist because it dared focusing on women. This was the only explanation, obviously.
Watch them go #alllivesmatter the moment gender is not relevant. Radfem spend years saying how badly war did affect women and how it war is not just a "men thing" how only for them to go blind on the fate of Palestinian women and go "oh I don't know enough about this conflict" FOR YEARS YALL BEEN PULLING OUT ESSAYS SAYING ABOUT HOW WAR WAS BAD FOR WOMEN BUT NOW ITS T0O CoMpLICaTED AND #BOTHSIDES??? byyyyyyyyye. They'll feign neutrality, but still sneakily reblog posts condemning the rape of Israeli women and seething about how the LefT remains silent about it....while they themselves remain silent on both assassinated/raped Palestinians women🤡 They'll be like "Palestinians are homophobic and hate women so why would I care about them uwu" and then see picture of Israeli sexually harassing underage Palestinian girls and posing with Palestinian women underpants and be like "m-maybe it's staged / we-we need context" I'll say it again and again : TRA are absolutely right when they say many radfem are actually White/Western cultural imperialists who just hate men & trans people, who'll exceptionnally make passes for white & white adjacent males (such as Israelis) if they brutalize non White men. They actually love men violence whe it's used for the good cause. I could also go on how this Western imperialism of radfem explains why so many of them are obsessed shoving abortion on EVERY women accross the world as thee solution to fix their problem but this post is already too long lol
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hey. thanks for your posts. tw for race-related identity issues i guess.
okay so, I never really considered myself any particular race. i'm european and live in america. it makes me uncomfortable when people talk about white/poc like its a neat divide.
i don't really like, feel attached too much to the culture i was raised in, maybe this is just an american thing but idk. i know it's important to people but it just wasn't for me. i feel sososo bad abt racism and i feel bad that i can't really do anything.
also, i have some anime fictives who don't want to change their names. they very rarely front, and it's always co-fronting with a body-matching alter. advice? thanks.
Hi! We’re not really sure what kind of advice you’re looking for or what we can provide. We’re not an expert on race or ethnicity, and can only say what we’ve learned from listening to POC and reading books by writers of color.
What we can say is this: everyone who lives in and engages with society has a race and a culture. Even if they don’t understand it or feel like they don’t have a race… they still do. It’s okay to feel disconnected, to struggle to comprehend how these things affect you, but as we understand it, race and culture aren’t something someone can “opt-out” of.
We believe that if someone lives outside of a certain culture or does not belong to a particular ethnicity, it is a sign of respect for them to not take a name with those cultural ties and connections. We’re not saying you or anyone else has to do this. We’re just saying it’s a respectful thing to do, especially for white folks (who often have ingrained racial biases that will affect many areas of their lives if not confronted and reckoned with).
We like this article on name appropriation:
We’re pretty firm in our beliefs here! Because this is what we have learned and understand from other people of color.
Also! You say you feel bad about racism, and feel like there’s nothing you can do… but we really disagree with that sentiment! There’s tons of things white people can do to be actively antiracist in their spaces and communities.
Here’s some things that ANY white person, no matter their age, class, or ability, can do to help combat racism.
1) Call it out!
Call out racism when you see it. Don’t let racist jokes or comments slide. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, calling out the bigotry you see is one way to let others know that you find racism unacceptable and something you won’t stand for. Whenever friends, classmates, coworkers, family members, neighbors, or strangers choose to be racist, you can choose to fight that racism by calling it out, saying “hey, that’s racist!” and creating an environment where racism isn’t just ignored, but stamped out.
2) Educate yourself!
Seek out books, articles, films, and other works by creators of color. Try and diversify what you consume. Ask yourself hard questions, and search for answers provided by people of color. Don’t shy away from discomfort, and don’t let your white guilt or shame keep you from finding answers. Don’t rely one one person’s perspective (like the token Black friend, or the token Japanese coworker) for answers to difficult questions about race. Gather resources from all sorts of places and all sorts of marginalized people, and then come to your own conclusions.
3) Educate others!
Once you’ve done some work to unlearn internalized racism, you can try and help other people in your life take on that work as well. Whether that means recommending a book to a family member, having a long conversation about antiracism with a classmate, suggesting books and films by people of color for book/film clubs and events, there’s lots of things you can do to try and educate other white people about racism!
Remember when attempting to educate: don’t speak over people of color, don’t claim to be the end-all-be-all for unlearning bigotry, and recognize that unlearning racism is a process that is often lifelong.
4) Promote people of color!
Support POC-owned businesses, donate to POC-run charities and gofundmes, recommend POC creators to others, and uplift and center POC voices in your daily life. Learn about movements like Landback, StopAAPIHate, and BLM, and understand what these movements hope to achieve and the issues that they address.
5) Get involved!
Join local groups that advocate for POC, uplift them, and recognize their struggles. Volunteer with activists and engage with the antiracists within your community. See what sorts of local organizations near you are doing work to benefit POC in your city. Even volunteering for an hour or so once a week can have a big impact!
You don’t have to do all (or any) of these if you don’t want to. We’re not trying to tell you how to live your life. We’re just saying that these are ways in which white people can combat racism in their everyday lives - it doesn’t have to be hopeless, and it’s not true that there’s nothing white folks can do to combat racism.
We hope this helps!
Most of what we’ve learned can be attributed to the Race & Ethnicity college courses we’ve taken, documentaries by people of color about their struggles, books we’ve checked out from the library/bought on Amazon, and POC content creators we follow on Tumblr and YouTube. With a little digging, you can curate your own collection of works by people of color that can help you educate yourself on racism!
🌸 Margo, 🐢 Kip, and 💚 Ralsei
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
Political beliefs are like colors. Sometimes you’re hanging around in the pinks and some pinks are kinda magenta and some purples are kinda magenta, it just…things get blurry. Sometimes there isn’t a clear line between brown and orange. Etc.
With feminism, thing is, feminism is basically “anything some women think is good for women, but not those things.” It’s not a well defined category. You could say a trad wife is definitely not feminist. But it’s kinda blurry. Is treating men and women as much like each other as possible intrinsically a feminist position? Some people calling themselves feminist think it is, some people calling themselves feminists think it isn’t. And if you think “well obviously the first group is right and the second is wrong”, consider this. Is it feminist to think women should be treated exactly like men, or more specifically, how white middle class men were treated in the 50’s? Those men didn’t have parental leave. Those men didn’t have rules against sexual harassment. Those men didn’t expect their health insurance to cover their birth control. Those men didn’t worry about how they were going to handle childcare.
you can’t treat everyone the way men in old fashioned gender roles were treated without something breaking. Some of what’s good for women can be summed up by “just treat women more like men already”, but not all of what’s good or necessary for women.
And when you get into “well sometimes what women need is different from what men need” some people over there think that what a “woman” is is defined by things like body parts and reproductive capacity. I think it’s wrong in the same way that I think responding to fact that most rapists don’t get convicted with “well we should find ways to make it easier to send rapists to prison” is wrong. But I don’t deny that rape is a feminist issue.
and it kinda seems like some people who are very invested in saying terfs aren’t feminists — not that they’re wrong, but that they’re not feminists — may be oblivious to a particular aspect of feminism, the one where women (and hey, also many people who aren’t women) are affected by (often/typically/presumed to) having certain body parts and reproductive capabilities, and the aspect of feminism that is about something other than economic opportunity and other “just treat women like men” things.
Naturally it’s possible to talk about childcare and periods and sexual harassment without being a terf. But some people who look at these things from a feminist angle end up in terf land. They’re next to each other. That’s just a thing that happens. Political ideologies aren’t good and bad with no communication between them. They’re a rainbow. And parts of the rainbow suck, but they don’t suck because all ideologies that suck are off on fascist island over there with no connection to the not-sucky political beliefs.
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coffee-milky-way · 2 years
☕️ ‘xcuse me about to go feral :) ☕️
rant warning ahead : TW for racism, just general anger, TW FOR DEATH MENTION AT THE END.
☕️ ====================== ☕️
Alright so throwback to my obey me post about the artists just, not being able to get Simeon, Mammon, or Diavolo’s skin tone right sometimes.
But now apply it to cookie run specifically kingdom since that’s what i know more about because it’s the one i had.
Why is it when I see some people draw espresso cookie they make him this ashy pale brownish color-?? It happens quite often and then sometimes people draw Latte so pale I have to do a double take. I get that this may be in part because the cookies have “no specific race” but why the fuck would you not just color drop the ones who have pretty down pack skin tones? Some people would throw a hissy fit if I drew Cream Puff to be of color but then y’all make Purple Yam white as a board and still give him locs? Fuck is wrong with y’all. Its infuriating. Like if a cookie’s skin tone seems off or is just an unnatural color, do a value test and try to match that way or maybe even just slightly adjust it so it’s more natural? It’s a problem within multiple fandoms so I don’t mean to attack anyone in specific. CRK is just the fandom I was in where it was worse [ like y’all had Obey Me BEAT MAN 😭 ]
Like I get that there’s a lot of things to consider when drawing more inhuman characters as humans [ because racial coding do be a thing and that can majorly affect how you interpret things ] but there’s a difference between racial coding and characters with poc features. Just try to stay educated and actually think instead of defaulting to paler skin. I think it’s important that to better yourself as an artist you should try to learn and draw everyone if you focus on people. Experiment with body types, skin tones, different features, the whole shabam!! You make a difference with your art, and you could help provide representation for people who just don’t have that opportunity.
It’s just tiring to see people give so many excuses as to why they can’t too? Like skin tones out of the way since I feel deadass that should be the easiest thing to manage [ as there’s MULTIPLE and I mean MULTIPLE skin tone charts if you’re really confused ] but people often say that they just cant draw POC features and I think that’s sad. There’s multiple guides out there on how to draw POC features so someone saying that they cant seems careless almost. If you don’t feel like it looks right, there are people willing to help you learn how to draw POC features. As i said there’s guides out there, you can use realistic references to do studies, hell as long as you aren’t drawing shit that’s the equivalent of blackface or so blatantly not trying I think you’re good!
TL;DR : I’m upset because fanartists typically butcher tanned / darker skinned characters and I feel like it relates to how people don’t really seem to try or want to learn how to draw POC people and characters even though it’s heavily important on the representation in media.
☕️ I will shortly edit in another post with the skin tone charts and a few explanations. This has probably been done but I’m just a little upset because that grayish brown skin tone * [ especially if it’s a gray blueish brown. ] does exist, but it also makes a normally POC character look dead because that’s usually the color a dead body has. It’s a very lifeless tone and generally as i said used for characters who are way darker and have a more lively skin tone than that!!
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scopeclean · 11 days
When You May Need Mold Removal Even If You Can’t See Any Mold
Do you have a nagging feeling in the back of your head that mold may be a problem in your home but you just aren’t sure? Have you been researching the signs of mold online and still feel “on the fence” about whether or not there’s mold in your home? At Scope Environmental, we both specialize in mold removal in Santa Clarita and have for many years. There are some ways to tell if you may have mold in your home.
We do emphasize the word “may” in the last sentence. Below are some ways that you could tell if you may be in need of assistance with mold. One sign, maybe even two, and it could be uncertain. Any more than that, however, and professional assistance may be required. We’re here to help. If you believe mold may be an issue, we can provide removal, remediation, and more.
Where Mold Often Shows Up: Illness One of the clearest signs of a mold issue is a change in your health while you’re at home. Prolonged exposure to mold can lead to symptoms that mimic allergies, such as sneezing, congestion, coughing, or irritated eyes.
Mold exposure can also cause fatigue or feelings of listlessness. If these symptoms seem to fade when you leave your home but return as soon as you’re back inside, it’s likely that mold is the culprit.
It’s important to note that mold can affect people differently, but these health symptoms are often a reliable indicator that mold is present somewhere in the house, even if it’s out of sight. So, you may feel ill but your partner/family don’t, or vice versa.
Your Sense of Smell May Be Trying to Tell You Something Mold has a very distinct musty odor, often reminiscent of damp, long-stored items that have been exposed to moisture. If you notice this smell in your home, it’s a strong sign that mold is present, even if you haven’t yet seen any visible signs. Once you detect this odor, it’s time to begin a more detailed inspection.
While the smell of mold is a reliable indicator in many cases, it’s important to remember that some mold types don’t produce a noticeable scent. Just because you don’t smell it doesn’t mean it’s not there. That’s why a combination of both visual and olfactory checks is necessary for thorough mold detection.
Mold Signs You Can See (That Aren’t Mold) You know that mold often appears in areas that are prone to moisture, such as ceilings, corners, and damp spots around the home. Mold can look like clusters of small, fuzzy patches, with a variety of textures and colors ranging from gray and white to black and green.
Black mold is particularly concerning due to its potential health risks, so identifying it early is critical. Pay close attention to any yellowing or fuzziness on surfaces like fabrics or other materials that may have been exposed to water. Remember: even the smallest patches of mold can signal a bigger issue, so it’s important to inspect thoroughly.
Certain parts of your home may be more susceptible to mold than others. For example, if you inspect your basement, look for water discolorations on walls or ceilings, and pay attention to any musty smells. Even if you don’t see visible mold, water stains and damp areas are often signs that mold could be developing out of sight.
During this time of year, fall, rain can come quickly, seemingly out of nowhere. If it pours, leading to flooding or even just pooling, assume that mold has come along.
Professional Mold Removal in Santa Clarita You Can Trust At Scope Environmental, we emphasize the importance of early detection. By using your senses and performing thorough inspections, you can identify mold before it becomes a major problem.
The sooner mold is identified and the water source causing it is found, the easier it is to prevent further damage to your property and protect your health. Procrastination only allows mold to spread, turning a minor issue into a costly and more severe one over time.
If you suspect a mold problem in your home or business, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals who can assess the situation thoroughly and guide you through the steps needed to resolve the issue.
The truth is that, all too often, mold can’t be adequately handled on your own. Sure, you could throw out something that may visibly be moldy. But, that could just be, quite literally, the “tip of the iceberg” in terms of mold in your home. We can help to remove mold for good.
In fact, we can not only remove mold, but we can help you to best protect your property from mold in the future. To see how we can help, reach out to us through our site or call.
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sissa-arrows · 10 months
Democrats expect people seeing the devastation of their people, complete erasure of bloodlines, while begging their government for a ceasefire and being ignored, to ignore the pain, suck it up and vote, but have no restraint in saying well “enjoy your deportation and camps” then. If the people of Gaza can face the end of their world with total and complete trust in God, who are we to just vote for the person who provides the bombs to their suffering, instead of saying no, we refuse your false choice & we place our trust in God. Democrats aren’t forgetting Palestinians exist, they are currently cheering on their genocide and demanding the U.S. keep funding it. Way more exciting for them that pretending nothing is happening.
Every single time when elections happen in the West, white people remembers that PoC exist.
They remember that we are registered to vote. And every single time their go to situation is to say “vote for the lesser evil because then it means we will get to pressure them more easily”. And every single time once 99% Hitler is elected instead of 100% Hitler* they don’t respect their part of the deal and actually call us out and hate on us when we have the audacity to protest to pressure them.
They will always blame people of color before blaming white people telling them “your lack of vote/your vote for this candidate who has no chance is the reason why the most evil won”. No the piece of shit won because people voted for him and because you refused to present us with an option who isn’t dehumanizing and killing us.
Regarding American democrats specifically they also have the audacity to tell people of color not living in the US to mind their own business. WE FUCKING WISH WE COULD IGNORE YOUR PIECES OF SHIT POLITICIANS BUT GUESS WHAT THEIR GENOCIDAL BEHAVIOR AFFECT US. When Biden lies and say he saw the 40 beheaded babies people in France quote him to me as a trustworthy source. When the US have the fucking right to veto UN resolution it affects all of us. When the US dehumanize us it makes it easier for the rest of the West to also do it. When we see children, women, men, just Palestinians being murdered in cold blood with the US cheering and those people look like us, have the same names as we do… if FUCKING AFFECT US.
Bitches go “I don’t agree with what Biden is doing but I will still vote for him regardless” and when you say that’s called unconditional support they deny it. They are not even willing PRETEND to withhold their vote to put pressure on the democrats they think their strongly (not even that strong) worded letters in which they say they will vote for him no matter what will help. They pull shit like “actually politicians are more likely to listen to their voters” YES IF SAID VOTERS TELL THEM THEY WON’T VOTE FOR THEM ANYMORE BECAUSE OF THEIR SUPPORT FOR GENOCIDE.
But then it’s because they never cared. Voting out/keeping out the worst evil has never been about people of color rights it has always been about allowing white people to feel like they did enough. The same people who were protesting under Trump were/are silent when Obama was the one putting children in cages, when Obama was bombing the Middle East, when Biden kept putting babies in cage. It’s never been about us and about what won’t affect white people. Because at the end of the day the lesser of two evil doesn’t affect/barely affect white people while the worst evil does.
*: The 99% Hitler and 100% Hitler is a real quote from Twitter. White guy said “if your choice is between 100% Hitler and Hitler but 1% less evil your moral obligation is to vote for the second one.” Many white people agreed and people of color were like “WTF?! If your choice is between 100% Hitler and 99% Hitler your moral obligation is to fucking revolt and overthrow the government that put you in this situation”
They wonder how the holocaust happened while casually admitting that they have the moral obligation to vote for 99% Hitler.
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zenasflower · 11 months
Preserved Flowers in Liverpool
Flowers are a simple way to add a pop of colour to any home. They can be placed in a variety of containers such as vases, jars and even bag charms!
Fresh flowers can only last up to a week and need consistent maintenance, including frequent pruning and changing of vase water. However, their lifespan can be extended using drying and preserving methods.
There are a number of ways that you can preserve your Preserved flowers in Liverpool but drying is one of the easiest. It dehydrates the petals and flowers and is a good option for larger flowers or bouquets. It can be a bit time-consuming if you’re preserving a large number of blooms but it is effective and will give you beautiful results.
Before you start drying your flowers, remove any leaves and group the flowers together in bunches of five or six. Use an elastic band to tie the bunches together and then place them in a cool dark place for two or three weeks, checking on them regularly.
You can also dry flowers by placing them in a cup of silica gel or in the microwave. You can find a plethora of books on the subject of flower drying but it is best to follow instructions carefully and take caution as resin can be dangerous. It’s also important to change the water in your vase every day, removing any dead flowers before they start rotting and cutting the stems shorter to slow bacteria growth.
Many people enjoy bringing beautiful blooms into their home, but the fact is that flowers can quickly wither and fade. Luckily, there are some simple and affordable ways to keep them around for as long as you want.
One classic method is to air dry them. This involves placing the flower in a dark, cool place and letting it dry out naturally. This method can take a while, but it is an excellent way to preserve roses and other colorful flowers.
Another popular way to preserve flowers is to press them. To do this, choose a flower in its prime and place it between the pages of a heavy book. Make sure that the pages aren’t loose and let it dry for a few days.
If you want to go the extra mile, you can also hire a Tasker to wax-dip your blooms for a longer-lasting look. This method works well on wedding bouquets, boutonnieres, and centerpieces.
To keep flowers for a longer period of time they are dried and preserved. This process replaces the natural moisture in the flowers with a glycerin-based solution to maintain the colours, shape and texture.
Dried and preserved flowers are very versatile products that can be used for a range of floral arrangements, from bridal bouquets to decorative centrepieces. They can also be combined with fresh or silk flowers to make them more aesthetically pleasing.
The price of fresh flowers varies depending on their season and origin, but they tend to be more expensive than preserved flowers due to transportation costs. However, because preserved flowers are not affected by seasonality they can be more costeffective in the long run.
Preserved flowers also do not contain pollen, making them an ideal option for people with allergies to real flowers. However, they can contain a variety of other allergens like dust and mould, so those with sensitive respiratory conditions should take note.
Two years after dried flowers came back into vogue, they remain a beautiful addition to any home. With no need for light or water, they’re ideal for second homes and rentals, and they are a much less wasteful alternative to fresh flowers.
A heady white flower, gardenia is reminiscent of traditional English country gardens and is often used in vintage perfumes. Its sweet and woody scent is refreshing all year round.
Tuberose is one of the most powerful floral ingredients in perfumery. These nightbloomers have been nicknamed the ‘Queen of the Night’ and are scented with a rich, heady and exotic aroma.
The everlasting flower is a syrupy fragrance that combines honeyed and hay-like notes with aromatic facets, such as walnut or thyme, with a touch of tobacco. It also reveals spiced accents and a certain animalic facet. Discover its intense scent in the perfume Helicriss from Sylvaine Delacourte’s Musk Collection. Its unique tenacity makes it perfect for combining with woody, oriental and chypre nuances.
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portraitmypet · 1 year
What Pet Portrait Artists See During a Session
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When it comes to painting/sketching a moving dog, there are a few things that happen that can make it more challenging. One of the main challenges is the proportion of the dog's head compared to their body. A posed dog will give you an idea of where the front and back legs should be, but with a moving dog, it can be difficult to determine which way they're going to turn at any given time. Also remember that it's best not to be too detailed when painting/sketching a moving animal because they aren't going to stay still long enough for you to get everything perfect!
Another challenge is getting all those little details right - fur texture and facial expression are especially important here! If your subject doesn't sit still long enough for you paint without interruption (which can take hours), then just try doing some quick sketches instead!
The differences between painting a dog in good lighting vs painting a dog in poor lighting.
The difference between painting a dog in good lighting vs painting a dog in poor lighting is dramatic. In this blog, I'll show you why and how light affects the appearance of your paintings.
Lighting can make or break a portrait. It is the single most important element to consider when painting any subject matter, whether it's humans or animals. The way light hits your subject will help determine how they look on the final canvas—whether they appear dark and sinister or bright and happy! A few basic rules apply:
Light needs to be consistent across the whole painting (don't leave one side of their face in shadow)
Light should complement each individual's features (bronze-colored fur needs warm tones; white fur needs cool tones)
The challenges of painting other animals, like cats, rabbits and birds.
Painting cats is a lot harder than painting dogs. Cat owners might think that their cats would be more willing to sit still and pose for their portrait, but this is not always the case. Sometimes they are even less cooperative than dogs!
Cats are skittish and don’t follow commands like dogs do. They also don’t like wearing clothes or sitting in one place for long periods of time (especially if there is an open window nearby). If your cat enjoys being outdoors or has been trained to come when called by name, it can be even harder to catch him when you need him most!
What the artist is looking at when they paint - the details that people don't notice on their own pets.
As a pet portrait artist, I'm always looking for the details that most people don't notice about their own pets. For example:
The colour of their eyes. Some dogs have brown eyes, some blue and others green. If you are trying to paint your dog's portrait from a photograph, it can be difficult to get the exact shade of your dog's eyes right if they're not looking directly into the camera!
The shape of their nose - because many breeds have different kinds of noses depending on what part of the world they came from (e.g., Bulldogs were bred in England so they tend to have short snouts.)
The shape of their face - some dogs are bred with longer faces than others; this is especially true with smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and Pomeranians whose faces tend to look long compared with larger breeds like German Shepherds who often have shorter muzzles (the area between where an animal's nose meets its mouth).
How to get a pet to pose (hint: it's much easier with small dogs vs large ones!).
Finding the right pose for your pet can be a challenge. Here are some tips that will help:
Use treats. Have some of your pet’s favorite treats on hand, or have your assistant carry them in a treat bag to help get them in position and keep them there for as long as you need. If it’s only one or two bites, it’ll be worth it!
Let them use their toy(s). Most dogs love toys, so let them pick out a favorite and then use that to get their head turned toward you so you can capture his/her gaze just right. It might take some time to get this right, but I promise—it will be worth it!
Take breaks if necessary. If your subject gets bored or tired after 5 minutes (or less), take a break and come back later when they are ready to go again--but don't wait too long before trying again - once they've lost interest completely it may take days before they'll want another shot at posing!
Pet portrait artists work hard to capture your pets exact likeness.
Pet portrait artists work hard to capture your pets exact likeness, but there are challenges that they face when painting other animals. Birds and rabbits have a similar problem as dogs in terms of being difficult to paint in poor lighting conditions. Cats can be particularly challenging because their fur is so dense and may obscure details, making them difficult to capture accurately on canvas or wood panel. However, there are some ways you can help your pet portrait artist achieve the best results possible:
Make sure you have good lighting when photographing your pet for reference images for the artist (see our blog post on "How Pet Portrait Artists Work").
Avoid using flash photography because it tends to wash out colors and makes it harder for artists to see details clearly. If it's not possible using natural light then try doing a photo session with a diffuser over one side of the camera lens or bounce flash off walls/ceiling/floor etc...
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 years
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/abandon-fear-ye-who-enter-here/
Abandon Fear Ye Who Enter Here
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A friend of mine took a series of tests to determine her mental decline as she aged. Happily, for her, the tests were comforting.  Even so, I admired her courage.  What she’d done was like poking a sleeping bear with a sharp stick.  If the news hadn’t been good, how would she have coped? Alzheimer’s, for example, has no cure. Early intervention is key for dealing with Alzheimer’s, experts say.  But to what end? A few months of clarity before drifting into that good night and all the while knowing the Good Ship Memory has left the dock? When there is little to be gained, I prefer not to know. Many will think differently.   Fear affects us in different ways. It can leave us catatonic and in denial. Or, like people prancing across hot coals, it can initiate a frenzy to save ourselves.  In every case, fear tests our sanity. People like my friend who face reality with courage leave me in awe. Pete Buttigieg, the U. S. Secretary of Transportation, is also unflappable. Asked about the current state of our democracy, his answer is matter-of-fact.  Our system of government is designed to pick winners and losers.  For the process to work, people have to accept outcomes. Buttigieg’s response is so simple, it smacks of naïvite.  That’s the beauty of truth.  Once grasped, It is simple and profound, like E=MC(2).  Finding the truth is where the complexity lies. After two years and several ballot box investigations, ending with no evidence of wrongdoing, some Americans continue to believe Donald Trump won the 2020 election. They believe the lie because that is the outcome they wanted– as if wishing could make it so.  Like flat-earthers living in a spherical world, they close their eyes to truths that distress them.     If the outcome of an election is difficult to grasp, for many the knowledge that climate change is about to exterminate our species is unfathomable. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine arises from that consummate ignorance. Ukraine belongs to Russia, he insists. But what does that mean to a dead planet? Absurdity’s crown goes to Iran’s Mullahs, of course. They worry about women’s headgear while the ground crumbles beneath their feet.   If the flat-earthers and their ilk would open their eyes, they’d see the time for rancor is passed.  We must work together if we are to save our species. Unfortunately, too many scrunch their eyes against the light.  They insist Time has a reverse gear that if thrown would return us to better days. Better days aren’t the same for everyone, as we know.  White supremacists long for the era when they were allowed to see themselves as superior beings, a superiority that justified imperialism and slavery. People like Marjorie Taylor Green cling to the notion of race.  It flies in the face of science but it serves her purpose. “…illegal aliens are on the verge of replacing you [whites], replacing your jobs and replacing your kids in school and coming from all over the world, they’re also replacing your culture.  And that’s not great for America. By 2050, half of the U. S. population will have darker skin pigmentation than today’s mix. Pigment means nothing. We don’t discriminate against people based on hair color. Why concern ourselves with skin? Race warriors should attend to the date 2050 for a different reason. That’s the year scientists predict the earth becomes uninhabitable for humans.   Fear can galvanize people into action, as I’ve said. Too often the outcome ends in mindless hate. Ukrainians are as pigment deprived as any Russian.  Even so, one propagandist for Putin’s invasion insists the children of his enemy should be drowned and burned.  Why are people “freaking out?” a researcher asks in response to the times. No one has an answer. Like the stars, black holes, and the universe, being made of stardust, perhaps humans sense the cosmos is shedding tears for our demise.  Is there a cosmic consciousness? Some speculate it exists. To align ourselves, they urge us to move beyond science.  As useful as reason is to us, they insist it is  too narrow a framework to integrate other aspects of the mind, creativity, intuition, or empathy, for example. To discover a different harmony, our inner world will have to experience a shift of epic proportions. The evolution could take a century. Unfortunately, we are running out of time and so we blind ourselves to the future, choosing to engage in a frenzied suspicion of  “the other.”  Reason has no power against the fires of insanity. Insanity must burn itself out, taking us with it.    I cringe to hear talk about saving the planet.  What colossal hubris.  Earth will spin on its axis regardless of rises in temperature and water levels. A few birds might continue to sing. Climate change is about us.  Will we decide to work together or close our eyes to what lies ahead?  Which is to be,  earthlings?  Courage or cowardice?   
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mosighton · 2 years
Enormous Details Related To ProDentim Review
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At present, a number of people aren’t providing attention to their unique dental health, however inadequate oral health may lead to multiple dentistry concerns, such as hemorrhage gum tissue, puffy nicotine gums, your smile symptoms, " yuck mouth ", gingivitis, additional, and more often. Here in today’s the society, tooth ache and furthermore smelly air are extremely familiar hardships. Oral health hollows have become the lone factor for pronounced painfulness within the oral health, along with those individuals making the effort to wipe out a person's tooth ache when working on quite a few anesthetics. Oral malodor plus white-colored oral health additionally make families feel embarrassed at the time they consult any individual. Consistent with a number doctors, the sexes end up with every one of dental practice problems due to takeaway food products and solutions. Benefits techniques an increasing number of everyday people begin to eliminate a lot of their precious dental care worries, for example a number of people flossing twice daily, and many seek to boost their breathalyzer by applying tissue papper. A couple of systems aren’t effectual sufficient for everyone to find ample overall results, with the result that a great number of scientific research encourage applying teeth's health remedies.
You will discover numerous supplements companies that they are able to wipe out dental care worries and in addition greatly enhance dental health via an helpful location. Numerous ink cartridges of tooth paste of course claim that they can amplify dental health, nonetheless nutritional goods really are far better than toothpaste or possibly mouth wash. It usually is frustrating if anyone is whether they consider these food solutions that come with artificial materials. As the man-made ingredients substances enter into the total body, our systems can get various complications. There are a number teeth's health products which come along with duplicate devices, due to which quite a few people would like an all natural oral health supplementation. Nothing compares to additional vitamin supplements, prodentim reviews can be considered the best and furthermore alternative dental health boost. Many hundreds of persons utilize teeth's health health supplement cut most of teeth criteria. By utilizing that Prodentim review, women and men gets knowledgeable produce this sort of approach. As appropriate, brought in individuals will likely follow this link or perhaps even head to a true webpage to discover way more around the ProDentim side effects.
ProDentim supplement reduces the odds of a large number of dental care details within beneficial mode since integrates quite a few normal and consequently cost-efficient basic elements. Quite a few probiotics also are possible completely unique process to further improve dental health completely. Area of the ProDentim ingredients really are Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Reuteri, B.lactis BL-04, BLIS K-12, BLIS M-18, Inulin, Malic acid, Tricalcium Phosphate, Spearmint, and Peppermint. All those list of ingredients have the capability to positively erase tooth pain, potent breath, yellowness, and also other dental practice affects effectively and efficiently. ProDentim dental formula considers it less difficult for individuals for you to simplicity together with in public the way it can provide effervescent, substantial, and clean white teeth. ProDentim oral health formula will come in the chewable gummies, anyone chewable gummy a day within this distinct solution happens to be decent for the purpose of someone getting wonderful outcome. One could find out more about this glorious how does a person take delivery of whole entire advice over the Prodentim reviews.
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
It’s so tempting to say Time to fucking r1oT or give protests that they can’t ignore - that’s still privilege on my part as a white woman.
We should have started earlier with voting rights - but fighting tooth and nail for that - barely getting anything.
Now, the Supreme Court is destroying church vs state. Are they going to allow a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Taoist, etc learning institution the same treatment as the way white evangelical Christians are being treated? We all know the answer.
Allegedly, all birth control is next. Then Lgbtq+ marriage. Then sodomy laws, then interracial marriage. Get up and do something (which is not always the same as going out) and if you can go out and do something, that’s a bonus!
They’re going to accuse those with vaginas and their allies as banshees? Let’s hope they are going to get it. If you’re not including transgender people and non binary people in your activism, then piss off.
And it’s heartbreaking because outside of my mother and a few other family members - my family is celebrating and I know many others have to deal with the same.
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blackafemmetalks · 2 years
do you ever think about how tme black people & esp cis black women are sometimes victims of misdirected transmisogyny and how other cis women of color are but they literally do not go around making a fuss about why they are “TMA”? Or how they aren’t saying, “Well transmisogyny affects me to so I’m not going to use the terms trans women created?”
Like transmisogynystic laws and policies have indirectly harmed tme black people, yet they don’t make transmisogyny about them (by large, i do know there are some problematic tme black people starting to do this). Like they don’t go full out victimhood and shit on the language trans women make for themselves. 
But then you come to tumblr and you mostly white people--but a disturbing number of people of color--trans included, making it about them and taking it personally that not all conversations of transmisogyny includes them. 
I really think this need to be a victim is such a white thing that’s unfortunately affecting way too many people. I am honestly not surprised that men of color fall for it because they do this bs offline all the fucking time. 
but yeah, i’m just chiming into the entire “don’t use tme/tma” “all of us are  affected by it therefore the language is not good.”
Like it’s weird how tme black people offline can talk about how they are indirect targets of transmisogyny and we can have these conversations in spaces without people being like, “but since it also impacts me, we need to change the way we look at it so it focusses on me, and throw away helpful language trans women created”. 
so much of this anti-trans women language is just people wanting to center themselves in trans women’s struggles, a way to promote your own transmisogyny, and altogether a subset of white victimhood. 
Please read work from black feminist. please talk to black women. please stop getting your activism from white men who have been terrible on record. 
This website is rebranding white supremacy and you’re all just gobbling it up. 
transandro/phobia truthers dni or printscreen 
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