#btw her name is pronounced 'day-ENN-a'
bit of a weird announcement:
that spn fix-fic I've been throwing so much of my time and life into for the past 2.5 years?
yknow, the one that quickly devolved into an incomprehensible crossover clusterfuck that requires the reader to know 4+ dead languages?
...yeah I'm not doing that anymore.
I guess it crossed some kind of Overcomplication Event Horizon bc I looked away for five seconds and when I looked back I realized that I'd written the bulk of a VERY fun original modern fantasy novel.
so yeah this is my announcement that I'm writing a book
(...or have already written a large part of a book. for two years. before realizing I was writing a book)
The Third Road
is a modern fantasy story combining mythology, solarpunk/hopepunk, environmentalist, antifascist, faecore and post-apocalyptic themes.
Since the industrial revolution, Heaven and Hell alike have been influencing humanity to further its destruction of the environment, and of itself, in order to create ideal conditions for the apocalypse. However, in the early 2010s, just as the apocalypse was set to begin... it didn't.
Now, ten years later, Heaven and Hell are mired in infighting and blaming each other for God's failure to appear as promised. Caught up in their own strife, they forgot about the countless chain reactions of death and ruin they had left on earth, needing only the tiniest push to topple.
Unaffiliated spirits of the apocalypse, angry at being denied their promised rule, began wander the earth and found a biosphere on the verge of total collapse, and many powerful humans extremely receptive to the idea of jump-starting Revelations.
This holy(?) collaboration began quickly amassing eager allies in other pantheons' spirits of waste and destruction, and as they pushed over the metaphorical first dominoes in various chain reactions, mortal, political, economic and supernatural forces alike rose to support their cause.
The only line of defense lies in various gods and spirits of the wild, the seasons and the cycles of time, but they are spread thin after years of undoing what they can of Heaven and Hell's damage and holding the world together with the magickal equivalent of duct tape and safety pins. Unprepared for the onslaught of the forces of Waste, only a handful of survivors were left the flames died down. Since then they have lived on the run, forming unprecedented alliances and taking on new roles as needed.
One such creature who finds herself in an unexpectedly central role is Daéna. Never given a name for most of her existence, she had, like most monsters, lived many incarnations alongside her more famous son, Grendel.
In this latest life, the pair had the good fortune to find a mentor and guardian in Queen Maeve of the Unseelie Court, and quickly rose to prominence in their own right.
For many years, the three have lived, traveled and fought together as the Fae Courts' fastest and foremost strike team against the encroaching spirits of waste, even as Daéna and Grendel's nature as half-fae, half-christian monsters put them directly in the center of the oncoming war.
It is now 2023, and everything has gone wrong.
anyway, though I will definitely keep applying/writing abt these HCs re:fandom on my main blog, I'll have a sideblog set up soon for everything related to the actual novel.
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