#btw i cherish you for sending this ask lmao know that. ❤️
hekateinhell · 2 years
What are some of your fave headcanons/meta you'd give to someone who is lestat/armand curious but doesn't know where to begin with them? (it's me, I'm the lestat/armand curious one)
I didn't realize this until it was pointed out to me, but I always tend to approach this ship/pairing from a post-canon perspective. And hear me out--given that there are entire segments of other fandoms that have zines and cons dedicated to ships that have much less to go off of--I really don't think Lestat/Armand is that big of a reach, considering the obvious? For me, it's where I get to be creative and also extremely self-indulgent (but at least I'm self-aware?).
Initially, it would take some time for Lestat to admit to the feelings he has for Armand canonically. But he might find it easier to express his affections nonverbally through a telepathic communication here or a lingering touch there.
Armand says in TVA that Lestat "had given" Shakespeare to him and that he reads Shakespeare whenever he has a "bellyful of despair." Now, Lestat slips him little quotes he's scribbled out onto pieces of paper and hopes Armand likes them. It's equal parts romantic and melodramatic.
They'll eventually have to... communicate re: their Mutual Marius Issues™️, which will be excruciatingly painful but cathartic. Here's where they can actually start moving forward.
Gift-giving is a large part of both of their love languages and they treat it as a competition; Lestat does finally get to polish and dress Armand up the way he said he wanted to in MtD.
In that vein, physical touch and caretaking would also be love languages for them. Remember how upset Armand was when he saw Lestat lying on the church floor and noticed that his hair was left uncombed? Appearances are important to both of them, but especially to Armand who spent 300 years dusty, ragged, and unkempt underground. He would want to brush Lestat's hair every night and Lestat would let him. Lestat's the possessive one and Armand's the overprotective one.
Armand could use his powers to create soothing illusions for Lestat when he's feeling stressed re: court and/or having a PTSD moment (think of a therapeutic calming room for a child). Lestat would comfort Armand with physical embraces (like when Armand's crying and clinging to him after Marius is kidnapped in BC).
Given that they're two of the youngest ones in mortal age within their close circle (excluding Benji and Antoine), they would bond over their almost childlike innocence and wonder (and confusion) when it comes to modern mortal innovations.
Lestat admits in the PL-trilogy to liking Armand's taste in interior design, and I imagine their house would be the bougiest one out of all of the ships' by far.
The Fast-Food Meta
(one day I'll write a proper dissertation but that day will not be today)
In-text, they're both attracted to each other, they kiss and admit to loving each other (several times), and consider each other family. They have so much history and so much in common in terms of their early life traumas (abusive childhoods, religious influences). As much as they clash and contrast, they also complement each other very well.
A large part of the draw for me with this ship is how they would exist outside of the maker/fledgling power dynamic--it's something Armand avoids and Lestat craves, and it's why I think it would be such a surrender for Lestat to intimately bond with someone that he doesn't weld such a significant power advantage over. Armand's always given Lestat a fair fight and a run for his money and that's intimidating to Lestat (rightfully so, even though he can respect and appreciate it).
Even if they're unmatched physically, Armand can balance that out easily with his mental gifts and wisdom combined with his basic understanding of Lestat. Lestat can't control Armand and furthermore, he doesn't want to! The only control Lestat would ever have over Armand is what Armand would permit him to have. Think about it... Armand's fiercely independent. Marius tried and failed to beat submission into him and Santino, of course, took it to another level. But with Lestat, Louis, and (human) Daniel, it's still a choice of when and how Armand's surrendering his power.
Adding another layer to this is the telepathic connection Lestat and Armand have (something Lestat cannot have with any of his fledglings and the same goes for Armand with Marius and Daniel). I think it would be an incredibly healing experience--such a comfort and security to both of them--if they existed in a relationship where that mental link wasn't removed from the equation. It's something I love to explore whenever I write A/L (psychological dynamics are where I live). Somewhat related: Lestat has never "written" from Armand's POV the way he has Daniel's, Marius's, and Louis's. Either Armand keeps his mind locked tighter than a steel trap around him or Lestat knows better than to go there.
Lastly, Armand finally snapped and told that boy to grow up and Lestat started making an effort the very next day.
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