writtenforwylan · 1 year
I was just looking at Pinterest and a post came up about things to call the people you hate. Here is my list based on the 3 main characters in my story:
Isaac: Wet sock, unnecessary film sequel, *insert literally any baked good here*, no homework help, Tory.
Brooke: Unneeded annotations, white-washed Disney Princess, *insert any Disney Prince here*, Tory.
Alex: Freddie's HIV, Good Omens Gabriel (it's set in 2018, but it's fineeeeee), empty pinata, Tory.
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
And if I said Galway Girl is their theme song?
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
Writers and Actors on Strike
Ik that Tumblr isn’t a political platform, but Twitter is a fucking hellhole, so I’m saying it here instead. 
SAG actors and writers are currently on strike. 
On May 2, 2023, TV and film writers decided that it was enough, and they needed to strike. They were being paid horribly and being treated as if they weren’t one of the most integral parts of the entertainment industry. Eleven days ago on July 13, SAG-AFTRA started striking too, meaning that a lot of show and film productions would be delayed. This has caused an uproar against the strikes among fans of shows such as Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, and other popular shows. This demonstrates the lack of awareness to do with the workspace and security of actors and writers within the entertainment industry. These writers and actors are striking because they are being paid almost nothing for doing jobs that are integral to entertainment everywhere. 
To add to this, large media and entertainment companies are now starting to use AI to replicate background actors and use them in their shows so they no longer have to employ and pay these actors to be in their shows. 
Not all actors are worth millions. Not all writers work on blockbusters and even those who do don’t get enough recognition for their work. Some companies are now even trying to use AI to write scripts so they no longer have to employ writers and pay them for their work. We’ve all seen shit shows that were written horribly and using AI to write scripts will just make more of these shit shows and films just so these big companies no longer have to pay actual human writers for their input. 
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
My Friends as Marauders Era Characters
So I have a bunch of friends who I think can be a lot like some Marauders Era characters and I therefore am going to share them (and something about them too) with you. 
Evie - Lily Evans
Evie is incredibly intelligent, my best friend, and kinda short-tempered too. She’s the sweetest human ever but also has an ongoing feud with our English teacher (sorry Mr Shaw, but we are planning to give you a heart attack soon sooooo).
Ellie - Marlene McKinnon
Ellie is very opinionated, is low-key scared of everyone while everyone is low-key scared of her, and she’s loud, proud, and unapologetic. 
Ioan - Remus Lupin
Ioan is *the* most Remus Lupin human I’ve ever encountered, I swear. He’s in mostly top sets (everything but Cymraeg), he’s chaotic yet so smart, and he’s an absolute dumbass who puts up with everyone else’s dumbassery too. Love him.
Malachy - Sirius Black
Maiwenn - Pandora Sailstreame
Mai is so funny and so cool, but she knows it damn well, too. She knows she’s a glorious human and we all love her for it. (also, she has a really cute dog called Mostyn but that’s beside the point)
Millie P (i know 3 millies, okay?) - Mary MacDonald
Millie is opinionated, lovely, socially aware, and headstrong. She also knows exactly what she’s worth while being able to criticise her surroundings/herself and earlier she was talking about our RE class and how when we have it tomorrow, Johnny’s gonna eat EVERY SINGLE CHOCOLATE FINGER IN THERE. and she’s not even wrong. 
Hannah - Amelia Bones
Hannah is super sweet, nice, and always misses class for extra-curricular stuff. She’s in choir, ‘llefaru’, and she worked on the summer fair too. She does everything, is the kindest human, and she has a close-knit group of friends she’d do anything for. 
Levi - Barty Crouch jr
Asher - James Potter
As soon as Ash read the GV for me, I knew it would go well. and it did. Ash is so happy to completely nerd out with me for Gods know what, sit with me in comfortable silence while we’re doing our own things (paralel play), and we know we can go to each other for anything. (they also have set-aside pancakes every morning in school cause their mum is one of the lunch ladies)
So that’s my probable incomplete list of my friends as Marauders Era characters!
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
New Evan Rosier Fc
So, as the Marauders Era fandom expands in its diversity, we’ve gotten a lot more Evan fancasts, but I never found one that fit... until about two days ago. 
I’m really proud of this fc, so please be nice. I just think that given the people we already use as Evan fcs, it would be really nice for me to see a familiar face, so may I present, my new Evan Rosier!
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His name is William Chris Sumpter and he’s in the Midnight Club on Netflix. His character, Spencer, is my favourite and I love him so much and I think that he would be a great Rosier fc.
Thank you!
                  Miles xx
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
Marauders’ Era Full Names
I know that there are canon middle names for *some* of the Marauders Era, but here is a full list of the Marauders’ Era Full Names. (Note: The Black Sisters, Ted, and Kingsley aren’t in here, but I’ll do more if you want them!)
Remus Lyall Lupin
James Fleamont Potter
Sirius Orion Black
Peter William Pettigrew
Regulus Arcturus Black
Lily June Evans
Marlene Ryder McKinnon
Mary Louise MacDonald
Bartemius Crouch Jr (didn’t have one, sorry :( )
Evan Feliks Rosier
Pandora Izabelle Sailstreame
Dorcas Ryane Meadowes
Emmeline Juliette Vance
Emma Genya Vanity
Amelia Haley Bones
Alice Lola Fortescue
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
Marauders & TAS
So... The Atlas Six but it’s the marauders era.
Who are our six? I’m thinking Lily, Regulus, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Mary. (Maybe Barty as Dalton??) I might add Evan in there too somewhere bc I don’t think I could have Barty without Rosekiller.
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
Kaz Brekker and Autism
Kaz Brekker from Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows duology is blatantly autistic, and let me tell you why. 
Kaz is a character who doesn’t understand a lot of people, specifically social cues and in both of the books in the duology, Kaz’s natural facial expression is described as ‘unreadable’ as autistic people either copy the expressions of those around them or use a very deadpan expression (which could be described as ‘unreadable’). Also, Kaz has trouble sleeping and this is a very common thing for autistic people to experience as we take in so much stimulation on a daily basis, but autistic people can’t process all of this right away. This leads to them only being able to process stimulation when there’s not much (or anything) going on, and when is this period most likely to occur? Right before we go to sleep, hence autistic people’s difficulty to go to sleep. Also, this very much ties into the setting of Six of Crows as the place where people would likely get the most stimulation is in Ketterdam, especially in the Barrel.
Next I want to talk about his trauma and how that affects his daily life. Due to his trauma related to skin-to-skin contact, Kaz has to wear gloves so he doesn’t get flashbacks, and this makes sense, but if we dig a little deeper, when Kaz is touched skin-to-skin, not only does he get flashbacks, but he also gets overstimulated. We can see this multiple times in terms of Kaz moments, but I want to talk about two: One from the books, and one from the show. In a story told in Kaz’s chapters in Crooked Kingdom, Kaz once tried to get over his touch aversion in order to be with a girl named Imogen. This failed horribly and Kaz ended up shaking on a bathroom floor in the Slat. This is relatable to me as an autistic person, as I cannot touch my mother or sister due to trauma reasons. Also, Leigh Bardugo’s description of what it’s like for Kaz when he touches people skin-to-skin is a perfect description of how I feel when I get touched by my mother or sister (or anyone when I just don’t want to be touched). In the show, we see a very similar situation in which Kaz is touched skin-to-skin and he gets overstimulated very quickly. He loses focus, stumbles to a quiet place, and can’t seem to deal with what is happening around him. This is very much what happens when an autistic person overstimulates: We lose focus of what we were doing, we try to reach a quiet place where we can process stimulation, and we break down.
Now I’ll talk about Kaz’s protection of Wylan as Wylan is commonly accepted as an autistic character within the Grishaverse (as well as David Kostyk and I believe Alina Starkov and Tolya Yul-Bataar to be autistic as well, but that’s for another time). Kaz is very protective over Wylan and some even say that Wylan becomes a mini-Kaz. Even though I do not agree with that statement, they can be very similar, notably in autistic traits. I believe that Kaz sees himself in Wylan in terms of relatability because of their shared autism. Yes, autism affects every autistic person differently, but we know that there are some more common autism traits that I think Kaz sees in Wylan and feels the need to protect him because of this. He relates to Wylan, and that’s not something Kaz has very often, so he cherishes it and that leads to protective tendencies.
Moving on, I would like to talk about Kaz’s use of comfort objects. This is shown multiple times throughout both the Six of Crows duology and the Shadow and Bone show, and anyone who knows anything about Kaz’s character could see that he has an attachment to his cane and his gloves. In a Kaz pov chapter in Six of Crows, it is said outright that Kaz would give up half his share of the earnings of the job for the ‘familiar heft of his cane.’ This indicates a need for the familiarity of a comfort object. Also, while on this job, Kaz leaves a lot behind to be less conspicuous, but he doesn’t give up his gloves. This very much relates to my earlier point about Kaz’s trauma and his inability to touch people skin-to-skin, but he also appreciates the familiarity of them and it’s stated blatantly that when he has to take off his gloves for just a few minutes, his hands feel naked as he always has his gloves on, no matter what. Familiarity is very important to autistic people, as shown by our love for routine and things being done in specific ways, but we also love having comfort objects to calm us when the world becomes too much. For some, this could be a teddy bear, for me it’s books and my headphones, and for Kaz, it’s his cane and gloves. 
Lastly, I shall analyse Kaz’s hyperfixation tendencies and his special interest. Lots of people get hyperfixated on things, but Kaz (and other autistic people alike) feels the need to know the ins-and-outs of everything he does and knows, and this is shown a multitude of times throughout Six of Crows. First, he stayed up all night trying to figure out a magic trick he’d seen and even compares this to what other people tend to do in similar situations. Secondly, his lock-picking ability definitely falls into the category of this as he states that to understand something, he takes them apart to analyse them, just as autistic people feel they need to know the details of something before it finally clicks. A broad description just won’t do. Next, Kaz definitely gets hyperfixated on jobs as he always knows everything that could happen, what the plan is and how everything fits together. This makes him a great planner and his problem-solving skills are astounding. He naturally and skilfully overcomes any obstacles when planning jobs and he always knows the ins-and-outs of what is happening and what the group should do if the plan goes sideways. 
Kaz’s special interest is crows. This seems oh-so obvious but nobody ever actually talks about it. I mean, he named his crew after crows, knows the social tendencies of crows and relates that to his crew, his life, and even talks to Inej about them in Season 1 of Shadow and Bone. His cane has a crows’ head, he named his club ‘The Crow Club’ and yet no one talks about this special interest of his? It’s literally in the name of the book. 
In conclusion, Kaz is a very autism-coded character and I’m truly surprised by the fact that I’ve seen no one talk about this before. From his lack of awareness with social cues, his comfort objects, his hyperfixations to even his sleeping habits, Kaz is a blatantly autistic character and this needs to be brought to light. He is great autism representation and we need to talk about it!
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writtenforwylan · 2 years
Home of *the* prettiest Apollon necklace you've ever seen. (He wasn't comfortable w/ me showing the inside, but I still wanted to post ab it)
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writtenforwylan · 2 years
Dionysus called to my today!! (So did Apollon, but I'll post that rn)
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writtenforwylan · 2 years
Invoking Gods
As a new Hellenic Pagan (around 2 1/2 months ish), I get quite nervous when people talk about invoking Gods. Invoking means to call upon, but I see no way for me to communicate with the Gods due to my mental health and other aspects of my life. Invoking may be the right way to go for me, although I don't know if my maladaptive daydreaming could get in the way.
I've felt Apollo, Hermes, Thanatos, and Hades around me in the past (today is the first day I'm worshipping Thanatos, and I've definitely felt his presence), and Dionysus a little bit too, but I don't know what invoking them would do.
Does anyone have any tips in terms of invoking Gods (especially Thanatos, Apollo, and Hermes), and how to do it?
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writtenforwylan · 2 years
Reblog to be added to a Thantos Worshipper List
As part of my Thanatos masterpost, I would love to include a list of Thanatos worshippers so others can easily find them!  If you’d like to be included, please reblog this on the account you’d like added! If you have extra information you’d like to add, you can do so as well! 
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