#btw it’s fine to be a virgin and it’s fine to not drive / the insult comes from the movie Clueless
fukuwatchesbl · 1 year
OFTS Ep1 - Stringed throughts
Let's just dwell in. It's long, so under a cut.
so we have: Mew as table keeper, Yo (❤ Jennie) as bar owner, Cheum the dancer, Sand the singer, Ray the drunkard (or maybe the burden from this translation note), Top as top tier (the translation pun is not lost on me), Boston the hunter
interestingly, Nick is not introduce in the context of the bar.
Ray is a moody drunker, not my favorite kind by far... also your jealousy is showing, sir
that wristband system intrigues me: white single, green free to hit on, red taken... any other colors? is it a special night thing?
Cheum was wearing red 👀 and Ray's color isn't visible
Boston, you're such a slut (affectionate)
love the opening sequence (was title kirati in the trailer? at all?)
they're never getting an A, or if they do it'll cost them their friendship (or both...)
the teacher pointing out how it won't work is incredible foreshadowing
one braincell, and Cheum holds it most of the time, right?
for a sec, I thought Nick would be the designer
Nick knows who is Boston. He seems pretty sure they're the same age. btw is it an inside joke that mark looks younger than neo, even though he's older?
Jojo's music choices are always on point
Mew doesn't drive and doesn't drink. I like that
Ray = designated drinker
Is Cheum family related to hotel industry? Top's is
Boston's plan of bringing in Top is gonna backfire so hard
do boston and ray not like each other much? that the second time I get this feeling
the pressure to lose one's virginity... sigh
i feel top has started to feel exhausted of one night stands, could explain why he got so into mew from the start
boston don't be such a snob about mew's music taste (honestly this attitude always rub me the wrong way, it's personal, sorry)
so who's the next guest who'll hook up with boston (hi drake!)
Sand, your conscientiousness will loose you
what's an airport taxi fare like in thailand? (I'm actually curious because it's regulated for paris airports)
did I already mention Jojo' musical choices?
also does that count as the belt trope?
give me khaotung's single now!
top: I love your room, it looks like you - mew: it's impersonal a fuck and you don't know me
mew may be a virgin, but he is not naive or a prude, he knows very well what's the implication of inviting top in his room
the only trouble is he doesn't want sex for sex
is it the first time someone said no to top? that must be the most surprising experience ever for him
nick... what you're doing is unethical, and also probably illegal
mew: i'm only red flags - top: i only see green
no but seriously, what mew describes is something top never had
wondering if ray's experience feels real to people who have had a blackout
"did we have sex?" -> Sand was so insulted, like who the fuck do you take him for Ray?
mew and top prolonging the night with a date at the library, that would be nice if not for all the mess to come
Ray being distressed because he didn't sleep home. is it just about waking up somewhere unknown?
why mew doesn't want to say who he is with?
also that belt-induced frustration... been there done that
who the hell owns that mobile phone shop? where are you? how did you not walk on your employee having sex with a client? so many questions
top inserting himself in all the groups activities, ew
I honestly had to google PM 2.5, I only know them as fine particles
does Ray know boston and top hook up? or at least suspect it?
and does boston know ray has feelings for mew?
honestly their dynamic is so screwed up, it's hard to think of them as friends, and it makes so much sense how it's going to become a mess
ray leaving right when top arrives. the only way he could be clearer is by actually saying he doesn't like him
sincere apology... that was an unexpected nice touch
Sand don't burn yourself
why is top giving me brian kinney's vibe? is it just me?
please don't sing... thank god... but also wtf, it's literally been a week.
See you next week
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severusish · 3 years
seeing young people with no mask on and who, when asked, tell me they have no health condition (physical or otherwise) that makes wearing a mask actually difficult for them, make me absolutely fucking feral. like no, you fucking cunt, we don’t give a shit that you looked cute today or that you don’t want to mess up your lipstick or that your jawline is looking flawless right now. you have no reason to not wear a mask in a confined indoor space if you are literally in perfect health. no one gives a shit about your face. if i am looking at you it is because you look like an inconsiderate asshole, not because you’re pretty. you’re literally a virgin who can’t drive. check yourself and put your mask on. twats.
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somedrunkasswombat · 6 years
so someone just fucking sent me this
Tumblr media
ehem sorry but to correct u i worked for 12h a day 5 days a week for. 2 weeks in a row and 7h Saturdays
i also sent her a list of all my worries and problems :') took me 5 messages to send it all cause it was so long xD it was 50+lines long and told her i am literally fucking hospitalised cause of my depression and anxiety and my suicidal tendencies like nooo my life isn't shit i am only fucking hospitalised for atleast 1 more month and i literally fucking tried to kill myself like 30 times but yeah i am fine nothing is wrong :)
here is the list btw :D
okay so i was bullied 8 of 9 schoolyears, beaten, insulted, cornered, almost killed, thrown infront of the bus at the busstop several times, got a iceball against the back of my head only missing the concrete by a milimeter, someone threw a small object so hard towards me i managed to dodge it but it broke the blackboard, i had noone i  those schoolyears who i can meet, talk to, call etc. i was forced to cut my hair till i was 18 and as a kid i was forced to play football, i fucking hated it with passion, i am not allowed to wear makeup, dress girly, do anything feminine, my dad is drunk every fucking day often threatening to cut my hair when i sleep, i worked as a trainee for 2 and a half year at the most abusive fucking shitplace who treated me like shit threatened me used me abused me and didn't care a single bit about my fucking mental. health and my parents refused to let me leave the job, noone in the school talked to me, cares about me, or even look at me they just fucking talk behind my back, i am not fucking allowed todo anything feminine i can't train my voice i can't train makeup i can't dress fancy, my parents hate the way how feminine my talking is, i can't go out my town is the biggest shithole and my parents hate driving me home and even fucking charge me for it the bus connects are shit. i am scared of shopping cause i will get fucking judged if i am at the female section and i will feel. like shit at the male sections, i have noone for mental support i have noone i can talk to i have noone i can hug with feeling i have fucking noone i am fucking lonely i will fucking die alone as a fucking virgin forgotten and fucking die and i am. fucking trans and as i transition i will probably be fucking beaten up several times in the streets and also i get ignored all the time and don't even make me talk about the political situation of austria
also that list is a short form :D
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