#16 year olds and 18 year olds who are healthy with no masks - WHY
severusish · 3 years
seeing young people with no mask on and who, when asked, tell me they have no health condition (physical or otherwise) that makes wearing a mask actually difficult for them, make me absolutely fucking feral. like no, you fucking cunt, we don’t give a shit that you looked cute today or that you don’t want to mess up your lipstick or that your jawline is looking flawless right now. you have no reason to not wear a mask in a confined indoor space if you are literally in perfect health. no one gives a shit about your face. if i am looking at you it is because you look like an inconsiderate asshole, not because you’re pretty. you’re literally a virgin who can’t drive. check yourself and put your mask on. twats.
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thebatfamfanatic · 3 years
Six Times He Met Her
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, guy taking advantage of a minor in first chap, mention of underage smut in fourth chap, making out?, violence, mentions of blood/injury, main character death, adult language, angst
A/N: First thing I’ve written on Tumblr!! Tell me if anybody likes it, or if I broke your heart. And yes, I know I’m evil.
The first time he saw you was around 2:30 in the morning. Jason was squatting on the edge of a rooftop in Gotham, surveying the dark scenery below him.
Somehow, there was still plenty of traffic on the dirty streets, plenty of cars honking and driving around. Jason always wondered who the fuck needed to be somewhere at 2 am.
He fiddled with a loose seam on the Robin uniform he sported each night, hunting down the assholes of Gotham (pretty much 70% of the city) and putting them in jail, where they belonged.
At 16, Jason Todd technically should have been in bed, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and doing some rich kid shit during the day. Of course, his adoptive (long story) father, Bruce Wayne, richest playboy in Gotham, employed him to be his little tweety bird sidekick at night, so here he was, at the rendezvous watching the streets. yay. A scream came from an alley nearby. Jason stood, stretched his legs, and leaped down from the roof onto the ground. He pinpointed the alleyway where the noise was coming from and raced into it. A girl, about his age, had been cornered by some bitch dude who thought he could take advantage of this girl. Not on Robin’s watch.
Before the girl could scream again, the guy was on the ground and Jason was helping her up. She shakily took the hand he offered her and looked him in the eye. Shit, she had gorgeous eyes. Jason froze for a second, lost in her beauty, before clearing in his throat.
“Hi. I’m Robin, uh, you probably knew that. Are you okay, ma’am?”
He hated the squeak that came out of his mouth. He sounded like a fucking 5 year old. The girl raised her eyebrow. She had recovered rather quickly. “You don’t have to call me ma’am. I’m not some rich-ass royal whatever from Britain.” Jason liked this one. Sassy, but just so. He inquired where she lived, and she gave him the address. With his grappling hook at the ready, Jason pulled her closer to him. She jumped at the sudden closeness, but seemed to enjoy it. Maybe? He didn’t know shit about girls.
Jason shot the hook, propelling them up in the air, and landed on a rooftop. They continued this routine until he got in front of her house. It was still several seconds before he released her waist.
She started to walk towards her door, before stopping.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Sorry, what?” Jason blinked.
“I thought you were smart, Robin. Its my name, dumb ass.”
Then Y/N disappeared into her house. Jason stood there foolishly outside on her front lawn for a while, thinking about the girl he had just met. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, and he realized 10 minutes later that he had forgotten to ask about where her family was and everything.
Oh well. Bruce would be expecting him anyways. Jason shot his grappling hook and started home, still dazed from the encounter.
The second time you guys met was two weeks later. Jason was just Jason Todd, a normal 10th grader living in the shadow of his (adopted) older brother Dick Grayson. Nobody paid much attention to him, and he didn’t really mind. Mostly Jason focused on getting A’s in class and then retreating into the library until Golden Boy’s after school clubs were over.
That is, until you walked in. It sounded as if you had just moved here, and for a minute, Jason felt a little sorry for you. I mean, Gotham wasn’t the greatest place to spend high school, or any grade, in his opinion.
You looked at your schedule from across the hall and then up at the locker next to him. For a second, your eyes met his and Jason was content. Lost in those brilliant colors. And then you looked away and started walking towards him. He realized just in time maybe he should stop leaning over your locker as you stopped next to him.
“Hi. Y/N. Just moved here. Looks like we’re locker neighbors.”
Jason was about to reply with “I know” but restrained himself. “Jason. Nice to meet you. Congrats on moving to this shitshow.”
He managed to not grin like an idiot as you laughed. The sound was music to his ears, like beautiful bells. God, he was being sappy.
“It’s not much of a shitshow when you’re here.” Ooh, she flirts too. Jason smirked as you opened your locker and dumped your stuff inside, pulling out the things you needed for your first class.
The first bell shrieked just as you closed your locker. “See you around, Jason.”
The small smile you gave him made his day, and he almost forgot to get to class. Yes, you were certainly one of a kind, and yes, Jason wanted you. The question was how to get to that point.
You guys had a couple classes together, and frequently sat at the same table during lunch, so it wasn’t long before you were quick friends with Jason. However, the next notable time you met was a little while after he got your number.
Jason was laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr as he thought about ways to ask you out.
Y/N, would you grant me the honor of going out with me? No, too Romeo and Juliet.
Hey, want to grab ice cream? He had to make it clear what his intentions were. Then it wouldn’t be weird if he kissed you, right?
Oh, god, if he fucking kissed you….what would that be like? Before Jason could start fantasizing, his fingers were flying across the keyboard and he had sent a text to you. What did he do, what did he-
Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to see that new movie this weekend. It seems like something you would enjoy.
Hm. That was actually pretty good. Where did he come up with that?
Jason had just started inspecting his fingers for some kind of sign of being possessed by smooth-with-girls-syndrome when you responded. He looked up and read it quickly.
Sure, I’d love that! Thanks for thinking of me ❤️
A heart. You had put a heart at the end of it. Did that mean you knew it was a date?
Jason sighed. He certainly hoped so.
The weekend date went good. By the end of it, Jason was sure you knew it was a date. The second one passed, and then the third. The third one was when you hesitantly pecked him on the cheek. The fourth was when he kissed you actually. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was just enough for him to take you on a fourth date. An actual “will you go out with me on a date” kind of thing.
He took you to a restaurant in the fancy part of things. You two ate food that two broke 16 year olds technically shouldn’t have been able to afford, but Bruce helped Jason out.
Jason drove you home afterwards and discussed the topic of the upcoming summer during the car ride. What you were doing, where he was going. The entire time, Jason had butterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t sure how to act. Was he messing it all up, or were you actually into him?
Once he parked in front of your house and walked you up to the stoop, you looked at him. He noticed you were biting your lip nervously, and god, why did he think that was so hot? “My parents aren’t home.” It was the softest Jason had ever heard you speak, but he knew what you meant. He smiled gently, and kissed you again. This one was destined to last longer, and before either of you realized it, you had opened your door and you were leading him to your bedroom.
That night was one neither of you would forget, and by the end of it, Jason had officially asked out successfully.
You and Jason spent a lot of time together after that. You met his older brother, Dick (who was very happy for Jason, too happy in his opinion) and his dad, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was cool, but very busy all the time.
By two months, Jason still hadn’t told you his identity as Robin, and he was running out of excuses. One day, you confronted him, assuming he was cheating on you. He tried everything, but he had to go out on patrol.
Jason left that night assuming you were broken up. The entire patrol, he wasn’t himself. Truth was, he loved you so much he was afraid of losing you. That had become his greatest fear. It was that night everything went wrong.
You were out taking a late night walk. Down by the pier, a cold wind was blowing, and as you walked past warehouse after warehouse, you pulled your coat tighter.
You were affected as well, and confused about where you and your boyfriend stood. Did you guys just breakup? Did he love you? Did–
A scream echoed from one of the warehouses. You turned, afraid of stepping closer but afraid of leaving the person. Eventually, your curiosity won over and you climbed up several crates to peer into the window.
What you saw inside almost made you scream yourself. Robin, the hero everybody talked about, lay defenseless and bloody on the ground as a tall man-the Joker- whacked him over and over again with a crowbar.
You gasped, wanting to help, but you knew that would be foolish. You would just get in the way for a minute. Tears started to form in your eyes as Robin weakly cried out from the pain. He looked so…helpless.
Joker relentlessly beat him with the crowbar, and Robin’s mask began to come off. You rubbed the tears from your eyes just as the mask fell to the ground.
“No.” was the only thing that you could muster. Jason lay on the ground in the bloody Robin suit. Jason fucking Todd. There was your boyfriend, being beaten to death by the asshole of all assholes. That was why he kept disappearing at night, because he fucking protected the city!
You were mad at yourself for being so cruel to Jason without knowing what was really going on. You barely paid attention as Batman and Nightwing suddenly burst through the windows.
Joker laughed, and said something you couldn’t hear from the outside. Probably taunting Batman as he watched his apprentice get beat to death.
A fight broke out, Batman lunging at Joker as Nightwing rushed to Jason, laying broken on the ground. You had just enough time to duck as a Batarang came swooping out of the hands of the Caped Crusader and straight through the window you were looking through.
It was then you realized how close Jason was to death, and what you needed to do. The window pricked your jacket as you jumped through it, but you didn’t care. Gymnastics back in 6th grade helped when you landed awkwardly. Nightwing spun around, and it wasn’t hard to figure out that was Dick, which meant Bruce was Batman.
However, none of that mattered when Jason was half dead in front of you. Nightwing- Dick- made no effort to stop you as you knelt in front of Jason. “No, no, no.” You cradled his head in your hands, trying hard not to recognize how limp his body was, and how his chest barely moved as he struggled to breathe.
Jason’s eyes were closed, tears running down his face silently. You were crying as well, mumbling curses and things that made no sense.
“Please, don’t be dead. Please, I-I love you.”
You watched Jason make no acknowledgement he could hear you, watched him breathe once more. His chest rose and never fell.
You screamed and buried your head in his costume, not caring about getting blood on your face. Dick pulled you away wordlessly, out of the warehouse. You barely registered that the warehouse exploded behind you a few seconds later.
Dick let you sob into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. Him and Bruce exchanged a short conversation, both riddled with grief.
Six times you and Jason had met, and that was the last.
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 314:
1) Clarke!!! I like his air of cockiness when he do all this things, and especially when Hope break this air😂😂😂 I think since the show is constantly letting him show up like this, maybe at some point he will eventually turn up or be brought back by my Sowanby team? Oh my Holarke heart! I just love their dynamic like how I’m entertained by Lizdon dynamics🤣🤣
2) I still see that artifact that was broken because of Landon unnecessary move, why? I thought the arc was over? It’s just hilarious when Clark tried so hard to break it, even using explosives, but Landon just break it by throwing it to the monster😂 these brothers, I can’t 😂 (I know it’s because of the presence of Cleo, but still, funny!)
3) Okay, the way Hope just ended up with Wade, doing a drama about undying teenage love, I can’t imagine 🤣🤣 sorry Hope, but Wade can be a good teammate. And Wade has a last name - Rivers! Congrats! Poor Jed, another person that’s appear later than him and got a last name.
4) I just inevitably thought about the other witch Gaby, and relates back to Penelope😆. What if Penelope comes back and starts a war with Finch, that would be fun🤣 I can imagine they somehow would have to work together to protect Josie if something happens to her. They can look past that because they both care for Josie so much. Penelope/Josie/Finch anyone? (I’m secretly shipping Penelope and Finch too in my head, OMG can you imagine the volcano erupting? Enemies to lovers trope??)
5) Finally SBS has a teacher other than Alaric now.
6) I do think that the compelling works. Anyway, considering what’s going to happen, I’m certain that somehow Ethan is going to remember what happened with MG. If he’s going to be a supernatural, I’m rooting for vampire. We are really lacking vampires here.
7) I love Hope’s magical surges♥️ and how other students is taking that like it’s a normal thing around them. Unlike the school tour.
8) I love Hope needn’t to turn around to know that it’s Josie right away♥️ and Josie do catch up things around Hope when she’s not around after she returns.
9) Josie lied to Hope that Lizzie needs help(even though it turns out to be true doesn’t mean she didn’t lie), to help Hope with her mental state. Is this toxic or supportive?? Maybe I should just count it separately?
10) The twins clothes!! Contrast colours, love them!
11) I wonder who drove there....Hope didn’t have a dl in s1 (but two years has past now?) while in 307, Josie apparently walked to Mystic Grill to find Finch(but Lizzie did drive before in s2)....so? I bet it’s Hope...but how the hell did they even have time for driving education?
12) Hope, looking at Josie: like I said, trap. 😂😂but she just doesn’t even get mad at Josie?? Exactly how many times did she let Josie escape like that?? Poor Landon got grilled when he lied😂
13) We don’t worry about dick here🤣🤣🤣🤣
14) I love Finch just confidently stand up for herself, challenging Jed. But no, I don’t like Jed being thrown down by a new wolf again. But having female alpha is appealing too, I love to see that when Finch challenge the old system, then get to improve the abusive hierarchy towards the omega/new wolf in the pack. I was conflicted. I love how they resolved the issue in the end! It’s win-win situation and I love how Jed and Finch bond! Brotp/Sistp! And I love that from Finch perspective, we can see that the wolves let Jed win because they love Jed as much because they know Jed cares about them a lot and just willing to let him win. Not because Jed was oppressing them.
15) Btw, I can’t believe they are using pool/billiards/snooker to decide who becomes the alpha. Really I just don’t like how it works, like leading a pack is a game. But some wolves are born alpha. In real life, a pack’s alpha is always the one to lead hunting, be vigilant of any threat that can harm the pack, they really care for their packs, like Jed. Whilst there’s this beta position in the pack, they recognise the alpha’s leadership, help the alpha keeping others in line, help take care of other members too. Just like what I’d imagined, Finch can fit the beta position very well, for the time being, because of their dynamics. I’m not saying that Finch doesn’t fit as alpha, I think that beta always has the potential to be the alpha of a pack. I just love that now the dynamics in the pack somehow really resembles how the social hierarchy of a pack of wolves in real life.
16) appreciation to Finch being badass at pool/snooker/billiards
17) when Andy just called Hope’s name, why don’t the trio be surprised? It’s not like they even meet before?
18) when MG showed up, I just immediately believe in him. Love that Alaric defended him. I understand Dorian though, he’s always sensitive of rippers as his family was butchered by one. Please don’t blame him too much. MG living in a cave breaks my heart, I just recalled that Hope was homeless when she’s out of Malivore too! Double heart breaks.
19) MG diaries! I’m so proud of him, even Alaric validates his effort and his kind heart! I just rewatched 106 last night to do some fact checking for my hosie interactions 2.0 and twins relationships 1.0. MG has always wanted to be a superhero that saves lives. He has grown so much, from first fighting zombies, to super squad fighting monster, until now, saving normal people lives. I bet now Penelope can’t laugh at him when he first pitched his feelings to Penelope. Good job!
20) I’ve talked about the Finsie sitting together, so I only want to talk about how the relationship between Finsie is healthy for one another (for now, and at least they are not cringy for these two episode).They function independently and Finch doesn’t need to constantly worry about Josie all the time, like what Penelope fear of. Ofc it may also because that the twins have grown healthier.
21) even though Hosie were mind controlled, I just love how they have unspoken understanding between each other😂 Josie doesn’t need to tell Hope to make Lizzie stay with them to have Hope “as sonnum” Lizzie. Then only Josie said “stay with us”.
22) Hizzie hugs, and HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON 🤣
23) I just love how Lizzie knows what to say to break Josie’s peace, while Josie knows how to break Hope’s peace. I see another spoken parallel from 308 about blindspot😂 Lizzie -> Josie -> Hope.
24) so if the drug sometimes doesn’t work on Lizzie, that means that there are times that Lizzie is really blue! Really at peace! I’m so proud and happy for her! Go Lizzie!
25) “ALL I WANTED FOR YOU IS YOUR HAPPINESS” this is so powerful! My Hosie heart! And really the last painful sentence, is fact. I’m sad for Hope because she’s so into that relationship until she can’t bring herself to do it and only leads to Landon leaving, but it’s also classic Mikaelsons(I feel), never giving up for their love ones. Appreciation to Landon, but still it’s strike three for leaving, please don’t let them be together again. It’s derogatory to Hope’s self-esteem.
26) I love badass Hope so much!! All the bodies she left! If I’m not already gay, she would have bent me into a mosquito coil by that scene, (so bent that I can’t be straight anymore). I love how Josie just let Hope outing her anger on these witches, freeze Andy, waited patiently for Lizzie and Hope to deal with Andy together.
27) I died laughing at these Pandemonium 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the badass trio in panda suit😂😂😂😂 I can’t! They’re so cute! And the height difference🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
28) How Hope tries to focus and dead serious in dealing with the upcoming monster but fails inevitably and miserably at Josie’s antics! All Josie does is laughing cutely at Hope and poking(?) her.
29) I love the trio so much!
30) haven’t watched any Star Wars, so I really thought that the one in the mask was Clarke until the Star Wars theme song started😫 too bad that Landon must have missed it.
31) Lizzie kissing Ethan is the last thing ever to have crossed my mind, so again, what the fuck?(sorry, language)
32) when I first thought about team building, I was thinking about finch + MG + Jed + Kaleb, but pack bonding, I’m satisfied too.
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Looks like I am back at it again a few days later. Lately it has been the day and the PSA, the day and the PSA around here. Isn’t it lovely? It is like people are trying to piss me off. Let’s get into this, shall we?
Warning: In this post I will be discussing pedophilia, minor bullying, disclosing of personal information without consent, minors engaging in nsfw and adults. If any of those make you uncomfortable, please proceed with caution.
If my last post was not discussing minors engaging in NSFW, this one does. It is wrong, I know this. We all know this. So then, why aren’t we treating everyone equally? Why is it bad when some minors do it, but when others do it, it is good? Why doesn’t everyone get the same amount of hate or support? Why is that? Please, someone help me understand!
Some minors on here write smut and engage in NSFW role playing and also interact with adults a lot older than them and this is totally wrong! First of all, it is illegal and second of all, it can get them in problems and the adults they are interacting with, as well. If there are minors engaging in the NSFW part of the community, they should sit themselves down, think about what they are doing and stop doing it. There are so many more things that you could be doing at your age than put yourself in such danger. Please, seriously think about this!
Now, the problem here lies, especially for me, when adults know who are minors around here and pick and choose who to hate. They will be bullying a minor smut writer on the dash while engaging in NSFW role playing with another one in DMs. I feel like if you are going to advocate for minors not engaging in NSFW activities, you should apply it to everyone. You don’t get to pick your favourite minors and give them special treatment. So if you are going to bully this one minor that is not your friend, then you should bully the one that is your friend as well. Because remember, the law is the same for everyone and so should be your behaviour.
So stop the favouritism regarding this matter! I know for a fact that there are adult on this site that know who the minors around here are and they are protecting some, while throwing the others to the lions(aka other adults). You either support them all, or hate them all. There should not be an in between here. Because not all the minors you decided to hate will be afraid of you(as I am sure that you hope) and some of them will expose you for the pedophile that you are.
Now, I am not advocating for hating minors, like I stated in my previous post. It doesn’t matter if they engage in NSFW or not, you should not send them hate. I know that this might be a foreign subject to some of you, but you can solve most problems by respectfully talking to the person. Crazy, am I right? I feel like some of you are trying to villainize minors engaging in NSFW when you haven’t ever talked to that person. Most of them really do not realize the consequences of their actions and again, I feel like you don’t understand that! Most adults like to picture minors as brainless creatures walking around doing useless shit until they turn 18 and yet, you refuse to understand that they make mistakes too.
BREAKING NEWS: Minors make mistakes! Who would have thought? And they make the same mistakes as you did when you were their age. I am sure that none of you can watch me in the eyes and tell me that they have never interacted with NSFW content when they were a minor. Unless you were living at the edge of the world with only water and food. So this being said, some of you have NO RIGHT to judge minors as hard as you do. You were exactly the same, Susan. Don’t act so innocent!
You, as an adult, really don’t have to cuss a minor out, insult them, bully them, put them in danger in order to get your points across. I am sick and tired of “call-out” posts, “exposing” posts, “spilling the tea” posts! STOP! Have some of you ever tried talking to the minor? Have you ever slid into a person’s DMs and said “Hey! I heard that you are a minor writing smut. Let’s talk about this because this is not okay.”. Have you? I bet not! When most of you find out that someone is a minor engaging in NSFW, you go “They are trying to get ME in jail? I think not! Blocked! Exposed! Your mom is stupid!”. Get the fuck out of here with this! Not everything is about you Susan! Get your head out of your own ass!
And can you, pleeeease, stop posting PERSONAL INFORMATION in your call-out posts, if you decide to go on with them? “I aS aN AdUlT tHiNk ThAt If i KnOw SoMeOnE iS a MiNoR, i ShOuLd LeT oThEr AdUlTs KnOw!”. Okay Susan, but you know you can do it without posting personal information about the minor? You don’t need to expose their age or other type of personal information you know about them in that post. You can just say that they are a minor and call it a day. First of all, minor engaging in NSFW or not, that person trusted you with this kind of information, you trust breaking asshole, and second of all, you are exposing the personal information to all the pedophiles out there. I know that some of you have never thought of this like that, but let’s think about it like that together.
You expose that minor’s personal information. You expose their age and name and location and a pedophile sees it. Since all the non-pedophiles here are ganging up against them and basically bullying them, the pedophile will step in. They will befriend the minor and support them engaging in NSFW. “You can continue writing this! They are just overreacting.”, “I really like your posts! Don’t listen to them.”, “I will always be by your side. You can trust me!” and the minor won’t listen to you, who are attacking them and they will listen to their new friend. And this is how they will end up being groomed and maybe worse.
I know that some of you will think that what I just said is fiction. When will that ever happen, am I right? But it does happen. You need to understand that those call-out posts put minors in very bad places mentally and a pedophile will take advantage of that. While it is better to not make this kind of posts at all, if you end up making them, you say that they are a minor period. You end your sentence there. You know that you can be put in jail for revealing a minor’s personal information without their parents’ consent, right?
Also, why THE FUCK, do some of you make this kind of posts when the person you are targeting is in a hiatus/inactive? This is how big of a coward you are? You don’t even leave them the chance to defend themselves? And not at how you make this kind of posts, that will make them look like a “hero” in the eyes of other adults right before hitting a milestone. How convenient!
Now, as you can see, I have mentioned pedophiles quite a few times in this post and I am about to discuss more behaviours perpetuated by adults, that can be considered threatening to minors. There are a few, what I like to consider threats, living around us. They are writers, just like us, but they protect minors engaging in NSFW from getting exposed. You can take my words for it or not, that is your choice. Personally, I consider an adult interacting with people they know are minors and protecting them from getting expose, very suspicious as it is. If you do not, that’s a you problem!
A lot of those people will make posts about how they don’t want to interact with minors and how they feel uncomfortable around them as a cover up. However, those posts don’t mean that they don’t engage in NSFW with minors. It’s the same way minors will make/reblog posts how they don’t want minors interacting with them to mask the fact that they are minors. Those two go hand in hand.
First of all, you don’t need to necessarily engage in NSFW role playing with a minor for you to be a threat. You can also just make sexual innuendos and jokes towards them. They are not harmless! A 20 something years old adult telling a 16 years old that “They make them feel subby.” is not funny, nor is it a harmless joke. A 20 something years old telling a 15 years old to “Fuck them into the mattress.” it’s again not funny, nor harmless. You as an adult should not be interacting in this way with a minor even as a joke.
When someone tells you that they are in high school, you shouldn’t be saying “I don’t know how old that is, but don’t tell me because that means that I cannot approve of you interacting with my works or with me after that.”. You should be asking for their age and kicking them the fuck out of your blog if they are a minor. If you are so hard on minors not interacting with you, then why would you let a possible minor still interact with you?
The age of consent is not the age of adulthood and you made that very clear. Then why would you say that it’s okay for some minors to write smut if they reached the age of consent? Don’t you stand by your own principles? Or are those minors special?
Also, not talking about adults that knew that some writers were minors for a few months, interacted with them in NSFW ways then probably realized they can be put in jail for that so they exposed them themselves. But of course that they let the part where they knew about their age for months and the NSFW interactions out of that. They acted like they were so shocked by that, when in reality they weren’t because they knew all along.
But in conclusion, every adult that knows that a minor is engaging in NSFW and they are covering up for them and even getting involved with the minor, is a threat. If you don’t think that, then you are part of the problem as well.
Now, something I want to address to the readers. If the owner of a smut blog that you follow has been accused of being a minor, you shouldn’t believe that it’s just a hater spewing lies. You don’t actually know the person behind the blog. They could have lied about everything. It’s not healthy to put some people on a high pedestal and worship every thing they do and say. I know that for some of you it’s hard to let go of your masturbation material providers, but you have to look at things from a rational perspective.
They haven’t been accused of pushing their sibling out of their way and you wouldn’t believe that because they are such a nice person. They have been accused of being a minor that writes smut, engages in NSFW and so on. This is a serious accusation and you should take it as it. You don’t just casually throw this kind of accusations because you are bored. The person that did that must have a reason. Maybe they are wrong and the person is not a minor and the whole thing was just a misunderstanding, but you can’t just dismiss it completely. You have to take into account that that person might actually be a minor.
So next time something like this happens, you should probably give it more thought. And you should also pay attention to the way the author handles the whole thing. You’ll get all the answers you need from that without anyone having to confirm whether they are a minor or not. Remember that worshiping content creators is not good, is not healthy. For both parts. Be more self aware. Also, I want to state that I am not making any claims or assumptions. This is just to make everyone have a more realistic view towards the whole situation.
And with that I have finished this whole post. I hope everyone read it carefully and are actually giving some thought to everything that I just said. Minors engaging in NSFW is a bad thing, but we should handle it properly. Stop with the blatant hate and handle the situation like an adult. 
Thank you for reading this! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
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vyther16 · 4 years
Alright i have feelings about yby and romance now goddammit
So, in my last meta ask about Bingyun & Shen Wan’er’s relationship, I mentioned that I’m projecting my demiromanticism onto Bingyun because this is fanfiction and canon is my playground. I’ve found I have too many thoughts about it now and they want to be released. (I’m also avoiding breathe au lol)
Alright, so the specific aside from the Shen sibs & yby meta is as follows: 
(I’m going to project a little bit here and say that my Yan Bingyun is on the aromantic spectrum. Demi-aro, more specifically.) 
This is simply being added so that you all don’t have to go dig through the 900+ words of that meta looking for it. The paragraph I slipped it into was mostly about yby & sxj’s friendship before he realized what the hell a romantic feeling was and before she realized he does love her back, actually. (Spoiler, he gets captured before they figure it out.) Also, I mistyped there. I really meant demiromantic. Demi-aro implies that he’s demisexual and aromantic, which is untrue to my Yan Bingyun. My yby is demiromantic and demisexual.
I would like to remind everyone before we start that my portrayal of Yan Bingyun’s demi-romanticism is based very heavily in my own experiences, and those experiences are NOT universal. Other aro/ace-spectrum ppl’s experiences will be different from mine and that is okay.
Future fantasy china is very heteronormative, so I don’t mention the fact that yby could in fact fall in love with a boy as well. If shen wan’er had been a boy, he still would have fallen in love.
Yan Bingyun is not demi-romantic because of the way he was raised. He would have been demi-romantic even if he’d grown up being told that romance is perfectly healthy and is integral to the mission.
The meta itself is under the cut
Yan Bingyun is raised in the Overwatch Council, raised to be the perfect DaQing spymaster to serve the emperor and his successors until he outlives his usefulness.
He is 12 years old and his teachers tell him that outside attachments like romantic interests are bad because they distract from the mission. Okay, Yan Bingyun thinks. I just won’t fall in love. 
He is 14 and he watches as a boy three years older than him is punished for using an outside income in order to buy the freedom of a prostitute he knocked up. Outside attachments are distractions, Yan Bingyun thinks. He had it coming.
He is 16 and he is promoted to a high position in the fourth bureau. He meets Teng Zijing who is only here because he wants to protect his wife and son. Yan Bingyun is told to not let Teng Zijing know anything about his family, so he doesn’t. It’s to strengthen your resolve and increase your loyalty to DaQing, he tells Teng Zijing when pressed. As far as Yan Bingyun is concerned, it works. Teng Zijing never asks Yan Bingyun about his family again.
He is 18 and his father begins to speak of making a politically sound match between Yan Bingyun and a nobleman’s daughter. Is there a specific girl you have in mind? Yan Ruohai asks. Yan Bingyun doesn’t understand why he must love someone to marry. He doesn’t see the point. His match must be advantageous for himself and his father so that he can better serve DaQing. His personal feelings on the subject--that is, if he had any in the first place--don’t matter.
He is 20 and his father tells him not to fall in love with a foreign girl while he is stationed in BeiQi and Bingyun listens intently because that is how he’s been trained. He does not intend to fall in love. He doesn’t think himself capable. He leaves for BeiQi, holds Fan Xian at swordpoint for killing a trusted underling, changes his name to Yun-gongzi, and settles down in the upper ring of Shangjing, ready to spy. Romance is the last thing on his mind.
Then he meets Shen Wan’er.
(Shen Wan’er is proving to be the crux of Bingyun’s downfall isn’t she. I’ve used that phrase twice in as many metas about different topics.)
Yan Bingyun definitely starts out just using Shen Wan’er. He uses her for information, but slowly, Bingyun becomes friends with Shen Wan’er. He gets to know her, and then he starts to fall in love. 
This poor boy has never seen any semblance of a healthy relationship before. He’s got no idea wtf a feeling is. So I hc that when he first realizes that he feels something for her, he has a breakdown in his washroom that night. (Listen, he’s 20 years old, falling in love for the first time with a girl that he is specifically not allowed to have because she is from BeiQi, and he is under a lot of stress, okay? Him not having a breakdown would be weirder than him having one.)
At no point in canon is his relationship with Shen Wan’er healthy. He is always using her in some way before he’s captured, and he is manipulative and abusive towards her after he’s captured. Part of this can be accredited to the fact that it has been drilled into his head since he was young that kindness is weakness is bad, and part of it is that he just fundamentally doesn’t understand what healthy is. What frame of reference would he have to a healthy relationship?
As he is falling in love, his relationship with Shen Wan’er gradually gets healthier, because he isn’t using her as much. He’s starting to genuinely like her. He never forgets his mission; how could he? But he does let himself relax the smallest amount with her. He wears two masks instead of three. And then he’s discovered, and he thinks, this is comeuppance. I fell in love. It’s karma. 
He disregards the fact that this is not how karma works. 
He doesn’t quite have the ability to be in love while he is captured. He doesn’t really have the ability to do much other than hold. Most of his personhood is focused on not giving up the spy network. The other portion is focused on pushing Shen Wan’er away, because if he reveals that he likes her, then he will be compromised. Nevermind the fact that if he truly didn’t love her, he would continue using her.
He’s part of the Overwatch Council, and those of Overwatch don’t have a heart. He can’t love her. He’s unable to do so.
After he’s rescued, he is still mostly in survival mode. He doesn’t have the time to sit down and examine his feelings. So he continues to push Shen Wan’er away, even if it breaks his heart. After the scene where he tells her to kill her brother, his faces are so devastating (xiao zhan, my friends, is a goddamned brilliant actor)
Then we get this heartbreaking exchange that fueled this entire 1000+ word meta. 
Youtube subs, ep 42, 44 words:
Fan Xian: if you really don’t have any feelings for her, you would sweet talk her into letting you go after you were captured.
Yan Bingyun: What’s your point?
Fan Xian: I think there’s a place in your heart for her.
Yan Bingyun: Who works for the Overwatch Council has no heart.
Viki subs, ep 42, 46 words:
Fan Xian: If you really don’t like her, you should have used sweet words when you were caught, and begged her to let you go.
Yan Bingyun: Just what do you want to say?
Fan Xian: I think you have her in your heart.
Yan Bingyun: Members of the Bureau do not have hearts.
I included both just so that I could put in the one I watched first (youtube) because that devastated me even with its horrible grammar, and then I got Viki and watched again and goddamn did I catch feelings.
Anyway, back to Yan Bingyun.
He’s grown up being taught directly and indirectly that feelings are bad, to the point where he wholeheartedly believes it. He really believes that he doesn’t have a heart, or that he can simply excise the small one he’s grown for Shen Wan’er if he tries enough. Obviously, this is not true. We all know this. Points for trying, Bingyun, but you misunderstand feelings.
It’s not your fault. Overwatch really fucked you up. But don’t worry, hon. You’ll get to heal a little bit in fanfiction.
Okay, I’m calling it quits here at almost 1500 words. I had a few more thoughts, but they have flown out of reach, so enjoy!
Off to Breathe au, which I have been avoiding.
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sayedhusaini · 3 years
NBA player Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic explains why he is hesitant to take the COVID vaccine at a post-game press conference, Oct. 27, 2021.
It is virtually a religious belief in the dominant liberal culture that people who do not want the COVID vaccine are stupid, ignorant, immoral and dangerous. As large sectors of the population continue to question or disobey their COVID decrees, they have begun to make more explicit this condescending view.
Liberals feel free to disparage them as "stupid” notwithstanding long-standing (though diminishing) racial disparities among this group. A CNN headline from last month told part of the story: “Black New Yorkers may have the lowest vaccination rates, but community groups refuse to give up.” Citing data from the city's health agency, the network reported that “citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated. The Hispanic community is the second-least fully vaccinated population in that age group, with 49% being fully vaccinated.”
Two weeks ago, Bloomberg reported that while some of the unvaccinated are unable to get the vaccine (due to work pressures or health conditions), most of them are vaccine-hesitant by choice and continue to reflect racial disparities. Under the headline “U.S. Racial Vaccine Gaps Are Bigger Than We Thought: Covid-19 Tracker,” the news outlet reported: “the White vaccination rate is not as bad as it had seemed and Hispanic communities are lagging more than previously thought.”
Yet liberal elites continue to call anyone who is unvaccinated "stupid,” ignorant and immoral. On Sunday, New York's Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, when announcing her intent to use National Guard soldiers to replace health care workers fired for refusing the vaccine, told her audience: “yes, I know you're vaccinated, you're the smart ones.” She then said those who refuse to get the vaccine are not just stupid but have turned their back on God: “there's people out there who aren't listening to God and what God wants.” Gov. Hochul added that the vaccine “is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God,” and said to her "smart” vaccinated supporters: “I need you to be my apostles.”
On September 16, CNN host Don Lemon maligned those who have chosen not to be vaccinated as "stupid,” "selfish,” filled with “ignorance,” and “not acting on logic, reason and science." He then issued this decree: “it’s time to start shaming them or leave them behind.” When controversy erupted over the lavish indoor gala former President Obama threw for himself, at which his guests were unmasked while the servants were masked, New York Times reporter Annie Karni explained on CNN that while some of Obama's neighbors on Martha's Vineyard objected, many believed that a maskless party was fine because “this is a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd." Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel suggested the unvaccinated should be deprioritized for health care in hospitals, while Howard Stern recently lambasted the unvaccinated as “imbeciles” and “nut jobs” and argued they should be denied health care and be left to die.
That the unvaccinated are inherently primitive and stupid troglodytes was always a claim as baseless and offensive as it is counter-productive. Although I personally took the vaccine the first day it was available to me — as I repeatedly said I would in every forum where I speak, including Fox News — it was always clear that there were cogent reasons while those with different circumstances and risk factors (age, health, prior COVID status) might assess their own risks differently and reach a different conclusion. And what made me most comfortable about my choice to get vaccinated, or to decide whether my kids should, was precisely that it was my choice, after informing myself: the idea of forcing someone to do it against their will, or condition people's rights and privileges on vaccine compliance — as both President Biden and the ACLU astonishingly advocated — always struck me as inconceivable.
The attempt to equate being unvaccinated with stupidity and ignorance suffered a massive blow on Wednesday night when NBA star Jonathan Isaac was asked why he was hesitant to take the vaccine. Like many unions, the NBA's player union has refused a vaccine mandate, and Isaac, the 23-year-old player with the Orlando Magic who previously had and recovered from COVID, gave a stunningly compelling, informed, well-reasoned and thoughtful exposition on his rationale for not wanting the vaccine. Isaac also defended the right of individuals to make their own choice. One need not agree with his ultimate conclusion on the vaccine to see how groundless (and obnoxious) it is to claim that anyone who chooses not to take the vaccine — like him — is stupid, ignorant and primitive. I really encourage everyone to watch his two-minute master class in demonstrating why such a choice can, depending on one's circumstances, be perfectly rational:
Is there anyone who can argue with a straight face that Isaac sounds stupid, ignorant or evil? One can cogently dispute the wisdom of his conclusion: while it is true that most people who recover from COVID (as he did) enjoy "natural immunity” in the form of antibodies — indeed, one major study found that “the natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine — some studies conclude that immunity is stronger still with the vaccine.”
Nonetheless, Issac is indisputably right that the risk of dying or becoming seriously ill of COVID is extremely low for someone like him: early 20s, healthy and with natural immunity. In fact, during the entire course of the pandemic, the total number of people aged 15-24 (Isaac's age group) who have died of COVID — in a country of 330 million people — is 1,372: fewer than the number in that age group who have died of non-COVID pneumonia. Add onto that Isaac's physical fitness and the fact that he already had COVID once, his risk from contracting the virus is vanishingly small.
It is true that the long-term effects of COVID are unknown, but that is also true of the long-term risks from these new vaccines. Isaac is also right ….
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, October 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Princess Eugenie betrayed by her own dad -- Queen Elizabeth bans Prince Andrew from delivery room 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Lea Michele and husband Zandy Reich enjoying a leisurely stroll with their son Ever in a stroller in face masks 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Demi Lovato moving on -- a heartbroken Demi is picking up the pieces after splitting from her fiance Max Ehrich 
Page 6: When Kris Jenner shocked fans with her announcement that Keeping Up With the Kardashians was ending she didn’t explain why she decided to pull the plug on the show after 20 seasons but now she’s gearing up for a big TV interview in which she’ll reveal the real reason she’s calling it quits which is ironically because there’s too much drama going on with her family and she wants to see her children happy again 
Page 7: It’s a good thing Taylor Swift has been sheltering in place at her Nashville farm and not at her posh pad in New York City where bullets were flying outside her $18 million Tribeca townhouse during an armed robbery at a sneaker store next door, after just one season on The Talk Marie Osmond has been unceremoniously given the boot because her ex-cohosts Sharon Osbourne and Sheryl Underwood threatened to quit unless she was canned because they felt Marie didn’t bring anything to the table and just made it difficult for them to get their ideas across plus they thought she was too refined and too nice and too polished, Emma Stone’s recent hush-hush wedding to Dave McCary has her ex-boyfriend Andrew Garfield crying the blues and ever since Emma and Dave were spotted wearing matching wedding bands Andrew has been telling people that he’s happy for Emma but everyone knows that deep down it must be devastating for him because she was the love of his life 
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Page 8: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars are chic in suits -- Emily Blunt, Sandra Oh, Gugu Mbatha-Raw 
Page 9: Olivia Palermo, Charlize Theron 
Page 10: Who Wore It Better? Lily-Rose Depp vs. Kaia Gerber, Mj Rodriguez vs. Kat Graham 
Page 11: Brie Bella vs. Kyle Richards 
Page 16: News in Photos --  Gwen Stefani modeled one of the new styles from her L.A.M.B. eyewear collection while shooting a campaign 
Page 17: Brie Larson and her boyfriend Elijah Allan-Blitz wore masks at a grocery store, Drew Barrymore posed on the set of her new talk show, Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. had dinner with his dad Emilio Vitolo Sr. 
Page 18: Kidding Around -- famous parents can’t get enough of their mini-me’s -- Prince William and sons Prince George and Prince Louis, new dad Artem Chigvintsev and his son Matteo, pregnant Ashlee Simpson enjoyed a day of shopping with daughter Jagger 
Page 20: Wells Adams out on a run, Keo Motsepe and Anne Heche take a selfie, Alessandra Ambrosio spending a day at the shore 
Page 21: Arnold Schwarzenegger and his girlfriend Heather Milligan took their two-wheelers out for a spin 
Page 22: Farrah Abraham clad in a patriotic bikini in Venice in California, Olivia Jade and boyfriend Jackson Guthy on a dinner date 
Page 23: While guest-hosting the Ellen show Stephen “tWitch” Boss created a TikTok video with wife Allison Holker and guests Addison Rae and Derek Hough, Irina Shayk served looks for designer Nicole Benisti’s Fall/Winter 2020 campaign 
Page 24: At the Hometown Heroes Live Music Festival Snoop Dogg honored his late friend Tupac Shakur with fellow headliner Nelly, Helen Mirren stunned while attending Prince Albert II’s Monte-Carlo Gala for Planetary Health, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly 
Page 25: Ireland Baldwin getting her tresses dyed back to blonde, Kaley Cuoco filming a scene for her show The Flight Attendant 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Chambers’ historic home -- the spouses of 10 years are calling time on their marriage and saying farewell to their L.A. hideaway 
Page 28: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich’s divorce is off 
Page 29: Ryan Gosling will turn 40 in November and there’s just one thing he wants for his birthday -- baby No. 3 with longtime girlfriend Eva Mendes because he loves being a dad and is eager to grow their family and Eva is totally on board and the couple who already have two daughters would be thrilled to have a baby boy, after quarantining in Big Sky in Montana for months Justin Timberlake is itching to get back to work in L.A. but his wife Jessica Biel doesn’t want to let him out of her sight -- while Jessica likes the slower pace of Montana Justin is bored as hell but Jessica wants Justin around to help with their son Silas and their new baby boy but everyone knows she’s afraid Justin will go back to his old habits
Page 30: Rebel Wilson’s romance with hunky new businessman beau Jacob Busch is heating up and the two have been inseparable since she returned to L.A. last summer after shooting a TV series while Down Under -- they hang out at her house cooking healthy meal and exercising and go for hikes in the canyons and Jacob is wonderful and generous and sweet and he loves her sense of humor, Kim Kardashian is close to ending her marriage to Kanye West but she’s holding off on filing court papers until she finishes mapping out the details of her post-divorce life, Oh Baby -- these couples secretly welcomed little ones -- Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski welcomed their second child which was a boy, Billie Lourd and Austen Rydell welcomed a boy named Kingston Fisher Lourd Rydell, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix welcomed a son named after Joaquin’s late brother River 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Princess Eugenie’s royal baby drama -- the mom-to-be is worried her disgraced father Prince Andrew will steal the spotlight for all the wrong reasons -- Queen Elizabeth is set on making sure that Eugenie and her great-grandchild are spared any future embarrassment caused by Andrew because she’s had enough of his reckless behavior -- Prince Andrew is crushed by Eugenie’s decision to keep him out of the delivery room and is hoping she’ll reconsider 
Page 36: Sandra Bullock -- wedding and baby and a tell-all -- she is planning for a family-focused future and ready to clear up rumors from her past 
Page 38: Parenting the Pandemic -- Ex Factor -- these former couples may have their differences but they make it work for the sake of the kids -- Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson 
Page 39: Tarek El Moussa and Christina Anstead, Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck 
Page 40: Interview -- Demi Moore -- the star talks about her bravest roles including her latest in the pandemic thriller Songbird 
Page 42: Primetime Babes -- how this fall’s hottest stars stay in tip-top shape -- Gabrielle Union, Hilary Swank, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 43: Lily Collins, Nicole Kidman 
Page 46: Style Week -- Becky G’s new collection of sunglasses with Dime Optics 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- be a trailblazer this season in a statement-making jacket -- Iskra Lawrence 
Page 49: Mad for Mascara -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 
Page 50: Think Pink -- shop these pretty items that support breast cancer awareness month 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Candace Cameron Bure 
Page 58: Buzz -- VanderBump Rules -- Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor the latest Vanderpump Rules couple to announce they are expecting celebrated the news at a gender reveal party and among these guests were current costar Lala Kent and their former castmate Stassi Schroeder both of whom are also pregnant 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jane Fonda recalling the time she told Kim Kardashian West she had a beautiful butt, Millie Bobby Brown on doing arts and crafts during quarantine, Drew Barrymore revealing her experience on the dating app Raya 
Page 61: Catherine Giudici joking about how her life revolves around poop with three kids, Sharon Stone on how she was madly in love with Robert De Niro before the two starred in 1995′s Casino, Chace Crawford joking about the time he turned down an offer to become a Chippendales dancer 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Libra Cardi B turned 28 on October 11
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Julia Garner 
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katsukari · 4 years
Falling Chapter 1/Prologue- No Time To Die
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~akari aizawa, niece of japanese pro Eraserhead, is a sixteen year old pro in the US via an accelerated program. things have not gone to plan, and she finds herself in a toxic work environment. when her contract comes up, so does a better offer. now all she has to do is make it through her last week of work at the office, right?
pairing: bakugou x akari aizawa (oc)
word count: 3.1k
genre: for this chapter, angst
warnings: swearing (i’m pretty sure??), fighting, so violence, and i think that’s it for ch.1.
Alright, so this is the first chapter of my fic Falling. I posted about any interest earlier, but if you guys don’t know my writing style or anything about the story, how can you be interested? So, I figured I’d post this to give people a feel for the situation. I will say, there are no BNHA characters in this chapter, so I will probably post ch.2 tonight as well so you guys get a feel for them too! This chapter was just to give some background into Akari’s character and situation!
Akari Aizawa
Hero Name: Nocturne 
Age: 16
Quirk: Heightened Senses- In the dark, her senses of smell, hearing, and touch are amplified, allowing her greater speed and strength.
Affiliation: US Pro through an accelerated program.
Birthday: 11/18
Height: 165.1 cm
Likes: Sweets
The mission had not gone to plan, and as it always seemed to be, Akari was the one paying for it. Her face remained respectfully blank as her supervisor yelled at her, while her partner stood by, failing to mention that it was his mistake that had caused the corner of the building to collapse, harming more civilians. It had been this way for months. Any and all mistakes were hers, and the person who once meant so much to her was cold and distant. At first she would fight back, if you could consider telling the truth fighting, but her words fell on deaf ears. It became clear, her higher-ups had an agenda, and she was not a part of it. Thats why, last month, when her contract came up for negotiations, she decided to go elsewhere.
She had to get out, and that is where her mind dwelled as she half listened to her lecture. Her parents told her she wasn’t the same, she was quiet, far off, she struggled to get up and go to work every day. It was difficult to motivate oneself to go where they were certain they weren’t wanted, by anyone, even people once considered friends. When she wasn’t distant, she was irritable, or one wrong interaction away from a breakdown, it wasn’t healthy. 
A hand suddenly grabbed her by the hair, “I asked are you listening Nocturne? When I ask a question I expect an answer!” the hero barked, jostling her. This sudden action startled her companion, Shadow. He opened his mouth to say something, but Akari saw him close it and look away. 
Knowing she only had a week left at the agency gave her courage, that or she was just pissed off. Grabbing the wrist of her captor she dug a nail between its veins and tendons, and dug hard, forcing the hand gripping her hair to come free. “I was not listening.” Her voice was chilly in contrast to the fire that blazed in her stomach. “Nor will I listen to anything else you have to say to me, so if you wish to keep talking to two people who aren’t listening to you, be my guest.”
The hero glared at her, “Fine, you are dismi-” But Akari hadn’t waited for his dismissal. She was halfway to the locker-room when someone caught her by the elbow. “What was that back there?!” Shadow demanded. “You could have gotten written up, striking a superior, insubordination, that’s not like you.”
Suddenly the fire within her spiked, “I’m glad you care all of the sudden! Where have you been the past hour and a half? Or the past six months, as a matter of fact!”  
“I- I don’t have any excuses. But your contract came up last month, they could choose not to keep you here,” he said softly.
“It’s not a matter of whether or not they want to keep me. I had a better offer come up. I’m not staying here one second longer than I have to.”
“But your lawyers will be caught up in releasing you for months- Wait you’re leaving?”
“That’s what I said.” Akari gently pulled her elbow from Shadow’s grasp and resumed her walk towards the locker-room. He hopped sidelong to catch up with her and grabbed her by the shoulder. “You know, I’m getting really tired of people touching me right now. Can’t you tell I just want to go home?”
“I’m sure- but where are you going? Where offered to take you that made them decide to let you go, because we both know they have iron grips on us accelerated kids. Who is it? It can’t be good.” For the first time in months, genuine concern was etched into his dark features. It was enough to make her heart wrench. Couldn’t she stay? Just for him? She could survive here, if only he looked at her with that much care all the time. 
No. No she couldn’t, she couldn’t trust him, he hadn’t been there for her in months. Shadow, her partner, once her closest friend in the world, hadn’t spoken this much to her in ages. “Oh, it's nowhere where I’ll gather fame and notoriety, they made sure of that, I won’t draw much attention, but it's somewhere good. But I can’t tell you. I can’t tell anyone yet.”
“I know you have no reason to, but, you can trust me,” Shadow said, his voice low and comforting.
She was about to say something, but she never got to finish. There was a loud crash, and the building shook, driving heros, sidekicks and secretaries from their offices into the hallway. Over the PA system a voice called out “Shadow and Nocturne, you’re up…” 
At least she could count on Shadow in the field.
Crouched behind a police car, Akari pulled her goggles over her eyes and gave Shadow the sign for good to go. They slipped into the second burning building they had been in that day, and began to gather people and shepherd them to safety. They worked quickly and quietly, helping civilians out of their apartments and to the safety of the street, they were fortunate that the building only had four floors, but they had found no trace of who or what caused the explosion inside. That was until Akari heard a struggle inside one of the apartments on the fourth floor.
  She listened hard to make sure there was no one else left in the building, and she knew she and Shadow should make their exit soon, the building wasn’t safe, but she had to check this first. Waiting quietly by the door she signed to Shadow, “There’s a person in this apartment, sounds like they’re struggling to do something. I need you to back me up once everyone else is out.”  He nodded, helping the last person down onto the fireman's ladder. Slipping through the shadows, he stood behind her, ready to go. 
As quietly as she could, she eased the door open onto a man in a fireman’s mask, knelt over a safe stuffing a duffle bag full of cash. The explosion had been a diversion to cover up the robbery. 
Glancing over her shoulder she jerked her head forward, and began to slip into the room, Shadow following close behind. Once she was past the door it slammed shut, alerting the crouched man to their presence. Akari almost turned her back on the man in the mask to see what shut the door, but thought better of it, Shadow had her back, he could handle whatever was there. 
“This can end here. Leave the duffle bag and come with us and there won’t be any need to fight,” she bargained.
“Us? I’m afraid you’re mistaken, your friend left as soon as mine showed up.” the man in the mask rasped.
Before she could turn to check, something hard and sharp slammed into the tight muscles between her neck and shoulders, driving her to her knees. Bracing both hands on the floor in front of her, her head began to spin, her stomach cramped, and she broke out in a cold sweat.
 Forcing herself to her feet she shoved her goggles around her neck to see what, or rather who, had forced her to the ground. A tower of a man stood next to the mask, he had to be over six and a half feet tall, well muscled, and dressed for a fight with thick soled combat boots, leather gloves and a belt laden with a number of things that Akari couldn’t recognize. In one large hand he carried a small pouch that he tossed in the air, before fastening it to his belt. Pulling her goggles back up, Akari braced herself, ready for anything.
When the police asked her how the fight started, she couldn’t remember, just that she found herself staggering around the burning apartment, blocking and trading blows with the tower man. The man in the mask tried to slip through the door, and stumbling, slipping between full and normal strength, she landed a kick to the jaw, sending him crumbling to the ground. The tower man then sent her head first into the wall. Using it as a support Akari sent herself barreling at the man, raining punches at different strengths. When one of his blows knocked her off balance she twisted her leg to ground herself, then brought a leg up and out, hitting his stomach, pulling it out of the way before he emptied his dinner onto the ground. 
This made him angry, Akari told the police, only later realizing how dense she sounded. The tower man lunged at her, lowering his center of gravity, allowing Akari to bring an elbow down hard on the back of his neck, sending him down into his mess. Sprawled in vomit, the man growled and stood, wiping his hands on the clean parts of his shirt. 
The lull in activity had not been good for Akari. Her head was spinning faster now, making it difficult to focus and keep her senses from being overwhelmed. The sounds and smells from outside began to creep into her mind, mingling with the crackle of fire and crumbling walls and the acidic smell of bile that affronted her nose. The tower man slammed into her, she hadn’t heard him move, and she went through the door. Standing over her he waited for her to get back up, but she didn’t. He left her, unconscious, among the burning rubble. 
She woke up, she didn’t know how long after, and it felt like her skin was crawling. Lifting her goggles so she could see was the only way she could get out, but her eyes never focused. She clutched one burned arm with a bruised hand and stumbled over to the windows, there was an open one, she knew it, but the windows wouldn’t stay put. The last thing she remembered was the sound of shattering glass and the sound of someone screaming “There she is! Quick, someone catch her!”
Akari knew where she was based on smell alone, cleaners, disinfectants, and rubber. But there is also the smell of lavender and vanilla, her mother's perfume and citrus and sandalwood, her father's cologne. She was in the hospital. 
Opening her eyes was harder than she thought it would be, they were dry and heavy, and sleep seemed to seal them shut, but after squeezing them once or twice she was able to force the lids apart. Looking first at her arms she found they were covered in bandages, down to her wrists, and there was an IV in her hand. Shakily she reached for her glasses sitting on the nightstand so she could see the rest of the room.
“Oh! Takashi, look, she’s awake,” her mother said, elbowing her sleeping father. “How are you feeling dear?” 
“Terrible. My head aches, and everything hurts.” Akari sat up, feeling her muscles protest every move she made. 
“I’ll go get the nurse.” Amara placed a warm hand over her daughters and stood, making her way out into the hallway. She returned a few moments later with a young man named Nathan who changed out her IV fluids, which unfortunately did not have something for her pain, and talked with her for a short while, then told her the doctor would be by soon. In the meantime he encouraged her to try and eat something, and take fluids on her own. 
That was no problem, drinking at least, her mouth was stone dry. She was in the middle of the broth her parents ordered for her when the doctor entered and spoke to her about her injuries. A few cracked ribs, a sprained wrist, second degree burns on both arms and one leg, and she had stitches where the tower man first struck her. He had cut her with some sort of blade and left behind an implant that drugged her; the doctors had discovered it on her x-rays. They could have someone with a healing quirk do more for her once they were sure the drugs were out of her system the next day, “The cocktail he gave you was pretty nasty,” the doctor said. “We just want to make sure everything is all clear before we move forward with treatment.”
Akari just nodded, so long as she didn’t stay like this all week, she would be alright. The police were in next to get her story, apparently they caught the two men three blocks from the fire after she fell from the window. Shadow had identified them. She had to admit, that stung. He abandoned her, but stuck around to help make the arrest? Couldn’t he have run all the way away like a true coward would have? Or, at least like a coward without an agenda she thought bitterly. Though, bitter was hardly the word to describe the way Akari really felt about it. Betrayed, was more like it. In the office she knew he wouldn’t be there for her, but he had never, never left her like that before. What was worse was that they had faced worse foes than the tower man together before, but it had always been together. The last piece of Akari’s heart that held onto Shadow was broken.  
She refused to see him, or anyone else from the agency while she was in the hospital. It hurt, every time he called asking to come up, but it would hurt more to see him. That was another two days. Then she had a day off, which she spent ignoring calls and texts from him, and sleeping. Akari from six months earlier would have rejoiced at seeing his name come up on the caller ID, but the Akari of now just watched as the screen faded to black. She couldn’t ignore him the next day though, she had to go back to work, at least for the next three days. After that she would be gone. 
He was waiting for her outside the doors to the agency, scanning the crowds of people, searching for her face. Akari walked past him straight through the sliding doors. She didn’t have the energy to deal with him this early, it took her an hour of convincing just to get out of bed, using up most of the energy she did have. Flashing her badge to the desk she went through the second set of doors and into the office.
Turning left, towards the locker room, Shadow appeared in front of her. Looking at the floor she saw the shadows of the water jug and fake plants and sighed, dropping her shoulders. Shadow’s quirk allows him to travel through shadows, and become part of it, so he becomes invisible. It's very useful, but also very annoying.
“What do you want, Shadow?” 
“I want to know how you’re doing, you didn’t let anyone see you while you were in the hospital.” There it was again. Concern. It made Akari uncomfortable, or, maybe upset, or both? Why was he concerned about her? He was the one who left her all by herself, if he hadn’t left maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad. Maybe she wouldn’t have had to go to the hospital. Akari shook her head, maybe’s would get her nowhere. 
“I’m fine, now, can I go change? We have to go patrol in fifteen minutes.” She brushed past him into the locker room.
It was a quiet day on the streets, so there was nothing exciting to keep them busy, just small talk with passers-by and silence. Not that Shadow didn’t try to fill it, but Akari had no desire to speak to him, and refused to fill the uncomfortable void between them. 
When their patrol was over Akari was, for once, thankful for the paper-shuffling part of her job. It gave her an excuse to shut herself away in her small office and write up her uneventful morning report in peace. Once finished she began to catch up on the small mountain of paperwork that stared her down from the corner of her desk, all things she needed to finish before she left on Saturday. She had barely made a dent when a knock at her door drew her gaze upwards. It was Shadow. Of course it was, she thought tiredly, who else in this God-forsaken place would it be?
“What? I’m busy Shadow,” she sighed, looking back at the paper she had been reading.
“Too busy to take lunch with a friend?”
Akari desperately wanted to say “Maybe I will take lunch with a friend, when one shows up.” but she knew better, and hurting him wasn’t what she wanted to do. It just went to show how tired she was. She decided on a simple “Yes.” and left it at that.
Shadow took the hint.
Her last two days of work went similarly. Painfully boring and awkward patrol, paperwork, and then, to her surprise, on Friday, a going away party. Something the higher ups made sure to impress upon her that she would not be getting. It made her feel sick to her stomach. What was the point of this if none of them liked her anyway? Nina, a secretary, told her they only found out on Wednesday that she was leaving, and they didn’t even know where she was going. Something she still wasn’t able to tell them. She got cards, and to her surprise, her superiors gave her an upgraded costume. All too kind of a gesture from the people who drove her away, but she accepted it with a smile. Shadow gave her a music box with pictures of them around the sides; it played her favorite piano music. That was a sucker punch. 
It filled her with guilt knowing that she fully intended on going to her new location with every fiber of her being geared towards forgetting everything about this place. But why should she feel guilty about wanting to forget people who have made her life such a misery? At least that’s what she told herself, but it never quite set right. The truth of it was that, despite the terrible time she was having now, the first year and a half at the agency was mostly good. She held many fond memories of her time there, and it made her feel even worse about leaving on such a sour note. But come the next morning that's exactly what she did.
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missblogging · 6 years
B R O...
MA  H DUD  ES...
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First thing’s first, I am so sorry about my last post, I was on my last brain cell when I posted it, and I was too excited to do anything other than eat shit... (I mean metaphorically of course)
SO! Look VERY carefully at this picture!
Yah see that? That’s All Might’s Data, now before you say, “But it’s future bullshit! How are we supposed to understand their technology if they’re from 20XX?” 
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This right here is his, like what it says on the top left corner, “Vital Logs,” Which all scientists/doctors take for normal check-ups or just to see any significant changes! For example, from top right to bottom right, All Mights RR also known as, Respiratory Rate, since he was using a mask to breathe in, states that he takes in 18.4 breathes each minute, the SPO2, or his Oxygen Rate, is a perfect 99.4, and his ECG/EKG, or Electrocardiogram, is 61.5/m.
Basically, All Might is as healthy as a horse with cancer... I mean- yeah his vital’s are something that any doctor or medical student can dream of- but who wants eternal bleeding and the removal of their internal organs? NOT THIS STUDENT!!!
And O O F that’s just the beginning my friends!!
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This isn’t exactly that important? But at the same time, it is?? OKOKOK let me explain the relevance to THIS picture here.
Alright so, we’ve got the Whole Protein and the Albumin; and before you google search what the hell Albumin is unless you know how the body works, don’t bother cause that’s just gonna lead you to a hell of a headache.
So here goes nothing, The Albumin is the main type of Blood Plasma Protein that the body produces, mainly the liver’s job. While the Whole Protein is just how much protein is in his system.  However, All Might had to have some internal organs removed because they were damaged beyond repair no matter how many healing quirks there are in the world.
Now, let me tell you the results of the Whole protein levels, first of all. 
4.8 g/dl meaning 4.8 grams per deciliter. Which is really, REALLY bad, like, bro All Might are you ok??? This kind of also proves my “All Might has a quirk besides One for All” theory, but not by much to be honest, since he’s at this point of the story, unable to go back to his All Might form without vomiting blood, if anything, he could have been practicing using the “mystery quirk” the entire time, but NOPE!!! BODY MASS!!! MUST DEFEAT ALL FOR ONE!!! AVENGE MY SUCCESSOR!!! Ahem, anyway, back on track here- The normal levels for whole protein are supposed to be 6-8.3 g/dl. Which is exactly why I am questioning if All Might is ok- like fam yah need more beef or some shit like that...
The next thing I need to also confirm is the Albumin Levels. Which are 2.7 g/dl. The normal rate for that is 3.5-5.5 g/dl. So he’s... ok? Not really, he’s obviously below the rating, but not as bad as the whole protein levels were.
Fun fact about your’s truly: I’m actually not supposed to learn about these said levels unless I choose the Phlebotomy course at my school. I was planning on doing phlebotomy any way cause it was the most interesting course out of the six courses my school lets us choose, but my parents made me change my course options so instead of Pleb. as my first while Optomology is my second. It was downgraded while Opto was upgraded. So... I guess I’ll try getting my certification another way instead of the school providing it form me???
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But what we’re going to REALLY look at is the dotted graph!!
I’m going to use Midoriya’s & Melissa’s age as a reference as I have to be positively sure!! 
The only reason for doing so is because of the amount of data on the chart, which I realized after rechecking the data and realizing that it said 6 YEARS ago- not 23 XD SO! Double checking this again!
Ok, Midoriya is I’m going to say 15 during the I-Island incident. Before any of the shit that goes on during the recent chapters. So by getting rid of 6 years off of Mido’s life, he’s 9 (10 if he’s actually 16 during the incident but I highly doubt it). So let’s use the data above as our reference (like what we’ve been doing for the last few paragraphs). There is also the confirmation thanks to the paragraph that All Might was 18 when Nana had to leave him from this world. (I'm guessing that Gran was at least in his mid-30′s when this incident occurred).
So let’s use 20 as the starting age!!! All Might is 20 years Old at that time, which is also around the time that he meets David! Of course, I’m going to guess that the machine that All Might was hooked onto when they were checking vitals was probably made a year after meeting each other, so that’s 21 at the time. David is probably the same age as All Might, maybe a month or two younger/older. Now! Using Melissa’s current age and of course, getting rid of 6 years of her age, she’s 11. Using that as the number of years that pass by with All Might and David, that takes us to him being 31 years old by that time.
Of course, he’s been back in Japan by that time trying to hunt down All for One, so he’s probably missed Melissa when she hits 11 herself. And Midoriya’s hit 9 by that time as well. So we’re going to use his age at this time and on! All Might finally meet Mido at 14. So that’s adding 5 years onto the age chart. Making him 37. And of course, adding 2 more years if you want to get the exact amount since Midoriya is technically 16 by the time the exam with 1A and 1B hit (damn how many years is it just to finish their first year??? Isn’t that weird? I mean I understand Melissa since this all occurs in the US where, by the time you're a third year, your like 16-17 years old, I feel yah boo) makes him 39.
Of course, that's where I had his a roadblock, cause that didn't sound right. At all, so I decided to go back a bit and using the 9-year difference between the birth of Melissa and his age of 21. I had gotten him right at 30. THAT'S when I had added the 11 years, which had gotten me 41 years old. Then, using the years with Izuku (which is 5 years later), I had gotten him at 46. And that's just Izuku at 14! Adding the 2 years he now has, that gets our #1 hero at 48
All Might, the symbol of peace, is 48 years old. Let that sink in. 
Sweet Jesus Lord... I feel so brain dead after all of that, do you know how much research I had to do?? Not that much lol I had actually watched the Movie for the first time yesterday at like- Ass O' Clock. No joke, it was almost one by the time I had finished, then after that, I began my research and went to bed to finish, which I got to finish today after a few disturbances!!
Wow, is this what it feels like to be Midoriya for a day? It- it actually feels a little cool tbh, it's like I just had the freedom to word vomit all over Tumblr...
I... I think I need to make some kind of chart or something for this... eh- thats for me of tomorrow... 
Anyway, later!!!
4K notes · View notes
50 things I’ve learned this year during a global pandemic/general life advice from your local teenage train wreck :) (Pt. 1)
1. It’s okay to let go. Of things, people, old interests, even your past self. It doesn’t matter. If it isn’t benefiting you anymore, it’s okay to let things go.  
2. No relationship is worth pursuing that doesn’t match your energy. If someone’s not matching the love you give them, pull back to match their energy. That way, you save your energy for the people in your life that do. Most times, the people who do match your love and energy are the one’s that are in it for the long run and will be there for you. 
3. Stop caring what other people think about your interest. Often times we have so much shame for liking what we like. Why is that? If it isn’t hurting anyone, then why does it matter that you have an obscure taste in music, books, movies, etc.? Stop apologizing for what you like!
4. It’s okay to not want to grow up, even if that’s all you wanted to do as a kid. You don’t have to grow up. 
5. Going off of that, if you’re a “gifted” or “mature” kid, it’s okay to mourn your childhood you never had. Watch that show that you never did as a kid and fall in love with it. Finger paint with no exterior motive. Read way below your reading level. Reread Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series. Play outside. You deserve it. 
6. “Kids” shows, including atla, lok, etc. often have more complex and interesting plots and characters than most “adult” shows these days. Don’t dismiss something just because it’s geared for a younger audience. Watch and learn from them. 
7. The changes you want to happen don’t suddenly happen. They’ll happen after many months of trial, error, and consistency. Take baby steps and celebrate small victories. 
8. You’re body will always be imperfect, and it’s okay. You’ll eventually learn to accept it once it doesn’t change so fast during adolescence, but don’t feel pressured to. It’s okay to not like how you look, just don’t let it keep you from enjoying life and your body from serving it’s purpose. 
9. Most high school guys don’t want a serious, long term relationship yet. They all have to mature a little bit for that, and it’s normal to feel frustrated about it, but don’t blame them too hard for it. You matured at a faster rate then them, and they still need a little more time. The best thing to do it wait for it. 
10. Questioning your sexuality is a normal part of life. You like guys? Good! You into girls? Great! It literally doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t really care either. There’s nothing in the Bible against it, and he made you that way right? Why not embrace it! Asami was your first gai crush? WONDERFUL! me too! Want to label yourself? I’ll respect and support whatever your decision is! Don’t know or don’t want to? Also perfect!
11. God (or whatever you believe in, or don’t!) made you imperfect for a reason: to embrace those imperfections and grow through them, to improve. Why would God put you on this earth if He didn't think that you had a reason to grow closer to Him through your imperfections? Make sure you use and acknowledge your imperfections, because they’re your lifeline to Him in prayer. It’s what you need to improve on, and ask help for, and that’s okay! (Spoiler alert, even when you do this stuff and work super hard, you’re human, and you’re still gonna mess up and make mistakes! Perfection wasn’t intended for humans, and I don’t believe it ever will be!)
12. When summer rolls around, get a summer job. Go down to the local ice cream place and ask if they’re hiring. Get an application and fill it out nicely with good handwriting. Then, take it back and wait. If they say yes, great! If not, that’s good too! Keep looking! Once you’ve found a place, settle in. Learn how things work. Learn how to do your job good and effectively. Immerse yourself in it. Then, have fun. Name the machines. (Big Bertha the waffle iron, or Fernanda the flurry machine, etc.) Name the ice cream flavors after your favorite fictional characters based on what they’d order (Aang is cookie dough, Obi Wan is mint chocolate chip, etc). Make new friends there and schedule your shifts with them. Get them in on your games too! It makes it more fun. Take time to show them your names for the ice cream flavors and machines, and maybe start using the names as abbreviations to make orders more efficient. Make sure you work only how much you can handle, even if that’s once a week or seven days for nine hours each. Whatever makes you happy! If you work in customer service, make them smile. Give the little kid extra sprinkles for wearing a fun mask or stickers if you have them. If there’s a tired mom, help her out by prioritizing her order to get out fast if possible. Whatever helps them. Thank the customers that tip! Then, get your paycheck in the mail and save all your tips. Put it in the bank and save it for college or when you need it. (Make sure to buy yourself something nice with the money sometimes too!)
13. When in school, don’t feel pressure to over achieve all the time. It’s okay to do the bare minimum sometimes. If you have an A, why are you worrying about if it’s a 95 and not a 98? It’s still an a, and that’s great! School is there to help you learn, so don’t force yourself to do extra busy work for a little extra credit (unless you absolutely need it!).
14. Take time to learn and do other things outside school that you may not be getting credit for. They’ll serve you in the long run! You like to write fan fiction? Keep writing! It’s helping! You love a sport? Good! It’s keeping you healthy while teaching you real life skills. Most of these things are gonna stick with you forever, so keep doing them and don’t let you passion fade away.
15. Write letters to your friends that live far away. Even if they don’t respond, they will appreciate having something that’s harder to lose or accidentally get deleted. Make the letter nice with pretty paper or colored pens or stickers, and spray your favorite scent on the envelope. Then seal it with a sticker and send it off. They really will appreciate it. 
16. Splurge on your own Spotify premium account and make a playlist for each mood. Make one for studying, working out, singing at the top of your lungs, one for when your happy, sad, etc. (You can also search my name, Hana Zainea, to listen to any of my playlists and see if we have the same music taste. If so follow me there and I’ll follow back to see your playlists!) Listen to your music and take time to enjoy it. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes just to do that. Let it flow through you and wake your soul up. 
17. Learn how to make handmade gifts. Wether that’s learning to make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, crochet, knit, or even make a nice card with hand lettering, learn how to make at least one solid handmade gift. It’ll give you a new skill as well as let the other people in your life that you love them. Handmade gifts are valuable and kept forever no matter how good they look. 
18. If your best friend lives far away like mine does, plan a monthly bsf subscription box. You can send each other a letter and a few little self care gifts once a month. It’s soooo fun and I can’t recommend this enough. 
19. Have photos that you like printed in physical form and hang them on your wall even if it’s just with tape. You’ll like being able to see and access happy thoughts and memories easily and have them hanging on your wall instead of sitting in your camera roll. 
20. You don’t have to keep up with social media. Delete it if you want, or limit your time on it if you want. Sometimes the “connection” we experience through social media isn’t always healthy, so monitor your use. 
21. Have a screen time widget on your phone and keep track of it. Try to cut your usage down by half an hour every week and eventually reduce it to the amount of time that you’d like to spend on your phone without being excessive, whatever that looks like for you. 
22. Meditate. This isn’t anything religious or spiritual, and it brings many benefits. It’s basically you setting a time aside to think for yourself. You can use one of the hundreds of guided meditations on youtube, or listen to theta waves/meditation music or just find a quiet place. Find a place where you know you won’t be disturbed, and then start to let your mind wander. What’s bothering you. When you turn off you mind, what’s the first thing that pops up? What keeps you from just being? What do you need to focus on in order to help yourself feel better? What are some things that you regret that are weighing on your heart? Now, what is your desired reality? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to meet/live with? What do you do? What do you act like? What do you have to do to make this happen? If you pray/are a christian, ask God for help with this desired life. (Remember, ask and you shall receive!)
23. Get yourself a hydro flask or any other durable water bottle, specifically a 16 or 32oz one. This way, it’s way easier to keep track of how much water you are drinking. A 16oz bottle is one pint and a 32oz one is a quart. Four of the 32 and eight of the 16oz are a gallon. Start by trying to drink a quarter of a gallon (2 16 oz or 1 32 oz) then a half, then three quarters, and eventually you’ll be drinking a gallon plus of water a day. (Put stickers on it to motivate yourself. Trust me it works wonders having fun stuff on there. Makes it enjoyable) 
24. If you’re able, make and give gifts often. It brings more joy than expected. 
25. Get rid of clothes. Toss all the old ones out. Reinvent yourself. Invest in pieces of clothing that are timeless (crewneck sweaters, cable knit sweaters, tan and brown colored dress pants, nice wool coats and sweaters, etc.) You’ll have these forever. 
26. Maintain your physical appearance. Make sure to change your clothes, follow proper hygiene, use lotion, etc. You’ll feel much better, trust me. You don’t have to use expensive products or put on a full face of makeup either, but putting some effort in will make you feel much better about yourself. 
27. Find a tea that tastes good to you. (Preferably without caffeine so you can drink it whenever.) Try everything! Then get yourself a nice mug and have some at a dedicated time each day. Relax and enjoy a constant in your life. 
28. If you’re into it, research and try reality shifting. I’m not going to go into depth in this post (that would take awhile) but if you’re really needing an escape but can’t go on vacation due to money, time crunches, etc, you can shift to any alternate reality that you’d like. Further in depth post about this to come. 
29. Read. Anything. A book, and article, the paper, the news, even the back of a cereal box. Think about it. What did you learn? Anything? 
30. Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice. 
31. Call your parents if you live away from home. If not, spend more time with them. They love and miss you. 
32. Same with your siblings. 
33. And grandparents.
34. Find a way to remember your home town. Know it like the back of your hand. 
35. Read Shell Silverstien poems. They’re funny. 
36. Have a piece of jewelry that you never take off. Keep it to remind yourself of your sanity and to remember yourself. 
37. Cry of you need to. It’s bad to hold it in. 
38. Series you should read (even though some are nerdy): Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Red Queen Series, The Giver Series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. 
39. Standalone books you should read: The Book Thief, The Fault in our Stars, They Both Die in the End, Where the Crawdads Sing, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The DaVinci Code, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Out of my Mind, Love that Dog, The Unfinished Angel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet
40. Shows you should watch: Avatar (Even if you’re a casual fan of the fandoms) : The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, The Mandalorian, The Office, The Clone Wars, Parks and Rec., Stranger Things
41. Standalone Movies/Series you should watch: The Notebook, any of the Disney classics (specifically Lion King, Hercules, and others during that era), the Harry Potter movies, the Hunger Games movies, The Star Wars Movies, All of the Pixar movies (specifically Soul and Coco), Ten things I hate about you, the perks of being a wallflower, Clouds, If anything happens I love you
42. Artists to listen to: Norah Jones, James Taylor, John Denver, Anson Sebra, Ed Sheeran, The Paper Kites, The Artic Monkeys, Conan Grey, L. Dre (for Lofi) Song recs are on my Spotify haha (Hana Zainea) 
43. Invest in good supplies for art. It’ll make a difference.
44. When something feels off, clean your bathroom. Not your depression cave of a bedroom. Your bathroom. Trust me. It helps so so so much to have on clean space. 
45. Have a cohesive scent. Like lavender? Buy lavender everything. Use it in lotions, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, candles, etc. You’ll have a scent that people will now associate with you and you only. 
46. Learn how to cook while your at home. Ask your parents if you can go to a nutritionist and learn what foods nourish your body the best. Eat them and let yourself feel good about what you put in your body. 
47. Learn how to do basic home improvements while still at home. Fix toilets, clogged drains, clean ovens, showers, sinks, etc. You’ll be grateful. 
48. Don’t do drugs/drink. It’s not worth dulling your senses to miss out on your wonderful life. 
49. Annotate your books. It makes you engage more and you’ll like looking back on them. 
50. If no one is looking, you should totally cart surf down the isle at the grocery store. It’s the little things that count. 
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
Please Assist Me (Chapter 20)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 , Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19
She Said
The spectacle of an entirely speechless Keanu was one to behold when he unwrapped the test. I’d been bursting with the news since the morning before when I got the result so it had been an endurance test for me not to have anyone to share it with for over 24 hours. I knew there were long months ahead to get through but it was lovely to share the joy of this moment with him and go to sleep secure in his arms after almost a month apart.
My mind since finding out had been racing, projecting forwards to how far along I’d be by key dates like the summer holidays, Keanu finishing John Wick 4 filming, the Matrix 4 Premiere …… and I was worried about the immediate future too.  I hadn’t been especially sick with either of my previous pregnancies but I had been incredibly tired. With Eva, I was doing modelling contracts but not every day so, on days off, I remember just sleeping for ages. Obviously with Miguel, I had a toddler to care for so I couldn’t nap unless she did but I sure took advantage of that time whenever I could. I was also worried about the home schooling which was really full on. How was I going to soldier on through that? And by the time Keanu would be home again, I reckoned I’d already be nearly 20 weeks along. I suppose he would at least be there as the strain on my body got greater.
I also told myself not to get ahead of myself. It was such early days and whilst I’d not suffered a miscarriage myself, I had plenty of friends who had in these early stages. And the spectre of stillbirth was also there because of Keanu’s own experience. Until this baby was here, I was sure neither of us would rest easy.  I didn’t really want to share the news with the kids until the pregnancy was better established. I was pretty sure they’d be pleased but they might worry about the new baby somehow taking priority and if the worst happened, I didn’t want to have to explain about how not all babies make it to full term to an 9 and 7 year old. But I also knew friends who had kept their pregnancies secret, suffered a miscarriage and then felt they couldn’t share the pain of the loss afterwards so maybe openness was the best option with our close friends and family and maybe even the kids. I’d have to add this decision to my list of things to talk about with Keanu.
 He Said
When I woke up the next morning,  my first reaction was to pull the human hot water bottle in front of me into my chest, relishing being together again. And then I remembered. She wasn’t just my partner anymore but also the mother to be of my child.
A big smile spread over my face at this thought. Then worry creased my brow.
Sophia had said she reckoned she was around 8 weeks along - that left 32 roughly for anxiety and things to go wrong!
She’d managed to book a scan for before my return to New York so we’d hopefully get to see the baby, tiny dot that it would be, and get the dates confirmed.
She actually reckoned it was that amazing day in NY that we’d conceived. The dates were right and she remembered someone telling her years ago that your chances were better if the woman also climaxed when the man did as this had the effect of sucking up the sperm further with the contractions in the vagina. Who knows if there’s any truth in that but I certainly remembered the powerful sensation of being sucked into her very well!
32 weeks. Man that seemed like forever. And the dates were a little freaky too. If you calculated by her dates, then the baby was due on New Year’s Day 2021. Ava had been due in early January and was born sleeping on Christmas Eve 1999. Jen and I had conceived after being careless after a Matrix Premiere party. At least this time, there was nothing accidental about this baby and no nagging doubts about the relationship.
We’d have to tell Cheryl in case anything got leaked and then there were the kids and our families to consider. I was cautious but also remembered my therapist’s advice - the one I’d seen in my 40s after years of suppressing the processing of my trauma after Ava & Jen’s deaths. She had tried to get me to accept that worrying about things on your own was never healthy and that being hopeful that good things will come doesn’t jinx things and nor does preparing for bad things to happen stave them off magically. I rationalised that all we could do was take care, have regular check ups and try to enjoy the journey.
I know Sophia was probably more anxious than her first pregnancies, in part due to her age but also due to what had happened to me and Jen. I decided to suggest we hire some help with the home-schooling to ease the daily stresses of her life in the coming months.
And all these thoughts had gone through my mind before Sophia even woke up!
Eventually I felt her stir and she turned in my arms to give me a sleepy morning kiss
“Morning handsome”
“Morning beautiful mama”
She smiled
“Oh you’re not gonna be one of those men who reduces their partner to a mere vessel for their child are you?”
That made me chuckle.
“Naaah, but you’ll let me be a little bit excited right?”  I placed my hand on her belly  again.
“ Right” she said and leaned in to given me a gentle kiss which quickly deepened into something more heated. Then she pulled away and looked over at the clock.
“We don’t have time lover boy”
I groaned, but knew she was right, - it was already 5 to 7
“Hey get used to it! And Don’t worry we have tomorrow to ourselves”
I gave her a quick squeeze and just then Eva and Miguel burst into the room.
“Keanuuu” was their first cry and so the day began!
 She Said
On Keanu’s first day back, it was a school day so he got to witness  the transformation of my dining room into a mini classroom with each kid stationed in front of a laptop with headphones in on an off for a morning with exercises to do in-between. Luckily, although there were 5 kids, they were only spread across 2 year groups so 3 (9 year olds) had one set of exercises and 2 (the 7 year olds) had another. He helped out by listening in to the 7 year old’s lesson while I supported Eva’s year group with theirs. Miguel delighted in bragging that Duke Caboom was helping him with his addition, making Keanu give the teacher a little wave on the zoom screen.
After lunch together, Keanu sent me off for a nap and sat down to read them all  some chapters of the Roald Dhal story we had started and then and got them all playing quiet games like hangman and battleships for a while. When I came in,  they had just started watching “Up”. I tried to suggest an alternative but it was too late and they were all set on it. I mean, I love that movie but I had a feeling Keanu wouldn’t have seen it before and he wouldn’t be expecting one of the early moments. I was proved right when he made a rapid exit to the kitchen when that scene played out and I followed him to make sure he was alright.
He was leaning over the sink, trying to pull himself together and I slipped my arms around him, whispering.
“It will be OK darling, we’ll take all the care in the world to keep this baby safe and well, I promise! We just have to take it one day at a time”
He turned then and held me close and didn’t speak for a few more minutes, stifling a couple of sobs against my shoulder. When he’d got himself a bit more together, he  pulled back and looked at me, eyes a little red from crying.  He let about a shaky breath before speaking.
“Sorry - that just took me by surprise and, it was, it was like all my worries in the few hours since finding out were playing out on the screen and it was “ he shook his head. “It’s just a bit  overwhelming how much I want this baby with you and how horrifying the prospect of losing them is”
“I know sweetheart, me too, me too and I tried to get them to pick another movie but they were already set on it!”
“Yeah, I’d heard good things but I didn’t know the detail.”
“It’s wonderful, you should see it through for the pay off!”
 He Said
That evening as we were both slumped on the sofa, exhausted from the 5 kid day, I told Sophia my thought about getting her some support with the home-schooling. I thought she might be all “superwoman” about it but she admitted to finding it gruelling even today with my support and a little nap.
“I just can’t describe how energy sapping it is being pregnant. It’s not like I’m doing anything out of the ordinary but “
 “Hold it hold it, you’re growing a human being, don’t call it nothing out of the ordinary!”
“You know what I mean! And women have been doing this for thousands of years at the same time as tilling the land or working in a factory. Getting help does seem a bit ridiculous but at the same time, I so want it! What do you think the others will think?”
“What Julie and Miranda?”
“Yeah. I mean are they going to feel I’m cheating or something!”
“Not if you explain why ......”
“Yeah, about that. How do you feel about telling people?”
“Weeeell” I rubbed my chin thinking it over. “There are pros and cons right? I’m probably pro on balance because I think being open is probably better mental health wise. I don’t know about the kids. I mean it would be hard if you told them and ....
“And something went wrong ..... like in ‘Up’?”
“Yeah like in ‘Up’.” I squeezed her hand remembering earlier.
“I mean, actually maybe ‘Up’ is the answer. They’ve watched it before and I think we had a little chat about that scene the first time around so ....”
“Ok, so let’s go for it”
“Ok, Tomorrow if the scan is ok, deal?”
The next day, we drove together to the hospital but I dropped Sophia off first just so we wouldn’t be making an entrance together. We were also both masked up and I wore a beanie so hopefully we’d escaped any opportunist paps.
The wait was brief in the obgyn waiting area thankfully and we went in having a brief chat first to confirm when Sophia’s last period was etc before she was asked to lie down for the scan.
I  gripped her hand - I don’t know which of us was more nervous!
The screen showed a cone shape black area which was the uterus as revealed by the ultrasound waves and then there was a tiny circle which flashed in and out of view  - the doctor explained that was the heartbeat.
We each had tears of joy rolling down our faces.
The doctor left for a few minutes while Sophia wiped away the jelly and got dressed again.  I pulled her up for a kiss, still choked up.
“Thank you”
“No Thank you!” was her reply.
 She Said
After the relief of the scan, we made the next appointment for the end of the first trimester which Keanu was aiming to fly back for. Then we headed home, with me meeting Keanu in the car park rather than walking out together, again hoping to avoid any stalking paps. We picked up some lunch from a deli and headed back home. After our meal, Keanu sent me to take a nap – he had some e mails to catch up on regarding the upcoming shoot schedule and he could see that the visit had taken it out of me. I snoozed for a couple of hours, waking to find Keanu had joined me and was spooning me with his arm slung around me, hand on my belly again. I didn’t mind him being possessive of it!
I stretched and slowly turned round to see if he was sleeping too but he quickly opened his eyes.
“Hey, is that better?”
“uh huh – I needed that thanks”
“How long do we have before we have to fetch the kids?”
“What time is it?”
“Nearly 3”
“OK, well we have an hour and a half”
“time to show you how much I’ve missed you he said in a low voice, while softly stroking my breasts through my t-shirt, that OK?”
“mmmm more than OK”
We had slow, gentle sex and I delighted in the fact that we could vary from the intense, the jokey, gentle or wild when it came to sex, whatever felt right and this soft focus version was just what I needed right then, being in the unenergetic pregnant state that I was with tender breasts and erratic emotions.
Over at Julie’s we left the kids to play in the garden for a while and we embarked on telling her our news and the plan to get a tutor to help me with home-schooling on my days. Luckily she was both delighted at our news and happy with the tutor plan. I promised to keep her and Miranda involved with the process and then we headed home with the kids being the next ones to receive the news once we’d eaten dinner.
 He Said
As dinner plates were cleared away, we told the kids to stay put as we had some news.  Sophia was the one to tell them that she was going to have a baby so they would hopefully have a baby brother or sister in the New Year.
Eva was attuned to the language and quickly asked
“Why only hopefully?”
“Well, right now I’m pregnant, you know that word right? And the baby is very, very small, just developing and growing. And sometimes babies don’t develop right and so there isn’t a baby in the end.  Do you remember that happened to Ellie and Carl in “Up”? Hopefully everything will be just fine and the doctors and Keanu will be looking after me really well but I can’t promise you, OK?
“But I don’t want you to be sad like Carl and Ellie” Eva’s eyes had already filled with tears.
“Me either” Miguel whined.
I could see Sophia’s lip quavering too and swung into action, standing up and lifting first Miguel and then Eva to stand on their chairs which I pulled near to me.
“Come on Sophia, over here for a group hug.”
So we all stood together and hugged them close while I repeated what Sophia had said.
“We all want this little baby to come, I know and like Mom said, I am going to look after her and the doctors and you two too and everything should be absolutely fine, OK so try not to worry and just be super helpers to your Mom while she has all this work to do, looking after you two OK?”
They both solemnly nodded.
“Can we have a brother?” Miguel asked excitedly?
“Now that I definitely can’t guarantee!” I said laughing. You don’t get to choose if it’s a boy or a girl”
“What do you want?”
“It doesn’t matter to me one little bit – just a healthy brother or sister for you two.
The mood had lifted at last though I could tell it had been hard on Sophia.
 She Said
 After the kids had gone to bed, the tears I’d had to hold in when we were telling them about the baby flooded out.
“Tough huh?” Keanu said after I’d stopped crying and dried my eyes.
“You know it was less about the baby and more just their loss of innocence. It  reminded me of how I felt when my parents told me they were getting a divorce.  I guess it’s the moment when you realise life isn’t all candy bars and unicorns!”
“Yeah I know but look how strong and resilient you are now -  it was  tough but it will help them in the long run. A dose of reality isn’t necessarily a bad thing”
“Yeah but the look on Eva’s face broke my heart a little bit!”
“I know, but what a lovely, loving little girl - what she said about not wanting you to be sad like Carl and Ellie …..”
“Stop it, you’ll make me cry again!”
“Well that’s not hard!”
“Shudup you, you!”
“You gorgeous lovely man, I guess!”
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithk’eanu @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @witty-wallflower @paperplanesandwallflowers @bitchyslut99 @ladyreapermc @toomanystoriessolittletime @fanficsrusz @keanuficfiles @bitchyslut99
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solaneceae · 5 years
i got a surge of inspiration and started creating my own versions of the egos! its still a work in progress but i love them to bits and im really excited to share them
grew up in an abusive household, emotional and sometimes physical abuse
parents screamed at each other all the fucking time, father was an alcoholic
Left home as soon as he was able to live by himself (16)
he’s 22 now
trans boi, on T, wears a binder cuz he can’t afford top surgery
lives in an apartment with two roommates: Max, a philipino sound designer and independent musician (they/them) and their girlfriend Nilanjana (Nana), a buff training coach from indian descent
Jackie is in a queerplatonic relationship with them: they cuddle and kiss on the forehead during movie nights and all that cute shit
he has a part-time day job to pay the rent and bills: he gives self-defense lessons
he drinks his respect women juice
vigilante at night. gets hurt a lot. his roommates think he fights in an illegal fight club for extra cash and are worried about him
wants to save people and spread positivity wherever he goes
but he has the wrong way to go about it
basically he does the PMA thing wrong and thinks any kind of negativity is bad and tries to force himself to be happy all the time. 
not healthy, someone help this poor boi
anger issues, undiagnosed ptsd and ADHD
antsy boi! stimmy boi! He’s always bouncing on his feet or humming a tune or fiddling with his hair
aromantic asexual
pure of heart, dumb of ass. seriously, he’s such a dumb, but he does have street smarts
light blue eyes, dyes his brown hair lime green
extrovert, loves people
the kind of guy to record himself doing parkour and post it on tiktok
team hot cocoa
for the love of god please don’t give him coffee, he’s enough of a jitterbug already
wants a dog. prolly needs an emotional support one.
plays the drums. Fished a beat-up set somewhere, would like a proper one
fights with his fists and a wooden staff
no special powers, just self-taught fighting skills, natural flexibility and talent at acrobatics and rigorous training
he was born with green cat eyes, the physical representation of his extremely potent magic. parents were freaked out, and basically hid him away
had no control over his powers as a baby, would wreak havoc around him. think Mob from Mob Psycho 100
the upper side of his face was badly burned when he lost control of his powers as a toddler, so he wears masks to hide the scars. the cat one is just the one he wears most often
“hey, nice mask!” “it’s a prosthetic.” “...oh.” (it’s not that bad really, he’s just really self-conscious about it)
he was homeschooled his whole life and generally wasn’t allowed to go out much, so his social life/skills are nonexistent
his parents are famous fashion designers
they’re super rich and travel the world and send him a ridiculous amount of money every month
they say it’s for work but the real reason is that they couldn’t deal with having a “freak” as a son but couldn’t abandon him without getting bad PR
so instead they just took their distance and left him to live in a big-ass mansion by himself as soon as he was old enough (10 years old)
they dont really care what he does. last time they called him was when he was 13
last time they sent him a birthday card was when he was 18
now he’s 24
(and at this point he makes me think of bruce wayne lmao. he needs an alfred)
since he has money and home, he doesn’t need a job, so he just stays cooped up in the property and almost never leaves, he orders his food and groceries to be delivered to him
he’s basically a hermit at this point. and a huge nerd
he tries to use his natural magic as little as possible, (hello trauma my old friend) so he still has flimsy control over it
instead he dabbles into wicca and the occult to do stuff
A bookworm, quite serious, dresses like a hipster art school student. he wears SAROUEL PANTS.
glasses!! Big round rimless glasses!! soft!!!!
long brown hair, messy bun, dyes the tips dark green and purple 
disaster gay
“sleep? what’s that? i only know coffee”
has three cats he rescued himself: Spades, Jasper and Poppy
has a huge greenhouse linked to the main building. he likes gardening a lot, whether it’s for his craft, for cooking or just because he likes seeing plants flourish
Jackie tried to take on a whole ass drug ring and bit more than he could chew at the time so he got beat up pretty bad. He managed to escape with his trusty grappling hook and swung around a bit before crashing through the glass ceiling of the greenhouse while Marv was tending to his plants, in the early morning.
Long story short Marv is in a panic because a complete stranger (also the only human being he’s interacted with in months) just flopped in front of him and is probably dying and he wants to call an ambulance.
jackie: *beaten black and blue and coughing up blood* jackie: oh hey how’s it goin’ marv: *distressed nerd noises* marv: oh my god who the fuck are you but also are you dying in my house im calling an ambulance- jackie: uh yeah no please dont im kinda doing illegal stuff also i cant afford it marv: marv: wh-
also what if marv calls the family’s doctor since jackie won’t go to a hospital, and it’s fucking Schneep henrik: what the fuck did you do this time marv: it wasn’t me! jackie: your family doctor scares me marv: that’s why they hired him
maybe after that jackie keeps coming to see marv and marv is like “ugh you again-” and he always come to marv whenever he gets hurt, to get patched up by schneep. he broke the ceiling two more times basically they become “hey ron hey billy” vine, its just a habit at this point.
Marv is a rich boi that doesn’t know anything about life. at this point i realize he’s like a mix of Elsa and Rapunzel, and Jackie is kinda Flynn xD Jackie just… aggressively becomes Marv’s friend despite the magic man’s reluctance, and shows him the world. love me some smart grumpy nerd/dumb happy jock friendship
jackie: im your friend now marv: wh- jackie: *drags him outside* LETS GO CLIMB A BUILDING TOGETHER-
Marvin but he’s never been in a grocery store in his entire life because he just orders super expensive pre-made meals to his house or cooks his own veggies, and he’s just amazed at the first one they go to
like “wHAT, IT’S A ROW OF FREEZERS! Remind me to install one of these at my place!”
and Jackie, who just came here for bread and milk, looks at him fondly but also is very concerned. Also he doesnt question marv’s masks, he just thinks they look cool
@tabbynerdicat it’s my bois! @lilakennedy because i know you like those two, and your love for them motivated me to develop them first
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Could you do a Naruto fanfiction recommendation? I loved your Sakura one but I was curious if you would do one in general for the series?
1.) serendipity by stirringwinds. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: Sasuke had never known Senju Hashirama in person, of course. But he had grown up hearing stories about the First Hokage at his mother’s knee—about the legend who had defeated the most powerful member of their own clan. Enough stories to recognise what he was seeing—and to know he was witnessing his teammate perform the impossible. Or, in the fight against Gaara during Suna’s attempted invasion of Konoha, the Ichibi’s attempt to kill Sakura awakens an unexpected power. It changes the destiny of Team Seven forever.
Yes, this is about Mokuton!Sakura but this is in Sasuke’s pov and, oh boy, is it so interesting in his point of view. There’s not only world building but nods to real life history that makes in the (casual) history nerd in me get really excited. So far we’ve only seen Uchiha clan politics that Sasuke remembers from when his family arrived but if this is ever continued the current politics is one of the main things  I look forward too.
2.) These Moments We Take for Granted by Applepie. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: Kakashi dies to Pain’s attack and wakes up in another world. It’s a world where Kakashi hadn’t failed Obito’s final wish and sacrificed himself for Rin’s sake instead. It’s a Konoha too similar, yet so different that Kakashi can’t bear to impose. So he doesn’t – not as ‘Kakashi’, at least.
I’m dying for the next chapter of this. The cliff hanger is partially why the other reason is the story is just that good. 
3.) Yes, my weird depressed half-tree uncle by Aesoleucian. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: Sarada is such a lonely kid, and Sakura has such a dissociative disorder. Where are Sakura's parents? Where is the support? Being a single mom is hard and therefore I crafted this AU where Obito survives the war and retires to help restore his clan which he helped murder. 
A good way to get me to love any fic: let characters who go through traumatic situations actually show they’re not okay afterwards. 
4.) your skeleton will carry by theformerone. On ao3. Rated E. Summary: He doesn't want to have children for the clan that murdered his father, or for the village that let it happen.
Neji and Sasuke discover that they are more alike than they think.
I’m so glad the author tagged this Anti Sandaime. That tag is the reason why I found this beautiful fic. 
5.) Just the Usual Habits by Applepie. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: Sakumo has no idea where all of these habits of Kakashi's are coming from. In which five-year-old Kakashi forgets the existence of his left eye, loses his ability to lie believably, and is a little too knowledgeable about the Birds and Bees. Still, no matter what oddities went on in Kakashi's head, one thing is certain – the boy will always love his father, through thick and thin.
6.) Get Shisui by DoodlesOfTheMind. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: Get Shisui. It was a common refrain throughout the Uchiha compound, though its meaning had shifted a number of times over the years.
Both beautiful and heartbreaking. 
7.) a beating heart of stone by FantasyDeath. On ao3. Rated Not Rated. Summary: During Iruka's first year teaching — on his own, because apparently there is a severe lack of teachers — he loses his curriculum, gets into a low-key fight with Shimura Danzo and accidentally creates an army. To be fair, none of this was planned.
8.) In Sound Judgement by NegativeAperture. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: The main question, she thinks, isn’t her chance at survival or whether she’ll stick to the plot. No, it’s whether she should change the inherently flawed system that has caused every single problem ever. Arguably, she’s in the best position to fix it. People are certainly more willing to listen to you when you threaten them with the giant fox demon in your gut. But what would the cost be? Her morals? Her humanity?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. (In which a human rights lawyer is reincarnated into a world without morality, without logic, and most of all, without laws. Helping the world was easier when people weren’t ninjas.)
Even if self inserts or ocs are not your thing I still strongly suggest you read this.
9.) Mirage by xantissa. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: Can be read as stand alone. Itachi's ANBU exam through Kakashi's eyes. Kakashi knew something wasn't right with the whole thing, he just couldn't put his finger on what exactly.
10.) Catch Me (If You Can) by BasicallyAnIdiot. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: Five times the ANBU tried to catch Uzumaki Naruto (and that one time someone else did).
Why you should read this: “Knowing Naruto-kun,” Itachi interrupted from his locker as he checked his arm bracers, “If he had more than a hour, the traps were at least 2 layers deep.” He closed the locker door firmly, mask in hand, “But he can be caught.”
“Lies and hearsay.” Neko’s muffled offer came from the women’s shower area. 
“Impossible. Never happened.”
A delicate brow arched, and Itachi continued. “There is one person in the village who can successfully catch Uzumaki Naruto whenever he feels inclined to.”
Inu sat up like a shot, unheeding the bag of ice dropping to his lap with a thud. 
“Who? Is it the Commander? Hokage-sama?”
Shisui snorted, and transitioned smoothly to a new pose, “He means the only chunin in the history of chunin to turn down a full position in ANBU corps, complete with no probation and instant pay raise.”
Inu was silent for a moment. Then he declared, “I will find this chunin and make him my teacher.”
11.) Fish Stew by Masu_Trout. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: There was a bowl of stew in Kisame's lap, a cup of tea on the ground next to him, and a small blank-eyed teenager staring at him from over the rim of his own teacup.
Kisame's new partner is one of the strangest people he's ever met, and that's coming from a man with gills on his face.
12.) What A Big Heart You Have by LullabyKnell. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: In which a little red fox saves the big white wolf.
Bless this fic. 
In which Hatake Sakumo lives.
13): Autonomy by beetlebee. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: "But this Not-Sensei soulmate guy could be anybody," Naruto whines.
Sasuke narrows his eyes. "No. He tried to act like Kakashi, use his techniques. He must be familiar with him already..."
"They could be childhood friends!" Sakura gasps.
"Sensei has friends?" Naruto asks, squinting at Obito.
"Or he's a stalker." Sasuke grips the kunai he still hasn't put away.
"I'm not a stalker," Obito lies, pushing away the kunai edging towards him.
(A soulmate bodyswap AU)
I would kill to read a sequel of this where we see Kakashi’s in Obito’s body.
14.) Written with Heart by Brookelocks. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: "Sometimes just sharing your opinion or a conversation about something someone else enjoys, even if you have to grit your teeth through it, can be the little push of support that makes them keep pursuing their passion."
or Kakashi has a strange way of showing his support, Jiraiya doesn't mind.
15.) The Good Life by orphan_account. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: There had to be protocol for this. They were shinobi in a hidden village; there was protocol for everything. Sadly, the authors of the Konoha Mission Administration Office Employee Handbook had committed the potentially fatal oversight of not dedicating a single paragraph to the now more than hypothetical situation of your current Hokage starting a mostly one-sided screaming match with your former Hokage in front of your very desk.
16.) these chains on me won't let me be pg13. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: The first time you ever feel like a shinobi, you are ugly and messy and scared out of your mind and not even wearing your hitai-ate. — implied sakura/ino
Out of all the Sakura centric fics I’ve read - trust me I have read a lot - this is till one of my favorites.
17.) got a boy in the war by Lisse. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: Naruto's parents don't so much fall in love as accidentally trip over it.
18.) sabotage by stirringwinds. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: “Itachi,” His mentor and commanding officer says grimly, his single visible eye angry, the line of his jaw tense under the black of his mask. “You forget that I was the Yondaime’s student. I may not be as politically influential as those old codgers sitting on the council, but there is plenty I can do to try and stop this shitshow.”
The horrible, cold feeling in the pit of his stomach hasn't vanished. But, staring at the firm, unflinching expression on his captain’s face, he feels the tiniest flicker of…hope.
Or: In another universe, Itachi breaks down and ends up spilling the beans to Hatake Kakashi.
Honestly, damn it why couldn’t this have happened? 
20.) Nothing like the storm by Aesoleucian. On ao3. Rated Not Rated. Summary: There's a girl in Kushina's class at the academy, with perfect hair and perfect poise. She's nothing like loud, angry Kushina, but she's not exactly shy either.
21.) Shine Bright, Shine Far, (Oh Sun of Mine) by Applepie. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: This Konoha is not the one Himawari knows; everything is wrong, and everyone is gone. A strange man who's not Papa is claiming to be the Hokage.
22.) i have a girlfriend!? by chadsuke. On ao3. Rated G. Summary: ino wants training from the best genin kunoichi - naturally, that means tracking down tenten.
23.) Eyestealer by nirejseki, robininthelabyrinth (nirejseki). On ao3. Rated Summary: Hashirama really doesn't approve of the thoughtful way his father looks at his younger brother's bright red eyes. He's sure it doesn't mean anything good for anyone.
He's right.
I just binge read this today (I haven’t even bookmarked it yet) and now I’m left wanting for more darker than canon Hashirama.
24.) Unison by Laylah. On ao3. Rated M. Summary: Kakashi knows damn well that it isn't a healthy coping mechanism.
Do read the warnings at the top of the author’s notes. 
25.) Got Nothing to Prove (but I'ma show you how I do) by GuardianMars. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: Civilians and orphans are always used as cannon fodder. Sakura’s not sure where she first came by this phrase. Whether she heard it or read it, she can’t quite remember, but it stuck in her head and it stays in the back of her mind whenever Team 7 takes a mission.
When Sakura and Tenten get placed on a temporary team looking into a series of kidnappings of local village girls, Sakura is naturally worried. She doesn't want to be cannon fodder. When the mission goes to pot, Sakura and Tenten find themselves far away from home and with only each other to rely on. As it turns out being cannon fodder is the least of their worries.
26.) Once Again by pupeez4eva. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: If you asked anyone what they thought of Sasuke Uchiha, they'd say that he was cheerful, overly-hyper, and loved glitter and sweaters WAY too much.
(Mabel Pines is reborn as Sasuke Uchiha. Unsurprisingly, this changes things a lot).
27.) Blame it on the Moon by Tozette. On ao3 (you can only see this if you have logged-in ). Rated G. Summary: Itachi likes cats. In hindsight, that's probably his first mistake.
* * *
Really? Thought Itachi dubiously. He did it anyway. "For love and justice," he deadpanned flatly.
28.) Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins elumish. On ao3. Rated T. Summary: He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU’s legacy.
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funnynewsheadlines · 5 years
People Still Aren’t Losing Their Sense Of Humor During The Coronapocalypse And Here Are 182 More Pics To Prove It
The very premise of this article might sound ridiculous. After all, what could possibly be funny about a global pandemic that has altered our everyday lives, shutting down entire countries, and redefining the very notion of human interaction? In times of crisis, however, when we're scared, don’t know what the hell is going on or when will it all end, comedy seems to be one of the best coping mechanisms.
So, as the coronavirus continues to spread across the world, let's try and find a sense of reprieve in these dire circumstances, shall we? Bored Panda has collected another series of viral memes, jokes, and just about everything else that pokes fun at the difficult situation we're currently in.
To check out more coronavirus jokes, fire up our previous posts: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
#1 Fun Facts!
Image credits: colorneon
#2 Please! Thanks In Advance
Image credits: duckyou77
#3 Coronavirus Goverment Briefings
Image credits: DanielFromDenmark
#4 Mother Nature
Image credits: kavitaashok1969
#5 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#6 I Feel Personally Attacked
Image credits: tothewindowtothewall
#7 Creepy Times
Image credits: reddit.com
#8 My Shadow Keeps Coming Within 6 Feet Of Me!
Image credits: reddit.com
#9 How Do You Guys Find Funny Titles?
Image credits: reddit.com
#10 Hero
#11 Immortal
Image credits: reddit.com
#12 He Must Go
Image credits: reddit.com
#13 People In Jeans
Image credits: sarafcarter
#14 Why Tho
Image credits: reddit.com
#15 Mario Is Displeased.
Image credits: reddit.com
#16 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
Image credits: wizzameme
#17 How To Be An Alpha Male In 2020
Image credits: reddit.com
#18 My Bad
Image credits: bootangina
#19 Lol
Image credits: Mech0T1
#20 Do Not Forget The Indoor Pool
Image credits: reddit.com
#21 Trust No One
Image credits: reddit.com
#22 Introverts
#23 Lockdown Baby
Image credits: reddit.com
#24 Wear A Mask And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.
Image credits: reddit.com
#25 Healthy Quarantine Meme
Image credits: reddit.com
#26 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#27 Hope You Guys Get Though These Tough Times
Image credits: reddit.com
#28 The Truth Of It All
Image credits: OctopussSevenTwo
#29 Maintain S(Oc)ial Distancing
Image credits: reddit.com
#30 I'm Starting With You, Amazon Delivery Guy.
Image credits: reddit.com
#31 Biggest Anime Plot Twist
Image credits: reddit.com
#32 Dutch Weather During Covid-19
Image credits: reddit.com
#33 Coronavirus
Image credits: MisterStrawberry
#34 Where Are The Boys
Image credits: reddit.com
#35 No Home-O
Image credits: reddit.com
#36 When The Daily Routine Is Still The Same
Image credits: reddit.com
#37 When The Quarantine Is Over
#38 Treasure
Image credits: rejectedjokes
#39 They Are Doing Us Some Big Time Favour
Image credits: reddit.com
#40 This Is Her Third Time Going Out For A Walk
Image credits: reddit.com
#41 We Also Wash Our Hands In The River
Image credits: reddit.com
#42 Day 8
Image credits: imnxzz
#43 Memories
Image credits: legendarypinkdots
#44 I Know The C-Virus Is Scary, But Try Working With A 4 Year-Old Dressed Like Spiderman Perched On The Kitchen Table Behind You Whispering "Can You Hear Me Breathe".day 6
Image credits: puddinhead2U
#45 This One's Real Head-Scratcher
Image credits: JuhanaIF
#46 This Situation Is Bringing Out The Best In Us
Image credits: reddit.com
#47 Thank Goodness
Image credits: reddit.com
#48 And To See How She's Doing
#49 Shocked! Shocked!
Image credits: jrpsmith
#50 "A Day May Come, When The Quality Of Breakfast Fails. When We Are Reduced To Cereal And Break All Forms Of Cooking."
Image credits: OctopussSevenTwo
#51 Paging Dr. Gunter To The Burn Unit
Image credits: steveo80
#52 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#53 Caring About The Importand Things
Image credits: BeachChief
#54 2020 Memes
Image credits: reddit.com
#55 Even The Amish
Image credits: ShrekQueen
#56 Who Would Have Guessed
Image credits: reddit.com
#57 True Story
Image credits: reddit.com
#58 Wash Ur Hands The Vote Buttons Are Dirty ?
Image credits: reddit.com
#59 Old Queen Lady Immortal Haha
Image credits: busoshoku_brisingr
#60 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
Image credits: veolexx
#61 Blunt
Image credits: phuzz00
#62 That Was Fast
Image credits: reddit.com
#63 You Can't Be That Dumb, Right?
Image credits: reddit.com
#64 We Won't Expect It
Image credits: reddit.com
#65 It's True Tho
Image credits: imgur.com
#66 You Know They Are...
Image credits: SisterSpooky01
#67 “Fuck Ricky You Ate All The God Damn Ravioli” - Bubbles Probably
Image credits: reddit.com
#68 Funniest Shit Ever Seen From A Dude Working From Home
Image credits: reddit.com
#69 Super Famous Nowadays, Everybody Talking About Him!
Image credits: reddit.com
#70 Self Exploration > Outside World Exploration
Image credits: reddit.com
#71 Andy Is The Awesome
Image credits: SenseiTheDefender
#72 Spring Break 2020
Image credits: Verypoorman
#73 Isolation
#74 Meme
#75 Meme
#76 Run...! Run..! ?
Image credits: rhonamazing
#77 Hearing About All The People Not Taking Covid-19 Seriously Always Makes Me Think Of This Scene
Image credits: UncyEndercott
#78 Totally
Image credits: Y2SHAF
#79 Hell Yes
Image credits: Mech0T1
#80 Wait For It....
Image credits: Shavershian
#81 Dr. Anthony Fauci Unveils A Mask That Could Save Millions Of Lives
Image credits: reddit.com
#82 Christmas Gift From My Teens Has Proven More Useful Than Expected
Image credits: reddit.com
#83 From The Dark... We Became Heroes
Image credits: reddit.com
#84 The Sun Will Never Set
Image credits: reddit.com
#85 Seriously, What's Up With The Flairs
Image credits: reddit.com
#86 Tell Them Jesse
Image credits: reddit.com
#87 Unsung Heroes Of The Coronapocalypse
Image credits: reddit.com
#88 I Wish It Wasn’t True
Image credits: reddit.com
#89 What Would We Do Without Them?
Image credits: reddit.com
#90 Well This Is Generic
Image credits: reddit.com
#91 It's Only The Start Of The Quarantine
Image credits: reddit.com
#92 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#93 Confused Coronavirus Noises*
Image credits: reddit.com
#94 True Dat
#95 Meanwhile My Colleague Wakes Up At 6 To Work Out
#96 Guilty
Image credits: RamonaQ
#97 Funny Random Meme And Twitter Dump
Image credits: anlyin
#98 We All Get One For Quarantine
Image credits: reddit.com
#99 If I Must
Image credits: reddit.com
#100 That Is The Point, Susan...
Image credits: reddit.com
#101 Who Has Awakened The Ancient One?
Image credits: reddit.com
#102 F In The Chat For A True Hero
Image credits: reddit.com
#103 Sing It, Gaston!
Image credits: reddit.com
#104 Pretty Much On What Will Happen
Image credits: reddit.com
#105 Quarantine Day 10... Dinosaurs Have Reclaimed The Land.
Image credits: reddit.com
#106 Chose And Laid Out My Outfits For The Next 2 Weeks.
Image credits: reddit.com
#107 When Asked Why All The Rum Is Gone.....
Image credits: reddit.com
#108 Life In 202
Image credits: reddit.com
#109 I Have To Touch
Image credits: reddit.com
#110 Snapchat
#111 The Corner Of Potential And Hopeless
Image credits: reddit.com
#112 Quarantine Winning Cheat Code Unlocked:
Image credits: reddit.com
#113 Day 5 Of Quarantine: Social Distancing With Friends
Image credits: reddit.com
#114 Corona Meme
Image credits: WeahsCousin
#115 Wine Tour
Image credits: reddit.com
#116 The What???
Image credits: reddit.com
#117 See I Pulled A Sneaky On Ya'
Image credits: reddit.com
#118 Roll It, Pat It, Mark It With A B
Image credits: reddit.com
#119 It Really Doesn't
Image credits: reddit.com
#120 You Know The Rules, And So Do I
Image credits: reddit.com
#121 What Are The Oods?
Image credits: reddit.com
#122 Not All Bad Guys, Are Bad Guys
Image credits: reddit.com
#123 We Aren't So Different, You And I
Image credits: reddit.com
#124 Whats Your Name
Image credits: reddit.com
#125 We Can't Let This Continue
Image credits: HackyMcAxe
#126 Maximum Simp
Image credits: n1GG99
#127 Mother Nature's Way Of Telling Us She Don't Give A Damn
Image credits: -_-Scythe-_-
#128 Priorities, Man
Image credits: HiraethAlba
#129 The New Office View
Image credits: Nahalido
#130 People Laughed When I Got This As A White Elephant Gift At My Office Christmas Party Last Year
Image credits: misterbule
#131 They Think We 'Re Gone
Image credits: olegai74
#132 Do Your Thing
#133 Sure Feels Like It
#134 We Can Only Hope
#135 Weak Piece Of Shit
Image credits: reddit.com
#136 Gotta Stay Optimistic
Image credits: reddit.com
#137 It Is What It Is (My Own Meme)
Image credits: reddit.com
#138 Ran Out Of Toilet Paper Legitimately, Thought Of Posting This
Image credits: reddit.com
#139 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#140 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#141 Welcome Home
Image credits: OlegDivov
#142 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#143 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#144 Good Advice
Image credits: TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsTheBabyAteMyDingo
#145 New Format For This
Image credits: reddit.com
#146 They’ll Never Know
Image credits: reddit.com
#147 Darwin Looking Down On These People...
Image credits: reddit.com
#148 How Much Brain Capacity Does It Require To Learn This Much?
Image credits: reddit.com
#149 It's Not That Hard Tho
Image credits: reddit.com
#150 Not What I Had In Mind
Image credits: reddit.com
#151 Well, It Worked Once
Image credits: reddit.com
#152 Hands Free
Image credits: reddit.com
#153 Saving The World.
Image credits: reddit.com
#154 My Nephew Had A Social Distancing 15th Birthday Party
Image credits: reddit.com
#155 My Name Is Richard And I'm Gonna F**k You In The Backyard
Image credits: reddit.com
#156 Hope They’ll Notice At Some Point
Image credits: reddit.com
#157 Quarantine Day 9 - My Dad Vacuuming The Yard
Image credits: reddit.com
#158 Chinas Finest
Image credits: reddit.com
#159 Can't Stop Her
Image credits: reddit.com
#160 Unemployment
#161 Quarantine Was Fun They Said
Image credits: reddit.com
#162 Human Discovers Us Like This In The Future
Image credits: reddit.com
#163 Best One I Have Found Yet
Image credits: reddit.com
#164 Natural Selection
Image credits: reddit.com
#165 Take This
Image credits: reddit.com
#166 Proud To Be Amongst The Essentials
Image credits: reddit.com
#167 Me At Home After Doing Deliveries All Day
Image credits: hippiewizard
#168 Who Else Didn't Get A Haircut Before All This?
Image credits: reddit.com
#169 Boohoo My Island Mansion Too Smöl
Image credits: reddit.com
#170 Stay Home Memers
Image credits: Yeet69lasagna
#171 How Most Of Us Feel Right About Now
Image credits: Deanothedino
#172 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
Image credits: quotes.memes8
#173 Stay Home
Image credits: Design You Trust
#174 Who's Wearing Pants?
Image credits: reddit.com
#175 She’s Not Gonna Leave Anytime Soon Guys
Image credits: reddit.com
#176 Wash Them
Image credits: reddit.com
#177 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#178 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#179 Sums It All Up
Image credits: JerryWoodss
#180 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#181 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
#182 Coronavirus-Quarantine-Jokes-Memes
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2UEeacy via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/39nYqzI
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chinatea · 6 years
Ian/BG, abo, Christmas bonus. (Part 1, Part 2)
AN: Well, it’s my birthday td, so I’m posting this as a gift to myself, i guess. Yay.
Jiyeon loves making love in the morning when there is little urgency to the process.
On most days, they wake up, almost synchronized - one of those magical mate things that they don’t tell you about - wash up and have a light breakfast before crawling back to bed for snogging. Ian would scent him and nuzzle his mark, purring to comfort him.
His alpha is happy, and the thought - more of a tangible sensation than a thought - would make his omega croon, silly and gleeful.
Today, however, is Christmas Eve and even if they’ve got plans, neither of them can say no to a lazy, slow-paced sex. Ian ruts into him until his knot swells, the omega’s heat clamping hard around his cock, locking it in until his alpha is trapped, low purrs seeping under his skin.
Ah, the purrs. Jiyeon loves how deep they can get, reverberating through his system, what with the way they’re pressed so intimately close. They share a few sweet nothings, voices reduced to whisper. Ian nuzzles his nose and smiles into his mouth, licking his way in - they kiss for a while, waiting for Ian’s swollen knot to subside.
The knotting itself rarely lasts long, but even his walls are loose enough for Ian to pull out, Jiyeon can’t let him go just yet. The craving is real, like an itch under his skin, and he is still learning how to deal with that. Having some quality time in the morning helps though - makes his prissy omega shut up for a while, so he can concentrate on doing things that are not Ian.
“How much time do we have?” Jiyeon murmurs, nose buried in the pillow that smells like them. It comforts him.
Ian lays a kiss on his shoulder, palm stroking down his side before resting in the dip of his waist.
“An hour or so,” he says. “We still need to drive to your dad’s first.”
Right. To pick up the twins. And then, they’re off to Busan because someone thought it would be a great idea to surprise good ol’ Jeons with a visit. Whomever said it, Jiyeon wants to kick them. And since Ian is the only one around, he kicks Ian - as in his arm flails around weakly, missing by a long shot.
Ian churtles, the line of his throat exposed for Jiyeon to stare at in longing. Sometimes he wishes he could mark him there, the way Ian did him, piercing his scent gland to leave a long-lasting testimony of their love. But stupid nature deprived him of the pleasure, so he has to settle for short-term ones, peppering Ian’s neck - and any place that strikes his fancy really - with cheeky love bites.
(Like someone strapped Ian to a beehive. Beautiful.)
Diminie and Christian are waiting for them, bags packed and rolled out, in the Parks mansion when they arrive.
It feels nice to be back home, surrounded by his loved ones, and see that nothing has really changed.
Diminie still hasn’t moved out, four years now into his marriage. He and his mate live separately, but some mates do nowadays. It’s a new thing, like giving each other space and everything, which Jiyeon still finds hard to wrap his head around - like, Ian can have his space when they’re both dead, maybe - but Di and their dad have always been close, as close as one can without making things too weird.
At times, Diminie can be a bit of an oddball.
He’s fragile and bubbly, very omega, very opposite of his twin, yet unlike Chris and Jiyeon (he doesn’t even know what he’s going to have for breakfast tomorrow, let alone who he’s going to be ten years from now), Di had it all mapped out in his mind since the age of two, or something. Diminie just knew things. By 16, he’d have his own little bakery; by 18, he’d marry his best friend and by 20, he’d have their first pup. And that’s barely scraping the list.
People who stick to their lists terrify Jiyeon sometimes, they really do.
At least, Christian takes more after him. In fact, he takes after Jiyeon a little too much, hence their bickering over the darndest things. Yet Jiyeon gets him better than anyone, how fragile Chris really is underneath all that swagger.
Diminie’s separation, taking a mate, had hit him hard. He felt abandoned and betrayed by his own twin, even if Diminie hadn’t gone anywhere physically, but he moved on from them - eager to start his own family, to be his own person while Chris still had no idea how to be something other than one half of the whole.
When Christian signed up for a dance school in the States, it was clear that his decision was not up for discussion. He needed to get away, learn how to stand on his own two feet and Jiyeon, all differences put aside, stood by him and persuaded their dad to let the boy go.
It’s been five years since then. Barely a day since Christian finally came him, just in time for Christmas.
Jiyeon is rapt to have him back. Somewhat relieved, too. Jiyeon hugs him first, the tightest hug he could squeeze out of himself.
“I missed you, pup,” he says in half voice, a tight clump in his throat as he swallows, a tiny bit emotional.
“Hyung,” Christian mumbles, nuzzling in sheepishly. For a moment, he reminds Jiyeon of the itty-bitty kid he used to be, sneaking into his bed at night with a book of fairy tales. So tiny and adorable and needy.
Jiyeon ruffles his hair, a fond smile on his lips. That is, until his eyes flicker down to take in the ugliest sweater he’s ever seen in his life. He feels attacked, all of a sudden, by his own blood.
A green strip of crocheted deers attempting to dab? He doesn’t find it witty, not one bit.  
“You’re not wearing this joke of a sweater to Busan,” he puts his foot down, as any older brother working in fashion would, a saccharine smile on his lips and a dangerous edge to his voice. Now that the warm family reunion is over with, it’s time to whoop Christian’s ass into shape.
“Hyung!” Christian hisses, not missing a beat. A pouty duckling beak rearing up. “You can’t tell me what to wear anymore.”
“Oh, is that so?” Jiyeon says, sickly sweet, arms crossed over his chest. Ready to pounce, all guns blazing.
(It’s fucking on.)
(One very disgruntled and de-sweatered Christian later.)
“Yannie, there is someone I’d like you to meet before we go,” Jiyeon says, an impish spark in his eyes. He’s bubbling with delight, rocking on the balls of his feet as he marvels at his mate’s confounded face.
“Oh?” Ian asks, an almost untraceable chagrin in his voice, well-masked, only Jiyeon knows him like the back of his hand by now. It vexes Ian immeasurably to be out of the loop on even the smallest things. Who is that someone he’s supposed to meet? Why hasn’t he been warned ahead of time? Preferably many weeks in advance, so Ian could prepare accordingly.
As much as Jiyeon enjoys keeping Ian in the dark for his personal amusement, he doesn’t think he can sit on this secret any longer - else he blows up.
He nods at Diminie who flits towards the door to usher Christian in, a wicker basket in his arms. Ocean blue ribbons are twined around the handle, meeting on top in a fancy bow. Jiyeon was very particular about the bow, as he’s particular about most things packaging - devil is in the details, after all.
“I know it’s a bit early, but Merry Christmas, baby,” Jiyeon chimes, rising on his tippy toes to plant a big smooch on Ian’s cheek before nudging him excitedly towards his ‘present’.
Ian takes a few cautious steps forward. One might say he appears to be a touch frazzled as he peeks in, almost wary, a happy surprised gasp parting his lips at the sight of a mastiff puppy nestled under a quilt blanket. He is the coziest thing, with floppy ears and stubby paws, a healthy luster to his bluish grey fur. A drowsy whine escapes the pup as Ian flicks its ear gently, petting along the chubby snout.
“Is it...really mine?” Ian asks, the way a five-year old would ask his parents if he can keep the snail he found outside as a pet - like, he’d feed it his grandma’s favourite potted azaleas and everything.
Jiyeon wants to snap a picture of that face, frame it and hang it over their bedroom nest for posterity.
“All yours, love, to bring home and spoil rotten,” Jiyeon beams. “But not too much unless you want me to get jealous, alpha.”
Ian levels him with the most intense look, the kind of look that belongs in their bedroom when all the layers of propriety are dissolved and emotions are bare. Ian, one arm hooked around his waist, snaps their bodies together, taking over his mouth in one hell of a kiss. It’s raw and voracious and it leaves all three omega siblings stunned.
A strong alpha presence unfurls in the room. It’s potent. And Jiyeon has a mind to cancel the whole thing and drag Ian somewhere private for an intimate conversation on manners.
“Get a hold of yourselves, christ,” Christian’s voice pierces through the haze. “And quit stinking up the room. You’re scaring the little one.”
Jiyeon sighs into the kiss, pulling back reluctantly to rest his cheek against Ian’s shoulder, learning how to breathe again. He feels bad when he sees the pup, wide awake and whimpering slightly, ears flattened against his head in submission.
“I think you should scent him,” he says to Ian. “Let him know you’re not danger.”
“Yeah,” Ian says, suddenly unsure. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
The alpha picks up the pup into his arms and everything falls into place. Ian looks beyond smitten already and it warms Jiyeon’s heart to see his mate so endeared and happy. They’ve come a long way, he thinks then, they truly have.
“We’re not really going to Busan, are we,” Jiyeon remarks as he stifles a yawn.
It’s been an hour into their trip and he feels too cozy and sleepy to give a damn about Ian’s schemes. As long as they arrive somewhere. For now, Jiyeon is happily cocooning inside his alpha’s coat where his woodsy scent is the thickest.
“You’ll see,” Ian replies with a brief glance at him, reaching out with one hand to fiddle with the collar of his coat, as if it’s going to make him more comfy. The alpha just likes to fuss around him and it’s not the worst thing ever, Jiyeon doesn’t think. The perks of being in love.
Jiyeon peers into the rear view mirror to find his brothers determinedly avoiding eye contact. Diminie has his nose tucked into a pocket-sized book - another obnoxiously sappy porn novel, from the looks of it, that he seems to inhale in dozens every year - while Christian is having an angry staring contest with his phone, probably still miffed about the sweater.
They’re obviously in on the secret.
“Where are we going, huh?” Jiyeon demands, his attention back on Ian. It can’t be revenge for the puppy surprise - he’s clearly been planning it for a while now, just like Jiyeon did.
His tiny fist pokes through the coat to bonk Ian on the knee. Three times. Each one weaker than the last. His palm rests on top of it for a moment, as if contemplating its next move, before digging into the meat of Ian’s thigh, thick and firm in his grip - Jiyeon’s mind is immediately sidetracked.
“No molesting the driver,” Ian chastises, a hand clasping over his and pressing a kiss to his knuckles before stuffing it back into his coat. “And as I’ve said, you’ll see.”
Somewhere along the way, he’d nodded off and when he opens his eyes, it’s to the fresh sight of pines and snow and a cozy little porch.
A picture perfect Middle of Nowhere.
Ian kills the car’s engine and wades out, still coat-less, and Jiyeon just wants to bury deeper into his layers because he hates cold. And watching Ian plod through mounds of snow in a thin cardigan makes him feel the chills.
The twins are just as reckless, spilling out of the car with giggly enthusiasm. Well, Christian - less giggly, but determined, as he rolls a heap of snow into a ball and crashes it on top of Diminie’s cape. The other squeals and skitters away behind the car, most likely to plan his revenge.
Both of them seem to be having the time of their lives, being five-year-olds again. While Jiyeon would sell his soul for a glass of mulled wine and a warm compress to cuddle with in bed.
Ian reappears, opening the door and letting Jiyeon feel the nasty bite for real now. The omega puffs his cheeks out and looks at Ian, all prickly, who busies himself with undoing his safety belt.
“I’m not going,” he whines, just to be petty. It’s probably much warmer inside the cabin, but there is quite a bit of snow and a minus degree weather between him and the cabin, so he’ll pass, for now.
Ian sighs and gathers Jiyeon into his arms, supporting under his butt as the other does his best job to hold on, hands weaving around Ian’s neck.
Much better.
It’s warm inside and smells like Christmas chicken with herbs and spices.
“Ho-ho-ho, naughties,” a voice booms and soon enough Junghwan pops out, weilding a spatula, unkempt Santa beard draped around his chest like a necklace.
“Oh, hello, hottie.”
Junghwan wiggles his eyebrows at Christian when he spots him, and the other huffs, picking up both his and Diminie’s bags, making a bit of a show of it, too - he’s an omega who can pull his weight around and needs no big tough alpha to save him kind of act - and stalking away up the stairs.
“Oh well,” the alpha shrugs, unperturbed, “the night is young.”
He faces Diminie who returns his smile sheepishly. Junghwan’s gaze softens, no trace of the raunchiness from before. Still playful, though. It’s a rare sight on him.
“Hey, Mr. Cupcake, wanna help me out in the kitchen?”
Diminie giggles, sweater paws covering his mouth. He lets Junghwan help him get rid of the extra snow hiding in the folds of his coat, patting them away. Jiyeon can’t help but notice from the side how gentle the alpha is with his brother, respectful, too. There is so much more to him than meets the eye. He wishes Christian would maybe give him a little chance to prove himself.
“Are you with me, pup?” Ian’s voice snaps him back to his alpha.
“Always with you, alpha,” Jiyeon simpers, interlacing their fingers as Ian leads them into the next room, very instagram-worthy, with a fireplace, million of throw pillows and a glass wall overlooking the frozen lake by their cabin - it’s started snowing just now and Jiyeon already feels a little bit magical.
But also hungry. Plenty hungry.
“So, what’s this little winter nest of yours, mhm?” he asks, inspecting a few knick-knacks over the fireplace.
“Ours,” Ian corrects him. “My Christmas gift to us.”
Ian has spent too much time with their dad, Jiyeon thinks as he inspects the new digs, a winter chalet in Gangwondo with a promise of the outdoor hot springs - Jiyeon has yet to see it, too weighed down by all the chicken in his stomach.
Damn Junghwan and his prowess in the kitchen. That man is a keeper - too bad Christian is too damn stubborn, just like Jiyeon is, only Jiyeon is clever stubborn while Christian is stupid stubborn, spending most of the night on his phone or upstairs with a book or whatever.
Like, Jiyeon is mighty tempted to waddle over yonder and give him a piece of his mind, but maybe later - he’s too cozy, snuggled up next to Ian, the alpha’s arm thrown over shoulder. He feels bliss. He is bliss.
The ambiance is nice, too. The crackling of firewood, the blizzard outside, hushed voices from the kitchen where Junghwan and Diminie are putting the christmas cake through its paces. He guesses it can’t be helped that those two have gotten so chummy - food is their passion, something they pursue professionally and honestly, it seems, at last, that Diminie has found an informed listener for his spiritual quest to bake the perfect cupcake, so good for him.
“You know what I was thinking about when I saw you rocking the little pup in your arms?” Jiyeon speaks up into the comfortable silence between them.
“What were you thinking about, love?” Ian hums, pressing a sweet kiss onto the crown of his head.
Jiyeon smiles to himself, savouring those thoughts. Although saying them out loud makes him feel a touch self-conscious and silly.
“It made me think about you holding our own little pup in your arms, scenting him to sleep,” he says with a sigh. God, he’s so not ready to even venture there, but.
“You did?” Ian asks, carefully.
“Yeah,” Jiyeon says. “I mean, I’m not suggesting or...god no. I’m more than happy with just the two of us. I’m selfish and ideally want you all to myself at all times, but...I didn’t hate that thought, you know, as much as I thought I would. It was nice. Sort of.”
“It’s okay, pup. One day we’ll talk about it, okay?”
“Yeah?” Jiyeon glances up, drowning in Ian’s gaze.
Always fucking drowning. Like one does in quicksand. Or in love.
(“I want you to know you make me the happiest man, Ji.”)
Some extras (as per tradition).
- Ian and BG will have their first kid, an omega, in mid-thirties (around ten years into their marriage, btw) and then a year later, alpha twins.
- Diminie has a mate and two-year-old omega pup which Diminie had at 20, just like he wanted. And he doesn’t intend to stop there.
- Diminie owns several bakeries around Seoul, the first one he started at 16 (sponsored by his dad, ofc). He’s a pastry genius, his cupcakes already became a household name in Korea, now spreading all over the world.
- Christian had a few boyfriends in the States, but nothing too serious because he knew one day he was going to go back and, hence, break it off. He’s currently single and not looking for relationship.
- Tattoo, same age as BG, is also single. Still waiting for the One, because he’s romantic like that, and while he waits, he’s figured he might as well have a little fun with every pretty omega batting their eyelashes his way. He’s like, the opposite of Ian.
- Tattoo is a self-taught chef. Has his own place in Busan, with two Michelin stars he was awarded just recently. Plans to open a new place in Seoul, soon.
- True to his persona name, this Tattoo has two full arm sleeves. A bit risque for a chef in Korea, I suppose, but still a big hit with both the patrons and one-timers in his restaurant. Most of them are, unsurprisingly, omegas.
- Also, in this AU, BG has naturally wavy hair which he used to straighten out all the time. Ian had no idea until they’ve gotten married, but once he did, he got floored with major uwus and suggested (begged) BG leave his precious hair alone. (BG, Diminie and Tat are the wavy hair squad.)
- You might have noticed that Seagull is not really featured here. That’s because I haven’t yet come up with a story for him. I might in the future though, if I decide to continue with this universe.
- Also, I borrowed some worldbuilding details from my other abo au, specifically about marking. In short, only omegas get marked by their alphas. Marks are not permanent and fade away with time. Also, a mark can be overpowered by another mark made by the alpha of a more dominant status.
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