#btw my genshin knowledge extends up to the inazuma update and barely sumeru
7077070707 · 10 months
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bsd characters and what visions + weapons i think they would have in genshin impact
feat — dazai, chuuya, kunikida, kenji, yosano, kyouka, atsushi, akutagawa (all seperate)
warnings — manga spoilers(?)
a/n — this took so much longer than it needed to. ALSO, why did i only just find out that BSD SEASON 4 WAS ANIMATED?? WHAT??
also do ya'll want me to make a part 2, with the hunting dogs, decay of angels.. and like other characters?? lmk if you would enjoy that!!
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i think DAZAI would definitely be a hydro catalyst 😭. first of all, his iconic suicide book is very fitting and would be the catalyst. with hydro, it just suits him,,, also including the fact that he’d probably attempt to drown himself with it every few seconds. also, y'all, take a quick few seconds to imagine him having an attack animation similar to KOKOMI'S. he would sooo move around like a little mermaid, splashing his enemies for shits and giggles.
i also think he would be more of a support character, temporarily nullifying his opponent’s abilities and then switching him out for the dps. of course since his power is so op, we can’t forget the special hydro cooldown that lasts for an eternity 😍.
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CHUUYA, i believe, would possess a pyro vision. along with either a polearm or a sword but im leaning more towards him being a character who attacks quickly with a polearm. also, his idle animation would totally him being super dramatic with him twirling his hat around and having his cape blowing in the wind.
i feel like his attack animations would be really aggressive with half of his monologue just yelling, lmao. countering dazai, he would be a dps which makes him the perfect character to be paired with him - including the constant vaporise reactions. (they’re soulmates, your honour).
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next, we have KUNIKIDA. he is definitelyyy a geo catalyst, and you can’t change my mind. his little ideals book would of course be his catalyst. other than the fact it fits his whole colour aesthetic, i think contracts and ideals are similar in one way or another — with the strict sense of there being order, hence why i chose geo.
referring to his overall abilities in the manga, his whole thing is being able to create anything and it’s quite resourceful. i see it as being a supportive ability as he has limits, so naturally his place in the party would be support. possibly even sub dps? let’s say the more constellations you have of him, the easier it would be for him to be built as a sub-dps.
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KENJI (the best char and my bby) would have a dendro vision, and his choice of weapon would be a claymore. he’s a farmer and dendro is quite literally nature and shit. claymore, because it fits him the most out of all the weapons and additionally, you’ve definitely got to be hella strong to even wield one and his ability IS super strength… so there’s that. just imagine him happily swinging around a claymore with zero effort at all.
i honestly think he would be a really versatile character… maybe like bennett? for example, healing could be one of his passive talents, or it could come from his burst. like you could either build him as a healer/support or a damage dealer. i’d say his main role would be sub-dps with a long cooldown as in the manga, it’s canon he has to be hungry in order for his ability to work — which means that he’d have to wait. 
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YOSANO would be a cryo claymore. honestly, cryo just fits her vibe really well. manga spoilers, when she was in the port mafia with mori she was definitely going through the most traumatic points in her life which lead to her feeling unloved and abandoned due to the treatment she received from mori and the overall environment of where she was forced to work — so that’s my explanation for cryo. yosano is usually seen holding this big ass knife, and a claymore is a bigass sword, so naturally i chose her to wield a claymore as it has the closest resemblance to her canon weapon that she uses.
of course, her having a healing ability in the manga makes her the healer of the party.. who would’ve guessed!!! one of her movesets would probably be something where she has to damage the teammate she’s healing and then heal them straight afterwards. idk if it makes sense, but let’s say she places something that gradually removes the character on the field’s health, and when their hp reaches a certain point, the object will burst and heal them + the whole team (including herself). it’d be kinda dumb in game but thats all i can think of lol.
ignore how long this is, yosano is a very complex character - and if you guys want, i wouldn’t mind doing a character analysis of her, or anyone tbh.
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KYOUKA would be a cryo sword user. the sword is self explanatory — with her ability being a phantom who wields a sword. for the cryo vision, her ability is called ‘demon snow’ so naturally i would pick that. not only does her ability associate with the cold, ice, etc… but judging from her past and personality, i’m even more confident in picking a cryo vision.
she’d probably be a main dps and her moveset would be similar to razor's, with the wolf thing appearing and attacking alongside him in electro. i’m imagining demon snow appearing from behind once you press her burst and attacking simultaneously with her, embedding the enemies with cryo. ALSO, she’d definitely have an alternate sprint, like ayaka’s because she's just cool and majestic like that.
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okay, realistically RANPO would not have a vision 💀…bc like, yk, the whole fake ability thing LOL. but for the sake of this, i’m gonna say he would have an anemo vision, paired with being a catalyst user. my reasoning for this is that, firstly, anemo is simply the most fitting for him out of all the elements BUT also, anemo characters are very… whimsical. and ranpo is basically the definition of whimsical. (anemo characters are just better) 
for catalyst, ranpo is a lazy fuck and it’d be funny to imagine him just standing in the middle of the battlefield throwing out long ranged attacks and whooshes of wind from a single position on the arena. from this, he would most likely be a support character and POSSIBLY… a sub dps. it would get more plausible the more constellations you’d have of him. also, i CANNOT imagine this man wielding any type of weapon 💀. just think about him flailing a sword around or struggling to pick up a claymore. my man is a PRINCESS.
omg also, i just came to a realistion. he'd basically be a heizou <3 ..but successful. 
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ATSUSHI would be a pyro sword user. THIS DECISION WAS REALLY HARD.. but he’s just got that fire in him, you know. i also thought about labelling him as a cryo user, judging from his past, but it didnt really fit him and besides - hes a passionate guy; about the detective agency, fighting and all that. 
him being a sword user is mostly just the process of elimination, and it isn’t that bad of a choice either. being a sword or a claymore user would work for him, but ultimately i chose a quicksword because… he’s just a scrawny little guy. (ignoring the fact that he can literally turn into a ravenous beast)
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AKUTAGAWA would be an electro bow. his rashoumon is super cool, and it looks sort of electric. ALSO, him being electro, goes so amazingly well with atsushi being pyro. the pyro and electro reaction is overload and it sort of creates a big knockback explosion, WHICH FITS THEM SO WELL? they have clashing ideal’s and powers, and they’re also on like, opposing sides — but in the end it makes sense, and it works for them. also one thing, i love how they’re literally designed to be a pair. in the manga atsushi has a black streak in his hair, contrasting aku’s white ends. i wish bones added that to his design <;/3
anyways, i was going to choose either bow or catalyst for him, but in the end i chose bow. i can imagine his ability to look somewhat similar to some of sara’s animations, and besides i think he would really rock being a bow user anyway. however, i dont think his skillset would be RELIANT on it, like ganyu. he would be more like venti, his worth mostly coming from his normal attack and burst.
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