#btw my heart rate is apparently 120???????? :///// anyway anyway anyway
kimmkitsuragi · 9 months
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builder051 · 3 years
Happy Starbucks Sunday
Hello, happy SS.
My health is statically not great; the illness of the end of 2021 has gone on and crept into 2022, and I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. I saw cardiology the other day, and the doc was like, 'well, you have a heart rate of ~110-120 for a reason...' Yup. Chills, muscle aches, headaches (on top of the norm), some GI upset (really on top of the norm)... We have more Dr appts next week. Hopefully there'll be more luck.
Anyway. Regarding today's plan: I'm apparently having a timing issue. I think I'm working efficiently, but then, like, double or triple the amount of time I expect to take ticks by on the clock. I sincerely don't know what my problem is, but because of that, I'm going to structure this session a little differently.
--I'll put up an aks game
--I'll take your prompts.
------Please send in your prompts; don't worry about overloading me. I'll dig through and decide what to spit out next.
------Please send something relatively concise that can be treated in a few paragraphs/a few hundred words. Remember how we used to be able to do incident-based stuff, or humor stuff, or stuff that didn't have tons of plot and feelings and stuff? That would be convenient for today.
-------I'd like to be able to log off around 6:30ish so I can help with chores and baby bedtime. Neither of the roommates are home, so it's just DD doing all the important stuff right now. Don't want to abandon her. (Oh, and btw, the roommates have been absolutely nuts with their disrespectful/selfish antics, so I feel the need to be an especially good household member by comparison.)
--I feel like I'm bossing you guys around. Yes, it's my session/my game/my rules. But I love you guys. <3
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