#honestly. i feel like i should work on it before asking my instructors for another reference letter bc like
kimmkitsuragi · 5 months
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 3 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Mr. Jeon gets your number and offers to drive you to the Modiste but don't really give you an option to say no Paring: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 3.5k~ Warnings: Like one cuss word but thats about it lol a/n: This took longer than I had expected to post but I hope you guys like it! p.s. roughly edited because I wanted to get it out asap lol
"So start from the beginning again. What exactly did he do?" I hear as Jesse's voice come through the speaker. "He's just trying to intimidate me" I groan, not wanting to relive it again.
"He thinks that that kind of tactic is going to work well enough to make me into a 'lady'. I really don't understand how some of these upper class people think. They're acting like it's the 18th century or something" I complain, walking around my room and putting away the new clothes I bought for this whole charade. 
"I mean they more or less are if they're still concerned about stuff like having a girl go through this whole song and dance just so the rich boys know that they're up for grabs now. It just doesn't make sense" he sympathizes. "I'm glad you agree" I say, relieved that I don't have to explain myself to him. "Well why don't you just talk to him about it?" he suggests. 
"James? I would but I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to back out or complain about it. Plus my mother would never let me hear the end of it and she really might convince him to make me get a job instead. 
"No I meant Jungkook, or Mr. Jeon or whatever the hell you call him. He could probably answer your questions if you ask nicely" he taunts at the end. 
"Talk to him? He doesn't bother to initiate any sort of conversation with me, other than when he tells me to do something. Even when he asks questions he expects me to answer with a 'yes' or 'no' and stops me from asking him anything even if I try" I groan, disgusted at the thought of trying to speak to him like I would any other person.
"He would probably just reprimand me for not doing the homework he gave me since it probably has all the answers I'm looking for" I huff. "Have you done the homework?" Jesse asks, clearly knowing the answer.
"I read the spark notes okay" I admit rolling my eyes "So I know gist of it. I showed you how thick those books were right? There was no way I'm going to be able to finish all of them by Monday" I groan, tossing myself onto the bed. 
"Well it's either read or talk and if I were you I would talk to him and get on his good side. It would benefit you more in the long run" he say, stating the obvious that honestly I had not thought of, considering how much he infuriates me.
"At the end of the day though it's up to you babes" he finishes. We talk for a bit more before he has to go and he doesn't forget to remind me to read some more before I go to bed to which I brush off and wrap up the call to prevent any further nagging. But before I'm even able to lock my phone after ending the call I get a text from a random number...
Unknown: You have a fitting tomorrow so we'll be meeting there instead.
I frown for a second as I stare at the screen, contemplating if I should answer or not.
Me: Mr. Jeon?  I question making certain that my suspicions are correct.
Unknown: I see that no one has told you yet. Yes it's Mr. Jeon, I acquired your number from Matthew so as to ease our means of communication. He finishes matter o factly.
I stare at the screen again and contemplate how to respond but before I'm able to he sends another message. 
Unknown: I hope this hasn't made you uncomfortable. If you would like I can continue to send messages through Matthew instead. he offers after noticing my hesitation to respond 
Me: No this is fine, it would make things more convenient for the both of us. I answer, feeling almost as if a barrier between us has been broken down with this nonabrasive conversation we're having at the moment.
Unknown: Agreed. I just checked and noticed that I pass your college on the way to the modiste so I will pick you up instead. he sends, telling me more than offering. 
Me: You don't have to do that, I'm perfectly capable of getting myself there on my own. I reply, not appreciating the way he's gone about this.
Unknown: The location is quite far, farther than my house so it would be more cost effective for you if you were to simply accept my offer. Although I've already told your father and he said he would send someone over to pick up your car from the University. So unless you would like to walk there I suggest you come with me. There's the Mr. Jeon we all know and hate...we meaning me.
Me: Yes Mr. Jeon. I reply, knowing that I've lost the battle before it has even begun.
Unknown: I shall meet you outside the main building at 4:15. Sweet dreams. he finishes leaving me confused. 
'Sweet dreams? Sweet dreams?' I repeat in my head. 'That's the first remotely nice thing he's ever said to me. Why would he say that? He could've just ended it at 4:15.
Why Sweet dreams?' I shake my head hoping that would in some way get rid of whatever overthinking my brain starts to do but it's no use, especially since I still have it right in front of me. 
I change his name to 'Jungkook' because at least that way I can feel like I'm disrespecting him on a daily basis without his knowledge, assuming he will be sending me unnecessary reminders of stupid things he thinks I'll forget.
Knowing me though I probably would've forgotten it anyways since I kind of black out during our lessons at times. He talks so much that after my already mind numbing classes I can hardly focus on what he's supposed to be teaching me. 
I walk down the front steps and see an all black car waiting right in front, leaving me to assume it's Mr. Jeon. "Get in or we'll be late" he says after rolling down the window. I roll my eyes and open the door, plopping myself down in the back seat.
"What are you doing?" he questions, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Putting my seatbelt on?" I answer just as confused as he is. He takes a deep breath in and out and starts up the car, driving away before saying anything else. 
"Oh did you expect me to sit up front with you?" I ask now amused at his behavior. "Seeing as I am not your personal driver yes, I did expect you to sit up front" he says tonguing his cheek. 'Huh, so he does that when he's irritated. Noted'.
"Yet you gave me no choice but to drive me there" I argue back. "I did this as a favor so we would both show up on time. I guess I won't offer next time" he says and I can see how much he's trying to restrain himself. 
"Mr. Jeon did something happen?" I ask, genuinely curious as to why he's acting like this. He's usually upfront and intimidating, but never angry with me. Maybe a little irritated but the feeling is mutual. "No, now will you please stop being a brat for five seconds? We have a long journey and I would rather we spend it in silence than listening to your insolence" he says raising his voice. 
I decide that it's in both of our best interests if I remain quiet but it takes everything in me to do just that. 'Who does he think he is? Calling me a brat?' I scoff quietly to myself and put in my headphones, not missing the glare he sends me through the rear view again. I press play and rest my head against the window, deciding to get some rest instead of dealing with whatever attitude that's got him all messed up.
"Wake up" Jungkook says once we get there. He looks back and finds me fast asleep with my headphones in, leaving him rolling his eyes and getting out of the car, making sure to slam his door on the way out. He goes around and opens the door I was lying up against and let's me fall a bit but catches me half way before I actually topple out of the car. 
"Hey!" I whine, now unfortunately being forcefully woken up. "We're here. Get out and wipe that drool off your face" he says and pushes me back in so I'm sitting upright and makes his way over to the building, not bothering to wait for me.
"What's his issue today?" I groan and reach up to wipe the drool off my face he had spoken about but I find none leaving me even more irritated with the fact that he's not only grumpy but he still has the audacity to try and tease me.
When I finally make my way into the building I'm met with so many different kinds of dresses and fabrics and ribbon and everything that you could possibly imagine that would be in a dress maker's shop. 
"This must be y/n!" an older woman, most likely in her sixties says as she comes up and gives me a little smile. "Hello" I say shyly, remembering the scolding that Jungkook had given me earlier until I glance over at him and see that he is giving me an even bigger scowl than he had before. 
"I mean it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" I say giving her a nod. "She's still got a lot to learn" Mr. Jeon says and walk with the dressmaker and talks her through everything that we've planned to do today but I can tell she is already well versed but continues to let him explain all the same.
"Y/n" I hear him call out my name, leaving me bringing my attention back over to him after I had just started to look through the different bolt of fabric that are sitting on the various shelves. 
"Yes?" I say remembering to give him a verbal response. "Please go ahead and stand up on that stool over there and wait for her to come up and measure you" I look over at the area he's motioned to to make sure I know exactly where to go so I won't get scolded for not doing as I was told. "Yes Mr. Jeon" I say and make my way over and wait for her.
"Oh you're going to look beautiful in the gowns we're making for you!" the woman says as she happily continues to take my measurements. She notices my reaction and looks around for Jungkook and sees that he's on a phone call in the other room.
"It's okay I won't make them girly and pink". "How did you kno-" "A woman always knows, especially when I've been in this business for so long. Also don't feel a need to be formal with me love. I don't subscribe to that stuffy nonsense" says with a chuckle. 
"But you make dresses for them" I say confused with her stance on things. "It's good money dearie, plus I enjoy making them. I started sewing at the age of four believe it or not!" she says looking up at me over the edge of her glasses as she checks to see how long she'll need to make the dresses. 
"Are you clumsy at all?" she asks rather randomly if you ask me. "No not really, why?" I ask tilting my head slightly. "I just wanted to see if I should make the hem a bit shorter so you wouldn't step on it but I think you'll be just fine" she finishes and take a final look at me and at the measurements she's written down. 
"Perfect! Go ahead and sit down over there and rest you legs a bit while I bring out some dresses that you'll be trying on" she says and turns to make her way over towards the backroom. "Dresses? There's more than one?" I question and she unfortunately doesn't hear me since she's already out of earshot. 
"You'll be trying on at least five dresses today. Just so we can make sure we choose the right one" Jungkook says right behind me, scaring the shit out of me. "Sh- I mean, you startled me" I say placing a hand over my chest. "You'll live" he says simply and goes to sit on one of the chairs facing the stool I had been standing on.
"Are you going to just sit there and watch?" I question, seeing as he hasn't made moves to do much else. "It's one of my tasks of being your tutor" he says and fishes out his phone to respond to what I assume is another message. 
"Your job is to watch me try on pretty dresses?" I question, amused by the situation. "Yes y/n, it is my duty to make sure that the dresses we choose match the themes of whatever events we are going to, as well as being appropriate to the trends nowadays" he finishes and lowers his voice when he sees the seamstress come back. 
"I heard that" she says while rolling a rack of dresses into the room. "Do you see one you like?" she asks and motions for me to come closer. I look at the rack and see there are so many dresses of different colors and patterns and styles, I just don't know what to pick.
"Which one do you think I should try on?" I ask turning towards her. "Well why don't we let Mr. Jeon choose, since he so kindly reminded me that my taste is out of date" she says and winks at me, showing me she's teasing while simultaneously giving Jungkook the cold shoulder. 
"I did not mean it as any disrespect. What I was trying to say wa-" "Oh hush child, just come over here and chose a dress before I really start to get upset with you" she teases and he walks closer to the rack looking through the dresses while he sends a glance my way most likely debating on which one might suit me best.
He takes a second to think after looking through all of them but doesn't seem to find one he's satisfied with. Looking around the room for a second he finds another dress on display and walks over to it to take a closer look. 
"This one" he says almost bored and walks back over to sit in the chair he had been occupying moments ago. "He's cranky today isn't he?" she whispers to me and I nod my head quickly agreeing. "I'm glad you noticed too" I say and she walks to the back and grabs that exact dress in my size. "Go ahead and change over there and I'll grab some pins incase we need to alter it" she says and I do as I'm told. 
Coming out of the little dressing room she has I smooth the dress out and watch as her eyes light up. "This looks incredible on you! I don't even think I'll need to alter it at all!" she says excitedly. I smile at her and thank her silently and see Jungkook walking over to take a closer look. 
He takes in my figure from top to bottom and has me do a slight twirl to see it from all angles. "We'll take this one" he says and starts to walk over to the counter to settle the bill. "That's it?" I question her, confused as to how we actually managed to finish this all without me having to try on a bunch more. "I mean he did pick the perfect dress for you" she says walking me up to the full length mirror and I'm shocked at how much I love it as well. 
I twist and turn around a bit more to see the movement of the dress and the more I watch the more I fall in love with it. "You're right, this one's perfect!" I say and turn my vision towards where Jungkook had gone to and I notice that he's most likely been watching me this entire time. He clears his throat and fixes his posture to try to cover up for himself but I can see how almost bashful he looks from being caught in the act. 
"Why don't you go change and then we'll have this all settled by the time you're done" she says and ushers me back in the room again. "By the way, is there something going on between you two?" she questions, catching me off guard. "What do you mean?" I ask turning around to face her. "I mean I've never seen him look at someone like he just was a few moments ago" she points out, confirming my suspicions. 
"Plus, in all my years of him bringing his students here he has never once put in any effort to pick out a dress, and half the time the student ends up loving the dress while both Jungkook and I disagree but he lets them choose it nonetheless" she says and I take a look at myself in the mirror again, trying to asses if this is the one that I really truly want.
"It just seemed like he knew you and he knew exactly what would look good on you without even having to try" she says giving me a smug smirk. "No ma'am please it's nothing like tha-" "I'm just kidding child don't worry. I swear no one in your generation can take a joke anymore" she says and walks out of the room laughing at the slight panic I had started to go through.
"Thanks for the ride" I say when we pull up to my house, this time having sat in the front seat. "No problem" he says and looks over at me, this being the first time he truly had this entire trip, or at least the first time I noticed. "Hey can I ask you a question?" I say, stopping before I reach for the handle to get out. "You just did" he says, this being one of the first times he's tried to make some sort of joke. 
I roll my eyes at him and I see a flash of an almost smile but it's gone as soon as it came, being replaces with his usual stoic expression. "How did you know what dress to choose for me?" I ask and watch as he gets awkward again just like he had done when we were back at the modiste.
He turns to look out the wind shield, this time giving me a full view of how the tips of his ears have gone a bit red from the question. "I'm not sure, I think having to go through that process so many times it just seemed like that one was the obvious pick" he says and gets out of the car.
"What are you doing?" I ask following suit and watch as he pulls the garment bag out and starts walking up the steps to the front door. "I'm making sure the dress stays well taken care of. I'll hand it to one of the staff when they open the door" he says and waits for me at the top of the stairs. Before I'm even able to reach for my keys I hear the door being unlocked and the face of my mother comes into view. 
"Oh hello, you must be Mr. Jeon" she says sending him a bright smile to which he reciprocates and bows a bit as a sign of respect. "Hello, I just wanted to make sure that y/n and her dress got back safely" he says and she waves one of the housekeepers over to carry it up to my room for us although it would've been fine by me if I could've just done all of this by myself.
"Well that was very sweet of you. Would you like to stay for dinner? It should be ready soon, plus we would like to show our gratitude to you for making such a long journey there and back for her" she offers. 
"Perhaps another time. I have a business meeting across town tonight but thank you so much for your generosity" he says, politely declining. "Well thank you again for bringing her home" she reiterates and I start to not so subtly try to usher her back inside.
"Come on mom he said he has to go" I say to her under my breath. "Well it was so nice to meet you Mr. Jeon. I hope we'll see each other again soon" she says, leaving me having to almost push her inside. 
"Thank you Mr. Jeon have a good night" I say and as I turn to close the door he says the same thing that had me over thinking just last night. "Good night y/n, sweet dreams" he says with a soft smile and heads to his car, driving off and leaving me with a confused mix of emotions yet again. 
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shittyblogname · 2 years
Today I completely wrecked (like I had to be hospitalized, shit hurt so bad) my knee and I feel like shit so if you have the time can we get some gender neutral Michael comfort? If not thats cool too
Oh shit, I hope you're okay Anon! The knee hurts so bad, I once wrecked mine too 💀
I'm gonna write headcanons cuz I don't really have an idea for a longer fic, but if you wanted that then feel free to send in another ask!
(this is gonna look a little shitty cuz I'm writing on my phone but whatever)
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I'm still offended that there aren't any good Michael/William gifs
As soon as he heard that you injured yourself he bolted out of work to see you in the Hospital
He freaks out internally in the waiting room, just, what the hell is taking them so long??
when he finally gets to be by your side he asks what happened & stays with you as long as he can. Also asks you of he should bring you anything from home like clothes or food (cuz hospital food tends to suck)
Does the paperwork for you lol like giving the written consent to X-ray's etc
when you are home with the splint Michael does absolutely everything you did before like shared household or getting you stuff that you want or need
if you have to take medication afterwards to help the recovery process he has alarms set up so you take it on time
if you go even 10 minutes later expect a loving scolding from him lol
he pays extra attention not to cuddle you in positions that might hurt or feel uncomfortable & constantly checks up with you
if you have that therapy where you relearn to walk afterwards he'll be with you every step of the way, literally
he'll hold your hand to keep your balance & praise you even for the smallest steps
if you fall or stumble he's right next to you to catch you
if you have difficulty with that he'll ask the instructor how he can help you in the best way to speed up your recovery
if you have these kinda pain outbursts some time he honestly panics, even though its nothing & your injury is just acting up Michael still worries that it broke again or something
he'll bring you flowers every day if you are stuck in the Hospital for a long time & take off work to stay with you all day so you have company :)
you really gave him a heartattack when he got the call informing him that you're injured
overall, very caring. 10/10
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theunholygrails · 3 years
Foolish Games Part 2
A/N: Introducing new characters and some drama! Percy is still sexy as ever :'(.
Warnings: BJ
I woke up to a door slamming so hard it joined the symphony of my pounding headache. I groaned, hoisting myself over the back of the couch to investigate to intrusion. A brunette head of long sweeping hair rushed through the foyer, barreling towards the kitchen. A familiar mop of black hair hurried after.
Reyna was speaking so fast in Spanish my brain scrambled to keep up. I noted lots of curse words followed by a series of sentences too fast I was surprised she even knew what she was saying. Percy was answering in slow measured words, probably fighting a hangover of equal measure. I ducked behind the back of the couch, reaching for my phone plugged in on the coffee table.
It was noon. 2% battery and a couple messages from friends. Nothing from my ex thank gods. Five from Annabeth being nosey. I opened my uber app, squinting in the sunlight breaking through the cream curtains. I managed to get my driver secured.
A door slammed and I winced, peaking to check that they were in another room. I did not immediately spot my dress in the chaotic. I grimaced remembering the midnight swim. When I sat up I finally noticed the white tshirt I wore and the basketball shorts. And then I went rigid remembering what happened after the swim.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered.
Now I really had to get out of this house. I checked the arrival time of my driver. Three minutes away. Great. I made my way on shaky knees to the large wooden front door. My keys were still in the collection dish. I grabbed them quietly and turned the door handle a fraction of an inch before another door slammed open and Reyna came barreling back into the foyer, brown eyes landing promptly on my guilty ass. Behind her, Percy pursed his lips into a thin line and raised both of his hands to lay on top of his head. His biceps strained nicely against the thin t shirt.
“The fuck is this?” Reyna whispered.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I babbled.
“It’s just Noa, Rey. Gods,” Percy said.
“I can see that, Percy!” She snapped. I was glad her spear was not strapped across her back this morning. “Why is she sneaking out of my house in your clothes?”
“People were swimming last night. Her clothes got wet.”
“I’m sure the fuck they did.”
“Zeus, Rey! You ended it with me. Why does it even matter?”
“Because I still fucking love you! I’m sorry, okay?” She burst out crying and Percy instantly pulled her against his chest. The memory of being in those arms drove me out the door like a nest of hornets.
“I’m just saying. You have nothing to feel sorry for,” Annabeth paused to sip her iced coffee. “Unless they get back together and then you sleep with him. But as of right now, you’re good. Trust me. Been on the Percy train. We’re still friends. You’ll get over it. Just a harmless rebound for both of you.”
I groaned, laying my chin on the cool metal table parked outside our favorite coffee shop positioned between our New York apartments. Just two Manhattan women enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The air was cooling as fall neared. I pulled my baseball cap closer to the top of my sunglasses.
“Should I call him?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Let him deal with his relationship drama. Reyna is a lot to deal with. Still nothing from fuckface?”
“Nope and that’s fine.”
“Good for you. We will hydrate you, get you a good dinner, hit the gym before work in the morning and then get back on our bad bitch mental track. Agreed?”
“Good Monday, yogis,” I chirped from my desk at the corner of my studio.
The third class was beginning to trickle in and I was settling into my rhythm. Hot yoga was next and hopefully I would sweat out all the negativity I’d allowed lately. I was in the middle of emailing back a potential client when someone rapped at the wood of my desk. I glanced up to a blonde male who waved gently.
“Heya, sansei Noa,” he said.
“That’s karate. Can I help you?”
“Do you do trial classes?”
I hit send on my email and closed my laptop. The guy was built like a poser with the defined muscles and chiseled jaw but his voice was soft and tempered. He was clean shaven and dressed like a basic gym bro.
“Normally you have to schedule them beforehand because of class size,” I gave my standard answer.
“Right, my bad. Sorry. I was just passing by the front and it looked like the kind of place I needed right now. Can I go ahead and pick a date then?”
I was staring too long into his pale blue eyes, honed in on the polite response. A nice change from the daily demanding consumers. “You know what? Ive got space right now if you like? Have you ever done hot yoga?”
A brilliant white smile showcasing sharp canines. “My favorite.”
“Perfect. I just need a name, number and email to get you a file started.”
He leaned large hands on my desk. “It’s Luke Castellan.”
Before he could give the contact information, I cut him off. “Wait. I know you.” His tanned skin paled significantly.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” I blurted out.
His eyes skated around the room and he leaned in closer. “That’s not supposed to be public knowledge. I assume you’re a demigod?”
“Luke, you trained me. We took fucking sculpting together. The Apollo table was right next to the Hermes one for fuck’s sake.”
He winced. I heard a murmuring from the rest of my class I was disturbing with my volume. I collected my shock finally. “Take a seat if you want. We should talk after class. I need to start.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry Noa.”
I waved him off and walked over to my yoga mat. I sat cross legged and drew in an even breath to smooth out my emotions.
It was a slow 30 minute class. Each pose and movement dragged on. Finally, I dismissed the group and nodded Luke outside. He was waiting on the bench outside of the studio I split renting with a few other instructors. I sat next to him, wiping sweat from my face with the towel slung over my pink sports bra.
“Alright, talk,” I said.
“Not much to say. I was given a second chance at my hearing. Here I am. Starting over.” A shrug of well-defined shoulders. The muscles flexed beneath his gleaming sweat. His red tank top stuck to his chest and stomach. “I wish I remembered you, truly. That time is such a blur in my life.”
“It’s ok. You were a lot older than me and to be honest I had a massive crush on you so I probably hid most of the time.”
A surprised smile slipped across his lips. “I’m assuming the betrayal helped you get over that?”
I laughed outloud, slapping his knee. “No shit! So where are you staying these days?”
“Just around the corner actually. Got a job at the local gym.”
“Yeah I bet the fuck you did.” I squeezed his forearm between both of my hands. I wanted to roll my eyes at me falling back into my school girl giddy at him. Betrayal of the gods aside. He was even more gorgeous than ever. The scar down his face gave him a dark sexy vibe. Like a bad boy even though he claimed he was rehabbing himself now.
“So how, did you feel about the class?”
“I mean, I’d like to sign up for it a couple times a week, that’s for sure. And I’d like to take you out to dinner to make up for not remembering a beauty like you.”
I almost bit my cheek biting out the response of “Yes!”
“You’ve got my number,” he said, chuckling quietly. “I’ve got to get to work.” He shouldered his gym bag and excused himself.
The bike back to my apartment was spent reliving my tween fantasies about bad boy Luke. I opened my apartment door and screeched seeing a man sitting at my kitchen counter. Percy turned to face me.
“You know you live in New York? You should really lock that.”
“It was!” I snapped.
A quick grin. “Yeah. But it was easy to break into.”
I dropped my bag onto the floor and brushed past him to get a protein shake from the fridge. “I have to shower and get prepared for my night classes.” I told him.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
I shrugged. “I didn’t either.”
He paused, studying my face in the shitty lighting of the single bulb hanging between us over the counter. “Are we good, Noa?”
“Of course. What’s a little head between friends?”
“Okay…I can’t read you. Can you not play tough just for a minute?”
I chugged the shake and set the bottle down between us. I leaned my arms on the chilled counter, bun knocking against the light. “Honestly, Percy. I’m fine. We are good.”
“Reyna moved back in.”
“You’re engaged again?”
I drank from the empty bottle to give myself something to do. He watched me with those green eyes. He’d known me for far too long. He was nearly impossible to deceive, but I was determined today. The fact that I had dreamt of fucking him two consecutive nights was irrelevant if he was off the table. Even if his lips did look incredibly juicy tonight. Even if they had done near illicit things to me just nights ago.
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to work on things. And it’s her dad’s house, so I can’t ask her to go and I don’t want to go to my mom’s and admit defeat.”
“You know you could stay here, Perc.”
He worked his jaw silently, then rubbed his hands over his face. “Thanks. I do know. Even if we aren’t officially back together, I think we should work on it…” he trailed off.
“And not tell her about you eating me out?” I leaned closer because I was mean to both him and myself. Because I knew this top combined with this angle gave him a simple opportunity. And he took it.
His tongue slid out between his lips as his eyes flicked down, stayed, then dragged deliberately back up. “Probably not,” he agreed.
For a long moment neither of us said anything. He had more to lose now than me. We were no longer on equal playing fields. So, I left the ball in his court. “I’m going to go shower.”
I was done washing in the first ten minutes. The second ten was giving him a little wiggle room to decide. I had my hand on the faucet to cut off the water that was beginning to go cold when I heard the door creak open. I watched through the fogged glass, catching a hold of my breath. I watched as he tugged his shirt off. My stomach flipped over itself when he reached for his jeans. What had I done?
The opening door let in a rush of cool air, perking my skin to attention. My eyes raked unapologetically over his naked, aroused body. His dark hair quickly slicked against his stubble covered jaw. His eyes were no longer the sea green but murky like the deep water of the ocean.
“Hey,” he said quietly, cautiously.
“Hey,” I giggled, reaching out to touch his rough jaw. He winced, catching my hand with his. “We probably shouldn’t kiss again.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Percy. What can I do to you?”
He groaned, turning his mouth into my palm, scraping teeth against the vulnerable skin. “Touch me,” he said.
My free hand instantly planted against his chest, scraping at the muscle. His eyes fluttered closed, head tilting back to expose his throat. I slid my other hand into his thick hair, tugging it tightly between my fingers and pulling to grant myself more access to the strong column of his neck. I bit it first, backing him into the tiled wall when he shuddered. I kissed over the reddening skin and moved my hands to his flat stomach, feeling the shuddered breaths beneath my touch.
“Like this?” I asked.
His reply was unintelligible. I kissed down his chest, moving my hand lower still as I went. When my fingers brushed over the v-line of his hips, I shifted my route away from the center and to his thighs. An annoyed grunt escaped his lips. “Hush,” I scolded, getting my knees under me. The now cold water was hitting the back of my neck and flowing down my body. I placed my hands on the inside of both his thighs, trailing them upwards and upwards until he nearly contorted when I gripped him. He let out a scandalous string of curses that quickly turned to moaning silence when I took him into my mouth.
He unraveled in minutes and I let him cum all over the breasts I had teased him with earlier. I rose in front of him, my own rosy cheeks mirroring his. “Now we’re even.”
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bvidzsoo · 3 years
Late night Drifts
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warning: physical abuse (nothing descriptive); swearing
 Pairing: Hansol Vernon Chwe x female reader
 Word count: 18, 157
 Summary:  Being top of your class was everything your parents have ever wanted. You were the perfect daughter, however, it was only them who were happy. Your life was stressful and filled with sleepless nights studying, just to please your parents. Until one day you discovered racing, and realized, it was the only way you could unwind all the accumulated stress. And it just so happened that one day you overheard your classmate, Vernon, talking about an illegal race taking place that night. You knew it was your cue, so with rolled up cash left on his desk, you made it clear you were challenging him. He wins = he gets a date / You win = he teaches you how to drift.
 A/N: Hello, hello lovelies! And off we go with the first part of this series! I tried out something different this time, I hope it’s not weird and it’s still good, I’m a little nervous about it tbh. All the sentences in italic are the reader’s direct thoughts! I’ve never written in second person before so uhm...I hope it’s still fine. I hope you’ll like it and please let me know your thoughts. If there are people interested, I could even start a Taglist, I guess! Enjoy now!
Series M.List ~ Next Part
           When younger, you’d quietly complain to yourself about having to wake up early in the morning, around 6 am, just to have breakfast with your parents; but as the years passed it just became a routine. You weren’t bothered by it anymore, sometimes, you’d even wake up earlier than you were supposed to. Like today, at 5:30 am, your eyes were wide open as you stared up at the platinum white ceiling of your huge bedroom. You knew it was the anxiety making you feel like this, the fear of having to face your father and mother today seemed to be more intense than usually, after all, you were getting your grading sheet at school. You hated days like today, you hated getting your grades. It was horror to sit through school, anxious, only to return home to get yelled at by your father, because once again, you failed to score higher at English than Vernon. Vernon Hansol Chwe. He was your nightmare at school. It wasn’t what he did directly to you, because there were almost little to no incidents, it’s what he indirectly made you go through. You hated him, but didn’t at the same time. It wasn’t his fault, and you were aware of that, but you couldn’t help the glare or sudden anger that engulfed you whenever you looked at him. If he only wasn’t as good at English as he was, all the torment from your parents would’ve been non-existent.
You were the perfect daughter, the one every parent wished to have and every parent praised whenever they met up with your parents and you. You were perfect, in their eyes, yes. You always listened to what your parents said, you didn’t talk back or disobeyed them, and most importantly, you always pleased them and got high grades. It would’ve been a shame if you didn’t, your father was a scientist and your mother a doctor. They wanted you to become either this or that, but you, you didn’t know. You had no idea what you actually liked doing, you never really had hobbies or free time to try out different things like any other normal kid did while growing up. That is, until, you stumbled upon some abandoned race tracks and saw a woman in her car going at a high speed, drifting around the curbs, and sporting the happiest and most careless expression you’ve ever seen on someone’s face. It struck you, you never felt like that before. You wanted to feel like that so badly. You just ran away from home, with the excuse that you joined a new study group to help you out with Chemistry, but the truth was that you just needed air and time away from your overwhelming parents. You weren’t even supposed to be in this part of the city, people could smell from miles away that you were rich and just by stealing your purse, they’d make millions. But you didn’t care, because in this part of the city, it seemed like people only stared at your for what you looked like, without too judgmental looks on their faces. It was weird, but refreshing. After the woman stopped, got out of the car and ruffled her long hair, you gathered all your courage and walked up to her, and asked her to take you on a round with herself. She was reluctant, but once she saw the desperate look in your eyes, she obliged and you were inside her car, screaming your lungs out at all the sharp and harsh turns she took. It was scary, but freaking awesome. You felt high on adrenaline and when she stopped the car, her name being Lexa, you begged her to teach to drive like that. Your driving instructor never taught you about speed, but this woman seemed to know it all. Lexa was reluctant, but she complied once again, when she saw the desperate look in your eyes. And that is how you became obsessed with racing, cars, and chasing that adrenaline that made you feel free and careless. It was the only hobby you had, the only thing your parents couldn’t control in your life, simply, because they didn’t know about it. And you preferred to keep it that way, knowing well the repercussions if they ever found out. But for you to be able to attend the events and races, you needed a good car. So, when you finished last year as first in your whole high school, your father granted your wish and bought you a Vaydor G37. The car was expensive, but freaking awesome. You knew you’d be better than half of the amateur racers, even though, you were one too. But for now, that didn’t matter, as you played with your fingers in your lap, waiting for the maid to place your breakfast in front of you. You could feel your father’s sharp gaze on you, but you ignored it as you glared at the table. Your mother hadn’t joined the table yet, that’s why you weren’t eating yet.
“John told me he had to change the tires to the Vaydor,” You looked up to meet your father’s gaze, knowing he hated it when you didn’t, “It’s the third time this month. Explain.”
You gulped, but kept your expression neutral, he can’t find out, “I didn’t pay attention when I got them changed and instead of the summer tires, they put on the winter ones. That was the first time. Second time, I got a puncture while I rode back home from school, a screw was left on the road from the new construction site and I didn’t know. And uhm…I’m not sure what was wrong the third time, but the vibrations coming from the tires felt wrong, I thought…it would be best to get them changed.” But the truth was that you raced too hard and burned out your tires, all adherence gone, which made it impossible for you to ride around the streets with them.
Your father didn’t say anything as he looked at you with a hard expression, tying to decipher if you were lying or saying the truth, “Safety comes first, Y/N, don’t forget that.”
“Yes, father.” You muttered and looked up at your mother as she walked in with a wide smile. Your father looked at her and his eyes instantly turned soft and he waited until she sat next to him, to press a kiss to her cheek. He was only ever like that to her, kind and lovely, never to you. You honestly thought your father hated you because you weren’t born to be a boy, like he so desperately wanted. Yet, he never tried to have another child with your mother, you figured he had enough of you and just didn’t want to bother with raising another kid. Your mother looked at you just as the maids finally walked in with your breakfast, placing the plates in front of you. Your stomach rumbled quietly and it made your mom chuckle as your father took the first bite, and then you both followed suit. It was the same old breakfast: toast with boiled eggs, a few slices of tomato and butter. Sometimes you’d get hot cocoa, if your father was in a good mood, but most of the time you were served with orange or apple juice. Today, water with lemon was served and as much as you were craving the taste of oranges, a little switch from your usually boring routine was nice, even if so small and almost insignificant.
“When will you know your grades?” Your father asked again, voice hard and you bit your lower lip as you lowered your knife and fork.
“Today, actually.” You answered, trying to hide the tremor in your voice, but it was pretty obvious.
“Great, I will make sure to come home early then.” He said and the grip on your knife tightened as you tried to hide the anger and fear mixing together in your stomach, hating the words your father said. But it made your mother squeal as she smiled at him brightly.
“That’s amazing news, honey! Let’s go have dinner, shall we?” She was the only excited one, your father actually started glaring at you, and you realized it was because you were glaring at him. Sometimes, your control over your body slipped and you did things subconsciously.
“Yes,” Your father spoke, turning his head away from you to look at his wife, “Let’s go have dinner, Y/N should—”
“I have a study group at 18:00 today, I won’t be able to join you, I’m sorry.” You interrupted your father, not caring right now that he hated being interrupted by you, as you let your parents know in a hurry that you weren’t available today. And actually, you weren’t even lying. You really did have to study for English, you hated to say it, but you were feeling uneasy after your last exam and thought you could work on it. A new guy from America showed up two weeks ago, DK, and when you heard he offered to help out those in need, you knew you needed to sign up. Vernon was from America too, that’s why you never could beat him, he was better as he was fluent. Your mother was American too, but she never bothered to teach you much English, either too busy with work or with your father. She wasn’t a bad mom, just neglectful sometimes.
“You study so hard, my dear.” Your mother’s arm extended over the mahogany table and you extended your own arm, letting her grip it, “How about this…if you get a good grade for your English exam, we go on a small vacation this weekend?”
That actually sounded wonderful, you couldn’t help but smile, warmness filling your insides. You missed spending time with your mom, but of course, your father had to ruin it all.
“We shouldn’t…I can’t this weekend.” Of course, he couldn’t. The only important things for him were work, antagonizing you, and taking your mother on expensive dates.
“Honey,” Your mother let go of your arm to cup her husband’s cheek, “It’s not a crime if the two of us spend a little time together, it’s been long since we had a mother-daughter get-away, right, Y/N?”
You quietly nodded your head, hopeful that your father would let it slide this time, but of course, he wouldn’t, “If Y/N scores a 10/10, you can go.”
You gulped, hating how trusting your mother’s gaze was, how happy she looked, “Of course, honey, she’ll definitely get the highest score. She’s our daughter after all…”
Yes, unfortunately, I’m your daughter.
           After breakfast you quickly got dressed for school, your uniform still warm from getting ironed a few minutes before you had to put it on. You hated wearing skirts to school, but you had no other choice as it was in the dress code. You fixed your hair and painted your lips a soft pink, smiling to yourself in the mirror. Not because you were happy, but because you didn’t want everyone to see how miserable you were. You didn’t have any friends; besides Yoona, you didn’t want any more rumors than the ones already circulating around you. They said all kinds of things about you, but neither was true. They weren’t necessarily bad, besides the one calling you a freak and saying you broke someone’s hand in your freshman year; you didn’t. But people weren’t very fond of you nonetheless and you didn’t want to add onto the list of why you should be more disliked than you already were. You knew the smile looked far from genuine, but it was better than nothing, it lessened the harsh expression of your face. It probably got like that due to your father’s constant pressure hanging over your shoulders.
The car ride was silent, John stirring up casual conversation with your father from time to time, as he drove you to school before driving your father to work. Your car was still in the car-service, actually, Jihoon got a new engine that you were more than happy to test out for him. He was the one who approached you, surprisingly, after your first won race. He said he liked your car and could smell the money from miles away; he offered to help out with your car if you raced on his behalf from time to time. You seriously didn’t need the money, but it sounded like fun and it was weird how impressed everyone was by Jihoon talking to you, so you accepted out of curiosity. It took you a month to realize he was part of the Lee family, being the eldest son actually, and that they owned the streets at night when racing. He truly was the best, both at racing and fixing cars. Sometimes you’d even drop off cash anonymously at his house, when you wouldn’t need it anymore, and you had a feeling he knew but stayed silent about it. Both of you knew that he needed the extra cash from time to time.
Your attention was brought to John when he stopped the car, unlocking the doors. You were parked at the front gates of your high school, you sighed as you grabbed the doorhandle of the car. Partially you were happy to be here just because you would be away from your father and mother.
“Y/N,” Your heart jumped to your stomach when your father called out your name, deep voice booming in the car, “If you don’t score 10/10, I will have to believe you are incompetent and unable to perform well in a private high school. If you don’t raise your score by the end of the semester, your name will be cut from the family tree and I will throw you out without a second thought.”
A cynical smirk appeared on your lips as you opened the door and turned to look at your father, “You can’t throw out a minor, father, unless you want me to go to the police and press magazines. I’m sure they are buzzing to know more about the mysteriously wealthy and handsome Mr. Seo, don’t you think?”
His jaw clenched and John gulped loudly, shaking his head as subtly as he could at you, as you hurriedly got out of the car. You never talked back to your father, you had no idea what came over you, but you felt so fed up with his threats. If only he knew cutting ties with him sounded like heaven to you. You didn’t care if you ended up on the streets as long as it was away from him, you were never hungry for money or greedy for it. You didn’t care about it, you just wanted love from the two figures who were supposed to raise you. Instead, one hated you and the other one was barely ever home.
“Have a good day at work, both of you.” You bowed deeply before closing the door of the vehicle, staring at the tinted window of the backseat. You waited until John drove away and you couldn’t see the car anymore. A strong gush of cold wind suddenly blew through the area and it made you realize that you were glaring at nothing, once again. You hated how little consideration he took of your feelings and how little he made you feel. Your father truly was the devil.
            Yoona’s schedule was rather packed on Monday’s and Wednesday’s, so you couldn’t meet up with her during classes. Which maybe was a good idea, poor girl, you hoped she didn’t think you only used her to have someone to complain to, but you seriously had no one else to talk to. You loved Yoona and how open she was and ignorant to the rumors about you, she was always quick to shut others up. She was only a year older, yet she felt like a mother to you sometimes.
The day passed by incredulously fast and you made sure to take notes in each class, until it was homeroom class time. Your legs were bouncing up and down nervously and loudly as you tried not to bite your nails, a bad habit you were trying to get rid of. Usually, you weren’t this nervous, but your father reminding you of his threat this morning and your reckless answer made you realize if you indeed didn’t score 10/10 at English, you were truly fucked, and you hated the sudden ache of your stomach. It seemed like you were the only one so stressed out as your classmates kept shouting around you, joking and chatting, making your ears ring. All you could do was stare at the door anxiously, waiting for your homeroom teacher to enter this damned classroom already. But the bell didn’t even ring yet, it’s still break time, you sighed and bit your lower lip, trying to calm your nerves. You didn’t mean to, but your eyes fell on a boy and your eyebrows instantly furrowed. His right arm was resting on his desk, his right cheek on it as he slept. He looked so peaceful and carefree that it angered you more. How could he just sit there, sleep there, when you were about to get your grades? You knew he didn’t give a shit about his grades, yet he was always top of your class, breathing down your neck all the time. When you started high school, you never thought you’d meet someone almost as smart as you, and that you’ll be challenged. But Vernon…he just wrecked your life and made it a bigger hell than it already was, and tears almost came to your eyes as you couldn’t look away from his peaceful form. You were jealous and angry, wishing that could be you right now. As your eyes lingered on him, you realized, his cheekbones were high and sharp, almost hollow looking like. You hardly ever paid attention to guys, you didn’t have the time nor energy to put into them, but sometimes you caught yourself dozing off and staring at the back of Vernon’s head. He wasn’t special, far from it, he looked quite normal yet his beauty felt a little foreign, compelling. That was another reason to hate him for, and you never thought more of it, content with the current thoughts of him. You didn’t like him, but you didn’t deny that he was somewhat attractive either. Yet, your heart still started thumping quickly when Vernon’s eyes opened abruptly and made eye contact with you almost instantly, as if he knew you were staring. You averted your eyes and straightened your stance, refusing to look back at the boy, even if he continued staring at you. You never really spoke to him, you didn’t have a reason to, only greeted him in the mornings if you arrived after him…but you did greet everyone, after all. Your legs started bouncing again as Vernon wouldn’t look away and it made the hairs on your arms raise, your anxiety doubling. Why is he staring now? Does he think I like him or something? Maybe he knows I don’t like him? But your attention was brought back to the door as it opened just as the bell rang, and your homeroom teacher in walked. The voices in the classroom started dying down and even Vernon looked away from you, siting up straight in his chair. You were glad, you didn’t think you’d be able to ignore him for longer if your teacher wouldn’t have walked in. You donned out every voice that was still speaking, you even ignored your teacher’s usual speech about how grades weren’t important and that they didn’t actually reflect your knowledge about life…if only he knew what he was speaking. So, you just sat there silently, anxiously waiting for your sheet.
Which turned out to be more and more difficult as you were amongst one of the last ones, for once, making you hate the fact that your family name was ‘Seo’. You have successfully eaten three nails by the time your teacher called out your name and you raised from your chair, legs feeling a bit like jelly, as you rigidly walked up to his desk to take the sheet from him. Your hands shook and you hoped no one noticed, but when you turned to walk back to your seat, you were surprised to see Vernon squinting his eyes at you as he was watching you, once again. Did I draw too much attention onto myself by looking at him? This wasn’t the first time though, why is he suddenly so attentive of me? You ignored his burning gaze as you finally started walking back to your seat, gripping the sheet tightly in your hands. You were curios but also afraid to look. Vernon got his sheet a while ago and you tried to read his expression, but he only shrugged and placed the sheet between his notebooks, seemingly unimpressed. You were hopeful it was because he scored lower this time, but you couldn’t be very sure, he reacted the same way each time.
Finally sitting in your own chair, you took in a deep breath and opened the sheet, staring at the names of the subjects and then the grade next to it.
“Don’t forget kids, I tell you this each time, but I feel like saying this again. Grades don’t define us and you can be whoever you want to be in life, or do whatever you want to do, despite the grades on that paper—”
Your whole body ran cold as your hands started shaking hard, chest constricting as if your lungs stopped getting enough air to be able to function. Your eyes ran over and over again the same row, your brain refusing to acknowledge the information. English: 9,55. You hated what you were seeing, you hated what your teacher was saying, you hated how carefree and light everyone around you seemed to be, you hated Vernon’s gaze burning into the side of your head. You suddenly couldn’t bear sitting in that classroom anymore, it seemed rowdy and hot, your head started pounding painfully as you jumped up from your chair, knocking two notebooks and your sheet off the table. All the eyes on you made your chest tighten further and your eyes snapped towards your teacher when you heard him calling out to you.
“Miss Seo, is everything alright?” You really wanted to answer him, but when you opened your mouth to say something, nothing came out. Embarrassed and unable to take the looks you were getting by your classmates, Vernon’s confused gaze, you stepped around your chair and took off, uncaring of the repercussions. Your teacher called out your name once again, sounding more worried this time, and you glared at Vernon when he still didn’t look away, knocking onto his table on purpose, which made his pencil case and notebook fall to the floor. And with that, you were out of the classroom and running towards the girls restroom, hearing footsteps following you hurriedly. You knew your teacher sent someone after you to make sure that you wouldn’t do anything reckless, and it made you want to cry that your own teacher was more worried about your wellbeing than your own parents. You hoped the person realized you ran out because you wanted to be alone, and that they wouldn’t follow you inside the restroom, and when they actually didn’t, you broke down crying in front of the mirror, turning on the faucet to silence your sobs a little bit. I don’t want to go home.
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           You hated the looks your classmates were giving you after your breakdown, but some were nice enough to check up on you. You didn’t like the attention and the fact that you had to lie to them, but it warmed your heart a bit that not everyone was heartless and mean to you. You were surprised to see your things neatly placed in your bag after you returned from the restroom with a girl, Hanna, who your homeroom teacher sent after you to keep you company until you felt better. You wanted to ask who did that, because you wanted to thank them, but decided to stay quiet and just lay low for the rest of the day as rumors of you already spread through school like wildfire. You hated it, but you tried to ignore them…and Vernon too. He shot you a questioning gaze after you got back to class, but you acted like he wasn’t even there. Your gut was telling you that it was him who gathered your stuff from the floor and placed it back into your bag, but why would he do that? You were never very nice to him, and you even knocked his stuff off on purpose when you ran out. Fed up with your constant thoughts of Vernon and what others would say now about you, you blocked everything out and hurriedly gathered your things once the final bell rang, signaling that school was over for the day. You were glad that you could finally leave this place, but your stomach ached when you remembered you had to return home, to meet your father. Running away right now sounded like the smartest thing to do, but once you left your high school, you stopped and looked up towards the sky. The sun was high up and shinning down, creating a warm atmosphere and you looked around to observe that everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Kids were laughing and hanging onto their friends as they groaned about how hard school could get, others kids were excitedly talking about what homecooked meal their mothers made, and some were just hurriedly leaving through the gates. You smiled, but it was a sad smile, because you never experienced any of those feelings. You wished your mother would be at home, waiting for you with a homecooked meal, and that your father would arrive earlier from work and praise you for your grades, deciding to take the three of you out to the arcades. But those were dreams you’d never experience, and rather than continuing to hurt yourself with such fantasies, you took off with a sigh. You followed the path that lead to the iron gates of the high school and bowed your head a little to greet the gatekeeper, who was happy to see you. Not many kids were respectful toward the old man, but you didn’t think lower of him just because of his job, sometimes you’d sneak cookies from home and share them with him. As the weather was a lot warmer than in the morning, you took your scarf off and gasped when something hit your shoulder. You were expecting someone to be picking on you, but when you turned your head and looked at the girl leaning against the stone wall, you let a chuckle fall from your lips.
“I told you to throw your garbage in the trash cans, Yoona.” You scolded the older girl, picking up her cigarette butt to throw it into the nearest trash can later.
“Yeah, whatever,” Yoona rolled her eyes, lighting another cigarette, “What the hell happened today? Your crazy classmates wouldn’t stop talking about how you stormed out after you got your grades.”
You grimaced as you leaned against the stone wall next to your friend, “I didn’t get a 10/10.”
Your answer was direct and Yoona sighed, glancing at you as she puffed out the smoke of her cigar. She knew about your parents, but not the whole truth. She only knew about them being obsessed with your grades and that they were very controlling and harsh to you. You didn’t dare tell her the other things, afraid she’d do something about it, getting you in more trouble.
“Oh, Y/N…” Yoona’s expression was sad and you melted into her hug as she put her arms around you, on the verge of crying, “If it feels too much later on, call me…or come to the races with me, you don’t have to compete or anything. Just be there.”
You hummed and circled your arms around your friend, feeling a bit better as Yoona’s familiar perfume entered your nostrils, “It’s a Wednesday, you know I can’t go out…and I have an English tutor now, we are meeting later for our first session.”
“Oh, really?” Yoona’s interest peaked as she finally pulled herself away from you, patting your cheek, “Do I know him?”
“Maybe, it’s this new guy from America…calls himself DK.” You muttered, puckering your lips at the hilarious name he went by. Yoona’s expression hardened and she scoffed as she finished her cigar, not looking very pleased.
“You know him?” You asked curiously, Yoona not being one to dislike someone.
“Of course,” She rolled her eyes and pushed off the stone wall, dragging her leather jacket tightly around her body, “He’s in my class. He’s very annoying, tries hard to befriend everyone and won’t shut up. He’s not even smart, most of the time only says stupid things—”
“Okay,” You raised up one hand to stop Yoona from rambling, throwing her an amused smile, “What did he do to you that you don’t like him?”
Yoona just rolled her eyes, displeased by how much you knew her already, “He’s all up in my business, won’t leave me alone after he heard me talking to my friend from the U.S. Fucking idiot…”
You started giggling loudly, making Yoona glare at you, but your laughter was contagious and she ended up giggling too, “You’ll figure it out, Yoona.”
“Yeah…hopefully before Johnny decides to smash in his nose.” Her tone turned sour and you gave her a pitiful look, knowing her relationship with Johnny hadn’t been the best lately. Yoona just sighed and you patted her side, reassuring her that you were there for her if she needed someone to complain to. The sudden sound of engine roaring caught your attentions and Yoona turned stiff, looking to the road, where a black car pulled up. The window rolled down and Johnny’s face came in view.
“Speaking of the devil…” You muttered quietly, making Yoona smirk at you.
“Hello, ladies.” Johnny greeted the two of you with a charming smile and Yoona looked at him before back at you.
“Want us to give you a ride home?” You appreciated her offer, but you didn’t know if your dad was already at home. He didn’t mind Yoona very much, he knew her parents, but he hated Johnny and actually forbid you from meeting up with him or with them when they were together. You didn’t want to test the waters furthermore today; you had already done enough in the morning and now with your grade too.
“No, no,” You shook your head quickly, declining her offer nicely, “You can go. I have to pick up some books either way, you don’t have to bother with me…”
Yoona nodded and took off towards her boyfriend’s car, but when she opened the door, she turned back to look at you and mouthed, “Liar.”
You chuckled and waved at them as Johnny gave you a nod before pressing a strong kiss against your best friend’s lips, leaving her with a sour expression as he rolled the window up and took off, the engine of the car creating disturbance to the pedestrians. You looked down at the other cigarette butt Yoona dropped and picked it up with a sigh, dropping it into your pocket, where the other one was. She never listened to you when you told her to throw them away into a trash can, so it became by now a routine to pick them up and throw them away yourself. You took off once again, headed home for real this time, your stomach churned nervously as you played with the cigarette butts in your pocket. Your parents knew you didn’t smoke, they stopped checking up on that since you turned sixteen, so you weren’t afraid of smelling like it. Besides, they knew most kids your age smoked and that it could just easily get into your clothes and hair when you walked by. You sighed at the thought of your parents and tried to enjoy the sun on your skin, welcomed after the cold winter you had. It was hard to walk home, because you were anxious, but the pleasant weather made you slow your usual long strides as you passed the corner of the high school and turned onto the next street. You took the two cigarette butts between your fingers and threw them into the trash can on the side walk as you walked by it, your scalp feeling itchy. Sometimes you made your ponytail too tight and it left your scalp sore, so you quickly undid the tight hold, releasing your long black hair. You thought of cutting it, it was slowly nearing the middle of your back, but your mother said a feminine woman needs her long hair, that it’s precious, and you should never wear it too short. That’s why your hair always reached your scapulas or even longer. I always wondered how I’d look with short hair…it can’t be that bad, right? Your thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly became aware that someone was walking right next to you. You became stiff and ready to speed up, uncomfortable, but when you stole a glance at the person walking next to you, your feet came to an abrupt stop. So did the person, who was scratching his nape awkwardly, looking at your guiltily.
“Uh, sorry.” Vernon’s voice was loud here, the cars and people walking by you were being loud, “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t scare me.” You answered him too quickly, body stiff as your eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, still…” He cleared his throat and you became curious, he never really spoke to you directly, unless you were paired up for a group project during class, “I just wanted to ask you…”
You raised your eyebrows, curiously looking at Vernon, a little annoyed that he was stalling, “What?”
“Are you alright?” Your eyebrows furrowed at his question and you glanced around, feeling uneasy. Why is he suddenly so curious about how I feel? It’s really not his business.
“I’m fine, why?” You snapped, crossing your arms in front of your chest in a way to show him you weren’t too fond of this conversation.
“Just wanted to check up on you.” Vernon muttered as he kept looking at you, the sunlight lighting his features. His skin had a warm glow and he was squinting as he was standing facing the sun, his brown eyes were lighter than you had anticipated them to be.
“Well…” You cleared you throat, feeling a bit flustered, “You didn’t have to.”
Vernon hummed and nodded his head a little, biting his lower lip, an action which caught your attention, “I know…you ran out of class and you didn’t look too good. Just wanted to make sure you’re better now—”
Your inhale was sharp and it alerted Vernon as your eyes snapped back up to look him in the eyes. Your heart was beating like crazy and you knew your face turned hard as Vernon gulped; you took a step to lessen the distance between the two of you, “Stay out of my business, Vernon, you already make my days a nightmare as they are.”
Vernon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, clearly taken aback by your threatening tone and sentence, not having expected such hostility coming from you. After all, he never did anything wrong to you…directly. He looked lost for a second, you felt bad for being so mean to him, but before he could form a sentence, you turned and rushed away, willing yourself to catch the green cross light, which would turn red by the time Vernon realized you were running away and would stop him from following you. Your heart was beating fast as you turned to look back, to see him standing at the cross dumbfounded, his eyebrows furrowed as he raised one hand as if to ask you to wait for him. You were pretty good at reading people; you had anticipated his moves. You shook your head at him and took off, Vernon losing sight of you in the mass of people walking on the sidewalk.
           You were studying in your room when you heard the front door open and slam closed. Your hands suddenly started shaking as your mother’s laughter carried through the big apartment you lived in, your father’s voice next as he answered her question. You dreaded this moment, you knew it was coming, but you were hoping it would come later. You knew your father was expecting you in his study, so, you rose from your desk and pulled your hair in a low ponytail. You glanced at yourself in the mirror and hated your expression; anyone would be able to see how scared you looked. You started glaring at yourself, trying to stop this horrible feeling brewing inside you, as you pointed a finger at yourself in the mirror.
“Stop it!” You snapped at yourself quietly, “Whatever happens, happens. Walk out there with your head up and don’t say anything unnecessary!”
When you heard your mother’s heels clicking getting closer and closer, you quickly grabbed the sheet and hurried to your door, opening it just as your mother raised her knuckle to knock.
“Y/N!” She exclaimed with a wide smile and placed her palm on your cheek, “Looking pretty today, how do you feel?”
You remained expressionless as you looked at your mother, jealous of her good mood, “Fine, I’ll go see father now.”
“Oh, right!” She exclaimed again and stepped out of your way, shooing you away, “We are supposed to leave in thirteen minutes for our date, don’t keep him up! Also, we should look for some vacation cabins in the mountains for our get-away—”
“We are not going anywhere!” You snapped and turned your head to look at your mother, jaw clenched. How could she not pick up on my mental state? How could she not read my expression when I’ve been hers for seventeen years? When she was my mother?
“Oh…” She cleared her throat, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, “Why…”
“I didn’t get the grade.” You muttered and sighed, taking off towards your father’s office. It was on the other end of the apartment and you had time to even out your expression and calm your erratic heartbeat for at least a while. When you stopped in front of the big, black, door you took a deep breath and ignored your mother, who was headed to their shared bedroom, and knocked on your father’s office door. There was a grunt coming from inside and you knew it was your cue to walk in, so, you opened the door with more force than needed and walked in, leaving the door open. He hated it, but you felt like you’d need to escape tonight, it made you feel safer. Your father glanced at his door and then at you before leaning back in his chair with a sigh. You didn’t sit as you came to a stop in front of his desk, just reached your hand out for him to take the sheet. He nodded once and took it, eyes running over the paper. Your heart started beating quickly once again and you clasped your hands behind your back to stop yourself from biting your other nails you didn’t get to in school. Involuntarily, your left foot started tapping against the floorboards of the office and you gulped as you looked straight ahead when your father’s eyes fell on you.
“What did I say?” His voice was hard, sheet crumbled up in his hands. Don’t answer him, let him scream at you, “I thought I was clear.”
When he fell silent you didn’t know what to do or say, so you just let your head hang low, avoiding eye contact with your father, “You are telling me that you’re unable to get a 10/10 at English? When your mother is American?! Is your brain perhaps too little for you to comprehend what you have to learn?! Are you dumb, Y/N?!”
That felt like the last straw. I’m not dumb, I’m more competent than you once were! Your eyes snapped up to meet your father’s, your glare melting into his, “How am I dumb? I got a 9,55, father! And I got a 10/10 at everything else! I’m top of my class and high school! What more do you want?!”
Your voice broke at the end of the sentence, and your body shook, you have never raised your voice at your father. He looked shocked for a second, but in a second also, he was up and storming around his desk to reach you.
“You ungrateful scum!” He shouted loudly, his deep voice made you jump, “I feed you! I give you money! I buy you clothes! I put a roof over your head! And this is how you pay me back? By talking back and thinking you are better than me?!”
“When did I ever say that—” The words died in your throat as the back of your father’s palm slammed into your cheek harshly. Your eyes widened as your head snapped to the other side, tears instantly sprung to your eyes. You remained like that, unmoving and quiet, fighting with your tears. I’d rather die than cry right now. Your father scoffed and you felt the sheet hit your head as he threw that at you as well, as he turned away from you.
“You have three months to fix your mistakes, Y/N. After that, I will not see you anymore in this house.” You gulped at his words, straightening once he walked away and you knew he wouldn’t hit you again. You remained in front of his desk as he walked towards his door, about to get changed for his date with your mother. A broken chuckle left your lips as you looked up at the ceiling, one single tear rolling down your cheek. Better make his life hell in those three months!
“I can’t wait to leave this fucking hell!” You hissed, unaware that your father didn’t leave the room yet. He hesitated taking his next step as he looked back at you with furrowed eyebrows, taken aback by your words.
“I wish I was never born into this fucking family.” At this point, you didn’t even care if he was still standing in the doorway or not, it just felt good to speak your mind aloud. You wanted to shout at the top of your lungs for your parents to hear what you had to say. You wanted everyone to know. I hate them. Your father gulped as he took one final look at you, his jaw clenched, before he shook his head and walked away with a scoff. All he could think of was that you were a spoiled, ungrateful brat. Meanwhile, all you could think of was the day you’d finally be able to run away. In three months, you’d turn eighteen, school would finally end, and you’d leave this shithole you hated with your whole heart. Screw them both, who gives a fuck about them anyways?
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           That night you went to bed crying, which resulted in having a puffy face once you woke up. Your study session with DK wasn’t very successful and once he realized you just weren’t in the right state of mind to study, he dismissed you and set another appointment for next week, saying your English was almost better than his and that you didn’t even need tutoring. You knew that, but you were hopeful that if DK helps you out, on your next exam you’ll get a 10/10 just to spite your father before you move out. While crying, you have decided, that no matter what, in three months you were out of that place. You didn’t want to stay there anymore, you’d rent out a small apartment downtown, find a job and finish your last year of high school. You knew your mother would secretly support you and give you enough money to survive for months, but you didn’t want anything that was theirs anymore…especially their money. When you looked in the mirror to get ready for a new day, all you could do was sigh. Your eyes were big and red and you knew you’d have to spend half an hour just pouring cold water on them to make the swell go away. But when you pulled your hair in a bun, you knew the greenish-bluish bruise on your right cheekbone wouldn’t go away with cold water, you had to put on makeup. This is why you didn’t tell Yoona exactly everything about your family, especially your father, she would’ve reported it without a second thought. You disliked your parents, yes, but they were still your parents. Right now, they were everything you’ve got and you could make them suffer in different, much more effective ways. You decided to let your hair rest freely today, knowing it would offer more cover for your cheek, even if the expensive foundation and color corrector did their jobs fairly well. At breakfast you didn’t speak at all to your parents and you refused to ride with John and your father to school, taking the bus instead as you were running late a bit to be walking. You were in a bad mood all day and everyone could see it, even Yoona, who was a lot more cheerful than yesterday. She promised to hang out with you at lunch break and you were thankful, you felt like you needed to be in her presence today. Vernon was becoming plain annoying with his constant staring and his attempt to talk to you in one of the short breaks you had between classes, which alerted everyone from your class. You threw him a harsh glare and he understood that you wanted nothing to do with him, so he went back to his desk and left you alone for the rest of the day.
You were fixing your makeup before the lunch break arrived, your geography teacher let you off early today, as you stared into your small pocket mirror. You pulled your hair behind your ear as you took out the little cushion and started tapping it lightly against your cheekbone, not much of the foundation had come off, but you wanted to be sure. Especially since you were having lunch with Yoona. As you stared at yourself, your eyes looking lifeless, your ears picked up a loud voice greeting someone from your classroom. You looked up, curious, and your eyes fell on Vernon’s table. A darker blonde-haired boy, quite scrawny looking with dirty clothes, was leaning against Vernon’s desk. He looked younger than the two of you, maybe he was your age, but his complex gave him a boyish look. Vernon looked panicked as he stared at the boy, pinching his ear and making the boy cry out. A few of your classmates glanced at them, but no one seemed as invested and curious as you were. Vernon looked like he got caught doing something illegal, it definitely picked your interest. In your mind, Vernon was this perfect boy, perfect student, whom never did anything bad. Seeing that look on his face, you placed your mirror down on your desk and sneakily continued to watch them.
“Hyung, I’m just here to tell you something important!” The young boy exclaimed annoyed, earning a few more confused looks as he wasn’t wearing your high school’s uniform…or any for that matter. Is he not in school? He seems very young however…maybe he just skipped classes today? Vernon’s eyes widened and accidentally connected with yours and you quickly looked down, absentmindedly flipping through your long-forgotten fashion magazine. You felt his gaze remain on you for a few more seconds before it was gone; you peaked up at them to see the younger boy hunched over Vernon’s desk as he was articulately whispering something. Now, that made you even more curious about what they were speaking, and you looked back down at your magazine. A model you didn’t like had their picture on the page, so, you gripped it and tore the page out, crumbling the paper up. There, this should do for a good excuse to pass by them. You cleared your throat, feeling like you were about to commit a felony, and checked if anyone was watching you, but no one was. You hummed to yourself and looked around, trying to look innocent as you started slowly walking towards Vernon’s desk. Your heart started beating faster as your grip tightened on the paper and you slowed down even more once you could hear the boy’s high-pitched voice.
“Hyung, I’m not kidding! They said they’ll pay really well!” Pay well for what? Your eyebrows furrowed as you became intrigued, eager to find out more.
“I’m not racing against Jun anymore, why can’t you understand that?!” Vernon snapped quietly; his eyebrows were furrowed as he was glaring at his desk. The young boy sighed loudly and you actually stopped walking, standing just two feet away from them. Jun? Vernon is racing? Is this what I think it is?
“Come on, hyung!” The young boy whined and you jumped when something crashed in the back, the paper falling from your grip, “It’s tomorrow night, on a Friday, your mom won’t be pissed if we go racing—”
“Shut up!” Vernon’s voice was hard as you made eye contact. Your face must have said it all because Vernon didn’t look pleased, you heard something you weren’t supposed to. You cleared your throat and walked to the trash bin, feeling the little smirk creep onto your lips. Vernon races? How come I’ve never seen him before? Your thoughts became a whirlwind as you turned to walk back to your desk, eyes falling onto Vernon. He was glaring at you and suddenly you felt powerful, like you were in control of this situation. Vernon was racing Jun? Last month I beat Jun…that means…I can finally beat Vernon at something. You were suddenly pleased and even your mood got better, something you weren’t expecting to happen anytime soon. You didn’t have to think twice as the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch break. The young boy hadn’t left yet and it looked like Vernon was scolding him as you reached inside your backpack and felt around it. You gripped your sandwich first and then the cold rolled up material. You took both items out and your lips widened into a big smirk as your eyes fell on Vernon, who was busy talking to the boy. This is it. I can finally show him he isn’t better at everything. He’s not rich, I have a Veyron, it doesn’t matter what car he has, I will beat him without a doubt. You took off, gripping your things tightly as you were headed straight towards Vernon’s table. Him and the boy stopped whispering when they felt your presence behind them and they turned both to look at you. You slammed the big roll of cash on Vernon’s table, making their jaws drop as the young boy looked back at you as if you grew two heads out. You felt powerful and proud, so, with a wink directed at the young boy you brushed past him to find Yoona and enjoy your lunch with her. You knew Vernon understood your message.
           Classes passed by quickly and you were buzzing to get out of school, for once not even having thought of your parents since the incident with Vernon. You wanted to talk to him, but not at school, you didn’t want your classmates to start more unwanted rumors about you or Vernon. You might dislike him, but you didn’t want to drag him into unnecessary drama. So, you told Yoona that tomorrow you were going to the races and she was excited, telling you she’d be there too with Johnny and his crew, and that she’d cheer for you. She was proud of you and amused at the same time, she knew you disliked Vernon, so she understood how much this meant to you. It was childish, but Yoona didn’t judge you for it, even cheered you on, she could see something was wrong today. So, when you left the school gates, you walked down the street after you promised Yoona that she could drive you home tomorrow, and you turned the corner. You knew Vernon walked this way to get home, so you leaned against the stone wall of the school fence and took a deep breath in, suddenly confused why your heart was beating so fast. Am I nervous because I’m about to see Vernon? No, that’s stupid, I don’t have a reason to feel this way around him. You stood up straight when Vernon rounded the corner and his eyes fell on you, narrowing dangerously as he approached you. When he stopped in front of you, he remained silent and you rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to speak.
“I’m sure you know what I meant by that…” You trailed off and Vernon nodded wordlessly, “I’m challenging you to race.”
“I know.” Vernon nodded again, his voice seemed to be a lot deeper right now, and you didn’t even realize it when you blushed.
“I heard some rumors…” You started, trying to remain confident under his sudden intimidating gaze, “About a guy called Vernon who drifts better than Lee Seungkwan, is that you?”
A smirk appeared on Vernon’s lips and your eyebrows furrowed when your heartbeat picked up again, suddenly you felt hot standing under the sun, “It is me.”
You didn’t like the look on Vernon’s face, you felt like he knew he was making you flustered, so you took a step to be closer, “Well then, here’s my proposal…I win, you teach me how to drift. You win, I’ll go on a date with you.”
I can’t believe this is the proposal I’m making, I sound stupid. How do I know he wants to go on a date with me? Now I’m just blindly assuming and insinuating that he might like me, oh no…Your cheeks warmed up again and you hated the way Vernon started laughing, his mouth opening and showing his teeth.
“How do you know if I want to go on a date with you?” Vernon raised one eyebrow and you rolled your eyes, trying to mask your initial panic.
“Call it a hunch,” You answered back with a smirk, trying to fake your confidence that suddenly decided to disappear, “are you in or not?”
Vernon remained silent for a few seconds as his eyes ran over your face, his features softening. You bit your lower lip, feeling nervous all of a sudden as no boy looked at you like that before.
“I’m in.” He extended his hand for you to shake and you looked down at it, hesitantly shaking his hand. His grip was strong and warm, his palm surprisingly soft as it caressed yours, it was so much bigger. Your cheeks burned again and your eyebrows furrowed as you became angry at yourself and pulled your hand away, throwing Vernon a small glare. He seemed amused as you turned and stormed off, completely missing the smitten look Vernon was giving you.
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           You woke up feeling excited, which was a foreign feeling, as you usually dreaded having breakfast with your parents. Last night you tried to nurse the bruise on your cheek with ice and ointment, but the colors were still there and you had to cover it with foundation once again. You let your hair hang freely once again and once you were dressed; you went out to have breakfast. Your parents weren’t in the dining room, so you headed to the kitchen, surprising the maids, and asked them to let you have breakfast there. They were hesitant but didn’t try to argue with you when they saw the genuine smile on your face; they could see how your mood was strangely good today and decided not to ruin it. After that, you skillfully creeped around the apartment, making sure to avoid your parents as you headed for school, your long strides taking you to school quickly. Yoona and you got there at the same time so you asked her to take you to Jihoon’s car-service after school, she said she’d drive you home today after all, as your Veyron was ready to be picked up for tonight’s race. Vernon seemed to be smug as he offered you a few smirks here and there throughout the day, and when you returned from the restroom, you found a protein bar on your desk. Confused, you looked around and watched your classmates, who weren’t paying much attention to you. Vernon wasn’t in the classroom and you sighed, about to sit, when Hanna waved her hand at you. You raised your eyebrows at her in question and she just pointed at Vernon’s table before at the protein bar. You understood what she tried saying and with red cheeks you slumped into your chair, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Your gaze fell on the protein bar and just as you poked it annoyed, Vernon walked in with two of his friends and his eyes fell on you. You threw him a glare and hid behind your long hair, refusing to let him see the blush on your cheeks, I blushed enough yesterday. His ego didn’t need to be further fed. You found it amusing how sure he looked of himself, you knew he was convinced that he’d win tonight, but you also knew he’d be a sore loser. You haven’t seen many people with expensive cars at the races, even if the engine is the one that counts, your Veyron just naturally was faster and better than most cars they owned. It was why you were able to win so many races until now and why Jihoon approached you in the first place. He was excited to see the new engine he installed in action tonight, he would sell it for big money if you win.
           Your parents were still out on their date when you left the apartment, you didn’t have to worry about them seeing you dressed ‘like a hooker’, as they called this style. It wasn’t even anything bad, just leather pants and a strapless crop top and your leather jacket. You wore your thick, plain, platformed boots so that you’ll seem taller but be able to drive at the same time. Once you got to the garage you smiled pridefully at your car as you unlocked it. You really loved the car; it was your most prized possession as it brought you many victories so far. Once you turned the car on, goosebumps appeared on your arms at the roar of the engine. It was humming loudly and it shook your car in the best way possible as you carefully drove out of the garage. You turned on the radio and chuckled when Yoona’s favorite song came on, rolling down the windows to let the chilly air of the night fill your car. You pulled your hair in a low ponytail so that it wouldn’t accidentally get in your face and disturb you, you were aware of what you did was dangerous. You were careful as you drove down the illuminated streets of Seoul, making sure you wouldn’t exceed the speed limit. Wouldn’t want to make your father hate you more and take your car away. You’d get there at least fifteen minutes earlier, and you’d lie if you said your stomach wasn’t whirling around due to nervousness. You gripped the wheel tightly as you shook your head, passing by a green light, trying to clear your mind. This really isn’t the time to be nervous about something that I will most definitely win. The engine change wasn’t very obvious, your car was actually a bit slower, but it still flew down the streets if you pressed the gas pedal. Jihoon assured you you’d definitely win, even with the slight change, and you promised to give half of the profit to him. Tonight, he was making good money, people would flock to him to buy this new engine which to them seemed like it was as fast as an original Veyron engine, people were easy to fool. You drove through downtown and past some warehouses, music getting carried to where you were currently, even though the meeting point was one block away. You slowed as you turned the next corner and shut the lights of the car off as the street was illuminated well enough by the lampposts but the reflectors brought by the people here too. The street you were on was a very long streets, on both sides were abandoned buildings, and cars were parked close to those building to leave space for the circulating cars, and people, to pass by. You honked softly and the mass of people in front of you started fleeing out of your way, creating a straight path for you to the start line. You slowly rolled by them, the loud music coming from different car speakers could be felt even in your car, you picked up on the slight vibrations. People who knew you greeted you with grins and tapped your turquoise car, becoming excited when they saw you weren’t about to park anywhere. They knew you were racing tonight and as you arrived to the start line, people started cheering your name. You started laughing as you turned the engine off and got out of your car, grinning at the people surrounding you.
“There you are!” Yoona exclaimed as she leaned against the front of your car, arms crossed in front of her. You chuckled and approached her, draping an arm around her shoulders.
“Did you think I’d miss tonight?”
“Nothing’s ever sure with you…” She was right and you rolled your eyes, having missed races not once because of your parents being home. They didn’t know what you did in your free time, but sometimes they’d forbid you from spending your Fridays out, even though you always said you were sleeping over at Yoona’s.
“Did you see Vernon?” You asked as you looked around, unable to see anyone familiar in the huge crowd around you. Butterflies in your stomach made you rub your tummy as you pouted and Yoona started laughing loudly.
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous?” Her eyebrows raised and you decided not to look at her, “And no, I don’t even know if he’s here. Maybe he chickened out—”
A loud roar of an engine made Yoona’s words unable to be heard and you whipped your head around, eyes falling on a red Honda Civic Type R. The windows were tinted and you couldn’t see inside, but you knew it was Vernon, no one else was racing beside the two of you for the next twenty minutes. Yoona’s eyes widened just a bit as you both watched Vernon get out of the car and you were confused when two blondes ran up to him squealing.
“Oppa!” They chorused and your face distorted into disgust as Yoona burst out laughing, leaning back as her head was thrown back. You looked at her, expression still the same, and it made her laugh louder and harder. Your eyes fell on Johnny, who was smirking, as he started approaching you, his eyes falling on Vernon.
“Brought along your Barbie dolls, eh?” He tapped Yoona’s thigh as he walked past, headed for Vernon. The two blondes clung onto Vernon’s arms and you finally looked at him, taking in his attire. He wore ripped jeans and a form fitting navy green blouse, a leather jacket keeping him warm from the chilly air. A few chains hung around his neck and his dark hair was pushed back. You were surprised to see Vernon dressed like this; you didn’t think his style would be like that. You’ve only ever seen him in his uniform and some loose gym clothes. You gulped and Yoona nudged you, eyes squinted.
“Stop staring at him, you’re making it very obvious.” She muttered as she leaned down as if she was about to whisper something to you.
“What?” You asked confused as you turned your head, Vernon just shook hands with Johnny, and you then looked back at Yoona.
“That you like him.” Yoona’s words hit you like a truck and you couldn’t help the very loud scoff that left your lips. Is she crazy? I like Vernon? Where did she get that from?!
“Did you take something before you—”
Yoona threw you a warning glare and you didn’t finish your sentence as you knew better, but your attention was back on Johnny and Vernon, it looked like they’ve known each other for quite a while as they talked casually.
“Taking her out for a tour?” Johnny asked with a grin as he placed his hand on Vernon’s Honda. Vernon nodded and untangled himself from the two blondes, a smirk appearing on his lips. Your stomach did a somersault and you gasped quietly, confused as to what that feeling meant and why you only ever felt so flustered around Vernon. Yoona can’t be right…
“Nah, I’m here to claim my prize.” Vernon’s eyes fell on you and your back straightened as you quickly smoothed your expression into a neutral one. You knew your cheeks were still burning, but it was so chilly outside, one could blame it on that. You chuckled as Johnny looked at you too, seemingly having realized Vernon was racing you tonight.
“I don’t know man,” He said with an amused smirk, patting Vernon’s back forcefully, “I’ve never seen Y/N lose before in that car.”
You couldn’t help but notice the slight envy that slipped into Johnny’s tone and it made you smirk; you always knew he wanted your car. He was pretty pissed when you refused to let him drive it, you weren’t about to let a lunatic wreck your precious car. If something happened to it and you’d had to tell your parents it was Johnny’s fault, you were sure you’d never get to see the daylight ever again.
“You’re still in, right, Chwe?” You raised your eyebrows mockingly and Vernon scoffed, opening his door.
“Why don’t you sit inside your car so that we get over with this?” You chuckled and pushed off your car, Yoona following suit as Johnny walked up to the two of you, grabbing Yoona’s nape. You watched as he stared her in the eyes, eyes narrowing the slightest at her, and Yoona’s jaw clenched as she waited patiently for Johnny to stop. You hated when he did that, tried dominating Yoona or got possessive to the point of hurting her, so you ripped your car door open and pressed down on the honk harshly. Both of them jumped and Johnny looked at you with a glare.
“Move along, dickhead, I haven’t got all night.” You snapped at him and he chuckled, releasing Yoona, who looked thankful as she pushed Johnny slightly back and walked away while shooting you a finger heart.
“Don’t crash.” You rolled your eyes at Johnny’s words and got in as he walked to the side where Yoona stood, circling his arms around your best friend’s waist. Out of nowhere, Jun showed up, holding a checkered flag. You closed your door shut and put on your seatbelt, melting into your seat. Vernon’s engine roared to life and you were quick to do the same, Jun having come to a stop between the two cars.
“You know the drill,” Jun shouted over everyone’s voice, “You’ve got 400 meters, whichever finishes first wins and gets the money.”
Vernon reeled his engine and you just smirked; eyes fixed on the checkered flag as Jun raised it. You always concentrated, how you start, is the most important thing. You can’t lose seconds and you have to be faster than the other one, it gives you already a very small but significant advantage. You gripped the gearstick and the wheel with your other hand, ready to shift it into drive. You hated how your eyes had to take a glance at Vernon and it annoyed you even more when you realized his eyes were on you. What if Yoona is right and I do like him? I do feel flustered around him. Isn’t it just because he makes me angry? A few days ago, I was convinced I hated him with all my heart. What is it that I truly feel for him then? Jun’s hand with the flag dropped and you shifted the gearstick just in a second, your foot pressing down the gas pedal. You didn’t look anywhere else as your car came to an abrupt start, the safety belt cutting into the exposed skin of your collarbones and your eyebrows furrowed as your car picked up speed in just seconds. Everything became a blur around you, all you saw was the finish line that was still far away, but you were getting closer and closer. You didn’t know where Vernon was, but having not seen him pass you, you believed he was still behind somewhere. Your stiff body almost felt relaxed, despite the contraction of your muscles to keep the car going in a straight line at such high speed, and your mind was silent. You didn’t hear anything, the radio was always off when you raced because you wanted to hear the engine, and your labored breathing felt almost relaxing. You felt in control and free, a small smile slipped onto your lips when you noticed Seungkwan standing on the side with a big checkered flag, flapping it around above him. You were close, just a few more meters. Your engine cried loudly as you pushed the gas pedal for another boost of energy, your car crossing the finish line before Vernon’s could. You let go of the gas pedal and hit the brakes, your car coming to a stop slowly but surely. People flooded around your car and your head rested on the head rest as you closed your eyes, surprised by how fast your heart was beating. Adrenaline always flooded your veins, but never this much. You opened one eye and glanced to your left, but Vernon’s car was nowhere. It confused you as you turned the engine off, undoing your seatbelt. People were cheering for you, your name leaving their lips as they tapped your car in congratulations, and you gripped the door handle to open it. Just as you pushed it open, it was pushed back closed and your eyebrows furrowed, until Vernon’s face popped up. He motioned with his finger to roll down your window and you did, still looking at him confused.
“What are you doing?” You asked, your voice loud, as Vernon threw the cash back at you, making it land in your lap.
“I lost,” His tone was hard and he looked displeased, “but you knew I would, so take your money back.”
You rolled your eyes and gripped the cash, raising it up between your faces, “I gave it to you regardless of the outcome, our deal was about something else—”
“I’m not your charity case!” Vernon’s voice turned harsh and you raised your eyebrows at him, finding it weird how pissed he suddenly was, “I’ll meet you tomorrow at noon at the abandoned sandy tracks half an hour from here. Don’t come with the Veyron, it’s not a car for beginners.”
You opened your mouth to snap at him that you weren’t a beginner, but Vernon turned around and stormed away, pushing people out of his way. You turned your head to see where he was headed, and you found his car just a few meters away from the finish line, 100 meter between yours and his car. What a dick.
           The revving of the engine was a sign that you were doing something wrong and out of anger, you hit the brakes harshly, sending yourself and the person sitting in the passenger seat forward. Your heart was beating fast as you gripped the steering wheel with both hands, your skin melting into the material of the wheel. The seatbelt was cutting into your skin too and your jaw clenched when a chuckle came from your right. You knew Vernon was smirking in amusement, very pleased to see you fail once again. You thought you’d learn how to drift quickly and easily, but here you were, almost two hours later, barely being able to make one right turn. You didn’t know what it was that made it so hard, it couldn’t have been Vernon’s Honda, you’ve driven cars like his before thanks to Jihoon; you really didn’t understand what was the matter. I can’t believe I’ve been embarrassing myself for the past two hours. A sigh left your mouth and you glanced at Vernon, who’s right arm was perched on the windowsill and he had his smirk still on.
“You suck at teaching,” You had to say something to save yourself from further embarrassment, “That’s why I still can’t do it.”
It was so amusing to Vernon that he started laughing, his mouth widening and his teeth showed. Your heart only seemed to pick up its rhythm and your eyebrows furrowed as you harshly shifted the gear to start doing another round.
“Hey, hey—” Vernon was quick to notice your change of demeanor and your fingers tightened around the shift stick when he gripped your hand, “I think we had enough for today, Y/N…especially my car. I can’t have you burning down my brakes, sorry.”
“If you’d let me come with my Veyron you wouldn’t be here complaining—”
“And risk wrecking that car?” Vernon’s eyebrows shoot up and you looked at him, his hand was still on top of yours as if he forgot it there, “Hell, I bet your parents don’t even know you race…I for sure would bite my kid’s head off if I found out they raced with a car like yours—”
“Yeah,” You snapped, eyes blazing as you glared at Vernon, what does he know about me, “That’s why they don’t know. Let go of my hand now and tell me where to drive.”
Vernon gulped and if you weren’t so angry, you probably would have blushed at his reaction. He looked down at your hands as if he realized due to your words it was still on top of yours and he quickly placed it in his lap, clearing his throat as you looked away, “I’m quite hungry, let’s have lunch.”
“Just tell me where you live and I’ll call John to pick me up—”
“No!” Vernon’s voice rose a bit and you looked at him surprised as you were driving away from the abandoned race tracks, “I mean…come have lunch with us. My mom knows where we are and she’d be really pissed if I didn’t invite you for lunch…”
Your heart started beating fast again and you bit your lower lip, trying to ignore his words and the temptation to say yes, “I can’t stay.”
“No.” Vernon knew it was final and that he couldn’t try convincing you anymore, but he really wanted you to stay. He was amazed by you, truth be told. He didn’t know what was so attractive about you, because you might have been beautiful, but he never really cared much about looks. Something about the way you would always look at him, he felt some hidden feelings that you desperately tried to hide from him and yourself as well. He knew you had something with him personally, he didn’t understand why, but he hoped one day you’d have enough courage to tell him. It was the only reason why he never tried getting close to you, he was afraid honestly, that you’d reject him in a very unpleasant way and he wanted to save himself from the heartbreak. He didn’t even know you raced, he never heard of your name being gossiped at the races, however, he did hear something from Chan, who worked for Lee Jihoon. But you weren’t the only girl who’s name was Y/N, he couldn’t just assume so boldly. As you focused on the road, on driving back towards the main roads, you failed to notice Vernon’s intense gaze analyzing your every movement, expression. Your bruise had faded nicely, after icing it non-stop when you were home, but you could still faintly see it. So faintly, that one would have to be really close next to you to see it, or so you thought. Vernon clearly saw it and just as he opened his mouth to question what it was, you sighed.
“Yesterday…” You started quietly, your muscles having eased now that you were just driving around casually and Vernon wasn’t touching you, “I feel like I insulted you…”
Vernon’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched you, pointing towards a street, to which you turned, “Insulted me?”
“With the money…I didn’t want to make it seem like I was—”
But Vernon didn’t want to hear it, because quite frankly, he wasn’t insulted at all last night. He was pissed, because you won. And that was only because he really wanted to go on that date with you. However, now that you’ve been alone in his car for almost two hours, he didn’t seem to mind it that much, “I wasn’t insulted, Y/N. I know you are rich and that I have less than you, but it didn’t mean anything to me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and once again followed Vernon’s instructions, which lead to a quiet side of the city, “Why were you so angry then?”
“I was frustrated, not necessarily angry.” Your lips pulled up into a smile and you glanced at Vernon.
“I probably should have warned you I drive a Veyron—”
“I heard Jihoon sold your engine.”
“It wasn’t mine. He bought it and wanted me to show it off so that he could sell it for more.”
“I know.” You found yourself glancing at Vernon with a smile, which he returned, as he pointed towards a house at the end of the street. It was a dead end, and theirs was the last house. It looked normal size, white, and had a nice front lawn. You didn’t think Vernon was poor, but the quality of the house surprised you. It had a refreshing look and definitely looked cozy just from the outside. You parked the car in the driveway, like Vernon instructed, and turned the engine off. You both undid your seatbelts and got out of the car; your eyes glanced towards the house. The window on the second floor was opened and loud music was blasting through it. A smile had pulled onto your lips without realizing and Vernon cleared his throat to get your attention.
“That’s my sister…she’s a bit loud sometimes.” You nodded as your eyes fell on Vernon, who’s hands were in the pockets of his baggy jeans, it weirdly looked good on him. Vernon’s style surprised you. It looked really cool and was actually very fitting for him, now you realized. It would be weird seeing him now in his uniform, knowing his preference in clothes.
“I’ll call John—" But just as you grabbed your phone from your jacket, the front door opened and a middle-aged lady walked out, hands on her waist.
“Look at you two!” She exclaimed in English and your lips instantly pulled into a smile, her accent sounding an awful lot like Vernon’s, “I thought you’d never come home. Come on!”
Vernon grinned at his mother and took off, but you remained put, “Uh, ma’am I’ll be calling my father’s driver to pick me up.”
“Non-sense!” Vernon’s mother’s eyebrows furrowed as she stepped down a few steps, “Hurry up inside, I just finished the soup.”
“Ma’am, I really can’t stay for lunch—”
“Vernon, go get her!” And before you could disagree more, his mother walked inside, leaving the door open for you. Your eyes fell on Vernon and you shook your head, about to dial John’s number. I really don’t want to be here right now. My father is already pissed enough at me, I shouldn’t miss lunch today…especially since we are meeting with his business partners.
“If you don’t have lunch with us, mom won’t let me help you tomorrow or next week.” Your eyebrows furrowed at Vernon’s words and you looked down at your cellphone, hesitant to put it away. Would it really be so bad if I stayed? It’s just one lunch. Besides, I most definitely don’t want to meet Mr. Kim’s son, he’s too rude for my liking. You rolled your eyes and put your phone on ‘do not disturb’, putting it back inside your jacket’s pocket as you followed Vernon inside the house.
The house on the inside was exactly how you imagined it to be. Walls white with big windows to let the natural light inside and everywhere you looked, you saw family pictures. It seemed like Vernon’s mother really liked flowers too as you could find them in every corner of the house. There was a scent of homecooked meal and it smelled so much better than the one coming from your maids at home. It was a lot warmer inside than outside, so you decided to get rid of your jacket too after you left your shoes in the doorway. You’d usually wear flip flops at home, but when Vernon gave you none and instructed to just go straight ahead while he went upstairs, you didn’t say anything about it. You watched Vernon hurry up the stairs as you walked down the hallway, humming coming from where Vernon instructed you to head towards.
“Oh, good!” It was his mom, once you stepped inside the kitchen, the scent of homecooked food was stronger. The kitchen wasn’t very big, just enough for a few people to be inside, but when you looked to your left you noticed there was a dining room, the young boy from school was there actually. He was sitting on a chair, one foot up on the chair next to him as he watched something on his phone, picking his nose in the process. It was a sight you weren’t expecting, such a normal sight you never got to see at home, that it made you laugh. You actually started laughing so hard it alerted the young boy, who’s cheeks became pink and he shoot you a glare.
“Chan,” Vernon’s mom sighed as she glanced back to see what was so funny, “He was picking his nose again, wasn’t he?”
You only nodded as you tried to stop laughing, the boy actually got up and walked towards you with a small glare. You weren’t aware that Vernon had a brother, besides, this Chan boy looked nothing like Vernon or his mother.
“I’m Y/L/N Y/N by the way,” You spoke up as Chan stopped beside you, squaring you up with his eyes, as you watched Vernon’s mother.
“Yes, Vernon told me who he was going with. Wasn’t expecting a girl to want to learn how to drift.” Chan scoffed next to you as he offered you his hand once he was done taking your form in.
“Lee Chan.” You shook his hand and narrowed your eyes at him, “And Mrs. Chwe, I told you women like to race. Sometimes there’s more of them at the race tracks than men.”
“He’s not wrong.” You approved of his words, looking back at him, “You’re not related to the Lee family, right?”
“Do I look like I am?” Chan had a sharp tongue and you scoffed, watching him brush past you, “Let me put the plates, Mrs. Chwe.”
“You should be studying, Chan, dear.” Chan just rolled his eyes as he opened a drawer and pointed at the cutlery and motioned for you to take them. You grimaced at him but proceeded to help him out, it was better than standing awkwardly in the kitchen and doing nothing.
“Studying is a luxury that I can’t benefit of.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you walked alongside Chan to the dining room, setting the plates and cutlery on the long table.
“What do you mean?” You asked quietly, noticing one plate missing.
“I don’t have enough money to go to school, Y/N.” Chan answered with an impassive voice, but you couldn’t help and notice the yearning behind his words.
“How old are you?” You found yourself asking again, something tugging at your heartstrings. Am I feeling bad for him? He deserves to have part of education like everyone else. He seems like a quick-witted boy.
“Sixteen.” Chan muttered and brushed past you as he headed for the door of the kitchen. You looked at Mrs. Chwe as she brought the pot of soup to the table, still steaming as it had been recently finished. She had a sad expression as she heard your little exchange with Chan and it suddenly all made sense. He’s here because they are taking care of him. I don’t know his home situation, but if Mrs. Chwe took him in, it must mean that he wasn’t living well before at all.
“Vernon! Sofia!” You jumped at Chan’s shrill voice and Mrs. Chwe chuckled, taking a seat at the head of the table.
“Sit wherever you want,” She offered you a smile and you chose to sit on her left, the cushion was soft underneath your bum, “Can’t believe my son just left you to yourself, where are his manners.”
“It’s alright, Mrs. Chwe.” You reassured her, sitting patiently as Chan chose to sit across from you. You internally cursed and hoped that Sofia would take the seat next to you, but you didn’t have that much luck. As the girl came into view, she raced Vernon and jumped into the seat next to Chan, leaving Vernon with a glare directed at her. You looked at Vernon and tried to keep a neutral expression, knowing all eyes were basically on the two of you. His black hair was dripping still and he had changed from the clothes he was wearing earlier today. He wore black sweatpants and a tight white t-shirt, which made your heart beat faster. You never noticed that Vernon had muscles before and you were praying to all Gods that you wouldn’t blush upon seeing the way his t-shirt sat tightly against his chest.
“Finally,” His mother said with a sour expression and Vernon chuckled awkwardly, taking his seat next to you. You tensed up when Vernon’s knee knocked into yours underneath the table and Chan just randomly chuckled, making everyone look at him.
“Nothing, sorry!” He quickly dismissed it and greedily grabbed for the ladle to pour soup into his bowl. Vernon kept his eyes on Chan and the younger boy tried to mask his chuckle with a scoff. It was weird but you said nothing as this seemed to be normal for the other people sitting at the table.
“I’m Sofia!” Your eyes fell on the girl sitting next to Chan and you offered her a genuine smile.
“I’m Y/N.” She grinned back at you and stole the ladle from Chan, elbowing him when he filled his bowl to the brim.
“I love this soup, stop it!” He exclaimed loudly and scooted his chair away from the girl, throwing daggers at her.
“You won’t leave anything for us!” Sofia fired back and you sat quietly, your body once again relaxed. Vernon’s hands on the table kept clenching and unclenching and you stole a glance at him, he was watching his sister and friend’s banter with a glare.
“Stop it, kids,” Mrs. Chwe intervened and took the ladle from Sofia once she was done, “You always serve the guest first.”
“It’s alright, don’t worry!” You quickly dismissed her words, offering her your bowl when she raised her hand, “You don’t have to change your habits just because I’m here.”
Vernon’s mother smiled as she handed you back the bowl, “You seem to be the most well behaved here, my dear.”
Your cheeks became hot and before you could dismiss her words, Chan erupted into giggles, “Of course, Mrs. Chwe! Can’t you smell the richness? I could, even from miles away—” Before Chan could finish his sentence, he cried out and jumped a bit, glaring at Vernon, who was glaring at him back. You looked at Vernon and saw how his jaw was clenched and his mother sighed, taking her son’s bowl to pour some soup for him too.
“Rich or poor, Chan, in this house it doesn’t matter, yes?” Her voice was scolding and Chan grew smaller in his seat, as if he realized he wasn’t at his real home here and apologized quietly. Once you started eating your soup, you remained quiet and listened to the casual conversations from around. It wasn’t because you had nothing to say, it’s just that habits are hard to change, and at your house no one spoke while you ate…well, sometimes your mother would, until your father would reprimand her for it. You smiled softly when Sofia talked about her recent trip with her friends to a resort not far from the city and felt a bit bad when Chan confessed that he wouldn’t be going home this month either. You didn’t know his story, but it was obvious how much it bothered him that he couldn’t be there. Vernon answered his mom when he was asked something, but otherwise remained silent like you, stealing glances that you obviously noticed but ignored in order to stop yourself from blushing.
“Did Vernon manage to teach you something today, Y/N?” Mrs. Chwe asked you just as you finished eating and your eyebrows furrowed.
“He tried to…” You muttered and subconsciously threw a glare at Vernon, “But I didn’t do much.”
“You aren’t bad though.” You scoffed and whipped your head towards Vernon, for a second forgetting that it wasn’t just the two of you there.
“Saying that now to seem nice, huh? Who are you trying to impress?” Everyone remained silent at your snappy tone and you grew embarrassed, realizing you were acting out again. It was just getting to you. The atmosphere at the table, how nice everyone was to everyone, how Mrs. Chwe seemed to know her kids and didn’t even have to ask them because she already knew what bothered them. Even Chan was treated well and Mrs. Chwe was babying him, offering him more soup once he was done even though he probably couldn’t eat more. It was obvious that everyone was cared of and loved. Hearing Mrs. Chwe calling you ‘my dear’ wasn’t helping with the void you felt in your chest. It was making your stomach ache when you thought of going home after this, after the picture of a loving family was now forever imprinted into your mind. How were you not supposed to hate Vernon now? He isn’t just perfect at school; his whole life seems to be perfect. Everyone loves him and Chan even looks up at him, Sofia seems to love to tease him and no one seems to be always pressuring him. How am I supposed to look at him without envy?
“I’m sorry, that was rude.” You apologized quickly, realizing you’ve stayed quiet for too long.
“Don’t worry, my son isn’t perfect.” Mrs. Chwe’s words were so contradicting towards your thoughts about him, “Whatever misunderstanding you have going on, I understand. Just solve it quickly so that you don’t stay with a grudge.”
“A misunderstanding even I don’t understand.” Vernon mumbled underneath his breath and you looked at him, eyes widening just a little bit. Now you felt worse and you sighed, pushing your hair behind your back.
“Oh, dear!” Everyone looked at Mrs. Chwe surprised, she was looking at you with her eyebrows furrowed, “What happened to your face?”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you touched your face with both hands, looking at Vernon out of reflex since you knew him best from the table, to see if he could see something wrong. His eyes looked into yours for a second before they fell on your cheek. Your heart seemed to come to a stop before it sped up dangerously and you just cleared your throat.
“I’m clumsy sometimes,” It was a script you memorized a long time ago, “I have a cabinet in my bathroom that’s around my height and sometimes when I wake up, I’m dizzy and happen to run into it. That’s what happened.”
Everyone but Vernon seemed to buy it, Sofia even laughed, “You should be more carefully, why did you even put the cabinet there?”
“I wasn’t the designer of the apartment.” You joked with her, throwing Vernon a confused glance as his right leg was moving up and down fast, like when you were anxious. Chan and Sofia giggled as Mrs. Chwe stood to gather the bowls.
“Put some ice on it, it’ll go away.” Her voice was soothing and you felt like her, too, knew your story was a lie; but you decided to ignore it and thank her for lunch once again.
“When is Mr. Chwe coming home?” Chan asked as he stood to help Mrs. Chwe take the bowls to the sink. He saved your curiosity and you were happy that he asked before you could.
“I don’t know,” Vernon answered with a shrug, leaning back in his chair, “He took some extra shifts.”
“Yes, because you just had to buy that expensive car to race with.” Mrs. Chwe snapped from the kitchen and you looked at Vernon.
“I’ve been earning more money ever since, mom. You can’t say I’m not trying to help you.” Vernon got defensive, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Your eyes fell on the contracting muscles and you gulped, reaching for your glass to drink some water. Sofia smirked but looked at her phone when she saw you throwing her a questioning glance.
“As if we weren’t in debt before.” The woman sighed to herself, but everyone heard it, and the cash that Vernon threw back at you yesterday felt heavy in your back-pocket. He wasn’t a charity case, he said it himself, but why not give it to him when you seriously didn’t need it? You looked at Vernon and his eyebrows were furrowed as he sighed quietly.
“Thank you for having me for lunch, but I really have to go home now.” You spoke up and stood up, Vernon following your actions. Sofia shot you a pout but she waved as you walked to the kitchen, Vernon behind you.
“You should come more often.” Mrs. Chwe gave you a pat on the head and you bowed your head, waving at Chan, but as you went to step outside of the kitchen, you stopped. Vernon walked into you and your skin tingled as he grabbed onto your arms, steadying himself. You wanted to curse but focused on what you were about to say as you glanced back, having to look over Vernon’s shoulder. He was taller than you.
“Chan, ask Vernon to give you my phone number and whenever you have free time, call me if you feel like studying a little.” Chan’s mouth fell open and you winked at him, taking off again.
“For free?” Chan shouted after you and you chuckled, weirdly not bothered that Vernon was still holding onto you.
“For free!” You called back and Chan started loudly cheering, making Vernon sigh, “You should do the same, Vernon, the poor kid makes it obvious that he’d like to study.”
“You think I didn’t try doing that?” Vernon scoffed and finally released you as you went to pull on your shoes, “He’s stubborn and refuses to listen to me.”
“I guess my beauty is enough to give him motivation then.” You said cutely and Vernon could have sworn his heart stopped beating. You didn’t notice his sudden freeze up as you grabbed your jacket and phone from your pocket.
“Your beauty…” He muttered to himself as you sent a message to John to pick you up, his answer was immediate.
“So…” You looked back at Vernon, sneakily taking the roll of cash from your back-pocket, “We are meeting tomorrow too?”
“That’s the plan, right?” He asked, his voice sounding a bit chocked up and you ignored it as you nodded. Your eyes fell on the table behind him and your heart picked up when you realized what you’d have to do. You wouldn’t have done it, not in a million years, if it wasn’t your only chance to leave the money at him. Your heart started beating fast and Vernon frowned when he saw you closing the gap between you two. You grimaced to yourself as you let your left arm circle his torso, hugging him briefly. Your right arm extended and just as you managed to drop the cash onto the table, Vernon pulled you into himself. You gasped quietly and noticed how refreshing his scent was and the back of his t-shirt was still wet from his dripping hair that seemed only damp now. The hug didn’t last for long but when you pulled back, both of your cheeks were warm and you couldn’t look at Vernon.
“Uhm, see you tomorrow!” Not wanting to hear his voice and feel more flustered, you quickly opened the door and ran down his driveway, refusing to turn back around to watch him close the door. You could still feel his arms around you and how soft his clothes were despite his body being so firm. I think Yoona is right, I might like Vernon.
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           You couldn’t help the satisfied cry that left your lips as you took your forth successful turn, drifting just like Vernon taught you. You still couldn’t do it each time you tried, but this was the best you’ve done since you’ve been here so far. Vernon was proud as he gripped onto the board of the car, lips in a wide grin. He wasn’t bothered by how sharp your turns were, throwing him around in his seat even though he was buckled up, he was happy that you were happy. He’s never seen you with such wide smile before, and he was mesmerized. He never thought you could become more beautiful than you already were. Your heart was beating fast again as you decided this was satisfying enough to take a break, Vernon’s been complaining for half an hour now. You slowed the car down and stopped the engine when it finally came to a stop. You let out a breath and relaxed in the driver’s seat, feeling accomplished. You could finally do it; you were sure you needed more practice but you actually did it this time.
“That was pretty cool, Y/N.” You forgot you were with Vernon in the car and you became embarrassed as you looked at him, “Am I still a bad teacher?”
“It took me five hours in total to catch the hang of it, I wouldn’t tell anyone you’re very bright at teaching.” It made Vernon chuckle and you realized what he acted like in school was his real personality, he wasn’t faking anything like some people were. It felt nice to be around someone authentic and you found yourself staring at him. His black hair seemed to have wax on as it was twirled in locks and paired with the red sunglasses he wore it made him look very attractive. He had on some black ripped jeans and underneath his neon green oversized jumper he wore a white t-shirt, you could see the collar of it. When Vernon locked eyes with you, you quickly looked away and picked at the ends of your turtleneck; your knee-length skirt had ridden up a bit and was around your thighs, you’d have to pull it lower soon.
“I gave Chan your phone number,” You looked back at Vernon surprised, you didn’t expect Chan to actually accept your offer, “He said he’ll give you a call next week.”
“That’s fine,” You hummed and brushed your long hair behind your back, “The less time I spend at home, the better.”
You wished you didn’t say that, because it seemed like Vernon just remembered something and his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes searched your face. You did not forget to put on foundation today, so he couldn’t see anything wrong with your skin, but suddenly the area felt on fire. You hoped Vernon wouldn’t bring it up now that he couldn’t see it, but you were wrong.
“Why hide the bruise if I have already seen it?”
“I thought it wasn’t visible anymore, good you told me.”
“Wouldn’t want more people getting suspicious?” Your eyebrows furrowed and Vernon rolled his eyes, looking a little irritated.
“What happened?” You shrugged and sighed, trying to remain neutral.
“I told you yesterday, Vernon—”
“But it’s not the truth.” You rolled your eyes but Vernon’s burning gaze made you want to tell him everything. You didn’t know anymore which feeling was stronger: hatred or liking. But you wanted to tell someone and Vernon was willing to listen, maybe you felt like this because you knew Vernon wouldn’t directly go to the police like Yoona would.
“Everyone at school is jealous of me for being rich, for having everything I want and need. But I don’t have everything, Vernon. My parents don’t love, at least my father doesn’t, my mother barely spends time with me nowadays and the bruise—" You hated thinking of how you got certain bruises, your chest ached. You blocked the memories away and you didn’t think it would be this hard to say it. You were scared of how Vernon would react and what he’d think, would he see you differently? Vernon grabbed your hand and you became stiff, wanting to pull your hand away but keep it there at the same time. It was oddly offering you comfort.
“The truth is that—my father—he—hits me.” You muttered quietly and looked down at your hands, unable to look at Vernon. You didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes, you hated being vulnerable in front of others. And now you were confused about what you actually felt for Vernon, it wasn’t helping. Vernon’s silence was making you uncomfortable and you glanced up at him, his jaw was clenched. He seemed fine, but his jaw gave him away. You knew he was angry and you sighed, pulling your hand away from his.
“Go to the police, tell on him.”
“No, I can’t do that. He’s still my father.”
“Do you even hear yourself?!” Vernon’s sudden raise of voice made you jump as you looked back at him surprised, “This isn’t a little disciplinary spank a parent does from time to time, Y/N. He’s abusing you!”
You didn’t need someone to tell you, you were well aware of that. You threw Vernon a glare and crossed your arms in front of your chest, “Thanks for stating the obvious—”
“No, don’t do that!” He snapped, undoing his seatbelt in his anger, to be able to turn towards you better, “This isn’t something that can be treated lightly, Y/N! You need to tell someone; he has to stop. He has no rights laying his hands on you, do you understand me?”
“Do you understand that I know but I won’t do anything?” You raised your voice as well, your glare becoming harsh, “If I want my life to be ruined forever, sure, I’ll go tell the authorities.”
“He can’t ruin your life for something he did knowingly that it’s wrong—” His words became white noise as you closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself. Vernon was the last person you needed lecturing from, especially since you were getting this treatment because he was better than you at one fucking subject. Your anger went through the roof and you snaped, unable to take his words.
“Shut up, it’s all because of you!” Vernon’s eyes went wide and he looked so confused, you felt bad for telling him that, “You’re better at English than I am, my father can’t stand that. I have to be best at everything. It’s why I could never stand you, unknowingly you made me hurt. And it’s a shit reason, I know, but it’s true…”
Vernon looked speechless until he started looking regretful and he grabbed your hand again, despite your glare, “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t apologize,” You scoffed, throwing him a look, “It’s not your fault. Don’t worry, I only have to put up with his shit for three more months. I’ll be moving out.”
“Does he know?” Vernon’s eyebrows rose and you scoffed again.
“Of course not. Why would I tell him? He keeps threatening me so I don’t see why I shouldn’t make his threats reality before he gets to proceed with them.” Vernon’s eyebrows furrowed as he thought and you raised your eyebrows at him.
“Come move in with us.” You weren’t expecting that at all and your eyes grew wide as you stared at Vernon. Move in with him and his family? That sounded weird, you could manage on your own too. It wasn’t that hard, right?
“I can’t, that house is already packed with you four and Chan spending his time there too.”
“Sofia would love to have another girl around the house, please?”
“Vernon, this isn’t something you get to decide. That house is your parents’ and I can’t show up unannounced, okay?” Your eyebrows rose at him and he sighed, knowing what you were saying was right.
“Fine, but think about it…” You nodded once and he took his hand off from yours, you uncrossed your arms, “Do you really hate me?”
You thought for a second as you watched him, not knowing how to answer him, because you didn’t know how you felt for him. You didn’t actually hate him, but you did envy him.
“I’m not sure how I feel about you…” You muttered and Vernon sighed, leaning back in the seat, “But I don’t think I hate you. I thought you sucked, but maybe you aren’t that bad.”
It made Vernon chuckle and when he looked over at you, your heart started beating quickly again and you blushed. If you constantly kept reacting like that it meant that you actually felt something more for him, right? Yoona must have been right, she never joked around with things like this one, and you bit your lower lip as the two of you watched each other quietly. You were always bold with others and merciless, not really caring if they got hurt by your words or not. You felt like you gave Vernon the wrong idea and now he might have been convinced that you hated him, which wasn’t true at all. You thought maybe you should be bold for once with your actions too and you cleared your throat, which made Vernon glance at you. He wasn’t making it easier but maybe if he saw you leaning in, he wouldn’t pull away in surprise. So, you leaned over the middle console and with your eyes on his lips, you tried closing the gap but Vernon was too far away. It would have been embarrassing if Vernon had not leaned in as well, pressing his lips against yours. It wasn’t as bad as you thought your first kiss would be, his lips were soft and you found that cute. It didn’t last for long either because Vernon seemed to be flustered as he stiffly pulled his head back, looking into your eyes.
“You might not be my favorite person in the world, but I think I like you.” You found yourself saying and Vernon chuckled, scratching the back of his nape as his ears and neck were red.
“Go on a date with me? Even if I lost the bet….” Vernon asked with a cheeky grin, looking just as flustered as moments ago and it made you chuckle.
“I made that bet because I knew you would lose, but sure.” It was time things took a better turn in your life and maybe Vernon was the starting point.
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
Fuckboy Training 1
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Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 (end) 
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Pairing – Gym Instructor! Jungkook x OC
Genre – College AU, Fuckboy AU, Gym Club AU, Boxing AU, Sport AU, Enemies To Lovers, Smut, Angst
Summary – [There’s a fitness club at your University run by the seven most popular kids in school, girls usually come in long lines the unwritten rule is you can get free exercise after training if you know what I mean *wink*]
Warnings – fuckboys, semi-slow burn, mention of sex, mutual pining, jealous oc, exercise (yuk), bantering, sexual tension, jk is a lil’ shit here but we love him
Word Count – (6,6k)
Menu: Masterlist l Be part of my permanent taglist to recieve a notification when I upload a new fic or send an ask!
⤷ Part of Bangtan Gym Club
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Sweat drips down on the side of my temple I'm glad at least I was smart enough to arrange my hair into a bun so the long curls don't stick to the skin on my back but maybe I should reconsider it because when I look up I see Jungkook's eyes trained on my form but not in a professional way, no, his eyes settled on looking at the swell of my breasts that's peeping through the thin gym shirt giving him the best view while doing my routine push-ups. 
I groan feeling my arms wobbling trying hard to accommodate the full weight of my body on them. My stamina increased since I started training with Jungkook I give him the credit for that but the constant trying to get me wet in another sense that doesn't involve sweat makes it hard for me to enjoy the activity, all he does is stare at every skin I'm showing and boss around with a shit-eating grin on his face. I start to think it's a package deal with him.
"You better not staring at my boobs," I call out, panting from the heavy exercise, it's one of those moments when I wish Yoongi would be still my trainer it was unfortunate he had to rearrange my classes since he got so many students this year that our schedule just never seemed to fit anymore. I'm not saying Jungkook is a bad trainer, actually, he's good at pushing me to the limits without overdoing it, but still making the exercise challenging. It's the additional fuckboy attitude I'm sick of even though I told him so many times verbally and nonverbally that I'm not going to fuck him anytime soon. 
I learned soon enough that he doesn't take no for an answer thinking that a challenge makes the sex more rewarding (not my words his).
"I'll stop with the stares if you give in. I'm open to other activities after our class you know." His smirk deepened if the new tactic of seduction is to make me go nuts to the point of breaking and giving in, well, it's half working. He's handsome and that cocky attitude of his emits the big dick energy. The only thing that holds me back now honestly is that I know nobody told him no to sex before and I like seeing him frustrated. The numerous attempts to get me under him almost comical.
"In your dreams." I scoff already forgot the number of push-ups I did so far but I estimated that I reached at least 15. I try to catch my breath resting my sweaty hands on my knees stretching my legs out on the floor.
"You can rest for five min. Here." From the pocket of his sweatpants, he handed me two rolls of gauze. Finally, we are getting to the fun part. I always thought boxing looked cool I enjoyed seeing the practices but not the matches. I'm not a huge fan of the sight of blood, to be honest. Boxing is healthy but dangerous when it becomes a job. 
Yoongi was a good box teacher that's why I initially begin to love it, even though our start was not ideal per se, at our first training he made a move on me and we had an ugly fight because of that. Girls who come here often come for sex and not to actually use the gym. I learned from that experience that Yoongi doesn't beat around the bush he doesn't like to waste his energy trying to train someone who doesn't have a willing bone in his/her body. My plan was originally to tell him on our next lesson I'll quit but he apologised realising that I'm actually here to learn and after that, he never questioned my willingness. He probably told our tale to Jungkook about our rough start that's why he was not so surprised when I declined his proposal for extracurricular activity.
I rarely get to see Yoongi since our timelines never seem to crash, at first it was weird going about my day without his sarcastic remarks and stoic personality.  
"It's not tight enough you'll injure yourself if you don't wrap it right." Letting his hand remove the poor attempt of wrapping my hand up with the gauze he plopped down in front of me between my outstretched legs his knee bumping against my thighs either side.
"Yoongi used to do this for me," I tell him, my nostalgic expression can be easily confused as longing, he looks up with a snort he always pouts when I bring up my former trainer, he doesn't like how comfortable I am with Yoongi and not him. His larger hands moved smoothly over mine wrapping the fabric in a more secure way while his other hand holding my wrists in a firm grip. Calluses hardened the skin on his palm symbolising that he works out regularly if his body was not a clear sign of that. I shouldn't imagine those hands elsewhere roaming around my body grabbing something else and not my wrists with them. I'm glad he's so focused on my hands that he couldn't see the expression I'm having drooling after him. It's not that long ago that I started training with Jungkook a few weeks maybe a month or so but it's getting harder and harder to keep the promise I made for myself intact. 
"Not too tight, right?" He let go of my hands allowing me to test out if I can move them properly and nothing is uncomfortable, it was great. I nodded giving him a rare alluring smile and surprisingly he didn't attempt to play snobbish he just smiled back with a cute bunny smile it's one of those precious but hard moments making it difficult for me not to jump his bones at this instant. I like him better when he's not cocky I think he has a misconception what means being cocky instead of being confidently sexy.  
"Let's continue where we left off last week," Jungkook suggests and I nod accepting his hand to pull me up from the ground. He moves to stand in front of the punching bag making eye-contact before proceeding. "I'll show you how to do a sidekick." I nod already anticipating what he's gonna do next, pulling his hands up into a starting position he concentrates solely on the 'opponent' before him I got distracted for a moment or two, he just looks so fucking hot when he's focusing. His left leg situated a bit ahead than the left mirroring the position the hands are in. "Even though it's called a sidekick you have to cross your legs like this." He instructs following his own words. "Then you lift your leg give it a flip and then kick with a single motion." His dominant leg comes up his thigh horizontal for a second before straightening his shin hitting the bag with a loud bang he retreats into the starter position while the punching bag swings by the sheer force of his kick. He repeats it for five more times slower and faster in tempo to let me memorise the movements before making me do it. 
"Your turn." Jungkook grins tilting his head to the side he didn't even break a sweat doing the kicks perfectly (at least in my opinion it was done perfectly) I'm jealous how strong he is. I swap spots with him getting into the starter position without being told. He stops the bag from swinging his hands keep the object in place.
"Are you going to hold it? What if I kick you?" The concern in my voice is unintentionally showing and it makes me diffident how Jungkook finds my worries entertaining since he laughs so hard, throwing his head back for a couple of seconds exposing his immaculate neck. 
"Don't worry angel I can handle it." The smugness radiating from him makes me feel less worried about him in an instant and angrier about how he underestimates me because I'm a girl. He clearly forgot I was trained by Yoongi. He told me my kick is a killer. 
Every muscle in my body aches to show him what I'm capable of, it takes two practice runs before I can aim nicely using my core strength to leave an impact balancing my weight is something I'm already good at. It surprises him he wasn't holding onto the bag strong enough so the bag slips out of his hands hitting him in the face. I hold back my laughter as I watch him rub his nose where the bag hit him. 
"Sorry, I thought you can handle it." I grin just as smugly as he did formerly satisfied by the seemingly indifferent look he gives me but I can see his nose scrunched all up indicating his displeasure and maybe a hurt pride. As he is about to reply to my comment probably with an equal teasing one, two boys burst through the double doors filling the practice room with their laughter, we turn around to see who's about to interrupt our session. I didn't check the time so I don't know if our time is up or not. 
"Hey, Kookie you're not done yet?" Hoseok asked the younger boy, I remember seeing him around and Hoseok seemed to recognise me as well I'm a regular so it's not a surprise. However, we never spoke much I occasionally said hi to him when Yoongi was my trainer and he often appeared at the end of our sessions to fetch him up to hit the clubs or something like that. It's early in the morning so I don't think that's the case right now. 
The second man wears a grumpy expression until he sees me next to the boy a big smile stretches across his face patting the top of my head out of instinct after our sessions it was always Yoongi's way of showing I did a good job, I realise just now how much I missed that gesture of his.
"Yoongi." I greet him excitedly throwing my hands around his waist not caring about my sweaty body and he doesn't seem to care either since he envelopes me in an equally as enthusiastic hug. The smell of his perfume is calming in a sense of familiarity.
"Y/N, long time no see." He ruffles my hair keeping his hand on my shoulder but all too soon releasing me from the hug. Hoseok coo at the scene unfolding in front of his very eyes knowing our dynamics so well but never misses an opportunity to tease, and tells me his greeting by the form of an overjoyed grin. 
"We are just finished. What's up?" Jungkook interjects not amused by all of this at all. 
"Don't tell me you forgot about our study session again. Come on, shower and let's get going. Jin will flip you over the table if you fail calculus. Again." I can't help but chuckle at the image of Jin doing something like that. I talked with him a few times at the reception as he waited for his student to arrive and I still had a couple of minutes to spare prior mine, Jin is a real gentleman and he took a liking to me once I laughed at his dad jokes. When I see him around campus he occasionally gives me candy to cheer me up if he sees I'm having a bad day and permanently showering me with warm smiles. At first, it was hard to believe he had as many flings as the others in the group circle of his friends everyone knows he's a flirt but still maintains the title as a gentleman. It's an extraordinary combination only he can manage. 
"Y/N, wanna have lunch together?" Yoongi catches my attention removing his hand from my shoulder to give my head a final caress not really concentrating on the conversation the other two has, they are bickering like usual.
"You don't have to attend the study session?" I question him with a confused expression, referring back to the conversation Hoseok and Jungkook so heatedly discuss.  
"No, It's for the ones who fail classes and my grades are great. It was Jin's idea to gather them together and force them to study only me and Namjoon are the ones who are passing with flying colours and of course, Jin is the babysitter." I nod in understanding letting out a soft 'ah' in return. 
"If that's the case I would love to. I don't think I saw you since this year started it feels weird not seeing you at least once a week." I pout in disappointment and it earns a huge grin on Yoongi's part.
"Yeah, this year kicks my ass so many classes and having so many students just not something I could do. It wasn't intentional to give your classes to someone else I hope you know that." The bitter expression on his profile indicates his sincere thoughts, he and Namjoon are in their final year at university while the others still have years ahead of them just like me. Jin finished his studies last year and bought the gym we are currently located at, he was an employee way before the others started working here, being a business major is really paying him back seeing how popular this place is. Looking fine as hell is something I think contributes to his success as well, not saying he's not smart enough though to maintain all of this.
"I know you didn't have a choice. How about we finally exchange numbers? I miss talking to you." I offer boldly a faint blush appears on my pale skin as I hear a faint 'wow how smooth' from the sullen-looking Jungkook I roll my eyes at that inserting an annoyed 'It's not like that asshole' before looking back at Yoongi, by all means, he's not fazed at all because of my request we are acquaintances for over a year now and he knows I'm not harbouring romantic feeling towards him.
"Sure. Let's go I'm hungry." He nods motioning for the door I detect the faint sound of Hoseok's whining how he wants to go and eat with us instead of paying a visit to the library. The two boys catch up to us soon as we leave the facility together, Yoongi is bound to a promise to see them off before he can go to his merry way so we walk to the library first it's a fifteen-minute stroll from the gym and within those fifteen minutes, I was stared at by multiple people multiple times. 
Is it that shocking to see them walk with a representative of the other sex? I guess since I'm walking with Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok only Jimin is missing from the repertoire and we get the answer to that question, as they are famous for screwing the girls over, under and sideways. Walking with girls not to mention talking to girls is something only Namjoon or Jin does, occasionally Taehyung if he's interested but not those three. Oh my, Eui will snatch her wig off if she catches wind of this and considering who I am walking with the news will probably blow up in campus, now I remember why I never hang around those guys except for the fact that they would get rid of my underwear for me in a second if I would ever let them get a chance. Even Yoongi expressed his willingness for some action way before we started to become close and the reason we became close is that he respected my decision not giving into primal desires. 
"I feel like I'm going to be famous." Despite how others would think the idea wasn't so tempting to me at least, Hoseok giggles his dimples showing in the process he scoots a little closer to where I'm walking alongside Yoongi and pinches my cheeks.
"You are adorable when you act all shy." The statement makes Yoongi giggle in unison. For the first time, the company of Jeon Jungkook doesn't seem so bad, I pick up my pace to roam alongside him but the silence is awkward even if I can hear Yoongi and Hoseok teasing each other in the distance long forgotten about me. Those two are really close. 
"Do you have plans for the weekend?" I ask Jungkook casually, I thought it would be a great question to break the ice, but I couldn't be more wrong, the question hit every fuckboy bone in his body with full force. The smirk I got aquatinted with so many times now started to grow on his face.  
"You'd like to know, huh?" 
The eye-roll came a second later hearing his reply. Why was I even trying to converse with him in the first place? I prefer his serious side over this one, he's so much cooler when he focuses his eyes purely on the task at hand, how his low voice sounds so much sexier as he gives instructions with detail, every movement of his body sharp but disciplined toned muscles dripping with sweat, what a sight indeed. I don't realise the sigh escaping my lips I was too caught up with daydreaming to pay attention to his cocky smirk but taking a glimpse at his face and the image shatters into a million pieces. 
"Daydreaming about me?" 
Actually yes. Although, that's something I would never willingly say out loud even if my life was on the line. 
"Yeah. Daydreaming about my hands around your throat .." I start sensually deceiving him for a moment before continuing on a different path he imagined ".. as I fucking choke you to death." I puff out in a long breath, I am absolutely screwed having a crush on the biggest fuckboy on Earth. It's definitely not something that was on my bucket list for this semester. I don't even want to think about the possibility of him finding out my little secret, that would be truly the end of the world, I imagine he would take me over, under and sideways with the biggest and smuggest grin plastered on his face on the entire planet learning that the only girl that didn't drop down on her knees just seeing his godly sculptured body with a six-pack has a crush on him. His joy would be out of this world. It would mean he could actually have every girl he wants and I'm a huge feminist with strong beliefs, ensuring that doesn't happen under my watch. 
"Well see you off motherfuckers." Yoongi grabs my hand pulling me into the other direction where we originally came from probably heading for the diners and cafes when we arrive at the entrance of the library. My talk with Jungkook was cut short, not that it was an actual conversation worth pursuing. 
Hoseok tries to bat his eyelashes as the last attempt of getting freed from Jungkook's vice grip pulling him towards the entrance I gave him a hopeful thumbs-up, well, it didn't cheer him up as I intended but Yoongi didn't let him guilt-trip me into helping him escape the study session. Smart idea because Hoseok's puppy eyes are mastered to its full potential may I tell you. 
Yoongi seems to have a place in mind since he didn't ask if I have a suggestion or not where to eat.
"How's Uni treating you?" Yoongi seeks conversation when we finally took our seats in a cosy coffee shop facing each other, we choose to sit near the window leaving two tables empty around us so we can have a private conversation in spite of the piercing gazes, the cool temperature from the place's AC made the weather bearable it's so hot outside that I was concerned if I'm going to melt into the concrete on our way here.  
"So far so good, but we are still at the beginning of the semester." 
I accept the cafe's printed menu from his outstretched hands scanning the content quickly and asking for a latte sided with a cheese sandwich and fruit bowl in size small, Yoongi ordered an americano with brownies and Nutella pancake. For someone who handles his coffee black, he definitely has a sweet tooth, it's cute. 
I wonder if any of those girls who slept with him know this piece of information about him, probably not. Moments like these make my decision worth it for not giving in and sleeping with them. It must be some everlasting fuckboy shit that states never contact a girl ever again you once slept with, and if I think about it it's not that unreasonable this way the girl doesn't have the chance of catching feelings and complicate things. They are ok with crushes since that's the reason most girls go for them but love is something they are not searching for.  
"How's training with Kook?" Yoongi shifts his eyes back to observe my face once the waiter wrote down our order and went to tend to other tables. 
"He's a little shit, but you were right. He's a good teacher if I ignore his shitty attitude and constant efforts to flirt in the middle of training. If I can be honest I would rather train with you." 
The whole truth would be that he's distracting me and sometimes I physically have to hold myself back from ogling at his body like it's fine china. There was one time when I got a glimpse of his underwear during doing his squats prior to our class and I was told to go and warm-up as well that I bumped into the punching bag so hard watching him that I almost landed on my face but I played it off with pretending I was going to do push-ups. It would have been a very humiliating experience on my part but I was lucky that day for the reason that he didn't see it, fortunately.
"I would like that too." He adds even so we can't do anything about this our schedule clash and it's not like either of us could ask for a change the classes and other stuff are inflexible and it's his last year too.
"What are you been up to?" I ask actually very curious to hear his answer, it's a first to talk outside of the gym with him and about personal matters, we talked about general stuff when we were training together during breaks but not like this. 
"Teachers think I'm shitting on my ass all day so I have plenty of time doing their assignments it's a month since Uni started and I can count on my fingers how many frat parties I have visited not to say the number of girls I fucked.."  Stopping his angry rambling with lifting both my hands up in the air seems to works since he eventually shuts up. 
"I don't need details about that, thank you very much." Hearing the number of how many girls got under him is not what I was curious about. That's something he can ramble to the other fuckboys. 
"Sorry." He apologises quickly I roll my eyes at this frown, not that it bothers me I just hoped for a more meaningful conversation that's not about boxing techniques or related to his fuckboy mentality, I fairly consider calling it their job that's how serious they are. Who I am to tell them to get a girlfriend and grow some balls. 
"What about the music project you talked about last year? You and Namjoon wanted to write a song for our Uni's radio, right?" I suddenly remembered he seemed quite excited about that if I recall the memory correctly. 
"You remember that? I'm impressed only Hoseok was slightly interested in that."
"I mean, I'm not here to talk about your fuckboy bullshit so.." I trail off, causing him to giggle at my bluntness. 
"Right. Are you really interested?" He leans closer pressing his hands on the empty table before us to balance his weight, we are still waiting for our food and drinks so there's nothing to knock over.
"That's why I asked." I deadpan. Yoongi grins putting his ass back to his seat once our order finally came.  I put two cones of sugar into my latte as predictably Yoongi doesn't he starts sipping on his drink as soon as it was placed before him. 
"Let's go to my place after we're finished here I'm going to show you my song." A little sceptic about the second part once hearing the first one but I nod nonetheless. 
"You better not invite me to have sex or I'll show my hands up your ass in a non-sexual way." I threaten but he doesn't appear to be so disturbed about it, not that I expected it. The playful way he rolls his eyes all the confirmation I needed.
Yoongi offers a bite from his pancake and I offer some of my sugar-coated fruit from my plate a few lines of random small talk and a half-devoured sandwich later we decided it's time to pay and leave, I insisted splitting the bill in half but he refused to bend to my suggestion, calling this 'coffee date' as he put it, his apology treat since he couldn't train me anymore.
As we exited the shop I got excited over the idea that I'll be able to see the nest also I had to make a mental note of investigating the furniture before sitting down anywhere don't want to have a mental breakdown over an unknown stain. Probably wishful thinking that they didn't fucked on every available surface in that house, let's see the facts they are fuckboys who throw frat parties. 
Wow, this is a nice neighbourhood and not that far from University either I would kill to live this close to everything. Yoongi watches as I awe at the modern building his expression is quite smug but I'll let him be since it's something to be smug about in my book at least. Others measure their dicks I measure their house, my life policy. 
"I can't believe I'll see your house and I didn't even have to offer my body up for it." I snicker around once we step inside the elevator Yoongi pushes the button to the 4th floor with a chuckle and the doors closing soon after with a soft thud.  
"My offer is still available." He teases earning a big slap against his shoulder. As we reach our destination and the doors are opening up again, a young couple steps aside as they realise the elevator is occupied to leave us some room to exit without bumping into each other they must have some sort of experience with Yoongi and his habits since I get some weird and not so subtle stares from them. I guess I'm not the first bimbo - or the last - for that matter to follow him into the depths of his house however I'm here for an entirely different reason. 
Yoongi fidgets with the locks for a minute before successfully letting me in, he offers me a pair of slippers that are too big for my foot to fit in comfortably but I accept it nonetheless. 
His room is the one on the left next to the master bathroom there's a complete studio built up in his room I'm beyond amazed by the effort and the technical stuff seems like it costs a lot of money I didn't know he's that serious about making music I thought it's just a hobby of his. 
"This is amazing Yoongi." I voice out my thoughts looking around attentively, he gets shy, not used to being complimented about his passion on music, there's a piano standing tall in the corner I wonder if he can play it. Probably can.
"Wait till you hear my song." He hands me his black headphones seemingly nervous to hear my opinion on the song he worked so hard on, but I'm sure it will be good I know it for a fact that he has good taste in music I often asked for his workout playlist last year and it never let me down once, he pulls up the mp3 file waiting for me to adjust the straps before clicking on the play button. It's a fast-paced song and it's him and Namjoon rapping through the whole song the dynamics of their flow is sick, their voices blend well with each other I'm officially obsessed with this, it's impossible to take in every detail so I excitedly demand to hear it again and he obligates softening up his tense posture as he realises I love his song so much. "Woah, Yoongi this is.." I start when the door suddenly cracks open a few heads peeking into the room finding me and Yoongi sitting close to each other in front of his computer with the headphones still on, covering my ears.
"Hyung, we ordered pizza if you .. want some. Hi there." Taehyung talks animatedly before catching a glimpse at my body recognition sparks in his dark orbs a boyish boxy grin crawling his way upon his face, Jimin and Jungkook standing close behind Taehyung fighting for the little remaining space the slightly opened door provides.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jungkook urges me to answer, narrowing his eyes at me dubiously looking back and forth between me and Yoongi, I pierce two and two together what he's thinking. They think we slept together while they were at the library. 
"Yoongi showed me something," I reply not putting more distance within me and Yoongi it won't help me clear the misunderstanding by suddenly jumping up, it would be even more suspicious if I did that. I think about how to lessen the seriousness of the situation, but Yoongi had other plans hugging my body from behind.
"I hope it's not his dick." Jimin retorts, not sure if it was supposed to be a joke or not - either way - I laugh awkwardly peeling off his hands from around me to stand up grabbing my bag that I set next to the foot of the chair when we sat down listening to his track. 
"She saw his dick already, remember when he accidentally tripped on his pants exposing - little Yoongi - to the entire lobby." Oh right, I was fortunate to forget that incident until Hoseok pointed it out again. Hoseok's figure forces his way over to us grabbing my chin to tilt it to the right then to the left side, examining me with sudden coolness searching for something on my neck. "No marks, we all know Yoongi is a kinky fucker so it could mean one thing. I announce they didn't fuck, meeting closed."
I roll my eyes at that. "That hard to accept not every girl wants to fuck you guys?" Yet, later that night I'm forced to eat my own words.
I stand in the dim lighting of the living room in a frat house that the biggest frat boys threw and I absolutely hate it. I'm not against the fun or the sex for that matter, my problem starts and ends with the guys initiating it. I should have totally declined the invitation but I had no choice when they started drinking before even the party began while eating pizza gathering around the big carpet on the floor talking, Hoseok's puppy eyes worked this time since I reconsidered my quick exit, and my brain thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know them better, well it obviously wasn't. After a few shots Jimin oh so relentlessly poured for me, I stopped protesting and I became an immersed listener to the drunken mumbling. 
I'm clinging onto my solo cup with a deep frown on my face like I swallowed a whole lemon by myself - that's unfortunately not the case - and it's not for the burning taste of alcohol either. My uninterested stare helped me get rid of the guys in our vicinity and I took pleasure in just talking with a friend from class. Guys my age still think it's a legit way to show a girl he's interested to pull on her hair and it's ridiculous. It wasn't working even when we were five. My frown only deepens when I catch wind of a said boy making his way over to me and a friend of mine I encountered not a while ago with a drunken smirk. I've seen so many of those that I can detect them from a miles away, his expression like an open book thinking about how he's about to get lucky only a fishing rod away and he would be the epitome of a regular fuckboy. Some boys are lucky and there's a bunch of them who aren't so. He clearly thinks he belongs to the first team but I'm about to show him he in fact not.
"Hey sweetheart, you look stunning today." I snort in an unladylike manner, of course, he's going for the shy type, those guys are the insecure ones they're content playing with the small fishes not to disturb the peace of the sharks.  
"Hey jackass, you look like someone who's about to head back with a bleeding nose." He looked taken aback for a minute hearing my retort before regaining his composure the smirk returns that makes me want to break his nose even more. The guy turns to my direction to give me a hard glare, how charming. 
"I wasn't talking to you bitch." He spits out, he already had too much to drink.  I let out a humourless laugh, wow, guys these days really, I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth before I do something I will definitely not regret. 
"Y/N?" Namjoon calling my name with a sense of protectiveness calms me down for a bit, seeing the mortification on the guy's face as Namjoon bows down to whisper into my ear is priceless enough. I guess I could get that nose bleed delivered another time. "Is he bothering you?" His palm rests on the small of my back rubbing comforting circles into the skin there's the fabric of my shirt shielding his touch to truly feel it but his warm digits on top of my right ass cheek make a blush slowly forming on my appearance.  
"He tried to get into my friend's pants. No worries Jonnie I have everything under control though." I decide to land a kiss on his cheek making use of the balanced height difference, a good-natured smile appears on his face, he's cute even when he's drunk, I swear the tip of his ears turning pink too due to the gesture and I coo at his shyness, it's not something to witness everyday just when he's caught off guard. 
"Want me to kick him out?" The raspy voice undoubtedly belongs to Yoongi the words echo in my ear while his breath hits the side of my face as he takes his place next to me mirroring Namjoon's posture by sliding his hand around my shoulder. The guy's getting uncomfortable once the sharks start to show up. 
"I think you guys already made him shit his pants so no. I'll let this slide since I'm feeling generous tonight." I place both my hands around their waists the jealous stares I'm getting is a familiar sight, it's no secret if the girl is pretty they are down to do the dirty but I'm the only one they keep around and I wasn't even fucked by any of them it's a rule of mine not to complicate things. They are attractive, to be honest attractive is an understatement but I'm not stupid I know them long enough to see a relationship won't be in sight no matter how hard I would try and I'm not interested in anything less. 
Even though they sure think more with their dicks than with their brains they're actually turned out to be good friend materials if I overlook the fuckboy component. They have their unique styles to show they care. Looking around aimlessly I spot Jungkook making out with a girl near the kitchen and a pang of jealousy hits me. I need more drinks to get through this night without causing any more scene. 
This is why I never visit a party I know Jungkook will be in attendance, that's one thing knowing he fucks around and it's an entirely different story seeing him do it with my very eyes witnessing the act. I tell the boys I'll get something from the kitchen since my cup is empty and they nod. They don't need to know that cup is empty for a reason, my plan was to drink less avoiding slipping on my obvious actions, I need to keep the facade protected no one can know I have feelings for that asshole Jungkook, especially not him. 
It's enough to make one mistake if someone finds out the news after some time will hit his ears sooner or later. I stride in the direction where the boose at accidentally bumping into Jungkook and to the girl he was passionately making out, the spent guy who is the cause of our bump yells angrily that seems like a representative of a 'watch out where are you going' that doesn't sound like an apology, I should have left when I had the chance it seems like nothing wants to work out for me on this day. 
On a scale measuring how drunk he is from one to ten he is a big ass ten, it surprises me how easily Jungkook snakes his hands protectively around my waist spurring out swears at the guy his form towers over my shorter body as a silent mewl leaves the back of my throat due to the proximity, I can feel every muscle of his body leaning into me, the way he's pushing his stomach against my back I could make out the outline of his dick pressing to my ass probably thanks to his interrupted make-out session. I break out of his hold angry at the fact how disturbed I am about pressing his boner into me when it wasn't me who caused it. 
"I don't need your help," I yell, channelling all my frustration to tell his ears off. "Go back to your one night stand and leave me the fuck alone." I press my long nail into his chest index finger probing him to make an emphasis. 
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auroracalisto · 3 years
oh god, i want to feel again
summary: using the prompt “stay alive for me.” from this list here.  the reader is the only other survivor from their little friend group, save for brooke.  all alone with friends who truly couldn’t care about her, she finds herself back at camp redwood.
pairing: xavier x reader
word count: 2.4k words
warnings: death, dead body mentions, no important deaths, mentions of suicidal thoughts, implied depression, implied anxiety, shitty friends
a/n: i love 1984 so much.  like.  stop me from writing about it.  please.  i loved writing every word for this.  also like????  don’t ask about the title.  i realize the sentence prompt has nothing to to with sleeping at last’s touch but it’s fine.  it’s fine.
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You never should have let your friends talk you into going back to Camp Redwood.  And yet, you stood near them as the fawned over the scenery.  You couldn’t help but notice that it really was a beautiful place—it was just as beautiful as it had been when you had been there last.  But this place made you more nervous than you would like to admit.  Just thinking about everything that had happened made you want to cry.  But your friends told you they would be quick.  They just wanted to take a look around, maybe check out the cabins. 
However, you knew better.  Going to Camp Redwood was never something good.  Coming back to the damned place was a death wish—and your past self would have hit you for being so stupid to come back.
It had only taken an hour for your friends to leave your side.  But you weren’t surprised.  They were never really good “friends.”  In fact, the closest one to you out of the group once told you that the others were only friends with you for publicity.  Being the only other survivor out of your friends, save for Brooke, you were like a little legend in your town.  You knew it hadn’t been Brooke.  But it was your word against everything. 
You missed her.  She had been a good friend.  All of your friends had been.  Chet, Ray, Montana.  And Xavier.  Oh, God, did you miss Xavier.
There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t think of the blonde haired jazzercise instructor.  It hurt your heart to know that he was gone forever, taken by the very thing that made your “friends” fangirl.  On your way up to the camp, you swore you heard them talking about the Night Stalker.  It sent you into a memory that you couldn’t stand remembering.  Perhaps you should have just asked them to drop you off at the gas station and then pick you up later.  It would have been easier that way. 
It was 1987.  Three years after the massacre of your friends, and three years after you barely made it out of Camp Redwood alive. 
You found yourself sitting on the edge of the dock, staring out at the lake.  The water was dark and murky—not how you remembered.  But it had been quite a few years since you were last here.  You didn’t know what else could have happened.  You took in a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. 
You wanted to leave.  That was the first thing that came to mind.  Just moments after the thought ran through your head, you felt something brush against your foot. 
Your heart leapt to your throat.
Scrambling to your feet, and suppressing your scream, you looked down at the water and saw a bloated body.  They had obviously been in the water for some time.  You took a couple steps back, your hands gripping at your shirt.  But that’s when you saw it.  A flash of two blonde heads in the corner of your eye, standing by one of the cabins.  None of your friends were blonde. 
You blinked and almost thought that you were just crazy—but then you saw it.  That outfit.  The blues and whites and that signature coat.  Were you crazy? 
You didn’t know.  Even so, your feet started moving before you could stop them.  In a matter of seconds, you were running.  Through the mud, through the roots that sprung up from the cold ground, through the tree limbs that continued to snag your shirt.  However, you didn’t care.  If that was who you thought it was, it didn’t matter if you hurt yourself or scratched up your outfit.  It was okay. 
You reached the area you had thought you saw him—the girls’ cabin.  That’s where you had hung out during the short time you were there.  The sight of the log building made you sick to your stomach.  This whole trip made you sick. 
If only you had listened to your gut feeling and passed up your friends invite, then you wouldn’t be standing here, questioning your sanity. 
But then you heard a voice. 
“[Your name]?”
Not just any voice—Xavier’s voice.
You quickly spun around; your eyes were wide.  You saw him standing there, all alone.  He gave you an incredulous look before Xavier wasted no time in rushing over to you.  He wrapped his arms around you, one of his hands resting on the back of your head.
“What—what,” you breathed out, quickly hugging him back.  “What the hell?  You’re dead,” you spoke, burying your face in his chest.  “You’re supposed to be dead.  Why are you here?”
Xavier chuckled softly.  “I’m a ghost, [Your name].”  He slightly pulled back to look down at you.  “God, I never thought I’d see you again.  Why are you here?”
“My… my friends—”
Before you could finish, a scream erupted through the trees, sending birds flying into the blue sky. 
You pulled back, looking over your shoulder.  “My friends brought me here…”
Xavier rose an eyebrow. 
“What’s going on?” you asked, shaking your head.  You paid no mind to the scream—a part of you didn’t care what happened, as awful as that sounded.  The other part of you ached to go and help them, but you couldn’t.  Xavier was standing in front of you.
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“How are you—how are you here?  You’re a ghost...?”
He smiled softly, watching you with an unreadable expression.  “Yes.”
“That’s so vague,” you huffed, noticing a smear of blood on his cheek.  You reached forward, your thumb rubbing it off.  You frowned up at him.  “How the hell are you still here?” you repeated. 
“I don’t know,” he finally admitted.  “All of us.  We’re all here.  Well, save for you and Brooke,” he hesitantly smiled. 
You blinked slowly, furrowing your eyebrows.  “You’re all still here?” you asked, unable to stop your tears from forming.  “Xavier, I—I never thought I’d see you again.  And you’re telling me everyone’s still here?”
“You’re taking this pretty well,” he snorted softly.
“Yeah, well, you would to when you realize that all your friends are still here, and you didn’t watch them all die,” you said, taking in a deep breath. 
“Well, you did—”
“—you know what I mean, Xav.”
The blonde began to smile at you.  “I really never expected to see you again,” he said, giving you another tight hug.  “Why did you come with them…?”
“Closure?” you questioned your own answer, hugging him back.  “A chance to… to come to peace with what happened?”
“You sure as hell aren’t getting that,” he let out a laugh, not stopping himself from kissing the top of your head. 
You froze up, but you never once stopped him. 
“It’s only been three years, X,” you said, closing your eyes.  “I’ve lived… three hell-filled years without you guys.  I miss you so much,” you said.  You swallowed thickly, completely pulling back from the man.  “I… Brooke was sentenced.  They are convinced she did it,” you spoke. 
Xavier pursed his lips, and he took ahold of your hand.  “It’s okay.  It’s not your fault.”
“I… I just… I miss you.  I miss you guys so much, Xavier.  You have no idea.”
“Is that why you came?” Xavier softly asked, looking over you.  “To… be closer?”
Your eyes widened a bit.  You hadn’t thought of it like that.  But maybe, subconsciously, that’s what was going on.  Your mind knew that it was a way to be closer to your friends.  You never expected that you would literally get closer to them, in every way possible. 
“You make a good point,” you said, sniffling softly.
Xavier grinned, leaning forward to cup your cheeks.  “You look hot for a twenty-six-year-old,” he said. 
You slapped his hand away, unable to stop your cheeks from growing warm.  “It’s been three years, not a fucking decade.”
His smile only grew.  “You do, though.”
You sniffled again, looking up at him.  “You… I really never thought I’d see you again.  I can’t believe you’re here, Xav.  I…. It’s so hard to live without you.”
He frowned and leaned forward, kissing your forehead again.  You closed your eyes as his lips lingered. 
“I know.  But you can’t stay here.  There’s nothing here that would support someone who’s alive.  You need to go back home, get back to your life.”
“Xavier, I don’t have a life,” you frowned.  “I work, I come home, and I try to ignore the people who brought me here.”
“So, they’re not your friends?” a female voice came from behind you. 
You quickly spun around, spotting a blood-covered Montana.  You could hardly breathe.  You let go of Xavier and rushed over to the girl, tightly hugging onto her. 
“Oh my God,” you breathed, tears forming in your eyes again.  You silently cursed yourself for your constant waterworks—but your emotions were all over the place. 
“Uh, definitely not God,” she laughed, hugging you back.  “God, [Your name], why the hell are you here?  You look hot,” she grinned.
“Hey, back off, I already told her that,” Xavier scoffed. 
Montana just smiled, pulling back. You noticed that your clothes were now bloody, but you honestly didn’t care.  You reached up, wiping your tears away. 
“I can’t believe… I can’t believe you guys are actually here.  Are you sure I’m not just crazy?  And making this all up in my head?”
Xavier smiled and took your hand.  “We’re here.”
You lost track of time.  When you finally looked out the dusty cabin window, the moon was peaked high in the sky. 
You looked over at your friends, not knowing what to say.  You didn’t want to leave them, again.  You couldn’t leave them again. 
You reached forward and took Xavier’s hand, dragging him out of his conversation with Chet. 
“Can we talk?”
Xavier smiled back at you and nodded.  He hadn’t been this happy about anything, for some time.  He couldn’t believe that you were here.  He never thought that he would see you again—and you were the one person that he would have done anything for, save for himself. 
The two of you stood outside of the edge of the cabin steps.  Xavier leaned against the railing and you found yourself sitting down on the top of the staircase.
“I… I can’t leave you guys.  Not again.  I’ve got nothing out there for me—”
Xavier’s face fell as he heard you.  “No.  I know what you want.  You’re not doing that.  No way in hell.  You’re the only one of us who survived, you need to keep on living—”
“—I only survived because you guys all died before I escaped,” you said, your bottom lip quivering.  “Xavier, I can’t function without you guys.  I can’t—I can’t do anything without thinking about all of you.”
“You will, eventually,” Xavier said, sending you a soft smile.  He leaned forward and grabbed your hands.  “You’ll be able to.”
“When, X?  When I’m on my eightieth birthday?” you questioned. 
He snickered softly and kissed your cheek.  “You know that’s not true.  You’ll be okay.  You need to go home, [Your name].  You know that we’re here.  You can visit any time you want to.  Stay alive for me.”
“But I’ll continue to age.  And you’ll all stay here, exactly the same.”
Xavier grinned.  “Well, you continue to age.  Get a spouse.  Make some babies.  Come and see us when you have the time.”
He was trying to talk you out of it.  He didn’t want you dead—if you died, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself (metaphorically, of course).  He had protected you until his last breath, and he would do it again.  Even if it meant sending you away, no matter how much he would have rather had you there. 
“I’ll continue to age, X.  But I’m not ever gonna marry.  And I won’t ever have kids.”
“Why not?” Xavier asked, brows furrowed. 
“Because the one person I wanted that with is here.”
He stopped for a moment, letting go of your hands.  “What?” he tilted his head, watching you.  “Who?”
“You, you idiot,” you said, tears welling in your eyes.  “I didn’t want to come back here because I thought that I would find things of yours.  I didn’t expect your whole damn ghost.  I don’t want to age.  I don’t want to just marry someone.  I wanted to marry you,” you said, choking back a sob with an awkward cough.  “I wanted to date you, I wanted to fall in love with you even more than I already loved you.  You dying made me realize that I would never have that.  I would never love anyone as much as I love you, Xavier.”
Xavier didn’t say anything, watching you intently.
“I’ve mourned you every damn day.  I—I’ve wondered, why did this happen?  Why couldn’t I have just died with you?  And I nearly did it.  Several times, Xavier.  I would have done it again,” you said, staring him down.  “If I came here and saw that you… you still had things here.  If I saw your blood or that—that damned horror oven.  I… I would have done it.”
Xavier quickly took your hands again.  “Stop it.  Stop talking like that.  [Your name]…”
“And see?  You don’t even love me back,” you said, finally letting out a sob.  “You’ve stared at me this whole time, and said noth—”
You were cut off by cold lips pressing against yours.  But just as soon as you had been interrupted, you started kissing him back.  You were still crying—all of your pent-up exhaustion and rage releasing with your tears. 
Xavier slightly pulled back, his forehead pressing against yours.  “I… I love you, too, [Your name].”
You squeezed your eyes shut.  Xavier leaned forward and wiped your falling tears away. 
“The only way you can stay here… is if you die.”
You took in a deep breath, looking up and locking eyes with the blonde.  “I’ll do anything I have to.  I just can’t leave.  Not again.”
Xavier sadly smiled, unable to stop his own tears from forming.  “Alright, then.  I won’t stop you,” he pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles.  “How… how do you wanna go?  It’s your choice.”
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youarejesting · 3 years
Hope in the sheets.7
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Beta: N/A Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers, Words: 4.4k
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things.
What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: mentions a sex tape, mentions a birth tape
[First] [Previous] [Masterlist] [Next]
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 “Ah! Ah! Ah!” This videotape felt dirty, Hoseok wasn’t sure why, but he was sweaty, his heart raced, as he tried to look anywhere but at the screen. The woman on the video kept making noises and heaven forbid he look between her legs. Was it warm in here or was it just him?
“As you can see the birth canal opens up wide to let the babies head come down and out and the shoulder here is the widest part, so you have to be careful to listen to your body otherwise you may tear, so here we go these are the final pushes and then the baby will slip out—”
“Hoseok, Hoseok wake up!” You called alarmed, Hoseok opened his eyes to see you and the birth class instructor standing over him.
“Don’t worry love, there is always one in every class who faints” The woman handed over some ice, “Put this behind his neck it will help slow his heart rate, nerves sometimes get the better of the soon to be dads”
Sitting up Hoseok sat up a little embarrassed, “sorry, I didn’t mean to faint”
“No, Hobi, it’s okay I feel nauseous as hell after that video too.  That looks scary as hell I don’t think I can do it” you whined. “This class traumatized me more than it helped, and what do we get a couple of cookies and some watered down juice. 
“You are so strong and I think you can do it?” Hoseok tried to reassure you and you scoffed. 
“If you're so confident you push the baby out.” Hoseok paled again swaying on the spot and you laid him back down. “You are properly scared aren’t you?”
“I am horrified,” he laughed, “I am a big chicken”
“Honestly, I am scared too but I don’t get a choice Hobi, this baby is inside me and it has to get out somehow." you shiver after confessing the fear that had been building in the back of your mind. “If I wasn’t afraid of surgery I would install the old side door”
The gesture of a flat hand across your stomach made Hoseok smile sadly. He took your hands in his. 
“I’m sorry that you have been dreading this. I will try to be someone who can eliminate your fears, little darling momma” he kissed your head. The instructor called everyone back to the mats and began explaining how to wash a baby and how to hold a baby for the first time. 
It was a fun class but you were happy to get home and rest, biding Hoseok good night. He went quickly to his house where Jimin was sitting waiting for him with a hanging clothes bag. 
“What were you so busy doing that I had to pick up your dry cleaning?”
“Y/n’s birthing class” Hoseok's face turned grave as he adopted a serious tone. “Jimin, don’t ever go to a birthing class. I don’t think I can unsee what I saw.”
“Haha, I’m not that silly, I know where babies come from. I am glad I am a man who likes men, so I will never step foot in a birthing class unless you pay me a large fortune. I mean I could watch someone give birth for money."
Hoseok shivered, making Jimin laugh at his expense. “You look pale, so let's change the subject. I bought Yoongi's old van. He sold it for some new equipment. That means I can get rid of the junk van I was driving before.”
“Can I have your old van?” Hoseok jumped on the opportunity. 
“Uh sure, but I think it’s more money than it’s worth, you can have it for free because it needs new everything.” He shrugged “I was just going to make it scrapped metal”
“Yeah I can fix it up, I got some money lying around.” Hoseok yawned, “anyway thank you so much for getting my suit. I have my first day of work tomorrow, so I should go to bed early”
“Alright, but tomorrow night celebratory drinks for your first day?” Jimin clutched his shoulder. 
“Of course,” Hoseok laughed, waving goodbye and carrying the suit to his apartment. 
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“Hey man, how was your day?” Jimin shouted from his newly acquired van from Yoongi. “Get in, we can celebrate tonight” 
Jimin drove Hoseok home under strict orders to grab a nice change of clothes so the two could get ready at his house and go out celebrating Hoseok’s new job. Hoseok took the stairs two at a time leading to his apartment, his hand brushing past your old door. He missed you. He missed having you at his work, at his home, at his leisure. You two were inseparable and yet torn apart by the stages of life.
Hoseok had assumed you both would be single and somewhere in your mid-thirties you would just get married to one another for convenience. He grabbed some clothes and found the blacklight outfit you had bought for him, he pushed it aside trying to move on for just a moment. 
Instead, he grabbed a classic black button-up and a pair of black dress pants. He placed the items in a bag and headed back down to Jimin waiting excitedly in the driver's seat. He drove them across town singing along to the radio and pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home. Jimin was a sugar baby and so he accumulated a lot of money with ease.
Jimin picked up the package by his doorstep curiously and read the name, his face broke out into a smile. Opening the box he found a beautiful pair of earrings. Hoseok paused, knowing Jimin had been talking about these types of earrings for a long time, but these ones looked handmade and a little cheap, not from a brand-name store like most of Jimin’s other clients would buy.
“They are so cute,” Jimin smiled, lifting the note, reading it aloud. “I don’t have money, so I don’t ask for much, it would just be a waste of your time. Even with this, I still want you to know that I think you are really sweet the way you always help others and never forget to share compliments to those who catch your eye. I will never forget how kind and funny, you are especially at work. The way you run your fingers through your hair unconsciously, how you pout when you think, the way you can glide across the dance floor with drinks without spilling anything. You disappear behind the bar with the cutest laugh and I am completely in love with you.”
“You have an admirer,” Hoseok looked over his shoulder at the letter before asking, “I wonder who it is?”
“I am not sure who it could be?” Jimin frowned, taking the box into a spare room filled with gifts. “They seem really nice”
Once the letter was placed carefully in the room, Jimin stepped out and decided to get dressed for the night. He paused in the doorway walking back and taking the earrings. “Even though they are cheap I think I should at least wear them.”
The two got changed and Jimin posed, “take a picture of me looking over my shoulder, so I can post a picture of the earrings on my Insta”
Hoseok picked up his phone and stepped behind Jimin, ready to take the picture of Jimin’s bare shoulder, earring, and side profile. He stopped when his phone came up with the stupid storage message.
Storage full!
You can free up space on this phone by managing your storage in settings.
“I can’t take a picture,” Hoseok sighed. “My phone storage is full”
“It’s okay, I should put on a bit of makeup to make the picture really pretty. While I do that, use my computer to plug it in and delete stuff. You can save the rest onto a USB, which you will find in the top draw. The USBs should be empty.
Hoseok watched Jimin stroll into the bathroom and thought he might as well take care of this storage issue on the phone. Plugging the device in, Hoseok began going through and deleting memes and stupid screenshots he no longer needed. He went through saving many photos of you, and videos the two of you shared together.
That's when he came across the picture of the two of you dressed in your black light outfits. Both of you looking happy together in the mirror. Hoseok saved the photo to the USB. The next was a blurry picture on the dance floor, he didn’t need that.
Deleting a range of blurred photos, Hoseok kept swiping through them until he came across a video of you and Hoseok walking home. He heard you giggling and unconsciously smiled. He honestly was so in love with you.
There were a few more blurred videos and then there was a video of you two laying in Hoseok’s bed. His heart started to race as he watched you lean down and kiss him in the video. Hoseok couldn’t remember any of this.
The next video was of you removing your dress but it continued, sometimes the phone was just left on the bed face down, at other points, it was lifted and Hoseok heard himself talking as he pointed the camera at you underneath him. “I love you.” He had filmed you while you two were having sex, “I love being inside of you too.”
Hoseok felt a little guilty, while you two were drunk he took a video of you both, not only that but he felt as if he took advantage of you. The next video was taken from behind and Hoseok felt ashamed of himself for the stirring in his pants. 
“Are you watching porn?” Jimin laughed from the next room, confused as Hoseok switched to the next video. The two of you were cuddling on your side, Hoseok being the big spoon. 
Hoseok's face fell. What had he just watched? His head was reeling with so many thoughts that he couldn’t process them fast enough. He understood that it was you in the video, and you were with him. It was that night. Were you his dream girl? “I slept with Y/n?” He blurted and like being hit with a truck he came to a shocking revelation. Hoseok shot to his feet and spoke out loud hoping it would help him make sense of the situation, “Am I, I think, I might be the father?”
“Oh, Finally!” Jimin shouted, his voice carrying into the office. “I have been waiting for you to figure it all out”
“What do you mean?” Hoseok said his stomach was feeling sick, he didn’t know if he wanted to vomit or cry. The betrayal setting in, “How did you know? DID SHE KNOW?”
Jimin stepped into the room, his lips pressed together in a thin line, with a look of pity on his face confirming Hoseok's suspicion. Hoseok got up, his eyes flashing around the room in a panic. He pushed past Jimin and grabbed the old set of keys from the countertop. Hoseok escaped and drove fast. He didn’t have a destination in mind but after a few minutes of driving he ended up at a park by Han River.
Shutting off the engine, Hoseok let his hands fall from the wheel, his head resting back against the seat, letting out a loud guttural shout. He let the tears fall freely as his sobs racked his body, every breath catching in his throat as if he was choking. 
Hoseok wanted to scream, he wanted answers. They all knew. You knew. He thought he was your best friend, someone he trusted with all his secrets, and yet you kept something this big from him. The sick feeling in his stomach grew as did his anger and frustration with the situation.
How long were you going to keep this from him? When the baby was born? When the child was eighteen? Never? He had a right to know but all he wanted to know was why. 
He left the vehicle, his phone ringing with your number but he turned it off. He walked to the nearest bar somewhere dark and quiet and he drank until he couldn’t see his hands. 
“Hey mate you have to go, come on get up.” The bartender said, nudging him with an exaggerated sigh, “Mate can I call someone to come get you?”
“No one, my best friend is a liar, she is pregnant and didn’t even tell me it is my child,” Hoseok mumbled into the table. The bartender sighed again reaching into his pocket, “Who do you want me to call mate?”
“No need to call, I will go,” he said, pulling out his keys only to have them snatched from his hand. Hoseok turned to see Yoongi grabbing Hoseok’s things and thanking the bartender. “What do you want?”
“I got a distressed call from Y/n she is hysterical, I have checked in every bar and searched the nearby streets for Jimin’s old van. Yoongi threw the keys to Jimin who was waiting by the abandoned van and Yoongi scooped Hoseok inside.
Hoseok woke as Yoongi turned the key in the ignition they were headed for his home, but Hoseok had other plans. “You knew didn’t you?” Hoseok growled, “Take me to her."
“Not in this state?” Yoongi said definitely. “You are going to sober up, and then tomorrow you can speak with her.”
“You take me there right now, or I will get out of this car and go there myself!” Hoseok demanded, attempting to remove his seatbelt.
“Alright, alright sit down, I will take you to see her, but if you raise your voice at her I will knock you out and drag you back to your apartment." Yoongi turned to Hoseok with a menacing glare. "Do you understand?”
He nodded needing answers and he wasn't going to stop until you gave them to him. They pulled up outside your home and as he walked to the door he felt as if his legs were weak, ready to give way. He knocked with shaking hands.
He didn’t have to wait long for you to pull open the door eyes pink and swollen from your own tears.
"Hobi, I-" 
"Please don’t talk, you had your chance. This whole time, and you didn’t… You didn’t tell me, little darling.” His voice cracked as he held up a hand to stop you, “it’s my turn to talk, you can listen to me.”
He watched you wipe the tears away, he wanted to comfort you, you were his closest friend. He loved you so much and couldn’t bear to see you upset. “You knew we had sex, you knew what we did and you hid that from me, you fell pregnant and you hid that from me?”
“I told you when I lost my virginity, I told you when I scratched my dad’s car, I told you when I took money from my fathers wallet, or when I stole your homework. I told you when I was moving from home, I told you everything good and bad.” Hoseok pulled out the phone and played the video, the sounds of you two together filling the air. “But you couldn’t tell me, your best friend, that we did this? That I might be the father of this baby?”
“Hobi, I wanted to tell you I was-” Your tears were relentless and it looked like the weight of the world was crushing you with guilt. You looked lost, he knew there must be so much you wanted to say and explain but the words escaped you. All you could think to do was apologize, like some sort of animatronic doll with one function.
“Wanted to tell me isn’t telling me,” he frowned. “Say it, is this baby mine?”
“Yes, you are the father?” You whimpered, holding your stomach. Hoseok didn’t feel better. He didn’t feel better confronting you or getting the truth. He didn’t feel better watching you cry. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. You are all I have Hobi, and I love you.”
“I thought I loved you too. I thought I really truly loved you, that even though I wasn’t the father, I would step in if I could. It turns out the woman I fell in love with is nothing but a liar.” Hoseok turned away unable to see your face contort in pain from the words he was saying, “I am disappointed in you. You said you wanted to grow up, but this is so immature”
Demanding to leave, Yoongi took Hoseok and headed to the van once more, hoping that the two of you could rebuild your relationship. It was painfully obvious that you both were painfully in love, so much so, that it was breaking your hearts more to fight with one another, than over whatever the fight was about.
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You had spent the rest of the night crying until pure exhaustion took over your body and you fell asleep. No matter how many times you texted or called you got no response. You had left almost fifteen voicemails before you became too hysterical to speak. You were emotional and trying your hardest not to break down long enough for you to think things through. 
It took four days and sitting in the bottom of the shower for ten minutes before you came to a decision. Even before Hoseok knew he was the father, you had planned to do it on your own. You weren't weak and you knew for certain that you would be okay. You had planned to raise this child as a single mother, you had hoped to tell Hoseok before all this happened, but you had planned for it just in case something like this did happen.
You could do this without Hoseok, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt, that you weren't mourning the relationship you had lost. You picked yourself up and put on a brave face crying only when you were alone as you single-handedly funded Ben and Jerry's company with the amount of ice cream you consumed.
You arrived at the next prenatal appointment. You watched all the couples cooing at their bellies and the little sonogram photos, as you sat alone quietly rubbing your belly and thinking how much you loved this child.
It strengthened your bond between you and your baby. You were working hard at your job, not ready to go on maternity leave as you didn’t know how financially stable you would be. You also worried because, without the distractions of work, you realized how alone you truly were and how much you missed Hoseok.
You wanted nothing more than to go back in time and take it all back. You wanted to get the courage and tell him. You would give anything to wake up beside him the morning after and just let yourselves deal with the aftermath.
Your mother's words echoed in your head, only able to be drowned out by the sound of your baby's heartbeat through the doppler, as the ultrasound technician measured your sweet little baby girl.
She had done no wrong and deserved only good things. It was on your way home from the scan that you decided to enter the baby boutique. You knew you were filling a Hoseok shaped void in your chest but you didn’t care, purchasing clothes, socks and shoes, and a tiny beanie all in mint green, white, or grey. At the checkout, you saw a small personal travel doppler for eighty dollars. It wasn’t as strong or as reliable as the one at the clinic but you bought it anyway. 
It was the first thing you did when you got home, you put the gel on your stomach and pressed the doppler to your tummy, and listened to the tiny heartbeat and the swishing of the umbilical cord. The tears didn’t stop and that heartbeat in your belly was the mantra to which you swore to live your new life.
You were no longer living for yourself, you were living for your daughter, whom you loved so dearly. You stopped looking for Hoseok through the seventh and moved into the eighth month of your pregnancy feeling semi-okay.
Called by the marketing director to meet with the client, you followed him with documents, “Why did you pick me?” you asked
“You are the only one fit for this job,” He said, which made you feel odd, surely the pregnant lady wasn’t the first choice. However, you obeyed his orders, grabbed your coat, and followed to the restaurant where you were met with an unbelievable sight. 
There was Hoseok standing by a beautiful woman dressed in a suit. Not only was it a punch to the chest, but it also left you self-conscious, resembling a chocolate egg. The way your body was so rotund did not do wonders for one's self-esteem.
Hoseok didn’t notice you until you stepped up to the table, your director announcing your arrival and greeting the young woman with a kiss on each cheek. “This is my hardest working assistant Miss Y/n,” The director said and you wondered again why he had chosen you to accompany him to the meeting.
“Well let’s get to business” the client smiled. You sat at the table and they brought out menus. “I will have the salmon en papillote, with a nice chardonnay.” 
“I will have the same,” the marketing director said, attempting to look cool but you weren’t so sure.
“We will have the Steak au Poivre, I will take medium rare and she will have hers well done. What is in the side salad?” Hoseok asked and you looked up over the menu shocked by his audacity.
“We use a mesclun mix for its various colors and textures, with Lebanese cucumbers and avocado for a fresh and creamy taste and a drizzle of classic french vinaigrette” the waiter smiled politely. 
“Skip the salads and instead vegetables would be preferable for both.” Hoseok closed the menu and looked up, the waiter looked at you for confirmation and you nodded handing over the menu.
“Have you two met before?” The client asked curiously and Hoseok shook his head, “It’s just you ordered for her?”
“She is pregnant so the best meat option is beef well cooked, and the salad would most likely make her sick due to the acidity in the vinaigrette.” Hoseok continued,  “the vegetables, though plain, will be easier to handle and will benefit her better than a salad. It is something I learned in a birthing class once”
“Yeah, and you haven’t been back since.” You scoffed, drinking your water trying to calm yourself so you didn’t explode with anger.
“I didn’t think I had to, seeing as I am not the father of any children.” He said dryly back and you stood up throwing the napkin at him, tears welling up in your eyes. You didn’t care if he didn’t like you and refused to acknowledge your presence ever again, but saying that about your child was not okay.
“You take that back, Hoseok." You almost shouted but restrained yourself due to the setting, Hoseok didn’t appear to move and you tilted your head back and took a shaky breath. “I am sorry, it seems I am feeling ill, allow me to leave first”
You stepped out the door and headed down the road trying to find a cab when a hand grabbed your arm. Disappointed when it turned out to be the marketing director. “I rescheduled our meeting, I am sorry, you had to deal with something like this, it must be stressful being so pregnant”
He touched your belly and you were a little uncomfortable. This man was a little too interested in your pregnancy. At first, you thought he was just a nice boss who was looking out for you, but it was clear he had some strange thoughts running through his mind.
When he said he would drive you home, you told him you had an appointment. Even then he was determined to take you to the appointment, but you waved down a cab and jumped in quickly. You arrived at Jin and Tonic for a much-needed appointment.
“I want a drink” you sighed and Seokjin gave you water and you looked up seriously. I want an actual drink Jin, I am going through the worst year of my life.”
“Worse than the time you tried to become a volunteer at a homeless center, where some weird lady cut chunks out of your hair, so you had to shave it off?"
"Then you got into a fight with Hoseok because he drew an arrow on your head while you were sleeping and everyone called you Aang,” Jimin added as he shed his small jacket, showing off a pretty choker chain necklace with a rose pendant. “Cause you said that was the worst year of your life.”
“This is worse,” you said. “At least I was the one angry at Hobi and I forgave him quickly, now he is angry at me and even denied being the father of our baby. That’s not even the worst of it. My boss has some sort of pregnancy fetish and keeps trying to touch my belly and I am not here for it”
“Pregnancy fetish?”
“It’s not sexy, I am swollen from the neck down, I couldn’t see my feet this morning. I just hope I wore the same shoes. My bladder is so squished I am peeing all the time, I am hormonal and sweaty, and I can’t fit into my favorite pajamas.” The hysterical sobbing was muffled by the bar and it made Jimin giggle behind his hand. He walked around to give you a hug and Jin presented you with an ice cream sundae in an effort to cheer you up.
“Dance with me, pretty lady,” Yoongi said, finishing his drink and taking your hand. He led you to the dance floor where you were slow dancing like you used to. “You are still as pretty as always. Okay, you may not feel beautiful right now due to all those things, but I promise that you are.”
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You tried to get close enough to hug Yoongi but your belly prevented you from doing so, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you slipping his hands under your belly and swaying. He was trying to take some of the weight to relieve some pressure on your back. “You are amazing,”
“I am, aren't I.” He laughed, swaying you softly.
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Tags: @brbkpop @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @munchyn @unadulteratedlyunique @jinhitwhore @knjkitten @jooniesdimples70307 @the-snowbear25 @kb-bangtanenthusiast @moments-of-melancholy @levantelux @theadorkablezaza @crustycaitlin @verasays​  @usagiserenity530 @carmxx​ (Please remember to have your tag settings on so you can recieve notifications about updates)
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter I: Let’s Party!]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: strong language, use of alcoholic beverages, drunken antics, ?? jackson wang is throwing a party?? (jk he’s not aljsks. changbin is tho), nothing filthy in this chapter, unfortunately :/ just plot build up
Chapter word count: 2.6k words
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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Haven University; school of the elite. From the academically inclined to the artistically blessed, only those who were gifted with such talents are accepted to augment their potential. The perfect school for the sensational.
...And like every other school with young hormonal adults, also the perfect school for a good fuck.
“Another outstanding submission, Y/n! Keep up the great work!”
You smiled at your photography teacher, Mr. Kim, bowing humbly as you thanked him. You were proud. Praise after praise for your picture taking skills only heightened your motivation to be the best even more. Photography has always been your passion. Ever since you were given your very first camera at the age of 5 years old- which, in retrospect, was actually a toy camera, you already knew that it is something you would want to pursue.
In the middle of your teacher’s praises with another student, the bell rang. “Looks like we ran out of time, folks. Great job again, Seungmin. Everyone, class dismissed,” he said, jokingly using shooing gestures. “Now hurry up and get out of my face, you delinquents. Lunch time awaits. Go replenish your life force.”
You began gathering your belongings, slinging your precious DSLR camera around your neck. “Outstanding submission, young photographer.” You heard someone say. You turned around to see Seungmin grinning at you.
You snort out a laugh. “Thanks. Great job to you too, Seungmo.” Seungmin was about to respond when your instructor’s voice interrupted.
“Oh. Except Y/n. Please stay a little bit after class, for me, dear.” You and Seungmin shared a glance, nodding for him to go ahead without you. He pats your shoulder, bidding you goodbye. You continued packing your things into your bag. As the rest of the students left the room, you walked towards Mr. Kim’s desk, waiting for his word. “Hello, Y/n.”
“Hello, sir. You wanted to talk to me?”
“Ah yes. I wanted to ask you this,” your instructor paused, sitting on his desk. “How much do you love photography?”
You paused, wanting to convey the exact feelings you wanted to express. “Photography is an escape for me,” you answered. “It’s another form of art that helps people convey the emotions and stories people want to tell. Some people express their emotions through music and lyrics, others through paintings, and others through dance. For me, personally, I’m not all that good in any of those aspects, sir. That is why I work so hard when it comes to this class, and in photography in general.” You unconsciously caressed the camera slung around your neck. “And to me, the stories behind a photo is a lot more intimate in a way that I just can’t explain.”
“Because...this is the only way for you to express yourself? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” You nodded. Mr. Kim hummed in thought. “I see.” He stood up and walked to you, placing his warm hands on your shoulder. “I admire you, kid.”
“You...admire me?” You were confused. The teacher admires his student? Isn’t it usually the other way around?
“Oh yeah. Is that hard to believe?”
“Uhm...Kinda, yeah.”
Mr. Kim laughed mirthfully, amused by your bewilderment and doubt. “Well, believe it. You have spunk. Soul. Your work impart emotions I have never seen from my other students before. You’re passionate about what you do, and I like that. You take digital arts very seriously.”
You laughed awkwardly, the amount of praise your instructor was giving you made you happy. “I do, sir. Kinda a shame not a lot of people even consider it an art.”
“Indeed,” he replied, sitting down on his desk. “Which is why I wanted to give you an impromptu assignment. I want to assign you a story telling type of assignment; to write a story using your photography skills, if that makes sense.”
“Hm, yes? I think I get a jist of what you're trying to tell me.”
“Excellent. I just want to use this to monitor your skills, Y/n. You’re a very talented person, the most talented I’ve ever had even. I just want to see how much of that potential you really have so I can help you blossom it into something greater.”
“Oh,” you draw out, somewhat understanding why he picked you. “I see, sir. I’m honored that you’ve picked me.”
“You should,” he joked. “Now, I want you to photograph the following- write or type this down before you forget.” You hastily whipped out your phone from your pocket. “Ready?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Okay. I want you to capture the perfect scenes. Give me something that gives you joy. Something that makes you emotional, good or bad or even both, if you can. Something you fear, and finally, something that you love unconditionally. These are all supposed to be different photos, by the way. Got that?”
You finished typing a few seconds later. “And...got it.”
“Awesome!” he smiled. “Just know that I’ll be giving you only 3 months to complete the assignment. I hope that this isn’t too much to ask of you, but I’m sure someone as ambitious as you doesn’t mind, right?”
“Nope, sir! Everything will be a-okay!”
“I’m glad! Now move along and get to the canteen already. I’m sure you’re just as hungry as I am.”
You giggled, making your way to the door. “Thank you sir! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
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“Oh, finally! There you are! We were starving waiting for you!” You rolled your eyes at Minho, who immediately decided to pick on you the second you entered his field of sight.
“Shut up, you could’ve eaten without me you know?”
“Nah, cause what kind of friends would we be if you ate without you?”
“You just want to steal some of my food, don’t you?”
Minho scoffed and went quiet, prompting Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin to laugh. “Caught you red-handed, Hyung,” Hyunjin teased, which backfired immediately causing him to chant an apology after Minho gave him a look.
“So why did you take so long, Y/n?” Jeongin asked.
“Oh, Mr. Kim wanted to give me an extra assignment.”
“Extra assignment?” Seungmin questioned. “What for?”
You shrugged, sitting down. “Uh, to test me? I’m not sure but I honestly think that there’s something more behind it. Not in like a bad way, just to clarify. I mean, he did acknowledge that I’m the best in his class after all.”
Seungmin snorted. “I just know you meant that unironically.” You jokingly blew a raspberry at him.
“Of course Y/n is the best!” Hyunjin stuck his chin up. “Let’s be honest, anyone could be the best if they use me as their model!”
“Hey, Hyunjin? You wanna eat this straw?” Minho threatened, making Hyunjin shut up.
“Good. Get off your high horse, prince charming.”
The three of you laughed. “Poor Hyunjin,” Jeongin sympathized sardonically.
“Hyunjin please stick to dancing and uh- not dying,” you said. “I still need you alive for some more upcoming projects.”
“For me too,” said Seungmin. “I might start using you as my model as well.”
Hyunjin fake cried, “Y’all just like me for my looks!”
“I mean, there’s no denying you are incredibly handsome but we like your personality too, Hyunie, don’t worry,” you cheered him up, then turned to Jeongin. “What about you, Yeni? How’re you holding up now that Lix is gone?”
Jeongin gasped. “I miss him! I’m so lonely now, especially when I have theatre! I feel so awkward now that girls swarm up to me instead- and you know I’m a shy boy!”
“Hey! At least you’re more popular now!” Minho laughed.
“Well, now we have no choice but to remember Felix in our hearts,” Seungmin replied.
“I’m not fucking dead. I just switched majors!” the four of you turned to see Felix pouting at you all.
“Well, you’re dead to me!” Jeongin wailed. “Going from a theatre major to a dance major. How could you?!”
Felix chuckled, sitting down between Seungmin and Jeongin. “I’m sorry! You know I’ll still see you though, buddy!”
“Why don’t you just switch to a regular vocal major next semester, Yeni?” you asked.
“Nah. I originally did want to go for just regular vocal studies but, you know, even if I did accidently sign up for the class, I ended up finding something else I wanna do. Plus, theatre is surprisingly fun! You know, find something new that’ll change your life every day.”
“Yup! Especially since they often collab with the dance majors so we get to see each other a lot!” Hyunjin beamed while Minho nodded in acknowledgment.
“Oh, speaking of dancing,” Minho chimed in. “You guys wanna go to a party I was invited to?”
“No,” Seungmin immediately responded.
“No, not you, I knew you would say no. I meant the others.”
Hyunjin nodded, “I was invited to the same party you’re talking about, so yeah.”
“Can’t,” Felix replied. “I’m still getting used to my new major and I still have a few assignments to catch up on.”
Jeongin hummed in agreement. “Same here. We have a play coming up soon and I’m a lead this time, so I gotta stay home to rehearse as much as I can.”
Minho made a stank face, “Aww. Lame.” He turned to you. “What about you, Y/n? You down?”
You thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, sure. Why not?”
“Really?” All 5 boys looked at you incredulously.
“Yeah. I might find some inspiration while I’m there. Besides you know I’ll just be leeching off of Hyunie and Min the whole time.”
Minho and Hyunjin high-fived, cheering a quiet ‘yes!’ Hyunjin giggled. “This is great cause we might need a designated back up driver in case I get drunk and Minho-hyung abandons me!”
“Now that you’ve said that, I might seriously consider that,” Minho grinned. “We’ll pick you up at 8 sharp! Y/n!”
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‘8:53pm’ You wanted to go home already.
The boys, true to their word, picked you up at 8:00pm. With little to no traffic- and the fact that Hyunjin actually got ready early so that they wouldn’t be an hour late- the three of you made it to the party around 8:20pm. Even then there were already a lot of people there.
“What the fuck. This house is huge!” you gawked. “Can you even consider this a house still?!”
Hyunjin shrugged. “I’d say this more of a mansion at this point.” All you do mutter a constant chant of ‘what the fuck. what the fuck’ over and over again. “Who’s house is this again, Minho?”
“Changbin’s, remember? Jisung said they’re celebrating in his house,” Minho replied.
“Well this Changbin dude is LOADED,” you mused. Even in the dim lighting, you could see the elegance of the house, which most likely costs more than your entire tuition. “I’d hate to be the one who has to clean up the place.” The boys lead you to the kitchen, helping you avoid the crowd cause, in your words, ‘ew yucky people’. There, they brought you to two men wearing all black, who were hanging out on the island counter. Their names were Changbin- the handsome rich boy who owns the house, the lucky bastard- and Chan- another handsome rich boy with the cutest laugh and dimples, both really sweet and hilarious men, whom you very much enjoyed talking to...
That was the last memory you had before it went downhill.
It took 33 minutes and 4 soju bottles later for Hyunjin to get drunk. Chan and Changbin were back at the booth, manning the song list for the night while Minho was somewhere with some guy in a red beanie doing absolutely nothing, so here you were: stuck babysitting your best friend. “Y/n! Y/n!”
You sighed hearing Hyunjin drunkenly call you. Again. “Yes, Hyunie?”
“I looove you~!” he sang while giving you finger hearts, rocking on the balls of his feet. You sighed again, rubbing your temple.
“Yeah yeah. I know. Love you too.”
“Y/n!” Your left eye twitched. You whipped out your phone from your bra to text Minho.
Me: You bitch.
Help me
Minho ho ho 😼: Hi
You glowered. You quickly glanced up to check Hyunjin, who was now sitting on the carpeted floor in front of you, counting his luscious black hair.
Me: He’s-he’s counting his hair… Please get him. It’s like watching a bird repeatedly hitting glass
Minho ho ho 😼: At least he’s not making any trouble now, is he?
He fucking jinxed it. Hyunjin stood up with a shocked look on his face. “What’s wrong, Hyunjin?”
“It’s my favorite song!” he cheered, starting to dance along. You have to admit, even when he’s drunk, he’s still an exceptional dancer. Texting Minho a quick ‘fuck you’. You put your phone back between your breasts to go back to monitoring him, preparing yourself in case you needed to tackle Hyunjin down.
“Heyyy, Y/n!” Minho suddenly draped his arm around your shoulder. Taking your eyes off of Hyunjin, you glared at your lazy, backstabbing friend, shoving his arm off of you.
“Asshole, you’re ten minutes late.”
“Oh I'm not here for Hyunjin. I need your phone.” You look at him audaciously.
“What the- why?”
“My-uh-phone died?” he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Your eyes briefly flickered towards Minho’s friend, who, in return, looked down bashfully, red faced. Hm. Weird. You rolled your eyes, nonchalantly reaching into your shirt to get your phone. Minho didn’t even hide his grimace. He cringed, “It’s warm...and wet?”
“Shut up. I’m sweating, okay? And I don’t have any pockets on me.”
Minho nodded, going back to his little friend. Before you could scold him, you heard Hyunjin screaming. You turned around to find him running to the front door. Oh shit. You started pushing people to run after him
You groaned in disgust, wanting nothing more than to get the hell out of here. You pushed your way out of the crowd, cringing at the feeling of touching numerous dirty, unknown people. Where in the world is the fucking exit? In the midst of the sweaty, drunken bodies, your eyes met. It was like time had stopped; no one within the vicinity seemed to not have mattered anymore. With just a smirk and a flirty wink from the chubby-cheeked boy in the red beanie, you knew…
...you just had to fuck him
Hold on, Y/n. Your friend might get fucking ran over! You snapped out of it. With a flustered face, you continued shoving your way through, wrangling Minho on the way. “Come on, fucker. You’re helping me. Let’s go,” you sneered while Minho complained.
After 30 minutes of chasing and wrestling, the drunken beast was tamed. The night ended with Minho driving you all home instead while you and Hyunjin cuddled in the backseat against your will. Minho took great pleasure in knowing that he wasn’t Hyunjin’s cuddle buddy, laughing every time you tried unlatching yourself from him, which made the long haired boy cry. Your sadistic friend dropped you home first, apologizing for not being much of a help tonight. “To make it up to you, I have something for you,” he suspiciously said, wiggling his eyebrows, before giving your phone back and driving off.
You relaxed on your bed, happy that you were rid of those dirty, smelly clothes. You grabbed your phone to text Minho. Assuming that the messages app was left on your conversation with him, you started texting, not paying any mind to the fact that the chat was blank.
Me: Thanks for taking me I guess. I didn’t get anything other than unwanted kisses from Hyunjin ew but it’s aight.
Speaking of aight…Do you think you can give me your friend’s number? 👁👁 The one with the red beanie.
Cause sir, not to be nsfw or anything but he is one fine ass man that I’d like to fuck
Almost immediately, the three bubbles appeared. You were surprised that Minho would reply that fast, thinking we was still on the road with Hyunjin. The reply you got, however, made your heart drop.
Min’s hoe: uh...hi? 👋🏻
this is minho’s “fine ass friend with the red beanie” 👁👁
Shitshitshitshit SHIT
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A/n: Sorry no smut in this chapter just plot build up :(( (which i’m a sucker for) and a lot of dialogue. But Trust me. Everything written in this chapter will fall into place with the future chapters. And who know, next chapter might be 🥵
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hepalien · 3 years
Shrunkyclunks (Modern Bucky/Cap Steve) Fic Rec
Hate Sex & Hair Protocol by @maddiewritesstucky - Mature, 1.8k
SHIELD Agent Bucky, UST, Enemies to Lovers (in Steve’s head), Humor
They’re all full of shit, Steve decides.
His team don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, running their mouths about the way he and Bucky look at each other; the tension that seems to be at a constant near-snapping point between them.
'It’s called annoyance' Steve wants to yell in each of their faces, loud and one by one. It’s the pain of having to exist every day in close proximity with someone who drives you out of your fucking mind.
In which Steve discovers that ire and desire may just exist side by side in his brain.
Stop interrupting my grinding series by @rohkeutta - Teen, 2.5k
Nurse Bucky, Wrong Number, Fluff, Humor
“I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
“Someone who’s watching you live on TV,” Bucky tells him as the tiny patriotic figure on the screen takes the turns like he instructed. Bucky should probably be a lot more freaked out about this, but honestly? After a tour in the Middle East and six years as a nurse in New York, even this isn’t enough to ruffle him. One sees a lot of shit in the ER. “Also, you better hang up now, that thing is behind the next bend.”
“Uh, okay,” Captain America says. “Thanks?”
“Whatever,” Bucky says, disconnects the call and turns the TV off to get ready for his shift.
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain by @galwednesday - Teen, 2.7k
War Vet Bucky, Meet Cute, Fluff, Humor, Modern Howlies
Bucky tapped him on the shoulder, swaying back and forth a little as he waited for the man to turn around. “Hello,” he said, and then promptly forgot what else he was going to say, because this guy was fucking beautiful. “Wow. Good face.”
Two of the guy’s friends, a man wearing a suit that fit so well it had to be bespoke and a man with a cute little gap between his front teeth, started cracking up. The petite redhead sitting next to them cocked her head to the side and pulled her phone out of her handbag. Beautiful Face just looked kind of pained, so Bucky redirected. He was a gentleman. He could take a hint. No hitting on beautiful guys who were uncomfortable with that sort of thing, no matter how lickable their jawlines were.
“Hello,” he repeated, doing his best to mind his manners. “I’m very sorry to bother you. Can I have a piggy-back ride?”
You Make My Heart Skip A Beet by @musette22 - Teen, 3.8k
Chef Bucky, POV Outsider, Fluff, Humor
“I made soda bread.”
Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.”
The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
more under the cut
Cafe Au Écoute by @littlesystems - Teen, 3.8k
Coffee Shop AU
No matter where Steve goes, there's always the chance that he'll overhear a conversation about himself - or rather, Captain America. This coffee shop is no different. The fact that he keeps eavesdropping well past the point of plausible deniability is another matter entirely.
#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled - Teen, 4.1k
SHIELD Employee Bucky, Misunderstandings, Crack, Humor
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “...Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
at first chance i'd take the bed warmed by the body by @spacebuck - Explicit, 8.2k
YouTuber Bucky
This close, Steve can see exactly how beautiful his hands are. He’s never really noticed before, or at least he’s never really had a reason to notice, but the man’s hands are large, tanned like he works outside all day. There’s an endearing callus on the heel of one of his palms, and Steve can’t quite work out when calluses became endearing.
Steve pauses the video. Swallows hard. Casts his eyes around for anything that’ll keep his mind off the hands on his screen, off the words inked into those hands, the delicate shape of a bird’s wing, the curling edge of a vine.
He looks down. The name of the channel is right there, blaring the man’s name right into Steve’s brain until it feels like he’s known it all along.
Bucky Barnes.
OR: the one where Bucky's a youtuber who solves puzzles on camera, and steve's smitten and horny
Came with my cool (I dropped it) by @liionne - Teen, 9.2k
Yoga Instructor Bucky
"When you said I need to loosen up, I didn't think you meant literally."
"I meant it every way. Mentally, emotionally, and physically." Natasha says, and thrusts a yoga mat at him.
there once was a diamond by bloobeary - Teen, 11.3k
Fluff, Thanksgiving
"You," Becca seethes, and hits him with a wooden spoon. "Could have told me," Hits him again. "You were dating Captain America." Final hit, Bucky laughs. He supposes he deserves it, giving her no more information than the fact he was bringing his boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner at her house and then showing up with Steve.
Salt by littleblackfox @thelittleblackfox - Mature, 12k
Bakery AU
The cinnamon roll is gone in four bites. Four indecent, jaw-unhinging bites, and Steve sucks the last traces of lemon and icing from his fingers with a low, throaty sound of satisfaction. He glances up at Bucky, who is leaning against the counter and watching him with avid fascination.
“Um…” Steve says around his index finger. There’s still a little icing on the bed of his fingernail, and he stops trying to work it off with his tongue.
“You know those movies where the girl eats an eclair or something, and it’s really, like, sexually charged?” Bucky asks.
Steve pulls his finger out of his mouth. He’s never seen that kind of movie, but the thought of Bucky eating an eclair is certainly… well, it lingers. “Uh?”
“Yeah, well that was the exact opposite.” Steve scowls, and Bucky cackles gleefully. “You are something else, Steve.”
Leg Day by Brokenpitchpipe - Explicit, 12.1k
Gym Thot Bucky
“So talk to him,” Sam says.
“I can’t,” Bucky groans. “I can’t, Sam, I. He just.” He fluffs his hair up and stares at Sam, distraught. “I want him to bench press me.”
“Okay, so it’s serious,” Sam interprets. “Got it."
(Or: The one where Sam is Bucky's long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.)
Art Nouveau by voluptuous_panic - Explicit, 12.2k
Bartender Bucky, Tattooed & Pierced Bucky
Steve's on the worst date of his life. At least the bartender's cute.
much tattoo about nothing by @deisderium - Explicit, 14.5k
Tattoo Artist Bucky
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
No Wonder There's Panic in the Industry by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Not Rated (I’d say Mature?), 20.5k
Stark Industries Intern Bucky, Team fic, Humor
In which Bucky Barnes and his BFF, Clint Barton, are NYU interns for Stark Media Group competing to be Pepper's favorite.
Or alternatively, the time Bucky assisted the P.A. team on the Steve Rogers piece and ended up (adopted) with a contact list full of Avengers.
Life of the Party by @aggressivewhenstartled - Explicit, 21.6k
Superhero Impersonator Bucky, Mistaken Identity
“You know, kids,” Steve heard from the backyard, “one of the most common threats a superhero has to face is inside an active volcano! We’re going to have to work on your evasion skills, so for the next five minutes, the floor is lava!” This was met by a sudden spike in both volume and pitch from the small children as they scrambled onto every raised surface they could find and immediately launched themselves right back off.
“I’ve never seen actual lava in my entire life,” Steve said, vaguely offended.
“You got a superhero impersonator for The Falcon’s niece’s birthday party,” Sam said, incredulous. “The Falcon, who is an actual superhero.”
Trust Enough by @geneticallydead - Explicit, 23.3k
“Saturday. Yeah, that’s good,” Steve says, and actually scuffs his shoe at the ground. Like a ridiculous shy superhero damsel. “Say eight? I live-“
“Yeah, big building with the A on it,” Bucky says, and can’t help a big stupid grin. Steve stares at him, looking a little dazed, and after their whole conversation it’s only now that Bucky’s brain catches up and realises Steve finds him quite attractive. So. Win for Bucky.
“Let me get your number,” Steve says finally, after they’ve stared stupidly at each other for about three hours, taking out his phone.
So they exchange numbers, and then Steve says he should go, and Bucky agrees, and they kind of stare at each other for a bit more, then Steve actually does go, but not before taking Bucky’s hand and squeezing it warmly in a way that makes Bucky want to shiver all over. Then Steve is gone, and Bucky is standing alone in the alley, grinning to himself.
Right up until the moment he remembers that Steve thinks Bucky is an escort he’s just hired.
Well fuck.
The Roommate by layersofart, Niitza - Teen, 28.6k
War Vet Bucky, Roommates AU, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Team fic
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
Brooklyn Baby by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Mature, 33.7k
Coffee Shop AU, Modern Howlies, Mistaken Identity, Team Fic
In which Bucky is just trying to live life and enjoy his unofficial official table at the obnoxiously hipster coffee shop but some guy named Steve stole his spot.
Or, the time that Bucky unintentionally befriended the Avengers and had no idea.
Never Talk to Strangers by mambo @whtaft - Teen, 40.4k
Grad Student Bucky, Slow Burn
Never Talk to Strangers: or; How a Forgotten Childhood Lesson Led Bucky Barnes to Appreciate Charlie Chaplin, Befriend an A.I., Slip on Soap Bubbles, Be Mistaken for a Succubus, and Try to Woo a Superhero.
Sinking Our Teeth In The Heart Of The Sun by fallendarlings @pressrestartwrites - Explicit, 102.8k
Single Dad Bucky, Kid Fic, Slow Burn, Domestic, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Steve has Autism
Bucky Barnes never intended to become a single father at 25. But life has always enjoyed kicking him while he's down and it's showing no signs of stopping. A chance meeting with a brick wall of a guy named Steve in the formula aisle of the grocery store leads to a friendship it seems like both of them need. If only Bucky could remember that's all they are- friends. If only Steve didn't slot into their lives so perfectly and look so good spoiling Bucky's daughter (and Bucky, despite his protests).
Oh, if only Steve didn't turn out to be Captain America.
Steve Rogers is wandering around a world that he doesn't fit into, fighting for a government that he doesn't trust, just because he doesn't know what to do with himself if he ever relaxes long enough to actually think about anything other than the next mission.
And then came Bucky Barnes and his newborn baby.
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ppersonna · 4 years
physical - pjm | m
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lights out and follow the noise. baby keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice. so come on, let's get physical - physical, dua lipa
↳ summary- you cant seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
↳ rating- explicit
↳ word count- 6.2k
↳ pairing- park jimin x reader
↳ genre- smut, fluff, comedy, fitness instructor!jimin, honestly this is pwp but with like 20% plot
↳ warnings- oral sex (m/f receiving) penetrative sex, sex in public, exhibitionism, spitting, slightly dom!jimin, jimin is v mouthy during sex, jimin is also a brat, 
↳ a/n- hiiiii we back at it again.  this fic brings me to 1 fic per member so i can finally feel good about repeats looloooolll also, this was very fun to write because i got to incorporate my love for exercise classes and my bias uwu.  also jimin 100% would be the worst instructor to take a class from bc i would NEVER focus EVER AGAIN.  pls feel free to message, comment, etc etc bc i love friendship.  enjoy!!!!!
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The sound of your spin shoes clipping into the pedals is like music to your ears. 
You feel your shoulders relax as you roll them, warming and stretching the muscles of your arms and back. EDM beats play lightly over the impressive sound system, encouraging the riders to cycle to warm up for 45 minutes of adrenaline and heart-pumping cardio. 
Spin class is one of your happy places. Group fitness classes give you a rush that solo workouts can’t compare to. You love the camaraderie, the support and the built in friendships. Plus, you love having someone at the front of the room tell you exactly what to do. So what, you’re a little subservient? 
You smile at the ladies clipping into the bikes next to you, not knowing who they are but finding that everyone is friendly and wants the best for themselves and the group.  It’s why you love these types of classes.  Strangers become teammates. 
You hadn’t bothered to check who was instructing today, having clicked on the class time that fit your schedule best. You hoped it was your favorite Hoseok, but had learned that all the instructors were just as good Hoseok was just so vibrant, he made you work harder. 
The heat in your legs builds upon a low simmer, muscles warming for an intense class.  A melodic voice sounds over the speakers, your instructor coming in and securing their place at the front of the room. 
You take a moment to stop gaping. In front of you is quite possibly the most beautiful human you’ve ever seen in your short life. 
He’s incredibly toned, wearing a tight adidas tank and second skin-like leggings. He clips into the bike on the podium and smiles at the class. 
You’re sure you’re salivating. You curse yourself for picking the bike front and center today, now acutely aware how likely you were to drool over the instructor the entire time.  
He notices your stare and winks before he adjusts his mic and speaks again. 
“Good morning, everyone!  I’ll be your instructor today. My name is Jimin and I’m happy to be here,” his voice is light and sounds like honey. It slithers down your skin and oozes into you.  “Let’s get started at a quick pace of 90 rpm’s and warm up those legs!”
His dirty blonde hair glistens in the spotlight, thighs flex and ripple in his leggings.  You’re frozen in your seat and it takes you four thumping heart beats to realize the class has started.  Fuck. He will be the death of you. Nothing makes you lose focus in class. 
You push your legs and begin, and he turns his gaze back on to you. It’s as if he lights a match and throws it on you, the way your body reacts under his stare.  You wonder what it feels like to touch his chest, his toned arms. You bite your lip and pant, breathlessness unrelated to the exercise. 
Class is torture. Everything Jimin says is a double entendre to your ears and you find your core aching and wet only 15 minutes in. Jimin looks perfect, up in third position on the bike, standing and hips pushed back. You can see his pert little ass in the mirror, and you want to cry. It’s beautiful, just like the rest of him. 
“All right, let’s tap it back in 4, 3, 2, 1!”
Jimin pushes his hips to tap the seat with his ass, before standing back up as he pedals in time with the music. He looks delicious, sweat on his forehead.  He pushes his hair out of his eyes and you nearly pass out at the sly smile curved on his face. 
You attempt to do the workout but feel yourself faltering, missing the beat often. It frustrates you. Normally, you are at the top of the leaderboard, soaring above the others with your effort. Today you land near the bottom. All because of fucking Jimin and his perfect fucking body. 
The arms circuit comes next and you are grateful for the reprieve from heavy resistance on your legs and a chance to sit and catch your breath.  You grab the weight bar and hold it in your palms, ready to do bicep curls at the count of your instructor. 
Jimin unclips from his bike and grabs his bar, before walking the length of the front of the room.  He begins with the bicep curls and you choke. His arms ripple with the effort and his hands look so strong and veiny; your mind immediately fills with thoughts of his strong hands fingering you to completion.  He counts out the numbers and winks at you again as you falter in your push and pull. You shut your eyes, avoiding looking at him, and focus on the curl of your arms. 
It’s infuriating. You take pride in your fitness and find yourself most satisfied after an intense workout.  This class has proven to be intense in a whole different manner, but you’re upset at the lost opportunity to push yourself and focus. 
As your eyes flutter open again, Jimin moves to put the bar away and clip back into his bike. Only 15 minutes left. You can do this. 
You definitely did not do it. The last fifteen minutes were pure torture. Jimin kept his monologue of encouragement going, but his voice was tinged with fatigue and he panted hard into the mic. Sometimes, during particularly tough resistance, he would add little grunts and “uh!”s to his countdowns.  You felt your thighs tremble with each one, gasping at the fantasy of his grunts as he fucked into you. 
Blessedly, the class ended and Jimin was leading the group through relaxing stretches to calm you down. It didn’t calm you in the least.  You watch as he folds himself in half over the bike to stretch his hamstrings and you’re mesmerized when he stands on his bike to stretch his back out. You want to lick every inch of him, tease your tongue down every hard line of muscle you could see until it landed directly on his coc-
“Thank you, everyone! You did incredible!” Jimin cooes over the mic as he stands next to the bike. He bows slightly in reverence to the group, and the class is dismissed. 
You’re not sure if you want to book it out of the room first or linger. You’re sure if he tries to talk to you, you’ll implode. Maybe you can leave in a crowd, while he’s talking to one of the older ladies sure to hit on him. 
You pack up your water bottle and towel, patting the sweat on your face as you try to sneak past in a crowd of elderly women. 
“Hey!” Jimin calls and you freeze. You look up to find the object of your frustrations smiling at you. Fuck. He was talking to you.
“Great job today,” he grins. 
Little shit, you grumble internally. He knows perfectly well that you did dreadfully, coming in 12th place out of 15. A woman three times your age got first place, and it burned you more than you cared to admit. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, awkwardly patting your face dry.  You’re positive you look terrible. Red faced from exertion and arousal, sweating like a pig. 
“You come here often, princess?” He asks as he walks closer to you. You find your breath catch in your throat and you’re unable to reply.  He chuckles. 
“Cat got your tongue?”  His smirk is legendary and you want to slap or kiss it right off. 
“I’m-,” you croak out, then clear your throat and steel yourself. “I come every other day. Sometimes more.” 
Jimin can’t take his eyes off of you. He smirks again. “You should take another class of mine, doll.” 
You blush, and you hope the already flushed color of your cheeks hides it. 
“You could use the practice. Soon, you’ll get the hang of it.” He gives you a wink and leaves, leaving you stewing in anger and frustration at his words. 
How dare he?! He assumed you were a novice! Your pride and ego burned. You were a regular! You always came in the top 3 of the class! It’s his fucking fault you couldn’t focus on class! 
You grab your things from the locker you stored it in, change your shoes, and stomp out of the spin studio with only one thought on your mind. 
The asshole, Park Jimin. 
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You avoided spin like the plague. You rationally knew he didn’t teach every single class there, but you couldn’t face it, face the place where he hurt your pride so quickly and turned your insides into molten lava. 
You dragged your best friend Jungkook with you to yoga, a quick and heated vinyasa class. Jungkook was more of a weight lifting guy, but you had recently talked him into trying yoga, explaining the benefits of meditation and the stretching of his muscles and sinew would help improve his form. He caved and quickly found he liked it. 
You spread your mat down on the warm wooden floor and let out a sigh. You had been looking forward to this class all week, and you were finally here.  You ensured you were taking the class from your favorite instructor, Taehyung, when you booked you and Jungkook’s spot. 
You smile at Jungkook as he settles himself into his mat, and you both begin stretching and chatting lightly before class begins. 
The door opens just as you get into child’s pose, face toward the mat in between your thighs and arms stretched high above your head on the floor. 
A silky voice, most decidedly not Taehyung’s, rolls over your body. 
“Welcome everyone. I’m your substitute teacher today. My name is Park Jimin.”
Your head snaps up and you stifle a groan at the sight you’re welcomed with.  
Jimin stands on the mat at the front of the class, directly in front of you, wearing nothing but long, lululemon tights that cling to his skin. Again, you chose to be front and fucking center. You can see the way his legs form in his leggings. His chest is bare, and you can’t stop staring at the defined lines of his abs. You want to cry. 
He’s invaded your favorite spots twice now. 
He recognizes you, startled for a moment, but quickly covers it with a wink in your direction. You let your head fall to the mat with a thunk. 
The class is hot, literally. It’s 102 degrees Fahrenheit and you’re dripping with sweat. You move with precision through each sun salutation, ashtanga, and tree pose. The moves flow into one another, your favorite thing about vinyasa, and you pointedly avoid even looking at the instructor.  You’re grateful you know all the moves by heart and can position yourself into them by memory. 
You’re proud that you only falter a few times, heart stuttering every time Jimin walks by you to note your pose and call out the next position. You’ve never wanted to simultaneously fight and fuck someone so bad in your life. 
It’s the final, relaxing poses of the class and you sigh with relief as you maneuver into sleeping swan. You slide out of down dog and slip your right knee between your hands, lean a bit to the right, and press your hips forward towards the ground.  You can feel the delicious stretch in your hips and your eyes flutter at the release of tension.  You lay down over your knee, allowing your arms to lay flat above your knee and press your hips down as far as you can. 
It’s quiet, all you can hear is your breath. You see Jimin out of the corner of your eye assisting others push deeper into the pose, pressing his hands where they need the help.  You gulp.  Fuck. 
You turn your head back towards the mat and focus only on your breathing and the stretch in your body.   Jimin indicates to switch legs, and you do so effortlessly, sliding your left knee to the center and putting your right knee back. 
It feels good to stretch, especially on your weaker left side. You inhale deeply and let it out as you try to push your hip forward more.  
Suddenly, warm hands are on your lower back, right above the cleft of your ass. You bite your lip tight, knowing it’s Jimin, guiding you deeper.  Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. 
Your breath catches as he presses down, humming his approval as your hips move with his hands and you gasp at the feel of the stretch. It feels even better going further than you could on your own. He laughs quietly through his nostrils, as he smooths his warm hands up under your shirt to rest on the skin of your back. 
You feel as if you will explode. Just as your body reacts to his touch and caress, it’s gone and he’s moving to Jungkook to guide the weightlifter through his own pose.  
The class ends and Jungkook smiles at you as you both lift from your ‘namaste’ bow. 
“That was great!” He grins as he rolls up his mat. “Jimin’s a great teacher! We should take more of his classes.” 
You silently cry, not sure your weak heart and pussy can handle any more of Jimin and his stupidly hot body and his ridiculous smile. 
“Yeah, Kook,” you half-heartedly agree, not interested in divulging your sordid secret crush on the asshole who embarrassed you. 
You’re packed up and exiting the room when the same familiar voice chimes. 
“Hey, princess!”  
You and Jungkook both turn around to see Jimin smiling at the head of the room. Jungkook looks at you questioningly, wondering why the instructor is calling you princess. 
“You did good today,” Jimin notes. “You should come again sometime. We can make sure you’re really getting stretched out.” 
Your cheeks flame impossibly red and you splutter. Jimin winks at you. This fucking asshole. 
“Your hips seem a little tight. We can work on that.”  He knows exactly what he’s fucking doing and you want to kick him in the dick just as much as you want to kneel in front of him to suck it. 
“Sure, Jimin,” you grumble out before you drag Jungkook from the heated room. 
Jungkook is all grins. “What was THAT?” He asks as you exit the yoga studio and head towards the subway. “He was basically asking to fuck you right there! How do you know him?!”
You pout at your best friend. “He doesn’t want to fuck! He just enjoys getting me worked up,” you sigh. “He was my spin instructor the other day, and he got me so fucking heated I nearly came in last place! In a class full of grandmas!” 
Jungkook snickers as you both tap your metro cards and lean against the wall to wait for the next train. 
“Girl, he was offering to help you stretch you out. He wants you.” 
As much as it thrilled you, you couldn’t comprehend it. Jimin was ethereal. He surely had women throwing themselves at him. He simply enjoyed the teasing. 
“Whatever, Kook. He told me I need practice at cycling. ME! I’m the goddamn spin queen!”  The crowd around you watches you and you pale at the embarrassment. You lower your voice. “He just wants to see me fired up, for no fucking reason.”
“Okay, delusional,” he sighs, patting your sweaty head. “Believe what you want.” 
You hmph in reply and watch as a train approaches to take you home. 
You most definitely will believe what you want. 
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Jimin is fucking everywhere.  If he’s not instructing, he’s taking the same fucking classes as you. Barre, Pilates, yin yoga, CrossFit. He’s always there and always taunting you with his perfect fucking body and teasing words and your fantasies of him drilling you into a mattress until you can’t talk. 
You avoid group classes altogether. You can’t face him. Your fitness is suffering because of it. 
You suck it up and go to the gym, the regular ass gym with no classes, and you’re determined to run a few miles on the treadmill and maybe get a good 20 minute lift in. It’s been too long since you’ve had the thrill of a good workout, the satisfying ache in your muscles. The gym will suffice.  It’s missing the level of companionship that group classes provide, but it’s better than nothing.
You pop your earphones into your ears and click on some music, not caring what it was as long as it was quick, and press begin on the treadmill. 
Running is easy. The strangers around you melt away and it’s just you and the treadmill. You love the way your heart is beating, sweat forming at your forehead.  Finally. A good fucking workout. 
All thoughts sweep away as you run, and your only thought process is on the push down of your feet on the treadmill belt and the pull up of your legs to lengthen your stride.  The runner’s high was something you lived for, and you realize you should incorporate more running into your routine. 
You don’t even pause for water, so wrapped up in the run's high that you don’t feel thirsty. 
Your watch vibrates against your wrist, notifying you that the 60 minutes you set to run is up, and you slow your pace to a complete stop.  You feel like you’re high. Your heart is racing and your body feels like it’s vibrating. This is what you had been missing in the weeks of unsatisfying classes. The flood of endorphins after a perfect workout.  
You suck down some water, before removing your earbuds from your ears. The roar of the gym is loud, music and TVs and chatter from the gymgoers. 
“You’ve got great running form, you know.” A familiar sultry voice is suddenly next to you, and your arms prickle. 
You turn to gaze at the intruder and feel your body coil tight. 
Park fucking Jimin. And his fucking ridiculously sexy smirk and perfect hair and godly body. 
“Are you following me?!” You accuse. How the fuck is he everywhere you go!?
Jimin laughs out loud and leans against the treadmill next to you. “It’s not my fault you’re taking all my classes! One might think you’re following me.”  
You scowl and push yourself off the treadmill. 
“Hey, wait, don’t go!” he calls and grabs your arm.  
You turn to glare at him. “You going to tell me I need more practice at running too?” your tone is harsh but you don’t care. 
Jimin bites his lip and smiles at you. “Damn, is that why you hate me?” He asks. 
“You told me I needed more practice at cycling!  I'm great at cycling!  Better than most!”
You’re aware that others are watching, but you can’t find it in you to care. You cross your arms underneath you, pressed up against your sports bra you deemed appropriate as a shirt. 
“You looked like a beginner! I’m sorry!” He apologizes. “Hoseok told me later that you’re, like, one of the best!  I have to reach out to the new riders! It’s mandatory!”  
You suck your teeth, still unimpressed. 
“When I saw you in yoga doing everything from memory, I knew you weren’t just some novice! I’m sorry for assuming, okay?” He sighs. “What had you so fucked up in spin, anyway?” 
Your heart thuds to a skidding brake. There’s no way you can tell him the reason you sucked so bad in class was because you could only focus on how his cock would feel stuffed up inside you. 
“I,” you falter. For the second time, Jimin has you stumbling over your words. “I didn’t feel well,” you lie. 
Jimin snorts. “Bullshit.”
Your cheeks flush and you stay silent. 
“You got distracted by me, didn’t you?” He smirks. You gape at the size of his ego. You wonder if his cock compares in size and then kick yourself for still thinking about his fucking dick. 
“I’ll take the silence as a yes,” he winks as he throws an arm around your shoulder. 
“You’re an arrogant prick, you know that?” You snark as you push his delicious, toned, silky arm off you. 
“And you’re a selfish, competitive bitch.”
The grin on his face is shit-eating, and you find your blood boiling. 
“You take that back!” You demand. 
“Tell me I distracted you, that my presence fucked up the great ___, spin queen extraordinaire, and I will.” 
All you see is red.  Red, fiery anger. No.  There was no fucking way you would let him win, revel in your shame in the middle of a crowded gym.   You drag Jimin by his Nike tank top that shows almost 100% of his body, to the nearest ‘family shower’, pulling him inside and locking the heavy door behind you. 
You push him against the door and press a finger to his chest. 
“Fine! You did. You distracted me throughout fucking class,” you hiss. “All I could think about was sucking you off and seeing your lips on my pussy and riding your dick until we both can’t talk. Okay?! Happy now?!” You’re fuming, chest heaving with intensity. 
Jimin's grin lights up ten times brighter. 
“I thought the same things during class too,” he admits coolly. 
Jimin has you speechless for the nth time. “What?” You breathe. 
“When I saw you on the bike, I couldn’t stop staring at your tits and your lips. You looked so good. And then in yoga, that tight little ass was begging for me to spank it. While you were running, I was wondering what you’d look like cumming around my cock.” 
He shrugs, the words rolling off his tongue as if he isn’t admitting he wants to defile you as much as you do him. 
“Are you serious!!?” You squeak, heart beat thundering in your ears. 
“100%,” he smirks and rests the back of his head against the door. 
It’s silent for a beat as you stare each other down.
Fuck it.
Next thing you know, you’re launching yourself forward to press your lips to his in a searing hot kiss. 
Jimin kisses back fervently, tongue swirling into your mouth as his hands wrap around your body.  He finds purchase on your ass and squeezes it through the tight leggings. 
You gasp and shudder at his hands roaming your backside. Jimin pulls his lips away and smirks. God, that fucking smirk. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.” 
“Yeah?” You ask as you move your hands to the front of his chest. He nods. “You know what I’ve wanted to do for a while?”  
He grins and tilts his head. “What, princess?” 
You drop to your knees, tugging his adidas tights down with you. His cock springs free, and you gape at the enormity of it. 
“Shit,” he hisses suddenly as cool air hits him. “That was fucking hot.”
You’re encouraged by him and you wink up at him, before you’re wrapping your hand around his length to give it an introductory pump. 
Jimin rewards you with a moan, unabashed in his volume. He doesn’t care who the fuck hears you two, this is the hottest thing he’s done in his life. 
“So thick,” you murmur. “I wondered how big it was.” 
Jimin can’t reply, because your lips are latching onto his dick with fervor and you lick and suckle at his length.  Jimin’s eyes nearly roll back into his head at the suction of your mouth.  
“Oh, my god,” he gasps. “Y-You’re ridiculously good at that.” 
You preen under his praise and continue, allowing his length to the back of your throat.  You let him gag you, saliva and tears both gathering at the sensation and Jimin stifles a cry.  Your hand comes to his cock as you pull away and take a harsh breath, wiping away the tears from your gag reflex.  You stroke him quickly, loving the way his weighty cock feels in your hands.  As you pump him, the tip of your tongue teases at the slit of his head and Jimin swears loudly. 
“Fuck!  Christ, gonna make me cum,” he’s whiny. It’s adorable. He purses his pretty puffy lips as he moans for more, more of you. “Such a good girl, shit, ahhhhh,” he gasps as you suck him into your mouth again. 
It doesn’t take long, the sensation of your hot mouth and hand jerking him sends him flying and he’s cumming hot stripes down your throat.  You feel you’re on cloud nine as you swallow his seed, sucking at the tip until he hisses from overstimulation. 
As you pull away, you open your mouth and extend your tongue to show him you dutifully swallowed his cum, and he groans. 
“You’re a fucking filthy little thing, aren’t you?” 
You nod in reply, and Jimin grips your jaw in his hand, forcing your mouth to stay open.  
You jerk in his grasp as he spits into your mouth; the saliva hitting your tongue. You’ve never been more turned on in your life.  He releases you, and you swallow again. 
“Kinky bitch,” Jimin cooes. “All for me.” 
He pulls you up to stand in front of him, pressing his lips to yours again for another burning kiss. 
It’s too short for your liking, as Jimin pulls away and manhandles you to sit on the sink. You’re obedient, smiling prettily. Fuck, you can’t believe it’s happening. You just sucked Jimin off, the same Jimin you’ve ogled and anguished over for weeks now. 
“Let me see these tits,” he asserts as he tugs up the sports bra from your body.  You comply, raising your arms up to allow him to pull it off. 
He throws the bra to the floor and cups your breasts. 
“Fuck,” he breathes as his thumbs rub across your nipples.  You shiver from the cold air and the heat of his thumbs. “I jerked off thinking about these tits after spin.”
He lowers himself to lick at a nipple and you’re whining for more. 
“Thought about pushing them together and fucking them like a pussy.”  He bites down on your nub, causing you to squeal and jump. He soothes the flesh with a suck from his lips and languid circling of his tongue. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He smirks, eyes boring into yours as he roves your nipple with his delicious tongue  “My kinky little whore wants her yoga instructor to fuck her pretty tits.”
You’re thriving, his words making your cunt ache. It’s dripping wet. You’re sure it’s leaking through the fabric of your leggings by now. Jimin being just as rough and filthy as your fantasies has you reeling. 
“Yes,” you whine. “I want you to fuck your cock in my tits.” 
Jimin hums around your nipple before switching to the other, ravaging it with the same attention as its twin received. 
“God, you’re a fucking whore,” he whispers as he bites at your nipple hard enough to make you jerk in his grasp.  “I love it.” 
Your hips are moving against his body, desperate for friction where you need it most.  It’s not lost on Jimin and he pulls off your tits with a pop. He marvels at his work. Your nipples are suckled fresh and red, perking and pebbling in the cold air. 
“Mmm, does princess want some attention here?” He asks as he slides a hand down to grip your aching quim.  
You gasp in response, shuddering at the feel of his palm against your core. 
“P-please! Pretty please!” You beg. 
He kisses at your breasts again, before he tugs your shoes and socks off, and pulls the leggings down your smooth legs and throws them to join the matching bra on the floor. He’s pleased when he notes you aren’t wearing panties.
You don’t care how you look, wanton and desperate.  You spread your thighs wide, feet resting on the edge of the sink. Jimin gazes at you like you’re fine art, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. 
“Look at you,” he adores. “Spread out for me like a slut.  And you’re dripping wet too, mmm.” He rubs a finger up and down your silky thigh. 
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” He grips your chin with one hand while the other continues rubbing at your inner thigh. “A good little bitch for me.”
You nod and gasp as his fingers skim impossibly close to your cunt. 
“Do you deserve it, princess? After you were so mean to me earlier?”  
You pout and shiver. “I’m sorry!” You gasp as his finger hovered over your pussy. “I’m s-sorry! I was j-just upset! I didn’t meaaaaaaan it!” His finger dips and taps at your clit, feather light, and you’re crying at the feeling. 
Jimin shushes you, finger still impossibly light on your clit. “Hush, baby. I forgive you. You sucked my cock so well, made me cum so hard.”
The finger increases pressure slightly and you’re aching, trembling for more. 
“Good little sluts get rewarded, hm? I think you’ve earned yours, princess.” 
You’re not given an opportunity to reply as Jimin harshly thrusts two fingers into your cunt and fucks you furiously.  Your moan is impossibly loud, loud enough you’re sure the rest of the gym can hear you but all you can focus on is Jimin, Jimin, Jimin and his thick fucking fingers thrusting into you. 
He lowers down and licks at your clit, flicking it up and down. He watches as your body trembles, wails echoing off the tile walls. 
“Mmm, my pretty little princess, so fucking wet for me.” He emphasizes with a kiss to your clit, before he sucks it into his lips. The tugging makes stars shine in your vision, nearly blacking out from how good it feels. 
Jimin can feel that you are close, and as much as he wants to get you off with his fingers, he wants you to cum on his cock more. He pulls away from you, and you’re whining at the loss. 
“Hush, princess,” he sighs. “Be good, no whining.”
You quiet immediately but still feel a throb in your core. He delivers a harsh slap to your cunt, surprising you and making you yelp. Jimin grins and kisses your lips.
“Stand up and turn around and face the mirror, doll.”
You move to comply, hop off the counter to turn and press your back against Jimin. You can see yourself in the gym mirror now. You look fucked out completely. Your tits are blooming red where he suckled at your nipples, eyes hooded and blown wide with lust. 
Jimin’s lips tickle at your ear and he whispers, “This is what I imagined during spin class. Seeing you so fucked out and wet for me.   These pretty tits marked by me,” he cups one, and pinches at the nipple. “My sweet little princess.” 
His hand moves up to your throat, giving it a solid squeeze, and you shut your eyes. Euphoria.  Pure bliss. 
“That’s right, baby,” he kisses the shell of your ear. “All mine.  Such a slut for me.” 
You’re nodding, eyes still closed, as he removes his hand and pressed your head down towards the sink.  You wiggle your ass and rub against his length, giggling at the feel. 
“I want you to watch yourself get fucked by me. You’re gonna watch me ruin this tiny little cunt,” he grunts. “You’re going to watch what I fantasized about in every fucking class I saw you in.” 
You realize you’re moaning loudly, the sound spilling out of your lips subconsciously as the head of his dick rubs your pussy lips.  He hisses at the wetness, loving the way it slicks up his cock with ease. 
“Eyes open, my love,” he orders gently when he notices you’ve closed them.  They snap open and your gaze falls on him in the mirror.  He looks so fucking good, so hot and feral. His muscles glisten in the light, a sheen of sweat from his workout and from the heat of your bodies pressing together. 
He winks at you, the same one he gave you that fucking blasted day at spin, and then pushes into your tight heat in one go. 
“Oh, fuck, Jimin!” you’re gasping as your walls stretch to accommodate him. 
He grits his teeth for a moment, savoring the feel of your silken walls. “Told you we needed to stretch you out, need to get you nice and loose.”
You shiver as he remains still inside of you, but he’s quickly pulling out of you to impale you again.  The sound of flesh slapping on flesh fills the room and you can hear the wetness of your cunt around him. 
“Shit,” he moans. “You’re so fucking tight, unghhhh. Gonna ruin this little pussy, baby.  Gonna make you never want another cock in you except mine.” 
You believe him. You’re sure after this you’ll never even notice another man.  Jimin has you wrapped around his finger, he has since the first day you met at spin. 
“All yours,” you squeak through the thrusts, watching your tits jiggle. He notices your stare and roughly grabs at one, squeezing it until you reward him with a loud groan and the tightening of your cunt. 
“That’s right.  You’re mine. Ahhhh, wanna make you my girl, baby. Gonna fuck this little hole every night. You’d like that, huh?”  You nod in reply, and he slaps your ass with his free hand. “Use your filthy words, bitch.” 
You gasp at the sharp sting and splitter a response. “P-please! I want you! Only want you inside me.”  You’re half coherent to the words you’re speaking, his dick is literally fucking you stupid. 
He grins in reply, swatting your ass again. The pain sends a tingle straight to your clit and you squeeze his cock inside you, causing him to groan out loud. 
“God, you’re so perfect.  So fucking perfect for me,” he babbles. “Gonna fuck you in the spin studio.  And at yoga.  Gonna fuck you in barre while everyone watches.” 
The high you’re feeling is unparalleled.  You’re sure you’ve felt nothing quite like this, never been fucked so good in your lifetime. Jimin knows how to work you up, both emotionally and physically, and brings out the beast in you. 
You can feel your release building, already so close from his incessant fingering and tonguing of your clit. 
“J-Jimin!” You’re heaving his name, harsh pants signaling your oncoming climax. “S-so close!”
He becomes rabid, fucking into you at a pace you’re sure isn’t human. He angles his dick to hit right at your spongy wall, thrusting into your g-spot with ease, as if he knows your body inside and out. 
“Yeah, cum for me, whore. Cum on my cock.” 
It feels heady, feeling him thrust inside you and murmur such filth to you. He wants you and only you. The notion is as orgasmic as his cock itself.  The tightness in your core builds, builds, leaning on the precipice of euphoria. 
“Cum for me, baby, come on. Mark me as yours.” 
His possessive tone is the last thing you hear before the waves of orgasm pound over you like a typhoon. Your cunt clenches and flutters hard around his dick and he’s moaning your name. You feel how tight you are, his cock stilling inside you as he reaches his own high. 
“Oh, shit! Shit shit shit!” he gasps. “Gonna be full of my cum, baby! You’re mine!”  
Hot ropes of cum coat your core, and you’re relishing in the feeling. 
“My god,” Jimin sighs. He lets his softening cock remain inside you as he presses a kiss to your back. 
“Is it too early to say I love you?” He jokes.  Your heart flutters as you wiggle your ass.
“No, but take me to dinner first.”
He slaps at your red ass lightly, right where he spanked it before. His grin lights up the room. 
“With pleasure.”
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“Hi, welcome to class, I’ll be your instructor today. My name is Jimin. Let’s get started.” 
You smile from your seat, front and center, and move your legs in time with the music. 
The instructor catches your eye and winks at you. 
Spin is even better now, if that’s possible. You spend your time in class with your deliciously sweaty boyfriend, who doesn’t go easy on you. He pushes you, makes you better and faster and stronger.  He rewards your first place spots by eating your pussy until you cry. 
Life is better.  You’ve found your person, the one who will do everything with you, for you. He loves you, completely and fully. You’ve never felt more cherished in your long years of living. 
Class ends before you know it, and you linger as the group meanders out to the lobby, leaving Jimin and you alone. 
“Hey, princess,” he calls to you as you rub the sweat from your face. 
You look up to see a sly smile on his face. 
“You should stay back and practice.  I think you need it,” he chides, teasingly. 
Your heart skips a beat as he closes the door, barring you from exiting the room full of bikes, and approaches you with a leer. 
“Oh, yeah?” You place a hand on your hip. 
“Yeah, and I think I know just the instructor who can help.” 
Jimin pounces on you with a kiss, and your giggles fill the room. 
Life is better now, and it will get even more so. Jimin glances back at the podium as you scurry to get your leggings off, his eyes resting on the velvet ring box. 
Yeah, it will definitely get better. 
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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darter-blue · 3 years
Bec darling👉👈❤. I have a prompt for you. I don't know whether you have already done this. Here it goes. Bucky meets Steve during a yoga session in a gym. He gets to know that Steve is amazingly flexible and has a good ass. Throughout the session, Bucky can't concentrate when Steve is in front of him doing all these postures, unintentionally 'teasing' Bucky😆. Buck can't control anymore, he is sweating and hard.....You know. Then, they are alone in a locker room and Bucky takes that chance to pin him down .......and the rest is left to you, my queen 🙆‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I can't wait to read this aah
Oh hey there cheeky 😘
Sinchana, this is a very gorgeous prompt. And seeing as you asked so beautifully, here is a little ficlet for you. On Bucky's birthday of all days...
I do love to make you happy, honey.
Bucky gave up looking respectfully about five minutes into the class. He's using most of the brain power that's not concentrating on keeping his poses, to keep from drooling. Keep the blood in his limbs where it belongs. Not in his dick, not in these pants. 
Yoga pants don't leave a lot to the imagination.
They certainly aren't leaving anything to the imagination on the guy in front of Bucky.
In front and two to the right. Tall. Blonde. Long legs in short shorts and too much muscle to be decent. Very, decidedly indecent actually. And the way his shorts are pulling against his tight round ass every time he sinks into cobra, is too perfect. 
The way the veins run taught under the skin of his forearms has Bucky biting into his lip. He wants to feel the strength in those arms holding him down. Preferably with Bucky on his back. Because yeah, the guy is built, but his face.
All square jaw and sharp cheekbones and full pink lips, straight nose but just crooked enough to have character. And his eyes… 
He'd caught Bucky's eyes on the way into class and honestly, the clear bright blue, the long lashes that kissed his cheeks as he looked down and away to blush… Bucky felt it like a punch.
And the guy has spent every minute since driving Bucky to the fucking brink with his body like a Greek God and his pretty, pretty face.
The instructor calls them up into downward dog and Bucky should be watching his own form, but his eyes are all for Mr America, who's arms push the weight of his body up gracefully into an A frame, forcing his gorgeous peach of an ass up high and tight, his thighs flexed, corded, thick and meaty and fuck, Bucky wants to bite into them.
It's that thought that undoes him, forces the blood right to his traitorous cock, filling it fast and full, and Bucky tries to overcompensate his frame, tries to shift his legs to hide it and overbalance. Falls flat on his face into the mat with an 'oof'. Knocking the air right out of his lungs. 
'Shit,' he hisses to himself, lifting his head to see every eye in the room quickly turn away.
Including Mr big, blond and beefy. 
Well that's just great. 
At least it helped him get rid of his not so little problem.
That is, until he goes to get changed, maybe have a shower to cool off, grabbing his stuff and closing the door to his locker, only to find the guy right behind it.
'Hey,' the guys says. And oh his voice is deep, and velvety smooth.
'Uh, hey.' Bucky can't stop himself from looking the guy up and down, tracking the beads of sweat running over soft sandy skin. Snapping his eyes back up to his face in embarrassment.
Which doesn't help at all because not only is his bone structure perfect, but the light dusting of feckless across his nose lends him an adorable charm that Bucky has to close his eyes to.
'You okay? That was quite a faceplant back there.'
Bucky would really like the ground to open up and swallow him.
'Umm yeah I… ah… you know. Just lost focus for a second.'
'But you're okay?' And the way the guy raises his eyebrow, tilts his head - the warmth in his expression is palpable. Bucky melts into it a little.
'Oh yeah, I'm okay. Totally.' Bucky's nodding just a tad too enthusiastically. 
It has the guy's lips turning up into a smile.
'How okay? Like, you need to maybe go home and cool off? Ice it? Or like you have a little energy left in you?'
Is he…? Does he mean...? 
'Yeah. Yes. The second thing,' Bucky says, still nodding his head, 'energy. I got tons of energy.'
And the guy leans in, crowds Bucky into the locker with all that bulk, blocks him in with his big hands on either side of Bucky’s head. 'You feel like a little more of a workout?'
And Bucky swallows at the look in the guys eyes, at his words, at the way he licks across his bottom lip, leaning ever closer to Bucky’s face. 'I do,' he says softly, 'definitely.'
And the guy presses his whole body along the line of Bucky's, until Bucky can feel every inch of him. And it's… a lot of inches… 
His lips are so close to Bucky’s ear they kiss against the skin. 'Wanna get clean with me?'
'Here?' Bucky says with a squeak, 'now?'
And the guy pulls back to look Bucky in the eye, smile wide and eyes bright. 'Oh, I've been thinking about getting you on your knees in those showers since the minute I saw you.'
And Bucky might actually black out for a second. Or he's finally reached another plane of existence, but whatever it is, it has him grabbing at the guys giant arms, holding himself up and leaning against him. 
He looks up into those baby blue eyes and just says, 'me fucking too.'
And the guy smiles even wider, if that's possible.
'I'm Steve, by the way,' the guy says, pushing himself off the wall and bringing Bucky with him.
'Bucky,' Bucky replies, 'My friends call me Bucky.'
'Well Bucky, let's go work off that left over energy.'
Bucky can only nod, let the guy, Steve, lift him over the bench and put him back down to take him by the hand.
They barely even make it into the stall before he's all over Bucky.
And Bucky just hangs on for dear life.
Yep. This yoga class is about to get the best Insta rating.
Hope you like it, Sinchana honey! (I changed it up a little bit, but... these boys just do what they want sometimes, you know?)
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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Title: I Have Questions ***
Non-Bearded Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 6.k
Summary: Steve is still acclimating to the twenty-first-century. It’s a simple fact that things in 2020 are drastically different than things in the thirties. He’s been doing what he can to learn, but today he has several questions, questions that can’t be answered so easily.
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Steve Rogers was a man out of time; everyone knew it. Everyone knew that because of his Rapunzel like sleep, he was out of his familiar surroundings and plunged into the loud and chaotic 21st century. The century where matters and values were seriously flipped upside down. A time where family, service, and loyalty were all the rave in the thirties. In this modern era, some would debate those values and what really mattered now. Some would say success, others money, while there would be those to say satisfaction on all levels.
 Needless to say, Steve often had questions about the era and how to get on socially. Usually, he’d research, but then he’d end up asking either you or one of the others on the team. He’d learned who to go to for what, though. For questions about modern fighting, he’d seek out Clint and Nat. For his questions on tech, usually, that involved Tony. When he wanted to know more about medicine or math, Bruce came in handy. When he had the few questions about emotions, he’d find Wanda. Sometimes he’d even consult Bucky when he had questions or confusion about women. Those times he didn’t get much help because Bucky was also a man out of time. Yeah, in their time, Bucky was considered “the hot” one and had a lot more experience than he had with the ladies, but in this time, he was just as clueless maybe even a little more thanks to his conditioning to turn him into the Winter Soldier.
When he asked Sam, he’d tell him one thing; then Tony would get in on the mix and make fun of him and give him terrible advice. By the time the men of the team had finished giving advice, he was even more confused. That led you to be the one to offer up your extensive brain to help him out. You’d told him whenever he had a question, you’d be more than happy to answer it, especially if it concerned women or the other hot topic of late sex.
 Since you extended the invitation to be his life coach/twenty-first-century crash course instructor, he’d come at you with some interesting questions. It seemed he had quite a few. Once, he asked what it meant when a woman said “fine” but then acted angry the entire time after she said it. That was a fun one to explain. By the end of you telling him that “fine” was not fine and if that was said he’d already fucked up and his best bet to make it right was accepting whatever he did was wrong, apologizing for it and proceeding to smooth over his faux pas with food. That gave him a good laugh.
 There was another time he asked you why size was so important with women today. That was another fun one to answer. He’d asked you when you were around the team, and it began a whole debate. Nat said size does not matter, and it’s what you can do with what you have. The men called her out loud and proud on the bullshit and proceeded to give their own accounts of why size mattered to women, all the while voicing over the actual women in the room.
 After two hours of the men talking, nothing had been clarified, and you could tell Steve was still confused. You then took him to the side and explained why size mattered to some women while emphasizing that honestly, it wouldn’t matter to the right woman. When he asked you if it mattered to you, you were stumped how to answer. Choosing the careful route, you said size doesn’t hurt, but there are many more important things. A dagger and a sword can do the same thing, but it depends on the owner how it gets the job done. He seemed to like that answer.
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You were in the kitchen of the compound that evening, grabbing yourself a snack lost in your own world. Your back was turned, and your headphones turned to their loudest setting. You danced around the kitchen happy to have some much deserved you time. The rest of the team also had the night off and were enjoying their evening outside the compound. You dropped it low and poked your ass out and wound your waist, feeling not an ounce of shame as you shook your ass while blending out the rest of your smoothie.
 Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulders. Spinning around in your fight pose ready to kick some ass, you saw Steve standing there with his hands held high in surrender. His lips were moving, but you couldn’t hear him. Realizing you had your headphones on, you pulled one out and began questioning why he was there. You then realized you still couldn’t hear him thanks to the noise from the blender. You reached over and turned it off before looking to him.
 “What’re you doing here, Steve?”
 “Is this your idea of having fun on your night off?”
 You smirked and rolled your eyes. “Are you trying to call me boring, old man?”
 Steve snorted and shook his head. He hated it when you called him that.
 “No plans?” You shrugged and turned back to the counter to fill your waiting tumbler with the pale pink mixture.
 “I didn’t feel like going out. Sometimes a girl just needs a smoothie, quiet and--,” you trailed off before he cut you off.
 “Some time to shake her ass?”
 “Language, Cap.” He smiled again as the two of you gazed at each other for a few more seconds before you looked away.
 “What’re you doing here? I thought you had plans with Sam.”
 “I did,” Steve began before he rubbed the back of his neck and continued. “His plans took him elsewhere.”
 “Like?” Steve gave you a look, and you nodded, fulling understanding.
“Some girl’s apartment got it.”
 “He just left you?”
 “No, no. She had a friend; I went with them back to their apartment.” You turned to him and studied him taking the time to read into his body language.
 “Did something happen with this friend. Steve?”
 He sighed and leaned on the table behind him. “I guess she had it in her mind she was going to—we were going to--,” Steve motioned his hands, hoping you got the gist. Nodding, you took a sip from your smoothie.
 “Okay. I take it that was not in your mind?”
 Steve shook his head. “I mean, she was a pretty girl, not really my type, but I overheard her talking to her friend, and she said something that had me confused.” Steve abruptly stopped what he was saying and changed direction. “I have a question. Well, two or three, really. I remember you said if I ever needed help understanding something to come to you.”
 “Yeah, yeah, absolutely,” you said after taking another gulp of your smoothie. “I’d be happy to help. What is it?”
Steve had a sheepish look on his face before he opened his mouth to speak.
 “Actually, walk with me.” You walked out of the kitchen with your smoothie in hand and Steve on your heels. The path to your room was not a long one. You wanted to be close to the kitchen. Pressing for the elevator, it opened automatically. With you and Steve inside, you pressed the next floor up.
 “Should I just fire them off?”
“Why not.” You smiled, hoping your friendly and easy-going demeanor would encourage him. Steve stared at the door but didn’t speak. When the elevator sounded and opened a few moments later, you walked off, leading him once again.
 A few seconds later, you were in front of your door. Walking inside, you waved your hand to Steve inaudibly inviting him to sit anywhere he liked. He found a seat close to a window as you pulled one up for yourself.
 “Okay. Well, to begin, what’s a G-spot, and how do I use it?” Your jaw dropped. You were on your way to sitting when the words came out, and they had you bolting right back up. He wasn’t finished, though. “What does make the pussy purr mean? Is it an actual cat? Is there a particular way women in this century want to be pleased apart from a kiss here or there, holding hands and a cuddle?”
 Your head was spinning, and your heart was racing. Steve Rogers just said pussy, you thought to yourself. You were utterly speechless. He looked so innocent sitting across from you. Innocence was a good look on him—a sexy look. You had no idea you liked the whole innocent man thing.
 “Y/N,” Steve breeched, snapping you out of your stupor. You coughed and cleared your throat loudly before you took a long sip of your smoothie through the straw and slowly sat down in front of him. It was a sip that went on and on and on as you tried to gather your thoughts.
 “Did I say something wrong?”
 Gulping down your mouthful, you shook your head. “No, no. I’m sorry I was just um—thinking how best to explain this.”
 “Is it hard to get?”
 In order to hide your smirk, you took another sip. “Okay, so—eh-ehm, the G-spot isn’t something that you can use exactly. It is a spot inside a woman.” The confusion on Steve’s face intensified. You went back to sipping your smoothie.
 This was one of those topics that you could explain, but it wouldn’t really register. Normal men couldn’t understand the g-spot, anyway, let alone someone from a time where the g-spot wasn’t even a thing. Rolling your eyes, you groaned then tried again.
 “The g-spot is a bundle of nerves inside a woman’s vagina that is also known as in this time as a pussy.” Steve’s mouth opened as his brows rose. “It’s a few inches in, and it is said to be the most sensitive part of a woman’s anatomy. It is said to bring a lot of pleasure.” Steve remained quiet for several long moments.
 “So how do I use it if it’s inside?” You facepalmed, knowing you were completely screwing this up.
 “So the vagina is the pussy? Why a pussy, though? It doesn’t look like a cat,” Steve logicized.
 You pinched your lips and tried not to laugh. He was right. It was nothing like a cat at all.
 “What about making it purr? I’ve never heard of it making a sound.”
 “Oh sweet baby Jesus,” you croaked out.
 “What about how women today like their pleasure?”
 “How did women in your time like their pleasure?
 “A little kissing here or there, hand-holding, cuddling, sweet whispers,” Steve summarized.
 Wow, you thought, he really was out of time.
 “So today it is a little—a lot different.”
 “How do you like your pleasure?”
 Stumped again, you took another sip of your smoothie and prayed for this to be over. There were two ways to each this lesson, and you were leaning toward option two.
 “Steve, I have to ask you something, and I don’t want you to take offense.”
 “You can ask me anything, Y/N.” you nodded.
 “Are you a virgin? Have you ever been with a woman past kisses here or there, hand-holding, or cuddling?”
 Steve flushed as he looked down. You’d gotten your answer.
 “I haven’t always looked like this. Back then, Bucky was the one to get all the attention. Before anything could happen, the serum happened and all the Captain America stuff. So ashamed to say it, I am a virgin,” Steve quietly admitted.
 You put your smoothie on the floor and wheeled yourself to him to rest your hand on his. “Hey, there is no reason to be ashamed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with virginity. It doesn’t mean something bad, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter.”
 “So, in this time, a man who is a virgin is normal.”
 “No, not normal, but there are some men who have chosen to just not partake. What I’m saying is it’s not a big deal. It won’t stop women from wanting to ride you like a show pony.” Steve smiled, flushed again, and looked down.
 “Does that include you?”
 “Say what?”
 “Are you one of the women who would want to ride me like a show pony, although I have no idea what I’m doing?” He looked vulnerable and even shy. It was endearing to see this gorgeous, strapping, burly tree of a man who was built for every sin in the book be so self-conscious.
 “Steve, you’re an attractive man, and not to mention a pretty great one too. Safe to say my parts wouldn’t mind playing with yours.” You said it half-jokingly while adding in a chuckle or two for emphasis.
 “My parts wouldn’t mind it,” Steve muttered. It was low, but you heard it.
 “I’ve always been a visual learner. Is the same true for you?”
 “Fairly true,” Steve responded.
 Biting your bottom lip, you nodded and stood. “Okay. Stand up.”
 Steve didn’t hesitate before he stood before you with an expression that said he was open for whatever happened.
 “Because these are extreme circumstances, I can teach you the answers to your questions. Only if that is something you’re comfortable with and want,” you cautiously explained.
 “I want you.” It was flat out, straight to the point, and unexpected.
 “You do?”
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Steve flushed again and smiled. “If I were honest, I’ve been attracted to you from the beginning.” It was your turn to smile like a shy schoolgirl. Steve then brushed your cheek with the back of his hand and stole your breath away during the process. Wow, you thought. Steve Rogers had game. It was him to lean into you to press his lips to yours softly. Neither of you moved for a few seconds, and then it was you who was shocked when Steve intensified the kiss. You almost snorted on his mouth; Steve Rogers could kiss and not kiss by the nineteen-thirties standards, but by twenty-twenty standards.
 You kissed him back but allowed him to keep the lead. Just because he was a virgin didn’t mean he had to play the cuck. Everything in you said Steve Rogers was an alpha. It was true about everything else, the way he fought, talked, and even operated and moved. Why would it be any different in the bedroom? Though the kiss felt dominating, it still had hints of timidness. He was not sure of himself. You liked it. Lacing your fingers at the back of his head and into his hair, you dipped your tongue into his mouth to slowly coax his. When your tongue wrapped around his and then gently sucked Steve moaned. It was the sexiest sound you’d heard in a long time.
 Slowly you pulled back to look at him, and slowly, he opened his eyes. “Wow can’t believe we’re doing this,” Steve whispered. You smiled.
 “We won’t go too fast, I promise. How about we start with your questions.”
 “G-Spot,” Steve began. Another soft smile teased your lips.
 “We’ll get there. The particular question we’ll start on is if there is a particular way women in this century want to be pleased,” you whispered. Steve audibly gulped. It was the cutest thing.
 “O—okay.” You slid your hands up over his chest, thoroughly enjoying the feel of his muscles underneath his shirt.
 You’d seen Steve shirtless quite a few times. The majority of it was when he was injured and getting patched up before he miraculously healed in record time. Slowly you undid the buttons to his pale-colored striped button-down.
 “When it comes to women in this century, you’ll find you have to trial and error. What works for one woman doesn’t necessarily work for the other. So what works for me--.” Steve cut you off.
 “I only care about what works for you, no others.” Smiling, you placed a mental check next to eager to please. You liked it, that trait would come in handy. Steve bit his bottom lip as you pushed the shirt off his body. You took the time to admire every perfect dip and curve of his frame. He was gorgeous. You allowed your hands to be your second set of eyes and traced his skin.
 “Am I to your liking?”
 Snorting, you shook your head. “You’re to every woman’s liking Steve.”
 “I don’t care about every woman.” He was definitely a sweet talker.
 “You’re hot.” He smiled then licked his lips until he sucked in his bottom one into his mouth. You almost got lost but focused on the mission at hand. You brought your lips to his and took control this time, but only for a few moments before you kissed a path down his chest to his abs. You could feel the nervous energy in his body, and it made you smile.
 Standing again, you looked into his eyes while you began unbuckling his belt and undoing his dockers.
 “Does this—bring you pleasure?” His voice was shaky.
 “Some, plus taking all of this off, increases intimacy. There is nothing like skin on skin contact.”
 Dropping down to the floor, you pulled his pants down to reveal white micro boxer briefs. You were relieved, you had no idea if he were a tidy whities kind of man or boxers, this was a happy medium for you. Standing, Steve did the rest by kicking the material and his shoes to the side.
 “Feeling up to doing me?” you raised your hands above your head and waited for him to decide. Something told you this would be his first time undressing a woman. You wanted him to have the full experience even though it was a t-shirt and sweats he was pulling off.
 When his fingers grazed your abdomen, he hesitated for a brief second before he slowly lifted it up your torso and over your head. When you were free of it, he took in the sight of you in your bra, and you gave him some time to have his fill. When he didn’t move again, you took his hands and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your sweats, encouraging him to discard them as well. Slowly Steve pulled the garment down over your his and your legs. When you felt his lips on your stomach, you gasped. It was an unexpected action.
 “Was that okay?”
 “It was fine.” Steve did it again and again until he’d peppered kisses all across your stomach. The action was so simple, so innocent, but they felt incredible.
 Pulling him up, you pressed your body to his while wrapping your arms around him to kiss him. In a matter of seconds, the kiss had turned into a passionate interlude that had both of you moaning on each other’s lips. When you felt Steve’s hands touch your waist for the first time, you moaned deeply and melted into him. He held you with power. There were so many things that contradicted his virgin status. Both of you got lost in the kiss. The longer it went on, the more invested in it Steve became. Soon he was expertly stealing your breath.
 When you began backing away with him still in your arms, Steve followed you, never breaking the kiss. You felt your bed at the backs of your knees and stopped pulling your lips away. He was flushed and looked very much ready for the next step. Sitting at the edge, you slid back onto it, never taking your eyes off of his. This was when he looked like a fish out of water.
 “It’s okay. Come here.”
 Slowly Steve crawled across to bed to you. As he got closer, you parted your legs, making space for him. When he nestled there, he groaned. “You’re beautiful, Y/N.” you smiled your thank you.
 “What do you wanna do?”
 “What? I thought you were shooing me about your pleasure.”
 “I am, but this is a first for you. so, what do you wanna do?”
 He was quiet for a few seconds. “Please you.” you kissed him and snuggled in the bed.
 “I want you to explore. Kiss wherever you’d like, lick what you want, whatever you’d like.”
 “I don’t know if I have the strength,” Steve confessed. Caressing his cheek, you smiled.
 “Let me start you off.” You took his hand and placed it over one of your breasts. His hand was so large that it looked like it belonged on your body. Steve’s eyes dropped to your breast and his hand. It was several long moments before he moved. When he did, he slowly massaged your breast. He took his time to move it in a circle testing it, and getting familiar with the feel of it. Once he did, he squeezed. You moaned.
 “I like these.” You snorted and shook your head.
 “Congratulations, you fit right into the twenty-first century.”  Steve continued exploring your breast and wreaking havoc on your desires at the same time. You were slowly losing your mind.
 “Try two hands.” Steve wasted no time complying with your suggestion. Allowing him to continue his discovery of a woman’s body—your body you tried your best to keep your wants in check.
 When you couldn’t, you moaned loudly. Steve’s eyes shot to yours. “Do you like that?” Nodding your head gave him the needed encouragement to continue.
 “Try taking it off.” Steve studied the bra you wore for a while before he attempted to take it off. When it didn’t come off the first attempt, he pulled at it and ripped it clear off.
 “Oh my, I’m so sorry.” You couldn’t help but laugh.
 “It’s okay. I mean you can rip tree stumps in half why did I think my bra had a chance? He smiled before he realized you were bare before him. Any amusement in his face disappeared as he took you in.
 “Wow,” Steve marveled. Before you could say anything, he cupped your breasts and slowly massaged them before he circled his thumb around your hardened nipple. Sucking in a breath, you slightly arched jutting them out more for him. Steve grunted and watched your reaction. When he pinched your nipple, you bit your bottom lip and rolled your eyes closed.
 “Mmm.” It was enough for him because the minute you felt his mouth around your nipple, you whimpered.
 He took his time testing what you liked, testing what he liked. Before long, he had moan after moan and whimper after whimper falling from your lips. He stopped momentarily to pinch your nipples again using the leftover wetness to aid him in bringing you closer to your release.
 “I really like these,” Steve whispered, lowering his lips to your neck. He sucked the flesh into his mouth and found a level of suction that had goosebumps scattering across your skin.
 “Either you’re not such a virgin, or you’re just really good with your mouth.” Steve smiled widely before he shrugged. When he did, he dipped lower to your stomach and kissed a path to the apex of your thighs. Before he made any moves, he looked to you as if for consent.
 “That first question and the one about what it means to make the pussy purr can be answered together. It all depends on if you’re up for it.”
 Steve had a mischievous glint in his eye and a devilish smirk on his lips. Innocent and sinful was a sexy mix for him; it was one that you couldn’t get enough of. “I promised you not too fast,” you finished.
 Steve kissed your hip, then your pelvis, and nipped your skin. “I think I can keep up.” It was a simple response, but it filled you with so much excitement. You didn’t know how this was happening. You were the one who had all the experience. You weren’t an expert in pleasure, but you sure knew how to make a man tick and get yourself off. With him, the smallest action had triple the effect it ever did before.
 “Take em’ off.” If it was possible to see someone’s heart skip a beat, you saw his do just that.
 Steve brought his hands to the waistband of your underwear, but he didn’t touch it or you, instead he allowed them to hover. He looked as if he was having an internal battle. You were sure he was going back and forth with his insecurities and his desires. You didn’t want to rush his decision because it was an important one.
 When he made the decision, his fingers curled around the material and pulled it down a few inches before stopping again. He looked at you, and you saw his anxiety. Wrapping your hands with his, you helped glide the fabric from your waist and down your legs. Once free, you parted your legs for him, giving him the first intimate sight of you.
 Steve looked speechless and enflamed. You laid there, giving him as much time as he needed. He raised his fingers and grazed them against your skin. Sucking in a sharp breath, you bit your finger.
 “You’re fine,” you whispered, answering the question in his eyes.
 “What do I do?”
 “Whatever you want. You can kiss, you can lick, you can suck, nibble—whatever you want, Steve.”
 “What do you like?”
 You smiled and reached down to take his hand to place it between your legs. They were so warm and surprisingly soft. You used two of his fingers to lightly trail against your labia. Slowly you went up, and down the flesh, each pass had you shivering. Steve alternated looking at your face and between your legs, learning your reactions.
 After a few moments, he took control of the movements. Each swipe of his fingers had him coming closer and closer to your sensitive bud that was begging for some attention. You wanted to let him discover it on his own. As soon as you thought it, Steve’s other hand got into the mix. He spread you wide then brought his lips to your skin to kiss your pubis. The anticipation was killing you.
 Steve trailed kisses across your skin, leading to your pelvis and your inner thigh before he returned to the starting point. When his tongue made connection with your clit, you gasped loudly and arched your head back.
 “Was that good?”
 “Jesus, you’re driving me fucking crazy. Yes, that was good.” Steve did it again and watched you clamp down on your bottom lip.
 “So good,” you whispered while watching his every move. Steve crooked his tongue, making a hook at the tip and licked across your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. Your hands instinctively flew to his head to keep his mouth where you wanted it.
 Steve took the hint and swirled his tongue around your flesh, all the while steadily increasing his suction. It felt amazing. His actions were less polished and deliberate, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t bringing you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. He was finding his rhythm. When he slurped on your sex, you lost your shit and began bucking against his mouth. Steve gripped your hips firmly and got into it. Steve gently bit you, making you flinch but not from pain.
 Did I do--.” Before he could finish the question, you pulled his head back down and continued bucking your hips and swiping your wetness across his lips. Steve kept up and quickly flicked his tongue against you.
 “Fuck!” It was a desperate whimper, one that was the indication you were going to come.
 “Stick your tongue out, Steve.” Doing as he was told, you shamelessly used his beautiful face to find your release. When you felt Steve cup your breast and pinch your nipple, you saw stars and came right on his skillful tongue.
 “Fuuuck! Oh my god,” you groaned out, dropping back to the bed.
 “Jesus, that is—making the pussy—purr.” Steve scoffed and shook his head before he kissed your clit once, then twice. Each time it had you shivering.
 “Any questions?”
 Steve smiled and crept up onto his knees, giving you the perfect view of his hardened length. Super serum or not, you didn’t care. He was blessed.
 “More a comment. You taste incredible.” Your blush was evident.
 “Aw Captain, you know just the right thing to say.” His smile was adorably shy.
 “I think I’ve got it, but there’s still that question about the G-spot.” You smiled; he was like a dog with a bone.
 “Come here, captain.” Steve lowered himself onto you, allowing you to kiss him. Both of you quickly got lost in the kiss yet again. This time his kisses weren’t timid; they were confident, even a little dominating. This man was made for kissing. Using your feet, you peeled off his underwear until he was free to kick them off. You could feel the heaviness of his cock resting against your inner thigh, and it made you want him even more.
 Steve pulled his lips from you and sighed out heavily. “What’s wrong?”
 “Control has always been a thing for me, but with you—right now, I’m struggling,” he admitted.
Caressing his cheek adoringly, you smiled. “You’re not the only one struggling, Steve.” He searched your eyes for any hint of a lie. When he found none, he looked relieved. Nodding, you kissed him again and peeped between your bodies down to what the good Lord blessed him with. He was blessed beyond belief.
 “Is size still not important to you?” You snorted and buried your face in his shoulder. You’d been caught.
 “Nope, I told you, a dagger and a sword do the same thing.” You reached between you and wrapped your hand around his length. Once you touched him, Steve’s eyes closed, and he sighed out. Slowly you stroked him and watched his every reaction. Your hand couldn’t fully fit around him. There were still about two inches of him left. You wondered if he’d done this for himself since he’d woken from his cryo state.
 “How do you like it, Steve?” His eyes fluttered open, but he didn’t speak, he stared deeply into your eyes as the muscles in his jaw jumped. It was then he took your hand from him and pressed it to the bed.
 “Maybe another time.” You found it interesting, but you didn’t take offense. You knew there was more to it than “another time.” His eyes roamed over your naked body before they stopped between your legs where his cock hovered right before its prize.
 “Take what you want, Steve,” you teased.
 When you felt him at your opening, you took a deep breath and held it. You bit your bottom lip to brace yourself and watched him slide the first few inches inside your wet heat. Steve moaned out, but it quickly turned to a groan that blended with yours. He was bigger than you’d ever had, but you didn’t want to let on that you worried he was too big. The more he eased into you, the louder he got, and the louder he got, the closer you were to falling apart. Steve’s hands were planted into the mattress, giving you a mind-numbing view of those strong muscles in his arms shoulders and chest. You could never get tired of this view, you thought.
 Steve grunted and dropped his head to your breasts, burying his face between them. “You’re so—it’s so—you’re--.” He sounded like he was barely hanging on. Both of you stilled and allowed several long moments to pass as you adjusted to the new sensations. Steve slowly pulled back, but your body must have felt as if it were losing him, and you clenched around his length. Steve growled loudly, stopped his retreat, and slammed into you, fully connecting your bodies. You screamed out from shock, pain, and pleasure. It was familiar, but it was also unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
 “Fuck!” It was loud and full of emotion.
 Shocked, you looked clenched around him again. Curse words from Captain America was the best thing in the world and the only aphrodisiac a woman needed.
 “Jesus, Y/N, don’t do that. I’m barely hanging on by a thread here,” Steve grunted against your skin.
 “Sorry.” Slowly Steve pulled out of you and sank back in only to do it again. Every time he connected your bodies, he shuddered.
 When he looked at you again, you could see just how close he was. “How do—you like—it?” He spoke through gritted teeth.
 “Any way you give it to me,” you responded, emphasizing you, so he understood. He crashed his lips to yours and took full control. When his hands gripped your wrists and pressed them above your head, you clenched around him again because of the strong alpha vibes he was giving off.
 Steve hissed out, but his thrusts sped to a pace you were not ready for. His pace sent your breasts swinging and had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Suddenly you felt him nudge that spot he was so curious about, and you screeched out. Steve slowed and looked at you. He must have known it. He mercilessly did it again and again until your legs were wrapped so tightly around him that they mirrored how tightly you clenched his thick length within you. Steve grunted with each slam of his hips into your core, and it was then you came gripping him hard.
 “Aaah!” You felt his release; it was a release that seemed to go on forever. He thrust forward, still trying to bury himself deep within you even when there was nowhere else for him to go. Each movement sent you further over that edge.
 Steve collapsed on top of you and sucked your nipple into his mouth. If he continued doing that, you would be ready for round two in seconds. As you thought about round two, you realized he was still hard.
 “I’m sorry that was so quick. I didn’t--.” You pulled his face to yours and kissed him passionately, so he knew just what he’d done to you.
 “That was amazing. You are amazing for a man that is one hundred years old.” Steve snorted and groaned, dropping his forehead to your chest again.
 “Mmmm, plus, I don’t think not so little Steve is finished yet.” Steve looked back to you with his eyebrow crooked, giving you a spark to jumpstart your arousal.
 “Did I answer all your questions?”
 Steve smiled widely again before he pulled a few inches out of you to slowly slide himself back in with a languid groan. “Well, I how to please the only woman I care about, just how to use that g-spot and how to make your pussy purr,” Steve began. You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It was going to take some getting used to hearing him speak like this.
 “I know all of this, but shit, I wanna know more.”
 Your jaw dropped. “Language, Cap! My goodness, who knew you had such a dirty mouth.” Steve smiled again and kissed you.
 “Must be the company I keep, such a bad influence,” he teased as he kissed down to your neck.
 “Oh really, little ol me corrupting you?”
 “Mm-hm.” Steve was only half listening as he briefly lowered his lips to your breasts before he was on the move again, making his way to the place you suspected would become his favorite place in the world.
 “Did you pee?”
 Scoffing, you shook your head and tried to figure out how to explain and teach him about squirting. “Nope, it’s not pee.”
 The look on his face was a curious one, and you knew this was going to be yet another lesson he would love.
Thank you guys for reading!❤️❤️
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Day 28: Tanning
Six years after he left Hawkins in his rearview mirror, Billy Hargrove tripped over Steve Harrington on a beach in Cancun. In Billy’s defense, it was two in the morning, and the secluded beach he was on was difficult enough to find that it was usually only frequented by employees of the resort. Billy knew for a fact that most of his coworkers were already at their monthly poker night, so he should have had the beach to himself. 
Instead, Steve Harrington was blinking up at him, eyes big and dark and honestly warmer than Billy had any right to expect. Billy stared down at him. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Billy asked while he was still trying to figure out if this was actually happening, or was a particularly vivid dream. Steve snorted.  
“Tanning, obviously,” Steve replied. “Now fuck off,” he added, but there was no edge to his tone at all. Besides, Billy had never in his life fucked off just because Steve Harrington had asked him to, and he wasn’t about to start now. He sat down next to where Steve was lying on a beach towel on the sand in the dark. Steve snorted, like he’d been expecting that all along. 
“Seriously, what are you doing here? And why don’t you look surprised to see me?” Billy asked, because Steve was taking this suspiciously well. He hadn’t looked like a deer in the headlights even once, which was kind of a shame, actually. Steve was cute when he was confused. Steve sighed.
“Robin speaks six languages and can get by in a few more. She was best friends with half of the staff less than a day after we arrived. As far as I know, she’s terrorizing the employee poker game as we speak.” Steve smirked at him. “And apparently the hot new scuba instructor is all anyone wants to talk about.” Billy rolled his eyes. 
“Great,” he muttered. “So you and Buckley are here on vacation?” Steve winced a little. 
“Not exactly,” he said, and Billy had only been back from his own vacation for a day and a half, but he had heard the story. Several times. His eyes widened. 
“Oh no,” he breathed. “You’re the guy whose fiancee left him a month before the wedding.” Steve raised a water bottle that was clearly not full of water and took a long swig. 
“I am indeed,” he said, making a face at the burn of alcohol. 
“That fucking sucks,” Billy said, although he could admit to himself that he was not personally all that disappointed by it. He hesitated, but he was too curious not to ask. “Did she actually—“
“Yes, she actually called me from her bachelorette party to tell me she was leaving me for the stripper. In fact,” Steve said, looking at his watch for some reason, “Diana and her exotic dancer have probably been married for about four days now.” Billy did the math and his eyes widened.
“You let your fiancee use the wedding the two of you planned…to marry someone else?”
“Yes,” Steve said, “but I drew the line at letting them go on the honeymoon. I planned it, so I get to enjoy it.”
“With Robin.”
“Yep,” Steve said with a grin. Then he held up one half of a little gold heart, from where it was hanging on a chain around his neck. “We’re best bitches,” he said.
“I’m sure you are,” Billy said with a laugh. Then he shook his head. “You’re still way too fucking nice. It’s good to know that some things haven’t changed since high school.” Steve shrugged. 
“It was mostly just practical,” he said, flopping back and staring up at the sky. “It was definitely too late to get our deposits back, so when she asked if she could still use the venue and the caterer, it felt dumb to say no.”
“Yeah,” Billy said, nodding sarcastically, “why inconvenience someone who completely fucked you over?” Steve just hummed in response, and Billy watched him watch the sky for a long moment. Eventually, Billy flopped down on his back next to Steve and stared up at the stars. Steve held out the water bottle, and Billy took a long swig. He was a little surprised to taste dark rum. 
“How long have you been in Cancun?” Steve asked. Billy shrugged. 
“A few months.”
“Where were you before that?”
“Grand Cayman,” Billy said, and Steve looked over, eyebrows high. “I go where there are scuba instructor jobs,” he explained. And then he left again, right around the time whoever he was fucking started dropping hints about taking their relationship to the next level. But Steve didn’t need to know that part. Next to him, Steve sighed. 
“That sounds so cool,” he said a little wistfully. And it was. Although it had been a little cooler a couple of years ago, before freedom started to feel just the tiniest bit like loneliness. 
“What about you?” Billy asked. “What have you been up to? Aside from…you know.”
“Getting dumped?” Steve asked. “Well, I also lost my job.”
“Holy shit,” Billy breathed, and Steve actually grinned over at him. 
“Two weeks ago, I showed up to our annual fundraising gala with a dude I picked up at a bar the night before, and we may have done some light pre-partying. My father was not amused, and he told me not to bother coming in anymore.” Billy stared, but Steve’s amusement seemed real. 
“Well, you’re not sobbing into a cocktail that comes in half a coconut on one of the shitty tourist beaches, so you seem to be handling it fairly well,” he said. Steve huffed a laugh. 
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s stupid, because my whole damn life imploded in the last month, and I definitely should have been devastated, but you know what I felt instead?” Billy shook his head. “Relief,” Steve said. “I was relieved when Diana broke it off, and I was maybe even more relieved when my dad told me not to come back to work anymore.” He looked back up at the sky. “Now I just have to figure out what comes next.”
It was stupid—Billy knew it was. He hadn’t seen Steve Harrington in six years, and it wasn’t like they had even really had a chance to become friends before Billy bailed on Hawkins the second the doctors told him he could. But one of Billy’s biggest regrets, one of the missed opportunities he had thought he was going to look back on with disappointment until the day he died, was lying next to him on a beach in Mexico, and he just wasn’t the kind of person who missed an opportunity twice. 
“You could stay here,” he blurted out before he thought too hard about it. Steve choked on a big sip of rum. 
“What?” he asked, once he was sitting up and had the coughing back under control. Billy shrugged. 
“You could stay here,” he said again. 
“Just stay in Mexico,” Steve said skeptically. “And do what?” Billy couldn’t resist. He shot Steve a suggestive smile. 
“The hot new scuba instructor, obviously,” he said. He sat up and leaned in slowly enough to give Steve plenty of time to pull back, or put a hand up to stop him. Steve didn’t do either of those things, and he was just as good a kisser as Billy had always assumed he’d be, based on the stories about him. 
“Well,” said Steve when they broke the kiss to breathe, “it’s good to know that some things have changed since high school.”
“Less than you’d think,” Billy murmured. “Does that mean you’ll stay?”
“Maybe,” Steve said with a grin. “I feel like I should save that decision for when I’ve had a little less rum. Besides, I’m here for another two and a half weeks. I’ve got time to think it over.” Billy grinned and leaned back in for a second kiss. He had never expected to get another shot at Steve Harrington, but now that he had it, he sure as hell wasn’t going to waste it. And with two and a half weeks to work with? Well. He was going to make damn sure that Steve’s best bitch got on that return flight all by herself.  
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
The Way Our Horizons Meet: Chapter 4
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes
Summary: Carlos' perspective through the aftermath of T.K.'s shooting. Follows the events of episodes 1x08-1x10.
A/N: I had a few requests to write T.K. and Carlos’ conversation about what happened in New York. Hopefully I did it justice!
CW: Mentions of past drug use, overdosing, suicide (just mentioned, not attempted)
Read Chapters 1-3 on AO3
Carlos woke slowly in the morning. Sunlight streamed in through the curtains and he frowned trying to get his bearings; usually he was up before the sun, even on his days off. He liked to get a workout in early, before the day had really started. He shifted in the bed, wincing when he realized his left arm was full of pins and needles.
Blinking his eyes open fully he came face to face with T.K.’s sleeping form. Carlos’ mouth slowly curved into a smile. It had been a long time since he’d woken up to someone else in his bed. Even longer since it had been someone he really cared about. 
Carlos watched him for a moment, just taking it all in. T.K. was lying on his back, mouth slightly open, chest rising and falling slowly. Last night had been…perfect, was the word that came to mind. There had been nothing between them anymore, nothing standing in the way of their feelings for one another, and they had spent many hours making that clear.
His arm was trapped underneath T.K.’s pillow, hence the numbness running all the way up to his shoulder. He didn’t want to wake his sleeping boyfriend (wow it felt good to call him that), but his arm was starting to tingle painfully. Slowly he attempted to ease it out from under T.K.’s head. Despited his best efforts, T.K. immediately began to stir, inhaling sharply and opening his eyes. “Hey,” he said, voice rough with sleep as he rolled onto his side to face Carlos, allowing him to free his arm completely.
“Hey,” Carlos said fondly, flexing his fingers as feeling began to return. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“That’s okay.” T.K. smiled sleepily. 
“Did you sleep all right?”
“Mhmm,” T.K. said as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Carlos’. “Did you?”
“It was…the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while,” Carlos said honestly. 
“Well,” T.K. grinned lazily at him, “we were pretty enthusiastic when we got back here last night. You were probably exhausted.”
Carlos grinned back, running a hand down T.K.’s side, resting it on his hip as memories of the night before flitted through his brain. They’d had to get a little creative considering T.K.’s stitches situation. He didn’t seem any worse for the wear though. “I think I was.”
T.K. looked a little more awake now, his eyes glinting with that look he got when he wanted something. Carlos liked that he knew what so many of T.K.’s different looks meant now. “Are you still exhausted?” he asked, voice low.
His fingers trailed slowly down Carlos’ spine, causing him to shiver. “Not in the least.”
“Good.” T.K.’s mouth was on his in an instant, hungry, searching, and Carlos lost himself in the kiss as they picked up where they’d left off the night before.
It was an hour later that they both lay in the bed, T.K.’s head pillowed on Carlos’ chest. “I like waking up with you,” he said quietly. 
T.K. didn’t say anything for a long moment and Carlos felt the certainty and bliss of the last few hours stutter in his chest. He thought they’d finally been on the same page, but maybe…
His hand fell back to the bed as T.K. abruptly sat up, determination on his face. The sheets twisted around his waist as he crossed his legs and looked seriously at Carlos. “I want you to know what happened in New York.”
Carlos pushed himself up on his elbow, reaching his free hand out to touch T.K.’s knee. “You don’t have to. There’s no pressure. You can tell me now or never, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“I know,” T.K. cupped Carlos’ face in his hand and stroked his thumb across his cheek, his gaze fierce. “And that’s why you deserve to know. If we’re going to give this a shot, you should know everything.”
“Okay,” Carlos said softly, mentally bracing himself. Based on what little he did know, he didn’t think this would be easy to hear.
T.K.’s eyes fell to the bed as he collected his thoughts. “I had only been clean again for about six months when I met Alex. I was at a friend’s birthday party, testing my sobriety in a way I probably shouldn’t have been. Someone introduced us, and we hit it off right away. I realized later the whole thing was a setup. But I was okay with it because Alex was charming and fun and I was so desperate to get my life back on track. He was stable, had a good job, knew where he was going in life; he was everything I wasn’t.
“We were together a little over two years and it was good. We didn’t fight or have problems. I just…didn’t see who he really was until it was too late.” T.K. swallowed hard and twisted his fingers into the sheets. “I loved him. I really did. I wanted to marry him. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.”
He laughed ruefully and shook his head. “My dad never liked him. My mom did, but my mom likes anyone I like. My dad…he didn’t say anything outright but I could tell. And even if he had said something I probably wouldn’t have listened. I’m uh, I’m kind of stubborn.”
“I’ve noticed,” Carlos said with a smile. 
T.K. smiled sheepishly. “Yeah well, sometimes it’s for the better and sometimes not so much.” His face fell a little. “I had it all set up. Dinner at this fancy place, I was going to propose right before dessert. So cliché, but that’s what I was going to do.” T.K. gave a humorless laugh. “And when he got there I got so excited and I just couldn’t wait. I pulled out the ring and started to get down on one knee and he stopped me. Grabbed my arm and told me to sit down.”
T.K.’s jaw worked and Carlos could tell tears were near the surface. “Hey,” he said, sitting up so they were eye to eye. “Take your time.”
T.K. nodded gratefully and blew out a shaky breath. “He’d been cheating on me. With his spin instructor. They were in love. Now I wonder if the spin instructor was even the first. There were times he seemed distant, and then a couple months would go by and he would be all attentive and sweet again. I think there might have been others, I don’t know. I didn’t ask.
“I had never felt so stupid. Like it was my fault. If I had just been better, done more then he wouldn’t have had to cheat. And I should have seen it. I just wanted so desperately to tick all the boxes that proved I was doing the right thing in my life that I didn’t see any of the warning signs until after the fact.”
T.K. rubbed his hands up and down his thighs, no longer able to meet Carlos’ gaze. “I knew where to get pills fast. So I left the restaurant and I picked up some Oxy and went home. I didn’t even try to stop myself. I just did what I do best in a personal crisis: completely self destruct.”
Carlos’ heart picked up its pace. He knew where this was going, knew that this story ended with them here, together in bed right now, but that didn’t make it easier to hear. 
T.K. cleared his throat. “I wasn’t trying to kill myself. I just…wanted it all to go away. The thought of being left, of not being enough…it eats away at you until it’s all you can think about.”
He shook his head. “I took a few and when that wasn’t enough I took a few more and then a few more. And the next thing I knew I was on the floor, puking my guts out, with my dad and his crew picking up my pieces. It wasn’t my first overdose, but it was the closest I’ve ever come to…if they’d been even a minute later…”
Carlos felt his throat growing tight. He’d come so close to losing T.K. before he’d ever even known him. The thought made him oddly protective. He wished he could somehow reach into the past and keep T.K. from ever knowing such incredible hurt.
“My dad didn’t report it, not the way he should have. If he had I would have been fired,” T.K. said, his voice breaking a little as he spoke. “He basically took control of everything and told me to pack my stuff. Because of me he uprooted his whole life and dragged us here.”
He looked up nervously, trying to judge Carlos’ reaction. “You know the rest.”
“You were right,” Carlos said softly. “That is messy.”
“It’s a lot, I know,” T.K. said quickly. “I just…I want you to understand why some things might be hard for me. I fell so hard and so fast last time and I can’t take risks like that again. My dad, he needs me, now more than ever. I can’t do anything to put my sobriety in jeopardy. And I realize this,” he gestured to the disheveled bedding and their naked bodies, “doesn’t exactly look like going slow, but as far as feelings and stuff like that go…”
“Hey,” Carlos put a hand on his knee, “I will never pressure you into anything you don’t want. We’re in this together.” He looked T.K. directly in the eye. “And I want to be really clear here; you can trust me. Always. It’s going to take time for you to see that, for us to build that trust together, but you can. And any mistakes I make along the way are mine and mine only, not a reflection of you.”
T.K. looked at him for a long moment, a hand coming up to softly touch Carlos’ face. “You’re so ridiculously perfect.”
Carlos shifted, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “That’s the second time you’ve said that.”
“Well it must be true then,” T.K. said with a smile.
“That is…incredibly sweet,” Carlos said. “But if this is going to work, you can’t put me on a pedestal like that. The only place for me to go is down.” He slid his fingers between T.K.’s. “You and I are the same; flawed, human. I am not some…god among men, now matter how much I might want to be. I have my stuff too. Which I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.”
“You can’t possibly have baggage like I do,” T.K. said, leaning back against the pillows.
Carlos shrugged. “Yours might be more obvious, but mine could be worse. You have to watch out for the quiet ones, isn’t that what they say?”
T.K. raised his eyebrows and smirked. “You certainly weren’t quiet last night.”
Carlos threw a pillow at him, which T.K. easily deflected. Carlos shook his head, but he smiled. “That is not what we’re talking about.” His face grew serious. “If this is going to work you have to love me for who I am, not some idealized version of me.”
T.K. blinked at him for a moment. “Love you?”
Carlos’ cheeks flamed and he rushed to take back the word that had slipped off of his stupid, besotted tongue. “I didn’t mean—I—“
T.K. laughed. “It’s okay, Carlos.”
“No, I’m sorry. You just poured your heart out and I can’t keep my damn mouth shut—”
“Carlos,” T.K. leaned forward and kissed him, effectively cutting off his apology. “It’s okay.” He traced his fingers down Carlos’ cheek. “I may not be ready to say that word yet. But I am ready to be with you.” He brushed a kiss over Carlos’ nose. “And I like you,” he kissed his cheek. “Very,” his ear. “Very,” his neck. “Much.”
They were falling back into the bed again, limbs tangling, lips finding bare skin. They clearly had so much more to talk about, but for now, what they’d said was enough. If this was love, it would find them the time to take care of the rest.
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