#btw pretty much all of this is metal at varying levels of heavy so like. tread carefully I guess? lol
wild-moss-art · 1 year
This might be a strange question but do you have a Spotify playlist or something you listen to while doing art streams? I like the music a lot and I’d love to be able to find it again!
omg glad you liked it!! Here's a playlist with the songs I remember playing so far. I think I've played the artificial silence album and the others by no one album the most times but let me know if there's something specific you were looking for!!
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sazandorable · 8 years
(polyship meme)
1. A large spider Ariados has gotten into the house/apartment. How does each person react?… Honestly, i’d love for Daigo to be the one screaming. None of them are that bothered, though, Lizardon shoos it out and that’s it. Manon pokes it, probably.
2. What are their sleeping arrangements? Do they get multiple mattresses, several rooms? Line a floor with mattresses and then make the entire room a bed? Who are the blanket hoggers? The ones who flail?
All right so there is definitely a universe in which they all live together and have one biiiiiig custom-sized bed (laying down order is usually Manon-Alan-Daigo-Mikuri, but people constantly complain that they’re not getting enough of Mikuri/Manon/Alan and move down one spot in an endless loop. It gets stuck on Daigo-Mikuri-Manon-Alan for a while because the Alan shortage is hard on Daigo but he can’t bring himself to give up Mikuri, so there’s some attempts at negotiating sleeping arrangements again and then they just go back to a previous setup until Manon complains again that she’s not getting enough Alan or Mikuri-san.). Hari-san, Milokaross and Daigo’s Cokodora and Dumbber babies sometimes cuddle with them all but tend to run away when it gets sexy. Lizardon sleeps on a carpet on the floor, or in the garden.
However, in a lot of universes / most of the time, they’re all in different places and travelling a lot for various and different reasons (training and exploring, research, Devon business, Mikuri Contests, and the occasional world-saving), and they do most of that alone, although they do drop by and visit or join up for travelling, in various configurations (Daigo and Manon are never really a thing but they’re BFF and hang out a lot). In those cases it’s a lot of spooning and cuddling, often in piles with their Pokémon (Manon loves sleeping with Milokaross, but Milokaross Does Not Like Daigo, and when Alan and Daigo are alone Lizardon goes “=w=” and preemptively returns into his MonsterBall himself).
AND THE REST OF THE TIME. Aside from Manon, they all have their own place in different cities; Alan has a tiny student-rate room-with-a-kitchenette-and-shower in Miare City where Manon or Daigo squat when they visit, that has only one narrow bed. Daigo has both his game-canon place (that has a double bed and perhaps a guest room), and a flat in Yamabuki City (at least one guest room and double beds everywhere); Manon stays in his guest room or couch a lot, Alan tends to put his stuff in the guest room and end up actually spending the night in Daigo’s bed anyway. Mikuri has a huge traditional Japanese house in Rune City with empty rooms where he lays out futons for guests. (In some universes, they met around TSME-era when Daigo brought the kids over to Mikuri’s place for some random reason; in that case Manon and Alan were Young and not a couple so they each got their own room, and Daigo technically got a guest room too but cheerfully dragged Mikuri to join him, because Mikuri’s room is Milokaross’ realm. Later on they just cover a floor in futons and pile up.)
And for the final questions, Manon and Daigo are blanket- and body-hoggers, Manon and Hari-san flail in their sleep, Cokodora is a forever baby and whines in her sleep, Milokaross Accidentally Strangles Daigo In Her Sleep, and Alan sometimes has fits of nightmares that require tight hugging (or sexy distractions).
3. How do they celebrate the holidays? What are the favorite holidays in the household for each person? Are there ever any disagreements about which holiday is the best? Do any of them go all out with decorations and participation in events? Does anyone ever suffer in silent agony that they’re being forced into holiday sweaters or fed too many holiday foods, but out of love they keep their mouth shut?
Manon loves Christmas, but is also all over summer festivals and fireworks. Mikuri is just adamant about doing all the proper traditional stuff as the Rune City quasi-priest/miko, and often will make the physical trip to preside over the celebrations, but he doesn’t particularly ask any of the others to join in, it’s just Rune City business. Daigo always participates properly in everything specific to Hoenn, too, and loves taking out the Kalos kids to matsuris or shrines. Alan doesn’t have particular feelings about anything but he’s all about Respect so he’ll go along with whatever he’s told is necessary or polite/respectful to do, and he’ll smile quietly at seeing the cheer around the household, especially how happy it makes Manon. They all look gorgeous in kimono/yukata/hakama, btw, obviously.
Lizardon, Metagross, Cokodora and Hari-san help with decorating a lot; the latter two because they like helping with Important stuff, and the former two because they’re convenient for carrying heavy stuff or hanging stuff in high places. Metagross sometimes sports absurdly cute hair decorations on the X on its face.
Manon usually tries to cook and results vary wildly (also through time, after a few years of helping Mikuri with traditional New Year’s foods she becomes genuinely good at that).
The one problem that ever really arises is keeping Daigo from consuming or making others consume too much alcohol, and keeping Lizardon away from alcohol as well but for a very different reason. (Fire.)
4. How do they all keep house? Do they assign chores, and if so, does anyone ever slack? Does anyone ever say, “let’s clean” and (most?) everyone suddenly hops off the furniture and pitches in?While travelling, they’re all used to life on the road and share chores pretty much equally with no problem (including Pokémon).
Alan’s place is tiny and he won’t let anyone do anything, except Lizardon (though he’s a bit too big for the room and can’t do a lot). Daigo has housekeepers and always eats out or orders in. Mikuri usually keeps his huge house himself, but will have his guests help with everything, though Daigo isn’t very good at much beyond doing/drying the dishes; Hari-san is a good cook. Alan, Manon and Hari-san spent their first ever morning at his house hanging the laundry out in the garden.
Milokaross is probably the one who does the least, and she still helps with laundry or tidying up and putting things away (she has very good balancing skills).5. Something contagious is going around! How will each of them handle being sick? Who are the ones who insist on working even when they’re not well? Who are the ones who stay away when they’re healthy? The ones who play nurse? Daigo and Mikuri are tied for worst patients ever, Daigo because he’s super demanding and wants to be spoiled thoroughly and will exaggerate everything (and no one will be fooled, very mean nurses), Mikuri because he overworks himself and won’t admit to being sick and it’s incredibly hard to get him to say exactly what’s wrong and what you can do to help.
Alan is like Mikuri on a lesser level and can more or less easily be shamed into admitting he needs to get help and rest. Manon is completely knocked out and delirious the second she has the slightest fever; she’ll try to continue doing her part but it’s instantly obvious she can barely stand on her feet, and she’ll be ushered to bed and doted on for a few days. Alan reverts to being a tsundere worrywart over her.
Daigo loves playing nurse but will try and avoid to get contaminated.
Everyone completely freaks out and babies any Pokémon that feels unwell; Mikuri in particular forgets about everything else when Milokaross is ill, even when he’s aware it’s nothing serious.
6. The mess that is deciding where to eat out and what to order. Nah, that goes okay. Daigo pays for everything, Manon orders a lot and tries everything (and shares with Hari-san), Alan has to be bugged into getting more than a salad or noodles, but it works out fine.
Daigo really likes taking people out to restaurants, in group or solo dates (including friend dates with Manon, they go out for decadent ice cream bowls or local specialities a lot). Mikuri rarely eats something else than what he makes for himself (he cooks his Pokémon’s food as well), but he’ll go along with the group.
Please picture Alan with Hari-san perched on his shoulder, feeding him bites from his waffle cone.
(Metagross and Dumbber don’t eat, Cokodora eats iron and metal scraps and it’s kindof hypnotizing if disturbing to watch.)
7. One or more of them comes across a stray animal. How do the family members each react? Who tries to find the previous owner? Does anyone want the others to mind their own business? Do they end up keeping it?Mikuri often takes care of injured or lost Pokémon in Rune City, especially aquatic Pokémon from the lake. It’s canon that Alan brings the ones he finds to the Platane labs.
All four occasionally run into Pokémon that need help while travelling, and they will do the right thing, though it rarely results in a catch or adoption. Alan isn’t even tsun about it, just reasonable but not cold; he’ll give a wild hatchling his own food without a second thought (and Lizardon will later force him to accept half of his own ration). Manon will be very emotional but also level-headed and reasonable about the entire thing; Hari-san is a professional rescuer of anything that needs help. The most practical and detached about it all is probably Daigo, but… he’ll also do things like call a helicopter over to take it to a private hospital and pay for very expensive treatment for a wild Zigzaguma/Zigzagoon or a ten-year-old’s Caterpie.
8. They take a trip to the zoo. What is each person’s favorite animal, and who gets excited about seeing theirs? Who downplays it? Who is willing to wait while the other drags everyone off to their favorite animals, and who tries to tell everyone they’re going to stick to the set path from beginning to end, and everyone will get to see their favorites soon so calm down?Manon is the most enthusiastic about that kind of thing and will absolutely behave like a little kid, but taking Mikuri to a good aquarium or aquatic nature reserve is the best thing ever. Both are slightly exhausting but worth it, and everyone will make sure to make that happen if the occasion arises (Daigo once travelled with Mikuri in Isshu and didn’t tell him about the Marine Tube; Mikuri’s face when they arrived is one of his favorite memories).9. Describe everyone going on a camping trip. Who enjoys it? Which one(s) set up the tent? Who would get lost in the woods but is only a few feet away from a gas station? Travelling as usual. Manon does get lost sometimes but she’s got experience even when Alan first meets her. People who don’t know Daigo well think he must hate it, but actually, while he doesn’t especially enjoy the camping itself, he absolutely doesn’t care about spartan conditions and loves having time alone with rocks/ruins and his Pokémon.10. Who tells the ghost stories or watches the ghost stories, and who are the ones who need a cuddle sandwich to get through the night every time they encounter anything the least bit spooky?… Mikuri is horrible at really spooky Japanese ghost stories, Manon is the one most obviously spooked but Alan and Hari-san aren’t feeling so good either. Daigo laughs. Lizardon falls asleep. Milokaross’s slithering around makes everyone (except Mikuri) jump at one point or another in the night. Mikuri probably loves all the Ghost/Water types.
11. Who steals everyone else’s clothing? Who can’t tell their own clothing from other people’s anymore? Manon steals absolutely all of Alan’s clothes (she looks adorable in his old hoodies and she knows it), Daigo does his best to get Alan into some of his suits or yukatas whenever he can, Alan accidentally wore one of Daigo’s dress shirts once and wishes he could forget about that (Daigo loved it). Alan and Daigo are the only ones who genuinely wonder and accidentally mix up their more basic clothes sometimes (work shirts, pants and ties or old casual teeshirts and jeans, and ofc underwear and socks).
Mikuri’s clothes are Mikuri’s clothes and nobody looks as good in them as he does so nobody ever tries, although he lends yukatas and kimonos to everyone else sometimes.
The things that do swap around a lot and lose ownership are accessories and jewelry! I can see them all wearing earrings or studs as young adults, + Manon makes everyone bracelets and necklaces. (Also, Alan in hair clips……)12. One of them starts singing. Who joins in? Who absolutely refuses to join in? If any of them can’t sing, does everyone roll with it, or do they stop and beg that person to stop as well?Everyone shuts the fuck up and listens with starry eyes and a blush when Mikuri even so much as hums under his breath; Milokaross sings too!
Manon can’t sing to save her life but she has a lot of enthusiasm, and she loves karaoké. They mostly let her, but Daigo and Alan aren’t really into singing.
13. Who is the warmest to cuddle with? Who is always cold? Who wants the heater up, who wants the heater down, who wants to save money but is cold as fuck and piles under layers of clothing and blankets in the house? Who dies in summer? Who wants to turn up the AC and wait out until winter?Manon is warm but her toes are always cold; everyone else is mostly cold but everyone tries to cuddle up to Alan and Mikuri. They all generally do the layering and cuddling, especially while travelling (though campfire and Lizardon help too).
Daigo’s houses have AC and heated floors and at least one ridiculous luxurious (electric?) fireplace (which is why Manon likes to have Christmas at his place). Alan’s place has no heating, only Lizardon; cuddling is the heating system. It’s horribly stuffy in summer and he spends as much time as he can at the lab. Mikuri’s house probably has no heating as well, or maybe an old traditional wood-burning stove; no one is quite sure how he survives winter in there, nor summer, it’s horrible even with all the Water Pokémon but he looks completely unfazed.14. When grocery shopping, who budgets and makes lists? Who happily throws things into the cart and figures it’ll work out? Who estimates their general spending as they pick up items, but they throw in a couple of splurges? Who oversees that the splurges don’t go too far and tells the other(s) to put some or all of the items back on the shelf?Kindof depending on who’s there and buying what, but overall: Alan and Mikuri, Manon and Daigo, Manon and Mikuri, Alan and Mikuri. Honestly, Alan shouldn’t need to worry about money once he knows Daigo (Daigo would buy him a house if Alan let him), but old habits die hard; even when he was working for Fleurdelys with paid travelling expenses he tried to save money as much as he could. Mikuri is generally sensible and doesn’t especially live in luxury, but then he’ll have an entire outfit custom-made in incredibly expensive fabrics for a single event without batting an eye.
Manon grew up learning to be sensible about money but she got Daigo as a sugar uncle during her teenage years, so.15. Something broke down! Are any of them handy around the house with fixing things? Who thinks they can do it on their own and what level of success do they have? Who breaks down and calls a professional out?
Alan, Alan, Alan.
Daigo is good at fixing technology, not to mention Metagross, and can always figure out practical solutions when on the road. Mikuri is the best at estimating, he always knows exactly what ought to be done, and if he is not capable of doing it, he knows someone who can.
Manon is often the one who broke the thing, and is pretty clumsy in general, but she is also very creative, handy and practical-minded, and she takes at heart to fix her own mistakes or the problems she created, so sometimes she’ll work out a wonderful fix if she has the occasion to. Hari-san is also reliable in general, and is the one who’ll make her admit that they have to tell the others and/or ask for help when it’s necessary.
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