#at least 4 of the albums have uncleans
wild-moss-art · 1 year
This might be a strange question but do you have a Spotify playlist or something you listen to while doing art streams? I like the music a lot and I’d love to be able to find it again!
omg glad you liked it!! Here's a playlist with the songs I remember playing so far. I think I've played the artificial silence album and the others by no one album the most times but let me know if there's something specific you were looking for!!
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keep-ur-head-low · 3 years
Ghost Quartet Animated Movie Concept
So I really fucking love Ghost Quartet and if I had even a scrap of artistic talent I would totally make animatics for it but for now, here are some concepts for a fully animated version of the live album. 
In this hypothetical animation, each storylines has its own unique artstyle so that the viewer can distinguish the four storylines just a bit easier. Zero changes are made to the lyrics or song ordering, cuz the album is already perfection and altering it ruins the fun of it yknow
1. The Tale of Rose and Pearl
- This one’s easy. Give it a cool japanese-esque fairytale style, similar to Studio Ghibli’s The Tale of Princess Kaguya. The animation can start off super pretty and colorful and pastel in The Camera Shop, but it gradually gets more and more muted and dark as the album goes on.
- You know that scene in Princess Kaguya when the princess runs out of the palace and the animation style suddenly becomes all intense and unclean to represent her distress? Do that but when Rose goes on her “fuck your books” rant in Bad Men.
- Rose can have her sexy red cloak and a rose in her ear and Pearl can have a cool white dress and a pearly necklace. The Astronomer should have nerdy lil suspenders and The Bear is just a fuckin Bear
- The Telescope should just be the most psychedelic sequence ever, stars transforming into dancing characters and shit
- Not sure if Soldier and Rose would be in the same art style since it doesn’t fit in any other story, but the dancing would admittedly look beautifully somber and melancholy.
2. The House of Usher
- This one absolutely needs to be in black and white. Put in spooky lil glitch effects and a smaller, boxy aspect ratio to replicate being watched on an old television set tape. If not 2d animated, then maybe stop motion????? Corpse Bride or Coraline vibes could be awesome
- I’m thinking every time The Son is in the frame, a little wooden bear carving could be emphasized to visually represent his alternate self as The Bear.
- When Roxie rises from the dead, she flickers between her Roxie self and herself as Rose but in the Japanese fairy tale animation style. Crimson red blood streams down her robes and it’s the only color that ever appears in the Usher plotline.
- This shit needs to be terrifying
3. Arabian Nights
- I’m thinking this could have a geometric animation style like Song of the Sea or The Secret of Kells, but with the same vibe of what one may find in an ancient Islamic painting.
- In Monk, have young Scheherazade and Dunyazad’s dance be a visual parallel to the Soldier and Rose’s dance. Also show The Pianist playing the piano but not what’s behind the door ofc
- In Tango Dancer, when we meet ancient Scheherazade, she could be in a veil that stretches out infinitely and eventually wraps into the sky, with little cartoon stars inscribed into it that all glow when she describes her young and blissful self. Just go full surreal with it. Have the conversation between Rose and Scheherazade be an obvious visual parallel to the camera shop conversation.
- Have Shah Zaman’s room just be covered in bear stuff. Bear rug, bear paintings, bear statues, etc. I don’t know if it’s historically accurate but that’s the last thing Ghost Quartet cares about lmfao
4. The Subway
- This one’s definitely the least figured out for me. Maybe live action?!?!? I really hesitate to say that but basically this storyline needs to have a claustrophobic, indie feel to it that contrasts heavily with the other three. Perhaps a different, more modern cinematic aspect ratio?
- Not sure what The Pusher’s bear visual would be here. Maybe a bear tattoo or grafitti on the wall that appears whenever he’s on screen.
- The Victim’s monologue on the tracks needs to be intercut with Lady Usher’s final moments before Roxie bursts through the door. I have a very strong image in my mind: When she says “I let the train rip through me,” we get a split screen visual of Lady Usher kneeling on the floor in the left and The Victim kneeling on the tracks in the right and the camera zooms in on both until their faces match up.
- The Shop Owner’s outfit would be the outfit that Gelsey wears in the actual production. Maybe the same could go with the other three in this timeline. 
- Hero could either be in this style or somehow in all the styles. Have visual train imagery be used constantly throughout so that it becomes all the more poignant when she gets metaphorically run over here.
- Have Midnight be in some random bar, and that’s the same bar where I Don’t Know, Any Kind of Dead Person, Four Friends, and Prayer take place in. These four are just drinking and having a blast, remembering the many lives they’ve gone through in this bittersweet song cycle.
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sawyersick · 5 years
1 through 69 because you gotta twin with me
aight here goes bitchez
1. are you religious?
nahh but my parents sent me to church camp when I was in elementary school??? For the cheap childcare I guess???
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
I haven’t thought about this much but I think a field mouse!!
3. how do you take your coffee?
never……………………… I hate coffee
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
my mom’s bosses son forced himself on me when we were 6 lol so I don’t count that……….. so 15 i guess (according to my friend, if there’s no hormones it doesn’t count lol)
5. museum date or aquarium date?
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
Just my ears are pierced and I have a whale (badly) tattooed on my hip I’ll post pix if you want but its pretty uggo
I want another whale on the other side so I’ll be symmetrical and a triangle hand tat….. maybe an eyeball tat (a tattoo of an eyeball…. not one on my eye lol)? I’m not really interested in anymore piercings tho
7. favorite fruits?
8. favorite vegetables?
when I was 12 I ate so many carrots my skin turned orange and my mom thought I had jaundice
also I heckin love mushrooms
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if you treat me with respect :(
10. do you cry a lot?
yeah lol at least twice a month minimum
11. who are your closest friends?
I don’t really have any? I’ve felt distant from my irl friends lately so idk probably just demo
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did the walk out for gun violence
13. do you play any video games?
helllllls yeah but I usually only play 3/ds
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
yes and I think I’m still in it rip
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
I think I wear a lot of blue! and black and white too i guess…… I’m trying to add more reds tho
16. what do you like to do for fun?
I bake and sew and draw! and listen to music
17. what is your biggest fear?
body horror tw for this one rip
being abandoned, being forced to do horrifically gross/unclean stuff, getting my eyes gouged out, getting the bones in my hands broken, getting acid poured on my face, the people around me dying, being forced to eat live slugs, getting my skin peeled off with a knife
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
whales/the ocean in general and baking!! and the band Liily
19. favorite fictional characters?
hm idk? Link and Zelda from LoZ, Clover and Snake and Aoi from 999, rhyme from TWEWY, Maka and Soul from Soul Eater, Storm from the Xmen, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, Chun Li, the Kagamines, Rilakkuma
idk I just thought about characters I have merch for
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
I used to??? Haven’t had the time for it in a while though and I’ve been reading a lot of how-to books as of late….. I really liked the Legend trilogy though
21. how would you describe your style?
art style and fashion style would both be classified as “cute but tries to be edgy” I think
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
Yes!! a pastel elephant with a rattle in it named Elephant (very creative I know) He’s in my stuff somewhere now and this question reminded me to go find him again
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
hmmm…. sports? mustard? airpods???? idk
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
actually yes? I wanna be in a band but I’m lowkey afraid of singing in front of people I know but have no problem doing it in front of an audience of strangers hmu if you’re in the SF bay area I’ve written 6 punk songs
25. who do you live with?
my parents and cat
26. favorite desserts?
ice cream, anything with chocolate or whipped cream, creme brulee, lemon tarts
I’m not too picky though lol
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
realizing that I can actually do mostly whatever I want and most things have fewer consequences than I think
also cutting people out of my life that emotionally exhaust me
28. favorite makeup brands?
uhhhh whatever’s cheap and doesn’t make my eyes burn ig urban decay is good when I can afford it
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
Goodwill??? I used to shop at f21 but I try not to anymore
30. what was your first job?
working at a lake teaching windsurfing and sailing and I still work there
31. do you take a lot of naps?
n o  I absolutely  h a t e  taking naps and try to avoid them
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmm I have pretty good hair i think and sometimes my eyes? I have huge (genetic) eyebags tho which gets me down
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
In day to day life I guess I’m more dominant??? like I make decisions when nobody else wants to :0 also idk intimately since iM aN aDuLt vIrGiN and pretty sex repulsed but probably sub 
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
outgoing but sometimes it makes me annoying
35. how tall are you?
short…………………………. 4′8/143 cm
36. what is your body type?
uhh hourglass????? maybe pear I got them Thunder Thighs according to the guy who got kicked out of drama club for peeping in the girls changing room
37. favorite flower?
calendula, sunflowers, lavender and dianthus!!
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
I wanna be the bride of frankentstein but in a shiro lolita coordinate to make her look ~fancy~ or the Nancy part of Sid and Nancy if I’m in a relationship by that time
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Ideally the same age and I’m wary of dating anyone more than 2 years younger or older than me but I’m more willing to date older than younger
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
yall know who it is already but
in a band, dark hair, kinda tall, very fashionable, coincidentally happens to be the same racial mix as me, good at art, very humble, really sweet, lives in SoCal, has a hand tattoo of milk and “aye yah” on his arm, paints his nails orange, wears a lot of rings, gets freckles in the summer, prefers vanilla over chocolate, ties his shoes the cool way
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
idk at the moment? I like to draw from many inspirations
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
one (1) very loving cat
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
……………………….. myself
I literally had to google mixed race celebrities and STILL none look like me lol
46. do you like sports?
not really except I weirdly like baseball
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Yes!! I won tickets to On Your Feet and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
I also won Hamilton tickets but saw it in SF yall should download the app
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
MERMAID actually I have a mermaid tail too so
50. what is your instagram?
@wishwhale :)
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
glossy by default because I have chronically dry skin/lips so matte lips are sooooooooooooooo uncomfy but it looks good on other people lol
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
grape because im weird
53. what are your best personality traits?
I’d like to think that I’m kind and sometimes funny
54. what is your ethnicity?
55. what different hair colors have you had?
brown and brown with pink that was supposed to be purple
56. favorite disney princess?
Ariel! bc mermaid
57. favorite album of 2017?
Humanz by Gorillaz  or Deep Dream by Daddy Issues I guess
I was weirdly obsessed with Feel Your Feelings Fool when it came out but I’m not really into it anymore though
58. have you ever had braces?
59. favorite holiday?
Halloween! Because dressing up is fun
60. post a selfie.
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how do I make this smaller anyways I don’t normally wear this much makeup but I’m going to a small show tonight
61. are you a good swimmer?
Yes!! I swim once a week at my local pool
62. do you wear jewelry?
I used to wear a lot………. like multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings daily but now I wear my ring every day and a necklace/earrings if I remember
63. can you play any instruments?
I’m learning guitar!!
64. do you have any siblings?
short answer is no but you can dm me for the long answer
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
just my maternal grandmother and she is almost 90! My paternal grandmother lived to 102 so I’m hoping for those good genes though (I think she would have lived longer because my family suspects elder abuse by my weird aunt)
66. who knows the most about you?
hmm probably Demo or Emily
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
I! Never! Shut! Up!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you arent cool
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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jesspaulblog · 5 years
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WHY YOU ONLY “WRITE WHAT YOU SEE” IN SCREENPLAYS After basic formatting issues, the most common mistakes I see in beginner screenwriters’ work are details that the audience can’t possibly know hidden in the action slugs.
Often, screenwriters transition from being short-story and novel writers, but as the separate titles suggest, there are major differences between these types. Besides the variable formats and page/time constraints, there is one jarring difference that prose writers might have a hard time wrapping their head around, and there is a big reason why:
You are writing for a movie.
Unlike a book or an online story, your work is NOT the final publication, the movie is. Your screenplay is more of a manual or a tool than it is the presentable, final product. As more seasoned screenwriters will learn, your “manual” is just the bare bones of a meaty, bloody, fatty, intricate, sentient, full-figured being. It’s a map that gets the cast and crew on the road, but the journey is far from just a route on paper. The filmmakers must translate and SHOW what you are implying, and details that no one can see or hear in the confines of the film will not only get lost but end up confusing the movie’s plot for the audience. Still a bit confused as to what not to include and why? Here are the specific things that don’t belong in the action slug: 
ABOVE: Need more of the basics? Watch the video above to learn how to START screenwriting.
1) Thoughts & Feelings Too often writers might take shortcuts to describe in the action slugs:
Jack exits the hospital. He is feeling depressed.
In fact, whenever you type He is [adjective] or He feels [adjective], take it as a ringing bell that should signal you to rethink the sentence. Of course feelings and emotions are major parts of character set-ups, but when you are relaying this in your script, make sure that any actor reading their action slugs can find ACTIONABLE details to enact. Instead of the above, write:
Jack slowly shuffles out of the hospital with a somber frown, eyes on the ground. 
This depicts the exact type of “depressed” you are looking for from your character’s demeanor and makes it actionable for the actor. The actor or director may of course change details to how they want to portray the feeling, but you have at least made your blueprint more comprehensive to your exact vision.
An even bigger offense is trying to include “thoughts” that the audience could have no way of ever knowing. For example:
Jack watches a black Cadillac go by and remembers the times when his Dad used to take him on car rides when he was 5 years old. 
…how would the audience know he was thinking this?? To remedy this, you could include the mention or imagery of a black Cadillac earlier in the movie, say, as Jack looks through an old photo album where we see the same car, he and his dad smiling in the front seats. But, describing what’s in his head in the action slug is completely useless and may eventually be confusing to the plot if it’s an important detail that isn’t shown.
2) History Another similar aspect that will not be helpful in the action slug is history of the characters/plot or past events. For example: ‘Jack and his dad always had a troubled relationship’ is not something we can tell by you including this in the action slug. This is not a novel. You MUST relay back-story within items we can see or hear. A better way to convey this would be:
Jack and his dad avoid eye contact and sit in awkward silence until Dad chokes out:
DAD “Stop grinding your teeth. I spent 2 paychecks on braces when you were a kid.”
If something happened in the past (or even in the present day but outside the scenes we see), it must be conveyed through things we hear or see in the scenes that the audience gets to watch.
 3) Unknowable Facts There might be details about your characters, locations or plot that are important to know, but if you’re hiding them in your description, you’re doing your story a huge disservice. For example:
Carla hits her alarm and slowly sits up in bed. She is a nurse.
Excuse me, how does the audience member watching this movie know she is a nurse as she’s waking up in the morning? If you left this detail at just that but never showed us how she is a nurse, you could exclude this detail from the movie for good. Instead, try something like:
Carla hits her alarm and slowly sits up in bed. She gazes to her closet where her cartoon-print scrubs and hospital badge reading “Carla Esposito, Head Nurse” hangs clean and pressed on the back of the door.
HOW TO TRANSLATE “UNSEEN” DETAILS INTO YOUR SCRIPT Do you have a few of these unknowable details in your actions slugs already? Here is how you better your story (and your screenwriting skills) by showing the aspects of your script that are currently lost in the action slugs.
1) Character Expressions Feelings and emotions can easily be translated by expressions. This is helpful for directors and actors because often even descriptive emotions like “elated”, “proud”, “sullen”, “terrified” etc. are not technically actionable. Screenwriters will often try to get away with sentences like: 
Jack descends the last step in the basement. He is terrified.
But if you truly want to practice good screenwriting habits of showing and not telling, use language more to the tune of: 
Jack descends the last step in the basement, his eyes darting around accompanied with a quivering lip of nervous fear.
Directors and actors will always inevitably make changes during production that will suit their visions best and that is an appropriate part of the process, but being clear and detailed in the screenplay just means that your original intention will at least be understood even if production decides to take it in a different direction.
2) Actions Along with expressions, character actions also do a great job of relaying how a character feels or who they are. Instead of this cop-out description that the audience would never be able to tell:
Gunther is a proud millionaire who doesn’t care about the people around him.
Maybe write:
Gunther lazily throws a wad of bills at the doorman. Gunther’s careless toss causes the money to bounce past the doorman, making the employee run to catch it.  
3) Hair, Makeup & Costume To continue with the example above, describing a character like Gunther may take some time and multiple examples to really drive home the full explanation of this character. One or two actions may not be able to tell us everything about Guther’s wealth, carelessness and general demeanor. Gunther’s expensive suits, slick hairstyle and designer leather briefcase will tell the audience something about his character’s bank account and also if he focuses on material showiness or not before he even throws the bills at the doorman.
For sad Jack from further up in this article, we could describe his current state not only by his expression or his slow, shuffling gate but also by telling the audience (and the makeup department) that,
His eyes are marked with tired, dark bags and his hair is tussled and unclean.
By describing a character’s look, we get more clues about what you previously tried to convey in the unsee-able action slugs.
4) Objects and Location Details How might we know how rich Gunther is before he even leaves his house in the morning? Describe the interior of his mansion in the action slugs. This lets the audience (and the art department) know not only that he is rich, but how rich he is and what his style of wealth is: does he live in a futuristic, minimalist home on the lake-side with bare, white walls and remote-controlled window blinds? Or does he live in a gawdy, gold-plated mansion with designer clothes, velvet furniture and fine art covering every inch of space? This kind of thoughtful description that the viewer can see will give us a more detailed description of Gunther’s personality and what he does with his money.
Objects can also tell us more about your character or plot. For example, if Carla carried around a bright, pink journal wherever she went, we’d be able to tell a couple things right off the bat: 1) she is overtly feminine per social cliché with the bright pink personal item, and 2) she is some kind of writer or note-taker, depending on what she writes in it throughout the movie.
Objects can also shine a light on things that aren’t so obvious, and including them can save your plot. For example, if you read, Jack stands on the corner, smoking a cigarette staring at a gawdy, rentable mansion that is currently being used as funeral home, how exactly do we know it’s being used as a funeral home? Instead use language, like:
Jack stands on the corner, smoking a cigarette staring at a gawdy, rentable mansion as people dressed in head-to-toe black shuffle in and BLACK BALLOONS anchor onto the walkway railings.
5) Dialogue I included “dialogue” last on this list so you could explore more of the possibilities for actionable description before the most obvious tool. Dialogue is the easiest way to convey details and the actual source of the common advice “show, don’t tell” from screenwriting experts. But, when you need to give specific exposition or relay a detail we can’t see, dialogue is a simple, useful and classic screenwriting device to do this. 
To take from our previous examples, how can we know more about Jack’s troubled relationship with his dad? He could meet another character for coffee after he leaves the hospital, and in their conversation, Jack could explain:
JACK “We never had a great relationship, ya know? Since I was a kid, everytime I'd say or do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, he'd voice some kind of criticism. So, to avoid being berated everytime I was around him... I just stopped coming around.”
Now the audience knows more about Jack’s relationship with his dad than they would if you buried it in the action slugs where no one can see it. The way someone simply talks also tells us more about the character than even what they are saying. Utilizing slang, diction and even hesitation sounds create a specific character who differs from the rest and shows off a personality.
So, what is your favorite way to divulge “unseen” details in your movie? Read below for more screenwriting tips! 
P.S. EDIT 4/27/19:  Going into this article, I knew it was a controversial topic as the root idea of writing it in the first place was to argue my opinion on the divisive subject. I got a lot of great response on Facebook after pimping out this link, “great” meaning both sides of the argument were often presented very passionately and with great defenses to back up even opposing opinions. 
I’d like to take this post-script to concede that some specific examples of “writing what you DON’T necessarily see” can be appropriate in the right situation. The best example I saw was when a detail was necessary to the behind-the-scenes production. Ex. from Batman: 
(paraphrasing) “EXT. BANK BACK LOT - NIGHT. Four men in clown masks creep around the bank’s back wall, avoiding parking lot lights. The last clown turns the corner: this is THE JOKER.”
Though the audience does not know this yet, it may be a shortcut for the actual director, cast and crew to know that Heath Ledger needed to be wearing that mask on this shoot day to reveal himself later in the scene and that this particular clown of the bunch was to be focused on cinematographically (my spellcheck is saying, ‘yes, cinematographically is a word’, haha). But, even this example still lends to some caution in making sure that the hidden details are paid off in the end, which, as we know in Batman, they are.
Even with good exceptions like the above, I still implore screenwriters to get into the habit of writing what is seen in more cases than not. This is the difference between being a prose writer and being a movie writer: narrating the SPECTACLE. If you want your vision to have the best chance at being accurately adapted to the screen as best as possible (even through artistic and business modifications from the director and studio), don’t obscure your intention EVEN MORE by making filmmakers translate your ambiguous, short-sighted hidden details. 
I got the idea of this article after reading too many first-time-ever-screenwriters include hidden details in their beginner drafts in the WORST way possible: confusing the plot with details that are never actually presented and missing opportunities for better writing because of action-slug secrets. Don’t keep important details of your story a secret from the screen. 
When that very rare instance of hidden action slug detail may seem appropriate, first consider if there is any way to SHOW it, and then if not, go ahead and add that unseen detail to your action slug. Just make sure that this hidden detail is acknowledged at some point in the actual action, visuals or audio of the script or this secret will get buried in the subplot that no one is going to pick up on. 
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nummero123 · 3 years
What Exactly Is Guerrilla Marketing? Examples to Inspire Your Brand
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In its printed form, the term "guerrilla" appears to be highly intense.
 It evokes visions of insurgency and violence. 
When you put it next to the term "marketing," a lot of people say, "Huh?"
However, guerrilla marketing is not a combative mode of communication.
 In reality, it's a highly unusual type of marketing in that it promotes brand recognition among
 huge audiences without interfering with them.
What is guerilla marketing?
Guerilla marketing is a strategy of increasing exposure and, as a result, 
brand recognition by promoting utilizing unusual tactics intended to elicit surprise, amazement, or shock
The phrase was coined in the early 1980s by the late business writer Jay Conrad Levinson,
 who published many books on guerrilla tactics in a variety of professional fields. 
Of course, marketing, in general, looked quite different at the time,
 and while guerilla marketing is employed today, the ever-changing digital world is changing how it appears.
Roots of Warfare
When we hear the phrase "guerilla marketing," we immediately think of guerrilla warfare,
which makes sense given that this type of marketing earned its name. 
Guerrilla tactics in combat rely heavily on the element of surprise. 
According to Creative Guerrilla Marketing, consider “ambushes, sabotage, and raids.”
But how does this transfer into the job we perform daily? 
Guerrilla marketing tactics rely heavily on the element of surprise. 
It aims to develop extremely unusual ads that catch consumers off guard in the course of their daily lives.
What marketers love about guerilla marketing is how low-cost it is. 
The actual investment here is creative and intellectual; nevertheless, its implementation does not have to be costly. 
Michael Brenner beautifully explains it in his essay on "guerrilla content," 
where he frames this type of marketing in the same framework as reusing your current material, 
such as selecting certain portions of a report and extending each one into a blog post. 
It is a time investment rather than a financial one.
Guerrilla marketing works in part by reusing your audience's present surroundings. 
Examine it and determine which parts of it may reused to integrate your brand.
Types of Guerrilla Marketing
As obscure as it may appear, there are a few sub-categories of guerilla marketing, 
as defined by the business ALT TERRAIN:
Outdoor Guerrilla Marketing is a type of marketing that takes place outside. 
Adds something to pre-existing urban settings, 
such as affixing a detachable object to a monument or displaying temporary artwork on sidewalks and streets.
Indoor guerilla marketing is a type of marketing that takes place within a building. 
It is similar to outdoor guerilla marketing, except that it takes place indoors,
such as in railway stations, stores, and university campus buildings.
Guerilla Marketing takes the form of an ambush during an event. 
Using the audience at an ongoing event, such as a concert or sporting event,
 to promote a product or service visibly, generally without permission from the event sponsors.
Experiential Guerilla Marketing. 
All of the above, but done in a way that requires the public to interact with the brand.
We realize that without context, the concept of guerilla marketing
might be a little perplexing, so let's look at how it's been used by a few other businesses.
Guerrilla Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Brand
1. Bounty's Giant Popsicle
Bounty discovered a novel approach to market its product
 and the solution it supplies by placing life-sized "messes" across 
the streets of New York – a huge, knocked-over coffee cup and a gigantic melting popsicle.
"Wouldn't a succinct billboard ad accomplish the same thing?" 
you may question. 
No, not at all. 
Culturally, we're beginning to seek out any means of removing advertisements from our life. 
That's why we appreciate features such as DVR and ad-free alternatives on
 streaming services like  YouTube. 
This campaign, unlike an advertisement, is more difficult to dismiss. 
After all, would you stop and look if you came across a melting popsicle 
the size of your mattress on your way to work?
The key lesson is to identify the most pressing issue that your product or service addresses. 
Then, create an unusual manner to convey that to the world, ideally without using words.
2. Deadpool's Tinder Profile
Some Tinder users taken aback when they saw none other than comic anti-hero and legend Deadpool appear on their app. 
Deadpool breached the fourth wall and met potential moviegoers
 ahead of the film's Valentine's Day premiere by posting "cheeky" photos and humorous profile content.
If a Tinder user "swiped right" and matched with the character, they  sent a link to buy tickets.
While Tinder isn't the ideal technique to build buzz 
(confined to a tiny fraction of users, and you're technically not permitted to use the site for marketing),
screenshots of this humour soon went viral on social media.
The key takeaway: Promotions that utilize "interruptive" 
tactics that offer unexpected joy aren't irritating.
3. Childish Gambino's Ice Cream Pop-Up
Have you ever noticed how effective free food can be as a motivator? 
Make it a sweet treat, and you've got yourself a winner.
Childish Gambino most certainly had this in mind when he held his
 "Summertime Starts Here" 
pop-up events, where he gave away free ice cream. 
As people waited in the heat for some wonderful ice cream, a big speaker blasted Gambino's two singles.
It was an excellent approach to introduce fans to his EP, Summer Pack.
The major takeaway: Sometimes you have to entice an audience with incentives in order to get their attention.
4. The GRAMMYs Singing Posters
Okay, so this one isn't fair because it wasn't done "in real life." 
But how awesome would it be if it were? 
The GRAMMYS music awards program developed a video to promote the candidates for its Album Of 
The Year category, showing what would happen if posters for the nominated artists suddenly started singing.
It may appear to be difficult to carry out such a task. 
But what if you could make musical posters for your company? 
Again, it's not like a billboard commercial since we don't expect to see wall of paper ads in
, say, New York City to start moving. 
Now, we'll agree that this isn't exactly a cheap concept, 
as it may need some technological labour to bring to life. 
Even if you could incorporate a single moving
 or digital picture among a sea of static ones – in a position where it would catch people off guard, such as a brick wall 
It would catch people off guard and, as a result, capture their attention.
The main takeaway: Consider the items that your audience could pass by daily and have them do something unexpected and involved.
5. Frontline's Interactive Floor Ad
I'll confess that I was taken by this shot when I first saw it. 
"Someone, get that dog out of there with those flies!" 
I feverishly pondered. 
Then I understood that neither the dog nor the insects were genuine. 
The former was a photograph, whereas the latter were real people.
Again, this approach differs from typical marketing in that 
it does not just plaster a single message somewhere that is likely to be overlooked. 
It generates an unintentional personal contact that reminds the observer of what the product accomplishes.
The main takeaway: Consider how individuals can unintentionally engage with your marketing messaging. 
While your product or service may not solve a specific need, such as bug eradication, 
there are methods to include people in the campaign.
6. Public Breakup on Burger King's Instagram
Breaking up is difficult enough in person, let alone when it's publicized online. 
That's what reportedly happened when one Instagram user commented 
on one of Burger King's Instagram photos, telling a story about his "daughter" getting meals from Burger King. 
There was just one issue. 
This guy had a girlfriend, but she wasn't anywhere near a Burger King.
Many thought when the comments went viral that the entire encounter was orchestrated by Burger King. 
And if it was, we can't help but admire them — what a way to push your brand into the public consciousness.
Burger King has around one million Instagram followers. 
While we don't know how many followers the former had before this famous split, it stands to reason that it brought greater attention to its social media presence, at least on this specific platform. 
People may have previously been monitoring the brand on Instagram, but were they actively discussing it before now?
The main point is that guerrilla marketing has gone digital. 
Consider where your audience currently exists online, and then perform for them. 
While we cannot tolerate dishonesty, we can appreciate ingenuity, 
so don't be hesitant to utilize the comments to get people talking.
7. UNICEF's Dirty Water Vending Machines
I'm just as guilty as everyone else of squandering money on bottled water. 
I don't have an excuse. 
I've got a reusable one. 
Even though my office provides filtered water from a machine rather than a traditional cooler, it remains a terrible habit.
That's why this guerilla marketing campaign from UNICEF struck a chord with me. 
"What if those bottles of water you squander money on were filled with filthy water?" 
it said. 
It was a means of reminding the wealthy that in far too many places of the world, 
whole populations lack access to safe drinking water.
Instead of wasting money on bottled water, UNICEF advised putting it into initiatives to deliver safe drinking water to these communities. 
It accomplished this by erecting improvised vending machines
 that sold bottled unclean water, with each button designated as an illness caused by a shortage of safe drinking water.
The key takeaway: Guerrilla marketing is effective in the non-profit industry as well. 
While terrifying, tragic pictures are frequently an effective method of expressing your purpose, 
there is a way to tell it that is less confrontational and more participatory for the audience.
8. GoldToe's Giant Briefs
Are you an underwear manufacturer searching for a novel approach to advertising your product? 
Try putting a massive pair of underwear on a famous charging bull statue.
We can't possibly make this stuff up.
In principle, it's so easy that it sounds like fiction. 
When the GoldToe company sought a means to tease and advertise
 the introduction of its new undergarments, 
it did just that: it casually placed these new articles of clothing on statues throughout New York. 
While we can't be certain that this is the path GoldToe chose,
 we truly hope that those bull-sized briefs were created from leftover production fabric,
 making this campaign even more cost-effective.
The main point is to not over-think things. 
What appears to be your most ridiculous idea may turn out to be the greatest one.
9. Fiji Water's #FijiGirl
One guerrilla marketing strategy for gaining attention in subtle ways is strategic product placement. 
Fiji Water's participation at the 2019 Golden Globes, 
when models donned blue and handed trays of water for thirsty attendees, is one such example.
But it didn't stop there. 
Kelleth Cuthbert, a model, positioned herself in the backdrop of photo-shoots, successfully photobombing high-profile celebrities.
When the images began to circulate on social media,
 people began to identify Cuthbert as a common denominator, dubbed her #FijiGirl. 
She eventually became one of the evening's highlights, winning over admirers and attracting notice to Fiji Water's brand
The main takeaway: Your business doesn't have to be the focal point of an event to stand out.
10 BBC's Dracula Billboard
When I think of Count Dracula, I think of the ultimate evil, associated with anything that goes bump in the night. 
The BBC sought to capitalize on this sentiment to advertise their Dracula program.
By day, their billboard was simple, with red writing on a white backdrop and a few bleeding stakes. 
The billboard, like its topic, transformed entirely when darkness fell.
The stakes deliberately positioned to create a shadow over Dracula himself.
The installation was highlighted in Ad-week and achieved some viral popularity 
due to its originality and skilled execution.
The major takeaway: When it comes to promotional materials, think beyond the box. 
In this situation, light and shadow sufficed to communicate the message and draw attention.
These examples should motivate you, especially if you're marketing a tiny company. 
Don't be scared to solicit material for these initiatives.  top digital marketing agency in Bangalore.
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retoxdiet · 6 years
Tagged by @garglyswoof. You know a lot more about music than I do, but this was hella fun. 
Rules: Write the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle (no skipping) and quote your favorite lyrics from each song, then tag 10 people.
1. Disfruto - Carla Morrison Disfruto mirarte Cada movimiento Un vicio que tengo Un gusto valorarte Nunca olvidarte Entregarte mis tiempos. (I enjoy looking at you every movement, a vice that I have, a pleasure to value you, never forget you, give to you my time) The lyrics are alright, it’s really her voice and the music that get me with this song.
2. Unknown Legend - Shovels & Rope (Neil Young cover) She's been running half her life, the chrome and steel she rides colliding with the very air she breathes. So I’m a total sucker for a duet, and this bluegrassy married duo come around my town a fair bit. I haven’t really listened to this song and while I’m not a huge fan of the lyrics, I just love their style.
3. American Hero - Rainbow Kitten Surprise I'll leave, if and when you want me to, when and if I've haunted you and if I miss you when you do not. Real talk, do you read fuck-up in my walk? Do you see fuck-up on my face? Do I mean anything at all? Don't say you love me if you do got nothing else to say to me when heaven is a dream and reality is fictional! Fictional! Constantine and every host of Christendom, what carried them, buried them, with every last one of us. America is just a dream. I’m still thrown off that this band I went to college with is like actually taking off. They’re amazing and I love them, so it’s thrilling. This is from their first album which I’ve had on repeat lately. I really like all of the lyrics in this song but this entire verse is lovely and no, I could not choose.
4. I Stand Alone - Theophilus London It's the skill and the confidence, the will and the dominance. The deeper you get, the more the Reaper is prominent. This song is a total bop. I got into underground rap/hip-hop at the end of high school and there have been more than a few artists that I’ve continued to follow ever since. I haven’t listened to this one a lot or anytime recently, but like I said. A bop.
5. Shadows and Tall Trees - U2 Do you feel in me anything redeeming? Any worthwhile feeling? Always a fan of old school U2, but this may be my least favorite song from Boy.
6. Fin del Mundo - Cordero La gente es tan feliz en los anuncios, Sonríen como si fuera el fin del mundo (People are so happy in the ads They smile like it's the end of the world). How I found Cordero is a complete mystery, but I did and since the age of like 12, I’ve listened to a lot of music in Spanish. They were my first though, and I love her voice. This song is a bit depressing tho.
7. Little Girl - Robert Francis Fate has made a fool of me I’ll reap now what I sow. We were just two people alike in dignity, felt the ancient grudge to the mutiny of me. And I guess this is where we’ll end our scene where my civil blood leaves my seething hands unclean. This is the most depressing song ever. I mean, like Bruce Springsteen’s Streets of Philadelphia depressing. But I like this lyric, I think my senior show was called Where My Civil Blood Leaves My Seething Hands Unclean. My professor called it pretentious but I love him so it was ok and I didn’t take offense. It was if I’m being totally honest, but it was about how I chose to deal with the aftermath of my ex’s assault and how it still affects me now so I could name it whatever the hell I wanted to. 
8. Missy - The Airborne Toxic Event But I swear there's still some good in me and I think if you stuck around you'd see all the honest attempts at integrity I once had. I’d forgotten about how much I liked their first album. This one is a little repetitive, but I do like it.
9. Hatefuck - The Bravery While all your shouting friends that despise you to your face, what would they say now if they saw you in this place? Naked and breathless, could you live with this disgrace? Could you live? Could you live? Could you live with this? I MEAN.
10. Never Let You Down - Barns Courtney Hot hounds at your heels, Karma Sutra play the field, sucking on your honey blood, drunk love in your bed, give us Lord our daily bread. Ok, so we went from depressing to sex. Not my absolute fav Barns song, but I dig it.
Also, I don’t have 10 people, but @luck-in-the-shadows, I will legit nag you about this. 
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changkyuh-archive · 7 years
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so with this masterpost i’ll be listing the following:
title tracks + concepts
awesome b-side songs for different occasions and that have different melodies
personal favourite songs and why i think they showcase all the VIXX members talents
great OSTs they’ve done in the past
collaborations with other artists
and hopefully this will give people an idea of the range that VIXX has as a group! so i hope you enjoy!
1. title tracks
so VIXX had debuted on May 25, 2012 with their song ‘Superhero’! these songs will be listed in chronological order with their concepts in brackets
the asterisks on each music video determines the intensity of the video and the concept in my opinion for newer fans with one star being the least and 3 stars being the most
superhero (superhero comic concept)*
rock your body (video game concept)*
on and on (vampire concept)***
hyde (jekyll and hyde concept; hyde focused)***
G.R.8.U (jekyll and hyde concept; jekyll focused)*
Voodoo Doll (Unclean Version/Clean Version) (voodoo doll concept)***
eternity (stuck in time concept)*
error (cyborg concept)**
love equation (remake on R.ef’s "love equation")*
beautiful liar (VIXX LR)**
chained up (love slave concept)**
dynamite (VIXX Conception series; Zelos: God of Envy)*
fantasy (VIXX Conception series; Hades: God of the Underworld)**
the closer (VIXX Conception Series; Kratos: God of Strength)*
Shangri La (mythological concept inspired by the Chinese Fable: The Peach Blossom Spring)*
2. b-side songs
so a lot of their songs are quite different from their title tracks and i gotta say the biggest gap between their title songs and side tracks have to come from voodoo doll. i’ll be listing the songs and which album they are from~
for some feel good songs i recommend:
say you say me (voodoo doll)
from now on you’re mine (voodoo doll)
what do i do? (jekyll)
goodbye your love (depend on me JPN single album)
heaven (chained up)
for songs with good beats i recommend: 
beautiful killer (voodoo doll)
after dark (error)
what U waiting for? (error)
spider (chained up)
ghost - VIXX LR Ravi solo (beautiful liar)
love me do (hades)
only u (voodoo doll)
lean on me (R.EBIRTH ravi solo album)
do the dance (R.EBIRTH ravi solo album)
ladi dadi (R.EBIRTH ravi solo album)
for slower songs i recommend:
memory (love equation - ravi and hyuk)
someday (voodoo doll)
blue blossom (error)
words to say - VIXX LR Leo solo (beautiful liar)
the romance is over (kratos)
good night and good morning (kratos)
butterfly effect (hades)
hot enough (chained up)
뇌비우스의 띠 (R.EBIRTH ravi solo album)
rose - ravi ft. ken (R.EBIRTH ravi solo album)
3. Japanese Releases
these aren’t technically title tracks to me cause they didn’t have any actual stages for these on any of the music shows but they still go hard and imo they’re better then some of their korean releases 
depend on me
flower mind
can’t say
4. Solos/covers
this is more to showcase their individual skills
N - higher than me,  너에게로 또 다시
Leo - to heaven, please,  마지막 승부,  Show,  샤방샤방       
Ken - goodbye just for now,  야인Ⅰ, don’t be happy, never ending story (ft. taeil of block b), rolling in the deep, oversleep
Ravi -  꽃송이가, bomb, damnra, 자각몽, who are u, move, where should i go?, OX, 착한 여자   
Hongbin -  고요, the stranger, old songs, falling slowly
Hyuk - love yourself, call you mine,  안아줄게 (self written/self composed song), photograph,  사랑하기 때문에
5. Collaborations
blossom tears (Leo ft. LYn) 
girls, why? 
one by one (Ken ft. Hani of EXID)
6. OSTs
i’ll have the dramas they’re from in the brackets
alive - VIXX (moorim school)
the king - VIXX (moorim school)
when i see you - Ken (moorim school)
take your hand - VIXX (man to man)
without you - N ft. Yeoeun of melody day (W)
fool - Ken (the legend of the blue sea)
my girl - Ken (you are my destiny)
in the name of love/call my name - Ken (The Heirs) *its the same song except ‘in the name of love’ is in korean and ‘call my name’ is in english
7. b-side song favourites
so here’s my list of my favourite b-side songs they’ve released and my reasons to why they’re my favourite.
starlight - this song was made even before they had officially said their fandom name was going to be starlight. it’s a little sad that hongbin doesn’t get any lines though ://
light me up/light up the darkness - this more of an hype song and the beat of this song just works amazingly
from now on you’re mine - basically like a ‘i only want you and only you’ kind of song where they’re saying you’re the only one for them. what gets me the most is this video where they literally go into the crowds as their singing
thank you for being born - the song literally means thank you for being born. they are thanking starlights for everything we’ve help them achieve and it’s just such a feel good song
badbye -  its a slower and sadder song from the album but it does allow for fans to see their individual skills and differences in vocal range as well
milky way - hyuk composed and wrote this song with the help of ravi! and it also shows more of hyuk cause he doesn’t get a lot of lines compared to the others so this is his time to shine
shooting star - this song is mostly hongbin which is rare cause he too doesn’t normally get a lot of lines but his voice suited the song the most out of all the members i believe
time machine - another upbeat feel good song. i don’t have any real indepth reason why i like this song so much but their performance of it in the fantasia utopia concert is everything to me
say you say me - another feel good song and their performance of it in their concert is the absolute cutest
love letter - this is more on the sadder side but it really shows off their emotions and how much they want to tell us how much they love us even if words can’t express the emotions of how they feel. in almost every fan video i’ve seen of them performing this they cry so that also gets to me. also ravi sings in this too so that’s an added bonus
i don’t want to be an idol - so this is only leo and ken singing with 4VIXX doing harmonizes every once in a while but it details their true feelings about how they want to date but because they’re an idol it becomes hard for them. this was also a time where ken had come out with the fact he did date someone before debuting and then having to break the relationship because he needed to focus on his training
blackout - need i say more?
UUUUU - just a cute song really
my light - this is from VIXX LR’s album and you would think it would just be leo and ravi in it right? well no, it’s actually the entire group! this is a first for me to see a subunit having a song on their album that has the entire group singing it and once again showing their love for starlight and ravi’s part kills me all the time cause it lists their previous title tracks with word play as well
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nightangelreviews · 7 years
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We Came As Romans “Cold Like War” Label: Sharptone Records Genre: Metalcore, Post Hardcore, Electronics Release Date: October 20, 2017
Clean Vocals: 8.5 Unclean Vocals: 8.5 Instrumentation: 8 Creativity: 9 Originality: 8.5 Production: 10 Flow: 9 Composition: 9 Lasting Value: 10 OPENING THOUGHTS: Before this album, and the song “Wasted Age”, was announced I seriously thought this band was almost dead to me. Their last album was a very bad representation of who they were musically, and with 2 albums surrounding that sound, I thought they would never return to their better form. Fortunately, in previews and interviews with the band, they have showed that they are truly returning to their heavier roots, and I am excited to see what becomes of this. Also, I hate it when I say I have high expectations for certain things, because it always results in something less stellar than I had hoped, but unfortunately because the line is almost drawn for me, this is the very case.
1. Vultures with Clipped Wings This song seems like the band is trying to say that they are returning back to form. The ambient-electronic intro is strongly laid leading into a very heavy-centric rest of the track. Even with it’s over 4 minute length, the whole song feels like an intro track just with vocals attached to it. This song is very good, but not exactly what I was expecting. 4.5/5
2. Cold Like War I would definitely say this is the first full song, including the first in fully showing off the clean vocals. This is a very strong track, showcasing exactly what WCAR is, and should have been, from the very beginning. 5/5
3. Two Hands This song starts off acting like something off their Self-Titled or Tracing Back Roots. Unlike those 2 records, this song never loses what it wants to sound like. At the beginning I was prepared for the worst with this song, but everything culminated correctly in producing something quite good. 4/5
4. Lost in the Moment This seems like a song that could’ve fairly easily existed on Tracing Back Roots, but unlike a lot of that record this is a lot more memorable. Other than that, this feels like a fairly standard WCAR song. Not saying it’s bad, but just what I expect from this band. 4.5/5
5. Foreign Fire When this song gets to the chorus and clean vocals, Kyle really takes a different direction on the composition of his vocals, making him sound like he’s apart of another band. It is a weird way to showcase his talent, but it’s good to know that he mixes things up every so often. 4/5
6. Wasted Age The production on this song has been changed since the originally released single a year ago, but the mix does make it sound very appropriate for the record. I liked it when it was first released, and I still like it now. 4.5/5
7. Encoder Wow, what a weird combination of metal mixed with heavy electronics and samples. So far, this is the most intriguing song on the album. As more of an interlude than a regular track, it’s presence strikes the flow of the album in a way I don’t think anyone will expect to see. But other than that, I... love this song. 5/5
8. If There’s Nothing to See (ft. Eric Vanlerberghe) *Warning: Opinions Ahead* I’m going to put it this way: This song does not sound like WCAR. When I found out that this song included one of the vocalists of I Prevail (to whom which I do not like at the very least), I feel like the shift in sound for this track focused more on the inclusion of the guest vocalist than on making something that represented WCAR themselves. I don’t know if I like this track or not. It has me confused between my beliefs on one thing, and the respect of musicality on another. ?/5
9. Promise Me There’s very few times when I will like a clear soft song on any record. Fortunately, this is the type of style that I like, and actually actively look for, in slower electronic music. The inclusion of the unclean vocals near the end of the song really tighten up the usability of both vocalists. 4.5/5
10. Learning to Survive This is definitely the weakest song on the record. It showcases the style found of their Self-Titled, and comes off a little bit bland at the very least. Noticeably though, it is better than a lot on their Self-Titled so I will be giving this a lot more listening before, and if, I decide to delete. 3/5
ENDING THOUGHTS: There is a strong possibility that this could be in my top 5 AOTY. This band’s return to form of what they really are, and what their fans expect from them to be, is providing a strong precedent that going towards a more mainstream sound is not always the best way to improve your band in the music industry. I love this album, and I am very glad I had preordered a physical copy of this.
Songs Kept: 10 out of 10
Final Score: 90/100%  |  Grade: A+
Buy Here: Amazon, iTunes, Merch
Check Them Out At: Facebook
If you like the review, vote for my next one HERE!
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“I was tagged by @shiremaiden , here we go ash this is gonna be a long one
RULES: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag whoever you want
1. Coke or pepsi? Dr Pepper is the only man for me
2. Disney or dreamworks? disney is like classic childhood but dreamworks gave us the meme machines shrek and the bee movie
3. Coffee or tea? tea (yorkshire tea pls)
4. Books or movies? books relax me more but movies are easier to focus on so I guess it depends on my mood and how much time I have?
5. Windows or mac? windows but I think I’m succumbing to the capitalist seduction of apple
6. DC or marvel? marvel
7. Xbox or playstation? xbox all the way
8. Dragon age or mass effect? well i’ve never played mass effect so it’s gonna have to be dragon age (magic tho am i right)
9. Night owl or early riser? just don’t fucking make me get out of bed tbh
10. Cards or chess? cards (tarot preferably)
11. Chocolate or vanilla? honestly I’m more of a vanilla person (except in the bedroom oi oi)
12. Vans or converse? I switch between them tbh but I’m currently obsessed with old school vans
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? trevelyan
14. Fluff or angst? how about smut
15. Beach or forest? omg the sea is my mum let me live on the beach
16. Cats or cats? the only answer is cats (but i don’t love pussy ayyyy)
17. Clear skies or rain? if it’s gonna rain I want full torrential downpour with lightning, otherwise gimme blazing sunshine
18. Cooking or eating out? honestly I don’t have the energy to cook most of the time even though I enjoy it
19. Spicy food or mild food? spicy
20. Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? take a wild guess guys my icon is a moon
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I’d rather lose a finger than be too cold forever
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? gravity manipulation or telepathy
23. Animation or live action? live action
24. Paragon or renegade? depends on the situation
25. Baths or showers? showers bc 1) baths are unclean 2) I’m too long to fit in a bath 3) baths get cold really fast
26. Team cap or team ironman? team ironman
27. Fantasy or sci-fi? like why are these a choice, where are the stories set in a highly advanced technological magical society?
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they?
“if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul
“when it rains, when we love, life grows” - Carol Gilligan
“there’s nowt so queer as folk” - Yorkshire saying
29. Youtube or netflix? I legit spend all my time on one of these, but I think youtube might just cinch it bc asmr and makeup
30. Harry potter or percy jackson? Harry Potter
31. When do you feel accomplished? cleaning, getting into bed, doing things that I need to do so I actually feel productive
32. Star wars or star trek? I love both but I think star trek, I grew up watching TNG with my dad
33. Paperback or hardback books? I do love a good hardback
34. Horror or rom-com? Hmm probs rom-com
35. TV shows or movies? Either tbh
36. Favourite animal? cat
37. Favourite genre of music? I love all music
38. Least favourite book? martyn pig
39. Favourite season? summer easily
40. Song that’s currently stuck in your head? meltdown - lorde
41. What kind of pyjama’s do you wear? pj shorts and an old top
42. How many existential crises do you have on an average day? I don’t really have any unless I’m thinking about space or death
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? I Found - Amber Run
44. Favourite theme song to a TV show? Probs OITNB or Midsomer Murders
45. Harry potter movies or books? Books
46. You can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? Nah too many funny memes on here
47. Do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? I can play like 0.5 songs on piano
48. What is the worst way to die? burnt alive
49. If you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? probably freak my friends out or try and find out some secrets
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? the sun igniting for the first time
51. If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? No
52. What is your most favourite album currently? probably carrie & lowell by sufjan stevens
53. What is your favourite TV show character? i don’t particularly have a fave character but I love Eskild, Captain Holt, Regina Mills and Red
54. What is something you were obsessed with as a child? Transformers, I fucking love them
55. Do you have any tattoos/piercings and if not would you like any? Not atm but I want my ears and nose pierced and probs a few tattoos
56. Biggest pet peeves? Unclean housemates, misogynists, racists, homophobes, conservatives, when people ask me if i’m in a bad mood, when people walk too slowly, when people are rude to others
And I tag: @plutolesbian @the-lce-queen @booksandbutts 
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abrahamhay9907-blog · 7 years
Created Gifts For Mom, Featuring Designer Chocolate As well as Brownies
The small country of Wales is a headland 136 kilometers long and also 96 kilometers at its own widest aspect. During an April 3 performance in San Francisco, Clean Raider previewed Shoulda Known Much better." Explaining this as a terrific break up track," Chatto accepts the slice possesses but to be recorded however is a most likely choice for the album. Heyer, a white colored legal aide coming from Charlottesville, was gotten rid of and 19 others were actually harmed Sunday when a cars and truck tilled right into counterprotesters which had actually required to the roads to rap exactly what was actually felt to be the country's most significant celebration of white colored nationalists in at least a many years. A pathologist regarded as the cause of death sudden unusual," incorporating that asphyxiation could not be excluded." Although the mommy had been actually reckoned from substance abuse and young Anthony invested the very first times from his life experiencing by means of medication withdrawal http://healthylive-blog17.de/ in a medical facility, a kid defense solution examination concluded there were actually no solutions required." The moms and dads, Amanda Salvatori as well as Anthony John Donvito, have pleaded innocent to felony child endangerment. I understand that this message is actually 3 years old, as well as maybe that's why I experience okay to post this given that maybe no person will certainly read it. Yet I would certainly just like to mention that I am actually a 19-year-old gal that has not seen my bio father due to the fact that the grow older of about 4. My mother had me when she was youthful (17) and also after I was actually birthed her and my father separated. But when they had burst the door they found no person within; and also as they came back into our home, Ashputtel was actually existing, as she consistently performed, in her unclean clothing by ashes, as well as her dark little bit of light was actually burning in the smokeshaft. She assumed 100 individuals to participate in, however much more than 300 activists appeared. These consisted of dark students coming from 56 colleges and secondary schools around the South, a handful from white southerly students, as well as students off northerly as well as midwestern colleges (consisting of representatives of Students for a Democratic Culture) that had been actually arranging sentries at Woolworth's outlets to show support for the sit-ins. OK, thus this is actually practically not a colour problem, it is actually an absence from color, but this is actually a trendy effect so. permit me walk you through the simplest means to create your shade image right into grayscale, which is the specialized term for white and black. If the kids gathered regarding her, as they at times carried out, Pearl would certainly increase positively dreadful in her weak wrath, seizing up stones to fling at all of them, with piercing, mute exclamations, that made her mother tremor, since they possessed a great deal the noise of a sorcerer's taboos in some unfamiliar tongue. These details, like dusty vegetation leaves behind and blinds, dirty china as well as cupboards, oily door takes care of and Windows, moldy and dirty grout in washrooms, and also dull shower window curtains, can be managed in a simple and effective way through correct cleansing professionals. Mary Ann & Kimberly are a mother as well as child group committed to delivering a treasure from complimentary little ones birthday celebration party, little one downpour, covered decorating, child as well as bridal downpour as well as vacation gathering ideas to aid moms and dads and also grandparents produce long-term occasion minds. Seek the sign of Michael the Archangel on his White colored Horse (view the sign of Sagittarius) in 2019 as a pressure from settlement as well as re-union as we stand at the Great Abyss, the Fascist Exactly on one side and the Communist Left on the other, each part real and also part untrue but each edges counting on their own decency and also completeness.
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nightangelreviews · 7 years
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Speak The Truth... Even If Your Voice Shakes “Everyone You Love Will Slip Away From You” Label: Self-Released Genre: Pop Punk, Post Hardcore Release Date: November 10, 2017
Vocals: 8 Instrumentation: 8 Creativity: 6.5 Originality: 5 Production: 9 Flow: 7 Composition: 6.5 Lasting Value: 6 OPENING THOUGHTS: I have never listened to Finch and I have barely ever listened to Senses Fail, so I have no idea what I am getting into with this. Hopefully It’s something good.
1. The Upside Down Starting off with how the vocals sound, I have yet to hear vocals like this before. They almost sound like they belong with another band, and yet they fit so nicely here. It’s a pretty decent starting track, but I didn’t find anything that really popped out at me. 4/5
2. Mornings Mournings When the turn of the chorus occurs, the vocals become so whiny for a few seconds, to where I gritted my teeth when I heard them. Other than this, this seems like a very typical radio pop punk song, as it pertains many of the same elements from pre-2010 “hit single” tracks of this genre. 2/5
3. Crash My Car The intro with the guitar soloing is good. The chorus on the other hand is so monotone I almost stopped the song right then and there. The first unclean vocals of the record don’t really help it recover from what the chorus did either. 1.5/5
4. Carpenter In Prison This song is better than the last 2, but still not that great. There’s more monotone here but not as damaging as the last track had, though longevity is potentially dropped because of this. 2.5/5 
5. Everyone You Love Will Slip Away From You This song sounds like the worst side of Blink 182. Most of this song is completely monotone, and by now I still have not gotten used to it, and am still confused as to why the vocalist took this route for a lot of the record. 1/5
6. Drowning on the Sidewalk or Dying Inside By now, I’m starting to believe this album is not for me as this record is just full of radio friendly tracks, monotonous, repetitive, and bland appeal; perfect for the radio, which includes this song. 1/5
7. 90 English 100 Unhappy I’m tired of repeating myself, but this song sounds just like the last (how many now?) songs. 1/5
8. At Least There's Always Lexapro I like the differentiation from the last number of songs, but the chorus sounds like some type of subliminal message that’s not very subliminal about it. The one word shouting echos are very daft, and could very well be taken out of the track completely without ruining the song. 3/5
9. Go For The Throat This track is like a combination of track 8 and tracks 2-7, being 50/50; unclean vocals with an inclusion of some monotony and weird elements placed in. 2.5/5
10. Show Your Scars I like the change of pace here, being mostly soft gang vocals, but this track has nothing special to it besides the differentiation. 2/5
ENDING THOUGHTS: I really had no expectations for this record because I was never going to listen to this before the review, and it’s probably a good thing because I came out of this with not much anyways. My feelings are not hurt that I really didn’t like this. Also, if most of this makes it on the radio I would not be surprised.
Songs Kept: 1 out of 10
Final Score: 51/100%  |  Grade: D
Buy Here: Amazon, iTunes, Merch
Check Them Out At: Facebook
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