#btw something to know about me is that i love chiyo with all of my heart and soul and if you take interest in her
tvrningout-a · 1 year
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have some little chiyo headcanons bc it's about that time of day where i think about how much i love her <3
if you live with chiyo, sleep over, etc., you'll discover she wears glasses. she doesn't typically wear them out and about bc she's never been able to say she 100% loves how she looks in them, and tbh, the frames slip down her nose annoyingly often. she gets a little embarrassed when someone sees her with glasses for the first time
chiyo is big on coffee despite knowing very well that it makes her anxious when she has more than one cup :' ) she's tried to switch to tea, and it's tasty! but it's just not the same
chiyo, especially as an adult, will be awake into the early hours of the morning whether it's bc she's working or bc she let herself get sucked into a series, a game, etc. she'll have little time periods where she's good about going to bed at a decent hour, but it always ends with her going back to being a night owl.
on days when chiyo can't sleep in, she will absolutely find a secluded spot to take a nap. if there's an empty room or a hidden spot somewhere, you'll find her there snoozin' away for an hour!
chiyo enjoys making late-night runs to her local convenience store for snacks bc there's something special about the quiet independence of it, getting to do something all on her own without anyone advising against it. it hasn't lost its luster even after living on her own for a while.
when doing any sort of cleaning, chiyo blasts music and sings along to keep herself motivated asdf you'll hear a lot of pop and anime openings/endings -- anything upbeat that she can mostly hold a tune to!
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
19. Who is an author that inspires you?
a meme for muns | accepting!
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18. what is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
is it too predictable or unfair if i say more enthusiasm for oc’s? let me say first that my experience on this blog is the best i’ve ever had by far -- all of y’all are so nice and show interest in my oc’s and it makes me feel very very thankful to have found mutuals who are willing to give them a chance!! so when i say that, it isn’t directed at anyone i follow at all!!! but i do notice other mutuals with oc’s occasionally feeling down bc their characters aren’t getting enough attention or worrying that if they make one, they won’t get to write them much. and personally, i fret over making certain canon characters more available bc if they suddenly get more attention than the characters i’ve built from the ground up, that’s an icky feeling. 
i know it can be tiring to read through bio’s, but? don’t we read hundreds of chapters for characters of our favorite manga? i dunno, oc’s are a soft spot for me, so this is always going to be on my mind uvu 
19. who is an author that inspires you?
is it alright if i cheat and talk about hayao miyazaki bc technically he’s an author since he’s a writer, even if it is for movies asdfg bc honestly speaking, miyazaki has influenced my preferences so much as a writer, from the characters i write to the kind of fiction i enjoy and where my focus lies when i’m writing. depending on the film you choose, you’ll get different themes and whatnot, but 99% of the time, you’re going to find strong female characters, found family or life-changing relationships, and emphasis on the beauty of nature. 
it’s really obvious i have a preference for female muses, but i never make female characters who need to be saved. do they need a lil help or guidance bc they let their minds sabotage them? yeah, but in the way that sophie needed help to realize the way she saw herself wasn’t accurate, or in the way chihiro and haku helped each other remember who they really were. and using those two examples again, sophie and chihiro experience the found family trope/life-changing relationships, and that helps them grow as people. that sort of character development is always something i favor bc it’s so satisfying, especially when i’m writing a character like chiyo or makiko who have a lot of skewed perceptions about themselves. they could eventually turn out okay by themselves, but their relationships give them the extra push they need and provide a sense of healing and validation that really!! touches my heart :’ ))
as for the beauty of nature, it’s something that comes out a lot more lately bc of kaiya who looks at the world with so much wonder, but i often find myself writing my characters finding comfort in nature in some way. chiyo loves the rain to the point that she’ll play in it even as an adult and risk a cold, and the sounds of thunder soothe her; makiko views fall and winter as periods of rest and reflection and feels most at peace watching the sun rise. even in my writing, i have a tendency to compare my characters or my partner’s muses to things like the sun and flowers, too, or i’ll describe emotions similarly. you get the idea asdf 
also may i point out my river guardian/dragon oc, mister yubari, and the lore i’ve barely talked about on here that is 100% inspired by spirited away and japanese mythology : ) i love dragons and mythology too much and i blame miyazaki for the brainrot i occasionally experience as a result
btw sorry for writing so much when i could’ve just said i love hayao miyazaki and left it at that!
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akirameta84 · 3 years
original chuunibyo au post but condensed down for me to easily read/reference (and edited because the spelling errors piss me off every single time okay)
(this is bad btw and not very accurate to the actual plot points i fleshed out later with audrey but its the rough thing and when i link the post from the posted fic i dont want the fucking spelling mistakes and ill shut up now)
(i gave up fixing mistakes halfway through and just fixed names okay)
okay so i had this randomly while reading and like now im too invested.
So like, imagine saiki has chuunibyo just like kaidou in middle school and his parents are just like?? yeah its chuunibyo but he has powers?? and so we cant tell him its fake really? and like nobody believes he's actually an esper because cmon, its obviously 8th grader delusion. and he gets to high school and him and kaidou get along so well. and one day, jet black wings and whatever saiki calls himself are, idk, stopping dark reunion and saiki shows his actual powers and so kaidou goes even further into delusion. i imagine they make all the same friends but like they all just put up with it.
that was long but seriously imagine
reblogging cause i had MORE TO ADD
okay so, his meeting with toritsuka. toritsuka has no clue about the chuunibyo, and saiki is like how did you hear of my totally secret abilities?? and first of all, the spirits told him, and second, literally everyone knows cause he won't shut up about it but obviously doesnt believe it. and honestly toritsuka has no clue whether saiki is actually an esper or just had really bad chuunibyo. then they meet at school and toritsuka sees him with kaido and is like yeahhh he's prolly not legit. until saiki ends up threatening him in the bathroom and reveals his telepathy and toritsukas like you're kidding right??
thank you for coming to my ted talk im so gonna write a fanfic for this at some point
"I wear a blindfold over my eyes because i was inflicted with a deadly curse, and even a glance can leave you paralyzed in fear, and-"
Kusuke, slapping him: "Put on your glasses and go to school, you can't go blindfolded"
I feel like in this universe i somehow started, Kuusuke wouldn't be like he is in the original show, instead he's a lot calmer and actually cares somewhat for his brother. Why?...I just like that trope. anyways, he's the reason Kusuo hasn't accidentally made a real show of his powers. He just tiredly puts up with him, and made a point to come back from London every now and then to make sure Kusuo wasn't on the news or smt. Kusuo also told Kaidou that Kuusuke tries (and succeeds, with the limiters) to limit his powers, and they come up with the only conclusion, that he's a part of DARK REUNION. and kuusuke is just..done with this shit tbh
honestly im a little obsessed with this universe now
is it more you're looking for??? hehehehe
so saiki doesn't use the hypnosis that make his devices seem normal, at all. prolly cause it makes Fuchsia Deathbringer (editing note: idk if ill use this but i still think its neat) look 10x cooler. and yes, I've decided that's what he calls himself. i came up with it at 3am lmao. anyways, obviously his friends find his gear weird but considering kaidou wears similar things they're just all like..okay yknow what? just gonna...pretend its not there. kuusuke has to constantly stop him from removing his limiters because he believes they're dark forces of evil restricting him, when in reality they're the only reason the world is intact.
oh no she's adding to the chuunibyo post again oh god-
kokomi and chiyo both develop their crushes on him, but kokomi's desire to make him say oh wow fades away quicker, and maybe the crush itself, cause damn he's not all with it. on the other side, maybe she finds the chuunibyo endearing, similar to chiyo with kaidou in canon. speaking of chiyo, in this au she apparently has a thing for boys with chuunibyo huh. her crush on saiki starts when him and kaidou are talking about dark reunion or smt and she imagines being rescued by him all princess like. she tries the classic tricks, but he avoids them. why? because he has no time for people interrupting his plans to stop the worlds end, duh.
this whole post is not gonna be seen but who cares cause now ive got fic ideas laid out lmao
I love how detailed this is and it’s great
What place does Nendo have in this au? I imagine he’s seen Saiki’s powers and believes him and so he either believes Kaidou or taunts him to show his powers like Saiki has
omg im so glad you think that >.< actually hadn't thought about nendo yet.
i love your idea of him taunting kaidou. saiki of course defends him saying that he can't show his powers because removing the seal on his arm is too deadly. however, deep down, i think saiki knows that kaidou doesn't actually have powers, but whether he's ignoring that detail his mind came up with to spare kaidou or his own fantasy's he doesnt know. anyway, saiki is still nendo's buddy pal whatever, and saiki deems him a lackey. just a lackey. poor nendo. but he's okay with it, cause he can still hang out with his buddy and the runt to get ramen.
Oooooo I love to think that Saiki is in deep denial about Kaidou not having powers and can sense that he doesn’t. He won’t listen to it and will say to himself that Kaidou’s “limiters” (bandages) are just blocking it because he doesn’t want to face the fact that he’s all alone in terms of his powers. He could destroy the world in just three days and no one else knows how that feels so he feels desperate to have at least one person who understands him, even if he knows it’s a lie.
some angst and i LOVE IT
my crack fanfiction now has a smidgen of angst prolly gonna get added in it damn
I love Saiki angst and now that’s like the main thing I can think about with this right now. When Saiki finally stops talking about his powers (after coming to terms with Kaidou not having any) people think “oh he’s finally growing up and getting better” but nope... he is going down a long and depressed hallway because he’s a god and is the only one
ah yes my favorite trope, make the characters realize something horrible and have them suffer through a depressed like state and the horror of them realizing they're alone in the struggles (spoiler, they aren't technically, they have love from people who will support them even if nobody can relate)
haha time to make him suffer
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dailysuna · 4 years
Baki headcannons time! I'm writing a fic (it's gotten too long btw) and Baki is a key player. I characterized him as aloof to his charges with a hidden soft spot for them, but that's only because I don't think of him very much. If it's alright with you I'd like to dig into your headcannons more since I don't honestly think of Baki often... But!! I need him now! For my fic! Please send me your headcannons! Also no need to shorten your answers, I love reading them.
Yes, of course! We love Baki in this household. To be honest, I cannot quite remember how our headcanons about him started, attraction to him, adoration for Suna, blatant inability to remember exactly what happened in the first arc of Shippuden. What I do know is I researched him a ton on his Narutopedia page (that website is the Bible) and frankly they had basically nothing on him. There is also very little on Suna itself, so, all of the shaping of what we have made Suna to be came from what we did know about the characters that lived there as well as what we came to believe about those characters.
Baki is described as someone extremely loyal to his village, but knows how to set priorities and is willing to go against what the council has said if that means benefiting the village. This is seen after Gaara is kidnapped and he goes to Chiyo and Ebizo (we stan these two in this household) for their help in saving Gaara. I read into this, a lot, because it was pretty much the only personality trait given to us. Baki recognizes the importance of Gaara, and the rest of the council basically agreed it might have been a blessing in disguise for the village because they still did not like Gaara. Why would Baki, someone just as dedicated to the village as the other council members, not believe the same they did? Its basically a known fact Suna shinobi are willing to sacrifice their friends, family, and lovers if it is required for a mission to be successful. They are willing to make sacrifices, so even if Baki cared about Gaara he would be willing to sacrifice him if that meant saving the village. Honestly, he may not even know Gaara that well in a case such as that. Thinking of that, I knew Baki had to be different from the rest of the council, but how?
I had absolutely all the freedom in the world to develop Baki how I wished, which is actually more terrifying than having no freedom, but when I looked at him, all I could think was that he looked perfect. His skin? Flawless. His makeup? On point. His body? Oh man that dude is so muscular and we all know it. Baki is just walking perfection looks wise so I said why not make him an actual angel? Why not make his personality just as good? Of course, this needed to be justified and I found a way to make that true (I will post the backstory I developed for him some other time).
Because he is the epitome of perfect, he would have thought letting their kazekage die for the village was awful, right? Actually no. Baki's flaw in his perfect persona comes from the fact that he would have grown up in Old Suna, so he would possess the same mindset as the old geezers in the council. He wouldn't think sacrifice was bad because he grew up thinking it was necessary. Then there had to be some other reason he thought saving Gaara was the answer, some way he knew the boy was necessary. That decision would have to come from knowing Gaara and what he was capable of, aka being close to him. Baki would need to know Gaara's motivation, Gaara's skills, just Gaara in general to think that he needed to be saved. How else could Baki have known this unless he got close to Gaara? As I have stated previously, I believed Baki would not pursue getting to know him had he not had a specific type of personality and Gaara would never reach out to make them become familiar with one another as we know.
This led me to develop Baki as I have. A village oriented angel man, who cares deeply for those he once lead. Baki had to be the type of person to be kind and open minded for the 3 siblings to even accept him in the first place. Yes, in the chunin exams arc we see him only ever act seriously and only ever look like he could kill someone with a single glance, but that is because they were on a mission. He went serious murder Baki mode because that's just what Suna shinobi do. What we don't see, is much of any interaction between the siblings and Baki. The way I read this was yes, there was no heartwarming interaction or something to make us believe Baki was an angel, but there was also no disrespect or disregard towards Baki. To me this meant they sre on a mission so they all need to be serious, and because it was still Old Suna they would have been more serious anyways, but that Baki and the siblings had a mutual respect for one another anyways so as not to say anything bad towards him (we do see Gaara was kind of awful to his siblings at the same time so he totally would have said something to Baki if he wanted because little emo baby Gaara doesn't respect authority).
To me, this meant Baki and Gaara, and Temari and Kankuro, had to have built up that respect somehow. This is something I will go into more depth later, but for now I shall simply state the following sentences. Gaara was feared by everyone because of Shukaku so it was clear his siblings, the ones less afraid to stand next to him, were the only option for his team. For their sensei, I'm sure many ninja were given the task but quit it not long after because ALL three siblings were being brats (none of them respected authority). After going through numerous other shinobi, Rasa would have turned to Baki, someone he knew was more dedicated to Suna than most and would have given him the task, stressing that this would highly benefit the village. Baki is someone who serves the village, thinks only of the village's benefits, and only goal in life is to be of use for the village. This would have been a task he recognized was highly important and him quitting as others had would only mean he hadn't lived up to his only goal in life, he would have failed Rasa and Sunagakure. In desperate attempts to not let that happen, Baki would make the best of the situation. After dreading his new job for the longest time but still trying his best to connect with the three so it was more bearable, I believe the siblings would have started recognizing he wasn't planning to leave and despite suffering from their punches and kicks was still trying his best to be educational and supportive. I think that, even if they weren't super close or caring towards Baki at that time, each would, at their own pace, begin to recognize that and respect him, meaning they would slowly stop being as bratty as they originally were. This would make Baki relieved and happy because his job wouldn't be as much of a hellhole as before and he would try even harder to be there for the three even if they did nothing in return or acted as though they didn't like it. The siblings lost their mother at a young age and Rasa was too busy or pressed to spend much time with them so they had likely never had the support Baki offered, and if they did it never lasted long, so they likely would have at least been decent towards Baki until all grew and realized that he had become a wonderful role model and shoulder to rest on for them.
Baki's character has so little development and his actions can be read so many ways, but this was what I chose and both D and E grabbed it up like little goblins. Personally, I believe that unless they were a caring and kind person someone would not be willing to get to know Gaara, who was feared by literally everyone, and thus would not believe he was necessary for the success of the village. So basically, we all see Baki as a relatively open and caring guy who eventually learns to love the siblings unconditionally and becomes their parental figure because they have no one else to turn to, for he is the only willing one and their actual parents are dead.
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nitewrighter · 6 years
I understand you’re super busy with other fics and presumably your life etc, but do you think you’d ever write that ‘There were dragons when I was a boy’ shimada thing? (Btw love your writing you’re so skilled!)
Awww thank you!
Hideyoshi sat unceremoniously and sipped a beer, watching the fireflies hover over the garden from the engawa of his home. Technically it was a summer villa for the main branch of the family, far away from the bustle of Hanamura, but Sojiro had put him up in it some years ago, with a small security team and some help to maintain the deceptively large house. It was a muggy night, the screech of cicadas and the chirp of frogs mingling in the heat of the thick air. A tiny electric fan whirred next to him. The heat would have been oppressive if he were a younger man, but he was happy to let the heat sink through to his bones.
Hideyoshi Shimada was a figurehead. He knew that much about himself at this point. His word had some sway over the remains of the council, but he also knew loyalty wasn’t what it used to be in this family. Hanzo’s departure, his abandonment, had shifted perspectives. With Genji dead, the only remaining member of the next generation of the main branch was Hanzo, and if he had rejected the role of their scion, their head, what would that mean for the clan’s future? They had resources, obviously: ancient investments in land and hands deep in corporate pockets, drug and weapons trafficking, a few protection rackets for lower tiers in the organization, and even after all these years no one paralleled their assassins, but the dragons… the dragons were what set them apart from every crime family and every Yakuza ring in Japan.
“Hoo!” he heard a huffing exhale, the wood of the engawa creaked behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder to see a 30-something woman flapping the front of her blouse, unsticking it from the sweat of her torso and fanning it slightly with the fabric, “That’s all the laundry done,” she put her hands on her hips, “I’m heading off for the night. Need me to grab you anything before I go, sir?”
Hideyoshi shook his head. “You should get out of this heat, Chiyo.”
“It’s not a problem, sir, really,” Chiyo smiled. She pushed a sweaty strand of hair back from her face, “But you don’t need to tell me that twice. You take care of yourself, all right?” she said, smiling as she walked off toward the front of the villa.
Hideyoshi took another sip from his beer and the light flickered on him as a moth fluttered on it. “Touma,” he called.
A rather burly looking man, clearly suffering from the summer heat in his black suit jacket, stepped out onto the engawa. “Got a problem, boss?”
“See Chiyo gets to her car safely then take the night off,” said Hideyoshi.
“Boss, I don’t really think I should. The other council heads said—”
“How old is Kanna now, Touma? Eight?” Hideyoshi sipped his beer.
“Eleven, sir,” said Touma.
“Growing up fast, I see,” said Hideyoshi, “Before you know it she’ll be the one too busy for you. Take the night off.”
“But sir, with the recent–”
“I am aware of the situation, Touma,” Hideyoshi spoke calmly but firmly, setting the beer can down on the wooden boards of the engawa, “See Chiyo safely to her car and take the rest of the night off. That’s an order.”
“I—Yes sir. Have a good evening, sir,” Touma bowed before walking briskly after Chiyo.
Hideyoshi continued watching the fireflies in the garden for a few more minutes. The screeching chirp of cicadas was a comfort to him, like white noise. A drop of condensation rolled down the side of his beer can and he sipped it once more and then gave the can a slight shake to assess the level of beer left.
“I know you’re out there,” he said, sipping his beer again.
Two red eyes glinted  against the dark silhouette of a large maple at the edge of the property and a figure leapt down and landed soundlessly in the close-trimmed grass of the garden. At first Hideyoshi thought he was clad all in black and white and red, but as he stepped from the shadow of the trees and into the yellow and silver light of the porch light and moon, Hideyoshi saw that the black and white and red were not clothes, but mechanical parts. a steel faceplate glinted in the light, and two furious red eyes peered out between that faceplate and a forehead guard that seemed to be modeled on the Shimada clan’s own headbands.
“You’re the one, aren’t you?” Hideyoshi said as the figure walked toward him.
The figure gave a single nod.
“The others—Taken out by your people as well?” asked Hideyoshi.
The figure shook his head.
Hideyoshi studied the figure. “All you?” he said, gesturing at the figure with his beer can.
The figure gave another single nod.
“Well… I can’t say I’m not impressed,” said Hideyoshi, sipping his beer, “Can I get you anything? Sake? A beer?”
“You know why I am here,” said the figure, drawing his sword.
“I wouldn’t have sent Touma off if I didn’t,” said Hideyoshi.
“You wish for death?”
“You mowed through the bodyguards of other clan members easily. Touma has a little girl. I didn’t want her to lose a father.”
“He knew the risks when he joined this organization,” said the figure, his grip tightening on the sword handle.
“But he is not the one you are here for,” said Hideyoshi.
“No,” said the figure, pointing his sword towards Hideyoshi, “No, he isn’t.”
Hideyoshi calmly finished his beer and set it down. “I know this means very little to you at this point, but I am sorry, Genji.”
A visible shake traveled down the blade of Genji’s sword. He quickly steadied the blade and his stance tensed further. “How did you know?” was all he said.
Hideyoshi calmly extended a hand and a greenish-blue light began spiraling around the tattoo up his wrist, “You forget I am of the main branch as well,” he said, a small teal dragon traveling up the length of his forearm, “Never as impressive as my brother or Sojiro’s, but where the dragon doesn’t lend strength, he lends wisdom. I have advised my brother, and your father, and my dragon advises me,” the dragon dematerialized, “But I didn’t need a dragon to know it had to be one of our own doing the assassinations. I was wracking my brain over who it could be for the longest time. But the dragon knew, though I feared the idea myself. As soon as you passed into this garden… we knew.”
Genji’s red eyes narrowed. “Well you will not live to speak it to another council member,” he snarled, touching the steel of his sword to the side of Hideyoshi’s wrinkled neck. In an odd way, the cool of the steel was a slight relief on the hot muggy night.
“Who did this to you, Genji?” said Hideyoshi, his eyes trailing up the red fibers of Genji’s prosthetic arm.
“You did,” the flat of Genji’s blade pressed insistently against Hideyoshi’s neck, “You. The council. Hanzo. You made this monster. What you see before you is every bit my choice. I am whatever I need to be to tear this organization apart from the roots.”
“This is my fault…” Hideyoshi looked down, “I thought by abstaining… I could shut the very notion down. I had hoped it would never come up in our meetings again. I assumed I had the same power I had when your father lead the clan… but I was wrong. The council was already turned in Yuriko’s favor… Genji, I—”
“Where is she?” Genji gripped Hideyoshi’s shoulder with his scarred remaining hand, “Where is Yuriko? Where is Hanzo?”
“The council pushed me to the margins… There’s very little they tell me anymore. I can’t tell you where they are,” said Hideyoshi, “And even if I could–They’re my family, Genji. They’re yours, too–”
“No,” Genji replied.
The blade lifted from Hideyoshi’s neck and quick and smooth plunged itself cold and sharp between his ribs. Hideyoshi’s breath went shallow and wet as he felt the blood start spilling into one of his lungs.
“Don’t,” Genji shifted the blade and Hideyoshi felt the blade pierce the other lung, “Call this,” Genji wrenched the blade out of Hideyoshi’s side, tearing it through his brittle ribs and sternum, and sending blood spraying out onto the wooden boards of the engawa, dripping onto the grass and gravel beneath it, “A family.” 
Hideyoshi only made some soft choking sounds–no screams, no words with blood-filled lungs. With the last bits of his strength Hideyoshi braced one arm against Genji’s organic shoulder, while cupping one hand to the steel of the cyborg’s faceplate. He felt the darkness closing around him before he could will the strength to pull Genji into an embrace. The pain dulled itself out to a screaming white noise, blurring his senses. Hideyoshi remembered two young boys in clad in blue and green playing out in the very garden he was in now, catching fireflies and laughing. Genji broke away from him and Hideyoshi’s torso buckled in on itself from the exit wound of the blade and he collapsed to the boards of the engawa. His last breath was not a breath, but air forced out of him by the blood flooding his lungs.
With that, Genji wiped the blood off of his blade and sheathed it once more, then pivoted on his foot and clambered back up the maple to vault over the high wall of the garden. He landed easily on the other side and put two fingers to the side of his helmet, turning on his comm.
“–probably off brooding again like the goddamned drama queen he i–Genji! The hell have you been!?” McCree’s voice  buzzed with some feedback and Genji grunted in pain with the volume in his ear.
“I’m fine,” said Genji, “I was having some issues with my comm.”
“Well I’ve been holding down this stakeout without you,” muttered McCree, “Reyes has been this close to calling interpol on your shiny metal ass. You have any idea how hard it is imitating your accent and that reverb on your vocoder? Get your ass over here.”
“Understood,” said Genji.
Genji clicked out of the comm channel and brought his hand down from the side of his helmet. He caught sight of blood on his organic hand, then sighed and wiped it off before slipping off into the night.
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dailytoshinoriyagi · 8 years
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Happy Valentine’s/Palentine’s Day! well not really anymore it’s almost 1am for me and I have school tomorrow rip
I actually didn’t want to do something for today, but then I just couldn’t stop thinking about Toshinori with a ton of yellow roses
....And then I started writing a fic for the picture in my mind and who gave him all the roses
Note: In Germany instead of giving out chocolate it’s more common to gift your loved ones roses, giving each color a different meaning. Red is obviously romantic love, but yellow flowers are a sign of platonic love and friendship...
Now to the fic......... it’s totally messy, because I started writing it still in school and since my mom also took me out for an obvious dinner today, I didn’t have much time in between everything... 
I hope you still enjoy it (tho it’s not really needed to understand the picture. I just felt in the mood to write a lot of fluff lol)
It had been a completely normal day...
or so Toshinori had thought, but it seems he might have missed something as he realized on his way to work.
There were way more people on the streets than usual or rather there were more people in couples slowly walking around, not caring much for their surroundings.
How peculiar... but nothing to crack your skull about.
He thought until he received the first flower. It had been Uraraka that found him first, greeting him with a loud “All Miiiiiiight!”
Surprised he had turned around, facing a yellow rose floating right in front of his eyes. In surprise he flinched and taste of blood filled his mouth, but he managed to keep it in. Behind the flower he saw Uraraka smiling at him brightly.
“What's this?” Toshinroi asked plucking the floating flower from the air. Upon closer view it was clear that the flower was just about to bloom, maximizing its remaining lifetime
“A valentines rose! It's for you, All Might!” This other than before proved as too much of a surprise for the man and he spit out blood, in vain he tried to spare the flower, but a few drops landed on it nonetheless. Resulting in bright red spots on the flowers petals. He was almost tempted to watch the blood slowly dripping of the them, but Uraraka got his attention back by giggling as she pulled a tissue out of her bag, handing it to Toshinori and disappearing just as fast as she had appeared shortly before.
Valentine's Day! Now that was a day Toshinori had completely forgotten about, That would also explain the couples he had seen on his way to the school.
But why would young uraraka give him a rose? It's something you usually give to the person you love. And wasn't it more of an anonymous thing these days anyways?
The next flowers only surprised him all the more, almost showering Tooru and Mina who had come up to him pulling up flowers from behind Minas back.
Big smile on both of their faces, Toshinori could basically feel Tooru beaming at him. The two ignored the confusion of the man as they gave him their flowers, advising him to get a big vase to prevent the flowers from drying out.
“Wouldn't a small vase be enough though...?” Toshinori wondered as he watched the girls scurry off back into the schools corridor. And where would he even find a vase in a school?
Which was when a familiar voice sounded behind him “Well, aren't you a ladies man, All Might?”
He turned around to look at the smiling old woman standing there “Chiyo! It's not what it looks like. I have no idea what has gotten into those girls!”
“Not only the girls I'd say” Chiyo pointed behind him upon saying this.
Upon turning around Toshinori saw Shouji and Satou standing in front of him, both with a flower. They both gave him their flower, leaving Toshinori even more confused. Before going away though Satou turned around again, getting something out of his bag.
Giving him a box of chocolates he said, “Sorry, I just don't think just the flower is enough”
And after that he was gone as well, Chiyo next to Toshinori however let out a sigh motioning him to follow her “A big vase the girls said, correct?”
“Y-yes” the flustered Toshinori answered following after the tiny woman.
By now he had finally understood that this was something his students planned, all of them were probably going to give him a yellow rose, but he didn't quite understand the sentiment behind this action. Wasn't Valentine's Day supposed to be a time of dating?
Chiyo quickly located a vase and gave it to him, shortly he considered to just leave the vase in the teachers room, but that notion was quickly discarded as the roses just kept on multiplying.
He was surprised to even get one from young Bakugou, not that he had lost a word about it, but just dumping the rose in the filling vase.
The last person to approach him was Izuku. Unlike the others though he carried two roses, handing them to him the easily embarrassed boy started blushing.
“The girls read this magazine a few days ago” Izuku starting fidgeting with his hands. “And it had an article about how Valentine's Day is celebrated in different countries...”
Oh? Did the class send out Izuku to finally give Toshinori answers to the questions that stemmed from today?
“In the article they read that it is unusual in Germany to give chocolates on Valentine's, but that it is more common to give roses and the different colors have different meanings. While red roses are obviously associated with love in general and mostly romantic love, yellow roses stand for platonic love or friendship”
Izuku paused again and gave him a bright smile, cheeks still red.
“So we decided it would be nice to exchange some! And then we all kind of just agreed on us all giving one to you and to not everyone give them to one another. That way we know they're all save in the same place with a person we all love!”
Yet again on this day Toshinori spit blood. His students last words had taken him by surprise. But as much as they surprised him they also warmed his heart and he could feel his own cheeks redden as he wiped the blood away.
“Thank you for telling me, my boy. It makes me happy to know that my students would think of an old man like me” Giving Izuku a big grin and ruffling the boys hair with one hand, the vase in the other.
“But you're not old, All Might...” Izuku responded having a big grin on his face as well.
“So might you tell me who this second rose is coming from?” Toshinori asked avoiding answering to Izukus statement
“Oh, I told my mom about our plan and she told me to give you one from me as well.” Something behind Toshinori seemed to catch Izukus attention and the shy look on his face disappeared, replaced by a smile yet again. “Ah! There are the others! I have to go and tell them you loved the flowers!”
And with that the last student of class 1-A vanished in mere seconds, but instead of leaving Toshinori with confusion, he was left with a big grin on his face and if you looked hard you could still see a slight blush.
20 yellow roses from his students and one rose from Inko prominently stood on Toshinoris desk in the teachers room for the next week.
But instead of the vase disappearing like Toshinoris students could do so well, one could see different flowers adorn it every week or so.
Thanks for reading! ;v; btw I didn’t specify which color the rose had he was given from Inko, so that people can imagine what they want. Either way is fine by me, if it’s a yellow or a red rose for those who like Toshinko
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thebeautybunny · 6 years
Christmas Haul 2018
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Merry (belated) Christmas, everyone! 🎄 I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas/ Hannukah/ Kawanza/ Whatever it is that you celebrated this holiday season. I spent my Christmas with my family, eating some good food and playing the new Super Smash Bros game with my siblings (which is pretty dope btw). As for gifts, I can say that I was extremely blessed (and somewhat spoiled) by the awesome presents I got from friends and family! If you’re curious to see what I got for Christmas this year, keep reading.  🎁
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Anastasia Beverly Hills- “Dream” Glow Kit
Can we just give a round of applause to my girls for getting me this?! If you follow me on Instagram (@thebeautybunny.blog) you may know that I’m the Girl’s Freshman Volleyball Coach for the high school that I attended. At the end of our season, my girls were kind enough to surprise me with a surplus of my favorite things, including makeup palettes, Bath & Body Works, jewelry and paintings!!! I literally could not have asked for a sweeter group of girls. I lowkey started crying as I was unwrapping all of these, LOL. I am so, so, SO grateful for my girls and the gifts that they got me for Christmas!  😭
Isn’t this palette gorgeous?! It’s the Dream highlighting glow kit from Anastasia Beverly Hills. It is composed of the most unrealistic, ethereal colors, which is something that I actually love. Looking like an unnatural sparkling unicorn? Best believe I’m about it.  ✨
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I haven’t swatched this palette yet (or ANY of the makeup palettes) because I’m waiting to use it in a video for my channel! But if it’s anything like the Nicole Guerriero Glow Kit, which is the one that I own, then I’m really looking forward to using it, since the swatches for that one are stunning AF.  ✨ ✨ ✨
Anastasia Beverly Hills “Sultry” Eyeshadow Palette
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Okay, the packaging alone for this palette has me drooling. I swear my volleyball girls are mind readers. A couple of weeks ago I was in Sephora eyeing this palette, tucking it into the back of my mind to come back to for a later purchase. But lo and behold, my girls came thru and got it for me!!!  😭 Wow, they know me so well.. lmao
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The colors look so rich even though they look fairly neutral. So stoked to try it out! Keep your eyes out for my next beauty video where I test out this bad boy :-)
Bath and Body Works- Vanilla Bean Noel Shower Gel and Warm Vanilla Sugar Body Spray
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My girls also got me a couple of holiday scents from Bath and Body works- the vanilla bean shower gel and the warm vanilla sugar body spray! They remind me of waking up to the comforting smell of cookies baking on Christmas morning. I’m looking forward to using these throughout the rest of winter! ❄
Engraved Sterling Whistle and Locket Necklace
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The last couple of things my girls got me were this locket necklace with my initial on it (with a picture of our team inside!!!!!) and a new whistle with my name engraved on it!!! During one of our practices my whistle broke and so they were thoughtful enough to get me a new one....I’m tellin’ ya’ll that I have the best team ever. Like?!?!?!?!?! ❤❤❤
The locket is especially meaningful to me, because it has a picture of all of us from our very last practice together, the day before winning our last game. It was truly one of the best moments of my life that I hold dearly to my heart. And now I can wear it near my heart. OMG. IMMA MAKE MYSELF CRY!!! 😢
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How precious!
My girls also gifted me larger framed photos of us, and one of my girls even painted me Bob-Ross inspired artwork! However, those are already hanging on my wall. If any of my girls are reading this- I love each and every one of you queens so much! Thank you for the gifts, I honestly could not have asked for anything better. You guys are the best 💕
Jewelry and Santa Baby Sweatsuit Set
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These were gifted to me by my mother, who always comes thru with the accessories and clothing for Christmas. One of my resolutions for 2018 is to accessorize more, so the jewelry is a perfect addition to my collection! As for the “Santa Baby” sweater/sweatpant set, I’m so in love. The quality is so nice and soft and it makes me feel snuggly and warm and cute all at the same time. Thanks, Mom!
Burlington Coat Factory- $100 Gift Card
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If there’s anything I love getting for Christmas, it’s gift cards. Although some people may think it’s impersonal, I love them because you never have to worry about whether or not the person likes it, because they can just use it to get what they like instead. Which is why I love that my Dad gets me a gift card to one of my favorite stores every year, hahaha. Thank GOD, cause ya girl needs new clothes.
And as for this last gift, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory as to what it is...
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Shoutout to my girlfriend Ely who picked this as one of the white elephant gifts for our Christmas party last weekend, HAHAHA. Love that for me! 😂
Anyways, that concludes my Christmas 2018 haul. Once again, I’m so grateful for all of the gifts that I received from my friends, my team, and my family. ❤ (This was in no way, shape, or form me trying to brag or show off what I got! I just wanted to share my gifts to my blog for those whom are curious, as I do every year.)
With that being said, I also wanna know what ya’ll got for Christmas! Gadgets? Gift Cards? Makeup? 👀 Let me know what you got in my ask box!
thanks for reading, babes. Happy Holidays, and have a Happy New Year! 💋
~xoxo Chiyo
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