#btw that last one is about the hospital episode of DP if anyone's curious
Danny Phantom and Miraculous are the same show. Want proof? Okay!
Main character is just Spider-Man with a magical girl transformation
Will they won't they hell
Worst finale known to man
Interesting concept that was ultimately failed by the creators
Character who's just Flash Thompson without the nuance
A child becomes the mayor for some fucking reason
Goth girl with a wacky eye color
Iconic rogues gallery
Main villain is just Norman Osborn with a magical girl transformation
Time travel episode where one of the main characters turns evil and destroys the world
Main characters are somehow everybody's first childhood crush
Fanon >>>>> Canon
Secondary love interest(s) that get mistreated by the narrative
Villain what blasts you with a guitar
Villain what has a flying pirate ship and some kind of connection to the guitar one
Villain what blows kisses at you
Villains all have simple and obvious motivations
Fandom is obsessed with DC crossovers
Main character gets late game power upgrades for seemingly no reason other then the creator thinks it's cool
Main character has a green and black color scheme
Main characters parents are constantly trying to kill him and the fandom/official material are split on wether an identity reveal would make them stop or not
Video game episode
And this one's a reach but most of the supporting cast gets powers at some point
I rest my case :)
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