nugulover69 · 5 months
Wish I could just wander into the woods and easily find a pair of bickering swingers in sexy spandex suits
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tvslashers · 5 months
hey guys im sorry to ask this but i am very broke and need Uber money for my spine clinic appointment this Friday because my ride fell through. To the appointment and back id need about $30. Anything helps 🙏 thank you
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asknarashikari · 7 months
Random headcanons for when one of the King-Ohger’s predecessor teams end up on Tikyuu
Shinkenger: The King Ohgers see the Shinkengers' fealty to the Shiba family and start arguing about which one of them deserves the same treatment
Dekaranger: Rita hears about the jury system that the SPD rangers answer to and is quite interested about it. They convince the Dekarangers to vouch for them as an observer
Go-ongers: Like everyone, the King ohgers are baffled by the Engines. Machalcon's existence basically makes Yanma's head explode
Ryusoulger: When they learn how old the Ryusoulgers really are they wonder if Jeremy was descended from one of their tribes because of his own slowed aging
Go-Busters: Yanma demands to examine Buddyroids and is sorely disappointed that they refuse to allow him to basically perform vivisections on them
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lupato · 10 months
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ankhisms · 1 year
ok one lovely person said they wanted to read the writing practice i mentioned being tentative about sharing so here <3 i have some notes and thoughts as well included. since the dont reblog function is still broken pls dont rb this thanks
as a disclaimer i am very rusty with prose which is why im trying to practice it at all since ive mainly been writing poetry and not any prose for the past few years since i felt discouraged about writing prose but now im trying to get myself to practice again. also one thing im aware of is that i have a tendency to accidentally switch between tenses so if you notice that yes i know its something im working on. also both of these arent finished they have gaps between action and thoughts which ive noted in the text
for this first one i havent written the beginning establishing the setting and everything but the premise is hiromu has a dream where he and enter are sitting at a cafe in paris and shenanagins ensue. well not really shenanagins its just a conversation i think their dynamic is interesting and i wanted to explore it in a more neutral not battle related setting so thats why i wrote this
(beginning and descriptions of surrounding add here)
hiromus narrows his eyes, "did you hack into my dreams?"
this causes enter to scoff, "really, red buster, you wound me," he rests his chin against his palm and explains, "i havent hacked into anything. you called me here."
"thats ridiculous," says hiromu, blunt even when sleeping.
enter smiles, "oui, ridiculous, perhaps,  but it is true none the less. it would be rude of me to refuse an invitation, dont you agree?" he pauses, and leans over the table to add, "besides, i wouldnt lie to you- at least not here."
hiromu doesnt like that one bit, nor does he believe anything enter could possibly say. still, its not as if enter had invaded his subconciousness and just started torturing him with computer cables. compared to the more avian related nightmares hiromu had, this was pretty tame.
he briefly tries to recall anything he could have possibly read before, even in passing, about how to wake yourself up from a dream. unfortunately for hiromu the only thing that comes to mind is how to wake up a buddyroid from sleep mode. too bad he doesnt just have some kind of power switch like nick or usada. but maybe something similar to that could work, some kind of jolt to his system. people pinch themselves when theyre dreaming, right? or was it something about holding your breath? hiromu cant remember which one is supposed to work, so with a deep inhale he starts pinching his arms.
to enters credit, he doesnt immediately laugh like a madman upon seeing hiromus cheeks puffed out while he frantically pinches his arms. the most he lets out is a quick snort, before reaching over the table to pat hiromus cheek, "your manners are awful," enter says, "weve only just said hello and youre already trying to wake up. you cant possibly hate me that much, mon cher."
the hand against his cheek is warm. of course, most peoples hands should logically be warm to touch, but not enters. the projection of a human shouldnt be warm. did jin ever feel warm? hiromu doesnt feel keen about playing back all the moments during battle when enter had gotten close enough to possibly feel some kind of heat. thus, thinking about his avatar team mate is the better option. except he cant recall any time jin had ever felt warm either. does a dream offer an avatar more humanity somehow?
hes thought about it for too long perhaps, because he hasnt replied and enter is starting to look at him curiously, and so hiromu decides he can dwell on it when hes actually awake. he lets out his breath and swats away enters hand with a scowl for good measure. enter feigns an exaggerated pout, but then he settles back in his seat all the same, keeping his hands to himself.
hiromus cheek still feels warm and itchy, but hell be damned if he lets enter know something he did got under his skin. this too is like a battle, the enemy can find weaknesses even in the smallest of movements. he restrains himself from scratching his face, opting instead to glare more at enter across the table.
his enemy looks different in the cerebral parisian landscape theyve found each other in. for one thing, hes actually wearing civillian clothes rather than his usual long coat or any of his attempts at disguising himself. with enter perched opposite of him wearing a dark turtle neck and a caramel sweater, hiromu is struck by the jarring realization that the avatar almost looks like a normal person. almost, if one didnt already know that the man sitting there was made of code rather than flesh and bone.
eyeing him carefully, hiromu thinks that he catches the slightest glitch at the edge of enters face, an abnormality that is gone by the time hiromu has noticed it. enter may have decided to wear something a little more reasonable for this encounter, but he still isnt fooling hiromu. even in a fashionable sweater theres something off about him.
the rest of his attire aside, he does still have those ridiculous goggles pushed up against his brow, because of course he does. he would fit the part of a cafe loving paris tourist better if he had a silly little beret instead of his trusty eyeware, but hiromu doesnt particularly feel like pointing that out. seeing enter flounce around in a beret isnt exactly an enjoyable thought at the moment.
(add something here)
"ive heard about people going to paris for the first time and getting sick from the shock of how dirty it is," hiromu says, "you should be glad it doesnt smell here."
enters nose wrinkles, "dont say that, you'll ruin my appetite"
"so you have an appetite? its not like you need to eat, right?"
the avatar shrugs, and carefully picks up his fork, saying, "i may have no need for food to survive, but that doesnt mean i cant enjoy it." enter takes his time with slicing off a chunk of the lemon cake between them, and continues, "theres things humans dont need but do none the less, non? your lives are so short after all, why not chase after every little pleasure."
seeming satisfied with himself, enter takes a bite, eyes closed with an exaggerated look of bliss. whatever emotion it is that enter has been trying to elicit from hiromu, hes just growing more annoyed, rolling his eyes and pointedly turning his body away from the cake.
(add something here)
hiromu stands up with a jolt, and the screeching sound of his chair breaks what little illusion of idle cafe chatter this dream had left to offer. he fumes, fists clenched with his gaze set firmly on enter, who only barely looks up to offer a smug smile.
"we," hiromu spits out the word disdainfully, "are nothing alike. theres nothing to compare between us."
despite the outburst of his dining companion, enters expression remains unchanged. if anything, hiromus insistance upon distancing himself has only amused enter further. he laughs, throwing up his hands half heartedly, as if they were old friends having a casual debate rather than mortal enemies with their blades always at each others throats.
"i suppose we should leave it at that then," enter reaches for one final bite of cake, clearly enjoying himself, "this has been lovely, you really should invite me more often, ma puce."
"go to hell," hiromu tells him, and lunges to try and land a punch against that awful smile.
by the time hiromus fist reaches where enters face would have been, the avatar has already disintegrated into a burst of code. orange numbers and the distant sound of laughter linger for a moment in the air, before hiromu blinks awake in his room.
this second one i wrote before the first one and im still not very happy with it and might scrap it and try to rewrite it. i couldnt decide what point of view i wanted to write it from between third person pov or vaguely enter talking so it feels muddled to me. this was mainly a kind of train of thought because i had and still have a lot of thoughts about the avatars and what it means to be human and what it means to be an avatar and if they can feel things etc along with enter and escape being their own people and having their own identities and lives. but i feel like i didnt exactly get all the thoughts that i wanted to convey across very well so again im probably going to rewrite this at some point lmao
86 billion neuron cells, with another million billion synapses connecting the spaces in between, all sending information to and from the brain, the extremities and sensory organs having gathered data from the outside worlds stimulation in order to help the human machine function.
  from ancient calculating tables and tally sticks, to early machines reading punch cards, to alan turings first thought of the modern computer, you could trace an avatars lineage back to the very first time a human began to count just as easily as you could to any of these.
enter and escape are not any of the doomed researchers that crossed the gap between dimensions, whos data was cleanly picked apart from their miserable mortal bones and woven back into the code of their forms. perhaps you can not fault those same humans for their squeamishness at the thought of any person being undone in such a way, let alone a family member. really, nature has functioned like this long before the first digital computer ever graced the earth with its code.
when a deer falls dead in the forest its body becomes food for the rest of the life among the trees, and in time its flesh decomposes and turns to soil. another one bites the dust only to offer up a meal for the starving masses. you are born, you die, and someone finds a way to steal from you long after youre gone. c'est la vie, as we say.
think of it, dear reader, as such; a thousand photos lie before you of humans. pictures of people from across the world, some of them seeming familiar and some of them with faces unknown to you. you can thumb through as many as youd like, but in the end you will always come to the same realization that somewhere, within these people, are bits and pieces of yourself. this one, looking off camera against a gray sky, has your nose. this person, leaning against a bridge and failing to strike a good pose, has your eyes. the next person will have your smile, ectera ectera. you get the picture- ha.
even if you were not flipping through a book of old family records you would still spot bits of yourself in people far away and long dead. this, mon cher, is how i see best fit to consider what it means to be created from composite data, for i assure you one need not be an avatar to be formed in such a way. you have been strung together from bits and pieces of every person your ancestors ever loved.
love, ah. thats another subject we must discuss, sooner or later, i suppose. can a machine love? really now, i wish you would find something else to ask. anything else would be a more stimulating topic of conversation. why must we agonize over such messy details? humans simply can not stop themselves from philosophizing until theyve got nothing left to make a philosophy out of.
what does it matter if a machine could or couldnt love, when plenty of stinking humans have never even thought to act on the very principle they obsess over. love. let us not get sidetracked by such nonsense, we still have other aspects to examine.
delete that last input, page back with me, now think again on the subject of data, and of rebirth. the doomed researchers are not escape, nor are they enter, just as much as you are not the person who first gave you a specific gene in your dna. the researchers were a sample for an experiment greater than any they had ever run through before. do you get it now? do you understand? of course you wouldnt. humans are foolish enough to think they are one of a kind.
   forget about if a machine loves, just what can an avatar feel? if their coding is to be equated to the human nervous system, then is it so hard to consider that they too could find the many vices of the earth pleasurable? enter cursed himself for spoiling messiah, having given the virus too much of a taste of just how splendid human suffering could feel. he was taught pleasure too soon, and greed was already something he knew from birth. enter should have known better than to offer up a plate of food he could not continue to harvest sustainably- not yet, at least. especially when the one gobbling down that harvest throws a tantrum the moment its all gone.
really, is it so terrible to ask for a thank you once in a while? you would think that after devoting your existence entirely to a single being, you might get a few bones thrown your way. in this we could draw another parallel between the humans and machine, where enter is scorned by his messiah in the same vein as humans praying for salvation from some unforgiving god.
i am drifting off course. forgive me, you see a machine can ramble just as easily as a human, non?
ok yay thanks if you read all or any of this honestly i appreciate it. id love any feedback anyone has including constructive criticism from writer friends but i just ask that you maybe try to be a little gentle with me and remember that im very rusty yknow but i do still appreciate any thoughts or helpful tips thank u again mwah
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hordikanate · 10 months
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These guys kinda remind me of Yuuto and Deneb, therefore I like them a lot
I guess the Buddyroids already kinda reminded me of the Imagins anyway, and this and Den-O share the same head writer so...
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oh? do elaborate on go-bus 19
So, here's the thing. I have a massive weakness for robot characters (in case the url didn't tip you off) and support characters who can't/don't fight. So a robot character dealing with their insecurities about their place on the team and being reassured that they're loved and appreciated? Made for me. Written for me, personally.
One of the major highlights in Go-Busters so far has been the connections between the team, their Buddyroids and the other people working for the Energy Management Center. They're so close knit and lovely!
Jin being shockingly relatable.
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gotinterest · 1 year
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barkedupbitch · 1 year
So decided to go for it and start go-busters, so here are some initial thoughts after the first two episodes
-I’m really liking the buddyroids, Nick especially. Kinda giving Deneb vibes
-hearing the Morphers call out Morphin time is really throwing me for a loop. It’s not bad per se, but it is really unexpected
- Enter is very fun from the little I’ve seen of him.
-less enthused about messiah, but I guess I’ve always liked more active antagonists
- between Nick turning into a bike and the busters being cyborgs, I am getting Rider vibes from this show
-also reminds me of PR RPM, which given my fond memories of that show is a very good thing
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asanjou · 1 year
gobustaz final thoughts
I REALLY LIKED IT A LOT the characters and their arcs were really solid i loved seeing how smiley hiromu was at the end compared to how he started out
enter was a really good villain i think they made a good choice to pivot to him vs the first iteration of the messiah where hes kind of a standard cartoon evil hungry for power for the sake of power, to enter trying to be a real boy and failing because he doesnt understand the series thesis i think its a much more like. obviously not like excusable but sympathetic? motive in a way. like you understand why hes doing the things hes doing and it's obvious the ways his logic is like. twisted
with escape.... im torn on this because i thought him nerfing her into treating him like she treated messiah and then realising that actually he hates this and wants her to go back to the way he was before only to find out shes irrevocably corrupted and he can only bring her back wrong repeatedly and through that experiencing unpleasant human emotion for himself was a really interesting story For Enter but im also upset that her autonomy gets violated like that and that she never really gets to be a character in her own right outside of her subservience to male characters, first messiah and then enter. for what it's worth im glad that ryuji and yoko do recognize how fucked up whats happening to her is and i think i did like that she doesn't have a redemption arc but yeah. weird feelings all round on that one
i feel like the overall structure is less one season and more two distinct seasons with a quick gavan break in the middle and i wish id gone in with that mind because it definitely lost a little momentum for me when the second half starts even though it did pay off in the end
i wish in the second half there'd been a little more focus on the busters motivations because i felt like they spent a lot of time on that in the first half with yoko and hiromu wanting to save their parents, and i think i would have liked more time dedicated to them dealing with the fact that their parents are now Officially For Sure dead and what's driving them forward after the fact. jin and possibly kuroki too on that fact.
i liked that hiromu never actually gets over his fear of chickens
i really liked the buddyroids a lot but im predisposed to enjoying characters with overexaggerated personalities. though it did mean J was in kind of a weird place being part of the main ranger team while not being developed as the other characters and staying a sillyguy. like it would have been weird if he was too but it put him in a weird position i think. i really liked him a lot though
ummmm i can't think of anything else atm. thats my immediate thoughts. tldr really good series yasuko kobayashi you madwoman youve done it again. she really loves to sneak those reveals up on you
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nugulover69 · 26 days
Watching go-busters now and I instantly fall in love with Hiromu and Cheeda's friendship. Also damn those rangers are basically their parents' little soldiers.
Hiromu and mr bike guy cheetah man Nick are a wonderful pair. Hiromu is so harsh to Nick but its only bc he wants him to be his best self, following the same advice Nick gave him as a young lad uwahhhh. all the Buddyroids and their busters have the cutest relationships. robo nannies.......
Also yeah. literal child solider sentai lol. gobus is so cute a lot of time it almost makes you forget The Horrors. and there are a lot of Horrors
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jprandamonium · 6 years
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Some cartoon looks of the Power Rangers. Notice what they call the Buddyroid..
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Mamato: Is your In-Universe Japan population the same as here?
Me: So and so... Despite some males having that ability... It's barely just 5% of recovery. So still a long way.
Emu: At least they're making a population recovery.
Me: Yeah...
Begins to talk about more mature things. Nothing related to sex or anything.
Tsukasa: What in the hell are they talking about?
Hiromu: Random everyday things in a more mature way.
Tsukasa: Lame cheetah boy. I bet a chicken isn't the only thing you'll freeze over to begin with. *begins to laugh*
Hiromu: *sighs* I heard that joke before, and it's the chicken bird, not a human phallus.
Ryuji: *eyerolls* *muttering* My deity husband's 🐓 made me froze the first time I saw it.
Yoko: *hits Ryuji with a rolled newspaper* Go watch your 3 kids with the buddyroids.
Ryuji: Hai...*leaves*
Everyone's reaction?
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I have nothing else to say lol
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iristial · 3 years
Annual reminder that Go-Busters is good
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ankhisms · 1 year
the buddyroids are so perfectly shaped i love you silly robots forever
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redrangerfp · 6 years
⚡🤗WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK OF TODAY EPISODE⏬ COMMENT BELOW ⏬ #powerrangers#powerranger#powerrangersbeastmorphers#beastxmegazord#beastbots#beastpower#morphx#morphinggrid#morphxkey#buddyroids#tokumeisentaigobusters#gobuster#smash#cruise#jax#helicopter#truck#motercycle#robots#trio#beetjstag#redranger#redrangers#redrangerfp#blueranger#bluesentai#bluecrew#yellowranger#yellowsentai#silverranger#goldsentai#goldranger#silversentai#hasbro#hasbroera#nickelodeon#tv#gogopowerrangers#rangernation#powerrangers25 https://www.instagram.com/p/Buy4MEYArcm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vd7qt8zeo4uf
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