corrilibero · 6 months
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«Ho imparato che per stare bene non sono necessarie cose materiali, anzi. [...] La montagna mi ha insegnato che nessun oggetto può darti la felicità, né un auto superveloce, né i vestiti di marca, è la vita che scegli a fare la differenza». da "La Sentinella delle Dolomiti" di Carlo Budel
P. S. Per Carlo é la "Montagna", per me é la "corsa".
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teatitty · 2 years
He would 🤣 you're telling me he survived in the streets or wherever he was before the story started and didnt became a cunning mofo? Lies.
Judal gets his ass humbled real quick thanks to hakueis cooking
He spent 10 years in the slums and then another 4 back on the streets again after he leaves Balbadd at age 13 we even see him being a cunning lying bitch at the start of the story, initially manipulating Aladdin for his own ends before they become friends. And there's a brief moment during Zagan's dungeon arc when he sees Hakuryuu and Aladdin getting conned by the local kids where he thinks something like "we used to do similar things in Balbadd" and then does nothing to help them
Alibaba's a menace with morally grey nuance who has no issue using underhanded methods, either to help his people or just to be a petty fucking bastard and that's why I think he'd get along with Koumei and Ja'far
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taxi-davis · 4 months
KVIQ What's Goin' On - Dave's a Robot!
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lulu2992 · 8 months
A few of Far Cry 5’s characters’ former names (according to the files)
Did you know that some characters used to have different names? Here’s what I found:
Adelaide Drubman - Penny Johnson (I’m not sure; it’s unclear)
Casey Fixman - Casey Seagal or Casey Storm
Chad Wolanski - Chad Gardetto
Faith Seed - Selena Seed
George Wilson - George Beel
Guy Marvel - Guy Martel (headcanon: it’s still his name but he thought Marvel was a cooler name for a movie director)
Hurk Drubman Senior - Wayne Senior
Joseph Seed - Daniel Seed
Merle Briggs - Merle Clinton
Wilhelmina Mable - Wilhelmina Maybelline
Tammy Barnes - Tammy Palmer (was she supposed to be Eli’s wife? Maybe!)
Tracey Lader - Traci West
Virgil Minkler - Virgil Knutsen
Wendell Redler - Wendell Darrah
Xander Flynn - Bob Johnson (again, like for Adelaide, not sure)
Also, I’ve said this before but Deputy Pratt’s first name is actually Stacy and not Staci. In the files, it’s only not spelled Stacy once, in the end credits... which is also, unfortunately, the only time players had a chance to see it written.
According to the files, Larry Parker’s first name is Laurence, the man we meet near Arcade machines is Morris Aubrey, and the fisherman is Coyote Nelson… but his description in the unreleased in-game encyclopedia also implies he died, so that might be inaccurate.
Below are the names of other Hope County residents (and where they live(d) and/or work(ed)) found in the deleted in-game encyclopedia:
Daniel Holmes — Holmes Residence
Doug and Debbie Hadler — Gardenview Orchards, Ciderworks, and Packing Facility
Rae-Rae Bouthillier — Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Niesha Howard — Howard Cabin
Emmet Reaves (in the late 1800s) — Copperhead Rail Yard & Prosperity
Will Boyd (from Far Cry: Absolution; his full name is William) — Boyd Residence
Les Doverspike — Doverspike Compound
Mike and Deb Harris — Harris Residence
Wolfgang Dodd — Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd (Nadine Abercrombie’s grandfather) — Dodd Residence
Joe Roberts — Roberts Cabin
Dr. Kim Patterson — Hope County Clinic
Bobby Budell (in 1946) — Flatiron Stockyards
Doug Fillmore — Fillmore Residence
Orville Fall (found gold in 1865) — Catamount Mines
Mike and Chandra Dunagan — Sunrise Farm
The Redler family (Wendell’s) — Red’s Farm Supply
Andrew and Frances Woodson — Woodson Pig Farm
Don Sawyer — Sawyer Residence
Kay Wheeler — Kay-Nine Kennels
Jules Adams (and an unnamed husband) — Adams Ranch
Jerry Miller (and his family) — Miller Residence
Rick Elliot (his full name is Richard according to a message left by Eli) — Elliot Residence
Jay Loresca — Loresca Residence
"Lonely Frank" — Frank’s Cabin
Dicky Dansky — Dansky Cabin
Roy Tanami — Tanami Residence
Mr. Vasquez — Vasquez Residence
Mr. McDevitt — Misty River Gas
Darby McCoy — McCoy Cabin
Dr. Phil Barlow — Barlow Residence
Travis McClean (and his husband Brent) — McClean Residence
Jasmine Chan — Chan Residence
Jerrod Wilson (in the 1800s) — Throne of Mercy Church
Frankie Sinclair — Sinclair Residence
Lydia (in 1912) — Lydia’s Cave
Dwight Feeney (the chemist who worked with Eden’s Gate and dies in the mission “Sins of the Father”) — Feeney Residence
Lorna Rawlings — Lorna’s Truck Stop
Edward O'Hara — O’Hara’s Haunted House
Kanti Jones — Jones Residence
Coyote Nelson — Nelson Residence
Holly Pepper (and her girlfriend Charlie) — Pepper Residence
Nolan Pettis — Nolan’s Fly Shop
Bob and Penny Johnson — Johnson Residence
Melvin Adams Abercrombie — Abercrombie Residence
Steve McCallough — McCallough’s Garage
Dr. Rachel Jessop (who, and I’ll keep saying this every time I can, was never Faith and always another, entirely different person) — Jessop Conservatory
Dwight Seeley — Seeley’s Cabin
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread] Night 17: Day of the Journey
Ah, yes. We're starting the second arc. The very notably more Aladdin-centric one. It's actually quite interesting, the Dungeon Arc establishes both him and Alibaba, and also a bit Morgiana, and after that all three of them get an arc that focuses on one of them and their issues a bit more. But before that starts for real, there's this chapter.
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Timeline in Magi is a hot mess, but here we have that Alibaba was there for nearly a month (adding these three days + three nights that were mentioned earlier).
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Actually, why did Alibaba pay him that much.
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Alibaba buys none of your bullshit, Budel.
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He misses Aladdin so much : (
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God, he really misses him.
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F for Morgiana. It must've been kinda sad to see Alibaba's joyous expression turn so depressed upon seeing her.
But also, now that I think about it, good for you, girl. She had the confidence to talk to him.
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Ok, so, you guys remember how Mogiana views Alibaba as the one who saved her? You know, this dramatic art of him extending his hand, and Morgiana's chains breaking? Yeah. It seems pretty weird, since Aladdin was there, too, and, frankly, seemed to do more for her than Alibaba... Except that's not true. Because after the Dungeon was cleared, Alibaba still stayed for nearly a month in Qishan, fixing Jamil's shit. He freed the slaves, and most likely hired them or at least helped them get hired. He did So. Much. For them. Even though he really, really didn't have to. Like I've said it before, he was absolutely telling Morgiana to stop following Jamil in the Dungeon because she was a huge threat, but that's not the same as not meaning what he's said. And after the Dungeon is cleared, he proves that he wasn't talking out of his ass. So I do think that all these things combined contributed to Morgiana's view of him.
Other than that, "It's the first time I've felt like there's a reason for me to be alive." Good for you, girl. Hopefully not much bad shit happens to you later on (it will).
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Good for her, and also sweet of Alibaba to tell her to make sure she finds a good person.
(And she finds a good one later on;;)
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Pfff. Alibaba, I love you, but please don't try to flirt. You suck at flirting. Especially if you try to copy somebody else's methods. It never ends well, just look at Sharrkan. I assure you, people will fall for your genuine self.
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Mor, careful, you'll start a tornado.
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: (
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He's gone, and she's still running : (
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I told you nobody's ever told him stuff like that. (Oh, and that pic with Morgiana I was talking about earlier).
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And here's the lost boy!
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regioonlineofficial · 1 month
Een nieuw schoolgebouw voor basisschool De And’re Wijze tussen Budel-Schoot en Budel-Dorplein was de wens van beide dorpen, maar blijkt toch niet haalbaar. Dat is de conclusie nadat de gemeente Cranendonck de mogelijkheden op deze plek samen met de provincie Noord-Brabant heeft onderzocht. Het college van B&W stelt daarom voor om een plek te zoeken in de kern van Budel-Schoot voor het nieuwe schoolgebouw. In september 2024 vergadert de raad over dit voorstel. De gemeenteraad heeft in april 2023 een plan vastgesteld waarin staat dat er één nieuw schoolgebouw moet komen voor de basisscholen Wereldwijzer en Sint-Andreas (nu samen basisschool De And’re Wijze). En dat het gebouw het liefst tussen of in de buurt van Budel-Schoot én Budel-Dorplein komt. Een werkgroep bestaande uit de gemeente Cranendonck, buurtplatform Dorplein Uniek, dorpsplatform Sterk Schoot en Atalenta (de organisatie waar de basisschool onderdeel van is) heeft afgelopen periode gekeken naar een nieuwe schoollocatie. Provincie wil geen basisschool buiten een dorp Het gebied waar de nieuwe school zou moeten komen, ligt tussen de twee dorpen. De provincie Noord-Brabant gaat over dit gebied. Daarom is de gemeente met de provincie in overleg gegaan over de mogelijkheden. Het standpunt van de provincie is duidelijk: een school in een gebied buiten de dorpen vinden ze niet passen. Het sluit niet aan bij het beleid van de provincie en de gemeente. En om het buitengebied te beschermen heeft de provincie liever dat er in dorpen wordt gebouwd dan buiten dorpen. Twee mogelijke locaties in Budel-Schoot De werkgroep heeft vervolgens andere oplossingen voor de school bekeken. Zij heeft aangegeven dan het liefst een nieuwe school te bouwen op het terrein van Jong Nederland Budel-Schoot. Voor het college van B&W is nieuwbouw op de bestaande locatie van De And’re Wijze ook een mogelijkheid. Daarom is het voorstel aan de gemeenteraad om nu eerst te kiezen voor de kern Budel-Schoot. Locaties verder onderzoeken Om een definitieve keuze te kunnen maken voor de schoollocatie in Budel-Schoot gaat voor beide locaties verder onderzocht worden hoe haalbaar een school is. Bovendien heeft de gemeenteraad kort geleden besloten om samen met inwoners van Budel-Schoot een brede gemeenschapsvisie op te stellen. Hiervoor zijn De Reinder, het terrein van Jong Nederland en de kerk in beeld voor woningbouw en een nieuw gemeenschapshuis in Budel-Schoot. De gemeente gaat samen met dorpsplatform Sterk Schoot en andere betrokken partijen bekijken hoe haalbaar alle plannen en locaties zijn. School met buitenschoolse en kinderopvang Het college van B&W heeft vorige week al wel een voorbereidingskrediet van €260.000 beschikbaar gesteld voor de bouw van een nieuw schoolgebouw voor basisschool De And’re Wijze. Met dit geld kan Atalenta komende tijd aan de slag met het maken van een ontwerp voor een nieuw schoolgebouw.
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squawcreekpress · 3 months
What would you do with five billion dollars? Rosie’s inheritance comes with a dark legacy. She tries to save her hometown, Budel, but faces a murderer determined to destroy everything she loves. Dive into 'Better Than Billions' and discover a thrilling tale of danger, renewal, and resilience. 💰🕵️‍♀️
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lachendelama · 3 months
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Feest in Budel in thema Hollywood en Filmsterren met de paparazzi fotograaf en reporter op de rode loper.
https://lachendelama.nl/feest-jessica-en-diana-in-budel/ #Paparazzi #reporter #rodeloper #ontvangstact #welkomstact #fotograaf #acteur #thema
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thegazete24 · 3 months
Video: Hond vindt explosief en loopt huis binnen
In Budel ontdekte een hond donderdagmiddag een explosief. De eigenaar van de hond alarmeerde de politie nadat het dier met het explosief het huis …Video: Hond vindt explosief en loopt huis binnen
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444namesplus · 5 months
Babal Babar Babel Baber Baboul Babour Babul Babur Badal Badar Badel Bader Badil Badir Badoul Badour Badul Badur Bafil Bafir Bagal Bagar Bagel Bager Bagoul Bagour Bagul Bagur Bahil Bahir Bakal Bakar Bakel Baker Bakoul Bakour Bakul Bakur Bapal Bapar Bapel Baper Bapoul Bapour Bapul Bapur Basil Basir Batal Batar Batel Bater Batoul Batour Batul Batur Bavil Bavir Bazil Bazir Bebal Bebar Bebel Beber Beboul Bebour Bebul Bebur Bedal Bedar Bedel Beder Bedil Bedir Bedoul Bedour Bedul Bedur Befil Befir Begal Begar Begel Beger Begoul Begour Begul Begur Behil Behir Bekal Bekar Bekel Beker Bekoul Bekour Bekul Bekur Bepal Bepar Bepel Beper Bepoul Bepour Bepul Bepur Besil Besir Betal Betar Betel Beter Betoul Betour Betul Betur Bevil Bevir Bezil Bezir Bobal Bobar Bobel Bober Boboul Bobour Bobul Bobur Bodal Bodar Bodel Boder Bodil Bodir Bodoul Bodour Bodul Bodur Bofil Bofir Bogal Bogar Bogel Boger Bogoul Bogour Bogul Bogur Bohil Bohir Bokal Bokar Bokel Boker Bokoul Bokour Bokul Bokur Bopal Bopar Bopel Boper Bopoul Bopour Bopul Bopur Bosil Bosir Botal Botar Botel Boter Botoul Botour Botul Botur Bovil Bovir Bozil Bozir Bubal Bubar Bubel Buber Buboul Bubour Bubul Bubur Budal Budar Budel Buder Budil Budir Budoul Budour Budul Budur Bufil Bufir Bugal Bugar Bugel Buger Bugoul Bugour Bugul Bugur Buhil Buhir Bukal Bukar Bukel Buker Bukoul Bukour Bukul Bukur Bupal Bupar Bupel Buper Bupoul Bupour Bupul Bupur Busil Busir Butal Butar Butel Buter Butoul Butour Butul Butur Buvil Buvir Buzil Buzir Dabal Dabar Dabel Daber Daboul Dabour Dabul Dabur Dadal Dadar Dadel Dader Dadil Dadir Dadoul Dadour Dadul Dadur Dafil Dafir Dagal Dagar Dagel Dager Dagoul Dagour Dagul Dagur Dahil Dahir Dakal Dakar Dakel Daker Dakoul Dakour Dakul Dakur Dapal Dapar Dapel Daper Dapoul Dapour Dapul Dapur Dasil Dasir
Datal Datar Datel Dater Datoul Datour Datul Datur Davil Davir Dazil Dazir Debal Debar Debel Deber Deboul Debour Debul Debur Dedal Dedar Dedel Deder Dedil Dedir Dedoul Dedour Dedul Dedur Defil Defir Degal Degar Degel Deger Degoul Degour Degul Degur Dehil Dehir Dekal Dekar Dekel Deker Dekoul Dekour Dekul Dekur Depal Depar Depel Deper Depoul Depour Depul Depur Desil Desir Detal Detar Detel Deter Detoul Detour Detul Detur Devil Devir Dezil Dezir Dibal Dibar Dibel Diber Diboul Dibour Dibul Dibur Didal Didar Didel Dider Didil Didir Didoul Didour Didul Didur Difil Difir Digal Digar Digel Diger Digoul Digour Digul Digur Dihil Dihir Dikal Dikar Dikel Diker Dikoul Dikour Dikul Dikur Dipal Dipar Dipel Diper Dipoul Dipour Dipul Dipur Disil Disir Dital Ditar Ditel Diter Ditoul Ditour Ditul Ditur Divil Divir Dizil Dizir Dobal Dobar Dobel Dober Doboul Dobour Dobul Dobur Dodal Dodar Dodel Doder Dodil Dodir Dodoul Dodour Dodul Dodur Dofil Dofir Dogal Dogar Dogel Doger Dogoul Dogour Dogul Dogur Dohil Dohir Dokal Dokar Dokel Doker Dokoul Dokour Dokul Dokur Dopal Dopar Dopel Doper Dopoul Dopour Dopul Dopur Dosil Dosir Dotal Dotar Dotel Doter Dotoul Dotour Dotul Dotur Dovil Dovir Dozil Dozir Dubal Dubar Dubel Duber Duboul Dubour Dubul Dubur Dudal Dudar Dudel Duder Dudil Dudir Dudoul Dudour Dudul Dudur Dufil Dufir Dugal Dugar Dugel Duger Dugoul Dugour Dugul Dugur Duhil Duhir Dukal Dukar Dukel Duker Dukoul Dukour Dukul Dukur Dupal Dupar Dupel Duper Dupoul Dupour Dupul Dupur Dusil Dusir Dutal Dutar Dutel Duter Dutoul Dutour Dutul Dutur Duvil Duvir Duzil Duzir Fibal Fibar Fibel Fiber Fiboul Fibour Fibul Fibur Fidal Fidar Fidel Fider Fidil Fidir Fidoul Fidour Fidul Fidur Fifil Fifir Figal Figar Figel Figer Figoul Figour Figul Figur Fihil Fihir Fikal Fikar Fikel Fiker Fikoul Fikour Fikul Fikur Fipal Fipar Fipel Fiper Fipoul Fipour Fipul Fipur Fisil Fisir Fital Fitar Fitel Fiter Fitoul Fitour Fitul Fitur Fivil Fivir Fizil Fizir Gabal Gabar Gabel Gaber Gaboul Gabour Gabul Gabur Gadal Gadar Gadel Gader Gadil Gadir Gadoul Gadour Gadul Gadur Gafil Gafir Gagal Gagar Gagel Gager Gagoul Gagour Gagul Gagur Gahil Gahir Gakal Gakar Gakel Gaker Gakoul Gakour Gakul Gakur Gapal Gapar Gapel Gaper Gapoul Gapour Gapul Gapur Gasil Gasir Gatal Gatar Gatel Gater Gatoul Gatour Gatul Gatur Gavil Gavir Gazil Gazir Gebal Gebar Gebel Geber Geboul Gebour Gebul Gebur Gedal Gedar Gedel Geder Gedil Gedir Gedoul Gedour Gedul Gedur Gefil Gefir Gegal Gegar Gegel Geger Gegoul Gegour Gegul Gegur Gehil Gehir Gekal Gekar Gekel Geker Gekoul Gekour Gekul Gekur Gepal Gepar Gepel Geper Gepoul Gepour Gepul Gepur Gesil Gesir Getal Getar Getel Geter Getoul Getour Getul Getur Gevil Gevir Gezil Gezir Gobal Gobar Gobel Gober Goboul Gobour Gobul Gobur Godal Godar Godel Goder Godil Godir Godoul Godour Godul Godur Gofil Gofir Gogal Gogar Gogel Goger Gogoul Gogour Gogul Gogur Gohil Gohir Gokal Gokar Gokel Goker Gokoul Gokour Gokul Gokur Gopal Gopar Gopel Goper Gopoul Gopour Gopul Gopur Gosil Gosir Gotal Gotar Gotel Goter
Gotoul Gotour Gotul Gotur Govil Govir Gozil Gozir Gubal Gubar Gubel Guber Guboul Gubour Gubul Gubur Gudal Gudar Gudel Guder Gudil Gudir Gudoul Gudour Gudul Gudur Gufil Gufir Gugal Gugar Gugel Guger Gugoul Gugour Gugul Gugur Guhil Guhir Gukal Gukar Gukel Guker Gukoul Gukour Gukul Gukur Gupal Gupar Gupel Guper Gupoul Gupour Gupul Gupur Gusil Gusir Gutal Gutar Gutel Guter Gutoul Gutour Gutul Gutur Guvil Guvir Guzil Guzir Hibal Hibar Hibel Hiber Hiboul Hibour Hibul Hibur Hidal Hidar Hidel Hider Hidil Hidir Hidoul Hidour Hidul Hidur Hifil Hifir Higal Higar Higel Higer Higoul Higour Higul Higur Hihil Hihir Hikal Hikar Hikel Hiker Hikoul Hikour Hikul Hikur Hipal Hipar Hipel Hiper Hipoul Hipour Hipul Hipur Hisil Hisir Hital Hitar Hitel Hiter Hitoul Hitour Hitul Hitur Hivil Hivir Hizil Hizir Kabal Kabar Kabel Kaber Kaboul Kabour Kabul Kabur Kadal Kadar Kadel Kader Kadil Kadir Kadoul Kadour Kadul Kadur Kafil Kafir Kagal Kagar Kagel Kager Kagoul Kagour Kagul Kagur Kahil Kahir Kakal Kakar Kakel Kaker Kakoul Kakour Kakul Kakur Kapal Kapar Kapel Kaper Kapoul Kapour Kapul Kapur Kasil Kasir Katal Katar Katel Kater Katoul Katour Katul Katur Kavil Kavir Kazil Kazir Kebal Kebar Kebel Keber Keboul Kebour Kebul Kebur Kedal Kedar Kedel Keder Kedil Kedir Kedoul Kedour Kedul Kedur Kefil Kefir Kegal Kegar Kegel Keger Kegoul Kegour Kegul Kegur Kehil Kehir Kekal Kekar Kekel Keker Kekoul Kekour Kekul Kekur Kepal Kepar Kepel Keper Kepoul Kepour Kepul Kepur Kesil Kesir Ketal Ketar Ketel Keter Ketoul Ketour Ketul Ketur Kevil Kevir Kezil Kezir Kobal Kobar Kobel Kober Koboul Kobour Kobul Kobur Kodal Kodar Kodel Koder Kodil Kodir Kodoul Kodour Kodul Kodur Kofil Kofir Kogal Kogar Kogel Koger Kogoul Kogour Kogul Kogur Kohil Kohir Kokal Kokar Kokel Koker Kokoul Kokour Kokul Kokur Kopal Kopar Kopel Koper Kopoul Kopour Kopul Kopur Kosil Kosir Kotal Kotar Kotel Koter Kotoul Kotour Kotul Kotur Kovil Kovir Kozil Kozir Kubal Kubar Kubel Kuber Kuboul Kubour Kubul Kubur Kudal Kudar Kudel Kuder Kudil Kudir Kudoul Kudour Kudul Kudur Kufil Kufir Kugal Kugar Kugel Kuger Kugoul Kugour Kugul Kugur Kuhil Kuhir Kukal Kukar Kukel Kuker Kukoul Kukour Kukul Kukur Kupal Kupar Kupel Kuper Kupoul Kupour Kupul Kupur Kusil Kusir Kutal Kutar Kutel Kuter Kutoul Kutour Kutul Kutur Kuvil Kuvir Kuzil Kuzir Lalab Lalad Lalag Lalak Lalap Lalat Laleb Laled Laleg Lalek Lalep Lalet Lalib Lalid Lalig Lalik Lalip Lalit Lalob Lalod Lalog Lalok Lalop Lalot Lalub Lalud Lalug Laluk Lalup Lalut Larab Larad Larag Larak Larap Larat Lareb Lared Lareg Larek Larep Laret Larib
Larid Larig Larik Larip Larit Larob Larod Larog Larok Larop Larot Larub Larud Larug Laruk Larup Larut Lelab Lelad Lelag Lelak Lelap Lelat Leleb Leled Leleg Lelek Lelep Lelet Lelib Lelid Lelig Lelik Lelip Lelit Lelob Lelod Lelog Lelok Lelop Lelot Lelub Lelud Lelug Leluk Lelup Lelut Lerab Lerad Lerag Lerak Lerap Lerat Lereb Lered Lereg Lerek Lerep Leret Lerib Lerid Lerig Lerik Lerip Lerit Lerob Lerod Lerog Lerok Lerop Lerot Lerub Lerud Lerug Leruk Lerup Lerut Lilab Lilad Lilag Lilak Lilap Lilat Lileb Liled Lileg Lilek Lilep Lilet Lilib Lilid Lilig Lilik Lilip Lilit Lilob Lilod Lilog Lilok Lilop Lilot Lilub Lilud Lilug Liluk Lilup Lilut Lirab Lirad Lirag Lirak Lirap Lirat Lireb Lired Lireg Lirek Lirep Liret Lirib Lirid Lirig Lirik Lirip Lirit Lirob Lirod Lirog Lirok Lirop Lirot Lirub Lirud Lirug Liruk Lirup Lirut Loulab Loulad Loulag Loulak Loulap Loulat Louleb Louled Louleg Loulek Loulep Loulet Loulib Loulid Loulig Loulik Loulip Loulit Loulob Loulod Loulog Loulok Loulop Loulot Loulub Loulud Loulug Louluk Loulup Loulut Lourab Lourad Lourag Lourak Lourap Lourat Loureb Loured Loureg Lourek Lourep Louret Lourib Lourid Lourig Lourik Lourip Lourit Lourob Lourod Lourog Lourok Lourop Lourot Lourub Lourud Lourug Louruk Lourup Lourut Lulab Lulad Lulag Lulak Lulap Lulat Luleb Luled Luleg Lulek Lulep Lulet Lulib Lulid Lulig Lulik Lulip Lulit Lulob Lulod Lulog Lulok Lulop Lulot Lulub Lulud Lulug Luluk Lulup Lulut Lurab Lurad Lurag Lurak Lurap Lurat Lureb Lured Lureg Lurek Lurep Luret Lurib Lurid Lurig Lurik Lurip Lurit Lurob Lurod Lurog Lurok Lurop Lurot Lurub Lurud Lurug Luruk Lurup Lurut Pabal Pabar Pabel Paber Paboul Pabour Pabul Pabur Padal Padar Padel Pader Padil Padir Padoul Padour Padul Padur Pafil Pafir Pagal Pagar Pagel Pager Pagoul Pagour Pagul Pagur Pahil Pahir Pakal Pakar Pakel Paker Pakoul Pakour Pakul Pakur Papal Papar Papel Paper Papoul Papour Papul Papur Pasil Pasir Patal Patar Patel Pater Patoul Patour Patul Patur Pavil Pavir Pazil Pazir Pebal Pebar Pebel Peber Peboul Pebour Pebul Pebur Pedal Pedar Pedel Peder Pedil Pedir Pedoul Pedour Pedul Pedur Pefil Pefir Pegal Pegar Pegel Peger Pegoul Pegour Pegul Pegur Pehil Pehir Pekal Pekar Pekel Peker Pekoul Pekour Pekul Pekur Pepal Pepar Pepel Peper Pepoul Pepour Pepul Pepur Pesil Pesir Petal Petar Petel Peter Petoul Petour Petul Petur Pevil Pevir Pezil Pezir Pobal Pobar Pobel Pober Poboul Pobour Pobul Pobur Podal Podar Podel Poder Podil Podir Podoul Podour Podul Podur Pofil Pofir Pogal Pogar Pogel Poger Pogoul Pogour Pogul Pogur Pohil Pohir Pokal Pokar Pokel Poker Pokoul Pokour Pokul Pokur Popal Popar Popel
Poper Popoul Popour Popul Popur Posil Posir Potal Potar Potel Poter Potoul Potour Potul Potur Povil Povir Pozil Pozir Pubal Pubar Pubel Puber Puboul Pubour Pubul Pubur Pudal Pudar Pudel Puder Pudil Pudir Pudoul Pudour Pudul Pudur Pufil Pufir Pugal Pugar Pugel Puger Pugoul Pugour Pugul Pugur Puhil Puhir Pukal Pukar Pukel Puker Pukoul Pukour Pukul Pukur Pupal Pupar Pupel Puper Pupoul Pupour Pupul Pupur Pusil Pusir Putal Putar Putel Puter Putoul Putour Putul Putur Puvil Puvir Puzil Puzir Ralab Ralad Ralag Ralak Ralap Ralat Raleb Raled Raleg Ralek Ralep Ralet Ralib Ralid Ralig Ralik Ralip Ralit Ralob Ralod Ralog Ralok Ralop Ralot Ralub Ralud Ralug Raluk Ralup Ralut Rarab Rarad Rarag Rarak Rarap Rarat Rareb Rared Rareg Rarek Rarep Raret Rarib Rarid Rarig Rarik Rarip Rarit Rarob Rarod Rarog Rarok Rarop Rarot Rarub Rarud Rarug Raruk Rarup Rarut Relab Relad Relag Relak Relap Relat Releb Reled Releg Relek Relep Relet Relib Relid Relig Relik Relip Relit Relob Relod Relog Relok Relop Relot Relub Relud Relug Reluk Relup Relut Rerab Rerad Rerag Rerak Rerap Rerat Rereb Rered Rereg Rerek Rerep Reret Rerib Rerid Rerig Rerik Rerip Rerit Rerob Rerod Rerog Rerok Rerop Rerot Rerub Rerud Rerug Reruk Rerup Rerut Rilab Rilad Rilag Rilak Rilap Rilat Rileb Riled Rileg Rilek Rilep Rilet Rilib Rilid Rilig Rilik Rilip Rilit Rilob Rilod Rilog Rilok Rilop Rilot Rilub Rilud Rilug Riluk Rilup Rilut Rirab Rirad Rirag Rirak Rirap Rirat Rireb Rired Rireg Rirek Rirep Riret Ririb Ririd Ririg Ririk Ririp Ririt Rirob Rirod Rirog Rirok Rirop Rirot Rirub Rirud Rirug Riruk Rirup Rirut Roulab Roulad Roulag Roulak Roulap Roulat Rouleb Rouled Rouleg Roulek Roulep Roulet Roulib Roulid Roulig Roulik Roulip Roulit Roulob Roulod Roulog Roulok Roulop Roulot Roulub Roulud Roulug Rouluk Roulup Roulut Rourab Rourad Rourag Rourak Rourap Rourat Roureb Roured Roureg Rourek Rourep Rouret Rourib Rourid Rourig Rourik Rourip Rourit Rourob Rourod Rourog Rourok Rourop Rourot Rourub Rourud Rourug Rouruk Rourup Rourut Rulab Rulad Rulag Rulak Rulap Rulat Ruleb Ruled Ruleg Rulek Rulep Rulet Rulib Rulid Rulig Rulik Rulip Rulit Rulob Rulod Rulog Rulok Rulop Rulot Rulub Rulud Rulug Ruluk Rulup Rulut Rurab Rurad Rurag Rurak Rurap Rurat Rureb Rured Rureg Rurek Rurep Ruret Rurib Rurid Rurig Rurik Rurip Rurit Rurob Rurod Rurog Rurok Rurop Rurot Rurub Rurud Rurug Ruruk Rurup Rurut Sibal Sibar Sibel Siber Siboul Sibour Sibul Sibur Sidal Sidar Sidel Sider Sidil Sidir Sidoul Sidour Sidul Sidur Sifil Sifir Sigal Sigar Sigel Siger Sigoul Sigour Sigul Sigur Sihil Sihir Sikal Sikar Sikel Siker Sikoul Sikour Sikul
Sikur Sipal Sipar Sipel Siper Sipoul Sipour Sipul Sipur Sisil Sisir Sital Sitar Sitel Siter Sitoul Sitour Situl Situr Sivil Sivir Sizil Sizir Tabal Tabar Tabel Taber Taboul Tabour Tabul Tabur Tadal Tadar Tadel Tader Tadil Tadir Tadoul Tadour Tadul Tadur Tafil Tafir Tagal Tagar Tagel Tager Tagoul Tagour Tagul Tagur Tahil Tahir Takal Takar Takel Taker Takoul Takour Takul Takur Tapal Tapar Tapel Taper Tapoul Tapour Tapul Tapur Tasil Tasir Tatal Tatar Tatel Tater Tatoul Tatour Tatul Tatur Tavil Tavir Tazil Tazir Tebal Tebar Tebel Teber Teboul Tebour Tebul Tebur Tedal Tedar Tedel Teder Tedil Tedir Tedoul Tedour Tedul Tedur Tefil Tefir Tegal Tegar Tegel Teger Tegoul Tegour Tegul Tegur Tehil Tehir Tekal Tekar Tekel Teker Tekoul Tekour Tekul Tekur Tepal Tepar Tepel Teper Tepoul Tepour Tepul Tepur Tesil Tesir Tetal Tetar Tetel Teter Tetoul Tetour Tetul Tetur Tevil Tevir Tezil Tezir Tobal Tobar Tobel Tober Toboul Tobour Tobul Tobur Todal Todar Todel Toder Todil Todir Todoul Todour Todul Todur Tofil Tofir Togal Togar Togel Toger Togoul Togour Togul Togur Tohil Tohir Tokal Tokar Tokel Toker Tokoul Tokour Tokul Tokur Topal Topar Topel Toper Topoul Topour Topul Topur Tosil Tosir Total Totar Totel Toter Totoul Totour Totul Totur Tovil Tovir Tozil Tozir Tubal Tubar Tubel Tuber Tuboul Tubour Tubul Tubur Tudal Tudar Tudel Tuder Tudil Tudir Tudoul Tudour Tudul Tudur Tufil Tufir Tugal Tugar Tugel Tuger Tugoul Tugour Tugul Tugur Tuhil Tuhir Tukal Tukar Tukel Tuker Tukoul Tukour Tukul Tukur Tupal Tupar Tupel Tuper Tupoul Tupour Tupul Tupur Tusil Tusir Tutal Tutar Tutel Tuter Tutoul Tutour Tutul Tutur Tuvil Tuvir Tuzil Tuzir Vibal Vibar Vibel Viber Viboul Vibour Vibul Vibur Vidal Vidar Videl Vider Vidil Vidir Vidoul Vidour Vidul Vidur Vifil Vifir Vigal Vigar Vigel Viger Vigoul Vigour Vigul Vigur Vihil Vihir Vikal Vikar Vikel Viker Vikoul Vikour Vikul Vikur Vipal Vipar Vipel Viper Vipoul Vipour Vipul Vipur Visil Visir Vital Vitar Vitel Viter Vitoul Vitour Vitul Vitur Vivil Vivir Vizil Vizir Zibal Zibar Zibel Ziber Ziboul Zibour Zibul Zibur Zidal Zidar Zidel Zider Zidil Zidir Zidoul Zidour Zidul Zidur Zifil Zifir Zigal Zigar Zigel Ziger Zigoul Zigour Zigul Zigur Zihil Zihir Zikal Zikar Zikel Ziker Zikoul Zikour Zikul Zikur Zipal Zipar Zipel Ziper Zipoul Zipour Zipul Zipur Zisil Zisir Zital Zitar Zitel Ziter Zitoul Zitour Zitul Zitur Zivil Zivir Zizil Zizir
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ryosukekiyasu · 6 months
March 28th, 2024 Ryosuke Kiyasu x Francesco Valente (Italy) session at Cartiera Vas in Feltre, Italy Videographer by Stefano Rinaldo Producer by Federico Budel
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Costes estranyes III – Ma Senyora de la Misericòrdia
Feia temps que no escrivia res al blog.
Advertència de contingut: violència La llum blanca, divina en aquella llar pagana, es filtrava per les escletxes en la finestra de fusta. Ja no tenia son ni em feia tant de mal el ventre; una cicatriu havia tancat el tall per on els budells m’havien volgut escapar. No volia seguir al llit. Em vaig asseure i vaig mirar al voltant. La casa era tancada i no hi era la meva amfitriona pagana, tot i…
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kikotapasando · 7 months
OM eist 18 jaar cel voor om het leven brengen van vrouw in Stad-Groningen
Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2024 | 13:18 Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft een gevangenisstraf van achttien jaar geëist tegen een 31-jarige man uit Budel. Hij wordt verdacht van het om het leven brengen van een 70-jarige Stad-Groningse. Zij is volgens het OM op 31 januari 2023 in haar eigen woning door de verdachte neergestoken, enkel omdat de man iets uit haar woning wilde stelen. Een week later is zij…
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amateurchefstuff · 9 months
Carpaccio de gambes (a les tres textures)
Ingredients: Gambes o llagostins (frescos – important, perquè després, s’han de tornar a congelar) Paper film de cuina, o paper de forn, o bosses grans de zippbloc Cassó de cul plà Un bon brou de peix Oli, sal i pebre Per fer el Carpaccio de gambes: Pelar les gambes, treient el budell de l’esquena. Guardar els caps i les peles pel brou. Al damunt del taulell de la cuina, posar el film de…
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread; special edition] Episode 1: Aladdin and Alibaba [Part 3]
Sorry it took me literally two days to finish a single episode, but I was having a very not good health day. And night. Bro, I haven't been this sick in... I don't even remember. 0/10 would not recommend. But anyway.
Ok, but the music in Magi is so fucking good, man.
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Ok, they look awesome here. I wish we got more Magi roadtrip, and less becoming more powerful god than the other guy, and then him becoming more powerful god than you, and then you becoming more powerful god than him, and then him-
The whole moment when the desert hyacinth appears actually looks pretty damn cool. Makes me wish a bit we saw more weird fauna-flora-things from the magi universe. ("Is the Final Arc a joke to you?" Yes.)
Did Budel just tell to all these slaves that he'll pay them if they help save the wine?
Also, I think Notre Empire's playing again.
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F (she tripped)
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Nice catch, Morgiana.
But also. Morgiana. Morgiana. You're a Fanalis. You can literally just. Jump away.
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Huh... They didn't say anything about it in the weather forecast...
Also, in the manga Alibaba actually warns everybody what this plant is, at least not yet. It's... honestly, neither bad nor good choice. On the flipside, it certainly adds to how dramatic the entire situation is, and overall shows well how fast everything is happening, too. On the other side, the manga showed better both that Alibaba's pretty knowledgeable, and also that he, honestly, thinks and reacts quickly. But oh well. Both achieve different things.
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RIP. But also, man, Morgiana looks pretty here.
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Actually, where tf is Aladdin.
Ok, but also, that's kind of what I was talking about. Like, if you get the impression that I'm overfocusing on Alibaba, which, frankly, I know I tend to do, and also will absolutely keep on doing, then in this specific case it's not simply my horn-shaped lenses. This entire episode is very Alibaba-centric. It's not even subtle, especially since, you know, this is based on his introduction chapter. Aladdin's side is only sprinkled here, and Morgiana's just randomly added to have all three of them present. But this is still centred around "His name is Alibaba", so it's hardly a wonder why he gets so much spotlight. But that does end up giving you the impression that he is the protagonist, even though the title actually belongs to Aladdin. And, frankly, the upcoming Balbadd Arc will certainly not clear that confusion.
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Shame I'm not doing gifs, cuz it was such a funny CHOMP moment.
RIP Morgiana and Mina.
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Am I, like, the only person who finds this so hilarious. What's up with the dramatic pose. I wish I could find what it reminds me of, but, sadly, I have no name for it XD
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It all ends up being kind of weird when you remember that in the anime they were made slaves. Like, cool of the guy to still value her life, but still very unexpected.
Oh, ok, now it makes sense. Budel's like, don't let her die, cuz I'll have to pay more for it.
It actually makes me wonder if Morgiana could handle a desert hyacinth. Anime tells me she can't, but I don't trust the anime.
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Oh, that! That's what I was talking about. Alibaba gets flashbacks here, right before he jumps in to help Morgiana and Mina, which kind of ends up making it look like he's doing it more out of guilt than just... out of wanting to save them, you know?
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Oh, THERE you are! Also, this episode does quite some disservice to Aladdin as a character, too, now that I think about it. As in, beyond shifting the focus from him to Alibaba. Like, in the manga he IS trying to help, but there's sand in the flute, and it doesn't work, but here he's just... watching. I actually recall reading some comparison between anime and manga regarding that, but it was looong ago. But in very short, manga!Aladdin was more like the New Testament God, while anime!Aladdin was more like the Old Testament God, as in, in the manga he actively seeks others, while in the anime he's more about wanting others to prove themselves to him. Or something like that. But, yeah, you can get that impression.
But other than that, he just comes off as kind of and ass here? Like, bro, you COULD help. But he's actively choosing not to. Which is in a pretty big contrast with manga Aladdin, who, while still rather passive, is far more willing to get himself involved with others and their troubles. In the anime... he's so insensitive. That's the word I was looking for. Anime Aladdin comes off as far more insensitive than manga Aladdin.
And I'm, once again, connecting it with that focus shifted from Aladdin to Alibaba, because it does feel like it connects itself, no? If Aladdin were to act here, this would've made him an active pariticpant in the events, instead of taking on a more supportive role the anime writers put him into. It would've moved the spotlight back to him.
Anyway. Again. Budel is willing to pay a slave. BUDEL.
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Well-earned. Very satisfying. Fuck you, Budel.
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Live Aladdin reaction.
Also, again, sounds like Alibaba's more doing it out of guilt, he doesn't want to sit back and regret everything or sth (that's what he's thinking as he's jumping into the hole), while in the manga it was more "somebody has to do this, and since nobody's willing to act, **I** will", and as he jumps he's reassuring the kid, and also more focused on assessing the situation, rather than thinking about how he feels.
Anyway, but I will point out that he jumped to save two slaves here, which at least shows that he doesn't agree with slavery.
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Man, wouldn't it be cool if somebody could open it. Somebody with red hair and crazy ass strength. Man.
Like, you won't convince me that Morgiana couldn't move even with all these tentacles holding her back. You just can't.
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Thank you for finally doing something, Aladdin! You could've done this the whole time, but nooo.
Ok, but it's pretty af.
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-insert Attack on Titan joke here-
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Thank you for help, Ugo! But also holy shit, that looks so WEIRD.
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RIP loose hair Aladdin, you're dearly missed.
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RIP Alibaba
Man, stop being so dramatic about dying.
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See? Your soon-to-be bestie's here to save your ass.
Watching Budel's despair is very entertaining.
Sorry not sorry I skipped some Jamil to fit in more Aladdin and Alibaba.
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"Will you be my friend?" (A) ;_; And also, that's when we find out that this is what Aladdin asked Ugo for. 10/10 choice. You get a point, anime adaptation.
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FRIEMDS ;_____;
Ok, but the sheer hilarity of Budel yelling at them, and Aladdin just turning around like "Let's go Ugo-kun" (flies away).
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Ok, now that I see it, it looks like a bit of a parallel to Alibaba and Aladdin sitting in the caravan earlier. Back then they both looked serious/kind of down, but now they're looking forward to the adventure (F).
Honestly, hearing Yubi Bōenkyō play in the bg reminds me, like everything about this arc, how different Magi seemed at the beginning. Man.
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actuelekamers · 10 months
  Prijs: 190 per maand oms... #Budel #NoordBrabant https://actuelekamers.nl/woonhuis-in-budel-190-eur/?feed_id=99856&_unique_id=656f19b5144df
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