#buffalo wil
the-football-chick · 11 hours
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zedecksiew · 8 months
What Do Ability Scores Represent?
Recently, Into The Odd and the players in my home game helped me realise something fundamental:
Ability scores represent how good you are at acting under pressure.
STR isn't strength, it's toughness;
DEX really means reflexes;
WIS is more accurately calm or willpower;
It is convention in roleplaying games that your ability scores / attributes / six stats determine who your character is.
High DEX means your character is spry, capable of acrobatic flourish; a good Willpower generally means you can browbeat others / themselves / reality (if you are spellcaster) into doing what they want; etc.
There is pleasure in looking at a sheet and seeing: Oh! These are the things my character is good at.
But you do run into problems. Does my 18 DEX rogue know they are fleeter than the 17 DEX bard? What if my wizard thinks she is stronger than her 10 STR? What if I have a brilliant scheme but my barbarian only has 9 INT?
How well, in other words, does the map represent the territory?
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(Art by Vesha, who is an illustrator! source)
I've got three players in my home game:
Vesha plays the teenaged trader Khabar (and his buffalo friend / parent-figure, Paal);
Amanda plays the monkey warrior Boots-Ra, now going white-furred;
Aish plays Captain Phung.
Phung does not yet own a proper sea-going vessel. Perhaps he lost his previous ship? Perhaps he never had one. (He does have a magic five-person sampan, though!)
He is impulsive. He tends to make dodgy deals with hapless village-folk, pick up dangerous-looking objects, and flirt with dangerous-looking men.
Mechanics-wise, here's how my interactions with Aish / Phung tend to go:
Me: Okay, make a DEX save to duck before the hunter stabs you. Aish: Damn, my DEX is only 6, guess we'll see ... Amanda: Oh, no, Phung!
In a previous session:
Me: Okay, I think I'll call for a WIL save, because the ghost in the goat skull is trying to possess you. Aish: Well, my WIL is 5, hopefully this works out ... Vesha: Oh shit, Phung!
Some sessions back:
Me: The automaton shoves you. Make a STR save? Otherwise you'll be on the ground at its mercy. Aish: Guys I have 6 STR, I may be in trouble here. Me: Wait wait wait. What are your stats again?
So it turns out that Aish had terrible rolls at chargen. STR 6 DEX 6 WIL 5. Just going by ability scores, Phung is an idiot weakling.
Thing is, Phung isn't an idiot weakling.
I've got crafty players; they are pretty good at cooking up multi-part schemes. (Their go-to tactic is bamboozling rival factions to show up at the same place, then benefit from the fallout.)
Phung is generally the face for whatever racket they've got going: he's the most obvious leader (the party is generally "Captain Phung and crew"), and Aish plays him as a capable, charismatic go-getter.
Looking at the character sheet, is Aish playing Phung wrong?
Fuck that. A player cannot play their own character wrong. I reject this notion outright.
What's going on?
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Different rulesets try to bridge the gaps between player action, character ability, and abstract math in different ways: eliminating mental attributes; going totally skill-based; etc.
The ruleset that comes closest to "solving" this, for me, is Into The Odd.
Saves are the only kind of test player-characters make, in ITO and its derivatives. This is key.
The ruleset assumes competency on the part of characters; you only go to the dice if you need to figure out stuff that is out of your control.
How badly a straight-up fight goes; whether you can jump aside in time if you've accidentally sprung a trap; whether you can improvise a lie on the fly.
Implicitly, and in practice:
The STR stat in ITO is more accurately toughness---ie: how well you can withstand a physically demanding situation you didn't prepare for.
Ditto DEX, which is an abstraction for how quickly your reflexes trigger.
Same with WIL, which is how well you stay calm under duress.
I can be sharp when I've got time and it is a subject I have experience in. But suddenly ask me to make a speech and I'm toast (low INT).
Some folks have no martial arts training but can hold their own if a brawl breaks out in a bar (high STR).
Captain Phung is a pretty cool operator when he's in control, but tends to seize up when things go off the rails (low WIL).
There's my answer to the conundrum of Captain Phung: he's a genuinely capable guy. He's just not necessarily great under stress. His reach exceeds his grasp, sometimes.
Your ability scores don't represent who your character is. Your ability scores represent who your character is, when under duress.
In other words:
Ability scores are who your character is when they are not in control. Ability scores are your character's reactions.
I do feel slow on the uptake, for only grokking this now.
Chris McDowall probably has a post from the mid 2010s or something where he discusses this aspect design in detail, the clever genius bastard. It is probably internalised play-culture within the ITO-and-descendants community; Emms points out that the current edition of Mothership explicitly talks about stats in this way.
Am glad to have a regular TTRPG group again, and I have them to thank for my epiphany!
(They are kickass. I ran them through Whirling Mummy a while back and it was a RIOT)
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oneatlatime · 9 months
Appa's Lost Days
Dare I hope?
You know, if ten year old me had turned on my TV to watch my weekly dose of Avatar and been greeted with a nearly two minute long uninterrupted sequence of a frightened and distressed animal being mistreated, that TV would have turned right back off again.
I don't buy that a ten tonne bison who has the leverage of his own weight as well as his airbending abilities would succumb to so few people.
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Name one other character that Avatar has presented as so thoroughly without any redeeming characteristics. Even Zhao was at least kind of funny. Everything about the chucklehead on the left is rotten to the core. "What's your dad going to do when he finds out we broke his stuff while doing crime?" "Nothing. It's not his stuff; it's previous crime."
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I thought beetle-headed was a commentary on their intelligence, but it's actually a description.
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I should have waited to get my hopes up until I came to an episode called Appa's Found Days. Is this whole thing going to be a series of near misses with the Gaang?
You know, if I had a nickel for every time an animal companion on this show has been threatened with a trip to the butcher's, I'd have two nickels. In the space of two episodes.
This is not fun to watch guys.
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Not if I break you first asshole.
The way this Nurse Ratched type circus guy says "earn it" is chilling.
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Of course the Fire Nation would find a way to turn bending into animal abuse. Of course.
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a) that cage is way too small b) who knew cabbage suction could be so cute?
Completely unsubtle parallel with the boy here, right down to the complete disregard they show to the threats thrown their way.
Stubborn and wilful are not adjectives I would use to describe Appa this episode, or ever.
Wind buffalo. Wind Buffalo. Really? Was Fart Cow taken?
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That's a very relatable facial expression.
That makeup and costume is awful.
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Now that's satisfying.
Is the Fire Nation kid voiced by Aang's voice actor?
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Nevermind. THAT'S satisfying.
I was right - this episode is Appa always being a step behind the Gaang.
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Baby Appas! This almost makes this episode worth it!
It's funny how a single feature can contribute so much to a character's design. Arrowless Aang is just some kid. Let me rephrase that, since such a big part of Aang's character is the fact that he's just some goofy kid. Arrowless Aang is indistinguishable from other kids for the first time this series, because every other time we've seen him on screen he's either the only child airbender with his arrows, or the only airbender left.
Lady monks. Nuns? I don't think I've seen those before.
Appa and Aang share a dreamscape? That could be useful.
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There's dumb, there's really dumb, and then there's 'wake a completely asleep and therefore harmless unknown creature with threats of violence' dumb.
Close call for Iroh. Do you think he's suspected that Appa (and presumably the Avatar) haven been in Ba Sing Se this whole time?
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Bipedal Appa is strange. A very effective fighter, but strange to look at.
I'm amazed that giant boar thing walked away from that.
And now they're hitting me with an 'Appa's given Up' montage. Someone who works on this show hates me.
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*Heroically refrains from ranting about the impracticality of using white fabric for an active warrior's glove.*
"This could be our most important mission yet." Foreshadowing?
Did Suki and Appa actually meet at any point in the Warriors of Kyoshi episode?
Turns out 'Aang' is a magic word.
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Appa kisses!
Appa is apparently legally banned from having anything good for more than five minutes. Although it's good writing that they're using a previously established weakness - Appa's shedding - to bring the danger ladies back in.
I guess they have Azula drop the line about her brother to remind the audience of who she is, but surely Suki's like "Who are you? Who's your brother? Why should I care?"
Azula going after the Kyoshi warriors is completely unnecessary right? The Avatar isn't there. Neither are Zuko and Iroh. It doesn't even net her Appa. She's just looking for someone to beat up.
WOW this is bad writing. Like really bad. My Immortal levels of bad.
Would it be too much to ask for the Kyoshi warriors to do even slightly ok against the Azula ladies? Couldn't they at least get a couple of hits in?
Kudos to Suki for essentially sacrificing herself and her warriors to save Appa. 'Most important mission yet' was a bit on the nose.
Out of options, Appa goes home. Ouch.
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Someone explain this to me. Air Bison teething ring?
My what a human sounding cough you have buddy.
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This is why you don't use Air Bison as guard dogs.
I like what this Guru is saying. Fear displacing trust but not love feels more accurate than how I usually see the consequences of trauma discussed.
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The music playing throughout this sequence fits so well. I think it's some sort of metal thing you hit - I want to say a variation on tubular bells, and maybe something Glockenspiel adjacent? It's unlike anything I've heard in this show before and it fits so well that I'm nerding out a bit.
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Disney princess Guru. Aang has Disney princess moments too. Maybe it's an Air Nomad thing?
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No wonder the monks built a temple here. Even destroyed, it's gorgeous.
And Appa decides to trust again. I love it when an animal visibly comes to a decision about your trustworthiness.
This energy reading stuff makes sense given that Aang and Appa already share a dreamscape.
He IS a great beast. The best!
Someone whip up a wanted poster for Long Feng: Cattle Rustler. It had also never occurred to me that he was an earthbender.
That flip move with the earthbending platform must have caused Appa to land on his back. I bet that hurt.
One of the times I am very grateful that the closing credits music is so upbeat.
Final Thoughts
@aboutiroh I see why you recommended I save my chocolate for this episode.
The Tale of Momo was really just a preparatory taste of things to come, huh? Almost a microcosm of this episode.
This is the first episode where I had to take breaks while watching. Especially the circus sequence, I think I got up twice to do things like get a cup of tea and stare randomly out windows at squirrels. I didn't even have to do that with Zuko Alone, despite freaking out a lot about it, because at least that episode took breaks from the child abuse to check in with Aang being miserable. This episode was unrelenting.
If I had seen this episode when I was the age of the target audience, this may well have turned me off the show for good. If my Mom had seen this episode, I would have been banned from watching the show entirely. Not a decision I'd agree with, but my Mom is the type of person who banned her kids from watching Bambi.
To watch through all of that unrelenting animal (at best) unhappiness, and still not get Appa back at the end of the episode? That's a bit much. It's not often that this show ends its episodes without at least a little bit of something positive.
Once again, the music did a lot of heavy lifting this episode. The animal noises weren't quite as emotive as the ones in Momo's Tale, but Appa's face is more expressive, and more was shown through his expression than through Momo's, so I feel like this episode had just as much non-verbal animal communication as Momo's Tale.
I think I'm renaming season 2 "the Suki redemption arc." I really didn't like the Warriors of Kyoshi episode, and I didn't like what her character did in that episode. But every time Suki appears in season 2? She absolutely nails it.
The show since losing Appa has taken to wallowing. Even with bright spots like the poetry bouncer, the overall tone since Appa's appanapping has been ever more dark. If this keeps up for many more episodes, it will no longer be fun to watch.
Somehow I don't think this one is going on my rewatch list.
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Crossing the enemy lines
Fandom: Ron Kamonohashi Deranged Detective
Last week, an anime in the making was announced to the delight of manga readers like yours truly. This is a prequel to the first chapter, with some hints of spoilers, yet canon divergence and a mix of head canons and fan theories.
If you haven’t read it, I urge you to do it.
Trying out for the first time to join @flashfictionfridayofficial for this week’s prompt.
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Totomaru Isshiki is on the run. Face, beet red and sweating, and heart racing, he turns around for a split second to check if someone is following him. Nary a soul. No one. Nothing. He walks along the coastal beach, strange that there are no divers to be seen, no beachcombers, not even the locals. The white sand, however, keeps on entering his white sneakers.
Kilometres it seems as he comes across the fields of rice where patient water buffaloes are waiting for their masters. His burner phone starts again to vibrate. In fact, it has been vibrating ever since this morning. Like a wilful child, he decides not to answer it at all.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… fuck me!” Cursing is not particularly in his vocabulary, but at this moment, cursing at himself seems to be the only thing he can do. Paranoia grips him. Regrets. He has a lot of those. Especially if you are born in a powerful family operating in the shadows. He’s been cooped up for two days on the beautiful Yaeyama Islands. He’s walking aimlessly. The view is right—a row of Bali style lodges in the middle of luxurious jungle facing the blue waters of the ocean against the backdrop of loud yellow sunshine, verdant rice fields, temperature shooting up to more than 30 degrees, perfect for a getaway—but everything is wrong, off. Toto’s ideal vacation is without a doubt no disturbance coming from anybody, lest his own family.
The old Nokia model vibrates again. He resolves to answering it all at once. “Hi!” Toto knows the owner of that voice, Milo Moriarty.
“No greetings? Oh, you wound me, Toto. Are you enjoying the views at least? Have you been touring the whole island? You are so unreachable. It is exhausting to be ignored. Don’t try me, Toto. Don’t make me angry.”
Of course, Milo will know where he is. He has eyes and ears on everything. His omnipotence scares him, a family trait. Besides, he’s the one who kidnaps him away from the comforts of his new flat. He’s the reason he has probably lost a day prior to his arrival to the islands.
“It is not my fault to be here, Milo. I was doing my job and the next thing I knew I was on an island.” Toto is irritated that intermingles with his fear. He knows what Milo is capable of. He has seen how he destroys his enemies, witnessed what happened to those who oppose him. Yet deep inside, he knows Milo won’t dare touch a strand of his brown hair. He has other ways to punish him.
“Your job? If that’s your way of making me laugh… you only got it because you insisted of doing the right thing when you don’t even have the talent for deduction.” Loud chuckle rambles on the receiver. Toto could smother him. “The curtain rises.” Milo has the penchant for the dramatics. “Your stage is ready.”
“Ron Kamonohashi is not bothering the family. He’s suffering from depression, wallowing in his own loneliness…why do we need to lure him out?” Toto asks. He’s not used to violence so he’s resorting to a more sinister plan: befriending him, earning his trust. Milo has instructed him. He’s been taught how to mind his manners after all, all thanks to their grandmother, who is particular with etiquette by keeping the appearances of a respectable family.
“Because he’s nothing but a pest, Toto. He’s akin to a rat that needs to be eradicated. He’s an anomaly. He’s a taint.” Milo, who has taken over the family empire, means business. He can go on and on, declaring a hundred ways to destroy Ron Kamonohashi.
“He’s walled up in his room for five years, don’t you think it is punishment enough?”
“Are you backing out? Are you defying me? We have talked about this.” Milo raises his voice. Toto, shocked and defeated, tries to defuse Milo’s anger.
“All right. All right. You don’t need to be hyper. I’ll do it, okay?!” Toto assures Milo.
“Very good! Enjoy the last few hours of your holiday, Toto. Details will come to you once you are back in Tokyo.”
“Will you be there?”
“Maybe. Though I doubt it. If my schedules in London will permit me. Goodbye, Toto. I am counting on you this time.”
Toto lets out a sigh. He packs the personal stuff he has, goes to the terrace, and watches the sunset. Very soon he will meet the descendant of Sherlock Holmes. Not long now.
Expanded version now on AO3.
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hoodoverhollywood · 13 hours
SOURCE SPORTS: Josh Allen, Jaylon Jones, and Wil Lutz Earn AFC Player of the Week Honors for Week 3
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen, Indianapolis Colts cornerback Jaylon Jones, and Denver Broncos kicker Wil Lutz have been named the AFC Offensive, Defensive, and Special Teams Players of the Week for their standout performances in Week 3. Josh Allen led the Buffalo Bills to a dominant 47-10 victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars, completing 23 of 30 passes (76.7 percent) for 263 yards and…
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What to Expect During Your First Couples Massage in Buffalo
Experiencing a couples massage can be a deeply relaxing and bonding experience. Whether you are new to massage therapy or have enjoyed it many times before, sharing this soothing experience with a partner can enhance your connection and provide mutual benefits. If you’re planning your first couples massage in Buffalo, you might be curious about what to expect. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process, from booking your appointment to enjoying the afterglow of relaxation.
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The Benefits of a Couples Massage
A couples massage involves two people receiving massages simultaneously in the same room. This experience can offer several benefits:
Shared Experience: Sharing a relaxing activity can strengthen your emotional bond.
Simultaneous Relaxation: Both partners get to relax and unwind together, making it an excellent way to spend quality time.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Massage therapy can reduce stress hormones, leaving both partners feeling calmer.
Enhanced Relationship: Physical touch and relaxation can foster intimacy and improve communication.
Choosing the Right Spa
Buffalo boasts a variety of spas offering couples massages, so selecting the right one is crucial for a positive experience. Consider the following factors when choosing a spa:
Reputation: Look for spas with good reviews and positive feedback from previous clients.
Ambiance: A relaxing environment is key. Check for photos or visit the spa to ensure it has the right atmosphere.
Services Offered: Ensure the spa offers the type of massage you prefer, such as Swedish, deep tissue, or hot stone massage.
Therapist Qualifications: Verify that the massage therapists are licensed and experienced.
Price: Compare prices and packages to find a service that fits your budget.
Booking Your Appointment
Once you’ve chosen a spa, booking your appointment is the next step. Here’s what you need to consider:
Advance Booking: Couples massages are popular, so it’s advisable to book your appointment well in advance.
Time and Duration: Decide on the time and duration of the massage. Sessions typically range from 60 to 90 minutes.
Special Requests: Inform the spa of any special requests, such as specific massage techniques, aromatherapy, or room settings.
Preparing for Your Massage
Preparation can enhance your massage experience. Here’s how to get ready:
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before your massage to help your muscles and tissues hydrate.
Avoid Heavy Meals: Eat light to avoid discomfort during the massage.
Shower: A warm shower before your massage can help relax your muscles and make you feel fresh.
Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing. You will undress to your comfort level during the massage, and most spas provide robes and slippers.
Arrival and Check-In
Arriving at the spa 15-20 minutes early can help you start your experience calmly and without rushing. The check-in process typically involves:
Completing Forms: You might need to fill out a health questionnaire to inform the therapists of any medical conditions or preferences.
Tour of the Facilities: Some spas offer a brief tour to familiarize you with the facilities, including the changing rooms and relaxation areas.
The Couples Massage Room
The couples massage room is designed to be a serene and intimate space. Here’s what you can expect:
Two Massage Tables: The room will have two massage tables placed side by side.
Relaxing Atmosphere: Expect dim lighting, soothing music, and possibly aromatic scents to create a tranquil environment.
Privacy: The room is private, ensuring an intimate experience without disturbances.
Meeting Your Therapists
Before the massage begins, you will meet your therapists. This is an important step as it sets the tone for your session. Your therapists will:
Discuss Preferences: They will ask about your massage preferences, pressure levels, and any specific areas you want to focus on or avoid.
Explain the Process: They will explain the steps of the massage and what to expect, helping you feel more comfortable and prepared.
Answer Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the massage process or techniques used.
The Massage Experience
Once you’re ready, the massage begins. Here’s what happens during the session:
Undressing: You will undress to your comfort level and lie down on the massage tables, usually under a sheet or towel for modesty and warmth.
Initial Relaxation: The massage typically starts with some gentle strokes to relax your muscles.
Focused Techniques: Depending on the type of massage you’ve chosen, the therapist will use various techniques such as kneading, stretching, and applying pressure to release tension.
Communication: Feel free to communicate with your therapist during the massage. If the pressure is too much or too little, or if you feel any discomfort, let them know so they can adjust accordingly.
Breathing and Relaxation: Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to relax completely. This helps maximize the benefits of the massage.
Partner Connection: Occasionally, therapists may encourage gentle touches or stretches that involve both partners, enhancing the sense of connection.
After the Massage
After the massage, you will be given some time to relax and slowly reawaken. Here’s what typically follows:
Resting Time: Spend a few minutes lying on the table to let your body absorb the benefits of the massage.
Hydrate Again: Drink water to help flush out any toxins released during the massage.
Feedback: Provide feedback to your therapists about your experience. This can help them tailor future sessions to your preferences.
Enjoy Spa Amenities: Many spas offer amenities such as saunas, hot tubs, or relaxation lounges. Take advantage of these to extend your relaxation.
Post-Massage Tips
To maintain the benefits of your couples massage, consider these tips:
Stay Hydrated: Continue drinking water throughout the day.
Avoid Strenuous Activities: Give your body time to rest and recover.
Healthy Eating: Eat a light, healthy meal to nourish your body.
Continued Relaxation: Engage in relaxing activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or meditating.
Addressing Common Concerns
First-time couples massage clients often have a few common concerns. Here are some reassurances:
Modesty: Professional therapists are trained to respect your privacy and comfort. You will be draped appropriately throughout the massage.
Communication: Open communication with your therapist is crucial. They are there to make your experience enjoyable and will appreciate your feedback.
First-Time Nerves: It’s natural to feel a bit nervous, but remember that the goal is relaxation and enjoyment. Focus on the shared experience with your partner.
The Emotional Connection
A couples massage is not just about physical relaxation; it’s also about emotional bonding. Here’s how it can deepen your connection:
Shared Relaxation: Experiencing relaxation together can create a sense of unity and shared tranquility.
Enhanced Intimacy: Physical touch releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which can enhance feelings of closeness and affection.
Quality Time: In our busy lives, finding uninterrupted time to spend together can be challenging. A couples massage provides a dedicated time for connection.
Choosing the Right Massage Type
Understanding the different types of massages available can help you select the one that best suits your needs:
Swedish Massage: Known for its gentle techniques and overall relaxation, Swedish massage is a great choice for first-timers.
Deep Tissue Massage: If you have specific areas of tension or chronic pain, a deep tissue massage can provide targeted relief.
Hot Stone Massage: The use of warm stones can enhance relaxation and relieve muscle tension.
Aromatherapy Massage: Incorporating essential oils, this massage can further enhance relaxation and well-being.
Personalizing Your Experience
Many spas offer options to personalize your couples massage experience. Consider these enhancements:
Aromatherapy: Choose essential oils that suit your mood or therapeutic needs.
Music Selection: Some spas allow you to select your preferred music for the session.
Customized Pressure: Ensure that the pressure used during the massage matches your comfort level.
A couples massage in Buffalo can be a memorable and enriching experience for both you and your partner. By understanding what to expect and preparing accordingly, you can maximize the benefits and enjoyment of this shared activity. From choosing the right spa to understanding the different types of massages available, every step of the process contributes to a relaxing and intimate experience. Remember to communicate openly with your therapist and each other, and to enjoy the tranquility and connection that a couples massage can offer. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a moment of shared relaxation, a couples massage buffalo is a wonderful way to enhance your relationship and well-being.
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naturalflow · 6 months
Dc is $17 an hour and DC is a a city pretty much so New York City and Buffalo, New York are going to have two very very extremely different minimum wages and as of right now each city is to be managed by its county and each county wil be held accountable by the state for mismanagement
The federal government will step in when the state can no longer handle its disputes
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lindajenni · 6 months
mar 19
flowers in the Canyon "but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness" gal 5:22 in one of ralph connor’s books he tells a story of gwen.  gwen was a wild, wilful lassie and one who had always been accustomed to having her own way.  then one day she met with a terrible accident which crippled her for life.  she became very rebellious and in the murmuring state she was visited by the sky pilot, as the missionary among the mountaineers was termed. he told her the parable of the canyon.  "at first there were no canyons, but only the broad, open prairie.  one day the Master of the prairie, walking over his great lawns, where were only grasses, asked the prairie, ’where are your flowers?’ and the prairie said, ’Master i have no seeds.’ “then he spoke to the birds, and they carried seeds of every kind of flower and strewed them far and wide, and soon the prairie bloomed with crocuses and roses and buffalo beans and the yellow crowfoot and the wild sunflowers and the red lilies all summer long.  then the Master came and was well pleased; but he missed the flowers he loved best of all, and he said to the prairie: ’where are the clematis and the columbine, the sweet violets and wind-flowers, and all the ferns and flowering shrubs?’ “and again he spoke to the birds, and again they carried all the seeds and scattered them far and wide.  but, again, when the Master came he could not find the flowers he loved best of all, and He said: “’where are those my sweetest flowers?’ and the prairie cried sorrowfully: “’oh, Master, i cannot keep the flowers, for the winds sweep fiercely, and the sun beats upon my breast, and they wither up and fly away.’ “then the Master spoke to the lightning, and with one swift blow the lightning cleft the prairie to the heart.  and the prairie rocked and groaned in agony, and for many a day moaned bitterly over the black, jagged, gaping wound. “but the river poured its waters through the cleft, and carried down deep black mould, and once more the birds carried seeds and strewed them in the canyon.  and after a long time the rough rocks were decked out with soft mosses and trailing vines, and all the nooks were hung with clematis and columbine, and great elms lifted their huge tops high up into the sunlight, and down about their feet clustered the low cedars and balsams, and everywhere the violets and wind-flower and maiden-hair grew and bloomed, till the canyon became the Master’s favorite place for rest and peace and joy.” then the sky pilot read to her: “the fruit — i’ll read ’flowers’ — of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness — and some of these grow only in the canyon.” “which are the canyon flowers?” asked gwen softly, and the pilot answered: “gentleness, meekness, longsuffering; but though the others, love, joy, peace, bloom in the open, yet never with so rich a bloom and so sweet a perfume as in the canyon.” for a long time gwen lay quite still, and then said wistfully, while her lips trembled: “there are no flowers in my canyon, but only ragged rocks.” “some day they will bloom, gwen dear; the Master will find them, and we, too, shall see them.” beloved, when you come to your canyon, remember! public domain content taken from streams in the desert by mrs. charles cowman. ------- beloved friends, we must learn to treasure our valleys as we do our mountain top.  God is working in all of them to prove a narrow path to Him. i've had many tears and sorrowsi've had questions for tomorrowthere's been times I didn't know right from wrongbut in every situationGod gave me blessed consolationthat my trials come to only make me strong
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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(Real Clear Wire)—With all the devastating news about urban crime, drug overdoses, illegal immigration, rampant homelessness, out-of-control budgets, and educational failures, it is encouraging that President Donald Trump has committed his next administration to a saving America’s cities.
As Just the News reported, “With the nation’s first primary state as a backdrop, former President Donald Trump took aim Saturday at Democrats’ urban strongholds, vowing to both secure and revitalize blue cities weary from years of violence and economic decay.”
As the outlet reported, President Trump told a crowd in Durham, New Hampshire, “We’re going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety, and beauty. It will be the greatest investment ever made.”
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This is encouraging. All too often, Republicans have neglected our great cities – or been openly hostile toward them because of their Democratic leadership.
Perhaps the most famous example of this was an Oct. 29, 1975 speech in which then-President Gerald Ford explained why he would not help New York City with its fiscal crisis.
The following day, the New York Daily News had a huge page-one headline: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.”
President Ford was philosophically right as a fiscal conservative and federalist, but the political message was devastating for Republicans.
I served with Buffalo Congressman Jack Kemp, who was the most innovative pro-city Republican with whom I have ever worked. Kemp developed a program for enterprise zones to help encourage business development in the poorest parts of cities. Working with civil rights activist Bob Woodson, the two developed a program to allow people in public housing to put in sweat equity and eventually gain ownership of their units. Kemp and Woodson followed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in trying to create an ownership society.
One of the most striking moments in U.S. House debate history was when an outraged Democrat Congressman Barney Frank, who opposed Kemp’s proposal, argued that under the plan, a poor family in New York City might be able to acquire a property worth $1 million in the New York market. It did not seem to occur to Frank that helping poor people become wealthy was a good idea.
President Trump, a product of Queens and Manhattan, understands that we cannot be a great nation if our great cities decay and die. Consider his own words from a speech about saving America’s cities in Reno, Nevada:
“[W]e’re going to indemnify police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime. They’re going to be indemnified… Policemen are forced not to do anything when they want to, and under the threat of losing their pension, their house, their family, they lose everything, and they’re afraid to move. … We’re not going to let that happen anymore.
“In addition, we will take over our horribly-run Washington, DC – and clean up, renovate, and rebuild, our Capitol, so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. You see what’s happening. But rather, will become the most beautiful Capitol anywhere in the world. It’s a mess. It’s a filthy, disgusting, mess. Our parks will be cleaned, the tents and graffiti, all of these tents and graffiti, right in the middle of the most beautiful parks in the world. Those tents and graffiti will be removed. Slum areas will be demolished and rebuilt to the highest level of architectural elegance. Washington, DC will become a symbol of beauty, security, freedom, and strength…
“In addition to our Capitol, we are going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety, and beauty. Better than they have ever been before. We are going to focus on our cities… It will be the greatest investment ever made in these cities. And we will work closely with Democrat leaders. They are all run by Democrats, if you can believe it. But we’ll work closely with the Democrat leaders of all these failing places to make sure that this rebuilding will be a lasting and compassionate one. It’ll be a great rebuilding. Safety will again be restored, so that our children can go out with their parents, mother, and father, and play in the park without being beat up, molested, or shot. Students will be able to walk to school in peace, criminal rates will plummet, and people will long just long to move back to the city again.”
The fact that President Trump explicitly included working closely with Democrat leaders is a good step toward making the second Trump administration more bipartisan – but still deeply committed to reform.
This was an encouraging speech for our future and a real commitment to save America’s citizens. It is a good step toward bringing Americans together and healing some of the partisan divisions.
Those who are committed to union incompetence, leftwing extremism, and keeping power will fight against a program to save America’s cities. Most Americans, however, will be excited by the vision of a safe, prosperous, and forward-looking urban future.
I expect the American people will win.
I've come to the conclusion that living in densely populated urban areas rots both your brain and your soul. I'm not sure the cities CAN be saved.
One other note: Ya know what is different about Hillary Clinton and President Trump. He'll always be remembered as "President" Trump and she'll always be known as the woman whose husband wasted a perfectly good Cubano while having sex with his intern in the Oval Office.
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kids4hungamathings · 9 months
Don't Miss the End - Angry Bison vs Cow and Buffalo Fighting Video | Wil...
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the-football-chick · 11 months
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Week 10 wraps up with the Broncos @ the Bills on Monday Night Football
Too many penalties and turnovers doomed the Bills as they lose to the Broncos on a walk-off field goal. With just seconds remaining, the Bills got called for pass interference, putting the Broncos in field goal position. But after Broncos K Wil Lutz missed a 41-yarder, the Bills get another 5-yard penalty for having 12 men on the field and Lutz makes the 36-yard FG as time expired.
so sad
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knowkids · 9 months
Don't Miss the End - Angry Bison vs Cow and Buffalo Fighting Video | Wil...
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funnyfatanimalss · 9 months
Don't Miss the End - Angry Bison vs Cow and Buffalo Fighting Video | Wil...
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“Kilometres it seems as he comes across the fields of rice where patient water buffaloes are waiting for their masters. His burner phone starts again to vibrate. In fact, it has been vibrating ever since this morning. Like a wilful child, he decides not to answer it at all.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… fuck me!” Cursing is not particularly stored in his vocabulary, but at this moment, cursing at himself seems to be the only thing he can do. Paranoia grips him. Regrets. Yes, he has a lot of those. Especially if you are born into a powerful family operating in the shadows. He’s been shut in for two days on the beautiful Yaeyama Islands. He’s walking aimlessly. The view is right—a row of Bali style lodges in the middle of luxurious jungle facing the blue waters of the ocean against a backdrop of loud yellow sunshine, a few meters away are verdant rice fields, temperature shooting up to more than 30 degrees, perfect for a getaway—but everything is wrong, off. Toto’s ideal vacation is, without a doubt, no disturbance coming from anybody, lest his own family.”
Read more on AO3.
Expanded a bit and edited for last Friday’s @flashfictionfridayofficial
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toddlercrafts · 9 months
Don't Miss the End - Angry Bison vs Cow and Buffalo Fighting Video | Wil...
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wildanimalslife · 9 months
Don't Miss the End - Angry Bison vs Cow and Buffalo Fighting Video | Wil...
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