#buffy summers ( threads. )
normaltothemax · 2 months
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@thelostslayer liked this for a starter
Running, running, running. It feels like that’s all he does, somedays. Running from thugs on the streets, from cops and social workers, from the death of his mother. Jason runs and runs and runs and it doesn’t matter how much his chest burns, how difficult it is to breathe, he just keeps right on running, because if he stops, he might stop breathing altogether.
Currently, he’s running from the man whose wallet he’s stolen. Not the biggest or scariest guy, not some mobster or goon or trafficker, but he’s pissed off and bigger than Jason, stronger than Jason, faster than Jason. Jason’s using every trick he has to get away from him, wallet tucked safely away so he can keep his hands free. If he can just get to the alley two blocks away, there’s a hole in the wall of one building he’ll be able to squeeze through. Jason can barely fit at eleven-years-old—there’s no way this guy will.
He risks a glance over his shoulder to see how far back the man is at exactly the wrong moment. Barrels straight into some girl and lands hard on his ass on the concrete with an ‘oof!’ His chest is heaving, burning, he can’t catch his breath, but he can’t stop, so he scrambles to get up—
Only to get scruffed by the asshole chasing him and hefted up, yelping, feet dangling off the ground. Panic floods through him, because he can’t get away despite how much he’s struggling and no one’s gonna care if one more street kid goes missing. Hell, the girl he ran into will probably be glad, because Jason’s pretty sure he made her spill whatever drink was in her hand, and people in Gotham can be petty like that. “Put me down!”
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legendaryl0stpieces · 3 months
@little-miss-buffy continued from here. [x]
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"Oh really? Well do tell how do you intend to do that here?" Klaus was quite interested in how she was going to do that. The blonde was very interesting to him. Klaus had came against hunters but slayers. Not so much. Maybe that was why he was so keen on her.
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sunnydalescoobiies · 10 months
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plotted & closed starter for @cruelprincae from buffy summers.
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†  ――――    BUFFY  NEVER  EXPECTED  TO  BE  TRAVELING  WITH  A  FAERIE.  in  all  honesty,  buffy  had  no  idea  of  their  existence  to  begin  with.  what  else  was  she  going  to  run  into?  elves  or  mermaids  next?  she  tried  not  to  be  so  callous  or  demeaning  about  it,  though.  she's  just  been  so  accustomed  to  vampires  and  demons  and  even  werewolves  but  faeries?  that's  something  she  always  thought  had  to  be  a  myth,  too  far  of  a  reach  to  actually  exist  in  this  world  but  she  was  wrong  because  lo  and  behold,  cardan  existed  and  he  was  existing  to  purely  be  a  pain  in  her  damn  ass.  of  course,  there  was  a  much  bigger  picture  here  than  annoying  her  every  chance  he  got;  she  was  apparently  supposed  to  protect  him  and  aid  him  in  his  conquest.  this  was  also  something  buffy  never  thought  would  happen  to  her.  wasn't  her  sacred  duty  supposed  to  be  protecting  humans  from  becoming  lunchables  for  the  undead?  last  time  she  checked,  protecting  tinkerbell  wasn't  on  her  list  of  tasks  for  the  day.
IT  TOOK  EVERYTHING  IN  HER  TO  FINALLY  SUCCUMB  TO  THIS  APPARENT  PROPHECY.  she  would  much  rather  be  kicking  some  vampire  ass  in  the  graveyard  or  kicking  back  at  her  place  sharpening  her  stakes  and  listening  to  nirvana;  anything  but  this  exhausting  journey.  she  bit  her  tongue,  most  of  the  time,  while  they  traveled  together  but  it  wasn't  in  buffy's  nature  to  keep  her  mouth  shut.  he  seemed  to  complain  constantly;  his  feet  hurt  or  how  he  longed  for  a  warm  bed.  he  clearly  needed  a  wake  up  call.  buffy  would  continue  on  foot  alongside  cardan  until  they  reached  their  final  destination  for  the  night.  as  much  as  buffy  put  up  a  hard  exterior  and  insisted  that  she  never  required  a  rest,  she  needed  it;  mostly,  she  needed  cardan  to  shut  up  and  go  to  sleep  so  she  could  hear  herself  think.      “      we're  here      ”    she  announced  to  him,  pointing  forward  with  her  stake  the  building  that  stood  tall  in  front  of  them  a  couple  hundred  feet  away.        “      listen,  this  isn't  some  hotel  where  they'll  have  a  hot  tub  and  an  all  you  can  eat  breakfast  bar.  this  is  a  spot  for  demons  to  lay  low,  got  it     ?     which  means  you  let  me  do  the  talking  and  no  one  gets  their  head  chopped  off      ”     she  warned  him  but  she  didn't  have  any  sort  of  high  hopes.  
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insufferablemonsters · 4 months
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔞 & 𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @daxamight.
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it  would  be  buffy  summers  to  wish  life  was  more  fair  when  darla  knew  that  could  never  be.  darla  knew  best  that  this  life  could  never  be  exactly  what  you  wanted  it  to  be.  it  was  a  cruel,  brutal  world  that  only  sought  out  to  take  away  life's  pleasures,  the  small  things  that  made  life  worth  living,  but  it  would  never  stick,  never  be  permanent.  it  annoyed  her,  to  see  someone  else  have  so  much  hope,  even  if  it  was  for  her.   ❛   if  only  wishes  were  horses  then  beggars  would  ride,  buffy   ❜   she  replied,  rolling  her  eyes.  she  wasn't  sure  she  could  take  much  more  of  this  hopeful  conversation.  she  scoffed  lightly,   ❛   you're  a  pest,  slayer   ❜   she  stated,  crossing  her  arms  over  her  chest  as  she  stared  at  buffy.  she  still  wasn't  sure  why  she  cared  so  much  about  saving  her  from  withering  away  and  dying.  she  hadn't  accepted  her  fate,  she  doesn't  think  she  will  until  she's  rotting  on  her  deathbed,  and  she'll  keep  fighting  until  she  finds  some  dumb,  naive  vampire  that  will  turn  her.  she's  convinced  the  only  way  she'll  be  able  to  survive  is  if  she's  turned  to  her  former  self  again,  but  buffy  apparently  had  different  ideas.  why  did  she  care?  why  did  angel  care?  why  couldn't  she  just  be  left  alone  to  take  care  of  this  on  her  own? 
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she  noticed  the  way  her  words  had  seemed  to  effect  her  in  some  way.  the  way  her  gaze  had  fallen  as  their  eyes  continued  to  maintain  intense  eye  contact.  what  was  she  feeling?  sympathy?  for  the  slayer?  she  wanted  to  feel  ashamed  of  herself,  she  did,  because  the  slayer  had  always  been  her  worst  enemy.  she  didn't  want  to  feel  bad  for  her  but  her  new  soul,  one  that  seemed  to  be  consuming  these  emotions  that  were  overwhelming  and  new,  caused  her  to  feel  things  she  never  thought  she  was  capable  of.  all  this  could've  been  avoided  if  buffy  minded  her  own  business.  now  she  was  forced  to  look  at  herself  in  the  mirror  and  wonder  why  she  cared  about  buffy's  feelings.  she  couldn't  help  but  shrugged  in  a  sassy  manner  and  smirk  at  buffy's  words,   ❛   finally,  you're  catching  on.  maybe  i  won't  have  to  hold  back  any  more   ❜   she  quipped  back.  she  thought  about  buffy's  suggestion  for  a  cab,  and  she  decided  completely  against  it.  close  quarters?  awkward  silence?  there's  only  so  much  human  darla  could  handle.  she  begins  to  walk  in  the  direction  buffy  had  come  from,   ❛   i  think  i'll  take  my  chances  on  the  street   ❜   she  told  her,  waiting  for  buffy  to  begin  venturing  next  to  her,  her  arms  still  crossed  over  her  chest.  she  was  slightly  cold,  but  she  wasn't  going  to  admit  that.   ❛   so,  why  are  you  here  in  the  city  of  hell?  is  it  because  of  angelus?   ❜   she  asked,  curious.  she  knew  they  weren't  together  any  longer.  if  they  were,  she  was  sure  angel  wouldn't  be  so  invested  in  saving  her  from  death.  she  looks  around,  avoiding  eye  contact  with  buffy.
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faiirytopias · 1 year
a closed generated line of dialogue for @strongxsurvivors !
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“of all the people in the world i could end up stuck with…”
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Buffy Summer Starter | CLOSED | FOR @thewxnderer
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Slay, slay, slay, that’s all Buffy seemed to do these days. Life of ‘the slayer’, am I right? Her slayer duties were making it hard to keep of with a personal life, school life, and being a slayer. The busty blonde played with the silver cross that normally lay resting in her cleavage; hidden from sight, so no vampire that was hiding amongst the living wouldn’t notice it. Buffy hadn’t even noticed she was playing with it, she was in her own deep thought. Some days, like today, she missed being a ‘normal girl’. The slayer slide down the cold gray wall.
She missed having lovers and not being afraid of them being a vampire or getting killed. A flash of Angel and everything they’d been through flashed in her mind. Only moments earlier she’d fought a group of vampires, they were small fries really. Buff had fought so much stronger, she was just drained and worn out. She’d give herself five minutes to wallow in her self-pity then it was back to business.
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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IT WAS RUMORS AND SPECULATION AS FAR AS SHE WAS CONCERNED. but with sunnydale gone, she was bound to move on right? there were slayers everywhere but she couldn't help this one, she couldn't ignore this one. she had been there in what she believed to be spike's final moments. she'd seen his change. she knew all of angel's accomplishments ... hard not to pay attention to him after all. as she approached the vampire in question, the one that would always have some part of her she felt her heart twist in layers of complexity. "hey there stranger."
@talesfromthevoiid ♥ for a starter from buffy summers for angel
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theirmadness · 4 months
you're making "the face" again. / buffy
meme status: accepting. meme source: uknown.
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❝ face? what face? ❞ confused, buffy reached up to her face, touching it as if that somehow could give her a clue about what he meant. of course she wasn't aware of any faces that she was making. she let out a nervous laugh, lowering her hands as she looked up at him. ❝ oh, you mean... right, i was... ❞ oh, crap. there was no denying it at this point, was there? and then there was the fact they had just kicked the crap out of a bunch of vampires... she and sam had decimated an entire nest, just the two of them. the adrenaline was still pumping in her system. she was the slayer, so this was her life since she was sixteen years old. but sam was just human, so it was extra impressive, everything he could do. ❝ well, fighting makes me horny, what can i say? it was just a little... flirting, sam. don't think about it too hard, ❞ she gave his chest a playful little pat, walking towards one of the bodies to retrieve her weapon from its head.
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Round 2: Match 10
"Two Sides of the Same Coin"- Two things that are regarded as part of the same thing. Even if they're very different, they have at least one common thread that helps them fit into this trope.
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Aang and Zuko:
(no propaganda)
Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane:
"One of the duos of all time. Intended as foils within the media, and then elaborated MUCH more in the fandom. People love talking about how much they reflect each other. How similar but how different they are. Gay"
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months
🔮 Good afternoon, my bookish bats. I hope you've had an enchanting, spell-binding October so far. If you want to add a little more magic to your TBR, consider these witchlit books featuring sapphic witches and other mystical beings!
🔮 The Scapegracers by Hannah Abigail Clarke 🪄 Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper 🔮 These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling 🪄 Sweet & Bitter Magic by Adrienne Tooley 🔮 The Midnight Girls by Alicia Jasinska 🪄 Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft
🔮 Now She Is Witch by Kirsty Logan 🪄 The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska 🔮 The Circle by M. Strandberg & S.B. Elfgren 🪄 The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores 🔮 The Shadow Cabinet by Juno Dawson 🪄 Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost
🔮 Edie in Between by Laura Sibson 🪄 When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey 🔮 Marvel's The Runaways 🪄 Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson 🔮 Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall 🪄 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow & Tara
🔮 All the Bad Apples by Moïra Fowley-Doyle 🪄 The Severed Thread by Leslie Vedder 🔮 The Lost Coast by A.R. Capetta 🪄 Romancing a Gorgon by Tallie Rose 🔮 Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 🪄 The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
🔮 Not Your Average Love Spell by Barbara Ann Wright 🪄 The Sting of Victory by S.D. Simper 🔮 Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno 🪄 The Reluctant Witch by Kristen S. Walker 🔮 Witching Moon by Poppy Woods 🪄 Keep Your Witches Close by Colette Rivera
🔮 Walking Through Shadows by Sheri Lewis Wohl 🪄 Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle 🔮 Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve 🪄 Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker & Wendy Xu
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kamaluhkhan · 25 days
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saf. 23. she/they. south asian. gemini moon. daughter of nemesis. probably thinking about sylvia plath's fig tree metaphor and saltburn summer. ur favorite fic writer's favorite fic writer <3
loves: web weaving threads, coming of age novels, the fear street trilogy, mary shelley, octavia butler, the connection between horror and feminine rage, buffy the vampire slayer, lorde's melodrama album, etc.
p.s: always happy to make friends so feel free to send me a message or an ask :)
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who i write for: luke castellan (pjo), levi ackerman (aot), shuri (mcu), gwen stacy (spiderverse)
latest fic: your sweetheart psychopathic crush ! (levi ackerman saltburn au)
currently working on: part 2 of NOW AND THEN (luke castellan x poseidon!reader) and about a dozen half-finished drafts but we'll ignore that for now
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mischiefxmuses · 8 months
taking inspiration from kasey with the pinboards. Here is my plotting/ starter call for the mini event. If you want a starter please be very specific about muses. Also if you like this for plotting i'll hop into your DMs. I'll be dropping most older threads pre event but keeping new ones going or plot heavy and important ones. But yeah that's it from me here goes:
Alastor - Going Solo
Alastor is chaos so he is likely going to be wandering around, watching and learning. Causing some chaos. Maybe talk to a few people, get a few secrets from people. He might offer up a song or two. Possible plots: People wanting to cause chaos with him, someone who spills their heart out to him, roaming around the museum together, judging people together. (2/3) - Shu Hualing, Clara
Angel - Going with Buffy Summers
Angel does not like events like this. He is going because he wants to be with buffy and he is trying new things. But he's still often going to be found wandering or in a corner. Possible plots: people watching from the sidelines as well, wandering the museum together (1/3) - Buffy
Billy Loomis - Going with Jill Roberts
Billy wonders what sort of chaos will happen but he is looking forward to getting to dance with his girlfriend. On this night he might not be focusing on Ghostface quite as much and more on her. (He does still have his knife on him just in case). Possible plots: causing a little bit of chaos, drinking, wandering around. (2/3) - Jill, Tara
Charles Xavier - Going with Ororo Monroe
Charles promised her to focus more on her so for this time he is really trying to make it about her and not work. He is going to try his hardest but will be quite sad that he cannot dance with her properly. Possible plots: Charles talking your muses ear off about the museum, having a drink with the professor, exploring the museum. (3/3) - Rose, Feng Yu , Ororo
Charlie Weasley - Going with Lydia Martin
After the war he struggles with big social events so it is going to require some getting used too. Especially since he used to be a social butterfly. He will be drinking, exploring and just chatting to as many people as possible. Possible plots: exploring, having a dance, drinking buddies. (1/3) - Dora
Charlotte Emily - Going with Max Lightwood
Charlotte never really got to experience these things and the random date thing with Max as well makes her nervous. Her aim will to be have fun but not to get overwhelmed and keep the puppet at bay. possible plots: someone who helps calm her down, someone to drink with, someone to explore with (2/3) - Cassidy, Mike
Cleo Mckinnon - Going with Thor Odinson
Cleo just wants to get away from the family drama and have a fun night. She will try to keep the peace in her family if things happen as best as she can but she wants to be able to enjoy her night with Thor. She wants to explore and be a person. possible plots: someone to explore with, someone to drink with, family plots. (1/3) - Thor
Cordelia Goode - Going with Alastor Moody
Cordelia loves an elegant event. She is even happier to go with Alastor. She is looking forward to a romantic evening with some dancing and conversation. possible plots: drinking together, exploring the museum, getting some fresh air (2/3) - Qi Yang, Alastor
Cullen Rutherford - Going with Jing Xi
Cullen doesn't like events like this but being who he is he needed to show his face and participate in the event. He is really awkward and uncomfortable but he will try. Just be ready for awkwardness. possible plots: exploring the museum, having a drink together, getting some fresh air, fellow government staff, catching him trying to sneak off. (0/3)
Dream - Going with Avar
Dream is not good in places like this. But he is trying, he really is. He will likely be on the sidelines most of the time. He won't try to leave because he's there with Avar but likely spending a lot of time outside. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting some fresh air, being with him when he tries a drink, judging people together. (2/3) - thanatos, Avar
Fleur Delacour Weasley - Going with Bill Weasley
Fleur cannot wait to be able to dance with her husband. She enjoys these sorts of events and looking forward to a romantic evening. She is excited to see how everyone is dressed. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting some fresh air, talking about the fashion. (1/3) - Bill
Harwin Strong - Going with Rhaenyra Targaryen
Getting to go to an event like this with his wife. He is very excited because he never got to show them off back home. They got that one dance together and it was so nice, one of the times he knew he loved them. He never got to show his affection so getting to now, he is very excited. He is so in love and cannot wait to dance with them. Even if he is not overly fond of parties. possible plots: exploring the museum, getting a drink, parents happy to have a night off. (0/3)
Henry Creel - Going with Phoebe Buffay
Henry is curious if anything will happen at this event. He is very intrigued by the whole thing. He agreed to do the blind date thing out of sheer curiosity. Not that he actually cares but he is a curious individual. He will be hungry for some chaos. possible plots: exploring the museum, creating some chaos, catching him trying to sneak into a place he shouldn't be going. (0/3)
Hera Syndulla - Going Solo
It'll be a fun night even if she's going solo. It's going to make her miss Kanan more than usual but she's happy to show her face. She wants to support her colleagues and meet new people. Maybe explore the museum. possible plots: hanging out with colleagues, having a drink or two, interacting with her pilots, exploring the museum. (0/3)
Hunter - Going with Rowena Ravenclaw
Hunter is getting better about going to these events. He is become more accustomed to not just being a soldier. He is looking forward to spending some time with Rowena, he will not dance because he cannot dance and doesn't want to embarrass him in front of her. He will try not to work either. possible plots: enjoying the vibes, exploring the museum, having a drink, someone trying to convince him to dance. (2/3) - Feyre, Rowena
Iorveth - Going with Lexi
Iorveth doesn't do these sort of events. Back home he was actively shunned so he never got to. He doesn't know how to do these sort of parties but of course Lexi dragged him along. He is reluctantly there. He will not dance. (Lexi will likely make him). possible plots: exploring the museum, having a drink or a few, watching from the sidelines, going outside for a bit. (0/3)
Loki Laufeyson - Going Solo
Loki is going because of curiosity and he works at the museum but he's not super keen. He doesn't need the reminder of all the festivities back home that he suffered through because no one really wanted to interact with him. But he's here. He might set of some magical fireworks or bring things in the museum to life because funny. possible plots: playing some tricks, exploring the museum, having a drink or a few, catching him trying to escape. (1/3) - Wei Wuxian
Nimona - Going with Reggie Peters
Nimona is ready to cause some chaos. She's never really been to an event like this and never gone while on a date. They have no idea how to navigate it but she's excited. Hopefully people will join in on the chaos they want to create. possible plots: causing chaos and mischief together, dancing, having a drink, exploring. (1/3) - Kaz
Peter Hale - Going with Bev Marsh
Peter is very intrigued and just happy to go with Bev. He can be very social and very charming. He is looking forward to dancing with Bev and having an evening just hoping nothing crazy happens. possible plots: having a drink or two, exploring the museum (2/3) - Bev, Allison
Rabastan Lestrange - Going with Narcissa Black
The main thing is he is looking forward to spending the evening with his fiance and getting to celebrate with her. He is going to avoid getting into fights and avoid any of the idiot brigade as much as possible. He will not engage in fights. possible plots: having a drink or two, exploring the museum, someone trying to engage in a fight with him. (0/3)
Satine Kryze - Going with Obi Wan Kenobi
Going as besties to enjoy the evening. Have a few drinks and relax. It is comforting to just have him around and going with him eases any stress she might feel about all of this. She knows it's important to show her face as well as a senator. possible plots: other government people, having a drink or two, exploring the museum. (0/3)
Sanji - Going with Nami
Sanji is over the moon excited to go with Nami to this and to get to dance with her. It will be interesting to have the rest of the crew see them together but he doesn't care about any judgement, he wants to make this night special for Nami. possible plots: straw hats seeing nami x sanji together, having a drink or two, judging the food together, exploring the museum. (2/3) - Usopp, Nami
Shanks - Going with Yor
Shanks is very intrigued about this. Never really experienced anything like this but he loves a social event. Getting to talk to people and he is very interested to get to know Yor a bit more. possible plots: having a few drinks together, exploring the museum, having a dance, judging people. (1/3) - Yor
Silco - Going with Emma Swan
Silco feels he needs to go as the Secretary of the Treasury and participate in the blind date thing. He does intend to sneak away at some point. He will try to enjoy himself but it is Silco. He will be very worried about Jinx. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, judging people. (1/3) - Jinx
Sion Val Palpatine - Going with Ashley Brown
Sion is not letting Ashley out of his sight. He just wants them to have a happy evening together after everything. He wants to dance with her and be with her. He doesn't want drama so he will avoid serious conversations. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, trying to have a deep convo with him and he's not doing it. (2/3) - Rey, Ashley
Tenel Ka Djo - Going with Jacen Solo
Tenel is hoping for a nice evening with Jacen. She doesn't want drama or anything just a chance for them to have fun. They both need it but she is very aware that they will be surrounded by their family. She is still going to try to enjoy herself and make sure Jacen isn't stressing. possible plots: having a drink together, judging people, exploring the museum. (2/3) - Jacen, Jyn
Percy De Rolo - Going with tbc
With his memories he is happy to get to go to an event like this. Respectability and dancing. It was something he missed. Constant battles and fighting, now he is happy to get to spend time with Vex on top of it. Though she doesn't remember, she is still Vex and he wants to make the night special for her. possible plots: having a drink together, exploring the museum, talking, gossiping (sort of) (0/3)
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Going with Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer will try not to work but it will always be in the back of her mind to watch out for Leia. She enjoys dancing and socializing but never trusts events like this. She is looking forward to dancing with Geralt again. possible plots: fellow USSS trying to relax, exploring the museum, having a drink, gossiping. (2/3) - Dru, Zoya
Lyanna Stark - Going with Rhaegar Targaryen
They never got to do this sort of thing together, their relationship was secret and then they lost each other. So she is so excited to have this time with Rhaegar. She hopes to just enjoy. possible plots: exploring the museum, gossiping, having a drink or two, enjoying the vibes. (0/3)
Zash Baen - Going with Megara
This is so not his scene. He is going because he has been paid by Jabba to keep an eye on him. The blind date thing is to cover why he is there. He won't make it obvious that he is watching his boss. He will have his lightsabers on him. possible plots: drinking a decent amount, trying to engage him or gossip with him, exploring the museum, finding him sat away from everyone. (1/3) - Alani
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legendaryl0stpieces · 3 months
@little-miss-buffy || Wanted Liam Summers!
"Dude, River. Calm down it will be okay. Sure, she might not know who I am but I can make it work somewhere. Might be a small shock. But we agreed. I've got this no worries." Liam hung up the phone, getting out of his car. He headed over to Buffy's door, raising his hand. He knocked on it and waited for her to answer. "Here we go." He mumbled to himself. Honestly he was hoping that she would actually believe him if he decided to tell her who he actually was. Giles had tracked down River and himself, surprised to find two male slayers. So they made that decision that Liam would go and see Buffy, while River went to track down Angel.
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sunnydalescoobiies · 1 year
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EVERY NIGHT WAS JUST LIKE ANY OTHER NIGHT FOR THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. patrolling the wicked streets of sunnydale and the foggy graveyards that haunted the town. she always expected something from around any corner but sometimes a little surprise is thrown her way once in awhile. like, turning a corner and almost staking, what appeared as, an innocent human. buffy was quick to hide her weapon behind her back when she flashed it at @livfstdienvr out of pure habit. her eyes were wide with surprise, “ sorry. pepper spray ” she lied, smiling innocently at the stranger but then immediately changes stance in that of a suspicious one. she looked at the other up and down briefly, “ well, i know what i'm doing poking the headstones at night. what's your story ? ” she asked, leaving out some details of exactly why she was. he didn't seem or give off an aura that screamed man with fangs but, buffy has seen a thing or two... knowing anything could wear a human face in disguise of what they truly were.
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drvcxrys · 8 months
hello (: so finally this is my starter call/plot call. slowly i'm going to post all my outfits for my characters and you can find them here. i'm going to be capping at 4 per muse so ask away :D
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prob not going or maybe just lurking outside the ball or something:
annabeth chase: thalia grace or clarisse la rue
jean grey
malia tate
samantha carpenter: tara carpenter
yelena belova.
alice cullen going solo.
she really doesn't need a date to just have fun. right now alice wanted just to have an excuse to wear a very nice outfit for the night because let's be honest, everything is an excuse when it comes to shopping and buy something pretty to wear. thread (2/4): yoon chi woo, apple
alice jones/tilly going with robin hood-mills.
she just wants to have a blast with her fiance, just enjoying their date night with no worries about anything else. of course she might just look around and explore a bit from time to time as well. thread (0/4):
alicent hightower going with ridoc (blind date)
she doesn't know how she ended up doing this but she decided to just be out of her comfort zone and see what the night lead her, she just want a night for herself to relax a bit because work has been stressful as well so this was perfect for doing that. thread (0/4):
anna of arendelle going with kristoff bjorgman
she's very touched that kristoff decided to go with her here, it's been a while since they actually get to be in a ball and she kind of miss those interactions. anna is a very social person so honestly she would love to meet new people as well and just enjoy herself. thread (2/4): xie lian, elsa
annie cresta going with finnick odair
annie loves the idea of spending time with her husband so being here with him is just fantastic so she's going to try and take advantage of this night to just having a good time and trying to be as social as she can as well. thread (0/4):
betty cooper going with ning yingying (blind date)
she wasn't expecting doing this at all but she wanted to try and get out of her comfort zone and this blind date was a good thing in a way, so she just want to have a good time here, that was all, being social because that's why she's here, for being social. thread (1/4): lee jordan
beverly marsh going with peter hale
this is her chance to just let loose and relax a bit and what better way than with her boyfriend? she's going with peter and her idea is just to have fun and trying to forget about almost everything. of course that besides that she's also going to be very social even wanting to meet new people and interact with others. thread (0/4):
bianca di angelo going with lucerys velaryon
this is her first time in an event like this, she's not used to a ball or dressing up to go to one but she wanted to try and give this a chance, she's going to have a bit in a awe about some things that's for sure, especially about some new things in this place. thread (1/4): - parvati patil
bree tanner going with diego
she just wants to spend her time with diego now that she has her in her life once again, this time was the perfect opportunity for that because this seems like a very fun event. however, now that she will be with a lot of humans in the room she might try to have more control than ever, she was able to have that control until now but she's still new about this so is still hard. thread (0/4):
buffy summers going with angel
buffy loves to put a nice outfit and going to dance, to interact with people so this is the perfect opportunity for that, hoping that maybe everything is going to stay like that for the moment, that's what she would love, a night off from the supernaturals and the sources of evil and all of that. thread (0/4):
caroline forbes going with stefan salvatore
she's all over the moon about this, being here with stefan was perfect considering she never thought that she was ever going to see him again so this was just perfect for her. and besides, she loves these events so much, she loves planning them of course but she also just loves going to them as well. thread (1/4): - josie saltzman
carrie white going with dorothy gale
last time she went to an event like this one ended up really badly so she didn't know about being here but dorothy told her and she is starting to trust some people so she decided to give this a chance, she's very shy and a bit reserved so it's gonna be hard to open up but she will try to do that and give this night an opportunity. thread (0/4):
choi nam ra going with evangeline ennar (blind date)
she never thought that she was going to put herself in this blind date thing but she did, maybe to be out of her comfort zone, to try something new so that's why she was here and she wants to just spend her night in a fun way, without caring much about anything else, like a regular girl. thread (0/4):
claudia going with abigail blyg
this is new. she loves a good party but she never expected to go with someone here but she is not upset about this, she's just enjoying herself right now and she will try to do just that, enjoy herself and her time here, trying not to cause too much chaos at least. thread (0/4):
clove kentwell going with cato hadley
not her ideal scenario but she decided to just go and going with cato was a plus so at least she wasn't alone here, at least that was something. she's going to try and relax a bit here but who knows, since this is not her type of scenario she just feels a bit out of place at times. thread (0/4):
daenerys targaryen going with nehemia ygter
this is a very nice place to be in. she must to admit that she's a bit excited to be here with nehemia, it's not her first time in an event like this one but still she's not used to events in this place so she will just try to enjoy the night and forget about everything with her date. thread (1/4): - nehemia
daphne bridgerton going with simon basset
a night off with her husband now that he remembers everything? of course. she's very excited about this. this is really daphne scenario, she loves a ball, dancing, putting a nice dress...it's like back home so she will really enjoy this night. thread (1/4): diana
elizabeth midford going with ciel phantomhive
this is like back home, she loves to dress up and going to an event like this, especially if she's going here with ciel because let's face it, she might've insisted a bit for him to take care, her mission is to make him have a good time as well because she knows that she will have a good time here. thread (0/4):
emma swan going with silco (blind date)
this is new for her because honestly is not like she enjoys the idea of a blind date and she's not sure this is even going to work but she decided to go and just enjoying her night here, that was all, she deserve this kind of break after everything that happened here in washington. thread (0/4):
gwen stacy going solo
she enjoys something to distract herself so this was perfect, she has been alive for a month or so and she's trying to adjust so this was the perfect opportunity. thread (0/4):
hanna marin going with ahura boltagon
she's not holding any king of hope to this blind date because honestly she is not really the type of girl that do that but she ended up doing this anyway just to see how it goes. but one thing is for sure, she will really going to enjoy her time here because she loves those type of events, she really loves to put a nice outfit and going there. thread (2/4): - emily fields, charlotte dilaurentis
heidi volturi going solo
she wasn't going at first but she ended up going mostly because maybe just maybe she could even hunt in here, it could be a good buffet in her eyes so she was going to see, basically is that. thread (1/4): lu junyi
hermione granger going with harry potter
she really wants to have a good night here just a night off from everything but besides that, she thought this could be the perfect opportunity for harry and her to talk about some things that happened before maybe and see how that goes as well. thread (1/4): cho chang
hope mikaelson going with landon kirby
now that finally she has landon with her, she's so happy that she's able to go with him to a ball like this and that everything finally seems okay so even if this is not her type of event, she just wants to have fun with her boyfriend and friends too. thread (0/4):
isabelle lightwood going with simon lewis
she really enjoys this type of events because she can dress to impress and she just loves that. being here with her fiance was just perfect because finally they can do something out of their routine, having a night off. just in case though, she will always be alert because who knows what can also might happen here. thread (2/4): max lightwood, jester
jane going solo
she really enjoys this type of dance, dressing up and just being able to enjoy herself so she's going to do that or at least try to do that in this place hopefully nothing really is going to ruin that. thread (0/4):
jessica riley going with mike munroe
this was the perfect night for them to just have some fun like good old times. this was her second chance to live once again so she's going to take advantage of this at full. thread (0/4)
jill roberts going with billy loomis
it's been a while since she goes to an event like this one and honestly she's kind of excited about this because it would be the perfect date night, not really thinking about anything else but this and just have a good moment. thread (0/4)
kagome higurashi going solo
she decided to go to this valentine's mini gala because she was basically bored so she decided to try something new and that's why basically she was here to try and be more social as well. thread (0/4)
kara danvers going solo
she likes the idea of being here and distract herself from everything that's been happening in washington. but she's also here just in case something bad might happen, she's always on guard just in case but she is going to try and have a good time as well. thread (0/4)
katara going solo
she wants to do something new so that's why she's here, trying to be social and interact with people as well, just blend in, in general, she's here to just have a good time. thread (0/4)
leslie macher going with feirge (blind date)
this is new to her, blind date and all, but she decided to give it a try, trying something new is something that she likes to do so she's very determinate to have a good time and just forget about everything else that might be troubling her. thread (0/4)
lila pitts going with diego hargreeves
this is what people call normal and it's something they were actually looking for, trying to be normal for a change so being in this mini gala was something perfect for them to just let loose and enjoy their time here. thread (0/4)
lissa dragomir going with isaac lahey
that's something she's used to, she likes about being here and just trying to a good time, it's the first time that she celebrates valentines here so she's wondering how is going to be the event, she's curious about it. thread (0/4)
lucy gray baird going solo
a dance, an event like this is something she actually enjoys. now that finally she's free, she wants to try and just have a good time, that's all without caring much about anything else and just enjoying herself. thread (1/4): tigris snow
mary stuart going solo
mary enjoys this kind of events, and the museum seems nice to just explore a bit and see what this place has to offer. thread (2/4) - chu wanning, jane
myrcella baratheon going with baela targaryen
she feels so excited to be here, especially with baela because she likes her very much and she's so happy that they can do this together. she's here to just have a good time, explore the place and being social as well with people around her. thread (0/4)
nancy wheeler going with steve harrington
nancy is really hoping that this valentine is going to be calm and not like the last one but for now she's happy she can be here with steve, she wants to have a good night here, being with her friends. thread (0/4)
narcissa black going with rabastan lestrange
being here with rabastan was just perfect especially because they've been looking for a way to just enjoy a bit of calmness and just a good night and relaxing as well, so in her eyes this was perfect, at least for now. thread (0/4)
rachel amber going with jessica stanley (blind date)
she is unsure about this, this is her first time going in a blind date but she decided to have a good night and just enjoying herself here, not really her scenario after everything that happened in arcadia bay but she might try to get out of her comfort zone. thread (0/4)
rapunzel corona going solo
this is going to be a fun night for her and just trying to enjoy herself and since she's like a social butterfly she will be interacting with people, just dancing and exploring the museum as well. thread (1/4): wei wuxian
regina george going with emily davis (blind date)
this is really something she enjoys to do, being in this mini gala is perfect to dress to impress and be the queen she is. this blind date seems interesting as well so she's going to play nice or as nice as she can be and see how it goes everything. thread (0/4)
rhaena targaryen going solo
this a very nice event, she's here just to have a great time and she doesn't really mind about being here alone, she just wants to explore this place and even meet new people as well. thread (0/4)
sakura kinomoto going solo
sakura is in awe about those type of things, she is just sad that her best friend tomoyo is not here with her or that syaron is also not here but she's going to try and enjoy her night here and especially meet people and be social because she's a very social person. thread (0/4)
santana lopez going with brittany pierce
being here with brittany was perfect, she really loves the company of her and she just wants to spend the best night with her, that's all. she's going to be there dancing, drinking and just having a blast. thread (0/4)
sara lance going with fiona gallagher
honestly for sara being here with someone she likes is perfect, usually she flirts a lot more with girls but this time is a bit different because she actually is smitten by fiona so she is going to spend her night mostly drinking, dancing with her and if there is kissing perhaps. but she would also be social with people if she bumps into someone she knows or if she bumps into someone in general because she's basically a talker. thread (2/4) - ava, hunter
tohru honda going solo
this is her first mini gala event so she's very excited. she misses her friends, of course, but she decided to try and distract herself going and of course she's going to also try and just socialize with people in general. thread (0/4)
usagi tsukino going solo
she is going alone basically because she can't see herselg going in some type of gala without mamoru, it makes her sad he's not here or her other friends are not here as well but she decided to try and have a good time, at least this time she's not that alone here considering setsuna is also around. she's going to be a social butterfly here as well. thread (0/4)
veruca salt going solo
this is the perfect opportunity to show off her dress, accesories and everything that she was able to buy for this special occasion and also the perfect opportunity for her to meet new people as well. thread (0/4):
victoire weasley going with teddy lupin
a date night with teddy is something she honestly would love so much to do so this was just the perfect opportunity. she feels this night is going to be perfect to just enjoy herself, being with the people she loves and relax herself as well. thread (1/4): scorpius malfoy
wednesday addams going with louis weasley
honestly, she didn't want to go but after louis insisting a lot, like really a lot, she ended up accepting but is not like she's happy about it, she's just going to be herself and trying to enjoy herself just how she is, that was all. thread (0/4)
win wanichakarnjonkul going with team siriyothin
being here with team was perfect, win really loves the idea of having some kind of date night in this mini gala with him and just enjoying themselves, he's very happy about this. thread (0/4)
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faiirytopias · 2 years
a closed starter for: @strongxsurvivors. prompt: ❝ people need someone to see them for what they are and not just see it but accept it. i want to be that person for anyone i can…but it can be so suffocating to be that person and also remain unseen. ❞
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if there was one thing buffy considered herself an expert on, it was being invisible. sure, the people in her life made her feel seen — but they only knew the parts of herself that she was willing to share with them. there was still so much that she had kept hidden for what felt like years on end. a gentle sigh fell from her lips as she shot erin a look of sympathy, the slayer’s features softening. “it’s exhausting whenever your energy isn’t matched in regards to anything, let alone something like that.” she wet her lips before there was a moment of pause on her end. she proceeded to reach out and take erin’s hand into her own, lacing their fingers together. “i could be that person for you if you wanted me to. i see you.”
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