wickedlehane · 4 months
i diagnose you with hot
friend you have a weird rivalry with hot
you are always fighting to show you're better. always seeing who can run faster, talk louder, be stronger. you both whirl to face each other after every test, showing off the bright red numbers at the top of the page. when you beat them by a couple points, the "jokingly" smug look on your face makes them huff and turn away, give you a friendly punch to the shoulder that might leave a bruise. when you lose 90 to their 96, the bitter spark of jealousy in the pit of your stomach reminds you to study harder. you'll best them next time. sometimes this rivalry gets messy though, and for some reason you both tend to crush on the same person, hurting each other to compete for their affection. though you always end up forgetting the crushes, and making up. whats some random fling compared to your friendship anyway?
tagged by: @chasingtitans @daxamight @insufferablemonsters
tagging: [you!]
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danviers · 5 months
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@daxamight asked: “ i’m never going to like what you did, but i can’t hate you for doing what you thought was right. ” ( from Lena )
" You have been through a lot, Lena, " Alex parried, the singular step she braved forward a cautious one, lightly trodden, as if in anticipation of rocking the bridge she'd only just begun to mend between them.
That much was true; and neither could that sentiment, bolstered by the nature of Lena's existence under the epithet of the name Luthor, be understated. But it wasn't as simple as that. Not when the pure intent behind Lena's covert work had started her on what might have been a nebulous path had she looked away — had she not so single - mindedly and harshly intervened.
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" And —— I know that trusting people hasn't been easy. But I meant it when I said that never wanted to hurt you. "
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔞 & 𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @daxamight.
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it  would  be  buffy  summers  to  wish  life  was  more  fair  when  darla  knew  that  could  never  be.  darla  knew  best  that  this  life  could  never  be  exactly  what  you  wanted  it  to  be.  it  was  a  cruel,  brutal  world  that  only  sought  out  to  take  away  life's  pleasures,  the  small  things  that  made  life  worth  living,  but  it  would  never  stick,  never  be  permanent.  it  annoyed  her,  to  see  someone  else  have  so  much  hope,  even  if  it  was  for  her.   ❛   if  only  wishes  were  horses  then  beggars  would  ride,  buffy   ❜   she  replied,  rolling  her  eyes.  she  wasn't  sure  she  could  take  much  more  of  this  hopeful  conversation.  she  scoffed  lightly,   ❛   you're  a  pest,  slayer   ❜   she  stated,  crossing  her  arms  over  her  chest  as  she  stared  at  buffy.  she  still  wasn't  sure  why  she  cared  so  much  about  saving  her  from  withering  away  and  dying.  she  hadn't  accepted  her  fate,  she  doesn't  think  she  will  until  she's  rotting  on  her  deathbed,  and  she'll  keep  fighting  until  she  finds  some  dumb,  naive  vampire  that  will  turn  her.  she's  convinced  the  only  way  she'll  be  able  to  survive  is  if  she's  turned  to  her  former  self  again,  but  buffy  apparently  had  different  ideas.  why  did  she  care?  why  did  angel  care?  why  couldn't  she  just  be  left  alone  to  take  care  of  this  on  her  own? 
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she  noticed  the  way  her  words  had  seemed  to  effect  her  in  some  way.  the  way  her  gaze  had  fallen  as  their  eyes  continued  to  maintain  intense  eye  contact.  what  was  she  feeling?  sympathy?  for  the  slayer?  she  wanted  to  feel  ashamed  of  herself,  she  did,  because  the  slayer  had  always  been  her  worst  enemy.  she  didn't  want  to  feel  bad  for  her  but  her  new  soul,  one  that  seemed  to  be  consuming  these  emotions  that  were  overwhelming  and  new,  caused  her  to  feel  things  she  never  thought  she  was  capable  of.  all  this  could've  been  avoided  if  buffy  minded  her  own  business.  now  she  was  forced  to  look  at  herself  in  the  mirror  and  wonder  why  she  cared  about  buffy's  feelings.  she  couldn't  help  but  shrugged  in  a  sassy  manner  and  smirk  at  buffy's  words,   ❛   finally,  you're  catching  on.  maybe  i  won't  have  to  hold  back  any  more   ❜   she  quipped  back.  she  thought  about  buffy's  suggestion  for  a  cab,  and  she  decided  completely  against  it.  close  quarters?  awkward  silence?  there's  only  so  much  human  darla  could  handle.  she  begins  to  walk  in  the  direction  buffy  had  come  from,   ❛   i  think  i'll  take  my  chances  on  the  street   ❜   she  told  her,  waiting  for  buffy  to  begin  venturing  next  to  her,  her  arms  still  crossed  over  her  chest.  she  was  slightly  cold,  but  she  wasn't  going  to  admit  that.   ❛   so,  why  are  you  here  in  the  city  of  hell?  is  it  because  of  angelus?   ❜   she  asked,  curious.  she  knew  they  weren't  together  any  longer.  if  they  were,  she  was  sure  angel  wouldn't  be  so  invested  in  saving  her  from  death.  she  looks  around,  avoiding  eye  contact  with  buffy.
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 8 years
You know what I find appalling? I’m trying to make a All POC SG fancast just because I can’t stop thinking about how perfect Thandie Newton would’ve been as Kat. So I prioritizes who would be a part of the first (and probably only) post with the Donner Sisters and Katco employees and such, and when I try to keep the Cryptonians and Daxamights relatively close in choice and make sure to give Mogg a Latina actress, as I’m trying to figure out who Monyo and Lana should be, I keep pausing to think “Aren’t there enough black/Asian/Latinx actors I’m using?”
Fucking Hollywood and fandom has conditioned me into thinking I have a POC quota I can’t go over when the majority of the actual SG cast is white!
Oh, Mogg and Lana can’t both be Latinas, why not? if the Donners and Clock are Korean, is Monyo’s FC being Korean too easy or should he be Vietnamese or Japanese? The only people who aren’t white in the cast are James, J'onn, and M'gann–and don’t you make this a chance to fight about Floriana, this is not the time–and I can’t even make Lana black without worrying that I’ve made too many black businesswomen when Lana and Kat are both white in comic and TV canon! Ugh!
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danviers · 5 months
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@daxamight asked: 'you won't lose me.' (from Kara!)
Somewhere beneath the tense - sharp set of her jaw, the furrow of a crease in her brow, Alex felt her heart threaten a tenterhooked lurch.
That wasn't a pledge that could be taken lightly. Wasn't something that could be in any way guaranteed.
That Kara was capable of carrying spaceships, guiding smouldering airplanes out of the sky with nothing more than her own two hands, her own overtly alien, and often poorly disguised strength was undeniable. But it didn't make her unbreakable. Didn't mean she might not possess some untapped and uncharted weakness, as unfathomable as her aversion to kryptonite had once been, that hadn't yet been exploited — and still could be. It didn't mean she couldn't bleed, or worse.
And nothing terrified Alex more than the thought.
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" Kara, I know that you're bulletproof, " she rebuked, the unease ( the habitually suppressed, yet constantly present fear that one day her super strength might not be enough ) that carried that statement nearly impossible to completely hide. " And that you can literally move skyscrapers — but that doesn't mean that you can afford to be reckless, or that you can't still be hurt. "
Neither did an imperviousness to bullets, much like Kara's penchant for wingless flight, mean an inability to die.
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danviers · 5 months
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@daxamight asked: 13, 20 & 21!
13. are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play? not from supergirl, but if we're talking arrowverse in general, I could see myself potentially trying my hand at zari tomaz or spooner. 20. if you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be? ' weight of the world responsibility. ' 21. which song do you feel describes your character the most and why? I don't think there's just one song that describes her better than any others, but I do have a playlist for alex, and I think each song resonates with various aspects of her ( for example, high hopes feels very alex @ jeremiah )
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
❛  i didn't think you'd care so much.  ❜ (for Darla if you're still accepting?)
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❛ random dialogue prompts. ➝ not accepting. @daxamight.
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i  didn’t  think  i  would  either,  the  vampire  thought  to  herself.  it  was  something  she  questioned  about  herself  every  single  day  she  lived  to  see.  she  finally  got  what  she  wanted;  the  eternal  kiss  so  she  wouldn’t  have  to  meet  death  himself,  but  now  that  she  had   …   she  felt  more  anger,  confusion,  and  emptiness  than  ever.  angel  tried  to  save  her,  and  so  did  buffy.  she  couldn’t  forget  how  hard  the  slayer  had  tried  to  give  her  a  second  chance  at  human  life;  how  brave  she  was  in  the  trials  and  the  way  she  fought  with  such  grace  and  gallant.  all  of  it  didn’t  matter  in  the  end;  now  she  was  here,  returned  as  a  vampire,  and  the  only  thing  that  plagued  her  mind  was  to  find  buffy.  she  had  made  her  feel  emotions  she  hasn’t  felt  in  centuries   …   gratitude,  a  sense  of  belonging   …   maybe  even   —   no,  she  couldn’t  admit  it.  not  even  to  herself.  she  sighed  softly  and  turned  away  from  the  slayer  as  she  pondered  over  what  to  say.  she  couldn’t  make  it  obvious  that  she  did.  she  came  here  for  revenge  but  now  that  she  was  here   —   she  found  herself  sympathizing  with  her.  they  both  despised  the  lives  they  were  now  leading,  and  no  one  else  was  able  to  relate  to  her  besides  the  slayer;  how  ironic  and  unforeseen.   ❛   what  gives  you  that  impression?   ❜   darla  finally  stated,  spinning  around  to  face  buffy  once  again.  she  found  it  difficult  to  look  into  her  eyes,  so  she  settled  for  glancing  to  them  back  and  forth.   ❛   you  left  me,  buffy.  and  it  was  the  best  thing  you  could’ve  done.  now  look  at  me   ❜   she  continued,  placing  one  hand  on  her  hip,   ❛   I  feel  better  than  ever.  being  human  made  me  weak.  you  made  me  weak.   ❜  
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danviers · 6 months
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@daxamight asked: "Is that why you came? To insult me?" (from lillian)
" I don't have to, " Alex offered, a stony retort, the venom in those four words no less unmistakable for their cold restraint.
The Luthor matriarch's drab prison garb, like the iron bars she'd spent the last few months behind — like the flaking cell block numbers stenciled onto the cold, slate grey of the room's cinderblock walls — seemed just about bleak enough to denigrate her on its own. And rightfully so; And yet, since Alex's emergence through the interview room's two - man - guarded doors, Lillian had never lost her seemingly unaffected half - smirk. Had never quite shed the ingratiating outward affectation of perhaps knowing something that might help her leverage her way to freedom.
So, whatever Alex's stolidness suggested, she'd never be completely above wanting to twist the proverbial knife.
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" But I know how you operate. So forgive me if I don't take your bait. "
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insufferablemonsters · 4 months
i diagnose you with hot tagged by @daxamight. <3 ilysm tagging @wickedlehane @libraryrippcr @baby-royalty @xxgotthedevilinsidexx + all my mutuals !!
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pink panther hot
you're a modern queen. you sit to the side of the dance floor and drink out of martini glasses, a perfect vantage point to look over your court. you like to see the way people's eyes linger on you, hoping you'll see them, that they'll gain your approval. you are offered drinks by many overeager servants throughout the night. when you finally join the ball, the sea of people parts just for you, and you hear the nervous titters of the crowd who are so captivated by what you'll do next.
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danviers · 4 months
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i diagnose you . . .
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person on a train reading a book hot. you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
tagged by : @pu1itzer 💕 tagging : @daxamight, @aliasinvestigate, @computerlads, @twinklefists & anyone else who wants to consider themselves tagged
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insufferablemonsters · 6 months
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✛ #𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 — an independent canon &. oc multi-muse written by rapookie. private &. selective. eighteen &. up only. read rules on carrd before interacting / following.
✛ STARTER CALLS . ASK PROMPTS . OPEN STARTERS . ✛ AFFILIATES : @xxgotthedevilinsidexx / @carltongrimes / @thatslayer / @daxamight ✛ OTHER BLOGS : TBA . ✛ CREDITS : calisources . waatsoned . kissthemgoodbye . malka-lisitsa . supersources .
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insufferablemonsters · 6 months
𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔨𝔢 & 𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @daxamight.
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well,  this  is  certainly  not  the  kind  of  reaction  he  thought  he'd  arise  from  her.  it  threw  him  off  a  bit.  he  shook  his  head  a  bit  side  to  side,  his  brows  quirked  in  a  bewildered  fashion.  he  scoffed  at  her  words,   ❛   was  that  s'pposed  t'  be  an  insult?  pfft,  pathetic.  nothin'  wrong  with  stickin'  t'  the  classics   ❜   he  replied  to  her  and  then  remembered  he  wasn't  here  to  have  a  game  of  banter  with  the  beast.  he  was  here  to  capture  her  and,  hopefully,  put  her  out  of  her  misery  with  a  little  torture  to  go  along  with  it.  after  all,  it's  what  she  deserved  after  everything  she's  put  buffy  and  friends  through.  mostly,  he  just  cared  about  what  was  done  to  buffy  and  little  sis.  he  pointed  a  finger  directly  in  her  face  as  he  responded  to  her,  his  tone  dripping  with  annoyance,   ❛   you  got  a  bounty  on  that  pretty  little  head  of  yours,  pet,  and  m'  here  to  deliver   ❜   he  replied,  smirking  from  ear  to  ear.
he  grabbed  her  hand  and  squeezed  it  tightly  as  he  yanked  her  alongside  him,  dragging  her  outside  the  bar.  he  swings  her  away  from  him  and  puts  up  his  fists,  beckoning  her  to  challenge  him  with  his  hands.  he  chuckled,  his  tongue  swiping  over  his  bottom  lip,   ❛   i  never  got  a  proper  tussle  outta  you  the  last  time.  well,  maybe  i'll  get  to  show  what  ol'  spike  is  really  all  about   ...   come  on  now,  don't  get  all  skittish  on  me,  skank.  let's  have  a  go   ❜   he  taunted  her,  ready  for  anything  she  might  throw  at  him.  he  begins  to  circle  her,  eyes  glued  on  her  so  he  could  anticipate  any  move  she  might  make  against  him.  he  knew  better  than  to  underestimate  a  god.  he  did  once,  but  not  again.  this  time  it'll  be  different.   ❛   y'know,  m'  curious.  what  were  you  doin'  with  that  lot  in  there?  i  seem  to  remember  that  every  creature  was  beneath  you.  did  you  find  out  you  are  jus'  as  nasty  as  the  rest  of  'em?   ❜
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