#bugsnax Filbo fiddlepie headcanons
lulu-draws-stuff · 4 months
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My bugsnax posting :] learning how to draw these things
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mangomagicaart · 5 months
Here are all of my grumpus sexuality and gender headcanons nobody asked for! 💕✨🏳️‍🌈
Filbo- transmasc pan romantic asexual. Gets extremely flustered by sexual stuff.
Beffica- bisexual, definitely prefers women tho
Lizbert- transfem lesbian
Eggabell- transfem lesbian. Supplies Snaxburg with whatever hormones everyone needs, being a doctor.
Wambus- a lil bisexual but only has eyes for Triffany
Triffany- bisexual but only loves Wambus
Cromdo- gay man. Married his wife because of comphet and pure obligation/convenience.
Gramble- he/him lesbian. Wears a binder because top surgery freaks him out too much
Wiggle- canonically pansexual
Chandlo- canonically bisexual; transmasc, he got all the tboy swag
Snorpy- gay man; cis but literally the most supportive boyfriend a trans guy can ask for. Was with him every step of the way during his transition. Took him to doctors appointments, got binders, helped pick out a name for him, arranged for Floofty to do his top surgery, etc
Floofty: demiromantic lesbian but an extremely tough nut to crack in the romantic attraction department. Definitely transmasc leaning but their gender presentation more or less depends on how they feel any given day. Did their own top surgery and takes t. If you misgender them, they won’t hesitate to correct you in the snottiest, most condescending way possible
Shelda: Aro Ace. Just generally indifferent to romance/sexuality because she dedicates so much time to Mother Nature.
Alegander- demiboy. Too poor for top surgery, wears a binder but desperately wants better health insurance to cover it.
Journalist- pan, doesn’t lean any particular way in terms of gender
Clumby- mean lesbian ™️
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jaypsnax · 7 months
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*drops my best piece of Bestie Trio art* *fucks off again*
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polysquad11 · 8 months
💕Bugsnax Headcanons💕
☆How do they show affection
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Wiggle shows her affection with music (obviously). Writing songs to show her love or appreciation towards you.
Gramble shows his affestion by making others gifts! Like sweaters, hats, mittens, etc. Anything he can knit for you!
Chandlo shows his affection is big bear hugs! If you needed comfort, he's the guy for the job!
Snorpy shows his affection through helping others with little things like fixing some items that they didn't notice. He rarely gives hugs but is still learning from Chandlo.
It's hard for Floofty to show affection, but when they do, it's very sweet. Either leaving small gifts on your table, giving you small compliments, or a simple pat on the back. Floofty's like a cat.
Shelda shows her affection through comforting words and wisdom if you're feeling down. Sometimes, she makes you a flower crown.
Wambus shows his affection just like Shelda. Giving encouraging words and probably a hug from time to time. Even gifting you some sauces everyday.
Triffany shows her affection by spending time with you a lot. When she starts rambling, meaning she's more comfortable around you.
Beffica shows her affection by gossiping and gifting you things. She is comfortable talking to you about stuff and giving you her time. She would give you cute gifts like photos, keychains, etc.
Cromdo is a bit reluctant to show affection, but when he does, he tries his best. Acting like he's bothered to do things for you, but does it anyway to show he cares. Even giving you half prices if he likes you enough.
Filbo shows his affection in so many ways. Hugs, gifts, quality time, helping you, etc. Anything to see a smile on your face.
Lizbert shows her affection with big hugs and helping you with difficult stuff. Either with carrying heavy stuff or discussing how you feel.
Eggabell shows her affection by spending time with you and watching your health. She wants you in the best shape of health and would scold you if you do something dangerous. She only does that because she cares.
Clumby rarely shows her affection. Always frowning, glaring at others, or yelling. But when she does open up and show her affection is by small gift giving. She hates talking about how she feels, so she gives small gifts.
Alegander shows his affection through making you coffee or tea before chatting about your favorite stuff. He would want to show he loves giving his time and learning more about you... even sometimes spying on you.
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nonplayablecircle · 1 year
Headcanon: Buddy's eyes soften when talking to Filbo
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bugsnaxmadethisblog · 8 months
So I was going about my business and dealing with dogs when i struck with a revelation. Chandlo has medium length fur and his consistent way of drying off is to shake. Unlike Wambus who once he's soaked no amount of shaking will get out enough water he'll still be drenched. Chandlo's fur is perfect for a big shake and then a couple pats with a towel and he's dry. Despite the fact he gets water everywhere else doing so, mostly on Snorpy.
This is usually why Snorpy keeps the towels away from Chandlo until he does his needed shake and also why Snorpy is prepared when Chandlo does this after it rains. Sometimes he manages to avoid getting water on him from Chandlo's shake, but sometimes Chandlo does it to mess with him just a lil bit. Snorpy is affectionately exasperated with this.
I think he takes baths more often due to physical fitness as sweat and other things gets caught in his fur and causes quite the smell.
I think Filbo also has medium length fur, but he doesn't shake water out of his fur often due to not wanting to make a mess. Cause when Filbo shakes it makes more of a mess than Chandlo, the blast radius is high with his fur. So he usually sticks to towels and when it's available blow dryer.
I think he takes baths probably like I dunno once a week? Like frequent enough to be clean but also not frequent due to fur care, ya feel me?
The others I'm still working on, I'll get to it when I get to it.
This post would have been attached to my other one, but tumblr somehow doesn't like me doing that if I want this new part to be seen properly, so it's a separate post.
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cowsuponcows · 5 months
Hi! Could you tell us more about Filbo and Gramble's regression? Maybe draw them coloring together?
I've been so excited to answer this one!!
Bugsnax Agere Headcanons: Filbo And Gramble!
• Regresses to around 8
• Play regressor!
• Has playdates with Gramble a lot to watch him
• Loves snacking! Favorites are yoghurt bites, cheetoh puffs, and pretzel sticks
• Will always color!! Has a stash of coloring books that he'll share with the younger kids
• Full of energy! He'll only really tone it down if the little he's hanging out with is low energy/tired/more gentle and calm, in which case he'll lay in bed with them and lend them his coloring books!
• A biter, but if he bites any of his little friends he'll get banned from playdates :( uses teething toys instead!
• No need for a caretaker! He's also comfortable watching younger kids 
• Usually around 4 
• Sleepy regressor!
• Loves plushies, soft blankets, and things with soft/sweet smells like candles being lit
• BATHS!! Loves bath bombs and bath toys
• Loves using pacis
• Colors in Snax and animals with markers in Filbo's coloring books
• Likes having a caretaker since he gets so little but is also comfortable with older kids 
• Usually doesn't interact with Wiggle while small (regardless of her age) just because of her volume; she respects this and leaves him a basket of little gear outside of his bedroom door whenever he goes small!
• Loves petnames, like baby girl, sweetie, darling, sweetheart, little one, little snax, and anything animal related!
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angsttronaut · 2 years
Grumpus Fur/Hair Headcanons
Wambus: Has never seen a brush in its life, his fur is a shaggy mess. Has a big mane that you could probably hide a small child in. Every year he sheds a bucket's worth of fur.
Filbo: Very long and extremely soft, you could lose a hand in there. Has a few bare patches because he sometimes plucks at it from stress. Gets extremely waterlogged when exposed to water.
Eggabell: Similar to Filbo's, but you're losing a whole arm in there. Extremely shiny, she takes a lot of pride in brushing it.
Lizbert: Medium length, it's a bit oily but extremely waterproof and warm- she could swim in very cold water and it'd keep the heat in. A tad coarse.
Triffany: Medium length, very sleek and has a subtle iridiscent sheen. Which usually isn't visible because of dust and dirt from her job.
Gramble: Thin, somewhat patchy fur, he started losing fur as a kid and his all sauce diet on Snaktooth made him lose even more. He has to wear his jumper to stay warm. He used to have curly hair that was a sort of purply brown, but it fell out a long while ago- it's why he started constantly wearing a hat.
Snorpy: Coarse, short fur a bit like a terrier's, it's often in a state of disarray and kind of limp. Has a terrible case of hat hair.
Floofty: Similar texture to Snorpy's, but longer. They maintain it quite well, but it still often gets weird stains and singed from ominous science experiments. For a few years as a teenager they went through a goth phase and dyed their hair black.
Wiggle: Medium length, super shiny and soft. She has a really complicated fur care routine. It grows a lot during the winter, and goes a slightly paler colour.
Beffica: Has an even more complicated fur care routine than Wiggle's. Her belly fur is slightly longer and a bit wavy. She often puts highlights through her hair and fur.
Cromdo: His fur is rough and naturally a bit frizzy, but he slicks it down with way too much hair gel, giving it an off puttingly slimy feel.
Chandlo: Short and quite thin around his paws, very smooth.
Alegander: He gives his fur no attention and it gets tangled all the time; he cuts the matted bits out, which makes it extremely choppy.
Clumby: Spiky, has longer, more feathery parts on her limbs but usually clips them so they don't get in her way.
Shelda: Dull fur that feels like straw and comes out super easily.
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the-artist-of-chaos · 11 months
Giving these grumpus losers 1 angst hc each because I CAN YOU B- (TW for death, bullying, addiction, abu$e, manipulation, anddd abandonment, also, bugsnax spoilers) also, some of these go along with other hcs that I gave them, you can find those Hcs in some of my earlier posts-
Filbo - Bullied in his elementary and middle school years for being different, it was usually just insults and pushing/shoving, but it would go as far as a full on beat up. Most of it stopped tho when he met Lizbert, who swore that she would protect him from those douchebags
Beffica - one of the reasons she hardly had friends before the exhibition was because she would get used for her popularity by others. This also fed into her trust issues with other people.
Gramble - Got abandoned by both parents when he was around 5, so he had to take care of himself for a long time. Had a grandma that he used to stay with after he got abandoned, but she died when he was 7.
Wiggle - (Okay, so if this was canon, it would not fully justify her manipulation towards gramble, but it would at least give a reason as to why—) before the exhibition + before she got into her songwriting career, had an ex that would use manipulation and forceful control as a form of “love”, and as a way to get what they wanted. With no one to show her what love truly was, and how to properly ask for something, she carried those habits with her.
Wambus AND Triffany - Both had shitty exes, but wambus was able to escape his relationship quicker than Triffany could, since she didn’t realize it was wrong until wambus showed her the truth.
Cromdo - His mom influenced his drinking problem, since she was a victim of addiction herself. Tried helping her after he grew up and realized addiction was bad, but she died before he could assist her
Snorpy and Floofty - Parents divorced, with mom taking Snorpy, and dad taking Floofty. Mom was a crazy conspiracy theorist, and would project all of her fears of the outside world onto Snorpy. And with dad, he loved his inventions more than Floofty, so Floofty would do some of the most batshit crazy stuff to get the attention they needed, hence why they have no self safety for themselves.
Chandlo - Has pushed himself past his limits on multiple occasions to impress others, with some cases resulting in loss of consciousness or a horrible injury, is surprised he hasn’t full on died yet
Shelda - Used to have beautiful long fur + hair, and was able to walk perfectly fine, but due to a wildfire in her late 40s, most of that fur got burnt off, and she got permanent injuries to her legs, resulting in the use of a cane.
Lizbert and Eggabell - Were so scared for each other when they realized that they were probably gonna die on the island together, and when they survived, both of them comforted each other and cried in each others arms for hours. Managed to get back home after 3 weeks, but both live with the trauma of snaktooth island. All of them do tbh, but those 2 got the most, especially Lizbert.
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p3rry-pi3 · 2 years
Christmas bugsnax headcanons because it’s almost Christmas and the holidays finally mentally clicked for me
Snorpy doesn’t really like the holidays, I mean, he still celebrates it, but he doesn’t find it entertaining as he used to as a kid.
He likes all the cool decorations but other than that he’s practically just there for the food.
He’s one of those “gonna stay for a while” guys then bounce the minute his existence is perceived by a guest he doesn’t really know, which heightened his anxiety back then because random family members would claim they know him, but he doesn’t have a clue who they are.
Yayyyyy anxiety!!! (Same, snorpy. Same 🥲)
Floofty goes FERAL for the decorations. Look! Christmas lights that are elaborately placed to look like…. Floofty?? Wait is that floofty’s house?
I gave them the headcanon cause mainly I thought it’d be funny for someone to confront them about their obsession with the holiday and them declining as they put the Christmas stoking on their grocery list
They go crazy for the sweets on the holidays, the stockings being their favorite part
When they were younger the stockings would be last and they’d be so impatient to demolish the candies in the stocking
wiggle is the icon of Christmas.
She sings Christmas carols and karaoke, she’s the queen when it comes to the karaoke
I have a feeling she’d spend her holidays off to celebrate with gramble because gramble doesn’t really have a family so he celebrates it with wiggle.
Filbo is the one to start all the Christmas parties and secret Santa’s stuff
Filbo acts like a kid when he’s given his gift and it’s adorable to watch. He gets stuck on the children’s table, even if there isn’t any children present, they smuggle the rum away from filbo cause the results would be accidental arson. (Even if it doesn’t seem possible he finds a way how almost EVRYTIME he’s offer any.)
He’s the one with swear the swear jar. He gets lots since one of them uncontrollably curses like a sailor. (**COUGH COUGH** Cromdo and wambus **COUGH COUGH**)
He’s also the only one who would give a child a present but not mention shit about Santa he gets away with it almost every time.
He’s the man child who makes sure the other responsible ones don’t cause chaos.
He’s the Santa in malls. He’s-
He’s why parents don’t trust Santa’s that ask for money.
I don’t care what everyone else says, it’s friggin’ hilarious, and I’m keeping this HC.
It’s even funnier knowing well he’d be the Santa to his own bar. Like kids visit there. /s
Chandlo is why they have eggnog, dude doesn’t go a day without it in December.
He’s the one guy to most likely burn the fruit cake. If you ask “sounds like something filbo would do”
Filbo takes this stuff seriously. The holiday is like a sport to filbo. The whole arrangement is filbo. The foods? Made by filbo. Presents? Wrapped and picked by filbo. Eggnog? Only thing by chandlo. This is like a sport to the two grumps.
Chandlo is that one guy to get overly excited the minute Halloween ends and immediately start decorating the house.
He’s why they (him and snorpy) live in apartments.
Chandlo has no self control on Christmas parties, you see him, he has the first cup of eggnog and he’s already demolishing a whole plate of food.
She’s the one to munch on stocking candy with floofty.
She has the Christmas movies she’s why they all get nostalgia.
She’s the one to cause havoc and start snowball fights. No mercy for literally no man.
There’s not much to say with Beffica besides the fact she’s why the others take the time to make rules like, “no eating the shampoo.”
(there isn’t a color that’s shelda’s at least on mobile so we’re going to pretend it’s brown.)
Shelda is why they have something to do there other than talk. She has the card games and won’t hesitate to demolish floofty in poker (in a “haha loser” friend way)
Shelda is the mom of the group, but then proceeds to be why “instructions unclear” happens.
Fire? Throw shelda at it. The tree lights are buffering? Throw shelda at it. Need someone to talk to? Throw shelda at your problems. Just don’t ask for elaboration.
The party would most likely be at her place if it isn’t at filbo’s.
The Christmas music is all her. The records and everything
Floofty may pitch in with the music same as wiggle, but shelda is filling up the room by playin some wayyyyyyyyyy old school holiday music.
She’s the one with Wiggle’s vinyl records also.
Wambus is the one who doesn’t really do much for Christmas.
He doesn’t really acknowledge the holiday. A gift for the triffany and that’s about it.
He’s the dad to get the kids a puppy and triffany would be so pissed at him.
“A puppy!!”
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It’s no longer safe when wambus gives presents.
Speaking of, TRIFFANY!!!!
She’d be that one person to gift you an ancient relic, make a dramatic introduction to it, then casually leaving you with it without telling you where you put it or how you clean it. (Let alone if it can be cleaned.)
Triffany gives more than receives. She gives gigantic mom vibes.
Triffany would be the one to stay sober to drive everyone home.
She’s absolutely amazing and I’m willing to die on that boat.
She one thousand percent is the one to party the hardest.
It’s funny and it’s hysterically strange to think about.
That’s it. Thats- that’s all.
Literally annoys the whole crew, cause the mistletoes are always coincidentally only above where Eggabell and lizbert is.
That and they can never get rid of it. It stays there from beginning to end.
K that’s all I’m doing if I missed some of the crew pretend they’re there or just tell me in the reblogs.
Frick the rest of them. (An excuse to get away with not properly looking into the others.)
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shwoo · 1 year
Grumpus Headcanons (3/3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Here is all 1,100 words of headcanons for every Bugsnax character relationship I can think of from before the expedition. Every character relationship closer than Filbo and Eggabell, or Chandlo and Floofty, anyway. I don't think either of those pairs knew each other very well.
The Clumby and Journalist one is basically a summary of a fanfic I wrote (about what Clumby was thinking during the game's intro). The headcanon list came first, but I am very uneven about finishing things.
Relationship Headcanons
Jamfoot and Clumby He likes her and considers her a friend, but in a selfish kind of way, where he doesn't care if she's happy or not, and doesn't really respect her as a person. She thinks he's an idiot who ruined her life, and resents him for it. She also thinks that he saved her life, which is probably true, so her feelings are complicated. They do a trivia night together every couple of weeks, which Clumby enjoys but would never admit. I think that because it would be a funny thing for Jamfoot to act betrayed about if Clumby switched sides to Team Desperate Loser (that's what I call the main characters). Did trivia night mean nothing???
Bronica and Clumby Clumby had a crush on Bronica, which was part of the reason she went with her to Snaktooth. They'd already met when Clumby interviewed her, and Clumby was desperate to prove her ability to handle dangerous situations. So going on a secret expedition with her celebrity crush to a mystery death island seemed like a great idea at the time. Bronica was aware of Clumby's feelings, but she was in her 60s and Clumby was in her 20s, and Bronica saw her more as closer to her preteen granddaughter.
Bronica and Triffany Bronica nominally lived with Triffany and her more immediate relatives, but wasn't around much. She did take Triffany on some safer expeditions, and promised she'd take her along on a full adventure when she was old enough. But then Bronica disappeared. She definitely wanted to bring something back from Snaktooth for her. Probably talked to Clumby about it.
Chandlo and Snorpy From Chandlo's perspective, they got together soon after Snorpy was fired from his government job. Snorpy had just had a mental breakdown as a result of everything that was happening and dropped out of contact with Chandlo. Chandlo managed to get back in touch a month or so later, and being around him helped Snorpy feel like himself again. Chandlo deliberately didn't use the boyfriend word because he doesn't want to stress Snorpy out by moving too fast, but he assumed Snorpy did know they were dating.
Clumby and Journalist Clumby is very well-known in journalist circles, and the Journalist admires her work and considers her a big influence. They think she's a little inflexible and old-fashioned, but mostly their opinion of her is positive. Clumby thinks the Journalist is a good writer, but bad at picking what to write about. Her attitude in the opening cutscene was a bit more hostile than she usually is towards them, because she was stressed from watching Lizbert's video, but she was legitimately angry about their previous failures. The Journalist noticed that she was acting weird, but thought she was just out of coffee or something. She'd already decided to fire them by the time they insisted on going, and was trying to be nice by not telling them, since she realised she couldn't stop them. As she mentions at the end of the game, she thought they were definitely going to die, so she didn't think they'd ever have to find out.
Eggabell and Lizbert Their official status is "partners". They could get married if they want to, because homophobia isn't really a thing in this universe and any consenting adults can get marreid, but they both find the concept stifling, for different reasons. The idea of marriage sets off Eggabell's self-loathing because she associates it with going back to her old life and being alone and unfulfilled again. She's never articulated it clearly enough to notice the really obvious contradiction there. But Lizbert just really hates rules and conventions on principle.
Eggabell and Wiggle Eggabell was a fan of Wiggle's music first, and got Lizbert into it. She was also the one who wanted to be backstage for Wiggle's first farewell tour, though as Wiggle mentions during her interview, Lizbert is the one who actually broke in. Eggabell has all of Wiggle's albums, and is still kind of starstruck around her. Wiggle thinks Eggabell is very sweet, but also keeps forgetting that Eggabell actually likes her non Do The Wiggle work. She is extremely insecure about her other work.
Filbo and Lizbert Lizbert likes Filbo as much as he likes her, and she genuinely admires his commitment to making other people happy. She asked him to help with the settlement both because she wanted her friend there, and because she thought he'd be better at community stuff than she was. When Lizbert's big Gumpus Atlantis thing turned out to be a hoax, Filbo sent her a bunch of encouraging letters, though she was too mopey to look at them until Eggabell made her.
Floofty and Snorpy I think there's a lot of in-game evidence that Floofty and Snorpy used to be close, so that's not a headcanon exactly, but I also think that Floofty is three years older than Snorpy, and that Snorpy absolutely idolised them when he was younger. He grew out of that as a preteen, to Floofty's confusion. From their point of view, their little brother thinking they were cool was just an immutable law of the universe. But they stayed close for another ten to fifteen years, until their estrangement over the evil government stuff. When they do work together, they are very efficient, and tend to talk to each other in fast, incomplete sentences that confuse everyone else present.
Lizbert and Wiggle They stayed in contact after their first meeting, and related to each other's issues with getting famous and then repeatedly failing to produce a followup. They were talking soon after Lizbert's first Snaktooth trip, and Wiggle mentioned how desperate she was for inspiration, giving Lizbert the idea to start a settlement. She knew it was a big discovery, and she knew she wanted to use it to help people, but she hadn't been sure what exactly to do until then.
Triffany and Wambus They met while Triffany was studying the area near his farm as part of her PhD. She was married at the time, but no cheating was involved. Either they didn't get together until Triffany was single, or Triffany's ex did that thing where one partner wants to open up the relationship because they're bored, and the other partner reluctantly agrees, but then meets someone who actually likes them. The game already has the other heartwarming relationship anecdote that tends to show up online, with Chandlo and Snorpy, and Snorpy not realising they were dating, so it might as well also have this. I don't know if I want Triffany to have an abusive relationship in her backstory, though. But also, the idea of that happening and then Triffany meeting someone who genuinely wants to listen to her go on and on about the fall of Grumpus Rome or whatever, and won't tell her she's annoying… It's very appealing.
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diplonimbodocus · 2 years
Bugsnax characters rated for ticklishness-
Some headcanons for the grumpuses and how they react to tickles. The two at the end are just for funsies!
Filbo - 7/10 - Pretty ticklish. Doesn't take much to get him laughing but he's equally prepared to retaliate. Loves tickle fights. The only one he's really scared of is Wambus (a MEAN tickler), on the rare occasions he gets involved
Beffica - 6/10 - She would kill most people for trying. Catch her in a good mood though and she'll laugh with you. She has a couple death spots but they, like so much else, are her closely guarded secrets. Gets involved with tickle fights on occasion.
Wambus - 7/10 - Surprisingly ticklish and to begin with only Triffany knows. The vast majority of the time though he's the one doing the tickling. Heavens help anyone who tries it on this guy. He is a MEAN tickler and knows how to assertively dismantle anyone within arm's reach. When he is tickled, he just turns to moosh. Gets dragged into tickle fights on occasion and everyone runs.
Floofty - 4/10 - They are not particularly ticklish, and they don't particularly like it. They have a couple spots which in the right mood can get them giggling, even laughing, but in general they steel themselves against the sensation and power through. Doesn't get involved in tickle fights, but enjoys from afar and sometimes shouts out helpful hints to the others. Likes to tell everyone all Snorpy's worst spots and embarrassing stories from their childhood together. On very rare occasion they will have some tickles with certain others -
Would tickle: Snorpy, Chandlo, Gramble, Wiggle, Eggabell
Would be tickled by: Snorpy, Gramble, Eggabell
Gramble - 11/10 - This little acorn is EXTREMELY ticklish and kind of loves it, so long as it comes from a place of genuine love and care. For this reason he only really likes it from people he knows well. Tickle spots are everywhere, and he doesn't have much of a retaliation game, though he tries on occasion because he loves to hear his friends laugh and it's fun to test the waters. Always gets involved in the tickle fights, although half the time he hides from the get-go because he knows he's a goner if he gets caught. Sometimes you'll hear him laughing from the ranch because his snax are clambering all over him. One of the ways Wambus made things up to Gramble was deciding to tickle him silly during a whole-town tickle fight
Wiggle - 7/10 - Quite ticklish and loves to laugh. Will literally stand there and let you tickle her. Equally likes to be the tickler. She particularly enjoys chasing people down and tickling them. Sings while she does so. It's quite terrifying really. She's one of Gramble's main ticklers. Always gets involved in tickle fights
Cromdo - 5/10 - Averagely ticklish. He doesn't usually like to tickle or be tickled but on very rare occasion will get involved with tickle fights. Definitely leans more of a tickler. As with most things, he starts out with a somewhat cynical outlook, but with time starts to believe maybe he could be part of the town and community spirit he feels when they're all running around having fun
Triffany - 9/10 - Very ticklish and usually enjoys it so long as it doesn't go too far. Wambus often gives her little tickles to hear her laugh and smile. Generally doesn't like to be sneaked up on, but doesn't mind a bit of good-natured tickling. Often gets involved in tickle fights but usually as the one doing the tickling. Is very good at tickling others and not being caught, so usually a group of the other grumpuses have to team up to take her down
Chandlo - 6/10 - Fairly ticklish. Doesn't usually tickle one-on-one but loves tickle fights. Uses it as an excuse to make some gains, while hanging out with his friends. Likes to tickle Snorpy. Thinks it's funny that some people are insanely ticklish. Like Snorpy.
Snorpy - 11/10 - SO ticklish. Gets flustered easily. Loves being tickled but will protest it like his life depends on it. Cannot fight back, just kicks and rolls around and shouts. Chandlo knows what's what and often tickles him, especially those times when he needs a little intervention. Has a lot of fun during tickle fights. Average tickler, if a little tentative
Shelda - 7/10 - Quite a ticklish lady. Shelda doesn't particularly love it at first but as she gets to know everyone and becomes more comfortable being herself she starts to enjoy it more. Often gets roped into tickle fights as a ticklee to begin with. Then tries to grab ones who unsuspectingly run past her. Is a fairly good tickler. Will act as "The Great and Wise Shelda" sometimes while she's tickling a victim. Adds to the fun
Eggabell - 10/10 - Extremely ticklish little egg. Enjoys it but it can get too much. Lizbert likes to tickle her a lot, and so do her friends. Loves the tickle fights around town but is often the voice of reason if things start to get out of hand. Can also be a mean tickler when she wants to be. Likes to mess with the grumps who come in for check-ups
Lizbert - 8/10 - Very ticklish but definitely leans more of a tickler. Doesn't mind being tickled as part of the fun, but will win the upper hand in the end, and her retribution is real. Alongside Wambus, is the one to watch out for in a tickle fight
Clumby - 8/10 - Surprisingly ticklish and hates the fact. Will literally cremate you with her gaze for even suggesting you'd do such a thing
Alegander - 8/10 - Also very ticklish. Has forgotten because it's been so long. Would not remember what to do. Is always serious, even when laughing.
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Who would be the best or worst yandere to run into on snaktooth? (Did i spell that right lmao)
Best (personally) would be Snorpy because. He's. 🥰
Best in general? Likely Filbo! If he can play his cards right, you won't even notice his more obsessive feelings toward you and your relationship will develop naturally. If not, Filbo will use his mayoral privileges to keep you all to himself and ensure that you're spoiled for the rest of your days.
Worst? Tie between Floofty and Gramble.
Floofty, solely because they're rather mean, at first. It takes quite a while for them to come to terms with their feelings for you (and even longer for them to stop blaming you for it.) Post-Snaktooth, though, they're more easy-going and much more openly romantic toward you.
Gramble because his plan is to simply tie you up and trap you in Sprout's play area at the beach to keep you away from the others and all to himself... You're now completely isolated and dependent on the grumpus. It also helps to make sure no one hears you cries for help, too, heh. Oh, please don't be mad! This is for the best! He's just trying to protect you.
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nagichi-boop · 2 years
Dyslexic Filbo my beloved
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polysquad11 · 1 year
✨️Bugsnax Headcanons✨️
Dealing with anger or stress
Filbo - He tries to suppress his anger or stress down. Bottling up his emotions, but soon it will pour out.
Wambus - He would try to break something to calm down. Either breaking a wooden plank apart, or Triffany would sooth him with kisses or pets.
Beffica - Beffica will definitely have that Regina moment from mean girls. Writing nasty stuff in her journal to calm down.
Floofty - If Floofty gets really angry or stressed, they would probably go in a blind frenzy and destroy anything near them.
Gramble - he would either squeeze his yarn ball like a stress ball or pet his Bugsnax in the pen.
Wiggle - Wiggle would either take a long walk away from town or listen to music on the radio to relax.
Triffany - Triffany would leave town and explore places to calm down. Either reading or looking for bones. Wambus would cuddle with her to calm her if she's in the hut.
Cromdo - Cromdo would bite things to calm himself down. Anything wooden, but hopefully not anybody near him.
Snorpy - Snorpy would scream in his pillow to calm down.
Chandlo - Chandlo would work out harder if he's ever angry.
Shelda - Like always, she would mediate or chant to relax whenever she's angry or stressed.
Elizabert - She would leave somewhere to relax and reflect on the reason what made her angry or stressed.
Eggabell - she hides under the covers to chill out and hoping she doesn't have a mental breakdown.
The journalist (buddy) - sometimes when something made them stressed or angry, they would ball up their paws tight to hold it in. Though sometimes it would leave a bloody mark on their paws.
Original Character
Casey W. It's rare to see Casey upset, but if they do, they would go somewhere private and just stare at something until it goes away.
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thefloofyfurret · 3 months
Captain Rainbow × Bugsnax headcanons
Nick meets Filbo Fiddlepie while Filbo introduces Nick Bugsnax (I'm not sure if Bugsnax ever effects on Humans too, Perhaps Nick will be allergic to Bugsnax or no)
Hikari Takes Care of Gramble Gigglefunny's Bugsnax while Gramble takes care of Hikari's Mimins
Little Mac & Chandlo Funkbun Trains each other (Perhaps Chandle Teaches Little Mac how to play B-Ball, while Little Mac teaches Chandlo how to Box)
Crazy Tracy meeting Eggabell Batternugget (Because Tracy is a pharmacist while Eggabell is a doctor)
Takamaru & Shelda Woolbag mediates together
Lip helps out Wambus Troubleham with his farm by using her magic
I'll think more headcanons soon ^^;
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