bigender2 · 1 year
buhhhhh . emotion
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clownhara · 3 years
God I wish I had the energy and tools to make one of those ask blogs that responds to questions with like full length comic's. I wish I had the energy and tools to do ask blogs in general, honestly
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noonmutter · 5 years
Tell how you first met each of the wives and girlfriends and when you knew you were in love with them and when you actually said it. And the same for any boyfriends/male lovers you might have - how did you meet them. Are you in love with them? Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh jeez so quick disclaimer, Leon remembers all of these and while he can’t recite the calendar dates, he knows when they happened and it’s part of why he’s so damned loved. I, however, have a brain wholly reliant on logs and written records, and the logs for both of his wives were devoured in a WoWscribe glitch a few years ago. I roughly remember the sequence of events, but not when exactly these things happened; I can’t even remember the year reliably! Because of that, I/he approximate the story kind of a lot…
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Leon first meets Kaewynn at a get-together he stumbled across in Stranglethorn. It’s one of his earliest interactions in RP, actually; he still introduces himself as Cambor, and is still trapped in worgen form. He’s still homeless, still wanders a lot, and isn’t yet much of a cook. He chats with her a while, and the evening ends with her smooching him. He is mightily pleased with himself. (Fun fact, in Leon’s early months, he got a smooch–or more–from someone every single time I sent him out to RP even though he never once actively sought it, this is why I shake my fist at him for being so GOD DAMN charming)
Leon and Kaewynn just keep on running into each other off and on, mostly because he keeps attending the Meddler-run event, Inkwell, and Kaewynn (a member of the Silver Dragoons) shows up frequently. Eventually they slip away to have some fun together, because they’re both fine with flings and no-strings sex, and they’re both pretty keen on one another. Their first time (I believe) is in a mineshaft at the Dragoon garrison in alternate Draenor.
Time passes, he and Kaewynn get more and more affectionate and more and more time is spent walking off on their own to either talk or fuck or both. After one particularly interesting conversation in which Leon told her his real name and was able to shift out of worgen for for a few seconds, and she told him the meaning of hers, he baffledly admitted to the only witness, “I’m in real trouble, I think I’m in love.”
They went on their first proper Actually a Date in Ulduar, because he’d never been there and Kaewynn wanted to show it to him, having some pretty intimate knowledge of the place (spoiler alert she’s a robot that got hit with the curse of flesh no seriously she actually is). 
Leon, despite being warned by a few people who knew Kaewynn that she didn’t really know what to do with the concept of love (long story, but it’s kinda literal–think “Data” here and you’ve got the gist of the problem), eventually confesses that he’s in love with her. This doesn’t go so hot, but she gives him a variation on the “just friends” speech and they both lie to themselves and each other and say that’s fine, and the rest of the night goes as originally intended, ending with Copious Amounts Of Fucking.
They are both emotionally underdeveloped idiots so of course they spend a while feeling more and more awkward and eventually Kaewynn breaks things off with him because she feels like she’s using him and …stuff. Like I said, they’re idiots.
And now we switch focus, and rewind a little because I’m pretty sure this is the part where the timing was both hilarious and infuriating.
Enter Pinapple.
A while back, Leon had seen a gnome woman throwing a bit of a tantrum at one of the Inkwell gatherings, though he hadn’t known why at the time. He eventually found out that it was because she’d been exposed to a shitload of radiation and was in a serious depressive spiral for some pretty good reasons (I don’t think it was actually cancer but it was basically cancer). 
Being Leon, and being that he’d been given access to a kitchen and the opportunity to learn to cook, he sent this complete stranger a box of treats because hospital food sucks. 
Months down the line, we come to the Silver Dragoons’ Halloween party. Pin has recovered after some risky surgeries n��stuff and is trottin’ about the place, shmoozin’ like y’do, and eventually comes across Leon. They got to talking, he got the chance to introduce himself properly, they eventually sat down to have drinks together. In probably the biggest spike of bravery she’d had for a long time before or since, she hit him with the equivalent of “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?” and they did.
He and Pin have a lot of fun together, and they romp along at a pretty good clip for about a month. Eventually during a bit of pillow talk, Pin accidentally says “I love you, you goofball” and they have a Serious Conversation in which he admits he’s not really at that same place, but it didn’t make things wierd at all. Pin being significantly more emotionally mature than Kaewynn, this works out better, and their friendship does not fall apart.
A bit later on, The Voice Of Reason happens and after he nearly dies and is recovering in the Dragoon garrison infirmary, Leon tells Pin he loves her, too.
LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY Kaewynn tells him she wants to reconcile and asks him to take her back. This was not planned, none of us knew it was going to happen, Kae’s mun didn’t know Leon and Pin had swapped L-words, I nearly threw up laughing. That same night, Leon and Pin and Kaewynn have the single most awkward relationship conversation they could possibly have, because oh by the way did I mention Kaewynn and Pin had been in a relationship once long before Leon ever showed up, and it’d ended because Kaewynn couldn’t do love? Because that’s a thing that happened.
Leon somehow managed not to go bald during all this.
Also he asked them to marry him the following February. Though they both said yes, the ceremony never did happen, and the events of Legion saw Pin dead and both Leon and Kaewynn horribly broken. The two of them sorta gently bullied their mutual friend, Rhiswyn, into performing the marriage between them, because one of the group dying made them worried they’d never get the chance.
Leon and Pin still haven’t formally wed, because after she came back, they were both quietly terrified that if they made it official, something else would rip it apart. They call each other husband and wife, but Pin’s the only one that isn’t actually married out of the trio.
It gets a bit harder for me after this, because I was terrible at tagging things for a while on tumblr and I cannot for the LIFE of me remember how I first encountered @safrona-shadowsun. The earliest posts I actually tagged under her tag, “fizzy,” were confessionals between him and the red courier at the Ledgermaine in Dalaran. Theirs is a very, very complex relationship, but it’s very easy to (over)simplify it:
Leon is a nurturer and he saw a lot of himself in Safrona, which is a terrible thing because he is incredibly depressed and prone to fits of self-loathing. He worried about her a lot when they first started hanging out, and he devoted a lot of energy to trying to draw her out of the incredibly thick shell she’d built around herself. As things progressed over ages and ages and ages, they became business partners, and she directed an acquaintance of hers his way.
Leon’s tradition up to that point had been to put the initials of serious lovers into his collar. Committed but unmarried is engraved (that’s P, for Pin), married is branded (that’s K, for Kaewynn).
Vandrysse… is hard for me to talk about. I only knew her mun for a little over a year before I received word that she had suddenly died.
Vandy is the reason I mention that Leon’s collar still has a nearly-faded “V” on it. She was the third woman he confessed he loved. That conversation was the last time I got to RP with her. I consider it a form of memorial to never let that V actually disappear no matter how long it’s been.
anyway moving on
I cannot actually remember which one happened first, meeting Murkey or confessing his attraction to Safrona, and tracking down the posts for the latter is not easy because Tumblr’s search engine is a JOKE. Regardless, Leon did confess to the courier after some years that he was in love with her, though I’m sure by that time she wasn’t really all that surprised beyond the way he presented it. It was downright artful, the boy was trying. But this is Safrona we’re talking about, and she gently but firmly shut him down, and that was the end of it. Though it made their friendship more than a little tense for a while, they’ve gotten over it by now. He still pines, but wouldn’t you? And he keeps that shit to himself, because not only did he get his answer, she’s now taken and quite happily so.
Murkey snoot-booped her way into Leon’s life one day and never quite left. I actually don’t remember if they met for the first time when she did that, or if he met her at a brothel first. They were both open and poly people, and they still are; he was perfectly okay with her disappearing for weeks or months at a time, as long as she sent word she was all right on occasion, and she was always delighted to find that he was still waiting for her whenever she came back. She’s a romantically skittish thing, so he was actually the first one to confess he had deeper feelings quite a ways into their relationship. 
He’d hesitated to do so at all, in part because Safrona had commented that she thought he fell in love too easily and gave it too freely, implying that it wasn’t really that meaningful. Eventually he kicked that feeling in the dick and told her anyway, and though it took a long time, Murkey did eventually tell him she loved him back. She, like him, had realized it far sooner than she’d been willing to admit, for fear of ruining a good thing.
Amber is actually the most recent in the game–I am trying very hard not to call it a harem–and much like Safrona, developed first as a chance meeting that evolved into a business partnership and friendship. She helped design the logos and packaging for the Cookbook, and he sent her plenty of free food and ongoing orders for more boxes. She was a very reserved person, which he thought was kind of refreshing–after a while you sort of want to have some people who are just friends, no matter how fun fuckbuddies are–and she was quite wrapped up with her lover and eventual husband, an elf named Vaerinis.
Amber confessed to him first, and though he wasn’t quite in love with her, he was certainly open to exploring possibilities. These days, he loves her to pieces and though she’s Vae’s first, he is happy to be part of it.
Vaerinis is a happy bonus, too, though he hasn’t had much time to really develop feelings for the man as yet.
Leon doesn’t have a whole lot of male acquaintances in general, actually, and has not yet fallen in love with any or had any fall for him, that he knows about.
my hands hurt, I know I fucked up the timing a few times and I’m tired so I hope i didn’t forget anybody wooph
( @pinpep @shckaewynn @murkeyglglgl @safrona-shadowsun @theengraver @vaerinis )
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wandringbark · 4 years
ik toss a coin has become the honorary theme song for the witcher and i love that and agree wholeheartedly but sometimes i forget how fucking cool the song geralt of rivia is like. that bop Fucks
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marvus-xoloto · 3 years
buhhhhhhhhhh....... bloodswaps 🥴🥴 ❤️
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
brush teeth ✅
phone appt w/ surgery clinic ✅
pay housemate 4 internet bill ✅
call meridian transport abt surgery ride (?) Upd: nvm! ✅
answer signal messages ✅
check uni email **((
feed rugal
draw bath, take bath
drink gatorade ✅
take mucinex ✅
take dayquil ✅
take electrolyte pills ✅
order arrhythmia watch
message E abt books
Invoice 1
Invoice 2
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shortkingvi · 3 years
thank my best friend because i almost didn’t post this one ✌️
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uselessgaywhovian · 3 years
So the party finally reunited today!
It was super awkward!
Because Sybil was there!
So yeah, the party got back to Saltmarsh and found Yara and Sybil waiting in Bree and Eoleo's house. We waited for Bael-lys and Bree to get back from their errands (Bael-lys was sort-of breaking up with Xendros? And Bree was checking on the situation after the whole Poppy-isn't-a-real-person thing). Well, we waited for Bael-lys to get back and then Yara used Sending to ask Bree to hustle back, which was very funny.
Then we had to explain the whole thing about how Procan had been... kidnapped? Captured? Something? and that it had happened to other gods and would probably continue to happen to more until whoever was doing it was stopped.
The party filled in their side, about how Primewater was in Seaton and did something at the temple of Procan. So we're now at the point where we're all in agreement that Primewater needs to be stopped, but we have no way to find, let alone stop him.
After some very tense conversation, Sybil decided to head back to the Sea Princes to investigate who among them Primewater had been dealing with and what other holy relics he may have acquired.
Surprisingly, nobody pumped Yara for information about how the hell she ended up with Sybil. I mean, Bree already knows about Yara and Sybil's history, but the boys don't. But y'know, Yara also showed up looking like absolute shit, so they might have decided to let sleeping dogs lie for a little bit.
Even more surprisingly, after the boys wandered off to deal with their own stuff, Bree stopped to talk to Yara. She actually apologized for being kinda harsh on Yara after Yara spilled her guts about her past and, y'know, most of the people she's ever cared about probably being dead and all that. And Bree said she didn't want Yara to think she needed to leave.
So now Yara feels bad that Bree apparently thinks it's her fault that Yara was gone. Which, I mean, it was out of Bree saying what Yara was already thinking that she needed to figure out her shit with Umberlee sooner rather than later. But she only meant to be gone for a few days to build her shrine and try to be a Good Cleric™, she didn't mean to be gone for weeks... but Bree left the room as soon as she'd apologized and Yara was too emotionally whiplashed out of not expecting that to be the conversation that was going to happen today, and Yara didn't get a chance to unpack things yet 😅
The good news is, we're going to be heading on a long-ass trip inland to the capital of Keoland so i'm sure we'll have opportunities in coming sessions for the emotional vulnerability inherent in taking watch together.
buhhhhhhhhhh i can't wait for Yara and Bree to have a good talk. These girls are both goin' through some shit. And it's surprisingly parallel shit.
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ghosty-goos-asks · 4 years
Yes, Nina? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?
buhhhhhhhhhh... - 🦄👼
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5typesoftrash · 5 years
i have this Sabreylo headcanon that every time Ben enters a room, Gabriel goes BUH BUH, BUH BUH BUHHHHHHHHHH and Sam bursts out laughing and Rey just looks at them all confusedly
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glassguts · 7 years
Me: nauseous and tired Me, resolutely ignoring these feelings: :)
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bugsrepellsgant · 6 years
🤔🤔🤔 werewolf/vampire/other cryptid au
as far as The Boys go nathan’d be a creature from the black lagoon/killer croc style lizard/amphibian man, murderface’d be a wendigo or some kind of Bigfoot, skwisgaar would be a vampire (duh,) toki would b a werewolf (DUHHHHH,) and pickle’d be a banshee (i know theyre traditionally ladies but shh)
skwisgaar would be like a full on tom cruise blonde wig hamming it the fuck up 90s goth melodrama lestat type vampire
but if i had to make everyone vampire types toki would be very viago from what we do in the shadows, nathan is just your garden variety Dracula. he calls himself a dracula., pickles is a Cool™️ vampire; id say lost boys style but ive never seen that movie oops, murderface is the fucking daywalker and kills bad vampires with a samurai sword. charles would just be charles bc lawyers are FUCKIN BLOODSUCKERS *RIMSHOT*
skwisgaar isnt the only one allowed to get an instrument thru divine intervention so heres some fun Ideas: nathan’s voice was bequeathed upon him at age 5 by the whale prophets for doomsaying purposes, murderface beat the devil in a bass playing contest a la Scott Pilgrim the movie, pickles gets sold his drums by a goblin in a SoCal alley or something, toki’s first guitar was a gift from a nøkken. and then the nøkken gave him a big ole kiss. mwah.
barely relevant but skwisgaar and toki both say ‘sasquatch’ like bubbles from trailer park boys (bubbles is basically canadian toki anyway)
uhhh buhhhhhhhhhh
chuck, abigail and dick basically keep all evidence of supernatural activity contained within mordhaus like mulder and scully and some other dude
what if death metal was aliems all along?
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diebyyourhand · 6 years
How to tell if I’m actually bi or if my self worth is based on men liking me and I’m more attracted to the idea of being liked by a man than I am to actually liking them buhhhhhhhhhh
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gedzilla · 6 years
my workfriends’ dad fell off their roof this morning so she isnt here today
i hope he’s gonna be okay .she like Just lost her mom....
her bf says that he thinks everythings alright and that her dads just shaken up but theyre at the er to get him checked out anyway to be sure there isnt like internal bleeding or anything
buhhhhhhhhhh i dont want to be here while my friend is in dostress i wanna be with her
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arysthaeniru · 2 years
I bought Fire Emblem Warriors to fill the empty void where Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity used to reside, because I thought the gameplay loop might be similar, since they were made by the same studio. (Hyrule Warriors is the only game I have ever 100%ed)
I was wrong. Holy shit, it's SO overwhelming with systems, magics and symbols. And there's a million anime characters and dating systems AND THREE WHOLE SEPARATE ROUTES??? On the one hand, I will probably never run out of content, but on the other hand: buhhhhhhhhhh.
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Washington has his shit together
Meet Me Inside: Go home Alexander I don’t want you here rn
*two songs later*
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