#building walls to keep the waves back (an ode to the archivists)
zoanzon · 9 months
Yeah, so, for the last most-of-a-year I've had a particular project I've been working on to back up all my electronic writing - from the half-dozen places it's been scattered, content going back to early 2016 - into a single fucking repository.
I'm not done yet - still got over 500 sticky notes of stuff to import from my phone - but as of today...
I broke the million-word mark.
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It wasn't a New Year's resolution last year to do anything like this, but yeah if you want to set yourself a resolution for this year to do something like, oh I don't know, 'back up a copy of everything 'I' (ie you) have written so it doesn't get lost to the void one day'...
Consider this you sign it's a goal you can pull off.
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zoanzon · 2 years
Just was shown the latest Defunctland - about the question of who wrote the Disney Channel tune? - and by god this video came into my house and shot me dead.
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zoanzon · 7 months
Extremely fucking terrified at how I've apparently managed to back up a bit over a million and a half words of personal writing in a year? Like, I went through my diary and confirmed I first started deep-dive archiving my old stuff (and cross-archiving anything written after that point) last March.
And I still have more to go???
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zoanzon · 3 years
Maybe you've got someone from Yemen or Dijibouti that can tell you exactly what the fuck happened there instead of my layman's piss-poor guesses from the deck of a cruise ship. I was sloshed, trying to have a vacation and forget my mess of a life. But just in case I'm one of the only ones left that knows, I thought I'd write you and make sure you have at least this fragment. I figure, what the hell, at least it will level me up in my History-Keeping stats.
“Sleep Over: An Oral History of the Apocalypse” by H.G. Bells, page 187
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