#buisness loan
dhanifinance1217 · 2 months
dhani personal loan apply online
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vonepk · 2 years
Secure your expenses with small loans
Small loans are a type of financing that provides individuals with a small amount of money to cover various expenses. They are usually obtained through financial institutions, such as banks or credit unions, and have lower interest rates and shorter repayment periods compared to larger loans. The purpose of this blog is to educate readers on the benefits of small loans and how they can be used to…
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priyasharma086 · 2 years
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Business loans tailored to different kinds of businesses are a good way to secure such financing. The demand for a loan for a business varies depending on its size, needs, and the type of industry the business operates in.
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advancefunding · 2 years
Tips For Increasing The Probability That Your Business Loan Will Be Approved
Propelling affiliations will relax credits to affiliations yet they need an attestation that the credit will be quickly reimbursed. Spread out affiliations that are doing very well in the market have an uncommon possibility guaranteeing. Clashing with the norm, on the off chance that you own another business or another association, applying for a credit the fundamental time can end up being an irksome errand.
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buisness advance
Despite the test, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to apply for a business credit in any capacity whatsoever. In this article, let us examine the systems you can do to expand your opportunity getting a help.
Know the Essentials of the Business Loan.
For the most part, banks will require the accommodation of your monetary records for the beyond two years on the other hand on the off chance that you're another business, since the time you began. You should correspondingly plan certifications that you are running a genuine affiliation like allows and licenses.
For new and new associations, a sound field-attempted method will be commonplace. Your method should introduce a reasonable clarification of the sort of business you are running and should merge month to month pay projections since you began your tasks.
For spread out affiliations, ensure that monetary records are cautious as any bungle in the subtleties would cause a carefulness. Business acknowledge increases you have actually gotten will additionally be reviewed. Indeed, your business record as a customer will be unflinchingly surveyed.
In any case, imagine what is happening where you eventually truly can't cultivate your corporate record of credit repayment. For this current situation, your own record as the proprietor of the business will be considered. How you deal with your own records like advances, home credit, and Mastercard responsibilities will show a potential bank your capacity to deal with a business credit.
As such it is suggested that you get your own special duplicate credit report going prior to presenting your advancement application. In this manner, you can in any case address bungles or slip-ups that might be related with your report which could be pulling down your score.
Obviously, a similar bearing is besides pertinent even to proprietors of fanned out affiliations. Actually explore both your corporate credit and individual record of advance repayment to ensure that both your own and business credit profiles are on great circumstances.
Game-plan Is Principal
Certainly, organizing is major while applying for a business credit. Cash related specialists propose making interests in resources that produce pay like stock or stuff. You ought to besides keep away from gigantic changes in the arrangement of your business a few months prior to presenting your credit application. Review that you genuinely need to show a potential credit master that your affiliation is in a predictable state.
Close to additional conspicuous banks, it is comparably worth the work to look at what business advance errands that are open from your nearby bank. Additional unpretentious banks might be more organized to back another business, particularly if the proprietor has been a shockingly prolonged stretch of time client with a continuous individual record with the affiliation.
For More Info :-
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Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/buisness--loan/home
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samoadoll · 2 years
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No Bad Spirited Bitches. Angel Energy Only. Created by Areli Soleil.
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nickyysharmi · 5 months
A Comprehensive Exploration of Chartered Accountancy in India
In the intricate tapestry of India's financial sector, where precision and proficiency hold sway, Chartered Accountants (CAs) stand as bastions of reliability and expertise. Beyond the allure of prestigious recognition and substantial rewards, the journey toward this esteemed profession demands unwavering dedication, rigorous training, and an unswerving commitment to financial rectitude and excellence. In this ever-evolving landscape, CAs assume the role of guardians of financial integrity, their expertise sharpened through relentless dedication and an unwavering pursuit of excellence, thereby ensuring the robustness and dependability of India's financial infrastructure.
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Unveiling the Essence of Chartered Accountancy
At its core, the role of a Chartered Accountant transcends mere financial management; it encompasses a trusted advisory capacity crucial for safeguarding financial health and steering strategic decision-making across diverse sectors. Whether extending their expertise to businesses, governmental entities, or individuals, CAs offer invaluable financial guidance, adeptly navigating the complexities of financial management. Their certification not only signifies competence but also underscores a commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and proficiency in the financial domain.
Core Responsibilities and Proficiency
The responsibilities of a Chartered Accountant span a broad spectrum of duties, each playing a pivotal role in nurturing financial stability and facilitating informed decision-making:
1. Financial Accounting and Auditing: From meticulous bookkeeping to comprehensive financial analysis, CAs oversee all facets of accounting, ensuring adherence to accounting standards and presenting an accurate depiction of financial standings through thorough audits.
2. Management Consulting: Serving as strategic advisors, CAs assist businesses in optimizing resource allocation, implementing effective financial controls, and navigating intricate financial landscapes, encompassing international tax regulations, mergers, and corporate governance.
3. Taxation Management: Armed with a profound understanding of tax laws, CAs play a pivotal role in managing tax affairs, ensuring compliance, and devising strategic tax planning strategies for both businesses and individuals.
4. Cost Accounting: Guiding businesses in precisely assessing production costs and formulating cost-effective strategies, CAs facilitate informed decision-making crucial for business sustainability and profitability.
5. Board Memberships and Secretarial Roles: Seasoned CAs often assume positions on boards of directors, leveraging their financial acumen to steer organizational strategy. Additionally, they provide indispensable support as company secretaries, addressing financial, administrative, and regulatory matters.
6. Arbitration and Investigation: CAs are frequently called upon to arbitrate disputes and conduct investigative analyses, offering clarity on financial positions and facilitating well-considered business decisions.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Drives Unprecedented Growth in the NBFC Sector
The Path to Chartered Accountancy: A Structured Expedition
Embarking on the journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant necessitates perseverance and a structured approach, delineated by the following steps:
1. Secondary Education: Lay a robust foundation by excelling in secondary examinations, with an emphasis on mathematics and finance, thereby paving the way for further academic and professional pursuits in chartered accountancy.
2. Enrollment in the CA Foundation Course: Following secondary education, enroll in the Foundation Course, dedicating four months to preparatory studies before undertaking the CA Foundation Examination. This examination acquaints aspiring CAs with fundamental principles essential for success.
3. Intermediate Examination, ICITSS, and Article Training: Progress to the intermediate stage, followed by an Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS), and three years of article training, providing practical exposure to real-world financial scenarios and nurturing essential skills.
4. Registration for the CA Final Course: Complete the Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (AICITSS) before registering for the final exam. Upon completion, register with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to commence practice, marking the transition to a certified professional.
The Rewards of Chartered Accountancy: Transcending Monetary Compensation
The pursuit of a career as a Chartered Accountant promises not only financial remuneration but also intrinsic rewards, including intellectual stimulation, avenues for career progression, and the gratification of contributing to organizational success and financial well-being.
Also Read: Unlocking Growth: Analyzing the Multi-dimensional Expansion of Businesses in 2024
Exploring Exemplary Figures in the Industry: A Case Study of Abhay Bhutada
Within the realm of Chartered Accountancy, Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp, emerges as a notable figure endowed with unparalleled expertise in the lending sector. His odyssey from a finance enthusiast to a visionary entrepreneur underscores the transformative potential of innovation and strategic foresight in the financial domain.
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Abhay Bhutada's exceptional leadership has propelled Poonawalla Fincorp to unprecedented heights, garnering widespread recognition and accolades within the industry. His journey serves as a testament to the opportunities for growth and success inherent within the field of chartered accountancy.
Also Read: 10 Ways to successfully digitize your finance in 2024
In Conclusion
The journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant in India demands perseverance, resilience, and a commitment to continual learning and improvement. While the path may be fraught with challenges, the rewards – both professional and personal – are profound. Aspiring CAs must embody integrity, precision, and a dedication to excellence to thrive in this competitive milieu, making substantive contributions to the nation's economic tapestry.
With determination and perseverance, individuals can surmount obstacles and emerge as trusted financial experts, catalyzing significant contributions to the economic landscape of the nation.
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Qualification Requirements
$5,000+ Monthly Bank Revenue
Business Checking Account
6 Months In Business
450+ Credit Score
All Industries Included
Breezy Online Process
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Funding of $25,000 - $2,000,000 In 2-5 Days
$25,000+ Monthly Bank Revenue
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4 Months In Business
500+ Credit Score
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Learn More
Courtesy of ASB Capital Loan Funding
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csl-finance1 · 1 year
Loan against property for expanding your business | CSL Finance
A secured loan known as a loan against property enables you to borrow money while using your property as collateral. You may utilise this loan for various kind of things, including business growth or expanding your business. In comparison to other unsecured loans, a loan against property allows you to obtain a sizable sum of money at a cheaper interest rate. The value of the asset you use as security determines the loan amount. It is a well-liked kind of financing for business owners who desire to increase their company's operations or invest in new projects.
To discover more about how Loan against property can help you expand your business, Click here.
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lulu-nightbon · 1 year
alright, i... didn't want to do this. i didn't want to have to do this. especially with all the hate ive been getting in my inbox recently. but i don't have a choice.
hi. im lulu. im a 21-year-old autistic immunocompromised queer person. i currently live with my mother (senior) and my little sister (10 years old). i need your help to get out.
(context and avenues to help below the cut)
as some of you may know, my stepfather died on august sixth from a heart attack. we lived in his parents basement, as it was all we could afford, and we depended on his income. he had a stable job, and mom decided to become a housewife and sell some things from the buisness they created together. when he died, the buisness was dissolved, as it was an llc partnership. his parents are extremely controlling, and as such, he was only able to finally start building up credit when mom came along, and we were almost at the point where he could qualify for a home loan so we could get out and get away from his parents.
that's gone now.
mom cannot qualify for a home loan because of her student loan payments and the credit card payments. we do not have the money to pay these off, and mom is trying desperately to get a job. we need the money to get out, as my stepfather's parents have been trying to get my sister away from my mom and shove both her and i out of the family for years. things are only getting worse now as we have reason to believe they are spying on our conversations and even going so far as tracking us (for example, they found a spare key to the car and went and took it and "cleaned it out" without mom's knowledge or permission, as it's her car now). they have been trying to circumvent mom and go behind her back during the entire process with the funeral home, coroner's office, all the legal documentation, and they are extremely infuriated that they cannot decide anything or push mom out because they are not the next of kin and have been trying to circumvent this. we have reason to believe that they're going to attempt to sell the cars that are still in my stepfather's name to collect on the money and never give us a dime, like they had with almost all of the money my little sister received as part of the college fund we set up at my stepfather's funeral as well as any money that my little sister had won in the past. we will never see a dime of it, and it's extremely upsetting that they are doing this. they have been running scams for years, and they have been nothing but hellish towards my mother, claiming she's withholding information from them when she has offered more than they've asked for and they have done nothing but take my little sister out and about without ever telling mom anything (for example- they screamed that mom was withholding information when she said she didn't copy the tox report for them because it was empty and claimed they needed to know his cholesterol levels [which doesn't even show up on a tox report- they didn't run his blood, either, and they didn't check his cholesterol levels anyway because they know that's what killed him, they could see it] and would not provide reasoning why [it does not affect them anyway just by nature of it being cholesterol], while on sunday they took my little sister out the whole day and failed to communicate with my mother that she would be with them and would be home after dinner).
they have been screaming at mom for collecting social security as though she was stealing their money and demanded that she doesn't get a job, and we have more than enough reason to believe that they are trying to get her to default on the bills so they finally have legal grounds to take my little sister and kick us out, leaving us with nowhere to go and no options. they have even gone as far as to threaten to take my sister away using force in the past, and, as they have firearms, that is a terrifying threat. they are unhinged and extremely upset that they cannot control us and make us do what they want, how they want, when they want, and they are up in arms over it.
when we move out, all hell is going to break loose, but the longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.
my stepfather, being 37 when he died, did not like thinking about his own mortality, so he didn't have a life insurance policy, a 401K, a will, nothing. we have been left high and dry by his death, and that is pushing aside the grief. we do not have the money to pay off the bills, pay for a lawyer, pay to have the car re-keyed to keep them from stealing it again, or to even flat-out buy a house to circumvent needing a loan, and on top of it all we have to deal with stepfather's parents not allowing us to grieve and implying that mom is a tramp and a heartless bitch that will blow any money given to her when she is more financially responsible than them. we also have to worry about them stealing our things, especially with how much they complain about how messy the basement is when most of the things here are theirs (stepfather's parents are hoarders- more specifically, his father hoards cars, and his mother hoards everything else, going out and shopping frivolously almost every day).
we need help with money, and i hate to ask, especially with the requirement of revealing my legal name and in light of the harassment i have been receiving for over a month now, but we need to get out of here, and we need to get out of here soon. it's only going to get worse the longer we stay. we need money to help with the bills, my mom's student loans, getting a lawyer, and getting a place to move into.
im posting this because im the only one my stepfather's parents won't find on any platform that i choose to use. my current goal is $9,000 USD, if only just to get enough money to get a cheap plot of land to move into, or one of the really cheap houses out here. this won't cover the loans or bills in addition, or the cost of getting a lawyer or anything else we need, but it is enough to get us a cheap place to live. i know it's a lot of money, but we are in a dangerous situation and need the money to escape. if we were to pay for everything, the goal would be in the hundreds of thousands, and i feel horrible just asking for this much. if you can't donate, please reblog, even the visibility might help and please do not spread my legal name. please remember to put "payment" or something generic in the reasoning box if it's required so that i will actually receive the funds instead of having my account purged from the site. i didn't want to ask for this, but i have no other options. please help.
c*sh*pp: $lulunightbon
v*nm*: @Lulilial
Goal: $0/$9,000
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lua-magic · 9 months
Fifth lord and your Name and Fame.
Which ever house your fifth lord sits in that house could get you Fame.
Fifth lord in first, tenth and ninth house are the best combination. It gets you things easily without much struggle.
Fifth lord in ancendent.
You will easily get your education, even when you don't want it you will get your higher education and have lot of certificates and medals with you.
Fifth lord in Taurus.
You will get your fame from your speech, singing, speaking ,finances, and handling money related jobs
Fifth lord in Gemini ♊
You will get your fame from your skill, especially, that uses your hands, like writing, painting, shooting, poetry.
Fifth lord in ♋ Cancer
You will get house, cars easily and get comforts of house. You can get your success in real estate, house related jobs, or in automobiles sector.
Such combination also gives you sucess in politics and government jobs.
Fifth lord in fifth house
You will get higher education, multiple degrees. You will get your fame from your own creativity, and in education sector as well.
Fifth lord in sixth
You can be good doctor, healer, auditor, CA, lawyer.
Fifth lord in Libra ♎
If fifth house falls in Libra sig or fifth lord goes in Libra then it is combination of love marriage.
You wil get success in partnership, buisness, through your partner as well.
Fifth lord in Scorpio
You are good in occult or you can get your success in insurance, mining, banks, loans, finance.
Fifth Lord in Sagittarius.
Gets you higher education easily, you will be attached to your guru, teacher, father.
You can get your success from teaching, sharing your knowledge, and counseling.
Fifth lord in Capricorn ♑.
You are good in any work that that you do and will get promotion easily in anywhere you go, irrespective of work you do and Knowledge that you possess.
Fifth lord in Aquarius
Fifth lord in eleventh house gets you success in social media, content creation, and through your network.
Fifth house in Pisces ♓
You will get your fame in foreign land, or your child will go in foreign land , you can get your success in spirituality as well.
You could work in hospitals and prison as well.
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dhanifinance1217 · 2 months
Dhani Finance Property Loan
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jamsterrr · 3 months
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felix. brownies. flour fights. intimate mixing. hand holding. " you always make the best desserts "
description. felix finally opened his business, a small bakery around the corner of a busy street in seoul. getting a break from work let you be able to visit your boyfriend, coming to support his buisness. though that wasn’t the only thing you did that day.
words : 3.4k
felix x female!reader
contains. !! kind words, maybe a little cussing, 90% fluff 10% smut fr, smut with a plot, supportive girlfriend y/n, 18+ content, vaginal, raw sex, oral sex. ( let me know if i missed anything! )
link to my masterlist . . . !
———— .. ᯓᡣ𐭩 ( start … ) ᡣ𐭩ᯓ .. ————
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You smile at the phone, your boyfriend: Felix on the other side of the video call showing you all the little details about his restaurant. The chairs, tables, plastic wraps, dishes and even the way the marble floor color scheme matched with the counters. You loved seeing his smile, the toothy grin on his face. He looked back at the camera. “I wish you were here” he spoke, a small pout on his face and you could hear the slight sadness in his voice.
You asked your boss multiple times for the day off just to be with Felix on opening day, but he wouldn’t even give you the time of day to ask, let alone here you out. “You want to skip work just to see your boyfriend open his cafe, what a joke” the words alone making you pissed, but you couldn’t say anything. You truly needed to keep this job, especially when you and Felix took out loans so he could pursue his dream.
“Baby, where’d you go?” the male asked as he tapped the camera of the phone. “Ah sorry, I'm here, I was just wishing I was there with you is all, and thinking about my dickhead of a boss” you replied, running your hands through your hair. “Well, I will talk your head off tonight, so it’s fine” he dismissed the thought in your head. “You're actually the sweetest” you said, your eyes softening as you saw his running his fingers through his blue locks as you chuckled, adoring the male's bold hair choice, but he and you liked it so you couldn’t complain truly.
Looking at the time, your break was up and you needed to head back. “I have to go now.”
“Aww, really.”
“Yes, but I will be home soon, so get ready for all the love and questions when I get home.” you chuckled, standing up and tossing your trash away, saying the rest of your goodbyes to your love until it was time for you to head back to work.
Only a couple more hours.
You got home a bit later than Felix, as to where he was already fixing dinner for the two of you when you walked in. You quietly closed the door, hanging your head low as you slipped off your shoes and stepped further into the apartments. Felix’s eyes lit up with a small sparkle as he spotted you, wiping the chicken broth from his hands, making his way to you as he engulfed you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around him as you rested your head on his shoulder. This wasn’t the first time you came home from work drained, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, though you were just happy to be with Felix right now at the end of the day, every day. He placed a kiss on your cheek. “You should go wash up for dinner, it's almost done” the male said softly. You nodded, though as much as you just wanted to lay down, showering and then changing would feel better. “Can you do it for me” you dragged your feet, the male chuckling before taking the apron. “Okay” he said simply, no hesitation. “No, I’m joking” you laughed at your boyfriend, finding his actions cute.
“Why, I haven't seen you naked in forever” the male said, holding his heart, a distraught look popped onto your face. “Wh-what is that to say” you laugh, “finish dinner, and then I'll think about it” you speak, making your way to the shared bedroom, grabbing some comfortable clothes before taking a quick shower to wash the stressful day from your body.
After you got out of the shower, clean you back hugged the male and rested your head on his shoulder. “It smells so good” you hummed, the smell of the soup hitting your nostrils. “Thank you, I already packed your lunch bag for tomorrow, my hard-working woman deserves something refreshing for her body.”
You couldn’t help but to soften your eyes. Realizing how appreciative Felix truly was for you and your hard-working job. You gently pulled away and kissed his cheek, watching him pour the soup into the bowls, setting up a few side dishes for the both of you to enjoy. Once the bowls were set, you and Felix ate at the table as you enjoyed an amazing conversation, your legs crossed as you enjoyed the food, so happy to hear everything the male told you about the first day of the bakery.
Sitting at your office desk, you sighed. It’d been two weeks since Felix opened the bakery and you have yet to be there. It was starting to get sad at this point. No day off for you, just work, going on and cuddling the male until you both fell asleep. The only good part would be seeing him on facetime or at home whenever you went. Though it seemed as if you were at work more. Typing, answering phone calls, sorting through paper work or just printing things for your boss to use in meetings. You were continuing your work before the office phone rang, taking a sigh before you answered it. “Hello, L/N ‘s phone.”
“In my office. Now" is all you heard before you widened your eyes slightly, a look of worry crossing over your face before you stood up and made your way to your boss's office, knocking on the door before hearing a tender. Come in. Ring through your ears. You took a deep breathe, turning the silver doorknob before stepping into the office. You see your boss sitting up Mr. Lee ushering you to close the door behind you as he leaned back in his desk and you did so. It was still so early in the morning, why did he want to see you? You closed the door behind you and then stood in front of his desk. “So, you've been doing your work right? Everything almost done?” the male asked, you giving a quick nod. “Yes sir” you replied respectfully and almost instantly.
He nodded, the atmosphere a bit awkward until he sat up straight and spoke. “Okay, I’ll give you today and the rest of the week off. I have to go out of town for the week. So go, but be back here next Wednesday, bright and early.”
You could swear you were having a stroke, a bright smile appearing on your face as you bowed, repeating thank you multiple times before he dismissed you, the smile you had never leaving your face. Your first thought was to call or text Felix about this break but then thought, what would be better than a surprise?
“Where are you going?” Delaney, one of your office friends asked before turning back to her computer. “I’m off work” is all you said before grabbing your purse and jacket, making your way out of the building, out to your car, getting in and driving off. First to your apartment to change your outfit into something a little looser than the ones you have on now. “Shorts and a tank top shirt should do.” you speak to yourself, switching out your purse and then back on your way to surprise Felix.
The streets of Seoul were busy, you having to park a little bit down the street just to be able to get there. People lining up, walking out the bakery with the plastic bags of his design on them, nothing could make you feel happier than to see people indulging in the delicious treats Felix worked hard to make. Finally, you made your way into the bakery, looking around as it was busy with customers. You got in the line, deciding to order yourself something while you waited, not wanting to bother him as much while he was busy, though you were very excited and thrilled. You stepped up to the cash register, smiling as you recognized the person behind the register.
“Han?!” you questioned, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. “Oh, Hey Y/N!” the male exclaimed. “It’s been so long, what are you doing here?” the male asked. “I came to see. Felix, my boss gave me the day off.” you explained. Han nodded. “He’s just in the back, want me to get him?” the male asked, as you hummed in response. Han smiled as you turned back and bowed to the people behind you, stepping aside so the other cashier, another one of Felix’s friends, Seungmin could take their order. You waited impatiently as your eyes followed Han, seeing him walk through the double doors to the back.
Felix was putting the last batch of tea cookies in the oven, taking a deep sigh as he looked at his phone. No text from you still, a small frown forming on his lips. Though this time of the day you would send him a message, complaining about your job or just checking up on him. He stuffed his phone into his back pocket, looking at Han who walked through the double doors. “Hey Felix, Y/N is here.” Felix gasped and widened his eyes, grinning from ear to ear. “Really?!” the male shouted, some of the bakers jumping from the males lifted voice, lighter than the normal deep voice they were used to.
The male didn't waste any time pulling off the apron and running through the doors, almost tackling you to the ground with a hug. You laughed, embracing the male in your arms, causing a couple of stares from the people talking and enjoying their desserts. Felix didn’t care though, to him this day couldn't get any better. The male’s hands cupped your cheeks as he pulled you into a deep kiss, your hands traveling up to his shoulders as his hands squeeze your hips. You bit gently onto the male's bottom lip, pulling away and your face flushing red. Covering your face in the male’s shoulder. He took your hand and pulled you into the back, the double doors you two disappearing.
“How were you able to come?” the male asked, his smile never leaving his face. “My boss gave me the week off, i can be here to help you all week” you said excitedly. Looking around, you took in the beauty of the bakery, it was really Felix coded and you loved it. He smiled brightly, “I’m so glad you were here, I got worried when I didn’t see your message. How long have you been here?” “Not long.”
From the look in Felix’s eyes, you could tell he was truly happy for you to be there, from the way he looked at you. It made your heart flutter. There were many times in your relationship where you could tell Felix truly loved you, but this was one, this was one of the top moments. The way he looked at you. The way his smile never faded and got even brighter when he saw you. The male pulled out the tea cookies from the oven, where you helped him package them in the plastic films, 2 at a time.
The day went by fast, too fast for the two of you. Though you did so much together. He taught you some secrets to making the best desserts. The fudgy-est brownies on the market. The perfect circular cookies, the best way to use measuring. Though you weren’t much of a baker and left it to him. Seeing him in his element made you smile and that's all you could be thankful for.
You made a few friends with little kids that came into the bakery with their parents. Them giving you a little bit of baby fever, but you and Felix weren’t in the financial state to have a baby in your life right now. Though Felix did notice the way you carefully helped the kids and cared for them gently.
It was only you and Felix left in the bakery. It was 11 pm, way past closing time. Everyone else had already went home when it hit 10. Though Felix didn’t mind, he wanted some alone time with you anyway.
“I really appreciate you coming to visit me today doll, this is probably the best work day I've had in my first two weeks working here.” Felix spoke, the male gently cleaned the flour off the long metal table, scooping it into the trash can. You took a seat on the metal spread, letting your feet dangle as you watched the male clean up and speak to you before you replied. “I’m so happy I finally got the day off to spend with you, it’s amazing. I missed you baby” you spoke as if you hadn’t seen him in forever.
Felix made his way over to you, his hands cupping your cheeks as he squeezed himself, standing in-between your legs, placing his hands on your thighs as the male smiled. “I’m happy doll.” his voice the normal deep tone. You could tell he was tired and when you both got back home, sleep was going to overtake the both of you. You looked into his eyes as his hands gently rubbed circles on your exposed thigh. Just the mere thought of seeing you filled his eyes with lust and love, how much he’d like to officially break in this bakery with having you bent over. But most of the times he wasn’t the one to initiate something like that.
Truthfully with your busy schedule and him working on baking, you two weren’t too much up for having sex or embracing yourselves in it. You spent your nights cuddling and the both of you getting up early to be off to work. Felix chuckled a little, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. “Why are you laughing?” you asked curiously as his laugh filled up the quietness of the empty bakery. “I got flour on your face” the male laughed, you joining him as he leaned in, attempting to wipe it off but it only caused the flour to smear more on your face. You gently took some of the powder that was spread on the table, booping his nose with it as he gasped. “Ah-!” the male slightly shouted out, gently taking your hands and pinning them down next to you, a laugh still coming from your lips.
The male gently leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips, causing a bit of flour to gather on your top lip. "I love you.” you mumbled to the male as your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands relaxing on your thighs, rubbing a couple small circles on your thighs. Your lips lingered over the males before hearing his words.
“I love you too.”
Your face was pressed against the cold metal of the table, moans escaping your lips as the male thrusted deeply into you. His long length thrusting deeply into your holes, grazing your cervix. “God, Y/N, you feel so fucking good” the male moaned, leaning in, and placing a couple kisses on your shoulder blade. The males pelvis thrusted into you at a controllable space. The lewd sounds of both of your moans filling the quiet room. Luckily you two were the only two in the place.
You moved your ass back against the other, your hole clenching around the males length. Causing a groan from him. “Fuck.. Felix!” you gasped, his mushroom tip rubbing against your cervix as you tried to find something — anything to grab on to. “Let me know when you’re close” the male groaned, his arms traveling up to your shoulders as he pulled your body off the metal table, slipping his hands up the y-shirt you wore. “You wore something comfortable because this was in your plan all along huh baby girl?” the male whispered, his voice captivating you.
You nodded. Unable to get any words out. The only things escaping from your lips were the loud moans from the males thrusting. You clenched around Felix right as you warned him. “I-i’m close!” you shouted, grabbing onto the end of the table as he pulled out, leaving you feeling empty after you were just so full.
“What-?” you questioned as you looked at the male, turning to face him as he wrapped his arms under your thighs, his blue hair sticking to his forehead from how sweaty he was getting. But damn did this all feel good.
Your arms cling loosely to around his neck as he pulls you up. “I’m not letting you cum that easily pretty girl.” The male spoke, his luxe slightly hoarse, starting to thrust back into your cunt as he pushed himself into you. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he held you securely in his arms for a while. His body smacking with yours causing the both of you to become more and more sweaty with each thrust.
Felix sat you ass down on the metal table once again, your body jerking from the seat, looking at your shorts that had been tossed away a while ago. Your shirt pulled up to reveal your hardened nipples as his hand squeezed the push of your breast, his other hand using his thumb to reliever pleasure to the sensitive bud.
He rubbed your clit, causing your body to jerk at each feeling. His thrust becoming a little messy as his length twitches deeply into you, his tip grazing your g-spot and his shaft rubbing against the velvety walls of your cunt. You felt the knot in your stomach building up. “Lixie, can I cum?” you moaned out, your breathe getting heavy as you pants, taking his hand and holding it. “Mm. Baby~” he moaned out, his cock twitching inside you.
The moans from Felix, mixed with the moans from you were too delicious, you both needed each other at that moment. Your thighs shaking from the feeling of his length hitting your sweet spot. His hands making marks on your sides that were probably going to bruise from how tight he was squeezing it. Felix’s head went down to your breast, gently kissing on the valley in between them, his tongue flicking against your nipple.
“Cum for me.” He spoke sternly, gently mumbling against your nipple, pulling away. His eyes making eye contact with you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, moving your waist against his. The two of you cumming as Felix came deeply inside of you. The feeling felt euphoric. Oh how you missed the males length fucking you. But mostly, missing him in general.
“F-fuck..” you moaned at, your body shuttering at the feeling of the males cum inside of you. The two of you stayed quiet for a while before he finally spoke. “If not fucking for a while feels like this.. we should do it more often.” He spoke and you replied with a chuckle.
“We should really deep clean Mr. Lee” you laughed as you looked around, gently allowing the male to pull himself out of you. He gently bent down and grabbed the shorts and panties that was discarded earlier. “Hmm, i’ll go get the disinfectant spray.”
- -
After you and felix cleaned and disinfected the place, making sure everything was turned off and put up the two of you made your way back to your shared apartment. The remainder of the night, you both cuddled and watched a drama of his choice. Though he was too busy looking at you rather than actually watching the show. Throughout, he gave you forehead kisses and soft praises, running his hand through your hair and rubbing the small of your back and sides.
Since you still had the rest of the week off, and Felix didn’t go into the bakery today. The two of you spent the day out. Taking photo booth pictures, getting matching outfits with some money that you saved up, eating out. Spending money on you both for the day. You enjoyed the time you were able to spend with him. It was a day you were going to put in your memories. But oh how you didn’t know, it would turn out like this.
Tears in your eyes. As you watched the male get on one knee.
“Y/N. you’re the love of my life. Everything I do if for you. From breathing, waking up to working. I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. The way you’re one of the hardest working people i’ve ever seen. Supporting me through all of my dreams. You are so much to me and more. Would you do me the honor, if being my wife. Letting me to have and to hold you until I die..”. his words making your heart flutter. He was really proposing to you. Without even thinking, because you didn’t have to. You accepted, gently holding your hand out as he slipped the ring on your finger. Standing up and engulfing you in a hug.
Your heart was beating fast and there was nothing more in the world that you loved. Than Lee Felix. Your heart and mind lapsing around the proposal. You were officially a… Bakers girl.
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n3xii · 2 years
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Overcoming blockages - your current situational and how to overcome the obstacles in your path. Close your eyes, take a few breathe ans let your intution guide the reading
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Pile one
I feel like you guys are struggling to stand up to old beliefs. These old ideas seem Intimidating to overcome, you've had them for so long it feels like it's impossible to think in a different way. They bully you almost. These beliefs are likely about a manifestion, goal or desire you have. You want to embrace newness, you know you want a new mindset but these old beliefs just keep aggressively shutting them down. You feel like you must overcome mental limitations before taking action. Honestly, the best way to overcome this is to just take action anyways. Manifest it, start the routine, put the job application in! It doesn't matter. You're combating old beliefs and limitations with your mind, but spirit says you gotta do it through action too. After all, It's our behavior that informs what we believe.
The outcome is trusting in your own intutuon more. Faith in yourself is so important because it's the foundation of ALL action. Having faith in what messages you receive emotionally and in your gut is key to trusting yourself in everything you do. It's alot easier to take action when we feel in our heart that it was the right thing to do, and I see you guys developing a stronger connection to your intution.
Pile two
I feel like this pile is struggling with the pressure to be successful on a person and financial level. It feels like alot of eyes are on you and you've got to perform well. You feel like you have to emobdy a niche or aesthetic perfectly otherwise you miswell be invisible. There's alot of pressure to spend money right, invest it in the best places and look expensive as well.
Honestly. Alot of people who felt drawn to this pile feel like they have dress and look expensive for others to admire. Your blockage is the fixation on what people think about how you present yourself and their opinions on how you invest or spend your money. It's no one's fucking business to be honest! You see people on tik tok, tumblr, Social media and start feeling in adequate because you don't have the same lipgloss, dresses or style as they do. You don't have the amount of money or attention. Listen, no rational person is judging your worth on those things. If they are, then that's their buisness to heal. The advice here is to be at peace with yourself. Don't resent yourself or others because of what you do or don't do. Find peace and harmony with yourself. Find sanctuary in your authenticity. Otherwise you will be stuck trying to make things fit in your life that don't fit. Stop trying to conform who you are and your image into a narrow idea and concept. You are more than just a niche, a brand, or an aesthetic. Stop letting tik tok, pintrest, imstagram and any social media app inform who and what you should be, what you should buy, what you should look like etc
Pile three
You just went through a painful ending and you feel stuck and paralyzed in that ending. Alot of you have invested wisely in something and it has completely fucked you over. This could have been stocks, Crypto, student loans in career path that u hate, even a mutual relationship that went wrong. The future you had in mind completely betrayed you and now traps you with what could have been. Others may be dealing with crippling mental illness at the moment.
Regardless of what it was, you're paralyzed by the possibility of what could have been. This is your blockage. Thr advice you're getting is to maintain faith. I know how hard it is. It feels like there's no hope and the story is over and that there's no good ending Faith keeps you connected. It keeps you motivated. You're stuck on what could have been but spirit doesn't end things or trigger mentally challenging times to play a sick game on you. Spirit does this because they know they have something bigger and better in mind. Naturally, having faith means having fear. It feels irrational to give in and believe that despite the current obstacles, something better is coming. But do it anyway. You can. Something better coming. You just don't see it yet because you're still coping with whatever has happened.
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advancefunding · 2 years
Benefits of Taking Out a Loan to Start a Business
In any event, for minuscule endeavors, beginning another endeavor requests huge monetary assets. Furthermore, on the grounds that organizations are turning out to be increasingly more popular in the USA today, many searched for ways of getting the financing they expected to send off or establishment a business. Because of this, various loaning organizations and banks have started to give a credit administration expected to assist with their  Business Loan objectives. Advance Financing Accomplices is one of the most notable occasions of a that offers such types of assistance.
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Advantages of Getting Cash to Send off a Business
For a retail organization like a food truck business, area is vital. It's vital that the site, like a shopping center or retail plaza, is effectively open to clients or purchasers. As opposed to the expense of the establishment, leasing an area in these business zones is more costly. Here's while loaning associations like Business Advances become an integral factor.
Establishment firms are quite possibly of the most noticeable pattern in business today. Despite the fact that working class may now buy less expensive establishments in the including food truck ventures, there are still a ton of above expenses that customary can't pay notwithstanding the establishment charge, similar to the area of a rented space.
There are typically a ton of benefits to loaning, in any event, when there are different choices, for example, postponing the business to save more assets or requesting that a well off companion finance your firm. One advantage of acquiring is that it empowers USA to begin their organizations quickly, giving them a benefit over rivals from now on.
Different benefits of loaning
Credits give benefits past assisting new undertakings with making headway. business credits Quick money advances are one more famous help given by USA administrations, permitting nearby entrepreneurs to develop their tasks regardless of a deficiency of financing. They can likewise give counseling in maintaining a business, for example, in establishment firms, to simplify it for hopeful entrepreneurs to accomplish their objectives.
For More Info :- Best Advance Funding Service
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/buisness-loan-/home
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homonculushound · 8 months
“It got recommended.” Yeah no I know you stalk peoples pages you did it before. We both did. Lmao vauge posting is cute. But it’s my turn now. If you even read this.
I told them EVERYTHING about what I said, what you said so don’t worry, they know the shit talking we did they shit talked us too. I told them about how you treated me and our friendship and how I put up with it because I loved you, how you didn’t explain what your expectations truly were until I gave up everything for you. How you brought in a fourth animal when your living in a cramped space smaller than my old appartment, how you intend to keep a infant in the same room as a cat and two dogs who aren’t trained to not jump, how your mother pushed me into admitting something that wasn’t true like how she did to you and how, you despite saying me getting drunk and throwing up was fine cause “Your a adult” you weaponized it against me when your family gave me three days to leave your parents house knowing I couldn’t return to my home state, how you twisted the truth about how those two treated you to make it seem like the victim like how you hated your character being poly with the characters cause he only like one character only you SUGGESTED IT and even wanted to ERP with that fucking character you didn’t like.
And of course I told them about the things that were the “breaking point” for you, so don’t worry I wasn’t just painting you as a monster like you seem to think, unlike you I actually know how to take accountability for my actions and actually learn. You should try it sometime it feels great.
You got on my ass for people pleasing but your the biggest people pleaser in the world and I hope to god you get help for it. You brought me to co-sign on a home and a Loan and only brought up the idea when you had me in your parents house. I had to lie about my credit score to shoot down the idea since you told me I was going to just be renting, it was never your buisness Leaving you, getting kicked out by you, was the best thing that could of happend for me, I would never of learned the truth about you, and how you treated people and what your actually feelings were about me. I looked over so many red flags, but you’ll just keep on playing victim like you always do. Maybe you should focus on the commissions you never finished before throwing stones at me and stealing peoples money like how you never finished my work and took advantage of my kindness to get free games and my character. Once I was useless to you, you threw me out like I was no better than a Christmas puppy despite telling me the stuff I did you weren’t mad about….only to weaponize it later. That’s Abuse. You are Abusive
You abused me, lied to me, and took advantage or me and used me as an emotional punching bag to project your problems onto, you again, call me a people pleaser when you are more than happy to do it. There’s so much more I could say, but I won’t, my firend already sent you a message about the situation and everyone else in those lovely Dino Servers knows too…dont bother coming back to Herds or Rumble, your not welcome.
your not worth my hate, I pity you, I truly do, but I pity your son and fiancée most of all and those animals you should never of gotten.
Get off my page and actually get the therapy you promised you would get YEARS AGO after that situation.
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agentbobr · 1 year
growing up is realizing that Tom Nook isn't mean and is actually just a really good business man.
He gives you a house with infinite time to pay off your loan, he adopted orphans and decided to teach them his trade and gave them an amazing life!!! He even gives you a phone plan for FREE. And of course, let other buisnesses and even helps build their buildings so they can operate comfortablely...
He's the IDEAL buisness man.
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