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torontobulkflowers · 7 days
How to Create a Chrysanthemum Garden: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Creating a Chrysanthemum garden is a rewarding endeavor that brings vibrant colors and a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Chrysanthemums, often referred to as mums, are beloved for their striking blooms and long-lasting beauty. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through each step to help you cultivate a stunning Chrysanthemum garden that will be the envy of your neighborhood.
Understanding Chrysanthemums
Types of Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The two main types are garden hardy mums and exhibition mums. Garden hardy mums are robust and can withstand varying weather conditions, making them perfect for outdoor gardens. Exhibition mums, on the other hand, are often grown for shows and require more meticulous care.
Choosing the Right Variety
Selecting the right variety for your garden is crucial. Consider factors such as bloom time, color, and height. Popular varieties include the Chrysanthemum morifolium, known for its large, showy flowers, and the Chrysanthemum indicum, which offers smaller, yet equally beautiful blooms.
Planning Your Chrysanthemum Garden
Location and Soil
Chrysanthemums thrive in locations that receive full sunlight for at least six hours a day. Choose a well-drained soil with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0. If your soil is heavy clay or sandy, amend it with organic matter to improve its texture and fertility.
Garden Design
Designing your Chrysanthemum garden involves thoughtful planning. Consider incorporating mums into existing flower beds, creating dedicated mum borders, or planting them in containers for added flexibility. Ensure adequate space between plants to promote air circulation and reduce the risk of disease.
Planting Chrysanthemums
When to Plant
The best time to plant Chrysanthemums is in the spring after the last frost has passed. This allows the plants to establish strong root systems before the blooming season in fall.
How to Plant
Prepare the Soil: Loosen the soil to a depth of 12-15 inches and mix in compost or well-rotted manure.
Dig Holes: Dig holes that are slightly larger than the root balls of your Chrysanthemum plants.
Planting: Place each plant in a hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Backfill with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.
Watering: Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets.
Caring for Your Chrysanthemum Garden
Chrysanthemums require consistent moisture to thrive. Water deeply and regularly, especially during dry spells. Avoid overhead watering to reduce the risk of fungal diseases. Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
Feed your Chrysanthemums with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. A fertilizer high in phosphorus will promote healthy root development and abundant blooms.
Pruning and Pinching
Pinching is essential for promoting bushier growth and more flowers. Pinch back the tips of each stem when the plants are 6-8 inches tall, and repeat the process when the new growth reaches 6 inches. Stop pinching by mid-July to allow flower buds to form.
Some taller varieties of Chrysanthemums may require staking to support their blooms. Use bamboo stakes or plant supports and tie the stems loosely to prevent damage.
Pest and Disease Management
Common Pests
Chrysanthemums can be affected by pests such as aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Inspect your plants regularly and use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control infestations. Introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs can also help keep pest populations in check.
Disease Prevention
Chrysanthemums are susceptible to diseases like powdery mildew and botrytis blight. To prevent these issues, ensure proper spacing for air circulation, avoid overhead watering, and remove any infected plant material promptly. Applying a fungicide as a preventive measure can also be beneficial.
Extending the Bloom Season
Regular deadheading, or removing spent blooms, encourages the plant to produce more flowers and extends the blooming period. Use sharp scissors or pruning shears to snip off faded flowers just above a set of leaves.
In colder climates, Chrysanthemums need protection to survive the winter. After the first hard frost, cut back the plants to 6 inches above the ground and mulch heavily with straw or leaves. In regions with milder winters, apply a light mulch to protect the roots.
Propagating Chrysanthemums
One of the easiest ways to propagate Chrysanthemums is through division. In early spring, dig up the plants and gently separate the clumps into smaller sections, each with a healthy root system. Replant the divisions immediately to ensure their success.
Taking cuttings is another effective propagation method. In late spring or early summer, cut 4-6 inch sections from healthy, non-flowering shoots. Remove the lower leaves and dip the cut ends in rooting hormone before planting them in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the cuttings moist and in indirect sunlight until they develop roots.
Creating a Chrysanthemum garden is a delightful and fulfilling project. With careful planning, proper planting, and diligent care, you can enjoy a spectacular display of Chrysanthemums that will brighten your garden year after year. Whether you are a novice gardener or an experienced horticulturist, following these steps will help you achieve a thriving Chrysanthemum garden.
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Brit here and there was DEFINITELY Press just before Meghan and Harry married saying that in future William & Kate would focus more on the UK as heirs to the throne and that Harry & Meghan would 'get' the Commonwealth. I remember thinking it a good idea at the time (when I still liked Meghan). William & Kate wouldn't have to travel so much with their young family; it would allow the BRF to provide 'coverage' of both UK & Commonwealth; it would give Harry (who so famously loved Africa etc.) a proper job and of course Meghan's bi-racial heritage was seen as a massive advantage. Everything points to this being official BRF policy rather than M&H PR. They were given their meaningful Commonwealth titles, Meghan was told enough about the role to have the Commonwealth flowers on her veil, there is a documentary about the Queen and the Commonwealth where Meghan is highlighted (K&W are absent) and they were sent almost immediately to Australia and New Zealand. They may also have been told that the Duchy of Cornwall would fund them on these tours. This is my theory about what happened next.
As we now know that tour was a disaster behind the scenes due to Meghan's attitude. My take is that they were soundly chastised and given one last chance to prove themselves with the South Africa tour. This was also a bit of a disaster, culminating in Meghan's tearful interview. I believe they were then told they were a diplomatic disaster and not ready to take on the Commonwealth. It's about this time that there was a lot of Press about them moving to Africa or elsewhere in the Commonwealth for a long stint and to focus on their young family. I believe this was the BRF's plan to give Meghan a chance to ease into royalling and keep the Commonwealth connection before coming back at a later date. It was at this time that Megxit was planned. Meghan had been told in no uncertain terms that she wasn't as good as Kate (who had stepped perfectly into the royal role almost immediately). I think Harry tried initially to stick to the script with the move to Canada but Meghan was having none of it and made the move to LA. I think it's significant that their final planned engagements included the Commonwealth Day service (this was probably why they got so stroppy about their diminished roles there). After it became obvious after Megxit that they wouldn't be getting their roles back, M&H went scorched earth and wanted to destroy any possible Commonwealth roles for the rest of the family. That's why they went all out to scupper the Caribbean tour, wove all their vague racist allegations about the entire family, followed by more substantive subsequent allegations about Kate and Charles (who could be expected to take on the bulk of Commonwealth roles going forward) and dissed the C'wealth in 'Spare'. TL:DR this whole sorry saga is Meghan's revenge for being told she and Harry weren't good enough for the Commonwealth roles planned for them.
Allegedly the Sussexes were sent on vacation after Remembrance Day 2019 because “it” wasn’t going well and upsetting a lot of people.
(Speculation for “it”: the South Africa tour being a PR disaster and the “no one asked me if I’m ok” interview, both of which overshadowed Charles’ trips and the Cambridges’ Pakistan trip; general bullying/rude behaviors; BP finding out about negotiations with Quibi, Netflix, and Oprah; complaints from Frogmore neighbors; issues with The SussexRoyal Foundation relating to financials and/or how it was set up (Bower talks a bit about this in Revenge); and having cameras for their event at the Field of Remembrance in Nov 2019 (Camilla was supposed to join them but she bowed out at the last second and Meghan was overly glam with her makeup for the event).)
So allegedly after the Remembrance Day 2019 events concluded, the Sussexes were sent to Canada on holiday for a punishment and then the Sussexes, furious about being sidelined, devised their Megxit plans.
And also allegedly, Harry and Meghan didn’t expect the hard “no” they got from The Queen. They thought they’d be able to present it at fait accompli since they were both so fully delusional over the strength of Meghan’s race card and Harry’s “status” as The Favorite.
Regarding the Queen of the World documentary that highlighted Meghan, allegedly she completely took it over. She wasn’t supposed to feature as much as she did. And allegedly, Meghan bailed on an artsy engagement with Charles that she had already committed to to film and “direct” the documentary.
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mariacallous · 4 months
This week, as every week, Brexit enfeebled the UK. It was not a one-off disaster, like a fatal heart attack. Rather Brexit is showing itself to be a debilitating disease that never grants us a moment’s peace.
In the past few days
The post-Brexit trade talks between the UK and Canada collapsed. Despite all the promises of global Britain crossing the clear blue oceans and cutting deals with India, the US, Canada and China, we remain isolated.
After years of being too scared to actually take control of the UK’s borders, the government promised checks on imported food from the EU. The effect, according to the food industry, will be to raise prices and produce shortages. (Romantics searching for flowers for Valentine’s Day may well have their work cut out, despairing florists are already warning.)
Brexit took away the right of Brits to live and work where we pleased in the EU. For a while in 2023 it looked as if France would allow British expats to stay for longer than 90 days at a stretch. But the French courts blocked that concession to second home owners in the Dordogne.
Meanwhile the Brexit inspired border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK continued to enrage Ulster Unionists, who in their hearts must now know that English Tories have played them for fools.
Finally, the Guardian reported that the EU's plans to increase bulk medicine procurement across the bloc risk creating shortages in Britain.
That’s just in the past few days.  
And yet the politicians who promised the electorate that leaving the EU would turn us into a world leader are simply not held to account.
You would have to be 35 or older to remember how the BBC used to deal with politicians who failed to deliver on their promises. In 2003 Tony Blair backed the US invasion of Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
He didn’t.
BBC journalists tore into the then Labour government. Its ministers had taken us to war on a false prospectus, they claimed. Lied, in short.
And yet in a dereliction of journalistic duty the BBC has let the false prospectus of Brexit pass without the smallest attempt to remind its authors of their false promises.
Here is Daniel Hannan, the Zelig of British nationalism. For more than two decades, he popped up at what felt like every right-wing meeting and rally, urging ever more Utopian fantasies on the luckless British public.  
In 2016, he promised the revival of depressed British cities, a Silicon Valley in the East End of London, and falling prices and booming wages for us all.
Is he or any other Conservative or Faragist politician questioned to within an inch of his life by the BBC?
Of course not. Continuous funding cuts and right-wing attacks have destroyed the corporation’s ability to provide a vital news service. It’s given up on democratic accountability.
I can make one argument in its defence. If a BBC presenter were in the room with me now, I am sure they would say that the Labour opposition is giving them nothing to report. It is staying silent for fear of alienating elderly voters. The Liberal Democrats shut up for the same reason.
In its politicians and media, the UK is like the caricature Victorian family that puts on a show of respectability and says nothing about its dirty secrets.
No one, however, can shut up Professor Chris Grey, and our culture is the better for it. His Brexit & Beyond blog is the best source of information on our national malaise, and I was delighted to have him on podcast.
I will write a longer piece, which will bounce off our conversation about the purity spiral on the right Brexit set off. With a bit of luck that should be up tomorrow or on Wednesday. I am also working of a read on the lessons from the 1920s for the 2020s.
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blowflyfag · 3 months
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Inside Wrestling: November 1989
BORN IN GLASGOW, Scotland, and raised in Scotland, Australia, and Canada…Discovered as an amateur in Manitoba, Canada, but former AWA World champion Verne Gange…Pro debut took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, when he was only 16 years old; he wrestled Larry Hennig (“I only weighed 167 pounds; Henning was 173 pounds heavier than me, and he pinned me in 10 seconds!”)...Bulked up and amassed an impressive record throughout the U.S….Became the regular color commentator for Georgia Championship Wrestling on Super Station WTBS, where he was disliked by the fans and almost voted off the shot (“Throughout history, the unique people have always been disparaged”)...Late landed the “Piper’s Pit” TV segment when he moved to the WWF in early 1984… Was voted Most Hated Wrestler of the Year in 1984 and ‘85 but landed Most Popular Wrestler of the Year in ‘86 (“The fans are fickle; I sure haven’t changed”)...Wrestled Hulk Hogan in the “War to Settle The Score” in February 1985…Paul Orndorff came to Piper’s aid and Mr. T came to Hogan’s aid, leading to their famous WrestleMania I battle (“Where the ‘Rowdy Scot’ goes, excitement follows”)... In 1986, boxed Mr. T at WrestleMania II…Piper was disqualified for shoving the referee and bodyslamming T (“Things got out of hand; it was time for that match to end”)…Took some time off to star in the movie Body Slam (“A star is born”)...Returned to the WWF in late 1986 and feuded with Adrian Adonis…Adonis had taken over “Piper’s Pit,” renamed it “The Flower Shop,” and hired Bob Orton away from Piper (“Mess with Piper and you’re asking for trouble”)...Because a fan favorite when Adonis, Jimmy Hart, Orton, and Don Muraco attacked him on a “Flower Shop” segment…Piper later destroyed the set (“They had it coming”)...Retired after defeating Adonis in a hair vs. hair match at WrestleMania III…Resumed his career in Hollywood and got strong reviews for his starring role in John Carpenter’s They Live (“There’s nothing I can’t do”)...Returned to the WWE at WrestleMania V to host a live “Piper’s Pit” with guests Brother Love and Morton Downey Jr….Ran off both men, reaffirming his popularity (“Obviously, the fans haven’t forgotten”)...Returned to the ring as a substitute for Jake Roberts in May and pinned Ted DiBiase three times in three bouts…Made his official return on June 30 in Montreal and scored a shocking pinfall victory over Randy Savage (“The hardest part of that match was having to look at Scary Sherri!”)...Recently replaced Bobby Heenan as co-host of Prime Time Wrestling, the WWF’s weekly two-hour program on USA Network (“When you have a talent like Piper around, you’ve got to use him”).... Will most likely try to juggle simultaneous careers in the ring and in Hollywood (“Why not do both? Why deprive the people?”)
[Roddy Piper pounces on Mr. T during their boxing match at WrestleMania II in 1986. The “Rowdy Scot” is back in the WWF as a wrestler and commentator.]
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vinodi · 17 days
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Jahan Homes in Canada
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We offer a wide range of artificial plants and flowers for home decor to bring a touch of nature into your home. If you don’t like to maintain and care for real flowers, then artificial ones are the best solution. We have crafted them to create an aura of oasis in your house. We have added a splash of beautiful colors to make them more beauty-worthy and elegant. You can brighten up your living room with these serene textures of nature, but artificial, and impress your guests. Our artificial plants and flowers for home decor in Canada are available for bulk and individual orders.
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prasad213 · 21 days
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Artificial plants and flowers wholesalers in Canada
We offer a wide range of artificial plants and flowers for home decor to bring a touch of nature into your home. If you don’t like to maintain and care for real flowers, then artificial ones are the best solution. We have crafted them to create an aura of oasis in your house. We have added a splash of beautiful colors to make them more beauty-worthy and elegant. You can brighten up your living room with these serene textures of nature, but artificial, and impress your guests. Our artificial plants and flowers for home decor in Canada are available for bulk and individual orders.
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get420now · 2 months
What You Need to Know Before Buying a Weed Vape Pen in Canada
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As the legalization of marijuana continues to sweep across Canada, there has been a surge in the popularity of weed vape pens. These handy devices offer a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis, making them a top choice for many Canadians. However, before you rush to purchase a weed vape pen in Canada, there is a few things you need to know to ensure you make the best decision possible.
Here are some important factors to consider before buying a weed vape pen in Canada:
1) Understand the Different Types of Vape Pens
There are two main types of weed vape pens: dry herb and oil/wax. Dry herb pens are designed to vaporize ground cannabis flower, while oil/wax pens are used with cannabis concentrates. It's crucial to understand the difference between these two types and choose the one that aligns with your preferred method of consumption.
Also Read: CBD Vancouver
2) Quality Matters
When it comes to weed vape pens, quality is key. You want to invest in a device that is made with high-quality materials and has a reliable heating element. Cheap, low-quality vape pens may not only produce subpar vapor, but they can also be a health hazard. Make sure to do your research and read reviews before making a purchase.
3) Consider the Battery Life
One of the main advantages of vape pens is their portability. However, this means that they rely on a battery to function. It's essential to choose a vape pen with a long-lasting battery to avoid constantly having to recharge. Look for pens with lithium-ion batteries, as they tend to have a longer lifespan.
4) Temperature Control
Temperature control is an important feature to consider when buying a weed vape pen in Canada. Different cannabinoids and terpenes vaporize at different temperatures, so having the ability to adjust the temperature allows you to customize your vaping experience. Look for pens with multiple temperature settings to get the most out of your cannabis.
5) Understand the Local Laws
Although marijuana is now legal in Canada, it's essential to understand the local laws and regulations surrounding its use. Each province has its own set of rules, and some may have restrictions on where you can use your vape pen. Make sure to research and follow the laws to avoid any legal issues.
Also Read: Buy Bulk Weed Vancouver
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ozbudcanada · 2 months
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Bud99 offers a convenient way to buy bulk weed online in Canada. With a diverse selection of high-quality cannabis products, including flowers, concentrates, edibles, and more, Bud99 provides customers with competitive prices and discreet shipping options. Explore their extensive inventory and enjoy the convenience of purchasing bulk weed online with confidence and ease.
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29 sparrows
26 robins
14 sparrow-sized black and white birds
27 unidentified birds, all smaller than ducks
7 cardinals. 2 female 5 male
2 ducks. One male one female
5 geese. This number would be unsurprising if I'd just done the half trail like usual, but I did the full trail today so this is lower than I would expect. Maybe the bulk of the geese have finally begun their fabled "migration to Canada"
5 dogs
4 squirrels
3 mourning doves
12 all-black birds too small to be crows. Maybe they're young crows. Or mini tiny ravens
It was very nice outside today. Around 1-3 degrees C my whole walk long. No precipitation or wind gusts
They added 2 swings since last I did the full trail! So fun!! They're a bit past the signs for all the schools
They also added a few benches along the path between the swings and the wooden bridge that the sparrows like. There were no benches on that part of the path so this makes it more accessible. Their bases are concrete, which I don't think looks as pretty as the brick bases all the older benches have, but I've been told concrete is more accessible, so I'm not upset about it. For now, they've put hay around the bases of these new benches, and the birds really seem to like the hay.
The medical building looks like a legit building now! They've built it so fast!
The blue or pink planted plants that kind of look like a mix between a bellflower and a foxglove have all bloomed. My parents house has these and whenever they fully bloomed while I was growing up, I knew we'd have at least one big snow left in the year. The last big snow would crush the flowers down and give us a snow day. I wonder if that will hold true here and in 2024.
A lot of the grassy areas near the start of the trail have flower coverings now. Small yellow flowers, even smaller blue flowers, small white flowers with thick stalks, bigger stalked white flowers, and those lavender ones that are all over DC in the summer
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jahanhome · 4 months
Artificial flowers for home decor
Get the best quality artificial flowers and plants for your home or business at wholesale prices. Shop Jahan Home to find bulk suppliers of artificial flowers in Canada and USA, India for great deals.
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torontobulkflowers · 14 days
How to Create Stunning Chrysanthemum Arrangements for Your Home
Chrysanthemums, often referred to as mums, are a quintessential choice for creating stunning floral arrangements. Their vibrant colors and diverse varieties make them a favorite among flower enthusiasts and interior decorators. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating breathtaking chrysanthemum arrangements that will enhance the beauty of your home. From selecting the right chrysanthemums to arranging them like a pro, we’ve got you covered.
Choosing the Perfect Chrysanthemums
When selecting chrysanthemums for your arrangement, it’s essential to consider their color, size, and variety. Chrysanthemums come in a wide array of colors, including white, yellow, pink, red, and purple. Additionally, there are different forms such as pompons, daisy-like, and spider mums.
Color Harmony
To create a visually appealing arrangement, choose colors that complement your home decor. For a monochromatic look, select mums in varying shades of a single color. If you prefer a more dynamic arrangement, mix contrasting colors for a bold statement. For example, pairing deep red chrysanthemums with bright yellow ones creates a striking contrast that can brighten any room.
Variety and Form
Mixing different varieties of chrysanthemums can add texture and depth to your arrangement. Pompon mums, with their rounded shape, can be combined with the spiky petals of spider mums to create an interesting visual contrast. Incorporating different forms ensures that your arrangement is not only colorful but also rich in texture.
Preparing Your Chrysanthemums
Proper preparation of your chrysanthemums is crucial for a long-lasting arrangement. Follow these steps to ensure your mums remain fresh and vibrant.
Trimming and Hydration
Start by trimming the stems at a 45-degree angle to increase the surface area for water absorption. Remove any leaves that will be submerged in water to prevent bacterial growth. Place the trimmed chrysanthemums in a clean vase filled with lukewarm water. Adding a floral preservative can further extend the life of your flowers.
Allow your chrysanthemums to condition in a cool, dark place for a few hours before arranging them. This process helps them to fully hydrate and remain sturdy in your arrangement.
Creating the Arrangement
Now that your chrysanthemums are prepared, it’s time to arrange them. The key to a stunning chrysanthemum arrangement lies in the balance of color, form, and texture.
Selecting a Vase
Choose a vase that complements the style of your arrangement. Clear glass vases are a versatile choice, allowing the beauty of the stems to be visible. For a more rustic look, consider using a ceramic or wooden container.
Building the Base
Start by creating a base with greenery. Foliage such as eucalyptus, ferns, or ivy can provide a lush background for your chrysanthemums. Arrange the greenery in the vase, ensuring it forms a stable structure to support the flowers.
Adding Chrysanthemums
Begin by placing the largest chrysanthemums in the arrangement first. These will serve as focal points. Distribute them evenly throughout the vase, maintaining a balanced appearance. Next, add the medium-sized mums, filling in the gaps and adding depth to the arrangement. Finally, use the smallest chrysanthemums and any additional filler flowers to complete the look. Ensure that the arrangement appears full and balanced from all angles.
Finishing Touches
Once the chrysanthemums are in place, add any finishing touches such as decorative branches, berries, or even dried elements for a unique twist. Adjust the positioning of the flowers and foliage to achieve the desired look.
Caring for Your Chrysanthemum Arrangement
To keep your chrysanthemum arrangement looking fresh and vibrant, follow these care tips:
Watering and Maintenance
Change the water in the vase every two to three days. Trim the stems slightly each time to maintain their ability to absorb water. Remove any wilted flowers or leaves promptly to prevent decay.
Optimal Placement
Place your arrangement in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or drafts. This will help prolong the life of your chrysanthemums.
Avoiding Ethylene Gas
Keep your chrysanthemums away from fruits and vegetables, which release ethylene gas that can cause flowers to wilt prematurely.
Creating stunning chrysanthemum arrangements for your home is a delightful way to bring color and beauty indoors. By carefully selecting your chrysanthemums, preparing them properly, and arranging them with an eye for balance and texture, you can enjoy these vibrant flowers for an extended period. Follow our tips and tricks to ensure your chrysanthemum arrangements are always the centerpiece of your home decor.
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serenityuniverse · 5 months
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Black Malva Flower Canada | Serenityuniverse.com
Discover the unique flavour of our Black Malva Flower at Serenityuniverse.com. Buy in wholesale in Canada at bulk rates.
Black Malva Flower Canada
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fabulousflorals · 5 months
Roses: Beyond the Iconic Valentine's Day Blossom
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Varieties of Roses
Roses remain the favored choice for Valentine’s Day flowers, with a staggering 3,500 varieties available in a spectrum of colors, thanks to dedicated rose breeders worldwide.
The hybrid tea rose stands out as the most prevalent type, boasting continuous blooming throughout the season, larger blossoms, and an extended vase life. Notably, these rose bouquets lack a distinct fragrance.
Belonging to the Rosaceae family, alongside fruit trees, berries, and almonds, roses are part of a diverse family with over a hundred species. They are generally classified into three groups: wild roses, Old Garden Roses, and Modern Roses, with the addition of spray roses featuring smaller blooms in clusters of 4-5 on a single stem.
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David Austin Wedding Roses
British breeder David Austin is credited with the creation of David Austin Wedding Roses, a collection resulting from hybrids between Old Garden Rose varieties and modern roses. Striving for varieties that combine the bloom shape and fragrance of Old Garden Roses with the repeat blooming characteristic of modern roses, Austin's garden roses, including popular names like Juliet, Patience, Beatrice, Edith, Kate, Tess, Constance, Keira, Darcey, and Miranda, are cherished by gardeners and florists alike, often gracing wedding ceremonies.
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Rose Colors
The global popularity of roses fuels the continual introduction of new varieties each year by leading rose hybridizers. Roses are available in an array of colors, each carrying its symbolic meaning:
Red: Love, commitment, romance, respect, and passion
Maroon: Loyalty, love, and eternal beauty
Hot Pink: Excitement, flirtation, and creativity
Light Pink: Sweetness, peace, and tenderness
Yellow: Friendship, warmth, joy, youth, and energy
Lavender: Majesty, uniqueness, wisdom, and mystery
White: Innocence, purity, elegance, and spirituality
Coral: Warmth, support, loyalty, and enthusiasm
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Rose Price Variation
Around February, rose prices peak as demand surges due to the global celebration of Valentine’s Day on February 14. This period witnesses the highest prices of the year for roses. Following roses, tulips emerge as the second flower of choice, and in our next blog, we'll delve into the details of tulip colors and varieties.
About Fabulous FloralsAt Fabulous Florals, our dedication lies in offering the highest quality fresh-cut wholesale flowers, available by the bunch, in assortments, wedding flower packages, and individual varieties. Whether for grand events or smaller, intimate occasions, we proudly ship single bunches and bulk flowers to destinations across the United States and Canada.
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dalsgaardserrano34 · 6 months
CBD Oil - CBD Oil
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Most people have heard of cannabidiol, or CBD as it is commonly referred to. Being a non-psychoactive compound, it has no euphoric effect but instead offers a range of health benefits. While the compound can be found in hemp, it is much more prevalent in the cannabis flower itself. After decades of limited study and anecdotal evidence, we are now beginning to see scientific proof of CBD's efficacy in treating a wide range of medical conditions.
Whether you are interested in CBD as a wellness product or a medicine, it is vital to understand how to buy it and what forms it comes in. There is a wide variation in the prices of CBD CBD Paste online, and it is often more affordable to buy in bulk than to buy individually.
Cannabidiol (CBD) in general
Cannabidiol is one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN), it is one of the three cannabinoids known as the classic cannabinoids. Cannabidiol is a major constituent of the brain and central nervous system, and it plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes.
One of the most intriguing characteristics of CBD is its ability to bind to both peripheral and central receptors located throughout the body. These receptors are part of a complex signaling system that is involved in the regulation of metabolism, mood, cognition, and so much more. Peripheral receptors are found outside the central nervous system in tissues such as the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and immune system; while central receptors are located in the brain where they can control mental processes and feelings of pleasure and pain.
Because of its widespread distribution throughout the body, CBD has been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties. It has also been proven effective in the treatment of epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.
Due to its medicinal properties and ability to interact with both sides of the brain, CBD is seen as a potential treatment for a wide range of conditions. If you're looking for a naturally occurring medication that provides multiple benefits without the need for prescription drugs, you may want to consider trying CBD.
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is an abbreviation for cannabidiol oil, and it is the most common and accessible form of CBD. It is a clear, colorless, organic liquid with a mildly sweet taste. It is most frequently derived from hemp or cannabis plants, but it can also be synthesized in a laboratory.
You may have heard of cannabidiol (CBD) in regards to its possible involvement in the legalization of cannabis in Canada. The compound can be found in high amounts in the flower and leaves of the cannabis plant. However, almost all of the CBD that is available online and in stores is derived from hemp or cannabis plants grown in Europe and North America.
Though they both come from the same genus (Cannabis), they are very different. Unlike hemp plants, which are short and thick with a woody texture, cannabis plants are long and thin with a more delicate texture. The CBD that is produced from the cannabis plant is usually in a crystalline form that is highly pure. It also has a more interesting scent, which most people describe as sweet and earthy. Some even say that it has a flavor that is reminiscent of bananas, pineapples, or coffee beans.
Where can I buy CBD oil?
If you're new to CBD or simply want to try it as a natural product, you may want to start your search for CBD oil online. With so many options available, it's important to do your research before buying a product.
You should purchase CBD oil that has been extracted from industrial hemp or cannabis plants, and it should be stored in a dark and cool place. If you would like a product without THC (which is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis) you may want to try a natural CBD oil from organic sources, or you may want to try a CBD gummy capsule to avoid any digestive issues.
Cannabidiol (CBD) in healthcare
Though the compound is commonly associated with cannabis and THC, it has been proven to possess potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties. Because of its medicinal properties and ability to interact with both sides of the brain, CBD is seen as a potential treatment for a wide range of conditions. Here are some of the most intriguing studies that continue to show CBD's therapeutic effects:
One of the earliest and most esteemed studies regarding cannabidiol was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in 1973. In this study, rats were injected with CBD and the results were quite astounding. Within 15 minutes, the rats had reduced anxiety and increased appetite. They also showed improved performance in a maze test and had increased heart rate and blood pressure. These effects seem to be mediated by the endocannabinoid system, which enhances the body's natural defenses and promotes homeostasis.
In 1996, another study was conducted in which rats were injected with CBD and tested in various behavior paradigms. In this study, CBD was shown to reduce the harm induced by traumatic brain injury. Specifically, it relieved the anxiety and agitation experienced by these animals. Furthermore, rats treated with CBD showed enhanced learning potential as indicated by increased performance in a water maze test. These effects seem to be mediated by alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors and acetylcholine release, suggesting that CBD has the potential to be a protective agent against traumatic brain injury and cognitive dysfunction.
In 2004, researchers at the Medical University of Vienna found that CBD can reduce both the physical and psychological effects of chronic pain. In this study, CBD was shown to reduce patient discomfort and increase the quality of life for those with chronic pain. Furthermore, it was determined to be an effective analgesic in comparison to morphine and other prescription pain medications. Because of these findings, the team at the Medical University of Vienna concluded that CBD could be a potential analgesic for clinical use.
While research on cannabidiol is still in its infancy, these studies indicate that it holds great promise as a natural treatment for a wide range of ailments. If you're interested in trying CBD as a natural product, or if you're already taking prescription medication and just want a safer alternative, you may want to consider trying a CBD oil such as those derived from hemp or marijuana plants.
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