#bullion bars
emmaava05 · 1 year
Investing in Gold Bullion - Bars Vs Coins
Throughout the history, gold has been sought after due to its beauty, durability and rarity. Not only that, this precious metal also holds the status of an universal currency that is valued around the world. It's not surprising that nowadays many investors and even regular people buy gold in order to diversify their portfolio, hedge against inflation or simply store their wealth in the best safe haven available.
When it comes to buying gold, there are several options available. You can buy the traditional gold bars; buy gold in coins of varying collectible values; or purchase gold futures and gold mining company shares. In this article we'll overview two most simple options of buying real, tangible gold: namely gold bars and coins.
Gold bars can be made in two ways. Cast bars are produced by pouring the molten metal into a mold. This method is usually associated with larger ingots used by banks and governments. Minted bars, on the other hand, are stamped out from a gold sheet or strip. Gold bullion bars can be any size, from tiny 1 gram wafers to 12 kg ingots.
Gold bars are usually bought by people who simply want to invest in gold and do not care about the collectible value of coins. One of the advantages bars have over coins is a lower premium over the market price, since the fabrication process is simpler and they do not require an impeccable finish like coins do. When selling a gold bar, it's the raw value of the metal that matters.
Coins are another common way of owning gold. A lot of people prefer buying bullion coins like the American Gold Eagle or British Sovereign instead of bars. There are several pros to owning coins. First of all, they carry a smaller risk of forgery (although fake gold coins still aren't uncommon). gold bar prices
Depending on the part of the world you live in, gold coins will most likely be easier to sell as well. As such, they're probably a better choice for people looking to capitalize on market movement. Finally, most coins have a collectible value of some sort that can only increase over time.
If you're considering buying gold and want to choose between bars and coins, you need to ask yourself what exactly you're looking for - a profitable investment, a stable asset in these uncertain times, or a valuable collectible - and go from there.
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au-bullion · 1 year
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1 kilo Gold Bar
Buy 1 Kilo Gold Bars Online Gold is currently the number one precious metal to invest in. No matter where you are in the world, you will always find that gold is in extremely high demand. This could be because of its value, symbolism, uniqueness, rarity, and much more. The precious metal is incredibly universal due to its countless uses.
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rizanbullion · 1 year
Rizan is a precious metals trading company in Dubai where you can buy,sell,exchange & invest in Bullion bars,coins,watches,gemstones,gold & silver scraps.
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a1gold · 2 years
Gold on the Big Screen
Gold has been associated with power, strength, wealth, and reward since ancient times. Gold symbolises utmost evil as well as great sanctity, because of its different uses.
Use of gold as the highest form of currency has made it the ultimate desired wealth for every human. Many philosophers, artists, poets, and writers have used gold in different contexts to convey different messages. Buy gold bars
After the recognition of power of gold, its effect, and use was seen in every occupation. Gold is found in different cultures, literature, forms of arts, mythology. There are many books, poems, and novels written on gold, which include Book of Exodus and King of Midas.
With impact of gold discovery in every field, it was also shown on the big screen sometimes as a subject of wealth, and sometimes as a symbol of desire, and perfection.
Big screen is a term used for cinema movies, theatre, films etc. Any visual media that aims for a wide audience can be called as big screen. Big screen has a very large role to play when it comes to conveying a message, setting values, or promoting a norm.
The classic big screen was mainly used for conveying different ideas, and to broaden the human thinking horizon. After the gold rush in California, the big screen played its role by symbolising gold as wealth, success, and showed its power in the real world.
Gold on big screen is shown in different forms, sometimes in the form of treasure, a tooth made of gold of a wealthy, but evil man. Gold coins are shown in different scenes, and we can see gold rings, and watches symbolising wealth, statues, and sculptures made of gold.
From small films like The Adventures of Robin Hood to some great hits until the present time, gold has been used as the ultimate wealth, and desire of everyone
One of the greatest films based on gold was The Gold Rush. It was a silent film by Charlie Chaplin released in 1925. The film was based on the historic event of Gold Rush to Alaska. It shows that people for greed of gold bars rushed to Alaska, and faced many hardships, but did not find anything in the end.
In the Adventures of Robin Hood, it was shown that gold could also solve many problems. Robin Hood used to steal the gold coins from the wealthy people, and the king, and distributed it among the poor.
Other famous big screen projects that were based on gold are Greed from 1924, and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, which was released in 1948. The beautiful, and rich ones are also shown wearing a lot of gold. Some wear it as jewellery, and various other forms of accessories.
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xiiiixvii · 6 months
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ranticore · 6 months
i love everything you make. so much. please keep on writing 5 bullion word paragraphs
i know what u meant but still i am sitting back serenely nodding as i imagine stirring my words into a nice salty stock so that i can add it to the risotto i'm cooking...
wait nvm
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it was not the word i thought it was
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
Team Chaotix in Sonic Prime
My headcanons for what Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee are like in the Shatterspaces.
New Yoke City
Vector’s variant is called Missile (a missile is a vector, having direction and magnitude). He embodies Vector’s responsibility, practicality and seriousness. He was trying to make a difference as a teenage detective when the dystopian city appeared around him four years ago and it became clear that, with the Chaos Council’s control of the new justice system and law enforcement, the person he aspired to be would never make it. Of course he wants to fight, but the Council is brutal and their absolute power seems impossible to overthrow. He soon ended up with two children in his care, one only a toddler. If he got arrested, killed or roboticized, what would happen to them? If the three of them had the Council’s protection, on the other hand, as per the contract of an exclusive, specialized detective agency who would do whatever dirty work they were ordered to… he knows that those tyrants are the reason his kids have nobody else. He knows that the vast majority of people he leads the robotic police to don’t deserve any punishment, and none of them could deserve the cruel horrors they get. He knows that he isn’t a hero - that he may even be the exact opposite. And he hates it. But any money that keeps his family alive is money worth having, he’s regretfully decided. Big concepts like good and evil are none of his concern. He’s just trying to pay the rent. It’s too late to back out now, anyway. Now that the people are rebelling en masse and the Council is busy exploring the Shatterverse, he’s desperately waiting for things to stabilize and daring to hope against hope that some positive change occurs. And that the citizens don’t recognize the collaborateurs in their midst and turn on them.
Espio’s variant is called Trace. He embodies Espio’s stoicism and pragmatism. His ninja training was cut short - and his village razed and everyone he knew killed or taken prisoner - when the Chaos Council remade the world in their image. But he’s gained plenty of experience in stealth, deception, infiltration, espionage and combat working in the Chaos Detective Agency. Dishonour means nothing to a ninja. That’s what he tells himself, at least. On the outside, he’s reserved and aloof, a cold, ruthless foe. He will only show his family the slightest show of emotion. Internally, however, his repressed grief for his old family, community, home and life; guilt, shame and self-loathing due to his service to the Council; and years of accumulated trauma are brewing into a storm that he barely keeps contained under the surface. He’s afraid of his feelings burdening his teammates and distracting them from what’s most important: survival.
Charmy’s variant is called Sting. He embodies Charmy’s eagerness to be helpful and fighting spirit. He can’t remember anything except New Yoke and doesn’t understand much of how his society works, but he knows that his family’s work is very important to them being alive and wants to be a part of it. He does notice their stress and the general unpleasantness everywhere and can infer that circumstances could be improved. But their work being dangerous is all the more reason he should help! Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Danger just adds to the fun of stopping ‘bad guys’. He’s also terrified that if they leave him behind, they might not come back. So he kept breaking out and running away when Missile and Trace went on missions until they agreed to train him and let him join them. He revels in the thrill of action and finds people getting hurt amusing the way a six-year-old boy can, not emotionally connecting to anyone he’s told they need to catch and earnestly believing that their enemies must be in the wrong. He often imitates Missile when trying to be tough and intimidating.
Boscage Maze
Vector’s variant is called Reed. He embodies Vector’s optimism, lightheartedness and musical side, and tends to have his coarser manners too. He, the other two and Cream and Vanilla’s variants are in a different small tribe to the Scavengers and haven’t yet met them, so Thorn Rose didn’t banish them to the emergent layer; they are nomadic and moving toward the Scavengers’ territory. He’s cheerful and generous, always ready to raise the tribe’s morale. He can be immature and irresponsible at times, more focused on enjoying life and entertaining his companions than applying maximum effort to practical tasks. He’s highly resourceful when it comes to instruments and has invented drums and a reed flute. He loves to play them and sing. He’s also bold enough to flirt with Vanilla and the casual first stage of a romance is budding between them.
Espio’s variant is called Berry. He embodies Espio’s caution, wisdom and love of art and culture. Yes, that’s in this dimension. The tribe took him in after they crossed paths when he was eight, him having previously had to survive on his own for as long as he can remember. He’s mature beyond his years, highly knowledgeable about the forest’s flora and fauna, wary and prepared to defend his tribe from any threat using his carved flint blades and hand-to-hand skills. He used to find it difficult to relax, but has learned to unwind through playing a shamisen-esque string instrument Reed built for him and painting with plant pigments. While acutely aware of nature’s hazards, he can still appreciate its wonder and majesty and respects it.
Charmy’s variant is called Honey. He embodies Charmy’s innocent kindness, friendliness and trusting nature. He and Cream’s variant are best friends and adoptive siblings, since his parents entrusted their friend Vanilla with him when they left on an exploratory expedition in his infancy. They didn’t return. But Honey doesn’t mind. He has everything he needs right here. The one thing he can think of that would make his life better is a friend who can fly like he can.
No Place
Vector’s variant is called Bullion (because of precious metal and a male crocodile is a bull). He embodies Vector’s sharp intelligence, charisma, greed and courage. He left his home island in a modest but sturdy vessel, dubbed the Treasure Trove, to seek his fortune and established himself as a travelling merchant. Cunning, socially savvy and theatrical, he is willing to (if you insist on using such accusatory language) ‘scam’ customers and has an endless supply of get-rich-quick schemes. He and his crew live in a fiercely competitive, unpredictable environment full of pirates! Material wealth is essential! That being said, he isn’t all talk. He will brave high seas and stormy weather, chart uncharted waters and do business with anyone to obtain the best goods and things no other merchant is selling, and the genuine quality and rarity of a lot of his stock keep people endeared to him despite his rough edges and occasional bad deal. He takes pride in his competence as a salesman and seafarer and part of him is more fulfilled by honest work. Not that he’ll admit that. He’s very attached to his swashbuckling rogue self-image.
Espio’s variant is called Fathom (a measure of water depth and a verb for contemplative thought and understanding). He embodies Espio’s firm sense of morality and diligence. He met Bullion when the crocodile docked at his home island and, struck with wanderlust and needing a job to get by, Fathom offered to manage his finances with his advanced mathematical ability and do some manual labour. Bullion agreed, but it didn’t take Fathom long to figure out that he was both running a con and a broke mess. A weirdly likeable broke mess. In the aftermath of Fathom exposing the con, the customers angrily demanding refunds and the Treasure Trove being hastily undocked, they made a deal to support and protect each other, with Fathom promising to follow his boss’s lead on the strict condition that Bullion stayed on the straight and narrow. He’s a dutiful hard worker, patient and polite. He tries to remain calm and be civil to everyone no matter how wild things get. He grounds his crewmates, restraining their more energetic, eccentric and, most frustratingly for him, selfish and amoral behaviour. He knows they can be better. And when they are, it’s extremely rewarding. But they certainly test him - though he won’t deny that the motley crew all truly care about each other and would stick together through anything.
Charmy’s variant is called Dodger. He embodies Charmy’s mischievous, irreverent side. He was born to pirates and left at an orphanage on one of the larger islands, but could never follow rules or be satisfied with a simple, mundane life in one place. He wanted excitement, and usually made his own by causing trouble and playing tricks. He totally wasn’t lonely. One day he stowed away on a ship. His plan was to steal all the stuff he could carry on him and fly off. Bullion and Fathom, the sailors who caught him, took a liking to him and were hesitant to send him back to his boring, miserable old home once he explained his life before. They were nice and cool and made him feel wanted and like he belonged more than anyone else ever had, so he hung around. Bullion makes him do chores, but respects his pranking prowess and nerve. Fathom is a great listener and playmate, albeit sometimes a killjoy.
#thought process for new yoke:#what if i made their ‘just trying to pay the rent’ motivation and vector’s apparent guardianship of two kids really dark and tragic#in an examination of how good people can be twisted by factors beyond their control?#thought process for boscage maze:#what if they were all fine and happy and chill actually?#thought process for no place: workplace/domestic sitcom hijinks ON THE HIGH SEAS#the nyc trio’s contract definitely has fine print that the council can roboticize them if they disobey any order or something#so that’s hanging over missile’s head!#them finally rebelling is going to be EPIC though#sting really wants to call missions ‘sting operations’ after himself without understanding what that means#bullion has big stan pines energy#like stan pines in his twenties career (with fathom exasperatedly shutting down the dishonest elements)#combined with his dream of sailing around going on adventures#fathom: business offer. i receive: FAIRLY earned wages. you receive: help getting your shit together#berry and fathom are the voices of reason in their trios like canon espio#but trace is NOT#firstly because missile is reasonable enough#but more importantly because trace is one more emotional straw away from a complete breakdown#which could be either sobbing himself into dehydration or a no-holds-barred rampage against the council#like. he’s ‘the calm one’ the way kit the fucking fennec is ‘the calm one’: NOT CALM#i could have just made a vector variant greedy to the point of evil#but i choose to believe that every part of vector fundamentally cares about his whatever versions of espio and charmy are present#they’re a three-pack - do not separate#plus that’s been done with knuckles the dread#and especially since they’re in the same dimension i wanted bullion and dread to be different#sonic prime#team chaotix#vector the crocodile#espio the chameleon#charmy bee
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fallensapphires · 6 months
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Metals: Gold
Gold is forever. It is beautiful, useful, and never wears out. Small wonder that gold has been prized over all else, in all ages, as a store of value that will survive the travails of life and the ravages of time.
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~ Silver ~
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bargold12 · 2 months
The Growing Popularity of Gold Bar Investments in the UAE
Investing in pamp gold has long been considered a haven for investors worldwide, offering stability and security during uncertain economic times. In the UAE, the allure of gold is particularly strong due to the region’s rich history with the precious metal and its status as a global trading hub. This blog explores why gold bar investment in the UAE is gaining traction and how investors can make informed decisions.
Why Invest in Gold Bars? 1. Stability and Security Gold is known for its ability to maintain value over time, making it a popular choice for preserving wealth. Unlike stocks or real estate, which can be subject to market volatility, buy gold bullion a stable investment that can protect against inflation and currency fluctuations.
2. Tangible Asset valcambi gold bars are a tangible asset that investors can physically hold, providing a sense of security that digital investments cannot match. This tangibility is particularly appealing in a world of unpredictable financial markets.
3. Portfolio Diversification Investing in gold bars can diversify an investment portfolio, reducing risk by offsetting potential losses in other asset classes. Gold often performs well when other markets struggle, providing a balancing effect.
The UAE Advantage 1. Tax-Free Investment One of the key benefits of investing in gold bullion bar price in the UAE is the tax-free environment. Investors can purchase gold without worrying about capital gains taxes, which can significantly impact overall returns.
2. Access to High-Quality Gold The UAE is renowned for its high-quality gold, with Dubai often referred to as the “City of Gold.” Investors can access a wide range of gold bars from reputable dealers, ensuring the authenticity and purity of their investments.
3. Strong Market Infrastructure The UAE’s robust market infrastructure supports gold trading, with numerous exchanges and platforms facilitating the buying and selling of gold bars. This accessibility makes it easier for investors to enter and exit the market as needed.
Factors to Consider Before Investing 1. Purity and Weight When purchasing gold bars, it’s essential to consider their purity and weight. Look for bars that are at least 99.5% pure, commonly known as 24-karat gold, to ensure you are getting the highest quality.
2. Reputable Dealers Choose reputable dealers with a proven track record in the gold market. Conduct thorough research and verify their credentials to avoid potential scams or counterfeit products.
3. Storage and Insurance Consider the storage and insurance of your gold bars. Secure storage is crucial to protect your investment, and insurance can provide additional peace of mind against theft or loss.
4. Market Trends Stay informed about market trends and factors influencing gold prices, such as geopolitical events, economic data, and currency fluctuations. Understanding these trends can help you make informed investment decisions.
Steps to Invest in Gold Bars in the UAE Research and Education Educate yourself about the gold market, investment strategies, and the factors influencing gold prices. Knowledge is key to making informed decisions.
Set Investment Goals Define your investment goals, whether long-term wealth preservation, short-term gains, or portfolio diversification. Clear objectives will guide your investment strategy.
Choose a Reputable Dealer Select a reputable gold dealer in the UAE with a strong market presence and positive customer reviews. Verify their credentials and ensure they offer high-quality gold bars.
Monitor Market Trends Keep an eye on market trends and economic indicators that could impact gold prices. Stay informed to make timely investment decisions.
Secure Storage and Insurance Arrange for secure storage of your gold bars and consider insurance to protect against potential risks. Proper storage is essential to safeguard your investment.
Conclusion Gold bullion price investment in the UAE offers numerous advantages, from tax-free benefits to access to high-quality gold. By considering factors such as purity, reputable dealers, and market trends, investors can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals. As the UAE continues to be a global leader in the gold market, investing in gold bars remains a viable and attractive option for preserving wealth and securing a stable financial future.
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timmurleyart · 5 months
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Looking for the mother lode. ☠️🥇⛏🟡(silkscreen on paper)💰🏆
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au-bullion · 6 months
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10 Gram Minted Gold Bar Britannia – The Royal Mint UK
The 10 gram Gold Minted Britannia Bar is a wonderful precious metals investment to build your wealth. This .9999 fine gold bar is a great way to grow your bullion portfolio. Whether you are a collector or investor, we have got what you are looking for at the best gold price in Canada today. You will get the best gold price value on the Minted Britannia Bar.
The Royal Mint has a history spanning over the last 1,100 years providing the United Kingdom with circulation bars and Bullion. Today, the Royal Mint holds the reputation of being one of the leading export Mints in the world.
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50g of gold bar
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
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Haven't posted a pic of myself on here in a while and I looked very hot last night, so here you go!
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24goldgrouplimited · 2 years
Bullion Coins vs Bars: Which Buy is better for you?
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Around the globe, gold is considered a go-to investment. Bullion dealers in Canada and nearby areas thus support the above fact by acknowledging us with the same. Gold is thus refined in every form such as jewelry, coins, biscuits, and many times, a special occasion is marked with the purchase of gold. However, this article here by 24 Gold Group Ltd is made to discuss Bullion Coins and Gold Bars and which one will be the best to buy.
What are Bullion Coins?
A bullion coin is made by a precious metal company that is entirely made out of gold. Bullion coins have been minted since 1800, and are approximately 90-92% gold. However, most of today’s bullion coins are pure gold. Also, bullion coins have an extra premium attached to them. This is due to the fact that they can be used as legal tender. Furthermore, many people are sentimental about the historical value that a bullion coin may hold or represent. For many investors, buying precious metals in Canada, like bullion coins can be easier when it is compared to jewelry. Also, there are different channels where investors can purchase these coins from local jewelers, authentic online sellers, Stock Holding Corporations, and many more. Moreover, a bullion coin purchased from one source should be sold back to the same source, as sometimes it might return a lower resale value depending on the market price.
What are Bullion Bars?
Bullion bars are precious refined gold that is made by meeting the standard conditions of manufacturing and labeling by both government and private authorities. Also, bullion bars are also called gold bars or sometimes, gold ingots. The large bullion bars are made by pouring molten gold into the molds. However, the smaller bullion bars are made by minting or stamping the rolled gold sheets. The Central ministry holds the bullion bar reserves. 
Gold bars are produced in pure gold and come with a certificate that guarantees their weight, purity, and the requirements of Gold Standards. Moreover, investors with large budgets prefer bullion coins because of their low premiums.
In the past few years, in countries like Canada gold bar prices have been favorable, hence allowing more individuals to buy gold at the lowest price per gram. Hence, bullion bars are one of the most cost-effective ways to invest in gold.
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Advantages of buying bullion coins
Bullion coins come in various sizes, finishing, designs, prices, grades, and origins. Investors hence can purchase them on the basis of their budget and personal preference.
Many bullion coins are minted by the government that safely guarantees the gold content, purity, and design.
Bullion coins also offer liquidity as they can easily be traded. However, investors do have to wait for a buyer. They are also universally recognized and easy to sell.
Investors who purchase bullion coins need not worry about inflation or pay capital gains tax until they sell it.
Advantages of buying bullion bars
Bullion bars are available in various sizes ranging from 1gram to 1kg. Therefore, they are rightly suitable for any investor’s budget.
A bullion bar is a standard for gold investment because they are exchangeable worldwide to any bullion dealer.
It is also ideal for long-term investment if the investor has no intention to sell bullion bars from your investment portfolio.
Bullion bars are cheaper than bullion coins as they are cheaper to manufacture. For instance, a larger bullion bar will have a lower manufacturing cost than a smaller bullion bar.
Key Takeaway: 
Based on the above information, 24 Gold Group Ltd suggests that investment in gold offers the best value of return for investors. Investors can choose to buy gold coins in Canada or bullion bars based on their situation and it all depends on their personal preferences and circumstances and all the considered factors. There is no right or wrong answer between buying bullion coins or bars. It is all about personal choices and the risk of tolerance level one can handle as an investor. 
For more insightful details and advice, feel free to reach out to one of our expert consultants and get started with a better approach to inventing bullion coins and bars.
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