#bullworth faculty
mintys-corner · 1 year
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Bully manual comics
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literallyjimmyhopkins · 4 months
Bully Headcanon: School Crest
I had another idea while I was walking back from my epic skateboarding session (where I almost fell twice but didn't land on my ass!)
The bullworth school crest is kind of odd right? I mean what kind of school has their logo as a skull, a snake, a rat and a fist? I understand that it can be representative of the cliques and/or the nature of the school but..
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I don't think "renowned" principal Crabblesnitch would want the school to be represented by such violent and negative imagery. I don't think he'd WILLINGLY, being the keyword here, choose these. SO WHAT IF, for lore sakes there was an art competition held at bullworth, for the students to design a new crest.
IDK if yall have read the bully website, but it says on Miss Philips page "Since she arrived at bullworth" which kind of insinuates she's a relatively new addition to the staff,
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What if Miss Philips convinced the other faculty, in order to get the kids more interested in art, to host a competition to create a new bullworth crest that showed off the school spirit and proudly boasted it too. Whichever design was voted most favoured by the students would be chosen - this was decided to try and bring them together and get them more involved in the art curriculum.
Obviously the logo we know today was designed by one of the rebellious students (which is all of them, really) and was voted as the student favourite.
Crabblesnitch couldn't really go back on his word there, could he? The students would absolutely revolt if he did. They've already got enough trouble what with the vandalization of the campus and in-house fighting. The faculty would have no choice but to let the students win (after some "careful" conversations and riled up students).
The art brought peace would last a day.
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warrenwoodhouse · 9 months
Cliques - Bully Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
List of all of the cliques in Bully and in Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Main Game
Algernon “Algie” Papadopoulos
Bucky Pasteur
Earnest Jones
Melvin O’Connor
Donald Anderson
Cornelius Johnson
Fatty Johnson
Thad Carlson
Beatrice Trudeau
The Library
The Observatory
Chad Morris
Gord Vendome
Parker Ogilvie
Tad Spencer
Derby Harrington
Bif Taylor
Bryce Montrose
Justin Vandervelde
Pinky Gauthier
Harrington House
Old Bullworth Vale
Glass Jaw Gym
Johnny Vincent
Ricky Pucino
Hal Esposito
Lefty Mancini
Norton Williams
Peanut Romano
Vance Medici
Lola Lombardi
Auto Shop
Kirby Olsen
Casey Harris
Bo Jackson
Damon West
Dan Wilson
Juri Karamazov
Luis Luna
Ted Thompson
Mandy Wiles
Football Field
Swimming Pool
Gary Smith
Peter “Petey” Kowalski
James “Jimmy” Hopkins
Constantinos Brakus
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Pedro De La Hoya
Ray Hughes
Sheldon Thompson
Trevor Moore
Angie Ng
Eunice Pound
Christy Martin
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Zoe Taylor
Bullworth Academy
Russell Northrop
Trent Northwick
Davis White
Ethan Robinson
Tom Gurney
Troy Miller
Wade Martin
Bullworth Academy
Carpark - Bullworth Academy
Edgar Munsen
Clint (aka: Henry)
Omar Romero
Otto Tyler
Zoe Taylor (before re-attending Bullworth Academy)
Mr. Doolin
Miss Abby
Old Bullworth Vale
Officer Williams
Old Bullworth Vale
Bullworth Town
Prefect 1
Prefect 2
Prefect 3
Bullworth Academy
Carnival Folk
The Siamese Twins
The Last Mermaid
Billie Crane’s Traveling Carnival
Dr. Crabblesnitch (Principal)
Mr. Burton (Gym Teacher)
Mr. Lionel Galloway (English Teacher)
Mr. Hattrick (Math Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Mr. Luntz (Janitor, Shop Attendant)
Mr. Matthews (Geography Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Neil (Shop Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Mr. Wiggins (History Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Miss. Danvers (Secretary)
Mrs. Carvin (Librarian)
Edna (Cook)
Mrs. Danica McRae (Nurse)
Mrs. Peabody (Girls’ Dorm Hall Monitor)
Miss. Peters (Music Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Ms. Deidre Philips (Art Teacher, Photography Teacher)
Bullworth Academy
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
Since Mr. Nasty got his sights on Jimmy, does he also observe the Bullworth students and Staff? Like studying their interactions with Jimmy so he could get more information on him? And do they get the feeling they are being watched or something is going on?
Bullworth Academy is not that hard of a school to break into.
It's perhaps the only thing the man himself has done, despite being responsible for spreading rumors about selling ‘banned’ tapes to kids. Nothing too bad that he couldn't handle, he's done this countless times, usually, the same kids were too afraid to admit they bought the tapes in the first place.
Sure, he could have hired some good old men in blue to inspect the entire place for a ‘checkup’, but that isn't as fun as it was anymore.
Interestingly enough, a few students seemed to have been walking around, about four if Nasty counted right. They weren't old enough to be considered adults but still young enough to be in school, so no doubt they were seniors. Pretty intense ones at that, they nearly caught him when he walked in and out of the buildings. They’re smart yet dumb enough to not bother to check blind spots all around.
There were the boy's and girls' dorms, the library, a car park, a workshop, a basketball court, a gym, a pool, an observatory, a library, and an entire dorm for the rich.
Where was this in his High School?
The main building was gone through relatively easy, going into the office through a few lock picking. Closing the door just as carefully to not create any noise before quickly going over to the desk. Despite how dark it was, his eyes were trained well to see what was what and where. Another round of lock picking and there it was a perfect round of pages of information of every staff member and student recorded up to date.
After a few pages turned, the man finally found what he was looking for.
That precious page worth of students of all ages, races, and complicated pasts alike. Never before had the criminal looked over specified notes dedicated towards each student, good or bad. James ‘Jimmy’ Hopkins is the most notable one, with all his past crimes, being revealed only to be noted to ‘wipe his nose’ before the Headmaster.
Strange but duly noted.
The rest were students sent into cliques, each of them having students that either did their work or didn't bother to do anything related to the school. Seemed typical, nothing too ridiculous, and going to look over the faculty it seemed they shared certain ‘aspects’ of themselves. Yet, there lacked one certain person for the job that every school should at least have.
At least, for the sake of the children!
Mr.Nasty’s sure that this school wouldn't mind having a Counselor, would they?
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angelscapeism · 3 years
I’m bored so I thought I’d do this Bully CCE meme! I found it through @bullxarchive but it was made by @greasebag-medici !
🔔 Favorite class? Least favorite?
My favorite has to be photography/art! My least would be biology, the frogs and rats make me queasy 😓
💥 Favorite weapon/item to cause mayhem with?
The marbles are SO funny…especially when they keep tripping over them over and over lol
🍂Favorite in-game season?
Winter! I really like the atmosphere during that time.
⭐Top three missions and most hated missions?
My top 3 missions are: Movie Tickets, Jealous Johnny, and The Eggs!
My least favorites are: Save Algie, That Bitch, and Tagging
🚲Favorite vehicle to use?
The golf cart mostly bc it’s so fast
🎃 Favorite in-game holiday?
Christmas was really fun! I do wish Halloween would’ve been longer though, if it was it would’ve probably been here instead.
💖 The kissable character that you kiss most often?
Gord 😍😍
🎮 Favorite of the arcade/mini games?
I don’t really have a favorite! I don’t play them much unless necessary lolol
🥊 Favorite clique fighting style?
I think the preps and the greasers have really cool styles
🎡 Favorite area in Bullworth town?
Old Bullworth Vale!
🗨️ Which clique would you belong to?
I’d most likely be non clique lol I don’t fit in with any of them really
🏫 Best faculty member? Worst?
MR GALLOWAY AND MS PHILLIPS HAVE MY HEART….I hate hattrick and slawter
✍️ If you could rewrite anything about the game, what would it be?
The lack of female characters. Compared to the male characters, there’s significantly less. There’s only like one female in each clique if you’re lucky, and the bullies don’t even have one! Most women are non clique :/
👕 What style do you most like to dress Jimmy in?
😒 Biggest pet peeve in the game?
Not every guy is kissable 😒😒 let me kiss derby pls
💤 Which character is overrated in the fandom, in your opinion?
I would say Gary but I truly enjoy Gary and I understand why he’s so liked, so I can’t really give an answer
👀 In your opinion, which character deserves more appreciation than they get?
DONT GET ME STARTED… Derby and Johnny for the most part…
👽 Do you believe in any of the myths/rumors surrounding the game?
Ehhhh not really but I won’t put any down bc ppl are just having fun yknow
2️⃣ Do you think there’ll ever be a Bully 2? What would you personally want the storyline to be?
Even though I’d absolutely LOVE a sequel, I don’t think we’ll ever get one. I would think it’d be cool to see a sequel with them in college, though.
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canibitchcanemedit · 3 years
One of my headcanons is:
Gary didn't get the scar from his bad family,but from a classmate or someone from the schools staff.The person didn't hold accountability and neither the principal,so he got very mad at the entire Bullworth Academy.
This situation + the bullying because of his adhd just made him hate everything and everyone and the dude we all know
Still working in this one tho ;w;
I can kind of see this but at the same time there’s small factors that give me some doubt.
If a school teacher or student harmed a child, even in the early 2000s, bad enough to scar permanently your job was forfeit. Especially, when you think about the indicators that show that Gary is at least upper middle class (his custom vest, his whole outfit honestly, his association with Mr. Smith, general better maintenance of himself, etc) idc how negligent you are to your child the bad press would be enough to get a parent to throw a fuss with the principal. Also, we don’t see the teachers or other faculty doing much outside of grab jimmy’s ear (a weird trope but okay rockstar I see you). As for students once again if they were to hurt Gary bad enough to scar him permanently they would face some consequences from Gary’s parent(s), (possibly the staff) and we would have likely heard a thing or two about it.
I see the merit in this theory and agree that bullying over his wound, mental illness, and his general “weirdness” would have made him build resentments towards all Bullworth. I just have some doubts about the source of the scar and the lack of punishment in this theory.
Thank you for sending your headcanons and theories! They're very cool and interesting to think about ☺️
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toxiccaptain · 4 years
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Mr. Danzig
Clique : Faculty
Gender : male
Kissable : n o
“Doing wrong has its perks, but that’s not garentee for everything.”
Mr. Charlie Danzig is the French/ Spanish teacher at Bullworth Academy.
Mr. Danzig is a 35 years old, fairly short man.
Danzig has been teaching at bullworth for 5 years, although not being one of the favorite teachers he is known among the students for all the wrong reasons. Although kind to students he is known for being serious at a moments notice. Many of the jocks complain how they can’t pass his class, while the girls tend to have a liking to the man mainly spreading faults rumors that he checks them out or flirts with them (even though he’s not interested)
Prior to bullworth Danzig had worked as a substitute for 2 years ( he was 22- 23) before robbing a house on a 3rd degree (he was 24), which is what the students have herd of him. Danzig has tried to keep himself in the clear still have parol check ups now and then just to keep sure he doesn’t own any fire arms. Aside from that, Danzig and Galloway seem to have a somewhat close relationship on school grounds being how they both have a key interest of the language arts.
Danzig doesn’t have any particular favorite among students but does appreciate those who do their work.
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greasebag-medici · 4 years
Bully/CCE ask meme!
I haven’t seen one of these circulating around in a very long time so I figured I’d try to make one of my own. Send in any emoji/s and I’ll answer! Pass this around if you're interested!
🔔 Favorite class? Least favorite? 
💥 Favorite weapon/item to cause mayhem with? 
🍂Favorite in-game season? 
⭐Top three missions and most hated missions? 
🚲Favorite vehicle to use? 
🎃 Favorite in-game holiday? 
💖 The kissable character that you kiss most often? 
🎮 Favorite of the arcade/mini games?
🥊 Favorite clique fighting style?
🎡 Favorite area in Bullworth town?
🗨️ Which clique would you belong to? 
🏫 Best faculty member? Worst?
✍️ If you could rewrite anything about the game, what would it be? 
👕 What style do you most like to dress Jimmy in? 
😒 Biggest pet peeve in the game? 
💤 Which character is overrated in the fandom, in your opinion? 
👀 In your opinion, which character deserves more appreciation than they get?
👽 Do you believe in any of the myths/rumors surrounding the game? 
2️⃣ Do you think there'll ever be a Bully 2? What would you personally want the storyline to be? 
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lokomotives · 4 years
Captain Underpants × Bully crossover
Mr Krupp gets offered the position of Vice Principal - at Bullworth Academy.
The school is pretty "rough around the edges" in his eyes, but he's looking forward to an easy career now that he doesn't have to deal with small kids tossing water on him and him waking up in odd places in his underwear.
Then on the first day of the semester, Miss Danvers peaks her head in.
Miss Danvers: "It seems you have the honor of dealing with the first deliquents of the school year."
Krupp (barely paying attention): "Send them in."
"Hey Mr Krupp!" "We didn't know you transferred here too!"
Krupp hears the voices and freezes. He knows them very well. Sitting across from him like hundreds of times before back in Jerome Horwitz Elementary.
George Beard and Harold Hutchins. Newest Freshmen on campus.
Krupp tears out the hair he grew back over the summer.
Turns out the boys' parents were convinced by the principal of Piqua High School to send them to Bullworth Academy on a dual Scholarship - hoping that the older (highly recommended) school would "whip them into shape".
Little did they know that Bullworth is the ultimate playground for a pair of well-meaning pranksters.
George and Harold in at their awkward years and are going through changes typical of young boys - doubt in their artistic skills and mean teen critics to name a few. They are currently in a rut over whether or not to create an angsty Noir-style comic to appeal to their new teen demographic. Captain Underpants and Dog Man it seems are only marginally popular at Bullworth Academy.
George: "You know this could be the perfect time to revist Sad Worm."
Harold: "Wanna project our frustrations into art?"
George. "Heck yeah."
The two are (obviously) favorites of Ms Philips and Miss Peters. They however get into trouble a lot with Mr Hattrick and Mrs Peabody.
Harold (sitting in detention): "Your average blue whale is heavier than an eighteen wheeler truck I tell you!"
George: "Let it go man. I doubt Mr Hattrick is as well versed in cetology as we are."
Gary Smith still attempts to recruit the pair as his lackeys; seeing them as "Dumb little puppets". Harold and George legit like spending time with Petey, which Petey sees as a godsend.
Krupp actually catches on quick about the "grosser" aspects of the school and actually tries to improve them.
Krupp: "Look I'm no chef, but could you like... not spit in the food?" "Why is there scotch in the trophy case?" "Is anyone going to address the broken school bus?" "Mr Burton, I'm firing and arresting you." "Oh god I thought this would be an easy job..."
Melvin is there also; his parents sending him to Bullworth as a second choice once the Elitenati Academy fell through. Melvin hates it at Bullworth and is actively trying to get himself kicked out but isn't having any luck. He barely gets along with the Nerds, but has gained a few intellectual equals in a sense. He has a deep rivalry with Earnest Jones, who Melvin thinks; "Is a four-eyed creep."
Jerry Citizen has been hired at Bullworth for a while (Subsituite Teacher) and is one of the few teachers that the Cliques consider "off limits" since he's such a nervous helpful soul. Jerry tries to be the guardian angel on the faculty's shoulders and frequently intervenes between fights.
Jerry: "Hey... um? Guys? You really shouldn't do that in the hallway. Other people could get really hurt."
Johnny Vincent (mid-punch): "Sorry Mr Citizen."
Gord Vendome (bleeding and in a head lock): "We'll move it to the Hole."
Jerry: *phew!*
The crossover would have slightly more adult humor and themes, mostly because of the high school setting and that the boys are a little bit older. However, Harold and George are still fairly sweet souls and their good nature still shines on through the grime of Bullworth Academy.
Also consider: Krupp transforming into Captain Underpants when the Greasers all tough-guy snap at him.
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gravityswake · 5 years
Hello faculty, staff, and students of Bullworth Academy!
I’m Dr. Hale and I’m proud to be teaching the comprehensive literature courses offered here at the Academy!
I look forward to meeting with each of you in the coming days and weeks. I apologize for arriving so late in the semester, but I just wrapped up teaching Literature at Oxford. That is, Oxford, Mississippi. Not Oxford College.
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mintys-corner · 2 years
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bully characters as google reviews of schools
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mmysteryishere · 5 years
Bully but they are in a Zombie Apocalypse
I saw an anon ask on Kent’s blog about Jimmy being in twdg and I’m hear to say: Why not just put all of Bullworth in a zombie apocalypse? 
Bully: Undead Edition Headcannons (warning: super long)
Let’s just start by saying that Jimmy would survive the Bullworth apocalypse. Not only is he the main character, he is also a badass and a pretty smart dude (depending on how you play the game). If he can knock police officers with a couple of slingshots pellets to the head, he can kill a rotting zombie with it. 
Petey and Gary would survive also, Petey would be with Jimmy like a sidekick telling Jimmy everything he need’s to know about what’s going on. Gary would be with the nerds (mention later).
Now onto the ones who would survive or die in like the first 2 weeks:
Adults (off school grounds)
The shop owners: all the owners would survive except for a couple of haircut places and clothes shop 
The guy who owns the thrift clothes shop and the girl who owns clothes/haircuts in the Coventry would survive, they seem like they can put up a good fight. 
Brandy (the little lady) would survive, I think she can put up a good fight
All other adults in town would more likely die (let’s be real, wouldn’t be fun if they survived...if this was a game)
Adults (on school grounds)
Many teachers/faculty would try to leave the school instead of staying
Hattrick, Wiggins, Slawter(maybe?), Burton: would leave school premises and die
Matthews and McRae(nurse): stay on school premises but also die
Mrs. Peters: determinant? she’s free spirited but can be aggressive
Crabblesnitch and Danvers: would survive but also weak as losers staying in his office
Edna: of course she’ll survive, she’ll ask Jimmy to help save Watts
Galloway: leaves campus and will survive if saved, the costs of this though is that Philips would die saving him. Jimmy can either choose her or him depending of letting Philips go or not. 
All other faculty not mentioned are dead
Non-clique student
Would it be bad if I said that only Sheldon survives? He’s a fucking ruthless kid.
...Well if you don’t like that I’ll say Gloria and Christy survives too
Russel would be your best ally or your worst enemy depending of if he lives or dies. Either way, he is an absolute unit of a kid, would be hard to kill him, zombie or not.
I think personally that the majority of bullies would survive, they either group together (Russel is zombie) or are backups to Russel’s pure wrath. A couple of them would even know about the zombies early on. 
If Russel is dead, the bullies would need to be saved by Jimmy by killing Zombie Russ
Earnest and Gary are together since they are the smartest kids and also both are kinda dicks. They would more likely try to steal supplies from other cliques and control the school for the sake of survival.
Whoever else that survives would be a mix match. Like they are smart and more likely know about zombies before anyone, but many of them are very weak. 
Most likely to survive: Thad, Melvin, Fatty, Donald? (with Earnest and Gary), maybe Beatrice?
To be honest, I don’t think they’ll be at the school, I think many of them would try to go back home or around Old Bullworth. If they gonna die, it would at least be in the richest part of Bullworth.  
Who would survive? Derby, Bif, Pinky, Bryce?, Parker?
Jimmy would have to save Gord and more likely the first prep Jimmy finds. 
I believe they would stick together and most of them would survive. I’m not sure who would die really. Similar to the bullies I guess.
Lola would stick with Johnny since let’s be honest, she’s not dumb. She knows being with Johnny during this time would be the best option. If Johnny dies, it’s more likely because of protecting Lola. 
Opposite of Nerds, Super Strong but Mega Dumb. Mix Match of who dies or not.
Who might survive? Damon, Mandy, Bo, Dan (maybe with the nerds cause of Thad?), Kirby (could’ve been saved or tried saving bullies), Luis?
Finally I can say this, Zoe totally survives and is with Jimmy pretty much at the beginning of all this. She would more likely persuade Jimmy into helping finding her townie friends.
With this being said, all adult townies are dead except Clint (idk if he’s and adult or not)
I think Duncan, Leon, and Jerry would survive
That’s everyone I believe. I think the point of the AU is Jimmy trying to survive by making multiple safe zones (the save zones) throughout Bullworth by helping each clique get together. Jimmy will then have to throw down Gary once again and make the school the ultimate safe zone for everyone...well something like that idk. Someone is gonna get thrown down.
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mintys-corner · 1 year
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mintys-corner · 1 year
Breaking Bad AU but its Dr Watts and Jimmy
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mintys-corner · 1 year
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mintys-corner · 1 year
Ms Philips is the only person at Bullworth that Zoe can discuss feminist theory with
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