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@bunitivity your art is always really sweet or fun or cute or or or! and you duel wield too! Earrings is a fantastic zolusanuso fic that i fucking adore. an awesome author and artist! you're amazing!!!
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
y'know i prefer the english version of yo-kai watch n all but also the way they tried to americanize springdale is hilarious to me. especially given the fact that there's several japanese-style shrines n temples-
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devleader · 2 months
What's one useful technique for making Blazor components more unit testable?
Extract logic from the markup.
We have awesome tools like bUnit to help us test rendered components. Truly, it's a key tool that can help us get a lot of confidence in our UI tests.
When it comes to best practices for testability, I would suggest you try to move things out of the component markup. Anything you put there is going to be restricted to being testable by bUnit when you could factor it out and test through traditional means.
Check out the full video: https://youtu.be/LZPq514JqGA
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What's one useful technique for making Blazor components more unit testable?
Extract logic from the markup.
We have awesome tools like bUnit to help us test rendered components. Truly, it's a key tool that can help us get a lot of confidence in our UI tests.
When it comes to best practices for testability, I would suggest you try to move things out of the component markup. Anything you put there is going to be restricted to being testable by bUnit when you could factor it out and test through traditional means.
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bunitivity · 7 months
Finally posted that fic I very briefly talked about
Zoro would not be happy once he realized one of his earrings were gone and he had been robbed. But his love for him should hopefully afford Usopp a bit of grace. Right? And it isn’t like Usopp plans on keeping it. He would just be borrowing it temporarily. Usopp is going to give it back once he has satisfied his curiosities. He is a liar not a thief. That is Nami's department. And far be it for him to encroach on her territory.
Or Usopp’s sticky fingers leads to a domino affect of Zoro giving out all three of his earrings to his boyfriends. If only they would ask.
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vigilantsfan · 2 months
Can I make a request for Hiccup Haddock as a Vigilants fighter
I'll try my best with this one and I'm sorry I made you wait for a while
What if vigilants hiccup haddock
Hiccup was a young man grew up in a family of Norway League vigilants fighters and because he failed to develop powers at the age of most people his mother took him to the island country of unitalia to make a bond with a biunite eventually through hard work hiccup was able to make a natural bond with a dragon bunite called night fury which gave him the ability to shoot electricity and fly
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strawberrycamel · 7 months
Truth or dare 🍓 🥤🧃🍬
(Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game)
thank you for the ask!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
answered here!
🥤 recommend an author or fanfic you love
let me show you the wonder that is Earrings by @bunitivity
a beautiful, beautiful zolusanuso fic about Zoro's boyfriends being incapable of just asking him for his earrings. the character interactions are great, the Sanji repression is great- the soft moments between them all, the guilt from unintentional avoidance, the easy forgiveness, the last two lines of this fic that always take me the fuck OUT and make me bang my fist on my desk because i simply cant handle all that love (positive). this fic is so so so good and i love it so fucking much i will yell it everywhere i swear to god
🧃 share some personal lore you never posted about before
hmm i dont typically post any personal lore on here kjfhgdf but uhhh- oh! i'm currently being bullied and enabled by my friends into buying a Very cool looking notebook
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like?? look at this goddamn thing it's so pretty (and also would be so good to display the stickers from the Usopp Zine that'll be comin eventually kjsdghdfg).
uhh if that doesn't count as personal lore then i will leave u with i am a big big sucker for injera, it is so fucking tasty and probably my favourite food Ever
🍬 post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
uhhh i don't particularly like "Franky as Usopp's dad/father figure" thing, feel like it kinda messes with the point of found family to assign specific roles like that? dunno if that makes sense but i dont super (heh) wanna get into it (also no knock to ppl who do like it, just isn't for me)
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redriotinggg · 4 months
thank you @mpregtual for tagging me ily 💕🥰
rules ♡ post four characters that make you say "my man, my man, my man"
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Guido Mista (JJBA part 5), Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC Universe), Darius Deamonne (The Owl House), and Kuzan/Aokiji (One Piece).
I tag: @strawberrycamel @bunitivity @ms-all-sunday @enemiesoftheocean @freshcreamdorayaki and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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krishnaaradhika · 1 year
Shyam vanatala neel achala
Shyam kardhar radhe
Chitanandita atahi phulakita
Hriday hridaya sobaje
Dekhe sundar sab kar jor sab
Jugal milan ki chavi
Yug bite kata gan gavat
Kat bunit kat sat kavi
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jaywritesrps · 1 year
Sobre a RPGs, Burocracia e Finais
As conclusões que tenho desse afastamento da tag é que gosto de jogar rpg, gosto de fazer meus personagens interagir com os personagens dos outros, mas não tenho paciência mais pra buracracia q se tornou pra jogar.
Eu vim do rpg de mesa, na mesa a gnt nunca sabe o que vai acontecer pq cada sessão é uma sessão. A chance do seu personagem morrer ou de encontrar o amor da vida delu é a mesma na mesa. Gosto dessa adrenalina de não saber o que vai acontecer. Não tem como plotar ou deixar confortável em rpg de mesa, não preciso vender meu personagem porque as ações delu no jogo já mostra quem elu é. Me deixa animadaço não ter noção pra onde estou indo na ficção, pq não vai me trazer problemas reais se der ruim pra um personagem, por exemplo. Se eu fizer uma cagada e meu personagem morrer, vou ficar puto? Vou, vou xingar ate 15a. Geração do mestre, mas passa, na sessão seguinte, chego com outro personagem e por ai vai.
Já aqui, tudo tem que ser plotado, planejado, avaliado e carimbado pra você começar a jogar, e esse processo não acaba só no In Character, também acontece no Out of Character também. No OOC, você tem que sempre se mostrar interessado, sempre tem que ir uma milha a mais pra tentar conquistar o outro pra te responder, sabendo que 90% vai te ignorar ou meter um "tô sem muse" enquanto responde o abiguinho que conhece desde 1900 e lá vai pedrinha. Parece que você tá constantemente tentando vender um saco de merda pra outra pessoa, e isso é cansativo demais.
A tag br em geral faz tempo que não me interessa muito, porque a tag mudou muito com relação a espontaneidade e a receptividade, não sei se tem mais lugar pra prática de improviso aqui e tudo bem, sabe. É a vida. Nem todo mundo vai se adaptar a isso. Por isso tb q decidi me afastar de jogar depois de tentar migrar pro discord.
Sei lá, entendo que na atual conjuntura da tag, todo essa burocracia virou algo fundamental, pq tem muita gente sem noção aqui (vou me abster de dar exemplos), só que pra mim, Jay, véio de guerra, isso não funciona muito pq a graça de rpg pra mim é entrar e responder meus turnos, caindo no mar sem saber onde vai dar, mesmo que muitas vezes acabe dando em mais mar ou em piratas ou em ilhas desertas. Gosto da aventura do desconhecido e de parar em situações completamente aletórias, tal qual um episódio de Hora de Aventura, que começa Finn e Jake numa quest idiota e termina com eles salvando o Reino Doce da aniquilação. Pra se bem sincero, toda essa burocracia transforma rpg em qualquer outra coisa, menos rpg. Parece mais um texto colaborativo do que rpg em si.
Enfim, meu ponto com esse texto e dizer que, pra mim já deu de rpg na tag br, sabe. Eu também cansei desse discurso de "Salvar a Tag dos elementos problemáticos", cansei desse negócio de ficar tentando descobrir quem é quem nesse lugar que todo mundo troca de nome como quem limpa a bunda no banheiro, nem pelas fofocas anda valendo ficar por aqui porque são sempre os mesmos elementos manipulando os outros pra tretar, enquanto os bunites ficam de boas na moita, se fazendo de pures e inocentes. E não adianta, faz 9 anos que jogo aqui, e nada mudou, finalmente me caiu a ficha que não tem salvação, então, eu mesmo é q não vou ficar gastando meu pouco tempo livre, batendo palma pra dissimulade dançar, e nem tentando agradar gente que provavelmente fica rindo e falando mal de mim pelas costas por causa de um joguinho de internet. Não vou nem entrar na questão da transfobia e/ou excesso de puritanismo da tag pq ai o texto fica maior kkkk.
Não vou apagar nada aqui, pq eu tenho essa conta desde 2010, mas vou passar a compartilhar outras coisas relacionada com escrita, gif sets, edits e construção de personagens, pq eu realmente gosto de escrever e contar histórias, e a imagética de manips/edits/gifs ajuda muito nesse processo de construção.
Se vc chegou até o fim, parabéns. Obrigado pela atenção e até mais. A gnt se vê na próxima reclamação.
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netcode-hub · 25 days
💡Master Unit Testing in .NET 8 Blazor WebAssembly: xUnit, BUnit & Moq for CRUD Components🚀 https://youtu.be/D5BMnlEBAoY
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mastermechanicsblog · 28 days
Masters Mechanical Brendale - Your Trusted Brisbane Auto Experts"
Masters Mechanical Brendale is now listed on Bunity! Serving Brisbane, our team of skilled mechanics is dedicated to providing top-notch automotive repair and maintenance services. From engine diagnostics to routine tune-ups, trust us to keep your vehicle in peak condition. Explore our profile on Bunity to learn more about our comprehensive services.
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hei-reau · 2 months
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20200904 bun
its bun
Posted using PostyBirb
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 years
3's localization honestly makes it even funnier i think. just because they localized springdale's name as a continent as springdale too. my favorite place in springdale (continent). springdale (city)-
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devleader · 3 months
What's the most effective way to unit test Blazor components?
Combine the power of bUnit and xUnit to get the job done!
We can use our old friend, xUnit, so that we get test organization and a test runner that we're comfortable using. You can technically use another framework but... xUnit is rad.
Then we layer in bUnit! bUnit allows us to get rendered versions of components. And with that power, there's no excuse left to not test your UI components in Blazor!
Check out the full video: https://youtu.be/EXFHM5wonlM
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What's the most effective way to unit test Blazor components?
Combine the power of bUnit and xUnit to get the job done!
We can use our old friend, xUnit, so that we get test organization and a test runner that we're comfortable using. You can technically use another framework but... xUnit is rad.
Then we layer in bUnit! bUnit allows us to get rendered versions of components. And with that power, there's no excuse left to not test your UI components in Blazor!
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444names · 3 months
Names derived from the English Wikipedia's entry on "On Her Majesty's Secret Service (novel)"
Adeve Adhen Adher Adite Afted Aftenby Afteriews Aftes Alevicessal Allealth Amailled Amajes Andervied Angdom Anned Anneye Apesereveld Aprescand Astort Attail Attaills Attaily Attair Attar Attavrod Attavrovel
Baled Basecon Begin Begindayboy Beginde Beging Beince Beind Beiveld Biont Biotes Blidested Blidetail Blind Blineal Blive Brian Briews Brills Britiouptes Broaday Brort Brovel Bunited Bunition Bunthout Buntrad Canne Capeorm Caper Capes Captiverla Cartory Carts Caseconal Casecond Castruns Ceinealth Ceive Ceived Cerby Ceresty Cerrylis Ceseconown Cestack Chands Channe Channed Conalthroad Conat Condarchar Coned Confus Conly Conom Conove Conter Coped Coperetent Copied Coubleme Coure Courst Cousixthing Dapried Dayboy Dealemonly Dearry Dence Denth Derns Derre Descre Deseastail Dessa Detark Deturs Deven Disoducter Disrupla Dithereved Ditzent Domer Dometailme Donal Doughou Dribeing Driceind Dries Driews Drils Drine Dring Drithold Duces Ducterbal Ducturst Duretack Efels Eferient Efern Effoond Efforibeive Effory Eleviout Elovices Eminereets Eming Emoncidevel Emoned Entractes Eontere Eople Eorgeonly Eorins Epies Epism Eried Erroved Ervicapter Eserescres Estenzo Exped Expeory Experes Expes Expre Fills Filmer Filmeturns Filopeorts Fingold Finks Flemee Fless Fooduret Foone Foontrackly Foreve Forged Forketacy Forma Formaile Formailmee Formulan Fortne Frode Frotion Froure Georition Going Golidenby Golisece Harchande Hattark Hemony Heres Herit Hicenthresa Hiled Hilevicer Holing Houblof Houptess Howithe Howitived Ialeve Ialidearry Indet Initionly Irmingoinks Isructuries Isruns Ithat Jamadit Jamartort Jamat Jamed Jameres Jonat Kinged Kinithrork Knomy Knoterns Knotialle Knoved Knovelogy Laybook Lazeree Lofelovent Lofer Lovicks Madail Madher Maicaster Majessals Mattavrory Meeted Merry Metack Monal Monals Monces Mongdout Morgeorm Moted Neall Notion Noveld Novele Novelearch Noveles Novere Novide Novideviond Nowineary Nowitiond Ondeterland Onfus Onfusixth Oubled Ouplan Ourind Ousixthuns Oventes Paiceive Paicence Paicent Paich Paile Paills Pairmajesty Parackly Paractive Parball Parch Parrote Partne Partneal Partned Pased Pastacy Pastore Peorescril Pleals Plearch Posionat Position Posixthe Prefelevich Premind Presa Prescaper Presterre Pretacy Preturst Pribeind Prien Priews Pring Pringed Prins Productes Prote Proubled Prout Prove Publessa Publevica Publiday Publing Publism Publisruce Publope Publovel Quicapted Quicarch Quicer Quicerns Recerby Recon Recopisold Reved Reveld Revich Reviout Ruces Ruple Searres Seconal Seconat Secou Secreet Secres Secriews Serby Sered Serial Seriewer Serns Serry Serstail Sholin Shouptiough Shout Sidesent Sixthat Sixthown Sixthro Soductursty Soldes Soldevion Solineye Somet Stack Staction Stacy Stailme Stary Sterroved Stooducturs Stook Storeme Storgeork Storket Strefforip Stres Strucenth Strund Suple Suply Suppled Suption Swine Swithom Swithred Switiou Switzeriene Tenzo Terby Terism Termat Tervick Tervicks Tessalive Thadartne Thadised Thadithe Thart Tharts Thattart Themeet Theriews Thilm Thinks Thishen Thouptiot Thourit Thown Threfer Thremons Thress Throd Throdet Thromeetail Thundarts Thunith Toont Tores Tortoring Track Trackly Tractism Traders Traditiand Trefforip Tresenzo Tretairmat Tries Triewers Triews Trinit Trisenby Trites Trylishe Twiter Untherre Usionalls Vidailed Vidarby Viderescang Vient Wased Wharbals Wharbas Wharch Whern Whers Whilm Whils Whined Whiser Whoughout Whous Winte Witesa Withe Witzenther Worge Worily Worketurism Wormincen Wormingdomy Wormulan Wromes Wrores Wrovends Youre
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gtaradi · 5 months
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