#bunni babbles - 🍓
bunni-v1 · 9 months
Could I request the nrc staff + grim finding out you‘re a girl (plantonic)?
Or do they all know straight from the start?
TW: None
Info: Crowley, Grim, Sam, Cruel, Trien x Reader (Platonic)
🍓Hello lovely! I didn't want to make a whole long post about this, but I do want to talk about it. I'm so glad you asked! So the staff is... made aware of the situation, obviously. But, I think I'll go a little into depth on how each member deals with this information.
Crowley knows because... well... he sees you out of the ceremonial robes before anyone else does. He handles it as well as he does every other issue he comes across. "Just cover it up!" Famously said by Crowley. He's not unkind though, he does ensure that you get the help you need and he makes sure you keep what you need hidden, well, hidden. But... he won't do more than the bare minimum unless his hand is forced. Like... with Scarabia, he pretty much threatened the whole dorm with expulsion if they so much as uttered a word to anyone but amongst themselves. He is, unsurprisingly, not a father figure to you. He's more like... you're weird quirky uncle that you like, but only in small doses.
Grim, our little guy, finds out at the same time as Crowley... and he's a little harder to convince to keep his mouth shut to start. He doesn't like you, okay, you stole his position at NRC (like he had a chance at all). With a few well-placed cans of tuna from both you and Crowley, he keeps his little rat mouth shut. However, when you're actually granted studentship as NRC? His tune changes. It changes because Crowley holds his position as a student over his head, but it changes. Not a SINGLE person will ever hear you're a woman from Grim. He can't lose this position, not after so much work to get where he's gotten to. Besides, he grows to really love you! You're family to him, and no one out family. Seriously, he's so protective of it, once Ace and Deuce figure it out they're too scared to talk because of Grim's looming presence.
Sam is the first member of Staff to find out, other than Crowley. How? Crowley's sudden interest in pads, tampons, birth control, and all the fun stuff that comes with being a woman. Sam usually would just shrug his shoulders and excuse Crowley's quirky behavior, but then you come in looking like a lost deer and he gets it. He is genuinely so nice to you though! If you ever feel unsafe on campus, you talk to Sam and he'll handle it for you, okay? Sure, he jacks up the prices on your feminine products, but it's considerably less than his normal prices. Hell, if you're short, he'll "suddenly" remember he's got a discount on those items. He's like a cool older brother, honestly. He lets you hang out in the back of the shop and do homework when you ask, and he gives you snacks at a discount when you're there!
Crewel doesn't really treat you any differently than anyone else. Admittedly though, he's fond of you, even if you're a troublemaker. When you come into his class on your first day in a uniform six times too big for you, he feels pity for you. You didn't ask to be here, and now you have to wear that atrocious old uniform? You poor little pup. He's not exactly easy on you, but he's more understanding of your mistakes. Eventually, after you get to know him better, he offers to get you a nicer uniform and also privately tutor you. This is his excuse for keeping you busy so that you don't have as many chances to get found out, and it's also because you are horrifically failing his class and it looks bad on him.
Trien treats you the most differently out of everyone on staff. The SECOND he found out you were a girl and were being forced to hide that fact for Crowley's sake? Oh my god, grandpa was PISSED. Crowley got an EARFUL after that meeting. This man makes it his mission to make your stay as comfortable as he possibly can make it because sevens know Crowley won't be doing SHIT. After he meets you? Oh my god, you remind him of his own girls when they were little. He absolutely adores you, and everyone can tell. It's so odd to the other students because he clearly favors you, and when they ask you about it you've got no clue. He is your dad here at NRC, as out of character as that might be. You are a young woman lost in a world that is not kind to you going through so much more than you need to. He doesn't want to add more to your plate. You can come to him for anything and he will provide as best as he can.
Vargas (I'm sorry for forgetting about him lol) is a lot like Crewel in the fact that he doesn't treat you too differently from his other students. You're still made to push yourself to your upper limits for gym, still expected to keep up with your peers, and still expected to meet his general expectations. However, if it's way too much for you to do, out of fear of Crowley and Trien breathing down his neck, he'll lessen your load. Otherwise, he doesn't really have much chance to be around you outside of class. He finds you amusing and knows you've got a good head on your shoulders, but that's about it from him.
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berrymoos · 2 years
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I'M NOT FAMILIAR W THE CONTENT SO ALL THIS TIME I WAS LIKE "hm yeas marc names this little bunny miffy!! it suits her :))" UH LILE YEA I WONDER WHY BASIL OMG
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angelbunnybab · 3 years
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Bath! Bath!
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z3nitsusgf · 3 years
Pervy nerd albedo makes you dress as a bunny girl for Halloween (and he takes pictures of you???) -🍓🥛
omg!! so cute :3 I love this !!! This is getting me all excited for Halloween now (this turned into something more than what you requested I’m sorry 😫)
cw: little bit of NS*W, teasing, fingering, costumes, bunny nickname, blowjob, anal, toys (plugs), use of the word “slut” one time, not proof read
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S’ your first Halloween together, and you promised that he could pick your costume, promised him since the beginning of the year that because you’re such a meanie to him all the time - he gets to choose what you wear for Halloween.
and of course, he goes for the classic - makes you his little bunny girl. He’s been eyeing it forever, been thinking about seeing you in the tight spandex since he first heard the word trick of treat slip from your lips. And the minute October rolls in, he’s buying the costume and stuffing it onto your palms, wants you to try it on immediately.
Makes you put on the all-black bodysuit, that has fluffy white trim on the edge with the cuffs of your wrists, a little tucked collar on your neck, and a pretty pom tail to show it off.
And when you come out to show him, oh, you’ve never looked shyer - and he’s obsessed. Albedo can’t help but fuss and sigh over you, pulling you into his lap and cooing, “oh bunny,” and smiles when you squirm in his lap, the bodysuit is high waisted, showing off where the plush of your hips are, and he doesn’t stop dipping his fingers underneath the fabric all night, thumbing at the skin that’s there.
he’s whipping out his phone to take endless photos, ones with you in his lap, ones with you posing, ones with you bent over and spreading yourself, he wants them all.
Coos and drools over the pretty soft ears on your head, sitting on a velvet band, all droopy and pink, frame your face just right. Flicks them out of your face, and when you get in your knees for him that night they look so cute bobbing on the crown of your head.
The way the tight bodysuit stretches over your skin, riding up your ass as you sit and he looks over and can see how you shift and whine because you’re so wet, all dripping in your costume. Cups a hand on your chin to hold your face up, eyes glazed over as he snaps a photo of you tucked on your knees, little headband slipping down as you have drool and cum pooling over your chin. “Bunny, you look so cute,”
But his favorite part, the cotton soft tail, came separately from the costume but looks great if you know what I mean. he can’t stop tugging on it, can't stop playing with it and pulling on it, curling his hands around it and yanking it to get you to mewl and moan and jump like a real bunny. The way it twitches like the real thing, how you’re so much more sensitive than normal, it gets him going.
How you beg so much more than usual, wiggling your hips up and down, shaking the cottony tail in his face to get him to hook the fabric away and dip his fingers, his cock, something - into your drippy syrupy cunt. Albedo thinks it’s heaven on earth, and when he peels back the fabric he’s met with the holy sight of the wettest pussy he’s ever seen. You’re absolutely soaked down to your inner thighs by the end of the night, drenching the costume.
And it’s all thanks to the toy that sits inside your other twitchy hole. And Albedo can’t resist playing with it, melting when you throw your hips back when he pulls the cottony plug in and out -
“gosh bunny, when’s you become such a slut, love getting fucked that much?” It’s like a switch that’s flipped in his brain, and he’s loving every second of it. Pushing two fingers knuckle deep into your pillowy cunt as he pushes the plug back into your other hole, shuddering at how you wail and clamp down on his digits, babbling into the sheets that it feels so good and you’re gonna cum again.
And all albedo can think about is how he’s gonna dress you up as next year and that he’s gonna show Kaeya pictures of his bunny
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teeniestjojokitten · 2 years
What would playdates be like with Jojo characters as your cgs?
This is definitely not a complete list, but I was just thinking of the ways that different characters would play with and take care of little ones! These are headcanons for gender neutral readers, and I listed various scenarios for different aged regressors. I hope you enjoy!
☮️⚓ Josuke is so sweet and playful with littles! If you’re a toddler or a kiddo when you regress, he might tease or joke with you sometimes to make you smile. He loves tickle fights or playfully rumpling your hair (and you’re the only person allowed to touch his hair, too!). If you regress even smaller, you still get tummy tickles, and Josuke loves picking out outfits for you. He has the most stylish baby! He’ll take you to the park, or if you like video games, he’ll play with you. He makes super cute little foods, too-- picture those rice bowls that look like little bears, or ramen with the toppings laid out like a smiley face.
🌸🐕 Reimi is the best big sister ever. She’ll play hide and seek with you or join in if you play pretend! She usually keeps a bag on hand with snacks, water, coloring books, and band-aids if you’re out somewhere. If you’re a smaller regressor who needs naps, Arnold will often sleep right next to you. She rocks you if you’re sleepy, and if you’re a very little regressor who babbles, she’ll listen with great interest. “Uh-huh. Is that so? My goodness, what a cute, chatty baby today, huh?” No matter your little age, you get all the nose boops. 
🛩️🧡 Narancia makes the best blanket forts. The best. He’ll put blankets over the chairs, and maybe even put up twinkly string lights up on the inside. And of course, the inside has more blankets and soft pillows for cuddles or naps or playtime with his little cutie! Definitely makes you little foods like mac n cheese or dino chicken nuggets. If you like cartoons, he’ll ask you all kinds of questions about your favorites and let you tell him about them! “Oh, who’s that one? Yeah? He’s your favorite, huh? I can see why, he’s very cool!”
🍓📚 Fugo is also skilled in the art of blanket forts, and if you’re a quieter little or easily overwhelmed, that’s okay! Daddy needs quiet time sometimes, too, and a cozy fort is a good place to relax! He’ll sit with you and read picture books, letting you point out the pretty illustrations and praising you when you sound out words on your own if you’re big enough to read by yourself. He often keeps sensory and fidget toys on hand for you to play with, as well as building blocks! Being a caregiver brings out a calmer and more playful side of Fugo, and he often dozes off next to you when you fall asleep after a long day playing.
❤️🤺 Polnareff is another cg who likes to get you cute outfits. He loves to pick out soft clothes that make you feel comfortable and small! He’s also a master of doing hair. Long, short, wavy, curly, thick, thin, he’ll always be happy to brush your hair and style it nicely. He sings songs to you in French, and even teaches you some songs and nursery rhymes for when you play together! He’s a lover of peekaboo with smaller regressors, and he gives great piggyback rides. Polnareff is always happy to play pretend, play dolls, or play dress-up with his little!
💜🧪 Melone loves pet names. You’re his little bunny, or his prince or princess, his honey bun, his cutie pie. For very small regressors, he’ll hum and coo over you as he bounces you in his lap or carries you. He loves to bottle feed you if you’re not big enough to feed yourself, and he’ll often add some vanilla and some honey or something else yummy to your warm milk. Melone will gladly attend any tea parties you have with your toys, and he’ll always ask about the names of any stuffies or dolls you have! If you’re a bit bigger, he might get you some fun science experiment sets-- you can play scientist just like daddy!
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
Hi, it’s 1am and I’ve been doing nothing but writing essays and doing research all day. I finally decided to take a break to doodle for a bit, and while I was doodling, a thought struck me. A moment of genius even.
NRC should totally have a sister school that’s full of women. Perhaps I’m just gay, but I think the idea is super fun and has a lot of comedic potential.
Just like, imagine fem!yuu meeting the girls from the sister school and she gets PAMPERED. Like, the full nine yards, hair, nails, makeup, clothes, spa day. By the time it’s over she’s convinced this is her place. This is where she belongs. And then the reality hits that she has to GO BACK to NRC.
Also IMAGINE the boys being jealous like, ugh, the drama. Anyway that’s all, nighty night.
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
Hey !! So idk if this is really a writing request, it’s more of a question actually but I jus read ur little headcanon series thing about the twst boys finding out ur a girl and i was wondering, what do u think happened between mc and Jamil during his overblot? Bc there was a couple mentions about like Jamil n mc never really getting on good terms and like Ace and Deuce keeping mc away from him a bit. Is that reference to like how Jafar was to Jasmine??
Sorry this is long and if you’ve already answered this somewhere but yah, that’s all, jus curious on ur thoughts !!
Hi! Asking questions is completely cool for me, I love questions?
As for your actual question, you're pretty much on the nose. Yeah, I imagine it's more like a Jafar-Jasmine situation with them. Honestly, regardless of the gender, I've always preferred a more Jafar-Jasmine dynamic over what's actually done in the chapter.
Now, I'm not saying he's nearly as rapey as Jafar is. Jamil isn't the type of person to go that far, even if he's not in a good headspace. Still, he's not in a good headspace at all, and his actions aren't going to be fully his own.
I imagine it goes down like this: Jamil separates the MC from their friends, keeping them at his side like a sick trophy. He makes some no-so-subtle flirty comments toward them, makes them bow down and worship him, and is generally really discomforting. Nothing too forceful, but enough that the average person wouldn't want to be around him anymore than needed.
For him, it's not that he's particularly interested in the MC, it's just that he likes the power he has over them. They're objectively very weak compared to him. They're also valuable to the people he's angry with, so keeping them as his own is a power trip. Watching them bow and squirm in discomfort is a power trip. That is all it is: power.
On top of all of that, he was just... deceptively kind. Something I'm posting later this week will go into this deeper, but he was just... well a snake the whole time. Unlike the other overblotees before him, he actively lied and manipulated everyone. The others, even Leona, didn't pretend to be a good and nice person, but Jamil did.
So yeah, it's a whole Jafar-Jasmine situation, but it's more Jamil-flavored.
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bunni-v1 · 7 months
I don’t see why people feel the need to comment on things they don’t like. If you don’t like something, it’s clearly not made for you. That goes for like everything. Needlessly commenting on someone’s post cause you don’t like it is a waste of your time an energy.
Being that spiteful and hateful cannot be helpful or healthy, right? This was triggered by one comment I got on a post btw, which I won’t publicly share which one or who it was. But the point is pretty important to state in general.
What is the point in commenting on someone else’s post that you don’t like? What do you get out of it other then annoying them. Like, your opinion isn’t going to magically change their own — especially in fandom spaces.
I always found it so strange when I was scrolling through reading headcannons and reading comments and there’s just a random person angry about it. I get that mischaracterization is an issue to understanding actual characters, but at the end of the day it’s just not that serious is it.
Fandom is a safe space for more than just you, you know. You are responsible for curating your own experience as much as I am. If you don’t like something the best thing to do is scroll. There’s no point in wasting energy on something that upsets you.
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bunni-v1 · 7 months
Thinking about how much of a girl failure fem Idia would be. She has no motivation to do anything and sits around and mopes all day. Doesn't go to classes, doesn't stand up for herself, and just sits in her little room all day on Reddit bitching about how miserable she is knowing damn well it's her fault. She just can't help it though, she's so sad and little and miserable!!!
Oh yeah, she definitely goes on forums and baits desperate guys into doing shit for her. Plays the e-kitten, not for free shit, but because she thinks it's so funny how desperate men are. She hates doing it, but the satisfaction she gets from controlling incels is absolutely worth the gross e-girl voice she puts on.
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bunni-v1 · 7 months
I have a ton of crazy twst aus that I'm never ever gonna capitalize on, so I'm just gonna throw out the one that's invaded my daydreams the most recently.
So it's like zombie apocalypse au, but instead of zombies, it's blot. So they don't really have "phantoms" but the blot acts like a brain-eating parasite. Like the one you see in slugs that slowly eat away at them until they take over their bodies. So blot turns them into lifeless creatures, but they have magical abilities that make them more of a threat. The way it spreads is by eating at magic, so using magic against it is pretty much useless and can get the user infected too.
Think... like the flowers in the recent masquerade event, except instead of destroying magic and rendering the sorcerer useless it uses them to get stronger and spread faster.
So it starts with Riddle and inevitably spreads around until there's only a handful of people left who are desperately looking for a cure.
I personally think the survivors would be those who are super resourceful rather than extremely magically talented. Like Ruggie, Epel, Rook, Azul, and Jade (maybe). There would be a few exceptions like Kalim and Idia, and I think that Lilia and Silver have a decent chance of surviving. I wouldn't really say Malleus could since he's pretty reliant on the fact that he's magically strong. Ofc MC survives because they don't have magical capabilities, but they'd probably lose grim which is pretty devastating tbh.
Ruggie and Epel are both able to use their environment to their advantage really well, they know how to make meals out of very little and can survive in harsher environments easily. They're obvious contenders I feel, so they'd both be likely to survive in a more apocalyptic setting.
Rook I also feel is obvious. He's a hunter, and while he does use a lot of magic, he likely can survive without using it. He's good with a bow and arrow, incredibly strong, and way smarter than he lets on. The only way he might die is by sacrificing himself for Vil or someone else, but I don't think Vil would let him do that anyway lol.
Azul and Jade I'm on the fence about. Azul is really resourceful, but he's not exactly athletic or anything. He'd be a vital member of the group for understanding how to bargain and he has loads of knowledge, but other than that he's not too useful in any way. He's just good at conning people into keeping him alive. Jade I feel has a higher chance of surviving than Floyd, but he'd likely only survive if he was able to get away from Azul and Floyd at the start of the spread. He's great to have because he is athletic and can also survive in harsh environments, but he's also Jade so he doesn't deserve to live.
Kalim and Idia are a case of surviving out of sacrifice. I'm sure you could figure that out, but Jamil absolutely would sacrifice himself for Kalim. I'm sorry if you disagree, but it is ingrained in Jamil to protect Kalim and he is fully ready to die for him if he has to. Ortho would sacrifice for Idia, and Idia would only live on because Ortho told him to. Kalim wouldn't be all that resourceful, but he'd be good for group morale and keeping everything happy and healthy. Idia would be amazing if you could get him to any building with any electronics. He can find a way to get the power up and running, and once he has power he has the ability to have eyes everywhere if he so pleases. Really good for looking out for danger too.
Lilia and Silver are probably on a case-by-case basis and depend on how I would write everything. Lilia is a war general so he's been in some pretty tough places. He absolutely could survive an apocalypse, but the death of Sebek and Malleus might just be too much for him to stand. He only recently learned to love because of them, how could he go on without them. Silver would keep living out of sheer willpower. He could lose everything around him, be absolutely devastated, and keep a strong face for his lost family and friends.
There are a couple others that could be swapped in or out, and I'm sure everyone else has their own opinions, but that's kinda my take on the whole au lol.
Thank you for babbling, I'm going back into the void <3
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bunni-v1 · 4 months
Oh, I would LOVE to hear more about your college au!!
I feel like a lot of folks just age them up and call it a day, but I love when I run into people really detail their own au out. One thing I loved that I ran into once was the idea that each dorm was divided into majors - and that's part of your sorting. Pomefiore being Theater Arts (Epel, farm boy going to college to improve and modernize his town agriculture, is just extra horrified lol) though I figure they could probably pick their own minor.
Anyway, I adore hearing details!
TWST College AU (First Years!!!)
🍓Hiiiiii! Thank you for asking! I figured I'd just answer this informally since it shouldn't take too long! (And, to be honest, I don't feel like writing a bunch of headcannons for the entire cast :/)
I really like the idea of the dorms being sorted by major, but uhm... I see Ace as a Film major and Riddle as a Med School student so... that wouldn't really work for me?
The basic idea IS to age them up because I am a college student and I want to write about college students -- plus, the twst campus is set up A LOT like a college already, so I always felt weird that it was a high school? Even when I was still a high schooler playing the game, it never felt like a high school, so obviously I decided to just... change it because that's what fanfic is for.
I also didn't want to just... make them all 18. Like... consistency is important people! Leona is 24 now, sorry girlies <3
So I've talked about the age differences and explained Ortho and all that in my rules (read them please :3). I also mentioned that they act differently! The first years won't change too much, because they are still NEW college students, but they respond to things with more maturity than they would if they were just 15/16 year olds. Because... of course, they would. (I would hope 18-year-olds would be a little more mature.)
But I didn't talk about the structures that I changed, mostly based on my own schedule. I'm only gonna use the first years as examples so please forgive me for ignoring your faves <3
So, the first thing I changed is there is no homeroom teacher because we don't have homeroom teachers in college! So, students have multiple different classes throughout the day.
Let's take our little film major Ace, shall we? Ace's first class of the day is a 'core' class, which is the class he has with Yuu and Deuce. It's a basic magic history course that's required for everyone to take, and it's mostly filled with other first-years. Jack, Epel, and Sebek are all in the class too! This class happens three times a week, MWF. He has three other classes, two of which are major-related and one of which is another core magic class.
Each student has their own specific schedule, and they sometimes overlap with each other. This includes first, second, and third years. To give you a little example: Epel and Ruggie take a course on magic plants together!
Many of the courses at NRC have magic at their core -- because it's a magic school -- but their students are free to study whatever they please! That's why Ace is a film major because he wants to be. He cannot, however, pick what kind of magic he gets to study.
Because, of course, the kind of magic you study is based on the dorm you are sorted into. Students have to take at least four classes to do with their dorm's magic type to graduate. It's harder for some students and easier for others.
Epel, of course, hates Pomefiore because he HATES potion-making. He is also surrounded by many theatre majors because... well... just because your dorm doesn't decide your major doesn't stop the same types of people from gathering in one place.
Each dorm has a stereotypical major type associated with it. Many students in Octinivelle are business majors, Pomefiore is performing arts, Savanahclaw is the fitness kids, etc.
So, with all that out of the way, I want to go through the core cast of first years. Namely, their majors and the way I've tweaked their personalities.
Ace: As I mentioned, he's a film major! He loves movies, and he's such a geek about them, so he thought 'Why not!' To be specific, he wants to go into film writing, but he's not dedicated himself to it yet. He's still got four years ahead of him, so he doesn't have to worry about it too hard. Ace is a LOT more chill as a college student. He still teases his friends and he's STILL a huge dickhead, but he knows when he fucked up and needs to apologize. He's more willing to just back off when he needs to and accept his faults as his own, unlike highschool Ace in game. He's still got a firey personality and will stand up to authority, so at his core, he's still the same Ace, just a bit more chilled out.
Deuce: Is a first-generation college student, so he feels like he's got a lot riding on his back. He went into business, mostly because he felt like he HAD to if he wanted a good life for himself. However, he dabbles in a lot of stuff. He constantly does a ton of extracurriculars and is curious about all the courses at NRC. This Deuce is more self-assured than he usually is. He's confident in what he feels he wants/needs, even if it ISN'T what he wants/needs. He, however, still is not great at managing his anger. He still has really big outbursts when he's been upset by something, but he tries his best to keep a cool head and ALWAYS apologizes afterward to his friends.
Jack: You guys are just gonna have to trust me on this one. Jack is majoring in kinesiology with a minor in physical education. He wants to be a personal trainer/occupational therapist! In my opinion, Jack stays the MOST consistent among the first years. He's still pretty strong in his sense of justice, and he's reliable and generally pretty nice. The only thing I could really see changing is that he's a bit more approachable and he's more willing to talk to his fellow students.
Epel: POOR EPEL LMAO. He's an agricultural major, specifically in Agribusiness so he can help his family farm grow more, because he loves his granny so much. He also minors in Agricultural magic -- so, learning about how magic can be used to cultivate plants and the like. Imagine his surprise when he's shoved into the "performing arts" dorm. Epel has more come into his own as a college student. He'd be less pissy about his more feminine looks, though he still tries his best to appear more masculine. He's more willing to bite back at Vil than normal as well because he's an adult now and he doesn't wanna be pushed around.
Ortho: Kid genius! He's a robot, so of course he's a kid genius. Ortho is the only member of the cast who is still under 18 (he's 16 years old and in college!) He majors in computer science, specifically robotics -- he likes to understand how he works lol. BUT, he's an anthropology minor! He likes learning about humans too! He's still very much adoring of his brother, but he has a personality outside of that lol. He's sassy and witty, and really sociable! I'd go so far as to say he's popular around campus, especially since he involves himself in a bunch of different activities.
Sebek: Sebek majors in Magical Studies! It's a general major that can be filtered down into multiple different specific majors, but as for now, he's just Magic Studies generally. Sebek is... an oddball... even still in college. His love for Malleus has never gone away, nor has his dedication. He's like the kid you meet who never really grew up past their freshman year -- mostly because they were never really exposed to ideas outside of what they know. College would have him on edge because A LOT of it is just questioning what he knows, and he's not handling it well. I would say he's probably more awkward than anything. Not as in him making others uncomfortable with his weird behaviors, but him making HIMSELF uncomfortable because of it lol. (He still needs to grow a lot!)
That's all I can think of though! Thank you for asking, I loveeeeeeee questions!!
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bunni-v1 · 4 months
I saw someone refer to Jade as the male version of a lesbian and Floyd as the gay version of a straight man and it's been haunting me ever since.
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bunni-v1 · 1 month
wdym insanity there’s no such thing as that
Ur right. There is only the sane and the super sane, which we are of course the super sane.
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
yo it’s the anon who sent the yuu pick violence ask. i’m now just imagining that yuu becomes besties with silver or something, to a point where he doesn’t see them as a threat, and one day someone just fucks around, (perchance crowley or something) and finds out via yuu stealing silvers sword right then and is like “mf try me i dare you” and no brain cell duo is like (꒪⌓꒪) and the responsible ppl are like mf who gave them a sword
(4 midterms in 4 consecutive weeks is hell, i have no brain cell left lmaooooo *dabs*)
I feel like violent yuu tends to get close to people they know are pretty chill, because it helps to mellow them out when they’re acting nuts and stuff. Like what you said, Silver would be a good candidate for friendship. Jamil and Leona also work, and even Ruggie too.
However, when yuu is angry they can make ANYTHING a weapon. Literally anything, I swear. Like they’ve plucked buttons off their shirt and hurled them at people as a last resort to get their violent tendencies out.
Violent yuu also tends to attract the more… annoying kinda of attention. Like Jade and Floyd and Azul all have their eyes on them for a variety of reasons. Jade and Floyd find them fun to poke and prod at, Azul thinks that they would be good muscle and intimidation.
Riddle probably hates their guts, cause they’re always causing trouble and getting pissed which makes him pissed — it’s just a big cycle with him. Most other characters would be pretty neutral, if not a little concerned at their ability to turn anything into a weapon.
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
It may be the 1am in me talking, but twst fic writers need to show grim more love! I need to show him more love! He is so lovely and silly I adore grim and no one cares about him!!!!!! This is a CRIME!!!!!!!!
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
this be shitpost bc i’m brain dead from midterms ahhhaaaaaaaaaaa
i wanna see yuu pick violence. just throw rocks or grim or something. he’s very small and prolly v throwable. let the others fear yuu and their wrath. in a funnie way. they’re underpaid and sleep deprived. like how everyone fears lillias cooking, except it’s funnie. not like violence violence, just like ppl going “oh shit who gave yuu a flamethrower??? how’d they get it wtf???” or like “yo yuu brought a trebuchet? i didn’t know we had one here” “tf no we don’t where did they get it”
thoughts/opinions? (i just like throwing random 1am thoughts at ppl anonymously hehe)
I love yuu being violent and mean right back at the NRC guys. It's so funny to me because some of these guys need it lmao.
Matching Floyd and Jade's energy, and actually being a threat and being willing to go through with it. They're terrifying lmaoooo. Crowley doesn't allow weapons on school property, sadly, but Yuu would just get creative then.
Anything is a weapon if you're creative enough, that's their motto. So even though they can't bring a fucking GUN on campus, they will happily use their fire poker to beat the shit out of anyone who wrongs them.
It's EVEN FUNNIER when you consider overblots, because they just have so much pent-up rage that adrenaline overrides their fear and they just do the stupidest shit. Riddle is using distanced attacks, Yuu gets up close and beats the blot out of him. Can't get close to Leona, start throwing shit, and hope that it hits.
The vibes are scary but cartoonishly hilarious.
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