#burner kit kat
pepperbenmin666 · 2 years
✨/ school doodles
Firstly, BURNER (i didnt know if i should give record a hijab or not, what do u guys think)
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Secondly AİB
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Then kirby and bluey doodles
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trophyshy · 1 month
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I was playing a bit of that Burner RP on Roblox and decided to draw Kit.
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deafenedsaltwater · 3 months
Wrote this once already but Tumblr deleted in when I breifly windowed the app, man is everything working against me getting this out
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Probably not worth whatever hype the wait gave you, but I tried
Alt version with others in the cast drawn from memory (with my finger)
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Now to the meat of my notes!
A comparison with the original is the first thing I'll do
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Color choices -
Maroon for the skin and much more defined black and white for the clothes. This was done to make a more prominent difference between clothing and the rest of it, to add something of a feel of uniform (it may not make sense to you, but it does to me)
In the new one, I made DDL entirely out of black and white. This ties into a design I do for a lot of the hosts, especially ones that aren't animated using assets. It's to make him more casual while also being more inhuman. With less identifiable features, the goal is to make his presence odder and less human
Hair -
In the original, I made it more realistic, and it was basically just what first came to mind. I'm honestly not sure WHY I did it like that. The two lines are to make it clear it's hair, and add the idea it's slicked back
In the new design, I made his hair protrusion thingy both longer and gave it less height. Most of that is me drawing it from what I remembered of the design, not what it actually was. I gave the ponytail a much less realistic gravity, and no hairtie to add onto the minimalism in detail
The references I used -
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These two, that's it
Kit Kat's design -
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Pretty much the only thing I think I did decently here
I know Sacri already made her a human design, but I wanted to put my own spin on it, and I didn't want to have to make her bit too much of a big deal
Yes, her hair would've had to braids at the beginning of the series, and one of her chocolates being broken was replaced in my mind for her hair being chopped off
Necklaces are to represent that little circle thing on her wrapper, and the skirt is to represent that frilly crease thing
Her shirt was probably torn and repaired, and she just doesn't care enough to replace it, that's my take on the wrapper being ripped
Last thing -
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Two eyed wink :]
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
Ello! Cat advice anon here, just checking in and hoping that i can help a bit more! Holy Moly, from 0 to 4 kit-kats is a LOT. I commend you for taking in so many, personally I've never had more than 2 at a time sharing the same house, so i can only imagine the chaos! An Experience indeed!
For the overly-cuddly Hwanggeum, I'd say it's either bc you're the "head of the house", so to say, or bc you're her favourite and have been till now showering her with most of the attention she's been wanting. Or it could be both. Blue, my oldest, has always presented to my father, but otherwise she always comes to me bc I'm her main source of affection.
I dunno what might stop Hwanggeum from rubbing on everything, since I haven't had this problem with mine (they're actually not very territorial with space as much as with us humans haha!), but maybe having a smell she doesn't like near the places you want to keep her from might help? Smt like sanitary alcohol or another pungent smell, maybe, which might also help with keeping the others from spraying everywhere.
The smell might fade with time, but the stains sure don't as easily 😣 Found that out the hard way when we discovered a hidden spot in the closet where one of them had peed in a while back, but the smell had faded after some time without us managing to find the source of the smell. Then we found some clothes stained and still emitting a slight odor and knew immediately there'd be no saving them 😓
Hopefully the cat you've managed to find a free spot for doesn't go in heat right before it bc otherwise you (or the shelter) might have to wait till after it ends. You might have gotten used to recognising signs of an incoming heat by now, but just in case, watch out for a sudden increase in demands for affection and loud vocalisations. Mine get real cuddly and all meowy about a week before the real thing hits, but it's obvious bc they're usually not super affectionate with us unless it's our nightly or morning cuddle session 😊 Then again, no two cats are the same, one of them is super clingy and the other super bitey 😂
We plan on spaying them soon, but haven't since my mom is (understandably but also frustratingly) overly cautious about the surgery and the aftermath and keeps thinking of worst case scenarios, but my sibling and I finally convinced her.
Anyway, one last piece of advice i have is playing. There's nothing like that hunting instinct activating and putting the hindbrain on the back burner, which is exactly what happens when you play with them with a string or a powered mouse or mini car (the younger one, Odette, loves a tiny truck i got from a kinder egg or something. its back wheels can be dragged back and released and it spins and twists as it goes) for them to chase.
I think that's all I have to offer, sadly, but, once again, hopefully smt does help outta all that rambling of mine. Wishing lots of love to all 4 of the babies and lots of patience to you and your qpp, you guys are doing your best ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From two snakes zero cats to four cats two snakes AND one umbrella cockatoo!! Would it surprise you if I told you that the cockatoo is the easiest of the new animals to deal with?? It's been a learning curve for sure-apart from the heat cycles, the two cats we're keeping both have vomiting issues (one from eating too much too fast, one from being unable to digest the dry food), so it's been a learning curve for sure. And ofc now that Hwanggeum is out of heat, Mochi is going into it, so it's been a domino effect of horny single ladies near me. Someone pissed on my bed just today, which means that I'm gonna have to go back to keeping my room closed off to the cats until it passes, and I feel bad about that bc miss old lady Fiona has taken a soft spot to sleeping on Toast's enclosure + my bed
Hwanggeum- who I've taken to calling Revelry bc she reminds me so much of my friend's DND character + she's silvered out of her golden kitten phase- def. has imprinted onto me, I think. She follows me around everywhere, wails when she can't see me, and tries to make my life as difficult as possible when I need to leave for work via climbing up my leg when she sees me getting ready. So I'm pretty sure that's why she was so clingy when in heat. Thankfully that's ended for now but *man* did it make working on anything difficult bc she turned into a velcro kitty for about a week- I've got minor scratches all up my legs and shoulders from her jumping on my back or climbing me
The problem I've personally found with her rubbing, though, is that these cats rub really aggressively on *everything*, to the point where I'm not sure how get the scent trick working. It's like, they'll rub on any surface they see, but then you make eye contact with them and they start to rub even more aggressively, knocking everything and themselves over in the process. It's fine with minor unbreakeable shit but very difficult when you're in the middle of painting something and they jump up onto your desk and start rubbing their cheeks against your lamp, paint jar, etc. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle that, since Mochi is twice the size of the others and has some real bulldozing power to her. I think we're fine with not missing the shelter spots bc we likely can't get a spot for the spays until mid August anyways, but yeah...I'm eager to get them spayed lol. If cost wasn't so prohibitive then it would have been done right away, but, well...the cheapest we found is 50 per spay, and that's via a mobile vet mobile that is currently unavailiable. And none of us have 150 dollars to get all 3 cats done, so waiting for the two getting adopted out to get their freebies + the clinic to come back for Rev is our only option. Toys ARE a great suggestion, though- I just need to find the ones that they have. They had a whole bunch of them they used to play kitty soccer with that seem to have mysteriously dissapeared, and we haven't the faintest idea where they've gone. I'm already planning on making a stick-and-mouse toy with some cleaned dropped branches and old scraps I've got lying around for sewing practice
Appreciate all your help and well wishes! Both of us are a little overwhelmed, but we're trying our best and making sure we communicate solutions to the problems. I'm going to try my best to get the piss outta my sheets but I appreciate the heads up about the staining lol
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beileil · 2 years
very late but i'm the anon who was asking for Genos fic recs! i would love to see what kind of genosai fics you have to recommend as well!
Nonny. This ask makes me so happy. (Also congrats on being my first ever anon who isn't a bot!) Original ask to @gofancyninjaworld and my recommendation for Savior Complex is here.
In 2019 when I was in my "honeymoon" phase of the fandom, I actually went through the beginning of the One Punch Man fics on Ao3; filtered by English language, Exclude Crossovers, and the Saitama/Genos relationship tag; and read damn near every one of them that wasn't just a short PWP. I also skipped it if it was an incomplete work that was less than 2,000 words or so and hadn't been updated in a while, because I didn't want to get sucked into a good fic that had a good chance of never being finished. But I think I fully read about 500 fics.
If you want my full bookmarks list (sorted to Saitama/Genos fics), it's here. BUT keep in mind that: some of them only have SaiGenos as a side pairing, some of them are super guilty pleasure or have tropes like A/B/O that not everyone likes, and there are lots of fics by particular authors that I love but didn't necessarily add to my bookmarks because I just visit their author page to reread them.
I'm going to put specific fic recs beneath the cut, because this is going to get long. If anyone else has SaiGenos fic recs, please hop in on the notes or reblogs!
This is my Best of the Best list, authors and/or specific fics that really stand out. I'm going to try to keep it Genos-centric because of your original ask, but there may be some from Saitama's POV that are just so good that I need to throw them in there. And obviously this isn't all of them...it's more of a "start with these". Here we go!
Pretty much anything by batneko. She's phenomenal. My personal favorites include: The Charcoal Burner (Saitama as Cinderella...sort of? It's funny af), Boom Town (wild west AU, unfinished but the one chapter that's up is long), Cursed Forest (Japanese folklore/yokai AU where Genos is a kitsune and Saitama is a monk; has the cutest ending), Reset (Genos goes back in time to try to stop the attack on his village; this one is angsty so you really need to be in a mood for it), One Small Step (Men in Black AU), Missed Connections (gonna be honest, this one's a personal fave because Iaian is in it, but it's also extremely good), and anything in the Myth AU series.
Kakera (@unfortunatelycake) is another author who has tons of fics I love, and writes a WIDE variety of pairings. Personal favorites of her SaiGenos fics are: Found in Silence, These Things Unheard (Genos loses his hearing and Saitama realizes Feelings), and A Place of Healing (wartime AU that takes place in an army hospital; very angsty but amazing payoff).
Demon Cyborg's Livestream by Rayadraws, which is the first fic I ever bookmarked. Genos gets forced by the HA to do livestreams. The results are hilarious.
Similar to the above fic, but it's Saitama doing livestreams: A Live Wire by modeoheim. It's from Saitama's POV, but obviously Genos is there.
Green tea kit-kats by thesaraghina. In which Saitama runs a cat cafe. It is extremely cute. Technically unfinished, but doesn't leave off in an unsatisfying place.
An Untethered Soul by Crandberrycrush. Sort of a medieval high fantasy AU. Amazing worldbuilding, and has an interesting take on Genos effectively turning into a "medieval cyborg".
Call Me Home by aerynevenstar. This one is famous for a reason. To date, it is the only fic that has affected me so hard that I threw my phone across the room, screamed "Oh my GOD", and had to calm down my pounding heart before I continued.
The God and the Demon. Saitama is a god. Genos is a demon. The writing is beautiful.
It Doesn't Get Any Realer Than This by FandomShuffle. In which a reality show crew follows Saitama and Genos around. My favorite thing about this fic is that the point of views are really unique, because you mostly see things from Genos' perspective, but sometimes it flips to the TV viewers, camera crew, or other characters (some of which you rarely see in fanfiction).
I Want You to Want Me by One_Punch_Chan. Genos has a stalker, Saitama pretends to be his boyfriend to deter them. Every sentence in this fic is funny.
And finally, the most meta SaiGenos fic I can think of: Big Name Fan by hazeltea. In which Saitama checks his Ao3 tag, is disappointed at the lack of results, and Genos fixes it.
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its-flicked-switch · 5 years
Just Because
Mulder surprises Scully with an early morning breakfast.
Rating: Teen and Up
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This short, early morning drabble is a gift to @kikocrystalball and @kyouryokusenshi, who have both been huge supporters of my work and also happen to be huge fans of Mulder/Scully family/baby fics. Ladies, this is your ‘just because’ appreciation story. 
Set early January following the birth of baby girl Mulder. Enjoy.
When he hears the first whimper, Mulder rolls and reaches for the monitor, stilling himself on his side and breathing out a soft sigh of relief when the warm body nestled behind him remains unmoved.
Thankful that he had been able to reach the monitor in time, he gets out of bed as stealthy as possible, careful not disturb the sheets or comforter beyond what is necessary to exit. Experience has taught him that there is only a short window of time following the initial whimper. His daughter is a lot of things, but patience, thus far, has not been her virtue. Grabbing a pair of sweat pants from the floor, he tip-toes across their room and closes the door lightly behind him before making his way into the nursery.
Pulling on his sweatpants, he silently celebrates his impeccable timing when the beginnings of a soon-to-be cry face immediately shift into an opened-mouthed grin as he reaches the side of her crib.
"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers to her.
Returning her smile, he picks her up and cradles her onto his bare chest, placing kisses along the beginnings of her fine, strawberry blonde hair as he takes in her scent. The fresh smell of clean baby still clings to her skin from her bath the night before, but he also smells Scully, who had bathed and fed her before putting her down for the night.
Her happy coos and early morning babbles fill Mulder with a sense of happiness and contentment that he has never experienced before. Rocking her gently on his chest, he carries her over to the changing table and lays her down. Every time he looks at her, his heart threatens to burst. The fact that she's here and that she's theirs still shocks him in the best possible way.
Before Scully, there had always been layers of protection to ensure that a pregnancy was not possible. As traumatic as his own childhood had been, the prospect of having a child of his own had terrified him to no end. It wasn't until he fell in love with Scully that he came to understand the desire to procreate. His love for her had filled him with an unquenchable thirst that he had never experienced before. The desire to please her and fulfill her desires had negated all of his preconceived notions and fears regarding family. All these years later, Mulder has many regrets, but combining his DNA with Dana Scully's has never been one of them.
In the years that followed William's adoption, he and Scully had done little to prevent additional pregnancies. Though they had never spoken about it in the traditional sense, he was not naive to Scully's desires or intentions. The hormones he found in their medicine cabinet in combination with the subtle, almost indistinguishable dots and lines in her planner had required no translation.
She wanted to be a mother. She wanted to try again.
In his own way, Mulder had prayed for another miracle just as she had. The silence that followed had only served to solidify to him that there was nobody up there who was listening. Until, of course, the day that there was.
The little bundle in front of him had changed everything. Scully had taught him what love was, but even his love for her hadn't prepared him for the love he felt for his daughter. Katherine Margaret Mulder's entrance into their lives had been a shock. Being in their fifties, a baby had been the furthest thing from either of their minds, but now, neither of them can image their lives without her. She is Scully made over but with his goofy disposition and sense of wonder.
"Not too loud, Kit-Kat," he says softly, in an attempt to keep her coos quiet. "We don't want to wake Mommy — again."
She looks up at him with an expression of pure delight, smiling up at him as if he has told her the funniest the story she's ever heard as he seals her new diaper and puts her tiny little feet back into her footed pajamas.
"That's Daddy's girl," he says, lifting her to his lips and kissing her little nose and forehead before bringing her back to rest against his chest.
Taking extra care to avoid the creaky spots on the stairs, Mulder carries her downstairs and retrieves one of her pre-made bottles out of the refrigerator to warm. Keeping her cradled securely in against his chest, he turns on the burner beneath the tea kettle and begins to gather the ingredients he had hidden the night before. Warming the bottle just as Scully had shown him, he shakes it and then tests it on his forearm before offering it to her.
"Now, I know this isn't the same as Mommy. But Daddy needs Mommy to sleep a little while longer, so I'm going to need you to be a team player this morning and take this bottle like a champ, okay?"
When he brings the bottle up to her lips, she fusses a bit, but with some gentle rocking and soothing whispers, he's able to get to her settle enough to take it. The first time he tried this, she had outright refused, her Scully temper flaring at being denied the comfort of her mother's breast. But with Scully working again, she has gotten a lot better at taking a bottle in her mother's absence.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he lowers his head to kiss her little head, stilling his movement when her tiny hand comes into contact with the morning stubbles on his chin. When he looks down at her again, she stops suckling with an audible pop and smiles up at him. Tears threaten the edges of his eyes as he runs his thumb across her cheek and nestles her deeper into his embrace in a way that encourages her to continue to suckle.
"You know, there was a time in my life that I didn't believe in miracles," he whispers to her softly. "I've always wanted to believe, but deep down, I didn't. Not really. The power of belief … I didn't have that until I met your mother. I was broken, damaged, and flawed beyond measure, but she loved me anyway. Her love was my miracle. It's what gave me the courage to believe."
The room is silent as he continues to rock her and watch her feed.
"When I look at you, I see her … which is why daddy keeps buying guns."
"Ah, so that's why," a voice from behind says softly.
Her voice is raspy from sleep, but there's underlying emotion to it that brings a soft smile to his lips. He doesn't have to turn to know that he's made his wife cry.
"How long have you been standing there, Scully?"
"Long enough."
Having heard her voice, their daughter begins to squirm and turn her head away from the bottle.
"Well, now that you're here, this just won't do. Though I can't say that I blame her. Daddy prefers the real thing too."
He turns around to find Scully leaning against framing of the entryway to kitchen clad in a robe and fuzzy house slippers that help to explain her silent entry. He starts to rise from the chair, but the nod she gives him as she begins to move across the room, stills his movement.
When she reaches him, she bends forward and gives him a lingering kiss as she takes their daughter from him.
"Good morning," he says to her as their lips part.
"Good morning."
Bringing the squirming infant to her chest, Scully settles in the chair next to him.
"Patience, Katie …. patience," she says, chuckling at the impatience their daughter is displaying as she undoes the sash on her robe.
The sounds of her impatient fuss are quickly quieted and replaced with the sound of suckling as she latches on and settles in her mother's arms. Watching their daughter feed is something Mulder will never tire of, but his love for his daughter doesn't overshadow the fact that he is still very much a man.
It had taken several months for Scully's body to recover from Katie's delivery, but last week she had surprised him in the shower and announced her body was ready, coaxing him into pinning her up against the shower wall and having his way with her. He has had trouble keeping his hands off of her ever since then. Last night had been no exception.
Looking at her now as she feeds their daughter, it's quite apparent that she's wearing nothing aside from her robe, slippers, and a smile.
What's all of this?" she asks, nodding her head towards the various packages on the countertop.
The light in her eyes as she speaks only makes him want her more.
"Just a little something," he replies with meaning.
"Hmmm … just a little something?" she asks, raising her brow.
"The plan was breakfast in bed, but I guess me and Kit-Kat weren't quiet enough, huh little one?" he asks, standing and raising his hand to brush across his daughter's cheek as she continues to feed.
"It was actually the quiet that woke me. That and the cool sheets behind me," she says with a smile. "You should have woken me."
"You've been working long hours, and I kept you up late last night."
"That you did … but I didn't mind."
Chuckling, his mind drifts back to the night before. After putting Katie to bed, Scully had put in a movie and joined him on the couch. If he were to be asked at gunpoint what movie she put in, he wouldn't be able to answer to save his life.
"You could refrain from looking so pleased with yourself," she says, her eyes following him as walks over to the countertop and begins to organize the ingredients he has pulled out for breakfast.
"I could."
Her hearty laughter diverts his attention back to her. With her sash untied and their daughter cuddled up against her breasts, she is a vision. In the comfort of their own home, there is no need for modesty, but comfort isn't her only motivation. Scully knows damn well what she's doing. If she weren't feeding their daughter, he'd lay her out on the kitchen table and wipe that teasing smirk right off of her face, but there are certain things little eyes don't need to see, even if she is only two and half months old and unlikely to remember.
"What's the occasion?" she asks, eyeing the pancake mix and fresh fruit out on the countertop.
"Breakfast in bed?"
"Does there have to be an occasion?"
"No," she replies, her voice dropping an octave as she questions me with her eyes.
Before she can question him further, Katie becomes restless, wiggling in Scully's arms and demanding her attention as she unlatches and begins to fuss. Shifting her in her arms, Scully raises her onto her shoulder to burp, which only serves the intensify the level of fuss.
Knowing she will quiet when Scully repositions her, Mulder continues to gather ingredients without offering assistance, pulling out a few eggs, fresh strawberries, and a package of bacon from the refrigerator. Pans, utensils, measuring cups, and a mixing bowl follow. By the time he's gotten everything organized and the first few pieces of bacon in the skillet, Katie has quieted and is contently feeding.
"I could get used to this. You, shirtless … making me breakfast," she says.
To this, he can only smirk. He's frying bacon with no shirt. He fears nothing, and she has made him this way.
"You could, but then it wouldn't be a ‘just because’ breakfast anymore. It would just be breakfast."
"So that's what this is? A ‘just because’ breakfast?"
Yes, he thinks. That is precisely what this is.
Giving her knowing smile, he doesn't answer with words. Instead, he cracks eggs, flips bacon, cuts strawberries, and mixes pancake batter. Surprising her in bed would have been fun, but he is by no means disappointed in the view he has as he works. If the smile that adorns her face now is any indication, Scully is perfectly content to let him keep her guessing, which is good, because he has significant plans for the whipped cream hidden in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.
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thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (1.17.2019)
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BOXERS WH: EL FLOW Latin party (9pm) 
WEST END:  Selma Nilla (9pm);  The Ultimate Drag Pageant (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
TOOLBOX: Vinny Vega (11pm)
HARDWARE: Shuga Cain with Viva Vidalia (7pm);  Shequida with  ShekneadThisGig & Crystal Comedowns (11:30pm) 
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm);  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Primo Boys gogos (10pm) 
RISE: DJ Natazu (10pm) 
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
THERAPY: Brita Filter, Rosé & Lagoona Bloo (11pm) 
RITZ: Morgan Royel with DJ K Styles (11pm) 
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “Awards Shows″ feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling, Jada Valenciaga & JanSport (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
EAGLE: GEAR / KINK night (10pm) 
REBAR: Thotyssey’s THOT MESS feat. Gilda Wabbit, Cory Alexander & Alisha Day. (10pm)
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
PIECES: Jasmine Rice with Holly Box-Springs (8pm);  Pissi Myles (11pm)
ROCKBAR: Haireola Grande (8pm);  ROCK THE ROCKBAR (9pm) 
STONEWALL: Karaoke downstairs (9pm);  Logan Hardcore upstairs (10pm) 
MONSTER: SPUNK hosted by Trinity Beat (10pm)
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX: Lauren Ordair (11:30pm) 
PROFESSOR THOM’S: Bingo with Catrina Lovelace (8pm)
CLUB CUMMING: DJ William Francis with Lola Michele-Kiki & Catrina Lovelace (11pm) 
PHOENIX: Trivia Night (8pm);  QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner &  Mocha Lite (10pm) 
COCK: DJ Scott Ewalt (11pm) 
SYCAMORE: B TRAIN bingo with Shay D'Pines (8pm);  DJ Gogo Gadget (10pm);  Burlesque performances (midnight)
METROPOLITAN: DRAGNET competition hosted by Merrie Cherry  (10pm)
BIZARRE: “Sinners Kit Kat Cabaret” feat. Vic Sin & Doll Body with Lee VaLone, Amrita, C'etait Bon Temps, Darlinda Just Darlinda, Le Petit DumDum, Wae Mess, Scarlet Envy & Shelly Watson (10pm)
UNION POOL: PAT party (10pm)
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ALBATROSS: Wii Game Night with Avant Garbage (9pm) 
ICON: Karaoke (10:30pm)
STATION PUB: Porsche with Ivy Stalls & Annie Manildoo (8pm) 
FEATHERS: Latin party feat. Jolina Jasmine (10pm)
EL BALCON: DKabaret Noche LGBT (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa with Rhedd Rhumm (10pm)
Full List Here
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trophyshy · 2 months
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“MILD”! Just Mild.
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sachewellness-blog · 6 years
Herbal teas can be defined as teas and infusions made from herbs, spices, dried fruits or flowers. These ingredients are rich in necessary and beneficial ingredients for maintaining a good health. Besides the health benefits, they also serve as a perfect alternative to sugary beverages.
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derekswhore · 4 years
chapters zero, one, two, three
2x06. the boogeyman.
    Kitanna Egorova was nothing more than a weapon. Or, that's how she felt, anyway. And due to never sharing her problems with anyone, no one knew how she felt. Not even her brother, who has mostly the same problems as her.
   Kit's phone rang and she sighed. "Hello?" She asked.
   "Привет Китти," a male voice on the other end answered. ( Hello, Kitty. )
   Kit stopped and glanced around. "Лорен, сейчас не время говорить," she replied. ( Loren, now isn't the time to talk. )
   She heard Loren sigh on the other end. "Китанна, скажи мне это. Вы тоже получили фотографии?" He asked. ( Kitanna, tell me. Did you also get photos? )
   "У тебя есть фотографии?" Kit asked, panicked. ( You got photos? )
   "Я так понимаю, у тебя есть фотографии," Loren said. ( I take it you got photos. )
   "Да. Запомни мой номер, потому что я знаю, что ты разговариваешь по телефону. Поговорим позже," Kit said, hanging up. ( Yes, I did. Remember my number, because I know you're on a burner phone. We'll talk later. )
   Kit walked up to the front door of Hotch's house and sighed. She knocked quickly and Haley opened the door almost immediately. "Hi," Kit said, smiling.
   Haley smiled brightly. "Hi! Jack's missed you a ton," she said, letting Kit into the house, "he's starting to think of you as his big sister."
   That warmed Kit's heart a bit. "Really?" She asked.
   "Oh, yeah," Haley nodded, "he absolutely loves you."
   "I'm so sorry I missed his birthday, by the way," Kit said, "Aleksander and his boyfriend, Noah, were going out all day for Noah's birthday and dragged me along."
   "It's no problem, don't worry about it," Haley said. Kit heard Jack's footsteps and smiled once he ran into the room. He ran over to Kit and she picked him up. "Kit?" Hotch asked as he followed Jack into the room.
   Kit smiled. "It's almost Halloween, I thought I'd see Jack before we're bombarded with cases," she said.
   Hotch nodded, giving her a small smile. "Well, after you're done, I'll give you a ride," he said. Kit nodded.
   "Thanks," she said.
   "Nicholas Faye of Ozona, Texas, was beaten to death roughly thirteen hours ago. Blunt force trauma to the head. He's the second young boy in Ozona to die the same death in the last two months," JJ said, "local hunter found his body in the woods. First victim's name, Robbie Davis."
   "Are these boys connected somehow?" Derek asked.
   "Ozona's population is roughly 2,500," JJ said, "everyone has some kind of connection."
   "Well, shit," Kit said softly.
   "Well, if they weren't linked before, they most certainly are now," Derek said.
   "Both murdered by the same offender," Spencer said.
   "Who's hunting children," Jason said.
plato wrote, " we can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. "
   "You guys hear Elle was cleared?" Spencer asked as he sat down.
   "Self-defense," Kit and Derek said. Derek noticed her fiddling with the thin chain of her necklace.
   "So, it was a good shoot," Spencer said.
   "She hit what she was aimin' for," JJ said. Kit snorted and looked down, biting her lip.
   "That's not what I meant," Spencer said.
   "I know," JJ said.
   "If they cleared her, how come she's not here with us?" Derek asked, "or Hotch?"
   "Who knows," Kit said, looking up.
   "Focus on the case," Jason said.
   JJ looked at them and sighed. "Ozona police and autopsy report for Nicholas Faye and Robbie Davis," she said, handing it to Jason.
   "Well, the bludgeoning could suggest frustration or rage," Derek said.
   "With no apparent sexual motivation. That's rare when the victims are this young," Spencer said.
   "My maternal instinct is telling me to slap flex tape over Spencer's mouth the next time he mentions that," Kit said.
   "Maternal instinct?" JJ questioned.
   "Flex tape?!" Spencer asked loudly, alarmed.
   "You heard her, Pretty Boy, time to stop with your rambling," Derek smirked.
   "This unsub seems to be taking pleasure from the kill itself," Jason said.
   "So if it's not sexual, what's the significance of targeting young males?" Cora asked.
   "Most serial killers prey upon specific types to carry out their fantasies of revenge," Aleksander said.
   "You've been hanging out with one of the doctors too much, my money's on Spencer," Kit said. Spencer continued to talk ad JJ's phone rang.
   "Bundy killed that looked like an ex-girlfriend who jilted him. Dahmer claimed that schoolyard harassment fed into his fury," Spencer said.
   "So maybe these little boys represent someone who victimized the offender," Kit said.
   "Like a young male from his past," Spencer said, "maybe a bully, an older brother, someone who abused him."
   "No, that's unlikely," JJ said as she got off the phone, "they just found another body. 11-year-old girl."
   Kit sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. Derek grabbed her hand gently. "Why would the victimology change like that?" Cora asked.
   "Maybe the girl wasn't the target. Maybe she just got in the way," Derek said.
   "Or the sex of his victim isn't significant. The pace he's killing certainly indicates a velocity of change," Jason said.
   "We can't surveil every kid in Ozona. How are we supposed to keep them all safe?" JJ asked.
   "Enforce a curfew?" Spencer asked.
   Kit and Derek both shook their heads slightly. "Children shouldn't have to worry about something like that," Derek said.
   "Tell me about it," JJ muttered, "the woods were the only thing I was afraid of when I was a kid."
   "Seriously?" Derek asked, "thought you grew up in a small town."
   "Yeah, surrounded by woods," JJ said.
   "Bummer for you," Derek said.
   "Yeah," JJ sighed.
   "Only thing I was afraid of was the dark," Derek said.
   "Some of us still are," Spencer said.
   "You're afraid of the dark?" Kit asked, "that's okay, I'm afraid of medical masks."
   "When we land, Morgan and Kit go to the new crime scene. The little girl," Jason said, "I'll look at the scene where Nicholas Faye was found."
   Derek sighed and looked at Kit as she spoke with the ME. The deputy ( or, that's what Kit guessed he was ) had told them the little girl was bludgeoned to death the same way the boys had been. "Not entirely true. I found some markings on her scalp that indicated that this psycho beat her post-mortem," the ME said.
   "The unsub's getting more brazen," Kit said.
   "He's getting brazen, all right," the ME said, "I've bagged three children in the last month."
   "Now he's spending more time with the victims even after death," Derek said, "he had to know he wasn't gonna be interrupted, but how? Hoe could he be so sure?"
   "The forest goes for miles and miles, but nobody goes walkin' in it unless they're lookin' to kill," the ME said.
   Kit and Derek looked at the sign. "Or hunt," Kit said.
   "In which case, he'd know every inch of these woods, right, every trail?" Derek asked, "Kit Kat, whoever killed these children is very familiar with this area. In my opinion, he probably lived on Ozona his whole life."
   "It's something we call the buddy system. That means you always go everywhere with a friend," JJ said.
   "That's right, because bad men and women are more likely to talk to us only when we're by ourselves," Derek said.
   "We don't know what these guys look like yet. It could be somebody you know," Kit said.
   A little girl raised her hand. "Yes, sweetheart, you got a question?" Derek asked.
   "There was this little girl once on the news, who just got grabbed right in front of her house. Could that happen to us?" The girl asked.
   Derek glanced at Kit and JJ, Kit simply shrugging, as if to say, 'you're in your own with this one.' He gave her a dirty look.
   "Nothing's gonna happen to any of you, as long as you remember this buddy system, okay?" Derek asked.
   "Can I have your attention, please?" Jason asked, "good afternoon. We want to make something clear. Due to the velocity of change, we predict this offender could try and strike again anytime. His confidence builds with every attack."
   "Look for someone physically fit, shy, kind disposition, someone you may trust with your own child. Because the killer targets kids, he may be small himself," Derek said.
   "And though we keep referring to this unsub as "he," do not rule out a woman," Kit said.
   "Excuse me," a woman said.
   "Chief," deputy said, "you're gonna want to hear this."
   "My son Matthew never same home today," the woman said.
   "Here we go," Aleksander mumbled.
   "When was he last seen?" Jason asked.
   "His teacher saw him in the parking lot after school," the woman said.
   "Search team."
   "Yes, sir."
   "Okay, Reid, Cora, the school is on Willow Road," Derek said.
   "If the boy was abducted, then this area would be the most secluded nearby," Cora said.
   "So Jones can put his guys at the gas station..."
   The story about Finnegan gave Kit chills. An old man who watchers children and hunts them. Skins them. Eats them. Possibly the worst story Kit had heard.
   "Folks have been tellin' that story since I was a kid," the counselor said.
   "Why haven't we heard about this?" Kit asked.
   "Fables are often sparked by an ounce of truth. We should exhaust every possibility," Derek said.
   "Sure looks like a haunted house," Spencer said as everyone got out of the SUV.
   "Morgan, you, Kit, and Jones take the front. Reid, Cora, and I will cover the outbuildings," Jason said.
   Kit, Derek, and Jones ran up to the front quickly. The door was already open, and creaked as it opened slowly. "Mr. Finnegan!" Jones yelled.
   "God, if this isn't horror movie material I don't know what is," Kit mumbled to Derek, who smiled a bit.
   "Always know how to brighten the mood, huh, babe?" He asked as the three ran into the house.
   "Of course," Kit smirked.
   "Upstairs is clear," Jones said, "Finnegan's not here."
   "Yeah, and neither is the missing boy," Kit said.
   "Electricity's out," Jones pointed out. Kit rolled her eyes.
   "Thank you, Captain Obvious," she scoffed.
   "I know," Derek said.
   "Maybe he's been away," Jones said.
   "No. This paper was delivered today," Derek said.
   "So Finnegan was here earlier," Jones said.
   "Yeah, but where is he now?" Kit asked.
   Kit was watching the entire time Spencer was on the phone with Garcia. Spencer had gotten up and bumped into Derek and almost screamed, stumbling slightly. This caused Kit to almost collapse laughing.
   "You really are afraid of the dark," Derek said with a smile.
   "I'm workin' on that," Spencer replied as he walked away.
   "You should work a little harder," Kit teased.
   "My deputy got the boy home safe," the sheriff ( ? ) said as he entered the home.
   "Turns out the poor kid was scared by a tree branch," Cora said.
   "This whole town's on edge," Derek said, sighing.
   "Maybe that's why Finnegan's in the wind," Kit said.
   Kit and Derek walked over into a separate room and sighed. "Hey, that's interesting," Derek said.
   "The unsub didn't use a gun," Spencer said.
   "Bet he knows every trail in Ozona," Jason said, "Finnegan's an avid hunter. Why didn't he use a..." He picked up a lunch box under the table, "Robbie Davis."
   "First victim," the sheriff said.
   Jason picked up another lunch box. "Sarah P. Sarah Peterson, right?" He asked.
   "I guess Finnegan brought the kids back here first before baitin' 'em into the woods," Derek said, "but why wouldn't he get rid of the evidence?"
   "He considers them trophies," Spencer and Cora said.
   "When this is all said and done, I'd like to hang his head on my wall," Derek said.
   "You're lucky I live with three children, Derek," Kit replied blankly. The two walked away quickly.
   Finnegan had died. They guessed natural causes, Spencer had even pointed out that his heart had probably gave out setting a trap.
   "Those Coyotes were gnawing on him for a week," the ME said.
   "Before the second and third murders happened," Kit sighed.
   "The area's off the traveled path. It's a wonder anyone discovered him at all," Spencer said.
   "Is it?" The ME asked, "those leaves didn't cover him up by themselves."
   "He's right. The deputy may have not been the first to find him," Derek said.
   "And our only suspects been cleared," Cora scoffed.
   Kit and Derek looked at Jason. "Square one?" Derek asked.
   "No," Jason said, "if Finnegan's been dead all this time, who's livin' in his house?" He began to walk away. "Let's go."
   "Here's a question— if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if there's nobody there to hear it?" Spencer asked
   "What the hell are you reading?" Kit asked.
   "I was just thinking," Spencer said.
   "The unsub found Finnegan's corpse in a lightly traveled part of the woods, and no one else knew," Derek said, "so he was able to use this house, and no one was the wiser."
   "Actually, I was referring to Finnegan's wife," Spencer said. Kit laughed and looked down.
   "What are you talking about?" Derek asked.
   "She was rumored missing, perhaps killed, almost 50 years ago, when, in actuality, she left Finnegan for another man. Hr writes about it in hid journals, how he would look out the window on a daily basis to see if she would come home. She never did. He never recovered. He ended up turning into a recluse that people in town misunderstood," Spencer said.
   "Found somethin'," Jason said as he walked into the room, "come here." He walked away.
   "Provisions, delivered by the church to every elder's doorstep, each one dated after Finnegan died," Jason said.
   "So the unsub ate everything," Derek said.
   "Almost everything," Jason said, "unopened bowls of creamed spinach thrown into the trash, each other wrapped with ductape."
   "One with each tray," Spencer said.
   "So were looking for a guy who really, really hates spinach?" Kit asked, turning to Derek and holding her hands out, "might as well arrest me." Derek shook his head and shoved her shoulder gently.
   "I bet you'd like getting cuffed," Derek scoffed.
   "Only if it's you cuffing me," Kit smirked.
   "Who doesn't hate spinach?" Cora asked.
   "Me," Aleksander piped up as he walked up to him.
   "Ritualized, meticulous, organized," Jason said.
   "He would eat with the same particulars," Spencer said.
   "Pull prints," Jason said. His phone started to ring, "have Garcia run 'em for a match."
   "It's about Elle, isn't it?" Spencer asked, directing his question more towards Kit.
   "Hotch tells me a lot, but he doesn't tell me everything," Kit said softly.
   "Okay, Miss Future Unit Chief," Aleksander scoffed.
   "I don't know," Derek said to Spencer.
   "You know, I talked to her in Ohio."
   "Reid, we all talked to her."
   "No, I—I—I talked to her before. I went to her room one night, and she was drinking," Spencer said.
   "She almost died. I'd be drinkin', too," Derek said.
   Kit sat on the floor by Derek's legs, picking at her nail as Aleksander braided her hair. "Why the woods, JJ?" Derek asked. Aleksander sighed in annoyance when Kit looked at him, aggressively jerking her head so she groaned.
   "Hm?" JJ asked Derek.
   "Your fear. You said it was of the woods," Derek said.
   "Um, I used to be a camp counselor when I was a teenager in the woods up in Vermont. I had the night shift— tuck the girls in, turn off the lights, you know, the typical drill. Everything seemed fine, all the kids were asleep. You know, nothing seemed out of the ordinary… until I noticed that there was some blood on the hallway floor. So I followed the blood trail out to the camp directors cabin, walked up to his bed, and he was just laying there underneath his covers… dead. Someone stabbed him." Kit's eyes widened as Aleksander finished the braid. "I ran out if there so fast. Out the door, down the hall. I just remember it being really dark. Once I got to the door, there was another counselor there. I guess she heard me scream. They caught the caretaker on his way into town. I guess he still had the knife on him. Anyway, I guess that's probably when I decided I didn't like the woods."
   Kit and Derek glanced at each other. "You're serious?" Derek asked.
   JJ took a sip of her coffee, giving Derek a dead serious look before making a face. "No," she said. Kit rolled her eyes, as JJ laughed, "no, I… you fell for that?"
   Derek chuckled and leaned back into the couch. "Come on, I don't know why I'm afraid of the woods. I just… I am." JJ pointed to Spencer, still looking at Derek. "Why is he still afraid of the dark?" She then pointed to Kit. "And why is she afraid of medical masks?"
   Derek disregarded the question about Kit's fear, knowing it was a bad thing to look back on for her. "Yeah, Reid, why are you still afraid of the dark?"
   "Because of the inherent absence of light!" Spencer answered.
   "Oh," JJ said, Kit hearing an ounce of sarcasm in her voice.
   "JJ, that was pretty good," Derek said as his phone rang.
   "Ha! That's what she said!" Kit exclaimed.
   Derek gave her a look. "Just know that paybacks are a bitch," he said. Kit and Aleksander looked at each other with small smirks.
   "I'm shakin'," JJ joked.
   Derek answered his phone. "Yeah." He got off with the phone with Garcia after mentioning the guidence counselor. "Call Gideon. We just found our unsub."
   Derek walked into the cell with Kit and closed the door. He then walked over to Charles and placed the file down. "Here's the deal. I could stand here and tell you what I think you were doin' in Finnegan's house for the last two weeks, or you could do us all a favor. Sign a confession, maybe get a little something taken off your time. What do you say?" Derek asked.
   "I never stepped inside Finnegan's house," Charles said. Derek dropped the pen.
   "That isn't the answer we were looking for, sweetheart," Kit mocked. Earlier, Charles had called her sweetheart, so it was coming back to bite him in the ass.
   "See, fact is, we got your fingerprints inside the house all over the trays of food," Derek said.
   "Of course you did. I delivered 'em every week," Charles said.
   Derek grabbed the red hat. "What are you doin' with Nicholas Faye's hat? Hmm?" Derek asked.
   "Maybe he was trying to dispose of it. Or maybe he was so proud of his keepsake, he wanted a safe place to hide it," Kit said.
   "How these last six months been for you, James?" Derek asked, "not too good, huh? Oh, no, your whole life is fallin' apart, isn't it? Oh, yeah, you gotta be feelin' a loss of control."
   "Sense of abandonment," Kit continued.
   "And we would guess, uh… little impotent maybe," Derek said, "come on, man, give me somethin'."
   Kit smirked. "Why did your wife leave you, hmm?" She asked with a mock pout.
   "What happened, James? She get bored? I mean, you don't seem all that exciting to me," Derek said, "she start feeling a little uninspired? Hey, you're not a Minuteman, are you?" Charles stayed silent.
   "Oh, so that's what it is," Kit said snarkily, smiling as she walked over, "you're done before she even gets started, huh? She left you for another man who has—" James got up, pushing everything off the table and hitting Kit in the process, "okay then!"
   "James, that was exciting!" Derek yelled, "did she hit a nerve?"
   "I want to go home," Charles said.
   "Oh, you want to go home?" Kit asked.
   "Well, we're sorry. That ain't about to happen, so why don't you come over here and sit your ass down?" Derek asked. Charles didn't move, "I said sit down!"
   "I'm done talkin' to you," Charles said.
   Derek looked at Kit and she sighed. "I will tell you what you're done doing, understood?" She asked, "James, we can't help you if you don't start talking."
   "Somethin'!" Derek yelled. Derek got off the phone and Kit gave him a curious look. "What were you doin'? Workin' your way up to the victim you wanted to kill most? Your son?"
   Kit's eyes widened, before finally starting go catch onto what Derek was saying. "What'd you do with him, James?" Kit asked. James shook his head, sparking a new kind of rage in Kit. "Are you really so fucking weak you have to blame your own child for your failed marriage?!"
   "Shut up!" Charles yelled.
   "No! Start talking! Because we need to understand this!" Kit screamed, almost at the top of her lungs, "you beat those children who trusted you! Why?! So you could regain your power?!"
   Derek looked at her before looking back at Charles. "We got a news flash for you. You never had any to begin with," he said.
   "That's right. Keep it comin', keep it comin'," Charles said.
   "We are so far from finished with you, you son of a bitch," Derek said.
   "I could do this all day if I really wanted to," Kit said, "it's only a matter of time before I snap and you're on the floor, knocked out cold. You make me sick!"
   "You know what happens to guys who mess with kids on the inside?" Derek asked, "do you?"
   "Can I have a word with him?" Jason asked as he entered the room. Kit took a deep breath.
   "Yeah," Derek said, grabbing Kit's wrist gently and walking out. Kit leaned against the wall, rubbing her throat gently.
   "Screaming really took a toll on my vocal cords," she chuckled. Derek gave her the slightest smile, looking down at her wrist. He noticed the sever circular scars around her wrists.
   "What's that about?" He asked, nodding to the scars.
   "The US really needs to get better handcuffs," Kit smiled.
   "Ah," Derek nodded.
   "I also handcuff my wrist to the bed at night," Kit said softly, "PTSD has made me anxious. That I might get up and hurt someone without realizing it. Safety precautions, you know?"
   "Kit Kat," Derek sighed, "if you need help, talk to someone. Cora, Reid, Hotch Gideon, your brother, me."
   "None of you are professionals other than Cora, who despises me," Kit said.
   Derek nodded. "I get your point, but still..."
   "I'll keep it in mind," Kit smiled, starting to walk again.
   Derek smiled as well. "Yeah, you better."
   Kit, Derek, Jones, and Jason got out of the car quickly to meet JJ, Cora, and Spencer. "You know, after this mom left, Jeffery probably resented the fact that his dad spends more time at work with other kids than with his own," Derek said.
   "And took that rage out on any kid he viewed as having anything he didn't," Jason said.
   "So Tracy's mom said the bus would have dropped her off here after school," JJ said, "she was supposed to walk home with a neighbor."
   "That's most likely when Jeffery approached, but where would he have taken her?" Spencer asked.
   "There's such heavy patrolling in this town," JJ said, "how do you manage to take a little girl without being seen?"
   "Because we taught him," Kit realized, "nobody will think anything of two kids walking together—"
   "Buddy system, remember?" Aleksander asked.
   "In the process of educating the public, we educated a killer," Kit said.
   "When it's off season baseball, where would a 12-year-old kid hang out?" JJ asked.
   "The park," Jason said.
   "Surrounded by woods," Cora said.
   "Let's go."
   Kit and Jason had found Tracy and Jeffery at almost the exact same time. Jason had grabbed Jeffery while Tracy clung to Kit, Kit holding the young blonde tightly.
   "Are you okay?" Kit asked Tracy softly, stroking her hair a bit. Tracy nodded. "Good. Good. Okay."
   Kit sighed and looked at Charles, feeling slightly guilty. "I'm not gonna apologize, but if you want or need to, Kit Kat, go ahead," Derek said to her. Kit hesitated before nodding and walking over to Charles.
   "Mr. Charles," Kit said, "I think an apology is in order. Had I put it together before hand, I wouldn't have treated you the way I did."
   "You were doing your job, Agent Egorova," Charles replied. Kit smiled sadly.
   "I still shouldn't have said those things." She put her hand out and Charles shook it quickly, "have a nice day."
   Charles nodded. "You too." Kit walked away and over to Derek quickly.
   "You tell him everything you needed to?" Derek asked. Kit nodded and sighed, giving Derek a small smile.
   "Yeah. I did."
DAI SPEAKS howdy hoe
0 notes
iibleedmuzixnotez · 8 years
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Phan Trash by iibleedmuzixnotez featuring a home fragrance
Andrew Marc biker jacket, 785 CAD / Rag & bone/JEAN denim shorts, 235 CAD / Fishnet stocking, 16 CAD / Bootie boots, 58 CAD / Blue backpack, 43 CAD / Stone jewelry, 22 CAD / Vintage necklace, 9.15 CAD / Alexander McQueen round sunglasses, 385 CAD / Slouch hat, 18 CAD / ZeroUV circle glasses, 18 CAD / M O T D Cosmetics powder brush, 98 CAD / Kat Von D eyeshadow, 50 CAD / False eyelash, 53 CAD / Liquid eyeliner, 28 CAD / Gucci lip makeup, 41 CAD / Beautyblender makeup, 26 CAD / Charlotte Russe mascara, 7.84 CAD / Victoria s Secret victoria secret perfume, 76 CAD / Face care / Eyeko toiletry kit, 29 CAD / Fornasetti home fragrance, 320 CAD / Wooden incense burner, 20 CAD / White mug, 16 CAD / 10% Lighter, 16 CAD
0 notes
thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (11.15.2018)
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BOXERS WH: DJ Eric Abobo (8pm)
WEST END: Nicole Onoscopi (9pm)
BOXERS UES: Carlos the Uber Driver & Tiffany Anne Coke (9pm)
SUITE: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
TOOLBOX: Vinny Vega (11pm)
BEECHMAN: Shea Couleé: Couleé With a C (7pm)
HARDWARE: Shuga Cain  Viva Vidalia (7pm);  
Shequida with Michael Longoria (11:30pm) 
MOM’S: Megami (8pm)
BARRAGE: DJ Eugene Edo (9pm)
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm); 
  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Primo Boys gogos (10pm) 
RISE: VJ Natazu (10pm) 
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
DON’T TELL MAMA: Boudoir LeFleur with Gilda Wabbit  (11pm)
THERAPY: Brita Filter, Rosé & Lagoona Bloo (11pm)
RITZ: Morgan Royel with DJs T-Boy & Zeke Thomas (11pm) 
CASA: FACADE feat.DJ James Anthony with Kareem McJagger, AndrogyNY,  Flower Tortilla, Ruby Fox, CT Hedden, Phil Chanel, Linux, Tammy Spanx, Kimmi Moore & more (11pm) POSTPONED
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “90s” theme feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling & JanSport  (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
REBAR: THOT MESS feat. Hibiscus & Greko with Foxy Scamazon (10pm)
EAGLE: GEAR night (10pm) 
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
LEBAIN: DJs Ty Sunderland & Erik Izquierdo (10pm)
STONEWALL: The Tribe NYC: Hit The Wall (7pm); 
Karaoke downstairs (9pm);  
Logan Hardcore upstairs (10pm) 
PIECES: Jasmine Rice (8pm);  
Pissi Myles  (11pm)
ROCKBAR: Aria Derci (9pm);  
ROCK THE ROCKBAR feat. Dan Jimenez  with DJs Steve Cunningham & Bobby Duron (10pm)
MONSTER: SPUNK hosted by Trinity Beat (10pm)
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX: Lauren Ordair (11:30pm)
PHOENIX: Trivia Night (8pm);  
QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner &  Mocha Lite (10pm) 
NARCBAR @ THE STANDARD: MISS GIRL feat. Rify Royalty with : Honey Davenport, Mini Horrorwitz & Vicky DeVille (9pm)
CLUB CUMMING: DJ William Francis with Lola Michele-Kiki & Catrina Lovelace plus Boy Radio (10pm) 
JOE’S PUB: The Illustrious Blacks: Hyperbolic (9pm)
BEDLAM: FIRM NYC feat. Andersen Anderson with DJs Lafayette Bless & Louie XIV (9pm)
OTTO’S SHRUNKEN HEAD: “Queer As In Fuck You” feat. Vylette Tendency with Aria Derci, Doll Body, Noctua, Heidi Haux & more (10pm)
NOWHERE: DJ Reaubert (10pm)
LADY STARDUST: TORCH feat. DJ Jen Urban & Danielle Cardon with DJ Stig, Hopper Race, Ekurtis & Corina Corina (10pm)
COCK: DJ Scott Ewalt (11pm) 
ERIS: Allegra Spread hosts “Sread Your WIngs: Spring Chickens” new burlesque revue (7pm)
SYCAMORE: bingo with Shay D'Pines (8pm);
DJ Gogo Gadget (10pm);
Burlesque (midnight)
JUNO: Gassy Bordeaux with Ragamuffin & Crystal Hart (8pm)
3 DOLLAR BILL: The Young Thieves & The Worst Humans perform (9pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: Merrie Cherry hosts DRAGNET pageant (10pm)
MOOD RING: ON & ON feat. Leo Gugu & Ben Manzone with DJs Nita Aviance & Tigga Calore plus Lady Simon, Cedric Antonio & Dylan Born  (10pm)
BIZARRE: “Sinners Kit Kat Cabaret” feat. Vic Sin with Fem Appeal, Chartruice, Ding Dong Daddy, Lacy Stoner, Josh Schonewolf & more (10pm) 
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ALBATROSS: Wii Game Night with Avant Garbage (9pm) 
ICON: Karaoke (10:30pm)
OFF KEY TIKKI: Bella Noche with Zalika Parsons (9pm)
FEATHERS: Latin party (10pm)
EL BALCON: DKabaret Noche LGBT (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa or TBA (10pm)
Full List Here
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thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (10.18.2018)
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WEST END: Nicole Onoscopi (9pm); The Ultimate Drag Pageant (10pm)
BOXERS UES: Carlos the Uber Driver & Tiffany Anne Coke (9pm)
BOXERS WH: DJ Eric Abobo (10pm)
SUITE: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
TOOLBOX: Vinny Vega (11pm)
LUCKY CHENGS @ STAGE 48: 25th Anniversary featuring Vivacious, Lailah Lancing, Nedra Belle, Egypt & Phaedra Phaded with "drag wrestling" feat. Ariel Italic, Lady Bearica Andrews & more (7pm)  
HARDWARE: Shuga Cain (7pm);  Shequida with Izzy Uncut (11:30pm) 
MOM’S: Megami (8pm)
BARRAGE: DJ Eugene Edo (9pm)
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm);  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Primo Boys gogos (10pm) 
RISE: VJ Natazu (10pm) 
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
THERAPY: Brita Filter, Rosé & Lagoona Bloo (11pm)
RITZ: Morgan Royel with DJs T-Boy & Zeke Thomas (11pm) 
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “Freakshow” theme feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling, Jada Valenciaga & JanSport (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
REBAR: Drink & Paint with Guy Social (6pm);  THOT MESS feat. Boudoir LeFleur, Jayse Vegas & Robert Garcia (10pm)
EAGLE: GEAR night (10pm) 
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
ROCKBAR: Code Name Dynastud screening (7pm); Sleepaway Camp screening feat. actress Desiree Gould (8pm);  ROCK THE ROCKBAR (10pm)
STONEWALL:  Karaoke downstairs (9pm);  Logan Hardcore upstairs (10pm)
PIECES: Jasmine Rice with Holly Box-Springs (7pm);  Pissi Myles (11pm)
MONSTER: SPUNK feat. Trinity Beat (10pm)
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX:  Lauren Ordair (11:30pm)
CLUB CUMMING: Jill Sobule (7:30pm);  The Hot Sardines (9:30pm);  DJ William Francis with Lola Michele-Kiki, Viva Vidalia & Lilith LeFae plus Kevin Aviance (10pm)
PHOENIX: Trivia Night (8pm);  QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner &  Mocha Lite (10pm) 
NARCBAR @ THE STANDARD: MISS GIRL feat. Rify Royalty with Jessa Angel, Ragamuffin & Epiphany (9pm)
BEDLAM: *NEW SHOW* Bella Noche feat. Whendy Whaxwood (9pm) 
LADY STARDUST: TORCH feat. Jen Urban & Danielle Cardona with DJ Stig, Hovy, Martin Luque & Boriss (10pm)
COCK:  DJ Scott Ewalt (11pm) 
JUNO: Gassy Bordeaux with Viva Galactica (8pm)
SYCAMORE: Halloween party feat. Angel Elektra & Shay D'Pines (8pm) 
MACRI PARK: Neon Boys premiere screening feat. Jonathan Salazar & more (8pm);  Ayana Love & Jenna Tonic with Nelly Fur Taco (11pm)
STARR BAR: COMPOST BIN burlesque feat. Theydy Bedbug & more (9pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: DRAGNET drag competition hosted by Merrie Cherry (10pm)
BIZARRE: SINNERS KIT KAT CABARET feat.Vic Sin & Lee VaLone with Shanita Bump, Madame Vivien V, Mary Con, Vivica Galactica, The Schlep Sisters & more (10pm)
UNION POOL: PAT Party (10pm)
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ALBATROSS: Wii Game Night with Avant Garbage (9pm) 
FEATHERS: Latin party (10pm)
EL BALCON: DKabaret Noche LGBT (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa or TBA (10pm)
Full List Here
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thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (8.16.2018)
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SCHOMBURG CENTER: Black Pride: The Heritage Awards (5pm)
BOXERS UES: Carlos the Uber Driver & Tiffany Anne Coke (9pm); TOMA! urban / Latin party (10pm)
WEST END: Nicole Onoscopi (9pm);  ULTIMATE DRAG PAGEANT (10pm) 
SUITE: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
TOOLBOX: Vinny Vega (11pm)
BEECHMAN: Anita Procedure: Adult Performer (7pm)
MOM’S: *new show* Megami (8pm)
BARRAGE: DJ Eugene Edo (9pm)
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm);  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Gogo boys (10pm) 
RISE: VJ Natazu TBA (10pm) 
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
THERAPY: Brita Filter, Rosé & Lagoona Bloo (10pm)
RITZ: Morgan Royel & DJ Scotty Rox (11pm)
HARDWARE: Shuga Cain hosts Madonna party (7pm);  Shequida with Egypt (11:30pm)
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “Graffiti” theme feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling, Jada Valenciaga & JanSport (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
TAJ: OUT AFTER WORK mixer (7pm)
EAGLE NYC: GEAR night (10pm)
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner  Jasmine Rice hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
REBAR: BIG BANANA underwear party (10pm)  
PIECES: Jasmine Rice with Ragamuffin (7pm);  Pissi Myles (11pm)
ROCKBAR: Bella Noche & Lacy Stoner (7pm);  ROCK THE ROCKBAR (9pm)
STONEWALL: Karaoke downstairs (9pm); Logan Hardcore upstairs (10pm) 
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX: Lauren Ordair (11:30pm)
PROFESSOR THOM’S: Bingo feat. Zalika Parsons with Adriana Trenta & guest bartender Franco (9pm)
LADY STARDUST: TORCH feat. DJ Jen Urban & Danielle Cardona with Corina Corina (10pm)
NARCBAR @ THE STANDARD: MISS GIRL feat. Rify Royalty with  Harajuku, Charlene & Lucy Balls & DJ P_A_T (10pm)  
PHOENIX: QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner & Mocha Lite (10pm)
NOWHERE: DJ Jeff Jackson spins Madonna (10pm) CLUB CUMMING: DJ William Francis with Devo Monique, Sookie Sterling & Sherry Poppins (11pm) 
COCK: DJ Scott Ewalt (11pm)
THE BEDFORD: Crystal Hart, Verduch & Le Petit Dumdum with Misty Mountains (8pm)
SYCAMORE: Bingo with Shay D'Pines (8pm);  DJ Gogo Gadget (10pm);  Burlesque show (midnight)
JUNO: Gassy Bordeaux with Novaczar (8pm)
STARR BAR: GLOW UP variety show feat. Noctua & C’ètait Bontemps with Sugar Mamasota, Black Orchid, Laé D. Boi & Cherry (9pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: HELLA MADONNA feat. Merrie Cherry & Lady Havokk (10pm)
ROSEMONT: YUASA CASA feat. Ruby Fox (10pm)
UNION POOL: PAT party (10pm)
BIZARRE: SINNER’S KIT KAT CABARET feat. Vic Sin & Lee VaLone  with Elle McQueen, Hannah Weber, Sara G Perez, Seedy Edie & Pepper Fajans (10pm)
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
ALBATROSS: Wii Game Night with Avant Garbage (9pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ICON: Karaoke (10pm)
ICE PALACE: “The Next Palace Princess” drag competition hosted by  Ariel Sinclair (9pm)
SIP N TWIRL: DJ Mike Borowski (10pm)
CHERRYS ON THE BAY:  Boudoir LeFleur & Kimmi Moore (10pm)
PINES PAVILION:  DJ Greg Scarnici (11pm)
WHITE EAGLE HALL: Jersey City Pride 90′s dance party (9pm)
TIO DADDY:  Lady Keyante (9pm)
SANGRIA LOUNGE: Lydia Famouz with Karma Lohan, Juliette Jolie Vizcaya and Angelique Imperious (10pm)
FEATHERS: Latin party feat. Adriana Le Glam, Octavia Anyae, Lady German & Kemely Herrera (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa Jolina Jasmine (11pm)
Full List Here
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thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (7.19.2018)
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TOOLBOX: Jack Daniels drink specials (8pm)
BOXERS UES: Carlos the Uber Driver & Tiffany Anne Coke (9pm); TOMA! party (10pm)
ALIBI: Caribbean Thursdays (9pm)
SUITE: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
WEST END: ULTIMATE DRAG PAGEANT (10pm);  Vanna Deux with Bambina & Bijoux (midnight);  
RITZ: BEERS & BEARS happy hour upstairs (6pm);  Morgan Royel & DJ Scotty Rox (11pm)
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm);  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Zeta Jones & gogo boys (10pm) 
RISE: VJ Natazu (10pm) 
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
THERAPY: TANTRUM feat. DJ David Scott & Brita Filter with Terra Hyman (11pm)
HARDWARE: Shuga Cain (7pm);  Shequida with Kandy Ho (11:30pm)
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “Christmas in July” theme feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling, Jada Valenciaga & Yuhua Hamasaki (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
TAJ: OUT AFTER WORK mixer (7pm)
EAGLE NYC: GEAR night (10pm) 
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
PIECES: Jasmine Rice with Holly Box-Springs (7pm);  Pissi Myles (11pm)
ROCKBAR: Mike Flanagan & Lisa Bello (8pm); ROCK THE ROCKBAR  (10pm)
STONEWALL: Karaoke downstairs (9pm);  Logan Hardcore  FiFi DuBois upstairs (10pm) 
MONSTER:  Honey Davenport hosts SPUNK (10pm)
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX: Lauren Ordair (11:30pm)
DIXON PLACE: Glace Chase: Love Criminal (7:30pm)
CLUB CUMMING:  CHRISTEENE (8pm);  Mouse (10pm);  DJ William Francis & Catrina Lovelace (11pm) 
NARCBAR @ THE STANDARD: MISS GIRL feat. Rify Royalty with Lucy Balls, Jasmine Kennedie & Jeffrey Scott with DJs Ickarus & P_A_T  (10pm)
PHOENIX: QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner & Mocha Lite (10pm)
BEDLAM: DWorld Underwear Party (10pm)
COCK: DJ Scott Ewalt (11pm)
LEFRAK CENTER: “Guy Social: Big Gay Roller Skate” feat. Yuhua Hamasaki (7:30pm) 
BIZARRE: Burlesque feat. MiscAllaneous DomTop & friends (8pm);  SINNER’S KIT KAT CABARET feat. Vic Sin & Lee VaLone with Angelica Sundae, C'eTait BonTemps, Devo Monique, Mini Horrorwitz, Nyx Nocturne & Theydy Bedbug (10pm)
THE BEDFORD: Crystal Hart, Verduch & Le Petit Dumdum with Centerfold Angel (8pm)
JUNO: Gassy Bordeaux with Pinwheel (8pm)
SYCAMORE: Bingo (8pm);  DJ Gogo Gadget (10pm);  burlesque with Ivory Fox & Satine S'Allumer (11pm) 
3 DOLLAR BILL: POP LOCK & DRAG IT feat. Nicky Ottav & Thee Suburbia with Thee Princess Dahling, Fet Fet, Dove, Theydy Bedbug, Senerio, Radical Pomm & more (9pm)
THE GRAHAM: Sassy Frass with Gigi Cutina (9pm) 
EXCELSIOR: Karaoke (9pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: DJ Cameron Cooper (10pm)
ROSEMONT: YUASA CASA feat. Serena Tea (10pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: DJ Cameron Cooper (10pm)
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ICON: Karaoke (10pm)
PINES PAVILION:  DJ Greg Scarnici (11pm)
ICE PALACE: “The Next Palace Princess” drag competition hosted by  Ariel Sinclair (9pm)
SIP N TWIRL: DJ Mike Borowski (10pm)
CHERRYS ON THE BAY:  Boudoir LeFleur & Kimmi Moore (10pm)
PARADISE: Karaoke (9pm);  Camp Thursdays (10pm)
THE ROYAL: Adriana Le Glam (10pm)
FEATHERS: Latin party feat. Jolina Jasmine (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa (11pm)
Full List Here
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thotyssey · 6 years
Thursday (5.17.2018)
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What’s happening before, during and after Drag Race.
TOOLBOX: Jack Daniels drink specials (8pm)
ALIBI: Caribbean Thursdays (9pm)
SUITE: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (10pm)
BOXERS UES: TOMA! party (10pm)
GIN FIZZ: THIRSTY THURSDAY urban party (10pm)
WEST END: Ultimate Drag Pageant All-Stars FINALE (11pm); Vanna Deux with Nicole Onoscopi, Aviva Dickman & Bijoux (midnight)
RITZ: BEERS & BEARS happy hour upstairs (6pm);  Morgan Royel & DJ Scotty Rox  T-Boy (11pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Gogo boys (8pm)
VSBU: Phillip Henry (9pm);  Chaka Khanvict (11pm)
POSH: DJ Nandi (9pm)
RISE: VJ Natazu (10pm)
BOXERS HK: DJ Steve Sidewalk (10pm)
THERAPY: TANTRUM feat. DJ David Scott & Brita Filter with Holly Box-Springs (11pm)
HARDWARE: Shequida with Chasity St. Cartier (11pm)
INDUSTRY: QUEEN “Girl Groups” theme feat. Holly Dae, Bootsie LeFaris, Brenda Dharling, Terra Hyman & Jada Valenciaga  (11:30pm)
FEINSTEINS 54 BELOW: Flotilla DeBarge (11:30pm)
LIPS: Dinner With The Divas starring Jesse Volt (7pm)
TAJ: OUT AFTER WORK mixer (7pm)
EAGLE NYC: GEAR night (10pm) 
MUSEUM OF SEX: Thursday afterparty (10pm)  
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner.hosts STAR SEARCH (11pm) 
JULIUS’: The Urban Bear Weekend: Stache Bash & Beard Mash (6pm)
TY’S: “Coming Out of Hibernation” party (8pm)
ROCKBAR: Rock party feat. Dan Jimenez with DJs Steve Cunningham & Bobby Duron (10pm)
STONEWALL: Karaoke downstairs (9pm);  Logan Hardcore upstairs (10pm) 
PIECES: Jasmine Rice (10pm);   Pissi Myles (11pm)
MONSTER: Honey Davenport  Kareem McJagger hosts SPUNK (10pm)
HENRIETTA HUDSON: DJ Tikka Masala (11pm)
DUPLEX: Lauren Ordair (11:30pm)
MERCURY LOUNGE: Dezi 5, Cure For Paranoia, Felix & The Future & DJ #GIANT (9:30pm)
NOWHERE: The Urban Bear Weekend: BRUTUS (10pm)
PHOENIX: QUEERPONG with Misty Meaner & Mocha Lite (10pm)
CEREMONY: FEMME TURF trans / femme party (9pm)
ROSEMONT: YAUSA CASA feat. Crystal Mesh (10pm)
METROPOLITAN BAR: DRAGnet pageant season premiere (10pm)
BIZARRE: “Sinners Kit Kat Cabaret” feat. Vic Sin & Lee VaLone with God Complex, Kalandra Bankhead, Le Petit Dum Dum, Noctua, Peekaboo Point & Qualms Galore (10pm) 
DEEP END: DJ Wavewhore (10pm) 
TRUE COLORS: Karaoke with Victoria Chase (8pm) 
FRIENDS TAVERN: Karaoke (8pm)
ICON: Karaoke (10pm)
SANGRIA LOUNGE: Lydia Famouz with Davida Sky, Karma Lohan & Octavia Anyae (10pm).
PARADISE: Karaoke (9pm);  Camp Thursdays (10pm)
FEATHERS: Latin party (10pm)
GEORGIES: Lady Marisa (11pm)
Full List Here
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