#burrito ramsey-valentine
peonyblossom · 1 year
Happy Pride!!!
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here is sydney and ethan with caramel and burrito by the wonderful @rosefuckinggenius !!! look at them !!! i love it so much
for @choicespride familial relationships
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Headcanon Masterlist
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🛸 AU  |  ♥ NFSW  |  🍘 Crack
Ethan x Becca
Ethan x MC
🛸 A Presidential Love Story [President MC AU] 
🛸 All My Stripper Friends [Stripper MC AU]
♥🍘 Anal Ramsey 
♥️ Back at It (First Time After the Amazon)
♥  Conception
🍘 David Gandy Meets Ethan Ramsey
Early-Career Ethan Ramsey
Edenbrook’s Charity Date Auction
Ethan Before Louise (1994)
Ethan After Louise (1994)
Ethan finds Out MC is Picta-famous
Ethan Confronts MC About Being Pictafamous
Ethan Gets Caught in the Senator Attack (feat. Becca & Clare)
🍘 Ethan Gets High at Naveen’s
🛸 Ethan Inhales the Toxin
Ethan Learns Who David Gandy Is
Ethan Meets Raleigh
🛸 Ethan Refuses Bloom’s Cheque, MC Accepts It
♥  Ethan Tells F!MC He’s Pansexual
Ethan Unknowingly Dates a Former Pornstar
Ethan’s Daughter Dates Ethan Hudson
♥  Evading It All
First Vacation Together
🛸 If MK and Edenbrook Merged
Landry Finds out about Ethan x MC - feat. Landry
Maybe (Ethan Reacts to MC Fainting at Work)
Part 2
🛸 Meet in High School
🛸 If they were the same age in high school
Teenage Ethan
♥  The Unethical Proposal
Watching 50 Shades of Grey
While Watching Baby Ethan 
♥️🛸 1.15 with a Virgin MC
Ethan Finds Out He’s MC’s First
The Next Day 
Part 4
_ Bryce x MC
A Bryce x MC Birthday
A Bryce x MC OHSY Valentines
Bryce’s Reaction to MC Hanging with her Boy Friends
Celebrating Christmas in OHSY
During the Time Jump
🛸 Meet a the Burrito Bar [Uni Students AU]
OHSY/OH3 Breakup
Part 1
Part 2
_ Other HCs
🍘 Alan x Naveen
🛸 Becca Meets Maeve - Becca & @withbeautyandrage​’s Maeve MC 
 ♥  Becca’s Safe Sex Practices with The Boys - Ethan/Rafael/Bryce x MC 
Book 3 Events
During the Time Jump - Rafael x MC
Finding Out Ethan’s Not Single on TV - Alan & Naveen
♥  Hooking Up In Supply Closets - Ethan/Rafael/Bryce x MC
♥  How the 3.8 Outfit Could Have Been Used - All LI’s + Tobias
Landry Applies for the DT Position
Leland & Caroline
🍘 MC Is Scouted By a Modeling Agency - Ethan/Bryce/Rafael 
Odette Meets Maeve - @withbeautyandrage
OPH Boys Date a Former Pornstar
OPH Gang During a Zombie Apocalypse 
Reacting to Ethan Kissing MC at the Gala - Alan & Naveen
♥  That Messy Vegas Threesome - Bryce x MC x Ethan
The Boys Say ILY - Bryce/Ethan/Rafael x MC
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dumortain-adam · 5 years
Separate Paths | Ethan Ramsey x MC (Casey Valentine) - part 1
part 1 of the series Inconsistencies 
A/N: Loosely based on this post. I saw it and knew I had to do it. Wrote it quickly, so forgive me for any errors. Enjoy!!!! 
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Casey was standing outside the parking lot of the hospital. Her shift just finished, and she’s just waiting for him.  A stick of cigarette between her fingers, as she delicately put them between her lips. She looked up at the clear night sky, letting out the smoke. She was wondering what would happen if she didn’t apply here on Edenbrook. Wondering if her life would be this complicated, wondering if she’ll need to lie to herself.
 Ethan’s shift just finished. He went outside to the parking lot, where his car was parked. He saw a small figure, and even if it was just a glimpse, he knew immediately that it was her. He thought about approaching her, but he knew that would further complicate things. They were both already happy with their lives. He thought to himself. But was he really happy? His heart and mind were battling whether to or not. In the end, he walked towards her, hoping that it would just turn out into a small conversation, and hoping for a closure. But what do they need to end, when nothing even started in the first place?
 She knew that she wasn’t alone. Finally, Bryce was already here. She forced herself to smile. She needed to do this. She needed to convince herself that she loves him, she needed to force herself to forget about Ethan.
“Bryce!” She said, ready to leap into him for a hug. She was shocked when she saw him. Ethan. The man she was trying to forget. Her fake smile turned into a genuine one. A real, yet sad one. She wondered how he managed to bring her real side whenever she was with him, even if she doesn’t want to.
 “I’m afraid not.” He faked a smile. He felt a pang of jealousy, as if he was stabbed in the heart. But why would he be jealous? He’s happy in his life. They both were happy with their own lives. It was a lie, yet he kept telling it to himself.
He noticed the stick of cigarette between her fingers. He became concerned. It wasn’t like her at all. He knew that. But does he really know her at all? A lot of things have changed, them including.
“You know it’s bad for you, right.”
 He sounded like he cared. She wished that he truly cared for her. But she knows that he doesn’t.
“It’s just an old habit.” She put the stick between her lips again, as she inhaled its smoke, and she let it out. She flicked off the ashes, before putting it out in the ashtray nearby.
 What she doesn’t know is that he truly cares for her. He always cared for her, and he always will. He knew that, but he kept on telling himself that he doesn’t.
“I didn’t know you smoke”
 “Well, what do you know about me?” Nothing. She thought to herself. He doesn’t know her at all. Part of her wished that he would know her, even the darkest and deepest part of herself, so that he would understand her. But she also feared that he would just distance himself from her. But what’s the point of letting him know, when he already distanced himself away from her.
 He knew that she cared about other people more than she cares for herself. He knew that she wanted to be doctor, not because of the money, but because she wants to help people. He knew that every morning, on her way to work, she would stop to buy burrito as breakfast and she’ll eat it on her way. He knew that she liked her coffee with two sugars, and no cream. He knew that she doesn’t really watch drama because she knows she’ll just make herself cry. He knew the little details about her. But those weren’t enough. He wanted to know the real her. Instead of answering her, he kept his quiet.
 They stood in the middle of the parking lot, none of them speaking. They were both looking up above the sky, waiting for a star to fall and make their wishes. She would wish for everything to go back to normal, back to the times when she doesn’t care about him. When he was just an attending and she was just an intern.
Moment’s later, when she couldn’t stand the quiet, so she decided to break it.
“So, how are you, Dr. Ramsey?”
 The mention of “Dr. Ramsey” hurt him. To her, she was just his mentor, and his boss. Nothing less, nothing more. To him, she was just his mentee. Another lie he kept telling himself. Deep down, he knows that something was still there.
“I’m fine. Actually, I’m glad that the goddamn competition was done already.” He said, then turned to her. “You, how do you feel about winning that competition?”
 She feels happy, to be honest. It was one of her greatest dreams. To work with the most elite diagnosticians in the world. She gets to work with Dr. Ramsey, but she doesn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. Before, it was her dream. He was her inspiration when she got to medical school. But now, she wanted to avoid him as much as possible, but winning the competition made it almost impossible.
“It’s great. I get to help more people.” She said, with a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
 Of course, she would say that. It’s all about helping other people. What did he expect? Did he honestly think it was about him? He wanted to laugh at himself. He was an idiot. He was once again that self-centered asshole who thinks that everything was about himself.
He looked to her for a brief second. Nothing seemed to change. She’s still beautiful as she was before. Her blonde hair was longer. She had dark circles under her eyes, and she looked more exhausted than before. Nevertheless, she still looked stunning.
 The silence between them was deafening. Too many unsaid words. Feelings were left unspoken. They both thought it was for the better, torturing themselves with all the lies they kept telling themselves.
 “Casey! There you are!” Casey turned away from Ethan and hugged Bryce. His strong arms wrapped around her as he lifts her off the ground. She can’t help but giggle.
“Oh my God, Bryce! Put me down!” she said between her giggles. Part of her wondered if it’d be like this if it was him. But she’s happy with Bryce. She is. But she’d be happier of she’s with Ethan, but she knew that she can’t.
Bryce seemed to notice that she wasn’t alone and put her down.
“Dr. Ramsey”
 His heart hurt when she heard her laugh. At least she’s happy with him. And he should be happy for her. He thought. But he can’t do that, can he?
“Dr. Lahela, right?” the young surgeon nodded.
“I take it you two are together?” he looked at them, arms around each other. He tried to sound distanced, as if he didn’t care.
 Lahela looked at her with a smile on his face, and answered.
“Yes sir. I am so lucky.” The young surgeon replied, and kissed her forehead.
 “Indeed.” He said while looking at her with a glint of sadness and longing in his eyes.
 She was trying her best to keep the smile on her face. She knew he was hurting, and she’s hurting too. She hugged Bryce a little tighter, enough for him to notice.
 “Something wrong, babe? He asked her.
 “Oh, I just had a tough day” she said, and buried her face in his chest, hiding her face from Ethan.
 The way the young surgeon called her hurt him. Babe. He knew that she’s taken, and there’s nothing he can do about it. They were happy already. And he should be too.
He turned as a familiar voice called to him.
 “There you are, Ethan. I’ve been looking for you.” Harper said as she joined them. She kissed him in the cheek. She noticed Casey and made her way towards her with a smile on her face.
“Dr. Valentine. Congratulations for winning the competition.” She said then pat her shoulder, and returned back at Ethan’s arms.
 Dr. Emery kissed him in the cheek. They must have gotten back together. Good for him. She thought. She knew that she was way out of his league, and Dr. Emery was the right one for him. But she can’t help but be hurt. She wondered how would it feel if she was the one in his arms. She knew it’s wrong to think about that, knowing that the both of them are committed.
 Harper noticed Casey and Bryce, and a smile slowly crept up on her face.
“You two seemed quite cozy” she gestured to the two young doctors. “Well, there’s nothing wrong about dating your co-worker” she turned to Ethan and wrapped an arm around him “Right, dear?”
 “Right” He smiled at Harper before kissing the side of her head. He was trying to convince Harper that he loves her. He was trying to convince the other people around them, especially her. He was also trying to convince himself that he loves Harper, only her. Not Casey. But deep down, he knew that it was just another lie.
 She looked away when he kissed Dr. Emery in the head. If there’s nothing wrong about dating your co-worker, why was he such a coward to ask her out? Or did she really mean nothing to him? Well, it doesn’t matter now. She’s already happy with Bryce, and she knew that he wouldn’t push her away, unlike Ethan. But is it what she truly wants?
 He knew that he was such a hypocrite. He should have asked her out instead. But he was scared. Scared that she wouldn’t welcome him back. And what was the point if she already found someone else that makes her happy?
 “Well now that you’re here, shall we? I believe I was promised dinner.” Harper smiled at him.
 Ethan smiled at her before they left. With that, all of the things he wanted to say to Casey, and all of his feelings that were unspoken will remain unspoken. He couldn’t ruin her happiness, no matter how much it hurts. And he already has Harper on his side. She’s all he ever needed. Another lie that he will keep telling himself.
 Casey and Bryce left as well. She convinced herself that she was happy for him, and she’s happy with Bryce too. She needed to. Ethan already found someone he could confide in.
 They both want each other, but are too stubborn enough. With that, they both went their separate ways. Both were trying to conceal their feelings, for the sake of the other person. They both wouldn’t want to ruin the other’s happiness, but were they really happy?
[if any of you wants to be tagged on future fics, just tell me :)) ]
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bert-thefrog · 5 years
The Ending: An Edenbrook Fic - Part 3
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*Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here*
Harper Emery’s POV
“You know I love you right?” Bryce rolls round in the bed to face me, propping himself up on one elbow as I lie beside him, flush against his naked body. “Oh please, I bet you say that to all the girls.” I roll my eyes, biting back a delighted grin at his words. “Aha! That’s where you’re wrong. You, Harper Emery, are not a girl. You are a woman.” His hand glides down my skin beneath the duvet, face burying into the crook of my neck as he pulls me on top of him. “Well let this ‘woman’ teach you a thing or two then Dr. Lahela.” I smirk, capturing his wrists and securing them against the pillows playfully. “It’s so hot when you take charge.” He teases, eyes sparkling as they drink in my body.
I’m awoken from my dream, or rather from reliving my memories by the seemingly never ending pressure on my bladder, telling me I have to go pee. Again. “Goddammit kid.” I mutter to my ballooning stomach, swinging my legs over the side of the bed so my toes disappear beneath the bump and beginning my regular waddle towards the bathroom. I’m creeping up on my due date and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. When I re-emerge from the bathroom, drying my hands; I pause to appreciate the view through the open curtains. Weak January sunlight filters through, the dawn glow breaking through the grey curtain of clouds and bathing my bedroom in its milky light. “I miss you.” I speak to the empty room, the only response is a slight twinge in my stomach as my baby moves. Oh god. The twinge gets stronger, becoming a sharp nudging in my gut. “Oh no you don’t. You’re staying put.” I stare down at my belly, smiling fondly and stroking the little bean. It’s as my hands brush the soft fabric of my sweater, I realize this is one of Bryce’s. I’d forgotten he left his clothes here sometimes. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, to be reminded of him. The thought of him is like a warm blanket, reminding me I was loved, even if I’m not sure I was the only one. I sit on the edge of the bed, playing with the hem of my sweater as it stretches over my bump when another pain hits, stronger this time. “Seriously? You can’t wait? You’re just like your dad.” I roll my eyes, taking my phone from off the nightstand to let Ethan know what’s happening. It’s still only around seven in the morning, I don’t want to wake Aurora up by ringing her, she has work today, but it’s too early to head for the hospital and I’m so lonely here. My mind wanders, imagining exactly how this all would’ve gone down if Bryce was still here. Would he have been happy? Would he have moved in with me, spending nights wrapped up in the duvet talking to our baby as it developed? I can almost see his face lighting up at the first kick. Right now as my first contractions started, would he be calm or freaking out?
Ethan Ramsey’s POV
Harper sits alone in a private room on the maternity wing, swinging her legs absentmindedly from the hospital bed as she waits. “Her waters broke a little while ago, we’re just waiting for her to dilate now.” A nurse updates me, passing through the hallway with her clipboard, looking busy. “Thanks Marlene.” I flash her a quick smile and head in there myself, Harper glances up as I enter, her brown eyes sparkling. “Oh no, you are not delivering this baby.” She laughs, shaking her head.
“Why not? I’ve seen it all before.” I mock her, taking a seat beside her on the stuff waffle print blanket. “I’m joking, I just came to see how you’re doing, and bring you these.” I pull a trip of sunflowers from behind my back, watching as her face lights up at the sight of them. “You remembered.” She beams, taking them from me and holding them close, almost hugging them. “Of course I did.” She breathes in sharply, hands flying to her abdomen and giving a low groan. “Contraction?”
“Mmmm yeah.” She winces, bending over with exertion.
“I’ll get the nurse to administer an epidural asap.” I promise, as my pager goes off, reminding me I have a hundred other duties to see to. “I’ll see you soon.” She bares her teeth at me in an attempt of a smile as I head out the door. “Can’t wait.”
Casey Valentine’s POV
“Will you come with me?” Aurora pleads, holding my hand and turning the full force of her puppy dog eyes on me. “I hope you know begging really does not suit you.” I tease her, packing my scrubs into a gym bag as we prepare to leave after our shift. “Please I’m desperate.”
“Aurora. It’s a baby. It’s not going to eat you.” I snort and she rolls her eyes in response.
“Yeah but it’s weird. My aunt having a baby to some mystery man.”
“I heard it’s Dr. Ramsey’s.” Elijah interjects and we all pause, bursting out laughing at the thought of Ramsey with a kid.
“Please god no. I already get enough Princess Nepotism comments from Varma because of my aunt.” Auroras eyes widen in horror.
“I’m coming now, calm down. Lets go meet your cousin.” I joke, linking arms with her as we exit.
Harper seems peaceful, lying in bed with a small burrito shaped swaddle in her arms. “Congrats aunt Harper.” Aurora shuffles her feet awkwardly in the doorway. “Aurora! Hey, could you go down to the canteen and get me something to eat?” Harper flashes a megawatt smile her way and Aurora all but sprints down the hall, grateful for the diversion. “Casey could you come in here a minute.” The chief calls me from where I’m lurking in the corridor. “What’s up?” I try to smile at her and fail.
“I wanted to apologize, for what I said that day, after the funeral. It was wrong of me.”
“It’s already forgotten about but, just for the record. No. We weren’t sleeping together. He’d met someone, someone he was actually serious about.” I pretend to miss the relieved smile on Emery’s face as she croons to her baby.
“What’s his name?” I eye the tiny bundle as he sleeps.
“Sunny. He’s been a little bit of light at the end of a very dark tunnel.” She sighs softly, disappearing into her own thoughts.
“I’ll give you some peace.” I make to leave, before spying the flowers in the corner of the room. “Oh and Harper?”
“Bryce loved sunflowers too.” I remark, we make eye contact and a fleeting look of understanding passes between us.
“I know.” She gives me a tiny smile as I head out the door an old memory stirring in the depths of my mind at this latest secret.
“Go on. Who is she?” I tease him in the locker room as he tries to cover up the hickies down his neck and chest. “No one!” He protests, grabbing for the concealer Jackie is holding just out of reach. “Uh-huh.” We laugh as he colours red, cheeks flushing as he finally grabs the concealer and begins trying to hide the evidence. “See you later Casanova.” Jackie chuckles, swanning away to her rounds. “Is there someone on the scene Bryce? Like for real?” I lean against the locker, offering him my colour corrector to better mask the purple marks down his skin. “Maybe. I don’t know! I wish I could tell you Casey, she’s, she’s incredible.” He shakes his head, unable to fight the smile spreading across his face. “She sounds great, I’m happy for you bud.” I hug him. “When do I get to meet her?”
“You already have.” He smirks, winking at me as we work together to hide last nights activities. “Oh come on! Now you have to tell me!” I protest as he shakes his head. “Let a man keep his secrets.” He chuckles, finishing up and handing me back my makeup.
Harper Emery’s POV
Sunny looks up at me with bright unblinking eyes, so like his fathers it hurts as we walk through the door to my apartment. “Welcome home.” I whisper, stroking his soft baby cheeks with the pad of my thumb. He gurgles happily, and as a doctor, I know it’s impossible but I swear he smiles at me. Either way I grin back, leaning in to breathe in his heavenly natural baby scent. “You’re my happy ending.” I murmur, kissing his forehead as we stand in the lone shaft of early spring sunshine reflecting on the hardwood floor. Finally at peace.
*tagging @lilyofchoices @msjpuddleduck @jax-matsuo-clan in the final installment*
*i don’t know what I think of this ending. It feels too positive, like I cheapened everything else also very obvious I don’t have kids*
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peonyblossom · 1 year
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ethan and sydney with caramel and burrito
made with this picrew
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peonyblossom · 1 year
Whatever You Want
Book: Open Heart (post-series) Pairing(s): Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine) Other characters: Burrito Ramsey-Valentine; Caramel Ramsey-Valentine Words: 993 Category: fluff Rating: general AO3 link here Summary: When Ethan tries to work on his day off, someone tries to distract him instead. A/N: Based on a request from @dr-colossal-pita for the @choicesflashfics prompt from February (I'm so sorry it's literally been like six months) “I would love nothing more than to spoil you with attention, but it’s going to have to wait until later.” (prompt appears in bold)
Sydney would kill Ethan if he knew he was working on his day off, but he had a deadline and he didn’t want to leave this to the last minute. So, Ethan was sitting at the desk in his home office, writing. He was almost done with the first draft of his second book. He was on the last chapter and really just wanted to power through. He was in the zone, the words flowing on the page.
He barely even noticed when Burrito jumped onto the desk. He would’ve ignored the cat, except Burrito walked across the keyboard, typing a string of random letters and special characters into Ethan’s document.
“What are you doing?” Ethan asked, causing Burrito to turn and face him. Burrito stepped towards Ethan, pressing more keys. He rubbed his head against Ethan’s chest and Ethan instinctively reached out to pet the top of Burrito’s head. “I would love nothing more than to spoil you with attention, but it’s going to have to wait until later.”
Ignoring Ethan’s comment, Burrito simply jumped onto Ethan’s lap and curled up, purring. Ethan sighed and scratched Burrito’s head. “Well at least you aren’t on my keyboard anymore.” Ethan deleted the string of gibberish Burrito had typed and continued working on his manuscript. 
It took a while, but Ethan eventually got back in the zone, just writing, paying no attention to how much time had passed. He had no idea how long he’d been writing for nor how long Burrito had been laying on his lap. 
Ethan had been surprised when they got their first cat, Caramel, at how much she liked him and how much he liked her. He had never been big on pets, especially as an adult. He just felt he didn’t have the time to take care of one. Nevertheless, Sydney had managed to convince him to adopt her. Getting a pet together was one of their first big relationship milestones. Ethan had never thought they would get a second cat, but Sydney said Caramel needed a friend and Ethan begrudgingly agreed, so they adopted Burrito as a celebration for their first wedding anniversary. Once again he was shocked by how much the kitten liked him. Despite the cats being Sydney’s idea, they had both taken a liking to Ethan instead. They loved Sydney too of course, but Ethan was their favorite. Sydney said it was because Ethan was softer and therefore more comfortable, but Ethan didn’t care what the reason was, he didn’t understand why they chose him when Sydney was the one who really wanted them. But even then, Ethan had grown to love them. 
Sydney referred to the cats as “their children,” since they weren’t planning to have any. At first Ethan thought it was ridiculous, but over time he realized just how similar the cats were to human babies. They would scream for all the same reasons babies cry – hunger, attention, just generally needing help. Although he wasn’t confident in his abilities in the beginning, Ethan now loved taking care of them and was actually pretty good at it.
It only took Ethan another hour to finish his manuscript draft, but by the time he finished, Burrito was still curled up on his lap. He sighed, but was thankful he had a book to read right on his desk so he didn’t have to get up and disturb Burrito. Ethan leaned back in his chair, carefully putting his feet on the desk so as to disturb Burrito as little as possible while still getting into a more comfortable reading position. Thankfully, Burrito just cuddled against Ethan in this new position, still asleep. Ethan smiled to himself and opened his book.
A while later, Sydney finally got home from his shift at the hospital and was surprised to only see Caramel lounging on the cat tree when he walked in the door. Usually, Ethan would be in the living room reading or watching a documentary.
“Babe?” Sydney called out.
“In here!” Ethan instinctively called back from the study. 
Sydney followed his voice into the study and found Ethan sitting back in his desk chair. “Were you working on your day off?”
“Yes, but I finished my first draft.” Ethan smiled. He knew Sydney wouldn’t stay mad at him. 
“Oh yay!” Sydney ran behind the desk to hug Ethan. “I’m still mad at you for working when you should be resting, but I’m also super proud of you. Oh! And I see Burrito is proud of you too!” Sydney reached down to pet Burrito in Ethan’s lap.
“I think he’s taking after you. He stepped on my keyboard and stood in front of the computer so I couldn’t work.”
“Aw, that’s my boy!” Sydney smiled, then said to Ethan, “Now let’s get you out of this office and go celebrate! Ooh, we can walk over to that new Mexican place!” 
“Of course you want to celebrate with food.” Ethan laughed.
Sydney pouted and responded, “I just got off a fourteen hour shift, okay? I’m hungry.”
“Okay, okay, but what are we going to do with this little burrito?” Ethan gestured to the cat still in his lap.
“I’ll take care of him.” Sydney dramatically swooped Burrito up and out of Ethan’s lap. “It’s my turn with Daddy now, okay?” Sydney said to the cat, carrying him out of the room. Ethan followed him and watched as he placed Burrito on the couch. Sydney turned to Ethan and said, “Let’s go!” 
Before they reached the door, Burrito, who had jumped off the couch and ran ahead, did. He looked back at them as they approached and once Ethan was close enough, rubbed his head against his leg. Ethan chuckled and reached down to pick up Burrito. He hugged him to his chest and looked at Sydney. “Maybe we should just order takeout tonight.” 
Sydney laughed and said, “Okay, babe, whatever you want. Or whatever Burrito wants, I suppose.” 
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peonyblossom · 2 years
Ethan patching up MC after a cut/graze 🥰
Cat Scratch
Book: Open Heart (post canon) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine) Other Characters: Caramel Ramsey-Valentine, Burrito Ramsey-Valentine Words: 912 Category: Hurt/Comfort, Domestic fluff Rating: General Warnings: Minor injury Summary: When Sydney gets bitten during cat bath time, Ethan takes it upon himself to take care of the wound. AO3 link here A/N: I am. so sorry that it took me literally like six months to answer this. hope you're still here and reading this 🫶
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“Okay baby boy - it’s your turn!” Sydney scooped Burrito up in his arms and carried him towards the bathroom. Caramel was a pro at baths, not that she necessarily enjoyed them. Burrito, on the other hand, had never gotten one. “Are you ready for your first bath?” Sydney cooed to the tiny kitten, as he entered the bathroom. “Hopefully he’ll be as good as his sister.”
“Yes, hopefully we can get this done quickly,” Ethan said.
“Are you not enjoying cat bath time, Ethan?” 
“Not particularly.”
Sydney giggled as he brought a now squirming Burrito closer to the tub. Sydney stepped in and sat on the built-in seat, cradling Burrito to his chest. “Okay, baby, time to get cleaned!” Sydney slowly lowered Burrito into the water, as Burrito started fighting back, splashing both Sydney and Ethan. “It’s not that bad! I promise you’ll be okay.” 
Sydney held Burrito down in the water, careful not to let his head fall underneath. Ethan started washing the kitten who kept thrashing about in the water. 
“Burrito, it’s okay! Please calm down.” Sydney attempted to keep the kitten calm, but he started loudly meowing.
“It’s okay, we’re almost done,” Ethan reassured both Sydney and Burrito.
Sydney moved his hands out of Ethan’s way, so he could continue washing Burrito. Unfortunately, and unexpectedly, this upset Burrito who immediately turned around to chomp on Sydney’s hand. 
“OW!” Sydney tried to pull his hand away, but was unsuccessful due to Burrito’s shockingly strong grip. For such a tiny kitten, he had a lot of jaw strength.
“Burrito, no!” Ethan carefully pried his jaws open so Sydney could remove his hand. “You, okay, babe?”
“No, I’m bleeding.” Sydney laughed, trying to distract himself from the pain. “But, let’s just finish his bath. We’re almost done anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
The two quickly finished washing Burrito, before wrapping him in a towel. Ethan held the kitten and dried him off so he could warm up. “Is your hand okay?”
“I think it’ll be fine, but it really hurts.”
“Okay, let me finish drying off this little troublemaker and then I’ll help you.”
“I’m a doctor, E, I can clean my own minor wound.” Sydney rolled his eyes.
“I know you can, but applying band-aids with one hand can still be difficult. Besides, you know I like taking care of you.” Ethan left the bathroom to place Burrito on the heating pad they had set out. 
Sydney blushed as he waited for Ethan to return. He did know Ethan liked taking care of him, even when he didn’t need it. Or, at least, wouldn’t admit that he needed it. 
“Okay, let me see,” Ethan commanded, reentering the bathroom. Sydney complied, holding his hand out. “Syd, this looks pretty deep.”
“It’s just a kitten bite, how bad can it be?” Sydney attempted to downplay his injury.
Ethan wasn’t buying it, glaring at Sydney. “You and I have both seen plenty of people get infections from cat bites. Even domestic cats.” Ethan put Sydney’s hand under the running water in the sink and gently washed off the bite with hand soap. Once he felt it was sufficiently clean, he shut off the water and dabbed it dry with a clean towel. He reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. “I don’t think I need to tell you that this will sting.” Ethan gently, but effectively, cleaned the bite with alcohol.
“Ow.” Sydney frowned.
“I told you it would sting.”
“I knew it would, but I guess I didn’t realize how bad it was.”
Ethan sighed. “Yeah, you have a tendency to do that, honey.”
“I’m just saying, you can diagnose just about every patient you’ve ever seen, but can’t properly assess your own injuries. It’s okay to need help sometimes. And to ask for it.”
“I know. It’s just easier said than done. Now stop psychoanalyzing me and get back to fixing my hand.”
“Fine, fine.” Ethan grabbed a band aid and carefully opened it, expertly placing it on Sydney’s wound. Ethan placed a kiss on the band aid. “All better.”
“You’re so cute.” Sydney smiled.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Thank you, for helping me.” Sydney placed his arms around Ethan’s neck, careful not to disturb his hand too much.
“You’re welcome, love.” Ethan placed his hands on Sydney’s waist and pulled him close for a kiss.
“Now, let’s go see how our babies are doing.” Sydney pulled away and walked to the heating pad in the bedroom. “Hi, baby!”
Burrito was now curled up on the heating pad, completely calm. Caramel was laying on the bed, still damp and undoubtedly getting it wet. 
“I told you the bath wouldn’t be that bad! At least not for you.” 
Ethan laughed as he sat on the bed next to Caramel, who immediately climbed into his lap.
“She loves you so much,” Sydney observed.
Ethan sighed, “I know.”
“It’s understandable. I love you too.”
Ethan rolled his eyes, but couldn’t contain his smile. “I love you, too.”
Sydney smiled and laid on the floor next to Burrito, while looking up at Ethan and Caramel. “Look at how happy he is now!” Sydney exclaimed.
Ethan laughed, “You know he just likes being difficult. Wonder where he got that from.”
“Am I wrong?”
Sydney stayed silent, knowing Ethan was right. Burrito was a little troublemaker and he definitely didn’t learn it from Ethan.
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peonyblossom · 1 year
How different are Caramel and Burrito's little kitty purrrsonalities? And do they get on well with each other?
ooooh i love this question!!
Caramel is very classic orange cat aka fucking insane. Burrito is much more calm. They're both pretty affectionate though, especially with Ethan hehe. They definitely get along well with each other (most of the time), their personalities kind of balance each other out.
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peonyblossom · 2 years
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peonyblossom · 2 years
Does Sydney ever make a purrito with Burrito? 🌯🐈‍⬛
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yes yes yes yes yes a million times yes
Burrito loves it. he is baby
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