#business analytics degree in india
globsynbusinessschool · 9 months
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Discover Kolkata's Top Business Analytics Institutes. Boost your career with data analysis and market research skills. Click to read more.
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blog-135 · 2 months
The Excellence of Masters Degree in Business Analytics in Bangalore
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engineeringpu · 2 years
Admissions for the 2022 session are now open. The admission process is rigorous and aims to understand the journey of the applicant - academic, personal, and professional - to ensure that they are a good fit for the program.
 Plaksha Admission Process 2022
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vivekavicky12 · 7 months
The Dynamic Scope of Data Science Careers in India
Data Science is reshaping industries worldwide, and India stands as a thriving hub for professionals in this field. In this blog, we'll explore the burgeoning scope of data science in India, outlining the numerous opportunities it presents for career growth and industry impact. Data Science has emerged as a dynamic and high-demand field, with India becoming a significant hub for professionals in this domain. Choosing the best Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.
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1. Job Opportunities:
India's job market is witnessing an increasing demand for data science professionals across various sectors. From IT to healthcare, companies are actively seeking individuals adept at deciphering patterns within vast datasets. This demand translates into abundant job opportunities for those skilled in data science.
2. Educational Landscape:
India's educational institutions and online platforms have swiftly adapted to the rising demand for data science skills. Offering diverse courses and degree programs, these resources cater to individuals at different career stages, ensuring a steady supply of skilled professionals to meet industry needs.
3. Industry Integration:
Data-driven decision-making processes are no longer a trend in India but a fundamental shift in how businesses operate. Enterprises, from startups to established giants, are integrating data science into their operations, recognizing its value in strategic decision-making and problem-solving.
4. Government Initiatives:
The Indian government, through initiatives like "Digital India," is actively promoting data science skills. Skill development programs align education with industry needs, preparing a workforce equipped for the data-centric future.
5. Diverse Applications:
Data science applications in India are diverse, spanning e-commerce, healthcare, agriculture, and more. Professionals contribute to predicting market trends, optimizing healthcare processes, and improving outcomes in various sectors.
6. Competitive Salaries:
The surge in demand has led to competitive salaries and perks for data science professionals in India. This trend not only attracts experienced individuals but also encourages students and early-career professionals to pursue a career in data science.
7. Global Contribution:
Indian data scientists contribute globally, showcasing the skills nurtured in India on the international stage. This not only enhances the reputation of Indian professionals but also fosters collaboration on a global scale.
8. Continuous Innovation:
Data science professionals in India engage in cutting-edge projects, contribute to research, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements. The dynamic nature of the field ensures a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
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In conclusion, the scope of data science in India is expansive, offering opportunities for professionals at all levels. Whether you're a seasoned expert or new to the field, India's dynamic data science landscape promises a wealth of opportunities for those ready to embrace the future of analytics and insights. As India continues to ride the data wave, professionals in data science are poised for a future of boundless opportunities. As the demand for skilled professionals in these domains grows, the relevance of quality education becomes paramount. Choosing the best Data Science courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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kalki-tarot · 8 months
Hieee, hope you're doing well!
I would like to participate in your free readings offer please 🫶🏻
My initials are AM, I'm a Scorpio
Lil fact about me is that I chose my major (Business Analytics) for my Master's degree at the very last minute like literally 1 minute before the deadline ended 🫢
My question: Anything about my FS/What is his personality like?
Thank you sooo much for this!! 💕💕
P.s Not sure if your real name is Kalki or not but it's really beautiful. There's an actress in India with this name.
Aww! Thanks for calling my name beautiful, it's actually inspired from lord Vishnu's last avatar on earthly realm. 🙏🏽💙
Here's what i got for you!
The emperor - they are very mature and stable. They are dominating and can be in a leadership position. They are a family person. Goal and action oriented personality. They know what they want. Very giving and providing nature. They are ambitious and strong.
The hanged man& Death - They are going through a transformation currently. They are leaving behind the stuck energies. They are moving forward in life.
Strength - They have a strong will. They are full of determination. Leadership qualities. They're strong and caring. Also very protective of you. They take care of your needs.
The lovers - Gosh! What can I say about this one. They just love you so much ♡ they are passionate and romantic, full of love for you. You may be Soulmates.
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shantitechnology · 11 months
The Importance of ERP for Business Growth
Maintaining competitiveness and attaining sustainable growth are key objectives for organisations operating within the dynamic business environment.  In order to accomplish this objective, enterprises must effectively leverage contemporary technologies that streamline their processes and augment overall efficacy.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become essential tools for firms aiming to achieve efficient procedures, data-informed decision-making, and the flexibility to scale operations.  Empower your organization with efficiency.
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This article aims to examine the significant role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in facilitating business expansion, enhancing operational efficiency, and providing an enhanced level of customer satisfaction.
Integration of Business Processes:
The integration of corporate processes is facilitated by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which works as a centralised platform.  ERP effectively connects diverse business functions and divisions, thereby eliminating organisational silos and promoting efficient communication.  By integrating many functional areas such as finance, human resources, inventory management, supply chain, and customer relationship management, organisations can enhance operational efficiency.  The provision of real-time data visibility guarantees that staff are equipped with precise information, hence facilitating prompt and well-informed decision-making.
Improved Efficiency and Productivity:
One of the primary advantages of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is its capacity to automate monotonous operations and optimise operational processes.  Automation is a process that effectively minimises the occurrence of human errors and eliminates the necessity for repetitive data input, resulting in significant time and resource savings.  By enhancing efficiency, staff are able to dedicate their efforts towards strategic and value-added tasks, resulting in increased production throughout the entire organisation.  Choose STERP (Shanti Technology) - one of the most popular ERP software companies in India for expert ERP software services in India!
Data-Driven Decision Making:
Data-driven decision-making is a crucial aspect of modern corporate operations.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a significant role in this process by providing businesses with advanced reporting and analytics functionalities.  These capabilities enable organisations to transform raw data into meaningful and actionable insights, which can then be used to inform and guide decision-making processes.  The availability of real-time data facilitates the utilisation of data-driven decision-making by management, enabling the identification of trends, accurate demand forecasting, and precise performance assessment.  The aforementioned degree of well-informed decision-making promotes agility and facilitates the capacity to promptly adjust to market fluctuations.
Scalability for Business Growth:
As enterprises undergo growth and transformation, their operational requirements become increasingly intricate.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are specifically engineered to effectively expand in tandem with the organisation, facilitating the inclusion of more users, transactions, and data quantities without any detrimental impact on system performance.  The scalability of the ERP system guarantees its capacity to sustain the expansion of the firm without necessitating substantial modifications or migrations.  Experience the power of automation with STERP (Shanti Technology) - an excellent ERP software company in India!
Enhanced Customer Experience:
In the era of prioritising customer-centricity, it is of utmost importance to deliver a seamless and tailored customer experience.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions facilitate the acquisition of a comprehensive understanding of customers for organisations, encompassing their preferences, purchasing history, and areas of dissatisfaction.  This understanding empowers firms to customise products and services, provide prompt assistance, and cultivate enduring relationships with customers.
Streamlined Supply Chain Management:
Effective supply chain management is crucial for achieving business success, particularly for enterprises engaged in manufacturing, distribution, or retail operations.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are designed to enhance and streamline several aspects of supply chain operations.  These include optimising inventory management, accurately forecasting demand, efficiently fulfilling orders, and facilitating effective collaboration with suppliers.  The outcome entails decreased lead times, mitigated occurrences of stockouts, and enhanced overall performance of the supply chain.
Compliance and Risk Management:
Compliance with industry rules and adherence to corporate policies are essential components of business operations that are not up to negotiation.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions facilitate the implementation of comprehensive control mechanisms within enterprises, enabling the monitoring of compliance adherence and the mitigation of potential costly infractions.  This practice guarantees that the business conducts its operations in an ethical manner and upholds a favourable reputation within the market.
Final Thoughts:
The implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has emerged as a pivotal factor for enterprises aiming to achieve enduring expansion and sustained prosperity.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems provide a holistic strategy for addressing the complexities of a dynamic business landscape by integrating corporate processes, promoting efficiency and productivity, facilitating data-driven decision-making, and improving the overall customer experience.  Moreover, the scalability of ERP systems, along with their support for supply chain management and compliance, serve to reinforce their significance as indispensable tools for fostering business expansion.
In order to maintain a competitive edge and capitalise on potential avenues for expansion, enterprises of varying scales ought to give careful consideration to the acquisition of a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that is tailored to their specific requirements and goals.  The selection of an appropriate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution has the potential to facilitate significant organisational change, leading to enhanced operational efficiency, heightened levels of customer satisfaction, and sustained corporate expansion within the highly competitive contemporary market environment.  Unlock data-driven insights – Discover the capabilities of intuitive ERP software in India offered by STERP (Shanti Technology)!
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subo797112 · 1 year
Data science Training in Bangalore
Nearlearn is one of the leading institute in terms of providing data science training in both online and offline modes. It not only have it's branches in Bangalore, India but also have its branches in the foreign land outside India and its courses and syllabus are at par with the international standards.
The Data Science job requires an amalgam of experience, data science information, and the right apparatuses and technologies. It is a strong career decision for both new and experienced experts. Aspiring experts of any instructive foundation with a logical mood are generally fit to seek after the Data Scientist Master's Program, including:
IT Professionals
Analytics Managers
Business Analysts
Banking and Finance
ProfessionalsMarketing Managers
Inventory Network Managers
Beginners or Fresh Graduates in Bachelors or Master's Degree
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dmimsnagpur7 · 1 year
10 Things You Need to Know About DMIMS Best MBA College In Nagpur
DMIMS (Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences) is a renowned educational institution in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India that offers a two-year, full-time MBA program. Here are 10 things you need to know about DMIMS as a top MBA college in Nagpur:
Affiliation and Approval: DMIMS MBA program is affiliated with Nagpur University and is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
Faculty: The faculty members at DMIMS are highly qualified and experienced, with many of them holding doctoral degrees from reputed universities. They have a great teaching experience and industry exposure.
Infrastructure: The institute has a modern infrastructure that includes well-equipped classrooms, a spacious library, computer labs, and a state-of-the-art auditorium. Students have access to Wi-Fi, audio-visual facilities, and other amenities.
Curriculum: The MBA curriculum at DMIMS is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in business management and leadership skills. It covers various subjects like Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations, Business Analytics, etc.
Extracurricular Activities: DMIMS encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities such as sports, cultural events, and social outreach programs. These activities help students develop their personality and leadership qualities.
Placements: The institute has a robust placement cell that helps students get placed in top companies in various sectors such as banking, finance, IT, healthcare, etc. The institute has a great placement record over the years.
Industry Exposure: DMIMS provides students with opportunities to participate in industry internships, which give them practical experience and exposure to real-world business challenges.
International Collaboration: DMIMS has collaborations with leading international universities, providing students with opportunities for exchange programs and global exposure.
Ranking: DMIMS has been ranked among the top MBA colleges in Nagpur by various reputable ranking agencies and is known for its academic excellence and quality education.
Campus Life: DMIMS has a vibrant campus life with a diverse student community. Students have access to various facilities like a gym, canteen, medical facilities, and 24x7 security, ensuring a comfortable and safe stay on campus.
In conclusion, DMIMS is the Best MBA college in Nagpur that provides quality education, industry exposure, and a great campus life to students. With its excellent faculty, modern infrastructure, and strong industry collaborations, DMIMS is an ideal choice for MBA aspirants looking for a bright future in the corporate world.
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simplidistance1234 · 1 year
WhatDistance MBA Is In India
The definition of "Online MBA" is clear from the phrase's name. An MBA program is offered by a university or other institution, and students can participate in lectures, seminars, and other activities online. Live and recorded lectures, as well as tests that students can complete at their own speed, are often employed in classroom settings. The student can attend class from anywhere as there isn't a physical classroom present. Economics, business law, management, marketing, finance, and accounting are important disciplines. You can choose from a number of specializations, including those in management information systems, international commerce, business analytics, and entrepreneurship. Students normally need to have 2 to 5 years of work experience before enrolling in  distance learning MBA in India.
Graduates frequently land jobs in the operations, consulting, and finance industries.
First, distance education Outside of India, MBA programs are well-known and highly valued. They strive to develop the essential professional expertise and business skills. MBA students take courses on strategic decision-making, corporate management principles, and critical thinking.
A standard MBA takes a significant commitment in terms of time, money, and temporary life sacrifice. A practical method to get a top-notch education without having to change your usual schedule is through an online MBA. One of the main benefits of online education is flexibility since it enables you to work a full-time job while earning your degree.
The education section of SimplDistance covers more than 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses, 500+ certificates, 50+ executive MBA programs, 100+ colleges and institutes, and the top Indian distance learning MBA schools.
The goal is to make it easier for newbies or seasoned professionals seeking career growth to find the Top Distance MBA Colleges in India and to use technology to recommend the best online/distance learning programs. The education portal also offers free guidance on the best distance learning courses, institutions, and universities.
Keep up to date with SimpliDistance if you're looking at non-traditional job options and monitoring trends in the distance/online learning sector. You can get all the most up-to-date, trustworthy information on courses, schools, and more on SimpliDistance.
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syedmunir · 2 years
Can I get a degree through a program learned online?
Let’s get straight to the point first. Over the last few decades, online learning has taken the world of education by storm. You no longer need to step back from honing your skills due to a few geographical barriers. Instead, you will be able to roll into your comfort zone and earn a valuable degree by enrolling yourself in online degree programs that will pave the way toward success.
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Digital technology has grasped the world in the best possible manner. Gone are the days when you had to step out of your home to upgrade your qualifications. In this present scenario, online education has gained massive popularity among learners. A lot of individuals are opting for this pathway and are getting benefited. 
If you are looking forward to achieving a degree and pursuing a solid career in your desired field, take a quick look at this article from tip to toe. All you need to do is get in touch with Vignan Online and take a massive step toward success. 
What are the most recognized degree programs for the learners?
Check out some of the degree programs stated below in this article:
Bachelor of Business Administration
If you are willing to embark on a professional career in management, opting for the Bachelor of Business Administration might be your best bet! It is a three-year degree program that is exclusively designed for all aspiring learners out there. The entire curriculum is designed in such a way that it will allow you to gain a better understanding of the essentials of management and business. Earning a valuable degree in this field will enable you to enjoy excellent pay scales. This program is one of the best online degree programs in India. It also has career flexibility where you don’t have to quit your job while studying. Check out some of the electives in a BBA program:
Human Resource Management
This specific program will improve your networking skills, accompanied by leadership skills. Understanding market operations will be smooth as a cakewalk then. 
Master of Business Administration
Are you looking for the next logical step to advance your career? If yes, you can choose a Master of Business Administration and evolve as one of the top-notch leaders in this competitive market. All you need to do is stay committed to the learning process, and that’s it. The myriad of electives offered by the MBA program are as follows:
Human Resource Management
Business Analytics
Operations Management
Healthcare Management
Finance and Human Research Management
Marketing and Human Resource Management
Information Technology Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Undergoing this program will help you expand your professional network seamlessly. With the increased knowledge of the global market, you can reach heights and achieve all the goals. 
Master of Computer Application
In this fast-growing information-technology sector, obtaining an online degree programs in the Master of Computer Application can be beneficial for a learner. Since technologies tend to change at the drop of a hat, this specific degree program will enable you to adapt to new technologies effortlessly. Also, you will earn a good salary after kick-starting your career in this field. Go through the electives that are there in the MCA program:
Computer Science and IT
Cloud Computing
Full Stack Development
Data Science
MCA is a professional and technical degree with a lot of value. After tapping into the world of technology, you can get the scope of enjoying enough credibility as a professional. 
Wrapping Up
These are some of the online degree programs to boost your career. If you have a job, family, or busy schedule , these online classes will be a boon for your life. So, what are you waiting for? It’s the right time to fulfill your dreams. 
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ringingdoor · 2 years
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Goldman Sachs Salary for Freshers
The average starting salary at Goldman Sachs is $120,000 per year. However, the pay scale varies depending on the role and experience. If you have less than 2 years of work experience, then your annual salary would be around $110,000. As you gain more experience, your salary will increase.
2. Career Growth Opportunities at Goldman Sachs
There are many career opportunities at Goldman Sachs. You can choose any of them according to your interest and skills. There are three major divisions at Goldman Sachs — Investment Banking, Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB), and Securities Operations.
3. Job Description
Investment banking involves advising companies on mergers and acquisitions, debt offerings, equity offerings, and other financial transactions. Your job description may vary based on the type of transaction you advise.
4. Requirements
You should hold a bachelor’s degree in finance, business administration, economics, accounting, or a similar field. You need to pass the CFA exam if you want to join the investment banking division.
5. Skills Required
Analytical thinking, problem-solving, communication skills, and teamwork are some of the basic skills required for investment banking.
6. Interview Process
Your interview process will depend on the position you apply for. For example, if you want to join a corporate and investment bank, then you will go through a series of interviews. These interviews will test your analytical and decision-making skills.
7. Work Environment
If you want to work in New York City, then you will have to deal with high pressure and fast pace. In addition, you will have to work long hours and weekends.
Know more: Click Here
Check out Other off-campus Jobs:
Cognizant Off Campus Drive 2022 | GT/ GET | Freshers, Apply Now
HCL Off-Campus Drive For 2022 Batch | Freshers | Noida, India
Google Research Scientist Job | Google Jobs | 2022 | Bangalore
Junior Data Analyst Cognizant | Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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maharghaideovate · 4 hours
Unlock Global Opportunities with DY Patil's International Business Specialization
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Ever feel like the career fast-track is passing you by? Like you're stuck idling while others zoom ahead? Well, buckle up, because Dy Patil Online MBA program is about to be the fuel injection your ambitions need.
This remote degree is the total package: evening and weekend classes to fit your busy schedule, top-notch faculty with real-world business credentials, and a unique curriculum covering all the hot areas like data analytics, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship. 
But what makes it special is the flexibility to create your focused path while staying in the career fast lane. Let me break it down: 
The Online Advantage 
No more soul-sucking commutes; log in to virtual classes from anywhere with good wifi
Lectures get recorded, so rewatch anything you need extra reinforcement on
Networking events, guest speakers, and resources are all just a click away
Collaborate easily with classmates around the world on group projects using cutting-edge virtual collaboration tools
Access coursework, stream videos, and connect via mobile for learning on-the-go 
Concentrations that Give You an Edge 
Instead of overloading on electives, Dy Patil lets you go all-in on highly specialized knowledge through relevant concentrations like: 
Finance: Go deep on investment banking, portfolio management, financial modeling and valuation
Information Technology: From data mining to cybersecurity to emerging Technologies like AI and Blockchain
International Business: Become a global savant in logistics, risk, and Marketing across cultures
Operations: Optimize processes, supply chains, quality, and project management
Human Resources: The latest strategies in talent acquisition, labor relations, and Organization Development 
By immersing in one of these areas, you elevate from a generalist to a bonafide expert primed to tackle complex issues across industries. For instance, the Finance track will drill you deep into areas like investment banking, risk management, behavioral finance, and all the advanced quantitative skills. 
The icing on the cake? You can even tailor your curriculum further by selecting electives aligned with personal goals. Dream of climbing into the C-suite at a multinational corporation? Load up on global leadership and cross-cultural management courses. Have an entrepreneurial fire in your belly? Double down on courses like venture capital, startup growth strategies, and new product development. 
Real-World Learning on Overdrive 
This "Dy Patil Online MBA" doesn't just teach theories from textbooks. You'll be out in the field constantly, getting firsthand experience via: 
Immersive residencies at domestic and international locations to deeply understand different business environments
Corporate field projects for major companies where you devise strategic recommendations
Global study tours to economic hubs like Singapore, Dubai, and Shanghai to explore opportunities
live case study competitions analyzing and presenting solutions to real business challenges
Building an actual business plan for a new venture idea that you can pitch to investors 
Along the way, you'll have countless chances to rub shoulders with executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and other power players who can provide unvarnished mentorship and connections.
Just imagine: one semester you're exploring e-commerce opportunities in India's startup ecosystem. The next time you're in NYC, working on a consulting project for a major bank, you'll be learning how to navigate corporate politics. These rapid-fire experiences will transform you into a seasoned professional before you even graduate.
Ultimately, this online MBA is about positioning yourself for career hyperspace. You'll emerge with an elite personal brand, niche expertise, hands-on accomplishments, and connections that'll have headhunters from top firms flooding your inbox. 
All without having to put your ambitions on hold, quit your job, or commute for hours each week. That's what makes scoring the Dy Patil Online MBA such a savvy accelerator for achieving your biggest goals!
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sudheervanguri · 19 hours
Join IQVIA as a Medical Device Analyst in Bangalore Are you looking to advance your career in the medical devices field? IQVIA, a global leader in advanced analytics, technology solutions, and clinical research services, is seeking a Medical Device Analyst to join their team in Bangalore. If you have a Bachelor's degree and 1-4 years of related experience, this is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to innovative projects and develop your skills in a dynamic environment. Job Details Position: Medical Device Analyst Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India Job Type: Full-Time Experience Level: 1-4 years of related experience Key Responsibilities High-Quality Client Project Input Provide high-quality, on-time input to client projects in the medical devices field. Perform analysis and problem-solving within an established framework. Client Requirement Analysis Assist with the review and analysis of client requirements or problems. Develop client solutions under direct supervision. Documentation and Specifications Help develop detailed documentation and specifications. Perform quantitative or qualitative analyses to identify client issues and develop specific solutions. Presentation Development Design and structure presentations tailored to the audience's needs. Develop a basic knowledge of consulting methodologies and the MedTech market. Learning and Development Engage in consulting engagements and participate in learning opportunities. Responsibilities are managed by senior team members, including Consultants, Senior Consultants, Engagement Managers, or Principals. [caption id="attachment_83223" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] IQVIA Hiring Medical Device Analyst in Bangalore[/caption] Qualifications Educational Background Bachelor's Degree is required. Experience 1-4 years of related experience in the field is required. Skills and Knowledge Ability to work effectively with others to achieve team goals. Understanding of fundamental business processes and their interactions. Knowledge of consulting methods, tools, and techniques. Awareness of current events and developments within the MedTech industry. Knowledge of the marketplace, professional/trade associations, and key industry players. Effective time management skills. About IQVIA IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions, and clinical research services to the life sciences industry. Our mission is to help our customers create a healthier world by pushing the boundaries of human science and data science. Application Process Interested candidates can apply online through the referral link: Apply Here
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shivam95 · 22 hours
Open the Power of Data: Exploring Masters in Business Analytics in India
In the ever-evolving landscape of the business world, the ability to harness the power of data has become a crucial skill. As organizations strive to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and stay ahead of the competition, the demand for professionals with expertise in business analytics has skyrocketed. India, with its thriving business ecosystem and growing emphasis on data-driven strategies, has emerged as a hub for exceptional master's programs in this field.
Exploring Masters in Business Analytics in India
In response to this growing demand, Indian universities and educational institutions have developed comprehensive master's programs in business analytics. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic field. Here are some of the key aspects of these programs:
Top Masters in Business Analytics in India Programs
Here are some of the top masters in business analytics in India programs :
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore:
The IIM Bangalore offers a Master of Business Analytics (MBA-BA) program that combines business acumen with advanced analytics skills.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur:
The IIT Kharagpur offers a Master of Technology (M.Tech.) program in Industrial and Systems Engineering, with a specialization in Business Analytics.
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai:
NITIE offers a Master of Business Analytics (MBA-BA) program that focuses on the application of analytics in various business domains.
Xavier University, Bhubaneswar:
The Xavier University offers a Master of Business Analytics (MBA-BA) program that emphasizes the integration of business and analytics.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune:
SIBM Pune offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program with a specialization in Business Analytics.
Eligibility Criteria for Pursuing Master's in Business Analytics (MSBA) in India
To pursue a masters in business analytics in India, candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria. Here are the key requirements:
Bachelor's Degree:
A minimum three-year bachelor's degree after passing the 10+2 exam from an accredited university with a minimum overall grade point average of 50% (45% for SC/ST/PwD/OBC categories).
Some universities, like IIM and IIT, may require a 3-year bachelor's degree.
Entrance Exams:
Most colleges require entrance exam scores, such as CAT, MAT, CMAT, ATMA, XAT, GMAT, or GRE.
Some colleges may conduct group discussions and personal interviews to evaluate skills beyond exam scores.
Work Experience:
While there is no specific work experience requirement, some Executive MBA programs may require a minimum of 24 months of work experience.
Age Limit:
There is no defined upper age limit for pursuing an MSBA in India. However, some entrance exams may enforce age restrictions, such as ATMA requiring candidates to be at least 21 years old.
English Language Proficiency:
If the candidate's first language is not English, they may need to provide proof of English language proficiency, such as IELTS or TOEFL scores.
GMAT/GRE Waiver:
Some universities may offer GMAT/GRE waivers for students who have achieved a B+ or better GPA during their last two years of undergraduate studies or cumulatively across the Master of Management (MMgt) program.
Key Points to Keep in Mind
The MBA eligibility criteria for masters in business analytics in India are like those for MBA programs, with a focus on academic performance and entrance exam scores.
Meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee admission, as space in each program is limited.
Students should thoroughly check the eligibility criteria for each college they are interested in applying to.
Strategic planning and preparation for entrance exams are essential for prospective MSBA candidates.
Top Masters in Business Analytics in India Programs
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune
Living Expenses for Pursuing a Masters in Business Analytics in India
Also to tuition fees, students pursuing a masters in business analytics in India need to consider various living expenses. The cost of living can vary significantly depending on the city, the type of accommodation, and the student's lifestyle choices. Here's a breakdown of the typical living expenses for MSBA students in India:
On-campus hostel/dormitory: Typically ranges from ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000 per year, depending on the institution and the type of accommodation (single, double, or shared).
Off-campus rental: Ranges from ₹6,000 to ₹30,000 per month, depending on the location, size, and amenities of the accommodation.
Food and Meals:
On-campus cafeteria/mess: Approximately ₹30,000 to ₹1,00,000 per year, depending on the institution and the meal plan.
Off-campus dining: Varies widely, but can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 per month, depending on the student's eating habits and preferences.
Local commute (bus, metro, or auto-rickshaw): Approximately ₹3,000 to ₹10,000 per month, depending on the city and the mode of transportation.
Occasional travel (within the city or to nearby locations): Extra ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per month.
Books and Study Materials:
Textbooks, case studies, and other course materials: Approximately ₹20,000 to ₹50,000 per year.
Stationery and supplies: Around ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per year.
Internet, electricity, and other utilities (if living off-campus): Approximately ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per month.
Extracurricular Activities and Miscellaneous Expenses:
Sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities: Varies, but can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 per year.
Personal expenses (clothing, entertainment, etc.): Approximately ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 per month, depending on the student's lifestyle.
As the business world continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals in business analytics is only expected to grow. masters in business analytics in India programs offer a unique opportunity for aspiring data enthusiasts to develop the necessary skills and expertise to thrive in this dynamic field. By combining a robust academic curriculum, hands-on learning, and industry exposure, these programs equip students with the tools and knowledge to drive data-driven decision-making and contribute to the success of organizations across various sectors.
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develeran · 3 days
Data Analyst Course Near Me, Mumbai
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Are you looking for the perfect data analyst course in Mumbai? If you're having trouble finding the right one, we have the solution. Check out our Data Analytics certification course in Mumbai. Our hands-on curriculum is designed to give you the key skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Work on real-world projects and build a strong portfolio to impress employers and make your mark in the competitive IT field. Start your journey to a successful career in data analytics with us.
What is Data Analytics?
Data analytics involves tools, techniques, and methods for collecting, organizing, storing, and analyzing data. The main goal is to apply statistical analysis and technology to identify trends and solve problems. Data analytics also helps companies quickly respond to changing market trends and gain an edge over competitors. The ultimate aim of data analytics is to enhance business performance.
Who is a Data Analyst?
A data analyst helps stakeholders understand data and use it to make strategic business decisions. They act as the gatekeeper for the organization’s data.
Here are some typical tasks and responsibilities for a data analyst:
Use data visualization software to oversee customer satisfaction surveys and report on the results.
Collaborate with business line owners to develop requirements, provide success criteria, manage analytical projects, and evaluate outcomes.
Monitor processes, systems, and practices to identify areas for improvement.
Engage with stakeholders, business units, technical teams, and support teams to define concepts and assess needs and functional requirements.
Convert key questions into specific analytical tasks.
Gather new data to address client inquiries and compile information from various sources.
Use reports and interactive dashboards to apply analytical techniques and tools, delivering new insights to clients.
Transform data and concepts into visualizations.
Work with data scientists to identify the best product solutions.
Create, test, and maintain backend code.
Develop data procedures, define data quality standards, and implement data quality processes.
Manage the codebase and suggest improvements and refactoring.
Create tools and models for data validation to ensure accurate data capture.
Collaborate to assess and analyze key data that will influence future business plans.
How to Become a Data Analyst?
Data analysts work in various industries, including:
Real Estate
Health Care
Information Technology (IT)
There are several paths to becoming a data analyst. The most common way is to get professional certification through courses, self-learning, or by obtaining a degree or diploma in Data Analytics. 
A data analyst's job involves handling data throughout the data analysis process, which includes data mining, statistical analysis, and data presentation. They work with different combinations of data analysis techniques to achieve specific outcomes.
Top Data Analyst Courses in Mumbai
When searching for the right course, consider the following criteria:
Level of the course: Degree, Diploma, Short-term Certification
Duration of the course
Cost of the course
Mode: Online or Offline
Pace of the course
Data Analytics Courses in Mumbai
Often, finding a job immediately after finishing an undergraduate or graduate course can be challenging. This is usually due to a lack of exposure to a real-world, professional environment. While full-time schools teach the relevant theories and concepts well, they sometimes fall short in providing practical business insights and in-demand skills. To address this gap, many organizations and online platforms in India offer data analyst training with placement assistance.
Learning Options
Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer courses that teach the fundamentals of data analytics.
Certifications: Students can earn globally recognized data analytics certifications, covering essential tools and programming languages such as big data, Python, and machine learning.
Data Analytics Course Fees in Mumbai
The fees for Data Analytics courses in Mumbai vary depending on the type of course you choose. Here's an approximate breakdown:
Online Certification level: INR 500 – 10,000
Diploma level: INR 9,300 – 2,00,000
Undergraduate level: INR 90,000 – 21,00,000
Postgraduate level: INR 20,000 – 23,00,000
Please note that these are general ranges, and actual fees may vary based on factors such as the institute, course duration, and additional features or resources included in the course.
Data Analytics Course Fees: Online vs. Offline
The course fees for Data Analytics in Mumbai based on several factors, such as course duration, unique features provided by each institute, and post-course assistance. Both online and offline data analyst institutes offer quality coaching, so the syllabus itself may not significantly impact the difference in fees among institutes.
However, factors like practical projects, access to learning portals, notes, slides, and study materials can play a significant role in determining the variance in data analytics course fees. Data analyst online courses may have lower fees due to reduced infrastructure costs, while offline courses may offer hands-on experiences that justify their higher fees.
Learn more - Best Data Analyst Courses in Mumbai
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