postcard-from-the-past · 11 months
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Imam Al-Busiri Mosque in Alexandria, Egypt
French vintage postcard
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darquitectura · 10 months
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Saverio Busiri Vici, Villa Ronconi, Roma, 1973
(Photo by Gaetan Asselberghs)
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lovinghertawakkul · 10 months
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وَالنَّفْسُ كَالطِّفِلِ إِنْ تُهْمِلْهُ شَبَّ عَلَى
حُبِّ الرَّضَاعِ وَإِنْ تَفْطِمْهُ يَنْفَطِمِ
“Your Nafs is like a child who when breastfed
Loves suckling but when you wean it, will stop.”
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theurbancode · 4 months
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b-day gift for my oldest internet bonhomme. he liked it, i'm so glad. /crying emoji i can't be bothered to pull up on pc
i love that he's maintained this online dragon man persona all these years, that's dedication. it makes me want to revisit my maneating plant woman-sona again (rafleshia/rafflesia rep).
we'll meet in person one day. fran, too, i know you're out there somewhere, we'll reconnect one day. ah note to self: remake that one art, maybe it will summon her lol.
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dai-ilallah · 9 months
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lastvisited · 7 months
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© 2007 busiris
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Heracles 7: Other Notable Feats
         According to Diodorus and Apollodorus, Heracles has many other notable adventures and achievements during his quests to fulfill his labors. Some of these events (but certainly not all), are as follows:
         The 1st Olympic games: After capturing the Cretan bull, Diodorus tells us that Heracles Founded the first Olympic games in honor of his father Zeus. Heracles chose the laurel wreath crown as the prize and, as is fitting his demigod prowess, won first place in every event!
         The gifts of the gods: Diodorus also lists the boons gifted to Heracles by the gods upon return from his labors: a robe from Athena, war club from Hephaestus, horses from Poseidon, a sword from Hermes, bow and arrows from Apollo, and the Lesser mysteries, instituted by Demeter to purify him of the Centaurs murders.
         The rescue of Prometheus: The titan Prometheus, for stealing fire from Zeus and gifting it to mortals, was punished by being bound to a mountain rock and having the giant Caucasian Eagle come and peck out his regenerating liver every day. Heracles, coming upon this tragic figure, shoots down the eagle with his arrows, rescues the titan, and persuades his father to calm his anger for Prometheus’s transgressions.
         To get a deeper look into his further adventures during these times, I urge the reader to review the section on Heracles in Diodorus’ Library of History and Apollodorus’ The Library. Many more feats are listed such as Killing the Libyan giant Antaeus in a wrestling match, constructing the Pillars of Heracles to mark the end of the known world, fighting the giants of the earth with the help of the gods in modern day Italy, praying for divine intervention in the bothersome sounds of crickets at night, escaping capture and being a sacrificial victim in Egypt by King Busiris, amongst many other episodes.
Thanks for looking and reading! 
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voguefashion · 8 months
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Veruschka wearing Ken Scott, photographed by Henry Clarke at the villa of architect Michele Busiri Vici in Circeo, Italy for Vogue, November 1965.
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worldsandemanations · 4 months
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Villa Ronconi, Saverio Busiri Vici, Rome, Italy, 1973.
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Imam Al Busiri Mosque in Alexandria, Egypt
British vintage postcard
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merhim71 · 2 years
Essubhu Beda(Kaside İmam Busiri)
İmam-ı Bûsirî bir gün evine giderken yolda rastladığı güzel yüzlü yaşlı bir zat ona:
-Yâ Bûsirî, Bu gece rüyanda Resûlüllah'ı gördün mü? Diye sorar. İmam-ı Bûsirî:
-Hâyır görmedim! Diye cevap verir. Bu konuşmadan sonra O yaşlı zat başka bir şey söylemeden ayrılır. Ne var ki İmam-ı Bûsirî'nin gönlüne, o anda Hazret-i Peygamberin aşk ve muhabbeti düşer. O gece, rüyasında Hazret-i Peygamberi görür ve içinin neşe ve huzurla dolduğunu fark ederek uyanır. Bunun üzerine Peygamber Efendimizi öven ve nice Peygamber âşıklarını sevgi deryasında yıkayan Mudariyye, Hemziyye gibi birçok övgüler yazar. Kasîde-i Bürde'nin 149. Beytinde bunu şöylece dile getirir:
Düşüncemi övgüsüne, yönlendirdiğimden beri,
Başı darda her insana, O Resulü buldum hâmi.
Daha sonraki yıllarda vücudunun yarısı felç olur. Yürüyemez ve hareket edemez duruma düşer. İşte o zaman bu Kasîde-i Bürde'yi yazıp bununla Cenâb-ı Hakk'tan şifâ dilemeye yönelir. Kasîdeyi tamamladığı gece rüyasında Hazret-i Peygamber'i görür. Hz. Peygamber Bûsîrî'den kendisi için yazdığı kasideyi okumasını ister; O
"Yâ Resûlallah! Ben sizin için çok kasideler yazdım, hangisini emredersiniz?" deyince, Hz. Peygamber kasidenin matla' beytini okuyarak bu kasideyi işaret eder. Bûsîrî kasidesini okurken Hz. Peygamber iki yana doğru sallanarak zevkle dinler. Tamamı 161 beyitten ibaret bulunan Kasîdenin 51. Beytinin birinci mısraını
Hakkında ilmin son hükmü; "O da bir insandır ancak,
olarak okuduktan sonra ikinci mısrasını hatırlayamayarak takılır kalır. Bunun üzerine Resûl-ü Ekrem Hazretleri: Oku yâ İmam! Diye buyurur. İmâm-ı Bûsirî: -İkinci mısrayı hatırlayamadım yâ Resûlüllah! der. Bunun üzerine mucize içinde mucize üzere Peygamber Efendimiz:
"Yaratmıştır O'nu Allah, en hayırlı kul olarak"
şeklinde ikinci mısrasını ikmal buyurarak beyti tamamlar. Kasîdenin tamamının okunmasından sonra Resûlüllah mübârek avuçları ile İmâm-ı Bûsirî'nin felçli uzuvlarını ovuşturur. Ne derin muhabbetin eseridir ki, İmâm-ı Bûsirî uyandığı zaman hastalığının zâil olduğunu görüp Allah'a şükreder. O gecenin sabahında sıhhatine kavuşmuş ve sürûr içinde camiye giderken yolda Şeyh Ebu'r- Recâ Hazretlerine rastlar. Ebu'r- Recâ ona:
- Yâ Bûsirî!. Fahr-i Âlem'i övdüğün kasîdeyi getir! der.
İmâm-ı Bûsirî; Resûlüllah Efendimizi övdüğüm kasîdelerim pek çok. Hangisini istiyorsunuz? Diye sorunca, Şeyh Ebu'r- Recâ:
Gönül yakan o hasret mi? Selemdeki komşuları,
Gözünden akan yaşlara, karıştırıyor kanları.
Diye başlayan kasîdeyi istiyorum. Çünkü sen onu Peygamber efendimizin huzurunda okurken işittim ve O'nun çok memnun olduğunu gördüm der. Bu kasideyi daha hiç kimsenin duymadığını zanneden İmâm-ı Bûsirî hayretler içinde kalır.
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zillabean · 1 year
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Commission for Busiris of an oni version of his character!
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roosaurusrin · 9 months
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Collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts. The hieroglyphs on the case translate to:
An offering in which the King gives to Osiris Khenty-Amenty, the Great God, Lord of Busiris, Lord of Abydos.
That he may give a goodly burial in the Necropolis of the desert, for the . . . of the Hathorian Sedem.
May she be given beer, oxen . . . oferings and provisions, and all things.
Pure for the Ka of Hathorian Sedem.
Falcon - Polychrome Wood (600-500 BCE)
The God Amun-Ra - Limestone (1080- 656 BCE)
Mummy Case - Polychrome and gilded gesso over sycamore or cedar wood (300 BCE)
Wall Relief - Limestone (1570-1320- BCE)
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gritsandbrits · 1 month
How are Sharun and Khadija defeated?
I have been thinking of different scenarios. All of it involves a kaiju, everyone asha and her friends helped along the way joining in, Valentino being useful for once, and a jar of white paint.
Our villainous couple manages to steal asha's Magic and uses it to summon a monstrous "star eater" hoping to consume stars and lay waste to Rosas. Or lay waste to Wahatan if i decide to change the setting
They kidnap Omari and Valentino to use as leverage. Asha & Midnight manages to find a way back to Rosas with help. Omari and Valentino who'd soent the whole movie arguing, finally sets aside their differences and work togethet to escape. Asha rouses her people to fight once more
Omari confronts Sharun and engages him in a Sword fight while Asha tussles with Khadija; The Teens attempt to lure the star eater away from Rosas while Jabbari and Amaya order evacuation.
In the end Asha uses the storybook to trap the star eater and khadija and sharun are arrested
Alternatively Khadija and Sharun turn into monsters themselves, kinda like to how Magnifico was going to turn into a monster in the original drafts. They're literallg wrapped up into each other.
Seeing the negative comparison Wish gets to Kingdom Hearts apparently only KH is allowed to reference past disney films I thought why not go all the way and make Khadija and Sharun the first known cases of The Heartless? Like their wish tranforms them into a dark entity. Yeah it might be too similar to Jafar but i love a good boss battle and a Chimera villain hasn't been done In Disney that i know of
In that case sharun and khadija are vanquished with the combined efforts of asha's magic and the stars, since the people of rosas aren't enough since they're going up against a stronger enemy this time.
Valentino butts heads with Busiris (Khadija's ram) but is overpowered and about to be stomped on till Midnight climbs up and spills a jar of paint on Busiris, causing the evil ram to shriek over his luscious wool being ruined. He ends up getting chased out of town by the farm animals
There's also a lesser battle between Asha's community and Magnifico Supporters (who had helped Sharun and khadija thinking that by doing so, they would help them get their king back)
Those are just some of the ideas i have.
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dankolara · 4 months
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Saverio Busiri Vici, Roma, Italy 1973.
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