#buster gallon
toxiccaves · 3 days
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Black Hook's crew has been on the mind.. 💙💚🩷
plus a couple more s2 doodles
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To all Metal Cardbot fans:
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I hope this is accurate- (I hope it's accurate bc the show doesn't have an English dub so...ya know-) I THINK IM JUST GOING TO MAKE MY OWN CANON/FANON VERSION UNTIL THE ENGLISH DUB/SUB COMES OUT- ^^
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ilk-insolence · 10 months
Raph Is A Great Strategist
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Numerous times in the show Raph has shown to have a preference for straightforwardly punching his problems away rather than think up a more complex solution. Like how his immediate fix to getting Mayhem out of the mirror in Mystic Library was to punch everything in the bathroom but the mirror. However, when Raph understands the situation requires more in depth strategy, he’s shown to be an incredibly capable tactician.
(long post ahead!)
In nearly all the plot heavy episodes like Shadow of Evil, Many Unhappy Returns, and the season finales, Raph gets moments where he’s highlighted for his strategic thinking. In Insane in the Mama Train, he’s the one who figures out which eyeball-button goes to the front car with the dark armor, because “‘it was the only button [the Foot Clan] didn’t want me to press!’” [21:05]. He’s also the one who came up with the scheme to defeat all the (known) combatants in the train, with Leo specifically attributing Raph as the deviser during their mind meld [19:46]. In Many Unhappy Returns, after spending a single night waylaying the Shredder, Raph formulated a plan using all the tricks the team learned, seamlessly transitioning the mystic collar Leo acquired into it [19:53], to defeating the Shredder. Additionally, he’s repeatedly called for a retreat during fights, like in Shadow of Evil, Shreddy or Not (Finale pt 2), and the movie, when he can tactically recognize that a battle couldn’t be won. Each time, the show/movie implied that that was the right call, for the family to lose the fight but win the war.
And it’s not just that Raph is good at strategy when he’s pushed to be more serious; the show characterizes him as passionate about creating plans, he enjoys doing it. Literally in the first episode, Mystic Mayhem, after the turtles’ initial plan failed of getting Splinter out of the living room to touch his Do-Not-Touch Cabinet, Raph immediately started devising a new plan that involved “ten chickens [and] a gallon of rubber cement” [9:35]. It was convoluted, sure, and they didn’t end up using it, but it was inventive and the opposite of reluctant. This is also shown in Bug Busters, where Raph planned out dousing Mikey in honey to attract the oozequitoes [2:52]; Snow Day, with the idea to freeze Ghost Bear like in Jupiter Jim Pluto Vacation 4; and Raph’s Ride-Along (and also Bad Hair Day), where Mind Raph created multiple schemes to get the criminals arrested. The show wouldn’t have made Raph be so creative with his plans if they were trying to characterize him as someone who didn’t like strategizing.
So does why Raph do stupid shit sometimes where he doesn’t think things through at all? Well, even though Raph is good at strategy and enjoys doing it, it’s clear his immediate impulse is still “punch the problem in the face”. In fact, all the turtle boys contain the fascinating dichotomy of being incredibly smart in some areas, and the dumbest teenagers alive in others. Just look at Donnie. It’s also how Raph is a loving protective older brother, and the guy who shoved Leo into a wall so hard he disappeared in one frame for shits and giggles (The Mutant Menace x). None of this means that Raph is bad at strategy though.
tldr: Yeah, Raph has a lot of dumb and, frankly, insane moments in the show, but he’s still an incredible tactician who’s plans consistently saved his family and sometimes the world. He's a great strategist.
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venyvenyvenven · 2 months
Buster Gallon might need to being himself for his sake,
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razzellyn · 4 months
Pt. 2
I forgot to mention this takes place after the ending
Jun's older sibling, (you), finally returns home after a long work trip and ends up finding unexpected company.
-You were introduced to him via Jun, obviously. Not on a personal level though, he was introduced to you at the same time with everyone else
-His first thought of you was 'Jun 2.0' and he was right. Except you're less... 'Clumsy' than he is
-He's actually quite pleased that there's someone that's actually mature (according to him)
-He kept asking things like, 'are you actually his sibling?', 'how come your hair is blue and not brown?', 'why are you the older one?', and so on
-If you love nature, then he loves you in a friendly manner
-No seriously this dude was beaming when he finds out
-Sometimes you bring him to a place where no other humans had been and the two of you would just hang out
Fleta Z:
-When visiting your unbiological uncle, Ed, you were just expecting him and Jun, not a whole plane turned robot
-The two of you were weary of each other, but the tension passed when Fleta Z was told you were Jun's sibling
-Nothing much happened between the two of you after that
-Until you caught him with his Flute, and you two ended being good friends
-He honestly thought you were just trying to get to know him because of Jun, but when he ends up in the wrong... Well, he apologized and blew you a tune with his flute
-You find his tune to be calming, and he finds your presence comfortable to be with
Metal Crush:
-Jun's mom introduced you to him
-You thought Jun's mom was a little cray-cray because of him, yet the whole time he was polite
-Maybe it's just how he looked that terrified you, seeing how friendly the two of you actually are made you want to know more
-When he can't spend time with Jun, Jun's mom, or anyone else, he goes to you
-He's actually ecstatic whenever you two hangout
-His speech sometimes confused you, but that didn't stop the two of you from becoming good friends
-He's just glad to have someone actually enjoy his company for once, not counting Jun's mom because she already enjoyed having him around
-Black Hook approved
Buster Gallon:
-You honestly thought you were going to become enemies instead of friends
-The two of you did become friends however, by making fun of each other
-Both of you knew not to go too far, but just enough to make it look like a friendly rivalry (basically teasing on the next level)
-Buster Gallon rebuilt his threee 'mini me's' and you were having the time of your life with them
-Buster's a little pissed off but doesn't really care about it
-Instead the five of you ended up making your own friend group
-The five of you are what the others call 'Hell spawn'
-No seriously, Jun called you guys that. And Buster's little pals annoyed him the entire day
-Black Hook... approved?
Black Hook:
-Not exactly the kind of bot to panic when someone sees him, instead he took you to Jun
-He ended up surprising himself when he finds out you two are related
-He asked you for your name and that's it
-He was content with that, but you weren't. You made it your mission to get to know your captor better, out of spite
-You two ends up being on the same frequency and boy was that an interesting day
-He took you for a ride and you two literally plays pirate with each other, at least no one else was there to see
-Well there's Fleta Z flying by, but he doesn't care (Black Hook threatened him)
-Overall the two of you became great friends and his sons crew members was glad for that
Heavy Iron:
-Well he terrified you on accident when he almost stepped on you when you first met
-He apologized after (with the help of Jun), but seeing you still shaken up he decided to do something nice for you (also with Jun's help)
-Yeah he failed
-Hey, it's the thought that counts
-When Jun told you that he's the one who caused his arm to hurt, you threw a shoe at him. It's a surprise you didn't get thrown something in your face by him
-The two of you only became friends after getting into an accident
-Turns out you two work great together
-You the brain and he's the brawn, you two practically saved yourselves
-And after that the both of you become great friends! Well, it took a few weeks for Heavy Iron to suck up his ego, but it worked
I don't think i tackled Heavy Iron's character correctly 😞
Safe to say i think i did great
Hope y'all liked this <3
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a-vctlan · 2 months
— blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! | @kuhato / @aicidos
sender tries to wipe blood off receiver but the blood on their hands just makes it worse / tifa & cloud 😊
They all knew it.
The migraines, the hallucinations. He sleepwalked, talked to himself.
Cloud was unwell.
But… they were hurting for members. That's what Tifa kept repeating, time and time again, and after a while even Barret started to wonder if she was trying to convince him or herself that bringing Cloud along was a good idea.
He got the job done when he was lucid, that wasn't a question… but what if he gets one of his spells during a fight? How are they supposed to trust him when they know how he gets? So far it wasn't a problem, but Barret's job was to make sure the team was one cohesive unit, that they wouldn't hit any snags.
You don't think they got rid of him for a reason, Tifa? SOLDIERs don't just up and retire, you know that as well as I do.
But what they feared was him faltering mid battle, going down when they were relying on him… they hadn't considered the opposite. Something about the location, the feeling of being chased — Midgar Wastelands as far as they could see, hot sun blaring down at them, surrounded by an infantry convoy that seemed to have been expecting them.
The longer they fought, the more chances they had to call in for back up, to close them in further, to shoot them down. The gunfire, the yelling, people calling out his name… something snapped. Cloud stumbled for half a step as he took a shot in the shoulder, and Tifa called out for him… but there was no response, not a single glance back towards her. Instead, his gaze snapped back up towards the person who shot him, his grip on the Buster Sword tightening…
And all the times they'd doubted his story, doubted his validity as a First Class, are brought to question — how can he not be? The viciousness, the speed and strength with which he cuts through the masses, one after the other, completely berserk.
SOLDIERs are monsters. They fight, and they love it.
At least, so they say in the slums - but there is no thrill in his eyes when Cloud cuts down the last man standing, he is as wide eyed as a prey animal, his whole frame shaking with tremors. He's afraid, he's afraid and at times it feels like she'll never be able to understand - like no one will be able to understand.
Blood and carnage, more souls for the lifestream, more lives to carry on their conscience, to burden themselves with — it had to be done, they had to live to fight another day.
Cloud swallows thickly, and for a moment, he feels like he's going to be sick - he's sweating, heat flushing through his system as his mind catches up with what he'd just done. (I did that? You did.) His thoughts swarm as he seemingly blinks himself aware, stumbling a half step back, wiping at the sweat on his face with his bloodied gauntlet, smearing it across his cheek as he holsters the sword on his back.
She approaches him like a wild animal, and he wilts, bristles up but grows complacent, he trusts her — he trusts her more than he trusts himself at times.
Her knuckles are bloodied, the rusting iron scent seeping into the cracks of her gloves, but Cloud doesn't care, long since desensitized to the nauseating stench (it used to make me sick) and all he can focus is on her eyes, the worry, the distress on her expression as she tries to reach out, tries to draw him out of whatever daze he'd fallen into.
Her hand is on his cheek, her thumb attempting to wipe away the blood he'd splattered on himself, but all it does is smear it across his face, and he can see her talking but he can't understand her words, drowned in the thundering of the blood pumping in his head, and so she tries again, both hands now on his face as he begins to feel faint - he'd over exerted himself, he's aware somewhere in his mind.
His knees buckle as he collapses, and Barret rushes over, cursing over his own inability to do anything to help either of them - but before he can get picked up off the floor, one of his bloodied hands reaches up to clasp the hand on his cheek, grip shaking, but careful... desperate for contact as although his mind does not remember, his body kept score of the fear he'd once felt.
He didn't want to be alone.
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tigresslanzhu · 1 year
Peanut Butter
[Buster hoists a huge basket full of Reeses candies, ice cream, cookies and even a gallon of peanut butter milk up on the convenience store register counter]
Cashier: Wow! Meena must really have a craving!
Buster: [Very sleepily] No! Artica does! You’re lucky that both of them are still in the hotel or I’m sure they’d convince your manager to fire you for that!
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busterverse · 1 year
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What!  No Fun? Wednesday
Finally, I have seen ALL of 1933’s What!  No Beer? starring Jimmy Durante and a sadly demolished Buster Keaton.
How did this gobbler ever look good on paper?  We had to choke it down in five-minute segments.  
Where to begin?  There's a lot of shouting and stumbling, none of which is in the least bit funny, apart from one or two of Durante's throwaway lines.  
It's filled with idiotic, contrived, completely avoidable situations, the moronic end brings new meaning to the word 'cringe,' and yet, it reportedly made money.
The frenetic material makes The Three Stooges seem quietly dignified; the story makes Plan Nine From Outer Space look like Citizen Kane.
What's it about?  Prohibition's about to be repealed, and Buster, a taxidermist, teams up with his friend,  Durante, to brew beer and become wealthy.
What could possibly go wrong?  Yes, thanks for reminding me.
Buster and Jimmy (that's his name in the film, as though too dispirited to remember a different one) run into gangsters, are arrested by police, and wade through gallons of foam, a gag appropriated from Buster's much funnier short, My Wife's Relations (1922).  In fact all the gags were appropriated from Buster's REAL movies, like Seven Chances (1925), only there, they got laughs.
There are one or two meager good points.  Ya gotta love blowhard Spike Moran, played by Buster's old pal Ed Brophy.  But most of the cast is as wooden as the barrels the beer's been canned in.
Somewhere in among all this mess, Buster spots a girl and falls for her.  He can still sell his patented yearning look.
Durante works himself into a frenzy, struggling to save this bolus of a feature, but it's hopeless.  There are jagged, jumpy, mis-matched cuts everywhere, and it's filmed like a static stage play, even while churning around so much, it throws off buckets of flop sweat.
Former dancer Phyllis Barry (who actually did appear with The Three Stooges) plays an unworthy object of Buster's yearnings: a duplicitous, venal gangster's moll and bimbo de luxe who turns on a dime for no discernible reason.  (Except, of course, that it’s BUSTER.  Ya know?)
Worst of all, however, is seeing the master who created such brilliant movies as The General (1926) and my beloved Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928) reduced not only to wallowing in this bilge, but in such a state of inebriation that he either forgets lines, or slurs them when he does remember.
I'd drink too, if I was in this turkey.
Watch if you must, but be well forewarned.
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500 BBL Frac Tanks with Gas Busters in Good Condition
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/w6WZyGUfiLk https://inventory.freeoilfieldquote.com/product/500-bbl-frac-tanks-with-gas-busters Name : 500 BBL Frac Tanks with Gas Busters Code : 85716827 Type : Standard Brand : Unknown Category : Tanks subcategory : Frac Tanks Price : $11,500.00 Unit : Each (Each) In Stock : Yes Location : Louisiana Condition : Good Available Quantity : 4
500 BBL Frac Tanks with Gas Busters Description Frac Tanks: A 500 BBL (barrel) Frac Tank refers to a storage tank with a capacity of 500 barrels, where one barrel is equal to 42 US gallons or approximately 159 liters. Frac tanks are typically large, portable, and temporary storage tanks used to hold various fluids, including water, chemicals, proppants, and hydraulic fracturing fluids.
Design and Construction: Frac tanks are typically large, mobile, and robustly constructed. They are designed to withstand the demanding conditions of oil and gas operations, including transportation, storage, and fluid handling. The tanks are often made of steel and feature reinforced walls and a bottom to ensure structural integrity.
Mobility and Accessibility: Frac tanks, including those equipped with Gas Busters, are designed to be portable and easily transportable. They often have standard fittings and connections for efficient deployment and interconnectivity with other equipment, such as pumps, pipelines, and flowlines. This mobility allows for flexibility in setting up frac operations at various well sites.
Interconnectivity: Frac tanks are typically equipped with standardized fittings and connections to facilitate easy interconnectivity with other equipment and systems. This allows for seamless integration with pumps, pipelines, and flowlines, enabling fluid transfer and distribution as required for oil and gas operations.
Gas Busters: Gas Busters, also known as gas separators or flare tanks, are devices integrated into frac tanks to remove or separate gases, primarily hydrocarbon gases, from the fluids stored within the tank. These gases can include methane, ethane, propane, and other volatile components that may be present in the produced fluids.
Safety and Environmental Considerations: Gas Busters are crucial for ensuring the safety and environmental compliance of frac tank operations. By removing and controlling the release of gases, they help prevent potential hazards such as gas accumulation, high-pressure situations, and uncontrolled emissions. Compliance with air quality regulations and reducing the risk of environmental pollution are essential aspects of gas separation and management.
Fluid Storage and Treatment: Along with gas separation, frac tanks serve as temporary storage vessels for fluids used in hydraulic fracturing. These tanks facilitate the containment, transportation, and distribution of fluids during the fracturing process. They can also be used for fluid treatment, such as the addition of chemicals or additives to optimize fluid properties for efficient fracturing operations.
CONNECT WITH US LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/free-oilfield-quote/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OilQuote Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freeoilfieldquote/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freeoilfieldquote
from Oilfield Equipment Manager https://rignetwork.wordpress.com/2023/07/06/500-bbl-frac-tanks-with-gas-busters-in-good-condition/
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Have some free metal cardbot thingies I made :3
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Feel free to use these for whatever! ^^ credit isn't needed but it would be appreciated :3
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Silly lines from the fanfic I'm working on!
Chapter Text
"If I poked him… would he squeak?"
"Squeaks like a pony and hops like a squirrel monkey."
"Like a fish latte!"
"It's like a diamond, but with barbeque sauce."
"Does this mean you can make Buster eat another tobasco pepper?" "I'm afraid I don't have enough gallons of milk for that… Also out of money to hire Superman for the job."
"You're kidding right? She runs like a constipated penguin!" (Hobbs: …Ò^Ó ?!)
"I stan mayonaise."
"Did you just… eat your ham and cheese with an oreo cookie?"
And she ran into the room, covered in flour.
Like a platypus on Judgement Day.
"Would you mind picking up dynamite while you're at it?"
"Are these made the wax from Babybel cheese?"
"It tastes like earthworms."
"What's the square root of nine?" "Um. Oatmeal?"
"What ended in 2000? Other than basic common sense-" "The 19th century. And also soul production."
"I look like Dracula's third cousin. And the doctor dropped him twice!"
"Not sure what a Dorfenbooper is, but I sure know how to do this. Mostly."
"It's like the Didn't Happen of the Year Awards!"
"It's a… pidgeon?"
"Hm. Mickey's possessed baby. Oh joy. *eyeroll*"
"Get me frenchfries and a milkshake, and step on it, koala." "*grumbles* I'll step on it, alright…"
To be continued :3
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southeastsoftwash · 2 years
How To Clean A Driveway (Video Tutorial)
Cleaning a driveway can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge it can be done quickly and effectively. In this article, we will discuss the process of cleaning a driveway, from start to finish, as well as the importance of following the Clean Water Act and safety precautions. Pre-Treatment Before beginning the cleaning process, it is important to be aware of your local runoff laws. According to the Clean Water Act, chemicals should not be allowed to leave the property. To avoid any violations, it is important to look into reclaimed systems that capture runoff and put it back into a tank on the property. When pre-treating the driveway, it is important to start with the low spots first. This will help to avoid a massive puddle that would be difficult to fight. It is also important to wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when pre-treating. This includes a respirator and waterproof footwear. Pretreat Chemicals For Cleaning A Driveway We like to use a 2-4% mix of sodium hypochlorite (Bleach) Household Bleach (6%) Ratios: 1:1 Bleach to water mix Mix in a garden sprayer and apply. Industrial Grade Bleach (12.5%) Ratios: 1:3 Bleach To Water Mix For the homeowner who has access to industrial grade bleach mix in a garden sprayer. For Soft Washing Professionals: Mix with Batch Buster Blend Manifold on (3 setting) Pressure Washing Once the pre-treatment is complete, it is time to fire up the pressure washer. It is important to use a pressure washer that is at least four gallons per minute. This will help to ensure that the surface cleaner is able to do its job effectively. When using the surface cleaner, it is important to move slowly and evenly across the driveway. This will help to avoid any lines or gouges in the concrete. It is also important to rinse the driveway as you go, as this will help to avoid any dirt settling back into the pores of the concrete. Post-Treatment Once the driveway is clean, it is important to post-treat the area. This will help to feather out any lines left from the surface cleaner and make the driveway look more professional. It is also important to check for any rust stains and treat them with a separate chemical, such as Rust Rescue rust remover. Post Treat at the same ratios as pre-treat above. Conclusion Cleaning a driveway can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge it can be done quickly and effectively. It is important to follow the Clean Water Act and wear the proper PPE when pre-treating and pressure washing the driveway. It is also important to move slowly and evenly when using the surface cleaner and to rinse the driveway as you go. Finally, it is important to post-treat the area and check for any rust stains. While cleaning your home you may want to take a look at the roof. See this article for How To Clean Roof Shingles Without Damage   The post How To Clean A Driveway (Video Tutorial) appeared first on Southeast Softwash. https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.southeastsoftwash.com/2023/01/05/how-to-clean-a-driveway-video-tutorial/
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theloniousbach · 2 years
ARI HOENIG with Gilad Hekselman and Joe Martin, SMALL’S JAZZ CLUB, 17 OCTOBER 2022, 2nd set
BUSTER WILLIAMS with Brandon McCune and Lenny White, MEZZROW’S, 8 OCTOBER 2022, 1st set
TAD SHULL with Ray Gallon, Paul Gill, and Joe Strasser, SMALL’S JAZZ CLUB, 9 OCTOBER 2022, 1st set
RICH PERRY with Paul Malinverni, Ugonna Okegwa, and Steven Johns, SMALL’S JAZZ CLUB, 20 OCTOBER 2022, 2nd set (partial)
I leaned into my jazz watching as a meditation on a trip to see my birth family. After days of intense peopling with some of the most important people in my world, I needed to get into the music and these largely straight ahead shows helped.
This latest iteration of ARI HOENIG’s trio may be a one off as guitarist Gilad Hekselman and Joe Martin seem to play together often, but for the second month in a row, Hoenig has been without Ben Tiberio and then Gadi Lehavi played piano and some electronics in September with saxophonist Tivon Pinnicot and Hoenig. Of course artists need to grow, but I came to appreciate Lehavi and Tiberio as toned down foils for Hoenig’s unique and compelling drumming whom I first discovered in the maelstrom of Jean-Michel Pilc and Francois Moutin. Ah, well, we defer to Heraclitus.
I am endeavoring to be more open-minded about guitarists and, particularly this time around, I wanted to see how that would affect Hoenig. The drummer was every bit as magical as always and the second tune’s Middle Eastern feel afforded stunning rhythmic options for the whole band. I have to guess that was Hekselman’s tune, but they also did Moonlight in Vermont and closed with Hoenig’s Gurnsey Street Gooseneckers. So there were some familiar touchpoints, including the opener which had to be a standard. Hekselman looped a bit on his tune and that was okay, but he took some extended completely solo sections which seemed too self-indulgent particularly as I was there to hear Hoenig. But I got a good does and left happy.
The BUSTER WILLIAMS set had the expected lots and lots of lead bass, both solos and in the ensembles. The leader just wanted to play and started the next tune even as the applause for the previous one hadn’t quite peaked. He made no announcements and I couldn’t name a tune, but it was all comfortable and usually familiar. I thought Lenny White was a bit much for the smaller Mezzrow’s, but he is a fine player. Younger Brandon McCune though had enough muscle to stand up to both veterans. He was full and solid all set and things swung.
TAD SHULL, on the other hand, announced every tune, standards and, tellingly, a Hank Mobley tune (The Breakthrough). I was trying to place Shull in the tenor-verse, particularly as I knew that I’d see Rich Perry the next night. I know him most from an album of ballads with Mark Turner where I assumed that Shull was the fuller player. And he is both rich and lithe, so yeah in the middleweight range with Mobley as a suggestive model. It was a strong, agreeable set with On a Clear Day to open, then Cole Porter, the Mobley, Matt Dennis, Jerome Kern, and Julie Styne. I have a developing habit of catching Ray Gallon’s monthly duo sets, sometimes with Paul Gill, so it was worthwhile to see both of them in a band setting too.
I saw most of RICH PERRY’s set before a call back home. Like Shull (and me) he was born in 1955, so that helps me get calibrated to my generation. He is a fluid and linear player with some muscle. He didn’t announce tunes but huddled loudly enough for me to know that they opened with Steve Swallow’s Falling Grace and that Monk’s Misterioso was in there. On the latter it was Pete Malinverni who kept the Monkishness going while Perry approached it as a blues which it is. Ugonna Okegwa was strong as expected and Steve Johns was solid. There were standards and it all had a welcome swing. I would have liked to hear the last 15 minutes, but I had a healthy dose of the music to get me through the night.
Good old Small’s Live is something to rely on.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
the great depression is like. such a specific interesting period to look at as represented in american literature because i think to an extent books are almost afraid of it, and it brings up these apocalyptically disturbing issues of capitalist destruction, climate destruction, violent racism, nativism, isolationism, antisemitism, agricultural disfunction, wealth inequality and the (so called) *hypothetical* space of what economic disaster means in real time for ordinary people (notice how the us now flinches from considering economic issues *significant* enough reason to be considered a *refugee). and the 30′s aren’t like the 1920′s, or the 50′s, or even now the 80′s or 90′s in that they can’t be so easily commodified into a saleable aesthetic of *the past* by certain groups and actors or consumed as pure nostalgia (something that, of course, requires stripping the above decades of almost everything that happened in them.) one on hand it’s because it’s perhaps harder to find sale-able aesthetic items in an era whose *aesthetic* if defined in terms of iconic images is marked by depravation, and ingenuity in the fact of depravation: dresses cut from flour sacks, yellowed photos of migrant workers, model-t’s and worn-out buster browns. but who wants to buy the dust bowl? all this accounts for why i think there’s this odd lost decade from the greater portion of american middle-brow literature and filmmaking and straight up pop culture reminiscence of a period that inarguably changed the us. it’s interesting. 
 i say on one hand because on the other, it really struck me how much of the american rendition of *cottagecore* and *getting back to nature/the farm* seems to me to dwell on some of those aesthetics of this period, removed from all context. there’s a lot of similar-silhouetted dresses, with extensive indie natural fibers fabric replacing the flour sacks that were the only thing many people could afford to dress their daughters in, and there’s washing your baby in a bucket, which looks nice, even though you do have running water. there’s an overall technological level that seems about 1930′s to me, and a focus on the kind of aesthetic sides of gardening, *farming*, washing clothes by hand and canning foods in mason jars that ignores the fact those were survival mechanisms for many people, that none of them ever stopped but changed with technology, that every aspect of food production is nuanced, messy, and dependent on extraordinarily complex factors of cost and terroir that make accessibility and sustainability contingent on a great number of local factors that don’t make such aesthetic instagram content. there are biscuit cutters and wringers for laundry and sometimes chickens, but there isn’t making saurkraut in 5-gallon plastic ace hardware buckets, or working in community college greenhouses to revive indigenous plants or food ways, or heritage seed banks, or butchering meat on plastic tarps, or replacing your ground beef with vegan replacements because that’s how you choose to decrease your environmental impact in a city of sixteen million people. and i think it’s interesting, because of the mobius strip of a (white, anglo, wealthy) turning away from so many of the exact issues that caused this aesthetic in the first place at the expense of an obliteration of historical understanding at a time when we have so much to learn from the past and for the present. you can try to sell the great depression, but how do you make money off of migrant workers, farmers watching land go dry with drought, hungry children, and climate refugees? how do you sell the dust bowl? 
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annamaetion · 3 years
Laws Broken by Buster Moon in the two Sing Movies in Chronological order
Bounces checks, multiple instances and presumably this isn’t the first time based on the discussion that Judy from the bank has with Buster.
Rides his bike recklessly through street traffic not wearing a helmet or indeed any other safety equipment.
Causes a disturbance in a private business (the restaurant, this one is admittedly very minor and probably only results in a ban from the restaurants property)
Littering, with a side charge of improper/misleading advertisement (even if unintentional or accidentally)
Knowingly lying about a cash reward used to induce service(s) or other gain whether monetary or otherwise.
Inducing another party (Meena) into breaking the law both with him and on his behalf; possibly with the implication that she would be compensated by being able to join a contest with a significant cash prize. (This maybe also could be considered a more harsh charge if Meena is considered to be a minor for her species).
Stealing electricity (from a commercial zone if that matters) [This is with said induced party]
Stealing multiple gallons of water from a storage tank. [also with induced party]
Mild vandalism in the form of illegal posting of advertising leaflets on the windows of a restaurant he’s presumably been banned from the premises of; if so then also trespassing. [also with induced party].
Improper indoor construction without proper permits. [also with induced party].
Endangerment of third parties through improper security or faulty construction of environment.
Trespassing on the property of a foreclosed property in possession of a financial institution, and inducing others to do so as well.
Causing a disturbance/noise violation in a commercial zone, while trespassing/loitering. Putting on a show or production without a permit.
Sing 2
Reckless operation of a bicycle in street traffic (again) and interfering with a commercial taxi service.
Stealing uniforms in order to present himself and others as members of a trusted party or staff /security of a business or corporation.
Causing the operation of machinery (floor cleaner) without proper training, licenses, or permission.
Trespassing in a restricted area of a high rise (using stolen uniforms).
Deceiving another party about permission to use a copyrighted item or intellectual property (Clay Calloway’s song)
Ordering or asking a contracted or union employee to work outside their usual hours without proper prior notice of a 24-48 hours (depending on what your exact job title is or what state you live in this varies) time period before schedule change.
Continuing to lie about subject covered in item 5 and claiming a relationship or business agreement with a public figure for the purpose of gains that would only be attained or otherwise granted based on said relationship/agreement.
Jumping from a building into a pool that has not been set up with this use in mind (i.e: is not a diving board tower or similar structure)
Trespassing though a area restricted to public use (staff backing area)
Trespassing with improperly owned/revoked passes or security tags, and inducing others to do so as well.
Inducing individual(s) to violate parole in any fashion. (This one is dependent or whether or not Marcus and his gang were on probation and not to leave without permission from a probation officer)
Putting on a show or production without proper clearances, city permits, or permission from property owners.
I think that covers just about everything. Let me know if there’s something I missed.
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