#but!!! im gettjng somewhere!!!
trashcreatyre · 1 year
Making acrylic charms for myself btw, I'll post them when they get here whenever they do :)
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
what was the problem with putting an adult fan of Fizz who uses sign language? or have the scene with the kiddo take place somewhere else, not in a beauty pageant full of Fizz’s perv fans?
im hard of hearing, the concept of Fizz learning he has disabled fans and accommodates them is super wonderful and im down, but with the context of worldbuilding, characters and the reputation of the show, this creative choice weirded me out more than anything (exactly what is fizz’s job? in-universe, who was the target audience of that event?), and i saw people speculating this was some damage control for Helluva lacking captions for a long time (or the ones with the choice “LOL im gettjng paid to write this.. pixel says hi!” subtitles)
I doubt it was a direct response to the caption debacle -- they would have had to animate it and throw it on an impossibly tight timeline, although if anyone's going to put this on her animators, it would be Vivzie.
But still, the fact that they most likely planned it while the show had no accessibility tools, and still thought it was a good idea to add ridiculous gag captions at the expense of deaf people is pretty appalling.
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undersummerskyy · 6 years
Dr J, hope you are well! Got anything cooking in the fic department? You always have such well written stuff.
Hey you! I lovveeee getting messages like this, they mean a lot! And to answer your question: I’m working on some stuff, yeah, I always am. Just have to find the time to write, which is difficult. Anyways, as a thank you for this wonderful message, here’s something I just quickly wrote for you! (sort of vaguely based on real-life events because Kendrick and I share our tinyness.. in fact.. she’s just a bit taller than me). Hope you have a wonderful day! 
Beca is a little drunk, home alone, and she wants something.
 Actually, she wants a lot of things. Like, a better job, Amy paying rent, decent food instead of take out every night, a different president, an apartment that doesn’t have a toilet behind a fucking curtain, an actual bed, Chloe..
You know.. all the normal stuff.
But right now, she wants Amy’s fancy whiskey that was on one of the higher shelves in their kitchen. She wasn’t particularly a fan of whiskey, but she was well aware of the fact that the Australian girl had only put it in that spot because she knew that Beca wouldn’t be able to reach it. Just like Chloe liked to tease her by putting her cereal there too, although Beca had started to get up before the other woman, and Chloe’s joke turned out to be a lot less fun when Beca made her get up at 5am to go get the cereal for her.
Anyways, she wants the whiskey, because damnit she’s done with these people stopping her from getting the things she wants. She had a horrible day at work, nobody has apparently decided to come home tonight (no texts, nothing. Which is normal for Amy, but not for Chloe who usually texts her updates about every 10 minutes. And yes, she pretends to be annoyed by it, but it has now officially been an hour and Beca definitely misses her and her texts like crazy) and she drank the four beers that she found in the fridge.
Which is more than her tiny body can handle. Apparently. She sort of forgot that she’s not in college anymore, and her body isn’t used to consuming alcohol like this anymore. (She’s an adult now.. or whatever.. so it’s all red wine during dinner and having one beer after work with her awkward co-workers who she secretly hates).  
But still, she wants that whiskey, and she just keeps staring angrily at the shelf, hoping that it will somehow magically make its way down to her where she’s laying on her and Chloe’s bed. Speaking of Chloe, it has now been an hour and ten minutes, which is just officially too long.
Chloeeeeeeeeeeeeeewweeeei ant the facny ass whsikeg thst amy keeps on thst duckign shelf you giys won’t let me tjouvh.Ckme homeand get it for me. Pleweaaaseeeeeee.Ok. Love yiy. ByeeeeeeBitchell out
 Grinning at her own phone, she sends the message.
 To her own surprise, she gets a response not two minutes later.
 Becs, are you drunk?
 She snorts, and shakes her head, even though there’s no one to see it.
 Yeah, she’s definitely got this. Short, to the point, no mistakes. There’s no way Chloe’s going to think she’s drunk now. She can do this.
 Im gettjng my drink.
Minutes later, she’s pushed their small dining table against the kitchen counter and is leaning forward, trying to reach the higher shelf. She’s so close, she can almost reach it. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she notices how wobbly the table is, and how unstable she is, and how the alcohol is sort of making her vision all blurry and wait.. where exactly is that bottle? Is that it? No that’s just maple syrup. The problem is, those thoughts are a little too far in the back of her mind, and she ignores the rational part in her that’s screaming at her to stop doing what she’s doing and just go back down and drink water. Instead, she takes another step forward until suddenly.. the table beneath her starts to tilt and she has nothing to hold onto.
 “Shit!” She yells, desperately trying to find something, anything to grab.
She closes her eyes and waits for her body to hit either the table or the floor, but neither happens. Instead, she lands in someone’s arms. She knows it’s Chloe, because she recognizes the smell of her shampoo instantly. And also, Amy would have let her fall to the floor. She would also probably have filmed it. But not Chloe.
 Of course not.
Chloe’s still holding her, she notices. And even though she knows she’s pretty tiny (which is why this whole thing started in the first place) and light, she’s surprised that Chloe doesn’t even look to be having any difficulty whatsoever carrying her.  
 Beca looks up then, and finally, the two make eye contact, Beca immediately getting lost in Chloe’s blue eyes. Which seem to be looking at her with a somewhat worried expression. Then, she smiles and a twinkle appears in her eyes, a look Beca has gotten to know all too well over the years.
 “Falling for me, I see?” Chloe teases, and it’s a little more forward than she usually is towards Beca. At least, over the last year or so. But apparently, she doesn’t care right now, probably hoping that Beca won’t remember. She gently puts the younger girl down and guides her over to the bed, making sure Beca is steady sitting on the edge of it by herself, before standing in front of her, watching her. 
But the brunette just laughs then, an actual honest laugh, the one that they all only rarely get to hear. Then she snorts, to make matters even worse. 
“Yeah, sure, like I haven’t been doing that for the last six years.”
She expects Chloe to laugh and brush it off. Or something similar. But instead, she swallows hard and shifts her weight from one foot to the other while she avoids Beca’s gaze. Wait.. is Chloe nervous right now? She assumes she is, because she has a similar expression on her face as the one she had when they were about to perform in Copenhagen.
 “What, like,” she starts, “literally.. you mean?” She ends it with a nervous laugh, confirming Beca’s earlier suspicion.
 The DJ shrugs. “Both. Actually. Literally and figuratively.”
 In an instant, Chloe’s eyes shot back to hers. “You mean that?”
 Beca smiles. “Of course. Now I wanna sleep. Cuddle with me, please Chlo?”
The redhead returns her smile, then nods slowly as she carefully sits down on their bed, Beca immediately turning on her side and making room for Chloe behind her. As soon as the older woman has her arms wrapped around Beca’s waist, she lets out a content and sleepy sigh, snuggling a little closer to Chloe’s body. 
“Chloe?” She asks, after a few minutes of laying together in silence.
 “Yeah, becs?”
 “Are uh- are you falling for me too?” The alcohol is starting to wear off, and suddenly she feels nervous. What if Chloe doesn’t, and she has just made the biggest mistake of her life and ruined their friendship.
Her heart clenches painfully in her chest. Oh my god. What had she done? How could she be so stupid? Just as she is about to pull away from Chloe and get some space, the redhead just pulls her tighter against her and presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“I just mean, I wouldn’t say ‘falling’, Beca. I’ve been in love with you since day one.”
The brunette smiles, her heart full of emotions right now, then grabs Chloe’s hand that was resting on her stomach and intertwines their fingers. 
“Hey Chlo?”
“Will you make me pancakes with maple syrup tomorrow morning? I can’t reach the syrup.”
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cwilbah · 2 years
I have been trying to follow whatever ancestry shenanigans ur gettjng into but I have zero fuckin idea but 10/10 hope u succeed in whatever ur trying 2 do
ty 💖💖💖💖💘 ive re-taken up researching brick walls on my dads side and i think im getting somewhere!! :D
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