#a whole process
trashcreatyre · 1 year
Making acrylic charms for myself btw, I'll post them when they get here whenever they do :)
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cordspaghetti · 7 months
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some more of these two
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pastadoughie · 10 months
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followthebluebell · 21 days
Kleptogenesis, as in the salamanders steal genes? Tell me more
Yes! It's absolutely fascinating.
ok, so most species in the genus Ambystoma (mole salamanders) can cross-breed in very specific ways, which can result in entirely new all-female species. This is actually why axolotls are illegal to own in California; there's a lot of concern that released/escaped axolotls could cross-breed with the native tiger salamander, which is already vulnerable due to habitat loss and habitat fragmentation.
Fun note! Captive-bred axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) owe their existence to this ability to cross-breed! The fun colors we see in captive bred axolotls are thought to be the result of cross-breeding with other ambystoma species, especially the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). This is also why captive-bred pet axolotls don't hold much ecological value. They literally have genes that don't exist in the wild axolotl.
but anyway, back to the lesbian salamander species. There are lots and LOTS of these unisexual ambystoma species--- tbh, I shouldn't use the word 'species'. They're technically considered biotypes now, but 'species' is the word most people recognize more easily so it's the word i'm going to use.
During kleptogenesis, a female salamander just sidles on up to some suitable looking male and accepts his sperm packet. Then she just opens it up and rifles through it, looking for the genes she wants to use and discards the others. She can do this with MULTIPLE males of MULTIPLE species, as long as she's already got some of their DNA in her lineage. Some hybrid ambystoma have the dna of up to five other species! The end result of this form of reproduction is always female.
There's also some unisexual species like the silvery salamander that just... straight up don't use the genetic material at all, but still collect sperm packets. It's believed that the sperm packets stimulate egg development, even though they don't donate any genetic material.
You can loosely compare it to the fictional all-female species asari from Mass Effect.
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aitadjcrazytimes · 9 months
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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kaiju-krew · 5 months
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draw lizard✏️
i hope this isn’t too Draw The Rest Of The Fucking Owl 😭 i feel like i’m awful at explaining these kinda things but i hope this might help someone a lil bit. i’m working on one for his full body too, but wanted to cover expressions here since i get asked about them a lot!
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zipper-ghost · 4 months
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Harry probably has a bunch of clothes he scavenged or bought from consignment stores that are cool but don't fit him properly. And well, Kim knows how to sew and alter clothing. He'd probably fix Harry’s clothes as a favour, and also because Harry still wear the clothes that don't fit correctly and Kim can't have that
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deathberi · 7 months
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sheerakk · 1 year
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fleshmaid · 1 year
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"...How's that drink treating ya, wally?"
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ihatebrainstorm · 6 months
Quick little thingy I made for an assignment,, The sheer blood boiling turmoil this assignment gave me last week holy crap ToT
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figuringthengsout · 7 months
My Roman Empire is Andrew's decision to stay in the car with Tilda during the crash. I think he could have done any other way, but he decided to do it in a way that could harm both instead of harming just her. And I think he did it because deep down he hoped he wouldn't survive either. We all know he's already passively suicidal and, if he hadn't made it, he wouldn't have had to face Aaron during the aftermath. It would have been easier to leave him and Nicky to sort themselves out, after all
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cubbihue · 23 days
Wait why wouldn't Timmy recommend godkids becoming a fairy like I sorta get that it's less food for fairy's or smt and that it's a long process but the way you worded it ( "knowing what he knows no he would never do that or smt) sounded like it was something else, just kinda ominous idk I'm probably just reading too into it
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A claimed child must become a fairy, and fairies must have wings and floaty crowny things. To ensure true devotion to the process, the Fairy Council forbids any fairy from helping, interacting, or being near the child throughout the transformation. The child must want to become a fairy for it to be permanent.
This is the third consequence of becoming a fairy.
After going through such an experience, Timmy is very determined that no other child be taken. They say it's the knowledge that makes people go mad, but Timmy argues it's the changes itself that is maddening. He's lucky he had such a strong mental fortitude to withstand it!!
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yudol-skorbi · 2 months
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i have lots of feelings about them
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raepliica · 10 months
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Take to the skies
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...and fly free
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