#(i am still sketching but ough)
entnoot · 5 months
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(WIP) thank you famous necromancer marcille donato for breaking my artblock
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neolxzr · 1 year
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pas de deux
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trashcreatyre · 1 year
Making acrylic charms for myself btw, I'll post them when they get here whenever they do :)
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yourr-prince · 2 months
HIIIIII are u comfy with bullytom? If u are,may i ask for a doodle of them? :³
I AM ALIVE!! SO sorry for the long wait but ough HELLO!
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here they are, its still a sketch because i am allergic to finishing pieces, but Tom's coconut bra was very lovely to draw i hope you like it
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redstringraven · 2 months
for the tmnt 40th anniversary: 23 and 32!
\TwT/ !!! thank you much!
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
23.) what is one of your favorite TMNT fics?
ough, i'm admittedly very, very bad at reading fanfic for a few reasons: 1) since i'm also a creator, i often have to decide if i want to use what free time i have creating or engaging with art made by others, and i often opt for the former; 2) i'm an extremely slow reader partially due to how i learned to read, because of this i'm usually pickier about where i put my reading time (if i schedule myself any); 3) i refuse to read fic if i'm not on my desktop with my firefox extension that lets me use the floaty comment box, because it brings me joy to leave lengthy, thorough comments. i love leaving the types of comments i'd like to receive, and my brain gets very cranky when i can't. all this to say, i haven't read a lot of tmnt fanfic since circling back to one of my childhood fandoms. ene i'm trying to be better about it because i very much believe in supporting community, i just... haven't quite gotten around to a rhythm that works for me yet, i guess. not for a lack of wanting, tho. however! i love In The Shelter of Each Other, by @hamstermastersamster; as well as Anger and Management, by @halogalopaghost; and I'll Be Ok!, by @joyfuladorable. just to name some! i also remember a fic from my childhood where raph was babysitting... someone's kid (might've been april's?) and he taught them that if something was an "ouch" that meant it could hurt you and you shouldn't touch it. so, the oven was an "ouch". i don't remember the title because i was, like, fourteen, but i remember that specific detail and loved it very much. shout out to that author. i've also got a few fics i'm reading/trying to keep up with that are still in progress, but i've barely scratched the surface on them because... again. i am slow. lD;; but i am also trying. bless those who're patient with me. i'm so, so sorry.
32.) what was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
i might have stuff from my high school years lying around here somewhere, but you'll have to pay me to post it. i wish i could say i was kidding, but college shot my relationship with my art in the foot. <xD i have a folder of stuff before 2018 that's referred to as "the otherworld" for a reason. we do not venture into that fog... silent hill... but! i'll share some of the first sketches i did in my circle-back. please tolerate the shit phone-photo quality; my phone is obsolete to the point several of my apps will literally no longer open due to incompatibility with the OS. i'll also share the first round of sketches i actually published, so you can see the private sketchbook testings verses me being like "i need to make myself put something out there, here it is".
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here's the link to the above published post! really is wild how after i started drawing them more regularly, my own style quickly dug its little fangs in and never looked back. xD;;
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auriidae · 8 days
just being able to move my stylus over the screen is a JOY i am being made aware that there is a slight delay on medibang that never consciously troubled me but ohhohohoh living without it is. i feel like i can breathe freely again or something YOU KNOW. and the sketch brush is so lovely and YOU CAN MAKE THE PENCIL BIGGER THAN 2.3 AND STILL HAVE IT LOOK CRUNCHY i am about to cry happy tears at that fact alone you guys have no idea <3333. at the mere mention of cels and fps for animation i nearly got up and started jumping around my room. and WAHHH i just tried out some of the other painting brushes just now and. guys. chat. chat <3
since i started trying to improve at digital art a few years ago i have lived under a code of Not Upgrading My Materials Until I Feel I Have Exhausted the Extent of What My Current Program Holds, because i feel like practical Skills/artistic knowledge and 'what one is able to create with the aid of materials' are two separate things and i've been trying to hone more the former than the latter. so i used chrome canvas (yeah the browser thing) for a while before downloading ibis. and i only switched from ibis to medibang when i felt like i knew it inside out. and for the past few years-ish i've been gathering more technical skills on medibang and finding out new stuff about it every few months, so it never really provided an issue. but recently i Have been feeling a little unsatisfied with the extent of what medibang provides for me. don't get me wrong it is such a fantastic program my beloved forever <3 and i still haven't found everything you can do with it BUT there are some things that i've thought of consciously like "you know, it would be cool to be able to make/do something like that" and tried various ways to carry it out through medibang before coming to some impasse or another. btw the only reason i got clip was bc it's on sale rn KJSDKF. but just looking through the tools and getting even an initial feel for the style of the program... i think it will be easier for me to focus on both the aspects of art that i feel i need work with and the ones that appeal to me with this :) and that is really really cool
anyways :)
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justablah56 · 10 months
hiii aether, i'm assuming it's probably really obvious which way i voted. so if uh. if your doodle requests for that are still open and also you would be willing to draw OCs. can i request one of my silly toxic codependent yuri soulmate girls maybe?
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hey sei !!!! ofc ofc I am willing to draw your ocs ough they're so cute I love them here you go :3 <3
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vote for Glenn Close here to request a sketch !
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part 3! The Frozen Ship. The title alone has me intrigued. Post is long so it goes under the cut.
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Ah, well that's concerning. Oh and while I was screenshotting this I realized that Callum's hand is covered in blood here. That's really concerning.
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I am having vivid flashbacks to season one and the whole “we accidentally dunked both the egg and Ezran in frozen lake water” debacle. Given his nervousness, I get the feeling Callum is too.
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Rayla sending the Shadowpaw home when she herself still can’t return… My heart. I am happy that the baby lived though.
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Oh hey! Terry!
Terry, if you get eaten by some strange creature I swear to God.
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Rayllum! Also Rayla thinking the black ice was enchanted with black magic was cute.
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I sympathize with you Rayla, my dog has done that exact same thing to me. I mean, not as I was having a romantic moment with my partner but she has looked me dead in the eyes and sneezed directly into my mouth.
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Ohh she does not look well...
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I love them so much
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The look Callum gives Sneezles skjfaslk.
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I distinctly do not trust this boat. This is a very untrustworthy boat. It’s making me think of the boat with all the dead people in that one Race to The Edge episode. The one with the buffalo dragon spit? Does anyone know what I’m talking about or am I just rambling? (Buffalord Soldier is the episode I’m thinking of here, I looked it up.)
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I feel like this is getting a tad meta
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Skjfklsajf I love Stella and Rayla being nosy together. They should form a book club.
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Ohh, Terry bathing Claudia and seeing all of her scars… The softness and tenderness in it all and the grief and the fallout of Viren leaving. Ough.
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Claudia... She looks like she's definitely not present, poor babies...
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Okay, entirely off topic but dang that is some good nail polish that Claudia has if it's stayed on for this long UNCHIPPED to boot.
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Rayla crying as she reads Esmerelda’s diary because she sees herself and Callum in the words… The guilt from leaving him and thinking about what they could have been for the last four years and the regret hitting her. Oh, darling…
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Ohh and Callum sketches Rayla while he’s waiting for her like he’s always done... He's worried about her...
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Wow those are some thin ship walls if Callum can hear Rayla crying from outside. Actually, that makes sense they are filled with holes.
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Listen, she got distracted. But also Rayla you did make Callum sit in the cold waiting for you and worrying while you read through the entirety of someone’s diary.
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Callum you jinxed it, knock on wood.
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NOPE NEVERMIND THAT MADE IT WORSE. Okay knocking on wood was a bad idea.
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Ohh... The intimacy of trusting someone enough to hold a knife to the back of your neck, knowing that they won’t hurt you. Terry stayed, he waited for her. And then her quietly crying… The emotions in these scenes, the grief, the shock, the tiredness, are all so tangible even when neither Claudia nor Terry has said a single word all episode. The composers and the animators are doing such an amazing job.
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And there was only one blanket!
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Oh? I was not expecting information on Callum's birth dad. Damian, we have a name now. Aww, Callum quoting his dad's poetry is really sweet. I wonder if Callum met him or if he passed away before Callum was born.
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Skljadskljfsda Stella and Sneezles, Matchmakers Extraordinaire!
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Oh never mind Callum dark magic problems that works too.
The rest is in the reblogs because of the gosh dang image limit
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neetily · 1 month
ma'am i am absolutely FERAL over your march art literally shaking the bars of my enclosure and i haven't even played the game yet sobs
i picked up my own sketch book after so long bc i need to be able to draw my own blushing hot boys with bite marks STAT!!
THANK YOU that's such a compliment omg!! i wanna draw more of him so bad... some... pp too... maybe... as a treat for the girlies <3 i hope you enjoy the game if you do get it!! im almost at winter on my save file ough... despite it still being in beta, it's got so much content! so much to do!
so happy to hear that you're creating art again!!! creating is best when it's self indulgent like this <3 enjoy all the hot boys hehe >:D
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dandyshucks · 2 months
WIP under the cut bc it is. rough. and i rambled oops
anyways uhhh I finally sat down and looked at all the brush settings in CSP so i could figure out how to paint in that program and it is... a bit of an adjustment ough ^^;;
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messed around for like an hour to figure out brush settings and which brush would work best for what I do, and then just jumped right into painting a rough sketch I'd done a couple nights ago! it is... very wonky LMAO but I also have so few refs for different angles of his specific style of nose and it is KILLING MEEEE I swear to god one of these days I'm going to just sculpt his face in clay just so I can have a proper nose reference to use 😭😭
honestly most of my time spent on this so far was just figuring out how to use shadow and highlight to get different nose shapes and I still didn't end up where I wanted to OUGH. i did learn a lot though i think
to be fair to myself, there are some weird shadows that arent normally there bc I have the sketch layer showing in this screenshot so that one line on the bulb of his nose isn't actually in the painting fjfkdl, it looks slightly better when the sketch layer is gone !
uhhh also I am working on tongues bc I don't know how to draw those or paint them, aaaand I am working a bit on studying how body fat lays on the chin and neck bc I can do more to portray it better !!! in general actually come to think of it i have been focusing on necks and the way they connect to the chin a lot lately, I've been trying to figure out how that stuff all works together fjdkdl
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l3o-lion · 4 months
Ough very really quick rough sketch with wonky anatomy
somehow im still happy with it tho just bc i made it in so little time
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it might become herbert later but idk
( i am devastated that i have to draw this twink of a man with 0 softness on his body.. giving anyone and everyone a little bit of body fat in my art is usually one of my favourite parts )
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spearxwind · 2 years
I feel the pain of having a character’s body type completely disregarded 😔 I have a dnd character who’s fat and badass as hell and every time I comm art of her I mention up front “hey, this character is chubby and I’d like her to be drawn as such, if you aren’t comfortable drawing that body type please let me know and I can pick another character to get art of from you or move on and let someone else take the commission slot!” and almost every time I get the art back she’s got tits and ass and an hourglass waist. when get a wip sketch and ask for more specific corrections I get ghosted half the time and end up having to just give up and ask for a refund, and the other half of the time the corrections just make her hips wider and at that point I just give up. I rarely get art of her even though she’s one of my favorite ocs because if I have to witness one more instagram model-ification of her I Will Start Biting. it’s ok not to be able to draw different body types!! it took me ages and tbh I’m still not great at a lot of em, I gotta practice! I’m not gonna judge you or think you’re a bad artist or write some dogshit twitter callout if you say you can’t draw my funny psychic thunder bitch!! but please be honest and don’t thin her down because she doesn’t deserve that!! thankfully I have not had anyone give her abs tho bc I think that would kill me in one hit. I can only imagine the horrors
HELLO THIS IS LITERALLY SO INFURIATING TO READ I AM SO SORRY......... Artists who add tits to characters who dont have them (or who make em bigger if they do have them) die challenge. Ough.
Lowkey DM me her reference ill (try to) draw u a sketch of her with her actual body type. I will balance out the universe
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blockofhoney · 2 years
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he hat too big for he gotdamn head
(@wiiwarechronicles hi i finished this sketch lol)
74 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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something something twitchcon
131 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
took me a while to type out, but i think i managed to decode the message that showed for a split second at the end of ivory’s video
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“journal entry no 1
hi, my name is ivory im wasn't entirely sure why i decided to write this journal but in all honesty. i just wanted someone to talk to i need someone to let things out too but i have a feeling i won't even be able to do that right now i am resting on the crust of a dying world it's lived long and many years it didn't go how i wanted it to. many sectors are hunting me down, and any humans that i've tried to befriend all end up dying.
i don't like this world. and i want to start anew. but it's hard to wait for this world to end in its own time. i just want to get out. i want to get out of this wretched place and start a new life, maybe this one won't go horribly.
i think that i will try to break through the barrier and leave earlier i haven't tried this in so long,  hope that i can still do it right either way i'd rather take the risk then live here another day
i like you journal, i will talk to you later”
288 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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that’s a weird lookin fox 🤨
306 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we need sniffers in minecraft b/c “what the sneef??? i’m snorfin’ here!!!!” is dangerously close to entering my vernacular n i like living life on the edge
5,440 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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