#but DAMN these cartilage piercings r not happy
luvxiem · 1 year
the struggle of wanting to be hot and sexy but ur piercings are not healing well
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Can we have some descriptions of the nyos? What do you hc them to look like?
:D I’ll do a few nyos for ya buddy, not all of them in one go!!
Nyo!Netherlands: She is a BIG girl. 6’1 is tall for a lady and I personally envy everyone over 5’8 cause I wish I was TALL!! Anywho, she has a pointyish nose and she’s more arms/legs than torso, idk another way to describe her? She’s got sharp cheekbones and her hair reaches her mid-back but it’s always braided or pulled back cause she’s too lazy to cut it. Her clothes are all old cause no way in hell is she gonna but new ones, what are you insane? She usually goes for simple white blouses and khakis...and if she’s feeling daring? A thick skirt that covers her knees. She’s worn the same pair of leather boots for twenty years now and doesn’t intend on getting rid of them until there are holes in the bottoms. She wears red lipstick a lot but other than that? Not much makeup. Her nails usually hand dirt under them from gardening and her fingertips have cigarette burns on them by whatever
Nyo!Cuba: Miss Cuba is wonderful!! She’s about 5’7, an average height, and she’s rather heavy set. She doesn’t care though, she eats and does what she wants :) She keeps her hair natural- which is very curly. She usual pulls it back so its off of her neck cause she gets so hot!! Gotta keep that hair outta the way. She’s got her nose pierced and a tattoo of an anchor on her ankle as well as a tattoo of paw print on her wrist cause she’s had a lot of dogs over he years and likes to look down at that tattoo. You’ll see her in patterned shorts and a plain tank top most days, sometimes with a bra and sometimes without- again, she doesn’t c a r e at all. She wears these red flip flops all the time, they’ve got monkeys on them and they’re so faded? Girl, just get a new pair already. She doesn’t like eating makeup but when she goes to meetings, she’ll sport an bronze/burgundy theme
Nyo!France: Marianne (Literally the only Nyo! who’s name I know) is not very tall at all, 5’4ish, but she wears heels all the time so you won’t see her lookin small in public too often. She loves the feeling of being taller than other people since everyone is taller than her! She’s heavier set and big chested which she does NOT like cause of the back pains she gets. It’s hard enough being old, now she’s got back pain on top of her other age induced she’s. She’s got thick scars around her neck from being beheaded and a bunch of scars on her back especially but she embraced those cause hey! They’re a part of her! Her nails are kept showered so she can type and for other sexual reasons. She always had them painted pink or gold! Her hair is naturally curly but she straightens it a bit so it isn’t overwhelming, it goes to her mid-back when it’s straight. She adores pencil skirts and has over forty pairs of stilettos
Nyo!Turkey: An absolute beaut. She’s about 5’9-5’10, a tall lady, and her hair is long, a little past her shoulders. Usually she wears pretty hijabs that are red or other autumn tones cause she feels like red suits her most. Her eyes are a gorgeous deep green that can look hazelish sometimes. Her nails are cut super short cause she works with her hands a lot and hates when things get stuck under her nails. She has broad shoulders and a muscular build cause…She’s a strong woman!!! You’ll find her in flats usually with flowy pants or loose skirts, she’s really into ¾ sleeved shirts lately. Her makeup is always simple but damn can she make a perfect cat eye with her eyeliner. She has a scar above her eye, through her eyebrow that she tries not to cover up cause it makes her feel like a badass…which she is
Nyo!Spain: She is an angel!! She’s about 5’6, not too tall but she makes up for it with her personality!! Her hair is shoulder length and naturally curly! She rarely straightens her hair, she’s more into the natural look :) she’s a bit heavier set, not that that’s a bad thing at all, with a bit of chub that she totally embraces. Her nails are always painted pretty oranges or yellows cause those are her ‘happy colors’. She gets freckles when she’s out in the sun for a long time, especially when she comes back from farming you can tell, and she tans super easily. She’ll go from tan to super tan just by stepping into the sun I stg. She lives for floral blouses and leather sandals…She doesn’t like jeans or pants really, skirts are her thing unless she’s working
Bonus!!!! Nyo!Hungary: He is a ladies man! He’s about 5’9ish and his hair is long, ending a bit above his shoulders. He likes to tie it back into a ponytail and he lets his lady friends braid it for him cause he knows they like to. He’s got scars all across his back and chest which is no biggie. He’s got a muscular build, he goes or running a lot and works out so he can stay in shape. He’s got big ol’ dimples so you gotta make this guy smile!! He prefers T-shirt’s and joggers/jeans as well as hiking boots, kinda your typical ‘I’m healthy but I’m trying to look lazy’ guy. He’s got a cartilage piercing in his ear thanks to-(Whatever Nyo!prussia’s name is)
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