#but DO you ever think about what they were like?? because they're strange arent they?
you guys ever wonder what dahlia's relationship with valerie was like?
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
Sorry if you've already touched on this, but what are your thoughts about the discourse/discussion about Tim in the comics and Tim from the lens of A03/fan fiction?
For example, I hear a lot from old comic fans about how the series with Tim dating Bernard was doomed to fail bc 'the writer wrote him like her fanfiction version of Tim and not the real character'. There was a lot of discourse with canonical announcing Tim as queer, and that's kinda all these older comic book fans seem to keep coming back to. Idk, there just kinda seems to be an underlying feeling of misogyny towards the female writers and anti lgtbq vibes that it's hard to hear like a real arguement against the series.
I guess as a long time a03/Fandom person, I'm so used to just creating another little reality for the things I disagree or want to explore with a character, that it's strange to see people so upset that Canon doesn't flow the way the want.
it's no problem!! and i haven't really touched on the newer comics all that much mostly because i also don't particularly like them, not for any specific reason-they're decent enough but i don't really think they're 'tim'-but i do know what you're talking about. on twitter and tumblr i see a lot of different takes regarding tim and how he's written in this newer robin series.
for starters: i get what you're talking about where criticism of the comics might partly because of anti-lgbt attitude. especially since tim getting confirmed to be bisexual made A LOT of people mad (including ppl who arent homophobic but are mad that it wasn't THEIR favorite robin who got confirmed queer like dick, jason, or damian etc). comic bros and even casual comic fans who had never even heard of tim or even gave a shit about him were now furious. and while there might be ppl with genuine critiques- some of hatred of the way tim is written in the newer comics you really have to take it with a grain of salt because it very well could be comic bros hating because "robin isn't gay".
same with the writer, meghan fitzmartin. in general, women DO have an uphill battle when it comes to working in comics because it is very male dominated. and it's no secret that a lot of comic fans are opposed to women writing in comics. so misogyny, and even jealousy also plays a role with how much criticism is ACTUALLY warranted. but that doesn't mean a woman in comics isn't allowed to be criticized if they do a bad job or do a botched execution when their job is supposed to be making good, enjoyable, stories that do justice to the characters. i do think meghan may have some decentish ideas but whether she genuinely has the writing chops to deliver on those big ideas is well...iffy. but then again i genuinely don't keep tabs on comic writers or they're projects so maybe that will change.
when it comes to the critique of tim being written like a "fanfiction" version and not a "real" version of him i do see what they mean.
when I think of fanon tim I think of all the mischaracterizations that have been popularized. a coffee obsessed gremlin that doesn't sleep who is deeply insecure and agonizes over his place in the family, thinking he doesn't belong. people LIKE that tim is portrayed like that (in fanfiction) otherwise that characterization wouldn't be so pervasive in fics (there's also the possibility that a lot of ff writers DON'T know any better because many don't read comics but they do read fics and so they base their portrayals solely off what they read in fics resulting in this racoon eyed, coffee loving character who they believe to be an actual portrayal when it's really just someone's idea/exaggerated interpretation of tim).
i really don't see a lot of that in meghan's writing, the issues with tim's writing with her are different. if anything WFA is the one that really have the 'written as a ff character' vibe. but that series is also SUPPOSED to be deeply unserious as a fun slice of life universe where nothing goes wrong for anyone ever as a soothing balm for the oftentimes depressing stories in batman comics.
but in meghan's writing I also don't see a lot of what i consider to be core tim values. is she the best writer for tim? no i don't really think so. but there is a certain degree of understanding for his character. I see the comics and I can recognize that it's tim. so it's not offensively OC.
a lot of complaints seem to stem from his relationship with bernard being too much of a focus. people say how tim does too much thinking about him when...he was a lot worse in the 90s with steph. I remember getting so irritated when entire comics of robin would be narrated by steph or about her, i'd be like 'I want to read about ROBIN and his adventures, not steph, why is she even relevant?'. but tim's relationships to other people are a core part about him so you just have to take it.
the part that i think is justified in critique is in talking about whether her writing of bernard dowd is good. that is a much easier thing to answer. and its that its not good writing. in fact it's a pretty bad, inaccurate portrayal of him given how he was written when we first knew him. he's sort of been...sanded down? kind of remade into some new, almost unrecognizable character that fits into what she believes would be a nice, wholesome, gay partner for tim. which is an issue for me because we have seen and know what tim is like in relationships. tim had tension with, disagreed with, got annoyed with, fought and argued with his other partners like stephanie and ariana. but he also enjoyed himself and was happy with them. there was a balance there of good and bad because tim's unique situation of being robin made it so there had to be good and bad. with bernard it's all very passive and easy. they don't argue, they don't really fight, or have any struggles in their relationship when trying determine compatibility. avoiding tension in the relationship when tim has a track record of it makes it almost seem like she's afraid of the risk of portraying a gay relationship in anything less than a golden light. which is not good writing. BUT it is also very NEW. so maybe that will change (but there's a similar problem with jon kent and his bf so idk)? i personally believe kon would've been a more ideal partner with their shared history, chemistry, tension, the fact that fans have wanted it for decades, and the fact that it would've been such a good addition to the arc of self acceptance for kon's character. and many of the issues that tim being with bernard wouldn't be a thing because tim and kon famously don't see eye to eye 100 percent of the time and so their relationship would struggle and grow as they go from friends to romantic partners.
ultimately in my opinion to write a truly good tim drake you need to be able to accurately portray the thing that made him such a great robin: his heart of gold. tim cares about doing the right thing SO much. he cares about helping people. he's not some cold, unfeeling calculated computer who uses people as pawns and abandons his morals at the slightest inconvenience or seduction to the 'dark side'. and he's not some coffee drinking hacker man that is 20 steps ahead and smug about it.
tim worries about people, he's upset at injustice, feels guilt at not being able to save people, is judgy, sometimes a brat, sarcastic, gets angry at people for throwing their lives away, gets very invested in things that catch his interest, is too curious for his own good, nosy. he lies through his teeth and then bats his eyes in sweet as pie innocence. will think VERY rude thoughts about people but will bite his tongue because he's a nice boy👼 but sometimes things slip out. he is somehow simultaneously able to be the 🥺 and 😈 emoji at the same time. his odds of making bad decisions increase by 100 fold if in the company of other stupid teenagers.
now i write tim as a very exaggerated version of that core self. that's what a lot of ff authors do. they choose a handful of traits they like best about him and spin entire fics about it. i don't think writing tim as a fanfiction version of himself is a bad thing because some fanfic is genuinely better than the source material and that comes from being very good at understanding the character. the tim of today can't be written the same way he was in his golden age, the 90s, because a lot of his struggles and hurdles that he dealt with in those comics are over. they're done. tim can't be 30 years old and still wondering if he's doing a shit job as robin. tim IS a good robin and he should be able to acknowledge that (funnily enough one of his clear acknowledgements of that is often wiped away by fics- that being the titans tower scene where jason asks if tim thinks he's the better robin and tim, without hesitation, says yes) a lot of older fans are clinging to problems that tim has already resolved. he's not thirteen and insecure about his abilities. he's not on his first relationship with someone (but he is in his first relationship with a boy). he's not still learning how to navigate his relationship with batman and the rest of the family or struggling to come to terms with his civilian and caped life. do some of those things still trouble him on occasion? yes but they're not the main focus anymore.
tim has to have new problems, new challenges, new growth.
i had some hope for new tim comics.
would i like to have seen more tim centric material or at least good stories. and often times in the new tim comics tim was exactly the same at the end of the issue as he was at the beginning. tim struggling with his identity is something that made an appearance in 90s comics a lot but I think for the newer ones that it would've been better received/more interesting if it were...written better?
idk. i don't know a single comic fan that loved every detail of their fav's comics. was it the best run? no. but it was okay enough i guess. it was lukewarm, not standing ovation worthy but also nobody should be throwing tomatoes at the performers either, it just earned a polite clap of acknowledgement which i don't think is a very bad thing but still i hope we get something better!
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leekyrainbow · 3 months
i was just thinking about new kid and i wanna talk abt them cause i don't think anyone has yet
spoilers for the stick of truth, the fractured but whole and snowday‼️‼️
they always found a way to become op in all three games (sot, fbw, sd). yeah the new kid is only in games and in games you become op but thats not the point. the other kids are *aware* that the new kid is op, thats why there was rules in place IN snowday to stop them from being op (but then dark matter got involed blah blah blah). The new kid STILL became op, a reason why they get used by other kids. Now the new kid can leave at anytime, nothing really stops them yet they havent left. We dont really know what happens during school or off days so everything there is up to theory.
new kid just kinda goes along with everything, they dont argue or disagree. The only time they did say something was at the end of tsot. the ONLY line we got from them. They choose to talk, they arent canoniclly mute but they are quiet 100% of the time. I dont think anyone other than stan, kyle cartman and kenny know that the new kid can speak since it was only shown they spoke once. either that or they're just quiet from trauma, if you seen their backstory from playing the games you would know what i mean.
(on the topic of the first paragraph) I think they know that they're getting used aswell, not counting the fact that they were literally told that. they have no other people to hang out with from what we've seen, they have taken selfies with countless people around town and have over a hundred friends on facebook. We arent counting that. Im talking about the people he hangs out with; stans gang(w/butters), craig and those guys(w/tweek) and maybe timmy occasionally (not sure abt timmy cause they've only really interact in tfbw).
New kid could probably make friends with kids in their school, I'd say its difficult since they dont talk. Im not an expert on making friends (really, im not) but i would say its difficult to make friends by just staring at someone because the person might get the wrong idea. Like, they're quiet to the point no one knows their name. They get referred to as 'new kid' instead of their name. Thats peak quiet behaviour.
honestly i would say that new kid did speak before they moved to south park cause of how their parents spoke to them at the start of tsot (they full on expected a response from them, but didnt get one) then eventually just accepted that their kid wasnt going to talk in tfbw. oh and it was definitely difficult to pick what parent to kill in the lab.
i think new kid is in desperate need of therapy, no explanation needed.
I love the new kid (platonic), they're one of my favourite characters in south park even though they only appear in tbe games. most people probably forget about them after they finish the games, id say that happens with the characters in the games aswell.
new kid is constantly forgotten about, as much as they hang out with the main 4, they're always forgotten after the games arr finished. the only character(excluding their parents) that ever showed any kind of care to new kid was Mysterion(techically kenny). This isnt word for word, Mysterion said along the lines of 'i have this strange urge to protect you'. Id say that when kenny isnt with stan, kyle, cartman or butters they're just chilling with new kid. that's kinda just a hc of mine though.
i dont have much else to say, if i do ill probably end up reposting another verison of this
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
your sensitive yandere idea has me feeling so many things . my brain is doing the funny thinky rn. i love you <3
but imagine… unintentional exposure therapy session? theyre finally forced to go grocery shopping because they’ve spent days and days obsessing over you, trying to recreate the smell of you in their homes, too busy to take care of themselves and stock up on groceries.
so of course, where else to go but to your favorite grocery store?? (just the thought of being somewhere you frequent makes them shaky…) theyre in the instant food aisle (they don’t care much about nutrition or taste, just anything to keep them alive and thinking of you <3) when lets say, the instant noodles slip out of their hand and onto the floor. grumbling, they reach down to grab it when suddenly their senses are overcome by such an oh so familiar, lovely scent. you.
you pick up the item that the stranger had dropped. for whatever reason, they havent looked up from the group yet, despite standing up. it seems like theyre adamant on staring at the floor. it looks like theyre shaking?
“uh hello? i noticed you dropped this” you begin, a little unsure of this strange encounter. why arent they saying anything? you slowly offer the packet towards them, as if feeding a stray animal. they still dont accept. you continue, “uhhh. ill just leave this here. i really like this brand! good choice. uhm, have a nice day!” and thats all you say before you leave the aisle, undoubtedly weirded out by what just happened. you think you hear a small whimper in response as a thanks, but you couldnt be sure. oh well.
meanwhile, sensitive yandere is moments from breaking down. YOU were there to help them. YOU were so close to them. YOU left the instant noodle package back on the shelf for them to take again. YOU smelled so good… no amount of your perfume could ever replicate the exact way it sits on your skin… or your body.
its safe to say that theyll be saving that instant noodle package for their shrine dedicated to you at home, and will continue to repurchase it until theyre sick of the flavor. which theyll never be.
WAAAAAA YESS!!!!! you get it!!!!! and you worded this so well!!! :0
but i can already imagine the sensitive yandere spending a good few minutes staring at the instant food, panting, shaking, kneeling on the ground with their hands covering their bright red cheeks. some people consider stopping by to see if they need help but, well, it's late at night and everyone decides it's best not to question the obviously malnourished and slightly insane looking stranger who's just. staring. at the item.
next thing they know, they're buying up entire pallets of the stuff but they REFUSE to let the cashier touch the one you touched. it's yours after all... <3
the packet sits prettily next to their other stolen treasures and they have issues sleeping for days, their heart racing everytime they look over at it, every time they smell the food, every. single. minute. this must've been a sign, right? that you loved them? that you cared? you must have recognized them and oh god, your SMELL! one day, they'd finally be able to make a move on you and get to experience your presence for more than just a few seconds. GOD just the thought makes their heart burst!!!
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myrfing · 2 years
If you haven't done Abyssos yet I hope you do in the future I THINK THERE IS SO MUCH YOU WOULD TALK ABOUT and I would love to look forward to any thoughts about more flaws of the ancients' civilization, poyo.
the poyomeister...thank you for gracing my inbox once again
I have! OK in reality I have to admit the ancients aren't my main point of interest in the game at all and I'd have been okay with it if they were never mentioned in length again after shb and especially after 6.0 which does dull my interest in it a bit even though it has my favorite ascian when he was a boyscout in it. I just talk about them a lot because well <- argumentative and they're a popular topic.
I think ultimately though the flaws of the ancients arent too different from our own. they're just people with a lot of juice. nothing I have been shown has ever contradicted that. abyssos definitely shows us a far more colorful palette of people than e-s let on and they honestly all seem to really be. WEIRDLY REPRESSED? abyssos is what prompted that post where I was like wow the ancients didnt know shit about each other's hearts. it's kind of insane that. ok first I will be a little hater I hate when people say the ancients feel grief and love with greater depth and breadth than mortals LIKE there's so much about that that will make me want to maul you but it's crazy that pandaemonium is considered to have a like blood moon effect on the people inside it and so erich's resentment for instance is treated like a strange overreaction even though. like honestly? to me he was relatively composed for a young guy whose mother died under mysterious circumstances in the company of their father who then emerged from the ??? all like I have to go to work. The Star. You are such a fucking failure btw. [92 years later] Anyway since you can't handle this situation I think we should blow this whole place up and kill all your coworkers. and then it's revealed that the mother he felt all that anger for used him like a lab rat and that his father very consciously chose to neglect him after protecting him one (1) time. like to me erich is very resilient for even continuing to try. like I don't think this is lahabrea's intent but. I guess even though I was like e-s you are full of shid and fard :\ from the start it like SURPRISED me that one of their most respected members of society (and they never mention his flaws post-sundering in this era, they're like oh he used to be very wise and respected) was so self-serving and callous towards his child. on the other end the other ancients seem very willing to be involved and facilitate each other's reconciliations and understanding and maybe that tradition explains their relative harmony versus any purity of individual self. and then back on the other end agdistis does this for lahabrea and in her final words says how much she admires him and he doesn't even grant her the favor of looking at her in her last moments. it's all so very ????
I also wonder if they're going to go the actually erich is a super special boy route and that's why he was used by athena and why his magic struggles but I also wonder if rather it was because he was born quite weak to two genius parents that he was considered something expendable enough to experiment on by a woman who is the epitome of their society's scientific curiosity and pragmatism. after all it is only aetheric density that seems to be what people look at to separate us vs them. I do think lahabrea "loves" erich but he also like. the only expression of that has been handing him that belt. it's like if your absent father gifted you a calculus for dummies textbook. his love manifests in the hope that erich can be normal and participate in society in the way he admires and in the way he extols himself for because that's what happiness is for an ancient. AGAIN...VERY VERY human flaws we see this shit all the time irl which is just like...dude you guys are just people lol. it baffles me that people can see them call erich overemotional and witness this whole Being At Your Friends House While They Fight With Their Parents Tier and be like well actually ancients are not only intellectually and physically but also emotionally superior to everyone else. like does this look like any of that.
also funny as fuck that lahabrea severed his problematique cringe younger self entirely from his soul and left it to rot in prison until it mutinied. mostly for the crime of mourning his own wife and feeling perfectly normal human regret at the tragedy and disbelief of it. i can see why venat did not think the convocation was capable of reaching meteion.
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lostacelonnie · 8 months
Hey welcome back! Seems like you had a heck of a time & a lot of fun so im glad for you. Oh? Im intrigued i love spanish food do you remember any of the dishes? Oh hell yeah the sea at night is. So different but still so cool. Totally different from daytime. Oh the same ones from your class? I really should remember to ask to add friends there more but adhd. That is some. Incredible luck damn. Yeah! Australia is just. Full of animals hazardous to your health like that its wild. Nothing is safe not even the birds. Hm. Yknow im not sure i ever had a specific class for geography i think they might of bundled it into history for me but oh well. Kudos on the rad teacher you had for it. Seems they're few & far between. Gosh yeah mood i had 1 good pe teacher that made it fun to just. Get out & do things. Probably why i like to hike so much. Thanks! I got seele so now its time to save for wolf. I saw people saying she's not as good now & i was like what? She'll probably be op always. I have main story caught up finally & not much has after luofu story end. Yet anyways. Though im curious about like. Yang & himeko in other stories like hi3. & otto i think his name was? Also uh. Genshin is getting childe's master who at least has durandal's va. Not sure if she is an expy yet though. I have so many now but i think the next 2 or 3 all have one i want so uh. Rip my primo hoard. Yeah! Even artifacts seem a bit easier. Though that might be because there arent so many sets yet. Yeah for sure. Which is still funny because so many back in 2.0 thought she was gonna be terrible & now shes a staple of like so many teams. Oooh congrats on the chem score that subject is so tricky. !! I adore im in love with the villainess the series is just. So good.
HEHE HI!!! YEAH IT WAS JUST. SOSOSO FUN AUUGH. i miss her [alicante beach]. our homeroom teacher said we Might go on one more exchange in the upcoming years so im EXTREMELY hopeful for that. and of the dishes yeah i remember a couple!! montaditos [like. little sandwiches served warm], empanadas [an argentinian dish actually, theyre like little. well the look kind of like dumplings but they have a different dough. with meat and vegetable fillings] paella [its like. a rice dish idk how to describe it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paella], tortilla de patatas of course, and churros [its like. fried dough, but usually eaten as a dessert, often with hot chocolate]. anyway. RIGHT???? ITS SUCH AN. EXPERIENCE. AHHUGH. and yeah the same ones from my class!! theyre very fun even if literally none of us have common interests and hang out based on vibes only. like literally theres me, my Dear Classbestie [likes classical novels and goth music.], The Chainsmoker [writes poetry. was in 3 different psych wards and tells stories about them. Horrendous political opinions. adhd icon.], The Artist [crochets, draws, animates. likes the magnus archives.] and The Ice Skater [christian koreaboo? strange but very fun to talk with. as her nickname suggests, shes obsessed with ice skating. adhd icon #2.] so were kind of a mismatched group but we chillen. ANYWAY I STARTED RANTING SO COMING BACK yeah i have the same thing ajdjlskdkfldf but ah well. perhaps one day i will Rember. AND FOR REAL LIKE I WAS LIKE "gonna get attacked aaaaaany minute now". and then i??? didnt????? but i generally consider myself a lucky person so. damn i heard the Stories ab australian animals... actually my sister just recently moved there so i might ask her if she has any stories someday. and oh thats???? quite interesting actually. as in i suppose it makes sense why these two would be one subject but its pretty unheard of over here. hm. and thanks!! we actually have a group chat for fans of our geo teacher JSJDK and i think a part of why pe teacher is so cool to us is because shes also our second homeroom teacher [since the first one is from spain and, as my classmate once responded to the question if hes cool, "xabi is a nice person but hes just so spanish". and by that i mean he does Not know what is going on. Ever]. HEY CONGRATS ON THE SEELE AND ALSO ON GETTING WOLFIE IN THE FUTURE!! idc what meta says shell always be op. To Me ❤. ALSO I AM ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS UP TO TALK ABOUT THESE THREE IN HONKAI [tho for welt specifically i rec tumblr user caydencrypted, The Welt Expert]. AND OH OH HUH??? DO TELL ME AB HER???? also speaking of biankas va. did you know she shares a chinese vn with yanqing!! the range is insane!! and ah good luck in getting everyone you want o7 i managed to get furina luckily [tho i also got jean in the process.............] and now im torn between pulling for her weapon or saving for arlecchino.... i have 70 pulls left but ik weapon banner is a scam so auugh..... but also the sword sounds like. Good. so ill think about it. and yeah right?? tho i actually have Pretty Terrible relic luck compared to my artifact luck so. yeah. but auto battle does make it less painful. ANYWAY THANKS HEHEHE!!!!!! just had another test this week and im a little nervous ab it but i feel like i did well. VERY stressed ab my history exam next week tho. 7 am on monday. and im a bit sick rn so i have less energy to study. but eh ill be fine, i just wanna pass. AND RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT IM SO OBSESSED WITH IT ACTUALLY......... maaaaaay or may not have bought physical versions for the first two novels three days after getting into the series akdlkdf. luckily it was near my birthday so my mom decided to fund them for me. BUT AHHHH IT IS SO GOOD i keep meaning to read the 3rd novel but ah..... so busy recently.........
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hgsn-moved · 2 years
my specific thing was like w the "they have 0 chemistry" thing, the agegap and howl sucking i agreed with, but i feel like saying they have NO chemistry is a little strange considering the movies about their romance. which like, again with howl and sophie specifically i agree suck but it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way that i never see you post any m/f stuff period and the one time you post about a pairing like that you say they wouldnt work together at all.
if i can word myself a little better, my thing is much less to do with howl and sophie. like idrc about them at all, its just that ive had several mutuals in the past who ONLY posted sg pairings (again, no problem with that on its own) and when any m/f pairing at all comes up, theyll just say it sucks? which again i agree with you that howl and sophie arent a good couple, i was moreso concerned with the fact that this is the only m/f thing ive really seen you talk about pretty much ever? howl and sophie suck but since its like the ONLY m/f thing ive seen you talk about i got kinda antsy? because i dont know if youd react similarly with a "they have no chemistry" deal with a m/f pairing that DIDNT suck, like agegap and bad partner removed. which, again, was accusatory and me jumping to conclusions. im definitely not gonna sit here like you HAVE to make your support known for EVERY m/f pairing that you know of, what i should have asked is like. if you had a problem with those in general.
again im super sorry for that first ask and also like, this one. i did genuinely send it in good faith, when i get anxious about stuff like this i just tend to talk myself in circles. i did mean it when i said i wasnt mad at you or anything, i just got nervous about what you were saying without thinking enough.
ohhh right right, I think that one was cause, again, I get kinda steamed about ppl acting like they're Thee standard of romance which obviously I disagree with. so it was somewhat hyperbole on my part, and like if not for the age gap I would think they're pretty sweet but I feel like there wasn't really enough focus on the two of them like... falling for each other I guess.
but yeah I get what you mean and understand why you were worried but I don't go out of my way to poke holes in random m/f ships or anything etc etc
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hiraemy · 3 years
Lumine and The Goblet of Fire
Word count: roughly 2.7k for this part
disclaimer: first of all, this au was heavily inspired by @majunju 's incredible art! she made chilumi as beauxbatons and durmstrang students and my brain went brrr so i had to write something for them??
both Genshin Impact and Harry Potter are not created by me. However, i took the liberty to mix a lot of concepts in this AU, so have that in mind when reading. 
for sake of plot, lets pretend that Durmstrang is located in Russia. Lumine, Paimon and Aether are the only ones from Beauxbatons, while the rest are from Hogwarts unless mentioned otherwise. All the characters that have adult models, like Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Diluc are presumed to be adults, with Childe being the only exception. Also, all the characters that use children or teens’ models are students, with a few exceptions like Venti and Scaramouche [mihoyo pls stop giving us confusing ages and body models i never asked you anything]
(please, have in mind that english is like, my third language, if you notice a spelling or grammar error, feel free to message me!)
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Act One: Lumine and her stupid impulse control
“I’m going to put my name on it.” Aether broke the silence suddenly
“What...? No! Oh god, I expected that from Paimon, but you’re just as bad as her!”
There were a lot of things that Lumine hated. 
Open shoes. A very specific type of silk-flower based perfume(Aether once tried it because he wanted to impress a girl, but it ended stinking for two weeks straight). History of Magic. Condensed slime— those that Paimon loved, but she couldn’t even see it without being sick—, potions that took more than one single day to brew. But the worst, certainly was—
“C’mon, Lumine! You’re just afraid that you’re going to get your ass kicked in the tournament!”
...when Aether was being dumb. 
“No, I’m not!” She countered quickly, ignoring the way Aether smirked like he knew exactly what buttons to push. Actually, it wasn't that far from reality, if she was being honest. She eyed the paper carelessly torn from his notebook that had his name as if she could burn it only with the power her heavy gaze. “You’re being dumb! Are you deaf or something? DIdn’t you hear them saying that the Triwizard Tournament has a high death count?”
“Paimon is sure it isn’t that bad!” The half-fairy smiled at her, eyes twinkling in greed and mischief. Lumine narrowed her eyes at the way she happily jumped in her steps, staying afloat in air for more time than it was normal to common humans “After all, they're opening it again, right? I’m certain that the ministry has done something to make it safer!”
“You’re the one to talk! You don’t care about anything other than the mora!” Lumine was quick to shut her down, sending a glare that didn’t affect any of the two. In that moment, the three of them entered the hall which had the Goblet of Fire in its full glory, a bunch of Hogwarts students surrounding it like curious birds, eager to know which students were applying for the tournament. 
“Have a bit of faith, wont’ya?” Aether smiled boyishly, flicking his wand from his sleeve and hitting it slightly at the top of his head, also giving a wave to a bunch of ravenclaw girls that awed at his presence. He continued in his confident stride, each step leaving him closer to the Goblet “Arent I the best of our school when it comes to Charms? Besides, I have my beautiful, great and awesome sister which of course, will give her full support and use her full knowledge to—”
“Shut up, you know it's not that what I’m concerned with!” Lumine hissed, grabbing her brother’s wrist and tugging, lowering her voice. In the corner of her eye, she saw the Dumstrang guys eyeing her, Aether and Paimon like wolves, ready to pounce on them. “You heard the rumors, right? Please, don’t tell my you’re that reckless-”
“What rumors?” Paimon squeaked, her eyes going wide for a fraction.
“The Fatui. You know them, right? The Tsaritsa’s pawns.” She whispered, narrowing her golden eyes and not daring to let her guard down when she was in the same room as the Durmstrang and Hogwarts students. “There are rumours that they are at the move. Some say that her personal minions, The Harbingers, are also involved in some dark scheme around Hogwarts.”
“Nah. You’re just being paranoid, there’s no way someone of that caliber would be here" Aether raised his eyebrow and Lumine wanted to tug her hair out in pure frustration. “Besides, it’s not like I'm some helpless dead weight. I know I already said it before, but I’m really confident it’s going to be fine.”
“Aether is right, Paimon thinks you should relax!” The white-haired girl smiled brightly, nodding her head to herself. “Or even better, you could enter the tournament too! It would make our chances of representing Beauxbatons even higher!”
“Don’t you ever listen to me? Why would I—” Before she could complete her nagging, Aether quickly threw his paper into the Goblet, the flames flickering aggressively before consuming his entry. Her mouth fell open in disbelief, but the crowd around them didn’t seem to notice her reaction as they gave a round of applause for her twin.
“What, Lumi? Are you afraid of losing?” He made a point of taunting her with the most infuriating shit-eating grin he had “Or… Maybe you’re not up to the challenge…? Y’know, it’s really okay if you feel too scared to face some bad guys—”
Ah. Right.
Aether knew how much she loathed being underestimated.
“Shut up!”
"Aww, there is no need to be this angry! I'm your big brother, of course I'll know when you feel too scared to put your name on the Goblet! It's okay to feel insecure, and I think it is better for you to not enter as you might not be able to—"
The crowd cheered again as the Goblet of Fire consumed another entry from Beauxbatons Academy.
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“Shut up, im still mad at you.” 
Aether smiled sheepishly under his sister’s heavy glare and Paimon giggled. Lumine also sent her a heated look, making the half-fairy squeal childishly. 
“Luuuuumi!” Aether whined, making her sigh. “Don’t be mad at me! You were the one who put your name on the Goblet, right?”
“Don’t act like you’re innocent! You know damn well what you did—” She hissed like a annoyed cat. Aether pouted and tried to trap his sister into a hug, but she slapped him away on pure instinct. 
“Chill, chill! At least we’re getting a feast tonight, right? Not like we don’t eat well in any of the other nights, but a guy told me that Hogwarts’s food is really amazing on these special days!” Aether pleaded, the bright grin revealing how amused he was with his sister’s grumpiness. 
“Free food is great, but free great food is even better! There is absolutely no way you can be mad after you eat, right?” Paimon tried, and Lumine let out an even more tired sigh. “Besides, a lot of students applied for Beauxbatons! What are the chances of you being chosen, especially since you don’t actually want to do it?”
“Shut up Paimon, you just jinxed it,” Lumine scolded half heartedly, tucking her notebook under her arm. 
The bunch of Hogwarts students were a handful. Even with the merged classes to accomodate the Beauxbatons and Durmstrand delegations, it seemed like the hosting school’s own students were never going to be used to see them in the classrooms and corridors of the castle. Everywhere they went, their blue uniforms made the crowds stare them down with admiration, suspicion, curiosity or even anger in some cases. 
Aether and her were somehow getting even more stares than the other Beauxbatons students. Her twin shined under the spotlight, offering a gentle smile to the brave girls who tried to talk to him sometimes —how strange it was to see her brother gathering a bunch of fangirls—, but she felt uncomfortable under the attention.
“You’re too tense, Lumi” Her brother chimed, as if he could read her thoughts. His arms were carelessly fold behind his head and he shot her a gentle smile. “No one is going to bite your head off if you smile a bit, right? Just relax!”
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“Now, the moment you all have been waiting for...! The Champion Selection!” The Headmaster, Barbatos announced, his voice carrying in the big hall and being able to shush all chatter. With a swoosh of his hands, the lights on the walls dimmed down, leaving the Goblet of Fire as the main attraction.
Lumine felt a shudder in her spine, knowing that despite seeming like a simple gesture, the skill level required to perform a wandless and also wordless spell was higher than everything could even imagine herself doing. Deep inside her gut, the respect she had for the Hogwarts Headmaster was raised to the roof, especially since his appearance was nothing but of a kind and carefree young boy. 
Below the table, her hands were connected in a silent prayer. Her luck couldn’t be that bad, could it?
If everything went well, neither her or Aether would be chosen.
“Mr. Alberich, would you like to do the honors?” Barbatos asked a blue-haired man, who Lumine vaguely recalled being a member of the Ministry of Magic named Kaeya. As he nodded and approached the Goblet, she felt her shoulders getting even more tenser.
The flames flickered aggressively, but Kaeya didn’t seem to be intimidated by it. He slowly extended his hand, the fire spiking suddenly and changeling from blue to a menacing pink as it spat a piece of paper.
“From Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albedo!”
The crowd— majority being from Hogwarts itself, the hosting school— cheered loudly, the most excited ones being from Ravenclaw. A boy dressed in blue rose from his seat, his ash-blonde hair styled in a braid at the back of his head and teal eyes immediately catching Lumine’s attention. He quickly went to the front and was guided by one of the teachers to a backroom, disappearing from everyone’s view. Mr. Alberich waited until the cheers died down to announce the next Champion, the flames shaking as if the own Goblet was impatient. Finally, with a burst of green, another paper flew into his hands
“From Durmstrang Institute, Childe!”
This time was the turn of the students seated at the end of Slytherin’s table to scream, a lot of figures rising at once and making it almost impossible to pinpoint who exactly was Childe. However, Lumine could see how a tall guy with a slim build was receiving some strong pats on his back, his messy ginger hair being attacked by another short guy who was too enthusiastic. His eyes still glinted with pride and excitement, even if the neatness of his red uniform was entirely ruined by his peers.
She clapped politely, lowkey still distressed about the next Champion. She was suddenly startled when the guy, who was definitely Childe as he finally went to the front, made unexpected eye contact with her. His eyes lingered a few seconds more than she would be comfortable to admit, making her even more anxious.
Mr. Alberich approached the Goblet again for the third name. For some reason, Lumine thought that the man was being slow on purpose, or that the Goblet was being too indecisive, as the flames flickered between blue, yellow and orange aggressively for a few seconds. Everyone else seemed to notice this too, a few curious whispers breaking out between the students. Kaeya narrowed his eyes and then, not a second too late, the Goblet spat the last entry.
“From Beauxbatons Academy…”
Her stomach dropped and she thought she would throw up on the spot.
Aether screamed the loudest, right beside her ears. Paimon came to a close second though, shaking her by her shoulders like a ragdoll as if there wasn't a tomorrow. 
"Lumi! Lumi! What are you waitin' for? Go to the front!" She got up, feeling her stomach do all the kinds of flips and lowkey dizzy. Her head couldn't even register properly the cheers, her mind too busy shouting all the bad words she knew at her mental images of Paimon and her brother. 
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She took in a deep inhale, keeping her breath until she was in the front of the whole hall, right in front of the teachers. Lumine saw the Beauxbatons Headmaster’s eyes take her in with slight tension in his slender fingers and she couldn’t help but to feel out of place.
"Mr. Zhongli…" She greeted quietly at the man, his tiny nod being the only thing to indicate his acknowledgment. He quickly led her into the backroom she saw both Champions go before, his brown cape flying elegantly behind him with every step.
"Miss Lumine, what a pleasant surprise… I must admit I didn't expect you to put your name in the Goblet." Zhongli started as a matter of fact, even if his eyebrow had a curious arch, as if expecting her to explain this turn of events.
“Yeah, neither did I, if I’m being honest.” She sighed, her hand wrapping around her stomach to hopefully help with the nausea and anxiousness
“Be assured, I’m sure the Goblet of Fire made an excellent choice for our school.” Zhongli said, his voice acquiring a softer tone, probably noticing how the blonde fidgeted a lot. Lumine clenched her fists, taking a deep breath. The man didn’t say anything else, and both of them reached a room decorated with Hogwarts’ trophies from the many tournaments held before.
She immediately saw Childe in a corner, poking a shiny statue that seemed to react at his mean touches, his eyes shining with some kind of rush and impatience she really didn’t want to explore any further. A tall woman, with elegant white hair that reached at her waist and ice blue eyes, slapped his hand harshly, freeing the poor statue from the Dumstrang’s clutches. Lumine didn’t know who exactly this woman was— It was common knowledge that Durmstrang Institute’s headmaster couldn’t be bored to attend the tournament personally—, but she could assume safely that she was at least a teacher.
With his distraction taken forcefully from him, Childe finally seemed to notice Lumine, turning on his heels with hands on his pockets. The witch felt another chill, incredibly uncomfortable with his heavy gaze analysing every feature, but she prayed to every god that she could at least maintain the stoic features she was quite infamous for. His blue eyes stopped carefully to analyze her face— a fact that she pretended to not notice by looking away—, with a satisfied(?) smirk appearing on his face that screamed bad intentions.
It took more than she would like to admit to pretend she wasn't the least affected by his heavy gaze on the side of her face. Her arms crossed around her face, her hand resting discreetly above the hidden pocket in her blazer that had her wand. Golden eyes searched the room again for another distraction, until they landed on the figure of the ash blonde boy chosen for Hogwarts.
He was pretty, no one could deny that, but even if he had those stupid charming eyes of his, there still was something about him that really threw her off. She couldn't exactly pinpoint it, but Lumine was sure that Albedo had some kind of deep dark secret kept hidden in himself. Was the whole Harbinger thing making her paranoid? 
Before she could answer her own question, Barbatos entered the room with other Hogwarts teached in tow. The three of them— her, Childe and Albedo— came closer to the fireplace where everyone gathered, eyeing the teachers and the Headmaster who stood in front of them in a neutral position, except for mr. Zhongli, who was behind her, and the mysterious woman she supposed was Childe's teacher behind him. Occupying the vacant space, a pretty woman immediately went to stand at Albedo's back. She had light-brown hair and alluring green eyes, but the most iconic feature was her curvy body accentuated by her purple dress.
If she had to guess, she would assume that she was Ravenclaw's house head. Technically, Barbatos had to be a neutral party, as the hosting Headmaster, even if everyone knew his favouritism towards his own school.
"Well, now that we're back here, far from prying eyes, guess I can finally drop the formalities!" The small man suddenly said with a big smile, catching her off guard. In the corner of eye, she saw that Childe had a similar reaction, but Albedo seemed exasperated. "I must say, this year's competition is going to be tough. But I'm sure you three will be able to handle it just fine, hehe!"
Oh god. Was Barbatos like this in real life…? Suddenly, the previous mighty and ruthless image she had of the Headmaster was shattered. All the books talked about him as one of the seven great wizards of the last war, so she expected something more… Aggressive?
"Venti, please." For a greater surprise, Mr. Zhongli seemed used to his attitude, poorly hiding his smile behind a fist.
"Yeah, right. The Triwizard Tournament" He forced a cough, hardening his expression and straightening his posture. "From now on, Mister Childe, Mister Albedo and Miss Lumine will face difficult trials to determine which one of you is the greater wizard. I should also mention that the prize will be eternal glory and ten million mora, of course." 
"We already warned you before, but let me repeat it. If you don't take these challenges seriously, you'll probably be squashed to the ground." Mr. Alberich stated bluntly. 
"Is there a chance of dying?" Childe asked, the way his head tilted indicating that he wasn't asking just because he was scared. 
"There were a few casualties some years before, but this time, the Ministry is making sure to bring some precautionary methods." He answered cooly, his expression not changing the slightest. "That being said, we still stand on the recommendation that you take extreme caution."
He didn't deny it. The fact didn't pass above any of the students' minds, Lumine tensing her shoulders, Childe grinning madly and Albedo pressing his lips.
"Anyway, about the first task," Barbatos took the lead again, a satisfied smirk on his lips. "The three of you will face an ability challenge. In other words, you'll be facing magic combat right from the start."
"Against each other?" Lumine asked, not wanting to fight Childe even in her dreams. He exhaled some mad, maybe sociopath vibes if she looked at it from a certain angle, and she certainly didn't want to test her theory. 
"Nope," Barbatos said easily, tilting his head in fake innocence "Where's the fun in that? I can't say anything else, since it's supposed to be a secret until the trial— Ah, by the way, about the test, it will be on November 24th. You have two weeks to prepare, so have fun!"
Forget every good thing she had thought of him before. He was a Madman. She was surrounded by a bunch of madmans.
Oh dear lord.
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
🖊 i love hearing about your characters i think they're so neat!!! ^_^
hshAWW Thank you so much! Time for me to talk about (Drumroll)
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SCOTTIE !!!!!!
She is the star of a totally separate story about disjointed childhood memories, purgatories, generational curses, and mercy killings. This is currently my least developed OC story (Because i had only just started reworking it before i hit my big wall with art and stories) so you’ll have to forgive me if theres any gaps!
scottie is 23, she’s a girl, and she lives in a mid-sized midwestern town with her mom and adopted brother, mateo!
she works as a waitress at a local diner, and she spent her teen years running around with the popular crowd, but besides “wanting to be well liked”, she didnt really have any aspirations, so she’s just hanging out right now in the town she grew up in! all of her friends from high school that she worked really hard to be Normal enough to hang out with are now off on their own things so shes a bit lost and left behind feeling
she is also a hobby artist! she likes to make collages and poetry  out of organic materials , like bones from the woods and dried flowers , and like, newspaper clippings and stuff. shes very artsy. she doesnt want to do it as her job but she makes really cool stuff!
shes currently trying (with her brother) to set up an arts coalition in her small town... there arent really that many artists , though, so its an extremely small group : P
she has autism and adhd, and spent most of her life being super isolated and considered weird both because of her strange family situation and also because of her Weird Brain Stuff... she only ever had one friend as a kid, back before she repressed her self enough to make more friends , and that friend mysteriously disappeared when both of them were like 11! its a big mystery to her because no one in the town seems to remember that kid she was friends with... (she only met her adoptive brother when they were both like 16)
when the story starts, she will find a strange trail of paper planes leading into the woods one day when trying to find supplies for her art..and follow them to find a strange cathedral in the woods :D what happens next who knows...
she loves fashion and has a semi popular fashion instagram...her favorite colors are yellow and green and she likes to put together cute cottage-y outfits a lot
her art is more Genuine than shes comfortable showing so she used to hide it from her friends...her friends (The Popular Kids ) would probably have supported her but she was always of the mind that she needed to  Hide All True Aspects Of Her Personality in order to maintain those relationships. Her art is usually about The self ... so its too much of an insight into her real thoughts to show to most people. even at her arts coalition (Called the happy thoughts initiative) she doesnt really share her art , she just pretends shes there to support her brothers stuff lol
her brother is her best friend here they are togehter! they like to talk about art and stories together and hes pretty much the only person she expresses herself freely around...but as a result the two of them have a really esoteric relationship . always teasing eachother and communicating in ways that are so obtuse that onlookerss would be baffled and afraid
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she needs lots of alone time so she often vanishes into the woods for hours and hours at a time. her mother is a huge dote though so she cant be gone for too long, but its normal for her to spend most of her down time out in nature in order to recuperate from  how difficult it is for her to keep up social appearances
she works very hard to be kind and sweet to people and cares a lot about being liked!
she likes macabre stuff she would probably be goth in a different life... she likes horror movies + weird nature shit more than anything + is full of facts about weird scary things
her favorite food is peach pie :P  she literally started working at the diner where she works just so she could have it whenever she wanted !
thats scottie shes very dear to me!!!!!!!!!!  I hope you liked to learn about her too
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Infiltrating Witch AU. What's detention like with Team SAAP, since they're ALWAYS in trouble.
Sitri sighed as she watched everyone get settled into their seats for detention. It was one thing to have to be here every day, but a completely different issue when Goodwitch would walk in, set down the papers she wanted everyone to work on, and then leave because she knew they would all be back in these seats anyway. At least this was the most normal thing she could deal with. 
“Sitri! It finally came in for you!” 
Or not. Sitri looked over to Salem, who looked strange now that she had a genuine smile on her face. Usually her expressions were either “annoyed with everyone and everything that lives and breathes”,  “a smirk that made you dread your future”, or a smile that clearly looked fake. “Okay, what’s with the smile? It looks weird on you.” 
“Because your new tail finally came in.” 
Sitri hesitated as she watched Salem place a large box on her desk. Sure enough, inside the box was a three foot long, mechanical salamander tail with a knife tip at the end. She slowly picked it up and started looking it over, feeling the smooth metal. “I’m… impressed. You actually managed to get one.” 
 “Like I said, just needed to ask for a favor. But go ahead, put it on. I want to see how it looks.” 
Sitri nodded and took the tail to the closet to put it on. She had felt embarrassed before when Salem took measurements of her tail stub, but feeling the tight fit with it was nice. It wasnt long before she felt a bit of pain as the tail latched itself onto her, integrating with her nerves. After a moment, she “felt” the tail move as if it had been her own, smiling as she managed to move it a few directions. Sitri walked out of the closet and smiled a bit, letting the tail drag slightly on the ground. “It works.” 
“And that’s not even the best part.” Salem walked over to Sitri for a moment. “Drag the knife tip on the ground. You wont be disappointed.” 
Sitri nodded and quickly ran the knife tip across the ground, watching it spark and roar to life with a flame. She hesitated as she watched the fire for a moment, the flames dying out after a couple moments the bladed tip still red hot from the flames. “That… seems dangerous. Useful, but dangerous.” 
“Up to you if you ever decide to use it. Useful for defending yourself or if you really need to get a distraction going.” 
Sitri sighed and sat down, keeping the tail point from anything flammable. “Still… thank you Saph. It feels… strange to have a tail again.” 
“Dont mention it,” replied Salem, sitting down at her desk and turning her attention to Aro and Xan in the back of the room. “Just make sure to use it when you have to. I want it to be a nice surprise for the tournament when we take part. Unlike those two who seem to be making all their tricks known.” 
Sitri nodded and opened up her notebook, looking down at the notes of her teammates. She had added a few details to each of them: mostly just personality issues and small grievances she had with them, but overall, she was a bit content with knowing who most of her team was. Sapphire though…  “Saph… I… was hoping you could answer something for me.” 
Salem looked over to Sitri. “Like what?” 
“Why… are you here? And I dont mean the metaphorical “why are we here on Remnant” bullshit that everyone asks, I mean… why Beacon? Why be a huntress? I know I’m here because of my… trauma… and Aurora and Xan have their own reasons, even if those reasons arent all that great… but you… you seem to be quiet about why you’re here.” 
“My reasons are my own.” Salem sighed and looked at her paper, trying to focus a bit. “But… if you must know… I dont trust Ozpin.” 
“What do you mean you dont trust him?” 
“It’s a long story. One that I cant exactly explain right now. All you need to know is that whatever he’s doing, he’s roping team RWBY into it. Which is why they’re getting a bit of… special treatment from all the professors. Sure, they’re all great when it comes to fighting, but the treatment they get isnt just from the good marks.” 
Sitri thought about it, remembering how Ruby and Blake didnt get punished for being in the same place as her team, and all the other little things that Goodwtich, Port, and even Oobleck had let slide. “So… what exactly do you think Ozpin is up to?” 
Salem shrugged, continuing with her lie. “No idea, but I know how we can find out.” 
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To me, one of the more important parts of my video game concept is the story, without it the planned trailer and the concept art doesn't mean much, to that end I wanted to do some research on the event in Norse mythology known as ragnarok, this is because the antagonists ofthe story are a cult that wish to bring on ragnarok, believing it will transform the world into a paradise. Of course I'd be taking liberties with the actual mythology so it would fit the mold of my story, but having a good grasp of the source material would help make my own story make sense.
Within the real world mythology of the Vikings, ragnarok was the cataclysmic destruction of everything in the universe, even the gods themselves. If you were to look at the tales from viking mythology as a linear timeline, ragnarok would naturally come at the end. To the Vikings, ragnarok was prophecy of an event that was to come at an unspecified and unknown time in the future, this had profound ramifications on how the Vikings understood the world in their time.
The word Ragnarok itself actually came from the old Norse word of ragnarök, meaning "fate of the gods." The event itself was referred to by a host of different names, such as in an apparent play on words, in some old Norse literature it was referred to as ragnarøøkr, meaning "twilight of the gods," as well as occasionally aldar rök, "fate of mankind," along with a host of other phrases and names.
The first sign of ragnarok the fimbulvetr, sometimes anglicised as Fimbulwinter, a great winter unlike anything the earth has seen. The winds would blow snow from all directions and the sun's warmth would disappear, plunging the world into unbelievable cold. This winter would last for three years without respite, mankind would be so desperate for food and other necessities of life that law and all morals would fall away, only leaving the struggle for survival. It would be the age of war, the string would survive.
Skoll and Hati, the wolves who had chanced the sun and moon across the skies since the beginning of time, will at last catch their prey. The sun, the moon, even the stars would disappear, leaving a dark void in the sky. The great tree Yggdrasil that hold the cosmos amongst its branches would tremble and all the trees, and even the mountains would fall to the earth. The chain that holds the monstrous wolf Fenrir would snap and the beast would run free. Jormungand, the might serpent that who dwells at the bottom of the ocean and encircles the earth, will rise from its depths, spilling the oceans across the land.
These convulsions would shake the ship Naglfar free from its moorings. This ship, which is made from the nails of dead men and women, would easily sail over the flooded earth. The crew of this ship would be an army of giants, creatures of destruction and chaos. And its captain will be none other than Loki, the traitor to the gods, who would have broken from the binds in which the gods had placed him.
Fenrir would run across the earth, his lower jaw against the ground and his upper jaw against the top of the sky, devouring everything in his path. Jormungand would spit his venom across the world, poisoning the air, land and water alike.
Sky would split and from the crack would emerge the fire-giants from Muspelheim. Their leader would be Surt, with a flaming sword brighter than the sun in his hand. As they March across the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to asgard, the home of the gods, the bridge would fall and break down behind them. Heimdall, the divine sentry, would blow his horn to announce the time the gods fear most. Odin would then got to the head of Mimir for counsel.
Despite what the prophecies have said about the outcome of the fight, the gods would decide to go to battle. After arming themselves, they would got to Vígriðr, meaning "Plain where battle surges" to meet their enemies.
Odin would face Fenrir along with the einherjar, the host if his chosen human warriors that he had kept in Valhalla for that very event. Odin and his champions of men would fight with more courage than any others who have fought before. But this bravely would not be enough, Fenrir would swallow Odin and his men. Then one of Odin's sons, Vidar, would avenge him. On one of his feet would be the shoe that has been crafted for this very purpose; it has been made from the scraps of leather discarded by human shoemakers, and with it Vidar will hold open Fenrir's mouth. Then he will stab the wolf through the throat, killing him.
Garm, another wolf and the God Tyr would slay each other. Heimdall and Loki would do the same, putting an end to the gods treachery, but to great cost to the gods as it meant losing one of their best. The giant Surt and Freyr would also be the end of each other. Thor and Jormungand, the age old foes, would finally have a chance to kill the other. Thor would be successful in destroying the great serpent with blows from his legendary hammer, but the snake would have covered him in so much venom that he would not be able to stand much longer and he would take nine steps before falling dead himself.
After the mighty battle, the remains of the earth would sink below the waves and there would be nothing left but the void, making as though creation had never existed.
After this point in the tale, there are two outcomes that I could find; ragnarok is the end of all tales and the whole cosmos itself, but the other is a new, beautiful green world will rise from the water. Vidar, and 5 other gods: Vali, Baldur, Hodr and Thor's sons Modi and Magni would have survived the death of the old world and will live happily in the new one. A man and a woman, Lif and Lifthrasir, meaning life and striving after life, would have survived the cataclysm by hiding in a place known as the "Wood of Hoddmimir." These two would emerge from their hiding place and populate the land they find themselves in. This new land would be over looked by a new sun, the daughter of the previous one. And all of this would be presided over by a new, almighty ruler.
The latter opinion of how ragnarok would be resolved is the goal of the antagonists of my concept. They are what I'm referring to as the Cult of Permafrost and this cult wish to bring about the events of ragnarok so they can shelter themselves and emerge in the new world which would be a veritable paradise. They aim to accomplish this feat by following the instructions found within ancient tombs that were in turn found within ancient Norse burial sites.
The events of ragnarok would differ from the mythology though, the most drastic difference would be the gods themselves; the gods arent as the Norse mythology describes them, they're in fact a lot more livecraftian in nature. The gods are in fact completely alien, unknowable creatures which vastly go beyond our own comprehension, the very concept of dimensions do not apply to them, even visualising them for long enough, either by seeing or thinking about them would drive you mad. These creatures would be the basis of human religion, whether it be Norse, Aztec, Egyptian; it would all be derived from the existence of these beings.
The Cult of Permafrost in fact worship these beings, learning about them from the previously mentioned ancient tomes and the members known as the "high priests" would be the few that actually came into contact with these beings which often left them deeply scarred, though the cult sees this as a blessing instead of a curse.
Ragnarok wouldn't in fact be a battle like the viking's tales foretold, the entire event would actually be a lot more bizarre. Instead of a winter, Fibulwinter would be an instant freeze that would turn the oceans water to ice, people outside would also turn to ice and would shatter at the smallest impact, this would happen so quickly that everything would be normal and in a blink of an eye, everything would be converted in ice and snow. The initial freeze would quickly die and the world would be placed into a three year ice age, but more severe than any ice age ever seen, fire would refuse to burn and the sun would no longer provide heat until the sun would eventually disappear, along with the stars. It would not leave a void however, the black sky would instead have a dark purple hue and a subtle glow.
Earthquakes would follow as the cult's patrons, the unknowable beings, appeared in sky; their appearance would be so strange, so aberrant that the human minds failed to comprehend it. Their maddening affect would worsen the already violent conflict for resources as people began to destroy each other in their mad delusions. These earthquakes wouldn't make mountains collapse like the Viking tales prophesied, instead great, jagged monoliths would shoot through the ground towardd the sky in sharp angles.
These earthquakes would also break the ices that covered the seas and the oceans would convulce as the water spread across the land, leaving only the hills, mountains and the tall monoliths caused by the earthquake.
Ships that have previously sailed the ocean would sail it again in a ghostly form and anything they touched would turn to dust, be it animal or earth. The same would happen on the men and women that lived on the land as they began to walk the earth again, resuming their lives as if they had never been ended.
Space and time itself would begin to warp, took would slow and speed up. Visable ripples in the air would begin to float across the surface of the ocean and land. Items, people, buildings, even mountain would suddenly in random places before disappearing again. Black holes that warped space around them would begin to appear in the glowing purple sky as the cosmos began to deteriorate. From ripples in the air, unimaginable monsters would appear, killing anything in their wake.
The immosibaly large creatures that the cult so willingly worshipped would descend from their place in the sky and begin to wander the earth, paying no mind to the chaos below them.
The oceans, the land and whatever was left living would then experience the weather changing so rapidly that it could be captured with a blink an eye; the seas would begin to freeze once again before immediately boiling, then freezing, then boiling and on and on as meteors began to crash from the sky. As the large space rocks land into the seas, they would send title waves across what was left of the land, drowning it below the waves.
When only water is left on the planet, the ghostly figures from every point in time would continue their lives as the Cult's gods and the monsters lingered until the black holes in the sky expanded to encompass everything, leaving only those aberrant creatures, allowing them to recreate what they did to this world in whatever reality they would choose.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
19 - Clean Canvas
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This chapters songs:
Here She Comes; Slowdive
Dog Cuddles; Dad Sports
Dream Girl; Crisaunt
- Y. L. Perspective
I tapped my chin with the pen, frustrated that you weren't able to come up with anything. "Ah! Koshi, that hurt!" I yell at him as he softens his hands upon my shoulders. He was giving me a gentle back massage while I tried writing my first lyrics, but I was struggling to find the right words to say.
"Sorry!" He then stops squeezing my shoulders, letting his hands slide down my torso, and pull me into a hug from behind. His head nuzzled into my neck as he spoke. "What is the song about?"
I shrug. "I don't even know yet. Maybe I should just write about how much of an untalented and wasteful girl I am!" I scoff, rolling my eyes back. Now, out of all moments, my feelings decide to disappear.
Both Koshi and I say criss-cross on his bed with one single lamp on in his room. His room was not at all what I was expecting. I'd perceived it to be much messier in my head, the way an average teenage boys' room would be. But no! It was spotless and quite basic. Still, I felt very comfortable in his arms as I attempted to write down some ideas. Feeling his heartbeat on my back was enough to make me feel at home.
"Why don't you write about us, Y/n?" He asks me as he pulls me back and forth in a sway motion. The suggestion had already popped into my mind before. But if I could write about it, what would I say? How I'm in love with someone who won't tie the knot between us?
'What am I doing at his house if he's not even my boyfriend? I've got to gain some self-respect.'
Perhaps bringing it up wouldn't be as bad as I thought. So, I pull myself away from his arms and sit in front of him, fully staring at his confused face.
"What is it?" His fair voice questions, one of his fingers attempting to fiddle with my oversized t-shirt.
There was so much to say. Why arent you my boyfriend yet? Why won't you tell me what's on your mind for once? Aren't you excited about the training camp? But I decide to pick the first question. "Koshi, what's there to write about? I...I know that we both like each other very much, but what does it matter if you won't call me your girlfriend?" I look down at the grey shorts I wore, afraid that he would be disappointed in me for wanting more from him.
"I didn't know you felt that way. I guess...I guess I just wanted you to feel comfortable around me, not forced to be with me," Koshi mutters under his breath, ashamed he underestimated my love for him.
"Well of course I want to be with you!" I exclaim, leaning my head onto his chest. It worries me that he felt insecure about his love. It wasn't as if he could be giving me too much affection. So why didn't he trust that I loved him?
I sigh while he rubs my back in a circular motion, wishing he would tell me things that bothered him like this. "So you wouldn't mind being my girlfriend, Y/n?" The man's words are clear to me when he said them, not lagged like all the other times.
I nod my head. "Of course not."
"Hm, okay. Then for our first memory of being a couple, I wanna hold you," Koshi says, laying us both down onto his mattress. He leans over me, stretching to grab one of the blankets on his shelf, and unfolding it over us.
"But it's so cold. Why don't we just go under your comforter?" I ask him, pulling slightly at the corner of the thick bed sheet. But he denies my request and pulls my wrist back.
He says, "Uh-Uh-Uh! I prefer it to be cold. When we go to your house, we can use the comforter. If you're that cold then you're gonna have to hug me tighter."
I'm surprised at how stubborn Koshi was being with me but glad he was becoming more comfortable with sharing his opinion. He treated me like a princess most of the time instead of asking for what he really wants. Even if it was just the matter of a blanket.
"Do you wanna help me try and think of something to write about?" I ask him in the most delicate voice.
"What's something that saddens you, Y/n? Something that you're worried will cause you despair towards the future?" Koshi asks me. I genuinely hadn't thought about it yet. "Love is more than just feelings. I think it comes with a lot of pain. Has there ever been any pain that you've encountered during being in love?"
"Not really." My words couldn't be more honest. With Toruku, I felt sick that I had a crush on my best friend's boyfriend. And when she passed, those feelings for him weren't nearly as strong as the ones I felt about her death. As for Koshi, I've only been scared of the pain. But I hadn't endured it yet. At least that was what I thought. Truth is that every lasting second I spent with him could only cause me more and more pain in the future. "Maybe when I find what to write about, I shouldn't tell you. I should let you figure it out when I'm done with it."
"Planning something behind my back?! How evil of you." Koshi jokes, leaning on one of his elbows to hold himself up as he looked at me. With the pale moonlight shining down on him and the lamp lighting the room up slightly, he looked more beautiful than ever. I was glad that I was the one to be able I witness such an ethereal moment with him. Especially since he held me in a special place. I was his first love, after all. That's more important than any relationship he could have had with previous girls.
Attempting to obtain reassurance, I grow curious and begin to play with my new boyfriend, asking small questions. "So...what does it feel like to have sex with a girl, Kou? I've never done that before... do they smell nice? Are they soft?" It was obvious that I'd caught him off guard, for he stuttered and looked at me strangely. "I promise I won't get jealous if you tell me. I only want to know what it's like. It may help me with writing if you tell me about passionate moments like that."
Given that I'd never done anything that was borderline sexual with anyone else, I was curious about how it felt. Both physically and mentally.
"Uhm—stressful. And I haven't done it as much as you might think, so I haven't ever enjoyed it." It comes to me as a shock that he didn't have a slightly good experience that he could tell me about.
"Wh-really?! But...I thought all guys liked it! You're saying it didn't even feel good?" I waft my hand into the cold air, confused.
"No, silly. Of course it felt good, but it wasn't as passionate as you think. I wasn't ever in love with any of those girls, so it only made me feel worse. Sex isn't good for those who aren't ready for it," he explains to me.
I nod, understanding a bit more of what he meant. "Does that mean you weren't ready?"
"Mhm. I wasn't," he says. Deciding to switch up the question, he asks me, "So, what is it like to have sex with a guy? I bet they aren't very good-smelling, are they?"
I blink a few times. "Uhm, I dunno," I say, growing shy at the question. "I haven't ever...you know...had sex."
Too scared to look at Koshi, I stuff my head into a pillow and sigh obnoxiously. Though I knew he wouldn't make that much of a big deal out of it, I didn't want him thinking I was a prude. A lot of people that knew I was a virgin made fun of me for it. Truth was, I'd never found someone worthy of taking my virginity. Many told me that it was horrible for your mental health, especially for younger people like me. Not to mention how scared I was that whoever took my virginity would be rough with me and it would hurt like hell.
"Hey, hey...don't get all embarrassed on me. A lot of people haven't. That's nothing to be ashamed about. Being a virgin doesn't make you any less of a woman. If it were up to me, I'd go back and stay a virgin until the right time," Koshi states. His attempts to cheer me up were sweet, but not working all that much.
"What do you think, Kou? Do you like me better that way? You know, as a virgin?" I ask him, slightly peeking up at his lost expression.
Yes, it was something very awkward to ask. But I did want to know what he preferred. Not that I would be able to change last second if he didn't like me as I was.
"Th—that isn't something I have power over, so I don't think about it. But...you could say I prefer it."
I'm happy with his answer. Still, I was curious about the reason, so I ask, "and why is that?"
"Well...um...I'm not too sure. Not to jump to any conclusions, but think it's because...if you weren't a virgin, then our first time together wouldn't be as memorable. It's sure is selfish of me to say, but I would rather you remember me as someone who shared that moment with you. That's why I wish I would have waited until I met you," Koshi began to grow flustered towards the end of his explanation.
"And if you wanna put it into a metaphor then you could say that being a virgin is like being a blank canvas. You can only hope that someone will make something lovely of you by the time they're finished."
I haven't ever heard someone describe being a virgin in such a beautiful way. And he was right— the first time is always something you remember. That is if it's enjoyable for you. I could only hope that I would lose my virginity to someone as gentle as him.
"Then when the time comes, could you please be that person, Koshi?" I spoke, laying a hand on his chest. My nervous nature was far too obvious for me to hide. But thankfully, Koshi didn't mind it. He knew asking something like that took courage. Such profound questions weren't something to joke about.
My heart race died down when I hear him tell me, "Of course, love."
Koshi quickly gets up to turn off the lamp and I make myself more comfortable under the thin blankets and many pillows he had on his bed. When he comes back, he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close near him.
It was no wonder that he didn't like to talk about his previous experiences with girls. He hadn't enjoyed them. But I was sure of it: and day, I'll make it up to Koshi.
"Goodnight, love. Maybe tomorrow you'll come up with something to write about, hm?"
"Yeah, goodnight." With one last kiss on the cheek, Koshi and I doze off to sleep.
Hey everyone!! Just so you know, I have a special playlist on my Spotify that I made just for this fanfiction. I always add the songs that I include in the chapters, so please go check that out in case you'd like to listen while reading!!
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I love you always!! Thank you for reading I do appreciate it <3 make sure to take care of yourself
- estrxlar
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